#Boston to Western Mass.
garudabluffs · 1 year
Study finds 104-mile rail trail connecting Northampton-Boston would generate millions, increase health
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Construction work being done on the Belchertown end of the Norwottuck Rail Trail at Station Road on Thursday afternoon.
"By the end of this decade, if not sooner, bicyclists will be able to hop on the rail trail at the J. Elwell Conservation Area in Northampton, cross the Connecticut River, and travel across the state 104 miles on the same path all the way to Boston."
READ MORE https://www.gazettenet.com/Study-highlights-potential-benefits-of-completed-MRTC-trail-system-51541452?traffic_source=Connatix
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marzipanandminutiae · 8 months
I don't know, man...there are Eastlake fireplaces...
western Mass: it's me, girl; I'm the cheap Victorian houses- speaking to you from out in the middle of nowhere with wildly unreliable public transit
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muzdiir · 7 months
i drove 8 hours today & almost got hit at least once (i love eastern massholes). i ate a sad old crusty donut from dunkin & got lost bc of poor signage. truly the new england experience lmao
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idiotcoward · 1 year
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Dinosaur Jr - Youre Living All Over Me
Dinosaur Jr are one of my favorite bands of all time. Especially when it comes to super grungey 90’s indie music. There’s just a certain somberness and grimeyness to these solos. A certain intensity and closeness from these lyrics and vocal performances. This album feels so personal yet so distant. It’s genuinely beautiful at times and still has its own moments of genuine intensity that I can only imagine is the leftover vibes from their previous hardcore projects.
Dinosaur Jr just is one of the best indie bands to just sit back and let them take you on a musical ride. This band takes seriously the potential and complexity that can truly be explored in guitar music. J Mascis is definitely one of my favorite guitarists from the era and has a certain way with his playing. Just almost an accent to it that feels so familiar yet distinct. So many many many more steps beyond a lot of the three chord pentatonic bands in the scene back in the day and even today (even if I love a lot of those bands). It’s so nice to hear genuinely creative and dynamic guitar soloing / riff composition. That couple with awesome bass playing from Punk Legend Lou Barlow.
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vriska-serketboard · 3 months
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Whoever etched “Boston hardcore” into the sidewalk near my city center I love you and we need to get married immediately
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ellcrys · 2 years
finally cracked open the blinds this morning and lol there’s less snow on the ground than there was last weekend idk why everyone at work was freaking out earlier this week about the ‘snowstorm’
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End of the line for corporate sovereignty
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I'm on tour with my new, nationally bestselling novel The Bezzle! Catch me next weekend (Mar 30/31) in ANAHEIM at WONDERCON, then in Boston with Randall "XKCD" Munroe (Apr 11), then Providence (Apr 12), and beyond!
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Back in the 1950s, a new, democratically elected Iranian government nationalized foreign oil interests. The UK and the US then backed a coup, deposing the progressive government with one more hospitable to foreign corporations:
This nasty piece of geopolitical skullduggery led to the mother-of-all-blowbacks: the Anglo-American puppet regime was toppled by the Ayatollah and his cronies, who have led Iran ever since.
For the US and the UK, the lesson was clear: they needed a less kinetic way to ensure that sovereign countries around the world steered clear of policies that undermined the profits of their oil companies and other commercial giants. Thus, the "investor-state dispute settlement" (ISDS) was born.
The modern ISDS was perfected in the 1990s with the Energy Charter Treaty (ECT). The ECT was meant to foam the runway for western corporations seeking to take over ex-Soviet energy facilities, by making those new post-Glasnost governments promise to never pass laws that would undermine foreign companies' profits.
But as Nick Dearden writes for Jacobin, the western companies that pushed the east into the ECT failed to anticipate that ISDSes have their own form of blowback:
When the 2000s rolled around and countries like the Netherlands and Denmark started to pass rules to limit fossil fuels and promote renewables, German coal companies sued the shit out of these governments and forced them to either back off on their democratically negotiated policies, or to pay gigantic settlements to German corporations.
ISDS settlements are truly grotesque: they're not just a matter of buying out existing investments made by foreign companies and refunding them money spent on them. ISDS tribunals routinely order governments to pay foreign corporations all the profits they might have made from those investments.
For example, the UK company Rockhopper went after Italy for limiting offshore drilling in response to mass protests, and took $350m out of the Italian government. Now, Rockhopper only spent $50m on Adriatic oil exploration – the other $300m was to compensate Rockhopper for the profits it might have made if it actually got to pump oil off the Italian coast.
Governments, both left and right, grew steadily more outraged that ISDSes tied the hands of democratically elected lawmakers and subordinated their national sovereignty to corporate sovereignty. By 2023, nine EU countries were ready to pull out of the ECT.
But the ECT had another trick up its sleeve: a 20-year "sunset" clause that bound countries to go on enforcing the ECT's provisions – including ISDS rulings – for two decades after pulling out of the treaty. This prompted European governments to hit on the strategy of a simultaneous, mass withdrawal from the ECT, which would prevent companies registered in any of the ex-ECT countries from suing under the ECT.
