#OC: Eden Valentine
skelior · 6 months
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Dumb meme redraw enabled by my friends in my server ❤️ Netrunner gf supremacy. 😤 Original under cut
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elenaril · 5 months
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I spent two entire days putting this together dfhjbgghdfhjgfd Please enjoy, and grab the template over on Ko-Fi!
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sunstream7 · 2 months
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Showdown at high noon
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feat. origin: the black and white, my hatchetfield superhero au maybe 2 people know about!!
(alt. under cut)
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vidawhump · 7 months
Dear Valentine
CW/TW: Captivity whump, winged whumpee, idk this one’s just fluffy
“Elias, don’t be like that. Just come down and eat your breakfast.”
Elias refused to respond to his captor, continuing to gaze out the window. The cities were right there. And just beyond that, the forests. His home, his family, his freedom, were right at his fingertips. So close, yet so far away. His life was taken away by Cassidy, and no matter how much she might romanticize the exhibitions, he hated it all. He tucked himself away in his wings, desperately trying to ignore Cassidy.
“C’mon, starling, it’s Valentine’s Day! Everyone is here to-“
“I’m not a starling. The starlings were my friends. …Don’t talk about them.”
Elias would normally bite back and start a fight with Cassidy, but he was burnt out. He would bite her in the ass tomorrow, but not today. Cassidy sighed in frustration, and Elias heard a light tap on the table below the windowsill.
“Be stage-ready by noon. Eat your food. And…” A pause. Cassidy never hesitates. “Happy Valentine’s Day. Love you.” With that, she left the room, long brown hair rippling behind her like the rivers back home. It shut with a sharp click.
Hell no. What was that? Her voice carried mild traces of… sympathy? Empathy? No. She has Elias trapped here. She’s using him. Soon. He’ll be out soon.
Elias swung out from the windowsill, angling his wings to soften the fall. Neglecting the tray of berries that Cassidy had left for him, he brought his attention to the concerningly large pile next to it. It consisted of what seemed to be hundreds of Valentine's cards, envelopes, and assorted candy hearts. And a letter opener. Of course, Cassidy wanted him to open them all. Maybe when he finished, he could shred the papers and make a mess of his room. That’s sure to piss her off.
Idly shuffling through the stacks of magentas, pinks, purples, and assorted “romantic” colors, Elias stopped at a deep maroon envelope. Unlike the others with their cheesy hearts, cupids, and pitiful declarations of love, this one had barely any details. It was dented in the corners as if it was beaten up during delivery. The outside was entirely bare, save for a matte black wax stamp, sealing it all shut. In the middle of the stamp was a crow with outspread wings. Elias’ breath caught in his throat. There was only one person who could’ve sent this.
He stumbled to fly back up to the windowsill, where the sunrise dripped in soft pinks and purples behind the cityscape. Feathers fluttering behind him, Elias scrambled his way onto the ledge with the envelope and letter opener in hand. He barely managed to open the envelope before pulling out a hastily folded loose-leaf notebook paper. Most of the paper had unrelated notes and to-do lists hastily scribbled into the corners. Between a due date reminder from months before and a dried coffee stain, were a small cluster of hearts in spotty red pen. He couldn't help but cry when he saw the familiar handwriting.
Dear Valentine
It’s been a minute, hasn’t it? Molly misses you. She’s walking all over my paper as I write this. You might see tiny bites on the paper because she literally won’t leave me alone. She knows that she can get away with anything, I swear.
New Years passed me by. I went on a walk just before midnight to stargaze under our favorite tree. And I swear, before the fireworks covered everything up, right when the clocks struck midnight, the stars glowed just a little brighter. I think between everything that’s going on, that might be a good sign. :)
The forests are quiet without you. I miss your rambunctious energy firing up the whole flock, and the way you know you were born to be a leader. The kids are asking where you went, and I can only keep up the excuse of a spontaneous solo migration for so long. I miss finding your fluffy feathers in absolutely everything I own, and the way you would make a nest of blankets on my bed and hide out in my room when you got sick. Molly likes playing with the feathers that are still lying around. She’s collecting them in a fuzzy pile in her corner. Molly wants you to come home. It’ll happen soon.
Recently, I’ve only worn your hoodies and sweaters, the ones with holes in the back for your wings. Physically, it’s colder, but it makes me feel that much closer to you. The bed is lonely without you. I miss the way I would wake up to your primary feathers all up in my face, you sprawled out all over the bad and hoarding all the blankets. If I pile up the blankets next to me with your feathers, and if I close my eyes, for just a minute, I can pretend you’re still here with me.
