#Business License China
kaurwreck · 2 months
Hello! Not sure if you’ve answered something similar already, but out of curiosity, how do you know so much about Japanese law?? I’m an American university student planning to attend law school, is this something you learned while there or something you picked up on your own?
I love your posts, I think your takes on the legal landscape of Death Note are so interesting!!!
Everything I know about Japanese law is self-taught; everything I've shared about Japanese criminal law in my Death Note posts, I researched and learned for the purpose of drafting the posts.
(I'm just monotropic and engage in research as a hobby and compulsion.)
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nationallawreview · 2 months
15% Discount on Chinese Patent Annuities for Open Licensing
Per a slightly ambiguous notice from the Ministry of Finance and the National Development and Reform Commission released July 24, 2024 (财政部 国家发展改革委关于调整优化专利收费政策的通知), annuity fees will be reduced by 15% for Chinese patents for participating in China’s open licensing system. As of the time of writing, there were over 2,000 open licenses published on China’s Intellectual Property…
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interareapsp-blog · 6 months
<< 第一類 >>指通過常規管理足以保證安全性、有效性的。
<< 第二類 >>指產品機理已取得國際國內認可,技術成熟,安全性、有效性必須加以控制的。
<< 第三類 >>指植入人體,或用於生命支援,或技術結構複雜,對人體可能具有潛在危險安全性、有效性必須加以嚴格控制的。
大陸醫療器械產品註冊實行分類註冊制度: 一類產品實行申報備案制度,由設區的市級政府藥品監督管理局審查批准後發給產品註冊證書。 二類、三類產品履行產品註冊,程式中多為實質性審查,執行中把二類、三類產品註冊分為試產品和准產品註冊制度。 
大陸醫療器械產品進口的監督抽查: 大陸醫療器械產品進口的評價性監督抽查:對同一品種或同類產品進行品質考核和綜合評價。
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neil-gaiman · 2 years
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I found myself having, not exactly an argument recently, but a highly opinionated conversation with someone who did not believe my assertion that once upon a time there were official Hello Kitty vibrators. With the aid of the Wayback Machine, I found this article, and thought the world at large might enjoy it too...
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Here's the text of the article:
The history of the Hello Kitty vibrator
By Peter Payne October 4, 2004
Sanrio is one of the top character licensors in the world, having more or less created the business model of doing business by creating something that doesn't really exist and licensing its use to other companies. Sanrio produces nothing -- all their characters, like the Little Twin Star, Minna no Ta-bo, Bad Batz-Maru, exist as legal entities and nothing more. Their most successful character, Hello Kitty, or Kitty-chan as she's known in Japan, is now now thirty years old.
One of the many companies that license Sanrio's characters for their products was a Japanese company called Genyo Co. Ltd. Genyo made a wide variety of products, from bento boxes to children's toys to chopsticks, many with the Hello Kitty character on them. They scored big in the late 1990's with an off-the-wall hit, a series of Hello Kitty toys which featured a different Kitty figure from each of Japan's 47 prefectures, each representing something the prefecture was famous for. (The figure from Gunma Prefecture, where we live, represented a wooden kokeshi doll.)
In 1997, Genyo designed a product that would live in infamy: the Hello Kitty vibrating shoulder massager, which really is a shoulder massager (trust us -- it says so on the package). Sanrio approved this design without batting an eye, and the product enjoyed modest sales in toy shops and in family restaurants like Denny's and Coco's. It wasn't until 1999 or so that people began to catch on to the fact that the Hello Kitty massager had other potential uses, and with amazing speed, they started popping up in adult videos in Japan. The next thing anyone knew, they had changed into a cult adult item, sold in vending machines in love hotels -- after all, what self-respecting man wouldn't buy his girl a Hello Kitty vibrator when she asked him for one?
The emergence of the Hello Kitty vibrator as a cult adult item caused friction between Sanrio and Genyo, and Sanrio ordered the company to stop making the units. Genyo refused, since it had paid a lot of money to license Kitty for their products. There seemed nothing Sanrio could do, since they had approved the item for sale (see the official Sanrio sticker on the boxes). The answer came when the Japanese tax authorities raided Genyo on suspicion of tax evasion. It seems that some creative accounting was going on between the president of the company, a Mr. Nakamura, his vice president, and the owner of the factory in China where the units were made. All three were arrested, and Sanrio had the excuse needed to yank Genyo's license. They seized the molds used to make the vibrators and destroyed them.
And so, the sad, weird chapter of the Hello Kitty vibrator is at an end. The last of the Kitty vibes are gone, so now what will the world do for wacky comic -- and sexual -- relief?
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familyabolisher · 1 year
I've walked past the Barbie branded selfie booth, sat through the reel of old commercials that precede the previews, and watched Margot Robbie learn to cry, and I’m still not sure what “doing the thing and subverting the thing,” which Greta Gerwig claimed as the achievement of Barbie in a recent New York Times Magazine profile, could possibly mean. This was the second Gerwig profile the magazine has run. I wrote the first one, in 2017, which in hindsight appears like a warning shot in a publicity campaign that has cemented Gerwig’s reputation as so charming and pure of heart that any choice (we used to call them compromises) she makes is justified, a priori, by her innocence. This is a strange position for an adult to occupy, especially when the two-hour piece of branded content she is currently promoting hinges on a character who discovers that her own innocence is the false product of a fallen world. But—spoiler alert!—the point of Barbie’s “hero’s journey” is less to reconcile Barbie to death than to reconcile the viewer to culture in the age of IP.
“Doing the thing and subverting the thing”: I haven’t finished working out the details, but I think the rough translation would be Getting rich and not feeling feel bad about it. (Or, for the viewer: Having a good time and not feeling bad about it.) One must labor under a rather reduced sense of the word “subvert” to be impressed with poking loving fun at product misfires such as Midge (the pregnant Barbie), Tanner (the dog who poops), and the Ken with the earring, especially given that the value of all these collectors’ items has, presumably, not decreased since the film opened. Barbie may feature a sassy tween sternly informing Robbie’s Stereotypical Barbie that the tiny-waisted top-heavy billion-dollar business she represents has made girls “feel bad” about themselves, but if anyone uttered the word “anorexia,” I missed it. (There was a reason Todd Haynes told the story of Karen Carpenter’s life and death with Barbies, and it wasn’t because an uncanny piece of molded plastic has the magical power to resolve the contradictions of girlhood and global capitalism.) There’s a bit about Robbie going back into a box in the Mattel boardroom, but Barbies aren’t made in an executive suite; they come from factories in China. On the one hand, it’s weird for a film about a real-world commodity to unfold wholly in the realm of ideas and feelings, but then again, that’s pretty much the definition of branding. Mattel doesn’t care if we buy Barbie dolls—they’re happy to put the word “Barbie” on sunglasses and T-shirts, or license clips from the movie for an ad for Google. OK, here’s my review: When Gerwig first visited Mattel HQ in October 2019, the company’s stock was trading at less than twelve dollars a share. Today the price is $21.40. 
