#Borzoi actually counted for me
bloobydabloob · 1 month
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DirkJake once again. Ignore if I delete this
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wiggledforsquiggled · 2 months
15Qs for 15 Friends
tagged by both @sherlock-is-ace and @vroombeams (many thanks !! :D)
Are you named after anyone?
Not to my knowledge, my parents just picked a name they liked (i was the one to tell them the meaning of it actually lmao)
When was the last time you cried?
Last week i Sobbed my eyes out at the series 2 finale of Astrid et Raphaëlle. Literally crying like a baby the entire second half of the episode (it wasn’t even a Sad episode. just very meaningful and well written.)
Do you have any kids?
Nope lmao. I would like them in the future tho!
What sports do/have you played?
So many! The mains ones were Netball and Lacrosse - i love playing sports so much, team ones esp. Dodgeball was also a fav of mine.
Do you use sarcasm?
I’m much less sarcastic than i think i am. I have issues picking up on sarcasm, so when i do you it i try to be really obvious about it. I mostly succeed.
What’s the first thing you notice about a person?
Like if i’m walking past a stranger? Probably whatever jacket/coat they’re wearing. Meeting someone face to face? Probably their facial composition (like distance between features). No idea why but it’s a theme. Noses are fun idk
What’s your eye colour?
Solid Brown. Looks cool in the light tho!
Scary Movies or Happy Endings?
The only horror film i’ve rly watched in Tusk and i really don’t know if i enjoyed it or not. I am also not a fan of Zombies or Werewolves (freak me out) so more often happy endings!
Any Talents?
If you don’t count my ability to spreadsheet (how dare thee) i’ll say im quite naturally athletic, as well as gaining muscle and fitness quite quickly. other than that uhh no idea
Where were you born?
Somewhere in the land of Angles.
What are your hobbies?
Spreadsheeting! Genuinely I must spend at least 15h a week on excel having fun. That and reading fanfiction on AO3 are my main go tos if i have free time.
Do you have any pets?
Nope but i Really want an Italian grey hound or Borzoi in the future. look them up i have a Need to own one. plz.
How tall are you?
179cm! I have been tall my entire life and v happy about it.
Favourite Subject in School?
Purely academically, definitely Maths. esp at GCSE it was plain fun to do (helped that i sat next to my best friend too) and past that i think i just have a brain suited for it. Second Order Non-Homogenous Equations my Beloved
Dream Job?
I do not dream of labour or however that quote goes, but Ideally i’d like to use excel a lot. i wish i were kidding. I did want to be an accountant when i was like 7 so I’ll go w that.
tagging: @toilethamster @simplydm @siryyeet @ininininininstayoutstayout @russilton @hecksee @starsandfluff and whoever else. no pressure ofc!
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edienotsedgwick · 1 year
Introduction again
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It’s been a while since my last pinned post and a lot has changed. I deleted it cause I decided I wanted a new one.
The basics
My name is Edie
I’m from Aotearoa/New Zealand.
I’m 20
I’m autistic (likely autHD actually but the ADHD hasn’t been diagnosed yet)
I’m a lesbian
I’m an animation student on the weekdays, a musician and a essay writer on the weekends.
Aquarius sun, Capricorn moon, Aries rising
A witch who’s extremely lazy with her craft.
I’ve been on Tumblr since 2014! You may have known me from…
Many cartoon fandoms. Too many to count. (Spanning from 2014-16)
Emo bandom tumblr circa 2017-18. Particularly the Fueled By Ramen/Decaydance bandom.
Early Scenecore tumblr in 2018. (I still have a few selfies and hit posts from then gaining notes).
Britpop/early alternative music bandom 2019-2021
And since then I’ve just kind of been doing my own thing and mainly using this blog as a personal moodboard and an outlet to post ideas I don’t want to share anywhere else. I do post about a lot of things I like, but I’m not tied heavily to fandoms anymore - I mostly just lurk. That being said though, don’t be afraid to talk if you share a particular interest with me. I always need to infodump!
What I post
Stuff I find pretty. This blog is mainly a moodboard. I keep wanting to expand out of it but I always give up at some point.
Stuff that makes my brain go brrrrr! Mainly bands + shows.
Music stuff! I mainly like to post lyrics from songs I’m writing that are a work in progress, and sloppy covers/demos that I feel aren’t polished enough for my other socials. I also do cheeky self promo of my songs that you can already listen to. You guys should stream my E.P ‘Thing Is Me’.
I’ve been aspiring to write long form essays about things I’ve been passionate about for ages. I don’t think I’ll directly post them here, but once I get my Substack up and running you’ll be able to see them getting crossposted here.
