#Btw the wings I draw are metaphorical
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Some Robotic Mythology comic sketches I made in class today
Suns finds out about their true purpose of creation and has an existential crisis :)
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Not every day I turn to an NHP for advice, but fuck it, I'll bite.
Callsign Angel speaking; yes, I'm well aware of the inherent irony here. Never mind that. I'm here to ask for some recommendations on how to play nice with my squadmate who won't (can't?) stop slagging her Tokugawa every other deployment because, and I quote, "heat sinks can bite my shiny metal ass".
Her LL6 Toku build is based off one of your suggestions I think; uses a even split of Toku and Nelson licenses. Likes to go fast and overheat faster. I'm working with a LL6 Dusk Wing; pretty standard high-mobility sniper build with a variety of HOR_0S tech systems (Kobold, Minotaur, and Goblin) for when idiots get too close (or go the wrong direction, which is anywhere out of my line of sight).
Any advice on how to stay clear of a Toku's danger zone range and still be an effective hologram bomb sniper? High mobility helps, obviously, but with all the burn she's pumping out I can't help but feel more than a bit threatened in her airspace.
-- Angel
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pkmn-lillie · 1 year
TOTK AU idea!! spoilers for the ending of the game!!!
so you know how Zelda got un-dragon-ed by Sonia and Rauru at the end. what if it didn't work right? like, it only *mostly* reverses the draconification, so zelda has horns and a tail and spikes and scales, all that fun shit. But where did all that extra energy go?
It went to the other three dragons, who are now hanging around in hylian-adjacent forms in Hyrule (or the Depths ;)) and having fun/making trouble. I'm going to posit that they didn't start out as mortals like Zelda, so they have more memories of being dragons, unlike Zelda who was 'sleeping'. Also I'm bringing Ganondorf back, but getting exploded has knocked a lot of memories out of his head.
While the defeat of the Demon King has slowed the Blood Moon phenomena and greatly reduced the number of monsters on the surface, it has correlated with a surge in monsters and stalfos in the Depths, making it incredibly difficult to traverse, even by the Yiga. the Gloom has also disappeared from the surface, and only pockets of it remain within the Depths.
Because both Zelda and Link are trying to recuperate and manage the kingdom (and her new body,) they don't find out about this development until a few months after the defeat of the Demon King.
I've been alternating between he/they/she pronouns for all the dragons btw, i don't think they'd particularly care. (all three of the dragons are also wearing their respective armor set for convenience)
More on the dragons below the cut
They are the tallest of the trio, (3.5m) and also bear the most resemblance to a Gerudo voe.
I have no way to describe his hair other than that it's Gotenks hair. Their hair conveniently sticks up like their horn.
Prefers one-handed weapons and shields.
He wakes up on the shores of Rassla Lake, heads to Tuft Mountain to get the lay of the land, and runs into Bolson.
Farosh: my name is Farosh.
Bolson: like the dragon?
Farosh: ??? of course???
I don't think anyone would immediately clock her as being The Thunder Dragon, just some weird Gerudo who chases off all the pirates.
They don't go to Gerudo Town because she gets mistaken for a voe by a stable attendant, and he misunderstands it as 'dragons aren't allowed'
They have the smallest stature, and besides the dragon features he also has a variety of malice scars (a la botw) and feathers (for flavor).
She also has the longest hair, like a waterfall, and white/light blue in color.
Prefers bows and wands/staves.
He initially patrols Mount Lanayru and slowly starts interacting with Kakariko, Hateno, and the Zora as a 'lone wolf monster exterminator'.
I think she would be the first one that Link & Zelda would learn about, and the least cooperative (they don't want to leave their territory.)
I think that their horns would look a bit different than the frostbite headdress, having three large separate spikes with smaller shards in between.
Poor Dinraal got their legs while they were in the Depths, and being unable to fly means that he's just kinda stuck down there-- not like she's complaining!
Dinraal is the most muscular of the dragons, and his skin has a rocky texture where it's not covered by scales. Their skin tone is also notably grayer than a normal Hylian.
His hair is very curly, in red/orange/yellow hues, and she keeps it tied back with a metal band.
Prefers two-handed weapons and hammers.
They are the one who finds the returned Ganondorf, who is stumbling through the Depths trying to avoid dying (he is bad at it, because he's lost most of his memories: Dinraal saves him.) She takes him under their metaphorical wing, and tries to teach him how to be the wielder of the triforce of power *without* becoming corrupted by Demise.
thank you for coming to my ted talk. if you want to write/draw anything from this, just tag me because i wanna see 🥺
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its-the-cat-queen · 7 months
*flutters down on iridescent wings*
It is me! The Infodump Fairy! I have come to cast a spell upon you that will cause you to ramble for way too long about Trolls! Please, o’ talented one, tell me why this series has captivated you so!
(Ok but seriously I’ve seen your stuff for it (which fucking SLAPS btw) and this is a series I’ve never really been very interested in, so I’m very curious about what draws you to it! Only if you want to share, of course! As you can see, I am not a real fairy and my spells are fake lol)
Oh dear Infodump Fairy! Your spell is taking its effects!
Asfdhgd seriously though, believe me, I have no problem rambling about Trolls all day jvjfjhf. This is not gonna be very coherent, so sorry in advance. 😅 (Also, thank you, I'm so glad you like my work! <3)
Okay so. I've actually been here since the trailer for the first movie came out (I wasn't very active in the fandom back then, though). I was already invested from that moment on, specifically in the two main characters, Poppy and Branch, and their dynamic, who I took one look at and said, "yeah, I ship that" hfjhf. I think what mostly got to me was the characters, the designs, the fact that it's such a fun and colorful world, and of course, the music. The songs are so good! Like, all of them. Yes, they are mostly just covers of already popular songs with some word changes here and there, but my GOD, are they good covers! But anyway, love me a musical with fun characters! Personally, I think all of the characters have deeper issues about them than what you can see on the surface and what you would expect from a children's movie franchise. Like, Branch has so much trauma it really just feels like in every movie they are just trying to give him more and more problems hdkhdjd. Which of course, makes him a pretty compelling character altogether. Do other characters have as deep issues as him? Some of them. But like, they don't really have that much screentime, sadly. While Poppy and Branch are equally important characters in the first movie (and well, in all of the movies, imo), the second movie is what I would dub as "Poppy's Character Development - The Movie" jgkjfjfj. While the first movie operates with the whole "happiness is inside of all of us, we just need someone to help us find it" kinda message (which doesn't fully stick the landing but oh well), the second goes for stuff like differences, equality (of sorts), and tbh some kind of colonialism metaphor?? It also widens the world of trolls as we've known it, as we learn of other tribes of trolls, who are all connected through different kinds of music. So the whole worldbuilding here just makes things even more interesting.