You’ll be out soon. I promise I’ll help you escape. I have a plan, and I know you’ll catch on fast.
Eden <3
And taped to the last page were wilted rose petals. There was a rose bush just outside his window. Elias pressed up against the window and peered down at the small bush, which was mysteriously missing a few roses. Eden was here. Eden knows exactly where he is and has a plan to get him out.
Elias felt his heart flutter, reminiscing on memories he and Eden shared. Not even the forests know what the nature of their relationship is. Romantic, platonic, does it even matter? Elias and Eden are the light of each other’s lives, so why try to label their dynamic?
Elias took a deep breath, looking out his window. The pink had slowly bled into a cloudy blue. Gripping the paper to his chest, the future was looking a little brighter for Elias.
He should probably get to opening all the other cards. Happy Valentine’s Day, indeed.
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arcanesarts · 7 months
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Happy Valentine's Day!!!
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battlevann · 7 months
gotta draw Eden, Cupid, and Venus
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the-rogue-mockingjay · 2 months
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i was gonna do something productive, but then i thought about my alts/OCs in lvl100 outfits and. well!
in order from left to right: Asha Alaqa Sagahl, Aurélien de Sofinoy, Eden Lavellan, Emrys of the Darkened Steel, Félicienne Greystone, Lina Svanasch, Marielle de Dzemael, Mariko Iteya, Merethe de Sofinoy, Myreena, Rian Ashbrooke, Ysera Rowan, Valentin Breliseur, Zelala Zela
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puppercupboard · 2 years
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Sugar, I've developed a taste for you
been obsessed with Seisyll's relationship with Eden(@coreyvoss) lately. them, their relationship, and also the eroticism inherent in being a catboy girlfriend hovering mere inches above your shapeshifting wolf boyfriend and sharing with him the very air from your lungs (and also your weed)
Happy valentines day ♥
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hamamatsu-divison · 7 months
🌷 - Nellie
😍 - Eden
💜 - Kaede
Nellie doubt on make the first move due to certain reasons (his insecurities, schizophrebia, shyness) if his crush noticed his feelings for them it's possibily that them should make the first move with him,but if not,then Nellie will to encourage himself and make the first move
Eden not have so many crushes,he was loyal to Makoto when he was alive having only feelings (and sex) for him, and despite Makoto died Eden keep his feelings for him, despite he not deny have lovers around the clubs and live housed where his band performs he knows that his only for drain they energy and saciate himself and received gifts Eden knows where draw the line, when is about feelings Eden had crushes on people who is not attracted by his succubus charm (like Elliot Shimizu or kyo sakuma)
Both. Kaede is not superfisial to date others based on something like appearance but he appreciatte the attractive,he feels more attracted by personality, especially if he meet them partners enoughly to see aspects normally hidden,that was in part the reason he fell in love for Jyuto, though Kaede saw him handsome he appreciatte more when Jyuto left him saw his more loving and affectionate side that normally shows to him
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chobit92 · 8 months
Valentine's Day: Jacob Seed x Mara Jessop
I've wrote this a dozen times now and I'm still not sure if I'm happy with it but oh well. Hope you guys enjoy.
Warning: Smut.
(Mara Jessop pulls up outside the St Francis Veteran’s Center and kills the engine before getting out of the truck. She sighs and pulls her long black coat more tightly around herself. She walks through the gates and several men turn to look at her. They go the raise their guns but stop when they see who it is. She walks up to the front steps and sees Terry. She’s known Terry for years; since they were teenagers, and she was surprised to see him again when she came back to town eight months ago. She was even more surprised to find that her sister had joined a damn cult. She guesses it isn’t so bad. Terry sees her and smiles.).
Terry: Hey Mara.
Mara: Hey.
Terry: What are you doing here?
Mara: Came to see Jacob.
Terry: Jacob?
(Terry’s friend and fellow Chosen, Barry frowns.).
Barry: What for?
Mara: I’ve got a present for him.
Terry: A present?
Mara: Yeah. It’s Valentine’s Day.
Barry: What?
(Mara smiles and pulls the top of her coat aside slightly. The men get a glimpse of red lace. Barry raises his eyebrows while Terry looks confused.).
Barry: Okay. I don’t think Jacob is really into that sort of thing.