Christine Smallwood, Who Was Barbie?
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simply-ivanka · 1 month
This is who Tim Walz is.
“Let’s see how weird the Democrats’ new leadership is:
It’s weird that Walz mandated tampons in boys’ bathrooms in Minnesota schools.
It’s weird for the party that promotes itself as the guardian of democracy to install its leaders without an election.
It’s weird that Walz dawdled for three days while Minneapolis burned before calling in the National Guard during 2020’s BLM-antifa riots.
He abandoned the city’s Third Precinct police headquarters when it was overrun and set ablaze.
Walz explained his weird lack of action as a desire not to be “oppressive” to the rioters who had suffered “generations of pain” and “fundamental, institutional racism.”
It’s weird that Walz’s wife kept the windows open “as long as I could” during the riots so she could “smell the burning tires” and savor the historic moment.
It’s weird that Walz let his then-19-year-old daughter leak the National Guard’s deployment plans on Twitter so rioters knew they could keep destroying Minneapolis.
It’s weird that Harris and Walz base their campaign on “freedom” yet he was the most authoritarian governor in the country during the pandemic, ruling by decree for 15 months, enforcing draconian shutdown orders, mask mandates and curfews.
It’s weird that Walz tells Republicans to “mind your own damn business” when he created a COVID telephone “snitch line” so that people could inform on their neighbors who breached his draconian COVID restrictions.
It’s weird that Walz defended censorship of COVID dissenters by telling MSNBC: “There’s no guarantee to free speech on misinformation or hate speech especially around our democracy.”
It’s weird that Walz signed laws allowing teenagers to be sterilized and genitally mutilated without parental consent and called it “gender-affirming care.”
It’s weird that Walz signed into law a new definition of “sexual orientation” that deleted an exemption against pedophilia.
It’s weird that Walz has turned Minnesota into a “trans refuge” with a law that removes children from parents who don’t agree to their kids’ sex-change surgery and hormone treatment.
Even transgender Minnesota state Rep. Leigh Finke called the bill “beautifully weird.”
It’s weird that Walz has turned Minnesota into an “abortion mecca” with no time limit up to the moment of birth and sometimes beyond, and no requirement that minors inform their parents.
It’s weird that Walz is presented as the epitome of decency and “Minnesota nice” and yet the first time he spoke to the nation, he peddled a smutty sex joke about Vance and a couch cushion made up by the bottom feeders of internet trolling.
It’s weird that Walz has visited China about 30 times, including spending his honeymoon there.
“No matter how long I live, I’ll never be treated that well again,” he said after his first visit in 1990.
“They gave me more gifts than I could bring home.” He should compare notes with the Bidens.
It’s weird that Walz and his wife, Gwen, chose June 4 as their wedding date to commemorate the bloody anniversary of China’s brutal crackdown on democracy protesters in China’s Tiananmen Square.
“He wanted to have a date he’ll always remember,” said Gwen.
It’s weird that Walz quit the National Guard when he was about to be deployed to Iraq, then told everyone he had gone to war.
It’s weird that Walz said he wanted to provide ladders to illegal migrants so they could climb over Trump’s border wall.
It’s weird that Waltz says, “One person’s socialism is another person’s neighborliness.”
It’s weird that Harris and Walz claim they are defending “democracy” but he signed a law to give driver’s licenses to illegal aliens, the first step to voting ­illegally in elections.
It’s weird that Walz criticizes Trump for his record on law and order when crime in Minneapolis has soared on his watch.
It’s weird that he poses as a “folksy,” common-sense working man with “Midwestern dad vibes” who hunts and wears camo caps.
Yet he governs like a crazed, green-haired radical, with taxes among the highest in the country and residents fleeing the state as fast as they can.
It’s weird that Walz is a teacher married to a teacher, the son of a teacher and claims education is a priority, yet on his watch, Minnesota students’ average reading and math scores have plummeted to below the national average, according to the National Assessment of Educational Progress.
Despite record spending, for the first time majorities of K-12 students are not meeting grade-level standards, finds the Minnesota Center of the American Experiment.
Minnesota’s CNBC education ranking has dropped from fifth to 19th place in the country since he became ­governor.
It’s weird that Harris has not done a single interview since being appointed the presumptive Democratic nominee for president more than two weeks ago.
It’s weird that she laughs at her own jokes.
In psychology, attributing your own flaws to others is called projection, and Walz and Harris have a bad case of weird.”
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lunaraindrop · 21 days
We Are Not the Kissing Space Twins (part 2)
Fic by lunaraindrop
Well, you asked for it! Let's find out about Steve's secret twin!
Robin's nerves were frazzled like the feather on her band uniform.
Tonight was supposed to be a fun night! Vickie had asked her last week if she wanted to come over to her house and have a movie marathon...and a sleepover. Of course she jumped at the chance! (Steve had said, excitedly and with way too many winks that Vickie was putting the moves on her.)
Robin had not known if it was a "friend movie marathon" or a "i-like-you-makeout movie marathon", but she had prepared for both.
But then Vickie called her earlier that afternoon to postpone. Apparently, her entire family got a stomach bug, and their house was a cesspool for germs.
Bummed, Robin tried to think of something else to do.
Hanging with Steve was out. His parents decided to grace him with their *lovely* presence after four months away on "business." They insisted on having a "family dinner." Steve always gets ultra stressed when he has to do the staunchy dinners in The Harrington Dining Room with the real silver, cloth napkins, and the Fine China that cost probably as much as his car. Telling him that her "maybe date" was off was just going to disappoint him too.
Eddie wasn't going to be any fun, either. All Eddie would do would be pine over Steve, try to sneak in a smoke, and eat whipped cream out of a can.
Nancy was spending the day with Jonathan. The kids made sure they all had things to do because Steve couldn't take them anywhere.
Then she had what she thought was a great idea. She could get her learner's permit! She had studied the written test bookelett front to back, as well as gone over all the driving rules and tricks with Steve and Eddie.
She wasn't working that day, and she was completely free. Perfect timing! All she had to do was get her birth certificate.
Which...proved to be harder than she thought.
