#But I knew once we start kissin’(Ship)
historias-multorum · 4 months
@thetoaddaddy continuing from this.
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"What am I going to do with you?" Shizune sighed as she put the first aid kit away. "At least you weren't banged up too bad, I'd go crazy if something horrible happened to you."
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rookieoneil · 4 months
Can you give fanfic recommendations. Whether that’s fics or authors. Thank you💜
I read so many people's work but here are my favorite and what ships they write for. I apologize I don't have everyone's Tumblr so I will link their stories
'a sea of endless stars' by @ellitheria
Falling to pieces by fuzzy_wuzzy_wuzza_writer
Getting back on track & Limelight Love Story by @girlintotv
One for the road by missesmom1 (Chenpez)
My Best Friends Brother by That1VT @mamadoc plus Snowed In
Crush by @arch78
Aunt Genny by @imperiumwifestrikesagain
Love you to the Moon and Saturn by Tiger_Lily24
But I knew once we started kissin' By R3dMonkey
Scrooged: Bradford Style by Readerbook1981
Don't you know that I spend all my nights (counting backwards till I am home) by niamsagram
It's always been you (Series) by Jennahbennah
I don't wanna live forever by boneslyingaround
I don't wanna let you love somebody else but me by moonyepd (Nyla X Angela)
I'm all in, palms out, I'm at your mercy now (Series) by @Farfarawaygirl
The one where Tim overanalyzes everything by CurvyCasey70
My favorite author as everyone knows is @rachelsfandommess or rmc100 on Tumblr. Her series "we're in a what?" is literally perfection. It's Chenford/Wopez/Chenpez . I will never stop gushing over her book.
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brother-genitivi · 4 years
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Summary: A nervous Arda goes to meet Jaal’s family for the first time, two lads kissin, Arda comes to terms with his loneliness
Pairing: Arda Ryder/Jaal Ama Darav
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: None (mention of anxiety)
Word Count: 1.5k
"What is bothering you, Ryder?"
Arda turned to face Jaal, the sweet faced Angara he was falling head over armoured heels for. Ugh, were his hands sweating? He sheepishly rubbed his clammy palms on the legs of his trousers, managing a pitiful shrug in reply.
"There is no need to worry." Jaal put a hand on Arda’s quivering shoulder. “My family will like you, I am sure.”
Arda’s heart leapt into his throat at the contact. He sighed deeply and reached for the bag he stowed away under his seat. As the shuttle drew to a stop at Jaal’s home, Arda attempted to relax.
"Jaal? Jaal!" His true mother, Sahuna, ran forward to embrace her son. Arda squashed down a painful pang of jealousy. He rarely received hugs from his father (though he got many from his twin and mother) while he was still alive, and yet to Jaal and Sahuna it seemed like a habit… like it happened all the time. Knowing Angaran culture, it probably did.
"Wait, is there bad news?"
"No, no," Jaal gestured to Arda who waved awkwardly in turn, adjusting a curl that had fallen in front of his eyes. "The Pathfinder is interested in where I grew up. Arda, this is my true mother, Sahuna Ama Darav."
Arda smiled and greeted her with a hug.  His shoulders slumped in relief almost instantly.
"It’s wonderful to meet you! I hear the Angara like hugging," he said, then added hastily, "I do too, but we don't usually have enough time for hugs in my line of work."
To his surprise, Sahuna swept him into another one, surely to make up for all the hugs he missed out on. For a split-second Arda had to resist the urge to cry. He'd been there for less than two minutes and already felt like he was at home.
“Jaal’s told me about how much he admires you.”
Arda couldn’t stop himself from grinning. He glanced at Jaal, a warm buzz replacing the crushing weight within his chest. “Really?”
“He’s my favourite,” Sahuna beamed fondly at her son. Arda noted her eyes crinkled the same way Jaal’s did when he smiled. “He’s smart. Loyal. Kind. A great shot. Writes poetry…”
“Mother…” If Angara could blush, Jaal certainly would have then.
“Ah, I’m late for a Resistance meeting.” Sahuna put her hands on both Arda and Jaal’s shoulders. “Stay clear.”
“One last thing,” Arda called out to her as she walked to the shuttle. “What should I call you? Sahuna, or Miss Ama Darav?”
Sahuna seemed to ponder for a second, but she’d known the answer as soon as she was asked. “Arda, you can call me anything you’d like. ‘Mother’, if you so wish. Now, go on. Have fun!”
Arda made a mental reminder to bake something special for Sahuna later. She deserved the best of his baking capabilities. Even then he couldn’t believe what Sahuna had said. Jaal actually talked about him to his mother! He considered that one of the highest of compliments.
“Let’s go inside,” Arda broke the comfortable silence, a new-found confidence rising within himself. “I’m excited to meet the rest of your family.”
“After you. Everyone, this is Arda.”
Arda waved good-naturedly, observing the room. When Jaal mentioned having a large family, Arda thought he meant five or six family members. He did a quick head count and ended up having to start over again. Despite the main room being full of people, it felt neither claustrophobic nor crowded. It was obvious to Arda everyone enjoyed each other's company. He squinted suspiciously at the tranquil scene in front of him, thinking back to the interactions he used to have with his father. They couldn’t go two minutes without arguing. But Jaal’s family? They seemed so… healthy.
“This is wonderful! It feels so warm and cosy here,” Arda mused, setting his bag on the table.
“We like to live like this.” Jaal smiled briefly, leading Arda to his room. “My tiny sanctuary.”
Jaal’s room was mostly tidy aside from a few scattered books and pages of what looked like poetry. Arda couldn’t be sure; most of the leather bound pages were covered in illustrations of galaxies and constellations he didn’t recognise. They didn’t look like any stars he knew from the Heleus Cluster either. 
“We have this saying and, uh, I think it applies here. ‘Home is where the heart is’.”
Jaal chuckled, then stopped abruptly as his gaze fell on a box sitting on his bed. “Oh, who put this here?”
Arda sat next to him, knees brought into his chest. Their shoulders bumped for just a second, but it was enough to send his stomach in twists. He instinctively leaned his head into the crook of Jaal’s neck.
“So-” Arda squeaked as Jaal returned the gesture, resting his head on top of his own. He cleared his throat and peered into the box. “These a-are schematics?”
“When I was seven, my aunt stole a kett weapon for me. So I took it apart. To learn.”
“Makes sense. Ooh, and that is - was - a kaerkyn.”
“Pet kaerkyn,” Jaal corrected him. “Alfit. He died. So I also took him apart.”
“Once again, makes sense. If you learnt from him, then why not?”
“Exactly. I don’t really show people these things…”
Jaal pushed the box away and held Arda by the arms.
“You make my heart sing. I want us to be together.”
Arda blinked slowly at him. Did he hear that right? He couldn’t help the grin spreading across his warm face.
“Yeah, I’d like that,” he replied breathlessly.
“Yes!” Jaal laughed gleefully, prompting Arda to laugh with him. That was a sound he never wanted to forget. He looked into Jaal’s eyes and found himself lost in them. They reminded Arda of the days he spent searching for marine life by the local rockpools, or the nights he spent stargazing alone, watching the stars dot the sky like lights on a patchwork quilt of blue and black.
“I adore you.”
Jaal took Arda’s face in his hands, thumbs gently tracing the outline of his cheekbones. Arda giggled like an idiot as their noses bumped together. Warmth spread through his chest as their lips grazed each other, tentatively, softly, for the first time. They drew apart slowly, bearing twin expressions of contentedness.
“Let me show you something else you might like.” Jaal helped Arda up from the bed, reflexively squeezing his colder hands. “Lie down.”
Arda stared into the ceiling and gasped as Jaal flicked a small switch, illuminating the room in hues of soft blue and purple. He was looking at a cluster- no, a whole galaxy of revolving stars and planets.
“These are the stars in your pages,” Arda observed, pointing at the flickering dots, then at the pieces of paper distributed around. “It’s beautiful. Did you make that?”
“Long ago. It’s not accurate. More of a dream, really. Just one more thing I want to take apart and figure out.” Jaal stole a glance at Arda. Did all humans look this cute while concentrating? 
“Ah, Jaal...” Arda placed a hand over Jaal’s and squeezed it tenderly. 
“And now I have someone to do it with.”
For a few moments they lay there unbothered, no sound except for their steady breathing and whirring of the projector. As he watched the ceiling transform into a symphony of lapis and indigo, he thought back to the evenings where he would drag a blanket onto the roof and analyse the ever changing sky. Every single time Arda did it, he was by himself. He would have invited his twin, but she was always asleep, or away at boarding school.
He used to write stories about exploring the galaxy in a huge ship, away from the tense arguments between him and his father. He would dance wistfully to slow music under the moonlight, careful not to disturb the small birds nesting in the gutter, singing under his breath and telling secrets to the open air with only the stars as his witness. He felt so free, so alive, and so frightfully alone.
Arda brought Jaal’s hand to his lips, sighing again. That horrid weight in his chest was back.
“Are you alright?”
“Yes,” Arda made out through shaky breaths. Great. An anxiety attack. Of course it has to be right now, he thought bitterly. “Uh, maybe not yes. I don’t know. Well, I do. It’s stupid.”
“You can tell me,” Jaal said, rubbing Arda’s arm comfortingly. “You don’t have to if you don’t want to. I’ve noticed humans are much more secluded with their emotions.”
Arda wrung his hands together, offering his boyfriend a small smile. “Honestly? I just want to go onto a rooftop under the stars and have a picnic.”
“Well...” Jaal gestured to the room around them. “It’s no roof, but we have stars and we have food.”
Jaal helped his darling one to his feet, heart swelling with adoration for the short human in front of him. If Arda wanted a picnic, he would get a picnic.
“Jaal? Thank you.” And he meant it. Because for the first time since he was sixteen, Arda wouldn’t have to watch the stars alone. He finally had someone to do it with.
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smolbeandrabbles · 5 years
Hurry Baby - Fraser x Reader (Black Sea)
Pt. 4/4 Quit Breaking Up With Me / Keep The Girl / Makin’ Waves   
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Picture credit: X Author’s Note: So, there’s notes for this kicking around since May last year... If anyone wonders how long it sometimes takes to complete something...
But Fraser’s 4 part Retcon is done! Volia-! (As Mr.Sorrento would say) Here’s the last part!
All credit for the pulse stimming idea goes to @mandy23b​ 🙏💜
Hurry Baby - Rascal Flatts
Disclaimer: Black Sea Characters not mine / still as credited / lyrics not mine
Premise: All Fraser has ever wanted to do is Dive, you’re not one for letting him back - until an opportunity that you can’t pass up is presented to you. You’ll have to deal with Agora first, sure, but your goal is set. You’re about to give Fraser all his wildest dreams...