Now the third movie. In the words of youtuber Mann of 1000 Thoughts, it "gives no fucks in all the right ways". Tbh the Trolls timeline has already been questionable, as is, with the Netflix tv shows that came out after the first and second movies, but this just throws another ranch in the system, and says fuck you to the timeline altogether jckbfh. Like, I managed to make it work once I dedicated a good half hour figuring out how Branch's secret long lost brothers who he was in a band with when he was a baby fit into the picture, but it's not perfect even then. There would definitely still be plotholes gkfhfgf. But at this point you just gotta turn your suspension of disbelief on and just go along with it, cuz it is SUCH a fun experience besides all that. (This goes for all the movies btw. Turn your brain off, you're gonna have a great time jfkhf.) Ngl this is the movie that really got me to jump right back into the fandom with full force, and now I'm back to thinking about all of the previous movies as well and appreciating all of the characters. Tbh when I watched the trailer for the third movie, I thought that the whole long lost brothers storyline was the worst idea they have ever come up with, and then I watched the movie and I was like, "fuck this is the best thing ever" gjfgdhd. Idk, we learn enough about Branch's brothers for them to be compelling characters of their own, while we also have a 20 year old gap in which we can pretty much imagine anything into, cuz we don't actually know all the details about how they got to where they are today after the band broke up. Idk, it's like a sandbox you can play in. And that is so much fun. Also, yeah. The music in the third movie also SLAPS! I listened to the soundtrack on loop for a week after watching it jfkhfh.
The humor is also great in all of the movies, in my opinion. I think my humor operates on Trolls standards at this point, which everyone can decide for themselves if it is good or not hkfjfj. I'm having fun so that's all that matters to me.
But yeah, it's just. Idk. It's difficult to pinpoint something very specific that lured me in. Although, I did mention quite some stuff altogether jfkjjf. It's all about the experience for me. The movies are just filled with so much energy, which I love, and they are, in my opinion, the perfect combination of that energy and emotional impact. Are they perfect movies? Absolutely not. But I'm enjoying myself immensely while watching them, and that's l that matters. Soooo yeah. That's about it for now, I've already been talking too long hkfhfjf
Hope some of this made sense, at least jkfjfj. Thank you for the ask <3 You sadly had no idea about the beast you would unleash fjdgdhd.
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soderdog · 2 years
Character reference sheets time!!
so,, here is my fursonas refs with info about them, lets go!!!!
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Whiskey is my truesona, I use them to say "it's me, but not me!!". They have my real name (Max**), they have long claws bc I have long nais (it's really usefull), they have same hair and eye color as me.
fun fact: I named them "Whisky" bcause I heard there character named Brandy in "Bluey". Like "ha-ha drink dogs"
Fun fact 2: Also one of their names is Scotch, bc I know only one sort of whiskey - blended scotch whiskey.
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Soda is more like mascot. Or Whiskey's fursona. Soda is more ideal or cooler image of Whiskey. They have chainsaw and superpower to get chainsaws from nowhere. Also Soda is not exist. They just in Scotch's imagination.
Apple (Juice)
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Apple it's worst image of Whiskey. Like if we look on whiskey in black glasses. All Apple's characteristics it's Whiskey's, but explained like something bad. For example: Apple helping only because he want to feel better or he wants a feedback. It's mean that Apple's help it's bad and narcissistic. btw you can explain everything from this pov.
Important: Apple also in Whiskey's imagination. So, all contacts Apple with Scotch only in his head. And not less important, it's the fact that Apple is more like ... Some..hmm... Something. Their body don't have any organs or bones inside, they also don't have anything that can say something abt their biological sex, but Apple can generate it, if he wants. But Apple need to know how these organs looks and works. They can do it by touch/scan it, or by reading/watching/listening about them. If you interested how apple works: Apple it's part of black mystic something, that something it's their brain and other things he needed. Yes, if you divide Apple, you will have Apple and... Other mystic silverfox. It's way how msf multiplying.
fun fact: Apple can also make their paws or neck longer, or move it around. it's means, that there no way to draw Apple's anatomy wrong. Just draw body, 4 paws, tail, head and neck, no matter where!
fun fact2: one of Apple's names is January, because I/Whiskey/Soda/Apple was born in that month!! And also it's shorts to Jan.
(not really) fun fact 3: One of Apple's names is my deadname so I wish you step on a lego if you want to know it or if you will call me by that name 🥰.
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Apple can have inbetween form with Soda or Scotch. It's looks like Soda (or Scotch) have parts of Apple. Like Soda with black paws, or other edgy stuff. Soda (but not Scotch) also can get more paws, or wings or whatever from Apple.
If for Soda collaboration with Apple means "omg new cool superpowers, I can have two butts now!!", for Scotch it means "oh no, now I'm just like my mothers" or "I'm becoming someone who I hate"
Also, Scotch not becomes part-time Apple irl, in his case it's only metaphor, no super powers or something. They have this "dirty paws" effect only in his mind
edit 26 feb of 2023: end part was cutted. Apple and inbetween explained better. Added fun fact abt Apple. text became shorter.
edit 3 mar of 2023: added more info about Apple :)
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okuu or orin unless already submitted ?
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OKUU. HAS. SO MUCH SWAAAAAG!!!!!! I LOVE OKUU...she is suuuuch a coolgirl....sometimes im sad when people say shes So Dumb like i know she can be a little dumb but like shes still PRETTY SMART...LIKE SHE DOES NUCLEAR FUSION....i think shes like. to use a dnd metaphor, a high INT low WIS girlie. my beloved!!! also biiig bird wings are so epic 💚 i give her a friendly kiss on da cheek :] also her theme song SLAPS!!!