Stuff I like
Feel free to talk to me about any of these things cause they’re my main special interests!
Music history from the 60s-2000s. In terms of what specific period I’ve jumped to at the moment, I’m fixated on mid-late 2000s indie music, twee pop of any era (mid 80s-present tbh), + some of my old favourite scene bands lmao. I’ve been nostalgic for them lately.
Skins UK (yes I know how 2014 and sad of me). I’m a Cassie apologist so leave me alone if you think she sucks lmao. That’s my Blorbina and my adopted little sister who’s currently got a song + a Substack essay series being written about her. In all seriousness though, I find this show to be very misunderstood in general.
Sighthounds! I love all dogs in general but the pointy ones are my favourites. I have a Greyhound, he’s my best friend :,) When I move into my own home one day I want to have another Greyhound + a Borzoi!
This is a very casual one of mine but (in case you can’t tell from what I mostly reblog here) I love fashion! My fashion tastes span the same general group of decades that my music history knowledge does. Much like my current music fixations I’ve been inspired by the late 2000s, but what I actually wear on a day to day basis is never one particular style. I mix and match a lot.
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bla bla bla DNI time
Don’t follow if…
You meet the typical DNI criteria (no ists or phobes of any kind please! Just basic bare minimum human decency)
No pro ana (one of my special interests being skins + me seeing myself in a disordered character you made the face of your little circle does not give you a pro ana free pass around me. I’m not disordered myself + I ask you don’t follow me because I don’t want to accidentally trigger anyone by letting people of your group in my space.)
Same goes for general S/H blogs!
That being said, if you are already vulnerable seeing me potentially reference any of these sensitive topics in anything I post/talk about don’t follow me for the sake of your own well-being if you know it will be triggering to you. Stay safe ILY. I do try and tag though and you can always ask me to do that if you wish.
No creeps of any kind! Please do not send me anything sexual, or talk to me about anything sexual unsolicited you will be blocked immediately.
Okay that’s everything! If you’re cool I hope you enjoy following me. Please listen to my music. ‘Edie VC’ on every platform if you want to. You’ll like it if you like twee/folk/dream pop Xx
All the tags below are for my interests, aesthetics that people could say match my vibe, as well as my face tag (if you want to know what I look like) and my text tag. Hopefully I can make some cool new mutuals.
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contrastparadoxx · 2 years
Nyctea, can you tell us about your hivemates?
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"Alright, but let's start with a qualifier. I have many who are in and out of the house, so I will be focusing on those that live here more often than not at this moment."
"There is, of course, myself. Head of the hive, and oldest member within. Never been quite sure if I am counted as a mutant or not, regardless I pass easily enough and like to use my blood color as a sort of barrier of protection for everyone else. My lusus lives in the barn, we call her Dadgon, dubbed such by Pidge sweeps ago and it just stuck."
"There's my Matesprit, Ptillo. Another purple blood, and also a rainbow drinker she can come across as aggressive and mean, because she is, but she is also quite frankly fiercely protective of those she calls her own."
"Which brings us to Cupiid, her adoptive son. Decidedly a mutant, his winged ears and pastel pink blood would have him marked for culling immediately out in the world. But Ptillo and myself and everyone else would protect him with our lives, as we would most anyone else who stays here."
"Where Cupiid goes, the Messiah Ragana follows as she uses him as a vessel at times. It has not happened since she first taught him of an alternate diet needed to keep himself healthy, but Cupiid has informed me it could happen again. He is okay with this. The rest of us are rather more confused about it."
"Next, I suppose, should be Keonin. Head of her own pack, and someone dearly beloved in my life she has brought her whole family to stay here. Much of her pack are the ones mentioned before who come and go as they please. This does not bother me, my Hive is meant to be a place of safety to those such as they. She herself is a mutant red, and has 2 of her pack that live here full time at the moment."
"The first of these is Hunter, a wolf shifter with a bit of an attitude problem. Orange blood, he is around least often of those I consider living here. He's just as protective and loyal as everyone else, however."
"The other that sticks around is Lupini. Cyan, I don't have his full story, but he wears a blindfold making him effectively blind. He also tends to simply lock himself away in his room rather than socialize, but he is a loved and welcomed member of the family none the less."
"Not technically part of the pack but connected none the less is Selene. He's Keonin's Matesprit, I think. He and I have known each other for a fair few sweeps. Another purple blood, he is in fact a shifter, turning into a rather striking borzoi. Like myself he is a man of science, and uses his lab to hide away when he gets overwhelmed with how many trolls are around."