Words: 14,538
Warnings: Swearing / Fighting / Sexual Connotations / a little bit of family history angst
I don't wanna wait, it's been too long I don't wanna lay here all alone I don't wanna need this phone To hear you breathe Every second feels just like a year Every moment you're not here Is like a lifetime of lonely Please... Every single car that passes by My heart beats faster everytime I pray it's your headlights coming home If I could just speed up that clock I'd get you here then make it stop I'd wrap you in my arms And love you real slow Hurry baby I need you coming through that door Hurry baby I can't be without you anymore Come and save me I'm losing it I swear that this Not kissin' you, missin' you has got me goin' crazy Hurry baby... ---
It took Fraser just six months after you returned from your holiday to hit his I really gotta go diving slump. At first you tried to ignore it, because he was at least trying to act like everything was normal and he was okay – but one night he went out (which you trusted him to do) and came back with a cut over his eye. Neither of you said anything. But you both knew the track he was on – if he wasn’t careful he’d end up in prison, again. Luckily a few weeks after that, you arrived home and Reynolds had come to your rescue to take Fraser on a guys weekend away. Which made you smile, that was a great idea – and if you could talk to Reynolds before that, maybe you could get him to really talk some sense into that man of yours. “Just make sure you enjoy it. That’s all I care about…” “Yeah but, Y/N…” “But what? A few days is nothing, think of how many times it’s been months. At least you’re gonna be safe on land!” “…Yeeeeeah…” You turned back to his uncertain face, “Fraser…?” He grimaced, “We uh… We’re gonna do a little something… When we’re there.” You sighed, deep, long and clearly exasperated “…Why?” “Because I promised him I would.” Then he added quickly; “Before we went to Russia…” “…If I ask him that, he’ll tell me the same thing?” Folding your arms, your eyes narrowed suspiciously His face fell “You… don’t trust me?” You ran your hands through your hair; “I do.” But it was quiet; “…just for once when you’re away from me, I don’t want to worry.” “It’s a day trip. I promise.” “You promise, promise?!” He stepped forward, pulling you into his arms with a kiss “I promise…” ** That gave you a little while to psych yourself up for him to once again go diving without you. A day was a day – though you weren’t sure it wouldn’t miraculously become two or three – but you still worried. And right now, as far as you knew, his protection and stimulant was lying at the bottom of the Black Sea. So before you would let him go anywhere else, you were about to rectify that.
“Sit.” You barely even said hello as you walked back through the door, and Fraser was ready to give you a welcome home kiss and everything! He obediently took a few steps back to seat himself on one of the breakfast bar stools as you sat up on the counter. His blue eyes searching you expectantly. “I got you something!” “Oh?” You folded your arms; “Yes. But you can only have it on one condition.” Fraser smiled gently, rubbing his hands together – “Doesn’t that depend on what the thing is?” You opened your bag; “Mmmm… But I think you’ll probably need it.” You pulled out the hunting knife and his eyes immediately widened. You had been around his old one enough to know this was as close as you would get to the same thing. “…You…” His voice was nearly breathless in obvious gratitude; “You didn’t have to do that…” “I know you, honey, of course I did…” He very nearly held his hand out, but then withdrew it with caution “…What’s the condition?” “Easy. What happened to the old one? You only get this when I know the full story.” His eyes left yours and he hesitated. “Fraser, I don’t care what you say.” “You will.” “What could possibly be worse than anything else you’ve ever done?” “…Y/N…” “Honey…” You slid a little further forward on the counter and lifted his eyes back to yours with your fingertips; “Whatever you say, I’m staying with you. You know that.” Fraser took a deep breath and laced his fingers with yours; “I didn’t lie that it’s sitting on the bottom of the ocean…” “But?” “….It’s not…” he bit his lip; “I didn’t lose it diving. I didn’t even have it when I was diving…” He was trying to get at what had happened without having to admit it out loud. And your fingers tightened around his; “F-Fraser…” You could read him like a book, it had been 16 years, of course you could. But this was bad… worse than what he usually got sent back to prison for. “B…Baby… did you kill someone…?” “…Yes…” It was such quiet, ashamed admittance. But you weren’t taking that. You leant forward, his face in your hands, “What happened?!” “You know me. You know what happened.” You shook your head; “I also know everything you do to calm down, Fraser, what really happened.” If he’d had the knife out at the time, he was likely stimming to do exactly that. “He went for the kid. And I snapped.” “Tobin!?” You pulled back from him, “You protected Tobin…?” “Yeah. Or that’s the reason I got involved...” “I don’t know if I should say this, but I’m proud of you.” You sat back, “That’s not just anger, that’s a reason…” “A reason to kill someone?” “Baby. Listen to me, you know as well as me what your personality means for you. AND what happens. You can’t help that or change it.” “This has never happened before – I mean… what if I hurt you now?” You shook your head; “Don’t you dare do that to yourself! Fraser, that job was crazy-! You have never done anything like that before, and nothing that dangerous. I don’t think anyone was coming out of that unscathed. Baby… You are not gonna hurt me. You haven’t in 16 years you aren’t about to start now. I KNOW you. Better than they do.” He took a deep breath, “…But it was more than one.”
Your tirade of reassurance stopped dead “…Fraser…” What the hell had this trip done to him that he wasn’t telling you. Why hadn’t you pushed him on this earlier? Why were you wishing you hadn’t decided on doing so? “…Daniels, he… It’s hard to explain. Y/N… he got in my head. Everything was going so wrong – we thought we would all die. He said-” “Wait-! Wait-! The banker!?” The man with brown eyes no one seemed very keen on and was so obviously checking you out back in the airport? “Y-yeah… he said if one more person died… then I could save everyone… All it would take was someone else and we’d all be okay…” Fraser ran his hands over his face, “…I shouldn’t have listened but I did… and we…” his voice cracked You already looked horrified – though not with him; with Daniels. He had used Fraser’s disorder against him. He’d pushed, and he’d pushed, and he’d pushed and got so in Fraser’s head that he’d snapped. That was unforgivable in your eyes. And suddenly a man you’d tried to defend as crew is crew became something else to you entirely. And you were beyond outraged. Because Daniels didn’t have to face the consequences of what he had done.  And whatever was showing on your face was having a considerably bad effect on Fraser. “…Y/N… I’m sorry… I’m so sorry… I’m so so so sorry…” He sobbed, and then he didn’t stop. “F-Fraser… Fraser…! Fraser, no… No…!!” You slipped off the counter and held him close, “Baby… baby please no! PLEASE… Darling… It’s not your fault – that one is not on you…” His arms wrapped around you, and he continued to sob into your shirt as you ran your hands through his hair… “That… fucking man is gonna wish he never met me.” Fraser pulled away from you for just a second – at that tone in your voice – “Y/N…?” It had shocked him out of crying, he was so unused to you talking so venomously; “W…What are you doing to do?” “…I’m not going to do anything. But if I ever see him again. He’s going to pay for what he did.” You picked the knife up, “Take it.” You enclosed his hands around it, “…I’m sorry that anything in this world made you have to use it like that. And I’m sorry you had to go through it twice.” You always tried to protect him from anything like this, but could only do it when he was on land. The only other way was to be on the ship; and you weren’t ever going down that road again. You kept your hands on him as he flicked the knife from its sheath. And then he smiled, and seeing that smile that you were desperate to get back almost brought you to tears. Finally, he laughed, arm back around you. Engraved into the top of the knife, and about the only thing different from his old one, was an ‘F’ – but it wasn’t a capital for his initial. He knew the ‘F’ well. In fact, it wasn’t even a letter, but a musical symbol. And he knew exactly why you would use a forte.
 *** Previously… It was a shirt he recognised from photographs he’d seen of you and your friends (when he was fortunate to be on a sub with any kind of technology) any time they took you on holiday when he was away. Which was often; you used it to cope – as a welcome distraction.
Black – with a white ‘f’ – cutting across your shoulders, it flowed and, when you raised your arms, grazed to a little shy of your stomach, stopping just above the end of your scar. He didn’t just love it because of the letter, because it was like you were walking around with his initial emblazoned on your chest; ‘he’s my man. And I am his.’ but because it looked so damn good on you. Sometimes he’d been fortunate enough for you to wear it when he returned home. Because that ‘f’ wasn’t really an F.
Forte. Louder. Something you certainly would be when he returned home – considering exactly what that meant. But others didn’t need to know that, so it became a private joke. To them, it was F, for Fraser – and that was all that mattered. He remembered the first time that he’d seen it and asked why you would want to wear a shirt like that; after all, you didn’t seem like the type to wander around like some guy owned you. And the way you had pulled him closer, with a smirk, grazing your lips to his; “Why don’t you take it off and figure out why I’m wearing it…” “…What does my initial have to do with-” “Forte… Fraser. For LOUDER.” Turned out, taking it off, with a smirk of his own proved you right. But today, you were wearing it to take him to the ship. Fraser was curious as to why that was, but didn’t question it. He’d get to see you in it and have that be his lasting image until you picked him up and he got to embrace you again. It was a nice summer day, and you had the window down, meaning the breeze was catching the shirt and exposing more of your skin than usual. It was all he could do to sit still and bite his lip, watching you. God Damn… what in the hell did I ever do to deserve her?
You had worn it for your own reasons, you knew that the same joke always ran around Fraser and the boys. This crew was different than usual. His only companion from the Likely Lads was Reynolds, which you could only be grateful for. But you knew that the rest of them would be watching you when you said goodbye. So a nice obvious F on your clothing should shut them all up. Reynolds pretty much sprinted to the car when you pulled up and lifted you from the floor when you got out; “OH! God! I get it!” “I thought you were going to trap him somewhere and leave me with all these kids-! Oh god!” “Kids-!?” You raised an eyebrow and looked to the men loading the vessel, “…They’re at least all in their 30s right?” “Yeah! Kids!” You kicked his shin, but not too hard, “Watch IT!” “Oh, Y/N, sunshine. You’re not a kid. You’re a baby.” Your eyes flashed at that; “I can still take him back you know!” “Baby-!?” Fraser laughed, hauling his bag over his shoulder, “She’s worse than a fucking skipper that one.” “You should be so lucky for me to be the captain of a vessel that you two are on!” “Oh god, don’t tempt her Fraser!” Reynolds laughed as this time you punched his arm; “Did you ever learn to behave? Have you always been this feisty?” “YES.” You and Fraser answered in unison. Reynolds chuckled “Okay, you two, say goodbye. Don’t get too acquainted on the docks! You have a very inquisitive audience, trust me!” You scoffed watching him walk off and turned to your man; “I will ask of you as I always do, just, be safe. And come back.” “I will-” “NICE SHIRT BY THE WAY!” you both erupted into giggles as Reynolds yelled at volume, enough for everyone to be drawn to you. “F? FOR FRASER!?” “FORTE.” You corrected, with a wink, knowing full well he was already aware of that. “FORTE-!? LOUDER!?” Then he laughed so loud it echoed “YEAH, HE FUCKING WOULD MAKE YOU LOUDER EH, Y/N!” “Oh my god-!” though you were still laughing as you pretended to hide your face, embarrassed. Reynolds kept chuckling, and disappeared into the sub. Fraser tried not to smirk, “Well. Shame I can’t until I get back…” “…Okay, Romeo…” There was a slight blush across your cheeks as you pulled him to you “…Take care of that idiot for me.” “Isn’t that what you usually say to him?” “He doesn’t need me to nag him about you…” “Ehhh…” Fraser kissed your forehead, then your lips; “…I dunno about that.” “I bet…” You caught his lips again, and he wound his arms around you, “I love you.” “I know. You’re still here, after all.” “So are you, somehow.” “…Oh come on. Who else is there?” He gave a shrug “No-one. But you know, a guy on dry land-” “Is fucking boring. Please.” You grinned, and this time when you kissed him you didn’t let him go anywhere near as quick, and you half expected to hear Reynolds yell at you to get a room. He didn’t. “…Give me a hot Australian diver over that any day.” He chuckled, “I’m just trouble.” “My trouble.” Unfortunately, as the job continued, Fraser figured out just how correct Reynolds was about them being ‘Kids’. And as usual – it was over a photograph of you… but this wasn’t the banter he was used to, but facetious comments he certainly was not. Not about you; “-- I mean she’s so fucking hot. And we all know it. So how many other men do you think know it?” “Everyone. And when Fraser is here...” “Yeah Fraser, how many guys do you think she’s fucking when you’re here?” “...What?” Fraser paused and swivelled his head towards the conversation, thumb half way through running the tape over your photograph flat. It wasn’t that he thought you would ever do that. But it was always a notion in his head, why would you stay with him - who was away as much as he was - when you could have someone permanently there? Would you love on someone else because he wasn’t there? You could, and could get away with it. Unfortunately, his crewmates were currently fuelling that paranoia. “She would never-” “How do you know? Who is gonna stop her Fraser, you?!” He stood in a movement that made them back up, blue eyes hard, “Is that what you think of her?” They didn’t even know you… Reynolds, who had been silent until now walked between the three of them; “You boys wanna back off now?” “It was a joke-!” “About a girl I’ve personally known for a long time. Don’t fucking joke about a 10-year relationship and 15 years of knowing each other like she’s been playing him... clearly you don’t have a clue what it means to love someone. So. Back. Off.” There was an apology – that Fraser thought best to accept, before the other men slunk sheepishly off, leaving him and Reynolds alone. Reynolds shook his head after them, at their pathetic mumbled apology and sighed; “Fraser. We need to stop doing this before I kill someone.”
