#Bunny Bros
tonybannerblog · 1 year
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Bunny Bros are hopping in to wish you a Happy Easter!
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inkweaver22-blr · 2 years
Bunny Bros
When cornered and with no way to escape, Tang is forced to reveal something about himself to save his friends. He can only hope things will go well.
The van was destroyed. Luckily no one had been inside when Macaque had smashed it with his shadow mech, but that was perhaps the only upside to their predicament. Tang looked around desperately for any way they could possibly escape. To their right was a drop off into a deep ravine. To their back was a sheer cliff that they had no way of climbing. They couldn’t outrun the mech so the empty plains to their left wasn’t an option either.
The black furred demon couldn’t have picked a better place to corner them. They were completely trapped.
Tang winced at the loud roar Mei gave as she swung her sword again. She was doing her best to hold Macaque off, but with his mech continuously regenerating it would be only a matter of time before she wore herself out. With MK’s powers still not working and the Monkey King stuck in his meditative trance, it seemed there was no way out of the situation.
“This ain’t good,” Pigsy said, mirroring Tang’s thoughts. “We’ve got nowhere to go and Mei’s not going to last much longer.” The pig demon shook his head. “It’s hopeless!”
Tang froze at that. Hope… He reached up and clasped at the wooden talisman he never removed that rested beneath his robes. There was somewhere that they could go. Of course, the key had been meant only for him and this wasn’t how he had meant to reveal himself to the others. But it was an emergency! He’d simply have to ask for forgiveness later once they were all safe.
Determined to go through with it before his resolve wavered, Tang bent down and quickly began unlacing his boots.
“Uh, Tang? What are you doing?” Sandy asked, lightly repositioning the unresponsive Monkey King in his arms.
“Getting us out of here,” Tang replied, kicking off his boots and pulling off his socks as well.
“How is taking off your shoes going to help?” Pigsy said skeptically.
“You’ll see.” Tang straightened up and turned to look his friends in the eyes. “No matter what happens, I need you all to trust me.”
“What’s going to happen?” MK sounded a bit nervous. “Tang?”
“Please, just trust me.”
“I-” MK turned to look over at where Mei clashed with the shadow mech. He swallowed and looked back to Tang. “O-okay. I trust you.”
“I trust you, little buddy,” Sandy pitched in enthusiastically.
“You better know what you’re doing,” Pigsy grumbled, but made no further complaint.
“Thank you,” Tang sighed in relief. “Just… save your questions for later, alright?”
Tang closed his eyes and took a deep breath. It had been some time since he had reverted to his birth form. It wasn’t strictly necessary to activate the key, but if he was to delay Macaque long enough for Mei to join them it would be. After all, his connection to the Earth and his magic was much stronger while in that form.
He focused and began to change. Fur sprouted all over his body. His feet shifted to where he stood primarily on his toes. His skull elongated into a snout. Claws grew from his fingers which shortened in length and developed paw pads. A short fluffy tail grew from the base of his spine and his ears lengthened quite significantly. Tang took a breath once the transformation finished and opened his eyes. His friends stared back in astonishment.
“Whoa…” Sandy said with his mouth open.
“You’re a rabbit?!” Pigsy exclaimed.
“You’re orange?” MK said, seeming more perplexed by his bright fur color than his sudden species change.
“I’ll explain later,” Tang promised as he turned towards the mech and flexed his paws. He grinned as he felt his magic flow through him. “Right now we need to get out of here.”
He took a stance and focused. Once he built up enough magic, he stepped forward and swung his fists down in a straightforward and sturdy motion. He then pulled back up. The earth around the shadow mech pulled up as well, encasing it in stone up to its neck.
“Holy shit!”
“Mei, get over here,” Tang shouted, somewhat out of breath. He was really out of practice. He reached under his robes and clasped the totem in his paw. “Everyone grab hold of me!”
