#Brainy is the New Sexy
literary-chunks · 10 months
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loremori · 7 months
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Martin Freeman (53/366)
Sherlock 2010–2017
Writer & Creator Mark Gatiss Steven Moffat
*Modernized version of the Conan Doyle characters.
T2.E1 A Scandal in Belgravia (2012) Directed Paul McGuigan
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Great 'dialogue exchanges' between characters: N°3 Sherlock vs Morianty (1x3; pool) N°4 Jonh vs Irene (2x1; factory) N°5 Sherlock vs Moriarty (2x3; rooftop) N°6 John vs Mycroft (1x1; parking) N°7 Sherlock vs John (1x1; Rachel's discussion) N°8 Sherlock vs Inere (2x1; final match) N°9 Sherlock vs Sherlock (3x2; best man's speech) N°10 Sherlock vs John vs Mary (3x3; client's chair) *Not good, but very intense.
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criminalisticonsultant · 11 months
Why do you flirt with all three Holmes siblings?
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tigerlyla-of-metinna · 6 months
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Thirsty Thursday: Halsin Silverbough
Serving Daddy Halsin. Brainy is the new sexy. Having a body you'd wanna chew on is a plus!
My PS5 gameplay with photoshop enhancements. (heeeeeeeeeeeeeeee)
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Sisters part 1
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mind control, subliminals, female/female, male/female, female domination, incest
Don’t wanna be
Kenzie loved this song! She couldn’t stop listening to it ... It was running through her head all through class, but she still couldn’t get enough. Five minutes passing period? In went the earbuds! Walking through the halls to that pounding, entrancing beat ...
Don’t wanna be
So fun to be
Don’t wanna be
So fun to be
Her toe was tapping all through Pre-Calc. Her lips were moving, too. Occasionally she almost thought there were words, but ... No. Just a great beat. Nothing she needed to think about. Just to keep listening to ... and enjoy.
Off to lunch! And the beat caught her again.
Don’t wanna be
So fun to be
With her earbuds back in, she smiled at everyone passing. Kenzie was in a great mood today! There was an extra sparkle in the air, and she wanted to smile at everyone. And they were smiling back! What a new and wonderful experience!!
She giggled to herself. “I forgot how much fun smiling was!! Hee hee!!”
Don’t wanna be
Normally, Kenzie was a serious and studious girl. It’s not that she didn’t like to have fun, but she thought a lot about her future. She would graduate near the top of her class, get into a great college, start off on a fulfilling and socially responsible career that also made her financially independent and then ... then she could have fun. Simple.
It’s fun to be
Simple ...
But today she was ... Well, today she was just in a good mood. That’s all.
Don’t wanna be
Brainy ...
It feels good to
Obey ...
Home now, at her desk, and Kenzie had switched to her home headphones—the big ones that shut out all external sound and let her enjoy every nuance.
“Honey?” Her mom touched her arm, and Kenzie ... woke up. She blinked, paused the music, took off her headphones ... languorously, like she was stretching after a nap. “Yeah, mom?”
“You know I don’t like you listening to music while you’re doing your homework.”
“I do it all the time, mom. And it helps. We’ve talked about this.”
“Yes, well ... I’m not so sure about that this time. You were kind of just sitting there. I think you’ve been looking at the same page for the last half hour... New album? You seem obsessed with it the last few days. It’s like the Hamilton thing all over again.”
“Actually, it’s just one song...” she said sheepishly. “But it’s amazing—it’s like I hear something new every time I listen to it!”
“I see. And you’re going to have to listen to it until you learn all the words, like you did with that Guns and Ships?”
“I don’t think there’s any words to it Mom.”
“No? Sounded like you were singing along to something...”
Kenzie blinked. Was she? There was a faint memory...
You wanna be
She giggled. “No Mom. Just humming.”
“Well, take the headphones off for now, anyway. It must be distracting you, you’re not getting anything done. Dinner’s in half an hour.”
Kenzie put the headphones next to her on the desk. But within minutes her hand crept over to them and picked them up again, almost without her being aware of it. They hugged her ears and she slipped back into her light trance, her eyes closing and her vapid smile growing...
You’re gonna be
Cuz dumber is
“Kenzie! Dinnertime, let’s go!”
Wow, where did the time go? She felt ... spacey. And she was ... sitting on the floor, against the wall? When did that happen? She stood up slowly, feeling dizzy. But in a good way. She giggled. Everything seemed sparkly and happy. She hadn’t done a thing with her project, but it didn’t seem important right now. And she felt warm ... like some of the happy sparkles were inside her body.
She giggled again. She was aroused!! Parts of her felt very sparkly indeed! Hee hee!
“Kenzie!! Call your sister and come set the table!”
Chloe! She hadn’t talked to her older sister all afternoon. But she MUST go find her! She must thank her!!
You love to be
She hurried down the hall.
And listen to
“Omigosh omigosh!! Like, thank you for the music!! I love it!!”
Her sister, two years older, smiled... And if there was something wicked in the smile, something predatory, Kenzie was too bubbly to notice. “Oh, I’m so glad. I hoped you’d like it. In fact, if you like that one, I’ve got some other songs I think you’ll love ...”
“Really?? Oh yes please!!”
“And if I can give you my advice ...” Chloe leaned forward.
“Uh huh??”
“I think you should listen to these songs on your headphones while you sleep.” She moved even closer, whispering. “Aaaaalllll night....”
Her breath was hot on Kenzie’s ear, and she shivered a little. It felt so good to obey. Especially to obey her sister.
“That’s a great idea!!”
Chloe smiled. Grinned, really. Like a shark. Or the Grinch.
The saga begins!!
Hey remember when we all used iPods? *giggle*
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syngrafaes09 · 2 years
I Can Help With That | Dr Strange x Y/N
“That is definitely a new strategy to pick up guys.”
“I’m sorry?”