"Elnric is a lime blood, and has been here the longest. I consider him my own son, and have for sweeps. He is starting to find people and places outside of my safety to visit, which brings both fear and joy for me. I can only hope I've helped him know how to care for himself safely. His lusus also resides in the barn."
"Vrayan is Elnric's matesprit, and Ptillo's... Kismesis, though she also fills the role of Auspice for the purple. A unique girl, her blood is a light blue, and her long ears and fluffy tail mark her an easy mutant. She is not. She may be cute but frankly she is capable of causing great harm."
"And the newest addition to our little family is Zaxuna, or Zuzu as she prefers to be called. She is the descendant of an old friend of mine, and actually blind. Indigo blood, she is still settling in so we all try our best not to overwhelm her."
>Me, the Narrator, would like to provide you a handy dandy chart
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Ptillo, Ragana, Keonin, Lupini- @memurfevur
Hunter- @whispertrolls
Elnric- @a-lime-with-problems
Memer also drew half the heads
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alikaid2lostfur · 5 months
(long post)
Currently trying to figure out my 'void hound' kin's actual species. It's in between a Saluki and a Borzoi.
But the problem with that is the memories count me as a service dog for someone who was either legally blind or had some sort of heart problem. But then again, I was also a literal fae phantom dog thing that could travel through shadows and ate birds.
Tbh this particular kintype has always driven me up the wall, with its appearance, memories, and its species too.
This thing seems similar to a black shuck, but i keep getting the feeling that its not.
Recently I've been getting ear shifts that aren't from any other of my kins (too long and thin for a Painted dog and a Shiba inu, definitely not wanderer, as his ears are fox ears and feel a lot heavier) they are pretty long and feel wispy, but then again, any long fur on it was very wispy and would look similar to smoke.
(TW: animal death, forest fires, car crashes)
I think I remember a vague idea of a car crash, which killed me the first time, which I think then turned me into the weird smokey-zombie thing.
I went out looking for something. I believe my owner was quite old, and did not live with anyone, besides me, as a service dog, so i suspect i went out looking because she was either dead, or i smelt something was wrong.
After that, I have memories of being burned alive in a forest fire, which I believe killed me for the final time as this kintype. I have memories of the day being extremely dry, drier than it ever had been in the forest I lived in (? either it was a mossy forest or some sort of swampy area, I still can't exactly tell.). I don't remember how the forest got set on fire, but I remember getting backed into a corner, before being burned.
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naamah-beherit · 2 years
TGCF microfics #4: there was only one bed
[written on 17 December 2021]
Enter Hua Cheng, 32, misanthrope extraordinaire, owner of the most successful casino of the last decade by day, leader of an art theft and smuggling ring by night, full-time involuntary bastard cat dad.
There's a building he's been dying to buy for ages.
And finally—finally!—the transaction has happened, the contract is in his hands, and he throws himself onto the bed in a very overpriced, gaudy, and tasteless as fuck hotel. Every place, no matter its quality, is booked for the few following days. He doesn't care.
He's got a room to sleep in, and that's the most important part, even if it's such an eyesore that his only good eye aches from it.
He'll be gone by morning, anyway. There's a statue he's got his eyes on, being moved from one museum to another in two days.
Experience has taught him it's better to handle cases like that personally. So tonight is for relaxation and sleep, regardless of his reputation as a suave heartbreaker leaving a trail of lovers behind in every city he visits. 
(Things Hua Cheng also is: single and progressively more miserable because of that, a hopeless romantic, unbeknownst to his underlings. Not that he'll ever admit it, even to himself.)
(It will forever stay between him and his many shelves of romance novels.)
Enter Xie Lian, 39, historian by day, abandoned pet temporary keeper by night, martial arts enthusiast (even the body is no longer the same as it used to be in his teenage years), full-time dog dad. His Borzoi is adorable, okay? Take a closer look at that snout!
He's dead on his feet from a history conference that dragged and dragged and DRAGGED. And don't even get him started on how difficult it was to get a hotel room. There's apparently another conference going on at the same time, plus a convention.
And who even organises a conference at the same as a convention?!
(His university, apparently, that's who.)
Thank fuck the grant money is paying for this room, because he'd never be able to afford it on his own.
(You've got no idea how much good dog food counts.)
So here he is, in the middle of the night, fighting the lock with the spare key to his booked at the last possible minute hotel room. His nerves are on fire, there's static in his ears, and all he's dreaming of is crawling under the duvet and sleeping the night away. He just slips his shoes off, leaves the luggage by the door, and aims at the—admittedly giant—bed without even turning the lights on.