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ORIN....MY SPECIALEST LITTLE MEOWMEOW....she is definitely one of my touhou faves, tied with okuu!!! (they are a package deal! do not separate!) its so funny shes like HALF of the reason i got into touhou cuz one of my friends showed me a pic of her and was like. Julian. That's You. and HE WAS RIGHT! its like ZUN scooped the ideal character design for julian to become obsessed with & draw constantly right out of my brain....her personality is so sillyfunny and i ALSO enjoy her theme as well!!! btw i am working on a rin cosplay :]
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what was the idea behind the meta theories drawing ya did? the one where four had the strings around him n such :0
the general idea is "SMG4 suddenly became aware of his existence as an Avatar for the Creator of the world he lives in, causing his descend into insanity. his code corrupting in the process, causing some parts of him to not rander."
the drawing took inspiration from the Avatar Theory, & the song Exorcism!
the strings are metaphorical :]...kinda? ah donno ah didn't think this one through enough for it to be an AU.
oh & the angel wings on his cap are to drive home the fact that he was basically sent by the universe with a goal that he originally felt happy to fulfill because...well, it was his only purpose! :D
the strings & wings part are made up by me in the moment btw. i got an idea & wanted to add it >:]
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sysig · 5 years
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She’s feeling quite confident actually, thanks for asking
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stay4stray · 5 years
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Map for Broken Compass and the Stray Kids Timeline
Recently, Stray Kids have been displaying a lot of performances with literary and/or cinematic themes - often 2 in one (Dead Poet’s society, Game of Thrones).  In the Intro to Levanter video, Chan mentioned inspiration from a book and also a poem, and of course we have the Road Not Taken, referencing Frost’s poem (oh and of course Kung Fu Panda!).  I think these are hints for us, that their MVs have similar allusions - namely, they allude quite a bit to Maze Runner.  After realizing this I did some more research and found that someone else had reached this conclusion long before I did, so watch their video here!  This really makes me want to reread the whole Maze Runner series ‘cause it’s been a while but that’s irrelevant.  Obviously I’m slow catching onto this so I’m not really gonna argue for this as its argument is already established, lucky me!  But understanding this allusion does help with how I’ve come to understand the SKZ storyline through the Map for Broken Compass that was recently released.
The main connections to Maze Runner that I’m concerned with:
man vs. society; themes of manipulation
the plot set up as a series of trials, hidden one illusion inside of another (maaaaAAtryoshka? 👀 I kid I think)
the very beginning of the Maze Runner movie has extremely strong parallels to the Hellevator MV)
Note: This isn’t to say that the SKZ storyline is the same as Maze Runner!  It very obviously isn’t, in my opinion.  The villains seem completely different and the overall conflict is likely different (in MR if I remember correctly the overall issue was that the world had suffered from solar flares so it ended up being an environmental conflict?).  I don’t know what the overall conflict of the SKZ storyline is just yet but from Miroh they seem to be setting up a rich vs. poor conflict... Though that might not be the overall issue, just like how MR has multiple layers.
But I’m getting ahead of myself.  Let’s go back to the Map.  At 3 am two nights ago, I made a super chaotic post about how I think it’s meant to be read, so check that out for details if need be but the main idea is that the motifs from different MVs and the way they reappear in different eras and places on the map is how we can find our chronology.
So in the map image above I’ve labeled various things.  The numbers are the motifs, in no real order, but vaguely in order of their visual placement on the map.  Some have letters, a and b, which are when motifs repeat on the map.  The circles draw attention to some things that I think are likely important but am personally still very confused about.  And then I’ve added some translated lyrics that I think are important to the storyline.
I don’t think Hellevator is the start of the timeline.  I think, like MR, it’s the start of the timeline the boys’ remember.  At that point, I think they’ve already entered their first “trial” or “illusion” - that being, they’ve been given a place to live “happily,” but they’re isolated from anyone except themselves.  The reason they haven’t left is because their way out is labeled Hellevator - in other words, they’re convinced to stay through a combination of contentedness and fear.  However, when they eventually leave, they end up in a field of flowers, which doesn’t exactly scream “Hell,” does it?
In my opinion, My Pace and I am YOU are directly connected and in that order - they almost have to be, based on the MVs, I think.  I believe My Pace is the start of the timeline as we know it - I think it is where the conflict between the boys and society starts, as the boys decide to do their own thing, go their own speed.  This is further confirmed when Jisung takes down the camera in I am YOU, which may be the significance fo the broken camera that I’ve circled in red on the map - even though it’s by the My Pace tunnel, it’s not actually broken until I am YOU!
Similarly, Miroh seems to lead to Side Effects/Yellow Wood based on the MVs.  What’s confusing is there’s a possibility that Side Effects actually happened more than once - that the part where the kids get on the bus did actually happen, but somehow they eventually ended up at the same crossroads and took the other path.  On the map, the elevator connects the two of them, which leads me to believe that Hellevator leads directly to I am NOT/District 9.  
Based on motifs, namely the shopping cart and the couch (both of which are in both IAY and the Hellevator MVs btw), Hellevator is up next.  Notably, the Hellevator motifs are placed near the District 9 bus, so we could reasonably say that I am NOT comes next, based on that as well as the elevator.  I mentioned before that their hideout in Hellevator is a place meant to make them complacent, which is supported by the fact that some of their things, the shopping cart and the couch, were taken from their initial I am YOU hideout.  It reminds me of when you move a pet from one place to another and keep their toys with them so that the new place still feels like home.
Based on the 1.5 moon motif, though, Yellow Wood is up next!  Either that, or Yellow Wood came before I am YOU, which I don’t think is the case.  My thought is, Side Effects represents choosing to blend with society or choosing to rebel, so perhaps at one point they chose to go with society, but they eventually realized they were unable to fit in and rebelled, ending up at Hellevator in the end either way.  That’s also why I think the I am NOT part of the map has the Side Effects drone - it’s another point at which they had to make that choice between society and freedom.
From Hellevator, as I’ve mentioned, we go to I am NOT, video-wise this means the I am NOT trailer and the District 9 MV.  From there, we have the bottle of flowers and the field of purple flowers from Hellevator replicated near Levanter... which we can’t say too much about until tomorrow!  But it should lead to Miroh based on the eagle motif and the walkie talkie motif there-- which, people have probably said this already, but the eagle itself likely represents SKZ while the lion represents society (think Young Wings for the eagle and for the lion, it’s attached to things like the City Jungle and the bus driven by the Miroh dude so that checks out imo for more than one reason).  My suspicion is that the use of so many previous motifs in Astronaut represents Hyunjin getting lost and having to remember the way back to where the rest of the group is... This could mean literally having lost his memory or it could be a more figurative form of losing his way.
Anyway, from Miroh we end up at Yellow Wood, based on the elevator on the map as well as the MVs, and this time it’s more literal than the previous encounters with YW - this time they chose a path and throw away the key, never looking back.  They won’t go back to Yellow Wood again because they’ve made their final decision to truly rebel, there’s no going back (which I think may be why Hyunjin was so stressed in SE).
