#Bridget mighty med
secretsandlabrats · 6 days
I’m going to do a compare and contrast of what I originally thought the Meds sexualities were versus now!
The Meds
Alan Diaz:
Gay (he probably had a crush on Kaz (while denying it to everyone, including Kaz) and didn’t know the term ‘Gay’ but after it was explained to him by Kaz he identified as Gay; then and now)
Straight (not really a surprise here, but she says she supports, then she says the most homophobic thing to ever be said. She tries to be better when it comes to LGBTQIA+ people. She is very confused, but is she getting there?)
Horace Diaz:
Bisexual (and is very proud of his identity after being told what being Bisexual is about; then)
Pansexual (realized that it’s better to date for fluidity and fun, you have to be funny or at least charming for him to have him pinning over you; now)
Bisexual (and doesn’t really have a preference for dating since he just wants to hang out with some that can geek out with him; then and now)
Aroace or Asexual (didn’t get the whole idea of dating when she was in Mighty Med; then)
Bisexual to Biromantic (she started to understand the whole dating thing once she was in the Elite Force but rather stay on the romantic side of dating; now)
Straight (was DEEP in the closet and was strictly raised by Bridget, so need I say more; then)
Bi-curious (came to terms with himself and grew a mild crush on Leo as he started to be invited more to the penthouse in Elite Force; now)
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lab-rats-obsession · 1 year
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I have soooo many EF AU thoughts but the most prominent ones on my mind right now are:
- Alan and Horace were in Mighty Med when it collapsed. Horace used his powers to buy Alan enough time to escape, dying in the process.
- Alan continues his uncle's legacy and becomes the great Healer of Heroes, Asclepius (the Greek god of healing; his staff was very similar to the Caduceus).
- He later gains the Caduceus power, which can only be held by one member of the Diaz family at a time and must be earned (so basically, Alan had to prove he was worthy of it, like Thor's hammer).
- Bridget & Nelson teamed up to find the people who destroyed Mighty Med. They have a lot of serious talks about parenting styles (I think it'd be funny if they dated, because it means Alan would get the same stepmom twice).
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mushed-kid · 10 months
in mighty med, everyone knows how horace loves bridges right? and then he dates oliver’s mom, who’s name is very conveniently Bridget
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connievalentine · 1 year
idk if it’s ever said in the show how oliver got into comics, but i’m thinking about bridget being the one to buy him his first comics. not even as an attempt to mask her identity, but just because she thinks that her son idolizing “fake” heroes would be much better than him idolizing her.
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rivalswsh · 1 year
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currently thinking about how opposed oliver was to horace and bridget getting married. he got what he wanted i guess. hsjkdfkhjf... poor guy.....
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lab-trash · 2 years
Do you think Oliver’s mom is an anti-vaxxer?
I think she is, but more out of convenience; she doesn't want to have to deal with her sons needle fear.
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tabl3 · 1 year
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Imputation n. 13
(to explain why Oliver's basically scared of his own shadow now)
those are his mom's hands if it isn't clear lol
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"Parade" Bridget Drabble, Mighty Med
Lab Rats/Mighty Med/Elite Force Masterlist 
Request Guidelines 
Bridget had never felt the need to embellish before, put on theatrics. Her personality was more than intense enough to blaze to the top of her career and break anyone stupid enough to stand in her way. 
Playing the role of a supervillain, though, is different. 
Not different enough that it’s a struggle, no. Initiative, ruthlessness and a strong iron fist are still the core of what she needs to thrive here. She just needs a little more. Bridget, mortal CEO and pioneering businesswoman isn’t enough to truly inspire fear and loyalty into the remnants of Argento’s empire. They would think she’d just gotten lucky. 
So she crafts the perfect artifice of absolute brutality and mystery, the all-masked, dressed in black from head-to-toe, Mr. Terror. 
