#bulletproof luxury cars
barcadlyservices · 10 months
Shield Armoring has set the standard in the design and development of Luxury Armored Vehicles Bulletproof BMW. Visit : https://shieldarmoring.com"
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shieldarmoring6 · 10 months
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dreamwritesimagines · 6 months
The Eye of the Hurricane [12] - Chase
A.N: Here’s the new chapter my loves! ❤️ Thank you so much for your wonderful feedback, you made my day! ❤️I hope you’ll like this chapter as well and please don’t forget to tell me what you think! ❤️
Summary: Some car rides aren’t relaxing.
Word Count: 3200
Pairing: MobBoss!Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warnings: Violence, death, guns, crime, blood, explicit language. This is an AU, friendly reminder that I don’t condone any of the actions depicted on this story and please read with care.
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You hummed a song as you walked through the luxurious duplex penthouse, following the real estate agent who looked thrilled to be there.
“The skyline is absolutely gorgeous as you can see,” she said. “And just letting you know, I already have three very interested buyers—”
“They’ll wait,” you stated calmly and she paused for a moment, then smiled at you.
“Of course!” she said. “Just—you know, just a fun fact! Anyway, this floor has an open kitchen and two guest bedrooms, a bathroom…”
“Two guest rooms?”
“One of which could be turned into a nursery,” she said and winked at you. “Or you could hire me when it’s time for a family home.”
“I’ll keep that in mind,” you said with a weary smile, “but let’s just take that off the table for the moment.”
She held up her hands.
“And the upstairs has the primary bedroom suite with its own breathtaking terrace of course, the master bathroom and two walk in closets. Perfect for a newlywed couple if you ask me!”
You nodded your head. “Are the windows bulletproof?”
She blinked a couple of times.
“…I doubt it?” she said. “But we’re on the 50th floor.”
“And surrounded by other 50 floor skyscrapers,” you said and heaved a sigh. “That’s fine, we’ll get it fixed if we decide on this one.”
 “Would you like to see the terrace?” she motioned and before you could say anything, you heard footsteps coming closer and you looked over your shoulder to see Bucky stepping into the apartment.
“Hi gorgeous,” he said and approached you to press a kiss on top of your head, then turned to the real estate agent. “Viola. It's a pleasure to see you again.”
“Oh the pleasure is all mine Mr. Barnes,” she said with a giggle, a smile lighting up her face and you looked between them, raising your brows.
“Would you give us a moment while we check the terrace please, Viola?” you asked as you pulled Bucky by his vibranium arm to the huge sliding glass doors, then stepped outside.
Dear God, the skyline was absolutely gorgeous.
“So,” Bucky said. “What do you think?”
You clicked your tongue. “Before I answer that, I have a quick question.”
“Did you fuck our real estate agent?”
He tilted his head, furrowing his brows together. “What?”
You shrugged your shoulders. “Well because she got all flustered and smiley, and if you did it’s totally fine but it’s gonna be a little awkward honestly—”
“I didn’t!” he said. “She helped with Becca’s apartment, that’s how we know each other.”
“You own multiple skyscrapers in this part of the town and you needed a real estate agent?”
“Do I look like I am personally handling any of the buildings I own?” he asked and you rolled your eyes.
“Fine, fine…” you said. “So why were you late again? You were supposed to be here half an hour ago.”
“My mom dropped by the office,” he said with a shrug of his shoulders and you frowned.
“She wants us to reconsider the guest list.”
“You mean she wants us to invite more people?” you asked and he nodded his head.
“Yup. Good for business, apparently.”
“The guest list and the seating chart are already finished,” you said and he sat down on the nearest sofa which looked so comfortable from where you were standing.
“I mean, would inviting more people hurt?”  
“Yeah Bucky, it would hurt my head,” you said as you glanced at the fireplace in the corner of the terrace, then flung yourself on the armchair across from the sofa. “Winnifred is such a boy mom.”
“Oh come on,” he said with a small laugh. “She loves you.”
“Uh huh, until our divorce.”
He paused for a moment, then cleared his throat.
“I’m kind of convinced your father might actually shoot me when we announce our divorce, so...”
“He won’t shoot you,” you told him, waving a hand in the air. “That being said, we’re not inviting more people.”
“I told her the same thing, that’s why it took me half an hour to convince her,” he said, leaning back to shoot you a mischievous grin. “But I think she’ll get over it if we promise to name our firstborn daughter after her.”
You hummed. “You can get a fish.”
“A fish?”
“A tankful of them, you can name all of them after your family members,” you said and sat up straighter. “So, the apartment?”
“I’m good with it if you are,” he said and stole a look at the windows. “I don’t know shit about this building though, are the windows bulletproof?”  
“I asked the same thing, she said probably not.”
“It’s fine, we can get that fixed,” he said and you felt a smile curling your lips, then kicked at his shoe with yours.
“Come on,” you said as you got up from the armchair. “We should take a look at upstairs, apparently the terrace there is breathtaking as well.”
Apart from the fact that it only had two guest rooms, the penthouse was absolutely perfect. You figured since you were going to get a divorce, you didn’t really need multiple guest rooms at this point, and you were pretty sure you were going to use one of them as an armory anyway.
Before you would meet Becca and Leila for dinner, your father had asked you for lunch together so after you were done at the penthouse -your new home, you reminded yourself- you made your way to the familiar skyscraper of your father’s company, but then checked your wristwatch and pursed your lips together.
You were half an hour early, and you really didn’t feel like seeing Ian any more than necessary.
You took a look at the café across from the skyscraper and lingered there for a moment, then approached there and sat down at a table. The waitress came to you to take your order and you ordered a latte before pulling out your phone to text Becca about the penthouse, but before you could send all the photos, someone pulled the chair across from yours to sit down, making your head snap up.
“Romanoff?” you squeaked out, staring at the beautiful redhead and she gave you a calm smile.
“Natasha is fine,” she said. “Do you mind?”
“Not—not at all!” you managed to say, sitting up straighter. Even though Natasha was one of the major player in the city, you two hadn’t really spent any time together just like you and Stark. You knew she was good friends with Steve and sort of friends with Bucky, but other than that, she was mostly a mystery to you.
“I had a meeting with your father,” she said, pointing at the building with her thumb. “Was just leaving when I saw you and I figured I could give you my congratulations about the wedding.”
“Ah,” you said, nodding fervently. “Thanks. I um—I really appreciate it.”
“Quite the fast wedding though,” she pointed out, making you gulp.
“Yeah we figured, you know, we’ve known each other for all our lives.”
“Right,” she said. “Of course. So are you going to take over right after the wedding then?”
Your eyes widened and you gawked at her while the waitress brought your coffee, and turned to her.
“Could I get you anything?”
“No thank you, I won’t stay for long,” Natasha said and the waitress walked away as you cleared your throat.
“Um, I—” you stammered. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
Her gaze was almost reprimanding as if you were trying to make her believe the table in front of her didn’t exist. You knew she was smart, no one who wasn’t smart would be able to survive at the top in this business for so long, but you had been hoping that you weren’t that obvious at the very least.
“I’m asking because if you’re going to do it at the wedding, I’m going to eat something beforehand,” she pointed out. “Considering your idiot cousin is not going to just let that happen, if bullets start flying…”
“What makes you think I want to take over?”
She let out a small laugh.
“Oh come on,” she said. “I never took you as naïve, the least you could do is return the favor. Not to mention, if you want me on your side when the time comes, you’re going to have to cut the bullshit.”
“And if that were true,” you said after a beat. “If I wanted to take over, what would be your opinion?”
She hummed.
“Well,” she trailed off. “For starters, you would make a better business partner than Ian, so you have that going for you.”  
“But you have no field experience,” she pointed out. “And practically zero support in the family.”
“I don’t necessarily need family support to take over,” you said. “It’s happened before. Most people follow power, no matter who holds it.”
“And the experience?”
“I have the training,” you said. “I’ll prove myself, I know very well that I have to.”
She arched a brow, then let a small smile curl her lips.
“Not to mention I’d keep the truce after taking over,” you said. “You can’t say the same thing for Ian.”