It will not surprise you to learn that the UK did not join this pan-European coalition to wriggle out of the ECT. On the one hand, there's the Tories' commitment to markets above all else (as the Trashfuture podcast often points out, the UK government is the only neoliberal state so committed to austerity that it's actually dismantling its own police force). On the other hand, there's Rishi Sunak's planet-immolating promise to "max out North Sea oil."
But as the rest of the world transitions to renewables, different blocs in the UK – from unions to Tory MPs – are realizing that the country's membership in ECT and its fossil fuel commitment is going to make it a world leader in an increasingly irrelevant boondoggle – and so now the UK is also planning to pull out of the ECT.
As Dearden writes, the oil-loving, market-worshipping UK's departure from the ECT means that the whole idea of ISDSes is in danger. After all, some of the world's poorest countries are also fed up to the eyeballs with ISDSes and threatening to leave treaties that impose them.
One country has already pulled out: Honduras. Honduras is home to Prospera, a libertarian autonomous zone on the island of Roatan. Prospera was born after a US-backed drug kingpin named Porfirio Lobo Sosa overthrew the democratic government of Manuel Zelaya in 2009.
The Lobo Sosa regime established a system of special economic zones (known by their Spanish acronym, "ZEDEs"). Foreign investors who established a ZEDE would be exempted from Honduran law, allowing them to create "charter cities" with their own private criminal and civil code and tax system.
This was so extreme that the Honduran supreme court rejected the plan, so Lobo Sosa fired the court and replaced them with cronies who'd back his play.
A group of crypto bros capitalized on this development, using various ruses to establish a ZEDE on the island of Roatan, a largely English-speaking, Afro-Carribean island known for its marine reserve, its SCUBA diving, and its cruise ship port. This "charter city" included every bizarre idea from the long history of doomed "libertarian exit" projects, so ably recounted in Raymond Craib's excellent 2022 book Adventure Capitalism:
Right from the start, Prospera was ill starred. Paul Romer, the Nobel-winning economist most closely associated with the idea of charter cities, disavowed the project. Locals hated it – the tourist shops and restaurants on Roatan all may sport dusty "Bitcoin accepted here" signs, but not one of those shops takes cryptocurrency.
But the real danger to Prospera came from democracy itself. When Xiomara Castro – wife of Manuel Zelaya – was elected president in 2021, she announced an end to the ZEDE program. Prospera countered by suing Honduras under the ISDS provisions of the Central America Free Trade Agreements, seeking $10b, a third of the country's GDP.
In response, President Castro announced her country's departure from CAFTA, and the World Bank's International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes:
An open letter by progressive economists in support of President Castro condemns ISDSes for costing latinamerican countries $30b in corporate compensation, triggered by laws protecting labor rights, vulnerable ecosystems and the climate:
As Ryan Grim writes for The Intercept, the ZEDE law is wildly unpopular with the Honduran people, and Merrick Garland called the Lobo Sosa regime that created it "a narco-state where violent drug traffickers were allowed to operate with virtual impunity":
The world's worst people are furious and terrified about Honduras's withdrawal from its ISDS. After 60+ years of wrapping democracy in chains to protect corporate profits, the collapse of the corporate kangaroo courts that override democratic laws represents a serious threat to oligarchy.
As Dearden writes, "elsewhere in the world, ISDS cases have been brought specifically on the basis that governments have not done enough to suppress protest movements in the interests of foreign capital."
It's not just poor countries in the global south, either. When Australia passed a plain-packaging law for tobacco, Philip Morris relocated offshore in order to bring an ISDS case against the Australian government in a bid to remove impediments to tobacco sales:
And in 2015, the WTO sanctioned the US government for its "dolphin-safe" tuna labeling, arguing that this eroded the profits of corporations that fished for tuna in ways that killed a lot of dolphins:
In Canada, the Conservative hero Steven Harper entered into the Canada-China Foreign Investment Promotion and Protection Agreement, which banned Canada from passing laws that undermined the profits of Chinese corporations for 31 years (the rule expires in 2045):
Harper's successor, Justin Trudeau, went on to sign the Canada-EU Trade Agreement that Harper negotiated, including its ISDS provisions that let EU corporations override Canadian laws:
There was a time when any challenge to ISDS was a political third rail. Back in 2015, even hinting that ISDSes should be slightly modified would send corporate thinktanks into a frenzy:
But over the years, there's been a growing consensus that nations can only be sovereign if corporations aren't. It's one thing to treat corporations as "persons," but another thing altogether to elevate them above personhood and subordinate entire nations to their whims.
With the world's richest countries pulling out of ISDSes alongside the world's poorest ones, it's feeling like the end of the road for this particularly nasty form of corporate corruption.
And not a moment too soon.
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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Image: ChrisErbach (modified) https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:UnitedNations_GeneralAssemblyChamber.jpg
CC BY-SA 3.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/deed.en
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Cybertruck spotted in Wareham. They are venturing outside of Boston, we need to hold the line.
