#Breakup guru
mihirscreenstories · 1 year
"Tu Jhoothi Me Makkar" Review: A Delightful Blend of Modern Love and Comedy
When it comes to Bollywood movies, I personally don’t enjoy them as much because Bollywood seems to have lost its charm on the audience. However, there are times when Bollywood tries to get things right. It’s not that I dislike Bollywood movies entirely; I just tend to avoid them because I know they often lack captivating stories. Nevertheless, there are a few Bollywood movies that I love, such…
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destinyc1020 · 4 months
wait people paired up tom and florence IMO thats lowkey so random. Funny I've been seeing tweets at first austin/ flo hooked up in budapest now Im seeing people want timothee with florence. Like leave flo alone let her be single in peace 😭😭😭
They way timdaya died ( outside of a few people who keep it alive) during this press tour and most people have just accepted tomdaya is a sure thing is still funny to me. Now we getting flotimny and ausmothee now. ( though austin and kaia also seem like a sure things as well)
wait people paired up tom and florence IMO thats lowkey so random. Funny I've been seeing tweets at first austin/ flo hooked up in budapest now Im seeing people want timothee with florence.
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Y'all, if something REALLY had happened btwn those two, I doubt they'd be so chummy on the red carpet with each other lol....especially when he's got a whole a** girlfriend lol.
You all really have to learn how to read body language better lol. 😅
Most media gurus say that usually if something has happened btwn two co-stars (or a secret attraction) they're actually LESS likely to be all that "chummy" on the red carpet w/each other, cuz they don't want people knowing/suspecting something is going on (or HAS gone on) btwn them bts. So they'll usually AVOID each other. Won't even take pictures with each other...not w/out others at least.
Or, if they are asked to take pics together, it will be awkward and not "friendship" vibes at all. That's if their awkwardness isn't being caused by something ELSE.... *ahem* like fan shipping them together when they CLEARLY don't want to be. 🤨😒
Exhibit A - Look at the Larries (1D fans) and what their shipping did to Louis and Harry. After a while, the fans shipping them together so rabidly almost caused a rift in friendship btwn the two members, and made things extremely awkward btwn them. 😔
Exhibit B - Here's what Brad and Angelina were looking like before they became a thing lol....
Check out the body language lol 🤭
At the Premiere:
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Yet, when taking photos together....
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Like leave flo alone let her be single in peace 😭😭😭
Wait.... I thought she was dating another dude after the breakup with Zach!? Did that fall through already? 👀
They way timdaya died ( outside of a few people who keep it alive) during this press tour and most people have just accepted tomdaya is a sure thing is still funny to me. Now we getting flotimny and ausmothee now. ( though austin and kaia also seem like a sure things as well)
Chiiiiilllle......Timdayas died a painfully SLLLOOOOOWWWWW death during this Dune Press tour I tell ya!!! LOL!
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I'm glad they have FINALLY woken up and seen the truth lol.
Timmy and Z don't want to be shipped with each other, I think that's painfully OBVIOUS. Even in the Dune 1 premiere and photocall in Paris, they both joked and made some comment towards each other while taking pictures that they didn't wanna do something because they didn't want people making a mountain out of a mole hill. It's actually on video tape. I wish I could find it now lol.... But I'm sure I posted it to my blog. It's in the archives somewhere....
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lifeofuswithmt · 2 years
Astrology Observation ✍
North node in eleventh house🐰
Hello, so I have been trying to understand astrology for a few months now and I would like to share some insights with my fellow explorers.
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For north node in 11th house and south node in 5th house.
I have listened to so many YouTube astrologers teach about this topic but somehow it didn't quite fall into place completely.
Basically, everyone seemed to say that you had this celebrity aura you had that attention and in this life time you need to be the part of the crowd, do some humanitarian work without seeking love or appreciation for the same.
After watching those videos you must have been left feeling like -ok I get that I find it hard to make friends but I don't really feel like the reason is that I wanna control them or seek validation from them or anything like that.
I really felt bad about myself after watching those videos, and then realized oh no thats not at all true , these YouTube gurus don't actually understand Leo energy.
I honestly don't feel they explain it that correctly.this post is to enlighten fellow empaths who felt the same.
Leo energy was never selfish in the first place. It is about generosity, giving unconditional love and when people give us that love ,and being Leo (the sun/lion) people thank us and love us for our sunlight and warmth naturally. People are not stupid to do that to a selfish attention seeker, like literally.
It's not leos seek attention , they are seeking to give their service and there love and people naturally love them for that, and that genuine appreciation in turn makes them do more of that.
Leos aren't seeking to be a lonely lion at the throne(as they said), Leos are seeking to make a connection where they pour their sunlight on people and see them sprout, and then the garden is created and seeing all those happy flowers and leaves shining and loving you back make you so happy (isn't this the actual Leo feeling, tell me?).