“Not very subtle, that one,” she murmured and you licked your lips.
“How did you know though?” you asked. “That I wanted it?”
She rolled her eyes.
“Your father has two starving dogs and only one steak,” she said. “Doesn’t take a genius, really. I told Clint about it way before you and Bucky got engaged.”
You huffed out a laugh and she pushed her chair back, then stood up.
“I mean you do have the training so you know how it ends, don’t you?” she asked. “One of you will have to tear the other’s throat out.”
That made you swallow thickly and you nodded your head, your teeth clenched together. She kept your gaze in hers for a couple of seconds, then shrugged her shoulders.
“Good luck,” she said calmly and walked away from you to get into her car, and you slid a little in your chair, your heart pounding in your chest.
“Thanks,” you muttered. “Good talk.”
You had sent your bodyguards away for the night considering Becca already had hers who would accompany you to the nightclub. She had insisted on driving her car on the way there and you had a strong feeling that it was her way of showing Leila there was nothing to be intimidated about the business or her place in it, and that she could adapt to the civilian life just fine.
Love made people do all sorts of things, apparently.
Becca’s bodyguards’ car was following you as you leaned your head on the window, making yourself comfortable in the backseat and you took a look at your phone, then cleared your throat.
“Do you guys think I should text Ethan?”
Becca frowned at you from the rearview mirror before turning her attention on the road and Leila turned sideways in the passenger seat so that she could see you better.
“Do you want to?”
“I mean I feel like I should,” you said. “Technically, the guy took a bullet for me.”
Becca let out a noise of disagreement. “The guy took a bullet while you were there, it’s not the same thing.”
“He wouldn’t have got shot if I weren’t there though,” you pointed out and Leila hummed.
“I mean he’s gonna have to get over the fact that you’re in love with someone else and getting married,” she said. “If you’re friends…”
“We are.”
“You were only friends because he was hoping it would turn into a relationship,” Becca sang in a teasing manner and you rolled your eyes at her.
“I actually like spending time with him though,” you said. “I don’t know, I can’t help feel a bit guilty because—”
You were interrupted when a police car turned the corner to get in between you and Becca’s bodyguards’ car and flashed its headlights, signaling at you to pull over. Becca’s eyes snapped up to yours in the rearview mirror as your stomach dropped and you sat up straighter while Leila looked over her shoulder.
“Babe, they’re telling us to pull over.”
Becca’s jaw clenched before she cleared her throat while you unbuckled your seatbelt.
“Do you mind changing seats with Y/N, my love?”
“Because that’s not the police,” you told her. “No police in this city ever stops us.”
“What do you—” she started but let out a scream when another car hit Becca’s bodyguards car from the side, making it stop as the bullets started flying. Becca reached out to make her duck and you looked back, letting out a curse.
“Leila, the car is bulletproof,” Becca said, her voice calm as if there weren’t bullets hitting the car. “It’s all going to be fine, I just need you to change seats with Y/N.”
“O—okay…” Leila stammered and pushed herself through the small gap between her and Becca’s seat to reach the backseat, and you squeezed at her arm.
“Nothing will happen to you, just keep your head down,” you assured her and pulled your gun from your purse, then got on the passenger seat, adrenaline running through your veins.
“Has to be,” Becca said as she sped up the car, swirling the car left and right so that some of the bullets wouldn’t hit it. “What are you thinking?”
You checked the GPS on the screen. “Sam’s territory.”
“Alright,” she muttered as she found and touched his name on the screen while you counted the bullets that seemed to be endless with the way they were raining on the car.
“Sooner or later that motherfucker is gonna have to change the magazine—”
“Hi Becca,” Sam’s voice reached the car. “Um, why am I hearing gunshots?”
Becca swirled the car on the road again. “HYDRA is following us, I’m in the car with Y/N and Leila.”
“It’s fine, Bucky made sure the car was bulletproof the day I bought it,” Becca added. “Listen, Sam I’m sharing my location with you, we’re like two minutes away from your territory and HYDRA’s men are right behind us so we can’t turn back—”
“I’m sending the cars and calling Buck,” Sam said and Becca hung up the phone as you opened the car window, then leaned out of the window and fired the shot at the man’s hand when he slid the next magazine into the gun, making him let out a yell. You quickly got back in and huffed out a breath.
“They have a bulletproof car as well but that should slow them down for a couple of seconds,” you muttered and turned to look at Leila who was still covering her head, curled up on the backseat.
“Leila?” Becca said. “Talk to me.”
“I—I think I’m fine?” Leila replied, her voice shaking. “Jesus Christ…”
“I’m really sorry about this,” Becca said and Leila shook her head.
“It’s not your fault Becca.”
The bullets started hitting the car again and you gritted your teeth, then checked the GPS again while Becca stepped on the accelerator.
“Babe, remember how you asked why the truce was so important in this city?” she asked Leila. “This is why.”
The moment your car entered Sam’s territory, two cars coming from the opposite direction turned their headlights on and wheezed past you, surrounding the car behind you. Becca pulled over and let out a breath, closing her eyes for a moment before she reached out to hold your hand to squeeze it.
“You okay?”
“Mm hm,” you said, your heart still beating in your ears as your phone started vibrating on the backseat. “You?”
“Peachy,” she said as she unbuckled her seatbelt, and touched Leila’s back. “Leila?”
Even you could tell that Leila was shaken up but she raised her head and wiped at her eyes, sniffling.
“I’m okay,” she rasped out. “Is it safe now?”
“Yeah,” Becca said. “I—Leila, I’m incredibly sorry for this…”
“Not your fault,” Leila said, her voice still trembling even if she tried to smile. “And I’m fine. We’re all fine.”
“I’ll give you guys a minute,” you managed to say and grabbed your phone before you stepped out of the car. Bucky’s name was flashing on the screen and you took a deep breath, then answered it and took it to your ear.
“Becca is fine,” you said. “Leila too. Sam’s people are here.”
There was a second of silence on the other side of the line before you heard Bucky letting out a relieved breath.
“Sweetheart?” he said, his voice gentle. “Are you alright?”
You bit inside your cheek, still trying to get rid of the fear churning your insides.
“Mm hm.”
“Did you get hurt?”
“No, I shot one of them in the hand,” you said, your eyes falling on the three HYDRA men Sam’s people had dragged out of the car. The sight of one of them still holding onto his bleeding hand made the anger rush through your system so fast that it made your head spin, your vision going red.
Attacking you was one thing but attacking your friends and putting them in danger was another.
And you were not going to let that happen.
“Good job,” Bucky said softly as if trying to calm you down. “I’m on my way, alright?”
“Uh huh,” you said and hung up as you gripped your gun tighter, then pushed the phone into your pocket to make your way to the crowd. Sam’s people all turned to you before one of them stepped closer and you tried to focus through the blinding anger, dragging your gaze from the captives to her.
“Ma’am,” she said, stretching out her hand so that you could shake it with your free hand. “My name is Aubrey. Mr. Wilson let us know about what happened, he is on his way here. Is everyone in the car alright?”
“Yeah,” you said through frozen lips. “Thank you Aubrey. I really appreciate it.”
“Of course,” she said and you walked past her to get closer to HYDRA’s men. The one who was cradling his bloody hand glared at you, then spat at the ground.
“Doesn’t matter where you take us, I’ll die before I speak,” he growled and you arched a brow, then shrugged your shoulders calmly as if fury wasn't pounding in your head.
“Happy to follow your schedule buddy.”
You raised your gun and fired it right between his eyes, his lifeless body hitting the ground as the loud shot echoed through the road. Aubrey raised her brows and exchanged glances with one of her men while you lowered the gun and wiped the blood off your face.
“I’ll be over there until my fiancé gets here,” you said, motioning at the direction of Becca’s car. “Thanks again.”
 With that, you made your way to the car and jumped to sit on the trunk so that you wouldn’t interrupt Becca and Leila’s conversation. You put the gun beside you with a sigh, then crossed your legs and leaned back on your palms, adrenaline still roaring through you.