Mara: He’s not?
(She sighs.).
Mara: He’s not gay is he?
Barry: I don’t think so. But I’ve never seen him show an interest in women.
Terry: He’s pretty much all about work.
Mara: Well all work and no play will make Jakey a very dull boy.
(Barry laughs.).
Barry: If you say so. He’s up in his office on the top floor. Good luck.
(Mara smiles and goes inside. She sees several men sorting through ammo. One of them gives her a cold stare while a few others regard her curiously. She is just heading to the stairs when Gus spots her.).
Gus: Ah Miss Mara.
Mara: Afternoon.
Gus: What brings you up here?
Mara: Just gonna see Jacob.
Gus: Uh huh. Okay.
(Mara walks up the stairs and nearly falls through a hole in the floor on the landing. She rights herself and scolds herself for wearing heels. She’s never been that good at walking in them. She walks up the next flight of stairs, her red heels making a right racket on the bare floors. She walks down the hall and stands outside a set of double doors. He must have heard her coming but she decides to knock on the door anyway.).
Jacob: Yes?
(Heart hammering in her chest she opens the door and closes it behind her before striding over to his desk. Jacob is sat behind it pen in hand. He has looked up and is staring at her frowning.).
Mara: Hey.
Jacob: What are you doing here?
Mara: Well...
Jacob: Has something happened?
Mara: No.
Jacob: Then why are you here?
Mara: I came to see you.
(He frowns again and puts his pen down. She runs her fingers over the piece of paper he was writing on moving closer to the desk.).
Mara: So this is what Jacob does. He sits on his own in his office and writes...Poems?
Jacob: I don’t have time for this. I’m busy now what do you want?
Mara: You.
Jacob: What?
Mara: Well it’s Valentine’s Day.
(He scoffs and shakes his head.).
Mara: And I got you a present.
Jacob: Oh you did? Well I don’t want it. Goodbye.
Mara: You don’t even know what it is. Look you fought for this country, for me, and then they tossed you away like garbage. So I think that you deserve a reward. So as it’s Valentine’s Day I thought I’d get you something.
Jacob: Do I look like the kind of man that gives a fuck about Valentine’s Day?
Mara: No. I’m not really one for it either to be honest but like I said I got you a present so...
(She undoes her coat and slips it off letting it drop to the floor. He stares at her and raises an eyebrow. She is wearing red lacy lingerie complete with stockings and suspenders. She leans against the desk in front of him and smiles.).
Mara: Do you like it?
(He chuckles and shakes his head.).
Mara: Well if you don’t want your present I’m sure I can find someone else to give it to. Terry seems to like me.
Jacob: What is this?
Mara: I just told you. It’s Valentine’s Day and I wanted to give you a little treat. You are always working after all. You devote yourself to protecting us and I don’t think you ever take any time for yourself to just...Relax.
(She moves closer to him and reaches out to touch him but he grabs her wrist with quick precision.).
Mara: What’s wrong?
Jacob: I haven’t got time for games.
Mara: There is no game. I just wanted to surprise you with something nice that’s all. And I must confess...I’ve kinda had the hots for you since I first met you.
(He chuckles and shakes his head.).
Mara: Why is that funny? What do you think you’re not handsome? Oh you’re not shy are you?
(He raises his eyebrows. He seems to think for a moment.).
Jacob: Hm. Come here then kitten. If this is what you want.
(She smiles and straddles him. The chair creaks beneath their combined weight. She kisses him and wraps her arms around him.).
(Terry takes the ammo crate from Gus and loads it onto the back of the truck.).
Barry: Well the little blonde bombshell hasn’t come back down.
Terry: Hm. Maybe Jacob has taken her up on her offer.
Barry: Hm. Maybe. That or he’s snapped her neck.
Terry: Don’t say that. I like Mara she’s cool.
Barry: Ah he’s jealous.
Terry: No I’m not.
Barry: You are. It’s Valentine’s Day and she’s dressed up in some sexy lingerie for Jacob. You wish it was for you don’t yah?
Terry: No.
Gus: Man give it up! You’re a terrible liar!
(The men laugh.).
(Mara lets out a small moan. Jacob has bent her over his desk and is fucking her from behind.).
Mara: Um, you feel so good.
Jacob: You like that don’t you?
Mara: Yes.
(She is still wearing her lingerie but he’s yanked the panties aside. He’s also pulled the lace covering her breasts aside so that they are now exposed to the cool air. She moans again.).