When your south node/ketu is in 5th house that means you are used to that energy and aura that explained above. You made lots of these beautiful creations and connections. You are so used to creating actual bonds with people,loving them, basically sharing that depth with people. You were appreciated you were important in those connections because what you were sharing was valuable. (You could be a celebrity as they said in those videos, but that's not the point you see , you were sharing love and connecting with people deeply through their hearts and then getting recognized for that).
Now comes the turn when people don't give you that love back , far from saying thank-you they abuse you, take advantage of your sunlight.
North node in the 11th house guys, here we are stuck guys now. Now you experience some strange things happening, you may love people the same but those leaflets are not making garden anymore, they take your sunlight and then just become some kind of weed to the garden.
You guys may have felt these feelings that you just can't seem to make a deep connection (you are not frustrated or anxious about it , you are loner most of the time because of that) but you are just curious why are people suddenly so superficial ,why is no one interested in sitting and talking or creating something or hugging for real etc. Worse you may have somehow made a true connection with someone but couldn't keep it due to some reason(not breakup- death or long distance maybe). So you know that feeling so you are more aware of not being interested in fake connections.
So now you have to understand all this. You need to learn to observe others and yourself. You need to be a bit of philosopher.
Guys now you are not here to create a garden but thrive in jungle. Now you have to learn to be loving in a jungle. Finding depth(rigid roots of big trees) in shallow society(weeds).
And again that will make you a center of attention automatically (obviously you are not seeking that )because you are that warm sunlight again, because far out there, there is still somebody (not necessarily human, maybe a cause, a pet or anything)who is seeking(north node craving as they say) depth like you, and you'll make that friendship.
I hope you find it valuable🌱
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le-scenariste · 1 year
This has been on my mind since S2 and Sharon's "truth will set you free" line but with this season, it's becoming even more evident...
MANTRA by Bring Me The Horizon is basically Richmond
Before the truth will set you free, it'll piss you off
Sharon to Ted back in S2. Very obvious there BUT the next line
Before you find a place to be, you gotta lose the plot
We heard the commentators mention Richmond having "lost the plot" in their anger towards Nathan having ripped up the BELIEVE sign. But it can also just as easily be Ted in the way he seems distant from his team. He's not really coaching this season. Says things here and there but it's nothing compared to the constant optimism he had previously.
Or Colin, who is constantly feeling like an outsider even with his great teammates and bestie Isaac. He still hasn't really found his place either. With the way the coaches took him out of the starting lineup and how that seemed to have hit him hard. He's hiding a part of him to protect himself because he's not sure he's safe.
And it could even be Jamie the first two seasons. He was the one scoring the goals but he didn't actually have a place in Richmond. He was a bully. And although having him sent back to Man City just as Ted was getting through to him probably hurt...it did help him appreciate Richmond more. He had to "lose the plot" there to find his place as one of Richmond's forwards.
I'm not vibrating like I oughta be I need a purpose, I can't keep surfing Through this existential misery
Ted this season, again, seeming detached and out of it. He's found out his ex wife has been seeing her ex therapist. The one he felt was teaming up on him with his wife during their sessions. And then being told he's a mess by Sassy so casually. As if that isn't a sensitive topic you can just throw out there just cuz you two fucked.
When we were first introduced to Ted back in S1, we saw that his marriage was not working. But he still seemed so positive and optimistic. I mean, Rebecca and Trent Crimm Independent couldn't help but end up liking him. Whenever the team was feeling down, he'd find a way to motivate them. And now it's just "don't worry, y'all are doing great 🙂👍"
Or Keeley. She's also usually quite optimistic and happy. She says so herself this episode. But now she's needing to schedule times for her to cry because she's so overwhelmed. And she's still in pain over the breakup although she tries not to think too hard about it.
But if I choose my words carefully Think I could fool you that I'm the guru Wait, how do you spell epiphany?
This is Zava. I don't think I need to go too deep into this but..."I am an empty vessel filled with gold. I am your rock, mold me." He spews this flowery inspirational bullshit and that's why not only fans adore him because of his skills, but his teammates too. Even though, eventually, they'll start to see through him. (And Jamie did right from the start)
And I know this doesn't make a lot of sense But do you really wanna think all by yourself now?
The importance of allowing others to help you. This is the start of the bridge and it's basically Ted's speech to the team after Zava's left. But here, it's emphasising the importance of support. Roy offering to train Jamie when he hears his concerns regarding Zava is an example of that. Sort of. But even though the show talks about teamwork and support, ofc not asking for it is what's causing some problems.
Ted hiding his feelings with his optimism and enthusiasm, Colin only really having his bf to talk to about queer shit (Trent will come in clutch surely), Rebecca spiralling and kind of starting to believe the words of some rando so on and so forth etc. etc.