“Great,” you murmured, turning your gaze up to the sky. “Here goes my night I guess.”
Chapter 13
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3 Billion Divorce - Lloyd Hansen Series (Completed)
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Character: Lloyd HansenxFem!Richreader
Summary: Reader became a rich heiress after her grandfather chose her as his successor. This reason was enough to make her relatives want her gone. Our reader is a fighter; when she finds a chance, she offers a fake marriage proposal to a sociopath mercenary. 
Words Count: 1750
A/N: Finally, I'm back. Never thought that I could make a post with Lloyd. It's been a while since the last time I posted. Hope you like it. Feedback and Reblogged are appreciated. Thank you!!!
The Italic font shows a flashback scene.
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Sometimes, simple things like waking up from a good sleep and having a coffee in the morning sound easy. To you, it sounds impossible. 
Because of everyday… 
Dangers always come to you. You must pay this price when you accept your grandfather's will. 
Four years ago,
Your grandfather wrote your name on his will to become his successor and owner of all his assets. But you have to be 35 years old before you get everything.
After the lawyer revealed the will, your relatives wanted you dead, so the grandfather's money would go to charity, and they could use it. 
Since then, your quiet life has turned to hell. 
Your relatives have hired multiple killers and assassins to kill you or make it look like a suicide. It's been four years of living like this. 
And there's only one more year left, the chasing getting more intense that you can't bear it anymore. 
Like today, you’ve been hiding in the back seat inside your car because a black Cadillac has been chasing you all day.
“I had enough with everyone who wanted me to die. What a family huh? They were born as elites but they’re monsters.”
Your old bodyguard Jimmy, an ex-Navy hired to protect you who was busy shooting the other car, said, "Y/N. To beat a monster, you have to make yourself a monster."
His words got you thinking. You want revenge on your relatives, but you don't have the ability since they have already bribed the police and judges. You are already powerless; the only person who always stays beside you is your old bodyguard. 
Before you could even get any idea, another car appeared from nowhere and hit yours.
“Jimmy!” You screamed the name that protected you before you lost consciousness.  
When you woke up, you already being tied down on the chair.
You look at your surrounding where you got kidnapped. It’s different than usual. Usually, it’s a dark basement with a horrible smell. 
But right now, you’re inside a nice room with a marble floor and Roman pillar. There’s also Renaissance painting and sculpture.  It seems like you’re in a mansion or something like that. 
The door suddenly opens, making you nervous because you are mentally unprepared to meet someone who will kill you. 
A group of men who wear bulletproof come inside the room. Lastly, a man who wears a black turtleneck and light brown pants. But you can see everything he wears is from a luxury brand. 
He leaned down and smiled at you. 
"Hello Princess, my name is Lloyd Hansen. Welcome to my home”. His voice was low and deep. 
‘His mustache looks ridiculous.’ You thought. 
His hand grabbed a screen tablet to show you the money that had been transferred.
“Someone really wants you dead. Look at the money they gave me. This is the biggest payment that I have received." You could feel the joy when he explained while you have a life crisis.
You wonder how much your relatives pay to make you go. When you saw the number… 
Ooh, it made you fume with rage. 
40 Million Dollars?!
Your life is only worth 40 Million?! 
With all the money you will get from your grandfather, your life is worth more than 40 Million. 
‘You have to make yourself a monster.’ You remembered those sentences from Jimmy. 
That gave you an idea. 
This man Lloyd Hansen, you could use him to be the monster to finish all relatives that want you dead.
"Mr. Hansen, I  don't want to die."
He nodded. "Me too sweetheart. But I've already got the money. They really want you to be gone quickly. Such a shame."
"If I gave you a proposal to make you richer, would you listen to my offer?"
Lloyd tapped his watch. "You have 3 minutes, sunshine."
“First of all, are you single Mr.Hansen?”
Lloyd let out a big laugh. 
But you didn’t laugh; you studied his character. After spending time with your bodyguard Jimmy, he taught you how to read people. You figure this man Lloyd is a sociopath, and seeing him acting childish like this, you take a bet that he is still single. 
With this, you took a chance and gathered your confidence. “I assume you are, that made my plan easier.”
You took a moment before offering the proposal because he would end your life if he didn’t like it.
"3 Billion Dollars."
'WHAT!' His soldier gasped when they heard the number.
Your offer got the attention, "I will give you 3 billion, but I want you to do something for me."
Even Lloyd never expected that. He did a background check on you. 
You’ve been trying to stay alive for 4 years. That's when he knew you're an extraordinary woman.  
One of his soldiers steps in, "I volunteer Miss Y/N."
Before you could see who it was, Lloyd had already shot him.
He smiled. "I could swim in that money, what can I do for you?"
"Marry me."
Lloyd's brain circuit stopped for a second. He laughed again, but he stopped when he saw you being serious.
"I didn't expect I would get proposed like this."
"You know I'm a rich heiress, and I will get my money next year. While waiting, I need someone to protect me and keep me alive. After that we will get a divorce and you will get other 2 billions. Right now, I could give you 1 billion. What do you think?"
There was a moment of silence. You could only hear the clock ticking. After he hears your offer, Lloyd turns his back and looks at the big French window. You couldn't see his expression. 
Suddenly he turns around and walks towards you. Lloyd got on his knees and grabbed your hand. "You got yourself a husband, Mrs. Hansen."
'Yeah, you caught a monster.'
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-One year later-
Lloyd arrived at your company and saw your bodyguard, Jimmy. Lloyd clicked his tongue. “Where’s my wife?” Jimmy pointed to the door behind him.
Lloyd pushed the door and saw you look busy signing some documents, not glancing at him. 
He told your secretary, who was already scared, "Get out shithead."
After your secretary left, he turned around and saw you had crossed your arms while looking at him. Ooh, so you’ve been waiting. 
He always loves your confidence. This trait must be one reason your grandfather chose you as the successor. 
Lloyd smashed a piece of paper on your table. "What the fuck is this?"
"It's a divorce paper."
"Yeah, and you didn't even think to discuss it with me first ?"
"It's been a year Lloyd, we made a deal. Remember?"
It made Lloyd silent. 
Of course, he remembered. 
Lloyd wishes he could stop the time.
After he agreed to marry you, his life became more exciting. 
Lloyd always dealt with different hitmen, politicians who wanted to steal your assets, assassins, and taking revenge on your relatives who wished you were dead. 
With the 1 billion, he could get all the resources and finish his job quickly and quietly. He got new clients every day. 
But most of all, Lloyd cherished the time spent with you. He loves every moment. You have a sharp mouth, don't take No for an answer; he likes it when you act like a boss to him. He wants to obey your order. 
The sex was also excellent. You weren't tempted at first. But who can't resist the charm of Lloyd Hansen? At first, it was just pretending to act like husband and wife. Give each other kisses on the cheeks, then move to the next step because of the alcohol effect that leads to sleeping together. 
When you fell asleep on his chest, his fingers brushed your hair. You gave him a soft kiss on his forehead; it made him like a teenager who was drunk in love. 
You were there every time he got hurt. You hired the best doctor to treat him. No one ever does that to him. He knew because you needed him to stay alive. But when he saw you holding his hand while he was bleeding, Lloyd knew you cared for him. 
He likes having you near him and can't bear letting you go. 
Lloyd realised his feelings when Jimmy came and gave him the brown envelope. 
Lloyd knew what was inside the paper, so he ignored it. But that damn envelope keeps coming after you get the inheritance and you have left the house that you two shared.  He felt like a used rag that you could just throw away. 
He can’t imagine seeing you being single, and another man will try to pursue you. 
"If you sign it today, the other 2 billion will be transferred to your account."
"I don't want to."
"6 billion then."
Lloyd's hand touches his left chest.
"What hurts me more is that you have the money and could finish this as soon as possible."
Then both of you will be strangers; NO, he didn't want that. 
"After you use my body, you throw me away? You hurt my feelings sunshine."
You walk away from your table to stand in front of him. 
"Lloyd, that's part of our deal. You protect me and I owe you one.” 
You couldn’t believe he’s the same man who wants to kill you, and now he’s begging you not to leave him.
