#Boxer dog common issues
ilovemyboxers2 · 1 year
Boxer Dog Health Common Issues and Preventative Care
Learn about the most common health concerns that affect Boxer dogs and discover preventive measures to keep them in top shape.
Boxers are known for their loving personalities and loyalty. But what you may not know is how important preventative care is for keeping your Boxer healthy. As your trusted companion, it’s essential to be aware of the common health issues that can afflict a Boxer and what preventative measures you can take to ensure your Boxer stays healthy and happy. In this guide, we’ll explore the boxer’s…
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wisteriagoesvroom · 3 months
HI LOVE!!!💖💖💖
pathetic + carcar <3
Oscar sits. The bed is firm beneath his palms. Carlos is on his knees.
The other man’s mouth is parted, gently pliant in a way he never is anywhere else. He's usually this way, crawling to Oscar in his need. Demanding with his touch, on edge after a race, after one of their racing incidents.
If Oscar were unkind, he might think Carlos, still bereft of a seat for '25, was starting to cause on track run-ins with him deliberately. For what reason, Oscar doesn't know, and Oscar doesn't wish to entertain that train of thought because it was a nonstop bullet to nowhere good.
Unfortunately though, he has always enjoyed driving on the limit.
"Is this how you like it? How you need me?” Carlos says, acrid with disgust. With Oscar, with this, with himself — who’s to say.
“I don’t need anything from you.” Oscar replies.
Carlos’s laugh is hollow. “That is a lie. I think you find a strange happiness in leaving me unsatisfied."
Oscar doesn't respond. Just peers at Carlos with his most neutral expression, mind turning. Piecing together the puppet that is Carlos. Heart too big. Talent overshadowed by others. The obvious and barely concealed inferiority issues that might as well leave the man bleeding openly on the side of the track.
Alpine 2022 means Oscar has had too close a brush to irrelevance, and he knows a little something about being unwanted. He has broken his ribs. Understands plenty about silent injury. How to push through pain. It's just the way it is, kid. Mark had said once. Luck of the draw. The words ring in his ears, in the silence.
Perhaps they have more in common than he wants to believe. Perhaps this is why he and Carlos compel each other.
"You are so quiet. I don't know who are you are fooling with your act." Carlos says, under his breath, perhaps more to himself than to anyone else. Trying to bait Oscar, twisting the nail with hope that it hurts.
Carlos clambers up from the floor, bringing himself eye to eye with oscar. "If they only knew what you are like in here, the way you beg me to let you come, the way you look when I–"
Oscar finds himself bored of this. The excessive verbiage, the posturing, when they could just call this what it is. A bad habit. A need.
Besides, Carlos’s arousal is evident the strain of his boxers, the deep maw of his eyes.
So Oscar peers steadily up at Carlos, and spits into his open mouth.
Carlos looks as if he's been slapped. There's a flash of danger in his expression.
Oscar counts upwards. The room is so silent that Oscar thinks there’s an element of truth to that saying about a pin being dropped. Oppenheimer could rise from the dead and remake his bomb, and neither man would probably move.
Then Carlos lunges at Oscar. Kisses him, shoves Oscar so hard back onto the bed that Oscar can barely breathe.
If it's destruction that Carlos wants, then Oscar can be charitable, just this once. He lets Carlos take what he needs, lets Carlos push and push with his tongue and his hands and his body. Lets Carlos take from him until Oscar's own mouth swells with the ache of it. And still, Oscar does not cede, and never does.
Carlos gasps when he breaks the kiss. It’s the surprising noise of concession, of defeat. But Oscar lets Carlos cage him in, hands at the side of his head, and he lies perfectly still. He doesn’t feel the need to posture all the time, to prove his power.
"Are you done?" Oscar says.
Carlos hovers, muscles tensed with anticipation, waiting for the gunshot. The next move from Oscar to push them over the edge, or end it all.
You're pathetic, Oscar thinks.
But watching Carlos spiral, watching him fall apart in the face of Oscar's glacial indifference - Oscar wonders if he is the pathetic one too.
As the person who keeps the door open for a kicked dog.
Who unfolds his hand, and lets him stay.
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ways my boyfriend and i are jegulus…
me (regulus):
- my birth chart told me to be careful around water and something about an inheritance
- regulus is a star in the constellation “leo”. i am a leo.
- i have a dark sense of humor
- whether i mean to or not, i usually look like i’m glaring daggers at someone
- i used to dislike my boyfriend when we first met, then didn’t want to admit that i thought he was cute.
- i’m a fucking black cat and i hate people. i don’t let people get too close, and people physically make me feel claustrophobic
- i was just told that i apparently snore like how a cat purrs??
- i am the younger sibling, i have an older brother who is a gryffindor while i am a slytherin
- i dont trust easy and i have a small tight knit group of friends who i’d kill for. major fucking guard dog
- i enjoy reading. my favorite genre is murder mysteries
- autism.
him (james):
- wears glasses
- is always fixing his hair
- on the astrology app “the pattern” it said he was most similar to “james potter”
- has red boxers with stags on them??
- has a sun carved on his fucking house, and a stag candle holder statue on his porch
- always tries to see the best in everyone
- “has the ego the size of a lake but a heart to match it”
- still uses pinky promises (art heist, baby?!)
- was dating this girl named “lily” before me…
- fuckin simp
- is the motherfucking sun
- very much ADHD
- we love bagels. it’s crimson rivers coded.
- he’s the only person to get me to fold. i get flustered so easily but literally only by him?? i either forget how to speak or he says something cute and i go “shut the fuck up”
- before i read choices, i was going through A LOT. we had a conversation about how i felt like i was the common denominator so i must be the issue. choices also made me realize that i was a regulus kinnie
- before i read art heist, baby! i freaked out and said that people always leave. i expect it at this point. i have ✨abandonment issues✨ and tbh i was just enjoying all the time i could with him before i thought he was gonna leave. i was grateful i at least had him (he has not left yet)
- i have a hard time with sleep. i sometimes have to dr*g myself in order to knock out. i started sleeping over his dorm this past semester and i didn’t need anything. i felt safe. i fell asleep to his breathing and the beating of his heart. i just read this part of only the brave and my jaw dropped.
- our tropes are pretty much: grumpy/sunshine, hurt/comfort, slowburn, who did this to you?, friends to lovers
- “i’m not letting you go back there”. a situation happened this past semester where i was trapped in an inhumane living situation. it got so bad that one day i was secretly moving out but became physically stuck in there. he barged in and rescued me. it was the equivalent of james potter storming grimmauld place to rescue regulus black from bellatrix ft rodolphos, walburga, and lucius
- i got him to cosplay jegulus with me and we’re really cute :)
anyways…. he doesn’t know the marauders lore except for what i tell him but we discover more and more parallels constantly and it’s gotten to the point where it genuinely freaks me the fuck out. we are jegulus. sunseeker variants. starchaser reincarnated. hopefully this won’t end in tragedy
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hayleythecannibal · 1 year
Twisted Minds: Chapter Five Coquilles
TW: Crime scenes, Yelling, Blood, Gore, Religious themed crimes, Cancer
Warning this is Fem!reader. You can also find this on Wattpad and A03 under the name @HayleyMarieOfficial. Comment if you want to be added to the taglist.
Taglist: @punkin-time @miaowkitty
Twisted Minds Masterlist
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The BLACK STAG slowly lumbers down the vacant rural road. it is walking directly behind... WILL GRAHAM.
His eyes are glassy and vacant. He's clad in boxers and a white t-shirt, coming directly from bed. He walks on the gravel, barefoot, seemingly unaware of the BEAST behind him. Will Graham looks up at the BRIGHT MOON overhead, his HEARTBEAT and CIRCULATORY SYSTEM a DIN in his ears. He stops, swaying ever so slightly at his ankles. The BLACK STAG slows to a stop. Its SNOUT nudges Will's arm, dangling at his side. Will doesn't react, his arm only barely moves.
It stretches into the night in front of Will, VIBRATING IN AND OUT OF FOCUS as BEAMS OF LIGHT cut through the darkness. He instinctively holds up his arm to shield his eyes from the glare of the BRIGHT HEADLIGHTS. they belong to an approaching POLICE CAR. It rolls to a stop. TWO POLICE OFFICERS step out of either side of A POLICE CAR. "Are you lost?" one of the officers ask me as i rub my eyes in confusion, "What?" I ask confused to how i got here, "What's your name?" the officer asks "Will Graham" I respond still confused, Did I sleep walk? "You know where you are, Mr. Graham?" The officer asks me, I look around and shake my head. "No." I say rubbing my face tiredly, "Where do you live?" The officer asks watching me closely. "Wolf Trap, Virginia." I say blinking sleepily, "We're in Wolf Trap. So that's good. You're close to home. Is that yours?" The officer says as he points his flashlight behind me,  I slowly glance over to see, not the BLACK STAG of my nightmare, but the tail-wagging concern of WINSTON. "Hi, Winston." I say gently petting him, Winston can barely contain himself, worried about Will. As his dog nudges Will, he becomes aware he is in mild pain. "Can I sit down? My feet are sore." I ask looking up from my dog, "Why don't we take you home?" The Officer offers and I nod.
I slide in followed immediately thereafter by Winston. A standard-issue wool blanket wrapped around my shoulders, I pluck gravel out of my feet while trying to keep Winston from licking his wounds and his face. One of the POLICE OFFICERS hover over him, flashlights shining politely. "Are you on any drugs, medications? Prescription or otherwise?" He asks me, "No." I say shaking my head and petting Winston,  "Have you been drinking?" The officer asks,  "No. Yes. Not excessively. I had two fingers of whiskey before bed." I say shaking my head.  "Do you have a history of sleepwalking, Mr. Graham?" He asks me shining his he light in my eyes slightly.  I shakes My head no.
"I'm not even sure I'm awake now."
Hannibal wears his bathrobe, having been roused from sleep. Will stands nearby, fully clothed, relatively bright eyed. "Although I may be, is it safe to assume you're not sleepwalking now?" Hannibal asks Me, I sigh "I'm sorry it's so early." I apologize feeling bad that I came so early in the morning. "Never apologize for coming to me. Office hours are for patients. My kitchen is always open to friends." Hannibal says as he pours Me a cup of coffee. "Onset of sleepwalking in adulthood is less common than in children." Hannibal explains as he hands me my cup of coffee.  "Could it be a seizure?" I ask taking a sip of my coffee, "I'd argue good old-fashioned post traumatic stress. Jack Crawford has gotten your hands very dirty." Hannibal says as he pours himself a cup. "Wasn't forced back into the field." I say leaning against Hannibal's counter and take another sip of my coffee. "I wouldn't say forced. Manipulated would be the word I'd choose." Hannibal says as he still prepares his coffee. "I can handle it." I say not really sure if i actually believe what i said. "Somewhere between denying horrible events and calling them out lies the truth of psychological trauma." Hannibal says as he finishes making his coffee. "So I can't handle it?" I say with a look in my eyes saying 'well shit'. "Your experience may've overwhelmed ordinary functions that give you a sense of control." Hannibal says looking up at me, no shit. "If my body is walking around without my permission, you'd say that's a loss of control?" i say sarcastically and chuckling. "Wouldn't you? Sleepwalkers demonstrate a difficulty handling aggression. Are you experiencing difficulty with aggressive feelings?" Hannibal says as he takes a sip of his coffee, i join him in that sip.  I think long and hard about that, then: "You said Jack sees Me and Y/N as fine china used for special guests. Well I'm Beginning to feel more like an old mug." I say walking slowly towards him and then lean on his counter. "You entered into a Devil's Bargain with Jack Crawford. Takes a toll." He says taking another sip of his coffee. i tilt My head chuckling, "Jack's not the devil.", "When it comes to how far he's willing to push you to get what he wants, Jack's certainly no saint.' he says looking at me with a knowing look. I take that in...
TRENTON, NEW JERSEY - Y/N'S P.O.V. - Jack Crawford, Will Graham, And Dr. Y/N L/N move through the gauntlet of shell-shocked LOCAL POLICE OFFICERS and F.B.I. AGENTS milling about CORONER'S VANS and POLICE CARS. "Room was registered to John Smith, along with every other room here." Jack says as we walk through the sea of people and i roll my eyes "Appalling failure of imagination." I say shaking my head. "They paid with cash. No security cameras on the premises. The motel practically advertises it." Jack says as all three of us pull on medical grade gloves. "John Smith one of the victims?" Will asks as he looks over and smiles at me, i smile back kindly and with a blush from the cold, and maybe because of him. "Mr. and Mrs. Anderson according to the register. Mutilated, displayed. Thought it might be the Chesapeake Ripper but no surgical trophies were taken." Jack says leading us towards the crime scene. (then) "I need you to prepare yourself." Jack says to us seriously, "I'm prepared." Will says looking over at jack then at me, i nod my head in agreance. 
 "Prepare yourselves some more. It's soup in there." Jack says still seriously. "Soup isn't good for the soul." Will says tilting his head chuckling, i chuckle a little too as i start to zone out. "Not this soup. No jurisdictional rivalry here. Local Police practically begged us to take it." Jack says as he notices  My haze, Jack snaps fingers to get My attention. "Where's your head?" Jack asks as he snaps me out of my drowsy state. "On my pillow. I didn't sleep." I say as I yawn, truth is i had a nightmare last night, a truly horrific one. "Got just the thing to wake you up." Jack says as we enter the crime scene.