 *** It was beyond a dream come true. So much so it was laughable. If it wasn’t for the fact that you knew you were in what you thought was going to be a very boring briefing meeting, you’d have sworn you were dreaming. There wasn’t much known about it in all honesty - operations were extending, potentially. And this was a meeting to discuss exactly what that would look like. Something you didn’t really care about - more annoyed that it would take nearly all day to do; including an extremely early start, and that you had things to be getting on with and project deadlines you felt were more important.
So the irony... or... the universe laughing at you or... whatever that the meeting was going exactly the way it was, wasn’t lost on you at all.
It had started simple enough. At the moment your exchange, Ferrolicia, was more of a meditator, between the buyer and seller of precious metals. With a good link to the London Metal Exchange. More recently the buyers had become Museums - or - avid collectors of rare artefacts. Because people had started bringing metal work to your company, (with its sterling reputation) that was not so simply valued, or... sold on. On occasion you had also been asked to finance discoveries of such metals in order to find the right people to pass them on to.  But a lot of it was done by third parties, and expensive.
Essentially, the operations officer - Oliver Keyes - wanted to capitalise in new found expertise, perhaps driving down cost by bringing it in house, and build this section of the business out. And as the presentation continued, it was more than obvious that he wasn’t talking about just financing the people who came to Ferro with found objects at excavation sites. He meant actively searching for and participating in these excavations. And then came the funny part. Where you couldn’t contain your laughter any longer.
A lot of these found potential excavations, or, sites from which things had been found and needed to be brought back from... and apparently where Oliver was most interested in starting up-!... were underwater. They were talking about a diving team. How could you not immediately jump on this-!? So when you did laugh, and not exactly quietly, they all turned to you. And you had the opportunity to explain yourself. “Sorry, can I just get this straight in my head for a moment.” You cleared your throat, “Are you talking about hiring a diving team..?” And suddenly Tobias was turning to you and his face lit up as he caught on. “It’s an option. But, essentially... Why? It’d be a long process but-!” Oliver paused as you and Tobias continued to exchange looks, “...What-?! You clearly already have ideas-!?!” “I did that. Professionally. For over 5 years, most of those with an incredibly good diving partner.” You pointed to his screen full of bullet points and suddenly everyone in the room was eagerly turned to you, “I had an accident that left me with a pretty nasty scar, diving at depth isn’t to my taste anymore - but I sure know a thing or two about it.” You didn’t want them to get ahead of themselves thinking you could lead the team down there. Though you assumed some of it would be at a comfortable depth level - if it couldn’t be guaranteed, you couldn’t risk it. And you’d never been in charge of a dive. “So... you couldn’t go out and... be part of this?” “Not me. But I sure know someone who would want to lead a team down there. And people that would be part of the team. My diving partner still does it for a living. I think he’d appreciate a job like this too,” You laughed again “seems pretty win-win.”
“Y/N...” Oliver smiled, “I think you singlehandedly made this dream much more of a reality... we’ve been wondering how we can possibly hire the right people for this for months; we were thinking maybe expansion and outsourcing but... you really know people that would want to do this?” “Live for it.” You folded your arms, “Fraser would live for it. For the opportunity. And to lead a diving team. I guess you’d... interview him, but I don’t think you’ll find anyone better qualified than he. He taught me a hell of a lot. He’s still one of the best. Hasn’t lost it. Needs the opportunity...” you indicated to the screen again, “...all you need to do is see that for yourself.” “We would need more than one.” You offered a smile; “I can do that too.” “And maybe others in ops that-” “Know there way around? Water? Ships? Navigation?” you smirked, “I have just the man...” you tipped your head, grinning; “Oliver, if you want to hire a submarine crew, just say so-!”
 “I think he’s impressed.” Tobias nudged you as you walked from the meeting “With my partner. Not me.” “No-! What-!? Without you knowing these people, you heard it yourself, Oliver would be stuck!” He tipped his head; “Who are the others you had in mind.” “Peters is probably too old... but there’s Tobin - the unofficially adopted 18-year-old? - he knows how to dive. And Fraser will know others, he was on a Navy dive team for years, then he went off and did his own thing, then he met me. We had 5 years’ worth of meeting good people, but after me? He’ll have connections that Oliver can currently only DREAM of. And maybe beyond even that… Point is, Fraser has needed a break like this his whole life and I should know. He’s 44, he’s not done yet. And I know if he’s given the chance, he can do this, but I’m just worried...” “Why? You always worry about him; is this gonna set you off chain smoking?” It was a joke, and Tobias flashed a grin to make sure you knew it. “No. I will know where he is and when, and more importantly than that... I’ll know it’s safe!” You smiled, but then it faded, “I just know corporate hiring policy...” “Well. We’re hardly going to be looking at education and office work for this. You said there’s no one better qualified.” “There isn’t a sea he hasn’t been in. He’s got qualifications from nearly all continents... one of the highest ranked divers out there and that’s all official. And he had Navy experience. But...Tobias...” you sighed, “He has a criminal record; and it’s not just once. God help him, he’s in and out of there... diving and prison those are-” you lowered your gaze, suddenly feeling very sorrowful about the whole thing, “they take one look at something like that...” But he put an arm around you “...Come on... walk with me...” steering you out of the building for fresh air, “let’s grab lunch whilst we have this break – they’re excited about this and excited about him-! You should be too.” “It’s a criminal record - even I probably couldn’t be a hiring manager and look passed something like that-!” “We’ll get around it.” “What?!” “Second chances in employment is something people talk about all the time, where the record doesn’t matter. Well, we’re gonna be a company that acts on it.” “Tobias-” “Trust me on this. Unless he completely screws that interview up, I’m not messing this up for you and I do not want to let him down. You said he needs this right?” “Yes!” More than anything “And you believe in him? That there’d be no trouble if we hired him? That he would do that job and exceed all expectations? Give everyone else his wealth of knowledge and experience... be a thriving member of this companies community?” “Yes!” Though you wouldn’t like to try and guarantee it, Fraser was home underwater. Half man, half fish - how many times had you heard that jest. Not really a jest. Fraser was firm, calm and gentle. Nearly at his absolute sweetest and certainly at his most responsible. You only had to look at Tobin to know that was true. “And you believe in him?” “That man saved my life.” Tobias didn’t need to know that - but at the same time you felt compelled to state it. That was the level of responsible Fraser was when diving, and would be to his fellow divers. He’d never lost a man, and he would keep it that way. “I always have... always will.” “Then how about we show him, that this company believes in him too.” *** You hoped you’d never have to so much as see the name Agora again. But unfortunately, your company wouldn’t let you go ahead with funding your own venture without investigating what the competition could offer. Tobias wasn’t as reluctant as you were, but you supposed you had better reasoning: “Come on, Y/N, Agora could work with us in a partnership... I guess it might be a cheaper venture if we just outsource it too.” “Inexpensive because they won’t pay what the trip and the risk is worth! Not only that but it’s as like they will call Fraser, and he will pick up. Having him on our payroll is safer. I’m sick of companies deciding on things to save dollars. I want to create something than instils company loyalty and makes sure that everyone working for them is treated fairly. If I find out the employees my outside vendor is hiring aren’t being paid dues, I will kick off.” “Well it’s Ferrolicia’s project so, you can’t very well do that.” “Tobias-” But he didn’t let you protest; “Lets, just see what Agora have to say - alright? Maybe they can give us assurances...”
So you had to take a deep breath and keep a level head - walking into that office. It wasn’t easy, but you knew you also had the reputation of the exchange and it had a good relationship with Agora... you wouldn’t be the only team working with them, so you had to think about that, also. But they would have to really impress you. You trusted Tobias’ judgement, and knew it might well keep Fraser in near enough full-time employment, even if it was only contracts for those dives... if they kept on using him. But then, even you knew Agora would never be able to find better. Meaning you walked into that building with an open mind, and tried to clear your head and heart of all their previous misdeeds... and your partner. Not easy, but not impossible. ** It all started very polite. You had to admit the city building that Agora’s business Division was very pretty. The glass stretched on into the sky and you admired the internal architecture just as much; new and polished. Well. They made enough money - you knew that for sure. But you couldn’t help but think it made your building look very outdated. You supposed that Ferro was now busy financing other things - like this new branch of operations.
Your usual contact, Arthur Riley, met you in the lobby of the building. About the only person in this entire company you thought you liked. It didn’t mean you thought they deserved the business though. Not with how you know they treated people. “Ah! Tobias! Y/N! Welcome back-!” “It’s been a little while Arthur - how are you-!” “Yeah! Yeah-! Business is good, all good-! Right this way-! What you’ve been saying to me certainly sounds like an interesting prospect...!” “Yeah, an exciting leap for Ferro!” “Sounds like it - well, I hope we can persuade you that Agora is the right choice!” “Well, we certainly appreciate all you’ve done for us in the past-!” You scoffed softly, knowing you sure as hell didn’t. “We thank you for your business-!” he showed you to a meeting room, again looking flashy and new with great glass walls. “- I have a colleague that will be joining us shortly, he’s just finishing up in another meeting.” “No problems-! We want to have the best possible discussion here...” Arthur nodded; “I think we can certainly start...”
You had your notebook open, listening intently, heck you’d even made notes. Deciding that you would make the best out of this stupid thing with Agora if it killed you trying, - hopefully not literally - you would give them one final chance to prove themselves. But it would have to be one heck of a proof. And it had to be flawless, for you to even hear Tobias out. But it wasn’t all bad - maybe you could take some of their ideas and use them as your own.
The meeting room door opened, to a charming American accent; “Sorry I’m late guys, call ran over, I’m sure you can appreciate-” As he came around the table to set down his things, both of you froze. You were never very good at hiding emotions, so you hoped the thousand you just experienced simply culminated into shock. Because that’s certainly what crossed his face. “No worries, Y/N, Tobias... meet Scott Daniels, he’s one of our most trusted associates in lines of work like this and he’ll certainly crunch the numbers to make this work between us.” You were still staring at each other. Fucking Agora—!! The whole thing was Fucking AGORA-!?   This man had got into your partners head and made his personality disorder a weapon without having to lift a finger himself. Didn’t make him any less a murderer. In fact, as you’d stated to Fraser himself - that made Daniels worse. He held his hand out first to your boss and then to you; though your reception was frosty, you gave no indication that you knew him.
It took all the strength you had to fight with yourself (the way you used to do with Fraser) to not leap across the table and throttle the guy.  And it made you sick. Because suddenly everything was in perspective. That mission your man almost died on, that mission that the guy now sitting across from you had made him kill on... that was Agora’s. Not some outside investor. Not the little guy standing up to the big corporation. It was just lies. And you shouldn’t have been as surprised as you were. One thing was for sure, if Agora stood a chance of winning the business from you before the meeting there was no way in hell they did now. They had just dug its own grave. And so had he.