“And I paid my debt with money that I promised."
He sighed and said, "I do love money."
Lloyd held your hand that still wore the wedding ring; he rubbed it gently. 
"But my dear wife, I love you more."
Your breath hitched when you heard his sudden confession. You were stunned to speak. 
Lloyd grabbed your chin and gave you a passionate kiss. "I won't let this marriage end with divorce." 
Lloyd kissed your forehead before he left you. Before he reached the door, he saw from the mirror your reflection. Your fingers touch your lips. At that moment, he knew you shared the same feelings. He will give you an offer that you can’t resist. 
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A/N : This Series has Completed.
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lullabyes22-blog · 5 months
Since you're THE authority on Silco lore, I thought I'd ask - what car do you think Silco would drive?
Hehehe - I'm very flattered you'd turn to my blog for Silco lore<3
I've mentioned this before, but I think it'd be a Porsche.
We love to mock Silco for his dandified vampire-coded villain schtick, but the fact of the matter is, Silco is one of the more subdued Zaunites in terms of style. How do we know this? Because we have Finn serving as a direct foil: flashy, studded with bling, all swagger with little to show for it.
Silco is the antithesis of that. The only bit of blatant bling is his left eye. But the rest of his outfit - the suit with bespoke lines but giveaway asymmetrical tweaks, the fancy vest with its mismatched buttons, the ironed trousers with the hand-stitched alterations - suggest someone projecting wealth but also a) on a drop-dead crazy budget; b) stingy and prone to penny-pinching; and c) conservative in an environment where flash and trash reign supreme.
A Porsche would fit these three categories. It's a luxury vehicle, no doubt about that. But cars depreciate at a much higher rate than say, property. If Silco invests in a vehicle rather than buying a chain of condos at the Promenade, he'll want something that gives him a bang for his buck.
Porsches are built with quality and durability in mind. They're also one of the least ostentatious sports car on the market, but with a respectable cult following among discerning drivers. They have good resale value, too, which means if Silco decides to ditch it for a different model, he'll be able to get his money's worth back.
In a way, the Porsche is the car equivalent of Silco: a luxury product that looks impressive, but is actually very sensible and restrained when you scratch the surface. Speaking of - I'll bet you the car has dents and scratches on its chassis. Not the kind you get from a fender-bender, but the telltale signs of having been around the block.
No way does this man - father of Jinx - keep a pristine ride.
As to the model: it would have to be a classic, something that screams vintage. A 911 is a classic, but a 911 is too mainstream for him. Silco's a man who loves to be in the know, and stay ahead of the pack. He wouldn't drive a car that's common or overused.
imo he'd drive a 918 Spyder.
It's one of the rarer models and notoriously hard to maintain, which is why he's probably the only person in Zaun with a mechanic who knows how to fix it. It's likely also jerry-rigged with the usual assortment of Zaunite customizations, like a gas mask-fitted air conditioner and a bulletproof windshield.
But for anyone who's not familiar with Porsche history, the 918 would pass off as an ordinary sports car, and Silco could play up the whole 'CPA or tax lawyer in the throes of a midlife crisis' thing to throw Piltover off his scent.
He'll even get it in deep red, for maximum irony.
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yj-98 · 1 year
oh sick a car appreciator. what cars would u have based the redbird on?
oohhh im glad u asked... to preface this btw im a car appreciator not exactly an. expert. i love old (40s-80s) cars (i grew up w/ my dream car being an aqua 1965 mustang convertible) but im not like. incredibly knowledgeable
that being said :] ! onward with redbird thoughts
shes supposed to be a rear engined sporty little coupe. modified to high hell. i would wager the rear engine is more so that tim can have weapons (missiles? grenade launcher? a fucking flamethrower?) under the hood and less actually thinking abt what a rear engine could DO for his driving experience at the ripe age of 14. its got a lowered chassis (rear-engine has a lower center of gravity, and if its a rear-wheel drive then overall its saving even More space cramped in the back, and probably has a better "grip" on the road) and apparently has pop out scoops for better airflow.. probably for the best.
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its also got a bulletproof windshield! and blacked out windows! are those even legal in jersey? no! the tire shields are fine i guess
my problem with red bird is that shes just a little ugly. like there are things in the body of this car that have potential (i like the pop out scoops but they make the overall silhouette of the car look sort of . back heavy in a bad way) but ultimately fall flat.
so im gonna look at some cars that i think still sell the look they were going for!! FROM his time period even!!
the ferrari testarossa (produced from '84-'96 and im looking at the late 80s/early 90 ones here)
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this is my ideal car to base redbird on. its a mid-engine, which has the best overall center of gravity, and while it limits cabin space its not like we were worried abt tht with tim. its still a 2 door sports car with a low chassis. the air scoops dont need to pop out, it has room in the back for the drag 'schute that they wanted to include, and has the room in the front too. also! she looks KILLER in red<3
the pontiac firebird trans am (1993) + chevy corvette ('90 red c4)
this is included in case we do not want to look at ferrari. sporty! red! coupe! i have less to say abt these ones honestly
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i could just start naming other sporty coupes but my point being like.... theres cars of this era with the look theyre going for that look perfectly fine in the three different price ranges (general motors making pontiac as their low-tier, chevrolet as their bigger make) and ferrari at the luxury tier
ik 15 years later tim gets a new redbird (2008 i believe) and i do believe they WERE referencing real cars for redbird i simply think. it would not look like that. and didnt have to! less is more. if you want a cool looking aerodynamic sports car then she should look sleek. redbird drawn in the comics doesnt look sleek she just looks silly </3
ultimately i dont want to change her too much from being tim's (say it with me) sporty little red coupe. because thats not a bad thing for a car to be! i just dont think there was that much thought into what the car should look like aside from looking at a picture of a sports coupe and going "ok now add a flamethrower and a parachute"
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dertaglichedan · 5 months
Tesla Cybertruck turns into world's most expensive brick after car wash
The perils of turning cars into computers were laid bare by a hapless Cybertruck owner who claimed his ride was rendered an $80,000 "paperweight" by something as benign as a wash.
Now, we tech-savvy people are well aware that computers and water do not mix. But cars get dirty, and when you've tossed your life savings into a Cybertruck, you'd probably want to keep it looking immaculate.
At the same time, we'd hesitate to hose off our motherboard even if the cat hair level was approaching critical mass. But when your car is a computer, what are your options?
As noted by motoring zine Jalopnik, a TikTok user going by @captian.ad regaled his followers with a tale of how he took his Cybertruck to the beach with his dogs.
What sounds like a lovely day out soon turned to sorrow, however, as on the way back he stopped off at a car wash to rid his luxury whip of sand. For most drivers, this sounds like a perfectly reasonable course of action.
He then parked up in his garage where the silver monstrosity seemed to breathe its last. The screen in the central console, which is absolutely essential to operating the Cybertruck because it hosts critical information like speed and rear view, went black as pitch and wouldn't respond.
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Our hero, probably feeling the same sort of panic one experiences when a computer dies mid-use, followed the Tesla guidelines for a reboot only to be met by a disconcerting and electrical "pop." Following this reset, he said that the Tesla "T" is supposed to come up on the screen and all should be well. That did not happen.
Everything else, including the rear seat screens, appeared to function fine. It's only that driving the Cybertruck without that console would be terribly unsafe. The owner lamented that he's "two and a half months in and 3,400 miles" (5,471 km).
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beardedmrbean · 11 months
ABUJA (Reuters) -Nigerian President Bola Tinubu has signed into law a $2.8 billion supplementary budget that includes funding for new bulletproof cars for himself and his wife, despite widespread criticism from citizens facing a cost-of-living crisis.
The budget, which was approved by lawmakers on Nov. 2, also includes allocations for a presidential yacht, official vehicles for the first lady's office, and renovations to the president's residential quarters.
The spending plan was initially proposed by Tinubu as a means to address "urgent issues" such as defence and security.
The presidency defended the provision for the yacht, describing it as an operational naval boat with specialised security gadgets.