Thankfully, Mei didn’t ask any questions as she dashed over and held onto Tang with the others. She did raise an eyebrow at him though.
“Later,” Tang said as he pulsed his magic into the totem. He grit his teeth as the shadow mech began to break free of the rock. He felt a wave of relief as the totem responded with its own magic and washed over him and his friends. “Here we go!”
Tang tapped his foot against the ground twice. The earth beneath the group opened up and they fell in. By the time Macaque freed himself the hole closed as if it had never been there to begin with.
MK’s screams soon turned into shouts of exhilaration as they slid down the tunnel Tang had summoned. He wasn’t sure exactly what was going on, but this was better than any slide he had ever been on! Tang himself was actually running along the surfaces of the tunnels on all fours as the group descended. That was just so cool!
Before long the tunnel flattened out and deposited them into an undignified heap. MK laughed as pulled himself free.
“That was awesome!” He cheered along with Mei. He ignored Pigsy’s muttered cursing as he looked around.
“Whoa…” MK breathed as he took in their surroundings. “Where are we?”
They were in what appeared to be a giant underground cavern. Yet there seemed to be light coming from up above them somewhere. Every direction he looked he saw green, vibrant plant life. The air was fresh and pleasant and carried the scent of Spring. Even with his powers being on the fritz, MK could just feel the capital M Magic that filled this place. It reminded him quite a bit of Flower Fruit Mountain, actually.
“We’re somewhere safe,” Tang replied as he stood alert. MK blinked as he had to look up into Tang’s face. He had almost forgotten Tang was a rabbit. That apparently meant he was taller now. He had so many questions for the scholar.
“Somewhere safe?” Sandy said as he made sure Monkey King hadn’t suffered any damage during their wild ride.
“Yes. At least, I hope so…” Tang said as he continued to watch down the path the tunnel had deposited them on. “I, uh, don’t have the permission to bring strangers with me here. I’m just glad the key accepted you all and actually opened for us.”
“Wait, are you saying this might not have worked?!” Pigsy said, incredulous. “And what do you mean you don’t have permission to bring strangers here?”
“It means the owner of this place is going to be pretty ticked off at me,” Tang winced. “He’s not very sociable and doesn’t like his solitude to be interrupted. He’s also really grumpy, even on his best days. We’ve known each other for a long time though, so just let me do the talking and he shouldn’t kick us out. Hopefully.”
“We’re doomed,” Pigsy groaned.
MK was about to ask a question when he noticed Tang’s ears perk up. The rabbit held up a paw to motion for silence and took a step forward. He sniffed the air and turned towards a rock formation that MK realized was shaped like an egg. That was odd…
“I know you’re there,” Tang called out. “I know your manners tend to be lacking with how much you isolate yourself, but surely you know how to greet your guests properly?”
“Didn’t he just say this guy gets pretty grumpy?” Mei hissed in an urgent whisper. “Why is he antagonizing him?!”
“Hah! As if you’d know what proper manners are,” a voice with an Australian accent called back before MK could respond. Out from behind the rock a figure stepped.
MK blinked. It was another rabbit. This one, however, seemed to have a relatively normal fur color of blue-gray with a white undercoat. He… wasn’t wearing anything. Luckily, there didn’t seem to be anything to look at. It was hard to tell, but MK thought he might be taller than Tang as well.
“Still not wearing clothes, I see,” Tang taunted. “When will you grow tired of streaking through the countryside?”
“It ain’t streaking if there ain’t nothing there ta show,” the gray rabbit said heatedly as he stalked forward. “Clothes are impractical when we’ve got fur.”
“I’m not sure shapeshifting your bits away disqualifies you from being classified as naked and thus streaking,” Tang sniffed. “But at least you're modest when it comes to your nudism.”
“Like yer one to talk,” the gray rabbit stopped a few feet away and gestured at Tang. “I know for a fact ya only started wearing clothes when ya began pretending to be a hairless ape. What happened to that, eh? Too cold for ya?”