 You spent the rest of the meeting staring Daniels down hard, which kept him shifting uncomfortably, until the thoughts of Fraser racing around in your head made you feel queasy – forcing you to look at the table. But you hadn’t listened to a word being said. You didn’t care anymore, you wanted to walk out of here and burn this whole company down. They didn’t care about the boys; they didn’t care about your man... by extinction they didn’t care about you. They never would. And giving them the chance would only hurt more people; more families, who just wanted to make and honest living doing what they were good at. “—of course, the safety of the divers we hire would be absolutely paramount-” You couldn’t help the bitter laugh that came out of your mouth at Daniels voice saying that. How he dared say it with you sitting across from him; because his eyes had already told you he knew he was totally screwed.
 He paused - everyone in the room turning to you - and you realised you were no longer going to be able to hold it together if you sat in this room, and they asked you any questions. You pushed yourself away from the table, stood up, and took a deep breath: “I’m sorry.” Although it didn’t sound particularly apologetic. Then without so much as another sound you walked from the room. All three men suddenly looked to each other equally confused; but only two of them were being genuine. Watching your retreating form, Daniels sighed and got up. “Excuse me...” Now he’d made one hell of a fatal mistake. “Y/N! Y/N! Wait-!” He hissed and you heard his footsteps echo in the effort to catch up with you. You couldn’t believe he had the nerve to follow you out. You quickened your pace but apparently that didn’t deter him and Daniels caught your arm. “Y/N!” You yanked your arm back but he did it again; “Y/n-! Ple-!” “Don’t. Fucking. Touch me. Don’t you dare!” “Y/N! I’m sorry!” Well there was a word he shouldn’t have said “SORRY-!? Oh you’re fucking sorry-!?!? Do you have ANY fucking idea what you’ve done-!?” “I-” “I didn’t want a fucking answer—!!!” He held his hands up and backed up a step - not nearly enough space; “If it wasn’t for me-” “IF IT WASN’T FOR YOU HE’D HAVE COME BACK FROM THAT MISSION HAVING GONE OVER THE EDGE ONCE OF HIS OWN VALITION – BECAUSE THAT’S WHAT HE DOES. Blackie, that’s on him, but everyone on that fucking vessel should already know you don’t push Fraser, because he doesn’t HAVE a wind up!” You took a deep breath and jabbed him in the chest; “But Zaytsev? That’s on YOU. YOU are more guilty of murder than he is. But you and your corporation don’t care – do you!? I’ve never much liked Agora – but OH MY GOD it’s so much worse now!” Daniels’ face scrunched for a moment “I tried to stop him-! Y/N he’s dangerous!” If there was one thing you knew, Fraser didn’t lie. And this guy was about to get slapped into the next century; “Did you just call my partner dangerous!? YOU!? He has a personally disorder you fucking asshole and YOU took advantage of that-!” Aware this also wasn’t an angle he was going to sway you on, and that the volume of your voice wasn’t about to lower if he didn’t do something soon, Daniels took the only option he thought he had left. He’d one up you on this one way or the other, he wasn’t about to let you win. Agora needed this business, then maybe he could take care of this issue with Fraser too. Daniels took the step that he’d conceded and caught your arm again, dragging you a little closer. “I SAID. LET. ME. GO.” Your voice was shaking in anger but he bent you back instead, and you were pretty sure that you could sue for this. His voice was quiet and calm, and he had this cockiness about him that let you know he thought you had nothing that was about to trump his card; “Imagine what I could tell the police about what your man did down there-!” There was silence for a moment, only because you were utterly speechless that he thought he could just throw that out there. He did realise that Fraser had a rap sheet taller than he was? Fraser was a Navy officer – it had crossed your mind when you’d met him (let alone now) that he’d probably killed people. If Daniels was about to start pinning murder on him, Fraser was about to have nothing on you. Oh! Blackmail and threats-!? Boy, Hell NO. You took his arm with your other hand, nails digging into his wrist, hard enough for you to feel his pulse and him to wince, voice quieter than his “What, the fuck, did you just say to me?” His face fell and eyes widened. Because Daniels suddenly realised that he had nothing – and he was in trouble. Your nails continued to dig into a pressure point that made him let go and you pushed him back; “HOW DARE YOU THINK THAT YOU CAN THREATEN HIM INFRONT OF ME!?” You shoved him again – and if people weren’t watching you before, they were now “HE’S FIVE TIMES THE MAN YOU OR ANYONE ELSE AT THIS FUCKING COMPANY WILL EVER BE-!” Daniels was trying to keep everyone out of it, movements supposedly to pacify “Y/N. Just calm down.” “CALM DOWN---!?!?!” Then you did snap; three strides in heels and you were on him. Your first strike was hard – and you heard the crack before it registered to you what you were doing, but you didn’t stop there. Screaming 1000 things you knew you would be ashamed of later, right now you couldn’t care less. As far as you were concerned this was all for Fraser. Fraser and anyone else Agora had ever screwed over. And Daniels was having to contend with screaming, punches and borderline feral scratches. He was trying to fend you off without hitting a woman, but that was nearly impossible to do – with good reason. You’d grown up with Navy boys – courtesy of your father and your partner. And they had all done their best to make you a badass. Successfully. They’d be proud of this. There was one thing you did know, as this American ‘banker’ was dealing with your tirade of assault; you were pretty sure this is what it meant to be hysterical. Eventually – and possibly not soon enough for Daniels – Tobias split you both apart. “Y/N…! Y/N…! It’s okay… It’s okay… we’re done… Back up… You’re a better woman than this and you know it. They aren’t worth it.” As far as you were concerned it was all very worth it, and Daniels was lucky you hadn’t broken something. But then again, the last thing you needed was a lawsuit. You took a deep shaky breath, regarding the man now on the floor – breathless, and scared and shaking. Rightly fucking so! Your scratches were deep; blood ran all the way down the left side of his face and flecked over his suit. You shook out your hair and smoothed down your clothing. “Yeah.” You agreed with Tobias, “We’re done.” But you took a step around him, which caused Daniels to cower back. Yeah I bet. Those boys deserved better than this shit. “You.” You jabbed your finger at him; “Come anywhere near my boys again – you’ll be fortunate to walk away with stories of what happened on that submarine. You don’t deserve to be in the same room as them, let alone a mission. Consider yourself fucking blessed. They are worth more than you and your fucking company.” You took a breath, shaking your head “Agora should be ashamed of itself.” Then you took another step, “If I ever see you again, you are not coming out of it alive. Forget Fraser, I’m killing you myself. Keep Agora the FUCK away from my man.” and he conceded as much floor to you as he could, “I-I-I’m s-s-sorry.” “Fuck You! I don’t want your apology. But after what you did, he deserves one.” You turned and then looked back, “Threaten Fraser again and you’ll wish this was all I did.” **
You had to make your excuses to Tobias and leave. But he’d seen at least half the argument to know why you had to go. He didn’t even need an explanation: “Y/N it’s okay...” “God I just blew up in front of a partner, Tobias, I’m so sorry...” “A client and a partner no less... Y/N... it’s fine. Trust me... go home. Go be with him. Go.”
You were nearly surprised you made it home in one piece. Hands shaking with deceit and anger. But also sorrow. That poor man. All of them, had been through so much down there and Agora was behind it all along-!?!? And Daniels... You laughed in disgust, closing your car door with a slam, almost failing to realise there was a second car in the drive - by the time you’d run in and located Fraser you weren’t sure if your tears were in boiling rage or because you were suddenly just so scared. “Hey-! Y/N-! Tobin-” You sat on the coffee table in front of him and Fraser didn’t even have time for his face to fall, let alone ask you what was wrong, before it all came out. Everything you had ever wanted to say to him, possibly for the last ten years. “Fraser. Please. Please. Please-! I don’t want you to leave any more-! I don’t want you to go! I can’t let you go, and dive, and risk your life out there for corporate fucking assholes who don’t give a damn about your life, or the people in your life! Only the money you’re going to make them! I didn’t watch you fight for your living the last 16 years of my life for Agora to take it from you. Or me! Fraser you can’t leave again, baby please I can’t take it. I can’t take that people are taking advantage of you like this! It’s never going to happen again! Baby please... I can’t watch you walk out that door anymore. Not without me... baby, I can’t be without you for one more second. And Fraser... Fraser I mean it this time... and it’s the last time I ever want to have to say it...” And then you couldn’t speak anymore, because you were overcome by tears. And the last time Fraser had seen you cry like this was the time you told him to leave. He didn’t want to remember that, and he knew he wouldn’t want to remember this. “Y/N... Hey... Y/N...” He collected your hands in his - but that only made you sob harder, so he gathered you to his shoulder, and soothed you. “Shhh... shhh... it’s okay... it’s okay... darling I’m here... I’m right here...” Fraser ran a hand through your hair to the base of your neck and continued this motion as he spoke; “Y/N... baby... come on... don’t cry... you don’t have to cry... what happened? Why are you talking about Agora...?” You leant back and took a deep breath, though tears were still spiking: “I had to go to a stupid fucking meeting with them today about a new project we’re launching... and... he was there.” “Wait... Daniels was there!?” He knew immediately “You KNEW-!? Why didn’t you-!? Say something!!” “The less you have to worry about the better, we came home and we had the gold so-” “What did they take-!?” “Well they would have taken everything but Robinson came up with a nifty negotiation tactic...” but he realised right away that was a stupid thing to say. You weren’t going to take much more of this. “Fraser. Please. If you love me, you will never walk out that door again...” You bit your lips together and sniffed in an attempt to stifle your tears. “PLEASE Fraser. No more… I can’t take this. It’s the one time I’m going to beg you… But it will break me if I have to watch to leave again.” And he comprehended, if he hadn’t already, how serious you were by the look in your eyes - he laced your fingers with his; now gripping onto the sleeves of his shirt. “I promise.” “And you mean it-!?” His eyes searched yours again; “It means far too much to you for me not to...” “He messed with your head and made you kill someone Fraser. No one is getting to do that to you again. NOONE.” Fraser raised an eyebrow, of course he knew; “What did you do?” “Everything I could just the right side of legal.” And he smiled, small but genuine, “That’s my girl. Taught well.” You gathered his face in your hands “I’m sorry.” “Sorry for what?” “Letting it go on this long...” you leant forward and kissed his forehead.  You would protect him now. And Ferrolicia had given you the means to do so. You had to calm down a fair bit more before you realised what he was saying before you had to get your words out: “D-did you say Tobin??” “Uh... yeah...” he indicated behind you, and you turned to see the teenager standing awkwardly in your doorway. Tobin waved; “Hi... Y/N..!” He’d probably heard a good chunk of that, you realised - and wiped your eyes. “Oh god... I’m sorry...” you stood and made your way over to him, “How are you?” You enveloped him in a hug, but then we’re enveloped yourself as his taller frame fit around yours “Not too bad - thanks! Don’t think I’ll return the question, though!” You chuckled “I’ll be fine...”  you looked back to see Fraser watching you – still legitimately concerned, as he should be. “I have my boys with me now, right?” Fraser and Tobin gave you the same agreeing smile; “Right!” ***
 It was a little while later when you were standing out in the hallway; you just needed a quiet moment, to settle yourself down. In reality, although you’d sat through dinner and made conversation, your head was still reeling from discovering who Daniels really was. You guessed the boys knew you would have attacked him in the middle of an airport, and so didn’t want to raise it there. But then no one had raised it after either - and you found it hard to believe that it was forgotten.
