#Brandon Colby Cook
sporadiceagleheart · 2 months
Alice Dasilva Aguiar, nine, seven-year-old Elsie Dot Stancombe, six-year-old Bebe King, Saffie-Rose Brenda Roussos, Lily Peters, Olivia Pratt Korbel, Elizabeth Shelley, Sara Sharif, Charlotte Figi, Jersey Dianne Bridgeman, Sidra Hassouna, Sloan Mattingly, Audrii Cunningham, Lucy Morgan, Star Hobson, Ava Jordan Wood, Leiliana Wright, Aubreigh Paige Wyatt, Tristyn Bailey, Paula Golik, Lily Rose Diaz, Colby Curtin, Layla Salazar, Jayce Carmelo Luevanos, Maite Yuleana Rodriguez, Makenna Lee Elrod, Eliahna Torres, Nevaeh Bravo, Rylie Nicholls, Riley Faith Steep, Kenzlee Marie Cook, Norah Lee Howard, Mercedes Losoya, Judith Barsi and Heather O'Rourke, Roselind Nadine Earles, Maria Agnes Virovacz Barsi, Evelyn Ann Lea, Mary DeLourdes Lea, Charles Russell “Russ” Lea, Evelyn Russe Lea, William Henry Russe, Clara B. Northway Russe, Charles Russell Lea Sr., Gloria Alice Killilea Lea, Marie Joan Lyons Killilea, Kathryn Marie “Kay” Lyons Monroe, James Hines “Jimmy” Killilea, Catherine Ellen Noe, Arthur Joseph Noe, Richard Allen Noe, Elizabeth Mary Noe, Marie Noe, Arthur Allen “Art” Noe, Brandon David Jackson, Michael Daniel Smith, Joseph “Joe” Jackson, Simuel Joseph “Sam” Jackson, Israel Nero Jackson Sr., Emeline “Emmie” Williams Jackson, Dr Israel Sigmond Joseph “Gordon” Williams Sr., Harvest Lee Williams Sr., Maggie Eunice “Maggie U” Williams, Verlener “Big Momma” Williams Hines, Pauline “Polly” Hines Bell, Flores Ann “Willie Ann” harris Martin, Felix Harvest Williams Sr., Shack Warren Williams, Bull “Night Crow” Williams, Mose Moses Williams, Amanda Jean “Mandy Jean” Williams Tobias, Sanders Allen “Richard” Williams Sr., Crystal Lee King Jackson, Elizabeth Ann “Liza Ann” Jackson Harding, James “Jim” Jackson, Gena Jackson Anderson, Janie Beatrice Jackson Hall, Samuel Malone Jackson Sr., Lula Mae Jackson, TSGT Lawrence Chester “Larry” Jackson, Mary A. “Angie” Jackson, Martin Luther James Jackson Sr., Michael Jackson, Bella Marie “Bells” Rzucek, Nico Lee Rzucek, Celeste Cathryn “CeCe” Rzucek, Shan'ann Cathryn Rzucek, Bella Nevaeh Amoroso Bond, Isabella Grace “Bella” Muntean, Bella Thomson, Juanita Horton, Bessie Barker, Louis XVII, Lois Janes, Sharon Lee Gallegos, Mary Crocker, Betty LouAnn McInnes, Jackie Cazares, Arthur Labinjo-Hughes, Brandon Lee Jackson, Lisa Marie Presley, Elvis Presley, Benjamin Storm Presley “Ben” Keough, Jesse Garon Presley, Octavia Luvenia “Doll” Mansell Smith, Retha Smith Loyd Riley, Gladys Love Smith Presley, Minnie Mae Hood Presley, Vernon Elvis Presley, Eunice C Cloman Jackson, Josephine Jackson, Ruth Marie Noe Hulet,
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thebnepodcast · 7 years
What Stops People From Being Original
B&EP #158 - “What Stops People From Being Original" - On SoundCloud, iTunes & Google Play
 The B&E Podcast #158 “What Stops People From Being Original”
Soundcloud Link: soundcloud.com/thebandepodcast
SUMMARY OF THE PODCAST: Being original is one of those things that an artist strives for but is one of those things that is hard to pin down.  How do you be original?  How do you create something original?  How do you know?  We explore and try to shed some light on this tricky subject.
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emmakayh · 4 years
It probably isn’t even fair to call this a recipe, but I’m posting it anyway.
We love cheeseburgers. We both have our favorites around town (mine is Savoy, Brandon’s is Max’s), but we both love the ones “we” make at home.
I think this is really a joint effort dinner. I prepare the patties, and I use 80% or 85% lean beef (you don’t want 90% or higher because you want more flavor). All I do is add Worcestershire sauce and Freddy’s steak burger seasoning and mix it all together. With a pound of beef, I normally do four large patties. We prefer more steak burger-type burgs than big and thick.
After I make the patties, Brandon cooks them on the skillet. We use Colby cheese and Roma buns. Brandon adds grilled onions, pickles, and mustard to his burger. I actually did try mustard with one of my burgers this time, but honestly, I think a classic cheeseburger is best.
You may notice I said “one of my burgers.” Yes. That is because we each had two cheeseburgers. You could make two double cheeseburgers, but we prefer singles with the bun:cheese:patty ratio we use. We ate our first burgers with some tater tots and fries, then a few hours later Brandon made us each a second burger. We were both ashamed but not so ashamed we didn’t finish those second burgers. They were worth it.
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bvckybalboa · 5 years
Home Is Where the Heart Is || B&C
Becky was asleep in their bed, knowing that Brandon no longer lived with them, she was comfy sleeping in one of Colby’s shirts and her underwear, slowly opening her eyes, she got out of bed and walked downstairs, getting the coffee maker ready, still in just his t-shirt and underwear, she walked over to the fridge to grab some Orange Juice and something to make them for breakfast, she yawned softly leaning against the counter and scrolled threw Twitter, before turning back towards the stove and began to cook them something to eat, looking down at Kevin who had joined her by her side, she smirked softly and patted him on the head. 
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survivorwildwest · 4 years
Episode 1 - Still Hot, Still Sandy, Still a Buncha Liars
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Jeff begins his narration as a train bends around the rocks of the Mojave Desert. He says, “Since humanities inception, societies rise and societies fall. Societies evolve. Societies change. And so, Survivor is once again changing things up!”
The camera pans to Jeff on horseback standing over the Grand Canyon, “Welcome to Survivor: Wild West! We’ve brought back some of your favorite Survivors from west of the Mississippi. They’ll be stranded outside an old ghost town in the Mojave Desert with only the supplies on their back and whatever they can scavenge in the remains of this town.”
“People forget, a lot of the first cowboys were black.” Carl says in a talking head before adjusting his hat.
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Probst rides his clydesdale to the middle of an intersection. He looks around the skeletons of buildings and notices a saloon on the corner. He ties his horse to the hitching post outside and walks inside. The spurs on his boots spin as he steps in front of the cast. The 20 castaways sit around the saloon, at the bar stools and the poker tables, on the stairs and the piano bench. Jeff welcomes the cast of returnees to the new season. He first calls out Cao Boi, “Cao Boi, obviously, you’re the first person we call when we start to think about a Wild West theme.”
“It’s not the Wild West without a cow boy,” Cao Boi says.
“From one Cowboy to another, Colby, our first season in America, we need to get Colby Donaldson.”
“Yeah, I guess I was America’s Favorite Son for a while,” he answers.
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“Still are,” Jerri interjects from the other side of the room.
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“Jerri,” Jeff says turning his attention to her, “Why are you here on the Wild West season?”
“Well, I’ve already got the hat,” Jerri jokes as she tips her hat, “but, I’m just here to bother Colby. Same as always.”
Colby rolls his eyes and looks back to Jeff.
“Not excited to see Jerri, Colby?” Jeff asks.
“How could I not be excited to see Jerri Manthey? It’s been 20 years,” Colby says, presenting a purposeful smile.
Jeff then turns to Michaela, “Michaela, how old were you when Colby was first on Survivor?”
“I woulda been eleven, Jeff.”
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Colby laughs at his own age.
“So, was Colby an idol of yours at that age,” Jeff asks.
“Honestly,” Michaela says, “not really. I mean, it was cool that he was from Texas and all cause I’m from Texas, but no I couldn’t relate to him. To hear you call him the proto-American, I just have to ask, ‘Who’s America?’ I just don’t see what makes Colby Donaldson any more American than Michaela Bradshaw.”
“Couldn’t have said it better myself, Michaela,” Jeff says, “And with that, the season begins. Teal tribe, you are Suhtai,” he tosses the tribe to his left a satchel with their buffs and a map to their camp in some nearby hills. “Orange tribe, you are Tsitsistas.” He does the same for the tribe to his right.
“Your tribes are named after two Native American tribes who travelled together until the early 19th Century, the two tribes came together, or merged, and became known as the Cheyenne people,” Jeff explains, “Now, you have 30 minutes to scavenge this town. There are supplies hidden throughout these ruins. As of now, Survivor: Wild Wild West is on.”
Jeff leaves the saloon and the hunt for supplies begins. A few people dive over the bar for any bottles of alcohol they can find. Some whiskey, gin and red wine are found by Wendy Diaz.
“I don’t even really drink,” Wendy says in a talking head, “but I noticed the label on the wine bottle was a little... oh i don’t know... curled up in the corner, so I took it!”
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Wendy runs off to a corner away from everyone else to unfurl the wine bottle. She crouches under a table to avoid any witnesses when she sees Russell and Brandon Hantz enter the room to chat.
“But then,” Wendy continues in her talking head, “Russell and Brandon showed up! And Russell is on my tribe!! And I hate Russell.”
Russell tells Brandon he’ll take care of him, he just needs to get to the merge. “Find an idol if you can,” Russell advises.
“But then,” Wendy’s narration continues.
Wendy removes the wine label when the Hantzs leave.
“There’s Gold in them thar hills!” She exclaims, reading the label in her talking head.
Wardog opens a crate of supplies behind the saloon where he finds rations, kerosene and a small tube he suspects is an advantage.
Somewhere in the Mojave Desert, a coyote sits on the porch of a saloon.
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After the scavenging of the town, each tribe hikes to their camp. At the Tsitsistas Camp, Colby builds a fire and Ben gathers everyone around, “Alright, so let’s all introduce ourselves. My name is Ben Driebergen. I’m 37 years old. I have a wife & kids. I fought in the marines and then I played in Survivor: Heroes vs Healers vs Hustlers and again last season in Winners at War. Who’s Next?”
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“Yeah, hi, I’m Lauren, 23, I played in Edge of Extinction. No kids. No significant other. Just… little ol’ me,” Lauren says with a grimace.
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“Uh, I’m Kass, Chaos Kass, you may have heard, I played in Cagayan and again in Cambodia… or Second Chances I guess”
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“Hey, I’m Ken. I played Millennials vs Gen X. I was on the Gen X tribe. I am also single.”
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“Hey everyone, yeah, I’m Brandon. I’m Russell’s nephew.“
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Everyone stares at him and nods slightly.
“Hi, I’m Kim-”
“And, I just want you all to know,” Brandon continues, “I know last time I played, things didn’t look so great. I want you all to know, I’m good now. I’m not gonna throw any tantrums or any fits or anything. I’m gonna be good. I’m good now.”
Kimmi Kappenberg says, “Alright, I’m Kimmi, I played in Season TWO” she holds up two fingers, “And then again in Second Chances.” She mirrors the peace sign she made on the other hand for “Second Chances.”
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“Hi, I’m Bi. I played in David vs Goliath but had to leave early because of an injury.“
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“And I’m Lisa! I played in the Philippines like a hundred years ago.”
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After a few minutes of small talk, people begin to go their separate ways. Ben, Brandon, Kass, Lauren, Ken and Kimmi use some wood they’d taken from town to build a shelter. Lisa pulls Bi aside to lend a shoulder if Bi wanted to talk about losing her opportunity. Colby continues to work on the fire as Michaela sits with him.
As the desert sun beats down on him, Colby rubs two sticks together. He sweats through his shirt. Michaela reaches in her pocket, “Colby,”
He looks up. Sweat drips from his eyelash into his eye.
“You think these might help,” and she pulls out a dry box of matches, “I found them next to a stove back in town. They’re old and they don’t look like they’ll work but it’s worth a try.”
“Sure. You know,” Colby says as he places the dusty match against its dustier box, “I don’t think of myself as more American than you.”
The match lights and he brings it to the kindling to ignite. He looks back to Michaela, “After everything going on, you know, the world’s fucked right now. Honestly, living in the desert for a month and a half sounds alright right about now,” Colby jokes.
“The world certainly is fucked right now,” Michaela laughs, “You’re not wrong, Colby.”
“It’s been fucked for you guys for a while though, right?”
“’You guys’ meaning black folks?”
“Well, yes and no. I just mean, people who don’t look exactly like me.”
“Ha,” she laughs, “sure, that’s true.”
“I’m sorry. I had no idea.”
“It’s alright. You’re learning.”
“I know. I just feel bad.”
“I’m not asking for your pity, Colby. Just asking for your assistance.”
“You know,” he says, “I’ve been doing a lot of listening since everything started and what I keep hearing is ‘Listen to black women.’ So, that’s what I’m gonna do. I really do want to help, however I can.”
She looks at him, taking in his intention. She sticks out her hand for him to take and they shake hands.
“Colby’s a good dude,” Michaela explains in a talking head, “He means well. That’s good. ”
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“Okay, so, with us working together now,” Michaela asks, “who would you recommend we go for first?”
Colby looks down toward Bi and Lisa, then at the group building the shelter, then back at Michaela, “How about Ben?”
“I don’t see why not. He’s already won. Have you won?”
“Not once. In 20 years, never once.”
“Me neither.”
The two of them stare down Ben from across the camp.
Somewhere in the Mojave Desert, a desert collared lizard scurries from the shade of one rock to the shade of another.
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At the Suhtai Camp, everyone drops their things. Jerri immediately turns to Russell, opens her arms and says “Russell, my old friend!”
“Jerri, hello again,” he says.
“I saw your nephew is here.”
“Yeah, we’ll see about that,” he chuckles.
Carl calls everyone to the center of camp and introduces himself, “Hi everybody, I’m Carl, I played in David vs Goliath, along with Elizabeth.”
“Oh, hi, yeah, Carl’s right, we played David vs Goliath together. We were on the Davids tribe.”
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“Oh! I played my season with Taylor!” Hannah Shapiro exclaims.
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“Hey everybody… I’m Taylor, or Tails. We played uh…”
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“Millennials vs Gen X!” Hannah finishes.
“Well, I think I’m the only person from my season, I’m Todd,” Todd says.
“What’s up, man,” Taylor says.
“I’m the only representative from my season too. I am Cao Boi, obviously. I was on Cook Islands.”
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“I was on the same tribe as Wardog!” Wendy exclaims.
“Wendy!” Wardog shouts, as if no one would have figured it out.
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“We were on the Edge!” Wendy explains, “of Extinction!”
“Wendy’s funny, man,” Taylor says in a talking head, “She’s kinda uhh cooky but she’s fun, man.”
“Do you want to go get water,” Jerri asks Russell.
“Yeah,” he mutters, “Grab one of them young kids.”
Jerri looks over the crowd of people getting to know one another, then looks back at Russell and grins, “Let’s go.”
As they make their way through camp, Jerri turns to Wendy, “Do you want to come get water?”
Wendy nods and follows Jerri and Russell.
“So,” Russell starts with his deceptively charming southern grin, “What do you think of everyone so far?” 
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“Well, so far everyone seems cool! Although, maybe I’m not the best judge of character. I didn’t make it far my first time out.”
Russell and Jerri make pouty faces at each other outside of Wendy’s view. 
“Well, you don’t have to worry about that this time, honey,” Jerri promises.
“Yeah, you’re with us now,” Russell assures her.
Wendy nods in agreement to Russell and Jerri, but in a talking head yells, “Who said I wanted to be in an alliance with you, RUSSELL?!”
The three of them find the camp’s well. It’s nestled amongst a rock formation. Overhead, there’s a sign deeming the well, “The Oasis." Wendy eyes a small hill on their way back, then explains in a talking head, “There was a little crease in the rocks where it looked like something could be hidden and the sand around it looked... weird... So, after we all got back to camp and sat around the campfire, I got up to use the bathroom aaaand…” she pulls out a two and half inch tall gold nugget, “There’s gold in them hills! It’s the idol!”
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Somewhere in the Mojave Desert, a coyote surveys the landscape.
When he has a moment alone, Wardog sneaks off to open the advantage he found in the scavenge. He reaches a finger inside and finds a note reading “Extra Vote” and one voting parchment.
“Holy shit. Alright. Alright. That’s good.”
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The next morning at the Suhtai camp, each survivor wakes from their tent and makes their way to the fire. Kass is the first person awake and begins to tend to the fire. Lauren wakes shortly after her and yawns for what feels like eternity, then sits near the fire with Kass.
“How long you been up,” she asks through the remnants of her yawn.
“Oh, just a little bit.”
“You go looking for an idol?”
“Please, Lauren, it’s far too early to worry about that.”
Ken saunters his way around the campfire from the tent.
“Morning folks, What’s on the docket for today?”
“There’s a challenge,” Kass tells him.
“Oh, right on. I think we’re pretty strong, so we should be alright. Didn’t you play soccer, Lauren?”
“I-- yeah, I did.”
“So you’re probably pretty strong. Michaela’s strong, Brandon’s probably strong, Bi’s a boxer so she must be strong.”
Somewhere in the Mojave Desert, a lone desert cottontail rabbit hops over and under the rocks, looking for shelter.
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At high noon, both tribes head to their first immunity challenge. Jeff explains, “Each tribe will have a conestoga wagon. You must move your cart through various obstacles, disassembling and reassembling pieces throughout. Along the way, you will collect puzzle pieces. Then, two people from each tribe will solve the puzzle. First tribe to complete the puzzle wins immunity.”
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Kass and Michaela are chosen as the puzzle solvers for Tsitsistas. Todd and Cao Boi volunteer for the puzzle on Suhtai.
Both tribes fumble a bit as they figure out how to situate themselves around their large conestoga wagons. Once they finally do, Tsitsistas takes a slight lead. Lisa is slow getting back to her position after the reassembling portion of the challenge. Brandon starts yelling they’re “not going to win” until Michaela yells from the puzzle, “Bro, just shut up and get it done.” The disorder causes Suhtai to catch up and take the lead, inciting Brandon further.
“We got it on the puzzle,” Michaela promises, “Be cool, Brandon.” 
Suhtai makes it to their puzzle first and begins working on it, but Tsitsistas is only a few steps behind. As soon as Kass places a tile, Todd is right behind her, then Michaela is right behind him, then Cao Boi next. The four of them are finding pieces with no trouble. When Suhtai goes up by a piece, Tsitsistas is right behind and vice versa. Todd and Cao Boi slam their final piece in and call Jeff. He checks it as Kass and Michaela continue working. “Suhtai thinks they have it,” he places one hand on the puzzle as he looks it over, “That is not right!”
Kass and Michaela clamor for Jeff. He does the same to their puzzle and announces, “Tsitsistas wins immunity!”
In a talking head, Todd blames the loss on Cao Boi after he placed two pieces in their opposite places, “I just don’t understand why you would volunteer yourself and then miss something like that!”
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Somewhere in the Mojave Desert, a purple-throated hummingbird hovers over a nest.
Back at the Suhtai camp, the first vote scramble begins. Todd goes to Taylor first, “Look bro, we shoulda had that challenge.”
“Yeah, man.”
“Cao Boi fucked us,” Todd says, mimicking Taylor’s cadence, “He misplaced two of the pieces.”
“Why would he do that,” Taylor genuinely asks.
“I don’t know, man, but we gotta get him out.”
“You got it man. Let’s do it. I’ll talk to Hannah.”
Taylor wanders over to Hannah, who’s sitting with Wendy, “Han.”
“What’s up, Taylor?”
“So, I was just talking to Todd, he said it’s Cao Boi’s fault we lost. Yeah. So, we have to take him out.”
“I mean, yeah. Are you down?”
“Yeah, I mean, sure. That works for me.”
“Wendy, are you down to vote Cao Boi?”
After Taylor leaves, Hannah asks Wendy if she’s got Wardog. 
“I think so. At least, I can get him to vote with us this time.”
“Okay, That’s good. Wardog’s good.”
“Wardog!” Wendy yells from across the camp.
“Wendy, hey, what’s up,” he asks as he walks over.
“What do you think of Cao Boi,” Hannah asks.
“I’ve got no allegiance to Cao Boi. You guys want to do Cao Boi tonight?”
“Yeah,” Hannah says. 
“Alright, let’s do it,” Wardog says.
Meanwhile, Cao Boi recognizes he’s being targeted. He goes first to Todd and explains, “Everyone here on our tribe has played with someone else on our tribe. Some people have played with people on the other side. You & me, though? We haven’t played with anyone else. Why don’t you and I start something?”
“What are you thinking?”
“Jerri and Russell, that’s a strong connection. They went far together in Heroes vs Villains. You know who else they went far with? Colby. Is there a better story in Survivor history than Jerri and Colby?”
“So, Jerri?”
“I’m just saying. With Jerri gone, Russell and Colby aren’t working together. With Jerri there, they might.”
Somewhere in the Mojave Desert, a bushel of daisies blow in the wind.
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Wendy goes to Russell and Jerri to tell them the Cao Boi plan. They hear the plan, then Russell asks, “Who came up with this?”
“Todd,” she tells them, “Hannah and Taylor already agreed to it. And Wardog.”
“Thanks, Wendy,” Jerri says.
“This is very helpful information,” Russell says, sounding more condescending than he realizes.
In a talking head, Wendy is exasperated, “He talks to me like I’m a child. I can’t stand him. I wish we were taking him out tonight.”
After Wendy leaves, Jerri points out to Russell that Todd and Cao Boi are going to team up to take out the other couples. She believes she’s the target.
Somewhere in the Mojave Desert, a mantis prays.
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Cao Boi approaches Carl and Elizabeth and gives them his pitch for Jerri. They hear him out and agree to the plan. He then finds Wendy shortly before Tribal Council. “Wendy,” he says, “We’re voting Jerri tonight.”
“Okay,” she agrees without question.
As the sun sets over the horizon and the temperature drops, the Suhtai tribe join Jeff around a campfire outside a cave. Unlike previous tribal councils, this season’s has only one row of seating around the fire so everyone is in full view of one another the whole time. The voting booth is inside a small cave in the nearby hills. “So,” Jeff begins with his infectious grin, “Here we are. Survivor 41. Tribal Council. How does it feel, Wardog?”
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“Honestly, Jeff, it sucks. No one ever wants to be here.”
“How about being in the desert, Russell? Any different?”
“It’s still hot, still sandy, still a buncha liars. Don’t matter if it’s Samoa, Nicaragua, Fiji or right here in the Wild West. It’s still Survivor and I’m still the best at it.”
“Haha yeah, alright, dude,” Taylor laughs.
Jeff and Russell turn to Taylor to finish.
“You’ve never even won, dude. How can you call yourself the best?”
“Gotten a lot further than you, bro.”
“Alright, bro. We’ll see.”
“Are you voting for me tonight?”
“No,” Taylor laughs.
“Who are you voting for?”
“Cao Boi! He fucked us in the challenge! Todd said!”
“Alright,” Russell says with a quiet grin before he turns back to Probst.
“Alright, with that, It is time to vote. Taylor, you’re up first.”
Taylor gets up and proudly votes. The other nine make their votes. Jeff tallies the votes and returns to read the votes. “If anyone has the hidden immunity idol and you’d like to play it, now would be the time to do so.” No one stands up. Jeff reads the votes. “Cao Boi, Jerri, Cao Boi, Cao Boi, Cao Boi, First Person voted out of Survivor: Wild West: Cao Boi.”
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Read Episode 2 Here
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mateushonrado · 5 years
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Status Post #8065: Red and Crimson Rangers
Row 1: Victor Lee (Mark Dacascos) / Biorhythm Red (Bio-Man), Jason Lee Scott (Austin St. John) / Red Ranger (MMPR pilot), Jason Lee Scott (Austin St. John) / Red Ranger (MMPR S1-2), Jason Jones / Red Ranger (MMPR Hamilton), Justin (Patrick Wolf) / Red Dark Ranger (MMPR S2), Rocky DeSantos (Steve Cardenas) / Red Ranger / Red Ninja Ranger (MMPR S2-3), Rocko DeSantos (Steve Cardenas) / Wild West Red Ranger (MMPR S2), Rocky DeSantos (Steve Cardenas) / Red Ranger / Red Ninjetti Ranger (MMPR: TM) and Farai Jukwa / Red Dark Ranger (MMPR Marvel)
Row 2: Aurico (David Bacon) / Red Aquitar Ranger (Alien Rangers), Tommy Oliver (Jason David Frank) / Zeo Ranger V Red / Red Turbo Ranger (Zeo-Turbo), TJ Johnson (Selwyn Ward) / Red Turbo Ranger (Turbo), TJ robot (Selwyn Ward) / Red Turbo Ranger (Turbo), Andros (Christopher Khayman Lee) / Red Space Ranger (In Space), Psycho Red (Patrick David) (In Space), Mike Corbett (Russell Lawrence) / Galaxy Red (Lost Galaxy, candidate), Leo Corbett (Danny Slavin) / Galaxy Red (Lost Galaxy) and Carter Grayson (Sean Cw Johnson) / Red Lightspeed Ranger (Lightspeed Rescue)
Row 3: Alex Drake (Jason Faunt) / Time Force Red (Time Force), Wesley Collins (Jason Faunt) / Time Force Red (Time Force), Eric Myers (Daniel Southworth) / Quantum Ranger (Time Force), Cole Evans (Rick Medina) / Red Lion Ranger (Wild Force), Shane Clarke (Pua Magasiva) / Red Wind Ranger (Ninja Storm), Hunter Bradley (Adam Tuominen) / Crimson Thunder Ranger (Ninja Storm), Shane Clarke [Wild Wipeout] (Pua Magasiva) / Red Wind Ranger (Ninja Storm), Hunter Bradley [Wild Wipeout] (Adam Tuominen) / Crimson Thunder Ranger (Ninja Storm) and Conner McKnight (James Napier) / Red Dino Ranger / Triassic Ranger (Dino Thunder)
Row 4: Officer Tate (uncredited actor) / SPD Red Ranger (SPD), Charlie Haywood (Gina Varela) / A-Squad Red (SPD), Jack Landors (Brandon Jay McLaren) / SPD Red Ranger (SPD), Sky Tate (Chris Violette) / SPD Red Ranger / SPD Deka Ranger (SPD), Bridge Carson (Matt Austin Sadowski) / SPD Red Ranger (SPD), Nick Russell (Firass Dirani) / Red Mystic Ranger (Mystic Force), Leanbow (Chris Graham) / Wolf Warrior (Mystic Force), Mack Hartford (James MacLurcan) / Overdrive Red (Operation Overdrive) and Casey Rhodes (Jason Smith) / Red Tiger Ranger (Jungle Fury)
Row 5: Scott Truman (Eka Darville) / Ranger Red (RPM), Grand Shogun (Jim McLarty) (Samurai), Jayden and Lauren's father (Steven A. Davis) / Red Samurai Ranger (Samurai), Jayden Shiba (Alex Heartman) / Red Samurai Ranger / Red Shogun Ranger (Samurai), Lauren Shiba (Kimberley Crossman) / Red Samurai Ranger (Samurai), Troy Burrows (Andrew Gray) / Megaforce Red / Super Megaforce Red (Megaforce-Super Megaforce), Jordan (Joshua McKenzie) / Megaforce Red (Megaforce, wannabe), Tyler Navarro (Brennan Mejia) / Dino Charge Red (Dino Charge) and Grace Sterling / Red Ranger (MMPR/GGPR-MMPR: Beyond the Grid)
Row 6: Jason Lee Scott / Red Ranger (MMPR/GGPR), Trini Kwan / Red Ranger (MMPR/GGPR), Jason Lee Scott [Coinless] / Red Ranger (MMPR/GGPR), Tyrannosaurus Sentry (MMPR/GGPR), Ace / Supersonic Red (MMPR/GGPR), Rocky DeSantos / Red Ranger (MMPR/GGPR), Britt / All-New Red Ranger (MMPR: Pink), Rocky DeSantos / Red Ranger (MMPR: Pink) and Dane Romero (Mike Edward) / Ninja Steel Red (Ninja Steel)
Row 7: Brody Romero (William Shewfelt) / Ninja Steel Red (Ninja Steel), Mick Kanic (Kelson Henderson) / Ninja Steel Red (Ninja Steel), Sheriff Skyfire (Mark Mitchinson) (Ninja Steel), Zordon (Bryan Cranston) / Red Ranger (PR 2017), Jason Scott (Dacre Montgomery) / Red Ranger (PR 2017), Marvin Shih (Peter Sudarso) / Hyperforce Red (Hyperforce) and Lauren Shiba / Red Samurai Ranger (MMPR: Shattered Grid)
Row 8: Matt Cook [Coinless] / Tyrannosaurus Sentry (MMPR: Shattered Grid), Eugene "Skull" Skullovitch [Coinless] / Tyrannosaurus Sentry (MMPR: Shattered Grid), Andros / Red Space Ranger / Red Solar Ranger (MMPR: Shattered Grid-Beyond the Grid), Carter Grayson / Red Lightspeed Ranger (MMPR: Shattered Grid), Eric Myers / Quantum Ranger (MMPR: Shattered Grid), Conner McKnight / Red Dino Ranger (MMPR: Shattered Grid-Beyond the Grid) and Tyler Navarro / Dino Charge Red (MMPR: Shattered Grid-Beyond the Grid)
Occupying the eighth and ninth spot of Row 7-8: Devon Daniels (Rorrie D. Travis) / Beast Morpher Red (Beast Morphers) and Blaze (Colby Strong) / Cybervillain Red (Beast Morphers)
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Waking Up in Vegas--Ch. 11
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Chapter 11: You Got Me into This
Dean, Night, 9:38 PM
           “Your turn,” I whispered, sitting cross-legged on the bed in front of Mera.