However, specific allocations for such areas have been overshadowed by the allocation of funds for items seen as luxuries items and on renovations for the president's residential quarters.
Opponents of the budget have argued that the spending is unnecessary and insensitive to the plight of ordinary Nigerians, who are struggling to make ends meet amid rising inflation and economic hardship.
Africa's most populous nation is grappling with double-digit inflation, foreign currency shortages, a weakening naira, widespread insecurity and crude oil theft.
Tinubu, who was sworn into office in May, has been under pressure from unions to offer relief to households and workers. He has asked Nigerians to be patient with reforms.
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inkasarmored · 13 days
Stay Safe on the Roads: Buy Your Armored Vehicle in Cameroon Today
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In today's world, personal safety has become more important than ever, especially in regions where road safety and security can be a concern. One of the most effective ways to protect yourself and your loved ones while traveling is by investing in an armored vehicle. Whether you're a high-profile individual, business owner, or simply someone who values safety, armored vehicles offer an unparalleled level of protection against various threats. If you're considering enhancing your security on the roads, it's time to buy a Cameroon armored vehicle.
Why Choose an Armored Vehicle?
Armored vehicles are designed to provide maximum safety in unpredictable situations. These vehicles are reinforced with bulletproof glass, armored plating, and enhanced suspension systems, ensuring protection from attacks, accidents, or road hazards. Unlike standard vehicles, armored cars are meticulously crafted to withstand ballistic threats, explosions, and other dangerous situations.
For those living in or traveling across Cameroon, where road safety can sometimes be unpredictable, owning an armored vehicle is a significant investment in your peace of mind.
Benefits of Owning an Armored Vehicle in Cameroon
Enhanced Security Armored vehicles offer the highest level of protection, whether you're facing dangerous road conditions or potential criminal threats. With reinforced windows, steel plates, and run-flat tires, these vehicles are equipped to handle various dangers, ensuring you and your passengers stay safe.
Protection Against Civil Unrest In regions where civil unrest or political tensions may flare up, armored vehicles provide an extra layer of security. They allow you to travel safely even in challenging circumstances, knowing you're protected from physical harm.
Bulletproof Features One of the key advantages of armored vehicles is their bulletproof capabilities. Whether it's the doors, windows, or the entire frame, these cars are built to withstand high-powered ammunition, ensuring that you're safe even in extreme situations.
Safety on Dangerous Roads Cameroon's diverse landscapes include some challenging roads that can be dangerous, especially in remote areas. With an armored vehicle, you can confidently navigate these terrains, knowing your car is equipped to handle any obstacles that may arise.
Privacy and Comfort Besides offering top-tier protection, modern armored vehicles are built with comfort and luxury in mind. High-profile individuals can enjoy privacy and discretion, as these vehicles often include tinted windows, enhanced interiors, and high-tech features to ensure a smooth and safe journey.
Who Should Buy a Cameroon Armored Vehicle?
Owning an armored vehicle is a smart choice for various individuals and organizations in Cameroon, including:
High-profile Executives and Politicians: Individuals who are often in the public eye or carry out sensitive tasks benefit greatly from the added security provided by armored vehicles.
Businesses and Corporations: Companies that transport high-value assets or have employees frequently traveling in high-risk areas should consider investing in armored transportation.
Security Firms: Private security companies that provide protection services for high-profile clients can ensure maximum safety with armored vehicles.
Families Concerned About Safety: Families living in regions where road safety is a concern can feel more at ease knowing they are protected by an armored vehicle.
How to Buy a Cameroon Armored Vehicle
When looking to buy a Cameroon armored vehicle, there are several factors to keep in mind. It’s important to choose a reliable dealer with a track record of producing high-quality, durable armored vehicles. Look for vehicles that meet international safety standards and can be customized according to your specific needs.
Additionally, understanding your security requirements is crucial. Do you need protection against bullets, explosions, or even gas attacks? Depending on your requirements, you can select from a range of features, such as:
Ballistic resistance levels
Armored undercarriages
Reinforced windows and doors
Run-flat tires
Your safety and the safety of your passengers should always be a top priority, especially when traveling through regions where road conditions or security concerns can be unpredictable. By choosing to buy a Cameroon armored vehicle, you’re investing in peace of mind, protection, and unmatched security. Whether you're navigating the busy streets of Douala or traveling to remote areas, an armored vehicle ensures that you stay safe on the roads at all times.
So, if you're ready to take the next step in enhancing your personal safety, don’t hesitate to buy a Cameroon armored vehicle today. With an armored vehicle, you can confidently face whatever challenges come your way, knowing you have the ultimate protection at your disposal.
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barcadlyservices · 10 months
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zidasecurity · 3 months
There is no person who does not seek to have security and safety today, more so in various locations where instability poses a massive risk. Zida Security has put its mind to coming up with the latest models of cars after studying all the challenges likely. We have dedicated ourselves to the manufacture ofhigh-quality armored cars specifically for the African region to provide the best protection so that our customers can have a secure journey wherever they go in whatever situation arises.
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lonelypond · 3 months
Pick Me Up, Ch. 1: Open The Door
NicoMaki, Love Live, 3K, 1/?
Summary: Eli hires a car service for superstar singer Nico Ni. Nico is pleasantly surprised by the driver. Heiress Maki Nishikino finds a new way to avoid her responsibilities.
Open The Door
Nico glanced at her phone. She would try to duck out the back door but too many staff were rushing in and out of the kitchen. Eli had texted her the car would be outside to take her to the midnight showing of her concert film. Nico just had to get through the crowd at the door without taking her usual time to pose for snaps, snippets and signatures. Her most passionate fans would be at the midnight showing.
Phone buzzed. Nico glanced down. Eli message.
E: Are you in the car yet?
And then another message buzzed in, from an unknown number.
"She can't wait to see you up close. Always watching her Nico Ni."
The third person POV made it even scarier. Nico shivered, pausing to screenshot, forward the text to Eli, and block the number. There'd been too many of those creeper messages recently. Nico inhaled. She was just going to make a run for it.
No crowd had gathered outside, Nico was free once she broke through a clingy cluster of fans at the bar. She glanced down the street. There was a sleek black luxury sedan, the driver leaning back, unprofessionally lounging against the hood, white shirt untucked, tuxedo jacket short, long legs stretched out, hands in pocket, cigarette pants with the slightest slit above the ankle, designer heels, and curly red hair with a tilted cap barely containing it. Nico almost whistled. Eli had definitely found the right kind of car service for Nico if that was the driver they sent.
Nico hurried to the back door, hesitating. The woman raised a perfectly arched eyebrow, lovely lavender eyes narrowed suspiciously.
"Open Nico's door. The crowd'll be following me."
The other eyebrow raised.
"Hurry up. What's Nico paying you for? Looking prettier than Nico?"
That got some action. An almost smile and the driver straightened up, pushing up her sleeves. Much taller than Nico. Darn heels. Nico hated them on everyone but her.
"Sorry Miss." The voice was a mint's worth of money and a hive's worth of honey. Frisson. Nico understood that word now as the hairs on the back of her neck actually shivered. The driver leaned over, Nico catching a whiff of expensive floral perfume. Nico wondered how much she was paying for this car service if this was their livery.
Nico grabbed the driver's forearm as she reached for the door, "You're trained in self defense, right?"
A hesitation, "Sure."
"Good. Stick next to Nico when we get there. The creepy text messages keep coming."
Suddenly Nico had the full attention of dreamfuel eyes. Then the door opened and Nico felt a sure hand on her back, guiding her in.
"Just give me a minute, Miss and I'll get you out of here."
Nico waited to reply until the driver closed her door, "Call me Nico."
The driver glanced over her shoulder, "Hello, Nico. I'm Maki. You're safe in here. Tinted windows, reinforced body, bulletproof windows and tires."
As Maki went through the security features, Nico relaxed.
"You've probably had years of race car training or something like that."
Maki hummed something that sounded cheerful.
"Nico loves that her car service is so…" what to say not to sound like a total perv. Nico knew long words, she talked to Eli all the time, "well appointed."
A quick laugh, "So you're saying you like the nice upholstery?"