And heavens above, it's so warm under this duvet. Warm and cosy and dark and silent and—is that a heartbeat he's hearing?
Suffice to say the next few minutes are the most mortifying moments of his life—and that actually says a lot, considering he's been through A Fucking Lot™.
And no, there's no way of finding one of them another room in this hotel.
("Gege can call me San Lang.")
And no, there's no point in looking elsewhere, because the number of available accommodation places tonight is in negatives.
("It's okay, gege. I don't mind sharing.")
And if he actually enjoys himself for the first time since forever, it's between him and San Lang to know. 
(So is the fact that although going to sleep on the opposite sides of the giant bed, they end up tangled in each other. San Lang has drooled all over Xie Lian's shoulder. Xie Lian wakes up with a mouthful of Hua Cheng's hair.)
They even go back to the same city by the same train!
This must be the best luck he's had in years.
Maybe he'll invite San Lang to the museum he works at to show him that unique statue that's meant to be shipped back to the capital in two days. He did mention he liked art, after all.
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loveconfessions · 4 years
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@privateldaho tagged me forever ago to do a moodboard based on myself, thank you so much bby. This was actually really fun thing to do :)
an album cover: Rooms of the House by my favorite band, La Dispute. Stay Happy There is actually one of my all time favorite songs.
something you have been eating/drinking today: I’m a coffee addict. That’s something that I drink everyday.
Quote or text of your choosing: “My mom’s house was blue.. No, it was green. It was green. How could I forget that?” I was too lazy to edit a picture of the quote, so that’s just a screenshot from My Own Private Idaho scenery. That line really stuck with me but I’m gonna spare you from the essay where I explain it all. Also I'm a dressage rider so the horse fit.
stand out physical attribute: not sure if that counts but I have purple hair and I guess that’s something that stands out first when people see me.
an inanimate object in favorite colour: i find rocks and crystals pretty fascinating. Purple is definitely my favorite colour.
a subject of study: I’m already a professional animal attendant but I’ll start my studies to become a vet nurse in January. So I just added a pic of one of my favorite dog breeds - borzoi
favorite type of plant: I’m very interested in house plants and plants in general, but especially green house plants. I work in a small flower shop and discovered monstera adansonii, aka swiss cheese plant there. I find it so cool that it grows holes in it’s leaves, making it look like some bug has been eating it. It also loves to climb and can grow pretty huge/long, I really wanna own one.
celebrity crush: I.. take this as ‘someone I look up to’. Keanu Reeves.
favorite type of weather: rain definitely! Rainy evenings makes me feel calm.
@nandor @bplesbian @achievementhunteraddict97 @iero @candlelite @tauruswifey @thecampfirescene @scullayitsme @peiikko and ofc no need to do this if you have already done it or just don’t feel up to doing this
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cherryafton · 3 years
Ask 3-29
I’m sorry for taking my time to answer, I want to give a full thing so it’s taking time to elaborate everything, anyway, here it is!
I’m sorry if it’s a long post, the answers are under the cut :(
3. Orientation and relationship status (single, taken (by who?), crush (on who?)
She’s bisexual but she never came out to her parents bc she feared what her family would say or do. :(
I still don’t know what am I gonna do with her in this relationship status thing, I don’t have any ideas, rn
She used to have a crush on Park but she shoved it away in fear she didn’t return her feelings and then she developed this huge crush towards Adler, he made her feel things she hasn’t felt a long time ago, she felt this connection she hasn’t had in years and well, she fell deeply in love with this man.
4. Race and Ethnicity
She’s Caucasian and she’s Russian.
5. Height and body type
Her height is 5’6’’ (167.5)
I did a little research on the different body types and I think hers is Endomorph with a pear body shape.
6. Headcanon VA
I have no idea what the hell VA stands for so I’ll just share a headcanon of her:
When she’s nervous, she starts “fidgeting” with her finger or anything that she has in her hands. 
19. Hobbies
18. Have any special keepsakes?
He has the collar of her deceased dog Cain as a bracelet to give her strength and motivation.
Also, she has a gold chain with an “M” as a lucky charm or so she thinks, the previous owner was very special to Vika.
Singing, dancing (she’s not that good tbh), reading comics, watching movies, listening music, photography, poker, songwriting, playing the guitar, flower picking, journaling (just writing down her thoughts or feelings, idk if it counts as journaling, correct me if I’m wrong pls), collecting stickers and stargazing.
20. Clothing/Aesthetic
If it’s a night out or something casual, she wears a black denim jacket, a white shirt, denim jeans and a pair of combat boots.
 If it’s in one of those umm “heavy duty” missions she just wears a plain black turtleneck with cargo pants and her trustworthy boots.