It's already too late, they have been seen making their way to Ptown and western Mass
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A Pause for Reflection: Part 2- Only Friends, Racism, and the Commodification of Queer Asians
Hello! It is me, your friendly neighborhood wen-kexing-apologist. Before Only Friends aired, knowing how sex heavy this show was setting up to be, I decided it might be kinda funny if instead of posting my initial reactions to the episodes, which I knew were going to be something akin to an incomprehensible key smash, if I instead committed to a bit where I wrote very dry, academic essays on sex and sex imperatives in Only Friends.
Well, I wrote an essay on Boston, his cruising habits, and my speculations around him being an embodiment of older queer culture expecting like…three people maybe to make it through legitimately 13 written pages with block text citations. But it did surprisingly well, and so now I have decided to full send. 
In my first Taking Pause post, I wrote about respectable promiscuity and the way I felt that concept impacted perceptions of queer people and queer culture, especially as it relates to engagement with Only Friends. This time, I want to dampen the mood a bit further, and discuss racism and its impact on perceptions of queer Asian characters in the BL industry. This was spurred by Only Friends and especially inspired by the posts I have seen going around that project false purity on flawed characters, but will cover Asian BL engagement more broadly as well.  
Disclaimer: I am a white Westerner, addressing this post primarily to white Westerners, and using Western sources. 
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The Commodification of Queer Asian Men
Racism is a complex subject, and while people of color are not absolved of white supremacy mindsets through colorism, this invitation for conversation is mostly geared towards my fellow white Westerners. Racism is persistent, pervasive, and insidious in part because we do not always know when and how our own personal biases and learned racism impacts how we interact with the world, or in this case media. 
With the increasing mainstream acceptance of gays and lesbians, and the increasing visibility of LGBT folks more generally, gay space and straight space, gay sociality and straight sociality, are increasingly blended (Dean, 2014). The commodification of gayness is only one example of this. (Ahlm, 2017)
We are frequently spoiled by BL because of how much exposure to queer people in stories we are allowed to see. These stories are not primarily or inherently made for queer people, but what this massive index of gay shows gives the general public is large amounts of exposure to the concept of gay people (about queers), and growing popularity allows for a rapid commodification of queer Asian experience.  
I want to take a second to show the definitions of commodification, so anyone reading this is aware of what lenses I am working from.
Commodification:  to turn (something, such as an intrinsic value or a work of art) into a commodity (Miriam-Webster) 
an economic good: such as…c. a mass-produced unspecialized product
a. something useful or valued; b. convenience, advantage
a good or service whose wide availability typically leads to smaller profit margins and diminishes the importance of factors (such as brand name) other than price
one that is subject to ready exchange or exploitation within a market (Miriam-Webster) 
Personally, I think it is reasonable to argue that BL and BL branded pairs are exploited by and are an exploitation of the market. We have seen the number of in-universe ads in our standard Thai BLs, the number of BLs being created every year is increasing with the understanding that these shows can be profitable, sell products, sell concert tickets, sell out theaters, make money on fan events, etc.. I think many of us have begun to love when Oishi Green Tea, Nivea Micellar Water, or Canon printers show up in our BLs, but it cannot be denied or ignored that those are commercials for products being sold to us through the images of queer characters and within queer stories. Meaning, the queer stories we are able to interact with en masse are there to sell us a product as well as a story. 
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How does this relate to racism? By making queer characters of color sell products within the stories they exist in, we establish a relationship to queer characters of color that extends the commodification of queer men of color themselves beyond what already exists by nature of racism and white supremacy within queer spaces: 
It’s almost as if no gay men of color exist outside of fantasy cruises to Jamaica, Puerto Rico, or the ‘Orient’. And even then, they exist only to fulfill the sexual fantasies of gay white men. ‘Exotic’ vacations to far away places are marketed to rich white men and [low income] colored bodies are only another consumable product easily purchased with western dollars. As such, gay men of color, whether found within western borders or conveniently waiting for white arrival in the far off corners of the globe, are nothing more than commodities for consumption. (Chong-suk Han, 2007)
How many shows have we gotten out of GMMTV in recent years that are absent, or near-absent of in-universe ads? Three? The Eclipse, The Warp Effect, and Only Friends? What themes are at the center of these shows that may make them distasteful to corporations trying to sell their products? 
Now, I entered the BL scene after The Eclipse aired, so I don’t know what its reception was like at the time. But I am pretty certain it was a popular show. Yet, I have personally witnessed the adverse and negative reactions to, especially Ayan, when Our Skyy 2 x The Eclipse aired and we saw Ayan keeping a secret that was hurting Akk’s feelings. I saw the sheer amount of posts coming out of tumblr about how Akk and Ayan were characterized so wrong in this show. And, I am trying to be polite here, but there were just grossly misrepresentative takes on tumblr about the characters we got on screen in OS2, who were extremely in character based on the source material, and not the idea of the characters we have built up in our heads as the lines between Ayan and Khaotung or Akk and First blurred over time. 