           “What was your favorite food as a kid?” She grinned, fingers working quickly through her hair as she braided it. I sighed, wishing that I could bury my face in it again.
           I coughed, clearing my throat. “Real food or junk food?”
           “My sister used to cook these sausage ball things when we were kids. I don’t know how she learned it, but they were fast and cheap, and they tasted good.” I looked away from her, afraid that she’d see the shame in my face.
           She wriggled out of her leggings, tossing them on the floor behind her. The sight of her long legs made my gut clench. However she’d come up with this little game, it was entertaining and excruciating. Instead of seeing her all at once, I caught glimpses of her skin in snapshots.
           “What’s your happiest memory as a kid?” I asked, swallowing hard to get control of myself.
           Something about her dimmed, like a cloud passing over the sunshine of her soul. I caught my mistake too late. Yet she gave me a small smile and answered. “I remember building snow forts in the backyard in Buffalo. Brandon and Colby used to let me help them put together snow blocks and build igloos when it got so cold that it wasn’t even snow—it was ice. Then the three of us would huddle in our frozen huts and pretend that we were living in Alaska or something.”
           She shrugged, jerked her chin toward me. I yanked off my socks and threw them on the floor. Added my belt to the pile.
           “I’m sorry, Mera,” I whispered, reaching for her. “I didn’t mean to make you sad.”
           “It’s okay. The last bit of it was miserable, but there were good times. I can’t… I won’t let what he did as an adult color the memories I have as a kid. He wasn’t always that way…” She sniffed, smiled. Brightness came back into her eyes. “Everything that happened… it got me here. It got me to you. And that’s all that matters.”
           I brushed my fingertips against her jaw, watched color race across her cheeks. “It’s your turn.”
           “Did you ever dream about me?” She glanced away, shy.
           My cock twitched, partly at the innocence that radiated off her and partly at the memory of the nights I kept her image in my mind, wishing with all my soul for just one chance to touch her.
           I smirked. “A lot. Every night. Roman used to threaten to make me sleep in the bathtub because of it.”
           Her brow quirked, a question in her gaze. My smirk grew wider. As much as I enjoyed this game, I was more than ready to bed my wife.
 Mera, Night, 9:45 PM
           There was something dark in Dean’s eyes. His voice dropped, the sound of it turning my entire body into one mass of heat. I felt light headed with desire.
           Dean moved closer, his eyes flitting over my face, along the curves and lines of my body. It was a predatory gaze, one that made me want to sink into his arms and give in to anything he wanted.
           “I dreamt so many things about you, Mera Ambrose.” He said my name like a prayer. I shivered as his mouth brushed against my ear. “I dreamt of running my fingers through your hair, of tasting the skin along your neck, of holding you in my arms. I dreamt of the sound you’d make when I kissed you, when I slid my hands along your flesh, when I slid my fingers inside you and made you come. I dreamt of how it would feel to have your bare skin against mine, how it would feel when I finally thrust into you the first time.”
           I let out a sound that was part sigh and part moan. Dean laughed dangerously, his fingers settling against my throat. “That’s the sound I dreamt about. That little sigh right there.”
           “Dean,” I whispered, fire blazing through my veins. There was too much—too much desire, too much anticipation, too much temptation.
           His mouth brushed along the side of my neck, teeth nipping gently. “Say it again.”
           I allowed myself a small smile. “Dean,” I whispered again, my fingers delving into his hair. I turned my head, giving him free access to my throat.
           He growled. In one fluid motion, he gripped me by the hips and flipped so that I was pressed into the mattress beneath him. His fingers flexed, gathering handfuls of my dress and pulling it up. Rough fingertips dragged against my skin, searching up my thighs, gripping the band of my underwear and dragging them down my legs. I whimpered when he grabbed me by the ankles and tugged me toward the end of the bed.
           “Say it again,” he murmured, kneeling and drawing me closer. He hooked my legs over his shoulders.
           I opened my mouth to speak just as he swept his tongue along my core. My voice came out in a breathy whimper. “Dean!”
           His growl rumbled through me as he did his best to undo me with his mouth. Fingers gripped my thighs, stroked up my ribs, reached for me, threaded with my own. I couldn’t catch my breath. I couldn’t think about anything but the feel of his hands on my body and his tongue doing such wonderful things.
           I bucked against his ministrations. At once, I couldn’t handle another second and never wanted it to end. My head thrashed side to side, back arching, heart pounding. I squealed, whimpered, cried out his name… begged him to give me release, to never stop.
           “Dean, please!”
 Dean, Night, 9:58 PM
           She whimpered, she begged. Every sound that passed her lips branded my soul, spurred that feral creature in my chest on. It was as if something primal took over, demanded that I bring her to the brink of pleasure over and over again.
           When she came, it was beautiful. She spun out of control, the fibers holding her together shredding apart as the atoms of her body spread through the cosmos. Mera sank into the mattress, limbs splayed and limp. I smirked, pride swelling my chest.
           I climbed onto the bed, smiling as I watched her regain her composure. Her eyes fluttered open, amber shining like brass. A soft smile curved her lips.
           “Mera,” I whispered. I could hear the pure lust in my voice, the desperation to feel her quake around me.
           She looked at me with those eyes, teeth nipping her bottom lip. She rolled to her side, fingers going to the buttons on my shirt. One after the other, she undid them deftly. Her nails scratched against my chest, earning a growl that rumbled through my chest. I hissed when those fingers hooked into the waistband of my pants. My darling bride slid her hand into my boxers, wrapping those beautiful fingers around my cock.
           “Fuck,” I groaned as her fingers squeezed and stroked.
           She tugged my pants and boxers down. There was a wicked gleam in her eye when she crawled up onto her knees. The next moment, she straddled my hips. I fought down the urge to thrust up into her. Instead, I rubbed my thumbs along her thighs, groaning as she rolled her hips back and forth.
           Mera leaned forward, palms on either side of my head as she found the perfect position. Her hips rocked, my cock slid inside her, and it was all I could do to keep myself in check. She smiled wickedly as she sat up, watching me as she moved in a slow, agonizing pace.
           Her hair fell over her shoulder as she braced herself on my chest. My fingers dug into her hips, begging her to go faster. It was the most erotic thing I’d ever seen—this exquisite goddess straddling my lap and riding me with an expression of sheer ecstasy on her face.
           Her pace quickened, hips grinding against mine as she chased her own orgasm. I growled and grunted, gripped her hips until I was certain she’d have bruises. Every move pushed me closer to the edge. It was a pot boiling—a slow rising of the heat and roiling of water until there was nothing left but to spill over. And with Mera in my arms, her body quivering against me, it was soul-stealing and intoxicating.
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goalhofer · 5 years
Every Junior/Professional Peter Budaj Teammate
Toronto St. Michael’s Majors
Keith Delaney (1999-2000)
Ryan Walsh (1999-2001)
Darryl Bootland (1999-2002)
Kenny Corupe (1999-2000)
Mark Popovic (1999-2002)
Matt Ellis (1999-2002)
Adam DeLeeuw (1999-2001)
Matt Bannan (1999-2002)
Jeffrey Doyle (1999-2001)
Chad Woollard (1999-2000)
Chris Minard (1999-2001)
Chris Boucher (1999-2001)
Dave Csumrik (1999-2000)
Michael Gough (1999-2002)
Greg Mizzi (1999-2001)
Lorne Misita (1999-2001)
Brian Simpson (1999-2000)
George Nistas (1999-2000)
Tyler Cook (1999-2002)
Brad Pierce (1999-2000)
Philippe Lakos (1999-2000)
Mike Sellan (1999-2001)
Steve Farquharson (1999-2001)
Michal Kolarik (1999-2000)
Kyle McAllister (3 games 1999)
Dwayne Bateman (1999-2000)
Ryan Delaney (1 game 2000)
Ryan Rasmussen (1 game 2000)
Brent Mulder (2 games 2000)
Rory Glaves 6 games 2000)
Frank Lukes (2000-02)
Tim Brent (2000-02)
Drew Fata (2000-02)
Kevin Klein (2000-02)
Lindsay Plunkett (20 games 2001)
Matt Bacon (2000-02)
T.J. Reynolds (2000-02)
Ryan Robert (2000-02)
Scott Talbot (3 games 2001-02)
Andy Chiodo (2000-02)
Joe Guenther (2001-02)
Scott Heffernan (2001-02)
Darryl Boyce (2001-02)
Ryan Rorabeck (2001-02)
Scott Horvath (2001-02)
Daryl Knowles (2001-02)
Jordan Freeland (2001-02)
Jerrod Smith (2001-02)
Geoff Patton (2001-02)
Steven Rawski (2001-02)
Kyle Spurr (2001-02)
Matthew Seymour (2001-02)
Mike Carlesimo (1 game 2002)
Tyson Gimblett (2001-02)
Hershey Bears
Eric Bertrand (2002-03)
Brian Willsie (2002-03)
Mark Freer (2002-03)
Charlie Stephens (2002-04)
Steve Brule (2002-04)
Brett Clark (2002-05)
Jordan Krestanovich (2002-04)
Cail MacLean (2002-03, 2004-05)
Steve Moore (2002-04)
Bryan Muir (2002-03)
Mikhail Kuleshov (2002-04)
Brent Thompson (2002-03)
Alexander Riazantsev (2002-03)
Riku Hahl (2002-03)
Marek Svatos (2002-03, 2004-05)
Marc Busenburg (2002-04)
Brad Larsen (2002-04)
Bruce Richardson (2002-04)
Travis Brigley (2002-04)
Tim Wedderburn (2002-03)
Vaclav Nedorost (5 games 2003)
Kent Davyduke (14 games 2002-04)
Jeff Paul (2002-03)
Rob Voltera (2002-03)
Agris Saviels (2002-05)
Philippe Sauve (2002-04)
Sylvain Deschatelets (4 games 2003)
Joe Goodenow (2002-03)
Pierre-Luc Emond (4 games 2003)
Nick Bootland (16 games 2003)
Daniel Goneau (3 games 2002)
Adam Edinger (5 games 2002)
John-Michael Liles (5 games 2003)
Michael Henrich (9 games 2003)
Sandro Sbrocca (1 game 2003)
Simon Tremblay (1 game 2002)
Chris Bogas (1 game 2002)
Dylan Gyori (1 game 2002)
Steve Rymsha (2 games 2003)
Brad Wingfield (2 games 2003)
K.C. Timmons (2 games 2003)
Mike Verhaug (2 games 2002)
Sergei Klyazmin (2003-05)
Eric Perrin (2003-05)
Shane Willis (2003-04)
Pascal Trepanier (2003-04)
Gavin Morgan (2003-04)
Sheldon Keefe (2003-04)
Martin Hlinka (2003-05)
D.J. Smith (2003-04)
Ryan Craig (2003-04)
Tomas Slovak (2003-05)
Jeff Finger (2003-05)
David Masse (2003-05)
Dennis Bonvie (2003-05)
Cody McCormick (2003-05)
Chris Bala (2003-05)
Yevgeni Artyukhin; Jr. (2003-04)
Jean-Francois Soucy (12 games 2004)
Darren Rumble (5 games 2004)
Rob Voltera (2003-04)
Dean Arsene (2003-05)
Mark Jerant (2003-04)
Dwayne Hay (4 games 2004)
Jeremy Van Hoof (5 games 2004)
Brian Fahey (12 games 2004)
Nikita Alexeev (14 games 2004)
Martin Cibak (1 game 2004)
Jon Cullen (1 game 2004)
Frantisek Skladany (2004-05)
Judd Medak (5 games 2004)
Lanny Gare (9 games 2004)
Tom Lawson (2003-05)
Mike Amodeo (2004-05)
Greg Barber (2004-05)
Adam Borzecki (2004-05)
Johnny Boychuk (2004-05)
Ed Campbell (2004-05)
Carl Corrazini (2004-05)
Nicolas Corbeil (2004-05)
Mathieu Darche (2004-05)
Jean-Francois David (2004-05)
Trevor Johnson (2004-05)
Evgeni Lazarev (2004-05)
Carl Mallette (2004-05)
Graig Mischler (2004--05)
Nick Naumenko (2004-05)
Josh Olson (2004-05)
Jamie Rivers (2004-05)
Andre Savage (2004-05)
Darrel Scoville (2004-05)
Mike Souza (2004-05)
Ryan Steeves (2004-05)
Jeff Ulmer (2004-05)
Mikko Viitanen (2004-05)
Martin Wilde (2004-05)
Colorado Avalanche
Joe Sakic (2005-09)
Alex Tanguay (2005-06)
Andrew Brunette (2005-08)
Milan Hejduk (2005-11)
Rob Blake (2005-06)
Marek Svatos (2005-10)
John-Michael Liles (2005-11)
Pierre Turgeon (2005-07)
Ian Laperriere (2005-09)
Brett McLean (2005-07)
Joseph Brisebois (2005-07)
Brett Clark (2005-10)
Antti Laaksonen (2005-07)
Steve Konowalchuk (2005-06)
Karlis Skrastins (2005-08)
Dan Hinote (2005-06)
Brad Richardson (2005-08)
Cody McCormick (2005-09)
Bob Boughner (2005-06)
Brad May (2005-07)
Wojciech Wolski (2005-10)
Kurt Sauer (2005-08)
Ossi Vaanaanen (2005-07)
Jim Dowd (18 games 2006)
David Aebischer (2005-06)
Vitali Kolesnik (8 games 2006)
Paul Healy (2 games 2006)
Jose Theodore (2005-08)
Paul Stastny (2006-11)
Tyler Arnason (2006-09)
Ken Klee (2006-07)
Mark Rycroft (2006-07)
Ben Guite (2006-09)
Jordan Leopold (2006-09)
Jeff Finger (2006-08)
Kyle Cumiskey (2006-11)
Scott Parker (2006-08)
George Parros (2 games 2006)
Tyler Weiman (1 game 2008)
Johnny Boychuk (4 games 2008)
Scott Hannan (2007-11)
Ruslan Saliej (2007-10)
Adam Foote (2007-11)
Wyatt Smith (2007-08)
T.J. Hensick (2007-10)
David Jones (2007-11)
Cody McLeod (2007-11)
Ryan Smyth (2007-09)
Peter Forsberg (9 games 2007-08, 2 games 2010)
T.J. Galiardi (2008-11)
Raymond Macias (6 games 2009)
Lawrence Nycholat (5 games 2009)
Derek Peltier (14 games 2008-10)
Andrew Raycroft (2008-09)
Chris Stewart (2008-11)
Daniel Tjarnqvist (2008-09)
Darcy Tucker (2008-10)
Mike Vernace (12 games 2009)
Brian Willsie (2008-10)
Chris Durno (2008-10)
Matt Hendricks (2008-10)
Craig Anderson (2009-11)
Matt Duchene (2009-11)
David Koci (2009-11)
Peter Mueller (15 games 2010)
Ryan O’Reilly (2009-11)
Kevin Porter (2009-11)
Kyle Quincey (2009-11)
Ryan Stoa (2009-11)
Ryan Wilson (2009-11)
Stephane Yelle (11 games 2010)
Brandon Yip (2009-11)
Philippe Dupuis (2009-10)
Shawn Belle (4 games 2011)
Brian Elliott (12 games 2011)
Tomas Fleischmann (2010-11)
Jonas Holos (2010-11)
Matt Hunwick (2010-11)
Erik Johnson (2010-11)
Jay McClement (2010-11)
Ryan O’Byrne (2010-11)
Mark Olver (18 games 2010)
Daniel Winnik (2010-11)
Montreal Canadiens
Mike Blunden (2011-14)
Rene Bourque (2011-14)
Chris Campoli (2011-12)
Erik Cole (2011-13)
Mathieu Darche (2011-12)
David Desharnais (2011-14)
Raphael Diaz (2011-14)
Lars Eller (2011-14)
Alexei Emelin (2011-14)
Brian Gionta (2011-14)
Scott Gomez (2011-12)
Josh Gorges (2011-14)
Tomas Kaberle (2011-13)
Andrei Markov (2011-14)
Travis Moen (2011-14)
Petteri Nokelainen (2011-12)
Max Pacioretty (2011-14)
Tomas Plekanec (2011-14)
Carey Price (2011-14)
Brad Staubitz (19 games 2012)
P.K. Subban (2011-14)
Yannick Weber (2011-13)
Ryan White (2011-14)
Brendan Gallagher (2012-14)
Alex Galchenyuk (2012-14)
Michael Ryder (2012-13)
Brandon Prust (2012-14)
Francis Bouillon (2012-14)
Colby Armstrong (2012-13)
Davis Drewiske (9 games 2013)
Gabriel Dumont (12 games 2012-14)
Jeff Halpern (19 games 2013)
Jarred Tinordi (2012-14)
Nathan Beaulieu (2012-14)
Greg Pateryn (3 games 2013)
Daniel Briere (2013-14)
Thomas Vanek (2013-14)
Michael Bournival (2013-14)
Mike Weaver (2013-14)
Dale Weise (2013-14)
Douglas Murray (2013-14)
George Parros (2013-14)
Joseph St. Pierre (1 game 2014)
Louis Leblanc (8 games 2014)
Joonas Nattinen (1 game 2014)
Christian Thomas (2 games 2014)
Patrick Holland (5 games 2014)
Dustin Tokarski (3 games 2014)
St. John’s IceCaps
Jason Jaffray (19 games 2014-15)
Jerome Samson (19 games 2014-15)
Andrew Gordon (19 games 2014-15)
Kael Mouillierat (19 games 2014-15)
Brenden Kichton (19 games 2014-15)
John Albert (19 games 2014-15)
Carl Klingberg (19 games 2014-15)
Eric O’Dell (19 games 2014-15)
J.C. Lipon (19 games 2014-15)
Kyle MacKinnon (19 games 2014-15)
Will O’Neill (19 games 2014-15)
Adam Lowry (19 games 2014-15)
Patrice Cormier (19 games 2014-15)
Zach Redmond (19 games 2014-15)
Blair Riley (19 games 2014-15)
Ben Chiarot (19 games 2014-15)
Jordan Hill (19 games 2014-15)
Julian Melchiori (19 games 2014-15)
Josh Lunden (19 games 2014-15)
Paul Postma (4 games 2015)
Austen Brassard (19 games 2014-15)
Kris Fredheim (19 games 2014-15)
Travis Ehrhardt (8 games 2015)
Ryan Schnell (19 games 2014-15)
Ian O’Connor (3 games 2014)
Jamie MacQueen (5 games 2015)
Josh Morrissey (8 games 2015)
Tyler Beskorowany (12 games 2014-15)
Michael Hutchinson (19 games 2014-15)
Eddie Pasquale (19 games 2014-15)
Cody Sol (1 game 2015)
Eric Comrie (2 games 2015)
Colton Beck (3 games 2015)
Adam Pardy (3 games 2015)
Jussi Olkinuora (10 games 2015)
Cody Lampl (19 games 2014-15)
Ontario Reign
Sean Backman (2015-16)
Nic Dowd (2015-16)
Michael Mersch (2015-16)
Justin Auger (2015-16)
Vincent LoVerde (2015-16)
Jonny Brodzinski (2015-16)
Adrian Kempe (2015-16)
Kris Newbury (2015-16)
Jordan Samuels-Thomas (2015-16)
Andrew Crescenzi (2015-16)
Kevin Gravel (2015-16)
Jeff Schultz (2015-16)
Kurtis MacDermid (2015-16)
Ryan Horvat (2015-16)
Valentin Zykov (2015-16)
Nick Ebert (2015-16)
Joel Lowry (2015-16)
Derek Forbort (2015-16)
Brett Sutter (2015-16, 2018-19)
Scott Sabourin (2015-16)
Derek Army (12 games 2016)
Zac Leslie (2015-16)
Kevin Raine (2015-16)
Matt Leitner (15 games 2016)
Paul Bissonnette (2015-16)
Christian Ehrhoff (5 games 2016)
Matt Schmalz (3 games 2016)
Jamie McBain (3 games 2016)
Sam Herr (9 games 2016, 2018-19)
Mike Amadio (11 games 2016, 2018-19)
Paul LaDue (3 games 2016)
Kenton Miller (1 game 2016)
Damir Sharipzyanov (1 game 2016)
Maxim Kitsyn (2 games 2016)
Kyle Clifford (2 games 2016)
Ray Emery (3 games 2015)
Derek Arnold (4 games 2015)
Michael Houser (7 games 2016)
Curt Gogol (7 games 2016)
Mason Bergh (2018-19)
Daniel Brickley (2018-19)
Kale Clague (2018-19)
Jamie Devane (2018-19)
Aidan Dudas (2018-19)
Michael Eyssimont (2018-19)
Max Gottlieb (2018-19)
Jacob Ingham (2018-19)
Alex Lintuniemi (2018-19)
Matt Luff (2018-19)
Philippe Maillet (2018-19)
Connor McDonald (2018-19)
Zack Mitchell (2018-19)
Brad Morrison (2018-19)
Matt Moulson (2018-19)
Cal Peterson (2018-19)
Chaz Reddekopp (2018-19)
Sheldon Rempal (2018-19)
Nikita Scherbak (2018-19)
Austin Strand (2018-19)
Craig Wyszomirski (2018-19)
Los Angeles Kings
Anze Kopitar (1 game 2016, 2016-17, 1 game 2018)
Drew Doughty (1 game, 2016, 2016-17, 1 game 2018)
Milan Lucic (1 game 2016)
Alec Martinez (1 game 2016, 2016-17, 1 game 2018)
Dustin Brown (1 game 2016, 2016-17, 1 game 2018)
Jeff Carter (1 game 2016, 2016-17, 1 game 2018)
Marian Gaborik (1 game 2016, 2016-17)
Tanner Pearson (1 game 2016, 2016-17, 1 game 2018)
Tyler Toffoli (1 games 2016, 2016-17, 1 game 2018)
Kevin Gravel (1 game 2016, 2016-17)
Dwight King (1 game 2016, 2016-17)
Vincent Lecavalier (1 game 2016)
Trevor Lewis (1 game 2016, 2016-17, 1 game 2018)
Brayden McNabb (1 game 2016, 2016-17)
Jake Muzzin (1 game 2016, 2016-17, 1 game 2018)
Jordan Nolan (1 game 2016, 2016-17)
Luke Schenn (1 game 2016)
Nick Shore (1 game 2016, 2016-17)
Nic Dowd (2016-17)
Derek Forbort (2016-17, 1 game 2018
Kyle Clifford (2016-17, 1 game 2018)
Devin Setoguchi (2016-17)
Jarome Iginla (19 games 2017)
Paul LaDue (2016-17)
Adrian Kempe (2016-17, 1 game 2018)
Tom Gilbert (18 games 2017)
Matt Greene (2016-17)
Andy Andreoff (2016-17)
Teddy Purcell (12 games 2017)
Jonny Brodzinski (6 games 2017)
Jhonas Enroth (1 game 2017)
Jonathan Quick (17 games 2016-17)
Ben Bishop III (7 games 2017)
Jeff Zatkoff (17 games 2016-17)
Jack Campbell (1 game 2017)
Dion Phaneuf (1 game 2018)
Mike Amadio (1 game 2018)
Oscar Fantenberg (1 game 2018)
Derek Forbort (1 game 2018)
Alex Iafallo (1 game 2018)
Ilya Kovalchuk (1 game 2018)
Cal Peterson (1 game 2018)
Nate Thompson (1 game 2018)
Tampa Bay Lightning
Nikita Kucherov (15 games 2016-18)
Victor Hedman (15 games 2016-18)
Jonathan Drouin (7 games 2017)
Ondrej Palat (15 games 2016-18)
Tyler Johnson (15 games 2016-18)
Brayden Point (15 games 2016-18)
Alex Killorn (15 games 2016-18)
Vladislav Namestnikov (7 games 2017)
Anton Stralman (15 games 2016-18)
Steven Stamkos (15 games 2016-18)
Andrej Sustr (15 games 2016-18)
Braydon Coburn (15 games 2016-18)
Jake Dotchin (15 games 2016-18)
Cedric Paquette (15 games 2016-18)
Jason Garrison (7 games 2017)
Yanni Gourde (15 games 2016-18)
J.T. Brown (15 games 2016-18)
Gabriel Dumont (14 games 2017)
Ryan Callahan (15 games 2016-18)
Cory Conacher (15 games 2016-18)
Luke Witkowski (7 games 2017)
Slater Koekkoek (15 games 2016-18)
Adam Erne (15 games 2016-18)
Michael Bournival (15 games 2017)
Joel Vermin (7 games 2017)
Matthew Peca (15 games 2016-18)
Greg McKegg (7 games 2017)
Erik Condra (7 games 2017)
Byron Froese (4 games 2017)
Tanner Richard (3 games 2017)
Andrei Vasilevskiy (2016-18)
Ben Bishop III (7 games 2017)
Kristers Gudlevskis (1 game 2017)
Mikhail Sergachyov (8 games 2017)
Chris Kunitz (8 games 2017)
Daniel Girardi (8 games 2017)
Syracuse Crunch
Mathieu Joseph (2 games 2018)
Carter Verhaeghe (2 games 2018)
Matthew Peca (2 games 2018)
Alexander Volkov (2 games 2018)
Mitchell Stephens (2 games 2018)
Anthony Cirelli (2 games 2018)
Mat Bodie (2 games 2018)
Michael Bournival (2 games 2018)
Kevin Lynch (2 games 2018)
Adam Erne (2 games 2018)
Erik Condra (2 games 2018)
Dominik Masin (2 games 2018)
Jamie McBain (2 games 2018)
Dennis Yan (2 games 2018)
Ben Thomas (2 games 2018)
Gabriel Dumont (2 games 2018)
Olivier Archambeault (2 games 2018)
Erik Cernak (2 games 2018)
Daniel Walcott (2 games 2018)
Cory Conacher (2 games 2018)
Reid McNeill (2 games 2018)
Jonne Tammela (2 games 2018)
Jason Akeson (2 games 2018)
Matthew Spencer (2 games 2018)
Alex Gallant (2 games 2018)
Alexei Lipanov (2 games 2018)
Chris DiDomenico (2 games 2018)
Cal Foote (2 games 2018)
Troy Bourke (2 games 2018)
Brendan Bradley (2 games 2018)
Matt Petgrave (2 games 2018)
Josh Pitt (2 games 2018)
Brandon Marino (2 games 2018)
Ben Wilson (2 games 2018)
Stephen MacAulay (2 games 2018)
Mathieu Brodeur (2 games 2018)
T.J. Melancon (2 games 2018)
Craig Wyszomorski (2 games 2018)
Shane Conacher (2 games 2018)
Connor Ingram (2 games 2018)
OHL All-Stars
Nathan Robinson (2002)
Mike Renzi (2002)
Jason Spezza (2002)
Miguel Desliles (2002)
Mark Popovic (2002)
Erik Reitz (2002)
David Chant (2002)
Team Slovakia
L’ubos Pisar (2001)
Ladislav Gabris (2001)
Tomas Slovak (2001)
Alexander Valentin (2001)
Tomas Starosta (2001, 2008, 2010, 2014)
Tomas Malec (2001-02)
Miroslav Durak (2001)
L’ubos Velebny (2001-02)
Rene Vydareny (2001, 2008, 2014)
Peter Szabo (2001)
Milan Bartovic (2001, 2010, 2014)
Jozef Balej (2001)
Roman Tvrdon (2001)
Lukas Hvila (2001)
Tomas Surovy (2001, 2006, 2014)
Miroslav Kristin (2001-02)
Martin Drotar (2001)
Marcel Hossa (2001, 2006, 2008, 2014)
Tomas Kopecky (2001-02, 2014)
Tomas Skvaridlo (2001)
Milan Dubec (2001)
Peter Hamerlik (2002, 2010)
Stanislav Hudec (2002)
Karol Sloboda (2002)
Peter Fruhauf (2002, 2010)
Radovan Sloboda (2002)
Richard Stehlik (2002)
Milan Jurcina (2002, 2006, 2014)
Peter Gajdos (2002)
Tomas Jasko (2002)
Tomas Oravec (2002)
Ivan Kolozvary (2002)
Marek Svatos (2002, 2006, 2010)
Michal Macho (2002, 2010)
Frantisek Skladany (2002, 2008)
Peter Holecko (2002)
Igor Pohanka (2002)
Michal Kolarik (2002)
Karol Krizan (2006)
Jan Lasak (2006, 2008)
Zdeno Chara (2006, 2014)
Ivan Majesky (2006, 2008, 2010)
Andrej Meszaros (2006, 2014)
Martin Strbak (2006, 2008)
L’ubimir Visnovsky (2006, 2008)
L’ubos Bartecko (2006)
Peter Bondra (2006)
Pavol Demitra (2006)
Marian Gaborik (2006)
Marian Hossa (2006, 2014)
Richard Kapus (2006)
Ronald Petrovicky (2006)
Miroslav Satan (2006, 2010)
Jozef Stumpel (2006)
Richard Zednik (2006)
Ivan Ciernik (2008, 2010)
Peter Fabus (2008)
Dominik Granak (2008, 2010)
Peter Huzevka (2008)
Andrej Kollar (2008)
Juraj Kolnik (2008)
Miroslav Kovacik (2008)
Karol Krizan (2008)
Tibor Melicharek (2008)
Branislav Mezei (2008)
Juraj Mikus (2008)
Robert Petrovicky (2008)
Peter Podradsky (2008)
Andrej Podkonicky (2008, 2010)
Andrej Sekera (2008, 2010, 2014)
Radovan Somik (2008)
Vladimir Dravecky (2010)
Stanislav Gron (2010)
Roman Kukumberg (2010)
Richard Lintner (2010)
Vladimir Mihalek (2010)
Richard Panik (2010, 2014)
Tomas Tatar (2010, 2014)
Marek Zagrapan (2010)
Miroslav Zalesak (2010)
Rastislav Stana (2010)
Ivan Baranka (2014)
Tomas Jurco (2014)
Michal Handzus (2014)
Jaroslav Halak (2014)
Jan Laco (2014)
Martin Marincin (2014)
Tomas Marcinko (2014)
Tomas Zaborsky (2014)
Peter Olvecky (2014)
Michel Miklik (2014)
Branko Radivojevic (2014)
4 notes · View notes
nsula · 6 years
Honor List Fall 2018
NATCHITOCHES – One thousand one hundred thirty-one undergraduate students at Northwestern State University were named to the Honor List for the Fall 2018 semester.  Students on the Honor Roll must be enrolled full-time at Northwestern State and have a grade point average of between 3.0 and 3.49.  Students named to the Honor List, listed by hometown, are as follows.