Jack Crawford, Will Graham, and Dr. Y/N L/N ENTER to find BRIAN ZELLER taking photographs of the crime scene. THE DEATH TABLEAU TWO BODIES, one male, one female, kneel on either side of the bed. The FLESH OF THEIR BACKS has been cut down the middle, each side peeled back in a LARGE FLAP, which rise outstretched like WINGS. Hooks in the skin tied to hooks in the ceiling and walls with FISHING LINE SPREAD the "wings." Wrists are bound in front of them also with FISHING LINE, raised in mock prayer. VICTIMS' heads loll on their necks. Zeller photographs the dorsal wounds of the victims as BEVERLY KATZ navigates the fishing line to take samples from the crumpled bed sheets that were clearly slept in. JIMMY PRICE is dusting an OPEN BOTTLE OF SCOTCH and THREE GLASSES on a small table for fingerprints, one is still full. 
"Okay. I'm awake." I say staring at the horrific scene before me, its Morbidly Beautiful. "Hooks were bored into the ceiling. Fishing line was used to hold up the bodies and parts of bodies." Jack says as he points out what he's saying, "Least we know he's a fisherman." Bev says, i look over at her and give her a warm smile. "And or a Viking." Jimmy says tilting his head as he looks at the bodies. Zeller looks at him strangely, "Vikings do this?" He asks still giving Jimmy that look. "Vikings Used to execute Christians by breaking their ribs and bending them back so they looked like wings. Then they'd rip out their lungs. Called it a Blood Eagle." Jimmy explains in an almost excited tone. I stare at the bodies "Pagans mocking the God Fearing." Will says beside me. "Who's mocking who here?" Jack asks standing infront of the bodies blocking my view. "No He Isnt mocking them. He's transforming them." I say blankly, "I don't know if it was a good night's sleep, but he slept here. Hair on the pillow and the sheets are still damp. He's a sweater." "Madness slept here last night." Will says quietly to me and i agree. Beverly indicates the small pool of vomit on the edge of the bed washing onto the night stand. "He threw up on the night stand." "Couldn't stomach what he did? Flop sweat and nervous indigestion." Jack suggests i shake my head, "Not nervous. Righteous. Thinks he's elevating them somehow, making them better than how he saw them. I need a plastic sheet to cover the bed." I say looking at the bed.
A RUBBER EVIDENCE SHEET covers the entire bed, creating a barrier to evidence tampering. Will Graham lays back on the bed Next to Y/N, glancing down at the man-made monsters at his feet. Will Graham takes a breath, exhales. "This is not who you are. You are more now than what you were." A PENDULUM It swings in the darkness of Their minds. FWUM. FWUM. FWUM.
The PENDULUM arcs through FRAME, wiping away in its wake the gush of BLOOD STAINS on the bed. FWUM. The PENDULUM swings again, wiping away the fishing wire and the hooks. FWUM. The PENDULUM ARCS REVEALING the MALE and FEMALE VICTIMS are now pre-skinning, kneeling in supplication by the bed. I watch with restrained awe as I narrate: "This is my gift to you."
Y/N'S P.O.V.
The Male and Female Victims' backs simultaneously SPLIT AND OPEN, UNFOLDING INTO OUTSTRETCHED WINGS in one graceful, elegant, horrifying movement. BACKLIT FISHING LINES extend from the WINGS like BIBLICAL RAYS OF LIGHT. "I allow you to be Angels."
"Now I lay me down to sleep."  Will closes his eyes...
Beverly Katz runs a small PLASTIC TOOL along the flap of skin hanging off the exposed muscle of Mrs. Anderson's back. Brian Zeller carefully removes the fish hooks one by one, dropping them into a pan with a PLINK... PLINK... PLINK. "...and gives us wings where we had shoulders smooth as ravens' claws." Beverly says as she gazes at the corpse, "Robert Frost?" Zeller questions titling his head, i roll my eyes and shake my head. "Jim Morrison." Will says looking at me as I was about to say the same, Great minds think alike.  "Even a drunk with a flair for the dramatic can convince himself he's God. Or the Lizard King." Bev says glancing up to where me and Will are positioned.  "God makes angels. Jesus was fond of Fisherman. Are we going hard core Judeo-Christian upsetting or just upsetting in general." Jimmy says watching 
"This is a very specific upsetting." I say tilting my head and crossing my arms "Increase of serotonin in the wounds is much higher than the free histamines so she lived for about 15 minutes after she was skinned." Zeller says looking at the wounds of 'Mrs. Anderson',  Jimmy Price ENTERS from his WORK BAY, having just identified: "The powder residue on the neck of the soda bottle was Vecuronium. Scotch'n soda'n a paralytic agent." Jimmy says as he looks from his clip board to us "Had them kneeling in supplication at the feet of G dash D." Zeller points out, "Supplication is the most common form of prayer. Gimme-gimme-gimme." Jimmy says looking over at Zeller. "They weren't praying to him. They were praying for him. He's afraid." Will says leaning on the exam table I'm sitting on. 
"What is somebody who could do something like this afraid of?" Beverly says as Several answers fly through My mind and I'm sure Will's, but the clearest is: "What's in his vomit?" Will asks Looking at Bev, "Dexamethasone... kepra..." She says as she reads off the toxicology report. "He was epileptic. Radiation?" Zeller questions, "Gamma four." Bev says looking up at him. "Steroids for inflammation. Anti-convulsants for seizures. Radiation from chemotherapy. Our guy has a brain tumor." Zeller says which confirms my hunch and I'm sure Will's as well. "He's afraid of dying in his sleep. He makes Angels to watch over him." I say gazing at the bodies, seeing their true meaning.
Hannibal stands over Will on the second floor, scanning the shelves for a particular book on NEUROLOGY. He pulls it. "There's no one and only spiritual center of the brain. Any idea of God comes from many areas of the mind working together in unison." Hannibal says as he climbs down the ladder then tosses the book to Will. "Maybe I'm wrong. How do you profile someone who has an anomaly in their head changing the way they think?" Will says as he peruses the book in his hands. "A tumor can definitely affect brain function, even causing vivid hallucinations. However, what appears to be driving your Angel Maker to create heaven on Earth is a simple issue of mortality." Hannibal says as he studies Will, "Can't beat God, become him." Will tilts his head questioningly, "You said he was afraid." Hannibal says looking downwards,
"He feels abandoned." Will says looking up from the book but not at Hannibal. "Ever feel abandoned, Will?" He questions raising an eyebrow, Will shakes his head snickering "Abandonment requires expectation." Will says smirking humorously.  "What were your expectations of Jack Crawford and the F.B.I.?"  Hannibal asks as he also skims one of his books, "Jack hasn't abandoned me." Will says as he sets the book on Hannibal's desk. "Not in any discernible way. Perhaps in the way Gods abandon their creations." Hannibal asks closing the book in his hands, "Well, this should be interesting. Please proceed, Doctor." Will says leaning on Hannibal's desk.
"You say he hasn't abandoned you yet Jack gave you his word he would protect your head space. Yet he leaves you to your mental devices. And Jack leaves Y/N with her mind even when he knows she shouldn't be alone with it," Hannibal explains as he sets the book down, "Are you trying to alienate me from Jack Crawford?" Will asks Gazing curiously at Hannibal. "I'm trying to help you understand this Angel Maker you seek." Hannibal explains as he gazes back at Will,  "Help me understand how to catch him." Will says grabbing his coffee off Hannibal's desk.
"If he were a classic paranoid schizophrenic, you might be able to influence him to become visible." Hannibal suggests slyly, "Scare him out into the daylight."  Will says shaking his head and setting his coffee back down. "Might even get him to hurt himself if he hasn't already." Hannibal says with no seeming remorse, "If he were self-destructive, he wouldn't be so careful." Will says looking back at him curiously. "Unless he's being careful about his self-destruction. He's making angels to pray over him when he sleeps. Who prays over us when we sleep?" Hannibal asks Will, who does not know the answer to that question.
A CORPSE of a MAN has been mounted on scaffolding covered in plastic sheets creating a divine luminescing from behind. Lines of blood streaking the transparent plastic sheets serve as a corona of sorts emanating down from the angel wings. Beneath the ANGEL CORPSE, a crumpled, stained mattress. Will and Y/N are captivated in the scenes macabre beauty as Jack Crawford approaches. Brian Zeller, Beverly Katz and Jimmy Price don their gloves. "Why angels?" Jack asks as he approaches, i jump slightly but quickly recover and turn to him. "It isn't Biblical. His angels have wings. In sculpture and paintings, angels fly, but not in the Bible." I say recalling my partially christian partially catholic upbringing. "He's drawing from secular sources." Jack says looking back and forth between me and Will and the Body.
"His mind has turned against him and there's no one there to help." Will says as he  just stares at the hanging fiery angelic body from the scaffolding. Brian Zeller carefully picks up a pair of SEVERED TESTICLES. "Are those? What are those?" Jimmy says squinting his eyes, i look over at the severed parts and my eyes widen for a second before going back to their once calm and collected state. "Someone got an orchiectomy cheap." Zeller says as Beverly shines her flashlight at the SECURITY GUARD'S crotch. "Doesn't look like the victim." She says looking at the body and the severed testicles. "So Their the Angel Maker's?"Jimmy suggests, Beverly looks at him in disbelief, "He castrated himself?!?" She says in a shocked tone. "He's not just making angels, he's getting ready to become one. Angels don't have genitalia." I say explaining off of their confused looks, "So He was afraid of dying and now he's getting used to the idea?" Jack asked confusedly as  he turns to me, "He's accepted it or he's bargaining." Will says stressed and scratching his neck. "Some bargaining chips." Zeller says sarcastically, i roll my eyes and start getting stressed out when Jack starts getting in my personal space.  "Does that mean he's done making angels or just getting started." Jack says as i hang my head, my head is pounding and my sight is blurry from stress. "I don't know." I say quietly, Will notices that something is not right with me in the moment.
"He's not just killing when he gets sleepy. How is he choosing them?"  Jack asks seriously "I don't know. Ask him." Will says as he tries to inconspicuously  calm me down from whatever's happening in my head. "I'm asking you Two." Jack says seriously, "You're the head of the Behavioral Science Unit, Jack. Why don't you come up with your own answers if you don't like Ours." I say frustratedly and overly-stressed,  A stillness washes over Zeller, Price and Katz with Y/N's blatant disrespect. Jack locks Caroline with a cold stare: "I did not just hear that." Jack says with a cold stare. "No, you didn't. I'm sorry." Y/N says Embarrassed by her outburst, Y/N wonders back over to the angel to collect her thoughts. Jack watches her go.
Y/N stands between the corpses of MR. and MRS. ANDERSON, as alone in the work bay as she is in her head. Beverly ENTERS and leans on the morgue drawer, studying Y/N. "I've never seen anybody talk to Jack the way you talked to Jack." Bev says as she studies Y/N. "I was out of line." Y/N says shaking her head disappointed that she let stress and frustration get to her. "You were out of your mind. My ears rang like they did the first time I heard my mom say the f-word." She says causing Y/N to laugh softly "Are you okay? I know it's a stupid thing to ask considering that none of us could possibly be okay doing what we do. But are you okay?" she asks actually concerned and worried for Y/N.
"Do I seem different?" Y/N asks seriously, "You're a little different. You've always been a little different. Brilliant strategy. No one knows when there's something up with you." Beverly says comfortingly, wondering if something is actually going on with her friend, "How would I know if there was something up with you?" Y/N asks tilting her head and crossing her arms, mirroring Beverly's body language. "You wouldn't. But I would tell you if you asked me. Return the favor?" Bev says smirking kindly, But Before Y/N can answer: "Would the real Mr. and Mrs. Anderson please stand up." Jimmy says as he enters smirking, Y/N looks up as Jimmy Price ENTERS with a file. The moment with Beverly is momentarily shattered. "No? Meet Roger & Marilyn Brunner. May recognize them from such lists as Most Wanted. He likes to rape and murder. She likes to watch." Jimmy says as he hands the file to Y/N, who quickly looks it over. "We have a DNA match. They falsified the motel registry and were driving a stolen car, so it took a second to identify them." He says looking at Y/N and Beverly, "I wonder how long it took Angel Maker to identify them. He didn't choose them randomly." Y/N says looking between the bodies and at her two friends. Jimmy hands Beverly another report.
"He knows something about them. The murdered Security Guard wasn't actually a Security Guard, He was a convicted felon." Jimmy says with an eyebrow raised, "Could Angel Maker be a vigilante?" Beverly asks looking at Y/N, she shakes her head 'no'  "Vigilantes are pragmatic, purposeful. They don't lay down and go to sleep under their crimes. In his mind, he's doing God's work." Y/N says thinking deeply, "That spells vigilante." Beverly says tilting her head, "Well Playing a God has advantages. One of them is never having to be alone." Y/N says staring at Roger Brunner's body. "So he makes Angels out of demons." Beverly says looking between the bodies and then back up at Y/N. "How does he know they're demons?" Jimmy says confused. "He doesn't have to know. All he has to do is believe." Y/N says with a blank stare
Will lies in bed, staring at the ceiling as the ALARM CLOCK blinks from 11:31 PM to 3:45 AM. Will doesn't close his eyes. Finally, his eyelids slowly close under their own weight. Will closes his eyes. A distant, muffled BARKING slowly rouses him to consciousness and Will OPENS HIS EYES. 
Will stands on the roof in his underwear. His DOGS BARKING at him through the open window he apparently crawled through.  Will's growing concern for his new "condition"...
Will takes THREE ASPIRIN TABLETS from his palm and slings them back, chasing with a glass of water. Hannibal observes: "It's hard to lie still and fear going to sleep when it's there to think about. You listen to your breathing in the dark and the tiny clicks of your blinking eyes." Hannibal says watching as Will paces, avoiding the patient hot seat. "I dream more now than I used to." Will says looking around as he paces. "Your dreams were the one place you could be physically safe relinquishing control. Not anymore." Hannibal says Observing Will closely. "I thought about zipping myself into a sleeping bag before I go to sleep, but it sounds too much like a poor man's straight jacket." Will says as The STATUE OF THE BLACK STAG near the Patient EXIT draws Will's attention.