We find ourselves once again at the Levanter part of the map, with the eagle representing running from Miroh’s City Jungle.  And that’s pretty much all I’ve got, at least until tomorrow!
I will say that I think it’s possible that SKZ infiltrates society a few times before fully rebelling, in order to free more people like themselves and build up their forces.  I think something similar happened in Maze Runner as well.  A part of me wonders if SKZ plays themselves, but also other like them in a sort of metaphorical way (if that makes sense?).
It’s also possible that someone else helped them escape from District 9 - the drone that broke in that Chan found, for example.  Where did it come from?  It could have been their past selves, who anticipated their being stuck with wiped memories!  It could also have been other “stray kids” who’ve already escaped.  Maybe it’s I.N’s “twin?”
Okay yeah I think I’m really going off the rails here so I’m gonna wrap up really quick with one final section here!
Things I don’t know what to do with:
keys - my suspicion is that they are part of yet another illusion set up by society (meaning, society wants them to think that the keys will help them escape but it’s all just another trick/trial), and that’s why SKZ has discarded some of them - for example, taking down Miroh will probably not grant full freedom, because freedom is outside of the map, so maybe they discarded the key to return there.
marbles - I’m guessing they have to do with memories somehow but thus far they have only showed up in Astronaut so it’s really hard to see patterns with these just yet.
elevators - I mentioned that they might show direct connections between MVs, but I’m very uncertain about this, actually.
“ghost” I.N who stayed behind in Astronaut - though I will note that he seemed to have a clone or a twin or something in District 9 so that could explain how one I.N went with SKZ and another stayed behind?
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fart-gate · 4 years
Season 4 episode 8
Notes by me
- the thumbnail is a lizard man
- archeologist! Daniel
- "sg11, archeologist survey, P3X 888, dig site 5" is it bad i thought it was sexy when he did this
- I paused it on the fossil and it looks like it had wings???
- Cleo lol
- so the goaulds werent parasites a few million yrs ago. Good to know
- robert rothman is bossy as hell
- old goaulds did NOT have naquada in their dna
"Thats significant"
"How so?"
"I have no idea"
- 🎵sometimes I feel like...somebodys WATCHIN MEEEE🎵
- omg Daniel one punch and your down. Need to have more combat training with tealc buddy
- Daniel gets kidnapped YET AGAIN
- rothman yelling for Daniel was nice actually
- an unas!!! From the viking episode
- hopefully this one doesnt sound like james earl jones
- sg1 said oh Daniel in trouble? I already have my boots on lets go
- P3X 888 is where the goaulds originated? Didnt we already try looking for a homeworld?
- I thought the unas growling was Daniel snoring for like a hot sec ok im tired leave me alone
- apparently nobody likes rothman and yeah i get it hes annoying
- tealc is lead on this one! Master tracker
- "rest!....it means.......rest"
- "grrrrr rest" the stargate programs professional linguist everyone
- love Daniel just talking to himself
- "yes! Very refreshing! ok im good for the next ten miles"
- his eyes are piercingly blue for my pleasure only
- forest sets are my favorite btw
- 2 moons thats so cool why doesnt earth have 2 moons we're missin out
- why does he have 2 phones???
- oh its a recorder
- daniel recording himself: this creature has dragged me around for hours and wants to eat me. But other wise we've become great pals < 3
- "juvanile" he got kidnapped by a teenager akdndjd
- im sorry his eyes are so distracting
- OKAY OKAY when it growls at him and he puts his head down to be submissive hhhhrrrrnnnngggggg
- daniel could make friends with a rat and it would show him all their rat friends and rat culture. I got away with that metaphor but you know what I mean. He could make friends with anything
- I just CANT get over how pretty he looks in this ep??? You thought I wouldnt keep talkin about it??? U were wrong
- this unas whole costume is so cool
- daniel: *tries to drink by dipping face in water*
Unas: what were you raised in a barn?? Use your hands idiot
- how is he swimming with his hands tied
- that goauld came at him like a torpedo
- ok! The unas said you get goauld guts all over your face for being an idiot
- ka means no
- well now hes gonna be wet forever (👀)
- is hawkins the leader of sg11?
- of course Jack sits RIGHT next to the goauld infested lake!!! Of course!!
- ah my favorite. Spit roasted parasite
- needs salt
- unas: this is my cave
Daniel: LOVE what youve done with the place
- hot potato with a goauld head ajdjs
- "yes yes all the kids are playing this these days OOPS in the fire!"
- at least he made him laugh
- why every time one culture shares food with earth its always chocolate?? Why not idk fuckin??? Pringles???
- oh its a cliff bar
- alright. He didnt have to sexually moan while eating a cliff bar BUT he sure did
- this unas is very curious
- "I met my father in law like this" OOF movie reference
- btw the guy that plays the unas?? Amazing 10/10
- ah shit hawkins has a GOUALD!!!!
- the unas have cave drawings ooooo
- daniel recording himself: me and the unas are besties now
Unas: *draws picture of him dragging Daniel to his doom*
Daniel : ......nevermind
- can tealc sense the goauld in the lake?
- when he shoots it out of the air. Invented sexy
- Sam can only sense the ones with naquada!!! This is really cool plot
- jaffa are unblendable. I wonder if the other guy that was immune had what jaffa have
- daniel about to kill him with a large rock and then his chaotic morals take charge again
- btw no glasses Daniel has been here for almost the whole ep
- "its been a hoot"
- "anybody with a snake in their heads, raise your hand!"
- see!?!?! Tealc with the plans im tellin ya
- rothman too damn.
- that guy pronouncing goauld like "goo-ahld" ????
- "this way" *points to a sign that says 'this way'
- hurry up!! Daniel about to get consumed by reptilians!!
- aw hes protecting him!
- Daniel speak Big Lizard Man language now
- "we've communicated, we're friends!"
- "dan-yeeeell??" Oh no oh no I'm crying he wants to keep him
- "sha-ah-ka" he liked Daniel bc Daniel said the word for their moon god ok I get it now
- "whats that mean?"
"I have no idea....but I think ive just been invited to come back one day and find out" 💖😭 best friends with lizard people
Whump under the cut
Daniel jackson whump: knocked out,dragged, kidnapped, waking up,hands tied, out of breathe, collapsing, flinching, exausted, leg swiped, fell over onto back, cut on face, bloody cheek, fear, more flinching, noises!, almost sacrificed to lizard ppl
Jack and sam whump: hands tied, less than 10 min
🤓no glasses!Daniel for 99% of episode!