 Abbeville – Kyle Baudoin, Skyler Guerra, MaKayla Lewis, Kayla Marceaux, Julie Melancon, Zabrinia Spates;
 Atlanta – Jamie Wagley;
 Alexandria -- Aleisha Allen, Lili Bedoya, Samantha Bergeron, Madeline Blake, Morgan Brame, Jasmine Brown, Jamie Broussard, Angel Christophe, Mydacia Conaler, Karly Constantino, Noel Cusick, Deshod Dixon, Joshua Dorsey, Kaylie Edwards, Brittany Franklin, Bailey Gaspard, Mallory Halford, Chelse Hayes, Gustov Johnson, Jasmine Johnson, Breonna Jones, Kristina Langley, Naya Loyden, Katelyn Maggio, Aaron Martin, Dean Mayeux, Shauntae Perry, Sadae Polk, Kylah Porter, Carmen Rachal, Zachary Roberts, Mary Sampson, Savannah Sices, Taijha Silas, Kiaijah Thomas; Kirstyn Thomas, Erin Vandersypen, Cherell Wallace, Tameia West, Alaina Williams, Mikayla Wright;
 Allen, Texas – Nautica Grant;
 Alpine, Alabama – Courtney Willis;
 Anacoco – Lindsey Alligood, Jacob Bennett, Kinsley Blakeway, Angela Guy, Christopher Guy, Connor Higgins, Kayli O’Toole, Cayla Roberts, Kaylee Runnels;
 Arcadia – Deniesha Davis, Alliyah Murphy, Hannah Tinsley;
 Arlington, Texas – Mariah Denson;
 Arnaudville – Macey Boyd;
 Athens, Texas – Jessica Dubose, Jacob Ellis;
 Atlanta, Texas – Madison Hamson, Meredith Mcmanus, Jackson Teal;
 Austin, Texas – Jennifer Jacob;
             Avondale – Roger Jones;
           Belcher – Loriann Long;
             Boyce – Lane Robinson;
             Baker – Devante George, Cherish Netter;
 Ball – Brittany Breland, Christopher Constance, Mackenzie Owen, Will Salinas, Bryan Sayes, Alice Wilson;
 Bastrop – Katelynn Chain, Kimberly Robinson;
 Baton Rouge – Brianna Alumbaugh, Chloe Castello, Lydell Emerson, John Guillot, Brooke Harbin, Samantha Hebert, Mckane Kinchen, JeBreanne Morgan, Jennifer Normand, Katie Pham, Ashleigh Rumby, Kori Thomas, Jharon Whitfield, Jordan Williams;
 Baunatal, Germany – Yannik Gerland;
 Beacon Falls, Connecticut – Stacey Brown;
 Belcher – Victoria Herbert;
 Belle Chasse – Madison Hewitt, Denim Reeves;
 Belmont – Ashley Hill;
 Bentley – Heather Jones;
 Benton -- Chasity Catanese, Bryanna Cooper, Sarai Fanene, Makayla Goff, Ali Hedgepeth, Leanna Plunkett, Blaine Reeder, Lilly Roach, Maegan Ross;
 Berkshire, New York – Alexis Andersen;
 Bienville – Sarah Macynski;
 Blanchard – Ashlynn Hartley;
 Bossier City – Shelby Ansley, Cassie Bailey, Lauryn Bakalis, Kaylan Beloso, Amanda Billieu, Shelby Booth, Quintin Braley, Katie Briggs, Megan Cathey, Kendall Corkern, Colby Cranford, Daniel Dial, Kasey Dice, Courtney Dismuke, Farrell Dulle, Jonathan Edie, Marissa Gardner, Margaret Gates, Nawal Gazawaneh, Adrianne Hampton, Andrea Haynes, Christian Henley, Dejaney Jackson, Nourain Jamhour, Jared Jarrell, Haley Joncas, Shane Kaiser, Alexandra Madrid, Samantha Maiette, Anthony Mulrenin, Dylan Nash-Browder, Shelby Peeples, Jordan Phillips, Kathryn Pierce, Rachael Pierce, Cierra Rachal, Nigmeh Rahman, Jenna Rambin, Sierra Richard, Emily Rideout, Nickolas Rizzo, Jasmine Roberson, Dakota Schudalla, Ranya Shihadeh, Kaylee Stewart, Giselle Trejo, Bobby Trichel, Chandler Vascocu, Lacey Velasquez, Madeline Webb, Pamula Whicker, Vikki Wolf;
 Boutte – Jose Del Rio;
             Boyce – Hannah Aslin, Tiffany Barnhart, Savanna Budnik, Natalie Dear, Devin Hilliard, Anna Lacombe, Kaitlyn Miller, Sydney Yerby;
 Breaux Bridge – Dylan Davis, Mickayla Love;
 Broussard – Matthew Buteau;
 Brownsboro, Texas – Brice Borgeson;
 Burnet, Texas – Marshall Skinner;
 Bush – Serena Bonnette;
 Cottonport – Jared Seaver;
 Calhoun – Marissa Barentine, William Malone;
 Campti – Adam Calder, Paige Cason, Damarte Fisher, Kortney Greer, Malachi Lester, Pepper Lloyd;
 Cape Coral, Florida – Karleigh Acosta;
 Carencro – Chaney Dodge, Jhonae Thibodeaux;
 Cartagena, Colombia – Sebastian Alfaro Fontalvo, Samantha Arellano Chavez, Elias Castro Caballero, Gabriela Forero Salcedo, Julieth Maturana Orozco, Alonso Restrepo Cardozo;
 Castor – Loxlie Dodd, Priscilla Harrell;
 Center, Texas – John Harrington;
 Centerpoint – Marissa Skursky;
 Cheneyville – Laiken Haggart, Shelbie Moriarty;
 Chicago, Illinois – Irene Frangos;
 Choudrant – Krislyn Mardis;
 Church Point – Meghan Bearb;
 Cincinnati, Ohio – Terry Brewer, Kristin Byone;
 Clinton – Christopher Sanders, Joshua Taylor;
 Colfax – Michael Dupre, Paidin Luneau, Angela McCann, Peyton Ryder, Katilyn Slayter;
 Colorado Springs – Rossana Potempa;
 Conroe, Texas – Zachary Krolczyk;
 Converse – Haleigh Sharrow, Triston Waldon;
 Copperas Cove – Patrick Murphy;
 Corinth, Texas – Madison Walford;
 Corsicana, Texas – Sasha Ballard;
 Cotton Valley – Taylor O’Rear;
 Cottonport – Shelie Canoe, Jacob Harris, Joneshia Jacobs,;
 Coushatta -- Journi Brown, Brandon Gay, Erikka Johnson, Aston Lester, Tianna Rock, Deja Sibley, Mikailah Smith;
 Covington – Kenneth Sears, Crystal Tucker;
 Creston – Madison Alexander;
 Cullen – D’Agurelle Epps, Travon Jones;
 Cut Off – Kaelyn Musgrave;
 Cypress, Texas – Shemar Bartholomew, Jacob Farrell;
 Dayton, Texas – Jerry Maddox;
 De Berry, Texas – Sarah Britt;
 Denham Springs – Joey Carroll, Jenson Wall;
 DeRidder – Amie Ashworth, Samantha Barr, Sheridan Douglas, Sarah Fulford, John Ham, Genna Higginbotham, Latresha High, Alexis Holland, Jordan Mack-Mcnair, Casey McGlothlin, Jessica McManus, Mary Rabalais, Morgan Smith, Madison Tilley, Gavin Watson, Katie Wisthoff, Siaerphin Wolfe;
 Destrahan – John Domangue;
 Deville – Emily Biddle, Hailie Coutee, Kinley Deville, Jessica Horton, Colton Johnson, Alyssa Kline, Ashtyn Knap, Hannah Lewis, Jordan Paul, Garrett Sellers, Haley Spilker, April Thomas, Destiny Zito;
 Dodton – Micah Broomfield, Melanie Thomas;
 Downsville – Abby Fordham;
 Doyline – Billi Jones, Joshua Kirkhart;
 Dripping Spring, Texas – Bryce Potter;
 Dry Prong – Joshua Christopher, Ethan Lewis, Shian Murrell, Lindsey Weatherford, Ashley Webb;
 Dubach – Olivia Hancock;
 Dubberly – Jared Bryce, Audrie Dison, Alex Robles;
 Duson – JoBeth Caswell;
 Edgard – TaiJhun Louper;
 Edmond, Oklahoma – Jiyoon Lee, Ravon Nero;
 Edwards, Mississippi – Taylor O’Bannon;
 Effie – Jacey Dunbar;
 Elizabeth – Kolby Friday, Hannah LaCaze;
 Elm Grove – Camryn Sessions, Jacob Dunn;
 Elmer – Courtney Baggett, Victoria Coleman, Garrett Holt, Brennan Mays;
 Elton – Maia Lacomb;
 Elverta, California – Erika Avery;
 Eunice – Tanner Thibodeaux;
 Evergreen – Miracle Oby;
 Flatwoods – Lindsey Willis;
 Florien – Connor Arthur, Whitney Byles, Cullen Hopkins, Tyler Johnson, Megan Wagley;
 Flower Mound, Texas – Cody McGee, Randall Ruffner;
 Forest Hill – Brett Atkinson, Anna Doherty, Celina Thrasher, Leslie Winners;
 Fort Bliss, Texas – Brittany Passi;
 Fort Polk – Nadia Charlot, Amber Ferguson, Jayla Hart, Amanda Kuhn, Jesica Mattson, Genesis Rondon Torres, Sarah Sullivan, Hannah Sweeney, Nohora Valencia Camacho;  
 Franklin – Shelley Bell, Zabreana Daniels, Jalena Kelly;
 Franklinton – Brittany Sanders;
 Friendswood, Texas – Malik Sonnier;
 Frierson – Austin Barnes, Mason Barnes, Shelby Callens, Treanna Howard, Madison Locke, Nicholas Parham;
 Frisco, Texas – Kalee Williams;
 Gibsland – Dianna Pearson;
 Guin, Alabama – Taylor Porter;
 Gadsen, Alabama – Damian Thompson;
 Gainesville, New York – Ray Anikwue;
 Garland, Texas – Adriana Velarde, Nia Ranall;
 Geismar -- Emilee Hawkins, Brenna LeGlue, Elijah Jon-Baptiste;
 Garland, Texas – Adriana Velarde;
 Georgetown – Joci Harris, Kaleb Hudson;
 Georgetown, Indiana – Elisa Rohlf;
 Gibsland – Madison Shidiskis;
 Glenmora – Phillip Bullitt, Jacob Dunson, Kerstyn Johnson, Ashton Swanson, Derrick Welch;  
 Gloster – Emmaleigh Cleary, Paris Gillum;  
 Goldonna – Brianna Calhoun;
 Gonzales – Julie Breaux, Malayah Currie, Courtney LeJeune, Harlee Melancon, Jennifer Enloe;
 Grand Cane – Cassiah Davis, Sandra Kimble;
 Grand Couteau – Alesia Francis;
 Grand Prairie, Texas – Stephen Carrett;
 Grant – Tyler Stanco;
 Gray – Lori Anthony;
 Grayson – Sabrina McKeithen;
 Greenwell Springs – Morgan Bellot, Micah Fontenot, Ashleigh Klein, Madison Szekely;
 Greenwood – Tamera Harris;
 Gretna – Kayla Anderson, Terralyn Schram;
 Harvey – Jesse Coats;
 Hackberry – Lexie Stine;
 Hagerstown – Stacy West;
 Hahnville – Imani Butler, Cierra Puryear;
 Hall Summit – Ashley-Kate Roberson;
 Hallandale Beach, Florida – Ralph Boereau;
 Hallsville – Emma Hawthorne;
 Hammond – Joseph Martin;
 Harker Heights, Texas – Khalil Corbett-Canada;
 Haughton – Deitric Alexander, Taylor Breed, Darius Brock, Kyler Burns, Sarah Carroll, Haylee Douglass, Dakota Hawkins, Megan Hobgood, Jasmine Jackson, Nathan Johnson, Luna Karkar, Mackenzie Langen, Alana Lewis, Hannah Robertson, Taylor Trombely, Katherine Weeks, Chase Woltz;  
 Heflin – Kendall Brunson, Simiuna Cook, Cody Robinson;
 Hessmer -- Carly Barrere, Daren Dauzat, Lakken Lemoine, Gabrielle Savoy;  
 Hineston – Victoria Carroll, Cheyanna Crane, Chase Powell;
 Homer – Madison Cain;
 Hornbeck – Emma Dubose Rogers, Torri Hollis, Joshua Hughes, Ariel Rodgers, Amber Stanley;
 Hosston – Qanisha Thomas;
 Houma – Rhiannon Dean, Jennifer Doiron;
 Houston – Luis Cervantes, Levar Gumms, Jennifer Hitt, Natashia Jackson;
 Inkster, Michigan – Kanesha Price;
 Jacksonville, Florida – Destinee Christie;
 Jacksonville, Texas – Donovan Trent;
 Jamestown – Kristen Campbell, Ieshia Thomas;
 Jasper, Texas – Kylee Dominy;
 Jefferson – Emily Ricalde;
 Jena – Jasmine Furlow, Mercedes Farris, Parker Fink, Hannah Spicer, William Tradewell;
 Jennings – Kelsey Fitzgerald, Mallory Martinez;
 Jolon, California – Abigail Vallery;
 Jonesboro – LaVonna Lawrence;
 Jonesville – Adrian Johnson, Sidney Spinks;
 Keithville – Kaylee McDuff;
 Kinder – Kelsey Frank;
 Kaplan – Chris Hebert;
 Katy, Texas – Brittany Cecil;
 Keatchie – Katelyn Hicks;
 Keithville – Taylor Hughes, Latavein Kennedy, Erin McDonnell, Maya Porter;
 Kenner -- Emily Bennett, Isabel Jemison, Ryan Johnson, Nicole Lala, Willie Soniat;
 Kerens, Texas – Richard Brumbelow;
 Kinder – All Lorin, Micaela Autin, Nicholas Moldovsky;
 Lacey, Washington – Shana Sweeney;
 Lafayette – Rachael Bryant, Sasskia Chassion, Madison Duplechine, Jeffrey Elkins, Justin Guillory, Michele Kramer, JaKayla Lee, Paul Martin, Melissa Pesacreta, Dana St. Julien, Julia Towry;
 Lafitte – Helen Kassahun;
 Lake Arthur – Gabriell Landry;
 Lake Charles – Holly Bray, Khristina Croker, Kennedy Fontenot, Haleigh Gates, Karley Hebert, Kathleen Hilliard, Adam Lindstrom, Jordan Mulsow, Jessica Newell, Shelby Rodrigue, Michael Thomas, Destany Washington;
 Lancaster, Texas – Deohjia Henderson;
 Laplace – Caitlyn Turnbull;
 League City, Texas – Blake Tessitore;
 Lecompte – Linzey Evans;
 Leesville – Patricia Adamson, Kyle Ashley, Jebediah Barrett, Hannah Blackwell, Hailey Brantley, Katrina Brinson, Jonathan Bruce, Victoria Butler, Charlotte Cassin, Charity Childress, Amy Eckerle, Ashley French, Brittany French, Brandon Furlow, Payton Gordy, Gabriella Haymon, Taylor Helton, Lauren Kreyenbuhl, Justin LeBleu, Mahala Lewis, Christina Lluvera, James Magee, Xavier Mccarty, Malcolm Mitchell, Marguerita Moffett, Stefanie Peters, Jessica Ramirez, Morgan Richard, Samantha Richard, Claudia Rouleau, Cesar Santos, Brett Schmidt, Rachel Smith, Payton Soto, Joyce Stevick, Grant Stolfi, Britnie Stroud, Daija Taylor, Devin Toups, Mackenzie Vincent, Tyler Vincent, Shelby Welch, Cheyene Wise, Michael Zschach;
 Lena – Bettina Doty, Juan Gonzales, Taylor Nichols, Justin Williams;
 Leonville – Lauren Briscoe;
 Lettsworth – Landon Benton;
 Liberty, Texas – Trevor Powell;
 Livingston – Cody CAmbre;
 Livonia – Ryann Bizette, Shanyia Haynes;
 Lockport – Courtney Cedotal, Malaina Falgout;
 Logansport – Susannah Cox, Amanda Hill, Jessica Thompson, Shelby Woods;
 Lone Oak, Texas – Kaylee Isenburg;
 Longview, Texas – Robdrick Halton, Deja Moore;
 Lynwood, Washington – Meghan Castille;
 Morgan City – Wykema Morse;
 Madisonville – Zoe Almaraz, Jensen Volz;
 Magnolia, Texas – Ray Tenninty;
 Mandeville – Carrie Maxwell;
 Mansfield – Rowdy Burleson, Cheyenne Free, Trevor Garrett, Hannah Hughes, Emily Jilg, DeAsia Maxie, Meliyah Mitchell, Demetric Preston, James Sowell, Devin Vanwinkle, Madison Welborn, Stanley Woodley;
 Mansura -- Phillip Augustine, Deaisha Johnson, Jonah Johnson, Katherin Lemoine, Kate Losavio;
 Many – Madilyn Armstrong, William Branam, Jocelyn Cannon, Kyle Elliott, Alison Garcia, Savanah Hall, Kelsi Horn, Clayton Kelley, Charles LaFollette, Johnathan Medine, Brianna Miller, Matthew Peace, Tanner Rains;
 Marksville – Regan Balius, Madison Bordelon, Andre Boyer, Miracle Fourcha, Kayla Gaspard, Makayla Laborde, Rachelle Lair, Nehemayeaux Smith, Kylie Spivey;
 Marrero -- Luis Escobar, Lorena Martin;
 Marshall, Texas -- Alexis Balbuena, Khari Jenkins, Sierra Smith, Tristian Zamora;
 Maurice – Nicole Levine;
 McKinney, Texas – Jasmine Dansby, Jameria Smith, Jocelyn Scott;
 Melville – Alexis Barker;
 Meridian, Mississippi – Reed Michel;
 Mesquite, Texas – Curtis Williams;
 Metairie – Trevor Brown, Madysen Norra;
 Minden – Shatarrius Batton, Angelina Carlin, Erin Dotson, Layla Easley, Lauren Holland, Jorge Zaldivar;
 Monroe – Kennedy Butler, Jansen Chisley, Jaquita Davis, Brianna McKinney, Ashley Murphy, Jameelah Sanaany, Kia Williams;
 Montegut – Nicole Cohen;  
Montgomery – Miranda Bartlett, Laryn Graves, Raygan Lecroix, Hailee Skains;
 Monticello, Arkansas – Kamilah Kelley;
 Mooingsport – Jo Anna Fisher;
 Moreauville – Reginea Alexander;
 Morgan City – Kriystina Pitre;
 Morganza – Sydney Beauvais;
 Morrow – Kiante Mouton;
 Moss Bluff – Bayleigh Smith;
 Napa, California – Jordan Greenlee;  
 Natalbany – Kierra Cooks;
 Natchez – Hailey Courville, Madison Holmes, Amberlyn Metoyer, James Rougeou;
 Natchitoches – Jeremy Aaron, Alissa Addison, Sharlexus Addison, Adrian Alfaro-Fontalvo, Rayshaughn Armant, Cass Arnold, Kayla Arnold, Jose Arrieta Cuesta, Abbie Atwood, Black Bechtel, Megan Berry, Kacy Bonds, Andrew Boyd, Dania Briceno Vaxquex, Keyana Brown, Dustin Burns, Thomas Celles, Valerie Chadick, Gilda Chan, Kaleb Chesser, William Coffey, Donna Cooper, acob Dahlhoff, Catherine Davis, Cieara Davis, Richard Duncan, Franchesca Forest, Rachel Formeller, Fernando Gonzales, Peyton Graham, Jasmine Hall, Deshon Hayes, Michael Hernandez, Saul Hernandez, Ashlyn Hogan, David Holmes, Jacob Horton, Kanika Irchirl, Rachel Jeane, Holly Jenkins, Brittany Jordan, Deylon Key, Cristofer Larcarte, Robert Lee, Lacy Martin, Lamarr McGaskey, T’Onna Mcfarland, Nestor Mercado-Garcia, Amber Minor, Joshua Minor, Destiny Moody, Donovan Ohnoutka, Eden Parker, Zachary Parker, Meredith Phelps, Rekeithia Pier, Keator Poleman, Darian Raymond, Jeffery Remo, Devin Reyes, Taylor Rutledge, Daniela Sala Ricardo, Dante Samuel, Christopher Sanders, MacKenzie Settle, Trayvon Snow, Blake Teekell, Rebecca Thomissee, Aaon Trichel, Kaleb Usleton, Barbara Vercher-Smith, Deja Vercher, Kayven Victor, Garrett Vienne, Huey Virece, Alex Wade, Naloni Walker, Brianna Watermolan, Anna Waxley, Emma-Leigh Webster, Deondra White, Mary Whitehead, Nicholas Wiggins, Leah Wilkins, Shatney Winslow, Alasia Young, Ashtin Youngblood,
 New Iberia – Taylor Freyou, Destinee Leger, Caitlin Melancon, Kira Tobias, Madison Willett;  
 New Llano – Trey Anderson, Bailey Glaze, Alexis Harbin, Reaz Khan;
 New Orleans – Demetrius Boulieu, Rayna Brantley, Marquise Davis, Maya Dolliole, Darlene Fairley, Felicia Franklin, Matthew Gonzales, Jacqueline Gross, Mia Jackson, Karrington Johnson, Raphael Jones, Seven Joseph, Jamilah Pelrean, Phallon Robinson, Julian Shum, JoeNee Smith;
 Newellton – Chasity Glasspoole;
 Noble – Ethan Morgan, Krista Rivers, Thomas Rivers;
 Norwood – Ty’Dashia McElwee;
 Oak Grove – Tonya Creech;
 Oakdale – JaQuanda Evins, Dylan Hamblin, Ayana Jones, Brooke Viscardis, Sarah Wharton;
 Oberlin – Kaitlyn Fontenot, Haily Wade;
 Oil City – Maegan Allborty, Chaddrick Thomas;
 Opelika, Alabama – Ceaser Stephens;
 Opelousas – Keylee Boone, Kescheler Guillory, Juwan Manuel, Lashante Richard;
 Otis – Joshua Poston, Sabrina Thiels;
 Paris, Texas – Emily Essary, Cody Vorwerk;
 Pelican – Tabitha Averitt, Tabetha Caldwell;
 Pflugerville, Texas – Kamika Ward;
 Pierre Part – Blaise Crochet;
 Pineville – Savannah Hope Andries, Emily Bordelon, Tabatha Bowlin, Kurt Burkett, Payten Collins, Brendan Day, Zachary Desselles, Sara Dorsey, Selena Ferguson, Hannah Gaspard, Taylor Holloway, Alissa Joseph, Trey Joseph, Corey King, Matthew Koepke, Santana Mount, Abby Nichols, Kaylie Parsons, Judith Peek, Christina Rachal, Relen Sanders, Elizabeth Shuler, Glynn Sillivan, Chloe Solomon, Peyton Spurgeon, Robert Tabor, Tyler Thompson, Gage Ulrich, David Veal, Emily Wiley, Sarah-Elizabeth Wilkes, Jewel Woods, Madeline Wright;
 Pitking – Hannah Johnson, Jessica Jones, Logan McClure, Emily Odom;
 Plain Dealing – Dormesha Noble, Ja-Mela Williams, Hunter Horton;
 Plaquemine – Ma Kayla Washington;
 Plaucheville – Philip Pepiton, Kimberly Poret, Brittany Taylor;
 Pleasant Hill – Montana Binning, Mickayla Brown;
 Pollock – Krystal Bennett, Alara Faulkner, Allie Frost, Christina Kendrick, Julie McGehee, Mary Robinson, Kari Taffi;
 Ponchatoula – Chaule Saing;
 Pontotoc, Mississippi – Elizabeth Murrah;
 Port Allen – Kaleb Gauthier, Ishmael Lane;
 Port Barre – Danielle Schexnayder, Andrew Lalonde;
 Prairieville – Haley Beason, Sarah Bishop, Alicia Boudreaux, Samantha Daigle, Whitney Duplantis, Bailey Mohler, Kristen Prettelt, Caleb Ricca, Madeleine Sheets;
 Pride – Ashlyn Johnson, Leann Willls;
 Princeton – Jacorious Jeter;
 Provencal – Taylor Craft;
 Raceland – Megan Parks;
 Ragley – Katherine Greenmun;
 Rayne – Cameron Desselle;
 Rayville --  Alana Odom, Frederick Lee;
 Reserve – Rianna Russell;
 Rhinehart – Bethany Russell;
 Richfield, Minnesota – Leah Barnes;
 Richmond, British Columbia – Jalen Donaldson;
 Richmond, Texas – Sidney Harris;
 Ringgold – Alora Bryant, Jered Cook, Martin Gould, Arvionne Reliford;
 Robeline – Candice Adcock, Arica Ammons, Keira Huff, Kristal Lachney, Angela Mitchell, Kacy Morace, Laura Olguin, Morgan Rachal, Terra Schulze, Christopher Taylor, Candace Thompson, Seth Woodel;
 Round Rock, Texas – Ana Ruiz;
 Rowlett, Texas – Daniel Miner;
 Roxton, Texas – Aleckse Mikeuchey;
 Ruston – Karenthia Crosby Onwudebe, Jalen Garrison, Reagan Lee, Phynecha Richard, Aujani Richburg, Joshua Riggs;
 St. Amant – Larson Fontenot, Kayley Naquin;
 St. Barthelmey d’Angers, France – Salome Gledel;
 St. Francisville – Ellie Wheeler;
 St. James – Keionne Octave;
 St. Martinville – Malik Anthony, Jacoby Fontenette, Destiny Simon, Maleik White;
 St. Rose – Crystal Jones;
 Saline – Aaron Savell, Shelby Savell;
 San Antonio – Matthew Aguilera, Hilton Brown, Anthony Renteria;
 San Pedro Sula, Honduras – Jonathan Andino Madrid, Vilma Castro Lopez, Meredith Corrales;
 Scott – Danaysia Senegal, Tayla Soileau;
             Scottsboro, Alabama – Jessica Provenza;