He walks toward it. "Have you determined how this Angel Maker is choosing his victims?" Hannibal asks Will with a tilted head, "He doesn't see people how everyone else sees them. He can tell if you're naughty or nice. Or he thinks he can." Will says as he pauses in his steps looking towards Hannibal.  "God has given this Angel Maker insight into the souls of man?" Hannibal asks as he stares at the floor, "God didn't give him insight. Gave him a tumor. He's just a man whose brain is playing tricks on him." Will says continuing his path towards the stag statue. 
"You're not unlike this killer." Hannibal says turning his head towards Will's direction, "My brain is playing tricks on me?" Will says as he reaches out and touches the statue, analyzing every part. "You want to feel such sweet and easy peace. The Angel Maker wants that same peace. He hopes to feel his way cautiously inside it and find it is endless all around him." Hannibal says moving towards Will at a snails pace, "He's going to be disappointed." Will says chuckling knowingly. "You accept the impossibility of such a feeling. Whereas the Angel Maker is still chasing it." Hannibal says as he crosses to study Will as he studies the stag.
"If he got close to it, that's where he would look for it again." Hannibal continues, "I've been trying to reconstruct his thinking, find his patterns." Will explains what he's been doing in order to catch 'the Angel Maker'.  "Instead you find yourself in a behavior pattern you can't break. You realize you have a choice." Hannibal tells Will his Observations. "What is it?" Will asks "Angel Maker will be destroyed by what's happening inside his head. You don't have to be." Hannibal says as he stands behind Will, his NOSTRILS FLARE  on the back of Will's neck. "Did you just smell me?" Will asks slowly turning to face Hannibal. "Difficult to avoid. I really must introduce you to a finer aftershave. That smells like something with a ship on the bottle."  Hannibal says with a slight smirk, "I keep getting it for Christmas." Will says chuckling as he runs a hand over his face. "Have your headaches gotten any worse lately? More frequent?" Hannibal asks knowing he smelled more than Will's aftershave, "Yes, actually." Will says walking away from Hannibal. "I'd change the after shave." Hannibal Says realizing there is more to Will's problems than he knows. But Dr. Lecter's nose knows...
Jack Crawford,  Will Graham, and Dr. Y/N L/N sit opposite EMMA BUDISH , a slightly anxious woman unsure why she is here. "Have you heard from him since he left?" I ask Mrs. Budish, "I left him. And no, he hasn't." Mrs. Budish says looking down, I take a mental note of this. "Why did you leave?" Jack asks her, "Because of his cancer. Makes me sound like a horrible wife." She says ashamedly and sadly. "I'm Sure you had your reasons." I say reassuringly, "I took a leave from work to be with him. I wanted to be there for him. But what he wanted was to be alone." As she speaks, Jack  is coming to the unfortunate realization he and Emma have something in common. "He kept pulling away and pulling away. He made it clear he didn't want me there. Then it wasn't clear. Then it didn't matter why he was acting the way he was." Mrs. Budish says as Will and I watch as Jack pours himself a glass of water and drinks, mind spinning. Me and Will realize he has to pick up the baton of the interrogation as Jack is clearly suddenly distracted. "It was weird for the kids. What kind of mother exposes her children to someone who's losing their mind." Mrs. Budish says  "Was he ever violent, Mrs. Budish?" Will asks Mrs. Budish,  Her hesitation suggests more than a yes or no answer. "He was angry. Never hit me or the boys. I thought when he got weak enough, when the cancer got worse, it wouldn't be confusing for them Or at least less confusing. They could just see him as a sick man, and not someone so terrified."  She says sadly, i feel her pain, it feels like it was unbearable to leave him and take her sons away from their father. "Did your husband's faith falter after he was told about the cancer." Will asks her gently, "Elliot wasn't ever religious. Is he doing something religious?" she asks concerned and slightly stressed. "He may believe he is." I say softly as to comfort her and make her a little less stressed or overwhelmed. "Your husband's dying, Mrs. Budish. Soon. We want to find him before he hurts himself or anyone else." The words coming out of Jack's mouth have a larger import than they did only moments ago. "He had a near death experience. Suffocated in a fire when he was a little boy. Fireman who resuscitated him said he must've had a guardian angel." Mrs. Budish explains shakily, "Where did this happen?" Will asks softly and calmly, "A farm where he grew up." She replies, I look at her with pity and empathy.
Will Graham and Jack Crawford stomp through the dead grass as they approach. TWO LOCAL POLICE CARS and their POLICE OFFICERS wait in the background.  Will Graham and Jack Crawford walk through a rolling slatted wood door REVEALING another ANGEL OF DEATH hanging in the rafters, illuminated by shafts of light. A stunned moment as Will and Jack take in the horrific image. Jack heaves an annoyed sigh at another life lost. "This will be the last one." Will says as Jack's FLASHLIGHT BEAM flickers across the Angel's face -- it's the same face on the Driver's License seen earlier. "It's Budish?" Jack states more than asks, "He made himself into an angel." Will says as the  Dripping blood from the flesh of his wings draws Will closer.
Jack crosses to the BARN DOOR and shouts to the LOCAL POLICE OFFICERS waiting in the distant field. "Get the Coroner down here!" Will watches Elliot Budish's angelic form from a safe distance. "It wasn't God, wasn't man, it was his choice to die."  Will states as he Gazes upon Elliot's Angelic Corpse. "His choice?" Jack quirks and eyebrow, Will sighs as he nods is head  "As much as he could make it." He sighs. 
 "You feeling a shortage of choices?" Jack asks Will, "I don't know how much longer I can be all that useful to you, Jack." Will says in a realistically wise tone. "Really? You caught three. The last three we had, You and Y/N caught." Jack says trying to reassure Will. "We didn't catch this one. Elliot Budish surrendered." Will says Frustrated, Jack turns to walk out of the barn..."I'm used to not getting information from my wife. I don't need to not get information from you, too." Jack says about to walk out of the barn....but Will's confession stops Jack on the threshold: "It's getting harder and harder to make myself look." Will says frustrated with himself and his mind and runs a hand over his face, "No one is asking you to look alone." Jack says confused as to what Will is saying. "But I am looking alone except for Y/N. And you know what looking at this does. Not only to Me but to her too." Will says almost desperately, "I know what happens when you don't look. So do you." Jack says giving Will a knowing stare.
"I can make myself look but the thinking is shutting down." Will says trying desperately to make Jack understand. "What is it about this one?" Jack asks thinking its just a quick fix sort of thing, News flash its not. "It's not this one. It's all of them. It's the next one. It's the one I know is coming after that." Will states running another hand over his face. "I don't think you want to go back to your lecture hall and read about the next one on TattleCrime.com." Jack states the obvious, "No, I don't. But that may be what I have to do. This is bad for me." Will says acknowledging that he knows that. "Here whats gonna happen.
You go back to your classroom and there's more killing that you could have prevented, and it will sour that classroom forever." Jack says knowingly, "Maybe. Or maybe I find a job as a diesel mechanic in a boatyard." Will says as Jack Crawford studies Will without saying anything, then abruptly turns and walks out of the barn, leaving Will alone. "If you want to quit, quit." Jack says as he leaves Will alone. Will stands there a moment, stung and reeling from the confrontation, debating on how to proceed. Will Graham turns to see that Elliot Budish is no longer hanging from the rafters, but is now within reach.
Weak from the loss of blood from his self-inflicted wounds, delirious from his tumor, Elliot Budish looks upon Will (not demonic, not distorted, not flaming) and simply states: "I see what you are." He says as he stumbles forward, collapsing in apparent supplication on the floor. Will isn't afraid, his hand calmly goes to his gun as he slowly steps out of reach. "What do you see?" Will asks curiously but unafraid, "Inside. I can bring it out of you." Elliot says as Will raises his gun, training it on Budish but not firing, even as Budish advances. Will continues to back away. "Not all the way out." Jack Crawford is silhouetted in the doorway.
Jack Crawford sits behind his desk, cupping his forehead in his hands as Will Graham ENTERS and quietly takes a seat. 'What do you want, Will?" Jack says exhaustedly. "I'm going to sit here until you're ready to talk. You don't have to say a word until you're ready, but I'm not leaving until you do." Will says sitting beside his friend.
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auspicioustidings · 10 months
Saw your 101 post and had some Thoughts on 141 and dogs...
Price I could see with a probably a Boxer, maybe a Mastiff? Boxers like structure and sureness, not being jerked around. Very loyal and stubborn, but will sulk and pout if you wrong em. Ymmv on watchdog status, anywhere from "hi welcome here are the family jewels" to "you did NOT just try to come near my home". My guess would be Price would encourage the latter.
I so badly wanna give Soap a beagle. Loud, opinionated, put their nose down and never see them again they get so lost in their jobs. No that dog is electing to not hear you call him back he has Things To Do. Regardless of beagle or not, I'd definitely have some kinda working dog. Lots of energy to burn but very loyal and excellent at their Jobs. Rhodesian Ridgeback may be another fun option, and an honorable mention to Bedlington terriers (blue coat and not show cut, he'd never stop laughing at the poor bugger) if you really want a closer comparison
Gaz I have some trouble with, 'cause something makes me unable to pick a dog for him that makes me think I have to pick a dog I wouldn't feel bad about living in a flat. Labs are a solid bet, and I could see him with a very independent spitz, but in my heart I could see him with a retired brindle greyhound. Biggest issue is I know how common that can be stateside and I'm not sure how that extends elsewhere.
Ghost gets the fun split of "what fits best" vs "do we hand you a commonly 'banned dog breed' because of shitty owners" which is one hell of a split. Kinda wanna give him a Doberman for being in both halves of the venn diagram. Also a good fit because for all they have such varied personalities but they're ridiculously smart and will defend their people. Horrible reputation but excellent company when they deem you worthy of it. Can also be Fucking Big and are breeds that are very much visually changed because of people's treatments of them (look tails get docked as a puppy they won't remember that but their ears? That happens much later)
Anon I am giving you a hug and thanking you profusely for this <3 Imagining the chaos when they all meet up with their dogs :')
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proxylynn · 10 months
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{Reposting due to the original post getting lost.}
[Sorry this one took a bit to get done. Between IRL stuff and dealing with mental/physical health issues, I kept getting distracted. I’ll try to get chapter 3 out faster.]
Another dawn. Another day. Another sun rises that barely breaks through the smoky cloud-riddled sky. The HORNER PIE FACTORY is a like gothic pile looming over a warren of medieval streets. Its smokestacks stand tall against the skyline, venting steam and exhaust. Despite the foggy gloom of the industrial city, it is home to common wildlife that often follows humanity. Such as cats, dogs, rats, and of course birds. Case in point, one bird found itself taking roost high up atop the factory. Clearly this was a warm and safe place, a possible spot to make a nest even. The sound of a bird tweeting merrily outside is such a lovely tune...till a clock is hurled at the animal, sending it flying away in fright.
“Damn annoying pests...”
The groggy voice of Jack Horner remarks before being cut off by a long yawn and shutting his window. While he does have a family mansion, he often finds himself staying over at the factory in his private living quarters. A smart move on his end was building such spaces for not just himself but the staff too.
“Note to self...The first thing to do with all the magic in the world is render all animals silent. Especially the talking ones.”
He gives a stretch before taking a seat on his bed. His hands rub his face and run through his soft hair.
“Lynn...” He calls out as if trying to get the attention of a distracted dog.
But there's no answer.
“Lynsie!” His voice rings louder, irritation building.
And once again his call is met with no response.
“Woman, don't make me get up and drag you in here!!” He practically roars.
A sudden thud is heard someplace not too far away that is quickly followed by skittering and speedy footfalls. The door of his bed chamber opens and she stands there, disheveled and in a simple black nightgown.
“Took you long enough.”
She stares blankly at him, unfazed by his morning attitude.
“And you just came in without knocking? I could've been indecent.”
Not that he was...kind of. Nothing too crazy about seeing a man in his private bedroom in nothing but his boxers, even if they were an adorable shade of lavender with plums on them.
Her vacant expression at his words has him only getting a bit more irritated.
“Well? Get in here and dress me.”
It takes her a second before she shuts the door, her mind seemingly elsewhere if the 1,000-yard stare she is sporting didn't make it obvious enough. This was a somewhat new part of the routine for them, as dressing him is nothing new. As part of her “punishment” for dabbling in his collection without his permission, he gave her more to do. Things that will annoy and grate on fragile nerves, like waiting on his every whim to the point of it being obscene. The worst part of it, there is no moment or place for her to take a break from his demands. She works under him, at his side, and she has a room near his wherever he goes. There is no escape from being around Jack Horner for her...not that it bothered her.
As if on autopilot she goes about his room collecting various articles of clothing from wardrobes and dressers. He watches as she lays everything down on his bed before getting to work dressing him, starting with his garter socks. Though, he can't help but take notice that something is off about her.
“You're quiet this morning.”
Normally she would've given him a “morning” or “how did you sleep” by now. But she is silent, almost distant. And it's an uneasy feeling. For the first time in a long time, Jack only hears the ambiance of life. The sound of wind against his window. The rustling of his clothing being placed on his body. The pumping of his heart in his hefty chest. And the returning tweets of that damn bird?! It's too quiet!
“Say something.”
The command falls on deaf ears as she proceeds to get his legs into his pants. This doesn't go over well.
“Don't ignore me!”
With a simple flick to her forehead, she snaps out of her trance and back into reality.
“Huh? What's wrong?”
Her confusion makes his eyes roll as he stands up and pulls his pants up fully, buttoning them close.
