#Brianna OC
bamsara · 1 year
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Took a break from writing the other day and drew all the side characters in SL that have little to no dialogue but are the backbone of Y/N's support. I am getting increasingly attached to them
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shaniartss · 3 months
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otherperson12 · 6 months
Masters of the Air: The Angels of Death
Chapter 1: Part One
Disclaimer: Bucky being Bucky and a simp. Buck being tired of Bucky.
Thank you @infernal-hues
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Bucky was satisfied with the newcomers. The beautiful ginger caught his eye. She had all his attention. By the words of the other girls, she seemed like a good pilot. That was a plus to her beauty. He had never been with a ginger before.
Buck had heard a little between the COs’ and everything looked fine.
Until supper.
“I can’t believe you both kept it from me!” Curt recriminated to the duo.
The news spread like fire. The only information going around was (and the only one that seemed to matter) about some beautiful singles —that was a regalement— skirts were in the base to stay.
When Curt heard, he knew Bucky (and obviously Buck) knew before anyone, so he went to them demanding some information.
Bucky laughed, “You can’t be mad at me. You love me too much.” He said with dove eyes at Curt and blowing kisses.
Buck laughed at them. “You were going to know sooner or later, Curt.”
That was supposed to be some kind of apology. But he did not want that.
“Why are they here?”, Curt asked.
Good question.
They both looked at Bucky who just winked at them.
The interrogation was the perfect excuse to get better coffee than the regular G.I Joe one.
Colonel Elizabeth Nixon was the CO of the 1st Female Fighter Pilot Group: The Angels of Death. She was one of the first female pilots in the Air Force and she won her rank from the bottom even when her family could have paid for it. The girls respected her as a their leader.
“Girls, listen up!”, she called from the center of the room, once the interrogation was done. Everyone looked at her. “As you may know, we will get into combat soon,” some cheers, “We are going to be stationed here at East Anglia with the 100th Bomber Group.” she informed. “Our mission is to protect this side of Great Britain island and not let the nazis get into London.” Then she had to drop the bomb. Ironic. “At the same time, we have orders to escort the bombers in every mission as needed.”
That was the first thing it came out of the boys’ mouth when they got the news.
After lunch, they all reunited in the conference room. Huglin had told them. Bucky was trying to hide his smile. And not look at Buck and Curt or he would really laugh.
“Those orders come from the upper command. It will help us to complete our missions and reduce the number of casualties.” He explained. “You just do what you’ve been training for so we can win the war. Is that clear?”
“Yes, sir!”
Brianna did not want to be a babysitter.
“Just imagine their faces.” Priya suggested with a malicious smile.
Captain Priya Pilanka was from New Delhi, a squad leader like Brianna. She was as respected as hated just for her culture. The both of them bonded over their resentment for the british so they joined the yanks instead of having the UK flag in their uniform.
“This is not how I imagined it.” Brianna commented.
Priya knew what she meant. First, they did not want to wait more to go and fight, she felt anxious. And second…
“Giving you, women, a plane and a weapon don’t make you a soldier. You are just that. A woman who came to help, not to serve your country.” Brianna quoted under her breath.
Priya heard. She remembers those words very well. Their first day in training, almost two years ago.
Priya stiffed a little, “We just have to focus on flying and get the job done.”
They started walking to their new barracks when a voice called.
“Pilanka, Ross.”
Both girls turned and found Lieutenant Colonel Margarita Flores, (‘Mama’ for the girls) from Chile. She was a sweet woman, always taking care of everyone like a mother. She was a little worried about the news.
They salute her.
“How are you both?”, she asked sweetly.
“Anxious to get in the sky, ma’am.” Priya responded for them both.
Lt. Flores looked at Brianna, “I know is not what you expected. But don’t worry about it. You are better than any man. You are Angels, the best of the best.” She reassured them with a sweet smile. “I’m sure we’ll get a mission soon, so I want you both to get settled and go to eat. You are dismissed.” She ordered.