 Shreveport – Phillip Adams, Kendall Allen, Trayveon Allen, Laurie Basco, Tylar Bedford, Austin Beene, Azhani Bennett, Jordan Bogan, Alyssa Bonacci, Kevin Branch, Leta Broome, Tiffany Brown, Tamika Kate Cang, Kathryn Carroll, Myjoycia Cezar, Christina Clark, Audrey Copeland, Derienne Copeland, Reonia Davis, Hailey Deaton, Takea Dorsey, Melissa Dragon, Hannah Ellis, Candice Faith, Sierra Foster, Meghan Fry, Dejohn Garrison, Jameala Ghazawneh, Cassidy Giddens, Hallie Glick, Ellen Grappe, Brekendria Graves, Andrell Green, Destinee Green, Lashonda Hall, Ricci Haltom, Jesamin Huff, Brittany Jefferson, Matthew Jensen, Deaveon Jones, Nathan Jones, Summer Jones, Tradeya King, Elysia Lanier, Hannah Lee, Tra’Kyrin Lemons, Grandon Lewis-graham, Katherine Lind, Christopher Markham, Katelyn Martin, Samantha Metoyer, Mollie Millen, Destiny Mitchell, Maria Moreno Ponte, Armani Nation, Yasmin Newman, Doine Ngwen, Reondrick Owens, Tara Pair, Cristina Peterson, Elizabeth Peterson, Panasia Peterson, Patrick, Pierce, Sierra Prelow, Falon Prentiss, Caleb Rounsavall, Zachary Sanders, Johnathon Schluter, Tyler Sears, Devonne Seelig; Jackiesha Simmons, Kariah Sisk-Shaheed, John Slocum, Adrianna Smith, Kayla Smith, Kaylin Smith, Asia Stevens, Jamie Stewart, Gabrielle Thomas, Bailey Thompson, Magen Tucker, Terran Turner, Jessica Ursua, Rhiannon Venable, Earnestine Walker, Ilyanna Warlen, Jasmine Washington, Gaylin White, Dillion Wilkerson, Donald Williams, Shamolia Williams, Chad Wilson, Debriar Wilson, Morgan Woodall;
 Sicily Island – Shawn Perry;
 Sieper – Emily Goerge, Loren Robinson;
 Silsbee, Texas – Carson Fuller;
 Simmesport – Kimani Batiste, Michael Canal, Lexi Gremillion, Demi Williams;
 Simpson – Carleigh Standifer;
 Simsboro – Andrea Coon;
 Skiatook, Oklahoma – Anna Bonham;
 Slidell – Juliana Garcia, Noah Glass, Ashley Henry, Kierston Jackson, Maci Walgamotte;
 Spring, Texas – Elyssa Hernandez, Madelyne Mangum;
 Springfield – Kattie Bankston;  
 Sterlington – Catherine Trichell;
 Stonewall – Alana Bankson, Alexa Barron, Hailey Compton, Dawson Cranford, Madison Parker, Kirsten Sanders, Heather Schiller, Chase Slater, Christy Washington;
 Sugartown – Madison Budnik;
 Sulphur – Darisu Ardoin, Bralyn James;
 Sunset – Zachary Linville, Charlie Milton;
 Tallahassee, Florida – Edward Clarke;
 Tallulah – Anna Boney;
 Teneha, Texas – TaKameria Barnes;
 Terrytown – Roshane Brown;
 Texarkana – Daphne Hammett, Emily Landers;
 Thibodaux – Terrance Johnson, Tierra Johnson, Landon Olivier;
 Tickfaw – Brittany Culotta;
 Tomball, Texas – Nicole Henry;
 Toms River, New Jersey – Jacqueline Manza;
 Trout – Hayley Lisenby, Jacie Paul;
 Tullos – Kendall Normand;
 Van Alstyne, Texas – Kevin Hendricks;
 Vidalia – Evandria King, Kaitlyn Randall, Shanerria Squalls;
 Ville Platte – Christopher Casey, Hannah Gallow, Andrea Bradley;
 Vinton – Toby Stanley,
 Violet – Julia Verdon;
 Vivian – Kaylee Scott;
 Washington – Catherine Stevens;
 Waskom, Texas – Jonas Richardson;
 Welch – Macala Broussard, Misty Compton;
 West Monroe – Michael Dailey, Austin Dodson, Jasmyn Johnson, Eva Sanford;
 Westlake – Baleigh Derouen;
 Whitewright, Texas – Jearld Battles;
 Wilmington, North Carolina – Noelle Cox;
 Winnfield – Harli Austin, Landon Creel, Trenton Dill, Kerry Fitzgerald, Dezani Fountain, Kara Grantadams, Trinity Homan, Madisyn Hubbard, Saquan Jenkins, Jacob Jones, Michaela Maloy, Trakita Rainwater, Fatima Rodriguez, Katreiona Starks;
 Wisner – Jordan Price;
 Woodworth – Taylor Henry, Linzay Hunnell, Brandon Michot, Lexus Weston, Derek Wilson;
 Youngsville – Shaneda Armstrong, Randall Blair, Devin Forestier, Lorin Prejean, Devyn Shores;
 Zachary – Laney Davis, Neil Ahldwin Garcia, Caitlyn Thibodaux, Alaijha Trim, KeAra Thie;
 Zwolle – Kamryn Bedsole, Kirstyn Meshell, Samantha Rivers, Chyna Sepulvado, Rylea Sepulvado, Autumn Wyatt;
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thebnepodcast · 8 years
Build the Safety to Unleash Your True Expression
B&EP #079 -"Build the Safety to Unleash Your True Expression"- soundcloud.com/thebandepodcast
The B&E Podcast #079 “Build the Safety to Unleash Your True Expression”
Soundcloud Link: soundcloud.com/thebandepodcast
SUMMARY OF THE PODCAST: Are you used to this yet?  Not so serious gets into it deep once again where we uncover the things that get in our way of creating.  From our egos and the stories we tell ourselves about ourselves, we discover a pretty crazy mindset that doesn’t serve our…
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emmakayh · 4 years
Juicy Lucy Burgers
Juicy Lucy burgers are patties with cheese inside them. We’ve made them with pats of velveeta at home before, but, no surprise, Hello Fresh was great!
85% lean beef seasoned with fry seasoning, salt, and pepper. After you make the patty, you put shredded cheddar cheese on it, then fold the meat around it so the cheese is inside the patty. It’s a little tricky, but it’s definitely doable. You can only tell how well you did when you cook the patty. I think I did pretty well because it didn’t explode everywhere, but it did leak slightly out of the back.
On the bottom of the toasted bun is ketchup. On top of the toasted bun is a sauce made of mayo, sour cream, roasted garlic, salt, and pepper. Combined with the burger, I couldn’t taste either of these specifically, but the whole effect was a non-dry burger, so that’s a good thing.
This meal came with broccoli, so Brandon had that. I made some roasted potato wedges, too. I also added a slice of Colby cheese on my burger, but it didn’t need it!
This is one we could make at home again for sure. I’d recommend trying it if you haven’t had a burger with cheese in it!
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hottytoddynews · 7 years
HottyToddy.com would like to congratulate everyone who made the Honor Roll and Dean’s List this first nine weeks of the school year.
Della Davidson Elementary School Honor Roll – First Quarter 2017-2018
Principal’s List (All A’s) Abraham, Luke Elias Adams, Catherine Archer Adams, Indaniya A’myani Albadry, Malak Mohamed Alderson, Michael Rel Alford IV, John Warner Allen, Hardy Vinson Amidon, Annabelle Kristin Anderson, Chloe Ryan Baeshen, Norah Ruth Beard, Bradley William Belk, Rylee Erin Bell, Valerie Denise Blackburn, Collins Brantley Blackwood, Donald James Bodie, Eden Brooks Bouldin, William Maxwell Bowling, Poppy Katherine Bragg, John Lawson Brasell, Thomas Murry Burkes, Avery Jane Burlaka, Anna Campbell, James Bryan Carlisle, Dylan Cerny Carr, Sophie Anne Chambers, Chi Tianna Tameko Chavis, Ruby Maude Chen, Winnie Clark, Hudson Truett Colby, Andrew David Collums, Paisley Isabelle Cooper, Adam Michael Cormack, Madison Leigh Cowgill, Benjamin Garrett Curry, Nilydia Nicole Dale, Lake Reed Denevan, Brody Patrick Edlin, Lydia Catherine Embry, Mamie Caldwell Farese, Alexa Perry Feltenstein, Liza Kimbrell Ferguson, Jordyn Armani Fortyz, Xander Bryce Franks, Addison Elise Fruge’, Benjamin Guy Gandhi, Sanya Manish Gary, Walker Edmond Giles, Harris Fisher Gray, Sadie Alan Green, Mary Bea Greene, Isabel Faye Hale, Mary Elena Hall, Hayden Zackery Hamilton, Judson Silas Hill, Jordan Amir Hipp, Abigail Laura Houston, Zaria Mau’Ja Hyneman, Howard Povall James, Calvin Larry Jang, Jun Jones, Eleanor Claire Jones, Molly Caroline Jones, Sawyer Reed Kariuki, Claire Ng’endo Kava, Luseane Keskin, Adem Keskin, Sibel Elizabeth King, Eleanor Anne Knef, Ava Grace Knight, Evan Dewayne Koestler, Andrew Preston Kosko, Garrett Alexander Kovachev, Martin Evgeni Laporte, Kenton James Lauzon, Kimberly Madison Levy, Lillian Vera Lewis, Julia Slade Lowery, Ellie McCay Luber, Charlotte Allen Lynch, Breannah Danielle Lynn, Tate Alden Mason, Katherine Mims McGinness, Alexandria Eve McLellan, Elizabeth Rose Meyer, Logan Charles Milton, Henry Tucker Moore, Andrew Taygen Moore, Russell Paul Morales-Romero, Brittany Michelle Morgan, D’Nijha Danielle Morris, Wyatt Bryan Myers, Carter Lewis Nemesek, Jackson James Nichols, Kelling Elizabeth Nordstrom, Katherine Crenshaw Odom, Streater Bliss Oliver, Leecie Bella Overby, Hogan Ryan Oyler, Henry Chadwick Pan, Raymond Park, Jinseo Patel, Rishi Rakesh Payne, Peyton Rowe Pegues, Madison Renae Percy, Phinizy Davis Percy, William Strong Perry, Anna Reed Pettis, Jerkeria Amyai Phillips, Preston David Putt, Harrison Gage Rainey, Elijah Edward Rajesh, Saishri Reeder, Ella Grace Reynolds, Madison Nicole Rhodes, Mary Helen Roane, Kathryn Annette Robbins, Michael Anderson Roberson, Ann Lillian Robinson, James Barrett Robinson, Rachel Lynn Rogers, Chanijah Makaila Santiago, Krizhan Wynn Tubale Schuesselin, Nancy Elaine Shaw, Zoe Elizabeth Shelton, John Mack Sherman, Gracie Jackson Sherman, Olivia Cate Shinall, Trevor Dean Shipman, Samuel Aylon Sisk, Trinity Ja’Kiya Smith, Anna Prescott Smith, Collier Elizabeth Smith, JoAnna Maize Smith, Zander Kade Snider, Kylie Anne Stein, Michael Anthony Mack Steinriede, Eleanor Catherine Still, Michael Banks Sullivan, William Russell Tatum, Cohen Hux Thompson, William Wright Toms, Pearce Pegram Tosh, Amanda Claire Trout, Davis Walker Turner, James Talmadge Turner, Sullivan Catledge Urbanek, Evan Harper Van Every, Thaxton Delane Vaughan, Graham Thomas Vega, Isabella Leigh Vincent, Ari Levi Wadlington, Keirra Lynn Waldrop, Cameron Lee Waldrop, Elise Ann Waller, Andrew Hinton Warrington, John Patrick Weaver, Dorian Jacob White, John Wilson Wigginton, Aubrey Mae Wiley, Lorelei Kathryn Wilfawn, Claire Kamryn Wilkes, Alice Gardner Williams, Ellen Kate Wilson, Loughran Samantha Woo, Yewon Youngblood, Cameron Layne Zinn, Dequan Montez
Teacher’s List (All A’s & B’s) Adams, Olandria Lashea A’layshia Agnew, Andrew Laster Alhusban, Ghaith Ali Amaya Hernandez, Noeli Nicole Anthony, Joshua Cole Armstrong, Kylan Lashun Arya, Medha Avdiienko, Anatolii Balderama, Ingrid Yamilet Ball, Camden Jace Barnes, Lela Monae Barrett, Aniston Claire Bass, Eden Derartu Beard, Mary Virginia Beauchamp, Luly Anne Bell, Jacob Taylor Bennett, Callie Grace Blackwelder, Jaxon Xander Bogue, Ali Cheyanne Bolton, Parker Elizabeth Bondurant, Stanford James Booker-Wilkins, Mary Kay Booker, Zaniyah A’Leah Booth, Stephen Armand Brannon, Ca’Mari D’Aisha Brannon, Khalisia Anaya Brownlee, Addison Elizabeth Brownlee, Olivia Gracelyn Burrell, David Lee Carroll, Thomas David Cassidy, William Garner Castillo, Yostin Yarid Cayetano, Caitlin Cayetano, Caylee Denise Centellas, Javier Enrique Certion, Kasidy Allyse Chaney, Elliott Chavis, Bazil Major Cockrum, McKenna Renee Cook, Joe Garrett Cowgill, Isabella Katherine Crain, Kennedy Clark Crouch, Campbell Cathryn Crowe, Clara Darden Cunningham, Harper Ray Davis, Brooklyn Landry Davis, Lyric Alexander Davis, Sierra Niquel Denham, Emerson Grace Dennis, Elijah Daniel Ding, Joanna Donahoe, Barrett Hardy Douglas, Grace Adin Downing, Margaret Caroline Doyle, Sean Riley Elhawy, Abdallah Khaled Elhawy, Sohila Khalid Erwin, Parker Thomas Evans, Hunter Lee Feathers, Reagan Leigh Ferguson, Cade Baxter Fields, August Flowers, Marcus Jerome Foster, Nevan David Fountain, Thomas Whittingtion Freeman, Salayah Samere Frierson, Deslyn Reann Gaia, Wesley Stephens Gammill, Brayden Thomas Gilliom, Aryanna Kenise Ginn, Micah Joseph Gist, Grayson Taylor Gray, Parker Thompson Greer, Micah Alexxander Gregory, Kingston Wells Gregory, London Jules Griffin, Clayton Rusty Wayne Hankins, Deangelo Omari Harbin, Mariah Kionna Hardenburgh, Madelyn Brooke Harrington, Sophia Clair Harris, Lainey Elizabeth Harrison, Taylor Matthew Haymans, George Stouton Helveston, Susan Patton Hendrickson, Carson Alexander Herrington, Carter Matthew Hervey, Adaysia Holcomb, Benjamin Cade Hom, Nathanael Ioan Hopper, Jeremy Campbell Hosemann, Sarah Katherine Howell, LaKayla Lauren Maree Huchin, David Alexander Hunt, Kaden Deshawn Hunter, Riley Claire Jacobs, Da’Niya Rena James, William David Jernigan, Maier Dixon Johnson, Hannah Brooke Johnson, William Jay Jones, Makinzi Gabrielle Jones, William Wesley Kelley, Caroline Jewel Kelly, Jasmine Grace King, Emily Katherine Knighton, Cohen Hoyt Le, Ryan Gia Bao Lewellen, Grady Charles Lewis, Allyson Kate Lilly, Lucy Lujie Love, Caroline Grace Lovelady, William Niles Lowe, Nicholas Wallace Luke, Harrison Thomas Maiden, Simeon Rashad Marzouk, Farida Omar Masinelli, Andrew Charles Mathis, Isaiah Contrell Mayo, John Alexander Mayo, William Bradley McCullough, Brody Cole McEwen, Kennedy Brooke McJunkins, Addyson Auraiyana McKenzie, Layton Rose McThune, Deundrea Rowmel Montgomery, Ann Luckett Morgan, Emma Hardin Najjar, Noah Joseph Nautiyal, Riddhi Neely, Robert Myril Nguyen, Phuoc James Thien Nocentino, Gabrielle May Notestone, Nancy Carole Nuon, Ian Cole Oliver, Robert Eli Owens, Chequila Aeisha MyAngel Perez Alfaro, Itzari Perry, Jamari De’Juan Phillips, Antonio Deangelo Pritchard, Serenity Juliet Radwan, Renad Ramsey, Bradley Wayne Ray, Siobhan Julia Reed, Germaine Emmanuel Roane, Braxton Jewell Robinson, Andrea Nicole Robinson, Cory Brandon Robinson, Jada Sha’Mya Rodriguez-Padilla, Stephanie Ross, Elijah James Russell, John Alden Sanchez, Alexander Cash Sankar, Deekshita B Schock, Kennedy Jo Schornhorst, Lillian Hannah Schweigart, Tryston Scott Scoggins, Ethan Sheldon, George Lawson Shepard, Kaitlyn Elizabeth Shoaf, Jack Hamilton Shows, Anderson Grady Sims, A’niyah Jhana’e Sims, Ja’Niyah Zha’Rai Singletary, Jane Anne Sisk, Hannah A’lise Smith, Chase Manning Smith, Ly’Niyah Smith, Zyterrion Spight, Xavion Y’Urijah Staten, Haley Marie Stewart, Rebecca Ann Striplin, Alli Reese Sullivan, Anna Kate Summers, Brady Eli Terrell, Destiny L Tew, Dashiel Cohen Thompson, Mariah La’Vonne Torres, Miguel Angel Travis, Savannah Grace Trimble, Tristan Nathaniel Turner, Cortez Lamont Urbina, Alex David Urbina, Gustavo Ussery, Lauren Addison Walker, James Radford Wallace, Rakerion Rickyus Watts, Kayla Marie Watts, Madalynne E Webb, Colten Joseph Wells, Reid Thornton Westmoreland, Allie Jaymes Westmoreland, Luke Chadwick Wilkins, Jayden Rashaan Wilks, Alexis Makayla Williams, Cooper Marshall Williams, Olivia Louise Williams, Sarai’ Danielle Wilson, Jussyaih Keeyunnah Wilson, Zanija Alexis Nicole Windham, John Colvin Winkler, Lily Anne Woodard, Audarrius Dewayne Yourn, Kloey Lynn Zhang, Grant Ruiyuan
Oxford Intermediate School Honor Roll – First Quarter 2017-2018
Principal’s List (All A’s) Adams, Lily Belden Alexander, Captain Provine Allen, Hylan Gates Arevalo, Luis Angel Bain, Samuel Stewart Baker, Harley Jayne Barr, Nelson Mandrill Berry, Caroline Lillian Bigham, Ann Hunter Boone, Pharis Louise Bourn, Mary Mills Bradley, Taylor Kate Brown, Ajzah Iyuana-Jakia Bruce, Elliot Olen Bundren, Sara Kate Byars, Mary Dale Campbell, Benjamin Marshall Cancer, Zaria Cannon, Ty’Derrius Quavieon Carleton, Carley Gray Carlisle, Connor Hugh Carroll-Gonzalez, Sophia Jeanette Cassidy, Jillian Everett Claassen, Juneau Cohen, Rachel Cohn, Sofia Grace Coleman, Sariyah Mae-Lynn Colley, Megan Elizabeth Collins, Deandre Quevon Cooper, Nathaniel Harry Covington, Blake Elliot Crenshaw, Jacob D Dabbs, Alice Kathryn Dale, Atticus Darwin Daniels, John Swayze Daugherty, Miller Michael Denham, Evelyne Lee Dennis, Jeffrey Brown Dolan, John Henry Dossett-Bridgers, Elsie James Dossett-Bridgers, Lee Tucker East, Ava Lee Edwards, Lucas David Eubanks, Nikki Mae Farese, Luke William Ferriss, Cayden Quin Floate, Wyatt Matthew Flowers, Alexander Harris Foster, Larcen Michelle Fountain, James Michael Frierson, Camaria Calyse Fruge’, Charles Mitchell Fuller, Andrevion Rayshad Gentry, Claire Renae Gililland, Hayden Claire Golden, Quevyn Javion Golmon, William Bradley Goolsby, Victoria Ann Goulet, Gilad Grafton, Carolyn Chase Grantham, Bradley Wynne Gray, Harper Elizabeth Gray, Madeline Elizabeth Greene, Samuel Thomas Greenlee Doty, Georgia Love Hamilton, Taylor Grace Harper, John Andrew Heard, Parker Madison Helsel, Maci Hemmins, Scarlet Virginia Henderson, Susanna Elise Heuer, Sam Robertson Hill, Jack Westbrook Hill, William Maxwell Hilliard, Xaikeese Deontae Hitchcock, Jonas Grey Hollinger, Christopher William Homan, Madeline Taylor Hooker, Anna Elise Houston, Walker Wyatt Hurdle, Ella Beth Ibrahim, Mennah Mohamed Ali Ivy, Jack Whitten Jones, Henry Tucker Jones, Kamari Danielle Jones, Kobe Isaiah Jones, Madison Elizabeth Jones, Zoey Denise Karahan, Elisa Fonseca Kevin, Bridgette Kirk, Benjamin Carter Koestler, Leland Matthew Langendoen, Isabelle Terezija Lawhead, Christine Elizabeth Laws, Edward Knox Le, Michelle T Lowery, Madeline Grace Luber, Miles Atchison Majumdar, Sneha Makamson, Benjamin Joseph Maloney, Brady Michael Mauney, Ellie Katherine Maxwell, Mae Covington Mayo, Ian James McClellan, Ella Catherine McCready, Carson Neal McLellan, Andrews Mitchell Meagher, Mary Lucile Beatrice Mina-Reyes, Gabriel Alexander Monroe, George Henry Moss, Lucy Claire Murthy, Prajwal Narasimha Nagle, Nicholas Ming-Rui Najjar, Adam Alexander Nichol, Thomas Osborn Noel, Mary Grace Notestone, William King Oyler, Cole Madeline Perry, Lucy Clare Randle, Ava Caroline Rayburn, Thomas Harrison Rayner, Lila Elizabeth Reeder, Emma Kathryn Ritchie, Alexandra Ingrid Roland, Elijah Sessions Salau, Fawaz Olaitan Samuels, Charles Kane Sanchez, Tomas Alessandro Schmelzer, Carson Joseph Schmelzer, Catherine Elizabeth Scott, Anne Bailey Scott, Cooper Aubrey Shaw, Annie Cade Sherman, Evelyne Graham Shipman, Mary Margaret Shorter, Addyson Grace Shows, Emily Crawford Smith, Julia Anne Smith, Sharpe Holiman Smith, Sutherland Ross Solinger, Jordan Maxwell Srinath, Navaneeth Stinnett, Brady Patrick Sudduth, Ashley Lorraine Taylor, Janiya B A Tomlinson, Vivian Anne Tschumper, Katherine Mae Tulchinsky, Jacob Tulchinsky, Payton Ann Urbanek, Kaitlyn Sanders Valliant, Wells Gregory Van Every, Everhett Hawkins Vasilyev, Vivian Scott Vega, Sarah Kendall Vijayasankar, Arjun Vo, Binh Quoc Wages, Mallory Jennings Waldrop, Fisher Wells Walker, Ava Taylor Walker, Samantha Daye Walls, Jason Kendrick Weaver, Alana Ann White, Charles S Wicker, Claire Catherine Wigginton, Georgia Gray Wilkes, Carter Broom Wilkinson, William Pratt Williamson, Alice Lindley Wilson, Ava Elizabeth Wilson, Caroline Rose Wilson, Jeremiah Windham, Byron Pearson Windham, Clayton Page Young, Grant Powell