“Snap out of it. I need you in top form today.”
She rubs her face and looks at the floor.
“Forgive me, Master Jack. It is no excuse, but I failed to find rest last night.”
That made him pause for a faint second before motioning for his dress shirt.
“Insomnia acting up again?”
She holds the shirt open and he slips his arms into the sleeves, straightening it over himself as she forces the straining fabric closer together so that it can be buttoned shut.
“No. ...Kind of.”
Her voice is soft yet hollow.
“I slept. But it wasn't...restful.”
He eyes her for a moment; as if knowing there's more to it than that.
“Yeah, that happens I guess.”
But he doesn't press her further. Letting this slide...for now. She seems to register this and nods.
“I just need a moment. Clearing the smoke in my head. Then I'll be...Myself.”
She helps to put on his vest and button it as he deals with tying his cravat.
“Shall I prepare breakfast?”
He practically scoffs at her question.
“In your state? Please. I can't trust you to not zone out and burn the place down.”
That makes her flinch and she leers at him.
“What? What's with that look?”
“Burn the place down? Really?”
“Are you telling me that you trust yourself to cook right now?”
“I trust myself to not start a fire.”
“Are you sure about that?”
His tone is almost mocking; as if salting a wound. It's enough to make her head lower in defeat.
“That's what I thought. You're not cooking. At least not right now.”
He grabs his trench coat and flings it over his shoulder.
“Now go get dressed and fetch my clock from outside. I'm pretty sure it's still within the grounds.”
She looks at him funny.
“Why is your clock outside?”
“Because the bird moved.”
Her mouth opens to question this but she shuts it and shakes her head.
“You're ridiculous sometimes.”
“Well if birds don't want things thrown at them, they shouldn't be squawking near my window.”
He states it like it's a basic fact of life.
“...Touché, Master Jack.”
They leave his chambers and go their separate ways for the moment, she moves a few doors away to her room to change and he heads down to grab something quick to eat before heading out to the factory floor.
Just another typical start to a normal day for the pair.
[Time Skip...theafternoon]
The factory is alive with the usual signs of work life. The whole place is filled with the sweet smell of confectioneries, as well as the bubbling vats of delicious fillings. The ovens hum, their fires crackle, the conveyors whir, and the sound of industrial equipment echoes through the building as the staff bustle about their tasks. Few casting looks as their boss passes by and in his shadow is the smaller woman who never seems too far away.
It is a normal sight to see now, but one that was hard to get used to when she first appeared years ago.
When the routine melody of the facility was filled with abrupt chaotic commotion with the sounds of guards shouting and fighting to restrain her figure cloaked in black as she bounded like an wild animal through the building. Only was the rampage brought to an end when it was noisy enough to disturb Jack, his presence and demand to know what was going on made her halt long enough for guardsmen to bring her down. It was assumed she was sent by rivals to sabotage the factory or kill him or even just some foolishly try to steal one of his prized magical objects. None expected this woman who had just raised hell to get in to then request a job.
Harder still to believe among them was when Jack gave her a test to see if she was even worth taking on as help. It was something outlandish that would either result in her death or be so treacherous that she'd never return. Within just a month she was back, and with her, proof of her mission being successful. A pouch of golden apples plus a vial of venom and blood from the dragon that guards the apple's tree.
And with that, she became an ever-present figure around the facility. Always at Jack's side, at his beck and call. The rate at which she was found trustworthy and the position she was given seemed very suspicious to the rest of the staff. A suspicion that only now lingers among new hires who find it odd for a woman to be so close to the boss with no ulterior motives. However it doesn't last long, not when it becomes apparent Jack doesn't treat her special. Her pay was no different from theirs, sometimes not even receiving any. Her hours are never-ending. And her duties range from the mundane to the extreme.
It is something almost worthy of pity. Almost. Because it was also clear...She wanted it no other way.
“I hate these trivial meetings...”
Jack mutters to himself.
“But it's not like I want a bunch of stab-happy cutthroats wandering around the factory either.”
“It does let you get out of the office...”
Lynsie interjects.
“You've been stuffed in there for a while now. It's good to get some fresh air and stretch your legs.”
“Eh...That crap is over-rated.”
“Plus you get to mess with others and make them squirm.”
“Now you're speaking my language.”
The pair pass through the building, heading closer and closer toward the main gates. The guardsmen are quick to bring about a carriage, a simple one but still tasteful. A gleaming silver and pulled by two glistening Akhal-Teke. A bit flashy but it never hurts to flaunt your status among the common folk.
The trotting of hooves on cobblestone is a signal to all that the BIG man is coming and it's not wise to be in the way. It's not a bad city either. The business Jack runs created many job opportunities, allowing the area to prosper and thrive. And of course, his more seedier dealings attract others looking to take hold of rare opportunities. Overall though, the people aren't so bad. It's almost fairy tale-esque. Almost.
The carriage comes to a slow stop and the driver alerts them they've arrived at their destination. A quaint pub nestled not too near the city's edge but just on the skirts enough for it to be a spot where the more nefarious types can gather with little fuss. A charming name, too. The Cloak&Stagger.
It is Lynsie who opens the door to this pungent place. The inside chatter falls to a low volume at the strange rumble she reverberates, a faint pseudo warning of sorts as she holds the door and allows her superior to enter. Jack hunches over to enter, normal doorways aren't made for someone his size, but once he's in his presence is ever commanding even when in such an establishment. No words are exchanged as he walks with purpose. Being a frequent customer and a financial aid to the city grants certain perks, such as a private spot that is always reserved for you and you alone. However...
“Ah! Señor Horner! A fine day for a drink, sí?”
Drunkards tend to forget the rules and make poor life choices. Like loafing in something of Jack's and downing what appears to be his tenth bottle of drink if the empties on the table were indeed all of them.
“Lynn, it could be the haze from the intoxicants in the air tricking me, but I see someone in my seat.”
“True. Your eyes are working just fine. I see him too.”
“Such disrespect. It's like the owner doesn't want my business anymore!”
He says loud enough to make the bartender finally notice.
“Oh! Apologies, Mr. Horner! I didn't-!”
Jack lifts a hand and it's enough to silence the pub. Except for the drunk who isn't of sound mind.
“What's the matter, Señor Horner? You look tense. Sit. Drink. You and your señorita need to unwind.”
Jack merely glances down at Lynsie and she smirks up at him.
“Shall I do the honors, Master Jack?”
“Very well. But don't make a mess. We still have business to do here.”
Some of this is enough to get through the drunk's intoxicated mind, probably the all too cheery grin on the woman's face set off danger signs that even a blind person could see.
“My good sir, you're right. Today is a fine day for a drink. Let me get you one of my favorites.”
She skips to the bar and goes behind it, looking around before grabbing a small slender bottle. The bartender doesn't stop her, no one does. They merely watch as she returns to the drunk and sits beside him.
“See this? This is a special bottle. It's got a funny little name too. Some call it a shooter.”
“Really? Do tell, señorita, why is it called that?”
“Well, it's because when you drink from them you shoot it down in one go.”
She demonstrates, tilting her head fully back and bringing the bottle to her open mouth. With that done, she twists the cap off and offers it to him.
“Go on, sir, try it. It makes the effect more intense. Or are you the kind to turn down a lady's offer?”
The scene has to look like a mouse being tempted by a snake. A snake with a voice laced with sweet innocence and a smile that would charm the pants off a pious man. An inebriated mind is no match for such apparent temptation and he's easily swayed.
“Of course not, señorita.”
He takes the bottle from her and raises it in good cheer.
“To señor Horner! And his great taste in finos pedazos de culo..”
(fine pieces of ass)
He brings the bottle to his mouth and her once gentle eyes turn cold.
“Well...Now I don't feel so bad about doing this.”
“¡Sé español, hijo de puta!”
(I know Spanish, you son of a bitch!)
She forces his face forward and shoves the bottle in his rancid gob, her fingers working on his neck to induce swallowing. Horror fills the man's eyes as his throat intakes the bottle but it gets worse. She strikes his neck, collapsing his windpipe around the bottle, causing him to panic for air he can't get.
“You have maybe two minutes before you either asphyxiate or drown as the liquid fills your lungs.”
The man bolts in fear from the table, scrambling for the exit.
“Panicking only shortens your time!”
She shouts as he flees out the door. A few other people slowly follow after him.
“They are so going to rob him when he drops dead.”
“Oh, no doubt.”
Jack adds. She cleans out his spot and he finally takes his seat with a noticeable grimace.
“What's wrong?”
“It wreaks of stupidity and shame. With just a hint of what I hope is sweat.”
She turns to the bar and holds a hand up. A candle with matches inside is tossed her way and she is quick to light it.
“It's a start.”
He leans back with his arms resting over the top of the seat.
“So...Who am I meeting again?”
“I believe you're booked for two. One is a returning hire and the other is new prospects.”
“A returning hire? We don't get many of those.”
“True. But this one is good. Very talented. She's been on the payroll for quite a few jobs.”
It takes him a moment before he groans with a scowl.
As if on cue, the pub door opens and the small figure walks in.
“Ah, speak of the hell cat now.”
She waves the cat over and Jack bites his tongue to keep from expressing his building annoyance in this ordeal. The pub atmosphere rubbed him wrong. The drunk in his seat pissed him off. And now...Now he has to deal with a magical talking animal. Granted it was one he could rely on getting the job done, but still, her bigger-than-she-is attitude wore on his tolerance. How could a small house cat act so big?
“Hola, Jack. Hola, Lynn.”
This was the outlaw and skilled master thief Kitty Softpaws. Kitty is a black tuxedo cat, standing around 2ft tall. Her fur is very dense and smooth. She has a white chest, whiskers, muzzle, tail-tip, eyebrows, and white clawless paws hence her last name...The result of her former owners having her declawed. Her eyes are a bright deep blue with large pupils lined in prominent black, with noticeable eyelashes and underlined with faint white stripes. She carries a fine stiletto dagger, which can somehow extend into being used as a short sword at the push of a button. The blade is worn on a mint green cloth belt. She also wears a decorated mask and a small cape in green, with gold accents, matching the belt. She also wears high-heeled dark brown leather boots that cover most of her legs.
“Afternoon, Miss Softpaws.”
It's the best he's going to give at the moment. She pulls up a large stool just to sit at level with the humans.
“What's up with him?”
She speaks to Lynsie as if Jack isn't there, making his right eye twitch for a moment. Lynsie calmly smiles.
“Master Jack is fine, Miss Softpaws. Merely settling himself after dealing with a rather unpleasant vagabond that was too foolish for their own good.”
“I take it that was the man clawing at his throat in the streets?”
There's no change in either Jack or Lynsie at Kitty's words.
“My, how dreadful.”
“That sounds like a HIM problem.”
Utterly remorseless.
“Anyway, Miss Softpaws...”
“Please, you can just call me Kitty.”
She wasn't into the whole business etiquette thing and hoped the woman would be more casual.
“Heh. Miss Softpaws...”
Or not. Worth the shot.
“This meeting is to discuss your use for another job. Your previous successes in retrieving various objects have put you high on the list for selection. Provided you're interested in doing so of course.”
Her tail curls playfully at this.
“It must be a difficult job for you to be needing someone of my skill. At least you're able to recognize quality when you see it.”
“You could say that.”
Lynsie reaches into her vest for something but her search is halted when Jack puts a hand on her head. He straightens up, towering even when seated, and Kitty senses something is off.
“This job isn't for the faint of heart. But the reward is worth it. Unless of course, you're a scaredy-cat.”
Kitty glances at Lynsie who appears unbothered by Jack now taking charge of the conversation. Whatever she was going for in her vest is completely forgotten about.
“What kind of job are we talking about here?”
He smirks.
“Word has it, there's an enchanted lantern buried in cursed ground. And you know me. It's magic and I want it.”
She chuckles.
“Yeah, that's definitely how you are. So what's so magical about a dinky little lantern?”
His lips twitch as he keeps from sneering.
“It happens to be a skull that was made into a lantern that keeps its fire no matter what.”
“That does sound like it might be useful on cold nights. And the cursed land?”
“Bah. Nothing too crazy. It refuses to allow any light to be made on it. So you can kinda see the dumb fairy tale connection thing about it. Magic light in a dark land. Good thing cats can see in the dark.”
“That is kind of estúpida. Anything else I should know?”
“It's said the spot where it's buried is a where a lone hut stands deep in a gloomy dark forest, a rose bush marks the spot. Typical cliché stuff. So...Think you can pull this one off?
“Please. I'm the best thief you could have. I'll have your little night light in no time.”
“Just one thing first...”
Kitty looks at Lynsie who cocks her brow quizzically.
“This is a real thing, right? He's not just making it up.”
Jack glares.
“Are you accusing me of lying?!”
“I was asking her.”
Jack growls, about to make a move till he feels something brush against his leg. He doesn't look down. He doesn't have to. From the feel of it, it's Lynsie's leg crossing over to hold him down. It's a weird enough move to keep him seated and grateful the table is covered as she speaks though nothing is up.
“Indeed, Miss Softpaws. Master Jack speaks the truth. It is a real item. I forget which fairy tale it is from, what with there being so many, but I believe it's one of those darker stories. You know? The kind with a wicked step-family type of deal that is evil to the main character for bull reasons but it's okay because they get punished in the end and insert happy ending nonsense.”
Her professionalism broke for a moment and Kitty was surprised, not used to seeing this from the woman before. She never could get a decent read on Lynsie. Her animal instincts were always calm around her but there was something else, something in her mind that could sense to be wary around the woman. Maybe it was just a gut feeling. But Kitty is one to never drop her guard fully. And when dealing with Jack Horner, or even someone working for him, it was a must to be on edge and at the ready at all times.