Nico was glad the driver's eyes were on the road. Irritated blushing was not Nico's best look.
"Nico is saying a classy conveyance is nice after a busy day."
"So you like the view." Smug.
"Nico is suddenly tired."
Another laugh. "Where are we going?"
"Nico's midnight showing at the Paris Theater. Didn't you get the address?"
A cough, "I was just double checking that you didn't want to change plans and go home where you'll be safe."
"Nico never disappoints an audience. And these are her biggest fans."
"And stalkers." A pause. "Do you want me to contact the police?"
"That will draw the wrong kind of attention."
A grudging grunt.
"Nico's not in real danger." Nico almost convinced herself.
"I'll stay close." A pause. "Do you have sunglasses?"
"Why? It's 11 p.m."
"I'll look more intimidating." A pause. "Did you know there are studies that showed people recognize people with the lower half of their face masked more than if they are wearing sunglasses."
"Nico did not know that. That's what you learn in the security business?"
"Actually it was in a medical journal. About masking during Covid." A pause. "I read a lot in the car. While I'm waiting."
"Eyes are very recognizable. NIco's never seen anyone with eyes as striking as yours." Nico took a minute to enjoy that memory. "Mine runs in my entire family. All the Yazawas take after my mama."
"They are an unusual color."
"Rubies. Nico knows. That's what everyone thinks of."
"You didn't think of rubies? What do Nico's eyes remind you of?"
Nico didn't even know where to start a response. She just sighed and sat back, wrapping her coat closer. Santa? Nico hoped the night wouldn't get any weirder as the perfume kept trying to lure Nico into a forward lean, just to play a little bit with a tiny curl of red. Santa? Really?
The driver had opinions. Nico wasn't thrilled.
"We need to go in through the back. I can call ahead."
"There is a red carpet set up for Nico."
"Might as well be a target."
Nico raised an eyebrow. And frowned. But because the driver was good and paid attention to the road and other drivers, Nico frosted her voice with enough disdain to wallop through the laissez fair confidence machine with the killer voice and dreamfuel eyes.
"Nico's fans are the best. Nico's fans would take a bullet for her."
A pause. "Has someone shot at you?"
"Do you think you're in a movie?" Attitude.
"Nico is in a movie. You are driving Nico to the premiere. It is a concert film so everything actually happened as it appears on screen. Nico spent a lot of time with the editor." Nico paused. "And, Maaaki, you are the one with sneaky entrance ideas and sunglasses requests."
"Yeah." A grudging point.
Maki took a hand off the wheel, reached into an interior jacket pocket and pulled out a card, name and phone number printed in velvet black on silver linen. It felt nicer than some of Nico's clothes. "Put my contact info in your phone."
"Why? My manager schedules with your office."
"Oh." A hum, "They give us discretion about which clients we accept. If you'd like me to drive you again, the best way is direct contact. My schedule gets booked up quickly and I would hate for there to be a miscommunication."
Where had Eli found these people?
"You are still on probation."
"Yes, Miss."
Nico like the respect mixed with teasing mischief in the voice.
Nico was going to dream about that voice.
Maki was muttering over timing and parking concerns.
"Just drop Nico off."
"You said stay close."
"No one is going to do anything more than take a snap in the middle of Nico's screaming fans. Leave the limo, lurk by the door, keep an eye on Nico when the lights go out."
"Sure." Maki pulled up in front of the theater smoothly, fans pressing against velvet ropes and hired security. "Stay put for a minute. I'll open your door."
Maki was fast, moving with confident grace, mask and sunglasses covering most of her face. Nico wondered if she were really that worried about Covid. Maybe she had a sick family member. Nico tested consistently before public events and masked backstage but this kind of event required Nico's full face. At least the clingy crowd part was outdoors. And the venue had upgraded its ventilation, taking care to use environmentally friendly tech. Nico was careful about every variable she could control. She'd missed too many concerts during the lockdown.
Then the happy screams started as Nico stepped onto the red carpet, swirling the skirt of her pink dress and Nico clicked into performance mode.
"Nico Ni loves you!!!" Air kisses everywhere. Maki hustling back to drive the car off. Fans surging, phones and Sharpies and limited edition photocards shoving at Nico. The best kind of night. With bonus eye candy. Nico grinned and bounced, ecstatic at the reaction of the crowd.
Nico was back in the car, wrapped in the glow of shouts, screams, and applause. All through the concert. Fans singing along, Nico singing along, and leading fan chants, Nico was a foot off the ground running 30 miles an hour, following the super hot limo driver, grinning wildly. She wasn't going to sleep until maybe Wednesday.
Maki held the door open, Nico blew her a kiss, and dived in pulling out her phone and going right into broadcast Nico mode.
"Nico's fans are the the number one fans in the galaxy and Nico wants to meet all of you. Soon!!! Great night at the movies. Nico's never been in the audience for a Nico Ni concert before and now, Nico's going to put all her investment money into cloning technology so it can happen again."
A snort from the front seat as Maki punched the ignition and pulled into traffic.
"Nico is on a LOVE high, has the prettiest limo driver…"
The car jerked to the right.
"And is going to get dropped off at the studio to turn all this energy into the perfect song. Make sure you get the link for tomorrow night's livestream. Nico will be answering all your questions. Good night. Nico Ni loves you." A series of kisses and then Nico dropped her phone on the seat next to her, threw back her head, and laughed. "Nico is in the clouds. That was amazing."
"You were screaming the loudest from what hearing I have left."
"Nico is Nico Ni's biggest fan."
"How does that work?"
"Isn't Maki Maki's biggest fan?"
An abrupt "Biggest critic."
"How does that work? You drift too far into a lane and kick yourself??!"
"Not driving. I have a…"
"Oh, you're not a full time driver?"
"What else do you do?"
"Artist, musician…right now, I'm mainly working in photography."
"So you see how photogenic Nico is."
Nico almost giggled. Driver, caught..
"Want to photograph Nico?"
The car jerked again. "What…no…I don't have…you…" a sigh, "Never mind." Maki cleared her throat, "Do you actually want to go to your company's studio?"
"Nico has a studio at home."
"Smart. Private."
"Professional. Nico is in total control of her career."
Nico's phone buzzed. She picked it up. Another unknown number. Who had this number? No one should.
"We'll be meeting soon."
"Another text."
"What's it say?"
"We'll be meeting soon."
A pause. "You did say you wanted to meet all your fans."
"You're not helping Nico."
"No one should have this number. No one. Nico livestreams and texts out; no one texts in."
"I have a friend who's good with computer stuff."
"Stuff? Nico has professionals. Who know the actual terms for *stuff.*"
"Of course. My apologies."
"Just take Nico home."
"Are you the stalker?"
"It's in my phone." Maki's voice sounded strained, "I forgot to enter it into the GPS."
"Pull over."
"What? No. You can't walk from here."
"Just pull over."
Maki did. Nico exited the car as Maki panic rambled nonsense syllables, then slid into the passenger side of the sedan. She typed rapidly, watching as the GPS unit's map shifted, then buckled herself into the seat.
"Let's go."
"You need to ride in the back."
"Just drive." Nico snapped.
"Yes, ma'am." Sarcasm.
"Oh, now Nico's a ma'am."
Maki's eyes might have closed. Such long eyelashes Nico realized. She shouldn't take out her change in mood on the hot driver, but Nico needed a way to release the knotted tension the text had twisted her mood into.
"We'll arrive in twenty minutes. Very little traffic."
Nico, in order not to gape or drool at Maki's profile, had forced herself to stare out the window so the no traffic announcement was not news.
"Care to predict the current weather?"
Maki made a growly noise. Should Nico find it cute? It was too late for this.
"Looks clear."
"Starry, then. Whatever you want it to be, Nico. Sunny when you walk into a room, stormy when you walk away."
"Is that a song?"
"What? No. Why would you ask?"
"Sounds like a song."
"You've still got the concert in your head. Nico Ni's. You know, that singer you're the biggest fan of."
"She wouldn't write anything that trite."
"TRITE?" Clenched hands on the wheel.