If it’s in one of those missions where she doesn’t have to do much (like in Brick in the wall mission) she would DEFINETLY wear this (actually, she wore this on the mission mentioned above)(i want to draw her in this outfit SO BAD pls send motivation) :
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While she is on the safehouse she wears something simple, some cargo pants, a cropped tank top, her boots and if she’s cold, she wears a hoodie or anything that keeps her warm.
Her aesthetic is hard to explain, it’s kind of a combination between bruises, smoking, guns, this “mind control” things and stuff.
Here’s a Pinterest board with her aesthetic if you’re interested:
25. City or country?
She loves the bustling crowded, exciting, fast-paced city but she feels more at home in the country, it reminds her a lot of her life before all this mess.
26. Guilty pleasure
She will never NEVER admit it but she loves watching romantic cheesy movies and daydreaming about it all day, thinking that she’ll have something like that.
27. What’s their family like? Who’s in it? What’s their relationship with them?
Her parents (Aleksandr and Galina) divorced when she was 4 years old, 5 months later her dad met Nina and two years later they married and moved into Nina’s house, where Vika met her grandfather Perseus and got along pretty well with him instantly. Viktoria’s relationship with her stepmother Nina is better than her relationship with her biological mother Galina. Apart from the whole divorce thing, she has a normal family like any other.
28. Are they literate? Did they go to school? How long? What level?
Nah, she would read a book or two but only if it’s about a subject that interests her or catches her attention enough to read the whole thing, she’d rather read comics. She was homeschooled by her father Aleksandr but he only taught her the essentials as well as English in fear of the aftermath of WW2.
29. What was childhood like?
As mentioned above, her parents got divorced but she still had a happy childhood. One of the happiest moments in her childhood was when she turned 10, her parents gifted her a borzoi dog named Cain, he kept her good company.
When she met Perseus, they both had a special connection, of course, Viktoria was a child and at her age, she wouldn’t understand things as war and violence but she was very interested in her gramps stories either way. They always spent time together, she enjoyed it when they went flower picking or walked Cain, it was a nice feeling, she never lacked anything, she had a happy life with caring parents, a spoiling and cool grandpa, a loyal adorable dog and last but not least a warm and welcoming home.
When her gramps was gone for his missions, Vika spent her time with some kids she met in her neighborhood named Nikolay and Anna, they walked Cain and played catch with him, also they tried to train him but they failed multiple times, it was fun and after trying a lot, they made it. They were really good friends.
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where-the-wind-is · 4 years
The Dog Dies at the End (oneshot)
Fandom:  The Arcana (Visual Novel)
Rating: General Audiences
Words:1536 Chapters:1/1  Lucio (The Arcana)/Reader
“Oh I’m so worried about her” the count cooed for the umpteenth time that day, combing his non-metal fingers through Mercedes’ unruly white fur.
The dog in question breathed heavily as she lay, sprawled across Lucio’s lap. For weeks and weeks the poor girl had been very ill; never playing, refusing meals, vomiting, it was concerning how off she was. You sit in thought at Lucio’s side on his lavish bed and watch Melchior pace restlessly on the carpet below. Whimpers and growls revealing the other dogs growing concern for his partner.
“Maybe we should have Julian look at her again?” You suggest half-heartedly, fully prepared for him to snap at you. He almost does from the look on his face, but he doesn’t have the energy to follow through. Instead, he just sighs and drops his head, burying his face in the sick dogs’ silky fur.
“No…Jules already said he’s stumped. He’s a person-doctor, not a dog-doctor.” The count laments, voice muffled by Mercedes’ mane.
“Then we should find a dog-doctor! That’s a thing, right?” You continue, now he snaps.
“You think I didn’t try?!” He spits harshly, sitting up abruptly yet careful not to jostle his precious baby. “Specialists are rare and expensive and Nadia said it would be ‘a waste of taxpayer money’” He continues bitterly. Quietly you lean in closer to him and drape an arm across his hunched back, offering what little comfort you can.
You’d had this conversation before in the months Mercedes had been sick, it always ended like this. Sullen and argumentative and ultimately hopeless. Melchior stops pacing and rests his chin on the bed, snuffling Mercedes’s fur with a small whine. You feel your heart breaking for the poor boys watching a family member slip slowly away.
With a hiccup that might’ve been a suppressed sob, Lucio carefully extracts himself from under the beautiful canine.
“I…I have to…not be here” he fumbles his words, making his way to his bedroom door. Melchior follows him curiously but stops in the doorway.