At the barracks, 1st Lt. Louisa ‘Lou’ Breaux had saved them both a bed next to hers. The three of them were a particular trio: the quiet scottish, the spicy indian, and the cute witch.
Lou was another squad leader, from Lafayette, Louisiana. And probably a witch. When she said it was going to rain, the sky seemed to melt. When she asked for a sunny day in the middle of the winter, the sun would appear as if spring had come earlier.
“I got your sheets and your foot lockers.” Lou informed.
“Thank you, Lou.” Brianna gratefully, appreciated. Lou smiled at her.
Brianna was very excited about the idea of having a weekend pass so she could go to Edinburgh. After eating, she wrote a letter to her uncle, telling him she was back in Europe.
She walked around the camp looking for the post office. She did not want to ask for directions. The walk which supposedly was going to be calm, turned out to be the complete opposite.
“Hey, sweetheart!”
“Carrot! Do the drapes match the carpet?”
That one made her blush in embarrassment , but mostly boil herblood in pure rage. The cat calling continued until…
The calls stopped. So did she.
“That’s enough!” Some man ordered in pure anger.
It wasn’t a deep voice, but so firm it made her almost stand at attention.
Brianna was able to hear the scold.
She took her chance to run away from the situation. The ginger walked as fast and calm as she could. The last thing she wanted to do was draw more attention to herself.
She heard someone walking right at her 6 o’clock, following her. At her left she found the post office and quickly entered.
Bucky was walking around looking for troubles (Buck was sleeping and he did not want to third wheel Curt and some nurse), when he found them.
Well, he actually found her.
For Bucky it was the perfect chance to introduce himself to the newcomer. Until he heard the other soldiers.
He stepped in, did his thing and when he turned to her, she was walking away. Odd. So he followed the red head to the post office. And there she was, completely curved in some papers.
“Good afternoon, Major Egan.” The sergeant behind the counter greeted him.
“How are you, Tommy.”
Bucky saw her stand back little by little and face him slowly. She looked at him and his collar and stood more straight than before. She saluted him.
That had an interesting effect on John.
“That’s not necessary ma’am.” Bucky informed quickly.
Brianna put her arm down. She felt trapped. She delivered the letter and she wanted to go, but he was in the way.
Those small blue eyes were watching her intensely. It made her uncomfortable so she looked down to her feet.
John took his sweet time observing her. Her red hair was in a classic updo with her green cap, her straight pointy nose and small mouth. She had changed her flying uniform for her dress uniform.
“I just wanted to make sure you were okay. For what happened.” Bucky explained himself, pointing to the door.
Brianna opened her mouth and closed it, then she talked. “I am sir, thank you.”
“Let me walk you to your quarters. So there’s no more incidents.” He offered.
‘I’ve spent too much time with Buck. I’m losing my charm.’ He thought.
“That’s not necessary, sir.”
“I insist.” He added quickly.
Silence again.
“If you let me, sir, It would not be appropriate.” Brianna explained trying to get him to let her go on her own.
“If someone asks I’ll explain the situation.” He reassured her.
‘How insisting!’, she thought.
John felt over the moon hearing her voice for the first time, small and cautious. He knew that his insistence on accompanying her was part of his desire to be with her. Normally, he would drink, pick a girl and take her to bed and that's it (and with that, he had gotten his own haters club) but she didn't even want to look at him.
“Let me walk you.” He said again.
Brianna knew he was not going to let her go.
“Alright.” She finally said.
In his mind, Bucky was doing a little victory dance. He tried to look normal, but a smile slipped to his face.
He moved from the door and opened it so she could go in first.
Brianna and John walked the first twenty steps in complete silence. Until he opened his mouth.
“I’m John. John Egan. But everyone calls me ‘Bucky’”, he introduced himself looking at her.
Brianna took her eyes off the road to look at him briefly. She noticed his small blue eyes, which had a little mischief in them.