This was too fascinating, Nico thought. She hadn't had this much fun teasing anyone in years. Maki was so quick to react. "Everyone does that kind of analogy. Predictable imagery."
"You want it stormy when you walk in?"
"Like a hurricane washing everything else away."
"You, Nico Ni, are admitting to being a natural disaster?"
"No, Nico is just giving you a song writing lesson."
"No thank you."
"Nico went platinum."
"Midas went gold."
Nico thought there was a twitch under Maki's eyebrow. This really was too much fun.
"Maki prefers gold?"
"Maki prefers…"
"Nico is waiting."
Maki muttered "ask again later, answer unclear" and clamped her jaw shut.
After five minutes, Maki and the GPS announced their arrival at Nico's destination. Turtle Bay Gardens. Nico released the seatbelt.
"Thank you, Maki."
Maki gave a quick nod, "Just did the job."
"Nico is very satisfied."
Hint of red, tip of ears. Adorable.
"Nico needs you tomorrow morning, 7 a.m."
"Nico will send a confirmation text. Unless you have a previous client appointment."
A minute then "No, no I don't."
"Good. Nico will see you tomorrow."
Nico heard a "sure" as she shut the door, although it was not a confident one.
Maki was home. Time to turn her phone back on and see how many texts lurked.
Rin: Where are you?
R: Are you pacing outside?
R: Are you in the tub?
R: Did you go to a club?
R: Get a drink in a pub?
R; ( ≧ᗜ≦)
R: WHERE ARE YOU BESTIE?!??!?!?!?!?!?!??!
R: nozomi looks pissed
R: Everything sold. nozomi says her commission is going up to 95% since you never show
R: RUOK?????
R: 👀
M: I'm fine. Something came up.
R: something? or someone cute?
M: ( •̀ - •́ )
R: ??????
M: I helped someone out.
R: Someone cute?
M: Shut up.
M; You know I'm not…never mind…
R: Cute is an aesthetic. The a in aspec is for aesthetic
M: Shut up.
R: Tell Nozomi you're oK; she left you a long voice message
M: I'm not listening to it. She knows that.
R: (◔_◔)
M: I'm going to bed.
R: Lunch?
M: Can't.
R: huh?
M: Good night.
R: (˚ ˃̣̣̥⌓˂̣̣̥ )
Maki switched contacts. Nozomi.
M: Rin said everything sold. People want an hermit not an heiress. Better story.
Nz: Keep lying to yourself. I'm bringing dinner tomorrow. I know you don't cook.
M: I might be busy.
Nz: Don't be.
M: No, like legit busy.
Nz: With what?
M: Can't say.
Nz: Dinner. I'm also bringing Umi. She wants you to dust off the piano.
M: (O_O)
Nz: Thought that might catch you.
M: …
M: Thanks for covering for me.
Nz: It's why you're going to start paying me so much more.
Maki put down her phone. It buzzed immediately. New number. Must be Nico.
N: 6:30 a.m. So it's Beauty ( ◡̀_◡́)ᕤ sleep time (๑>؂•̀๑)-♡
Maki blushed. She could feel it, her cheeks redden and draw all her awareness. How was she to sleep with this sudden racing of her blood?
She wandered into her bedroom, turning to confront the wall of built in bookshelves off the foot of her bed. Reaching into the Japanese photography section, she pulled out Mina Ninagawa's Into Fiction/Reality. Glossy bright red cover, a grid of lens flared bright red lips. The visuals wouldn't soothe her way into sleep but it might distract her from the way Nico's voice kept flirting in her memory. And she could always read the original Japanese and follow that with a critique of the English translation. That would knot up her brain enough that sleep might sneak through for the few hours before she had to pick up her only "client." Nozomi would laugh, Rin would look at her like she'd lost her mind, and Umi, well, Umi might actually call the police or something. Or at least threaten to if Maki didn't deliver a full apology for deception.
Maki blew out a long breath, dropped on the bed, and opened to a random page. Shattered glass. The section of the book with pictures from Ninagawa's father's stay in the hospital. Sad. Silent. But full of light. And the hospital setting reminded her of her own family. Her family and the responsibilities she'd left behind. Another random flip. Woman staring back, barebacked, with a yellow spiky flower over one eye and yellow red and pink flowers over a two page spread. Maki laid back and imagined the flowers she might put in the backdrop of a Nico picture. Maybe Nico wasn't flowers. Maybe Nico was pillows, piles of pillows, lips and hearts and candy, something soft to fall into, to cushion Nico's fall when she flew up through the audience and off the stage. Something Icarus like, but an Icarus as bright as the sun, Maki thought as she remembered the concert film, Nico soaring even higher than her reach, beyond the expected. Maki knew the trick to that kind of illusion, if it was one, and it must be. You could just never stop. If you stopped, you might see the wall looming in the blocked off alley all your efforts had lead to. Maki closed the book and let her mind go back to flowers. filling the dark behind her closed eyelids with fuzzy, drifting colors, out of focus, ruby and red and pink and sharp, leafy greens.
A/N: Having some fun.
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9ja2vibeblog · 5 months
SERAP gives Akpabio, Abass 7 days to ‘drop plan to spend N110bn on bulletproof cars, others’
The Socio-Economic Rights and Accountability Project (SERAP) has issued a strong call to action, urging the Senate President, Mr Godswill Akpabio, and Speaker of the House of Representatives, Mr Tajudeen Abbas, to abandon their controversial plan to allocate a staggering N40 billion for the purchase of 465 luxury and bulletproof cars for members and principal officials. Additionally, SERAP has…
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the-firebird69 · 9 months
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A serious thing it would be a bigger vehicle and it would be more bulky like this and the grill would be like the Genesis more so which house is the same shape but the body would resemble this and it's not too hard to conceive because our perceived is because I've been doing for a while but I do see what you're saying those cars would be like the main stay and Rolls-Royce has a similar thing going on and so does Bentley and this would be there higher end and they're larger and thicker Hull and they have bigger motors and they're more luxurious with more options on the inside that are
We're going to go ahead with this at some point but will bring renderings and really the 3D and then come out pretty good and the concept is not lost and he likes it and now's the Time everything is speeding up and changing and they want to compete with Ben and Mac or their enemies and he would retain dealerships is what he wants to do and some distributorships and it's an idea because and maybe even assembly because it would keep the business going and it would be no hiccups he's sort of likes it and he likes the assembly he can armor his so it's probably going to go ahead with that last bit and this car would be awesome it would be like the Rolls-Royce they have now that's like that it's like a phantom and the grill is big like it used to be and they still make it and people buy them at the top now he's starting to get what he's saying this is going to be a full-blown attempt and it says he has some money and he has to spend it on something you can spending on castles and he can spend it on the cars and they'll have like this legacy so he's going to sit down and meet about it and he owns 100% of the company so he gets it and he can have input on deciding things but if he goes mental and wants everything electric we're going to have to stop him even if he wants train to get back at Blake and others so he's kind of laughing about it but we think it's a good idea he does too and he knew you were thinking it the whole time and it's actually excited about the idea of doing the assembly and sales it'd be really weird because our son is the line from Rolls-Royce and for him to work there even under the table like detailing the car or something it would be like worth a lot of money you make like $1,000 and Shaker would make probably about 2 million extra dollars to have you clean it and prep it for delivery and he's actually smiled because it's like this weird thing to do and just this kid is beating on everything now making him tons of money is his people buying it that's a very weird thing. The whole series of things going on but this is a big item and people think it's a huge item and it really is and the armor and stuff he would make and put on himself during assembly and the glass would change out and all sorts of stuff could happen that would be fun.