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The Warp Effect is a show I have constantly been asking people to watch as Only Friends approached and continue to market as required viewing while we are still in the early stages of Only Friends, but it was not widely watched as far as I could tell from the activity on my own tumblr feed and from the number of people I saw reblogging my Case for Watching TWE post who said they had yet to see it. And I get it, it was marketed more as a heterosexual show rather than a BL, but I will go down swinging to defend my position on that show as The Queerest Show of 2023 (so far). 
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I think about all the ways people on tumblr have re-written certain characters in their minds to be purer, less morally dubious, more babygirl in order for them to justify loving and supporting a character that is either objectively a terrible person or who has made any number of mistakes that have gotten themselves or others hurt. Listen, my most beloved gay boys are Wen Kexing and Akk but I will be the first to tell you both those men are war criminals. That is not a joke. I love Akk to death as a character, and he let a car roll into a crowd of protestors.
Which is to say, that I am personally made to feel very uncomfortable when I see people twisting the realities of who queer Asian characters are in order to create a false, more pure and innocent version of who they want queer Asian characters to be. Why? Because it treats queer Asian male characters like dolls, like objects to manipulate and control, rather than as the people they are written and intended to be, and the fanservice that is expected of the actors that portray them is not much different: 
At the same time that they are invisible, gay Asian men are also seen as being exotic, submissive fantasies for white men. However, being seen as exotic and submissive is yet another form of subtle racism where gay Asian men are not seen as individuals but as a consumable product for white male fantasy (Ayres, 1999). (Chong-suk Han, 2007)
And yeah, I know some of you may try to deflect this by saying or thinking “wka this quote is about white men and thus does not apply to me” it does. It does apply.
On the Subject of Fan Service 
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These production companies make a lot of money off of selling the fanbase the idea that these actors are romantically involved outside of their acting careers. GMMTV and Idolfactory are perhaps the most committed studios to fanservice that I have seen, often to the detriment of the health and safety of their talent and potentially their own financial interests. He’s Coming to Me was delayed, and had it’s distribution fucked with because fans protested Singto being separated from Krist and paired up with Ohm for one show. Freen was recorded and blackmailed with a video that showed she was in a romantic relationship with Seng. Articles were published making it seem like it was a truly wild concept that Man Trisanu and Ben Bunyapol were acting to create the chemistry they get on screen. These companies know they can make money off of the fictions they create, both the ones we see as television shows, and the ones we see in fan meet ups. These people are actors, some may date, some may not, some may be really good friends, some may hate each other’s guts, but the fact of the matter is we will never know for sure. Everything we see on camera is a performance. 
How Objectification of Queer Asian Men Relates to Only Friends
I mean…
I don’t know about you all, but I have seen post after post of people projecting images of purity and perfection on to Mew, twisting themselves forward and backward to justify a character’s objectively terrible decisions, or finding scapegoats to blame for their blorbo’s actions. I have seen people truly, legitimately struggle with seeing their favorite acting pair engaging in intimate scenes with different scene partners. And, to me it reads like some audience members are physically unable to separate the actor from their character, or to accurately identify reality from fiction. These are actors, they are playing characters, we know how good of actors they are. We are all aware of how much of a chameleon First is with his roles, how powerful Khao is at portraying grief on screen, how expressive Book is, etc. 
Force and Book are not fucking, Book is not stringing Force along, Force is not fucking Neo and potentially breaking Book’s heart. Top and Mew are fucking (or will). Mew is stringing Top along. Top is fucking Boston and potentially breaking Mew’s heart. Khaotung is not ditching First to go rescue Book, First is not trying and failing to maintain boundaries with Khaotung. Ray is ditching Sand to go rescue Mew, Sand is trying and failing to maintain boundaries with Ray. 
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Harkening back to fanservice. Personally, I believe that only ever marketing “love pairs” (aka Force and Book’s characters as a romantic couple or First and Khao’s characters as a romantic couple on screen) severely severely limits the acting potential for any and all of the performers involved in those couplings. Can you imagine what Only Friends would be like with Neo and Louis, rather than Neo and Mark? Louis is great, but I’m not sure that he could do pining simp, or angry revenge the same way Mark can. You can see how good of a match up Fluke Pusit was with Thor in The Warp Effect and you can see how good Fluke Pusit was with Ohm Thipakorn in A Boss and a Babe. 
As I mentioned in Part One, Jojo has said there is going to be sex in every episode. We know these boys have already hurt each other and will continue to hurt each other. We know these boys have already slept around and will continue to do so. There is no need to vilify a character for being a flawed human being. There is absolutely no need to vilify an actor for portraying a character who is a flawed human being. We don’t need to uplift the characters that are withholding their sexuality from others as inherently good, moral, victims of the inherently bad, immoral, predators ruining their lives with their high sex drives. 