It’s a persona that takes vigilance to maintain. Anyone getting too suspicious, whether that be her super-powered minions or snooping human employees, meet a quick and decisive end. 
She had always been a ruthless pragmatist, but even she had never expected killing to rest so easy on her conscience. Not that it shouldn’t; that’s just part of the way the world turns. Besides, she’s not (just) doing this for herself. The stronger she is, the better she can ensure Oliver’s safety. 
She’s parading around in back-alleys with a voice modulator, a disintegrator, and the ashes of those she keeps disposing of, all for the greater good. A more secure world, once it’s been broken apart and rearranged a bit. 
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scootersscooter · 2 years
Ok but like
I want to know what they told the public about Mr. Terror going into custody because Bridget runs a whole company.
What did they tell Oliver's dad??? Because I'm assuming Oliver would go into his custody with his mom gone (Oliver lived with him in the episode Frighty Med). But in season 2 it's revealed he lives in England now so?????? Idk
We learned how Kaz was able to move without suspicion in Elite Force but I don't think we learn anything about Oliver.
I want to know how Oliver convinced his dad who didn't even want him in The Domain with Kaz to let him move, especially with Kaz.
What did they tell Jordan and Gus??? Did they just leave without telling anyone anything???
Tell me if I missed anything but like?????
I need answers
I want to know what happened after the battle with Mr. Terror
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and-so-he-rambled · 2 years
I have a Mighty Med / Lab Rats: Elite Force theory.
(This would have made an awesome arc, too bad elite force dropped the ball so hard)
The Arcturion was extremely dangerous and powerful, attracting evil and supervillains to it. It even seems to have a mesmerizing effect as seen with Megahertz.
Kaz and Oliver get their powers directly from the arcturion, and while Bridget was a conduit, it could be argued that any power the arcturion has is tainted.
Remember the episode Future Tense, where an adult Kaz goes back in time to stop Oliver from becoming a supervillian, only to become one himself due to the butterfly effect? What if we take that context and apply it to the arcturion storyline.
What if there’s something malicious attached to their powers, a negativity so easily mixed in with the trauma from the fall of Mighty Med (WORST WRITING DECISION EVER BTW) slowly chipping away at them. Punches stop getting pulled, morals a little more gray… Oliver would be most susceptible since he lost his mom after her being a supervillian, lost the entire hospital, and is struggling to adapt to his powers. Kaz would struggle more, but he’d the type to hide his depression, push things down. His infection would be hidden till it was too late.
To undo the villian arc for those saddened by our good boys going bad, have the moral discussion of removing their powers. Is it worth it? Should they do it against the boys will? Can they purify the powers and return them? Skyler can also relate, having gone evil due to tainted powers, and can relate to the fear of being weak again.
It’s a plot that has been used before by both shows (Mighty Med: tainted powers from The Annihilator, Lab Rats: Bionic students infected by the upgrade/Adam, Bree, and Chase briefly losing their bionics), but it isn’t like Disney never reused a plot line. It would be interesting because the boys, especially Oliver, are so… not evil, but a slow progression over multiple episodes building to a confrontation?? Good shit.
Food for thought.
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kkorrall · 2 years
Yknow in mighty med where Kaz and Oliver go back to the past to get a battery and meet Horace but technically made him love bridges because he does in present day
But then Horace falls in love with Oliver’s mom because her name is Bridget
Do you think Oliver has regrets that he started the chain of events that destroyed the hospital along with the trauma with his mother or no
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Considering that Horace met Bridget on a dating site, & Tasha met Donald on a dating site, it's entirely plausible that there's an alternate universe where Horace Diaz and Tasha Dooley are married.
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thedragonemperess · 2 years
In mighty med I think Bridget going after kaz for "corrupting her little boy" or something along those lines after season 2 could have been interesting as she seems to actively dislike him and thinks he's a bad influence on oliver
See, while this is a good concept, I think it would probably make more sense if she went after him mentally instead do physically.
