#Bulletproof BMW
Bullet Proof Materials
Bulletproof Cars Manufacturers in India: Top Bulletproof Car Manufacturers Service Provider in India
Shield Armoring Pvt. Ltd., a top-notch armored car company in India, makes bulletproof vehicles that are not only luxurious but also highly secure. We offer a variety of bulletproof cars manufactured by us, as well as other top armored car companies in India.
We manufacture luxury bulletproof cars that can withstand shots fired at close range by high-caliber weapons, making them the safest vehicles to travel in.
Our products are manufactured using the latest technology with high-quality raw materials at our production unit. We also conduct various tests on our products to ensure their durability and performance. Our products are available in different specifications according to your needs and requirements. They are highly appreciated by our clients due to their unique features such as reliable performance, easy maintenance & serviceability, corrosion resistance, etc.
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We are the manufacturer of Bullet Proof Cars like Toyota Fortuner and BMW X5 which are tested under Indian conditions to prove their worth.
Our clients include government agencies, private individuals, celebrities, and more who need to travel in total safety.
We have a team of expert engineers who design bulletproof cars and SUVs according to customer requirements, so you can get the most suitable vehicle for your needs. Our vehicles are made with a strong steel plate that can withstand any kind of impact or attack. If you have any questions about our products or would like to place an order for one, contact us today!
 Armoring Process.
Armoring is a process in which a bulletproof armored car is fitted with bulletproof armor to protect the occupants from bullets and other projectiles fired at them. The armoring process may include the installation of bulletproof glass, as well as additional protection such as anti-spall liners, door reinforcement panels, external slat armor, and underbody protection. Armoring may also include non-ballistic protective features such as fire suppression systems and advanced heating and ventilation systems.
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Bullet Proof Materials
Bulletproof materials are a very important part of the bulletproof car process. Bulletproof materials include windshields, laminated glass, windows and doors. The bulletproof material we use is made of a combination of layers of glass, polycarbonate, and other organic materials. The thicknesses of these layers vary depending on the type of material being used.
we hope we have given you some more information about the bulletproof car manufacturers. If you are looking to buy an armored car, read our blog first and then go ahead.
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crappymixtape · 8 months
because of you • part two
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PART I • PART III • PART VI • PART V • EPILOGUE // REQ -> @sattlersquarry ❝ an enemies to lovers fic with Steve? 💙 maybe they have to put aside their differences to fight upside down stuff and realize they actually have a lot in common 👀 • 18+  | ( 3.3k – little bit of king!steve, mostly angst with a dash of fluff, enemies to idiots in love, steve x reader )
B E C A U S E O F Y O U • P A R T T W O 🎶 theatre, etta marcus
‘Stealing a Winnebago’ had been easier than you’d assumed, but the getaway execution went exactly like you thought it would. Absolute disorganized chaos and the way Steve peeled out of the trailer park dumped you into Robin’s lap for the first mile. Made you even more skeptical of whatever half-assed plan these people had frankensteined together and now? You found yourself browsing the clothing section of The War Zone.
What in the hell were they thinking coming here anyway? From Eddie’s retelling of what happened under Lover’s Lake it sounded like not one of them knew anything about hand-to-hand combat, let alone guns. Couldn’t even land a punch, but thought they could handle this? Walls of rifles on display, rounders full of bulletproof gear and cases upon cases of bullets and god, you wanted to leave.
“Hey,” Nancy’s voice pulled your attention away from the tactical vests you were staring at, her eyes wide and earnest as she looked over at you. “If I go over to the counter, you gonna be okay?”
“Oh, totally,” you lied. “Yeah, was gonna go look over here anyway,” and you thumbed over your shoulder at more vests.
“Okay, good.”
She gave you a small Nancy-Wheeler-smile and left you there alone in a sea of camouflage. In the middle of a store you’d never have set foot in before all this and making you second guess yourself. Second guess what was seemingly more and more a stupid decision to go along with all of this and you huffed a sigh in frustration.
“Should’ve stayed in the trailer,” you grumbled under your breath, fighting the urge to just walk out, but apparently you weren’t the only one wandering around all the puke green clothing.
“Huh, didn’t know you had good ideas.”
The sound of Steve’s voice made your hands ball into fists, nails pressing half moons into your palms.
“Do you ever have anything nice to say?” you sneered and he had the audacity to be so causal. Didn’t even look up from the tactical vests he was flipping through and tossed one into his cart.
“Not to you I don’t.”
Anger rose in your chest like a pot boiling over, so hot it made your cheeks burn as you glowered over at him.
“What’s your problem?”
“Don’t have one.”
“Are you serious?”
“Yep,” and still he didn’t look at you. Picked a bomber jacket off the rack and piled it on top of his vest and it was the last straw.
Stalking over to his side of the rounder you got right up in his face, dug a finger into his chest and said, “Liar.”
His eyes flickered at your accusation, sardonic smile pulling at the corners of his mouth as he looked down at you and warned, “Don’t say things you can’t prove, Princess.” And he leaned into your finger. Waited for you to fold. Tsked at your attitude and the sound of it triggered a memory so strong you felt like you’d been sucker punched.
Your second ever interaction with Steve Harrington happened the week before summer break.
You heard it while you were walking back to school from grabbing lunch at the diner. A high, sharp whistle followed by car horn and then—
“Owwww, damn baby!”
And you recognized the voice right away.
Tommy Hagan. Leaning out the passenger window of Steve’s BMW. Wolf-whistling at you and being a dick and you tried to ignore them, but then they were pulling up next to you and slowing way down.
“Hey, sweetheart,” Tommy purred at your back, your mouth twisting into a scowl at the sound of Eddie’s nickname on his tongue. “You need a rid–” he started to ask, but his question cut short when you turned around.
Mouth dropped open in shock for a split second as he realized who you were, Tommy quickly recovered and started to laugh. That obnoxious, hyena-like laugh that made you want to punch him and he smiled and whistled again.
“Shit, Stevie! Who knew the freak had an ass on her!”
“You kiss Carol with that mouth, Tommy?” you shot back, Steve stifling a snicker from the driver’s seat.
“Bet you could do for a kiss, baby,” Tommy tsked, pouted his lips at you and grinned, “Always so damn sour.”