…popular culture is permeated with ideas that erotic variety is dangerous, unhealthy, depraved, and a menace to everything from small children to national security. Popular sexual ideology is a noxious stew made up of ideas of sexual sin, concepts of psychological inferiority… and xenophobia. The mass media nourish these attitudes with relentless propaganda…
All these hierarchies of sexual value- religious, psychiatric, and popular- function in much the same way as do ideological systems of racism, ethnocentrism, and religious chauvinism. They rationalize the well-being of the sexually privileged and the adversity of the sexual rabble…this kind of sexual morality has more in common with ideologies of racism than with true ethics. (Rubin, 1984)
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I am begging people who are having difficulty seeing their favorite actor be shitty on screen to take a pause, take a breath, remember that they are actors, playing a fictional character in a fictional role. Fictional characters performing fictional actions has not, does not, and will not ever be a true and definitive indicator of that actor’s own personality, morals, or beliefs. Boston being an asshole does not mean Neo is an asshole. Ray being an asshole does not mean that Khao is an asshole just as Gaipa being kind does not mean that Khao is kind. Jojo and co are not monsters for creating a manipulative character(s), or including physical fist fights, drug use, promiscuity, cheating, sexual assault, abortion, kink, fatshaming etc. etc in to their works. You are not a bad person for liking imperfect characters who engage in bad actions, and you don’t need to create scenarios that place blame for those actions on others in order to justify liking a character.  Everyone on that set appeared to have a great time, and Jojo stated very clearly that all scenes were run by the actors in those scenes and anything the actors were not comfortable with being shown to a broader audience were immediately deleted. The actors were granted agency and autonomy that is not usually seen and we are seeing the performance they want to share with us, the performance they liked. That does not mean they themselves approve outside of fiction of the behaviors their characters may portray. 
We all need to, but white Westerners especially, be extremely careful and introspective with the ways we are engaging with queer Asian media. We need to be careful and introspective with the ways we are engaging with queer Asian characters. Asian BLs, Thai BLs especially lean heavily in to the commodification of queer Asian stories and characters. GMMTV sells products, and uses their talent as the salespeople, which I personally believe makes their talent, and the characters in their stories far more susceptible to objectification than, say, Japanese BLs that do not distribute their work as easily, or cater as readily to international audiences. 
As @bengiyo said in his post, it is totally totally fine if you do not like something. Only Friends could not be your style, there could be themes that are triggering for you, etc. that’s fine. But if you are refusing to engage with this Only Friends because Force as Top acted like he was fucking Neo as Boston, or squirming about whether or not you can watch other shows these actors are in going forward because their performances as dumb, horny college students in Only Friends made you question the actor’s morality, then I truly, deeply, and fully beg you to pause, take a step back, and reflect upon what it is about witnessing these behaviors that is causing your reaction. 
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I want to end with the following quote: 
Thus, white men can choose when they want to be objectified, but men of color are simply objects. As discussed above, existing only as props for white male consumption represents another subtle form of racism. As Tony Ayres notes: First, there is overt belligerence…The second response is the exact opposite of this racist antagonism. It is an attraction to me because of my Asianness, my otherness ... This has nothing to do with my individual qualities as a person ... It is the fact that I conveniently fit into someone else’s fantasy (1999, p. 89) (Chong-suk Han, 2007)
As a reminder that we as fans, need to take a step back and consider if, when, and how we are objectifying queer Asian men. We are seeing a huge period of growth in the Asian BL industry, which means we are very likely to get more shows where we are going to see more stories like Only Friends that center realistic depictions of gay Asians as written and directed by gay Asians. And we have to check our privilege, homophobia, and racism at the door.
Ahlm, Jody (2017) Respectable promiscuity: Digital cruising in an era of queer liberalism, Sexualities, DOI: 10.1177/1363460716665783
Chong-suk Han (2007) They Don't Want To Cruise Your Type: Gay
Men of Color and the Racial Politics of Exclusion, Social Identities, 13:1, 51-67, DOI:
10.1080/13504630601163379 Rubin, Gayle (1984) The Thinking Sex: Notes for a Radical Theory of the Politics of Sexuality- Chapter 9: The Sex Wars.
(thank you to @bengiyo, @lurkingshan, @neuroticbookworm, @so-much-yet-to-learn, and @waitmyturtles for your beta readings!)
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jammerskrik · 27 days
honestly I’ll never have a job as funny and wild as old 1950s cumbies. I think that’s probably the top silliest stupid job I’ve ever had. I had a coworker named kilfeather who was a late thirties obese literal fedora’d neckbeard, who unfailingly made the various (East Asian) women of Boston uncomfortable by being on brand to the point of addressing them as ‘M’lady,’ and split his time between manga and atheist reddit boards and masturbation. He gave his entire savings to The Occupy Movement, then rebuilt it only to then give it all to Bernie Sanders… he was Irish white trash from one of the most depressed towns in western mass, his parents were farmer-descended biker gang ppl that he dropped out of nineth grade to caretake once the cigarette genocide got them. He used to give me impassioned speeches about how the most important issue of our time is centering black and brown voices, and then, without fail, partially magic and partially because our boss was a black lady from Cali that hated most other African Americans, something beautiful and so fucking ironic and hilarious would happen.