“Then we're good.”
She hops off her stool and bows cutely.
“Adios, Jack. Lynn.”
Jack just looks away and Lynsie waves with an ever-sweet smile.
“Take care, Miss Softpaws.”
Kitty takes her leave of the pub, likely for the better, she's got a job to do after all.
Inside, however, now that the cat is gone, Jack casts a stern look at Lynsie who moves her leg away.
“What was that?”
His voice is unusually low and she sighs as if she was holding her breath.
“I could ask you the same thing. Why did you change the plan?”
She too keeps her voice down.
“I'm sick of her. She's outgrown her usefulness to me.”
She looks at him blankly.
“She finally pushed your buttons too hard, huh?
“She just has to be so damn smug! Stupid magical animal! Thinking she's so damn great! I hate it!”
His fists hit the table with enough impact to crack the wood. The commotion was loud enough to make the pub stand on edge, a few glasses and bottles dropping from shock. She rubs his back in sympathy.
“Shhhhh...Easy now. It's going to be okay. Take a few deep breaths and relax. She's as good as dead. I mean, you did just send her out on a suicide mission.”
It takes a bit for him to slowly ease out of his seething. His hands flex, clenching and unclenching his fingers a couple of times. She wasn't wrong, he really did send Kitty on a mission likely to end with her death. Or at most, grievous injury.
The forest Kitty will be heading into is the territory of Baba Yaga, a ferocious-looking woman who's said to be deformed, an old witch, or even an ogre. Hard to say really as most don't live to give a proper description. She's known to steal, cook, and eat her victims, usually children. A guardian of the fountains of the water of life, she lives with two or three sisters (all known as Baba Yaga) in a forest hut that roams on massive chicken legs, and her fence is topped with human skulls. Baba Yaga can ride through the air in an iron kettle or in a mortar that she drives with a pestle, creating tempests as she goes. The lantern is from the fairy tale of “Vasilisa the Beautiful”, where it was given to Vasilisa and only her, so when Vasilisa's wicked stepmother and sisters took the lantern it hunted them down before it burned them to ashes.
She questions softly and he exhales deeply through his nose.
“What if, when we get back, I whip up a nice hot meal and work on your back? A little comfort food and massage to melt the stress away. Sound good?”
If it was said by anyone else, anyone at all, Jack would laugh in their face and crush that foolish soul verbally with a slew of creative insults for daring to attempt to suck up to him. But he knows her too well. She has no motives other than his own and to make him feel good.
That earned him a heartfelt smile from his assistant.
“So...You going to explain leg thing or not?”
And like that, her smile went away.
“That seemed like the less awkward move to make at the time.”
“Less awkward? You were practically playing footsie with me.”
“I was doing no such thing and you know it! And yes, that was less awkward. Because lord knows my hand on your leg would've been way too much.”
That got some rose to dust his face.
“Excuse me?!”
She rubs her hands a bit trying to not seem perturbed.
“You were getting upset. I knew if you snapped, then your plan would be ruined. So I figured I'd try to disrupt your irritation with something random to get your mind off of it.”
“And that's what you came up with?”
“Well it worked, didn't it? You didn't throw a fit and she went on her merry way none the wiser.”
“I was not going to throw a fit.”
“Don't fib. I know you too well. You would've flipped this table to snap her tiny neck.”
“That's not a fit! That's justifiable collateral damage.”
She snickers as two figures approach the table.
“Um...Is this a good time?”
“We can come back.”
These are the Serpent Sisters, Jan and Jo. The pair look and dress quite similarly, possibly fraternal twins due to them having different eye and hair colors, their faces are quite similar and their long hair is gathered in a braid. Jan has Liz blue eyes, thin eyebrows, and black hair that she lets hang behind her back. Jo has Chuck hazel eyes, thick eyebrows, and dark strawberry blond hair that she drapes on her left shoulder. Both sport matching face tattoos that go down both of their arms, Jan has red rattlesnakes while Jo has green ones. Both wear completely black clothes, black full-button shirts with their long sleeves pulled up to the elbows, and black suspender trousers, the straps being made of snake skin just like their knee-high boots. Jan's are a bit brighter with only one suspender strap that holds up on her right side while Jo's seem to be darker and both her suspender straps dangle at her sides.
Lynsie looks to Jack who merely shrugs and she straightens in her seat.
“Now is fine. Please. Sit.”
The two pull up chairs and take their seats across from the imposing pair in purple.
“So...You two seek to lend your services to "Big" Jack Horner?”
Lynsie's professionalism had returned. Jan clears her throat.
“More like we have a proposition that you might be interested in.”
Jack cocks his brow curiously and Lynsie continues.
“By all means then, make your pitch. It best be a good one. He's a very busy man.”
They give each other a knowing look and Jo speaks.
“Mr. Horner...The man...The big boss...Do we have some info for you.”
Jack huffs.
“Spit it out then.”
The sisters smirk.
“Okay. What if we said we know the location of a certain map?”
“A certain magical map. The one that leads to a certain star.”
Any foulness that was hindering Jack's mood dissolved in that instant. His eyes widened with focus.
“You know where the map is?!”
It is such a sudden shift, how something like this news could turn this harsh man into an excited child.
“Tell me! I must have the map.”
This change in him is short-lived when Jan puts a hand up.
“Hold up. We know how this goes. If we tell you where the map is there's no guarantee you'll pay us.”
“We know where it is. So we'll go get it for you. For a price.”
A bold move on the part of the sisters. Using extortion on "Big" Jack Horner isn't a smart thing to do, but in this case, he has no choice but to fold as they hold all the cards.
“And how much are you wanting? Provided you succeed that is.”
“We're expecting a hefty sum.”
“This is the one and only map to the Wishing Star after all.”
He can feel that spite coming back. He's being teased with the one thing he's wanted most his entire life. It's like dangling a steak over a starving dog. If he could, he would give the order to lock this place down and personally get the information out of them. But he's not prepared for an interrogation and the likelihood of them being honest is low, even when tortured. They are notorious murderous thieves and ruthless mercenaries who will stop at nothing to achieve their goals. Good thing Jack has such a soul beside him. All he needs is a small momentary distraction to allow him to sort things out.
“Say now, would you ladies like a drink? Go on. Treat yourselves. It's on me.”
“Ah sweet!”
Jo nearly tackles Jan just to get to the bar. Jan takes a moment to eye Jack before joining her sister.
“What are we thinking, Lynn?”
He inquires while glaring at the sisters. Lynsie cracks her neck a little.
“I will admit, it was an interesting choice to do such a power play right out of the gate. They caught us off guard. I can respect that. But I take offense to any that dare to withhold what is rightfully yours.”
He smirks.
“How should we proceed then? I have no intent on giving them a single coin.”
She eyes the sisters as they interact at the bar. Jan trying to reign in Jo who's making a spectral.
“The one with black hair is more reserved and attentive. She's the brains. People like that tend to have a limit on how much they can tolerate. I'm willing to bet if a situation goes badly enough, she won't hesitate to throw her sister to the wolves. Now when it comes to the other one, she is more nïave and impulsive. Likely she acts without thinking. You can use that. If this is legit, then that big payout they're gunning for is going to keep them loyal so long as it's worth their while.”
“So...Do I wait for them to steal the map and then kill them, or do I send someone to go with them as assurance that then kills them?”
Her gloved hands tap at the table in thought.
“It might spook them into keeping the map for themselves if we have someone go along, hidden or not. We can't risk that. Right now, they don't seem to understand the significance of the map. This might even be their first magic-based job considering how they're handling it. They just know you want it and you are willing to do anything for it.”
She sits back and lounges with her arms behind her head.
“My assessment...Let them continue to think this is the score of a lifetime. Greed is a very powerful motivational spark. It's also incredibly blinding. They'll end up doing all the hard work because, let's face it, you're "Big" Jack Horner and they want you to pay up that sweet reward money for getting you what you want. Then when they come back, prize in hand or with a trick, we can kill them. Done deal.”
He gives a small sigh.
“After all these years, I'll finally get what's coming to me.”
“And all we have to do is let them think they're getting a ton of gold.”
Hearing that gives Jack an idea. An awful idea. "Big" Jack Horner got a wonderfully awful idea. The kind of awful idea that curls one's lips into a smile so crooked it gives the devil a run for their money. One he had to wipe from his face quickly as the sisters returned to the table, a few glasses in their hands. Clearly, they're enjoying the idea of him paying for their drinks.
“Yeah! Now this is the kind of treatment I could get used to.”
Jo raises a glass sloppily and the splash that comes from the escaping liquid makes the other three cringe, Jan getting most of it on her side.
“Knock that off...”
Jan scolds her sister before she clears her throat.
“Mr. Horner, forgive her, she's...”
Her words are cut off by Jack's scoff.
“It's fine. She's just excited. And why shouldn't she be? After all, I'm going to pay you your weight in gold.”
This comes as shocking news. Jan's jaw drops and Jo spits her drink all over Lynsie, making her snarl as Jack laughs.
“Shut up! Are you for real?”
Jo blurts out.
“You're not honestly thinking of paying them that much, are you?”
Lynsie questions while wiping her face on the tablecloth, playing up a part to make things a bit more believable.
“Do you have a problem with how I do business?”
Jack glares and she lowers her head.
“No, Master Jack.”
“That's what I thought.”
Jack smirks as Lynsie looks away and growls, casting a side leer at the sisters that makes them flinch.
“Then we agree. You two get me that map and I’ll give you a reward so great it's to die for.”
The play on words goes over their heads, blinded by booze and greed.
“You can count on us, Mr. Horner. We'll get you that map.”
“Yeah. And we'll kill anyone that gets in our way!”
Jack just looks at Jan.
“Is she always like this?”
“She gets pumped up when tipsy. Sorry.”
“No. I like it. Go nuts. I want that map and I don't care how you get it.”
Jo slams her drink down and stumbles out of her seat as she heads for the door.
“Whooo! Let's freaking go!”
“Jo! Wait!”
Jan bows her head as she gets up.
“You won't regret this, Mr. Horner.”
She is quick to chase after her sister and Lynsie looks up at Jack with a smirk.
“You're going to use the Midas Touch on them, aren't you?”
“You caught on to that, huh?”
“Heh. You're so bad.”
“Damn right.”
With his business taken care of, Jack gets up from his seat with a groan.
“Good call with the massage idea. My back is killing me. What is that thing made of? Rocks? There was zero lumbar support.”
He bends back a bit and his spine pops a few times.
“Yeah...I think I'm done here.”
“Understood, Master Jack.”
Jack takes his leave as Lynsie goes to the bar. Most cower away as she draws near, especially when she reaches into her vest, but all that comes out is a small but decently filled sack.
“Master Jack will no longer be requiring your services.”
She hands the sack over and the bartender feels the weight it holds.
“This should cover whatever those two ordered and then some. Thank you for your business.”
“Wait! Can't we talk about this?”
“You're joking, right?”
Jack chimes in.
“I pay you to keep my booth empty. If I can find one drunk in it today, who’s to say how many more have sat there on days I wasn't here. I don't waste my time and money on things I can't trust.”
“Mr. Horner, I...”
“Good day.”
“But, Mr. Horner!”
“I said, good day!”
Jack slams the door of the pub shut and Lynsie sighs.
“So dramatic.”
She follows him out and manages to grab onto the carriage as it passes by, a normal thing she expected to happen when Jack's in a hurry. As normal as the carriage making its return to the massive factory. The sweet scent of fruits and baked goods is a welcoming relief compared to the putrid stink of the pub. A new superior location will have to be selected if he is to engage in further meetings...that is, if Jack needed to do so anymore. And why would he? Once the map is his everything else is meaningless.
A single wish. That is what the Star holds. A single rule-free twist-free wish to a single person that will grant one's greatest desire no matter what it might be. Not like wishes from Genies. Those require insane levels of wording in order to not end up getting screwed over and still, there's no guarantee you won't get a messed-up wish. For Jack, his greatest desire is to be the master of all magic. To have it all and leave none for anyone else. This would leave the world stripped of all enchantment. No more monstrous creatures. No more mystical items. No more talking animals. No more myths. No more legends. No more nursery rhymes. No more fairy tales. The only happily ever after would be for him, and him alone.
“Welcome back, Mr. Horner. How was your...”
“Zip it.”
Jack cuts off the awaiting guards at the main door.
“Get me fresh clothes. I can't stand to be in these a moment longer. I wreak of cheap beer and cheaper tobacco.”
Lynsie clears her throat from behind him as she jumps off from the back of the carriage and motions to herself, her being is in gross shape.
“Oh, right. And her too.”
“Thank you.”
He heads in and she follows behind, yet for once she is not so close to him. In fact, she breaks away from him completely. Jack continues onward to his office whereas Lynsie stays in the lower levels. Being soaked in the spat drink of someone made her skin crawl and she wasn't about to stay that way a second longer if she could help it. Jack at least could simply change. She needed this mess scrubbed. Luckily, when one happens to work in a large factory like this, there tend to be certain beneficial areas for employees to use...Like a workout/training room that has attached showering facilities.
She passes by others at lockers mid-change or post-drying off, dismissing the prying eyes as she discards articles of her clothing. She knows this feeling. The feeling of staring, some in lust and others in curiosity. It's nothing new. Her life as a mercenary had her mixing with many a sinful soul. But once she removes her top a new feeling is felt. The feel of watching eyes that are full of pity and horror. Her back is not a sight to be taken lightly. Dozens upon dozens of scars marring her flesh. Made by a lash perhaps? Who's to say? All any who saw could tell was they were very old and were cut very deep.
“It's impolite to stare.”
Her voice sounds empty. Obviously, this is something she doesn't want others to dwell on. But it can't be helped. One can not expect attention to not be given when one witnesses something so... personal.
