aeaeaexxzd · 5 months
His gay little strut at the end kills me
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bestqprshipbracket · 4 months
Best T4T Ship Group 2 Round 1
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Neither are canonically trans
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trickstermoonjuice · 5 months
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Boise State University has hired snipers In response to unarmed students* suggesting* that they protest a genocide The university has threatened the students with legal action so- They have set up their own "PEOPLES UNIVERSITY" several blocks away near The Capitol.This is fucking fascism- The students didn't even protest yet, and the snipers were already called This is ridiculous where is the Free Speech?!?! Boise State students cannot protest on campus or they will be shot, it seems.
I am so fucking proud to know the people that have set this up- it takes big balls to do something like this in Idaho this isn't Portland this isn't California this is the' Forgotten Southern State' Idaho is conservative, religious, and ass backwards- these kids have the biggest balls I've ever seen. The restaurants I work at and several other businesses around the encampment are supporting them we brought them fries and donuts Burgers -but what they really need is bodies so if you see this and you are in Idaho please come join these kids on Jefferson Street fuck these fascist
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astro-photographer18 · 6 months
How'd It Turn Out?
I finished the Crab Nebula with surprising results. It was easier than expected to turn different color filters into something that fits well as one. I used four color filters—clear, blue, red, and green color filters.
I changed each layer mode to screen. In the end, I duplicated each color filter, making a total of 11 layers that include the Visible layer, the Clear median Blur, and the High Pass filter!
Median blur is used to calculate the neighboring pixels' median, affecting the image's edges and corners. The median blur involves a radius, a neighborhood, and percentiles. I set the radius at 3 to increase the blur while setting the percentile and alpha percentile at 50 to make the tone of the image a balanced brightness while becoming more blurred. Alpha percentile works to achieve this balance by becoming more transparent.
The high pass filter "filters high essential details, and larger scale gradients are removed" (Gimp). Standard deviation, contrast, and clipping are adjusted. Increasing the standard deviation allows more details to be accounted for.
I was happy with this final image because I could clearly see the interaction of each color filter in the final product. A lot of the previous noise had been minimized to the extent that the image's primary focus was highlighted.
My favorite part about the results is the Crab Nebula appearing behind the stars rather than in front. I see the stars popping out at me, but the focus still lies in the colorful nebula.
I would prefer my image to be less grainy, even though it is suitable for a first try.
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Image shows settings for Median Blur (Screenshot Creds: Sofia)
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Image is the final product of my Crab Nebula project (Photo Creds: Sofia Laboy).
Source: Gimp
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doodleous · 18 days
G u h
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marumarunyan · 3 months
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Чилловый день в Wuthering Waves с DLC Elden Ring: Shadow of Erdtree на фоне. Какие же все-таки красивые локации. Один кайф их изучать во время фарма ачивок.
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riebellion · 2 years
yazmin staats x carlton banks (s2 of bel air)
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awkwardbotany · 9 months
Weeds of Boise: Boise State University Campus, part two
In part one of this two part series, I introduced you to the Boise State University campus, located in the heart of Boise, Idaho. I’ve been spending the past year walking the campus and cataloging the weeds that I find there. Boise has a fairly mild climate compared to the rest of Idaho, so weeds are generally easy to find just about any time of year. What weeds are present depends on what time…
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hockpock · 7 months
Tumblr just served me this ad for the birthday eclipse
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hubbardart · 9 months
Hey! I’m @ hubbard.art on instagram, that’s my main but I plan on posting sketches and nsfw stuff here!
Account started 1/7/24
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tabbpro · 2 years
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Bristol DJs & Music Producers!
Bristol Collaborative Arts (BCA) is hosting an event in collaboration with Lost Track of Time events. On March 23rd, BCA will be fusing moving digital art with some of the best of Bristol's up-and-coming DJs.
Join them next week at Four Quarters or express interest in performing over on Tabb!
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toilet-reviews · 3 months
Bath Spa University SU
I was pretty desperate, but I'm never so desperate that I ignore facility conditions and experiences.
They had a lovely colour scheme and they were completely empty (yay). The appropriately sized doors made me happy and clean (FLUSHED) toilets made me feel overjoyed. I cannot even fathom the belief that students know to flush better than those visiting on business in an airport. For the first time, I felt no fear when touching the toilet seat lid before i flushed. The soap had the most wonderful aroma. However, the water increased in temperature far too quickly. Bath Spa is my top choice so im obligated to give a good review from the depths of my heart and desires.
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official-staylor88 · 5 months
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EVENT #2: EIC Bulldog Pitch Competition
On May 2, 2024, I had the opportunity to attend the EIC’s Bulldog Pitch Competition. Seeing the competition was a great experience and inspired me for next year’s competition. I RSVP’d the day before and, with the company of my best friend, headed to JEP for the competition the following day. First and foremost, every presentation was amazing. I loved the individuality of every pitch, especially with the commercials and commercials. The effort and attention to detail were noticed. My favorite presentation was that of sophomore Justice Morant, with her app Empower Her, an app to help Black girls aged 8 to 20 with hygiene, menstruation, and puberty overall. The app connects users with OBGYNs, resources for both them and parents, games, and more. Her presentation stuck out to me for multiple reasons. Firstly, she was SERIOUS about her brand, and how she presented that showed that passion. She even made a t-shirt to advertise the app, like that’s true commitment. Furthermore, her slideshow stuck out. She created a prototype app display to show judges and the audience how EmpowerHer would come to fruition. There was a lot of dedication and time put into her pitch and it showed. 
Every presentation used graphic design, and graphics in general, in various ways. Some presentations had unique logos, the EmpowerHer presentation and the Vegan Pub presentation (from Calvin-Caleb Amiolemen) had their hypothetical app layouts, the KTV presentation used the presenter, Keonna Thomas’ past digital imaging and artwork to show off her credibility for her media recording and production business. Everyone’s personalities showed off in their presentations, especially with how they related to the audience through jokes, the standout points they highlighted in their pitches to the color choices they used to advertise their product. That’s why I felt so connected to the presenters and why this event inspired me. I like to show my personality in the work I create, and that was especially present in the collage assignment done in Intro to Computer Graphics. Color choice, font choice, and image choice are all very important, and how they blend can affect how someone interprets your message and interprets you. Overall, the event was great. It inspired me to start working on an idea for the next Bulldog Pitch Competition, and hopefully, I can create some as amazing as my fellow Bulldogs did this year.
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doodleous · 3 months
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Really liked this drawing of Will :>
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marumarunyan · 22 days
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Медитативная игра под настроение.
В планах поиграть в This war of mine, хочется чего-то постапокалиптического. К слову, вчера был просмотрен фильм Snowpiercier, а до этого всякие дорамы и фильм про зомби.
А еще я наелась черешни.
Game: FAR: Changing Tides
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onetechavenue · 6 months
Bulacan State University developers win 3rd iTHINK Hackathon of ISLA Camp (ICP HUB Philippines)
04 April 2024, Philippines —  Four student developers from Bulacan State University (BSU) have emerged as the winners of the third iTHINK Hackathon organized by the  ISLA Camp (ICP HUB Philippines). Held as part of the International Conference on Innovation, Technology, and Entrepreneurship (IRCITE) 2024, the iTHINK Hackathon concentrates on projects that utilize the Internet Computer Protocol…
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