Mara: I should have known you’d be into this fast and rough shit.
(He chuckles.).
Jacob: I’ve got things to do. Ain’t got all day. Besides you love it.
Mara: Um.
(It doesn’t take him long to reach climax and he lets out a groan. She is a little breathless and he yanks her up by her hair.).
Mara: Um.
(She turns and kisses him. He kisses her back and she grabs his army jacket shoving it off of his shoulders.).
Jacob: The fuck are you doing?
Mara: You’ve still got your clothes on.
Jacob: So?
Mara: I want them off.
Jacob: No.
Mara: Yes. I want to see all of you.
Jacob: You’ve had your fuck now fuck off.
Mara: Wow.
(She laughs.).
Mara: Like you didn’t enjoy yourself. Come on admit it.
(She slides her hands underneath his shirt and lets out a hum.).
Mara: God how can you be this enticing?
Jacob: Only you seem to think so.
Mara: I’m sure that’s not true.
(She kisses him again and tugs at his jacket. He shrugs out of it and she lifts his shirt up.).
Mara: You are shy aren’t you?
Jacob: Nope.
Mara: Then take your clothes off.
Jacob: Fine.
(He lifts his shirt over his head and tosses it onto the desk. She stares at him. His body is a roadmap of scars but she doesn’t think he is ugly. She runs her hands over his chest and starts kissing his scars.).
Mara: Handsome.
(He lets out a breath as her fingers brush over his skin. She then runs her fingers over his cock and shoves his jeans and pants down.).
Mara: Off.
Jacob: Who do you think you are coming in here and giving me orders?
Mara: Off.
(She kneels down and unlaces his boots. He lifts each foot so she can pull them off then he kicks off his jeans and boxers. His boxers have holes in them.).
Mara: I think you need new boxers.
Jacob: I think you need to stop talking.
Mara: Oh? Well maybe you need to give me something to shut me up.
(She smiles. He raises an eyebrow.).
Jacob: You’ve got some front I’ll give you that.
Mara: I’d rather you give me something else.
(She then takes him in her mouth. His mouth drops open and he runs his hand through her hair grabbing a fistful of it. She licks the end of his cock then stands up.).
Mara: Hm. Someone’s excited again.
(She takes his hands and walks backwards.).
Jacob: What are you doing?
Mara: Taking a handsome soldier to bed.
Jacob: Stop with this handsome shit. What are you really after?
Mara: I told you. I just want you. Now lie down and relax.
Jacob: Giving me orders again?
(He raises his eyebrow. She giggles.).
Mara: Jake you give out orders all day, you are always working and you are always taking care of your brothers and the project. Let someone take care of you for once.
(He grunts and allows himself to be guided onto the bed. He lies there flat on his back and she straddles him.).
Jacob: Um.
(His hands come up and cover her breasts. She lowers herself onto his erection taking him inside her.).
Jacob: Fuck you feel good kitten.
Mara: Kitten. What’s that all about?
Jacob: Dunno.
Mara: Hmmm. If I’m a kitten then you must be a grizzly bear.
Jacob: Oh yeah?
Mara: Yeah.
(She giggles and starts to ride him hard and fast.).
Jacob: I ain’t gonna last long if you keep this up.
(She lets out a loud moan and Jacob is pretty sure his men can hear them.).
Jacob: Fuck.
(She is rubbing her clitoris hard and he swats her hand away placing his own hand there making circles with his thumb. She moans loudly and shudders. He cums for a second time and lets out a groan. She sighs and keeps moving.).
Jacob: Fuck.
Mara: Um. Hm. Um.
(She moans loudly again and stops moving. She then moves off of him and lies down next to him letting out a hum.).
Jacob: Damn honey.
Mara: Um. Honey. I like that.
Jacob: Do you?
Mara: Um.
(She kisses his cheek.).
Mara: I need to shower now.
Jacob: No. You need to go coz I got things to do.
Mara: Um. Jacob and his all important business. You need to chill out more often.
Jacob: Oh do I?
Mara: Yep.
(She props herself up on her elbow and looks down at him.).
Mara: So handsome.
(She gets up and picks up his army jacket before putting it on.).
Jacob: Hey take that off.
(He sits up and she smiles.).
Mara: Looks good on me though don’t it?
(She sniffs the jacket and he frowns.).
Jacob: What are you doing?
Mara: It smells of you.
Jacob: Uh huh.
