racefortheironthrone · 10 months
So what exactly are bravos? They look like real things from history, but obviously the ASOIAF version is exagerated. Are they thugs? Duelist? The 50s greasers of their time?
Pretty much, yes.
The historical bravos were basically rapiers-for-hire employed by noblemen (quite literally dons) to intimidate their enemies and pad out a noble family's number of armed retainers during a crisis.
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They were known for being snappy dressers (as with other mercenaries of the era, fancy livery was part of the wages), for being aggressive bullies who liked to pick fights, for wasting their money on wine, women, and cards (and thus often being flat broke and descending to mugging people when they couldn't find a paying gig), and being the kind of bad boys you kept very far away from your female relations.
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asoiafreadthru · 3 months
A Game of Thrones, Arya II
“Now we will begin the dance.
“Remember, child, this is not the iron dance of Westeros we are learning, the knight’s dance, hacking and hammering, no.
“This is the bravo’s dance, the water dance, swift and sudden.
“All men are made of water, do you know this? When you pierce them, the water leaks out and they die.”
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ASOIAF: Daenerys’ theory / Lemon Gates
I just watched this video of David Lightbringer about episode 5 of HOTD and let me tell you this “Lemon Gates theory” is just wrong.  Daenerys was truly in Bravos and not in Dorne. 
Explanation at 30:55, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B5ArTJBl0vI&list=WL&index=20&t=1201s&ab_channel=DavidLightbringer
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aroundtable · 6 days
Finalmente è uscito Altered, dopo un mese intero con Hirtemis a raccontarvi le varie fazioni di questo nuovo gioco di carte collezionabili, era d'obbligo farvi vedere dal vivo le carte che troverete negli starter e quale occasione migliore se non il torneo di lancio che Hirtemis ha organizzato da Ludangolo?
Come vi abbiamo raccontato in questi mesi Altered è un gioco di carte collezionabili, che Equinox ha creato per cambiare un po le carte in tavola, una sorta di ibrido tra TCG e board game, in cui dovremo far viaggiare un eroe ed il suo compagno nel tumulto per farli incontrare; i giocatori si alterneranno giocando le carte tentando di avere la maggioranza su un determinato territorio per poter avanzare.
Con Altered gli sviluppatori di Equinox, hanno fatto un lavoro si sulle meccaniche, credano un gioco di carte fattibile sino a 4 giocatori in varie modalità, un'attenzione particolare all'aspetto torneistico con "pass" periodici dove ottenere premi e status ma anche nell'economia del gioco, prevedendo il possesso esclusivo delle carte, la possibilità di farsi stampare le determinate carte da inserire nel proprio deck, finanche lasciare la possibilità ai giocatori stessi di applicare le proprie carte lo status di foil!
Oggi grazie ai partecipanti del torneo di lancio organizzato da Renato di Hirtemis dagli amici dell'associazione Ludangolo, avremo modo di vedere le carte delle fazioni (con un filtro anti-qrcode), velocemente, mentre io vi faro vedere con più calma e attenzione le carte delle fazioni che ho scelto per giocare ad Altered come boadgame!
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n0ahsferatu · 4 months
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oh to hold you in my arms again, safe, warm, and alive 🩸
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prokopetz · 25 days
I love it when fanartists emphasise the physical contrasts between their favoured pairings to the point that they don't even look like they're drawn in the same art style anymore. Locked Tomb fans are out there drawing Harrow/Gideon like they're shipping Johnny the Homicidal Maniac with Johnny Bravo.
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asoiafreadthru · 3 months
A Game of Thrones, Arya II
It was not just a stick, but a true wooden sword complete with grip and guard and pommel. Arya picked it up and clutched it nervously with both hands, holding it out in front of her. It was heavier than it looked, much heavier than Needle.
The bald man clicked his teeth together. “That is not the way, boy. This is not a greatsword that is needing two hands to swing it. You will take the blade in one hand.”
“It’s too heavy,” Arya said.
“It is heavy as it needs to be to make you strong, and for the balancing. A hollow inside is filled with lead, just so. One hand now is all that is needing.”
Arya took her right hand off the grip and wiped her sweaty palm on her pants. She held the sword in her left hand. He seemed to approve.
“The left is good. All is reversed, it will make your enemies more awkward.
“Now you are standing wrong. Turn your body sideface, yes, so. You are skinny as the shaft of a spear, do you know. That is good, the target is smaller.”
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fruitymarcy · 1 year
Goku is on Namek fightin that Frieza guy…Goku uhh…flyin or doin somethin over there…
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was just thinking of price punishing his younger gf, by having her naked body pressed to the floor, and her ass perched in the air, just a few feet in front of his desk. he nudges her knees apart, so he can get a better view of her pussy. and he just goes about doing whatever the fuck he does, and he has her there for hours-- her knees aching and back sore from the sharp arch that he's put her in.
john looks up from a piece of paperwork, and he can see the way her pussy flutters; see the way her stomach heaves softly, the soft pushing movement making her pussy leak; juices pooling from her hole, down her swollen folds, and then to her inner thighs. she's creamy and slick; literally dripping onto the carpet, and john is suddenly salivating. and she's been a good girl, no complaints and minimal whines and pleas-- that he can't help but push back from his chair, knocking it over in his haste to get to her.
she's too out of it to really comprehend what's happening before she's mewling out, thighs quivering almost violently as his tongue is suddenly thick and hot against her pussy. john swallows down her slick like a man starved, each curl and pull of his tongue full of her cream, and he rumbles deep in his chest like some kind of beast. his large, meaty hands grip the fat of her hips almost bruisingly as he devours her quivering cunt, her taste has him feral. she babbles mindlessly, her eyes rolled back; clit fat and stiff in his mouth.
and it takes him an hour or so to finally pull away from her pussy; she's a pile of overstimulated flesh, her plush little mouth parted and saliva dribbling down her chin, she looks like she's going to pass out but the only thing john does is push his thick, long cock into her pussy and fuck her into the carpet, her knees sliding and burning. this was a punishment after all.
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quotationmachine · 10 months
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Blackened Shrimp Stroganoff Recipe Cajun seasoned shrimp are combined with shallots, mushrooms, and roasted red peppers in a simple white sauce served over fettuccini.
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fierritosv · 11 months
van 5 minutos y ya pinta para partidazo. león necesita la victoria para avanzar. juegan sebastian pérez bouquet y fidel ambriz de titulares entre otros.
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asoiafreadthru · 4 months
A Game of Thrones, Arya II
“Whose sword is that?”
“Mine.” Arya had almost forgotten Needle, in her hand.
“Give it to me.”
Reluctantly Arya surrendered her sword, wondering if she would ever hold it again.
Her father turned it in the light, examining both sides of the blade. He tested the point with his thumb. “A bravo’s blade,” he said.
“Yet it seems to me that I know this maker’s mark. This is Mikken’s work.”
Arya could not lie to him. She lowered her eyes.
Lord Eddard Stark sighed. “My nine-year-old daughter is being armed from my own forge, and I know nothing of it.
“The Hand of the King is expected to rule the Seven Kingdoms, yet it seems I cannot even rule my own household.”
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