“What the hell is happening?” MK whispered to Mei, who only shook her head with her mouth hanging open.
“I’ll have you know being human can be quite comfortable,” Tang countered. “We just… ran into a bit of trouble that required me to need full access to my magic.”
“Oh, I’m sure,” the gray rabbit scowled. “Is that why ya brought all these strangers to my Warren unannounced and unauthorized?”
“Yes,” Tang said simply, staring intently at the gray rabbit.
“I see.” The gray rabbit stared back with an equal intensity.
There was a heavy silence for a few moments. As MK looked nervously between the two, he began to notice some similarities. Not just because they were rabbits. Their facial structures were alike. There were darker markings in their fur on their foreheads that seemed to form near matching symbols. Heck, even their eyes were the exact same shade of green.
Before he could theorize what that meant, both rabbits tensed. MK and the others all shifted to prepare for a fight. Tang and the gray rabbit moved-
-and began laughing uproariously as they hugged. Huh. MK had not been expecting that. He turned to look at the others but only received equally baffled expressions in return. MK turned back to find the rabbits’ laughter had died down and they were now pressing their foreheads together.
“Missed ya a lot, Tangerine,” the gray rabbit said softly.
“Missed you too, Euca,” Tang replied.
“Why don’t ya introduce me to yer friends and then we can talk about this trouble yer in.”
“Right,” Tang stepped out of the gray rabbit’s- Euca’s?- embrace and began to excitedly introduce them all.
“This is Pigsy. He’s my, uh, partner. I’m sorry I didn’t invite you but it was a courtroom wedding sooo…”
‘Euca’ simply raised an eyebrow before glaring at the pig demon.
“Gonna have to have a few words with ya later, mate.”
“Uhh…” Pigsy swallowed nervously.
“This is MK!” Tang hurriedly moved on. “He’s our son!”
MK felt the huge grin on his face as a warmth bloomed in his chest. He would never grow tired of being called that.
Euca’s eyebrows shot up at that and his mouth fell open.
“Adopted,” Tang gently corrected. 
“Ah,” Euca nodded sadly. He smiled at MK. “Good ta meet ya.”
“Nice to, uh, meet you too?”
“This is Mei,” Tang continued. “MK’s best friend and descendant of the Dragon of the West.”
“I thought that blade looked familiar,” Euca said. “Good on ya for earning the right to wield it. Ao Run can be a right prickly bastard when it comes to who he allows to use it.”
“Thanks?” Mei seemed torn between being confused and flattered.
“This is our friend Sandy,” Tang went on. “He’s an incredible pilot and engineer! Some of the stuff he makes gives me hope that mortals might reach the level of technology we’re used to in a few dozen centuries!”
Wait, what? MK’s mouth hung open at that. Had he said a few dozen centuries? He turned to an equally shocked Pigsy who seemed to be mouthing the word ‘mortals’ to himself.
“Really now?” Euca eyed the big blue demon up and down. “I’ll have to pick yer brain later and see how good ya are.”
“Uh, sure thing,” Sandy agreed. He shifted the Monkey King in his arms, drawing the gray rabbit’s attention. He froze as he spotted the meditating figure.
“Tangerine,” he said with very obvious forced calmness.
“Yes?” Tang said nervously.
“What the fuck is bloody Sun Wukong doing in my Warren?”
“Ah, well, he’s kinda MK’s mentor since he chose him to be his successor?” 
“Look, it all has to do with that trouble I mentioned. Plus he’s stuck in his meditation right now so he can’t cause any trouble like last time. Can we finish introductions first before you decide to kick us out?”
“Fine,” Euca pinched the bridge of his nose. “But if he wakes up and ruins the paint river again, I’m blaming you.”
MK’s mind was still swimming with everything that had been said so far and barely registered the ‘last time’ comment. What the hell was going on? Why had Tang hidden all this from them? What exactly was all this to begin with? He was really, really confused.