“You’re leaving her alone?” You ask quietly. You aren’t passing judgment, just asking him to say it out loud. He gulps loudly, facing away from you. Metal hand pressed to the wall as if he’d collapse without the support.
“Yes, I can’t…I have busi…*sniff* business and …I can’t watch it…” his shoulders shake but you pretend not to notice, he obviously doesn’t want you to see his crying.
“Ok” is your quiet reply. “You want me to come with you?” You ask wondering if he’d prefer your comfort to any form of solitude. He shakes his head vigorously, casting a nervous glance back at you.
“No no, stay with her…I don’t want h-her to be alONE!” The end of the sentence turns into a squeal as the tears he’d been holding in finally catch in his throat. You watch him stomp quickly away and turn your eyes back on the suffering borzoi. She looks sick and exhausted but not in imminent danger of death. Was Lucio simply assuming the worst? Melchior leaps gracefully to the decadent comforter of the bed and starts grooming Mercedes’ ears.
In time Mercedes’ shallow pants become soft whines. You reach out a hand to comfort her and almost get maimed as Melchior snaps and snarls.
Mercedes’ whining grows more strained and you begin to panic. Why was she in pain? Why was Melchior being so aggressive all of the sudden? You consider getting Lucio but decide he’d just freak out and make the situation worse. Instead, you make sure the dogs are as comfortable as possible and you sit back to observe.
0He wasn’t proud of leaving them, but he couldn’t bear to see his baby girl in that much pain. Lucio sat curled on a plush sofa he’d designated his crying sofa™ and wept for the poor babies. He knew Mercedes didn’t have long, and Melchior would never hold out without his girl. Lucio couldn’t believe he’d lose them so soon, and with another sudden wave of sadness, he remembered that he’d left them alone.  
But that was hours ago.
Now he couldn’t help the pathetic sobs that racked him, and he wasn’t even ashamed anymore. He’d been with those dogs for so long it was like a piece of his soul was dying. This was the end of a huge chapter of fighting for glory and fleeing from his past. All of it with those two beautiful canines by his side.
He kept oscillating between disbelief and complete despair. He’d be so sad and then realize it was actually happening and the grief would drag him deeper. It wasn’t fair! They were only…well he didn’t know how old they were but they weren’t old. They were playful and healthy and they could have easily lived another ten years. Lucio actually couldn’t breathe for a moment from the force of his crying, he didn’t care if he was ruining the suede upholstery.
This was the end, the end. Nothing could fix this, nothing could ever be the same.
He buried his fingers in his hair and pulled as his thoughts seemed to growl at him. The mantra of failure and endings repeating over and over. Refusing to be silent. It was an unexpected voice that pulled him out of the quicksand.
His head snapped up at the audacity of the doctor to interrupt his suffering. Quickly his anger turned to fear as he realized the state Jules had caught him in.
“You uh…” Julian looked away, mildly uncomfortable with the sight of the count crying. Not just crying but outright sobbing in abject heartbreak. “MC wanted me to get you, it seemed urgent”
Lucio tossed the words around in his exhausted mind, taking several minutes to realize their meaning. Finally, he felt his stomach sink at the implication.
She was gone.
Numbly Lucio stood and walked past the doctor, not even offering a nod. His legs carried him without his input through the familiar halls of his wing. Expensive paintings featuring the friends he was about to lose mocking him as he trudged.
Coming to the room he’d left, he stood outside the extravagant door. He needed to open it, but he couldn’t find the strength to lift his arm, so instead, he used the magic one. At least there was a modicum of detachment with the gesture. His heart cracked in two as he heard the squealing cry’s that no doubt came from Melchior. Without letting himself hesitate he pushed the heavy door open.
And his heart stopped.
There on his bed was the single sight that could bring him to his knees, and it did. He didn’t even feel the impact as he hit the ground, kneeling in the doorway. Mercedes laid where he left her, breathing heavily with exertion but obviously sleeping. That, however, was not the sight that knocked the wind out of the count.
The sight was that of you carefully cradling several tiny, whining fur balls in your lap, wrapped in a pillowcase.
“Puppies…” you mutter disbelieving to the man who collapsed in the doorway.
Melchior curled himself around your right side, flush against you so he could reach the puppies you held. Dutifully licking each one and making sure they could cry.
Suddenly Lucio was light-headed.
All the building stress and sadness from the months Mercedes had been “sick” suddenly left him. The weight releasing him was so euphoric he swore he could’ve floated away. You almost looked like you were glowing as you cleaned each little pup and placed them by their mother to nurse.
“Puppies…” Lucio repeated you softly, it was all his mind would say.