“H-Hey...um...Is it okay to ask how you got those?”
She continues to disrobe.
“I lost a fight with a very ticked-off cat.”
A lie if ever there was one, but none further pressed it as she disappeared into the steam-shrouded showers. It's a nice spaciously tiled room with rows of shower heads lined up on the walls separated by shoulder-high barriers. Even here she separates herself from the others, tucking herself away at the end and not saying a word. Merely standing under the warm pouring water for quite some time, letting it rinse off the events of the day. Away with the smell. Away with the stickiness. Away with the foggy fleeting memories that come back to haunt her in the night. She rubs her back lightly, her fingers kneading into the divots of her skin, her expression grimacing. Even now, after all these years...she can still feel the sting.
For Jack, his irritation as he refreshes himself is mild at most. The lavender scent of wet wipes is a calming one. And it sure as hell beats the stench that lingered on him before. The discarded layers of his outfit are being casually collected by a guard as another holds fresh linen for him. Temporary threads considering he wasn't heading out again, so it's nothing too bothersome to handle for the rest of the evening.
“Is something wrong, Mr. Horner?”
“No, it's just been a while since I wore these. They're a little snug is all. I'm sure it just needs time to stretch.”
The buttons on his top struggle to contain him. One snapped off and ricocheted around a bit before hitting one of the guards in the face.
“Ah! My eye!”
He couldn't hide the chuckle in his voice. Little moments like the accidental maiming of others were a simple way to get him amused and in better spirits. Not that he wasn't feeling good deep down. As annoying and disgusting as the day had been, it was one of promise. Not only did he send an irritating goon off to a most horrendous death, but the one item he's sought for years, the map to the Wishing Star, was the closest it's ever been to getting in his reach. The very idea brought a childish glee to him.
“Is there anything else we can assist you with, Mr. Horner?”
He simply waves them away dismissively and lets them leave.
He looks down at his hands, wringing them into tight fists as if gripping something that isn't there.
“It'll all be mine.”
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nayajenner · 3 months
What Causes Seizures in Dogs? Identifying the Key Triggers
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Seizures in dogs are a distressing experience for both the animal and its owner. Understanding the potential triggers can help in managing and preventing future episodes. While each dog is unique, certain common factors can increase the likelihood of seizures. Here, we’ll explore the primary triggers that can lead to a seizure in a dog.
01. Genetic Predisposition
Certain breeds are more prone to seizures due to genetic factors. Breeds like German Shepherds, Beagles, Labrador Retrievers, and Boxers have a higher incidence of epilepsy. If your dog belongs to one of these breeds or has a family history of seizures, it’s crucial to be vigilant.
02. Environmental Factors
Environmental changes and stress can significantly impact a dog’s neurological health. Factors such as moving to a new home, a change in routine, or the introduction of new pets or family members can trigger seizures. Additionally, loud noises like thunderstorms or fireworks can provoke a seizure in sensitive dogs.
03. Diet and Nutrition
What your dog eats can also play a role in seizure activity. Certain foods and additives can be harmful, such as those containing excessive sodium or certain artificial preservatives. Additionally, food allergies or intolerances might contribute to the risk of seizures. Ensuring a balanced, high-quality diet is crucial for overall health and seizure prevention.
04. Toxins and Poisons
Exposure to toxins and poisons is a common cause of seizures in dogs. Substances like household cleaners, pesticides, certain plants, chocolate, xylitol (a common artificial sweetener), and some human medications can be highly toxic. Always keep hazardous materials out of reach and be mindful of what your dog might encounter on walks.
05. Medical Conditions
Several medical conditions can lead to seizures. These include:
Epilepsy: One of the most common causes of seizures in dogs, often diagnosed after other causes have been ruled out.
Liver Disease: A malfunctioning liver can lead to an accumulation of toxins in the bloodstream, which can cause seizures.
Kidney Failure: Similar to liver disease, kidney failure can result in the buildup of waste products that affect brain function.
Hypoglycemia: Low blood sugar levels, particularly in small breeds and puppies, can trigger seizures.
Brain Tumors: Both benign and malignant tumors can interfere with normal brain activity and cause seizures.
06. Infections and Inflammatory Conditions
Infections that affect the brain, such as encephalitis or meningitis, can cause seizures. These conditions are often accompanied by other symptoms like fever, lethargy, and changes in behavior. Early diagnosis and treatment are crucial to managing these infections and reducing the risk of seizures.
07. Head Trauma
Injury to the head, whether from an accident, fall, or being struck, can result in seizures. The severity and frequency of seizures will depend on the extent of the brain injury. Immediate veterinary attention is essential in such cases to minimize long-term damage.
08. Metabolic Imbalances
Electrolyte imbalances, such as those involving calcium or sodium levels, can disrupt normal brain function and lead to seizures. Conditions like hypothyroidism can also contribute to metabolic imbalances that trigger seizures.
09. Heatstroke
Overheating can be particularly dangerous for dogs and may lead to seizures. During hot weather, ensure your dog stays cool, has access to fresh water, and avoid strenuous exercise during peak heat hours.
Managing and Preventing Seizures
While it may not be possible to prevent all seizures, understanding the potential triggers can help you manage your dog’s health more effectively. Here are some tips:
Regular Vet Check-ups: Routine visits to the vet can help detect underlying health issues early.
Medication: If your dog has been diagnosed with epilepsy, medications can help control seizure frequency and severity.
Safe Environment: Keep your home free of toxins and create a stress-free environment.
Healthy Diet: Ensure your dog eats a balanced and nutritious diet.
Monitor and Record: Keep a seizure diary noting the date, time, and duration of each seizure, along with any potential triggers. This can help your vet tailor a treatment plan.
Understanding what can trigger a seizure in a dog is key to providing the best care and ensuring a better quality of life for your furry friend. If your dog experiences a seizure, remain calm, keep them safe, and consult your veterinarian promptly for appropriate care and guidance.
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iamdogtrainer · 5 months
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Are white Boxers genetically inferior
White Boxers dogs are more common than breeders would want you to believe. 1 in every 4 puppies are born white. Genetically all lines of Boxers carry the gene that produces the white coloration.
Some of the foundation dogs like Ch. Blanka v. Angertor, a foundation bitch for the breed was in fact all white. We are led to believe that the cause of the White coloration in Boxers is from Albinism.
The definition of Albinism is a human or animal being congenitally deficient in pigment and usually has translucent skin, white or colorless hair and eyes with pink or blue iris. White boxers are not the result of any genetic birth defect; they are genetically normal dogs who have white fur.
Deafness is an issue with White Boxer dogs as opposed to a Fawn or Brindle variety as 8% of them are born deaf. Much similar to the possible genetic issues that affects the Dalmatian breed. No clinical evidence has been recorded showing any differences from a Boxer dog of standard coloration.
Another issue is the higher chances of developing skin issues over its lifetime.
Up until 2005 the American Boxer Club shunned the white boxer and encouraged culling as well as not allowing them to be registered. AKC backed up these ideals for many years. As of recent, AKC still does not recognize the use of white boxers for breeding, they do offer Limited Registration and will assign the dog an AKC number for use in performance events, such as obedience and agility.
Something to note; White Boxers were registered in Germany until 1925. Its is believed but unconfirmed what started the controversy was that White Boxer dogs used in police work were more visible at night and therefore less suitable for guard work and for this reason Germany banned the breeding and eliminated the registration of the white boxer as to eradicate them from the gene pool.
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ataleoftwopitties · 5 months
'TIS THE SEASON FOR THE SNEEZIN' - What causes dogs to sneeze and when should you be concerned?
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sneeze /snēz/ (n.) the act of expelling air from the nose; (v.) to make a sudden involuntary expulsion of air from the nose/mouth due to irritation in the nostrils
Sneezing can be a perfectly normal behavior observed in our dogs, especially since they're constantly putting their noses to work. It's not uncommon for a dog to sniff up something once in awhile that might tickle their nose.
Dogs may also sneeze when they get happy or excited. Every now and then, a "reverse sneeze" can occur when air is inhaled rapidly. This can sound like a snort and sometimes look like an asthma attack, or like they are choking - although it can be scary, this is not at all what is happening and the reverse sneezing usually will subside after a few seconds. Here is an example below:
Common Causes of Sneezing
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Allergies/Irritants - This includes plant particles, dust, or other substances in the air that can cause irritation in the nasal cavity.
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Nasal Obstruction - Brachycephalic dog breeds (i.e. French Bulldog, Pug, Boxer, Pekingese, Shih Tzu, etc.) are more prone to frequent sneezing because of their flat faces and shortened muzzles, which cause compression to their nasal passages.
When to be concerned...
In some cases, sneezing - especially when severe or consistent - can be a sign of something more serious that needs to be addressed.
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Foreign Objects - Some plant materials your dog may inhale can eventually get stuck. Foxtails especially pose a threat during the late spring-summer months, when their spiked leaves have dried out and hardened. Dogs often need to be sedated for foxtails to be extracted from the nasal cavity. (They also can get stuck under the skin, in between the paws, in ears, eyelids, or the throat. In worse-case scenarios, a foxtail can also travel to the lungs!)
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Infectious Diseases - Other substances your dog may inhale could be bacterial or fungal spores. (See my previous posts about ASPERGILLOSIS and CANINE INFECTIOUS RESPIRATORY DISEASE COMPLEX.)
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Nasal Mites - These parasites are reported worldwide. They can either be directly transmitted from other infested dogs, or otherwise found in the environment. An infestation of these in your dog's nose can cause constant itchiness, sneezing, and bleeding depending on the severity.
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Dental Disease - Dogs who suffer from severe periodontal disease or a fractured tooth may develop tooth root abscesses. If left untreated, infection can spread to the surrounding tissues, sometimes causing significant facial swelling that erupt the nasal passages.
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Nasal Tumor/Cancer - Statistically, about 1-2% of dog tumors are found in the nasal cavity - and about 80% of them turn out to be malignant. Because these tumors are hidden in the nasal cavity, they are more difficult to detect. By the time symptoms are noticeable by a dog owner, often the nasal cancer is already at an advanced stage - and due to the sensitivity of its location, surgery is often difficult. Prognosis varies by case, although the median survival rate for dogs that undergo radiation therapy ranges from 6-18 months. As with any type of cancer, the earlier it is diagnosed and treated, the better the chances are that treatment will be successful.
If you believe your dog's sneezing may be due to an underlying health issue, do not hesitate to consult with a veterinarian. Always be on the lookout for these additional symptoms if you ever think your dog is sneezing one too many times...
Frequent pawing at the nose
Frequent licking of the nose
Nasal discharge
Bleeding from the nostrils
Swelling or asymmetry in the face
Difficulty breathing
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generalfacefest · 8 months
Food For Sensitive Skin Dogs
Dogs, like humans, can experience a range of health issues, and one common problem many dog owners face is sensitive skin in their pets. Just like some people have allergies or sensitivities to certain foods, dogs can also react negatively to ingredients in their diets, leading to itchy, irritated skin. Finding the right food for sensitive skin dogs becomes imperative for their comfort and overall well-being.
Understanding Sensitive Skin in Dogs
Before delving into the specifics of food for sensitive skin dogs, it's essential to understand what causes sensitive skin in the first place. Several factors contribute to skin sensitivity in dogs, including genetics, environmental factors, and diet.
Genetically predisposed breeds, such as Bulldogs, Dalmatians, and Boxers, are more prone to skin issues. Environmental factors like pollen, dust, and chemicals can exacerbate skin sensitivities, while diet plays a significant role as well.
Certain ingredients commonly found in dog food, such as artificial preservatives, fillers, and additives, can trigger allergic reactions or sensitivities in dogs, leading to skin problems like itching, redness, inflammation, and even hot spots.
Key Ingredients in Food for Sensitive Skin Dogs
When it comes to selecting the right food for dogs with sensitive skin, the ingredients list is crucial. Opting for high-quality, natural ingredients can make a significant difference in your dog's skin health. Here are some key ingredients commonly found in food formulated for sensitive skin dogs:
1. **High-quality Protein Sources**: Look for dog foods that contain high-quality protein sources like chicken, turkey, salmon, or lamb. These proteins are easier to digest and less likely to trigger allergic reactions compared to lower quality protein sources or by-products.
2. **Limited Ingredient Formulas**: Limited ingredient dog foods contain fewer components, which can help identify and eliminate potential allergens. These formulas often feature a single protein source and limited grains or carbohydrates.
3. **Omega-3 Fatty Acids**: Omega-3 fatty acids, found in ingredients like fish oil and flaxseed, are beneficial for skin health. They help reduce inflammation and improve the skin's barrier function, resulting in healthier and less sensitive skin.
4. **Complex Carbohydrates**: Opt for dog foods that include complex carbohydrates like sweet poatoes, peas, and brown rice instead of common allergens like corn, wheat, and soy.
5. **Natural Antioxidants**: Ingredients such as blueberries, cranberries, and carrots provide natural antioxidants that support overall skin health and immune function.
6. **Probiotics and Prebiotics**: Probiotics and prebiotics promote healthy digestion and can help alleviate skin issues by supporting the balance of beneficial bacteria in the gut.
7. **Grain-free Options**: Some sensitive skin dogs may benefit from grain-free dog food options, as grains like wheat and corn can be common allergens. However, it's essential to ensure that grain-free formulas still provide adequate nutrition.
Tips for Choosing Food for Sensitive Skin Dogs
When selecting food for your dog with sensitive skin, keep the following tips in mind:
1. **Consult Your Veterinarian**: If you suspect that your dog has sensitive skin or food allergies, consult your veterinarian before making any dietary changes. Your vet can help diagnose the issue and recommend appropriate dietary options.