“Never seen someone studying Fitzgerald’s neuroanatomy in a bar unless you have developed some new strategy to pick up brainy guys with that.”
Warnings: Little smutty
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“I’m buying this place,” Tony announced as he drained another glass of whisky.
“You can’t,” Natasha hissed from his side. “You’ll only piss off Pepper more.”
Tony groaned and looked at Stephen, “Does this mean I can’t party at the tower nor buy myself a bar?”
Stephen smiled and nodded, sipping his martini. 
“Can’t you do something to change her mind?”
“My god, Tony,” he exclaimed indignantly, “I can’t believe you want to use me for such petty purposes.”
“You are no fun doctor,” he mumbled and ordered another drink then glanced at the crowd. “How about I find someone to get you laid, and you help a little in return?”
Stephen shook his head. “I can get laid without your help. Besides I agree with Pepper, you indeed need to party less.”
“Oo look at them,” Tony discreetly pointed to a group sitting a little away from them, “those two are totally eye-fucking you.”
Stephen sighed and turned a bit to give them a quick glance. Not my type, he thought and finished his martini. 
“Anyone thinking of hitting the dance floor? Thor asked, sliding off his stool, to no one in particular.
“I’m,” Tony and Natasha answered in unison, following suit.
“You are acting all grumpy today,” Tony complained before leaving, “just get laid, get things off your head and you’ll be fine as fuck. Oh look, one of them just left for the washroom.”
Tony wasn’t wrong. The recent attacks had left him spent. But he still wasn’t interested in sleeping with someone, not yet. After two shots of tequila, he handed over his card, waited a moment and walked towards the smaller section of the bar, the one with less loud music and small round tables.
That was when he noticed her. Technically, he noticed the book first. 
“That is definitely a new strategy to pick up guys.”
She looked up from her reading. The perfect doe eyes. A beautiful dark shade of chocolate, swirling to blend into caramel at the iris. He suddenly forgot what he was supposed to do here.
“I’m sorry?”
It took him a second to say, “Never seen someone studying Fitzgerald’s neuroanatomy in a bar unless you have developed some new strategy to pick up brainy guys with that.”
“Not interested,” she frowned and continued reading from her book.
Had she outright rejected him? That too him?
Breathe, Y/N. breathe. She reminded herself as she tried to focus on the pathway of the spinothalamic tract. He might be all sexy with that voice and looks but that’s not going to help you pass the exam.
She sensed the chair beside her move, and soon he was staring at her like the tempting Lucifer.
“So you aren’t trying to pick up anyone?”
“No,” she replied, not daring to look at him. “I have lost my keys to my apartment. And my roommate is supposed to be here. So, here I’m waiting.”
“Why not enjoy yourself while you wait?”
She marked the page and put the book down, finally looking at him- she forgot what she was supposed to say. He was totally gorgeous and, as he had said, seemed ‘brainy’ with those white streaks. He raised one perfect thick eyebrow at her. What had he said? Something along the lines of enjoying,  she guessed.
“I have got exams in a few weeks. So trying to make up for the knowledge I haven’t gained.”
Having got her attention he smiled at her. And she loved the way his orbicularis oculi produced those radiating lines at the lateral angle of his eyes, “And in what subjects are you lagging?”
Y/N reprimanded herself. She was going crazy. Nevertheless, she answered him, “Biochemistry and neurology.”
He nodded and glanced at her book. “I can help with that.”
“Excuse me?”
“I can help you with neurology,” he said, then added, “Only if you would like that.”
“Why? Are you the ‘brainy’ professor?”
“Not exactly, unless you consider a former neurosurgeon ‘brainy’ enough.”
Her jaw dropped. “I, uh,” she struggled to string her thoughts together. Great. He was not only gorgeous and sexy but also super intelligent. And she had fucked up well.
“I’m sorry. You’re absolutely ‘brainy’.”
He grinned. She felt her heart doing an erratic happy dance, “I would be more than grateful for your help, but I’m sure you are not here to pick up a student to tutor.”
“I wasn’t, sweetheart. What’s your name?”
Sweetheart? If she was going crazy then, now she would be certifiably insane. “Y/N L/N. And you might be - doctor?”
“Stephen Strange,” he replied and watched her eyes going as wide as they could.
“The Doctor strange?”
“Yes,” he laughed, “I’m the Dr Strange. So, would you like some help?”
She nodded.
“My place is nearby,” he tilted his head, “And this is hardly any place to study. Shall we?”
“Sure,” she murmured and stuffed the notes and book into her backpack.
“Do you fancy a walk? A cab? Or just a portal?”
“We can walk.” He nodded and held out a hand to her, which she took.
The walk was brisk and quiet as they hurried, heads down against the wind of the late night. She looked around the neighbourhood, realising she had passed them quite a handful of times while taking the late-night walks.
“My apartment is another few blocks away,” she said, after they settled on a couch beside the staircase, in front of a fireplace.
She watched him snap his fingers, and embers erupted in the fireplace. Showy, she thought as he settled next to her.
“Well, that sounds great, doesn’t it? You can visit me anytime you need my help.”
“There would be a next time?”
“Don’t you think there will be?” He asked, slightly disappointed. “Is this a one-night stand?” Common. Don’t be so desperate. Get a grip!
“I don’t know,” she shrugged her shoulders, “In time you’ll realise I’m not your type,” she gave out a nervous chuckle.
Cute. “And what do you think is my type?”
“Bold, sexy, graceful and… experienced?”
“I like cute, shy and naive as well.”
She was pretty sure her cheeks were red, and in no time her body was spontaneously going to combust into flames. 
He reached out a hand and pushed her curly brown hair behind her ears. His hand skimmed across her neck, pausing at her pulse point, which had been going crazy ever since she met him. “Why don’t we get started? Weren’t you doing the tracts?” 
Back to earth, Y/N. 
He grinned, and his hand dropped. Her skin burned everywhere he had touched. 