Tobin was the one to find you, and he just stayed with you quietly for a moment. That was really all you needed - and you didn’t want to worry Fraser with this again. “You okay?” You hesitated, before speaking quietly; “This is the first time... in a good long while... that something like this has happened. Only it’s much worse this time. Because it wasn’t outright Agora, it was just all lies. Every time Fraser goes out there, I spend so much time worrying that I will never get him back. Or that if I do get him back, he’ll have injuries like I do. Or worse, the same mental problem. Because I don’t even know what Fraser without diving is...” “And yet you want him to stay?” “And so the cycle is endless.” You breathed out gently; “Once I thought my life was gonna be… That I would end up in a white picket fence house, married with kids...” you chuckled, “even if that was going to be with an ex-Navy, Australian diver.” “You could still-” You shook your head; “I gave up on Fraser getting down on one knee a long time ago. Long term partners. I don’t think marriage would agree with us...” you flashed a smile, “We are prone to arguments...” you turned to him, “As for kids... I guess we also decided on adopting the late teen from Liverpool-!” That made him chuckle bashfully, but you took another breath, “No. It... he can’t, and after my accident, neither can I. Of course, my mother hates that and therefore, she’d never let me marry him anyway.” You sighed again, “I think she’s always hoping for that I’m done with him phone call. Even 16 years on.” You shook your head, “My chance of having kids was low anyway. But because of the operation they had to perform after the accident, the % was so low it might as well be zero. We talked about it... maybe twice...” you shook your head, “...No amount of heartbreak is worth taking that chance. Not for him, not for a man who knew he couldn’t have them. I wasn’t about to put Fraser through the possibility on such a high risk rate. 9 months is a long time with so much to lose. We never tried.” You tipped your head back, resting it against the wall behind you, and folding your arms; “…That’s before we get started on his family… Not that they’re worse than mine, his father…” your face scrunched, “…Well. That was something.” “Oh, I’m sorry-!” “No… Shit-!” You pushed your fingertips to your temples “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have put all that... out there.” But Tobin gave you a sweet smile; “Well. If I’m family then you may as well tell me everything.” Your cry was much more of a giggle; “Y-yeah... you’re certainly family...”
 ** The Agora situation was never mentioned again – you didn’t get reprimanded for it, and if any complaints had come in from them about you, you never heard about it. Tobias considered it water under the bridge – and he stood you down from the presentation on whether or not an outsourcing company would be used. The votes came out of that meeting a resounding ‘No’ and that meant you had the go ahead. Your little metal exchange was about to make a huge step up and get itself a brand-new operations team. Tobias tapped your desk; “You ready to ask that partner of yours if he wants to get diving again?” “Seems a little two-faced considering I asked him the other day to never step out of that door…” But you turned to him with a grin; “I’m ready to get him in a genuine job.” “Well. Trust me, a few weeks from now – we’ll be interviewing. If he wants in… the time is now!” You leant on your hands, still with that smile; “…I’ll get right on it with my selection, Sir!” ** “What are you doing??” You leant over Fraser to peer at the screen, offering him a kiss on the cheek, to which he smiled “I believe it’s called job searching?” “Oh?” You teased, running your hands over his shoulders, “What for?” “If you don’t want me to dive I gotta do something. So to the job centre I go-! God, that’ll go down well.” “Well...” your hands moved to tangle in his curls, and he emitted a low hum of pleasure, “What if I tell you I can help you there?” He tipped back, “I don’t think I have qualifications to work in a Metal exchange.” “Mm-! You do for this job...! Is Tobin still here?” “Ya.” “Great. This one is for him too...” “What are you scheming?” His eyes followed you as you fled the kitchen to run upstairs “Oh-! Nothing much!” The beam on your face said that statement couldn’t be further from the truth. “You’re fucking with me?” Your arms were folded and your face amused, but there was nothing other than dead seriousness in your eyes. Tobin and Fraser looked to each other and then back to you “You’re NOT!?” “No.” “Holy...” Fraser puffed his cheeks before letting out a long slow breath, and sinking back into the sofa “That’s crazy.” “That’s what Ferro want to do.” “-and you.. and they want us!?” “You two were my primary candidates. Fraser you’ve been waiting for this ever since you lost your last diving partner. Cuz I think that was as solid as it ever got for you.” You gave him and wink, and turned to Tobin, “Tobin, I think you know at 19 you need something concrete. You might both be millionaires right now... but-” You nodded to Fraser, “you’re always going on about how it won’t last.” Frasers face suddenly became very serious; “...Seemingly... we would have to interview for this position?” You knew exactly where he was about to go, “Yes. Eventually, but right now I just wanted to give you the heads up, and good news!” Fraser turned back to Tobin; “You’ll probably have to get further certified. That’s no trouble though, I can already vouch for ya. You were a better driver than people I’ve known working this for years. That professionalism will go a long way - you’ll have no troubles!” But then he turned back to you; “Y/N... skills I may have, but the second they see that record-!” You sighed; “Can you just have a tiny bit of positivity on this one!?” Fraser smiled, “Just trying not to get my hopes up!” You looked to Tobin, who gave a gentle shrug, making you roll your eyes - Men! - then turned back to Fraser “Just interview for it – see how it goes. Believe in yourself!” “Well. As long as you’re prepared to see me walk out a door again?” You chuckled, knowing he’d get that in somewhere – “At least this time I know what you’ll be diving for.” **
The moment Fraser had heard the word “interview” he was panicked. And didn’t stop panicking. You and Tobin had sat and helped him expertly craft a CV - drafting all the diving he’d done of major significance, teams he’d been a part of, even work he’d done that didn’t bear relation to diving - to show that little bit of diversity. All his awards, qualifications and certifications. But you knew most of all what they were looking for. “God... I have to say I have a record... Y/N...” “Hush... stop it! We’ll cross that bridge when it comes to that. You have a personality disorder too Fraser, it’ll all be considered.” “Sounds like against me.” “Will you let them give you a chance? Babe, you got this I know it!”
 Fraser owned one suit. Which you also insisted on getting dry cleaned for him. But you had never seen a man look more adorably out of place than when he tried it on. You giggled into your hand. “Oh. No. Lose the tie...” “You’re saying it looks awful-!” “No... I’m saying lose the tie...” You wandered over and brushed it down, pulling his collar straight. “...I don’t think I have ever once seen you wear this.” “Funerals...” He mumbled, which made you tsk “Don’t be so morbid-! And have I ever been to a funeral where you didn’t wear uniform-!?” “Probably not. Be almost better for me to turn up in that-!” “You’re a diver... they don’t expect you to look like a polished businessman... babe...” you kissed his cheek, “You got this. In fact, with your qualifications I don’t know anyone who has this better...” You carded your fingers through his hair to neaten it - at least knowing that shiver of delight was positive. “Shame I can’t force you into a last-minute reasonable haircut-!” He laughed – “I don’t think that’ll ever happen.” “Mmmm...” You stood back, admiring him again, very smart casual... the suit was a little big, but not ill fitting. He’d do just fine. “You look good. But I knew you’d always brush up well.” “Oh really!?” “You do on holiday... when we go out.” “Oh. That’s still a little more casual than this…” “It’s the headband... it’s always been the headband; hair pushed back. It got me when you dived before, so it’s all off your face. But now it’s just a part of you. Surely in the Navy-!?” “Why do you think I have it this long now!?” Then he pushed his sleeve up, to reveal a few multicoloured bandanas of yours that he’d ‘borrowed’ throughout the years. “Oh-!” You chuckled, “Not even for five minutes?” “I told you they are good luck.” You couldn’t help but reflect the smile on his face “Whatever helps...” “They do-! Always have-!” You pulled him back to you and brushed your lips to his; “Don’t forget to breathe, okay, I know it’s not a diving expedition, but, just think of it as like one... everyone gets nervous in interviews that’s normal. You’re going to be fine, okay?” “Okay...” he murmured, kissing you again “And Tobias - don’t call him Tobin on accident - is a really nice guy, and my boss. He has a good informal, relaxed interview style. It’ll be just like a chat, I promise!” “Okay...” he grinned “Do I get to name check you. I used to be your boss, too, y’know!” “Oh-! Hush-!” But you still giggled, “You may, but he knows a lot of that. Don’t rely on me... baby this is all your own merit, okay. You earned this...” You kissed him again: “I gotta get to work, but I love you. So much. You’ll ace it. And the guys are gonna be there too. Okay? You’re not alone!”
You’d purposefully set them to be interviewed one after the other - so they could all support each other getting there. But also so your man didn’t have to be alone... Obviously, Reynolds was going last, and he was going to be much more business oriented. He was picking Tobin and Fraser up, and you’d pretty much left him in charge. “I know, picking me up at 11, I got it-!” “No matter what-!” You shouldered your bag and picked up your jacket, “No one can take all your hard work away from you Fraser. Baby, it’s all yours. You’ve saved lives with that - you think anyone corporate has that they can say about themselves-!?” “Thought Tobias was an upstanding guy!” He grinned, “Now go, don’t wanna make you late again-!” Then he called you back, “Oh, Y/N-!” You were half way down stairs but made the trip back up just for him; “Yeah?” “I love you too... and thank you. It... really means a lot.” “You don’t need to thank me. You’re amazing!”
You didn’t interview him, and thank god for that. You also didn’t go with him to the interview. Because you knew he’d be a long string of inane babble and every word you said would cause his anxiety over this to reach a new level of high.
You wanted to wait for him when it was all over, but had got yourself stuck into a project so you didn’t have to think about it, and we’re still halfway through when Tobias approached your desk. “Sorry just how good at diving is your partner?” You saw he had that CV you’d helped Fraser craft in his hand “You gotta be looking at that last qualification, right? He’s like one off being an actual merperson...” Your fingers continued to tap away at your keys; “Added to his qualifications all the Navy ones. He must be one of the only people in the world with all that.” You swivelled your head towards him; “How’d it go?” “A little nervous and awkward at first but once you got him onto this...” he waved the paper “...Perfect. Comfortable. Really well done.” “...But?” “Well. You probably know better than anyone, and you gave me a heads up, I don’t know what they’ll make of the record.” “Ah... well... you’d think this company would be mindful of second chances?” Tobias had proclaimed that himself “It’s not second chances though is it... at this point.” You sighed gently, “I suppose not... but he just... deserves something like this now. I know that’s not what it’s about. I just don’t think you’ll be able to do better than him.” “No one will.” “And what, we give it to Agora, they’ll hire him anyway.” “Well, we know we won’t be going ahead with them - don’t apologise.” “Wasn’t going to-!” You smirked gently
** The boys were already a few drinks in when you arrived - but all three of them cheered when you walked through the door. “Oh-! God! No! I should be congratulating you guys—!” You hugged them one by one, “Amazing-! I’ve heard good things, but unfortunately do not know enough to reveal all.” You sat, beaming, extremely proud of them. Hoping they were also proud of themselves. This was only the beginning - you’d end up pulling the rest of the Likely Lads into this before long, you were sure of it. If they wanted to come back to work... that was.
But first the two that looked out for you the most - and you owed so much to. And of course, the one you and Fraser were now looking after yourselves. “Get a drink-!” “Oh! No, I’m driving - you guys continue!” “Shut up and have one-!” Reynolds stood again, patting you on the back before striding off to the bar “Geez...” you’d have to make sure it really was one. And that he was also sober enough to drive home-! “So...” Tobin enquired nervously, “How do you think we did? Do you think we got it-!?” You couldn’t see how they wouldn’t have, there were complications with Fraser but the others should be fine. “I mean part of me wishes I was in there with you.” “Glad you weren’t!” Fraser raised his glass, “I’d have never got through that-!” “You saying I present you with pressure-!?” “In that situation, yeah-!” You pushed his arm with a laugh before answering Tobin; “I’d say you have great chances, and it’s not like you’re interviewing from the street... you have an excellent recommendation from me... it’s great set up. I’m sure you interviewed the best you could - that hard work is on you! Now we wait, but with the way everything seems to be moving, I’m not sure that they will want to wait too long to make a decision.” That was about as much reassurance as you could give them right now.