Thor Freya
And yeah you can make limousines and they're not as much fun though they are they have a lot of them with Rolls-Royce and Bentley and it's on purpose and this would be a great car this is an awesome idea I'm going to pre-approve it and we're going to have a pre agreement made up free sales and we're going to try and do it this weekend I like what he's saying too that we'd have assembly and that we would attempt it of course in the perimeter and we would have the sales offices and that would probably be permanent anyways and we do understand that
Olympus we approve these ideas and we're going to try and go ahead
He has not been thinking about doing it and my husband takes no he probably wasn't is probably thinking of upgrading it himself and he just doesn't have the time and manpower and energy but he does to do the armor and it's really a bulletproofing and everybody is trying to do it it would be easy and other people might start doing it that way but those two goons clicking crack over there don't seem to want to do anything this will actually get them going
Hera they're probably going to stop this pseudo empire stuff fairly soon because they're going to have to the warlock are going to counter shortly and they're going to lose
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vividracing · 10 months
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New Post has been published on https://www.vividracing.com/blog/top-8-best-performance-upgrades-for-the-bmw-m3-m4-f80-f82/
Top 8 Best Performance Upgrades for the BMW M3 / M4 F80 F82
We all know and love the German luxury-sports car brand BMW. The sleek aggressive styling of all the BMW M models paired with the monstrous S55 make for some of the best-sounding and looking cars this side of the EV renaissance. However, if you sat in or rode in a F80/F82/F83, you will know that BMW left quite a room for improvement. With that being said, here are the 8 Top Performance modifications for the BMW F8X M3/M4.
1. RK Autowerks Billet Crank Hub
One of the most common problems with the S55 is crank hub slip. This mechanical overlook could cost you your engine. Luckily, there are companies that make one-piece hubs, alleviating this worry altogether. The RK Autowerks 4 pin billet crank hub eliminates the friction washer design that BMW used to affix the crank hub, timing gear, and oil pump gear to the end of the crankshaft.
The original flawed design allows the timing gear to spin independently from the crank, especially when the motor is modified. Best case scenario the motor needs to be re-timed with new components. Worst case, the valves contact the pistons requiring a complete overhaul. If you want to bulletproof your engine, this is the way to go. 
Featured Product: RK Autowerks S55 Billet Crank Hub BMW S55 3.0L
Part Number: #RKS55CH1
2. CTS Turbo 3″ Stainless Steel High Flow Cat Competition Downpipe
If you really want to make your S55 scream, the CTS Turbo 3 inch High-Flow catted downpipes are for you. They allow for faster spool, better transient boost response, higher boost, and great sound. You should expect 27whp/40ftlbs torque gains when paired with appropriate tuning software. CTS used CAD simulation to streamline the flow of exhaust gasses and ensure seamless integration with the factory and CTS exhaust components. Many hours of R&D were spent to ensure a perfect fit, smooth exhaust flow, and excellent sound.
Featured Product: CTS Turbo 3 Inch Stainless Steel High-Flow Cat Competition Downpipe BMW M2 | M3 | M4
Part Number: #CTS-EXH-DP-0025-CAT
3. KW DDC Coilover – compatible with EDC (Electronic Damper Control)
With the adaptive KW DDC(Dynamic Damping Control) Coilover Kit, there are no compromises to be made. You can retain the control of your standard damper system with a seamless suspension lowering and the driving dynamics tuned by KW suspensions experienced engineers. At the push of a button, you can choose between the Comfort, Normal and Sport setup optimized for the KW coilover suspension. As a result, all the displays and controls of your factory vehicle remain fully functional but you get a completely new driving experience.
Featured Product: KW Suspension DDC Plug & Play Coilover Kit BMW F80 M3 | F83 M4 w/ EDC 
Part Number: #39020039
4. VRP Front Mount Air Intake
The VR Performance Front Mount Air Intake System for the BMW F80/F82/F83 vehicle is a great way to improve performance of the turbocharged S55 Engine. VRP has engineered a complete intake system that uses the space behind BMW’s highly recognized kidney grills.  Where the factory intake uses scoops to feed the airboxes, VR relocates the filters to this space which forces a large amount of air directly through the intake system.  This intake upgrade will also help your intake air temperatures from the relocation due to the high heat of the S55 engine. 
Each tubes fit and finish is of OEM quality that provides you with confidence in performance and style.  The intake kit includes necessary breather fittings, chassis mount, and silicone couplers with clamps for an easy installation.   
As tested on our Mustang Dyno, a gain in performance was seen throughout the entire power curve.  A very strong peak gain of 27 wheel horsepower and 9 ft/lb of torque was achieved in ther power curve. Additionally, the cold air intake produces a more aggressive tone allowing you to hear the turbochargers much more.
Featured Product: VRP Front Mount Air Intake Kit BMW M3 F80 | M4 F82 / F83
Part Number: #VR-F80M3-110
5. ARMYTRIX Valvetronic Exhaust Sytem
Take your F80/F82/F83 to the next level by adding the Armytrix Stainless Steel Valvetronic Exhaust System. This system is a triple threat; it will increase your vehicle’s power, reduce weight, and improve the overall sound to transform your driving experience. This precision-made performance system delivers more power, especially in the low- and mid-rev range. The effect on the sound is also significant, adding a deep resonant sporty sound, but at the same time neutralizing the vexing frequencies in the most critical rpm range. Complete the look with the choice of four different tailpipe options: quad chrome silver tips, quad blue-coated tips, quad matte black tips, or quad carbon tips.
The Armytrix Valvetronic Exhaust isn’t just an exhaust system, it’s a complete driving system that will give you the performance gains you want with the incredible race sound to match.
Featured Product: ARMYTRIX Valvetronics Exhaust system BMW M3 F80 | M4 F82/F83 Competition
Part Number: #BMF8MT-QS11C
6. VRP Titanium Charge Pipes and J-Pipe
Replace the factory soft plastic J-pipe and charge pipes that are prone to breaking under high boost. The factory charge pipe is made of plastic and was not designed to handle the higher boost levels. VR Performance has the perfect performance upgraded that is functional and aesthetically pleasing. The VR Performance charge pipe kit is made up of the Hot Side and Cold Side sections. The hot side includes 2 titanium pipes that are a direct bolt-on in place of the factory units. The cold side “J-pipe” is also titanium featuring a precision mounted PCV connection which prevents check engine lights and limp mode. We have also incorporated a pre-capped 1/8″ NPT bung into each pipe for those that may want to run water/meth injection.
Each kit Includes heavy duty couplers, hose clamps, and all hardware required for the installation.
Featured Product: VRP Titanium Chargepipes and J-pipe BMW M3 | M4 | M2C | F8x 
Part Number: #VR-F80M3-CP-Ti
7. Endless ME20 Brake Pads
When you upgrade to performance brakes, you have more stopping power. That means that, in a higher speed incident or in situations where the car needs to stop fast, it has the ability and you have the confidence to do so.
Endless develops high performance brake solutions for the most demanding range of competition cars and high performance street cars. ME20 is a semi metallic compound, developed for racing and rallying. It is a step up in initial bite and is more straight forward with regards to brake power. With ME20 it is possible to perform very hard and late braking into corners. As with the friction and bite the ME20 is a step up in heat resistance compared to the ME22 and it has shown a good stable brake performance at high rotor temperatures over 650 degree C.
Featured Product: Endless EWIG ME20 Racing Rear Brake Pads BMW M3 F80
Part Number: #EIP 224 ME20
8. VR Tuned ECU Flash
By adjusting critical parameters including air/fuel ratios, ignition timing, throttle limitations, rev limits, speed limits, and various others (including upping the boost), it’s easy for us to squeeze a bit more power of this platform. The resulting VR Tuned flashing not only increases horsepower and torque, but also leads to an improved driving experience, characterized by enhanced throttle response and overall smoother transient throttle performance. Of course, in typical VR fashion the Pops and Bangs option is available for a little added spice.
The advantages and performance gains from the tune alone are quite remarkable. On the dyno, we made 431hp and 406ft/lbs. Once the stock ECU was flashed, we ran the dyno once again. This time we logged 530horsepower and 532ft/lbs of torque! Imagine how that felt.
Featured Product: VR Tuned ECU Flash Tune BMW M3 F80 | F82 | F83
Part Number: #VRT-F80-M3
There are dozens of other great ways to modify your F80/F82/F83. Let our performance specialists help you decide what’s right for you by calling 1-480-966-3040 or emailing [email protected].
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annabest4444 · 11 months
Experience the Luxury of Bulletproof Luxury Cars
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