Teacher’s List (All A’s & B’s) Abbott, Carolyn Rose Al-Ostaz, Mohannad Ahmed Allen, Walker Harrison Almutairi, Hanin Anderson, Jakeria Anderson, Seger Cappaert Anjanappa, Saurab S Aquino, Zaiden Allen Arnold, Bailey Reighn Atkinson, Landon Kyle Austin, Mariam Catherine Avery, Kanalu Olamana Baddour, Paul Marion Balkin, Gabriela Analise Banks, Cam’Ron Barry, Brooke Padgitt Barton, Katherine Louise Bass, James Tanner Bean, Z’nyla Amor Belenchia, Natalie Paige Benedict, Anna Lauren Bishop, Margaret Ann Blackwelder, Jagger Anthony Blair, Natalie Elizabeth Blount, Levi Daniel Bombelli, Nicholas Boyas, William Joaquin Brasell, Jane Saxon Brown, Madison Ann Buford, Julian Burleson, Dixie Katherine Burns, Hunter Kylen Busby, Jack Garland Busby, Mary Caroline Buschlen, Keaton Vaughn Buzareiba, Raghad Omran Caldwell, Jordan Austin Campbell, A’Yhuna Nakeyia Carmean, Evelyn Rose Carmean, Jane Reeves Carrington, Glenn Elizabeth Carter, Callie Grace Case, Olivia Linton Castillo-Tabora, Genesis Causey, Jacquelynne Jeanne Edith Certion, M’Layjah Jovian Cerveny, Andrew David Coleman, Nadia Bethanie Cope, John Grayson Cormack, Kennedy Reese Cottom, Leiaidra Mi’Joi Crocker, Timothy Ezekiel Dale, Madelyn Sophia Daniels, Annika Marie Davis, Madison Rihanna Doner, Emileigh Grace Dowling, Larkin Bernini Dudley, Jeremiah Lajordan Ealey, So’Nia Carrie Christine East, Michael Ann Eastland, Hiram C Espinoza, Jayda Sophia Estes, Wesley Brett Farmer, Marjorie Elizabeth Fassinger, Kaden Chase Felix, Matthew Ripken Finner, Christopher A J Flaschka, Max Russell Wolf Flaschka, Mollie Blair Ford, Christopher Ezekiel Fowler, Kathryn Presley Franklin, Thomas Gerald Freeman, Wyatte Holden Fuller, Kardesia Janae’ Gaia, John Wallace Gandhi, Syna Manish Gillis, Lindsey Elizabeth Glenn, Raven Tarrell Dee Green, Ladaejah Jeriah Grem, William Miles Gussow, Shaun David Hamilton, Emma Kathleen Haralson, Hannah Lynn Harrington, Chloe Marie Hazlewood, Margaret Elaine Henderson, Evelyn Lynn Herrera, Alexander Santiago Herron, Kentravion Temelle Hilliard, Akevia Leigh-Ann Hilliard, Ryan Glenn Hillmer, Cailey Nicole Hobson, Breuna Cheri Hodges, Makyah Zaire Horton, Auriana Hyche, Avery Lynn Ibrahim, Zeyad Mohamed Ali Jackson, Elise Ann Jernigan, Patricia Bell Joyce, Colby Richard Jubera, Robert Judson, Braylen Terrell Kamman, Barrett Denton Kelley, Madelyn Kent, Reid Andrew Kimbrell, Elizabeth Rivers Knef, Andrew H Knight, Colton Gray Kosko, Bailey Mullins Landry-Rahaim, Rose Latimer, Sarah Ross Le, Kevin Lewis, Avery Pierce Lewis, Elaina Renee Lewis, Jon Allen Lewis, Samuel Wallace Lovorn, Rowan Elliott Lowe, Jane Claire Martin, Colton Andrew Martins, Pedro Machado May, Olivia Helen Mayo, Cait Frances Mayoral, Braden John McCarty, Tamiyiah MoShay McCollins, Zuri Ayana McCullen, Laura Kathleen McCurdy, Sean Thomas McDaniel, Aden Gregory McElroy, Mattie Elizabeth McMillian, Javien Malachi Mercier, Georgia Rose Metcalf, Zoe Abigail Miller, Ana Mitchell, Ameir Mercedes Montgomery, Elizabeth Stewart Moreton, Anders Morgan, Houston Rivers Morgan, Michaela Lynn Mott, William Ross Munoz-Pascacio, Nathalie Nautiyal, Rishi Ndaruhutse, Boaz Tonto Nichols, William Ray Nordstrom, William Davis Norman, Robert Harrell O’Dowd, Brendan Charles Osborne, Annelise Taylor Parker, Elijah Parsons, Madelyn Yahel Pascacio, Joshten Raul Patton, Nyla Danielle Perkins, Anna Claire Pharr, Luke Benjamin Pruitt, Parker Jude Randle, Ethan Monroe Ray, Layton Ramsey Reed, Virginia Lynn Richards, Benjamin Graham Richards, Elijah Davis Rico, Anna Beatrix Rico, Patrick Finlay Robertson, Rivers Burton Robinson, Chance Robinson, Lillian Grayson Roy, Sam Morgan Samaniego, Alexa Itsallana Saxton, Andrew Martin Schardan, Julian Schock, Landon David Schwaegerl, Lena Charlotte Schweigart, Brenleigh Paige Scott, Nicholas Dane Scruggs, Sydney Kathryn Shoaf, Abby Elliston Sipes, Brooks Sipps, Annabelle Grace Smith, Emaleigh Sosa Rodriguez, Franklin Speed, John Thomas Strum, Madison Grace Swingle, Jack Manning Tallie, Kamayia Tallie, Keon’Taye Da’Shan Tatum, Carlisle Emery Taylor, Avaleigh Renee Taylor, Sovient Zantrell Thigpen, Alicia Renee Thomas, Amelia Walker Toles, Noah Elex Tompkins, Lillie Lizabeth Toney, Deriah Elizabeth Treloar, Davis Alexander Tyson, Tara Nicole Urbina, Natalia Elena Ussery, Reed Fowler Valliant, Rebeka Claire Vaughn, Brinnan Jaynes Vaughn, Makinly Grace Wadley, Amari Latrice Wadley, JaMarion Martavis Weathersbee, Mary Carolyn Elizabeth Webb, Elizabeth Riggan White, Kierstan Marcia Wicker, Bryce Chapin Wiley, Violet Nicole Wilkins, Stella Kathryn Wilkinson, Katherine Owen Wishon, Dylan Lee Wymer, Abraham Young, Kasiyah Kevionna Youngblood, Olivia Ashlyn Zachos, Lucian
Oxford Middle School Honor Roll – First Quarter 2017-2018
Principal’s List (All A’s) Abernathy, Sallie Virginia Addy, Aiden Lamar Alluri, Ajay Varma Amidon, Noah Jared Atchley, Andrew Crawford Austin, Katherine Grace Baggett, Kanesha Latrice Ball, Braden Matthew Barksdale, Brianna Denise Barrett, Lealand Gracie Barrios, Emory Caperton Beauchamp, Mattie Hanks Berry, William Wells Bianco, Catherine Louise Bigham, Brock Thurman Blair, Lydia Helen Bland, Hudson Lawrence Boudreaux, Claire Brewer, Joshua Alexander Brown, Jonathan Campbell, William Hayden Caradine, Miles Milton Emett Carter, Elijah Guy Carter, Joseph Andrew Case, Audrey Davis Cassisa, Carolina Grace Clark, Lacey Katherine Clinton, Nora Dean Cook, Madeline Ellsworth Cooper, Ciara Jo Crawley, Carsyn Swayzie Dabbs, Walker Pace Daniels, Dorothy Grace Davis, Farryn Kennedy Dennis, Julia McQueen Devera, Rowan Hayes Douglas, Faith Ann Dyminski, Thomas Randall Farmer, Sadie Grace Fruge’, Rosemary Katherine Giles, Lucian Witherspoon Goulding, Aidan S. Green, Henry Hasselman Greene, Amelia Lea Greer, Allison Reed Habeeb, Reagan Leigh Harper, Hannah Heard, Kaitlyn Paige Heuer, Everett Bowen Hill, John Bailey Hunt, Addison Marleigh Johnson, Josianna Elizabeth Kang, Mina Karthikeyan, Keerthin Kendricks, John Scott Knight, Ethan Tyler Latil, Jacob Walker Le, Johnson Le, Thu Anh Lewis, Louise Anne Ligon, Charles Thomas Little, Rosemary Elizabeth Love IV, John Clark Maryam, Numa Mathis, Kaylin Jennae Maxwell, James Donald McClure, Jeffrey Williams Miller, Saylie Parker Monteith, Savannah Isabel Bel Moore, Sarah Grace Murphy, Patrick Francis Newsom, William Luke Nordstrom, Benjamin Eli Ormon, Ava Kathryn Patel, Aidan Rakeah Perry, John West Purdom, Kara Elizabeth Ratliff, Charleston Edward Rayburn, Cecilia Reed, Vanessa Nicha Reysen, Ember Noelle Rhodes, Katelin Faith Roberson, Riley Elizabeth Robinson, Grant Wilson Rock, Cassidy Nicole Rubenstein, Zoe Elizabeth Sawyer, MacKenzie Lee Sawyer, Madison Nicole Schmelzer, Callie Grace Sharp, Chloe Anne Shelton, Emma Sanders Shipley, Savannah Harlow Shorter, Ashten Dean Smith, Stratton Holt Steinriede, Anne Walcott Stevens, Heath Michael Stewart, Olivia Ellen Sullivan, Aidan Thomas Sweeney, Connor Patrick Swingle, Molly Caroline Thompson, Ella McKinley Tosh, Ella Kathryn Trujillo, Aaron Michael Valdez, Xavier Edgar Wages, Caroline Grayson Walker, Anna Caroline Warrington, James Davis Weathersbee, Jeremiah Davis White, Avery Hannah Wicker, Sarah Grace Wigginton, Luke Lafayette Wilkinson, John Franklin Hassell Windham, William Thomas Woo, Nathan Kyoungseo Yant, Jane Isabella Zhang, Luke Xi
Teacher’s List (All A’s & B’s) Alexander, Zakeri Alan Alger, Anna Aloia, Jonah Grayson Anderson, James Wilder Arizaga, Genoveva Grace Armstrong, Aubrey Laine Austin, Brooks Crockett Baeshen, Andrew Hesham Bailey, Ramey Elliott Barnett, Evelyn Eliot Barton, Grace Anne Beebe, John Robert Belk, Aiden James Bell, Diamond Kierra Bergeron, Molly Merritt Best, Lauren Elizabeth Bial IV, Joseph John Bishop, Steven Matthew Blaylock, Evelyn Isabella Blount, Hope Davidson Bogan, Ticyana Anecia Renay Booker, Kirsten Ja’Derria Bowling, Adam Miller Brazell, Jessica Paige Brewer, Kaitlyn Emma Bruce, Norah Mary Jane Buchanan, Joseph Thomas Burkes, Anna Sophia Burkes, Delaney Grace Busby, Hattie Elizabeth Buschlen, Ethan Gareth Bush, Levi Matthew Byars, Charles Randolph Cabello, Michael Caldwell, Kalvia O’Nealvea Caldwell, Sparkle Ariel Campbell, Alysia Michelle Carothers, Sharenity Lynn Carwile, William Westmoreland Case, Mary McLauren Childers, Eva Ruth Contractor, Ria Zaksis Cooper, Noah Emmanuel Cope, Aiden Saliba Crane, John Spencer Crowe, Ellen Emerson Dabney, Thompson Daugherty, Amelie Parker Dennis, Ivy Suzanne Dennis, Jackson William Dorrell, Colin Semmes Downing, Stephen Matthew Dunaway, Drue Alexis Elliott, William M Ellis, William Vaiden Enfinger, Jena Brooke Fair, Virginia Ross Brown Fiveash, Jayda Grace Floate, Aidan Mark Freeman, Grace Kennedy Freeman, Samari Shani Fyke, Lola Carter Gaia, Madeleine Barnett Gililland, Joshua Alan Grantham, Robert Sharp Hanbury, Lauren Elizabeth Hardy, Julia Brent Harvey, Michael David Helsel, Mia Claire Hemmins, Jude Owen Henderson, Isabel Morrow Hewitt, Mary Alexandra Hickey, Morgan Hill, Anna Louise Ho, Jennifer Hodge, Claire Elise Hood, Catelin Grace Houston, Audria Aerial Huggins, Lylian Douglas Hunter, Sara Grace Hyneman, Henry Lewis Jacob, Katherine Elizabeth Jo, Samuel Hwanhee Johnson, Luke Daniel Jones, Averie Taylor Kincaid, David William Kirkwood, Ryan Tray’Shawn Langley, Avery Marie Lewis, William Goodloe Lipsey, JaMichael Takyland Logan, Vincent Chase Lowery, Charles Gavin Lynch, Robert Michael Madkins, Sariah Monyae May, Sarah Lynlee McGinness, Arkady Walker McInnis, Taylor McKey, Jude McMillan, Andersen Elizabeth Mercier, Audrey Elizabeth Metts, Linley Ann-Marie Mims, Allyson Rhea Mitchell, Makalah Renea Montgomery, Joel David Moore, Hayden Tyler Moore, Kallie McKade Morarie, Veronica Magdalena Morse, Allie Lynn Mott, Tacie Jane Mullen, Bryce Owen Murphey, Archer Smith Murphey, Webb Smith Norphlet, Elijah JaQuon O’Dowd, Davis Winton Owens, Laila Arquel Pasco-Pranger, Asa James Patterson, Michael Elias Perry, Ada Grace Pettis, Keanna Ne’veah Ponder, Michael Stratton Porcha, Quincy Allen Porter, Sania Loronz Portera, Owen Samuel Radigan, Luke Thomas Regan, Natalie Grace Renfroe, Land Harris Rhodes, William Lawton Riddell, Ellis Walker Robertson, Lane Brice Rogers, Currie Benton Rousseau, Helen Reed Rowland, Margaret Herron Rucker, Tyler JaJuan Russell, Drake Alan Saenz-Lopez, Darlyn Karina Sanchez-Garcia, Carlos Sanders, Blake Lee Savage, Michael Baylor Schneider, Emery Kathryn Schove, John Stanley Seicshnaydre, Elizabeth Lee Sharp, Aaron Shipman, Bella Scott Short, Ethan Andrew Shows, Cashe Newell Shows, Ross Alan Shull, Charles Wallace Singletary, Matthew Ray Skipworth, Tyler Wesley Smith, Alexis Grace Smith, Chaffin Elizabeth Smith, L’Asia Shekendrea Smith, Larrmyne Colton Spears Smith, Lewis Wynne Smith, Zaria Tyanna Solomon, Ross Whitlow Stallings, James Kyle Stewart, Christian Hope Turner, John Preston Vaughn, Jakira Sharda Vaughn, Leona Abigale Waddell, Olivia Ann Webb, Dixon Thomas Webb, Wesley Whitaker, Martha Sutton JiLu Wicker, Addie Elise Wicker, Luke McNabb Wicker, Tyler Kent Wilfawn, Keegan Douglas Wilkinson, Mary Katherine Suzette Winters, Taylor Woodfin, Aiden Scott Yerger, Harlan Yoste, John Geraghty
Oxford High School Honor Roll – First Quarter 2017-2018
Principal’s List (All A’s) Abernathy, Frances Hazie Addy, Alaina Kathleen Al-Ostaz, Nadeen Ahmed Al-Sherri, Zynub A. Atchley, Abigail Taylor Austin, Lillian Rose Baker, Ellyn Elizabeth Bartholomew, Gretchen Case Beard, Ashley Paige Bial, Lauren Frances Boudreaux, Christian Thomas Boutwell, Allie Kathryn Buchanan, Niamke Conner Bundren, Megan Leigh Burcham, Abagail Elizabeth Buskes, Anneke Lee Jing Qiu Callicutt, William Houston Chatman, Raven Nichelle Cheng, Calendula Yunong Cizdziel, Claire Theresa Cizdziel, Siena Catherine Cohen, Ross Gabriel Coon, Walker Thomas Crawley, John-Russell Cooper Cromwell, Clay Hollingsworth Crouch, Carter Fox Deese, David Henry Doerksen, Edmund Siwei Duperier, Alfred Wortham Elgohry, Marawan Moustafa Farese, Ellis Kilbourne Forgette, Anna Kathryn Freeze, Jordan McKenzie Fruge’, Don Luis Gershon, Eve Miranda Golmon, Graham Truett Goulet, Gabrielle E Goulet, Nicole Mayan Grafton, Addison Hibbs Green, Johnson McCallum Greene, Mary Emma Heiskell, Lucia Lamar Hemmins, Lilian Carroll Ho, Vivian Thuy Hu, Edward Yang Johnson, Walter Warren Jones, Emma Katherine Jones, Grace Anne Kendricks, Mary Charles Larson, Anna Mathis Li, Qing Yun Ligon, John Allen Livingston, Magnolia B Lizotte, George Britson Logan, Grace Nicole Luber, Kurre Thomas Luke, Cayden Angela Mallette, Pope Dolby Maxwell, Ellinor Minhinnette McEachern, Lorie Jordan McIntosh, Ann Caroline McKey, James Keith McKey, Mia Maureen McPhail, Joshua Robert Meagher, John Micheal Mercier, Marcus Karl Mercier, Mary Isabella Metcalf, Zkyra Monique Meyers, Gillian Elizabeth Mills, Addison Marie Mitchell, Lilian Camille Mobley, Alexander James Moen, Rebekah Hannah Mounce, Abigail Lauren Mullen, Sarah Neely Nagle, Alexandra M Nelson, Lauren Anada Renee Norman, Neal Garner Norris, Joseph Landon O’Keefe, Daniel Ryan O’Keefe, Joseph Thomas Overby, Haeden Ryan Pasco-Pranger, Sadie Charlotte Patel, Karina Rakesh Patel, Suhani Ashok Patterson, George Alexander Pearson, Claire Love Pham-Dao, Albert Phu Pham, Tu Nha Anna Pittman, Cady Grace Quinn, Sophia Adams Randall, Hannah Elizabeth Ratliff, Sarah Ann Renfroe, Anna Lauren Rester, Ann Claire Rester, Sydney Ruth Riley, Katherine Cook Robinson, Joseph Daniel Rock, Katelyn Virginia Rogers, Donald Forrest Roland, Virginia Olivia Roth, Hays Spicer Shelton, Samuel David Simpson, Philip Ryan Smith, Keon De’Morris Smith, Lily McCalla Soto, Lorelai Makenzie Spillers, Hannah Elizabeth Stevens, Emily Elise Strum, Carissa Ann Sullivan, Ann Morgan Swords, Julia Adeline Tann, Julia Elizabeth Tannehill, Jack Rhea Teng, Emmanuelle Rachel Thompson, Addison Mae Thompson, Halford Madeline Torrent, James Thomas Travis, Jaxon Owen Van Ness, Peter Fancher Waller, Mary Marshall Ward, Andreel Ti’Keshia Webb, Jaqaun Darnell White, Ava Camille Williams, Ellen Benson Wymore, Martha Olivia Leigh Yerger, Sarah Jane Young, Carter Thomas Zediker, Charlie Evan
Teacher’s List (All A’s & B’s) Abel, Elijah Taylor Abraham, Katherine Louise Adams, Margaret Pepper Adamson, Michael Joel Addy, Elias James Alexander, Breiana LaShaye Andrews, Daniel Logan Archer, Thomas Neal Arnold, Madeline Jean Baggett, Tamyra Alicia Baker, Wilson Benton Barrett, Anna Katherine Beard, Brittni Gail Berry, Eleanor Alexander Best, Aubrey Caroline Bianco, Andrew Joseph Bianco, Samuel Marquette Bishop, Aubrey Reed Bishop, Mary Katherine Blake, Christian Quin-Maronye Boone, Morgan Taylor Boudreaux, Keith Anthony Boughton, Aaliyah Bourn, Gracie Caroline Bradley, Brandon DaShun Bradley, Connor Blake Bradley, Zachary Mar’Tez Brewer, Timothy Hutson Brines, Lawson Henry Brown, Ryan Edward Bruce, Owen Wulff Buskes, Elsie Lee Hua Da Byars, Kathryn Culpepper Byars, Wilton Vance Calderwood, Kathryn Rose Caldwell, Deijanee Nicole Campbell, Saniah Nicole Caraway, Savannah Eve Carothers, Karen Elise Carrington, William Tucker Carwyle, Davis Monroe Case, Catherine Bryan Case, Lucy Catherine Chandler, Lauren Claire Chiniche, Lucy Dale Cipkowski, Leo O’Neil Clark, Abigail Lynn Coleman, Alijah Montana Collins, Alice Cofield Cook, Mary Ellen Coon, Russell Connor Cooper, Jessica Lynn Copley, Jessica Elizabeth Cousar, Reece Franklin Creekmore, Catherine Elizabeth Crosby, Madison Elizabeth Culpepper, Robert Fallon Dabney, Sally Kate Davidson, Adrian J’Quarie Davis, Arden Alicia Davis, Emily R. Davis, Hallie Jane-Lord Dawkins, Anna Gabrielle Dear, Jackson Kent Desler, Elizabeth Brooks Douglas, Jonathan Michael Dukes, Kylin Maurice Durham, James Taylor Dyer, Grace Thompson Easley, Colby J. Eastland, Mary Allyn Edge, Jesse Clifton Evans Elgohry, Kareem Moustafa Evans, Christina Camilla Evans, David Aitken Farese, Emma Reed Farmer, Nolan Scott Field, Catherine Newell Finn, Matthew Evan Flowers, Ty’Derriya J Fogerty, Daryl Charles Franks, Sarah Grace Freelon, Khyan Marquee Frierson, Demarius Ja’Shoun Fuller, Brooks Brown Fulton, Joshua Grey Gardner, Andrew Stephens Gililland, John Michael Gordon, Kyle Dekendric Gordon, Taylor D Gough, Mary Mobley Goulet, Yaniv Liberman Goza, Meredith Tatum Grafton, Daniel Cole Gul, Sharjeel Waseem Gunn, Elizabeth Abigail Hakim, Benjamin Stewart Hale, Benjamin Lewis Hall, Daniel Louis Hardy, Sarah Katherine Harrell, Logan Andrew Avant Harris, Keiona Aaliyah Hartnett, Eli Curtis Hartnett, Samuel Mark Harvey, John McCormick Hayward, Mary Clark Henderson, Andrew Hollensworth Hester, Andrew David Hester, Emily Amanda Hill, Caroline McLain Hillmer, Carter Neil Hitchcock, Grayson Chance Hitchcock, Kaden Presley Hitchcock, Landon Grant Holben, Ethan Clay Holley, Abigail Rose Hollingsworth, William Thomas Holmes, Klaria Ernese Hooker, Preston Alexander Horton, Khaniaya Raquakkia Taylor Hubbell, Hayden Elizabeth Huggins, Nicholas David Hughes, Patricia Kathleen Hultman, Emerson Moffatt Hunter, Lilly McKay Huynh, Kelly Hyche, Nathan Howard Ivy, Anthony Clay Jackson, Charles Julian Jekabsons, Mathew Elias Jenkins, Ruth Anne Johnson, Grace Elizabeth Jones, Khloe Tzion Joyce, Grace Ann Kamman, Caroline Wood Kennedy, Kaitlyn Elizabeth Kimbrell, Avery Ryan Kincaid, Caroline Grace Koestler, William Downing Lamar, Elizabeth Merrill Langendoen, Noah Patrick Lewis, Desiree Nicole Little, William Jacob Longnecker, Alex Jeffery Loper, Michael Blake Lopez, Frida Esparza Madlock, Antonio Dewane Bailey Madlock, Kyndal Camille Marsh, Jeffrey Coleman Marzouk, Heba Omar Marzouk, Mohamed Omar Mayes, Tamara Octavia Divin Mayo, Thomas Hayes McCormick, Parker Keen McCready, Campbell Elizabeth McCullen, Mary Alice McCullough, Tajah Brianna McDaniel, Emma Kate McKeown, Lucas James McKinney, Savannah Rene’e Merrell, Aubrey Kate Metcalf, Zharia Dominique Meyer, Olivia Nicole Mims, Addison Grace Mitchell, Julia Braden Mitchell, Lilli-Grace Camille Moore, Martha Mikaela Moore, Robert Cole Morales Romero, Luis Antonio Morgan, Joshua Carr Morrow, Dolnesha Ka’Jettie Morse, Emily Elizabeth Mott, Matthew Dean Mullins, Ann McCall Munoz, Aldrin Harvey Munoz, Esmeralda Alondra Murphey, Carole Addison Murphy, Anna Lea Murthy, Srujana N. Nalls, Makayla Antoinette Nash, Bo Thomas Neilson, Marjorie Ann Nelson, Olivia Claire Renee Newsom, Anna Grace Newsom, Caroline Virginia Nichopoulos, Alexis Athena Norris, Christian Graham Norris, Niles Spencer O’Neill, Griffin Elliot O’Reilly, Felicity Rose Oliver, Corey Vincent Overby, Ryleigh Grace Parker, Landon Wyatt Parker, Sara Grace Patton, Kathleen Sampson Pearson, Joshua Eli Perkins, John Seton Perrier, Justine Elodie Perry, Knox Nelson Peters, Ann Fava Pettis, Darius Jordan Pittman, Anne Elizabeth Ponder, Stetson Lane Powell, Charles Obie Prillerman, Egypt Ayanna Purdon, Elinor Claire Rankin, Randi Elizabeth Ravishankar, Anish Reynolds, Evangeline Marie Reysen, Summer Victoria Roach, Tejeland Renee Robbins, Lydia Bailey Ross, Taylor Brooke Roth, Andrew Evan Rousseau, Jacob Louis Rowland, Whitman Morse Roy, Jackson Medwick Russell, Abby Grace Rychlak, Olivia Claire Salau, Farid Schove, Mary Dewitt Scott, Tucker Rhodes Scruggs, Michael Andrew Shinall, Ally Virginia Shorter, Tristan Dean Sisk, Syrena Victoriah Smith, Andrew Hartley Smith, Evelyn Gates Smith, Graham Benjamin Smith, Tyler James Smith, Virginia Madeline Smith, William Alexander Sockwell, Ryan James Solinger, Eli Charles Southern, Derrius Ke’Shaun Spears, Sydney Nicole Sterling, Benjamin Dakota Stewart, John Franklin Stinnett, Parker Joseph Stone, Anthony Cade Sudduth, Margaret Ann Sudduth, Virginia Kathryn Surbeck, Collin Queiroz Tann, William Harrison Tannehill, Margaret McKenzie Tatum, Julien Rundell Thompson, Grace Jean Thompson, Julie Marie Tidwell, Vasilios Zachery Tingle, Brooklyn Noelle Toma, Emily Anne Torrent, Charles Joseph Torrent, David Allan Tosh, Dennis Stone Treloar, Avery Elise Trott, Joseph Howard Tyner, Susan Rebecca Upton, Morgan Mackenzie Urbina, Alenys Van Ness, Morgan Alexandra Vijayasankar, Akshaya Wadlington, Hiram Donavon Waller, Sara Katherine Wang, Qi Hang Warrington, Wesley Anne Watts, Ana Brooke Watts, Brandon Hugh Waxler, Elijah Latimer Webb, Hollin Sebastein Webster, Lindsey Marie Wheeler, Kayla Kaprice Wheeler, Sophia Pauline White, Brian Garrett White, Jammie Marcell White, KeMariaha Elise White, Lindsey Cameron Whitehead, Dalton Garvis Whitwell, Davis Carroll Wicker, Eli Scott Wilfawn, Quentin Carter Wilkins, William Thomas Williams, Tyler Jamal Wilson, Paschal Peolia Woodard, Niquisha Monquie Yerger, Frank Montague Young, Jalon Kershun
Courtesy of the Oxford School District
For more questions or comments email us at [email protected]
The post Oxford School District’s Honor Rolls for the First Nine Weeks appeared first on HottyToddy.com.