🎶listening to Youve Got A Friend In Me by Randy Newman🎶 bc Daniel and the Unas are besties and I think im funny
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629: "Violent Shock! Incredible News that Shakes the New World!"
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A rocky old place, ain’t it? No white sand beach resorts here. Lots of sunflowers, though. And a Colosseum. Even trattorias and quaint cobbled streets, according to the preview.
This is Italy, isn’t it?
Only had time for one episode but that wasn’t a problem at all. Thankfully, there was a lot to unpack in 629, plus more highlights than 
There was the return of Thriller Bark. Updates on the whereabouts of key OP figures. Luffy yelling down the line at Doflamingo. The reveal of why Law is set on sailing to Dressrosa. Why Kinemon is also keen to go. The arrival of new villains. The reveal of Doflamingo’s cunning plan to snare Luffy. And the reshuffling of the Shichibukai and the appointment of a VERY FAMILIAR CLOWN.
I’m still laughing, btw.
Also have to say I liked the new opening. Seemed spoiler free and it was interesting that they have pitted Luffy so openly against Blackbeard (and Akainu, I suppose. Now there are two Big Bads. Actually beginning to wonder if there ever will be a Final Villain in One Piece).
They Call Him Scoop McGee Absalom
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The action picked up with the immediate aftermath of Doflamingo’s resignation from his throne and the post of Shichibukai, which sent ripples through the OPverse. Now the protection conferred by Doflamingo’s Shichibukai status had vanished, his subjects lamented, “Dressrosa is done for!”
Elsewhere, an unwinnable war raged. Unwinnable because the side in question had struck a deal with the Donquixote family. Now Doflamingo is no longer king, the supply chain has dried up.
Various famous faces who had grabbed newspapers were next. Jewelry Bonney was a nice surprise! I thought she’d been arrested by the Marines after that whole thing on the burning island with Teach. She’s obviously in hiding (standard hooded cloak) but still in action. That’s good. There was also a brief shot of Jimbei and Crocodile’s hook.
But who was the mysterious journalist behind the leaking of the Strawhearts alliance? The Kidd/Hawkins/Apoo Alliance? The fact Doflamingo had resigned both throne and warlord role?
He is known only by the name Absa.
I would have struggled to predict who Absa might have been, had they not shown a tiny Thriller Bark satellite ship.
It’s obviously Absalom. Invisibility is his thing. He’s obviously been sneaking about. For what purpose, I have no clue. Maybe Moria is out for revenge? I’m pretty certain he’s still alive as Doflamingo said he disappeared in front of his eyes. I like the thought of Moria getting angry enough to come back into the limelight. (I’m still crossing my fingers he’ll help Luffy and Law with Kaidou. Moria definitely has enough of a grudge to do it.)
We also got hard confirmation that Kidd and co. are after a Yonko. Their target is as much of a mystery to me as Luffy and Law’s is to them. (I still think it might be Shanks.)
I love it when Oda takes time to set his arcs within a wider context. Even more so now. It’s especially relevant here, given the recent emphasis on the interconnected nature of the New World.
And speaking of connections...
Hello. Is it Caesar You’re Lookin For?
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Once the contextualisation was out of the way, the action cut back to Sunny. At the end of 628, Doflamingo had finally picked up (after deliberately making Law wait to ramp up the tension. The theme of control is strong with this one).
Of course, Luffy had to formally introduce himself.
“HELLO. I AM LUFFY. I WILL BECOME PIRATE KING. OI, MINGO!” I love Luffy has already given him a nickname. “So you’re that idiot Caesar’s boss? That bastard hurt Brownbeard and the kids! We’ll give Caesar back since we promised but if he ever does anything like that again--” at this point Caesar himself was cringing hard in a corner “-- I’ll beat the crap out of you too!”
To his credit, Doflamingo did not rise to the bait. Sure, a few veins pop and he does questionable things when angered, but in negotiations, he remains cool as a cucumber.
“Strawhat... two years have passed since your brother died and you disappeared from the New World. Where were you and what were you doing?”
At that point, I never realised the significance of Doflamingo’s reference to Ace, so I just thought he was getting a, “Lol, ur brother is ded” dig in.
Of course, Luffy wouldn’t tell.
“I was hoping to run into you,” Doflamingo continued. “I’ve got something here that would make you drool.”
Since Luffy doesn’t do metaphors, he thought Doflamingo was talking about high-quality meats. To be fair, I had no idea what Doflamingo had up his sleeve at that point, so it could have been high-quality meats for all I knew.
Law was annoyed that Luffy had given Doflamingo the chance to control the conversation and snatched the DDM.
“Joker, we will hand over Caesar as promised.”
Doflamingo is not dumb, though. “That’s wise. You know well what would happen to you if you backed out now. First thing’s first, though. I want to confirm that my vital business partner is safe.”
Law held up the receiver. Caesar scooted over.
And Doflamingo was like, “Yup. Sounds like he’s fine.” 
I lol’d at that. (Was that a lowkey burn from Doflamingo?)
Law continued to keep matters strictly business. “In eight hours we will be on Green Bit. We’ll drop off Caesar there. Pick him up yourself. We will make no further contact.”
“Awwww...” Doflamingo retorted. “And I wanted to have a drink with you now you’re all grown up--”
At that moment, Luffy decided the conversation was at an end.“JUST HANG UP ALREADY!” 
He cut the connection. The Strawhearts were left alone on deck to process what had just happened. Sanji was smart about a loophole Law had left in negotiations. Law had never specified how many people could accompany Doflamingo to pick up Caesar. Theoretically, Doflamingo could arrive with an army at his back.
Law wasn’t worried. The Caesar handover was just a distraction. (Rather bold of him to discuss this in front of Caesar himself, by the way.) Destroying the Smile factory was the real mission. The only issue? Law has no info on the factory. I’m assuming they’ll have to infiltrate Dressrosa and locate the place.
Luffy was like, “You ever been to Dress Roba?” (Lmao, I’m sure he’ll get the name right eventually.)
Interestingly, Law said he had never been! There go my theories of Law growing up in Dressrosa and working for Doflamingo. :(
He definitely hates Doflamingo, though. His reasons for not stepping foot on Dressrosa? “He is king of that land.” Something has gone on between them in the past. Doflamingo has known Law since he was a kid. So did Vergo. What is the connection here??