Robin paced her bedroom, probably wearing a path in the carpet.
She never caught on that her parents were reluctant to give her her birth certificate. When she would suggest getting her permit or license, they would talk about how they couldn't afford to have her driving. A car and insurance cost a lot of money. Then they would guilt trip her into not driving at all with fears of her getting into an accident. She never knew her name, but that was how she was told her bio mom died.
She would always let it go when they talked about the "angel that gave them their precious baby girl."
But she knew now that they were hiding something from her!
When she pressed until they gave in, she saw what on her birth certificate. She felt so betrayed! How could they lie to her like that?
She couldn't take it anymore! Robin picked up the phone.
"Hey, Nancy? I hate to ask, but could you and Jonathan come pick me up? I really need a friend right now."
In the Byers-Hopper living room, Nancy blinked up at Robin. "So, you are actually a year *older* than you thought you were?"
Robin threw her hand in the air. "Yes! And they didn't tell me! Evidently, it wasn't just that I took longer than the rest of the babies to walk! Oh no, I was in the NICU for *months*! I was so far behind in my milestones that my parents decided to just tell me I was a year younger and enroll me in school a year later than everyone else!"
Jonathan dodged a flailing arm and handed Robin a cup of tea. "Here, sit down and drink this. It's my mom's chamomile. I think you need it."
Taking a breath, Robin nodded her thanks and took a sip. Then made a face. "This tastes like laundry detergent and bourbon."
Jonathan shrugged with a small smirk. "I said it's my mom's."
Nancy went into investigation mode. "Okay, so your parents adopted you three days after you were born. Closed adoption. Your biological mother died, and no information about your biological fatherm. Instead of 1968, you were adopted in 1967."
Carefully putting the mug down on a magazine on the table, Robin ran her fingers through her hair. "Me being adopted is old news, Nancy. I've known I was my parents 'miracle baby' since I was able to walk...which I don't know when that is now! Was it *actually* six months after most kids, or *a year and six months* after most kids?!?"
Nancy waved her hand to cut Robin off. "Robin! I understand. I'm just trying to understand how nobody knew this information."
Jonathan raised an eyebrow. "About Robin being adopted?"
Nancy sighed. "No, about how Robin could go through the whole school system and sign government NDA's without getting flagged that her birthday was wrong. I'm wondering if her adoption records say something else."
She got up to grab a notepad and started scribbling. "The information given to the Buckley's, if they can believed- sorry Robin- is that the adoption was a closed adoption. Having records sealed makes sense, but not a closed adoption. There was no father, according to Robin's parents. Just her biological mother. Who died in a car accident. So...who made sure it was a closed adoption? Who isn't supposed to be contacted? Does that have anything to do with the year change?"
Jonathan got up and pulled out his wallet. "Robin, you've never had a physical ID, right?" He showed off his own driver's license with his awful bowl cut hair picture.
"No. I haven't even had a permit yet. At nineteen! I'm so far behind!"
Jonathan nodded and looked to Nancy to continue. When she nodded back, he handed Robin his license. "If you've never had an ID, the only time you would see your birthday written anywhere would either be at school or by your parents." He turned to Nancy. "If her school records say she was born in 1967, then they knew she was a year older, but didn’t say anything... If they filled out her forms saying 1968, then they lied to the Roane County Board of Education, and they didn't check her birth certificate."
Nancy pointed a pencil at Robin. "You might have accidentally uncovered a hidden adoption scheme in Hawkins."
Robin flexed her fingers. "That's nice, you guys. Really nice. I may be a part of some big adoption conspiracy. But the fact remains, I'm a year older than I ever thought I was, and my parents lied to me about it."
Nancy and Jonathan both flinched.
Right. Comfort Robin now, investigate later.
Nancy walked over and stilitingly pat Robin’s shoulder. She wracked her brain for something to cheer the woman up.
"Well, you and Steve can actually pretend to be twins, now! Your birthdays are now only three days apart!
Part 1 here:
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cheriladycl01 · 8 months
So, you lied to me? - Lando Norris x Tourist! Reader
Plot: Going on a travel year you end up in Monaco, the plan wasn't too fall for the man who helped you to the British Embassy and gave you a place to stay when someone stole everything from you ...
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You took a gap year before university and decided to travel you'd started off the New Year on a flight from London, to Qatar to New Zealand. You travelled around New Zealand and Australia for the majority of January, before moving on to Papa New Guinea, Fiji and Samoa.
You then travelled round the South Asian countries, like Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam and the Philippines and Taiwan all throughout February. You then moved onto China, doing both Disney Parks while you were there and sight seeing. You did South Korea and Japan.
Coming into April, you moved onto Sri Lanka and India, and The Middle East, doing Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Bahrian, Qatar, Oman and Saudi Arabia.
Afterwards, now having done 2 continents, you moved onto Africa, you spent the end of April and the majority of May travelling here, before leaving for Europe.
A nice 2 weeks island hopping around Greece, before a week travelling up the boot of Italy.
It was when you drove to Monaco in a rental car that things got difficult.
You were walking along the harbor where all the expensive yachts were docked wishing that one could be yours. You didn't have all your bags on you, the larger ones left behind in the hotel room you'd booked for the night. But you had your important stuff on you, like you passport, your drivers license and all your travel documents.
You were taking a picture on your nice Canon camera of the yachts and the street that had weird red corners rounding it that you put down to being measures to just help drivers slow down round the corners, but they were definitely an eyesore.
Every time nice cars drove by there was whistles and claps that made you look at what car it was, you could never tell what model it was but they looked nice and you guess you could say sporty.
As you were distracted taking your pictures a guy comes up to you with a small, parcel cutting knife in his hand. He slit the straps of what you thought was a really sturdy bag and the weight notifies you to the loss of the bag. You let your camera drop as you turn to see the guy now holding your bag and starting to run away with it.
"Hey! Stop" you shout before running after him.
"Aide, Aide" you shout as you continue to follow him, your minimal French not helping as people scold you for being a bustly tourist.
You aren't really looking where you going and you loose him at a busy intersection of people, you spin round looking at every possible direction he could have gone in.
"Shit!" you whisper to yourself quietly tears coming in your eyes. You spin round a little to quickly, bumping into someone who drops the bag that they were holding.
"Désolé, mon erreur" you try looking at the young gentleman you'd bumped into in a hoodie and jeans. He looks at you with a confused look, a smirk coming onto his face.
"Oh sorry, tu ne parles pas français? Maybe Italian, erm fuck scusa, parli italiano?" you ask with again the bare minimum of Italian you know.