He thought he’d lost his two best friends but instead, he gained four furry little jellybeans. Beautiful coats were already as soft as silk. Big mismatched eyes and even bigger paws. Mercedes woke healthy and happy a few hours after her ordeal was over and Lucio was immediately by her side to cuddle her and shower her with affection.
He had been so scared and so convinced it was the end. In his head, he’d built it up to be the death of everything he loved and the culmination of all his mistakes. Yet in the end, it was only the birth of something beautiful. Literally.
You had taken a liking to a particular puppy, the second one born. His curiosity was only trumped in cuteness by his folded ears. Lucio watched the little fur ball climb clumsily over your shoulders and through your hair, long nose nudging into everything it could reach. You must’ve noticed him looking so you fix him with a stare, carefully untangling the pup from your hair.
“Shouldn’t you go tell Nadia there’s gonna be more dogs running around?” you ask, chuckling as the disoriented, floppy eared boy wobbles away.
“I can’t go anywhere, I’m a father now.” He responds with the utmost seriousness, one puppy in each hand and the third climbing up his chest. Mercedes snorts in a way that could’ve been interpreted as laughter, Melchior follows unnecessarily close behind the floppy-eared puppy as he hobbles across the bedspread.
0End notes:
Nadia wasn’t being a dick by not letting Lucio hire a vet. She knew Mercedes was fine and just wanted to see Lucio suffer a little. As we all do.
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spiceloutte · 4 years
Your top 5 emojis (I think I know number 1 already) and your top 5 animals, please 💖
Can I be bad and say I next to never use emojis? I never really have but I’ll try!
1. 🌹 the rose!! Very specifically my baby I get on my Samsung tablet. Isn't she pretty? All other rose emojis pale in comparison.
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2. 💙 I like the hearts but blue heart is the one I gravitate to. Its just prettier.
3. 👌 It was in my recents so I assume I use it here and there. Mainly just? To say nice? It's on point? It's top 5 in use but also I know would use it regardless if I used a lot of emojis.
4. 🏳️‍🌈 Uh.. we gay. Just- we gay. And I couldn't find the rainbow arch version.
5. 🐑 because.. Sheep?
Top 5 animals really puts me on the spot because so many animals are so amazing and pretty so im going to be rather broad and maybe add a few subspecies I like within it? This counts, it counts. I... Genuinely am struggling to only choose 5 and you can see it and I'm not ashamed to be so bad at this.
3. Foxes! I just think they're neat. They're just fluffy kids and I tend to binge on fox videos every so often. I know a rescue who posts a lot of videos and its so nice to watch all the "hehehehe" babies. There's a fox village in Japan and I need need need to go there like oh!!! Sweethearts!!!! We have a few varieties in Aus but it's illegal to own them, I don't know what's happened to all the old rescues (it used to be legal) and old pet foxes? So I don't think I could work with them or anything. They're labelled as a pest to native wildlife, apparently. Big disappointment.
1. Wolves. I just love wolves okay. Think I was 10 and drawing ugly looking wolves with bad anatomy but I loved drawing then regardless. I don't really have a favourite but can I mention how weird looking maned wolves look? It's not Actually a wolf so I'm being cheeky talking about it but I want to say what is this lanky dude? If I had the chance, and it wasnt illegal in Australia for there to be wolves, much less an any-content wolf-dog, I'd be helping out at a rescue with all those giant guys because you can't necessarily release them when they've been in human care for so long. There's Australia's equivalent, dingos, which I met and got to pet one! They were very fluffy.
2. Horses. I've always been a horse kid. Theyre just so majestic? I was horse riding for a few years when I was a kid and it was always the best time, I want to get back into it but it's just so expensive. I don't necessarily have a favourite breed but draft horses are big fluffy kids. The more manageable gypsy vanner is somewhat similar with the big fluffy legs but I'm an excited kid when I see piebald horses. Gorgeous. So gorgeous.
4. Probably dogs! We have a little puppy and she's a little kelpie mix, she's adorable. I'll go sit down and she'll come over and either sit on or lay part way over my lap. I know a lot of dog breeds off the top of my head but I have to say sighthounds are my favourite. Borzoi's? Silken windhounds? Salukis? Yes please! But I do like German shepherds, aussie shepherds, NSDTR, basically any medium-large fluffy dog (as long as they don't have big, floppy jowls.. sorry but im not the biggest fan of the long jowls).
5. I know I can't group reptiles all in one category, its unfortunate.. Honourable mentions are snakes, geckos, dwarf caimans. But my favourite is ackie monitors! You normally think of monitor lizards as these huge komodo dragons or big lace monitors, the size of a human laying down. Ackies are little versions! Grow about the size of your forearm. I first learnt about Ackies in a Larry fic, believe it or not, an abo! They're so cute!!