At any rate, Luffy was blase about the whole affair. Infiltrating hostile territory to find and destroy a factory that will cause shit to hit the fan and draw the ire of the entire New World? Yeah, let’s just make up a plan as we go!
For Law, who is a clever, patient and careful man, this was just too much.
As the Strawhats filed past him into the kitchen for sandwiches, he stared with the vacant expression of a man who has stared into the depths of the abyss and found Luffy’s grinning face staring back.
He snapped.
Then you have have a gluten free wrap, Law. Chill. Everything’s going to be fine.
At least, I think.
In the kitchen, away from Caesar’s sensitive ears, they discussed where they would dock and other important initial steps of their master plan. Kinemon also revealed why he wanted to travel to Dressrosa.
Apparently, they had set out for a place called Zou but were shipwrecked. Only one of the other samurai reached the shore with Kinemon and Momo. Doflamingo’s people pursued them. Momo tried to slip unnoticed onto a ship but it unfortunately sailed straight for Punk Hazard. Their other companion, Kanjuuro, was taken prisoner.
Law was interested in the whole Zou thing, as he had planned to travel straight there to reunite with his crew (Yay! They’re okay!) after taking care of business in Dressrosa.
And Brook randomly farted right in the middle of it, lmao.
There’s a Starman, Waiting in the Sky
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And while Luffy and Law were busy making plans for Nigel, an Important Meeting was taking place at Marineford.
A grave Marine called Brannew took the podium in front of a room full of serious-looking, high-rankers (Brannew, get it? He’s a Brannew Marine to the story, ahahaha.) 
“As you all know,” he announced, “there are only seven Shichibukai. They are pirates who have been given permission to plunder by the World Government. In return, they grant us overwhelming power and prestige. Their allegiance to the World Government instills fear in pirates around the world.”
A line up of the more recent Famous Faces flashed across the screen.
Mihawk, Kuma, Hancock, Law, Donquixote Doflamingo, “The Celestial Yaksha” (I have yet to google that to find out what it means) and a newcomer.
Who was this newcomer?
He is the man who rapidly grew strength over the past two years. Commander of the Pirate Dispatchment Org and Living Legend: THE STAR CLOWN BUGGY!!
Of course it could be no one else that Buggy! Who else would have such INCREDIBLE, BEWILDERING LUCK!
Even Buggy admitted he was totally winging it. “It’s not like I asked for this. The World Government kept bugging me so I had no choice. That said, this is only a rung on the ladder. I’m moving up in the world now. In a few years, I’ll be a Yonko.”
And you know what?
I believe it.
Only Buggy would be able to become a Shichibukai by accident. Why not a Yonko too? The World Government must be pretty desperate to fill spare seats if they asked Buggy. 
The serious Marine also spoke of the grave situation surrounding Doflamingo’s sudden resignation. Law’s activity and alliance with Luffy is under suspicion. Depending on what he does next, Law may be stripped of his title too.
Akainu agreed. “We cannot allow Law and Strawhat to do as they please. Smoker from G5 sent me a rather annoying message yesterday. We should observe the situation for another day. I have dispatched Fujitora.”
A couple of things.
Did Smoker send Akainu a message from Kuzan? Is that why the message was “annoying”? Maybe it’s both inconvenient (bad news) and annoying (it came from his old rival).
Who is Fujitora? A new Marine villain, high on Justice? I can but hope.
At any rate, the Marines are also on the move and are watching events in Dressrosa closely. This is good. The more conflict, the better!
You Magnificent Bastard
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Meanwhile, in sunny Dressrosa, Doflamingo was also cooking up plans and future conflicts of his own.
In his palace, Doflamingo sauntered down a long corridor and entered a room with four high-backed chairs carved into card suits. As he is the Joker, I’m guessing Doflamingo has a theme going.
He apologised for keeping the others waiting. We only met two of the suit card squad. Diamante and Trebol. Trebol occupies the Clubs suite chair and is creepy. He does not understand personal space bubbles (even with Doflamingo) and he keeps insisting Baby 5 wants to marry him (creepy). His Devil Fruit power is also slightly gross (he blorts everywhere) and he has a perpetual hang snot. Not my kind of villain.
Diamante is at least funny. Example:
Doffy: “The colosseum is as popular as ever. That is thanks to you, Diamante.” Diamante: “Not at all, Doffy.” (I love that they call him Doffy.) “This is due to your charisma as king.” Doffy: “No, it’s because of your talent.” Diamante: “Oh, stop talking like I’m some hero of the colosseum.” Doffy: “But you are.” Diamante: “You exaggerate!” Doffy: “Fine, you’re not.” Diamante: “OKAY. IF YOU INSIST. I AM INDEED THE HERO RAAAARRR!”
That was weirdly humanizing. I get that Doflamingo is the villain here and he has no qualms over sacrificing his people if it needs to happen, but he knows these guys pretty well and gets on with them. Maybe it’s successfully manipulating them, sure, but the man still has social skillz.
Once the comedy moment with Diamante was over, Doflamingo asked Trebol to bring forth the Important Thing.
Trebol handed Doflamingo a mysterious box. “This is sure to pique Strawhat’s interest,” he said. “Their alliance can very easily become a disadvantage to them. I will entrust this super important box to you, Diamante.”
After some funny reverse psychology back and forth, Diamante agreed.
Then Doflamingo made the Big Reveal. The Big, Glowing, Shiny Reveal.
When he said he had something that interested Luffy, he wasn’t lying.
But it wasn’t high-quality meat.
He has Ace’s fruit.
And he is going to use it as leverage to break up Luffy and Law’s alliance.
What a magnificent bastard.
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Law was attacked by a pack of wild loaves in his youth. He’s never been the same since.
