#Bright Ideas
sflow-er · 4 months
S2 Walty snippets series [complete]
With the final season of Young Royals almost upon us, I've been taking stock of my fics and decided to scrap the second chapter to Like you better. There is always a chance of me returning to it someday, but I don't think it really brings anything new to the fic.
That means my little series of S2-compliant Walty fics is complete, and since I never made a proper series post, here's some shameless self-promo (ft. comment quotes):
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Sflow's S2 Walty snippets
S2-compliant Henry or Walty fics. The first two are consistent with each other, the last one is separate. Any of them can easily be read as a standalone. Henry is ace as always in my fics, but the depiction of his asexuality and the nature of his relationship to Walter varies.
Bright ideas: ~5k, T, platonic Walty "I love how no matter how short this little one-shot is, it still has a complete narrative structure (--) I giggled from start to finish"
Henry's motivation for rowing has been on a downward spiral all winter. He gets a little lost inside his head trying to avoid punishment for being late, until Walter tells him to get home for something exciting. Cue an awkward walk-by when Wilmon are trying to have an important talk, some related thoughts, a discussion with Walter, and an invitation for Wille to join some ridiculous shenanigans.
OR: A missing moment/scene expansion for s2ep2 (written for YR week 2023) that shows us what Henry was up to before, during and after the locker room scene. My attempt at crack.
Like you better: ~2k, T, queerplatonic OR romantic Walty "I didn't know I needed queerplatonic fanfics that much. It makes me so happy!"
After the masquerade ball, Walter comes home to Henry, who is newly recovered from a migraine attack. A bit of talk about girls, their friendship, and Henry's recent revelation of his asexuality ensues. Along with some cuddles.
OR: A super fluffy missing moment between Walty at the end of s2ep4. Can be read as either queerplatonic or romantic, your choice!
Last chance: ~7k, T, romantic Walty Not consistent with the other parts of the series! "beautifully crafted (--) second chapter was amazing and gentle and like being hugged through my phone screen"
As Henry and Walter's friendship takes a romantic turn, Henry decides to take the last chance to come out to his best friend before everything changes.
OR: A first kiss + coming out/ace talk + getting together fic set after S2 (written for Ace Awareness Week 2023). Contains discussion of past acephobia, previous sexual experience (not very specific), and aversions (French kissing specifically mentioned, the rest are up to the reader's interpretation). A more sex-favourable take on ace Henry than my other fics (sex doesn't happen in the fic, though). Also, Walter is explicitly gay in this one.
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lets-zofifi-stuff · 5 months
Uhm, actually, on valentines we are all supposted gift each other chocolates. More precisely, everyone should gift chocolates to me.
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fieriframes · 2 months
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[Like the flutter of your fingertips, like the flickering of lights. You've got your bright ideas but we've got bigger fish to fry. Found you out there on your doorstep, undressed to the nines. From your Sunday best, black and blue velvet dress, your head's a mess and so is mine.]
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pennyorion · 5 days
Listen to UNSENT w/HXLY FULL MIX by BRIGHT IDEAS on #SoundCloud
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wickedzeevyln · 7 months
Hidden Gems
Who doesn’t recognize Mickey Mouse? Even in a crowded space, those iconic round ears give him away—what enthusiasts call a hidden Mickey. Yet, Mickey’s origin lies in the recesses of Walt Disney’s mind, a place where the sun didn’t shine. Who would have envisioned that an imagination could birth a billion-dollar industry? Interestingly, Mickey wasn’t Walt’s initial foray into the idea race.…
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kalirush · 8 months
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cdrlogic · 11 months
How to make the USPS EVEN BETTER
Universal Postal Identification
Yes, it is a service, and everyone EV. ER. Y. ONE. in the United States should be able to use the post office, ideally FOR FREE, or at least for low cost.