Best was when we had to run down inventory to shut the gas station down around January 2019, our boss interrupted one of Kilfeather’s woke speeches about worshipping ppl darker than him to tell him to go clean out the little cup shed with me and Rokon, a banglandeshi indo-muzzy immigrant who at the time didn’t speak any English yet. Rokon began tossing all the spare foam coffee cup rolls out of the shed to me so I could bag them up, as Kilfeather waddled up through snowfall that was beginning to accumulate to watch us and, perhaps if the opportunity presented itself, resume his anti-racist speech.
About a minute later, Rokon had run out of cups and was suddenly madly pulling up endless flattened layers of shipping cardboard that had formed the flooring beneath the cup rolls, and I mean like decades of layers of flattened cardboard, the station was original from 1951 and the bottom decade or two had become dust and dirt. I stopped helping at my disgust threshold and just stood beside kilfeather in the snow watching R manically pry out every layer and heave it into a comically large pile as if his life depended on it until he suddenly froze. He stood there for a few moments, turned and looked at me n kilfeather, then smiled wide, disappearing into the small old shed like laughing, but a strange rare laugh to hear from a man like that; he squealed with absolute delight then vanished. Kilfeather looked at me like, what? does this mean??
But I didn’t get to reply because Rokon had emerged from the shed holding some kind of giant frozen tangled black disk about a meter in diameter. Kilfeather and I were both immediately instinctually repulsed though neither of us could really process what the disk was in that moment, as Rokon stood there dusted in snow and beaming… but we realised right as he spun around like a discus thrower, launching a massive frozen-solid City of Boston Real Life Rat King into Kilfeather’s face and chest.
There were two black crackheads from Kentucky who would stand outside the gas station like Jay and Silent Bob -style and by this point they were watching in the background, as was our boss. The Crackheads began heckling/roasting the fuck out of Kilfeather and calling him a faggot, and he let out a whine to our boss lady, to see if she could please make the addicts of colour stop calling him the f-slur. she was super Christian and super racist and she gracefully walked to Kilfeather through the snow and was like ‘well baby, I am worried that you never stand up for yourself, if Rokon hadda thrown that at me I wouldda whooped his ass to Death on the spot!’
idk cumbies was super funny
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mydollsaregay · 10 months
I just saw an absolutely incredible craigslist deal for a jly #4 and i am being SO brave and strong and not buying her. i don’t have room for or any need for doubles. brain please calm down. anyway if any of you all are near western massachusetts and want the listing let me know!
also if anyone on here is located in eastern mass/near boston, PLEASE check craigslist - there are some awesome items on there right now that are just too far from me and I would like to live vicariously through someone else enjoying them 😭
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salvadorbonaparte · 1 month
yo welcome to Massachusetts! I’m doing my grad school in Western Mass, there’s a lot of pretty scenery in the fall if you need a break from the city at any point! Go to Northampton, great town and plenty of hiking trails in the area.
Then closer to Boston is Salem, which you should try to visit but NOT IN OCTOBER TOO MANY PEOPLE IN OCTOBER. Rockport is also a very good cape-side tourist-y town.
Good luck with everything!
That's exactly the area I live in :D
I'd love to visit Salem! We had to read the Crucible in high school so it's on the top of my wishlist together with Plymouth, Martha's Vineyard and Hyannis.
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utilitycaster · 1 year
it is entirely possible and probably likely that there is no real mighty nein massachusetts au and the caduceus cranberry bog remark was purely a joke, but I absolutely MUST ask about it on the off chance there is more to this concept
There will never be a coherent fic not in the least because I have not actually lived in New England for a decade, but:
Beau is from a wealthy suburb of Boston (in my heart I want her to be from Brookline but the vibe is further out, like Newton or something). Veth is from a not wealthy suburb of Boston, further out than Beau. I was going to say Caleb dropped out of Harvard but actually given his age at the time it should probably be some kind of Frankenstein of Boston Latin with Philips or Groton.
Caduceus is in fact from an ancient line of cranberry farmers in western Mass.
I feel like everything east of the Ashkeeper Peaks should just be like. New Hampshire and Maine, which sort of undercuts the grandeur of the Kryn Dynasty, but I'm really struggling to place Yasha and Essek in Massachusetts.
Actually for peak hilarity Essek should be from Montreal in this analogy which puts Yasha in rural Vermont or New Hampshire.
Technically I think this means Beau dropped out of College of the Holy Cross.
Obviously both Fjord and Jester are from the Cape; she is wealthy old money whose mother decided to live in the summer house all year long. He is a working class townie who is faking the accent and his native accent is just generic non-regional US. Uko'toa is real and I saw him in the Boston Harbor on a field trip in fourth grade. Veth still ends the campaign running a summer camp.
Every joke I had about Molly's death I have rejected for not being nearly funny enough to offset the incredibly poor taste it is in but most involved the violent and unhinged avian wildlife along the Freedom Trail.