"I speak perfectly good English" he smiles, laughing a little as your expression turns to shock.
"Oh! Oh I'm so stupid. Hello!" you smile looking at the very attractive man in front of you, you blushed a little looking up at him.
"You look panicked what's wrong?" he asks.
"I was tacking pictures of the harbor and some guy took my bag. It has everything in of mine and I don't know what to do" You say to him looking a little more panicked.
"Everything as in money ... because I can help with that" he says placing a hand on your arm.
"I don't care about the money, but he has all of my documents. My passport, my drivers license everything" you cry a little.
"Oh! Erm, I have a friend who was born here, and let me get him and he can help us file a police report. Then mmm the British Embassy is all the way in Paris and you cant get a flight so we'll have to drive there..." he starts to rant and your face turned shocked.
"We?" you ask, confused as to how this guy has just inserted himself into your life drama's.
"Oh yeah, I've gotta help you out now. You got that whole damsel in distress thing going on right now! Any way damsel, what's your name?" he jokes and you look over at him offended.
"I am not a damsel in distress! And Y/N" you retort.
"You so are, the tear stains, the wide, helpless eyes, the guppy fish face your pulling right now, the butchered French and Italian to a strange man who actually is British... Y/N" he laughs making you pout and push him a little.
"I don't even have a place to stay after 3pm today and I cant check in anywhere without ID" you say rubbing your head, looking around as if the man would randomly pop back up and hand you your bag back before saying how sorry he was.
"You can stay at my place, I have two spare bedrooms" he smiles and you look at him in shock.
"You live here, in Monaco ..." you ask.
"Yeah, I moved here a few years ago, for ...work" he offers, he phones his friend walking off for a few seconds alone before he pulls you along one of the side streets and too a quiet cafe he went to, to keep under wraps.
"Okay, Y/N this is my friend ... er Percy" he says pointing to Charles, so far you hadn't shown any signs of knowing who he is and he didn't want you to catch wind of that.
"Hello Percy, its nice to meet you" you smile and he looks at you with a vacant yet confused expression.
"Oh and whose this you are beautiful" you compliment looking at the girl behind him.
"Y/N this is my girlfriend Alex" Charles indicates to Alex behind him who smiles and pulls you in for a kind hug that you definitely needed. You could hear both of their strong accents as they introduced himself.
"Oh, I never got you name, what's your name?" you ask turning to look at Lando, who freezes for a second.
"Erm, my names Robert, but you can call me Bob" he smiles and you raise and eyebrow at him.
"Hmmm, you don't look like a Robert... or a Bob. Interesting choice" you voice your opinion making everyone awkwardly laugh.
Charles, Lando and Alex took you to the nearest police station in Monaco, Charles translated what they were saying and you answered to which he and Alex would help translate back.
Charles explained that they were escalating it because you are a tourist in need, but you picked up some words that made the sentence not sound like that at all.
You were asked if you had a place to say and Lando explained you'd be staying with him until everything was sorted out.
The Monegasque police got in contact with the Paris British Embassy for you, they explained that the police had sent over you information and if you wanted to hold off on a new passport for a few days to see if it would turn up you were more than welcome, but right now your passport was on lockdown.
And that was how you ended up spending the end of July and all of August with Lando, it was strange really. For a man who had and extremely nice collection of clothes and a very large apartment he didn't go to work often. There was one room you weren't allowed in which is where he often went, you assumed it was a man cave or gaming room where he played with his friends because you heard lots of shouting and aggressive banging.
He'd been so sweet, he took you on dates from going out to dinner, to picnics, to going swimming and lots more. It felt like more than a summer fling. Especially once he asked you to be his girlfriend, which you immediately said yes too.
But he got a lot more twitchy after he had.
Eventually, Lando or Bob as you knew him took you to Paris so you could get your passport. He explained that he travelled a lot for work and he would need to leave soon and you explained that before you bumped into him you'd been on a gap year travelling the world.
"Baby, why don't you come with me?" he asked randomly as you were both lying on the sofa, cuddling while watching a film.
"You wont even tell me what you do for work Baby! And besides I had a schedule that I'm already behind on. A week ago you said you didn't mind going our separate ways for a little bit until Christmas and then you'd come to England with me" you say playing with his curls.
"Okay, I'm going to be honest with you now... my name isn't Bob" he says shyly and you sit up at the speed of light turning to look at him.
"I knew it! So you lied to me?" you exclaim laughing.
"So, what's my boyfriends actual name?" you ask looking him dead in the eyes, he leans up on his elbows before sitting the full way up.
"Lando, I am Lando Norris" he smiles.
"Hmmmm, Lando... Lando. I could get used to that" you smile.
"You aren't mad?" he asks looking over you, brushing you hair back and tucking it behind your ear before kissing your cheek.
"I knew you weren't being completely honest when we first met... but I also knew you had your own reasons" you offer.
"I think its going to be easier if I just hand you my Instagram" he admits with a gulp as he hands you his phone. The first thing you notice is how many followers he had, there was around 10million and he had nearly 2,500 posts.
You look at the friends list, and one peeks your interest. Charles Leclerc, who looked exactly like Percy who Lando had introduced you too.
You then go back and look at his bio, that told you his actual job.
"So, I'm dating a super famous athlete?" you ask looking up at him away from the phone to see his head down in his hands. He turns to the side to sneak a look at your expression, his eyes a little glossy.
"To be specific, a Formula 1 driver" you ask again and he nods.
"You are such a muppet, my god" you laugh before pulling him into a hug.
"How aren't you upset with me?" he ask unsure.
"Well, I agreed to date you, because you are you. I doubt you change into Mr Hyde when you become a what was is Porsche race-car driver? I fell in love with you, not Bob, not Lando, you. So whether that is Bob, who kindly helped a crying lady on the street who just had her passport stolen from her, or Lando a cool and amazing race-car driver. Whoever you are is the person I love" you grin and he pulls you into a hug.
"So you want to join me for the last few races? Or you want to finish this world trip of yours?" he asks.
"Well, looking at your calendar, I can actually meet you at the rest of the races, While travelling. I'll continue to do Europe until you have the Netherlands, and ill go back to Italy, just for you. I'll miss Azerbaijan and Singapore because I did that, but I'll knock out some of South America, I'll meet you for Austin, then we can do Mexico and Brazil together, then we can do Vegas together! And by that point I can call it done with my trip!" you exclaim and he looks like he considers it for a second.
He's shocked, he cant remember the last time a girlfriend tried so hard to link up their schedules like this, and proved that they'd be able to work despite some potential scheduling issues.