“Yeah? Wanna find out why?” you threatened and it made Tommy grin even wider. Shark-like. Predatory.
“Park it, Stevie,” Tommy didn’t bother looking at his friend, eyes locked on you as he opened the passenger door and jumped out of the car while it was still moving. Walked right up and crowded over you, eyes narrowing as he leaned in, “And what if I do?”
Your stomach lurched, heart leaping into your throat as you stood your ground. You didn’t think he’d take the bait, but you also didn’t shy away. God, you wished Eddie was there. Tilting your chin up in defiance you glared him down.
“Tommy, c’mon man. Just leave it,” you heard Steve’s voice from over Tommy’s shoulder, tinged at the edges with desperation as he ran up on the two of you, but Tommy couldn’t have cared less.
“Well? What’re you gonna do about it, toots?” Tommy pushed again, toes of his shoes knocking against yours as he stepped even closer, towering over you and it hit you like a ton of bricks how in over your head you were.
“Tommy, just leave–”
“I didn’t ask you, Harrington!” Tommy snapped and you took the opportunity.
Grabbing a fistful of his shirt in your hands, you yanked Tommy down into you and drove your knee into his crotch as hard as you could.
“Oh, fuuuuck,” he choked out, folded in half and hands covering his junk as he dry heaved and you took a big step back.
“Coward,” you turned and hurled the word at Steve and watched it land heavy as his face shifted. Brows pinching together and mouth dropped open, but nothing came out as he struggled to say those two little words. I’m sorry. To tell you he wasn’t like his friend, but his silence betrayed him.
“You bitch,” Tommy grunted at you as he tried to straighten up, one hand still over his crotch.
“Don’t move! I’ll–I’ll get you expelled!” you threatened and it made him laugh. A mean, mirthless thing.
“No fuckin’ way. My mom’s on the school board, who’s gonna take your side?”
And you looked back at Steve for a split second, silently asking him to step in and do something, but he stood frozen in place. Still unable to go against his ‘best friend’ and what little belief you had left in him was shattered.
You were done with Steve Harrington.
Shaking your head, you fought back the tears burning at the corners of your eyes and ran up the path to the cafeteria doors. Disappeared behind them with a loud, metallic slam! and left Steve alone to drown in the deafening silence.
Don’t say things you can’t prove, Princess.
It was like no time had passed, like you were still there in that parking lot with Tommy towering over you and tsking at you just like Steve was doing now, but this time you didn't run away.
“Don’t call me that!” you shoved at his chest and he stumbled back a step.
“Don’t call me a liar!”
“All you do is lie, Harrington! Your entire life was built on lies,” you could see his pulse fluttering against his neck. Watched his jaw tick as he clenched down on the words he wanted so badly to throw at you, but you didn’t give him a chance. “Why are you even here? You don’t give a shit about Eddie. You don’t give a shit about anyone, you’re–”
“Enough!” you flinched as his shout drew the attention of a couple older guys looking at the hunting gear. “You don’t know anything about me, okay? Not a god damn thing,” and the second part was quieter, but they way he held your gaze after punctuated it heavy.
He turned away from you, hastily pushing his cart back toward the cashier counter and walked out the double doors, but you weren’t about to let him have the last word.
“Hey, I’m not done!” you shouted after him across the parking lot. Sharp and biting and it made him spin back around, arms flung out at his sides in exasperation.
“Oh, yeah? Fine. What else you got?”
“Well, for one, I’m not going to sit here while you lord around like King Steve. This isn’t high school. No one here gives a shit about any of that.”
He squeezed his eyes shut at his old nickname. Sucked in a breath and let it out slow to try and steady himself.
“I’m not like that anymore.”
“Seriously? Do you hear yourself? You’ve been a dick to me since I set foot in Max’s trailer! And honestly? I’m not surprised! You think I don’t remember all the shit you put me through, put us through in school?” you shot back and he opened his eyes to glare over at you.
“Like I said, Princess–”
“I said don’t call me that!”
“–you don’t have any idea what this is. What we’re up against. None. You’re in over your head.”
“Okay? And what, I’m supposed to sit here on my hands and say, ‘It’s fine! Steve Harrington and all his little friends will fix this’?? You’re out of your mind!”
“And you think you can?” he shot back and your heart rate thrummed heavy in your ears.
“You know, Eddie says he trusts you now, but hell if I will. No fucking way,” and as you turned and cut past him back to the Winnebago he had to jog to keep up.
“Hey! Eddie almost killed me! With a fucking beer bottle!”
You huffed a laugh and kept walking, shaking your head at the accusation and incredulous at the lengths he was going to prove his point.
“Why should I believe you?” you called over your shoulder, “You’re probably just gunning for a headline: Steve Harrington, Hero of Hawkins!”
“Headline?? I–are you kidding me? You think I’d do all this for a headline??”
And finally you stopped at the bottom step of the Winnebago and Steve seized his chance.
“You really think I’m that superficial?” he shot at your back, but you didn’t turn around. Didn’t even acknowledge him and he spent what little patience he had left. “Hey! I’m talking to you!”
But you were already gone. Frozen in place with the world growing dark. Tree line ahead of you blurring. Unfocused and liquid like water and the ground swam under you as a voice echoed in your mind.
I see you.
The sound of Steve still talking behind you turned to fuzz, crackled like radio static and faded away into ear-splitting silence. Deafening and swallowing you whole and then you felt it. The ground falling out from underneath you and you were drowning in the dark and the voice that echoed in your mind pulled you even deeper.
Resisting will only make it worse.
Steve glared daggers at your back. Anger hot and fuming and fueled by the fact that you had the nerve to ignore him and god, he wanted to prove you wrong.
“Are you trying to piss me off? Cos its work–” but the words died in his throat as he came around to face you. “Oh. Oh, shit,” with a quick glance over your shoulder he saw everyone else finally coming out of the store and he didn’t wait to call for help.
“Munson!! Eddie!” Steve yelled over your shoulder at your best friend before grabbing your shoulders in his hands and squeezed at them. Leaned down to try and meet your unfocused, far away gaze and when none of it worked he felt his chest grow tight.
Not again.
“Hey, hey! Look at me!" panic clawed its way up his throat as he shook your shoulders, "Stay with me! Munson–hurry up!”