Caleb crashing through the window with Cat's Claw but it's the Citgo sign
I was going to also joke that Teleport lets you summon the T after midnight but apparently it runs until 1 and possibly 1:30 now so fuck me I guess.
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nkjemisin · 2 years
"How easy/hard is it for cities to be born, and what cities do you think will be born next?"
Got this set of questions from a reader, but I can't post the actual ask due to spoilers. I've paraphrased the questions, and here are the answers, sans spoilers. This post is long, so first a cut:
Hi there! I'm afraid I have to answer this privately because of the spoilers in your ask. But since my reply contains info that might be interesting to other readers of my books, I'm going to publicly post a redacted version of my answer, paraphrasing your q without the spoilers. I'll leave your name out of it, unless you prefer otherwise.
Re cities being born -- it's not an "easy/hard" thing, it's a "critical mass" thing. Basically as more and more minds focus on that city and imbue it with their beliefs and imaginings, these become the metaphysical building blocks of city life, which build up and interact. Let's call them, uh, "citimino acids," lol. Many things can disrupt this buildup -- the city's character changing drastically and quickly, natural or societal disasters, a hit TV show a la "Miami Vice" from back in the day. These changes introduce fresh citimino acids, and some of the new ones are incompatible with some of the old ones, so the primordial soup stops churning for a while as the city develops a new character or reputation. But if the soup is allowed to churn up again, for a period that varies per city, then the acids eventually spark into life. At this point, the process changes to something more like human pregnancy, because humans are driving it. The physical city starts to "gestate" a metaphysical self: a mind, free will, whatever you want to call it. (I'll call it a soul.) At this point city avatars start being able to sense the developing meta-city; that's how the Summit knows to send someone when the "due date" draws close. Proto-avatars of that city can sense it, too, as Neek did in the short story/prologue of TCWB.
This process eventually happens in most new cities that develop any kind of distinctive culture. It also happens in old cities that have been through a period of upheaval, like a conquest or a major disaster. Complete destruction of a city (see: Pompeii) would obviously kill its soul. But for cities that only get partially destroyed, the city's soul (and avatar) survives on the sufferance of belief. If a city gets conquered or its population killed by a disaster or something equally horrific, every human being who hears about it is going to have a thought about that city. If enough of those people think, "Well, that's just life in [City], its citizens ought to be used to this kind of thing," then the city retains its character, stays alive, and the avatar lives. (See: Istanbul.) But if enough people think, "Oh no, the [City] that I knew is gone! It's never going to be the same, what a shame, we went there on our honeymoon," then the physical city might be rebuilt, but the city's soul (and avatar) wil die. A new soul might eventually be reborn, but it will be a different soul. Roman Empire-era Rome is very different from the Rome of today. That city has had several avatars down the ages.
Anyway, tl;dr, colonialism is why there's so much city birth happening in the Western Hemisphere. And all the technological and cultural revolutions the world has had in the past few centuries have created other clusters; consider all the new "planned cities" in Africa and Asia, for example. So because of all this global upheaval, the Summit is going to be very busy for a while.
(This is stuff I sketched out a few years back, when I was figuring out how "city magic" worked. I tried not to put too much of it in the books, however. Just because I suffer for my art doesn't mean everybody else has to.)
Off the top of my head, US cities that will definitely (eventually) get born include, in addition to the ones mentioned in the books: Los Angeles (per the original short story), New Orleans again, the Bay Area, and Boston. But feel free to imagine more, because I haven't exactly visited every city in America so my impressions of them are naturally going to be biased.
Outside the US, I honestly don't know enough about other countries to tell. I would guess most of the 10 largest cities in Central and South America, but it won't be in order of size, it'll be in order of culture/renown/public opinion.
Whew, long answer. Hope that answers your questions. And thanks!
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blueangeldreamland · 11 months
upcoming protests: free Palestine
update oct. 27, 2023
-i found information from online (websites listed) pls make sure to double check a protest is available!! as I don’t follow specific accounts that post protests. * feel free to correct me on info *
-take note of days you are available to go and protests near you
-bookmark pages if you want more reliable updates and info
via answercoalition.org posted oct. 7, 2023
Saturday, October 28
Brainerd, MN
1:00 p.m.
Intersection of Sixth and Washington Streets (Across from the Historic Brainerd Water Tower)
Sponsored by: Brainerd Area Coalition for Peace (BACP), Brainerd Lakes United Environmentalists (BLUE), and Brainerd Lakes Area Democratic Socialists of America (BLA DSA)
Portland, OR
2:00 p.m.
Lownsdale Square
Sponsored by: AntiwarMN, SJP, AMP
Sunday, October 29
Worcester, MA
3:30 p.m.
Worcester City Hall (455 Main St.)
Sponsored by: JVP Western Mass, Palestinian Youth Movement
via uscpr.org unsure date updated
Friday, October 27
HOUSTON, TX | Friday, October 27th at 4PM at John P McGovern Commons 6550 Bertner Ave
OMAHA, NE | Friday, October 27th at 4PM at 72nd & Dodge
PHOENIX, AZ | Friday, October 27th at 4PM at State Capitol Building 1700 W Washington St.