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unalomee · 5 years
Bold everything that relates to you.
Things I Love 2010 vs 2020
1. Cats. 2. Chai Tea. 3. Green Tea. 4. Texting. 5. Movies. 6. Music. 7. Rockband. 8. TV or DVD. 9. No School. 10. Recycling. 11. Snow. 12. Reading. 13. Writing. 14. Poetry. 2010 15. Novels. 16. Singing in the car. 17. Sun Chips. 18. Hiking. 19. Biking. 20. Water. 21. iPod. 2010 22. Surveys. 23. Facebook. 24. Friends. 25. Family.
Things I Hate:
1. Spiders. 2. Jerks. 3. Conceited People. 4. People in general. 5. Not being listened to. 6. People who Abuse Animals. 7. Cleaning. 8. Waking Up. 2010 9. Drugs. 10. Smoking. 11. Cancer. 12. Hot weather.  2010 13. My dad. 14. Worrying too much. 15. Anxiety. 16. Awful Teachers/Professors. 17. School. 18. Maths. 19. Being too hot. 20. Heels. 21. Glee. 22. Lady Gaga. 23. Feet. 24. Runny noses. 25. Being sick.
Movies I Like:
1. V For Vendetta 2020 2. Star Trek. 3. Lord of the Rings. 4. Harry Potter. 5. Sleeping Beauty. 6. Boondock Saints. 7. New Moon. 8. Alice in Wonderland. 9. The Dark Knight. 10. Juno. 11. Sweeney Todd. 12. Walk The Line. 13. Across the Universe. 14. Four Brothers. 15. Eternal Sunshine. 16. Dead Poets Society. 17. Transformers. 18. The Goonies. 19. Moulin Rouge 20. Back To The Future. 21. Aladdin. 22. Saving Private Ryan. 23. Edward Scissorhands. 24. Mary Poppins. 25. Step Brothers
Good Looking Famous Males:
1. Johnny Depp. 2010 2. Robert Pattinson 3. Taylor Lautner. 4. Ryan Reynolds. 5. Jared Leto. 2010 6. Alexander Skarsgard. 7. Josh Holloway. 8. Hugh Jackman. 9. Ed Westwick. 2010 10. Chace Crawford. 2010 11. Chris Pine. omghow? 2020 12. Jim Sturgess. 13. Zachary Quinto. 2020 14. Ewan McGregor. 15. Patrick Dempsey. 16. Brandon Flowers. 17. David Cook. 18. Chris Daughtry. 19. Andy Samberg. 20. John Krasinski. omghow? 2020 21. Christian Bale. 22. Edward Norton. 23. Justin Timberlake. 24. Ryan Gosling. 25. Ben Barnes. 2020 26. Joe Jonas. 27. Kevin Jonas. 28. Nick Jonas. 29. Danny Jones. 2010 30. Dougie Poynter. 2010 31. Tom Fletcher. 32. Harry Judd. 2010 33. Logan Lerman. 34. Alex Pettyfer. 2010 35. Aaron Johnson. 36. Nick Hoult. 37. Luke Pasqualino.
25 Bands/Singers I LIKE:
1. The Beatles. 2. Muse. 3. The Killers. 4. The Fray. 2010 5. Taylor Swift. 2020 6. Katy Perry. 7. Eyes Set To Kill. 8. Adam Lambert. 9. Demi Lovato. 10. Colbie Caillat. 2010 11. Paramore. 2010 12. Ingrid Michaelson. 13. Taking Back Sunday. 14. 30 Seconds To Mars. 2010 15. Leona Lewis. 16. The Hives. 17. John Lennon. 18. Carrie Underwood. 19. Miley Cyrus. 20. Mute Math. 21. Alesana. 22. Blessthefall. 23. Pete Yorn. 24. Cobra Starship 2010 25. Modest Mouse 26. Jonas Brothers 27. Mcfly 2010 28. Selena Gomez 2010
0 notes
the-record-briefs · 6 years
May 16, 2018: In other news
WCC holds 52nd Commencement Ceremony on Tuesday, May 15
 Wilkesboro, N.C. – Wilkes Community College’s 52nd Annual Commencement Ceremony took place on Tuesday, May 15, in the John A. Walker Community Center on the Wilkes Campus. Two ceremonies will be held.
 The Health Sciences Division and Applied Career Technologies Division graduates  participated in the 4 p.m. ceremony. The Arts & Sciences Division and the Business & Public Service Technologies Division graduates participated in the 7 p.m. ceremony.
 Presenters for the program were Dr. Jeff Cox, president of Wilkes Community College; Mr. Terry Bumgarner, chairperson of the Board of Trustees; and Kayla Colglazier, president of the Student Government Association. The speaker was  Dr. David Ritter, lead instructor Economics and Management Information Systems, and Blair Hancock, vice-president of Instruction, presented the candidates.
 The prelude for the ceremony Summit Strings (Mr. Steve Holman & Ms. Tess Angel). Ms. Tammy Griffin-Garcia, Soloist performed the national anthem and provided inspirational music.
 Following the ceremony, a reception was held in the Lakey Ballroom for graduates, faculty, staff and guests.
Arts and Sciences Division
Two-year Associate Degrees will be awarded to the following students:
 ASSOCIATE IN ARTS: Benjamin Thomas Adair, Moravian Falls; Billie LeAnn Adams, Millers Creek; Trent Michael Adams; North Wilkesboro; Allie Suzanne Anderson, Moravian Falls; Kayley Virginia Anderson, North Wilkesboro; Chrystal Aponte, North Wilkesboro; Taylor Haynes Baker, Wilkesboro; Mastin Cole Bauguess, Thurmound; Zoe Rae Beaman, North Wilkesboro; Joy Elizabeth Billings, Ronda; James Dylan Blankley, Ronda; Allison Belle Bowers, North Wilkesboro; Caighlen McKenzie Brady, Millers Creek; Summer Sky Branciforte, Traphill; Kaela Paige Bray, Millers Creek; Erik Bueno-Medina, Wilkesboro; Dawson William Burwell, Moravian Falls; Brittany Lee-Ann Byrd, Ronda; Lauren Ashton Byrd, North Wilkesboro; Logan Allen Byrd, North Wilkesboro; Heaven L. Call, Millers Creek; Adriana Alejandra Carmona-Jurado, Moravian Falls; Dashae LaVaun Chatham, Wilkesboro; Austin Benjamin Church, Wilkesboro; Kayla Marie Colglazier, Hays; Whittney Alissa Combs, Wilkesboro; Elizabeth Gray Cooke, Wilkesboro; Johanna Copley, North Wilkesboro; Karla Yamileth Cortez, Moravian Falls; Marc Gonzales Cruz, North Wilkesboro; Lauren Grace Dancy, Wilkesboro; Caroline Amelia Daughtry, Roaring River; Tracey Hockett Daughtry, Roaring River; Mikki Leigh Davis, Purlear; Jose Maria De La Garza, North Wilkesboro; Khara Faw Dimmette, North Wilkesboro; Angela Jean Dolinger, Wilkesboro; Ashley Espinoza, North Wilkesboro; Joshua Blake Estep, Millers Creek; Katelyn Yvonne Fielder, Barton; Maria Guadalupe Frausto-Barbosa, Wilkesboro; Lesly Pilar Fuentes-Ramirez, North Wilkesboro; Diego Francisco Garcia- Galindo, Wilkesboro; T.J. McRae Gordon, North Wilkesboro; Taylor Nicole Greer, North Wilkesboro; Rhianna Shanice Griffin, North Wilkesboro; Stephenie Alana Hamby, Millers Creek; Jessica Gisselle Henriquez, North Wilkesboro; Charles William Hicks, North Wilkesboro; Patrick Carl Hill, North Wilkesboro; Cassie N. Huffman, Wilkesboro;  Jonathan Willis Inman, Wilkesboro; Allison Mara Ivey, North Wilkesboro; Laken Alexandra Jarvis, Wilkesboro; Kodie Leigh Jennings, North Wilkesboro; Charles Jacob Johnson, Roaring River; Jesse Samuel Johnson, North Wilkesboro; Joseph Gregory Kennedy, Traphill; Megan Nicole Knight, Wilkesboro; Austin Timothy Lane, Wilkesboro; Rachel Dawn LaPrad, North Wilkesboro; Ana'e Desarae Limon, Wilkesboro; Morgen Nicole Love, North Wilkesboro; Yandery Mariela Manzanares, North Wilkesboro; Kyra Leigh McClarrin, North Wilkesboro; Erika Layne Miles, Hays; Ursela Gena Miller, North Wilkesboro; Stephen Christopher Mitchell, North Wilkesboro; Alexander Elijah Morales, Moravian Falls; Rachel Jean Muskelley, Wilkesboro; Pedro Anthony Noon, Ronda; Lakyn Danae Parrish, Wilkesboro; Dakota Leeann Passmore, North Wilkesboro; Haley Perez-Ramirez, North Wilkesboro; Tamika Lashaun Phillips, Millers Creek; Marco Antonio Pineda-Sierra, North Wilkesboro; Andrew Jeffrey Pinkerton, Wilkesboro; Ricky Seth Poe, Moravian Falls; Delaney Raeh Richards, North Wilkesboro; Gabriela Ruvalcaba-Barragan, North Wilkesboro; Garrett Joseph Saffold, Wilkesboro; Lisa Penhollow Salmon, North Wilkesboro; Alisha Dawn Scott, Sparta; Briana Church Shell, Millers Creek; Kirsten Sierra Shepherd, North Wilkesboro; James David Simmons, Jr., Wilkesboro; James Dalton Smith, Moravian Falls; Karma Raine Smith, North Wilkesboro; Miranda Michelle Smith, North Wilkesboro; Brandon James Teague, North Wilkesboro; Rebecca Elizabeth Triplett, North Wilkesboro; Mary Jane Boiser Vawter, McGrady; Moriah Grace Vimont, Moravian Falls; Phillip Ethan Waldrup-Dobbins, Ronda; Marissa Ruth Walker; Wilkesboro; Travis Remington Wall, Wilkesboro; Montanna Morgan Walters; Wilkesboro; Alicia Dawn Widener, Millers Creek; Zechariah Patrick Kent Wilborn, North Wilkesboro; and Olivia Marie Wilcox, North Wilkesboro.
 ASSOCIATE IN GENERAL EDUCATION: LarkAnn Louise Byrd, North Wilkesboro; Kayla Marie Colglazier, Hays; Katrina Leigh Fletcher, Purlear; Harlee Denise Glass, North Wilkesboro; Adrianne Janette Johnson            , North Wilkesboro; Alexandra Morgan Johnson, McGrady; Sydney Laura Johnson, Wilkesboro; Seth Malachi Kerr, Moravian Falls; Christen L. Martin, North Wilkesboro; Paige Elizabeth Neely, Millers Creek; John Thomas O'Connell, Jr., Millers Creek; Taylor Leigh Osborne, Boomer; Patricia Meadows Owens, Wilkesboro; Staley Elizabeth Parks , Wilkesboro; Selina Greene Richardson, North Wilkesboro; Kristie Hope Royal, North Wilkesboro; and Alicia Dawn Widener, Millers Creek.
 ASSOCIATE IN SCIENCE: Evan Walsh Adams, North Wilkesboro; Ryan Richardson Barrett, Wilkesboro; Brandon Carl Billings,  Hays; Heaven L. Call, Millers Creek; Kayla Brooke Chipman         , Traphill; Daniel Ryan Cooke, Wilkesboro; Joshua Blake Estep, Millers Creek; William Chase Greene, Millers Creek; Leslie Giselle Huezo-Arias, Wilkesboro; Adrianne Janette Johnson , North Wilkesboro; Ana'e Desarae Limon, Wilkesboro; Bethany Noelle McGill, North Wilkesboro; Marlen Veronica Nava, Roaring River; Hunter Daniel Page, Purlear; Meagan Elizabeth Thibodeau, Moravian Falls; Cameron Grant Tribble, North Wilkesboro; and Kelsy Elizabeth Waddell, North Wilkesboro.
 Business and Public Service Technologies Division
The following student will receive Associate in Applied Science degrees:
 ACCOUNTING: Alejandra Limon,  Moravian Falls; Rosa Angelica Dionicio Mariano, North Wilkesboro; Kang McCoy , North Wilkesboro; Brenna Metzger Lara, Millers Creek; Katlyn Davis Mickel, Roaring River; Juan Antonio Olea Chamv, North Wilkesboro; Samantha Jane Prevette, Hays; and Susie Violeta Ramos, Wilkesboro.
 ADVERTISING & GRAPHIC DESIGN: Candelaria Andres Francisco, North Wilkesboro;
Alexandra Morgan Johnson,  McGrady; Danny Bubba Lane, North Wilkesboro; Marina Nicole Moore, Millers Creek; Courtney Young Moser, Wilkesboro; Sylvia Rubio-Reyes, Wilkesboro; Rosalinda Ruiz Carbajal, North Wilkesboro; Austin Ray Shrewsbury, North Wilkesboro; Alexis Erin Smith , Statesville; and Sabrina Michelle Summerlin, North Wilkesboro.
 BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION: Aaron McKae Billings, Hays; Courtney Danielle Bullis,       North Wilkesboro; Joseph Alexander Kamperman, Boomer; Amanda Leigh Kelly, North Wilkesboro; Katlyn Davis Mickel, Roaring River; Donna Jean Miller,  North Wilkesboro; Juan Antonio Olea Chamv, North Wilkesboro; Marie Jeanette Phifer, Lenoir; Samantha Jane Prevette, Hays; and Laura Nichelle Rector, Hays.
 BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION – Management Information Systems: Amanda Leigh Kelly, North Wilkesboro.
 COMPUTER INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY: Derek Scott Patterson, North Wilkesboro.
 COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY INTEGRATION –Game Development: Daniel Joseph Metz, McGrady.
 COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY INTEGRATION – Networking Technology: Kyle Conrad Martin, Ronda; and Trenton Matthew York, Wilkesboro.
 COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY INTEGRATION – Programming: Ashton James Absher, Moravian Falls
 CRIMINAL JUSTICE TECHNOLOGY: Hannah Kristain Absher , McGrady;
Vernon Earl Byrd, Hays; Brandon Matthew Caudle, Taylorsville; Sammy Shawn Clonch, Wilkesboro; Justin Lee Combs , Ronda; Ethan Daniel Gambill, North Wilkesboro; Colby Austin Greene, North Wilkesboro; Mirella Izquierdo, Wilkesboro; Caleb Richard Johnston, Hays; Alondra Limon-Garcia, Moravian Falls; Michelle Raye Mitchell, North Wilkesboro; Preston Lee Parsons, North Wilkesboro; Daniel Allen Prevette, Hays; Damian Lee Smithey, Ronda; and Derrick Allen Taylor, Wilkesboro.
 CULINARY ARTS: Andrea Fay Barton, Moravian Falls; Tonda Dane , Wilkesboro; Marie Shirk Maltba, North Wilkesboro; and Victoria Nicole Smith, Millers Creek.
 EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION: Amber Noel Anglin , North Wilkesboro; Racheal Lynn Brionez, Wilkesboro; Laken Nicole Cox, Ronda; Jamie Marie Higginbotham, Wilkesboro; and Jenna Alysse Walker, North Wilkesboro.
 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY – Network Management: Sean Conan Nichols, Wilkesboro
 OFFICE ADMINISTRATION: Christian Yolanda Howell, Wilkesboro
 The following will receive certificates:
 ADVERTISING AND GRAPHIC DESIGN – Graphic Design: Candelaria Andres Francisco, North Wilkesboro; Alexandra Morgan Johnson, McGrady; Danny Bubba Lane, North Wilkesboro; Marina Nicole Moore, Millers Creek; Courtney Young Moser, Wilkesboro; Rosalinda Ruiz Carbajal, North Wilkesboro; and Austin Ray Shrewsbury, North Wilkesboro
 ADVERTISING AND GRAPHIC DESIGN – Photography: Candelaria Andres Francisco, North Wilkesboro; Alexandra Morgan Johnson, McGrady; Danny Bubba Lane, North Wilkesboro; Marina Nicole Moore, Millers Creek; Courtney Young Moser, Wilkesboro; Sylvia Rubio-Reyes, Wilkesboro; Rosalinda Ruiz Carbajal, North Wilkesboro; and Austin Ray Shrewsbury, North Wilkesboro.
 COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY INTEGRATION – Cyber Crime: Douglas James Morrison, Moravian Falls.
 COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY INTEGRATION – Networking Security: Kyle Conrad Martin, Ronda; Douglas James Morrison, Moravian Falls; and Trenton Matthew York, Wilkesboro.
 COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY INTEGRATION – Networking Technology: Kyle Conrad Martin, Ronda; and Trenton Matthew York, Wilkesboro.
 CRIMINAL JUSTICE TECHNOLOGY: Haley Patricia Barker, Hays; Kendra Blane Casse, North Wilkesboro; Breanna Lynn Dancy, North Wilkesboro; Michaela Madison Huffman, Purlear; and Ashley MacKenzie Woodruff, Hays.
 EARLY CHILDHOOD: Racheal Lynn Brionez, Wilkesboro; Emory Christian Carroll, Moravian Falls; Hannah Nichole Shumate, North Wilkesboro; and Siara Eden Vidrine, Moravian Falls.
 INFANT/TODDLER CARE: Racheal Lynn Brionez, Wilkesboro.
 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY- Information Technology: Jared Nathenial Ball, North Wilkesboro; Addison Blaine Carrigan, Millers Creek; Melissa Grace Cleary, North Wilkesboro;
Andrew Paul Johnson, Millers Creek; Dalton Maclaine Johnson, Purlear; Zachary Keith Lunsford, Wilkesboro; Alexy Mario Palma, North Wilkesboro; Kaitlyn Michelle Roark, North Wilkesboro; Ryan Thomas Smith, North Wilkesboro; and Brittany Marie Watkins, North Wilkesboro.
 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY - Cyber Security: Vernon Earl Byrd, Hays
 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY – Network Management: Sean Conan Nichols, Wilkesboro
 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY – Network Security: Sean Conan Nichols, Wilkesboro
 Health Sciences Division
 The following students will receive Associate in Applied Science degrees:
 ASSOCIATE DEGREE NURSING: Jessica Harris Ball, Purlear; Kayla Ann Bowlin, Millers Creek; LarkAnn Louise Byrd, North Wilkesboro; Alivia Leeann Flinchum, North Wilkesboro; Kayla Laws Hawkins, Hays; Benjamin Silas Johnson, North Wilkesboro; Hannah Daun Johnson, Millers Creek; Tiffany Lashele Lytton,  North Wilkesboro; Teresa Munoz-Maya, Hays; Taylor Leigh Osborne, Boomer; Haley Nichole Wagoner, Millers Creek; Dongyan Wang, Wilkesboro; and Callie Brooke West, Wilkesboro.
 EMERGENCY MEDICAL SCIENCE: Colby Ryan Cooper, Thurmond; Heather Renee Dancy, McGrady; and Jesse Robert Laws, North Wilkesboro.
 HUMAN SERVICES TECHNOLOGY: Lindsey Michelle Baldwin , Hays; Simone Nicole Barbetta-Latos, North Wilkesboro; Natalie Jean Helms, Wilkesboro; Tamara Nicole Mayes, Wilkesboro; Barbara Diane Thompson, North Wilkesboro; and Brenda Sue Trivette, Purlear.
 MEDICAL ASSISTING: Annette Nichols Laws, North Wilkesboro; Marie Kuharik Mercer, Millers Creek; Hannah Elizabeth Miles, Roaring River; Kaitlyn Michelle Mullis, Roaring River; Maria Jasmin Munoz-Maya         , Hays; Paige Elizabeth Neely, Millers Creek; Rebekah LeeAnn Pardue, Millers Creek; Kristie Hope Royal, North Wilkesboro; Mercedes Oyola Simons, North Wilkesboro; and Allison Ruth Virginia Strickland, Traphill.
 RADIOGRAPHY: Madison Olivia Ashley, North Wilkesboro; Abigail Christine Byrd, North Wilkesboro; Janice Marie Foster, Hays; Tracey Jean Harkless, Wilkesboro; Hugo Fernando Limon-Davalos, North Wilkesboro; Brianna Lea Shelton, Wilkesboro; and Stephanie Edan Wingler, North Wilkesboro.
 RESPIRATORY THERAPY: Lyndsey Raegen Bumgarner, Wilkesboro; Layvin Allen Ferguson, Millers Creek; Kara Leigh Forester, Wilkesboro; and Laykn Johnson Howard, North Wilkesboro.
The following will receive one-year diplomas:
 DENTAL ASSISTING: Kendall Genene Faw, Wilkesboro; Hannah Ashley Miller, Moravian Falls; and Haley Jensen Rogers, Wilkesboro.
 HUMAN SERVICES TECHNOLOGY: Christen L. Martin, North Wilkesboro; and Brenda Sue Trivette, Purlear.
 Applied Career Technologies Division
The following students will receive Associate in Applied Science degrees:
 APPLIED ANIMAL SCIENCE TECHNOLOGY: Jeff Patterson Allison, North Wilkesboro;
Brandon Wayne Blankenship,  North Wilkesboro; Harlee Denise Glass, North Wilkesboro; Kasey Lee Harrold, Millers Creek; Erica Leigh Matteson, Wilkesboro; Brittany Nicole McNeill, North Wilkesboro; Katelyn McKenzie Parker, Wilkesboro; Ruth Grace St. John, Ronda; Lisa South Staley, Millers Creek; and Bailey Nicole Sturgill, Hays.
 APPLIED ANIMAL SCIENCE TECHNOLOGY – Poultry Management Technology: Jeff Patterson Allison, North Wilkesboro; Kasey Lee Harrold, Millers Creek; Ruth Grace St. John, Ronda; Lisa South Staley,     Millers Creek; and Bailey Nicole Sturgill, Hays.
 APPLIED ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY: Jarrett Lane Brown , Millers Creek; Jake L. Craven, Millers Creek; Jacob Scott Eddy, Wilkesboro; James Dakota Garris, Traphill; Heather Nicole McGuire Richter, Wilkesboro; and Nicholas Trentten Sparks, Roaring River.
 ARCHITECTURAL TECHNOLOGY: Sharyn Danielle Stone, Ronda.
 Architecture Technology: Joshua Taylor Benson , Moravian Falls; Samantha Ann Church, Wilkesboro; Sarah Lynn Church, Wilkesboro; Jenny Lopez-Jimenez, Wilkesboro; and Andrew Ray Williams, North Wilkesboro.
 Building Construction Technology: Dylan Ray Bauguess , Traphill; and Sharyn Danielle Stone, Ronda.
 AUTOMOTIVE SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY: Mason James Brinegar, North Wilkesboro; and Giovanni Montoya, Wilkesboro.
 BUILDING CONTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY: Joshua Taylor Benson            , Moravian Falls.
 DIESEL AND HEAVY EQUIPMENT TECHNOLOGY: Daniel Alexander Cook, Wilkesboro; Jacob Lyndsay Greene, Wilkesboro; Hunter Deice Jolly, Roaring River; Khori Thomas Jones, Boomer; Logan Walker Page, Ferguson; Gabriel Elijah Patrick, North Wilkesboro; John Ray Wilbourn, Purlear; and Jacob Austin Wood           , Wilkesboro.
 HORTICULTURE TECHNOLOGY: Roxanne Kay Beck,  North Wilkesboro; Bobbie Santanna Smoot, Ronda; Lisa South Staley, Millers Creek; and Randall Austin Trapp, North Wilkesboro.
The following will receive one-year diplomas:
 APPLIED ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY – CNC Machining Technology: James Dakota Garris, Traphill
 APPLIED ENGINERRING TECHNOLOGY – 3D Design Technology - James Dakota Garris, Traphill
 ARCHITECTURAL TECHNOLOGY- Architecture Technology: Samantha Ann Church, Wilkesboro; Sarah Lynn Church, Wilkesboro; Jenny Lopez-Jimenez,  Wilkesboro; Sharyn Danielle Stone, Ronda; and Andrew Ray Williams, North Wilkesboro.
 ARCHITECTURAL TECHNOLOGY- Building Construction Technology: Dylan Ray Bauguess, Traphill; and Sharyn Danielle Stone, Ronda.
 HORTICULTURE TECHNOLOGY: Benjamin Phoenix Branciforte, Hays; James Thomas King, Wilkesboro; Roger Haskel Morrow, Millers Creek; and Janine Diane Severt, Wilkesboro.
 WELDING: Thomas Shea Bitner, Purlear; Aaron Morgan Brown, Roaring River; Jonathan Chance Cleary, Purlear; Jesse Lee Driver, Boomer; Zachary Robert Huffman, North Wilkesboro; Samuel Aaron McNeil, Boomer; Kyle Edward Murray, Traphill; and Neil Jacob Rotsheck, Millers Creek.
The following will receive certificates:
 APPLIED ANIMAL SCIENCE TECHNOLOGY – Animal Production: Bailey Nicole Sturgill, Hays.
 APPLIED ANIMAL SCIENCE TECHNOLOGY – Basic Animal Science: Lisa South Staley, Millers Creek.
 APPLIED ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY – Advanced Level II CNC Machining: Michael Shane Hill, Ronda.
 APPLIED ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY – Basic Level I CNC Machining: Michael Shane Hill, Ronda.
 APPLIED ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY – Level I Electronics Technology: Christopher Alexander Roten, North Wilkesboro.
 ARCHITECTURAL TECHNOLOGY – Architectural Technology Level I: Joshua Taylor Benson, Moravian Falls; Samantha Ann Church, Wilkesboro; Sarah Lynn Church, Wilkesboro;
Jenny Lopez-Jimenez, Wilkesboro; Sharyn Danielle Stone, Ronda; and Andrew Ray Williams, North Wilkesboro.