You thanked Reynolds as he placed your drink down - eyeing his own with caution - until he proceeded to delve into other subjects; “So. I hear that you went to see Agora - and that you had a run in with that prick Daniels.” You rolled your eyes, of course Fraser would have raised this;  “Why didn’t you just TELL me-!?” “I wanted to kill him on the sub, I was all for it - but I know you-!” He pointed “You would have killed him on the spot, no mercy, in the middle of an airport. And I couldn’t have them take you away to prison! I care about you too much!” Reynolds grinned. But that just caused you to lean forward and smirk;
“Well then it depends what you mean by heard I had a run in.” Fraser and Tobin looked at you - eyes wide; “Wait, what the fuck did you do!?” Fraser leant into you, fingertips reaching to touch your wrist “You just said he was there-! You didn’t say-!” You believed you’d said just the right side of legal, but understood that could be interpreted a number of ways. “Oh. Boys—!” You shook your head, “What wouldn’t I do for you-!?” They all sat in stunned silence as you recounted your meeting with Agora and subsequent showdown with Daniels in the middle of their lobby.
“Well-! Did we raise you right-! Girl-!” Reynolds laughed with a little cheer of his own. Fraser folded his arms “Rewind for a sec - he did WHAT!? Give me the address-!” “Oh no!” You pointed at him, “you’re gonna stay put! I don’t need to reset my prison clock! Thank you!” Then you smirked once more “Besides if anyone gets to finish him off it’s me-!” Fraser and Reynolds turned to each other with raised eyebrows; “Ay! That is a girl raised right!” “Raised right, and in with the right men-!” Fraser nodded in agreement “Well” you huffed, “Don’t take all the credit-!” “Oh hell nah-! We’re just glad you listened-!”
 Talk continued - they spent a little time on the interviews but it didn’t seem like Tobias went too hard on them; which you were glad of. You’d go as far as saying it was a done deal, but didn’t want to get anyone’s hopes up. Not after dreaming for so long that this might actually happen for him - and you knew they were hardly daring to dream either. Don’t hold your breath. Eventually though, you thought it was time to drive Fraser home; “Alright come on-!” You looked to Tobin, “You with us or him?” “No! I’ll stay - Y-you two celebrate-!” You narrowed your eyes at Reynolds; “You get our boy home safe-!” “I will.” “Get sobered up first then-!” “Ah-!” He clapped Tobin on the back “Well go to dinner first it’ll be fine. You two enjoy it, okay!” “Fine! Fine!” You held your hands up, “Far be it from me to want to look after anyone.” “Well-” he raised his glass, “We know you’re more that capable-!” With that you congratulated them again and took Fraser’s hand to leave.
“I’m proud of you, you know?” “It’s only the first step.” “But it’s SO important-!” You laced your fingers with his “Zvezdochka! When was the last time you had a real job interview!?” “28. And you know what that was for.” “Shit, they interviewed you for that crap-!?” “Don’t you start-! And no Russian either, I’d like to put that one behind me! WAY behind me.” “Aw... you’ll let me teach you eventually.” He laughed, pulling you into him and kissing your forehead as you walked back towards your car, “Alright... just let me get my feet on the ground and settled first okay?” Settled. If there was a word you thought you might never hear out of his mouth, it was that one.
** Tobias called you from his office door; “Y/N!” You finished your sentence and looked up; “Yeah?” He beckoned you and you stepped away from your desk to walk over. “What can I do for you? What’s up!?” “Nothing, I thought you might like to hear this one-!” “This one what?” “This call I need to make to a new hire.” Your eyes widened suddenly “Oh my god - he got it-!?” “Well I’ve told the other two so-” “They ALL got it-!?” “Yes.” “OH MY GOD—!!” It wasn’t like you were about to hide your delight He dragged you into his office and closed the door, “Alright, alright, quiet-!” He sat at his deck and you hardly dared to breathe - this was huge; bigger than huge. You had to figure out how to celebrate now-! Though that wouldn’t be too hard, you had all day. The phone rang a couple of times before he picked up; “Hello?” “Hi Fraser, it’s Tobias from Ferrolicia.” “Oh-! Hi Tobias it’s good to hear from you, how are you doing?” “Not bad... Not bad... I have Y/N with me.” You wondered why he’d want to say that out loud, given it’d be a dead giveaway of what was about to happen. “I just had some news-!” “Oh-! Okay?” Tobias chuckled; “Congratulations Fraser - we’d like to offer you the position.” “W-wait - really!?” There was a noise that sounded like the phone being placed down and an incredibly soft fuck! before it was picked up again. During which you and Tobias exchanged amused look. “Thank you! That’s incredible! I really- don’t know what to say-!!!” “Well, we’ll send you through your contract and then I think we’ll be almost set! As long as you agree terms...! But, again Congratulations - thoroughly well deserved - interviewed like a pro-!” You shook your head at him, but Tobias gave no indication that it wasn’t true. “Well. Uh- again, thank you...! I’ll look out for that contract-!” “Alright Fraser! I look forward to working with you, in some capacity, soon!” “You too Tobias, Y/N! Thanks again-! That’s... wow...!” He chuckled, looking to you, still with an amazed expression on your face – sure you didn’t doubt Fraser for a second, but actually hearing those words for yourself… “I’d say that was one word for it, Fraser. Welcome to Ferrolicia.”
You didn’t even make it out of your car before the front door flew open, and you were barely out of it before Fraser flew down the steps and grabbed you into a hug; “OH MY GOD!!!” “You did it!! You did it!!!” You flung your arms around him too “Babe-! This is insane!! A real contract-!? That’s— I just I—!!” It was a shame you’d seen this face so recently over the Black Sea money. But it didn’t make it any less beautiful. You pulled him into a kiss, it was the least he deserved - and long enough to let him know that. Before you released him but still held him close, running your hands through his hair, “Congratulations, you deserve nothing less.” “I wouldn’t be here without you... so thank you.” “What are you talking about? You got it all on merit like I knew you would...!” You beamed, “Now... if I can get you back in that suit again tonight...?” “Oh god, no, why!?” He sent his eyes heavenward “I’m taking you to dinner to celebrate – that’s why!!!” **
You’d checked the internal job memos site for days, just because you wanted one shot at the position to head the new team. Maybe you wouldn’t have the right experience - but you’d at least like to read that job description; judge for yourself. You supposed that either Tobias would interview or... maybe it’d go all the way to the top. But he could probably put in a good word for you. Now Fraser, Tobin and Reynolds were going through the final phases - contracts… That was still crazy to you… - and everyone seemed to have nothing but positive feedback for your selection, you just wanted to know who would be leading them. And that would surely be announced soon - the boys couldn’t come in without a boss, could they.
 But it’d been a while and with no sign that they were advertising internally, you were beginning to worry that all they wanted was an outsider source. Which you thought was a wasted opportunity... but also still wanted to know, to give Fraser peace of mind. He was trusting you enough turning up to the interview in the first place - let alone making it this far; if he was under someone that you nor he could stand you would never forgive yourself. You locked your computer and took a deep breath; you would simply have to find out for yourself. You didn’t know why your hands were shaking so much, you’d known Tobias years - and you’d had a few harsh words with him in that time. You knew each other and also knew you could go to him with anything. But this particular ask made you nervous... maybe that was the connection to your partner.
You knocked and Tobias look up with a smile and beckoned you in. “Y/N-! Have a seat, what’s up?” “Tobias. I just need to ask...” You shut the door behind you and took the offered seat in front of his desk, “and I’m not prying I just wanted to know. The position as the head of the new division hasn’t been up on the website for interviewing yet…” His stare was measured “Yes, you are correct.” “Well I... I just wondered if you knew when interviewing would start?” “Oh.” He smiled, “It has, Y/N.” “Oh...” You looked to the desk, “I just- I wondered if I would get to... be interviewed for it? I would... like a shot. And hoped you would put in a good word,” but you frowned, “It sounds like you... might have made your choice.” Tobias put his papers down and folds his arms “I suppose that selection could be changed. But I’m not sure we would like to do that at this late stage.” “I see.” “You’re disappointed?” “Can I at least meet them?” You didn’t want to delve any deeper with this “That’s... not all that possible.” “Oh.” Your face flushed, “I’m sorry. I feel like-!” He held his hand up to stop you, “Y/N...” again his smile was gentle, “I did, put in a good word for you, it’s the first thing I did, and it has been heard. This entire project has been an interview process. I’m not sure there was ever another candidate in mind.” You tipped your head, not getting it, but also hoping more than anything that you were getting It “You- You’re not saying-!” Tobias smiled, raising an eyebrow as he leafed through another sheet of paper, almost daring you to say it for yourself – you didn’t, but covered your mouth. “You asked who they were hiring. Well, the honest answer, Y/N?” He leant across the desk and held out his hand for you; “They aren’t. It’s about time you got promoted!” It took you a good ten seconds to calm down enough to speak a coherent sentence, before you shook his hand, firmly “…Thank you! Oh…! Oh my goodness-! Thank you!” “Oh, it’s more than well deserved – believe me. And, it’s going to be a pleasure continuing to work with you. Guess you’re on my level now – different division sure, but, still Operations so I’ll get to monitor you… And heck-! Find someone to replace you – unless you have ideas for that too!?” he laughed, “Seriously, though. Congratulations Y/N. This is huge, and there is no one better to make it the success it ought to be!” You were still beaming; and had to laugh for yourself. No pressure there, then! Turns out, you did have an idea as to who could succeed you in Operations. And you found yourself back down by Gareth’s trading desk; “I remember you once telling me that if something came up on my floor, you’d like to know about it-!” “Oh-! After our activity-!?” He sucked in a breath, “I dunno sounds like a reward-!” “Ah, come on-!” You hit him with a rolled-up piece of paper, but knew he was at least half joking; “I know about an upcoming position!” “Oh yeah?” “Mine.” “Yours-! Finally promoted-!? No wait! They aren’t letting you be in charge of the new business unit!?” You grinned; “They are-!” “Well fuck, congrats!” You gave a nod of thanks, “So. Guess who I just put in a good word for with Tobias?” He laughed, delighted, “…God I hate you!”
You weren’t the only one curious about who would be in charge of the operation – although you’d known about your promotion for a few weeks before Fraser tentatively brought it up. And you wanted it to be a surprise, else you’d have told him immediately: “Y/NNNNNNN—! You don’t happen to know who my boss is gonna be do you?” You wanted to remain a little mysterious; “Just so happens I do.” “Oh. Really? Well hopefully they aren’t a corporate asshole-! Do you know ‘em?” “Oh, I dunno, they probably could be if they wanted to.” You smile was secretive “Damn. They won’t like me at all then.” “I happen to think you’ll get on just fine.” There was a long pause, and it clicked, the way you were regarding him – and your little smile; “Holy shit, it’s you isn’t it!” “Yup!” Fraser leant against the counter for a minute just staring at you and your grin, and then your smile faded as his smirk appeared. He ran his index finger across his lips; “Well. I figure that’s pretty sexy.” Oh. Here we go! “Yeah?” “Mhm.” He took a step forward and everything within you wanted to play the game, wanted to run, wanted him to chase you for this. But you didn’t move – so he did, and bundled you in his arms; “Think I should probably give my boss a good first impression!!” “Oh-!” You laughed, “And how do you believe you’re going to do that, Fraser?” He kept that smirk, grazing his lips to your forehead and headed to the stairs; “I can think of a few ways…” **
Standing in your new office was weird. Standing in your new office on Reynolds’ first day, was somehow weirder. “So... what am I, like, officially your seasoned assistant?” “Something like that, I haven’t exactly checked the org chart...” “Well. I figure you can have an affair with your assistant right? Whilst the partner is down in the middle of the ocean floor-!” You laughed, “Yeah... only, I haven’t had an affair for the first 11 years. And I certainly won’t be having one now I got him where I want him.” “Well-!” He grinned “I’m here to assist should that mind of yours ever change!”