“Yeah,” she was immensely proud to conjure a reply.
By the end of the third hour, she was considerably tired. 
He was explaining various cases of misdiagnosis of Parkinson’s he had seen when felt she couldn’t take any new information anymore. But she waited with forced patience for him to finish.
“Stephen, I don’t think I can study anymore.”
“I know,” he said, taking the book from her hand, and placing it on the coffee table. His coat jacket was long gone, and every flex of muscle under the fabric of his white shirt tossed her in a puddle of embarrassment and arousal.  “Tea? Coffee or hot chocolate?”
Definitely coffee. She needed the caffeine to walk back- Her thoughts were lost as he rolled up his sleeves. Oh, those veins… those long, long fingers. She could feel her hormones having quite clearly their night out.
After he conjured them two cups of coffee, he heard a sharp intake of breath followed by an ‘Oh my God’. 
“You know, you can stay the night here.”
Y/N gripped her cup tighter. What an attractive way to embarrass oneself in every possible way in a few hours! The sorcerer and mind-reader fact had completely slipped out of her mind.
“Just like a one-night stand?”
Stephen hummed. “Minus the sex part, if you wish.”
When she didn’t speak anything for a long minute, he spoke, “I wasn’t reading your mind the entire night, if that’s what you are upset about.”
“Very gentlemanly of you,” she said, sagging in relief. 
Then he turned down the lights. It was dark with just the light from the fireplace. They talked about trivial matters, getting acquainted a little, her minor routine and his sorcerer duties.
“You’re a great teacher, you know?” she said, fishing her things into the bag.
“Really?” He grinned and she felt it shoot right into her stomach. Get a grip, she reminded herself.
“Yeah. you explained things in a better and easier way. I don’t think I would have been able to cover half of the topics-”
“Y/N,” he interrupted her, “I wasn’t looking for you to shower me with compliments. It’s just that I never thought of myself as much of a teacher in any field of work. I can teach myself but others - I'm not any good at that.”
“You underestimate yourself.”.
“Everyone who knows me a little would beg to differ.”
Sitting still for a minute, she watched him sip from his cup, she didn’t know what to say to that. “I should get going,” she said, finally getting up.
He frowned. Looked at his watch. And she noticed a flicker of disappointment in his features.
“It’s too late. But if you insist, I’ll walk you home.”
Y/N didn’t like the juxtaposition of reason and passion in her situation. She swallowed her nerves. “I guess I’ll stay then.”
He smiled, took her hand, and pressed his lips against the inside of her wrist. Her whole body shuddered. He pulled her back to the couch, then closer, until she was pressed against him.  She felt all her organs dropping right on top of her uterus like all their supports were lost.
She looked at his lips. Tread lightly, he reminded his desires. “It could always be a one-night stand minus the sex,” he assured her.
She chuckled and rested her head on his shoulder, “I don’t mind the sex part.”
His eyelids fluttered when her hand came up close to his face. Hot fingers pressed into his burning skin as traced his jaw before settling on his chest. Oh god, he had forgotten what a touch could do.
“Besides, I ought to make it up to you to ruin your evening.”
Stephen’s eyes had darkened as he stared at her. Her breath hitched. Have I done something wrong?
“You didn’t ruin my evening. I was looking for a distraction.”
“I was certainly not the sort of distraction you were looking for.”
“You were definitely the distraction I didn’t know I needed. Talking about things that my life used to revolve around wasn’t morbid. It was refreshing. You don’t have to do this because you-”
He was cut short as she closed her mouth over his.
Stephen held her close with his free hand when she pulled away from the kiss. He carefully placed his cup down. Then kissed her again, slowly, deeply and tantalisingly. At that moment she felt the geometric sum of all her nerve endings going crazy. 
He pulled away, ducked his head, and placed a hot kiss on her neck.
“Let’s go upstairs,” he stood and offered her his hand like before.
Y/N examined the bookshelves flanking the bed as Stephen peppered kisses on her neck. There were a few volumes of classical literature, few books of modern literature, some medical books and the rest -  the bulk -  of them, she guessed, were of sorcery.
His hands slipped under the sides of her shirt. Her back arched in response, however, he pulled her back to him, until they were plastered. She could feel every ripple of muscle even through the fabrics.
You are awesome, she reminded herself.  Not insecure. A bit shy and inexperienced maybe. He had said he liked that. So no big deal.
But when his hands slid forward and downwards, she was super conscious of the little pudge that sat above her jeans. The dimpled flesh on her thighs. Work out regularly right from tomorrow. 
Dying… Dying to taste every inch of her skin. He never thought he would get this desperate. He had wanted to take off their clothes slowly, dramatically, however, he snapped his fingers getting rid of them at once.
Y/N grasped at the sudden assault of cold air.
“I’m sorry,” Stephen said, whirling her around, “I’m a little too eager.” His hand reached up and weaved through her subtle curls as his lips moved hers.
Feeling the hard length of him poking her stomach, she moaned, giving him the perfect opportunity to slide his tongue and deepen the kiss. 
She pulled away for a breath and he trained soft, wet kisses across her jaw, neck and chest before gently nibbling at her nipple. Her fingers tugged at his hair, a contented sigh escaping her lips.
Then they heard a noise. Three steady knocks on the bedroom door. “Strange,” the man bellowed. Another two knocks.
“What is it, Wong?” Stephen groaned. “Don’t come in.”
“Get in the bed,” he instructed her as he conjured a pair of sweatpants.
“I have been trying to reach you for the last twenty minutes. Why aren’t you answering the phone?”
“Because I haven’t heard it ring.”
She watched in frustration as he slid out of the room, closing the door behind him. Their voices grew dull.
Y/N waited. Ten minutes. Thirty. Then another hour. She glanced at the clock on the nightstand and sighed. It’s three in the morning. Maybe he’s not coming back.
Getting out of bed, she looked around for her clothes. She peeped into the foyer. Dead silence. Great! She was in a perfect stranger’s house all alone without clothes.