"I love you. I fucking love you" he grins pulling you back down onto the sofa kissing all over your face making you giggle.
A/N: I've been doing a lot of Lando recently, I don't know if you can tell but I love writing about him, he's my fav to write about right now.
@littlesatanicassholebitch @hockey-racing-fubol @laura-naruto-fan1998 @22yuki @simxican @sinofwriting @lewisroscoelove @cmleitora @stupidandunnecessary @clayra-g @daemyratwst @honey-belden @moonypixel @lauralarsen @vader-is-hot @ironcowboycopnickel @itsjustkhaos @the-untamed-soul @beebo86 @happylittlereader @ziejustme @lou-larcher5 @thewulf @purplephantomwolf @chasing-liberosis @chillyleclerc @chanthereader @annoyingmoonballoon @summissss @evieepepi08 @havaneseoger08 @celesteblack08 @gulphulp @fandom1ruined2me @celebstories @starfusionsworld @jspitwall @sierruhh @georgeparisole @dakotatankbig @youcannotcancelquidditch @zzonsbeek @tallbrownhairsarcastic @mellowarcadefun @ourteenagetragedy @otako5811 @countingstacksandpanicattacks @peachiicherries @formulas-bitch @cherry-piee @hopexcroc @mirrorball-6 @spilled-coffee-cup @mehrmonga @bigsimperika @blueberry64857959 @eiraethh @lilypadlover @curseofhecate @alliwantisadonut @the-fem1n1ne-urge @21stcenturytaegi @dark-night-sky-99 @spideybv28 @i-wish-this-was-me @tallrock35 @butterfly-lover @barnestatic @landossainz @darleneslane @barcelonaloverf1life @r0nnsblog @ilove-tswizzle @kapsylia @laneyspaulding19 @viennakarma
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seat-safety-switch · 1 year
New cars are insanely expensive. Perhaps you’re not aware of this. I certainly was not, having been raised from birth on a succession of rust-weeping, barely operable automobiles. So you can imagine my surprise when I walked into a dealership recently (the city shut off my water, so I had to use their bathroom) and got an eyeful of the price stickers on these suckers. For the same amount of money that your ancestors would spend on Louisiana, you too could have a depressing luxury crossover.
You can argue about the motivation behind this ridiculous state of affairs. Is it financialization writing obscene loans at unsustainably low interest rates? Maybe it’s wage deflation, driving the average suburbanite to buy luxury goods in order to feel like they are important, despite being paid significantly less than they would have in 1976.
Or, and this is the one the car companies like to tell you, it’s because of all those safety features. Ah yes, the government forces us to include airbags, seatbelts, backup cameras, and collision mitigation. It’s their fault. If only we had no regulation at all, we could all drive around in $400 Power Wheels with lead-acid batteries like our business partners in China. And if we got rid of drivers’ licenses, imagine how many more people could buy them!
This line of argument does make a little bit of sense. For instance, my cars are hilariously unsafe, and they were very inexpensive. However, this is coming from the same folks that told you adding a $30 6-CD changer to a car costs $5000 and requires you to get a different colour of paint. And despite this state of affairs, they are racking up mega profits. Maybe – just maybe – we shouldn’t be listening to them about this particular fact, especially if the backup camera kept you from driving over an errant toddler this morning. (That would never happen to me: I would notice immediately as the child tears through the paper-thin rusty steel of my trunk, and ends up embedded in my glovebox, where they could later be safely removed and trained in welding and bodywork.)
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darkmaga-retard · 1 month
By Earick Ward
With the Dems’ selection of Tim Walz for V.P., the teams are set going into the general election for president: Donald Trump and J.D. Vance for the Republicans against Kamala Harris and Tim Walz for the Democrats (assuming the Harris/Walz ticket doesn’t get derailed at the convention).
At first glance, the selection of Tim Walz is a relief.  Kamala Harris could have selected Pennsylvania governor Josh Shapiro, but as Van Jones suggested on CNN, “anti-Jewish bigots” in the Democrat party sank Shapiro’s V.P. bid.  Shapiro would have almost certainly delivered Pennsylvania, with 19 electoral votes, which would have made the path to victory harder for Trump/Vance.
Tim Walz is the gift that keeps on giving.  If there were a worse candidate than Kamala Harris, Tim Walz is it.
Take his stolen valor, his ties to China, his signed bill placing tampons in boys bathrooms, his signed bill allowing state custody for transgender hormones and genital mutilation, his signed bill granting driver’s licenses to illegal aliens, and his signing of a late-term abortion bill that is possibly the most radical in the nation.
But of all Walz’s extreme left background, his allowing (read: promoting) the burning down of Minneapolis and other Minnesota cities during the 2020 Democrat-inspired summer of rage is, in my opinion, the most egregious.  People died.  Businesses were looted and set ablaze (in mostly black neighborhoods).
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caputvulpinum · 1 year
I remember the movie basically making the old point about “and there’s no women CEO’s :c” and it was like, are you kidding me? The planet is dying and your solution is to make sure some of the CEO’s destroying it are girlbosses?
Loved the movie mostly, especially the set design, but it felt like the message was an afterthought because it was the weakest part of the movie.
I've walked past the Barbie branded selfie booth, sat through the reel of old commercials that precede the previews, and watched Margot Robbie learn to cry, and I’m still not sure what “doing the thing and subverting the thing,” which Greta Gerwig claimed as the achievement of Barbie in a recent New York Times Magazine profile, could possibly mean. This was the second Gerwig profile the magazine has run. I wrote the first one, in 2017, which in hindsight appears like a warning shot in a publicity campaign that has cemented Gerwig’s reputation as so charming and pure of heart that any choice (we used to call them compromises) she makes is justified, a priori, by her innocence. This is a strange position for an adult to occupy, especially when the two-hour piece of branded content she is currently promoting hinges on a character who discovers that her own innocence is the false product of a fallen world. But—spoiler alert!—the point of Barbie’s “hero’s journey” is less to reconcile Barbie to death than to reconcile the viewer to culture in the age of IP.