You got used to it. And for obvious reasons Reynolds wasn’t always in the office. Why they’d even given you one you weren’t sure, considering the amount of time you spent out of it. In far off reaches of the world with expanses of water always nearby. It started with planning, whilst the team built up around Fraser - who insisted on testing each diver for himself - Reynolds and yourself would provide hands on assistance to teams. And it was weird being the one away from London when Fraser was still there. He’d call and sigh deeply; “So this is what it feels like, huh?” “Yeah. Babe, this is it.” “Hurry home.” “I’ve only been saying that my whole life.” Then he’d chuckle, “Don’t make me say it the rest of mine...”
 The first real dive came sooner than expected. And although you’d all done everything in your power to make sure this would go right; you’d never felt so unprepared in all your life.
The base of operations had a makeshift office for your team and by the time you and Reynolds had finished, it looked like a bomb had hit. Charts and technical equipment and books scattered across tables and pinned to walls. Weather conditions, water conditions, maps of every dimension and terrain they could have given you. You were still pouring over the navigation now. “It shouldn’t be too hard.” Reynold’s gave a confident shrug, “Shut up!” “I’m trying to get your spirits up, because the last thing I want is our head diver worrying about you out there...” You spread your hands across the chart again; “When we’re out there and it’s in his hands I’ll be fine. Right now, it’s in mine that we get this right-!” “We’ve checked it all day, there’s nothing else to catch. I know how to read a navigation system; I’ll get everyone out there sa- are you coming?” You looked across to him like it was a stupid question “Yes. I wanna be there.” “You know he won’t let you down.” You smiled gently “Diving? He never has.” **
How many times had you felt this way? Your fingers had been entwined with Fraser’s the entire way out here. But you wanted to hold him closer now than you’d held anything in your entire life. This morning you’d doodled the forte on the inside of your wrist, and right now you couldn’t stop staring at it. Fraser noticed of course, and nudged you with a gentle chuckle; “For later?” Except this time you weren’t so sure it wasn’t just for him.
His life was literally in your hands now. But you’d still have to let him go – you’d still have to accept the fact there was only so much that you could control. And you could trust Fraser with the rest. It was time for your team to show everyone what they could really do. Upon nearing the destination mapped out by the research team, Tobin took your other hand and gave it an affectionate squeeze. You rested your head on his shoulder gently with a smile. They were both ready for this. And steadily as the team had grown with divers they both trusted, you knew everyone on this boat was ready. All eager to prove the same thing as you. A truly unified team. Fraser was the first one completely prepared, and pulled you to him again. For once, he was the nervous one here. By now you were exuding confidence and positive energy, and he needed to bask in you for a little while. He breathed deep. Fraser more than anyone felt that he had so much more to prove. That he was the right choice for Ferrolicia to put their faith in. That he could do right by you. Even though you knew he would. Perhaps he knew once he got in the water he’d be fine… he’d be home… But right now he’d never been more anxious about a dive in his entire life. And those blue eyes of his searched yours way too many times for you to not cheerfully ask him; “What?” He gathered you in his hands, moving them from your own, to your face. And he held you there in silence for a moment. Though his thumbs brushed over your cheeks, and his fingertips ran into your hair; the majority of his hands stayed on your neck. And for a minute he remained like that; his intense stare locking you in place, and making you powerless to look away. Before he pulled you forward, pressing his forehead to yours. You smiled gently, placing your hands over his, because he didn’t move them. And you knew why, because every second the throb of your pulse was running under his fingertips. Excited and erratic and as happy as you felt right now – perhaps not as calm as he wanted, but that thought made him a little less tense. Eventually a small smile couldn’t help but express itself; We’re both here in this moment and she’s okay. And she’s here living her best life and making sure I am too… and without her… I wouldn’t be here. Without her I probably wouldn’t even be alive. How could you not smile at him? And encouraged by yours, Fraser’s smile became genuine and sweet. The kind meant only for you. You pulled him closer, and closed that gap completely. It was more than just a kiss to savour – and said everything of importance that the two of you couldn’t on what was about to happen. And just as quickly the confidence in you, transferred to him. When you pulled away slowly, he offered you a wink; “Wish me luck.” You could only laugh, with a shake of your head; “You don’t need luck – you have me.”  Your eyes flicked to his hairline, where one of your many headbands rested. Even after all this time – a piece of you always went with him down there. If it truly was as lucky as he said – who were you to argue this time? He’d always come back to you. Fraser couldn’t help laugh at your laugh; “I guess that’s true.” He pulled you close again, because he wanted nothing more right now than to continue that sweet kiss whilst he still could. Your arms wound around him, and for a few moments more, you could both forget everything else. He pulled back, but didn’t relinquish his embrace – because in you he could see everything he’d ever worked so hard for, and the reason he was even able to be here right now. Every single reason he’d fallen in love with you, and you’d stuck with him, culminated so suddenly in your features. When your eyes lit up like that, all Fraser could see was an ocean of stars… Once they were completely ready – and you’d given the team of 5 a complete rundown, a final brief, you hugged both of your boys’ good luck. This was the first big dive for Tobin since Fraser had endorsed him for all his certifications. And the first really big one since the Black Sea. And he was just as nervous and excited as the two of you combined. But he was ready for this – and eager, and you both also knew that. “Bring him back!” You grinned, half in jest, and leant up to kiss his cheek; “You already did once.” “I will-!” He smiled, “I promise.” You made one final turn to Fraser, who now seemed confident. He was the team leader here – and he looked as cool and collected as he always did. If he wasn’t the man that had made you fall in love in the first place now, then who exactly was he? But you couldn’t resist holding him close to you, even in all his equipment. “Look after them.” “I will.” “I know… But you matter too.” “I know…” He sighed gently, “Take care up here. You got all your high-tech gear to tell you we’re fine…” He took your hands back in his; “Y/N… I-” “I know. You don’t have to tell me.” His face became bashful for a second, “May I at least tell you I love you, before I go?” You looked away, cheeks flushing; “…I love you too.” “I know. You don’t have to tell me.” He repeated, with a wink, before stepping forward and kissing your forehead. Then backed away from you to join the others. Your hands hung where he left them at the last minute and your eyes stayed locked on his. But he couldn’t resist one last smile before he took to the water. And as you hadn’t let him say it, he mouthed it anyway.
“Thank you.”
Reynolds put his arm around you; “We did it. Somehow, we all did it.” “It’s gotta work first.” “You know it will, right?” “I don’t think there’s anyone better to put our trust in.” You wound your arm around his waist – “And for the first time in my life…” You bit your lips together and brushed a tear out of your eye “…It doesn’t feel like he’s leaving me…” you shook your head, “Not like before. I get to hold him now…” your tears became a laugh; “I’m so proud of him.” “Hey…” he nudged you, “Go watch ‘em dive. I’ll hold the fort.” You turned, to say exactly the same Fraser had tried to say to you – but as you had, Reynolds’ brushed the words off. And refused to hear them out loud, pushing you forward. “You and he are thanks enough…” You nodded, and sprinted to the back of the boat. He was the single person left when you got there, and he turned towards you. You offered nothing more than a final wave, to which he gave the same. Not goodbye, not this time. And just before Fraser slipped beneath the clear blue waves, you blew him a kiss. One to keep – one to give him everything he would need out there. You placed your hands on the edge of the boat, staring down to the water below. And as it calmed from his decent, you realised you were smiling. How you couldn’t have realised before was beyond you, but it was the fact of being suddenly faced with your reflection… and that smile on your face that you knew was his. Just like your heart. You continued to stare at the swell of the ocean for a few moments more, before your eyeline caught the inked F, still intact on the inside of your wrist, and how could you help it then? Your happiness escaped in a small fit of giggles.
 And for once everything was right…
@menndelsohn​ @3134045126​​ @happyskywhale​ @wltz-bby​ #MendoTagSquad
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writersmacchiato · 5 years
What We Had | Floyd Talbert x Reader
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Requested by: @kneesocksapollo enjoy bby
Prompt: “New drinking game. Drink everytime you’re a dickhead. Oh wait, I already have alcohol poisoning.”
The bar was loud, bright, and full of drunk attractive men. You had your pick. It was finding the right type that was the problem, most of them too inebriated for the fun you were looking for. Your drink was downed in seconds and you forgot if it was your second or third.
A hand taps your shoulder, glancing back you see that it belongs to a decent looking soldier. He has nice eyes, a warm smile.
“Hi,” he moves to sit in the stool next to you.
“Hi,” you feel his eyes on you.
“Whatta doin’ sitting alone over here?” He has a nice voice. This could be fun.
“Maybe I just want to be alone.”
“Well, who am I to disturb that?” He makes a move to the bartender. “Let me buy you a drink and I’ll go.”
“What’s your name soldier?”
“You can call me Evan, ma’am.”
“You can fuck off, actually.” You flinch in surprise when Talbert cuts in between you and Evan, his back to you as he glares down at the former.
Tension quickly rises between the two as you stand up, not wanting to get caught in the middle of the brewing fight. Your hand settles on Tab’s elbow, drawing his attention to you.
“I don’t need you here, Talbert.”
His jaw clenches as he steps away, walking back to his previous spot next to Grant and Shifty.
“Hey, look.” Evan speaks up, jacket already zipped up. “I’m gonna go, but have a good night ma’am.”
You sigh, shoulders slumping as he leaves. Tab watches your dejection, feeling an array of guilt and jealously. He wanted you to be happy; it was the least you deserved but he wanted to be the one who made you smile, made you laugh until your stomach hurt, but he screwed up whatever chance he had a long time ago.
“What the hell was that?” Grant asks, eyebrows raised.
Shifty makes a face, but doesn’t say anything. Leaning back in his seat as he finishes the last of his drink.
“What even happened between you two?” Grant pushes, “you used to be so close in Toccoa.”
“I messed up, okay?” Tab answers, the corners of his lips downturned.
It was the night before Easy Company shipped out to England. The soliders were celebrating their last night on American soil, because who knew when they would step foot on it again.
Talbert and Grant had managed to wrangle you into coming to the bar, their pestering wearing you down.
“Come on,” Tab leans in close, “have some fun.”
“I am in fact having fun,” you shoot back, taking a sip of your beer.
Tab rolls his eyes, standing up. With his hand stretched out towards you he grins, a soft confident smile that has you wilting beneath his gaze. “Dance with me.”
“What? No!”
“Don’t tell me you don’t know how to dance?” He goads.
“Maybe I don’t want to dance with you.” You're teasing, already standing up to place your hand in his.
The alcohol rushing through your blood has you stumbling into him, his arms catching you. It’s a fast paced song playing, keeping you alert as he twirls you around. The dancing is god awful, but you don’t care as you smile and laugh, too enamored at how the light falls on his hair and his eyes looking every bit of soft caramel — too sweet. When the tempo changes, slowing down, Tab wraps his hands around your waist. Drawing closer as you lean your head on his shoulder, he presses a kiss to your hair.