“Lieutenant Ross, Brianna Ross.”
Five steps more in silence.
“So you are a pilot.” Bucky said.
‘Doesn’t he have an off button?’, she thought a little desperately. She didn’t like being talked to, she didn’t like to talk.
“Yes, sir. I’m a squad leader .” She informed.
“Squad leader! That sounds important.” Bucky said impressed.
Brianna was irritated with the situation because obviously she had to answer to a ranking officer.
“I just do my job, sir.”
Bucky being Bucky, could not tell if she was just quiet and shy or she was getting pissed with him.
“You aren’t American.” He punctuated.
Brianna had spent years of her life trying to sound less Scottish, it looks like it did not work.
“Aye…” She said slowly, looking him in the corner of her eye.
Brianna found him already looking at her, a cocky smile and eyes full of mischief. She blushed as red as her hair, again, for being caught.
Embarrassed and now pissed, she walked faster trying to lose him.
He was having the time of his life, completely enamored by her cute reaction. She was shy, was his conclusion and maybe a little short tempered. John just followed her trying to be at her side again.
“Hey! Wait!”, he called. “I’m sorry!” He apologized. But she kept walking with her head down.
John saw her turn left, and then he saw a bunch of women hanging out of the quarters.
Everyone turned their heads as Brianna nearly ran into the quarters and slammed the door closed.
Then the eyes turned to him.
He stood there just looking at the door, hands in his hips and a smile on his face. He chuckled.
Bucky started to walk away with intentions to go tell Buck when the door slammed open, a full round of laughter and calling. Brianna ran out hiding her face in her hands, the tips of her ears boiling red.
She was followed by Priya, who was mocking her and Lou, happy as ever, jumping with every step.
“Don’ worry, major. You’ll see her’ again’!”, Lou informed.
He snorted, “I’ll really like that.”
“I swear to god, John, if you interrupt me one more time I’ll drop you in Berlin myself.” Buck warned him, eyes still in his book.
“That book will mean nothing when I tell you what just happened.”
Gale looks up to his best friend. A few hours prior when Bucky had said something similar, life at East Anglian had changed.
“Bucky”, Gale called at John.
“Leave those ladies alone”
Bucky laughed.
“Not any time soon”.
He walked away, but he stopped at the door.
“Brianna.” Bucky said.
Gale looked at him, not understanding.
“The name of my future wife, Brianna.”
‘Maybe Curt or Crank would like to hear about her’.
Final notes
First of all, I’m not Indian (my heritage is from all over the world) but I wanted to add a little of cultural variety. I once meet an Indian girl and she was like Priya. Strong and spicy.
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waterdeeping · 6 months
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Brianna 🏹 Archer 🏹 Arisen
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corvidkusnos · 1 year
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Happy -131st birthday to my Brianna Shepard!!
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demon-killer737 · 6 months
Alan in our Queen's clothes ❤️💙
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intercomkris · 2 years
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my fav reardon kids by my popular demand. Ishmael (15) & Brianna (18) cause they're both fashion icons.
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banana-peppers · 1 year
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wetcatschwartzy · 2 months
oo you want to talk about your football girls ocs so bad .ooo -you know who
HELP !?!???! if you insist 😁😁😁
there’s this one guy that i don’t think i’ve talked about at all . he’s my brother’s character sort of. he gave him his last name and i gave him his first name.
gerald snorpington. incredible i know /sarc. But basically he’s like this jock guy but he’s sort of bad at it? a member of the opposing football team. abigail Hates him
but forget him this is football GIRLS (and meagan /silly)
despite being all friends i think the girls have different kinds of friendships with eachother?
with juhi and meagan there’s this big element of trust between them, meagan feels like they can tell juhi anything and she’ll be there for them . i think they’re very gentle and patient with eachother in comparison to like. juhi and brianna (who talk shit with eachother. they’re also like the only ones who still talk about big shane’s unmaking) or abigail and molly (who are sorta rowdy with eachother? i think?)