“Doing the thing and subverting the thing”: I haven’t finished working out the details, but I think the rough translation would be Getting rich and not feeling feel bad about it. (Or, for the viewer: Having a good time and not feeling bad about it.) One must labor under a rather reduced sense of the word “subvert” to be impressed with poking loving fun at product misfires such as Midge (the pregnant Barbie), Tanner (the dog who poops), and the Ken with the earring, especially given that the value of all these collectors’ items has, presumably, not decreased since the film opened. Barbie may feature a sassy tween sternly informing Robbie’s Stereotypical Barbie that the tiny-waisted top-heavy billion-dollar business she represents has made girls “feel bad” about themselves, but if anyone uttered the word “anorexia,” I missed it. (There was a reason Todd Haynes told the story of Karen Carpenter’s life and death with Barbies, and it wasn’t because an uncanny piece of molded plastic has the magical power to resolve the contradictions of girlhood and global capitalism.) There’s a bit about Robbie going back into a box in the Mattel boardroom, but Barbies aren’t made in an executive suite; they come from factories in China. On the one hand, it’s weird for a film about a real-world commodity to unfold wholly in the realm of ideas and feelings, but then again, that’s pretty much the definition of branding. Mattel doesn’t care if we buy Barbie dolls—they’re happy to put the word “Barbie” on sunglasses and T-shirts, or license clips from the movie for an ad for Google. OK, here’s my review: When Gerwig first visited Mattel HQ in October 2019, the company’s stock was trading at less than twelve dollars a share. Today the price is $21.40. 
Christine Smallwood, Who Was Barbie?
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iicheeze · 1 year
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yoimi || nagonohara yoimiya
24 yo
owner of the nagonohara fireworks
likes to experiment the handmade fireworks near the apartment
one time she accidentally set it up in her apartment
got sent to the hospital that day
still likes fireworks somehow
likes to have tea parties with the women who live in the apartment
has the hottest gossips from all the tenants of Teyvat Apartments
yes she has friends all over the apartment
and sometimes ‘ friends ’ she doesn't like but the people think of her as a friend so they spill their secrets
just npcs tho dw
and thats how she has the hottest gossips
“ weird ” — Scaramouche
“ shut up her tea is the best ” — [Name]
kesimp || Kèqíng
26 yo
has a fat massive amount of merch by the famous pianist, Zhōng Lí
comes to every concert he has possible in China
doesn't let anyone come into her bedroom cuz
says that she doesnt like tea parties but comes anyways becuz the others 'insisted'
(liar, she loves it)
says that she likes Zhōng Lí's piano skills solely becuz of his skills but in reality considers him as a god (not in a weird way)
sometimes when she's busy at work and doesn't have time to actually go to his concert, she watches his live instead
loyal Zhōng Lí fan
also an overworker
sometimes she'd overwork herself sm her boss has to personally give her some days off cuz her eye bags r getting too dark
only Gānyǔ, her co-worker, knows of her obsession with Zhōng Lí
has a not-so-obvious crush on her co-worker
AUNTY 🫂💕‼️ || Nahida
is actually 45 years old
aunty of the apartment residence
very smol but very big heart and very big brain
something went wrong with her genes but her brain is very big indeed
still kinda like a child since she sometimes says "dook-dook" instead of shit
the number one reason why scaramouche and [name] moved to this certain apartment
likes to read and buys a lot of novels
has to show her drivers license to the police over 50 times to show that she aint a child
doesnt like beer or wine and prefers juice instead
LOVES to come to tea parties and often brings cookies and sweets there
zuzuha || kaedehara kazuha
28 yo
lives with his husband Tomo
tho Tomo rlly likes to challenge Raiden Senshi of the Raiden Martial Group
got hospitalized several times becuz of it
main reason why he got banned from ever entering it again
rumors say he smokes weed
he doesnt
just try taking care of a Tomo
was originally arranged to be married to a woman by his clan
turns out hes gay
and eloped with Tomo to Teyvat Apartments
very gentleman
househusband core
likes to play Majiang (Mah Jong) with elderly ppl at the park
xiaomi || xiāo
48 yo with very good genes (its the asian genes i swear)
famous violinist
is Zhōng Lí's apprentice but decided to be a violinist to harmonize with him (sunny and mari)
there used to be a lot more apprentices of Zhōng Lí, but they were all bullied by the audience saying that they were just bland copies of him but worse so they quit
xiāo's the only one who stayed
but becuz of that, his mental health deteriorates within every concert he does
considers of quitting more than once but doesn't becuz he signed a contract with Zhōng Lí and doesn't plan to break it
but they have a pretty nice father son relationship
tries to practice the flute in secret but one time he tried to do it at his balcony and it let out a high pitched sound so he never touched it again
lives at the penthouse of Teyvat Apartments (bro's rich)
bro can afford fancy food but prefers home-made food
when [name] and scaramouche moved in to the Apartment Residence, [name] introduced themselves to him and had no idea of his occupation
often gets asked to eat dinner tgt by the tenants despite of his social status
everytime he struggles with socialization, def goes to Zhōng Lí for advice
big bitch || arataki itto
30 yo
if nahida's the aunty of Teyvat Apartments, he's the uncle
likes to play cards with kids
sometimes likes to teach them how to gamble and Majiang (Mah Jong) too
def would be like one of those asian grandmas or aunties who'd yell profanities when they lose at Majiang (Mah Jong) or cards
also likes to gamble with the older tenants of the apartments (nahida, xiao, yae miko, dehya, etc)
if nahida wins he'd try so hard not to cuss at her cuz she plays calmly
if the other ppl wins then be prepared for a butt load of crap of words you dont know exists
it goes the same way for other ppl than itto too
Majiang especially
nahida's the only calm one there, the others arent
they'd stand up from their seats, yelling chinese cusses, japanese cusses, indian cusses, pointing at each other aggressively
what a normal game night
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TAGLIST || @stellakito @crueldinasty @hysteriablues @hoesaria @dreamsofminnie @caffeine-mess @alatusorrow @lunaeclipsethesimp @lxkeeeee @myaaones @withloveminnie @shewolfniko @aeongiies @qwnelisa @liliumaraneae @candlebathwater @seirin-eyy @feiherp @nxsh30 @loivre @imdeadlyboredhelp @hotgirlshit5 @worldhardtibbysoft @mitsu-moshi @mono1606 @zomzomb1e @vvyeislazzy @crucnhice @omlxlaure @iethairs
@ownedbythescribe @mishtae @aloflapse @divinechicha @thefandomcrow @d4y-dr3am3r @tjjjrsj @certaindreampost @minninr @angelkazusstuff @zyilas @lumpywolf @haruaikawa @xiaosonlybeloved @reconaiise @yuyan @myoreiii @lordbugs @theaudacitiedmentose @scaravibe @exphhoria @venusflwers @ohmyfinggod @niyaiiz
SUMMARY II in which, a sassy and bitter househusband, and his beloved, idiotic streamer of a lover got married! what a lovely occasion. now, for the married life in a newer, and bigger apartment.