Continuum: Pivot
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if-came-the-day · 2 years
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Brainy is the new sexy.
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animentality · 2 years
Hey lol remember when Harry Potter fans hated Twilight fans and would look down on women who liked twilight because they weren't like other girls, they loved magic and hippogriffs and brainy know it all girls over sexy vampires and werewolves?
You remember when liking Harry Potter over twilight made you smarter than other girls and all those dumb stupid romance loving women?
You remember when Harry Potter made you so intelligent and deep and smart and knowledgeable and oh so tolerant?
Remember when they used to purr over how smart and thoughtful and deep Harry Potter was vs. how silly and unrealistic and plagued with problematic abusive themes twilight was?
Looking back on that, isn't it really funny?
Isn't it ironic?
That Harry Potter fans grew up to be terfs and bigots and Twilight fans are like, those chill adults who are like well it sucks but it's also fucking funny how Edwards ballsack was probably very attractive to Jacob just before he plowed Bella and made him his new girlfriend?
I smile thinking about it sometimes.
All those self righteous superior Harry Potter fans using that toxic misogynistic energy to attack trans women nowadays.
Funny how people turn out, isn't it?
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(Flexible) posting schedule
** As a mentally ill girlie with a spicy brain and a flighty personality, and in the Matty Healy spirit of sometimes announcing things that never materialize, I reserve the right to alter this schedule as I see fit**
September 21st– new fic/ one- shot TBA
September 28th– The 195: THE NEXT 10 YEARS
Essay~ rock and roll is dead. god bless the 1975: ST, The Box, Tumblr and The beginning of an Era.
Week 1: They're just "girls"
week 3: Tumblr
Week 4: The Representation of Someone's Confusion
October 1st– @abiiors 's OCTOBER PROMPT LIST I'll be doing as many of these as possible throughout the month
October 16th– EDUCATION installment
October 28– The 195: THE NEXT 10 YEARS
Essay~ sex, drugs, and irony: The Birth of A Stage Persona
Week 1: Brainy is the new sexy (?)
Week 2: Pretty in Pink
Week 3: Who or what is Truman Black
Week 4: Singing Back
November 5th– New fic or One-shot title TBA
November 20th– S...ATVB review??? Maybe???
November 28th– The 195: THE NEXT 10 YEARS
Essay~ A Brief Inquiry into A Brief Inquiry Into Online Relationships
Week 1: dyst/utopia
Week 2: From GYAT to IAWD(s)
Week 3: Inside Matty's Mind
Week 4: Why is ABIIOR the 1975's first album?
December 28– The 195: THE NEXT 10 YEARS
Essay~ Matty Healy is Completely Fine
Week 1: Why Notes is the best album of all time
Week 2: How did we get here?
Week 3: Music For Cars
Week 4: Guys
January 12th– New Fic/ One-shot TBA
January 28th– The 195: THE NEXT 10 YEARS
Essay~ Boys to Men: Family? Responsibility? Love?
Week 1: Earnest
Week 3: Matty Healy's Year of Cancelations
Week 4: The next 10 years
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bambirosedoll · 9 months
A comment to a post on reddt asking how effective the 20 day has been for bambis
Hi so bambi has been through jte 20 day 3 tomes now. Eachbsort of takes her futher each time. Like she will liste for a while then take a break while sort of "making changes" or alterations and then allowing them to sort of plau out.
So like thr first time through she ended up exploring some aspected old selfmhad wanted to explore more amd it realky helped old self to lossen up some and do a few things she'd only sort of fantasized about.
It also helped her bult and solidify her relationshil witj her Owner ams sort od start aclimate her Owner to the idea of having a bambi ofntheir own 😋💖
Prodesionalky it helped old self sort of reflect more and get a sense of the tool sets and suck she was needing to develop. And also help her establish a good stsrting relatiknship witj her new boss (who has really helped to support and mentor old self/bambi)
And it had a sort of spirt connection with bambi too.
Second time throu bambi really didnet hadve thensense ofnchange and progress she can feel and see now but like itnreally sort of helped old self reconnect deeper with aspecrs of her femme. She dendintyy got into pink more.
Work wise she lkke became a girl boss? Like hope thay are sexy too? There's bimbo girl bosses rite? Ummm anywau... so yeah
And then more poinpink yeah and maybe more relaxed.
Supoorted Owner in their school and work in being the more brainy one We even joke aboutnthay 💖 bambi also jokes about the day she gets to call her Owner Master 💕💖💕
Oh yeah she was also called on to do officate a wedding for a bestie fridnd of bambi. Ans so yeah that too.
And this time is like third time just finisjed before the new year.
So bambi bambi listens to bambi almost constnt. Old self has been better about a process for when bambi is able to listen but gives lots of times for that.
Has ben wearinf makeup a lot more when going out. Owner has been playjg with bambis triggers a little more. Bambi got a promotion just before she finished her last 20 day
So how is it going?
So pretty fucking good 💖
Ty bambi 💕
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variousqueerthings · 10 months
alrightalright new Doctor new Season and also confession that I cannot help comparing where I'm at with the M*ffat run with the new special and the Classic!Who I'm watching, which is perhaps unfair, but then maybe my guy should stop putting out overlong needlessly complicated Stuff
However consider: Peter Capaldi!
sexism rank objectification (female character is ogled/harassed/turned into a sex joke by the doctor and/or a lead we’re supposed to root for and/or the camera): 5/10
sexism rank plot-point (lead female character is only there to serve plot, not to have her emotional interiority explored, or given agency to her emotional interiority): 6/10
interesting complex or pointlessly complex (does the complexity serve the narrative or does it just serve to be confusing as a stand-in for smart, this includes visually): 2/10
furthers character and/or lore and/or plot development (broader question that ties into the previous ones, at least two of these, ideally three should be fulfilled): 8/10
companion matters (the companion doesn’t always have to be there, but if the companion is there, can they function without the doctor– and overall per season how often is the companion the focus or POV of the story): 3/10
the doctor is more than just “godlike” (examines the doctor’s flaws and limitations, doesn’t solve a plot by having it revolve entirely around the doctor’s existence): 8/10
doesn’t look down on previous doctor who (by erasing or mocking its importance, by redoing and “bettering” previous beloved plotpoints or characters, etc.): 6/10
isn’t trying to insert hamfisted sexiness (m*ffat famously talked a lot about how dw should be sexier multiple times, he sucks at writing it): 4/10
internal world has consistency (characters have backgrounds, feel rooted in a place with other people, generally feel like they have Lives): 5/10
Politics (how conservative is the story): 6/10
FULL RATING: 53/100 (if I can count….)