Your eyes were glazed over, tears gathering at the corners as your whole body started to tremble. Breathing stuttered and caught in your throat. Lips parted and trying to pull air in, but it wasn’t enough and Steve felt his hand twitch. Wanted to press it to your cheek to try and ground you, reach you and bring you back, but then Eddie was finally at your side and shoving Steve out of the way.
“Sweetheart! Can you hear me? Shit, shit, shit. What happened?? Honey? Look at me!” Eddie cradled your face in his hands. Did what Steve couldn’t. Voice ratcheted up, his usual low timbre a high pitched thing driven by fear and hearing it doused any remaining anger that had settled into Steve’s chest and replaced it with something else.
With helplessness. Regret. Remorse.
With the slow realization that everything he’d just said to you wasn’t worth it. Remembered how Nancy had yelled at him, just like you, outside of the gym. You’re bullshit! And his throat squeezed with guilt for messing it all up again because he was bullshit. He was a liar and you were right. Had he learned nothing?
He looked at you, your face contorted with fear, and he felt something new flicker within him. A feeling blooming at the pit of his stomach. One he was so certain couldn’t possibly exist when it came to you, but as he stood there watching Eddie try to shake you back from the dark he wasn’t so sure anymore.
“Steve, help me!” tears cut down Eddie’s cheeks as he called to him and pulled him hurtling back to Earth. Desperate. Pleading. Begging him to do something and it shook Steve back into action.
Heart pounding in his chest, adrenaline coursed through Steve's body and fought off the fear that had threatened to trap him in choke hold.
“Max, gimme your Walkman!” he shouted over your shoulder.
The rest of the group had started running back to the Winnebago as soon as they’d heard yelling and when Steve asked for the cassette player, Max knew time was running out.
“Shit,” she hissed under her breath and broke into a sprint, scrambling to untangle the headphones from around her neck as she hurried to get to you. “Here! It’s still Kate Bush, is that–”
“Doesn’t matter–Munson get these on, hurry!” Steve, snatched the Walkman from Max and crammed it into Eddie’s outstretched hands.
“Please, please, please,” fell from Eddie’s lips, desperate, praying that this would work as he fitted the headphones on and pressed them against your ears, “Please.”
Blinking heavy, you strained your eyes against the black. Against the suffocating dark you suddenly found yourself in. The stand of vivid, green ash trees lining the parking lot replaced by gnarled branches, dark and leafless. Bright yellow buttercups snuffed out by thick, wet vines that snaked their way across the ground under your feet.
You weren’t in the parking lot of the War Zone anymore, not really, and as you breathed in the sickly, ashen air your heart stopped in your chest.
The Upside Down.
“Eddie? Eddie!” you shouted into the dark, red lightening cracking the sky in two, and when no one answered you knew you were utterly alone.
Panic gripped you like a vice as you thought of Chrissy. Of Fred and Patrick and dread filled your stomach. Utter hopelessness and grief and when you whipped around to run you felt something tangle around your leg. Wrapping up, up, up and pulling you down, down, down.
You braced for it, ready to break your fall with your hands, but you never hit and instead found yourself lifting into the air. Unhinged laughter filling your ears as more vines snaked around your arms and legs and you swore you were going to be sick.
It was
“Why isn’t it working?? God dammit, work!” Eddie was yelling at the Walkman, his composure unravelling as Chrissy’s last moments flooded his mind. “Is she gonna die? She can’t die!” he pleaded and his voice cracked, a sob caught in his throat, “Please don’t let her die!”
“Hey hey, hey! Get a hold of yourself. That’s not gonna happen, okay? It’s gonna work,” Steve gripped Eddie’s shoulders, looked him in the eye and tried to reassure him, but when he glanced over at you he knew he couldn’t make that promise. “Please work,” he whispered, “I’m sorry.”
Where are you going? You can’t leave. Not yet.
Vecna’s voice was everywhere. Flooding every part of you and you feared you would never feel joy again. Would never escape this. Would be stuck here forever screaming into the void, hanging on Vecna’s every whim.
I would like very much to show you where I’m going. Please, take a seat.
And the vines yanked you down, squeezed tight around your wrists and legs and held you fast against the ground, rocks digging painfully into your back.
“Please, let me go!” you pleaded into the dark. “Please, I–” but your mouth went dry as a shadowy figure appeared through the ash. Coming closer and closer in the dark with each heavy step and when it finally stopped, feet at your head, your blood ran cold.
Wet, sinewy skin. Muscles exposed and stretched taut. Eyes that pierced your mind and knew every single one your thoughts. Knew all the dark things spiraling there and made them worse. Clawed at you with spindly, protruding hands and long, dagger-like claws and suffocated you with the smell of something rotten.
Of decay.
Of death.
Reaching a hand down, Vecna held it over your face, inches away from touching you as you struggled against your restraints, but they constricted tighter with your every move.
“Please,” you were crying openly now, tears cutting paths through the ash that had settled on your cheeks, but he ignored you.
I want you to tell your friends, I want you to tell them everything you see. Everything I show you.
“No, please!”
Tell them!
“No, I can’t–”
Tell them everything!
And then your head felt like was being cleaved in two. White hot light fracturing the black sky into thick shards and your screams were the only thing you could hear as Vecna pried open your mind and poured into you his vision for the future...
Hawkins in ruin.
Four gashes in the earth. Cavernous. Hot and angry and full of fire.
Your family. Lying scattered across your lawn. Motionless and still and limbs bent wrong.
Tell them!
Your friends hanging in the air just like Chrissy, Fred, Patrick.
Eyes empty, slack-jawed and lifeless, bones snapped like twigs.
Tell them!
Eddie and Robin and Nancy and Steve and–
“NO!” you screamed, the sound pulled painfully from your lungs as you felt your legs give way and collapsed into yourself.
“Whoa! Whoa, whoa, whoa–”
Steve scrambled to grab hold of your shoulder and barely caught you before your bare knees hit the pavement.
You heard birds chirping. Sunlight filtering through the backs of your eyelids as you kept them squeezed shut, but the air was clean. Smelled fresh and as you slowly opened your eyes you realized you weren’t choking on ash anymore.