All I'm asking for's a little bit of faith You know it's easy to believe
Again, Ted's speech to the team post-Zava. It was easy to believe in Zava. The way he praised those around him. But only so they would pay attention to him. Make him feel like the god he thinks he is. But he's not there any more. Which means, if they want to change, they need that belief regardless if there's some insanely famous and talented player on their team. Because that's not what makes a good team anyways. Belief is the foundation of this team and the foundation of the Lasso Way. (Even if Ted does not always truly believe in himself)
And here's this last line that's very brief but very much one character in particular.
Cause all you ever do is chant the same old mantra
"I am a strong and capable man." Over and over and over. It's implied that Colin doesn't fully believe himself when he says that. Because then he wouldn't need to remind himself. And if he had an elder queer (come on Trent) to talk to, maybe he'd feel even just a little bit more at ease. And it's not entirely the same as talking with Michael. His bf said it himself, he doesn't know football so probably doesn't understand the social environment within that area. So all Colin has is his mantra.
There are a few other lines I didn't put in because, tbh, couldn't really think of anything there. Or there just wasn't much to say. But with the ones I did mention ? Goddamn. So much. Anyways, thank you for coming to my TEDTalk
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crimswnred · 11 months
Okay Tim cause I absolutely only see my s1 MC cabin as a slowburn friends to lovers with Tim. Since your the Tim Guru in litg fandom right!
So if MC and Tim did not get together at the reunion right. (personally I just feel Tim and Jen would already be broken up with they get together.)
1. How long does Jen & Tim last would you think?
2. How long after do Tim & MC get together?
3. What were the reasons Tim and Jen broke up were their arguments and did Jen suspect he had feelings for MC? If so how long did she suspect?
Personally I think social media would have a bunch of people divided being all on Jen’s side of things but also majority have been shipping Tim & MC since they were on the show.
oh my god, you guys, I did it! I'm officially the Tim guru 🙏
jokes aside, let me answer what you came here to:
1. let's see. If Tim and MC didn't get together at the Christmas party, I think Jen and Tim would last not much long after it, to be honest.
they were planning to move in together and we all know how stressful that step can be. it can really make or break a couple, and they are just SO different from each other.
saying they started dating in August 2018 and the reunion happened in December... I think they would last between 6 and 9 months. can't see them celebrating an anniversary, to be honest.
2. if MC and Tim are still friends, not much longer after the breakup, to be honest. they are dubasses though, so I can see them taking their time to realise their feelings. they'll get there sooner than later tho 🙏 especially because S1 MC is a go-getter
3. they argue, and a lot! during the game, you can see Jen tries to change Tim's way and at the reunion, Tim tells MC Jen doesn't get him at all. she's a "posh bird" and their personalities just clash a lot. in the Villa, I think it's easy to ignore that but in real life...... her parents, friends and social circles wouldn't accept Tim at all and I can see her being ashamed of him at times. he is easy-going but also, there's just so much he can take.
AND MC WOULD TOTALLY BE A REASON TOO! Jen knows they have something unresolved, especially if she rewatches the show. Tim talking about MC at the beach hunt confessionals?? and them jokingly flirting? how intimate they are? oh, she won't like it.
and the public saw it, too! I can see people rooting for MC and Tim and being all, "everyone could see this coming" when they start dating. but 100% there will be people on Jen's side. because, again, everyone could see Tim and MC liked each other. it just looks like she was played you know?
honestly, the internet reaction would be so fun. people would be talking about it for dayssssss. low-key would love to explore that somehow (maybe a social media au?)
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simsycatx · 4 months
Brewer Lovestory Lore
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Harmony is the breadwinner in the Brewer household. Born to Robert & Mary Brewer (née Logan), Harmony is one of three children. Her Father was a Labourer and her Mother made extra money for the family as a seamstress. Money was tight however they pulled together what they could to nurture Harmony’s natural talent in music. 
After flying through grade levels in multiple instruments, Harmony was able to get a music scholarship to attend Britecester University where she studied Fine Arts with a major in Music Theory. It was at Britecester where she met her wife, Dahlia.
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Dahlia is the only daughter of Ashfaq (Ash) & Hasna Amer (née Said). Her Father was a Dentist and her Mother enjoyed life as a SAHM. As a child, Dahlia was spoilt and received almost everything she asked for without question. After high school, her parents insisted she go to university so Dahia opted for Art History at Britecester because she believed it would be an easy pass.
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Harmony and Dahlia actually had two first-time meetings. The first was during Fresher's week, when they met at a nightclub, however, aside from finding a few selfies with each other on their phones the next morning, they don’t remember too much about the meeting.
The second meeting took place in the library. Harmony often spent her evenings in the library studying, mostly because her dorm room was too chaotic to concentrate. It was Dahlia’s first time visiting the library when she officially met Harmony. The two spent hours studying together with Harmony heavily assisting Dahlia who was VERY behind on her assignments. 
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From there, the two became close friends, and it was only with Harmony’s encouragement and help that Dahlia graduated. Despite sacrificing her time to help Dahlia, Harmony graduated with honours and the highest GPA in her year.