 ARCHITECTURAL TECHNOLOGY – CAD/BIM: Joshua Taylor Benson, Moravian Falls;
Samantha Ann Church, Wilkesboro; Sarah Lynn Church, Wilkesboro; Jenny Lopez-Jimenez, Wilkesboro; Sharyn Danielle Stone, Ronda; and Andrew Ray Williams, North Wilkesboro.
 ARCHITECTURAL TECHNOLOGY - CAD Techniques: Joshua Taylor Benson, Moravian Falls; Samantha Ann Church, Wilkesboro; Sarah Lynn Church,  Wilkesboro; Jenny Lopez-Jimenez, Wilkesboro; Sharyn Danielle Stone, Ronda; and Andrew Ray Williams, North Wilkesboro.
 ARCHITECTURAL TECHNOLOGY – Carpentry: Dylan Ray Bauguess, Traphill; and Sharyn Danielle Stone, Ronda.
 ARCHITECTURAL TECHNOLOGY – Construction Management: Jenny Lopez-Jimenez, Wilkesboro.
 ARCHITECTURAL TECHNOLOGY – Construction Mechanical Trades: Joshua Taylor Benson, Moravian Falls; and Sharyn Danielle Stone, Ronda.
 ARCHTECTURAL TECHNOLOGY – Project Planning: Dylan Ray Bauguess, Traphill; Joshua Taylor Benson, Moravian Falls; Samantha Ann Church , Wilkesboro; Sarah Lynn Church, Wilkesboro; Jenny Lopez-Jimenez,  Wilkesboro; Sharyn Danielle Stone, Ronda; and Andrew Ray Williams, North Wilkesboro.
 AUTOMOTIVE SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY - Basic Transportation: Graylen Edward Barnes, Wilkesboro; Mason James Brinegar, North Wilkesboro; Joshua Dylan Brown, Purlear; Stephen James Brown, Millers Creek; Ca-Sandra Irene Burton , Wilkesboro; Josh Lee Call, North Wilkesboro; Joseph Kyle Casstevens, Ferguson; Jacob Lyndsay Greene, Wilkesboro; Gabriel Griffin, Millers Creek; Dawton Allen Hamby, Purlear; Devin James Johnson, Wilkesboro; Winston Blake Johnson, North Wilkesboro; Hunter Deice Jolly, Roaring River; Khori Thomas Jones, Boomer; Isaias Landeros-Davalos,  North Wilkesboro; Joshua Lee Long, Hays; Rylan Cole Long,             North Wilkesboro; Jonathan Lugo-Parra, North Wilkesboro; Zachary Nolan Miller, North Wilkesboro; Giovanni Montoya, Wilkesboro; James Dean Moretz , Millers Creek; Armando Javier Orozco, Moravian Falls; Jackson Conley Evan Phipps, Ronda; James Matthew Taylor, Purlear; John Ray Wilbourn, Purlear; and Patrick Scott Wilhelm, Traphill.
 AUTOMOTIVE SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY – Transportation Climate Control: Graylen Edward Barnes, Wilkesboro; Mason James Brinegar, North Wilkesboro; Josh Lee Call, North Wilkesboro; Joseph Kyle Casstevens, Ferguson; Tyler Shane Cranfill, Hays;Jacob Lyndsay Greene, Wilkesboro; Devin James Johnson,  Wilkesboro; Hunter Deice Jolly, Roaring River; Khori Thomas Jones, Boomer; Isaias Landeros-Davalos, North Wilkesboro; Rylan Cole Long, North Wilkesboro; Jonathan Lugo-Parra,  North Wilkesboro; Giovanni Montoya, Wilkesboro; James Dean Moretz, Millers Creek; Logan Walker Page, Ferguson; Jackson Conley Evan Phipps, Ronda; James Matthew Taylor, Purlear; John Ray Wilbourn, Purlear; and Patrick Scott Wilhelm, Traphill.
 DIESEL AND HEAVY EQUIPMENT TECHNOLOGY – Diesel and Heavy Equipment Technology: Benjamin Carroll Bradburn, Millers Creek; and Gabriel Griffin, Moravian Falls.
 WELDING - MIG: Charles Jacob Ballard, Wilkesboro; Jacob Ryan Church, Moravian Falls;
Aidan Thomas Ellsworth, North Wilkesboro; Owen Thomas Felts , Wilkesboro; Noah Landon Greene, Purlear; Zachary Michael Gregory, Purlear; Dylan Blake Handy , North Wilkesboro;
Ezekiel Morgan Hayes, McGrady; William Cody Johnson,  North Wilkesboro; Payton Grant Moore, Millers Creek; Jesse Aaron Pennell, North Wilkesboro; and Zachary Isaac Ritenour, Ferguson.
 WELDING - SMAW & MIG: Holden McNeil Eller, Moravian Falls.
 WELDING - TIG: Charles Jacob Ballard, North Wilkesboro; Owen Thomas Felts, Wilkesboro;
Noah Landon Greene, Purlear; Zachary Michael Gregory, Purlear; Dylan Blake Handy, McGrady; William Cody Johnson, Wilkesboro; and Kyle Reid Tinnin, Wilkesboro.                          
  Wilkes Community College, a member of the North Carolina Community College System, is a public, two-year, open-door institution serving the people of Wilkes, Ashe and Alleghany counties and beyond. Established in 1965, WCC continues to build on a strong history of meeting the educational needs and cultural interests of our students, community and workforce. WCC prepares learners for success in a dynamic world.
0 notes
tonyduncanbb73 · 6 years
New Haven’s Frank Pepe Opens Its First Rhode Island Pizzeria
And other regional food and beverage updates from New England, beyond the borders of Massachusetts
Broadening the scope a bit, here’s the latest restaurant news from beyond Massachusetts; we’re keeping an eye out for dining developments throughout the rest of New England. This piece is updated on a weekly basis, covering restaurant openings, closures, and more in Portsmouth, Providence, Portland, and elsewhere. (Find the archive of winter 2017-2018 news here.)
Check back for updates — the most recent ones will always be at the top — and email [email protected] with any tips pertaining to New England restaurant news beyond the borders of Massachusetts.
Note: Jump to the bottom of this page for a list of other links pertaining to New England dining, including a guide to Portsmouth and Kittery, an archive of Maine news, a map of the hottest new restaurants in Providence, and more.
May 15, 2018
PORTLAND, MAINE — Thursday, May 17, is opening day for a new food truck in Portland: the Truffle Truck, serving Italian dishes that feature truffles, fresh pasta, and more. Catch it in various parts of Portland and beyond — the schedule is on the truck’s website. The team is hoping to franchise it out to other cities as well, so fill out this form if you want to operate a Truffle Truck of your own.
Also in Portland, Otto Pizza recently renovated its 225 Congress St. (Munjoy Hill) location, adding more beer taps and some special menu items not available at other locations, including Detroit-style pizza. Never had Detroit-style pizza before? Here’s the definitive guide.
SACO, MAINE — In other Otto Pizza news, the chain plans to open a new location on Rt. 1 in Saco (779 Portland Rd.) on June 1; find it next to the Imax theater and across from Funtown and Splashtown. This is number seven for Maine Otto locations — and the largest of the bunch — and it’s number 13 for the chain overall. It’ll have a quick-service counter as well as a full-service dining room, plus a full bar, featuring 12-20 local beers on tap, and there will be a seasonal patio. Takeout and delivery will be available.
WARWICK, RHODE ISLAND — Iconic New Haven pizza destination Frank Pepe Pizzeria Napoletana has continued its beyond-Connecticut expansion with a new location in Warwick that opened earlier this week. It’s the first Rhode Island location for the growing chain, which mostly remains concentrated in Connecticut but also has a New York location (Yonkers) and a Massachusetts one (Chestnut Hill). Frank Pepe Warwick is at 21 Universal Blvd. and is open from 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. daily, serving the usual assortment of pizzas, salads, and of course, Foxon Park sodas, along with a small selection of beer and wine. Pepe purists will tell you to get the white clam pizza, but non-clam enthusiasts will be plenty happy with the original tomato pie or any of the other options.
WATERVILLE, MAINE — This summer or fall, watch for the debut of Money Cat Fried Chicken and Donuts at 173 Main St., from longtime friends Kevin Sandes (Eighty 8 Donut Cafe) and David Gilbert (a 2013 Beard semifinalist in the Best Chef: Southwest category). The 40-seat restaurant, located in a building owned by Colby College, will combine Gilbert’s Thai street food-style fried chicken with Sandes’ doughnuts.
May 8, 2018
The Buffalo Jump/Facebook
Lamb stew from the Buffalo Jump
EAST FALMOUTH, MASSACHUSETTS — The Buffalo Jump(277 Hatchville Rd.) has reopened for the season on the Cape, with Brandon Baltzley and Laura Higgins-Baltzley at the helm. The restaurant is open for walk-ins for breakfast and lunch from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m., with dinner reservations available starting at 5 p.m. The menus change daily depending on ingredient availability, but sample dishes include braised collard greens with pork shoulder or tofu, aged turkey, salt cod, and flatbread.
MASHANTUCKET, CONNECTICUT — Caputo Trattoria is now open at Foxwoods Resort Casino (350 Trolley Line Blvd.) with a menu of Italian dishes, including lobster fra diavolo, “tableside” cacio e pepe, baked clams, and a hybrid chicken parm pizza. There’s also a full bar with cocktails, wine, and limoncello flights.
PORTLAND, MAINE — Sagamore Hill(150 Park St.) will be ready to open in June, bringing with it plenty of nods to Teddy Roosevelt. It aims to be a neighborhood bar, with local beer and wine on the menu, in addition to presidential-themed cocktails, including one to recognize the sitting president. Owner Ryan Deskins described it in a release: “Basically, we’ve got a beautiful gold martini glass, full of nothing but hot air, with an elaborate orange twist garnish (emphasis on orange). This lovely assemblage will set you back $2,500, but you can keep the glass! The drink should — appropriately — leave you feeling regretful and unsatisfied, with hints of existential horror.” (The release adds: “The current plan is to have all proceeds from the sale of the drink go to charity, but that might just be an alternative fact.”)
In other Portland news, a Lewiston-based bagel shop, Forage, will add a second location in Portland’s East End by June, featuring a custom-built Spanish bread oven for baking the bagels. Stay tuned for an address and official opening date.
PORTSMOUTH, NEW HAMPSHIRE — Raleigh Wine Bar + Market(67 State St.) is now open and has a special brunch planned for Mother’s Day, with lunch service debuting later on in May. The restaurant has a full liquor license and a menu that includes items like white asparagus, charcuterie, gnocchi, and more.
PROVIDENCE, RHODE ISLAND — Knead Doughnuts (135 Elmgrove St.) now has a new location. The shop opened in April with a wide array of old fashioned, brioche, cake, and filled doughnuts, including vegan and flourless varieties. Flavors range from Boston cream to vanilla glazed and passion fruit.
Also in Providence, Mercer’s Delicatessen has opened (485 Angell St.) with a full lineup of meats that have been cured, brined, smoked, and cooked in-house. The menu includes sandwiches on a variety of breads, plus pickles and chips.
April 17, 2018
Rachel Leah Blumenthal/Eater
Cheeseburger and fries at Lexie’s Joint in Portsmouth, NH
HAMPTON, NEW HAMPSHIRE — Shane’s Texas Pit (61 High St.) is now open, serving barbecue. Brisket, pork spare ribs, sausage, turkey, and more are available with assorted sauces, including a blackberry barbecue sauce. There are also sandwiches, sides (cole slaw, beans, etc.), and sheet cake and peach cobbler for dessert.
PORTLAND, MAINE — Blue Lobster Wine Company (219 Anderson St.) held a test run of its tasting rooms over the weekend, ahead of an official opening on April 20. Self-described as “not your typical winery,” Blue Lobster offers wine in cans and kegs, calling it a “convenient, sustainable, economical” way of delivering wine with little waste. The winery will offer several varieties, including chardonnay, zinfandel, rose, and other red wines. In four separate tasting rooms, customers can also buy wine by the glass and by the flight.
Maine Lobster Shack(425 Fore St.) is now open in Portland, serving items like lobster rolls and fish and chips. There’s also wine on tap and oysters available. The restaurant debuted on Friday, April 13.
RYE, NEW HAMPSHIRE — The Carriage House(2263 Ocean Blvd.) debuts today in its newest form from owners James Woodhouse, RJ Joyce, and executive chef Brett Cavanna. The partners were forced to close their Portsmouth restaurant, Louie’s, due to a fire in April 2017, but they have taken on the task of rebooting this historic restaurant, which opened in 1931. They’ll serve a mix of New England fare, operating Sunday through Thursday from 5 to 9 p.m. and until 10 p.m. on Friday and Saturday. Lunch service will arrive for the summer, and the Carriage House will serve Sunday brunch starting April 29.
STRATHAM, NEW HAMPSHIRE — Lexie’s Burgers in Portsmouth (212 Islington St.) has three additional locations in New Hampshire (one is seasonal) and one in Massachusetts, plus a couple food trucks, or “burger buses,” as they’re known. Now, the business has signed a lease for the former Eastern Burger Co. space at 157 Portsmouth Ave. in Stratham, where it will operate a commissary kitchen and food truck catering site. Eventually, there will be a restaurant at the Stratham space, though it may not be under the Lexie’s name. In other Lexie’s news, the Exeter location (56 Lincoln St.) will relocate to the former 3 Brothers Marketplace space (82 Lincoln St.), where it will have 42 seats. And in other Lexie’s news, it will also open at Seacoast United’s Epping complex — possibly by June 2018 — with an eye towards a partnership that could ultimately put it in another Seacoast United locations as well.
April 10, 2018
Two Fat Cats Bakery/Facebook
Pies at Two Fat Cats Bakery
AUGUSTA, MAINE — This week, the Boston Globe tells the story of the Red Barn in Augusta, which bounced back from financial struggles by offering free food and donating proceeds to charity. Through the process of giving away money, owner Laura Benedict began to make it back and has been able to keep the restaurant running — and it’s become an institution.
PORTLAND, MAINE — Two Fat Cats Bakery(47 India St.) opens its second location on April 14 at 740 Broadway in South Portland, featuring the same menu of pies, pastries, and more sweet treats as at the India Street location, but this one will have ample seating for patrons. On opening day, the bakery will be offering free slices of cake while supplies last and will donate a portion of its proceeds from the day’s pie sales to the South Portland Food Cupboard.
The long-planned Lio (3 Spring St.)— from chef Cara Stadler and her mother, Cecile, who are also behind BaoBao Dumpling House (Portland) and Tao Yuan (Brunswick) — is under construction. When it opens, the restaurant will have a heavy focus on wine, and its menu will change daily based on available ingredients.
Paciarino (470 Fore St.)will open a new location in the former Zapoteca space down the street at 505 Fore St. Owners Enrico Barbiero and Fabiana de Savino plan to serve the restaurant’s pasta, brick oven pizza, and other Italian classics at the new space, while converting the original location into a retail space. The new Paciarino is slated for a May opening.
April 3, 2018
Bob’s Clam Hut/Facebook
Food at Bob’s Clam Hut
DANBURY, CONNECTICUT — Barrister’s Coffee Co.(1 West St.) opened earlier this year, and it serves coffee and tea, plus pastries, bagels, and baked goods brought in from New York. The shop is spacious with seating at tables, in leather chairs, and in cubicle nooks.
GORHAM, MAINE — Portland’s Bier Cellar, which has been around since 2012, now has a second location in the works for 593 Main St. in Gorham. “We are incredibly excited to bring our love of beer, wine, cider and mead to the rapidly growing community of Gorham,” the owners wrote in a blog post on the website. “We want to be a part of making Gorham a craft beer mecca just like we have watched the City Of Portland became one of the best craft beer destinations in the United States since we opened in 2012.”
PORTLAND, MAINE — Kittery’s famous Bob’s Clam Hut is in the process of expanding to Portland, at 109 Cumberland Ave. The restaurant has been in business since 1956, and owner Michael Landgarten hopes to open the new location in time for summer. Bob’s is known for its fried seafood baskets, fish sandwiches, burgers, and sides.
Union Bagel Co. opened a second location in the East Deering neighborhood of Portland (46 Veranda St.), serving its familiar variety of bagels, spreads, and breakfast sandwiches. The restaurant also offers vegan spreads.
PROVIDENCE, RHODE ISLAND — “It’s time to meet the waffle of your dreams,” and Providence’s Waffle(45 Weybosset St.) is ready for introductions. The restaurant, which opened about two months ago, serves a variety of waffles, including liege-style, gluten-free, and in the form of ice cream sandwiches. There’s also a pizza waffle topped with marinara sauce, cheese, crushed red pepper, and basil.
The Lotus Garden (223 Atwells Ave.) is open in Federal Hill with a selection of Southeast Asian dishes, including pho, sushi, stir fry noodles, rice bowls, and more. The restaurant also offers cocktails, beer, and wine.
SEABROOK, NEW HAMPSHIRE — Brown’s Lobster Pound(407 State Rd. 286) at long last has reopened following a fire in August 2017. This week, the restaurant will operate Friday, Saturday, and Sunday (April 6, 7, and 8), and then starting April 13, Brown’s will be open for the summer season, per a post on Facebook. Brown’s first opened in 1950 and serves a menu of fried seafood boxes and platters, sandwiches, and more.
WETHERSFIELD, CONNECTICUT — Kaliubon Ramenis now open at 1323 Silas Deane Hwy., serving a menu of shoyu, tonkotsu, and miso ramen, along with assorted bao filled with pork, lamb, or tofu. There are also wings, dumplings, lettuce wraps, and salad.
March 27, 2018
Big J’s Chicken Shack/Facebook
Hot chicken from Big J’s Chicken Shack in Portland
HOPKINTON, NEW HAMPSHIRE — Lakehouse Tavern (157 Main St.) has opened with some sustainable practices in place. In addition to serving a broad selection of dishes ranging from wings and lobster fritters to wraps, sandwiches, burgers, and steaks, the restaurant roasts its own turkey, ham, and prime rib and recycles its cooking oil with Newport Biodiesel.
PORTLAND, MAINE — A restaurant and bar at the Danforth Inn (163 Danforth St.) will close at the end of the month, as the business prepares to file for bankruptcy, per the Portland Press Herald. Tempo Dulu and Opium — the restaurant and bar, respectively — shut down for good on March 31. Co-owner Raymond Brunyanszki cited the niche of the Southeast Asian restaurant as a contributing factor to the closure, along with profitability. Opium also drew ire for its name upon opening. When the business makes it through the bankruptcy filing, the bar will resume operation, perhaps under a new name.
Big J’s Chicken Shack (4 Thompsons Pt.), perhaps best known for providing sustenance in the form of Nashville hot chicken and waffles to visitors at the neighboring Bissell Brothers Brewing Company, will close down at the end of the month. It will be replaced by Locally Sauced, which has six years under its belt as a food cart. It serves burritos, tacos, and barbecue, and it will arrive this May.
Ice It Bakery (502 Stevens Ave.) now has a new location up and running to go along with its original location in Yarmouth, Maine. The bakery serves specialty cupcakes, cookies, pastries, coffee cakes, and gluten-free concoctions, and it offers decorating parties for kids.
Sagamore Hill(150 Park St.) is coming to Portland with the spirit of Teddy Roosevelt. The restaurant takes its name from an area of New York the president called home. The space is currently under construction, and when it opens it will accommodate 100 people inside with 40 on a patio outdoors.
SEBAGO, MAINE — Sportsman’s Kitchen & Keg (46 Sebago Rd.) is on the way to Sebago Lake, courtesy of father-and-son team Paul and Rocco Severino, slated for a summer 2018 opening. The restaurant labels itself an “homage to Portland’s old Sportsman’s Grill,” which previously operated at 905-911 Congress St., according to the Portland Food Map.
March 20, 2018
Eventide Oyster Co./Instagram
Little Spruce Baking Co. baked goods
BIDDEFORD, MAINE — A new arm of the Big Tree Hospitality group — which runs the acclaimed Eventide restaurants, Hugo’s, and The Honey Paw — has made its official debut. Little Spruce Baking Co.has taken croissants to a new level, appearing at Elements: Books, Coffee, Beer (265 Main St.) in Biddeford on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays, along with the Saco River Farmers Market on Saturdays. There are several types of croissants available, most notably a pizza version made with tomato jam, ricotta, and pepperoni. There’s also a Moonstruck version with egg, mushroom, and mustard greens, a PB&J version, and more.
PORTLAND, MAINE — Black Cow(83 Exchange St.) is now open in the former Sonny’s space in Old Port, from the same team, featuring burgers and shakes.
PORTSMOUTH, NEW HAMPSHIRE — Cup of Joe (31 Market St.) has opened in Portsmouth with a lengthy lineup of beverages, pastries, and other snacks. The shop serves all kinds of coffees and espresso beverages, plus kombucha on tap, chai lattes, and more.
SACO, MAINE — The Lady and the Mensch (172 Main St.) has a selection of cocktails, craft beer, and more on the menu in Saco. The recent opening is pegged as a community hangout spot, with a lounge area and a central location in the neighborhood.
YORK, MAINE — First Hill Restaurant (369 US Rte 1.) is now open in York and serving a varied menu including brunch. Dishes range from avocado toast and a Greek yogurt waffle to salmon burgers, sticky Thai fried chicken, and steamed mussels.
Further Reading
Rachel Leah Blumenthal for Eater
Spicy miso ramen at Anju Noodle Bar
New England’s 38 Essential Restaurants: A guide to the best of the best throughout New England, compiled by Eater restaurant editor Bill Addison with the help of food writers from around the region.
The 9 Hottest New Restaurants in Providence, Rhode Island: Updated in October 2017, this map highlights some of the hot new spots to hit the Providence dining scene in 2017.
Eater Maine: Eater Boston’s sister site to the north has been largely retired, but stop by the homepage now and then for updates to major maps, such as the Heatmap, which tracks some of the hottest new openings.
Maine Restaurant News Archive on Eater Boston: While most Maine news going forward will appear right here in this New England news round-up, older stories are archived at the Maine Restaurant News Archive link.
A Guide to Dining and Drinking in Portsmouth and Kittery: Take a trip up to the New Hampshire-Maine border.
Eater Recommends: What to Eat and Drink in Portsmouth and Kittery: Don’t have time to read the whole guide mentioned above? Skip to this map, which highlights some of the Eater Boston team’s Portsmouth and Kittery favorites.
Where to Drink Beer in Portsmouth, New Hampshire: And here’s the beer-specific accompaniment to the above two links.
0 notes
nsula · 5 years
Spring 2019 Dean’s List
NATCHITOCHES –  One thousand one hundred and thirty-one students were named to the Spring 2019 Dean’s List at Northwestern State University. Students on the list earned a grade point average of between 3.5 and 3.99. Those named to the Dean’s List by hometown are as follows.