Ask me my top 5 :)
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saerimm · 5 years
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hello gang gang, this is joy again and i humbly offer you oh saerim, a former baek ho babe who is also baek ho’s head of house. she’s the professor of transfiguration and professor of art. prior to working at yosul, she was an auror for the ministry, specializing in stealth and tracking. for more information on this absolute unit, feel free to check out her stats and backstory (its still a wip since i deadass put this muse together in a day alsdfkjalsdfj ) feel free to add me on discord @ mrs. mothman#2804 for easier plotting. i’ll still be in tumblr ims tho ! under the cut is a not so short tl;dr and some wcs !
just starting off with this: out and in the open big gay. has been in a relationship with the same woman an npc named yoonmi since forever. love is real. 
33, baek ho alumni, baek ho head of house. #baekhobabes4life
her father ( half-blood ) and mother ( pure-blood ) met in scotland during beltane and succumbed to that ~ spicy magic ~ and proceeded to have 7 offspring 👶🏻👶🏻👶🏻👶🏻👶🏻👶🏻 👉🏼👶🏻👈🏼
saerim is the youngest child, and the only begotten daughter of the oh family. living, growing up, and competing with 6 brothers was not always good™️ but hey, they taught her how to fight dirty ✊🏼as well as how to stand up for herself and how to be brave. thanks oh bros.
was an active 🏃🏻‍♀️💨 student at yosul: was a chaser all seven years of attendance ( baek ho intramural team and varsity ), a member of the dueling club, and also the baking club. 
double majored in transfiguration and defense against the dark arts because she’s an overachiever and wanted to prove she could do it
her father passes away near the tail end of saerim’s last year at grad school. she takes a break after graduating yosul, and goes to a maeobsa university to attain an art degree with a focus in photography, ceramics, and painting.
returns and undergoes auror training. she passes with flying colors, excelling in stealth and tracking as an auror. she’s their ace in a hole due to her being an animagus, which is a borzoi 🐶, the russian wolfhound, known for being swift and persistent in pursuing and pinning down targets.
nearly died on an assignment in scotland and, at the request of her mother and brothers, retires as an auror. 
is asked by the current headmaster at yosul to join their staff as the professor of transfiguration lit rally a month after she retires 💁🏻‍♀️
she now works at yosul as both the professor of transfiguration and professor of arts. is also baek ho’s house master and the dueling club advisor lesgeddit 💪🏻
she’s the epitome of what it means to be baek ho: brave, determined, competitive, a reckless dumbass who won’t back down when challenged. would jump off a cliff to PROVE a point. throws hands, won’t hesitate bitch 👊🏼
emphasis on bravery: came out to her family when she was 17 despite knowing how conservative they are. it caused a rift in their relationship for a long ass while, but they try being progressive and supportive of her since she is, after all, the family’s babie. 
she’s a social butterfly: tries to get to know everyone and memorize names and faces. is that teacher who knows who you are without ever having you in her class.
is really playful. loves pranking students, especially at night while in her animagus form. she’s been called the grim on many occasions, and uses this to scare the shit out of kids who’re out past curfew 🤡
the most loyal bih ever...deadass been with her high school sweetheart since the beginning of time. they lost count, no one knows anymore. that loyalty also extends to her baek hoes, friends, and family.
loves kids, is really good with them, hard pass on having any of her own tho. she’s happy being that cool aunt who gives the best presents.
super spontaneous and impulsive, over all really fun to be around.
baEK HO BABIES. who needs children when you’re responsible for 103581093581085 of them amriite ? saerim’s the housemaster of baek ho, and literally acts like a mother hen, constantly doting on them, whipping them into shape, and helping out whenever she can. don’t actually call her mom tho bc she’ll get an aneurysm 
hag line friends 😔
soft, art aesthetic frens. this is a super self indulgent plot bunny lmao
mentees ! ! ! ! saerim’s always down to teach young whipperschnappers a thing or two. she may be in her thirties, but she stays in shape and can give anyone a can of WHOOP ASS 
you run into saerim while she’s in her animagus form and you deadass nearly shit your pants because she looks like the grim lmfao
quidditch ! saerim played all throughout her time at yosul, and has a couple pick up matches with her friends in the ministry on that rare day off. need advice on how to get better/improve ? she’s always down to give a few pointers 
you got saddled with detention and saerim’s the wall between you and freedom. good luck tryna get past her. she gives the worst detentions: the humiliating and laborious kind.
more plots can be found here !
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