After university, they became roommates and lived in the Arts District of San Myshuno. For the next two years, they supported each other through several terrible relationships and breakups. It was on Harmony’s 24th birthday that Dahlia nervously came out and expressed the love she had for her. 
“I know this might ruin our friendship but I can't keep it to myself anymore” - Dahlia
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To Dahlia’s joy, Harmony was relieved because she felt the same way but was also too scared to make the leap. From then on their relationship blossomed from best friends into true love and were engaged to be married within the year.
Six months out from the wedding, Dahlia had a crisis of love and after a night out without Harmony made a regretful mistake. Tearful and with her heart broken she came clean to Harmony, the wedding was called off and Harmony returned home to her parents.
Two years later they bumped into each other during the Romance Festival, both seeking answers from the Romance guru. Realising how much they’d missed and loved one another they slowly, and with the help of some couples counseling, built their relationship back up.
The two were married in a small ceremony at Myshuno Meadows with only their parents and siblings in attendance. 
Shortly after the wedding, the two moved to the Willow Creek suburbs where they reside at 426 Foundry Cove (formerly Crick Cabana). 
By this point, Harmony was actively working within the music career, with aspirations to join the Willow Creek Orchestra as a Concert Virtuoso. Dahlia had been in and out of several careers and at the time of moving was working as a part-time Daycare Assistant. 
Six months after moving they decided to expand their family and become Mothers. Dahlia was implanted with two fertilised eggs, one belonging to her and one belonging to Harmony with the hopes that one would take. To their surprise and luck, both eggs were successful and Dahlia gave birth to twins, Myla and Arabella. 
Today, they share a mostly happy life together with their daughters. They might sometimes bump horns but ultimately they know they are truly soulmates.
Family tree & Photo dump below - I'll share their CC list shortly too 😺
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hausofmamadas · 1 year
I have no idea why tf, or for what tf, or who tf I even wrote this for besides it came to me and I don’t know what else to do with it but share bc like I think it’s kinda funny and like gifs. So, yeah, here’s a thing sksksksks a drabble? as the real fanfic writers say??
| Only good for a good time |
Character/Pairing: Isabella Bautista (heavily implied Isabella Bautista x Enedina Arellano Félix)
Word count: smol ~850
✷ TWs: the general stupidity of men none ✷
Because a pretty face, dirt poor from Culiacan, can only possibly be good for one thing, right? If Isabella Bautista had like a lifestyle guru blog or a Wordpress diary or was like some kind of YouTube vlogger and/or Instagram influencer or god forbid, had a Tumblr, I feel like this would be an entry?? Regardless of the exact avenue, she is out here, screaming into the void of the internet about how her almost bestie and the rest of the world did her so beyond dirty and questioning what it means to be so damn sexy all the time. (You think I'm joking ... I promise you, this might actually be that shallow.)
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It was almost like every breakup I’d ever had. A pat on the ass, a “thanks for your time” and “be on your way.” Actually it was worse, because none of the dirtbags I ever dated had left a check to add insult to injury. Another thing this one had that those breakups didn’t? The worst part? The absolute and complete cherry on top of this shit sundae?
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I didn’t. fucking. see it. coming.
In hindsight, I probably should have. I’d never worked with another woman before, so I kinda just chalked it up to that. Less dicks and egos to dance around and deal with. But if I think about it now, there were always three operating in the background, after hours, and things were going too well, working too smoothly, had too few headaches, too few fires to put out. That should’ve tipped me off. Because life is never so kind. I mean, they say you can’t have it all, right? I never used to believe that but I’m beginning to. Because a pretty face, dirt poor from Culiacan, can only possibly be good for one thing, right?
And yeah, I do like to have a good time, if your idea of a good time is watching endless reruns of El Derecho de Nacer with a seventy pound German shepherd, drooling, half-asleep in your lap. I guess I don't mind dancing either, but that always depends on the company you're with. (If you're ever in Colombia, I've got a number for este chulito viejito who ruined dancing for me because it's just not the same without him ...
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... he made that much of an impression.) But people are always projecting things onto me based on my looks. Which isn’t actually my problem … but is still somehow my problem.
So, it’s a question I ask myself often. Is it worth it to be beautiful? And now, don’t even start because I already know what you’re thinking like qué debo ser tan loca, sí? Oh poor linda, bonita, chulita, fresita. How life must be so terrible and hard for you. Cry me a river, pendeja. Ya cállate alashingada pues and smile.
And look, I get it. It sounds nuts to be asking that question porque por supuesto que sí, que ser linda, lo vale la pena.
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And you’re right. The answer to that question is "yes" ... in some ways. I mean, sure, it may have gotten me out of a ticket, paying a fine or two. And well, yeah, actually come to think of it, I’ve never paid for a drink in my life.
It’s also part of, but definitely not all (not even close) of what got me out of Sinaloa and onto bigger things. Tijuana, Colombia, beyond.
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Because people are nicer to you if you’re pretty. They tend to give you things when you ask (for the right ones) nicely.