“It’s okay, it’s okay,” Steve was still holding onto you, your hands pressed into his thighs as you braced yourself, the feeling of nausea overwhelming.
“I saw him,” you whispered, only Steve could hear you and you started to cry.
“Him?” Steve asked unnecessarily, glancing up at Eddie. Hoping, no praying, if he asked maybe you’d give a different answer. One that wouldn’t involve death and the end of the world and everything hinging on this stupid fucking plan, but he knew.
Everyone knew.
Eyes glued on their feet. Arms folded over their chests and uneasy with the weight that had settled over the group.
crappymixtape™ • steve harrington masterlist // stranger things masterlist ♥️ reblogs and comments keep me going, friends! ily! ♥️
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saevus-brutalis · 1 year
man, go tagged like forever ago by @katsigian but i guess i forgot akjdsgh
𝐨𝐜 𝐚𝐬𝐬𝐨𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 — 𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐣𝐚𝐡 𝐯𝐚𝐡𝐧
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𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐥: amur tiger 𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐫: vanta black, mulled grape #675A74 𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐡: late november, first week of january 𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐠: — Frank Sinatra, Rain In My Heart — Blood Red Shoes, Elijah — Jim Croce, Time In A Bottle — Engelbert Humperdinck, A Man Without Love 𝐧𝐮𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫: 4, 7 𝐰𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫: sea storm, raging snowstorm
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𝐬𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠: saffron, himalayan salt, white pepper, tarragon 𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐲: licorice 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐝𝐚𝐲: 4am just before sunrise 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐭: siberian pine, jimsonweed 𝐬𝐦𝐞𝐥𝐥: cigarettes, Inexcusable Evil Toskovat', burnt palo santo 𝐠𝐞𝐦𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐞: pyrite FeS2, biotite , cinnabar, marcasite 𝐬𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐨𝐧: harsh, unforgiving subarctic winter 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐞: claustrophobically narrow dark damp alleyways with flickering neons, end of a long dark hallway, abandoned metro tunnels running under Pacifica, underground rave clubs
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𝐟𝐨𝐨𝐝: well-seasoned, salty, scorchingly hot 𝐜𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐛𝐨𝐝𝐲: saturn, black hole, GRB 221009A 𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥 𝐬𝐢𝐠𝐧: scorpio 𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐥𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐜𝐥𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠: leather pants; worn-out, heavy duty 20lbs leather trench coat with bulletproof plating, custom-made silver signet 𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭: 78Pt, 80Hg 𝐝𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐤: sazerac, burbon, sherry 𝐯𝐞𝐡𝐢𝐜𝐥𝐞 𝐦𝐨𝐝𝐞𝐥: 1969 Ford Mustang Boss 429, BMW R 1250 GS
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So this is going to sound like a weird ass complaint but I love 3 speed roadster bikes. Their fucking fantastic, full of joy, almost bulletproof and are basically the bare minimum of what a bike needs to be imho. I always wonder why I don't have one (other than space) then I do that bit of my regular cycling commute where there's no cycle lane/path and you've got to share the road with angry taxi drivers and wankstains in BMW/Audi's who think it's their road and you're scum for wanting to use it.
The world is too cruel for a bike designed to make you take in the surroundings and enjoy the ride.
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Took about 1.4 scoops recovery magnesium.
Also before i forget.. Anyone else like the ford territory? Handles like a car really well since it waz made to bmw x5 specs. Worlds fastest suv at time which paved way fro.modern suvs to do it all. Theyre bulletproof comfy good engine etc the perfect aussir go anywhere car in rwd or awd..
Gotta get new monitor from dandenong and get my wired ps4 third psrty controller.. Also pc from marketplace?? And in less than a week going to brainwave dingley again for two flat saddles with seat posts and maybe the trek marlin 6 with new riser headset steer tube and lightweight pedals and swap out saddle n cut off 3 inches from the seatpost so you can slam it.
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barcadlyservices · 10 months
Shield Armoring has set the standard in the design and development of Luxury Armored Vehicles Bulletproof BMW. Visit : https://shieldarmoring.com"
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vividracing · 10 months
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New Post has been published on https://www.vividracing.com/blog/top-8-best-performance-upgrades-for-the-bmw-m3-m4-f80-f82/
Top 8 Best Performance Upgrades for the BMW M3 / M4 F80 F82
We all know and love the German luxury-sports car brand BMW. The sleek aggressive styling of all the BMW M models paired with the monstrous S55 make for some of the best-sounding and looking cars this side of the EV renaissance. However, if you sat in or rode in a F80/F82/F83, you will know that BMW left quite a room for improvement. With that being said, here are the 8 Top Performance modifications for the BMW F8X M3/M4.
1. RK Autowerks Billet Crank Hub
One of the most common problems with the S55 is crank hub slip. This mechanical overlook could cost you your engine. Luckily, there are companies that make one-piece hubs, alleviating this worry altogether. The RK Autowerks 4 pin billet crank hub eliminates the friction washer design that BMW used to affix the crank hub, timing gear, and oil pump gear to the end of the crankshaft.
The original flawed design allows the timing gear to spin independently from the crank, especially when the motor is modified. Best case scenario the motor needs to be re-timed with new components. Worst case, the valves contact the pistons requiring a complete overhaul. If you want to bulletproof your engine, this is the way to go. 
Featured Product: RK Autowerks S55 Billet Crank Hub BMW S55 3.0L
Part Number: #RKS55CH1
2. CTS Turbo 3″ Stainless Steel High Flow Cat Competition Downpipe
If you really want to make your S55 scream, the CTS Turbo 3 inch High-Flow catted downpipes are for you. They allow for faster spool, better transient boost response, higher boost, and great sound. You should expect 27whp/40ftlbs torque gains when paired with appropriate tuning software. CTS used CAD simulation to streamline the flow of exhaust gasses and ensure seamless integration with the factory and CTS exhaust components. Many hours of R&D were spent to ensure a perfect fit, smooth exhaust flow, and excellent sound.