One thing that would shake things all the way up would be a Universal Postal Identifier. You, a resident of the United States, would be entitled to a Universal Postal Identification Code. For our purposes, let's say it's an alphanumeric code like ABC-0001-23. You get it your whole life long. It never changes. You change your name, it's the same, you move, it's the same, and changing both of those is easy.
If someone wants to send you something, they pop your UPIC on the envelope and boy howdy there it goes. The Post Office tags it to where you tell it you are. If that's a mailing address, great, if it's a P.O. Box, great. But no one has to know where you live except the post office.
Routing mail becomes easier! You don't have to tell the Post Office where to route your stupid-ass Kickstarter that won't let you change your address. You can fill out a digital change of address form much easier.
MORE THAN THAT, every resident of the US (not citizen, RESIDENT) who has a UPIC is entitled to a P.O. Box. This means that if you're homeless, in a domestic abuse situation, away at school, or otherwise need a safe place to receive mail, you just... HAVE IT. Employers can ask for your UPIC but legally can't ask for your address. That's privileged information, and can help reduce homeless discrimination.
Importantly, tampering with the USPS's address identification system would have to be Big Crime Times. Huge. So if your abuser is trying to track you down, and they try to do it through your UPIC, that's mail tampering and that is a federal crime.
EVEN BETTER, by keeping this information private, the USPS can effectively put it behind a paywall for other shipping services that already use the USPS for a lot of last-mile operations, and make that service pay for all the other programming. FedEx wants to know how to send a package to user BNX-1234-89? Database access will be folded into the shipping cost.
Can you change your code? OF COURSE YOU CAN. It's a process, like dealing with identity theft.
I have (obviously) thought a lot about this, but I've surely missed something. What is it? And do you know the ways in which I could make this happen?
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byrdblood · 7 days
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nimh (f) (Irish; genitive singular nimhe) - poison; venom, virulence, bitterness, animosity
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purplesound · 8 months
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sketchypenface · 1 year
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I know it’s the winter season, but I thought maybe we could use a bit of sunshine!
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lynaferns · 11 months
Guess who overanalyzed the boys again?
Again, like last time, just pointing out things and ref for drawing. Anything that I don't talk about here probably is in the previous analisis (or I've nothing to add)
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I actually made these out of order. In some I was running out of space and others I didn't know how to fill the blank spaces. I think I was able to put everything together but maybe this could have been more organized.
I literally spent a whole night watching gameplays and taking screenshots NO ONE STOPED TO LOOK AT THEIR MODEL. LIKE OH MY GOD. IS THERE. IS RIGHT THERE. YOU CAN LOOK AT IT ALL YOU WANT SHOW ME THOSE ROBOT GUTS-
Thanks to this video I was able to see their endo in detail. Take a look at the channel, this person has showed details of the game models and some things that are impossible to see.
Anyways, I hope this help some people see their design more clearly and draw them easier. The ruin designs are pretty hard to understand in shape. I didn't expect their endo to look like this, specialy the face and dorso.
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overthelamppost · 2 years
Somewhere Over the Lamppost
Somewhere Over the Lamppost, Off the inside of town; In the bright of night, Lux shines up not down.
Thoughts lit from below have a clearer transparency. A different perspective I know, so I illuminate this view I see.
Every depth has infinite sides Once light sheds luminosity. Thus I examine the Why's Before catching my Zzz's.
Spiderless webs, snow unfallen, Windows permanently closed; Late birds, missing signs, Live Over a lamppost; …and so do I!
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pennyorion · 1 year
ARCANE - SoundCloud
Listen to ARCANE by BRIGHT IDEAS on #SoundCloud
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crunchchute · 27 days
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Bright Ideas
Some days it may seem as though we have too many choices and not enough ideas. Ever run to the grocery store to buy a bottle of ketchup? Once upon a …Bright Ideas
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badcirculation · 2 years
Food trucks should be like ice cream trucks, rolling around with music so I can run after them screeching, waving my money
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