“Everyone,” Tang said, drawing MK’s attention. He had wrapped an arm around the taller rabbit’s shoulder. Euca rolled his eyes but smiled fondly at the orange rabbit anyway. Tang took a deep breath before he spoke again.
“Everyone, this is my older brother, Eucalyptus.”
MK’s mouth hung open once again.
“I told ya not to call me that in front of strangers,” the gray rabbit grumbled. He stood up straight. “E. Aster Bunnymund, at your service. Call me Bunny for now.” He smirked at the gobsmacked expressions of Tang’s friends. “But ya might know me better as the Easter Bunny.”
MK’s brain officially fizzled out and stopped processing.
This was just a fun little oneshot I thought up after finishing my latest chapter of Scattered Cicadas. I'm not sure if I'll continue it, but it was certainly amusing to write!
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specshroom · 4 months
Wolf hybrid who is sooooo excited to experience his bunny hybrid partners first heat. So excited that he vastly underestimates just how horny bunnies are in heat.
He's expecting his cute little bunny partner (you) to cry and beg for his knot. Which you do and he knots and cums inside you twice but then right after his knot deflates you look up at him and go "Again?"
He's a little tired but he can't say no to you...
Until it's the sixth fucking round and you're still bouncing on his very overstimulated cock. He knows it's very bad to interrupt a bunny while they're so deep in heat but he might just pass out and you're so lost in the sauce you might just keep going if he does.
He needs to think of a way to satisfy you that won't literally kill him. He gets an idea and reaches for his phone. It's really embarrassing but the best thing he can think of at that moment is to open the group chat, aptly named "The Boys", and hastily text:
[Hey guys can u come over]
[I need sum help with something]
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needyxpuppy · 16 days
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no thoughts, just b00bies<3333
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incredubious · 1 year
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(asl+uta) she's addicted to setting him up for failure
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dantelionwishes · 2 months
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bro was speaking the gospel and i was their scribe
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wing3d-b4be · 18 days
Just came hard thinking about being r@ped by my big brother.
Him forcing his cock in my tight cunt, hand around my throat so I can’t make any noise because mommy and daddy are in the next room sleeping. <3
If I’m begging him to stop, why am i so wet?
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mickedy · 11 days
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mickey's got 80 years of viral pranks to traumatize his brother with
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beaniebabz · 1 year
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I'm sorry this took forever, do we still care about rollerskating Butters? 🥺
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doctorsiren · 4 months
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Five Nights at Meshi’s
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saiykik · 7 months
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Bunny Samus
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acmeoop · 1 year
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What’s Cookin’ Lolly? “A Hare Grows In Manhattan” (1947)
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It’s somebunny’s special day! Happy 84th Birthday Bugs! Tex Avery’s “A Wild Hare” was released July 27th, 1940.
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needyxpuppy · 14 days
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happy titty tuesday💗
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evan-collins90 · 3 months
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Warner Bros. Studio Store - Times Square, NYC (1990's)
"To create an exciting retail environment for Warner Bros.' new store on the Great White Way, designers incorporated bright colors, excitement and entertainment that mimics Times Square itself. A dramatic glass window wall soars six stories above the street, providing unbroken views of the shopping floors within. Separate red, blue and green color environments are visible through the building's glass-and-steel facade. Hard-to-miss 3D neon signs featuring popular Looney Tune characters are placed on the wall by the escalator, and vintage neon and accent lighting highlight the "New York New York" shop."
Designed by JGA Inc., Southfield MI
Scanned from the Visual Merchandising 2 (2000)
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winkk-koo · 12 days
Trip to Rome
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I believe it's my third time reading The Secret History and every time I YEARN for the Rome trip. I wanna read about them going around sightseeing and Bunny complaining and I want 5 pages long descriptions of their hotel room and the street.
I need fanfics to survive
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