Featured Product: CTS Turbo 3 Inch Stainless Steel High-Flow Cat Competition Downpipe BMW M2 | M3 | M4
Part Number: #CTS-EXH-DP-0025-CAT
3. KW DDC Coilover – compatible with EDC (Electronic Damper Control)
With the adaptive KW DDC(Dynamic Damping Control) Coilover Kit, there are no compromises to be made. You can retain the control of your standard damper system with a seamless suspension lowering and the driving dynamics tuned by KW suspensions experienced engineers. At the push of a button, you can choose between the Comfort, Normal and Sport setup optimized for the KW coilover suspension. As a result, all the displays and controls of your factory vehicle remain fully functional but you get a completely new driving experience.
Featured Product: KW Suspension DDC Plug & Play Coilover Kit BMW F80 M3 | F83 M4 w/ EDC 
Part Number: #39020039
4. VRP Front Mount Air Intake
The VR Performance Front Mount Air Intake System for the BMW F80/F82/F83 vehicle is a great way to improve performance of the turbocharged S55 Engine. VRP has engineered a complete intake system that uses the space behind BMW’s highly recognized kidney grills.  Where the factory intake uses scoops to feed the airboxes, VR relocates the filters to this space which forces a large amount of air directly through the intake system.  This intake upgrade will also help your intake air temperatures from the relocation due to the high heat of the S55 engine. 
Each tubes fit and finish is of OEM quality that provides you with confidence in performance and style.  The intake kit includes necessary breather fittings, chassis mount, and silicone couplers with clamps for an easy installation.   
As tested on our Mustang Dyno, a gain in performance was seen throughout the entire power curve.  A very strong peak gain of 27 wheel horsepower and 9 ft/lb of torque was achieved in ther power curve. Additionally, the cold air intake produces a more aggressive tone allowing you to hear the turbochargers much more.
Featured Product: VRP Front Mount Air Intake Kit BMW M3 F80 | M4 F82 / F83
Part Number: #VR-F80M3-110
5. ARMYTRIX Valvetronic Exhaust Sytem
Take your F80/F82/F83 to the next level by adding the Armytrix Stainless Steel Valvetronic Exhaust System. This system is a triple threat; it will increase your vehicle’s power, reduce weight, and improve the overall sound to transform your driving experience. This precision-made performance system delivers more power, especially in the low- and mid-rev range. The effect on the sound is also significant, adding a deep resonant sporty sound, but at the same time neutralizing the vexing frequencies in the most critical rpm range. Complete the look with the choice of four different tailpipe options: quad chrome silver tips, quad blue-coated tips, quad matte black tips, or quad carbon tips.
The Armytrix Valvetronic Exhaust isn’t just an exhaust system, it’s a complete driving system that will give you the performance gains you want with the incredible race sound to match.
Featured Product: ARMYTRIX Valvetronics Exhaust system BMW M3 F80 | M4 F82/F83 Competition
Part Number: #BMF8MT-QS11C
6. VRP Titanium Charge Pipes and J-Pipe
Replace the factory soft plastic J-pipe and charge pipes that are prone to breaking under high boost. The factory charge pipe is made of plastic and was not designed to handle the higher boost levels. VR Performance has the perfect performance upgraded that is functional and aesthetically pleasing. The VR Performance charge pipe kit is made up of the Hot Side and Cold Side sections. The hot side includes 2 titanium pipes that are a direct bolt-on in place of the factory units. The cold side “J-pipe” is also titanium featuring a precision mounted PCV connection which prevents check engine lights and limp mode. We have also incorporated a pre-capped 1/8″ NPT bung into each pipe for those that may want to run water/meth injection.
Each kit Includes heavy duty couplers, hose clamps, and all hardware required for the installation.
Featured Product: VRP Titanium Chargepipes and J-pipe BMW M3 | M4 | M2C | F8x 
Part Number: #VR-F80M3-CP-Ti
7. Endless ME20 Brake Pads
When you upgrade to performance brakes, you have more stopping power. That means that, in a higher speed incident or in situations where the car needs to stop fast, it has the ability and you have the confidence to do so.
Endless develops high performance brake solutions for the most demanding range of competition cars and high performance street cars. ME20 is a semi metallic compound, developed for racing and rallying. It is a step up in initial bite and is more straight forward with regards to brake power. With ME20 it is possible to perform very hard and late braking into corners. As with the friction and bite the ME20 is a step up in heat resistance compared to the ME22 and it has shown a good stable brake performance at high rotor temperatures over 650 degree C.
Featured Product: Endless EWIG ME20 Racing Rear Brake Pads BMW M3 F80
Part Number: #EIP 224 ME20
8. VR Tuned ECU Flash
By adjusting critical parameters including air/fuel ratios, ignition timing, throttle limitations, rev limits, speed limits, and various others (including upping the boost), it’s easy for us to squeeze a bit more power of this platform. The resulting VR Tuned flashing not only increases horsepower and torque, but also leads to an improved driving experience, characterized by enhanced throttle response and overall smoother transient throttle performance. Of course, in typical VR fashion the Pops and Bangs option is available for a little added spice.
The advantages and performance gains from the tune alone are quite remarkable. On the dyno, we made 431hp and 406ft/lbs. Once the stock ECU was flashed, we ran the dyno once again. This time we logged 530horsepower and 532ft/lbs of torque! Imagine how that felt.
Featured Product: VR Tuned ECU Flash Tune BMW M3 F80 | F82 | F83
Part Number: #VRT-F80-M3
There are dozens of other great ways to modify your F80/F82/F83. Let our performance specialists help you decide what’s right for you by calling 1-480-966-3040 or emailing [email protected].
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inkasarmored · 2 years
A Comparison of the Top Armored Trucks for Sale on the Market
If you are looking to invest in an armored truck, there are many options to choose from. You could purchase one from a private seller or a dealer, and you can find a variety of different brands and models to choose from. Regardless of what your needs are, you should always compare the options that are available before deciding. This will ensure that you get the right vehicle for you. Stay protected on the road with an armored truck. Shop our selection now for Armored trucks for sale.
Range Rover Autobiography
Range Rover Autobiography is the most luxurious model in the range and comes with a vast array of standard equipment. These features include blind spot monitoring, lane departure warning, and rear parking sensors. Other features include a heated steering wheel, Meridian surround sound system, and a panoramic roof.
In addition to the impressive range of technology, Range Rover Autobiography features a plush interior. Its leather upholstery has a natural finish. There are also winged headrests that adjust electrically. The front seats are heated and cooled.