 Abbeville -- Julie Melancon;
 Alexandria -- Marquita Benjamin, Morgan Brame, Morgan Bryant, Maslin Campbell, Dshaun Coleman, Katylyn Cox, Noel Cusick, Tyler Flynn, Maeghan George, Jaliyah Jasper, Keyerra Jefferson, Jasmine Johnson, Leslie Katz, Hunter Lewis, ShaKiyla Lindsey, DeShonta Manning, Deasheneire Payne, Eboni Phidd, Jabari Reed, Ragan Richey, Imani Ricks, Daziah Roberson, Kaitlin Roshto, Caleb Ross, Savannah Sices, Alexander Trotter, Thando Turner, Erin Vandersypen, Cherell Wallace, Christopher Warren, William Welch, Tashiana Whitehead;
 Anacoco -- Jacob Bennett, Kenneth Cochran, Alan Cosio, Nicole Fitzgerald, Zada Green, Elizabeth Guy, Theresa Heaton, Caitlin McKee, Brooke Phillips, Jean Phillips, Cayla Roberts;
 Anchorage, Alaska -- Sydne Bulot;
 Angola -- Ursula Poarch;
 Arcadia -- Alliyah Murphy, Ralyn Sampson;
 Arlington, Texas -- Charles Rodgers;
 Arnaudville -- Alayna Moreau, Misti Richard;
 Ashdown, Arkansas -- Anastasia Saucier;
 Athens, Texas --- Jessica Dubose;
 Atlanta -- Madison Hanson, Peyton Howell, Brianne Lashley, Keneisha Williams;
 Avondale -- James Brown, Kelly Maldonado;
 Baldwin -- Christine Barard;
 Ball -- Makenzie Jones;
 Barksdale AFB -- Victoria Charles, Jeanine Matthews;
 Bastrop -- Nikkia Lewis;
 Baton Rouge -- Diamanisha Betts, Rosa Campbell, Joshua Cheatwood, Peyton Clark, Emmanuel Dunn, Bryn Edmonston, Lydell Emerson, Maisyn Guillory, John Guillot, Kelly Guillot, Cameron Hooper, Misterie Jarrell, Robert LeMoine, Daniely Midyett, Phelicia Neal, Sarah Rehman, Emma Rivet, Ashleigh Rumby, Ashlee Simmons, Victoria Simmons, Haley Sylvester, Madison Szekely, Kori Thomas, Jordan Williams;
 Baunatal, Germany -- Yannik Gerland;
 Belgrade, Serbia -- Emilija Dancetovic
 Belle Chasse -- Jade Talazac;
 Belmont -- Jayce Gentry;
 Bentley -- Stephanie Hayes;
 Benton -- Haley Crosby, Makayla Goff, Joshua Johnson, Kara Knippers, Tamara Korner, Daniel Scott, Ted Scott, Torea Taylor, Kathryn Watts;
 Berwick -- Brittany Vidos,
 Bienville -- Mavis Collinsworth, Julie Martin;
 Bogalusa -- Laura McFarlain;
 Bonduel, Wisconsin -- Miranda Backmann;
 Bossier City -- Cassie Bailey, Jayde Barnett, Alicia Bartholomew, Elizabeth Blair, Alexandra Borrmann, Quintin Braley, Hannah Brooks, Izabela Carabelli, Kendall Caple, Jonathan Castillo, Colby Cranford, Callie Crockett, Peyton Davis, Ashley Digilormo, Kelsey Gallman, Marissa Gardner, Sydney Gootee, Samantha Guile, Savanna Head, Dejaney Jackson, Nourain Jamhour, Anqumesha Jeter, Kijah Johnson, Haley Joncas, Elizabeth Jones,  Abigail Kent, Alexandra Madrid, Samantha Maiette, Casi Martin, Michelle Moline, Andrea Parks, Kennedy Parson, Khayla Pugh, Nigmeh Rahman, Jasmine Roberson, Andrew Robinson, Sydney Shannon, Gerald Shouse, Hope Spaw, Brittany Spence, Taylor Stoker, Benjamin Tanner, James Taylor, Avery Tibbets, Danielle Toney, Giselle Trejo, Tomaya Turner, Madeline Webb, Dominique Wineglass;
 Bourg -- Mia Adams, Abigail Trahan;
 Boutte -- Samantha Vernor;
 Boyce -- Hannah Aslin, Seth Baggett, Sonya Hill, Anna Lacombe, Amanda Land, Hannah Miller, Wyatt Miller, Ashley Smith;
 Braithwaite -- Kelly Pagoaga;
 Breaux Bridge -- Elizabeth Bernard, Dylan Davis, Blythe Duvall, Beyonka Heine, Ashtin Mouton, Emily Roy, Tyler Thibodeaux;
 Broussard -- Catrice Ambrose, Matthew Buteau, Brandon Phillips;
 Brownsville, Texas -- Emily Saldivar;
 Bryant, Arkansas -- Lilly Roach;
 Billard, Texas -- Brandon Duecker;
 Bunkie -- Haley Laprairie;
 Bush -- Saige Tassin;
 Calvin -- Victoria Guy;
 Campbell -- Caidon Campbell;
 Campti -- Destinee Cotton, Allison Friday, Kortney Greer, Madelynne Greer, Dalton Parker, Ronald Reliford;
 Carencro -- Destiny Kennerson, Carl Randall, Melody Woodard;
 Cartagena, Colombia -- Carlos Camargo Patron, Juan Castilla, Ivan Lorduy Camargo, Jorge Ojeda Munoz, Romulo Osorio Herrera, Cristian Paez Geney, Luis Osorio Betancourt, Juan Padilla, Ramon Sarruf Monroy, Juan Santos Sierra;
 Castor -- Kaycee Collinsworth;
 Central -- Christian Chustz, Hayley Tarver;
 Chalmette -- Jessica Adcock, Dylan Fuselier;
 Cheneyville -- Katelyn Baronne, Laiken Haggart;
 Church Point -- Paige Felix;
 Cincinnati, Ohio -- Kristin Byone;
 Clayton -- Glendalyn Boothe;
 Clinton, Mississippi -- Adam Moncure;
 Cloutierville -- Glenda Metoyer;
 Colfax -- Jessica Hebert, Angela McCann, Alyssa Parker, Mikayla Richardson, Lessie Rushing, Morgan Vandegevel;
 Colorado Springs, Colorado -- Rossana Potempa;
 Columbia -- Tyler Duchesne;
 Converse -- Hayley Farmer, Ashley Forgues Brock, Mallory Mitchell, Elaina Richardson, Hannah Womack;
 Coushatta -- Colton Campbell, Elizabeth Cummins, Aaron Murray, Tianna Rock, Jon Russell, Mikailah Smith, Caroline Wren;
 Covington -- Henri Blanchat, Kierra Blase, Rachael Coyne, Kayla Keys, Cathleen Oviedo, Anthony Pupo, Crystal Tucker, Etienne Blanchat;
 Crowley -- Sidney Gilder, Alyssa Huval;
 Cumberland, Maryland -- Rebekah Apple;
 Cypress, Texas -- Alexis Gomez, Kaitlyn St. Clair, Luke Watson;
 Darrow -- Micheal Douglas;
 Dayton, Texas -- Jerry Maddox;
 De Soto, Illinois -- Jayci Deaton;
 Deer Park, Texas -- Blake Stephenson;
 Delhi -- Jasmine Poe;
 Denham Springs -- Joey Carroll, Caitlyn Cutrer, Lenni Kunert, Halle Mahfouz, Francis Toche, Emily Williams;
 Denver, Colorado -- Joshua Adair;
 DeRidder -- Eriq Carver, Colten Denning, Falon Drake, Alphonse Engram, Bambi Hardesty, Shayla Miller, Julie Ochoa, Lauren Taylor, Jaymee Thrasher, Cheyenne Vander, Michael Waryas, Ashley Wisthoff, Kailey Wisthoff;
 Derry -- Hannah Antee;
 Destrehan -- Kiera Robinson;
 Deville -- Hailey Bolton, Hailie Coutee, Colton Johnson, Marlee Paulk, Hannah Siebeneicher, Vivian Vallery;
 Dike, Texas -- Brynn Offutt;
 Dodson -- Lydia McGaha;
 Donaldsonville -- Madeline Sotile;
 Downsville -- Abby Fordham;
 Doyline -- Lucas Darbonne;
 Dry Creek -- Kayla Mandelin;
 Dry Prong -- DeAnna Barlett, Jacob Boydstun, Alisabeth Lockhart;
 Dublin, Georgia -- Jessica Rogers;
 Duson -- JoBeth Caswell, Lester Dugas, Autumn Ritter;
 Edmond, Oklahoma -- Payton Hartwick, Ashley Medawattage, Amanda Stokes;
 Effie -- Jaydan Perkins;
 Elizabeth -- Kolby Friday, Clyde Hurst, Sadie Perkins;
 Elm Grove -- Katrina Thornton;
 Elmer -- Brennan Mays, Tiffany Turner;
 Elton -- Kayla Bellard;
 Enon Valley, Pennsylvania -- Jennifer Smiley;
 Eros -- Nicole Skerlong, Alecia Smith;
 Ethel -- Abby Guillory;
 Evans -- Lakin Smith;
 Evergreen -- Walter Armand, Shelby Riche;
 FPO AP, California -- Amber Travis;
 Farmerville -- Malissa Loyd;
 Florien -- Whitney Byles, Travis Cook, Cullen Hopkins, Faith Hopkins, Tyler Johnson, Caroline Matthews, Emma Ray, Dylan Roberts, Elizabeth Squillini, Megan Wagley, Shari Wilson;
 Flower Mound, Texas -- Cody McGee;
 Forest Hill -- Anna Doherty, Rachel Humphries, Claudia Marie Musgrove, Rafael Sierra;
 Forest Park, Illinois -- Kimberly Murray;
 Forney, Texas -- Jared Walker;
 Fort Bliss, Texas -- Brittany Passi;
 Fort Polk -- Destiny Ash, Laura Cerqueira, Jennifer Chirlin, Kyley Cole, Anthony Holloway, Zoe Kata, Ana Murray, Jessica Ramirez, Adrian Rodriguez, Sasha Trevino, Lindsey Turner, Nohora Valencia Camacho, Julia Ward;
 Franklin -- Chaqaire Jenkins, Cheyanne Smith;
 Franklinton -- Brian Geraghty, Aron Stephens;
 Fresno, Texas -- Terres Anderson;
 Frierson -- Austin Barnes, Shelby Callens, Nicholas Parham, Valerie Smith;
 Fulshear, Texas -- Drew Nuschler;
 Georgetown -- Laura White;
 Glenmora -- Eric Baker, Kristopher Devore, Megan Johnson, Nellie Johnson, Melissa Lanier, Faith Lawrence, Savannah Thompson, Derrick Welch;
 Gloster -- Kylee Causey, Jennifer Simmons;
 Goldonna -- David Day, Alexander Guillory;
 Gonzales -- Jordan Enloe, Victoria Gardner, Harlee Melancon, Nicole Moody, Corley Payne, Denee Smith, Jaci Templet;
 Gorman, Texas -- Kourtney Seaton;
 Gramercy -- Amber Theisges, Sabrina Troxler;
 Grand Cane -- Kayden Booker, Matthew Raybon;
 Gray -- Austin Pierre;
 Grayson -- Sabrina Mckeithen;
 Greenwell Springs -- Katherine Bryant, Micah Fontenot, Anna Lingenfelter, Katherine Langlois;
 Greenwood -- Taylor Hughes, Branden Savell;
 Gretna -- Jasmine Miles;
 Gun Barrel City, Texas -- Colton Banghart;
 Hineston -- Chase Powell;
 Hahnville -- Catelyn Errington;
 Hallandale Beach, Florida -- Ralph Boereau;
 Hallsville, Texas -- Emma Hawthorne;
 Harker Heights, Texas -- Khalil Corbett-Canada
 Harvey – Faith Johnson, Alexis Taylor;
 Haughton -- Arneshia Brooks, Kyler Burns, Jessica Chase, Madison Farquhar, Shelby Grubbs, Kobe Jackson, Nathan Johnson, Luna Karkar, Elizabeth Langley, Nicklaus Lowery, Paige Ramey, Hannah Robertson, Cheyenne Ware, Hunter Woods;
 Heflin -- Haley Shepherd;
 Henderson, Texas -- Christina Marie Colley;
 Henderson -- Asha Cormier;
 Henderson, Nevada -- Kiana Winford;
 Hessmer -- Dana Lala;
 Hineston -- Richard Clark, Gabrielle Merchant Langley; Madison Morrison, Chase Powell;
 Honolulu, Hawaii -- Melissa Baker;
 Hope Mills, North Carolina -- Taylor Camidge;
 Hornbeck -- Brandy Alford, Sarah Ceballos;
 Houma -- Kelsey Chauvin, Alexis Dardar, Jennifer Doiron, Anna Gautreaux, Zoe Hebert, Corinne Paris, Sara Rebstock, Rhianna Stamps;
 Houston, Texas -- Luis Cervantes, Brittany Davis, Levar Gumms, Kenneth Sheldon, Kendall Westfall;
 Humble, Texas - Aiyana Bean;
 Hutto, Texas -- Tommi Long;
 Ida -- Madison Campbell;
 Independence -- Tatlyn Costa;
 Iota -- Katie Latiola;
 Jacksonville, Texas -- Donovan Trent;
 Jefferson -- Matthew Broekman, Codi Vernace;
 Jena -- Mercedes Farris, Jill Kennard, Jessi McNeely, Dena Ray, Darian Thacker;
 Jennings -- Emily Benoit, Rachel Edwards, Mekayla Jenkins, KaTierra Lewis;
 Jonesboro -- Natalee Gray, Destini Mathews, Xavier Stringer;
 Jonesville -- Kameron Stevenson;
 Kaplan -- Laurie Breaux;
 Katy, Texas -- Erik Carver;
 Keatchie -- Antonio Dukes, Katelyn Hicks, Amber Nash;
 Keithville -- Amanda Eades, McKenzie Knotts, John-David May, Jerry Parks, Joanna Sims, Deja White, Larae Wooley;
 Kemp, Texas -- Katelynn Messer;
 Kenner -- Ryan Johnson, Nicole Lala, Gennyfer Pena, Henry Schlorff;
 Kerens, Texas -- Richard, Brumbelow, Cody James, Diego Maldonado;
 Killeen, Texas -- Kierra Poole;
 Kinder -- Nicholas Moldovsky, Stewart Wheeler;
 LaPlace -- Melvin Bates, Caitlin Foster, Jalen Haydel, Jacob St. Pierre;
 Lafayette -- Tamara Benton, Tene Cotton, Luke Dupre, Jeffrey Elkins, Adele Hebert, Michael Joseph, Julia Laperouse, Collin Monaghan, Joshua Monaghan, Christina Poole, Forrest Strang, Julia Towry, Madison Weathers;
 Lake Arthur -- Tuesdi Stipek, Hannah Worley;
 Lake Charles -- Jovan Avery, Leah Benoit, Chelsey Bertrand, Khristina Croker, Karley Hebert, Kathleen Hilliard, Zachary Neely, Isaiah Roy, Emily Roller, Michael Thomas, Kashell Williams;
 Lake Providence -- Lakarven Pitts;
 Lake Wales, Florida -- LaRon James;
 Lawtell -- Karoline Guidry;
 League City, Texas -- Mary Gilbert;
 Lecompte -- Ikeia Johnson;
 Leesville -- Autumn Boggs, Marilyn Brooks, Damion Brown, Rachal Brown, Angie Culbert, Junette Cutshaw, Sarah Deggs, Baylor Dillon, Raegan Dotson, Caryllan Fermato, Brandon Fredieu, Miranda Fulks, Brandon Furlow, Sarah Gibbs, Jarrell, Sean Grady, Jessica Gray, Beatrice Green, Cheyenne Grigg, Morgan Hall, Britney Harvey, Gabriella Haymon, Taylor Helton, Haley Hood, Emilee Keuten, Lane Koury, Samantha LaMonte, Karl Marzahl, Kelly Mitchell, Emily Moore, Brittany Paris, Victoria Perkins, Paula Pilkenton, Linsey Preddy, Amber Rose, David Santos, Hannah Scott, Joseph Slaughter, Peggy Stanley, Rebecca Thomas, Devin Toups, Matthew Ward;
 Lena -- Kadaria Lajaunie, Justin Williams;
 Lettsworth -- Meilyn Woods;
 Lindale, Texas -- Eben Cook;
 Little Rock, Arkansas -- Tara Lane;
 Livingston -- Shelby Cambre, Chase Crane;
 Logansport -- Amanda Hill, Maci Martin, Charles McClintock, Jessica Thompson, Trenton Timmons;
 Longview, Texas -- Gustavo Corrales, Kelli Hickerson, Deja Moore;
 Luling -- Macie Barrios, Nathan Roth;
 Lynwood, Washington -- Meghan Castille;
 McKinney, Texas -- Jameria Smith;
 Madisonville -- Sarahjane Ladut, Jensen Volz;
 Mamou -- Meggie Granger, Melissa Souileau;
 Mandeville -- Maci Burt, Lene Potter;
 Mansfield -- Rowdy Burleson, Meliyah Mitchell, Madison Welborn;
 Mansura -- Magen Hegger, Brandy Laprairie, Kate Losavio, Bailey Quebedeaux;
 Many -- Victoria Barnhill, Rachel Bensinger, Toby Bruce, Maegan Burkett, Hannah Chanler, Tyler Colston, Kelsi Horn, Charles LaFollette, Chase Manning, Brianna Miller, Tanner Mizell, Seth Ozsoy, Catherine Parrie, Chelsea Parrie, Chas Pilcher, Jasmine Sweet, Krisha Williams, Tobias Williams;
 Marrero -- Chris Charles;
 Marksville -- Madison Bordelon, Andre Boyer, Olivia Descant, Sarah Dyer, Shelby Lemoine, Tanner Nugent;
 Marrero -- Tara Brown, Chris Charles, Jade Duthu, Dorothy Giola;
 Marshall, Texas -- Serdalyer Darden, Laurann Graham, Sierra Smith, Abigail Upton, D’Sherrick Williams;
 Marthaville -- Emily Ford, Mallory Powell, Madeline Procell, Hannah Sattler;
 Merryville -- Shelby Royer;
 Mesquite, Texas -- Kaleb Fletcher;
 Metairie -- Taylor Crawford, Cameron Duhe, Virginia Falgoust, Mary Gaffney, Ellie Mandel, Morgan Nuss, Andrew Pitari, Madison Someillan, Mary Strickland, Holly Schiler;
 Minden -- Special Crawford, Jess Easley, Roxy Easley, Taya Hester, Lauren Holland, Fisher McLemore, Andrea McClinton, Amber Slater, Lamonica Smith, Madison Tanner;
 Monroe -- Kelche Browhow, Megan Gimber, Grace Underwood;
 Montegut -- Nicole Cohen, Megan Pellegrin;
 Monterey – Jacob Norris;
 Montgomery -- Morgan Bartlett, Morgan McManus, Hannah Vercher, Michael Waxley, Lauren Wise;
 Mooringsport -- Jay Davis, Jo Anna Fisher, Abigal Wolfe;
 Moreauville -- Austin Dismer;
 Morgan City -- Allie Atkinson;
 Morrow -- Quaniqua Joseph;
 Mt. Hermon -- Warren McFarlain;
 Muleshoe, Texas -- Caitlyn Barber;
 Murcia, Colombia -- Cristina Gonzalez Corchon;
 Nashville, Tennessee -- Doreen Cook;
 Natchez -- Sheri Prothro, Morgan Slaughter;
 Natchitoches -- Alissa Addison, Sharlexus Addison, Kayla Anderson, Tyler Anderson, Francisco Ballestas-Sayas, Gavin Bergeron, Sarah Bergeron, Megan Berry, Shenita Braxton, Trenton Brownlee, Taylor Burch, Morgan Burris, Elias Castro Caballero, Trevor Chalker, Donna Cooper, Fabian Correa Guette, KeShyra Culbert, Renee Cunnikin, Kenneth Darcy, Joshua Davis, Leah Deford, Gwenegan Dehe, Ashley Dranguet, Chasity Dupree, Joshua Ellis, Jason Fagundes, Daniela Forero Salcedo, Alaysia Fredieu, Katlynn French, Luis Gallo Quintero, Ruth Garcia Rodriguez, Matthew Giering, Julian Guerrero Acevedo, Valentina Herazo Alvarez, John Howell, Jasmyn Hunter, Holly Jenkins, Ronesha Johnson, Taylor Johnson, Hannah Jones, Brittany Jordan, Ashante Knox, Ricky Lacour, Carlomagno Leon Jimnez, Scott Macqueen, Miranda Mayeaux, Rylie Mcfarlain, Nestor Mercado-Garcia, Amber Minor, Maina Ibn Mohammed, Coy Morgan, Trevor O’Bannon, Kiara Padilla, Chaka Palm, Meredith Phelps, Jonah Poe, Keator Poleman, Shalondria Rainey, LaKendria Remo, Alejandro Restrepo Cardozo, Shelby Riedel, Kayla Roquemore, Daniela Salas Ricardo, Paula Sanchez Luna, Dante Samuel, Anise Settle, Jonathan Simmons, Skyler Speer, Patrick Sprung, Josie Stamey, Hans Andersen Tan, Travon Texada, Harrison Thomas, Mylika Thompson, Caitlyn Tobin, Austin Townsend, Abigail Vallery, Ricardo Ventura, Eva Venzant, Barbara Vercher-Smith, Lauren Vienne, Mary Whitehead, Jack Wright, Rylee Wyer, Ashtin Youngblood, Donna Cooper, Naloni Walker, Megan Winn;
 New Braunfels, Texas -- Charli Fouts;
 New Iberia -- Taylor Freyou, Jacob Gary, Jaci Jones, Grace Kerns, Destinee Leger, Payton Romero, Alexis Trosclair, Madison Willett;
 New Llano -- Justine Alzubaidi, Summer Atkins, Alexis Harbin, Kaitlyn Hotz, Nicole Naral, Katelyn Watson;
 New Orleans -- Jermone Baudy, Marquise Davis, Felicia Franklin, Haleigh Giorlando Wall, Jacqueline Gross, Jaime Hendrickson, Mia Jackson, Raphael Jones, Seven Joseph, Jamilah Pelrean, Julian Shum, Gloria Smyly, Amy Thomas, Tamara Yilla, Tracy West;
 Noble -- Savannah Anderson, Landen Funderburk, Ethan Morgan, Collin Procell, Joshua Ray;
 Oakdale -- Cheyenne Bertrand, Staci Brown, Coriana Moreaux, Kirstin Richard, Erin Russell;
 Oak Grove -- Tonya Creech;
 Oberlin -- Deanna Villareal;
 Oil City -- Ryan Connella;
 Olla -- Tanner Terrell;
 Opelika, Alabama -- Ceaser Stephens;
 Opelousas -- Kelsey Gallow, Kescheler Guillory, Amy Levier;
 Orange Beach, Alabama -- Elizabeth Gilliam;
 Otis -- Joshua Poston;
 Paincourtville -- Hannah Brister;
 Palmetto, Florida -- Cindy Hernandez;
 Pamplona, Spain -- Melba Mansilla;
 Paradis -- Kaitlyn Dunn;
 Paris, Texas -- Zachary Hevron;
 Pearland, Texas -- Clent Jones;
 Pelican -- Tabitha Averitt, Tabetha Caldwell;
 Pineville -- Taylor Bailey, Riley Bell, Emily Bordelon, Christian Boudreaux, Andrea Boyd, Kurt Burkett, Kaitlyn Burns, Latasha Cain, Taylor Campbell, Ameliah Carpenter, Noelle Carruth, Deja Chatman, Caitlin Crawford, Alexis Dennis, Sara Dorsey, Madison Evers, Erin Fallis, Casey Floyd, Lorali Hebert, Paula Jackson, Kara Johnson, Kelsey Kauffman, Landon King, Laura Lachney, Carlee Lake, Jaclyn Lambright, Connie Lawrence, Jeffery Lepage, Emily Litton, Cedrick Lott, Emily McCarty, Mya Melancon, Ashlee Mitchell, Curtessa Morrow, Judith Peek, Rachel Rudd, Jordan Sensat, Micah St. Andre, Gage Ulrich, Morgan VanBuren;
 Pitkin -- Whitney Strother;
 Plain Dealing -- Dormesha Noble, Ja’Mela Williams;
 Plaquemine -- Kameron Landry, Ma Kayla Washington;
Plaucheville -- Brooke Dauzat, Brittany Taylor;
 Pleasant Hill -- Yasmine Maxie;
 Pollock -- Stephen Carpenter, Erika Clark, Alara Faulkner, Christina Kendrick, Julie McGehee, Mary Robinson;
 Pollok, Texas -- Katelyn Boles;
 Pontchatoula -- Kimberly Holloway, Julia Verdon;
 Port Allen -- Kennedy Cullen;
 Port Barre -- Madison Estis;
 Prairieville -- Rebekah Bonner, Colleen Carline, Cameron Kelly, Bailey Mohler, Kyle Munson, Madeleine Sheets, Derek Walle, Kaylon Wood, Payton Stafford;
 Pride -- Leann Wills;
 Princeton -- Raynell Shield;
 Provencal -- Christopher Jennings, Rebekah Orsborn;
 Raleigh, North Carolina -- Aleida Alfonso;
 Rayne -- Bailey Beard, Cameron Desselle;
 Rayville -- Emily Rawls, Terry Rogers;
 Richardson, Texas -- Melissa Ferrer;
 Richmond, British Columbia, Canada -- Jalen Donaldson;
 Ringgold -- Alora Bryant, Joseph Hays, Arvionne Reliford, Aileecia Tipton, Caleb Vining;
 River Ridge -- Taylor Young;
 Riverview, Florida -- Robyn Larson;
 Robeline -- Jonathan Chism, Kelsy Elkins, Morgan Neugent, Megan Palmer, Jeffrey Watley;
 Rodessa -- Kristian Johnston;
 Rosharon, Texas -- Whitney Washington;
 Round Rock, Texas -- Evan Nafe;
 Ruston -- Erica Laborde, Phynecha Richard, Lara Schales, Jamesha Woods;
 St. Francisville -- Sara Baggett, Robert Burke, Katie Gray, Claire Leming;
 St. Martinville -- Blake Blanchard;
 Saline -- Shelby Savell;
 San Antonio, Texas -- Paris Finkbeiner, Kelli Gamble;
 San Pedo Sula, Honduras -- Cesoa Corrales, Bella Triminio Gutierrez, Xary Trimino;
 Scott -- Taylor Joseph, Alexandra Robichaux;
 Scottsboro, Alabama -- Jessica Provenza;
 Seabrook, Texas -- Amy Whitecotton;
 Shreveport -- Jessica Adams, DayJah Alexander, Trayveon Allen, Hannah Angell, Quinton Aught, Yasmeen Bader, Shakendra Bailey, Alyssa Bonacci, Antanae Baylock, Neely Caudle, Janie Cochran, Courtney Curtis, Kevin Denks, Chenara Dredden, Lauren Edwards, Jennifer Elliott, Hannah Ellis, Whitney Elster, Reagan Escude, Chloe Farrar, Irishia Finister, Samantha Freeman, Dejohn Garrison, Rayvin Gaudet, Jameala Ghazawneh, Evan Gibson, Shanetta Gibson, Karina Goodnight, Lauren Gore, Destinee Green, Jennifer Hardey, Madison Harper, Jaimee Henderson, Anthony Hill, Kimberly Housley, Jesamin Huff, April Hunter, Jasmine Jackson, Matthew Jensen, Caitlin Johnson, Jada Johnson, Kaitlyn Knighton, Akilah Lewis, William Mahoney, Katelyn Martin, Marissa Martin, Brooklynn McWilliams, Amelia McLaren, Marshall Merritt, Aysia Mills, Acquiria Mitchell, Destiny Mitchell, Dylan Molenhour, Cayla Morris, Jared Mourad, Katherine Mutter, Hillary Nicholls, Olivia Noonan, Bailey Patton, Zachary Person, Elizabeth Peterson, Mikayla Phillips, Haley Pickett, Patrick Pierce, Bailey Rech, Nahjee Reid, Natya Rogers, KeAndrea Samuel, Zachary Sanders, Yuriana Sauseda, Elizabeth Scott, Lawson Scott, Cynthia Shahriar, Catherine Shaw, Hannah Strickland, Morgan Strickland, Amanda Strother, Lindsey Sullivan, Alexis Taylor, Jordan Taylor, Joyce Taylor, Rodnisha Terry, Gabrielle Thomas, Breyonna Thompson, Kayla Waller, Dillon Wilkerson, Lana Williams, Ly’Shaquala Williams, Shamolia Williams, Jonathan Zavalydriga;
 Sicily Island -- Shawn Perry;
 Simmesport -- Kimani Batiste, Bailie Marsh, Taylor Myers;
 Simpson -- Carleigh Standifer;
 Singer -- Emily Smith;
 Slidell -- Claire Harvey, Alexzandra Hattier, Ashley Henry, William Jensen, Ariel Johnson, Allyssa Marshall, Isabel Melhado, Abigail Miller, Sabrina Miller, John Norvel, Savanna Owens, Holly Penta, Matthew Sanchez, Jourdan Waddell, Raina Woods;
 Spring, Texas -- Victoria Harris, Elyssa Hernandez, Sydney Normand;
 Springhill -- Armonis Crockett;
 Starks -- Melina Royer;
 Stonewall -- Alexa Barron, Raeanna Free, Brianna Hasch, Mallory McConathy, Kassidy Parker, Madison Parker, Chase Slater, Shderrica Whitaker;
 Sugartown -- Madison Budnik;
 Sulphur -- Andrina Ferguson, Erica Fuselier, Trevor Molitor, Makenzie Simon, Justin Sittig, Shelby Sullivan;
 Sunset -- Sonia Vidrine, Deandra Eaglin;
 Talihina, Oklahoma -- Heidi Couch;
 Tallulah -- Christian Cobb;
 Teruel, Spain -- Judit Castillo Gargallo;
 Texarkana, Texas -- Cody Hambly, Nicholas Sisk;
 Thibodaux -- Tierra Johnson;
 Tomball, Texas -- Nicole Henry;
 Tool, Texas -- Kimberly Kidney;
 Trout -- Harley Lisenby;
 Vidalia -- Katelyn Cooley, Hannah Hargis;
 Ville Platte -- Joshua Galland, Shelbi Rials, Cameron Tinley;
 Waco, Texas -- Isabella Hudson;
 Washington -- Tarik Andrus;
 Waskom, Texas – Mary Alexander, Kiara Kiper;
 Waynesboro, Mississippi -- David Hodo;
 Welsh -- Katherin Salassi;
 West, Texas -- Nathan Nors;
 West Monroe -- Katrina Chilton, Kirstin Elrod, Nicole Fletcher, Laura Lovell, Cassandra Phillips;
 White Castle -- Gavin Landry;
 Wills Point, Texas -- Rebekah Clark;
 Winnfield -- Erica Burnett, Taylor Burnett, D’Tyria Duncan, Jourdan Fitzgerald, Kerry Fitzgerald, Kassidy Grantadams, Trinity Homan, Madisyn Hubbard, Hunter Johnson, Caitlyn Martin, Morgan Martinez, Elizabeth Parker, Trakita Rainwater, Fatima Rodriguez, Lori Spangler;
 Winnsboro -- Hunter Cooper, Darrel Doyle;
 Woodworth -- Jonathan Magnano, Derek Wilson;
 Youngsville -- Randall Blair, Chloe Blank, Jude Garrett, Jessica Gilmore, Brette Reaux, Isabelle Vivien;
 Zachary -- Carmeka Cooper, Neil Ahldwin Garcia, Ciara Gibbs, Alaijha Trim;
 Zwolle -- Cheyanne Ebarb, Lloyd Gentry, Shakelia Maxie, Konner Parrie, Addison Rains, Marcelina Remedies, Holden Rivers, Brittany Small.
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