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o-dasaku · 5 years
i was wondering if you could explain the descriptions on your fgc posts and how they relate to the characters? i'm v interested
oooo for sure
don’t you (forget about me) > don’t you try and pretend, it’s my feeling we’ll win in the end. 
this one’s kind of obvious, the back half of the lyric is my brot3 tag for blamtina - they’re altogether hopeful kids that go through some (a lot of) shitty times. they’ll come out on top in the end, they’re sure of it.
here comes the sun >  here comes the sun and i say, it’s all right.
it’s a metaphor!!!!!!!! dani’s the sun, you fools!!!!!!!!!!! i don’t want to say that santana spent all of s4 hung up on brittany, but santana spent all of s4 hung up on brittany. i have no doubt she hooked up with her fair share of beautiful ladies, but she definitely didn’t date - i don’t think it’s because she was waiting for brittany to dump sam (okay she was, but not so they could be together again), i think she genuinely just didn’t feel super comfortable with it - she never really dated brittany, they were best friends and then they were girlfriends too and santana doesn’t want to leap into that minefield for the first time with just anybody.
enter: daniella perea, struggling musician who picks up a job at spotlight to help pay the bills and gets along with everybody, which is fucking rare because 90% of that diner’s staff are broadway divas in waiting (and santana) so people take notice and santana doesn’t want to like her, but she does. she really does.
so moving on from britt is hard and it’s scary, but it’s alright. she has dani. they’ll figure it out.
creep > i want a perfect body, i want a perfect soul.
i almost picked like twenty different lyrics here because it’s a Very Them song, but i feel like this speaks very well to their characters: this lyric is rachel in a nutshell, she doesn’t just want to the best, she wants to be perfect. it speaks to brody because it’s the antithesis to him: he doesn’t care to be perfect, he just wants to be himself (who, lucky him, happens to be very talented).
sidenote: i think brochel really work on that level, rachel challenges brody to want to be better while brody can remind rachel that being less than perfect is perfectly okay. i’m still sad about how they treated him.
never can say goodbye > though i try and try to hide my feelings, they always seem to show.
listen, i hate to draw riverdale/glee comparisons, but quinn’s veronica lodge. you want fire, cheryl bombshell? sorry, but my speciality’s ice. quinn wants to be cold, wants to be this untouchable ice queen but-
she just isn’t (just like veronica, funnily enough). quinn fabray feels so much and isn’t that just the worst? i don’t think quinn wears her heart on her sleeve the way so many characters on this show do, but she feels things very strongly, much to her own annoyance. whether or not the world sees isn’t really up to her either, as much as she wishes it was.
(on the riverglee comparisons: santana is cheryl, puck is reggie and sam is archie. i know people cast finn as archie but ehhhh. i don’t have anything super solid on anyone else, but rachel is probably betty and kurt is probably kevin (i’m not saying that because they’re both gay, more “i exist solely to prop up betty/rachel when needed”). jbi is evelyn from the farm and i will hear No Arguments on that.)
being alive > i’ll always be there as frightened as you to help us survive being alive.
i’ll be honest, there is an infinitely more kurt line in this song (someone to crowd you with love/someone to force you to care/someone to make you come through) but um, this is literally one of my top 3 musical theatre songs and that lyric is one of my absolute favorite lyrics ever, musicals or otherwise. 
but this line does relate to kurt (and blaine, i guess- this song is clearly meant to implicate him- for the first time, i really know what it means) well enough. i know there’s a fuckton of kurt and death meta but i don’t claim to know him well enough to make sense of any of it so we’ll look at this very shallowly - i think kurt experiences life quite differently to the normal person, and we can owe that to his mother’s death or the long term bullying or whatever tickles your pickle, but he does seem a little... removed, i think. i don’t think he’s afraid to be alive, but i do think he has a long list of reservations about being alive. i think that’s where blaine generally works for him, because blaine is so alive - even if he’s scared to death about it (see: sadie hawkins, the slushie incident, literal depression), sometimes. 
i’m not here to shit on any ships, but i do wish i shipped klaine more. oh well. i’ll always have s2.
i feel pretty/unpretty > i was told i was beautiful, what does that mean to you?
i know this is a quinn line (and a very good one at that), but i find it interesting when i apply it to both of the girls. quinn and rachel are both very beautiful, though in clearly different ways - and they both have trouble believing that. or more accurately, quinn finds herself beautiful but not her self. 
anyway. i wonder if quinn’s parents ever called her beautiful, before she was quinn. they seem incredibly shallow, even if judy develops away from that - i have a headcanon that lucy was very close with their pastor (not...in a creepy way jdsdlaks) and he was pretty much the only positive interaction she had with any elders until after quinn was a thing but ANYWAY he always told lucy that she was a beautiful person but only tells quinn that she looks lovely. that informs a lot of this performance (especially this line) for me. anyway. whatever.
so to rachel: her brief interactions with her fathers make me think that she grew up being told she was beautiful quite often, but then her peers are always telling her differently - i have no doubt that places more esteem in her father’s opinions, but i’m sure that being told two different things would confuse the fuck out of a kid. quinn was likely spearheading the “crazy berry is ugly” craze in their freshman year, so. i don’t know. the what does that mean to you? is an interesting question for that line of thought.
being good won’t be good enough > i’ll be the best or i’ll be nothing at all.
please, she said emphatically.
everytime > every time i try to fly, i fall; without my wings, i feel so small.
listen. what a marley mood.
it’s all coming back to me now > there were things i’d never do again, but then they’d always seemed right.
rachel Fucks Up A Lot. we been knew. i do think she learns from a lot of her fuck-ups (not all, see: leaving nd for cabaret and then leaving funny girl for that’s so rachel), but she did genuinely think she was doing the right thing a lot of the time (see: telling finn about drizzle’s true paternity and robbing puck and quinn of that opportunity) and i don’t think she’d change much, if she had another chance - she just wouldn’t go repeating the bare majority of fuck ups.
hand in my pocket/i feel the earth move > and what it comes down to, my friends, is that everything’s just fine, fine, fine.
listen, considering this is their proposal song, i would’ve hoped for something a bit more meaningful. but i do think that there is something to the simplicity of this song, - brittany and santana are happy. they have no issues this season (outside of britt’s bridezilla tendencies) and as much as they’ve always been the type to get their feelings out via song (see: landslide, songbird, mine), they’re definitely at a point where they can just. talk about their feelings.
their song is simple because they are too, finally. what it all comes down to? they’re fine, fine, fine. :P
human nature > see that girl? she knows i’m watching, she likes the way i stare.
another song i almost picked like, five different lyrics for lmao. while the others spoke nicely to characters, this lyric is quite indicative of their mid-s3 relationship (mercy is still w shane, sam’s trying to push in on that) and uh, i think this is an unpopular opinion. so. hang tight, kids.
while mercedes and sam were certainly attracted to one another, i think there’s a few more things at play here: sam likes being in a relationship, knows that he and mercedes could be good together and he’s trying to recapture being sixteen again, so dating the girl he’d been embarking on something with is a pretty great way to do that. mercedes? i think she likes the attention, likes actually being noticed. she likes the way he stares, basically. (i’m dropping lyrics into explanations now, sue me.)
crazy/u drive me crazy (you guys are all on notice for letting this flop, btw) > tell me i’m not in the blue, that i’m not wasting my feelings on you.
marley’s spent all episode being warned against jake, but i think it’s interesting that she’s basically seeking him out here and asking are they right? his response leaves something to be desired (tell me i’m the only one you’ll see) but at least it’s a conversation they’re having? it does speak well to marley for the rest of the time she’s on the show - she’s best when talking her issues/concerns out (see: her eating disorder v her wanting to stay abstinent, neither end well for her but she seems more at peace with the latter) while jake is. jake.