Range Rover Autobiography has six engine options. They range from 300-350 hp diesel engines at 3.0-liters to a 525-hp supercharged V8 engine.
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BMW X5 protection VR6
The BMW X5 protection VR6 is a highly capable armored vehicle designed to protect drivers from violent attacks. It is constructed with a 4.4-liter twin-turbo V-8 that delivers 523 horsepower and 553 pound-feet of torque.
During the development of the X5, BMW was inspired by the idea of designing an armoured version of the SUV. It has 40 years of experience in designing lightly armored personnel carriers, so the design team was familiar with combining advanced technology and driving dynamics to create a protective vehicle.
Designed to provide protection against explosives and firearms, the X5 protection VR6 has a range of customised features that allow occupants to keep in touch with each other while protecting against dangerous threats. It also includes a post-crash system that helps occupants to escape quickly after a crash.
Ford Raptor
The Ford F150 Raptor has been one of the most popular trucks in recent years. It is a full-size pickup truck that is built to stomp around in the dirt. With its high-performance engine and advanced Fox Racing suspension, the Raptor is designed to handle off-road conditions with ease.
In addition to being a very capable off-road machine, the Raptor has many features inside the cabin. For example, the Raptor features a rearview camera and blind-spot monitoring. There's also adaptive cruise control and forward-collision warning.
The Raptor comes with several different trims. The standard model comes with a 375-hp engine. However, for $30 more, you can get a V8.
INKAS Lincoln Navigator
INKAS (Inkas Armoured Vehicle Manufacturing) is a Canadian company that builds bulletproof vehicles. These are designed to give private individuals and government officials protection. They offer a variety of options. This includes armored vehicles, including the Lincoln Navigator.
The Lincoln Navigator is a large luxury SUV that is built to be luxurious on the inside. It also has a strong and powerful engine. Inkas Lincoln Navigator armor has been engineered to provide 360-degree ballistic protection. The interior includes a head-up display, a rear-seat entertainment system, and power-reclining captain seats with massage.
There are a number of customization options available to ensure that the interior of the vehicle is tailored to your needs. You can choose from a range of lighting, upholstery, and other interior features. Also, the Navigator comes with approach detection technology, which can give you early warning of potential ambush.
Patria AMV XP
The latest AMV XP armored truck by Patria is a multipurpose wheeled armoured fighting vehicle that can be used for a wide range of mission requirements. Designed with a high degree of modularity, this vehicle offers optimal mobility, reliability, and performance.
Unlike its predecessor, the Patria AMV XP has a number of upgraded features. These include a powerful engine with a maximum power output of 603 hp, and an integrated terrain control system that allows the vehicle to be operated from a variety of different locations. In addition, this armored truck incorporates state-of-the-art LED light technology to improve its performance. It also features run-flat tires and hydraulically-operated disc brakes with ABS.
The armored vehicles market is expected to reach $31 billion by 2021. With increased military spending and increasing conflicts, countries all around the world are investing in the military.
Armored vehicles are designed to provide uncompromising protection for its users. They are classified according to their firepower, mobility and capacity. This market report provides in-depth analysis and data on the armored vehicles market in North America, Western Europe, Asia-Pacific and Middle East. It also includes detailed regional shares and competitors with market share.
Among the top armored trucks on the market, there are Patria AMV, Al-Wahsh, Terrex, and LAV 6.0. These are all designed for different missions. Moreover, they are armed with different weapon systems. Some of them are amphibious, while others are not. In addition, these vehicles offer excellent mine protection.
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tilts-at-windmills · 2 years
Okay hear me out on this one. Volvo from the release of the 164 has been a presence in the luxury european sedan sector of the car market. However, the most powerful engine they produced before being sold was a turbocharged straight five. The best one was, in my opinion, a turbocharged 4 cylinder (b230ft). Beautiful, bulletproof engines, but they were good for quick acceleration and bursts of speed. High strung engines don't like to run at high rpm for long periods of time. So Volvo never really competed with the s-class and 7-series of Mercedes and BMW in the grand tourer realm. Although with the exception of jaguar and the high end Italian manufacturers, who did really. But I'm rambling. Volvo gave the 242 to coach builder bertone and they handed them back the 262c.
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Well the post broke, lemme try again. Take this car, take the m117 v8 out of a Mercedes s-class from the 1980s, replace the underpowered Peugeot-Renault-Volvo v6 the poor 262 got saddled with, and put in a long geared six speed. At the other end, you get the Volvo grand tourer that we deserved, and it's time to pass people already doing 100 mph. Yeah I know you could put a small block Chevy in it, but come on, it's a 5.6l Mercedes engine! Vacuum driven systems got me acting unwise. If anyone has a lead on an old 262 or a crashed Mercedes you should totally dm me just saying.
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shieldarmoring · 2 years
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Shield Armoring has set the standard in the design and development of Luxury Armored Vehicles Bulletproof BMW. Visit : https://shieldarmoring.com
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rawdoggtv · 4 years
Inkas Unveils https://rawdoggtv.com The World’s First #Bulletproof #BMW X7 Is Here for the End Times—From night vision to fire suppression  #autoentrepreneurs
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onway-mechanic · 4 years
What is BMW X5 Protection VR6 protection?
What is BMW X5 Protection VR6 protection?
BMW has unveiled its highly protected BMW X5 Protection VR6 armored-plated SUV. The “VR6” in the name denotes its certified protection rating. Revealed look is nearly indistinguishable from the usual X5 but is manifestly one of a kind at the protection features. It’s thick aluminum splinter shield protects the powertrain and floor from explosive devices such as HG85 hand grenade. An optional…
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Who Killed Tupac Shakur? 
On the night of 30 November 1994, Tupac Shakur was robbed and shot five times by two men in army fatigues after entering the lobby of Quad Recording Studios in Manhattan. With him was Live Squad member Randy "Stretch" Walker and two other friends. Shakur would accuse Sean Combs, Andre Harrell, and Christopher "The Notorious B.I.G." Wallace - who was at the studio at the time - of setting him up. Shakur also suspected that Walker was also involved in the attack.