2. **Read Labels Carefully**: Take the time to read the labels of dog food products carefully. Look for recognizable, high-quality ingredients and avoid artificial additives, fillers, and preservatives.
3. **Consider Allergen Testing**: In some cases, allergen testing may be necessary to identify specific ingredients that trigger your dog's sensitivities. This information can help you select the most suitable food for your dog's needs.
4. **Monitor Your Dog's Response**: Once you transition your dog to a new food, monitor their response closely. Keep an eye out for any signs of improvement or worsening of skin issues. It may take some time to find the right food that works best for your dog.
5. **Gradual Transition**: When switching your dog's food, do so gradually over the course of about a week to minimize digestive upset.
Choosing the right food for dogs with sensitive skin is essential for maintaining their overall health and well-being. By selecting high-quality, natural ingredients and avoiding common allergens, you can help alleviate skin issues and improve your dog's quality of life. Consulting with your veterinarian and paying close attention to your dog's response to dietary changes can help you find the best food for your furry friend's sensitive skin needs. With proper nutrition and care, you can help your dog enjoy healthy, itch-free skin for years to come.
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ilovemyboxers2 · 11 months
Keeping Your Boxer Dog Healthy and Happy
Healthcare and Nutrition for Boxer Dogs When it comes to the overall wellbeing of boxer dogs, healthcare and nutrition play a crucial role. Boxers are energetic and athletic dogs that require proper care and attention to maintain their health. In this article, we will explore common health issues in boxer dogs, the importance of nutrition, exercise and activity requirements, veterinary care,…
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meowk9 · 2 years
Boxer Dogs: Characteristics, Care, and Training
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Discover everything you need to know about Boxer dogs, including their temperament, physical characteristics, grooming needs, and training requirements. Learn how to care for and train your Boxer dog to ensure a happy and healthy relationship.
Boxer dogs have a rich history as a versatile breed used for hunting, herding, and protection. Today, these energetic and playful dogs are loved as family pets for their loyalty, affection, and trainability. In this article, Meowk9 will explore the physical traits, temperament, health and care, living with Boxer dogs, Boxer dog activities, breeding, and adoption. Breed Overview: - GROUP: Working - HEIGHT: 21.5 to 23.5 inches (female), 23 to 25 inches (male) - WEIGHT: 50 to 65 pounds (female), 65 to 80 pounds (male) - COAT: Short, smooth - COAT COLOR: Typically fawn and brindle, can have a black mask and/or white markings - LIFE SPAN: 10 to 12 years - TEMPERAMENT: Active, affectionate, playful, energetic - HYPOALLERGENIC: No - ORIGIN: Germany Brief history of Boxer dogs Boxer dogs were originally bred in Germany in the 19th century for bull-baiting and dogfighting. In the early 1900s, the breed was refined to be a working dog for hunting and herding, and eventually became a popular family pet. During World War I, Boxer dogs were used as messenger dogs and for guarding soldiers. Today, they are recognized as a member of the AKC's working group.
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Characteristics of Boxer dogs Boxer dogs are medium-sized and muscular with a short, smooth coat. They have a distinctive square-shaped head with a short muzzle and strong jaws. Boxers are known for their playful and energetic temperament, loyalty to their families, and trainability.
Physical Traits
Size and Weight Boxer dogs are medium-sized dogs that typically weigh between 50-80 pounds and stand about 21-25 inches tall at the shoulder. Male Boxers are usually larger than females. Coat and Colors Boxer dogs have a short, smooth coat that is easy to maintain. They come in a variety of colors, including fawn, brindle, and white. Some Boxers may have black masks on their faces. Facial Features Boxer dogs have a distinctive square-shaped head with a short muzzle and strong jaws. They also have dark, expressive eyes and floppy ears that can be cropped or left natural.
Playfulness and Energy Boxer dogs are known for their playful and energetic nature. They love to play and have plenty of energy to burn, so it's important to provide them with plenty of exercise and playtime. Boxers also have a great sense of humor and love to make their owners laugh. Loyalty and Affection Boxer dogs are very loyal to their families and bond closely with their owners. They are affectionate and love to cuddle, and often form close relationships with children in the family. Trainability and Intelligence Boxer dogs are highly intelligent and easy to train, which makes them a great choice for first-time dog owners. They are eager to please and respond well to positive reinforcement training methods.
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Health and Care
Common Health Issues Like all dogs, Boxer dogs are prone to certain health issues. Some of the most common health problems that Boxer dogs may experience include hip dysplasia, heart disease, cancer, and skin allergies. It's important to work with a reputable breeder or rescue organization to ensure that your Boxer dog is healthy and free from genetic health problems. Exercise and Nutrition Boxer dogs have a lot of energy and require plenty of exercise to stay healthy and happy. They should be given regular opportunities to run, play, and go on walks. In terms of nutrition, Boxer dogs should be fed a high-quality dog food that is appropriate for their age, size, and activity level. It's also important to avoid overfeeding Boxer dogs, as they can be prone to obesity. Grooming and Hygiene Boxer dogs have a short, smooth coat that is easy to maintain. They should be brushed regularly to remove loose hair and keep their coat looking shiny and healthy. Boxers also require regular nail trimming, teeth cleaning, and ear cleaning to maintain good hygiene and prevent infections.
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Living with Boxer Dogs
Family-Friendly Dogs Boxer dogs are great family pets and do well with children and other pets when properly socialized. They are protective of their families and can make excellent guard dogs. Home Environment and Space Boxer dogs are adaptable and can live in a variety of environments, from apartments to larger homes with yards. However, they do require plenty of exercise and playtime, so it's important to provide them with enough space to run and play. Socializing with Other Dogs Boxer dogs are generally friendly and sociable with other dogs when properly socialized. It's important to expose them to other dogs from a young age to prevent them from becoming overly protective or aggressive.
Boxer Dog Activities
Agility Training Boxer dogs are athletic and excel at agility training. This type of training involves navigating obstacle courses and can be a great way to provide Boxer dogs with exercise and mental stimulation. Competitive Obedience Training Boxer dogs are also great candidates for competitive obedience training, which involves teaching them a variety of commands and tricks. This type of training can be a fun way to bond with your Boxer dog and show off their skills. Playtime and Exercise Boxer dogs love to play and require plenty of exercise to stay healthy and happy. Some of the best activities for Boxer dogs include playing fetch, going for walks, and participating in dog sports like agility or flyball.
Boxer Dog Breeding
Choosing a Breeder If you are interested in getting a Boxer dog from a breeder, it's important to do your research and choose a reputable breeder who prioritizes the health and well-being of their dogs. Health Screening Before breeding a Boxer dog, it's important to have them screened for genetic health problems to ensure that their offspring will be healthy. Finding a Good Match When looking for a Boxer dog to breed with, it's important to choose a dog with a good temperament and physical characteristics that complement your dog.
Boxer Dog Adoption
Benefits of Adoption Adopting a Boxer dog from a rescue organization can be a great way to provide a loving home to a dog in need. Adopted Boxer dogs are often already house-trained and socialized, which can make the transition to their new home easier. Finding a Rescued Boxer When looking to adopt a Boxer dog, it's important to work with a reputable rescue organization that prioritizes the health and well-being of their dogs. Organizations like the Boxer Rescue Foundation or the American Boxer Rescue Association can provide you with information about available dogs and the adoption process.
In conclusion, Boxer dogs are a popular and beloved breed for good reason. They are friendly, loyal, and energetic, making them great family pets and companions. With proper training, care, and socialization, Boxer dogs can thrive in a variety of living situations and make wonderful additions to any household.
Are Boxer dogs good with children? Yes, Boxer dogs are generally great with children when properly socialized and trained. How much exercise do Boxer dogs need? Boxer dogs require plenty of exercise and playtime, ideally at least 30 minutes to an hour of daily activity. Are Boxer dogs prone to health problems? Like all dogs, Boxer dogs are prone to certain health issues, such as hip dysplasia, heart disease, cancer, and skin allergies. It's important to work with a reputable breeder or rescue organization to ensure that your Boxer dog is healthy and free from genetic health problems. Do Boxer dogs shed a lot? Boxer dogs have a short, smooth coat that sheds moderately. Regular brushing can help keep shedding under control. Can Boxer dogs live in apartments? Yes, Boxer dogs can adapt to living in apartments as long as they are provided with enough exercise and playtime. Read the full article
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ank01-fan · 2 years
Warning Signs That Your Dog Has a Heart Problem| Cesar's Way
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Like people, dogs can suffer from heart issues; if the problems are serious, they can even die. Protect your dog’s heart health by knowing the common signs and causes, learning how to keep their heart strong, and what to do if a problem exists. There are several warning signs that your dog may have a heart problem, the most telling being sudden collapse and difficulty breathing. If your dog experiences these symptoms and exhibits other symptoms, such as fever or lethargy, they likely have a heart problem. If your dog does not recover within a day or two, please schedule a vet visit for a complete exam.
Common Symptoms of Heart Disease in Dogs
There are several possible symptoms you may notice if your dog has heart problems. Many can be related to other causes, but if a number of these symptoms present together, heart issues are more likely. Vomiting A poor appetite often accompanies this. Swollen belly Typically from a fluid buildup in his organs — including his lungs. Fatigue Your dog is getting tired more quickly than usual or refusing to play. Fainting Because not enough blood can get to the brain. Fever The normal body temperature of a dog ranges from 99.5 °F to 102.5 °F (37.5 C° to 93.1 C°). A body temperature of at least 103.5 °F (39.7 °C) indicates fever. Increase in heart rate In critical cases, you can observe this by simply laying your hand on your dog’s chest. Excessive coughing Especially while or right after exercising or an hour or two before bedtime. Breathing heavily Showing difficulty breathing or while exercising. Loss of weight Weight loss happens with heart disease because your dog loses its ability to store healthy fat. Discomfort You may notice your dog pacing more than usual and avoiding laying down due to pain. Bluish-gray tongue or gums This is due to the poor flow of oxygen.
Common Causes of Heart Issues in Dogs
Heart issues in dogs can come up for various reasons, some of which are genetic and others that are more lifestyle related. For example, breeds like Great Danes and Irish Wolfhounds are predisposed to heart disease because of their size and weight, but smaller species can also get it if they have the wrong diet or suffer from obesity. On the other hand, dogs who lead a sedentary lifestyle with low physical activity levels will be at higher risk for developing heart disease. All of these factors, in addition to the ones below, make it essential to monitor your pet’s weight and activity level so that they can enjoy a long and healthy life.  Old Age Just as with people, the hearts of dogs get weaker as they age. Aging can lead to several different health problems. Injury If your dog is hurt in specific ways, it can damage her heart or cause added pressure that forces the heart to work harder — for example, a broken rib. Infection Various types of infections are known to cause heart damage. These include bacterial infection of the membrane around the heart, parvovirus, Lyme disease, and Chagas’ disease. Diet A poor diet high in fat can make it much more likely for your dog to develop heart problems — especially if you allow them to grow obese. Exercise Dogs need exercise, but you also have to know their limits. If you put too much strain on a dog’s heart, it can cause problems. Breed Some breeds are just more susceptible to heart issues than others. It’s a long list, so consult your veterinarian about your breed or breed mix. The top six dogs on the list, susceptible to three or more likely heart conditions, are the German shepherd, boxer, cocker Spaniel, Great Dane, Labrador retriever, and Rottweiler.
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General Tips for Canine Heart Health
Want to keep your dog’s heart healthy for as long as possible? While it’s impossible to prevent heart disease in every case, there are things you can do to decrease your dog’s odds of developing cardiac issues. Maintain Proper Body Weight If a dog is overweight, it means that his heart has to work harder, and it will be more likely to develop issues. Ask your vet for dietary help and suggestions to help your pup lose excess weight and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Engage in Regular Exercise Consider first your dog’s abilities. Even if you start slowly, work your way up gradually and pay attention to your dog’s specific needs. Regular exercise will make her heart stronger. In addition to a stronger heart, you will notice a decrease in behavioral problems such as chewing, barking, digging, and excessive licking. Pay Attention Watch for the signs and symptoms shared in this article. Your vet should always check for signs of a heart murmur or abnormal rhythm. Be sure to ask your vet about it and follow her advice. Go to the Vet Regular vet checkups are vital to keeping your dog’s heart healthy. Time is of the essence when it comes to cardiac problems. If you suspect that there is a heart issue, don’t delay! Get to the vet immediately for a proper diagnosis and the most appropriate treatment.
Tips for Caring for a Dog with Heart Disease
The sooner the disease is detected, the better chance your furry friend will have of living with little to no pain. Your pet provider can develop a care plan that enables them to enjoy life. Be Mindful of Treats Many dogs with this condition should not be fed human food or a lot of treats. These animals usually have trouble digesting food, and it is best to stick with a set diet. It is also necessary to monitor how much they eat so they do not gain weight which would cause extra stress on their heart. Monitor Salt Intake A side effect of heart disease is swollen belly and water in the lungs. A low-salt diet can help lower this symptom so your dog can sleep and exercise comfortably. Medicine Treatment for dogs with heart disease usually consists of medication to regulate their heartbeat and reduce fluid buildup in the lungs. Your veterinarian may also prescribe additional treatment that could lengthen your dog’s life expectancy, providing them with a healthier lifestyle day-to-day. Pacemaker Some veterinarians may feel comfortable implanting a pacemaker inside your pet’s body to regulate its irregular heartbeat. Pacemakers are most often used for young pets born with congenital heart conditions requiring medication or surgical solutions at an early age. Older pets are not recommended for this procedure because it would be too traumatic for their aging bodies. Supplements Some dogs who suffer from heart disease do exceptionally well with vitamin B supplements. Amino acid supplementation and Vitamin E help them to digest food properly, as well as provide enough energy so they can sleep better. Simple supplements such as these are often available for an affordable price and offer relief for many symptoms of the disorder at any stage of it. Does your dog suffer from a heart problem? How do you help keep them healthy? Source by Read the full article
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socialvinod · 2 years
Top 5 Answers To “Why Does My Dog Smell Like Fish?”