But (and there’s always one of those) when I replay every single leer, every joke some sleazeball cracked about how “Colombians love a girl with a fat ass,” every pair of hungry, beady eyes behind sunglasses slid down the bridges of their noses. When I replay all of that? Yeah. I wish wasn’t. Or at least, not in the way I am.
See, because as much as I admire and respect her, the most annoying thing about Di— scratch that. One of the most annoying things about Dina is that she’s beautiful too. Noticeably so. I mean hey, I certainly noticed. Hell, I wouldn’t have passed up the opportunity had we not been in business together. He probably thinks he taught me so much, but Miguel was right about one thing: business in lust or love is a Bad Idea. (Well that, aaaand had she not been so busy making eyes at that Snack of a sicario working for them, whose name I can never remember.)
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(And really …. I can't blame her.)
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(… Or him, for that matter.)
So yeah, she’s beautiful. And yet, still, somehow people always seem to take her seriously. And okay yes, she’s someone who does naturally command respect, sure. But hey! Newsflash! We’re not that fucking different!
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How do you think we worked together so well in the first place?
I guess, maybe it’s that she’s beautiful in a way that’s honest and doesn’t make too much noise. Frankly, for the longest time, I always thought it was because of how she dressed, like in those unflattering, oversized tiger sweaters. And good god, that 80-year-old librarian’s polka-dotted suit jacket, the one that made her look like a kooky preschool teacher …
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If preschool teachers came customized with a mouth that savage. (I don’t think they do.)
But that theory went right out the window. Because when I did that, no matter how hard I tried to make myself look hard, they still all saw the same thing. One Thing. (Except the One Person I might’ve actually wanted to see the One Thing. Then again, what’s that saying? Don’t shit where you eat? As I said, bad for business. Although, now that I think about it, maybe I should’ve thrown caution to the wind since the whole thing went to shit anyway. Oh well. Así es la vida.)
Oh, I’m not even gonna bother spelling it out for you. Don’t ask questions you already know the answer to. And you do already know what it is. Because it’s the One Thing you see too, isn’t it? I mean, isn’t it what you all came for in the first place?
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assim-eu-sou · 8 months
Tudo Igual SQN: 2x6
Amanda and Igor are getting closer. However, Amanda isn’t quite ready for the next step, it seems. She falls off the bed and seems to sprain her ankle.
Bruno and Trix cross paths. As they talk outside the theater, they seem to connect, and Trix feels a pang of sadness as they buy their own separate tickets.
Tássia and Pri are on the edge of an argument. Tássia thinks Pri is different now.
Beta talks with her brother about the breakup. She insists she’s fine, but her brother can tell something’s off. He says she should feel her feelings, but she says she’s dealing with it in her own way, and besides, there’s Leo.
The girls talk in the classroom, but there’s tension between Carol and Beta, and Trix and Pri. Amanda walks in with a (medical) boot on her leg.
Trix films another video for Pri. Trix mentions she’s going to an animation festival, and Pri says she’s gone before and could come along, but Trix says she’s going with Bruno. Pri seems disappointed by this.
Carol goes to Amanda for advice. Amanda says she’s not sure if she’s ready for the next step in her relationship. Carol says she might be. Amanda finds the prospect amusing; she doesn’t hold a high opinion of Tomás.
Trix and Bruno meet up for the animation festival. It turns out they didn’t have plans to go together, but Trix was just hoping to run into him. Bernardo also shows up; he made plans with Bruno.
Amanda and Trix are at her house. Amanda feels like the guru as everyone is coming to her house to talk about issues. Trix says she thinks she still likes Bruno. Saying she feels safe and happy with him. Amanda asks, what about Pri. Trix says she feels like Pri sees her potential and brings out the best in her. She wonders how she can like them both. Amanda says you can like boys and girls. “Maybe you’re bi, and that’s fine.” Trix seems relieved by this.
My thoughts:
The big things that happened in this episode are not my story to tell. No thanks! All I can say is that Carol got the talking to she deserved from Beta in the end.
Ok! I think it’s clear Trix has a bi arc. Not really sure how it will resolve, though. I suppose it’s ok if she ends up with Bruno, he’s a nice guy.
I hope Amanda isn’t afraid to speak up if she feels she’s not ready. Igor seems like a guy that would respect that.
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doberbutts · 2 years
Do you have any advice on how to know when a relationship just isn’t going to work? When to stop trying and leave?
Oh controversy time!
My answer: when you feel like you have to try.
Before you execute me! I fully believe that relationships take work and that it is mutual work and understanding by all involved parties that contribute to a healthy, successful relationship. HOWEVER I feel that it should not be difficult to reach that point with your partner(s) and, if it is, then that says there is something wrong in the situation. And maybe that wrong thing isn't really anyone's fault, but that still doesn't mean that it either needs to be fixed or it will eventually cause fission within the relationship at some point.