While Shakur was serving a prison sentence for sexual assault, Wallace released the diss record "Who Shot Ya?", which Shakur interpreted as a mocking of his robbery/shooting. 2Pac released numerous records dissing the East Coast hip hop scene, particularly Combs, Wallace, and Bad Boy Entertainment. This would be the start of the coast rivalry that dominated the mid-1990s hip hop scene and is believed to be the reason for the deaths of Shakur and Wallace.
In Los Angeles, California on the 6th of September 1996 at 11:30 pm, Shakur leaves Lacy Street Production Studio in downtown LA where he has finished recording the music video for his single "Toss It Up". After driving to his mansion in Calabasas, Los Angeles, he goes to sleep for a few hours.
In the morning, he is reminded by his cousin Jamala Lesane that they are leaving for Las Vegas in a few hours. In Las Vegas, Shakur is attending the Mike Tyson - Bruce Sheldon boxing match with Suge Knight at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas, before performing at Club 662.
At 3 pm, Shakur, accompanied by his girlfriend and cousin, arrives in Las Vegas. He leaves them behind in his hotel room to go gambling at a nearby casino. He is accompanied by his entourage, including bodyguard Frank Alexander and members of his group, The Outlawz.
After watching his friend Mike Tyson beat Sheldon, Shakur leaves the arena and enters the lobby of the MGM Grand. With him are Death Row Records CEO Suge Knight and some other associates. One of these associates spots Orlando "Baby Lane" Anderson, an alleged Crip gang member from Compton, California. This associate claimed that Anderson was one of the people involved in robbing a member of Death Row's entourage in a Foot Locker store. The heavily Blood-affiliated Death Row Record members, including Shakur, beat up Anderson. In the chaos, Shakur, who ignited the brawl, is pulled back by bodyguard Frank Alexander. The fight is captured on the hotel's video surveillance. One of the men involved in the fight is questioned by police, but his name is not recorded. Shakur, now accompanied by a large number of people who are either Death Row-affiliated or fans, leave the MGM Grand.
Shakur and the Death Row affiliates go back to their hotel rooms to change their clothing before the Club 662 performance. While getting changed, Shakur decides not to wear his bulletproof vest. After this, Shakur drives to Suge Knight's mansion where Knight and Death Row members are waiting. Shakur and Knight disappear into the mansion briefly while the others wait outside. When they appear, Shakur makes an unusual request to his bodyguard Frank Alexander. He asks for Alexander not to get into the car with him, and instead be in a Lexus with members of the Outlawz because they will be drinking at Club 662 and Alexander will be the designated driver after. This request is by Suge Knight, who wanted to talk with Shakur privately. The ten-car Death Row entourage leaves the mansion. Shakur and Knight are the only two people in Knight's BMW 750.
At 10:50-10:55, the last picture of Shakur alive is taken by Leonard Jefferson at a red light. At 11:00-11:05 pm, Knight is stopped by bicycle police on the Las Vegas strip for not having a license plate and for playing music too loud. The license plates are found in the trunk of the BMW, and no fine is issued.
At around 11:15 pm, Knight's BMW stopped at a red light on the intersection of East Flamingo Road and Koval Lane, in front of the Maxim Hotel. The BMW was in the middle lane of a three-lane road. The car was surrounded by one car directly in front, one car directly behind, and one car to the left. The right lane was empty. In the car behind Knight's BMW were bodyguard Frank Alexander, and Outlawz members Yaki Kadafi and E.D.I. Mean. A white, four-door, late-model Cadillac with an unknown number of occupants pulled up alongside Shakur in the vacant right lane. Seven bullets were fired, with bullets hitting Shakur in the chest, pelvis, and his right hand and thigh, and with one of the bullets going through his lung. Knight was hit in the head by fragmentation. Two of the BMW's tires were punctured. The Cadillac turned right onto Koval, with one of the convoy's cars chasing after them. They were not successful in stopping the vehicle.
Knight made a U-turn on Flamingo, races west to Las Vegas Boulevard, and then made a left turn. After encountering heavy traffic on the strip, Knight's car hit the median blowing out a third tire and came to a stop near the intersection of Harmon Avenue.
Knight and Shakur were taken to the University Medical Center. At the hospital, Shakur was heavily sedated, placed on life support machines, and ultimately put under a barbiturate-induced coma after repeatedly trying to get out of bed. His right lung was removed.  While being in the critical care unit, on the afternoon of Friday, 13 September 1996, Shakur died. Doctors attempted to revive him but could not stop the haemorrhaging. His mother, Afeni Shakur, made the decision to tell the doctors to stop. He was pronounced dead at 4:03 pm. The official cause of his death was noted as respiratory failure and cardiopulmonary arrest in connection with multiple gunshot wounds. 
Las Vegas police have never made an arrest. Speculation and wild theories continue to flourish in the music media and among Shakur’s followers. One is that Knight, owner of Shakur’s record label, arranged the killing so he could exploit the rapper’s martyrdom commercially. Another persistent legend is that Shakur faked his own death to escape the pressures of stardom.
Popular theories are:
* The shooting was carried out by a Compton gang called the Southside Crips to avenge the beating of one of its members by Shakur a few hours earlier.
* Orlando Anderson, the Crip whom Shakur had attacked, fired the fatal shots. Las Vegas police discounted Anderson as a suspect and interviewed him only once, briefly. He was later killed in an unrelated gang shooting.
* The murder weapon was supplied by New York rapper Notorious B.I.G., who agreed to pay the Crips $1 million for killing Shakur. Notorious B.I.G. and Shakur had been feuding for more than a year, exchanging insults on recordings and at award shows and concerts. B.I.G. was gunned down six months later in Los Angeles. That killing also remains unsolved.
Before they died, Notorious B.I.G. and Anderson denied any role in Shakur’s death. This account of what they and others did that night is based on police affidavits and court documents as well as interviews with investigators, witnesses to the crime and members of the Southside Crips who had never before discussed the killing outside the gang. Fearing retribution, they agreed to be interviewed only if their names were not revealed.
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cottonfreakz · 5 years
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Tesla Cybertruck will join Dubai's police fleet in 2020
The Dubai police force has teased plans to add Tesla‘s ‘bulletproof’ cybertruck to its fleet of police cars. The new electric pickup was unveiled by tesla CEO Elon Musk last month in California gaining widespread attention for its low-poly form and failed demonstration.