PAIRINGS || Househusband Scaramouche x Gaming Streamer GN Reader
AUTHOR'S NOTES || pls note that this takes place in China, Beijing
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respectthepetty · 2 years
*I'm going to be completely normal about Moonlight Chicken. I'm just going to watch and enjoy it. I'm not going to look deeper. I'm not going to think about..*
Moonlight Chicken's Symbolism and Background Noise
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The series has several Chinese influences and begins on September 10, 2022, which an actual full moon fell on that day. It is the Moon Festival also known as Harvest Moon, Mid-Autumn Moon, or Mooncake. It is meant to be spent with others. In the lunar calendar, it's the mid-point of the year. We know this date from Jim's beer.
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The brand of the beer is Full Moon, and he and Wen drink it throughout the first episode.
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Jim and Wen discuss what is normally seen in the moon. Jim sees a woman (which there is legend about a woman and the moon, but it's too much for this space), but Wen states it's a rabbit. A rabbit normally represents the full moon because both symbolize longevity, peace, and prosperity.
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That's why mooncakes are given during this time. They represent well wishes to the receiver and those shared with a long peaceful and prosperous life.
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Ginger, which Wen shared with Jim, also symbolizes longevity as well as passion and strength.
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Jim's green truck's license plate states frog in Thai. Frogs are a symbol of prosperity and good luck.
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Li Ming, whose name means (bright) dawn, wears an Ohio State Buckeyes Football Shirt. Buckeyes are a type of nut and symbolize good luck (thanks college football for that nugget of info!).
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However, this show is doing well with subtle foreshadowing, so Li Ming might run into some bad luck with driving (Heart around) without a license.
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We get some foreshadowing with the DVD Wen picks up at Jim's. This movie is about two lovers who meet in Hong Kong after relocating there from other parts of China. Their lives take them on separate paths, only for them to reunite ten years later in America. The ending shows that they actually sat back-to-back on the train ride into Hong Kong over a decade ago. Aka, they were fated lovers.
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Jim has an Idiot's Guide to Starting a Home-Based Business and Reader's Digest collection of books - Dick Francis' Comeback (about a man who gets entangled with a stranger on his route to his new job), Frederick Forsyth's The Deceiver (about a British agent who is set to retire, but one of the main plots is an affair), and Alexandria Ripley's Scarlett (which continues the story of Scarlett and Rhett from Gone with the Wind, who are estranged, but at the end, reunite). *Also, the condom package is amazing. The C of "condom" is actually the condom. I just think it's neat!
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Wen has Eric Hall's Monster (which is about famous sport agent Eric Hall who was known for being a money monster). This is likely to be Alan's book because the apartment is filled with art, which is due to Wen being an art director. He was also drinking because of his job but didn't state anything specific about the reason.
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Wen and Alan's apartment is more modern, while Jim's is more traditional.
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When Jim and Wen met at the restaurant, it is Saturday going into Sunday. In Thailand, Sunday's color is red, and its unlucky color is blue. However, In China, red represents good luck, and blue represents longevity. We see these colors often around Jim and Wen (scroll back up).
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Jim was shown mostly in or highlighted by red the first episode with Wen in or highlighted by blue.
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Even Jim's aprons are red. They say Hungry? with a little chicken peaking out of the pockets.
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We also see the blues and reds around Heart and Li Ming. *peep the elephant tusks which are encasing the family and symbolize power*
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The bottle Heart drops is Snake Bite Whiskey, and a snakebite shot simply consists of whiskey and lime juice aka it hurts like an actual snakebite.
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Modern Thai Sign Language was influenced by American Sign Language (which was greatly influenced by French Sign Language). It seems as if Heart is telling Li Ming his face scared him, but I'm unsure of the last sign since that is not the ASL sign for surprise, scared, or angry. The second portion seems to consist of Heart saying YOUR MISTAKE, but once again, the second sign is different than ASL's mistake because of the breadth of the movement. *I love that this wasn't captioned because it allows the audience to feel Li Ming's confusion and Heart's frustration.
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We end the episode back at night with another shot of the moon. As others have pointed out, the colors at night are more crisp and vibrant compared to the day.
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But based on Li Ming's name, and the symbols, I think Moonlight Chicken is attempting a similar theme as Big Dragon - The Moon and the Sun have to meet at Dawn. These lovers won't work in their current situations. They have to compromise and find balance, which is why they met in the middle of the year. They have to meet in the in-between.
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winxwiki · 7 months
Do not buy Reorah's repackaged and inflated Aliexpress jewelry
You may have seen Reorah's officially licensed collab with Winx Club recently. Their packaging is fine and dandy and they're technically a "legit" business.
Too bad they just repackage and repaint their jewelry from cheap manifacturers with no labor laws from China and resell them for 10 times the price. "Handmade small business" my ass! These have been available on Aliexpress and other chinese marketplaces way before this recently announced collab, so there's no way they made bootlegs in such a short period.
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Rainbow should have better standards for their licensing. I'd be willing to actually pay 30 dollars and more for real handmade jewelry with certified materials and properly paid labor, not this.
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mariacallous · 8 months
Lai Ching-te will be Taiwan’s next president after winning Saturday’s election, ensuring that the ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) will remain in power and dealing a rebuke to Beijing’s wishes for a more China-friendly administration. In the days before the election, Taiwanese voters were flooded with information. Look up, and they saw posters on buses and buildings declaring the virtues of all three candidates and their running mates. Look down, and they got a stream of news, gossip, and opinions from their phones—not all of it true and much of it likely stirred up by internet trolls in China.
Taiwan is one of the world’s most digitally connected countries, and on social media, false posts and videos are reaching thousands of people before platforms can take them down. TikTok was flooded with disinformation accusing Lai of sex scandals, tax evasion, and conspiring to start a war with China. His vice presidential pick, Hsiao Bi-khim, has been accused of secretly holding U.S. citizenship. So has the running mate of Ko Wen-je, the third-party candidate livestreaming his spoiler campaign on YouTube and TikTok.
Researchers have attributed much of the false information to Chinese actors—and rather than blasting pro-China views to Taiwanese voters, they’ve focused on amplifying negative stories about Taiwan’s domestic politics and wedge issues, such as the role of the United States, with the intent of polarizing Taiwanese society.
“Beijing’s cognitive warfare is evolving,” said Tzu-wei Hung, a scholar at Taiwan’s Academia Sinica. “Negative narratives are effective not because they will change the election result but because they intensify social conflicts and create a vicious cycle of distrust and hate.”