We've already seen that Bridgette is a very manipulative person, and Kaz is very easily influenced by those around him, so I feel like she would probably guilt-trip him into thinking that he's a terrible friend and person.
She would most likely do the same thing with Skylar and Horace, too. She would get the idea into Skylar's head that she should have protected them from this as a superhero, therefore failing them as a friend and causing her to become far more obsessed with getting her powers back.
Horace could probably be persuaded into joining her, under the idea that he's the one tricking her by being a double agent, when it's actually the other way around.
Oliver would already be losing it, because he would feel as if it's all his fault because it's his mother. He was the closest person to her, so he should have been the one to notice that something was up. She said that everything she was doing was for him, so maybe if he had just been the perfect child she wanted, this wouldn't have happened.
Bridgette is far too smart to act so emotionally. So if she did go after him, it would have to be calculated. And by doing what I just mentioned, the biggest threats to her plan would destroy themselves, not unlike what Loki tried to do in Avengers 1, except, you know, she'd be better at it.
Sorry for going off on a tangent here, anon (Pixie?), I just kind of started talking and couldn't stop, lol.
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connievalentine · 1 year
various mighty med hcs i’ve accumulated in my like. nine months of being fixated on the show;
(under the cut bc there’s a lot and it’s hard to organize)
getting the lgbt ones out of the way first..
• kaz - ace gay (i also LOVE genderfluid or nonbinary kaz..)
• oliver - transmasc bi demiro .. him falling for all his friends is real. xoxo.
• skylar - agender aro/acespec lesbian (you can pry calderans not having a gender binary from my cold dead hands)
• jordan - LESBIAN!! no one will ever change my mind. sorry.
• alan - i don’t have solid hcs for him but i do love the transfem alan agenda i’ve seen .. either way, he is trans. you cannot be a cis shapeshifter.
now onto the other ones LMAO
• kaz is petrified of extremely niche things. he’ll go into a haunted house and be laughing on the way out but if he sees a balloon or smthn he runs the other way.
• oliver was the one who original introduced kaz to comics, but kaz got into them WAY more at first. (they were considerably easier for him to digest than books)
• during mm era i am a Strong believer that oliver’s growth spurt made him exactly an inch taller than kaz and this pisses kaz off to no end.
• jordan and kaz bicker like siblings, but oliver and kaz bicker like an old married couple. gus commonly says that he would choose oliver in the divorce (sorry kaz).
• over the summer, pre-mm, jordan helps oliver dye pink streaks in his hair and bridget loves it (she makes him dye it back for the next school year though)
• oliver is allergic to too many things to keep track of.
• kaz’s little sisters would force him to let them hang out with him and oliver just because oliver let them braid his hair or paint his nails without complaining as much as kaz. (he is VERY vocal)
one final one that may be controversial.. /hj
• i am a strong bridget supporter. she would Not be homophobic. like yes she’s a supervillain but she’s doing everything for her son?? why would she be bigoted. she’s evil, not corrupt. xoxo
i can’t think of any more of my Solid hcs and i assume no one will read this far but hiiiii if you did!!
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crayonverse · 2 years
i just. thinking about ef pains me So Much. it just sucks so much and i love it a lot i aijhfsihifos
like the dynamics are . there. i can build off them. kaz/chase skylar/bree is There and i can work with it in canon (ignoring oliver) but. so much of ef Is So Bad. they spend a total of what? four fucking episodes on the plot? like yeah man you kinda failed when the evil villains who destroyed mighty med Aren’t The Focus. like they couldve had character dynamics and plot at the same time.
how di dthey fuck up the show this bad. what even happened. the villains r so underdeveloped its insane to me. compared with mighty med and how the villains are written like yeah theyre goofy but also vaguely a threat? like the Annihilator is dangerous and has consequences in the show and Bridget is Literally God and a mob boss or something and Rotisserie chicken and his kids are. there. i suppose. with no real. writing to them.
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