BOSTON, MA | Friday, October 27th at 4PM at Brewer Fountain, Boston Commons
ALBANY, NY | Friday, October 27th at 4PM at West Capital Park
NEW YORK, NY | Friday, October 27th at 6PM at Midtown Manhattan (register for exact location)
DENTON, TX | Friday, October 27th at 7PM at Denton Courthouse-on-the-Square
Saturday, October 28
HARTFORD, CT | Saturday, October 28th at 12PM at 800 Main St.
SAN FRANCISCO, CA | Saturday, October 28th at 1PM at Harry Bridges Plaza (Embarcadero)
DALLAS, TX | Saturday, October 28th at 1:30PM at Civic Garden 1014 Main St.
ROSEBURG, OR | Saturday, October 28th at 2PM at Fred Meyers on Harvard
MILWAUKEE, WI | Saturday, October 28th at 2:30PM at 920 North Water St.
NEW YORK, NY | Saturday, October 28th at 3PM at Brooklyn Museum, 200 Eastern Pkwy
PORTLAND, OR | Saturday, October 28th at 3PM at 121 SW Salmon St.
ATLANTA, GA | Saturday, October 28th at 3PM at Georgia State Capitol (East Steps)
Sunday, October 29
NEWARK, NJ | Sunday, October 29th at 1:30PM at Newark City Hall 920 Broad St.
DENVER, CO | Sunday, October 29th at 2PM State Capitol West Steps 200 E Colfax Ave
COLORADO SPRINGS, CO | Sunday, October 29th at 2PM at CO Springs City Hall, 107 N Nevada Ave
AUSTIN, TX | Sunday, October 29th at 3PM at Texas Capitol
WATERBURY, CT | Sunday, October 29th at 3PM at City Hall 235 Grand St.
Saturday, November 4
NATIONAL MARCH ON WASHINGTON | Washington DC, November 4th, 2 PM. Freedom Plaza. Cosponsored by USCPR and other organizations.
cont. (The file is too big to show as a list)
dates protests for 10/28, 10/29, 10/30, 11/4 (my list updated to ones that are now available)
MAKE SURE TO DOUBLE CHECK ON WEBSITE FOR CORRECT DATES, TIMES, AND CITIES + LINKS (underlined cities have links to their info!!!!)
separated by major city and then date (some differences)
by major city
Washington, D.C. MARCH ON WASHINGTON 11/4 -- London, UK 10/28 -- Toronto, ON -- NEW YORK CITY 10/28 -- Austin, TX 10/29 -- San Francisco, CA 10/28 -- Portland, OR 10/28
by date
Atlanta, GA -- Dallas, TX -- Champaign, IL -- Roseburg, OR -- London, UK -- NEW YORK CITY -- Orono, ME -- Portland, OR -- San Francisco, CA -- Vancouver, BC -- Roseburg, OR
10/29 SUNDAY
Newark, NJ -- Austin, TX 10/29 TEXAS CAPITOL -- Colorado Springs, CO -- Denver, CO -- Irvine, CA -- London, UK -- McAllen, TX -- Orlando, FL -- Ottawa, ON -- Salinas, CA -- San Antonio, TX --Scranton, PA -- Toronto, ON -- Worcester, MA
10/30 MONDAY
Baltimore, MD --Manhattan, KS -- Albany, NY
boycott starbucks, mcdonald's, disney+ to support palestine
no buying day (economy free) nov. 18th worldwide boycott to free palestine
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six-of-snakes · 4 months
aftg oc time? okay. sure.
James Verrace
plays guitar and drums
raised outside of Boston (think fairly rural MA, but within driving distance of the city)
allergic to animals with fur, regularly volunteers at animal shelters
their exy trading cards (those are a thing, right? we're making them a thing if they're not) are them holding a cat in one arm and their racquet in the other
went to a college in NY for exy & majored in engineering
dyslexic & has mild depression (the animals help- esp. cats)
listens to audiobooks, especially nonfiction/autobiographies, ESPECIALLY queer history ones
graduated at 22, signed with the Boston Devils (yes i created a pro team sue me) immediately afterwards
has been out since their sophomore year of high school, but only really embraced being queer in college, when they met El & Xander (and later, Maria Estella)
dyes their hair themself, usually at ridiculous hours
shows up to playoff games with their team's colors dyed into their hair, has been doing this since high school and refuses to stop now
okay probably important if i tell you about el and xander so:
El Richards
engineering major, which is how he met James
went to the same college as James, and they veryyy briefly dated, but decided to stay friends
plays 0 exy, but does theater. she had a ton of lead roles in highschool, minored in theater arts, and ended up teaching high school theater/math in a school in western mass
Xanth Wheeler
bio major, going into med school
played exy in college bc it got him a scholarship and he needed to get away from his parents
stopped playing after college, and is now going to med school somewhere on the east coast
ps ask me about them pleaseeeee
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