Alright alright, let's get this party going!
OBJECTIFICATION: this episode has one of my least favourite scenes of the whole of Doctor Who, because not only is it sexism, it's male gaze via lesbians, in which M*ffat really really sucks at portraying lesbianism that isn't partly a straight man's fantasy and partly weirdly het... the scene is of course when Vastra has Jenny posing in her corsetry... undergarments? idk what clothes are called, apologies, and Jenny thinks she's being painted, when actually Vastra just wanted to look at her being (uncomfortable) pretty while she was doing the important brainy work
she then dismisses Jenny's complaints about why in the world she's been posing for so long with telling her how she brightens up the room and that it's for "art" -- we'll get more into their dynamic in a biiit
PLOT-POINT: Clara is ostensibly the point of this episode -- new Doctor, new face, and she's unsure how to feel about it, because apparently she really fancied Eleven's pubescent charm. This reminds me of The Christmas Invasion in which Rose has a similar journey of figuring out how she feels about the new Doctor, except of course that Rose's internal and external life is a big focus of early Doctor Who, and she also had no idea that the Doctor could just explode and become a totally new body
also the Doctor was unconscious for a lot of it, and the question of what was going on + when you track the timeline the poor girl probably hadn't slept for a million years properly aside from fainting after having the Time Vortex in her head... she's going through it, we're seeing the journey, there's big aliens fucking about, she's stressed! it's all about relearning that trust and a new relationship, and while there's a subtext of romance, it's not pushed at you, so much as this was something deeply important and now it's been unsteadied unexpectedly
Clara's journey by contrast is one in which we met her family for the first time properly-ish an episode ago, most of her arc in her first season was being a mystery, her "fancying" the Doctor was likewise introduced in the previous episode, and crucially... she already knows the Doctor regenerates, because as per M*ffat's own writing she's literally seen all the previous faces (also Capaldi is objectively hotter than Smith, so jot that down, but I can forgive that, personal taste and all that)
there's also a whole weird little "test" scene between Vastra and Jenny that's ostensibly about tolerance but does that common M*ffat thing of having some good lines out of context that aren't really properly about what's happening right now. do I really like the idea of the Doctor as young in order to fit in/be accepted? unclear, need to think about it a bit, but maaaybe, considering how I read Eleven, who perhaps gets away with being a bit fucked up by Appearing Young, versus Twelve who's immediately got everyone going ahhh what is wrong with you bestie????
but it's muddily mixed in with the whole fancying thing + Vastra thinking Clara is hot or whatever, it's all... me not liking a lot of Vastra's dialogue generally, which feels like M*ffat trying so hard to be deep and mysterious (the one word test from last season as well)
there ARE a couple of things I like, in that I do want Clara and Twelve to reassess where they stand with each other, and I kind of like Twelve being a mess that's abandoning her because he has no idea what his emotions are doing or who he really is or what's going on... especially that last scene of Twelve having a little stuttery sorry, that works for me, look at this weird alien grandpa that speaks like a child at times, what do you feel about that Clara?
the build-up is... rocky, especially everything with Clara opposite Vastra, the latter of whom mainly seems to exist to extol the Doctor's godlike virtues and bully her wife/maid and sound clever
I ALSO like when Clara is facing the bad guy and is clearly very scared but still trying. I liked that from s7b Clara, who was often very openly scared, but still tried
COMPLEXITY: the problem with this episode is that it could be a standard 48mins easily and be better for it. there's nothing technically wrong with it, but there was no need for a dinosaur, no real need for a lot of the dialogue, and many scenes could have been trimmed
also after several episodes that are Quite Long that don't need to be, I'm beginning to grow tired of it. thank goodness we're heading into average episodes again at last
CHARACTERS/LORE/PLOT: I mean, new Doctor. it's mainly the Doctor that's got some stuff going on, but again the last scene. reminiscent of End Of The World (chips? coffee and chips? I haven't got any money)
there's also a new character who's arrived... and it's The Master! and yes, she's got a bit of that M*ffat DNA, but man Michelle Gomez is so good, so so so good! Scottish Bastard Aliens let's do this!