The Dubai police force tweeted an image of the truck emblazoned with their logo. ‘#cybertruck dubai police – 2020,’ it wrote on tuesday, teasing that the department will adopt the truck next year.
شرطة دبي – 2020 – Dubai Police #CyberTruck pic.twitter.com/V9rMPLgjS4
— Dubai Policeشرطة دبي (@DubaiPoliceHQ) November 26, 2019
Despite its failed demonstration, musk claims the vehicle features a bulletproof exterior. The shell is made from a newly developed stainless steel, the same metal kind that’s used for SpaceX rockets. He also claimed the Cybertruck is more capable of towing and hauling than a ford f-150, with the ability to tow up to 14,000 pounds, and is a better sports car than the Porsche 911.
The Dubai police are famous for their fleet of high-end vehicles, which include a 253 mile-per-hour Bugatti Veyron and a $550,000 Lamborghini that was added to the fleet in 2013. It also includes an Aston Martin one-77, a Bentley Continental GT, two BMW i8s and three hybrid Porsche Panameras. In 2018, designboom reported that it was also testing hoverbikes.
Talking to arabian business, Major General Abdullah Khalifa Al Marri, Commander-in-Chief of dubai police, said the Tesla truck will help enhance security presence in tourist destinations, such as the Burj Khalifa, Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid boulevard, Jumeirah beach residence and La Mer.
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gureishi · 3 years
do you think saeyoung would make any like... sci-fi style upgrades to his cars? or at least one or two of them? like the really cool high tech stuff u see in spy movies n all!!
Hehehe ❤️
Well, as you know, I haven’t seen many spy movies (or like...movies), but I have done some googling and fallen down a very strange internet rabbit hole.
Here is what I have learned.
Apparently, James Bond has an Aston Martin that is both bulletproof and shoots laser beams. Are all our boy’s cars already bulletproof? Certainly. That’s one of the first things he modified. But do they shoot laser beams?! Look, I think he’s working on it. He’s maybe not there yet, but if anyone can figure it out, he’s the one.
It seems that lots of spies in movies have cars that self-destruct—and yes, I am quite sure Saeyoung has done this to at least one of his cars. He says he did it for safety reasons (what kind of safety requires getting blown up?!), but actually he just thought it was cool. SE Saeran really wants to test this feature—you know, for science—but even if there’s no one in the car, Saeyoung doesn’t actually want any of his babies to explode.
I have also discovered that there are spy movies where cars are controlled from afar with your phone. This also sounds like something Saeyoung would do. He’s great at building apps (obviously), and like...why play with a remote controlled toy car when you can play with a remote controlled actual BMW?
Apparently there are invisible cars and flying cars and underwater cars, too. This, I don’t think even our beloved spaceboy could figure out (though he sure would like to). 
Another popular spy car mod is a tracking devise, apparently—which made me giggle, cause Saeyoung apparently owns enough tracking devices to put them on all of your outfits. So there’s no question he’s got ‘em in his cars.
Another James Bond thing is—apparently—rotating license plates that are valid in all countries. (It seems that this is a really famous thing. I don’t know. I’m really clueless when it comes to Bond movies.) First of all, how cool is that? Second of all, Saeyoung would definitely do something like this. I don’t think he used all of his cars for agency work—some of them were just, like, his pets. But there were certainly one or two that he used for work (the one he takes you to Magenta in included), and they’ve definitely got gadgets like this.
Later, though? Once he has met you, and he doesn’t have to use his cars to stay alive anymore?
He’ll put anything on ‘em that you want. A snack dispenser? He’s on it! A music system that only responds to the sound of your voice? Easy. A GPS that sings the directions to the tune of popular songs? Listen. If you want it, Saeyoung will make sure you have it. He’s never had anyone to dote on before—now, he’ll do anything just to see you smile.
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First lines
I was tagged by @creativefiend19 and @magicienetreveur
Rules: List the first lines of your last 20 stories (if you have less than 20, just list them all!). See if there are any patterns. Choose your favourite opening line. Then tag 10 of your favourite authors!
(all Raven Cycle/Dreamer Trilogy except the ones that say otherwise)
Holiday traditions, for a certain definition of "tradition": “Parrish. Parrish. Parrish.”
Here in the dark where you can’t see the stars (Scorpio Races): For a moment, I think Sean actually has left the beach.
felt your hurt, drank your fear: “Can I take the BMW?”
Our hearts know deeper seasons than our memories (Scorpio Races): October announces itself dramatically, sending gusts of wind howling through the stable.
Keeping you with me: Declan’s phone buzzed, again.
There are easier ways: Adam frowned at the sound from the bathroom.
Bulletproof (Umbrella Academy): Klaus was no longer looking at a startled Hazel.
Stop yourself: “We’ll expect--” Carmen hung up on Ramsay.
Unforgettable: Adam’s head was pounding and his neck was stiff and there was a searing light on the other side of his eyelids.
You’re an original: Declan checked his watch.
Ag iarraidh forais i bhfodhomhain: Adam pushed the hood of his rain jacket back to let the drizzle fall on his face; hopefully, the damp chill would keep him alert enough for standing upright and walking.
Leave what’s heavy: Adam got to lunch early enough to find a small, empty table in one corner of the cafeteria.
To be nobody but yourself: His mother’s name lit up the caller ID on Gansey’s phone.
I would follow him right down the roughest road I know: Adam found the rodeo coordinator almost hidden behind the banner that proclaimed National Reno Gay Rodeo 1978.
Where the trees can see you: Lindenmere was agitated about something today.
The world is your canvas: “We’ve filled the baker position already, I’m afraid,” the owner - Persephone - said without preamble.
Washed down the river to the sea: The long shadows growing from the stones scattered across the beach told Ronan it was time to be heading home.
The goats are in charge now: It starts innocently, or at least as innocent as baby goats can be, which in hindsight is not very.
Inconceivable: Ronan was at the train station early, because his disdain for speed limits remained strong as ever.
Hmm I’m not sure about patterns, except that there are a surprising number of phones here. 18 is my favorite.
I think this has pretty much made the rounds already, but if you haven’t done it consider yourself tagged!
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