If you are constantly frustrated, annoyed, upset. angry with someone over what they said or did or didn't say or didn't do, you need to communicate that. If you feel like you can't, your relationship is doomed already. You should be able to speak to them about things that bother you. If it's a "you" problem- you have anxiety and you feel like you can't speak up- then you need to be going to therapy and maybe even couples' therapy (is it still called couples' therapy when there's more than two people involved? anyway...) to make opening that door a little easier. If it's a "them" problem, then you need to either dive into the heart of why they don't want to make space for you to feel vulnerable enough to air your complaints or you need to leave. End of.
I'm no relationship guru. I've dated a moderate amount of people and I've had my share of wonderful relationships and absolutely nightmare breakups. But I can say that the vast majority of both my relationships and the relationships I've seen around me have all hinged on one thing: communication. If you cannot communicate with each other, you will fail. If you can, you will have the best shot at continuing forward.
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finexbright · 2 years
ever notice how during his shows harry always helps queer fans come out and creates this safe space for them and is so gentle with them, sometimes even helping them get together but then when it comes to shit talking boyfriends and doing the whole love guru on tour bit, which really is him instigating people to breakup, the relationship is always between a man and a woman like he's gay he's in love he's a gossip girlie
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Fics Including Luke’s Family Masterlist
Arcadia (ao3) - paperstorm michael/luke E, 100k
Summary: Crisp, thin air. The rough scrape of blades on ice. The jumbled, unintelligible echo of male voices, ringing off the rafters and bouncing through the empty seats. The familiar smell, sweaty equipment and rubber flooring and Zamboni fluid. Luke’s taken to closing his eyes sometimes, cutting off his primary sense, and just absorbing the noise and the scent and the feel of cool air on his cheeks. That way, regardless of where he is, an arena still feels like home. Or, an AU in which Luke is a small-town hockey superstar who gets drafted to the Montreal Canadiens, Ashton is the bubbly team Captain, Calum is a defenceman with a bad habit of settling on-ice conflicts with his fists, and Michael is the NHL's first openly gay player.
Chimney Heart (ao3) - rollercoastar michael/luke T, 4k
Summary: A low moan escaped Luke’s lips as Michael started to play with his lip ring, pushing Luke as close to him as possible. ‘’Okay, enough’’ Ben laughed, ‘’I think you left our Lukey boy all hot and bothered’’. Luke blushed furiously as Michael let out a laugh, ‘’this is nowhere near as bothered as he can get’’.
Or, Luke and Michael spend Christmas eve at the Clifford's playing board games, and Christmas day being teased and asked about their sex life by Ben and Jack.
Comment, Like, Subscribe My Heart (ao3) - thesoulsailor michael/luke N/R, 54k
Summary: It didn’t take more than the first three videos and Michael was hopelessly endeared. Luke was funny in an unintentional way and his words and stories were simply intriguing. The vlogs were a lot barer, broadcasted Luke’s life right into Michael’s bedroom. It felt weird, almost as if he and the blonde boy were friends, the way Michael learned Luke’s quirks and character, little things like the fact that Luke preferred soda over coffee. And Luke was not wearing make-up in some of them. or Youtube!AU in which Luke is a non-binary beauty guru, Michael is the lead singer of Ashton's cover band and Calum thinks gender roles are overrated anyways.
Don't Blink (ao3) - paperstorm michael/luke E, 20k
Summary: Suddenly Luke’s skin is itchy underneath and his clothes don’t feel right. He’s sweaty and uncomfortable with how good it feels having Michael pressed up against him. It isn’t supposed to feel like this. Luke doesn’t know why he never realized that until just now. This thing they do, where they’re always in each other’s space, always touching, always wrapped around each other – it’s how Luke should be with a girl. Not his best friend.
flowers in your hair (boys can't be pretty) (ao3) - prettyluke (parting_ways) luke/ashton, michael/calum N/R, 71k
Summary: Ashton has been in love with the pretty boy next door since he was seven. Luke has called Ashton home since he was five. They grew up with the daisy field behind their houses, but nobody told them that they couldn't love anywhere else.
if we make it through december (ao3) - allsassnoclass (brightblackholes) luke/ashton T, 28k
Summary: “I didn’t tell them,” he blurts. Ashton falls silent on the other end of the line. “My family. I didn’t tell them about the breakup. And I know that I should’ve and I swear I will, but Gram asked about you today and it’s probably her last Christmas with us and you know how much she loves you. I couldn’t do it. It’d break her heart, and I can’t do that to her. Not right now. So if you-- I mean. What I’m trying to say is that you’re still invited to Christmas, if you want. You don’t have to, I can make an excuse for you, and I swear I’ll tell them after the holidays, but I thought maybe… maybe you’d want to see them one last time.”