hailey + abigail and tara + chelsea are Kind Of similar in a way just because they’re inseparable from the other . also speaking of tara and chelsea they have been added to the pinterest board!
i think molly is the most touchy out of the group? like she’s always leaning on someone or holding their hand. at sleepovers she’s basically laying on whoever is nearest to her
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movedblogs11111111 · 8 months
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femslash feb day 1: femme/butch
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skelior · 1 year
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There's something wretched about this something so precious about this
Two dumbasses napping on the metro, as they should. <3 Eden ft @chaaxfo 's Bri.
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elenaril · 4 months
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𝘐𝘯 𝘢 𝘳𝘰𝘰𝘮 𝘧𝘶𝘭𝘭 𝘰𝘧 𝘦𝘮𝘱𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘦𝘴𝘴 𝘉𝘺 𝘢 𝘧𝘳𝘦𝘦𝘸𝘢𝘺 𝘐 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘧𝘦𝘴𝘴 𝘐 𝘸𝘢𝘴 𝘭𝘰𝘴𝘵 𝘪𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘱𝘢𝘨𝘦𝘴 𝘖𝘧 𝘢 𝘣𝘰𝘰𝘬 𝘧𝘶𝘭𝘭 𝘰𝘧 𝘥𝘦𝘢𝘵𝘩 𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘩𝘰𝘸 𝘸𝘦'𝘭𝘭 𝘥𝘪𝘦 𝘢𝘭𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘈𝘯𝘥 𝘪𝘧 𝘸𝘦'𝘳𝘦 𝘨𝘰𝘰𝘥, 𝘸𝘦'𝘭𝘭 𝘭𝘢𝘺 𝘵𝘰 𝘳𝘦𝘴𝘵 𝘈𝘯𝘺𝘸𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘸𝘦 𝘸𝘢𝘯𝘵 𝘵𝘰 𝘨𝘰
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avatarskywalker78 · 3 months
OC Pride Challenge Day Twelve- Tropes of an Aroace OC
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Special Agent Brianna Wilson
Action Girl: Has known how to defend herself since she was a child and has kept up a high level of fitness ever since. Though she only fights when she absolutely needs to, she can still kick serious ass when required, especially when someone else’s life is in danger.
Affectionate Nickname: Used to be called ‘Little Brie’ by Gibbs back in the day and is known as ‘Brie’ to most of her friends.
Better as Friends: The result of every one of her few relationships that she’s had.
Celibate Hero: Well-aware of both sex and romance but has never had nor wanted the former and had very little experience with the latter – realising she’s aroace isn’t really a great surprise to her.
Combat Pragmatist: Not above using any way she can to end a fight.
Dark and Troubled Past: Emotionally neglected by her parents to the extent that she wished she was part of Gibbs’ family instead, was shattered by Shannon and Kelly’s deaths – compounded by the fact she wasn’t allowed to attend the funeral - struggled to make friends throughout school, ended up leaving home the moment she turned eighteen, and lost one of her two best friends in a homegrown terrorist attack, which she only avoided the brunt of due to being five minutes late. This led to-
Desperately Looking for a Purpose in Life: Convinced that the universe had let her survive for a reason, she continued with the Around the World gap-year trip with Jessica, taking various odd jobs and experiencing different cultures, and decided that her purpose would be saving lives, so joined the Coast Guard the moment she returned to the US. She spent nine years there before leaving to pursue a college degree in social sciences, before joining NCIS after deciding that she now wanted to try and get justice for the dead.
Family of Choice: The Gibbs’ family (which is still extended to Gibbs’ himself even after the others were killed), Steven, Jessica, and the NCIS team.
First-Name Basis: Is known and referred to as ‘Brie’ by everyone except Gibbs, Vance, and Ducky, the former two often calling her ‘Wilson’ and the latter calling her ‘Brianna’ – though Gibbs tends to refer to her as ‘Brie’ in private or when he’s trying to get her to open up to him.