Mara: Sweat, dirt, pine needles and...what is that?
Jacob: Blood? Death?
Mara: No you idiot.
(She laughs.).
Mara: I think it’s those moonflowers. Like a sweet scent.
Jacob: Hm probably.
(She suddenly frowns and takes something out of the pocket. It’s his music box. She smiles and winds it up before opening it.).
Mara: I love this.
(He gets up and takes it from her closing it back up again.).
Mara: You look like you’re about to propose to me standing there with that box in your hand.
(He chuckles and shakes his head.).
Jacob: Is that what you want?
Mara: Well I wouldn’t say no.
(He raises his eyebrows.).
Mara: But this was just sex. Jacob doesn’t do feelings because he has a job to do. Nothing can get in the way of culling the herd.
(She smiles and takes his jacket off. She adjusts her lingerie and picks up her coat putting it back on and doing it up. Jacob hasn’t said anything. She wraps her arms around him and kisses him.).
Mara: You ever wanna relax again and have ‘just sex’ with me...You know how to find me.
(She smiles.).
Jacob: Hm. Might take you up on that.
Mara: Happy Valentine’s Day Jacob.
(She smiles and leaves the room closing the door behind her. Jacob lets out a breath.).
Jacob: Fuck.
(He chuckles and shakes his head.).
(Barry nudges Terry and he turns to see Mara walking down the front steps.).
Terry: Hey.
Barry: Didn’t think we’d see you again.
Terry: Shut up man.
Mara: What, why?
Barry: I take it Jacob liked his present.
Mara: He did. I think he liked it even more than he cared to admit.
(Barry lets out a whistle.).
Terry: So er...As it’s Valentine’s Day do I get a present?
(Barry grins.).
Mara: Well you see I would but...I don’t think Jacob would like to share his new toy.
(She smiles.).
Mara: See yah boys.
(She walks off heading towards the gates leaving Barry and Gus laughing at the look on Terry’s face.).
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skelior · 1 year
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let's goooo, dumbasses first mugshot together <3 Insp.
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elenaril · 2 months
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𝚂𝚞𝚛𝚛𝚎𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚝𝚘 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚐𝚛𝚊𝚟𝚒𝚝𝚢 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚞𝚗𝚔𝚗𝚘𝚠𝚗
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sunstream7 · 4 months
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redrew that one scott pilgrim frame but with the sillies
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apples-of-eden · 2 years
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Kuron: “…Valentine's usually falls on a weekday which means—workday for us idols. So…technically…nothing much? Other than getting him a special bouquet, quality imported chocolates, a song—thats all, probably? I do wish that I can get more but I ran out of ideas…but maybe after school that night, we can go settle for Valentine's supper, as we talk about our past and future together? Really nothing special…afterall, every day is Valentine's day when with him.”
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Hisoka: "W-well... I did bake chocolates for Ruki... I know he doesn't like strong-flavored stuff, so I made sure they weren't too sweet or too bitter. We'd likely have an indoor date. I can pick up some books we've been having our eyes on for a while and read them together. I can even make us a nice dinner and set it up in his room so it could be just the two of us... I honestly don't mind what ever he'd like to do either. Just being with him is more than enough for me..."
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Yoarashi:I think…maybe try to makeing hand make chocolate or just stay with him at home is also be sweet.Just want to stay together with him.
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menphinaswhitemage · 11 months
Arc 3: Ancient Forests - Log Excerpts pt. 2
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 || Going forward into the forest, you eventually see another glimmer in the woods.
|| Slightly different, still very powerful. You feel uneasy looking at it however.
*The crystal is disturbed*
 || As the rest of the party discusses important strategy, the two gremlins poke the crystal. It shimmers to life
|| You sense something, standing right in front of you near the tree.
|| They seem familiar. A little girl.
|| The figure stands in front of you smiling.
 || The figure stands there, you aren't sure if it's actually lookin *at* you, but it giggles at something.
 || The figure point's ahead, talking to something as it looks back in the parties direction "Come on! Hehe!"
|| The sound of a bird song cuts through the forests' quiet from the other direction. A Magpie sits perched upon one of the branches, fluttering its wings as it meets the party's gaze."
As the magpie continues to sing out, the figure simple waits for others to follow. The figure points in one direction, away from the magpie.
*A party member shatters the crystal*
 || The figure dissipates. The crystal shatters, but no pain is felt. The magpie continues to sing.
*The magpie is followed*
Proceed to Route A
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