COMPANIONS MATTER: Clara kiiind of... so she doesn't necessarily do much, but there is that... thing. of her figuring out where she stand with this new Doctor, and that's quite important
the Paternoster gang do more actiony-based things and it's... I mean, fine, I guess. they're not companions, and they're mostly more sci-fi elements to all of the plot, rather than what A Person can do
“GODLIKE” DOCTOR: I will say that Capaldi is instantly more workable for me. even some of the stupid hangovers in dialogue from the Matt Smith era flow better with him. I don't like the whole monologue at the dinosaur, it's pointless and this episode is an hour and 15mins (this fuckn dinosaur), and the Doctor designating humans as "pudding brains" for ages and the general dismissive "I'm so smart, you're so stupid" attitude... well I can buy it a little easier from Capaldi. also I know that Capaldi's Doctor eventually tones that down and I mean... it's giving Grumpy Old Man rather than Petulant Child
there's meaning, there's point, the Doctor feels more grounded than before. speaking of grounded, I like that the Doctor isn't all-powerful. a lot of this is surviving a bit on your wits, staying one step ahead, and there's also the bit at the end where we don't know if roboboy jumped or was pushed... it's perhaps controversial as choice, but I'm going to sit on it a bit more, especially with the tone this era has inherited of a more Alien Doctor that is trying to reground themself and their values
PREVIOUS DOCTOR WHO: uuuuum so the thing here is that these droids are basically the same as the ones from Girl In The Fireplace. now, regardless of how one feels about some of the thematic handling of that episode, and the Thing M*ffat was showing early on of a preference for writing about "Important Monarch-Related People" and other such things, the droids were really fucking cool in my opinion, and the plot of them getting shit wrong in their brains and causing a massive disruption in one person's life, fascinating
it's a great One Off Idea
but we all know M*ffat's no good at One Offs so here we are doing a slightly worse version of it. M*ffat this is your own episode you're referencing, why are you beating this horse? (like the time M*ffat insisted on an actual horse jumping through a mirror even though it was very stupid and people told him to please drop it... oh wait, that was Girl In The Fireplace....)
“SEXINESS”: okay well aforementioned "art" scene I think is a lot of the Thing that irks me about the writing of Vastra and Jenny, where I wish I liked them more, but I cannot stop seeing the way they're written as an unexplored power-dynamic -- rich vs working class, powerful alien "simple" human, Sherlock Holmes genius rich type and simple maid (who, granted, sometimes gets to beat people up, we like the action stuff, even if I'm not a fan of the sexy leather and I feel like a traitor writing that M*ffat! you've made me dislike sexy leather lesbianism in something how?????), and while all of this is occasionally pointed to, it's only ever as a joke
this includes things like Vastra flirting with (at?) Clara in front of Jenny, when they're ostensibly a monogamous couple and Jenny isn't happy about it, or Jenny pointing out that it's weird she's "pretending" at being a maid in private and being brushed off
INTERNAL WORLD: it's Victorian London, but it's the "these kinds of episodes" Victorian London, which has never felt like much other than a bit of a backdrop. we're not really exploring Victorian London, it's just where the Paternoster gang happens to be and so we get big dresses and hats
also a big Dinosaur is there and that's unimportant and doesn't change things I suppose
POLITICS: it's so... there. as an episode. so not a lot of politics, but how does it write lesbians? eh, not the most horrible thing I've seen -- I genuinely like the acting of the characters and we do get one big ol' kiss this episode (scifi vibes, but this is a scifi show), which is framed reeelatively romantically -- we did have Jenny dying in the Name Of The Doctor and Vastra having many emotions about it (just remembered how her being emotional about her partner dying was an invite to getting harassed for being too emotional and silly just like a womaaaan) (I also still think about how Jenny still calls her Ma'am for some reason... like yeah, that could be a hot prolonged roleplay, but it definitely isn't, except for the way it is because of the guy writing it knowing that it doesn't make sense but it's kind of a hot prolonged roleplay... does that make sense, idk)
we're in Victorian London, some robots are stealing peoples bodies and it's not about anything really
also we had a baffling line from Vastra espousing her fighting the bad guys as "for the British Empire"???? what does she care about that???
(also Clara says they should call the police more often, which is kind of a joke, but also no you shouldn't)
FULL RATING: 53/100 (if I can count….)
the worst thing about this episode is actually that its story does not justify the runtime. it is so long and it is so average
Peter Capaldi is a wonderful wonderful actor. Michelle Gomez is immediately great: "He can be very mean sometimes. Except to me of course, because he loves me so much. I do like his new accent though. Think I might keep it" <- this could have been so eye-rollery, but she makes it work and makes me shiver and knowing this is The Master is sooo 👀👀👀
the story is so-so. Clara is still moooostly under-utilised/underappreciated but with some good moments that will (if I remember correctly) continue to thread through their relationship of Clara not being quite sure about this person, who is clearly a bit on-edge and confused: "The man I hope you are with, believe me he is more scared than anything you can imagine right now. And he needs you"
Clara's place in this story is still constantly buffeted by the wind. the things that do come up "person he knows the best (I guess, comparatively)," and "someone who fancies the Doctor" is kind of the weakest part of that, when actually what's going on is more interesting
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pesterloglog · 7 months
Jake English, Dirk Strider
Page 47
JAKE: What in the flibergating fuck!
DIRK: That’s not a word.
JAKE: Dirk!
DIRK: ‘Sup.
JAKE: Am I still dreaming? I have to tell you my dream hangovers are not usually nearly this bad!
DIRK: I wasn’t going to say anything, but holy shit, dude. You’ve really let yourself go.
DIRK: Not to say the sloppy drunk look isn’t working for me, because it absolutely is, but come on, man.
DIRK: You passed out in a puddle of your own drool. And what the fuck is that on your face?
JAKE: My face? What do you mean on my face?
DIRK: The moustache, Jake. Who’s idea was that.
JAKE: Oh! You dont like it?
DIRK: I didn’t say that.
DIRK: Point is, you are a fucking wreck, and no amount of well-maintained facial hair is going to be enough to hide that. Not from me.
JAKE: Now see here buster you dont know the situation. You havent been here!
DIRK: We’ve had this conversation before, dingus. I’m you. And I’m me. But I only exist because of your powers. The fact that I’m manifesting here, in the new universe, outside of a dream, is evidence in itself for just how absolutely boned you are.
DIRK: What are you doing? There’s a war happening. All of your friends are out there fighting, and you’re just here, what...dusting?
DIRK: Taking care of a house that nobody actually uses?
DIRK: You’ve been a useless sack of shit for two decades. I’m here to kick your ass back into active duty.
DIRK: You’ve spent years feeling sorry for yourself, totally convinced you made the wrong choices and that it’s all over. And it’s easier that way, isn’t it? If you’re a lost cause you don’t have to try to be better.