Hidden Depths: Can play the piano and saxophone by ear and often employs the woodworking skills Gibbs taught her back in the day.
Honorary Aunt: Becomes this to her friends’ children later down the line.
Like Brother and Sister: Sees Tony as a brother and Abby as a sister.
Like a Father to me: Has held Gibbs in this regard since she was seven, and decades later actually says this out loud to him.
Long Lost Found Family: To Gibbs, as he hasn't heard from her in sixteen years and hasn't seen her in twenty - and given that her last letter mentioned Steven's death he's been greatly concerned about and yet unable to track her down. He doesn't recognise her when she first joins the team and is equal parts relieved that she's alright and hurt that she went off-grid for so long.
Nerves of Steel: Being a helicopter rescue swimmer for nine years means she’s faced plenty of harrowing situations, and as such is unfazed in the face of danger.
Not Wanting Kids is Weird: Averted! No one ever calls her out on this, especially after she comes out as aroace.
Platonic Declaration of Love: Once she’s good enough friends with someone this is what she tends to do if they’re comfortable with hearing it – but most of the time it’s not something she needs to say.
Percussive Maintenance: Tends to do this to newer technology.
Survivor Guilt: Being five minutes late for a meet-up with Steven ends up saving her life – even years later she still suffers from shades of this.
That Person Is Dead: How she refers to her previous name of Brianna Durand – as far as she’s concerned that woman died alongside her best friend.
The Un-Favourite: Her parents wanted a son, and when they got one – who turned out to be a musical prodigy to boot – they treated him as the golden child and never took much notice of Brianna, despite the fact that she not only got consistently high grades in school but was no amateur when it came to musical ability herself.
Tagging (let me know if you want to be added or removed): @shrinkthisviolet @starstruckpurpledragon @dream-beyond-the-fantasy @daughter-of-melpomene
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waterdeeping · 7 months
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Dragon's Dogma 2 Character Creator (2024) ➣ Prepare for your grand adventure, Arisen!
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persephinae · 1 month
you know, you always see fic/posts about Sole Survivors who were agents for the Railroad, infiltrating the Institute or BoS to help synths etc
but i never see anything about Sole Survivor taking anything they can from the Institute to help the Commonwealth
my Sole Survivor would be smuggling seeds, medical supplies, toilet paper, any kind of portable technology that could help people
she would see everything the people in the Institute take for granted, and try to imagine a way she could give that to the Commonwealth
in her memories and dreams, she remembers a world with flowers and greenery, better/stable crops, and she so desperately wants to bring that to the surface again. it's part selfish but also a gift of hope she wants to give to people, and she will not ever give up on this.
she so desperately wants the world to be green again, she doesn't want that to be something of the distant past that the people of the Commonwealth would never see again.
humankind can rebuild and have a green world again
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olightsource · 5 months
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Delilah/Brianna design notes. Commonly referred to as Brianna, Delilah is the best friend of Claudette. Brianna was designed to have a somewhat "auntie" look. She shares a lot of similar features to Claudette such as her full lips and wide hips. One thing that does set them apart however is Brianna's smaller bust size.
In her moth form, she's a bright orange with varying darker orange accents. Her wings are emblazoned with patterns reminicent of a poncho. The pattern is actually 2 skull designs as Brianna has Hawkmoth blood in her family. While she has no hair on her actual head, her antenna are very fluffy and swoop to varying angles to emulate hairstyles.
Due to her not having hair in her insect form, her human skin is bald too. With no antenna to emulate hair, Brianna has to resort to wearing wigs. At some point in the story, she grows tired of keeping up with wigs, and decides to bare her peach fuzzed head.
Her species being solitary means she doesn't have a reverse;gene of her own, however her mother is capable of entering a pseudo reverse;gene.
Brianna is very fond of floral designs, and can often be found with a flower in her hair or with flower themed earrings.
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