Taiwan faced a similarly toxic disinformation environment before the 2020 presidential election, and at the time, it fought back—hard. Officials frequently accused China of being behind wide-ranging disinformation campaigns. Police summoned private citizens for posting false stories and levied fines in some instances for violating a law preventing public disorder. The National Communications Commission (NCC) issued a series of fines to the pro-China TV station Chung Tien Television (CTi) for broadcasting false information. Eventually, in December 2020, CTi was taken off the air after the NCC declined to renew its broadcast license.
The government learned quickly that none of it worked.
“If you want to curb disinformation by legal measures, it’s difficult and dangerous,” said Yachi Chiang, a professor at National Taiwan Ocean University specializing in intellectual property and tech law. It “opens a pathway for the government to control speech.”
Taiwan has always been a banner holder of free speech in Asia. In 2020, however, DPP legislators were panicked over the prospect of Chinese election-meddling. President Tsai Ing-wen was riding a wave of global popularity by supporting the Hong Kong pro-democracy protests, which had broken out months earlier, giving Beijing every reason to remove her from office or disrupt her legislative majority.
Tsai was reelected in a landslide—but not because her government cracked down on fake news. Many fines levied under the Social Order Maintenance Act, an existing law that was utilized against disinformation peddlers, have since been overturned by the courts.
The NCC’s crusade against CTi hasn’t gone much better. Opposition politicians used its removal from the airwaves to hammer DPP politicians as enemies of free speech. The NCC, at the time, argued that CTi had failed to adhere to basic fact-checking standards and could not ensure impartiality from outside influence—a clear reference to its owner, the domestically unloved Tsai Eng-meng, a snack food tycoon with extensive business interests in China and a track record of pro-unification statements.
In May 2023, a Taipei court ruled against the NCC’s decision to shut down CTi, saying it had failed to provide adequate reasoning for its decision. At present, CTi remains off the air—and its request to have its license renewed by the court was rejected—but the NCC has been ordered to review its own decision and provide stiffer reasoning. “You need something stronger to sustain your ruling,” Chiang said.
Taiwanese authorities have successfully prosecuted citizens who received funding from China to publish fake news. But in general, politicians began to realize that moving through the judicial system “would be slow,” Chiang said. “The decisions might be disappointing. The results might be less effective.”
Just after the 2020 election, however, Taiwan’s government found a better way to combat disinformation when the COVID-19 pandemic swept the globe. Taiwan was the first country to alert the World Health Organization of the presence of a coronavirus in Wuhan and then introduce travel restrictions and quarantine protocols.
Public officials also began releasing accurate, easily digestible information as quickly as possible, before disinformation could reach people’s phone screens. Chen Shih-chung, the health minister at the time, held press conferences each afternoon, earning him the nickname “Minister Clock.” His ministry, along with the social media accounts of Tsai and Premier Su Tseng-chang, posted colorful memes sharing data on the pandemic and extolling the virtues of masking and hand-washing.
It was a triumph of public transparency that paid off handsomely. Taiwan saw just 823 COVID-19 cases in all of 2020, despite its close proximity to the pandemic’s epicenter.
It also helped politicians realize that “you can’t count on laws to tackle disinformation,” Chiang said. “You need to create your own information.”
“Free speech is not the cost but the key to counteract disinformation,” said Hung, who noted that in 2022, Freedom House found that countries that protect free expression and have robust civic society groups do a better job at mitigating false information.
Taiwan has tried other forms of a more open approach. Although it banned the Chinese-owned video platform TikTok from government apps in 2022, Taiwan has not followed countries such as India in issuing a general proscription on the app despite concerns that Beijing can influence content. About one-quarter of Taiwan’s population uses the app, including a host of popular influencers and celebrities.
Taiwan also has a network of strong civic fact-checking organizations that work with social media companies to combat disinformation. One of them, MyGoPen, recently started collaborating directly with TikTok to correct false posts about the 2024 election.
No matter who is in power, politicians seem to acutely understand that the best way to combat false information about them is to push out their own narratives on social media. “If you are popular on the internet, that’s more important than [popularity on] traditional media channels,” Chiang said.
Lai’s win on Saturday is not an outright victory against disinformation itself—both Chinese and domestic actors will surely continue to create confusion and distrust whenever they can. It did, however, show that Taiwanese voters can’t easily be swayed, as long as public officials do their part to communicate rapidly, positively, and honestly.
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hetalia-club · 1 year
My Hetalia Character Driving Head cannons.
(Whether I think they are good drivers or not)
America- Is an okay driver. Has a lot of road rage. Is the guy in the lifted pick up truck tailgating you as you are already going 20 over the speed limit. Then he will flip you off after passing you as if YOU did something wrong. It's his road we all are just driving on it.
England- He secretly cannot drive. Never got his license. He has people drive him around. He doesn't like people to know he can't drive and he does own a car that he uses as decoration for his driveway.
Canada- Much like America he is an okay driver. He gets angry once he turns his car on and his true personality comes out. He will honk at you and rev his engine behind you. Never uses his turn signal has ben quoted saying "They don't need to know where I'm going, it's none of their business".
France- Is a horrible driver. But he refuses to think that he is and he will tell you he is the best driver while he tries to eat a full course meal and steer his car.
Russia- Terrible driver. Will not take constructive criticism on it. Has totaled more cars than he can even remember. He blames it on the ice on the road but he will blame the ice even in the middle of summer.
China- Chooses not to drive mostly out of principal. He does not like to follow trends (he said driving was a trend back in the 1800s and now he cant go back on it for his pride).
North Italy- He is not a 'good' driver. He does not pay attention and will do anything but look at the actual road. But despite that he has never wrecked a single car. He gets pulled over all the time though. Collects service lights on his car like they are achievements in a video game. He hears his car making a noise and he just says "That's a new fun sounds :)" and will ignore it for six months until it just won't start anymore. (I may or may not be projecting here)
South Italy- Okay he's a good driver but depends on the setting. Put him on an F1 track and he will take first place every time. He doesn't necessarily follow the rules of the road but only when he is confidant no cops are around so he gets pulled over less than his brother.
Germany- a great driver. He follows all the rules to an annoying degree hands at 10 & 2, adjusts his mirrors every time he gets in his car, always uses turn signals. You will never see the gas or service light on in his car. Oil changes are onetime to the day or early.
Prussia- Does not have his license and he does not want it. He makes Germany be his personal chauffeur.
Japan- A great driver. Put him in a muscle car and he will Tokyo drift all over the place. Other than that he is a lot like Germany in that he always follows the rules.
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