DIRK: But you do want to be better. Remember all those dreams about adventure? Life? Love? Remember when Tavros was born and there were so many things in this world you wanted to show him.
DIRK: Beautiful things, Jake.
DIRK: But none of those are going to come from sitting around playing house-husband to your ecto-son.
JAKE: Well what do you propose i do if youre so gosh-darned brainy!
JAKE: Im a cracking good marksman and no slouch when it comes to fisticuffs but what good am i in a war??
JAKE: Ive got some panache but i can hardly hold my own in the face of an army!
JAKE: And what side am i supposed to be fighting on? for jane or against her?
DIRK: Against her. Obviously. What the fuck, dude.
JAKE: But you were the one who wanted her to run in the first place! You wrote her bloody speeches!
DIRK: Yeah, I did. And every single one of them kicked ass. I wanted Jane to be the democratically elected president. Not a cake-slinging Jeff Bezos with a great rack.
JAKE: Jeff who?
DIRK: Don’t worry about it. The point is, you have a chance to make a difference. You’re in the perfect position to infiltrate her operation.
JAKE: Like...a spy?
DIRK: Don’t try to tell me it doesn’t appeal to you. Sexy little suit. Slicked back hair. A bunch of weapons hidden in unlikely places. We’re both liking this idea more and more.
JAKE: Ahahaha well i do look fetching in a cummerbund.
JAKE: Wait! No! You tricked me with thoughts of spies and hijinks and two bros against the world!
JAKE: I left janey! Theres no going back now! She isnt exactly the sort to live and let live you know.
DIRK: That’s horseshit and we both know it. Jane would take you back in a second. She loves you.
JAKE: Psshaw. Not to be maudlin brain ghost dirk but jane hasnt cared about me in a very a long time if she ever did at all.
JAKE: I thought you knew everything i do.
DIRK: There’s a part of you that still hopes. You can’t help it. You’ll never be able to help it. You’re going to hope for a brighter future until you’re in the ground.
DIRK: Better you than me, honestly. Sounds exhausting.
DIRK: You’re going to do this, and we both know it. So why are we even still arguing?
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Obligatory Pinned Post
🦣🌌✨ Call me Orla. She/Her. Ms. Honey Sweet. I'm 21+, and very queer 🏳️‍🌈 Neurodiverse. Pacific Northwest.
I've been reading comics for as long as I can remember. This blog is 21+ and there will be occasional mature/adult content or themes. I tag everything that is commonly triggering but if you need a specific tag let me know.
Find me on AO3 as just Earthshine.
Comic Kon Discord Server
Prompts and writing requests are generally always open.
I am a multishipper. We do NOT do ship wars here, and we do not do character bashing. I really am enjoying KonBart, HalBarry, Brainy/Lyle, Scottbarda and Lightrion atm but there's dozens more. Because people keep asking me if it's not posted; no I do not ship batcest.
KonBart Shipping Manifesto and Friendship Deep-Dive
I love and embrace all trans headcanons.
Fanon vs Canon nuanced statement - I just want my non-Bat faves to stop getting mischaracterized in fanworks just to prop up Bats because I cannot filter these types of content out because it is so widespread, and no such universal fanon tag exists, this is heartbreaking to me as I love comics for their depth and nuance. More characters exist than Bats and they are not 'background characters.' I hate seeing my favorite characters being reduced to sexy lamps in ship fic. Does this make sense?
This blog is my escape from the world so I stick to fandom here or things that generally interests me. The world is brutal enough.
Comics that I blog about frequently and are my zone:
Impulse Superboy Young Justice Legion of Super-Heroes L.E.G.I.O.N. and R.E.B.E.L.S. New Gods Orion
Other random interests and series that will come up:
The works of Osamu Tezuka (Astro Boy, Jetter Mars) Pluto Banana Fish (manga) The Dark Crystal Tolkien (The Silmarillion) 90s
Sometimes I make really stupid mistakes that I proclaim with all the assurance and confidence of a gold medal Olympian. Oops. Sorry it's part of being human, regrettably.
Ask Box is always open but I really do mean this; I do NOT answer or respond to or even acknowledge hate, bait, troll or general messages intended to cause an inflammatory reaction. You WILL be blocked, even on anon, as Tumblr has that option. So if you're new and from Twitter and didn't know, now you do.
Unless the person is actively causing HARM, or intends to harm me or someone else, or you are warning me about Zarabithia's return, please do not send me callout messages. It's exhausting.
Again I do not ship batcest, incest, adult/minor or underage nsfw ships. I am furious I even need to post this.
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afriendlyood2 · 1 year
Confession of the most arrogant sjw ever, aw shiiii
hello, I have a flow of thoughts about hyperreality, digital instruments, fandoms and anger and arrogancy...
and mental health of course
so basically many influencers before my unpopular and even cancelled ass already noted that we have entered this digital agenda era when gadgets are stealing our attention and overwealm our brain to the point that we forget our own thoughts and real world around us
and that is their very agenda, as digital marketing specialists are batteling for the space on our phone screen and seconds of our attention, and public speakers and polititians are battling to drag us into the discourceTM bc "how can you be out of politics you ignorant jerk the world is on fire" etc etc. many described these mechanisms before so I won't repeat what they have said already, it's out on Youtube and many otehr resources.
and also many said before me how fandom discourse went to shit... well, it was shit even in my youth... we would battle over this problematic bullshit even by that time which was the early social media era of late 00s - early 10s (now it is even more radicalized though, to my horror)
but I as a millenial am horrified of how gen z and gen alpha folk are not yet realizing where it will get them in 10-15 yrs time... it will get them in hell, as I as a 30 yrs old millenial see from my own exeperience. some of them won't even survive mentally and I am even not overstimating the problem, as this is also real.