In Memoriam (ao3) - paperstorm michael/luke E, 59k
Summary: An accident during a performance ends for Luke in blood and total retrograde amnesia; rendering his mind an empty slate that doesn’t know as much as his own first name. His band is left to help him reassemble the scattered pieces of his life, to coax his memories back, and to deal with the fallout when the most important thing is the one thing Luke can’t remember.
let me go (ao3) - lukeisababe michael/calum, luke/ashton T, 7k
Summary: “Oh my god.” Calum says quietly from where he's sat at the small table for two in their kitchen. Michael turns around from where he's standing in front of the stove, making scrambled eggs and bacon for breakfast, to see Calum with an honest to god newspaper in his hands. Michael wasn't even aware that they still subscribed to it.
“What's up?” He asks as he goes back to cooking, finishing up the last few pieces of bacon before he splits the food up on two plates, but Calum doesn't reply as he's too busy reading whatever headline there is for today. “Cal?”
“They've found a body. That Hemmings kid.”
or: the one where luke went missing three years ago and his body has just been found. michael is a ghost whisperer who helps luke moving on to the other side by putting the guilty one in jail.
Long Time, No See (ao3) - ConfusedPython michael/luke, calum/ashton T, 23k
Summary: Michael hears a song on the radio, catches a radio interview where 5 Seconds of Summer talks about their new single (Beside You). And the names and voices are familiar. Then someone knocks at the door and maybe Michael's luck isn't so bad after all.
Mockingbird (ao3) - thesoulsailor michael/luke E, 43k
Summary: It was then that Michael realised two things. First off the boy on the ground was gorgeous. All fair skin and scrawny limbs, golden hair styled into a faux hawk and mesmerising eyes, coloured a clear, sharp blue. He was breath-taking in a subtle way that didn't call for attention. Secondly the boy on the ground wore a yellow band around his upper arm, three black spots explaining why he wasn't fighting back. He couldn't. The boy was beautiful. The boy was blind.
or Luke is blind, Michael is new and everything after they meet is nothing one of them would've ever expected.
no body, no crime (ao3) - jbhmalum luke/ashton, luke/calum, michael/calum M, 11k
Summary: the no body, no crime songfic no one asked for
Rest (ao3) - ShyyyVictoria ot4 M, 14k
Summary: Luke is taken from a rest area after being tricked into helping a 'hurt' man. Then is sold to three guys for who knows what. He should have listened to his brother when he told him he was to innocent and gullible to trust people so blindly.
the dream that you wish will come true (ao3) - prettyluke (parting_ways) luke/ashton G, 17k
Summary: Luke didn't think he would ever escape the malice of his stepmother and stepbrothers, and Ashton didn't think he would ever find a boy he could love.
Tidal Wave - @ashtcnirwin (elivigar) luke/ashton E, 127k
Summary: “We talked about it before we went over to fetch you,” Ashton starts, “and Michael talked it over with Liz, and we decided that you shouldn’t live on your own for the time being.”
“You decided that I shouldn’t live on my own,” Luke repeats. “Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but I’m an adult who can make his own decisions.”
Ashton smiles, but it’s thin and void of humour. “You’re staying with me for a while, Luke.”
A story about figuring out how to handle the difficulties life throws at you, on your own and with the help of loved ones.
where the angels sing (ao3) - fermentedpotato michael/luke, calum/ashton N/R, 79k
Summary: The thing was: he kept seeing on TV and in ads on the sides of websites that told him to embrace your differences and that being different is okay! But those sentiments only rang true for his sexuality and his hair colour and his eyebrow piercing because once people found out about his cystic fibrosis they treated him differently. He was always alienated in some way and it always sucked.
or the one where Michael's illness gets in the way of almost everything and Luke takes a long time to open up
you've got a heart as loud as lions (ao3) - bisexual_jace M, 2k
Summary: “Are you gay?” It’s his father who asks, finally saying something. Luke looks at him sharply but his dad’s face is just as warm and intent, ready for whatever Luke has to say. Luke knows then, with certainty, that his family won’t ever judge him or condemn him for what he is. Stupid, again, to think otherwise.
“Yeah.” Luke confesses quietly.
The one where the Hemmings brothers walk in on Luke and Michael making out.
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fitsinthepalm · 2 years
Hello 🎶🎵
As some of you mentioned, I am indeed here to bring chaos (no, not really, I WISH). I just wanted to unite the fandom by sending you one song at a time to listen to (if you feel like it!) I am not a music guru but listening to amazing songs is one of the best pastime there is.
With that being said: I'm here to make you all appreciate the absolute beauty that is LAST KISS <3 (coincidentally, July 9 is just around the corner 👀) So I declare it Last Kiss week starting now! 😉
Love, music anon🎧
hi music anon!!!! i love this idea!! last kiss is the best song on speak now & it got me through my first ever breakup <3 i am always down to listen to & celebrate last kiss!! 💜💜💜 also if we were to somehow get last kiss or speak now tv before july 9th i would go insane
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gurujitmshastri · 7 days
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Get Ex Love Back After Breakup
Consult World Famous Astrologer
Provides Best Astrology Solution
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Astrologer Guru Ji T M Shastri Ji
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Who is the Best Astrologer in Bangalore?