Ever went to hug your dog and got a whiff of something fishy? why does my dog smell like fish? Like humans, dogs too can give off a foul odour at times. A fishy smell is probably the worst. Dogs don’t seem to mind it but you probably won’t feel comfortable with the smell. Spraying a little perfume can mask the odour for a while but you need to get to the root of the issue.
Why does my dog smell like tuna fish?
There’s no single answer to your question, why does my dog smell like tuna fish. The reason could range from a fish-based diet and fish oil supplements to an underlying medical condition. It could be an infection, a dental issue, gastrointestinal disorder, etc. Scroll to learn more about what could be triggering these unpleasant odours.
Common Medical conditions causing a fishy odour
If the fishy smell is something that has come on quite suddenly. It could be an indication of a systemic illness or a skin infection. The most common skin infections that could have such symptoms are bacterial or fungal skin diseases, dandruff, seborrhea and ear infections. The intensity of the odour is usually directly proportional to the severity of the infection.
It’s always best to consult a veterinarian about such diseases. In the case of skin infections, topical lotions and ointments could do the trick. In the case of an ear infection, you can use ear drops but you must be careful as ear infections have a high risk of turning septic.
A yeast overgrowth in the folds of your dog’s skin could be another reason for the foul smell. Yeast occurs naturally but if your dog isn’t groomed regularly, it could accumulate and become a problem. Heavily wrinkled dogs like bull dogs and boxers have a high risk for such yeast infections.
Usually, wiping your dog down after meals and paying a little more attention to their grooming rituals can ease the problem.
Why does my dog smell like fish sometimes – Gender Differences
When you’re trying to get an answer to why does my dog smell like fish sometimes, you must consider the dog’s gender.
Why does my female dog smell like fish?
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If your dog is a female, you may notice her giving off a fishy odour when she is in heat. Though you may not like it, male dogs can find the smell quite alluring. Dogs go through a heat cycle twice a year. This is accompanied by hormonal changes. You’re wondering, why does my female dog smell like fish – but the male dogs sniffing around are taking it as a signal that your dog is fertile.
Why does my female dog smell like tuna fish – could it be serious?
A heat cycle may not be the only answer to your worries about ‘why does my female dog smell like tuna fish’. In some cases, it could be more serious.
Pyometra is a condition that affects the dog’s uterus. It typically affects middle-aged dogs and if left untreated, it could be fatal. Pyometra could even affect dogs who have been spayed. In such cases, it infects the stump of the uterus. Apart from the foul odour, you may also notice a greenish vaginal discharge. The veterinarian may advise surgery in some cases.
Another reason could be Metritis- a condition that affects female dogs that have just delivered a litter. It could also be a yeast infection. If you suspect any of these conditions, you should consult your vet.
It could also be a urinary tract infection. Since female dogs almost squat to urinate, they have a high risk of UTIs. Some UTIs clear up on their own while others may require medication. Make sure your dog drinks plenty of water to flush out the bacteria. If you don’t notice any improvement in a day or two, consult your veterinarian.
Why does my pregnant dog smell like fish?
Pregnancy can cause many changes in your dog’s body. One of these could be a foul odour from time to time. The odour and the discharge are usually not from the vagina but rather the anus. A search for why does my pregnant dog smell like fish leads to the question, why does my dog anus smell like fish?
So, why does my dog anus smell like fish?
Glands in the dog’s anus are a common cause of the fishy odour. Dogs have a pair of anal sacs or glands filled with fluids sitting on either side of the anus. When dogs poop, they naturally express these glands. It is a way for them to mark their territory. Issues with the anal glands develop when they don’t function normally and fill up with fluid. This is a very foul smelling fluid that could leak and smells fishy. The reason is usually the dog’s diet – if there isn’t enough fiber, the stool may be too small and soft and thus may not activate the sacs.
Apart from the fishy smell, you may notice other symptoms of full anal glands such as the dog dragging their bottom on the ground or licking or biting their tail and bottom. IF you notice these signs, consult your veterinarian. Most likely, your dog will need to have his/ her anal glands expressed. With a little practice and the doctor’s guidance, you can do this at home too. That said, don’t try after watching online videos and tutorials – always go to the vet first.
Related post: Click Here
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nextdoor-neighbors · 4 years
Request: Can I request a Fred x reader fic. Maybe George pulled a prank on her and shrunk all he school uniforms and Fred gets real turned on at the sight of her in knee high socks and a shirt skirt and is embarrassed to admit it. He gets mad at the boys ogling over her and gets jealous! Smut maybe?
Pairing: Fred Weasley x Reader
Word Count: 1.4k
Warnings: Oral (male receiving)
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“No. Way.”
You hear Hermione stifle a giggle from behind you. “It’s not...that bad.”
You turn around, away from the mirror to face your friend, tugging down your skirt as much as you can without ripping the fabric. “Look me in the eye and say that again, Hermione.”
Hermione looks you up and down from her seat on the edge of her bed, clearly trying to hold back her grin. “I can’t do that.”
You groan loudly, throwing your head back. George Weasley thought it would be funny to prank you - as he and his twin often did, considering you’re good friends with Ron - only this time, he pranked you by himself, which resulted in all of your school clothes being shrunk. All of them.
“This is so embarrassing,” you sigh, looking at yourself once more in the mirror. Maybe you could just fake being sick and skip all your classes until you figured out a way to fix this. Yet at the same time, you needed to go confront George.
“You’ll be fine, Y/N. The worst that’ll happen is everyone staring at you,” Hermione says, pushing herself off of her bed and looking at you again.
“That’s, like, my worst nightmare, ‘Mione.”
Hermione giggles. “I know, but the longer you stand here and stare at yourself, the later we’re going to be for breakfast. So come on, I promise it’ll be okay.”
You hesitantly follow her out of the dorm, shrugging your robe on and holding it tightly around you, because thankfully, it was the one article of your school uniform that George left alone.
Once you arrive at the Great Hall for breakfast, you notice that mostly everyone is already there, apart from you, Hermione, and a few other stragglers. The two of you head to your spots at the Gryffindor table, where it looks like Ron and Harry saved you seats between them, which also happen to be right across from the twins.
Ron, per usual, was stuffing his face with food, but stopped long enough to say, “Took you two long enough to show.”
“We couldn’t help it, Y/N was having some... issues with her uniform,” Hermione says, and you feel yourself blush deeply as George starts laughing.
“What, did you prank Y/N without me?” Fred says to his twin in disbelief. 
George grins in response, turning to you. “Why don’t you show us, Y/N?”
“Absolutely not,” you say, your face practically burning with your blush at this point.
“Pleeease, I need to at least admire my handiwork before I fix it,” George replies, giving you his puppy dog eyes, which he knows you can’t resist.
You roll your eyes and get up off the bench, pulling open your robe so that your too-tight shirt and too-short skirt are fully on display for your friends. George bursts out laughing, which draws attention from other tables, so people’s heads start turning. You pull your robe back closed, hopefully, before too many people saw.
“Bloody hell,” Ron mutters in awe, which earns him a smack on the arm from Hermione.
“Oh, shut it, Ronald.”
Your gaze shifts to Fred, whose face - much to your surprise - is as equally as red as yours.
“You’ll fix it, right?” you say to George, who exchanges a look with Fred before turning his attention back to you.
“Yeah, eventually.”
“George,” you hiss, momentarily looking back to Fred, who has his gaze fixed on you. Once you sit back down, you cross your legs tightly, trying to ignore the feeling that the look in his eyes is giving you.
“I’m only joking, Y/N. Of course I’ll fix it. However-” he glances over his shoulder at the other house tables, where you see several of your classmates whispering amongst each other, “-I think quite a few people already got a good look at you.”
“Dammit,” you mutter. You can’t help but glance up at Fred again. He isn’t looking at you anymore, but you still notice that his expression has changed, and he looks rather annoyed now.
George was right, though, because throughout the day, you face many comments in the halls, especially after you get distracted by a conversation with Harry on the way back to the Gryffindor common room at the end of the day and accidentally let your robes fall open.
“Nice uniform, Y/N!” a boy from the year above you calls across the hall, sending a wink in your direction.
“Oh, shove off!” a voice says from behind you, and you turn around in surprise to see Fred Weasley, shooting a death glare towards the boy.
“Uh, I’ll catch up with you later, Harry,” you say.
“Can I talk to Fred for a minute? Alone?” you ask George, who agrees and heads off to the common room, as well.
“What is it, Y/N?” Fred asks, annoyance clear in his tone after you pull him into an empty corridor.
“What’s your deal? You’ve looked annoyed all day. I’m not upset by the prank, you know. Sure, it was a little embarrassing, but I’m not mad at George or anything, plus he said he’d help fix it-” you abruptly stop rambling, your cheeks flushing as Fred looks you up and down.
“That’s not it,” he says, quieter this time, his eyes still searching your body. You’re very aware of the way your shrunken shirt strains against your chest and how there’s quite a bit of skin of your thighs exposed between where your skirt falls and where your knee-high socks end. But under Fred’s gaze, you don’t feel uncomfortable.
“Then what is it?” you ask, matching his quiet tone.
His face reddens, much to your amusement. You’re not used to seeing this side of Fred.
“It’s...it’s the boys who’ve been ogling you all day.”
Your heart somersaults as you bite your lip gently, Fred’s eyes trained on the movement.
“And what about them?”
Fred doesn’t respond for a moment, pressing his lips tightly together in his hesitation.
“I don’t like them looking at you like that. I want to be the only one to look at you like that.”
Your breath hitches slightly at his words, shock and excitement and desire all flooding through you at once. You never knew Fred was attracted to you, but jealous Fred? Even better. You feel more confident than you ever have before with your new knowledge, and for this reason, you decide to act on it.
After sending a look either way down the hall to check for any professors or students, you grab Fred’s arm and pull him into the nearest broom closet.
“Y/N, what are you-”
You cut him off with your lips, pushing him back against the wall of the small closet and kissing him hungrily. He responds almost instantly, meeting your passion with his own, his hands sliding under your short skirt and coming to rest on your ass.
After a minute more of snogging and Fred getting rather handsy, you drop down to your knees and start unbuckling his belt. He watches you, eyes dark with lust, as you pull down his pants and boxers to see that he’s already incredibly hard.
Fred breathes your name as you don’t hesitate to take him into your mouth, wrapping his hands in your hair. His low moans make you wet as you bob your head with increasing speed, taking as much of him as you can handle.
You feel him tighten his grip on your hair as he mumbles, “I’m gonna cum, Y/N.”
He releases into your mouth with a low groan and you swallow, wiping your hand across your lips as you stand up. Fred looks down at you, his lips slightly parted with a small smirk playing on them.
“You’re good at that, y’know. But now it’s my turn to show you what I’m good at,” he says breathily, winking at you, but you place your hands gently on his chest to stop him before he does anything.
“Take me back to your room first,” you practically whisper.
“Absolutely. But I have one request, for when we do get to my room.” Fred pulls up his boxers and pants, putting his belt back on and gazing down at you with a mischievous glint in his eyes.
“Which is?” you prompt him, not sure what he’s about to say.
He grins wickedly, placing his hand on the door handle, speaking to you before he opens the door. 
“The skirt stays on while I fuck you.”
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doberbutts · 2 years
Out of curiosity, is Doberman same sec aggression an issue when they’re raised together. For instance, you bring a male dobe puppy in a home with an established male who is good with all dogs. Would as the dobe got older become intolerant of this male dog it was raised with or is the same sex aggression more towards strange dogs
As said, same sex aggression is so common in male dobermans that it's almost a guarantee. So it is possible to do this- to have a resident male of a different breed or that is good with all dogs and then to get a male doberman puppy and raise them together... but it is also always possible that one day that doberman puppy will decide that his male housemate needs to die. This usually occurs around teenager-y age, between 1-2 years old, when all puppies are testing boundaries and sort of turn into punks.
Creed had a male housemate- a boxer 1 year older than him- at about a year old. He and that boxer did everything together. They slept together, cuddled together, chewed bones together, played together, ate together... They were besties, inseparable, they loved each other. Until one day, the boxer (also a same sex aggression breed) decided he'd had enough of his best friend, and playtime in the yard turned into a dog fight. A shout was able to separate them and we kept them apart for some time before trying to reintroduce them. Things went well until one day, Creed ran up to the boxer and began to posture, stiff, as they circled each other. Again, a shout separated them and we kept them on a strictly separated schedule from then on outside of walks, since they both were fine to walk together. Until, one day, I had them both on leash and was about to step off the property with one on either side of me and they both went for each other with me in the middle.
Within about a year of them being together they went from genuinely enjoying each other's company to being completely intolerant of the other's existence in the house. Weirdly, Creed was fine with other male friends he had- a smooth collie of about the same age as the boxer, a shiba a year younger than him, a boxer/dalmatian two years younger than him... but no matter how much time passed we were never able to mend the bridge between him and his boxer housemate.
This is why most decent dobe breeders will not sell to you if you already have a male in the house regardless of that resident male's breed or opinions on male dogs, unless you can prove you have a solid idea of what you're going to do if you end up in my shoes. Creed and Ryder never actually made contact with each other, there were no bites, and the fights they had were just slobber and flash and noise. But what happens when bites do start landing? Do you think you have the capacity to pull two male dogs roughly 80lbs each off of each other when they're genuinely trying to kill each other? Without getting bit or drug down yourself?
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