back in the day we had this cursed AOT fandom. I knew a girl from my city (I was in early 20s she was still a school teen) - an easy imaginable situatuion, as the fandom is mostly made of these age people. notable mention - by that time culture geek culture wasn't open to the self critisism sentiment yet, actually the opposite - geeks were made cool, "brainy is the new sexy" bullshit was sold to you by sherlock bbc or the big bang theory or shit like that, so geeks and especially millenials were HIGHLY arrogant and gatekeeping (i mean uss callister was yet to happen, in the meantime we actually head star trek into darkess coming out tbh). add that to the western way of white saving everyone and pull the discourse from a higher position of somebody morally dominant and 'progressive' and you will get quite a sick mental cocktail to spoil everybody more or less geeky and intellectual stepping into the online fandom game, especially if you faced bulling in school before that or smth... that shit alltogether can make you this arrogant main character with savior complex, fr, and I am horrified to see that in modern fandm teens cause THEY HAVE NO IDEA where it can lead them, yet I sadly do.
well /dark batman music theme/ let me tell you where it can get you you little arrogant social justice dick reading this
back in the day I as I told you I knew a girl who did some AOT fanfiction which you guys as I did by the time would call problematic. because that's what you see online right? a person writing some hateful words in their art online. basically puting a negative emotion of hate and only that emotion, not what stands behind it and creates it - you're to arrogant to see that, so you judge that little hateful teen (the fact that we are making teens feeling negative things 'problematic' is some sick shit to begin with in the first place - they are teens they are SUPPOSED to feel these things, the world is going at them, come on). that fact that I was arrogant to judge her even though we had an attempt at friendly conversation and understading each other... basically it locked her up - if a person judges you, you don't wanna talk to that person, you close from that person right? yep. that's what she did... as somebody who was ACTUALLy bullied by everybody by the time, literally by everybody from her social circle - and she WOULD tell me if she would trust me enough and if I wouldn't judge her, thus I would give her shelter orgs and psychiatrists or smth, I knew some by the time so could help.
thing is the girl - tw here - killed herself. I got to know that stuff from her then-time bf who came in his riddler era to avenge me later in 2020 and for damn sure he hated my arrogant ass as I was an adult who knew his gf and had recouses for giving helo yet not the knowledge of the girl's sutiation, and not to mention we are from the same city btw. bruh my mental image crumbled right before me and in intence karma hit I tried to repeat this girl's fate TWICE since 2020, and second attempt was here in Krk after I escaped Kharkiv in 2022, this year's June. I considered myself not worthy of life and happiness because I didn' see her troubles back then.... ugh.... call that catholic gulit of smth, but I am eating myself to this day. many say - this doesn't help actually and you need to live and help the living, not to crumble over the dead ones. but for damn sure I feel the guilt EVEN THO I am not her abusive classmates or older 'protectors'.
Social justice is sometimes arrogant and blind and it SHOULD NOT BE goddammit, stop and reflect on yourselves - are you really that morally right?
Also dear gen z and gen alpha
Those who have an ok social circle of family and friends - pls drop ya phone and get to them RIGHT NOW. For those who escape to the digital world from abusive surroundings - bruh some of us out there are arrogant as shit, but please tell your pains and seek for help I beg ya, and seek for shelter in REALITY, cause YOUR REALITY is abusive in the first place and just running into the virtual world sadly won't save ya, you need a safe space irl as well fr.
That's my message of this awful Batman Daredevil and oh my god Lenny Bellardo kinnie I am in my 30s. It is not told in calm voice, I am screaming here to ya. Shit will get fucked fr. Take care of these things pls.
P.S. as tho my arrogancy in that interaction was real - these folks, oh the irony, used my guilt to put not just her death on me (even tho it's on her abusers), but also the mess in the workplace of my ex boss - not to mention she later put the death of an ex colleague on me (jeez she died because of being overwelmed by activism she did during the war so this is ON OUR ATTACKERS DAMMIT) cause it was so suitable to force me into guilt for something I am not responsible for, so she and these folks became as ugly in social justice as I am LOL. Such an irony of things turning back at them right? All these people are Ukr refugees like me btw. We all have to learn fron this.
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Witcher ships you hate or dislike the most?
Hi anon,
Tumblr media
ahhhhh..... This is quite the touchy subject. Lets start with my preferences:
All my Emhyr ships are platonic. My Emralts are two disagreeable dads learning to play nice and co-parents an unruly daughter, Emhyen's shared interests (Ciri and politics- also a shared sense of fashion) doesn't extend to the bedroom, and my Emhyregis are two highly intelligent individuals with impressive aquiline noses sharing their knowledge and stories- I do subscribe to the brainy is the new sexy. Everyone else can be a romantic/sexual ship (Cirivran, Geregis, Geraskier, and Reglaff tops my list).
Despite my personal preference, there are some romantic Emralts I read because the writing is really really good! Same goes with virtual photography. If the ship is done right, those get a like (if not a reblog).
There are some ships/rarepairings that I dislike. But never hate- that is too strong a word. Not gonna mention any specific ships, but If I encounter a pairing I dislike and even the writing doesn't do it for me, I leave it alone.
Hope that answers the question.
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chairhere · 1 year
I love the braid on Lena. And eye makeup. She definitely was emo. The SFX are awful but gah do I hate them. Kara looks younger but so haggard. I like the new imp! What is Mgann’s deal. I love Lena and Brainy’s partnership. Well this sucks. I’m glad Kara is treating the princess Nyxly right. Yeah Lena, your brother is a bit of an ass and war criminal so you know child safety. I love this. Brainy is going a bit dark. Lena sounds like my therapist. Bonding over missing their himbo. I hate this. Like father like daughter. Okay Guardian I see you. Sexy. HuHo buddy! GO LENA GO LENA GO! You deserve a forehead kiss. LENA TH- I am gay panicking. We love you too don’t worry. Awwwwwwww Alex you’re so gay. THAT WAS A MARRIAGE PROPOSAL
Oooo he’s mad hehehehehe. We all love at least parts of Kara right?
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