Who is the best astrologer in bangalore? Besides the answer to this question, know also his most popular astrology services in bangalore and south India.
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Well before knowing the name of the leading and best astrologer in bangalore, first get acquainted with the specialties of his astrology services in bangalore, and all facts and distinctions related with this globally famous Indian astrologer Guru Ji. Highly opulent and ever-booming city of Bangalore (now officially known as Bengaluru) has perennially been generously helped and propelled well-off by this grand astrologer of global renown and reliability, because of being the most-populous metropolis of the south India, and holding immense importance in respect of thriving industries & commerce. This Chandigarh-based Guru Ji also holds the distinction and great credit for having benefitted the bulk cities and nations of the world in last three decades.
His superb and life-changing Vedic astrology services for all life’s areas and problems, have smoothened and delighted the lives of millions of diverse people in this largest city and the gorgeous capital of Karnataka. These substantially aided and blessed people mainly belonged to the religions of Hinduism, Islam, and Christianity, different ethnic groups and financial backgrounds, and occupations. Further, these people (males & females of varying occupations, roles, and ages) located in places all across this green and trim city, and spoke in bulk the languages of Kannada, English, Telugu, Urdu, Tamil, Hindi, Marathi, and Malayalam. In general, the most popular astrology solutions in bangalore offered by him have steadily been the following ---
Solutions for problems in higher education, career selection, and academic success and research
Solutions for diverse hindrances, mystic commercial fluctuations and profitability, disputes, perils, and uncertainties in businesses and professions
Solutions for mutual clashes, external hindrances, gradual withering of love relationship between two love partners, and the cases of unwanted love disputes or breakup, and hassles in the reacquisition of lost love
Services for private & secret issues, health debilities & ailments, and relationships problems with kith and kin
And, services for ascertaining and furnishing all types of marriages, and the full-scale of solutions for the married life and domesticity
Further, his astrology services in bengaluru always facilitated the following rare and elusive benefits --- sure and expeditious solutions; reasonably modest costs; no perils to health, privacy, and social prestige; mature and touching treatment; and liberal rebates for regular clients.
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These all capabilities and niceties strongly promote our globally eminent Indian Guru Ji astrologer Ankit Sharma as the cogent answer to the striking question as to “who is the best astrologer in bangalore at present?”. Lastly, based on the natal charts of individuals, his solutions are receivable both through the visit-based and online-based modes.
Best Astrologer in Bangalore - Astrologer Ankit Sharma Call/WhatsApp: +91-98154-18307 Skype: Ankit.sharma3291 Email: info(at)AstrologerAnkitSharma(dot)(com)
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wannabe-devotee · 1 month
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To overcome complex problems in life one should worship lord Hanuman.
"This is written with my practical experience of worshipping Lord hanuman.”
Hanuman also called as the god with monkey form is one of the most worshiped dieties among Hindus. He is also known as "Sankat Mochan" meaning "the remover of obstacles" who removes ignorance (darkness) by his light (knowledge). His temples and pictures can be found in all the corners of the world where Hindus live. Lord Hanuman can be easily pleased when he is called by a true and innocent heart. He who meditates on him and repeats his name attains power, strength, glory, prosperity and success in life.
He had the power to change himself any form he wished; He could swell his body to an enormous extent and to reduce it to the length of a thumb. He jumped and crossed Indian Ocean in one leep. He was the destroyer of Rakshasas, devils, ghosts and evils. He was the terror of Rakshasas. He was well knower of the all four Vedas and other sacred books.
Benefits of worshipping Lord Hanuman
1. Chanting the word “Hanuman” and worshipping him helps overcome marital issues. Lord hanuman is also a guru. So, he is the solution to all problems in one’s life. Don’t forget he is the one who helped lord Rama get united with Goddess Sita after they were separated by Ravana.
2. If one is entangled with problems in career or family and is unable to get out, then Lord Hanuman’s blessings is their way for a quick recovery from it.
3. If one is suffering from health problems like heart diseases, brain diseases etc, then worshipping the Lord and chanting his name will give immense relief.
4. Those suffering from mental or psychological problems like depression, anxiety, fear should chant Hanuman Chalisa atleast 7 times a day to feel peaceful and confident. Lord Hanuman’s prayers will help you overcome negative attitude and induce courage.
5. Chanting the word “Hanuman” and worshipping Shri Hanuman on a regular basis helps one stay disciplined, achieve success in life and career.
6. Chanting Hanuman Chalisa* helps overcome “breakups” too and helps in moving forward in life.
7. Following the routine of worshipping Hanuman Ji everyday helps overcome bad habits like laziness, fickle mindedness, procrastination etc. It brings in a confident and stable mind.
8. If one is said to be affected by Shani dasha, then praying to Hanuman will beneficial for them.
9. If one is lagging behind in education, then praying to Hanuman besides Ganesha will give beneficial results.
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