(i love jake always!!!!!!!!!!)
and finally, need you now > guess i’d rather hurt than feel nothing at all.
i changed this like, twenty times. the alternative was their ship tag (and i wonder if i ever cross your mind/for me it happens all the time), but i think this speaks a lot more strongly for their characters than that does to their relationship. puck and rachel are both very all-or-nothing characters, but 99% of the time they’re going to pick all. it fucks them over a lot of the time, but i don’t think they regret it much.
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yv-sketches · 8 years
RTTE season 4 blind reactions
Defenders of the wing part 2
Ok. That cliffhanger was anticlimactic.
King Snotlout… WAT?
Clever plan Viggo.
Gruff around the edges
Good to see the thunderear again.
Gruffnut is just a Tuff recolor. I hope it has a function and isn’t laziness.
“Everything is on fire!!!” I laughed so hard.
And to see the Dragonfly-1. These little continuity nods are so much fun.
Oh and Macey too.
Swapping clothes, so the recoloring did have a function.
Finally! Hiccup recognizes him.
Ruff’s speech while threatening to mace Guffnut. Damn that was awesome.
And finally the Dragonfly-2. It’s those little things…
Midnight scrum
Ooh chase scene! I always love those.
Aren’t those outcasts?
The See you tomorrow tune! Mixed with test flight for extra awesomeness.
And the racing face paint. Continuity again!
Astrid holding Hiccups hand. How cute.
Hiccup sure got better at fighting…
Savage! Never thought we’d see that guy again. *Starts hoping for Alvin*
It’s that guy from the auction! What is it that he has to do with Drago? Or maybe he IS Drago.
… buuut Ryker still manages to knock him out with one punch.
(Btw that drawing on Ruff and Tuff’s poster actually looks pretty cool.)
Not lout
That dream sequence was pretty dark.
Also, Gustav.
The twins mentioning him sure didn’t help.
“You know, we might not be so different after all.” Finally! Someone said it. I’ve wanted this line since thawfest.
Saving Shattermaster
Dagur is alive. Yeah, I knew that from the trailer but meh…
Can’t you wear a boot over your leg? That was stupid Hiccup. Tsk.
How did Snotlout defeat those eels? <– I really think this is an important question.
“Shall we go rescue our brother?” “I’m gonna kill him.” That made me laugh.
Hiccup referred to Dagur as brother! Indirectly, but awesome nonetheless.
Dire straits
“Science!” Just like The eel effect, only this time it makes more sense.
Tuff singing his old song. Nice continuity again.
Hiccup built a submarine? Good to see his inventor side again.
Although I still don’t get how that thing works!
And he made a diving flipper out of a tail fin. Clever.
Does he have some sort of air bubble inside his helmet?
Of course things go wrong.
Toothless being forced to watch Hiccup drown with matching music. Well played.
That dragon rescued him? ~ Dragons are hardly ever grateful ~
The longest day
“Don’t you know a trappers trap can trap the trapper?”
DUDE The night and the fury for the win!
“I must be losing it, I’m quoting Dagur.”
He said it.
Gold rush
They are actually playing maces and talons. Viggo’s chess-like metaphor got turned into a little entertaining game. I don’t know why I find this funny.
Hiccup, you already called Dagur brother. Don’t look so mad, I’m sure you’ll do it again.
Heather kisses Fishlegs on the cheek. Awww
They sure are quite fond of the emotional stuff this season.
Out of the frying pan
Just one thing: Why in the name of Thor/Odin/whatever don’t those fire-suits have long sleeves?!
The diving bell returns, there goes the continuity again. Okay two things.
For a moment I actually thought Throk was dying. Three things.
Macey! Ooh Macey.
Hiccup you idiot. You are a blacksmith, just fix that stupid mace! You should be smart enough to know they did not go to Berk.
The return of Tuffnut’s song!
The earth is round Snotlout…
The twins’ helmet thingie worked? Viggo’s guards sure are as stupid as they can be.
Giant dragon-proof ship? At least Tuff stole the plans.
Consciously drowning Ruff. That is pretty dark.
Project shell fire. Ok then.
Macey! Macey! Macey!
What the … what is that shadow! O_0
Blindsided (AKA The Hiccstrid episode)
Sleuther? When did he get aggressive? I thought Toothless befriended this guy.
I’ll shut up about the whole continuity ring now.
I like how Astrid being temporarily blind gave them a good reason to talk about deeper things.
Their awkwardness is so cute. I really missed the awkward Hiccup.
The ending was so sweet!
(Although I do not really get why Hiccup is so nervous. He sure as hell knows Astrid likes him.)
Shell shocked (Part 1 and 2)
I knew from the Netflix summary that Ryker turned on Viggo, so that took away one hell of a plot twist.
“So a trapper’s trap CAN trap the trapper.” Dagur said it too! I love this quote.
Why do they make such a big deal of their relationship? Half of Berk saw Astrid kiss Hiccup. She did it again during Snoggletog and Thawfest.
Viggo looks pretty beat up…
The music while handing over the dragon eye was bomb.
“I don’t want priosoners. I want bodies.”
Viggo on Toohhless. Okay then.
“Oh lucky him.” The sass has returned.
Viggo giving Hiccup relationship advice. How did THAT happen?
Finally. Hiccup gets that Viggo is playing his mind.
NO OMG WAT a knife!?
Astrid to the rescue!
That guy from Dire straits saves them?
Hiccup saves Dagur while Dagur is behind that rock? That would be just like Enemy of my enemy.
Oh, it is Sleuther.
Dagur on the triple stryke?
Dagur called Sleuther bud! Aww
Hiccup called Dagur brother! This just keeps getting better and better.
Called it. The classic change-the-friend-for-the-valuable.
DID JE JUST!? He threw away the dragoneye!
The volcano exploded??? How did Viggo survive?
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