“I like dancing with you,” he whispers, rocking you back and forth slowly. “A lot.”
Glancing up, you look into his eyes. You see yourself reflected back, but you also see the utter softness in his gaze. It has you swallowing thickly.
“I like dancing with you, too.”
He grins, a little shaky as he leans forward, lips brushing yours as he whispers, “I’m glad.”
You close the distance, fingers gripping his jacket lapels. He returns the kiss immediately, pulling away to hide his wide grin.
“Sorry,” he has a blush on his cheeks and it makes you grin because even the Floyd Talbert gets shy. “I’ve been wanting to do that for a while.”
Before you can answer he’s pulling you in for another, more passionate, kiss that steals your breath.
That night started a series of close encounters that had you falling head over heels for him. You thought he might felt the same way.
The streets of Eindhoven were covered in cheering, happy—liberated—citizens. There was barely room to breathe, yet alone move, but you tried to walk against the flow. Lip had ordered you to keep moving, so you did. Coming to a halting stop when a large crowd jostled by. You waited for them to pass, eyes wandering. They stop on a couple, an American soldier and a Dutch woman, in a passionate embrace. Lip stops, breaking it up. You watch as Talbert stands up, lips swollen as he laughs lightly. His eyes drift over to you and his face drops. You turn around without a word.
“It meant nothing.”
You want to douse yourself in gasoline and light a match. It would be more preferable than having this conversation.
“I know it didn’t.” You meet with his eyes firmly, “that’s just how you are.“
Hurt flashes across his face and it’s only a sliver of grim satisfaction. It twists the knot in your stomach.
“That’s not fair.”
“It’s not?” All of your thoughts, fears, insecurities were bubbling out. “That’s just how are you. I should’ve know better than to think that you actually care about me or that this—whatever this is—isn’t just a game to you.”
“It’s not a game to me!” He argues, voice raised. “I do care about you.”
You shake your head, the tears you forced away finally coming to light.
It’s still the same night and you want nothing more than for this day to be fucking over. Grant noticed your change of mood, trying to gently pry the information out. You don’t budge though, shooting back shot after shot of fucking whatever. Grant stops you after your fourth consecutive shot, flagging down the bartender for a glass of water.
“Jesus, you’re fucked.” He mutters.
You open your mouth to refute his words, but shift focus when Talbert comes to a stop by your elbow.
You ignore him, turning to Grant. “Let’s play a new drinking game.”
Picking up a shot glass from a replacement, you continue. “Drink everytime Talbert’s a dickhead.”
You hear the inhale of Talbert behind you, watching surprise flicker over Grant’s face.
“But, oh wait!” You down the shot, “I already have alcohol poisoning.”
Even drunk out of your mind, you still remember the look on Talbert’s face.
Shifty clears his throat, “uh, wow...”
“Jesus, you are a dickhead.” Grant sighs.
“I know.” Tab agrees, watching as you get up to leave.
“Have you apologized?” Shifty speaks up.
“No, I mean really apologized.” Shifty continues, “all sincere, you know, without expectin’ anything back. You can’t have what you did before, so stop trying to.”
Grant looks at Shifty with wide eyes, but Tab is too busy watching the back of your hair disappear out the door.
“You’re a goddamn genius, Shifty.” He stands up, following you out the door.
Grant sighs, taking a swig of his beer. “This is going to be a fucking disaster.”
The night air felt considerably colder than it did earlier, you regret forgoing your jacket. For once, the sky isn’t littered with clouds and you can see bits of sparkling stars against the dark canvas.
Your fingers fumble for a cigarette, sighing when you realize they’re in your jacket.
“Need a smoke?” Tab’s voice cuts through the air, fingers outstretched with a cigarette.
“No thanks.”
He sighs, placing it in his mouth and flicking his lighter on. “I’m an ass.”
“You can say that again.” You scoff.
The smoke from his exhale fills your senses and you walk away, stopping when he speaks up again.
“I’m sorry.”
He hadn’t said that before, only trying to make excuses. It infuriated you then, but now...
“I should’ve said that before, I am sorry. For hurting you.” He takes a step closer to you, feet crunching under the gravel. “For not appreciating you when I had the chance. For not loving like I should have. For being a dickhead.”
“You’re not that much of a dickhead.” You turn around to face him, looking at the shadows cast over his face from the glowing lights of the bar. “Usually.”
He lets out a laugh, putting out his smoke. “Thank you, I try.”
You smile softly.
“Look, I know I hurt you and I can’t change that.” He grabs your hand, eyes looking so similar soft and gooey like caramel. “But, I want another chance. We can’t go back to what we had before and I don’t want to anyway, because I didn’t treat you right. You deserve better than me, honey, but I’m so in love with you that the thought of being without you...I can’t even think about it.”
“You love me?”
He smiles, for once looking bashful. “I do.”
You place your hands on his shoulders, leaning in to kiss him softly. Unlike your previous kisses with him, it’s slow and gentle.
“Oh, they’re kissin’!” Shifty exclaims, a blush rising up his cheeks as he closes the blinds.
Grant shuffles past him, peeking through. “Damn, I lost the bet.”
“I had money sayin’ they don’t end up together til’ after the war.”
Shifty shakes his head, watching as Grant begrudgingly thumbs through a wad of cash while Malarkey and Muck look on.
“Thought she might kill em’ for a minute there.” Muck speaks up.
“They’re watching us, aren’t they?” You murmur after Tab pulls away.
He sighs, flipping the bird to the window. His arm wraps around your shoulder.
“Come on.”
“Where are we going?”
“I’m gonna love you properly.”
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the-gay-trashmouth · 6 years
Christmas with you
Rating: Teen
Warnings: I guess period typical homophobia??
Era: Canon
Ship(s): Sprace
notes: Hi Yes i love holiday fluff?? I know its not technically Christmas anymore but like... Fight me alright.
The Brooklyn streets felt colder then they should as Racetrack hawked his headlines. A chill had set into his bones but he still forced his trademark smile at his customers he got, which were few and far in between. He groaned as another woman hurried past him, a little girl in tow. It's been a slow day.
The winter wind almost blew the rest of his papers out if his hand as he tried to sell his hyperbolic headlines. He sighed and slid down the wall of the nearest building. It was exhausting, to say the least.
He tugged his cap farther down on his ears as the cold burned his cheeks. He groaned at the thought of pulling himself up and continuing what felt like futile quest to sell extra papers. It was Christmas eve and he had to sell extra if he could even hope to get the younger newsies something, though whatever gifts they got were going to be a day late.
"You's looks like shit" he looked up to see the king of Brooklyn himself leaning on the wall at the mouth of the alley.
Race huffed and tugged his cap down to hide his eyes, "well hello to you too"
Spot snorted and held out a hand to help him up "you's gonna get sick just sittin' out here in tha snow"
He almost protested, a force of habit really, but then he sneezed and Spot just raised his eyebrow higher.  He sighed and took his hand and Spot pulled him up with more force than necessary that made Race stumble forward a few steps.
He gave Spot a half-hearted glare and the shorter boy put his hands up in mock surrender before giving him a sly smile. "C'mon, ya can crash back at the lodge," he said as if Race didn't spend every Christmas Eve in the Brooklyn lodging house.
Race shook his head "I'll meet ya there, I's still got papes ta sell"
Spot rolled his eyes and grabbed Race's arm gently "it's gettin' dark, I'll pay for 'em" he offered "call it an early Christmas gift"
"Spot, you's don't gotta-" Spot raised an eyebrow and Race sighed. He knew that look, Spot wasn't going to budge. He shoved his papers back in his bag dramatically "Fine"
Spot grinned, pulling a few coins out of his own bag and handing them over before grabbing his arm again. "Great, c'mon. Me newsies missed ya"
Race let himself be dragged by the shorter boy through the streets of Brooklyn "aww Spotty, they's the only ones?"
Spot looked at him out of the corner of his eye and tsked "I dunno Racer, you's awfully obnoxious" He snorted and fell into step beside the Brooklyn leader.
He dropped his arm, but Race had other ideas as he glanced around before pulling Spot into an abandoned alley. He teasingly draped his arms over his shoulders and grinned down at him. "Really, ya didn't miss me at all?" he asked lowly, mischief seeping into his voice.
He hummed "I dunno, pretty boy, should I've?" he moved closer, pressing them both against the alley wall, almost like a challenge. And Race always takes a challenge.
He cupped his face in his hands for a beat before pulling him up to press their lips together. Spot wrapped one arm around his waist and brought his other hand up to rest on the lanky Italian's freezing cheek. His lips were warm on Race's and, if you asked either of them, there was no better thing in the world than the heat radiating between them.
Their lips moved together with a familiar pattern but when Spot nipped at his bottom lip he still gasped like it was the first time they'd made-out in an alley. The Brooklyn leader's hands moved down to grip his hips and Race grinned into his lips. Then Spot pulled back, only an inch.
"It's late, Racer, we's should get goin'" his breath was hot on Race's lips and his voice was hoarse. Race couldn't help but take pride in how quickly he could get the king of Brooklyn flushed and panting, though judging from the way he was breathing, he couldn't have looked much better.
"But this is so much more fun" he kissed him again but Spot was damn persistent as he pulled back again.
"M' serious Racetrack, it's freezin' out here," he pecked Race on the jaw one last time before letting go of his hips and taking a step back, "No matter how fun kissin' you is, I ain't gettin' sick for it"
Race whined but took the hand that Spot offered him and squeezed, "Fine" he groaned and let the other boy lead him towards the Brooklyn lodgings.
They stuck to back alleys for as long as they could just so they could keep holding hands. Eventually, they had to walk back onto the main road. Spot squeezed his hand once before dropping it and just walking beside him as if his tongue hadn't been down his throat not even ten minutes ago.
When they finally made it to the lodgings it was long past sunset and they slipped into the building as quietly as they possibly could. Spot had to stifle his snickering when he saw how his newsies had fallen asleep. Only one or two had made it to a bunk, the rest were curled up haphazardly around on the floor or curled up together in chairs. Even his top two girls were curled up together in the one couch in the Brooklyn lodging house. He would have teased them about it but the way they looked together, calm for what felt like the first time since they've joined his gang he decided to just let them have this one. Just this once, though.
Race watched as Spot surveyed his kids. He held a soft smile on his face and an affectionate glint in his eye that had Race falling in love all over again. He knew not many people got to see this side of him. The soft side that took the time to make sure every one of his newsies had a blanket or at least an extra shirt on to protect them against the cold.
As he threw a stray blanket over the two curled up on the couch, Race wrapped his arms around his lover's waist and pressed his lips into his messy brown hair in a lingering kiss. He felt Spot huff out a laugh and lace a hand with one his. Race couldn't help but relish in how absolutely domestic this felt, on Christmas Eve no less.
Finally, after Spot had double checked over all his newsies, he led Race by the hand up to his private room, which was really just an attic with holes in the roof and an old mattress on the floor. No matter how rough it looked Race loved every inch of it. Call it positive association but he had so many soft memories up here with Spot, it may just be his favorite place on earth.
The moment the door closed Race pulled the Cuban boy in for a soft kiss. He brushed his thumb across his cheekbone before pulling back and smiling softly.
"I love you" he whispered, kissing him again, "I love you so much"
He could feel Spot smile into his lips before he pulled back, "I love you too, pretty boy"
They stared at each other for a moment longer before they both broke out into a fit of laughter. Spot pressed his face into Racetrack's chest and Race wrapped his lanky arms around him. They took a step back and Spot tripped over the mattress, falling and pulling Race down with him. The lanky boy yelped as his sweetheart wrapped his arms protectively around his waist so that he took the brunt of the fall and getting the wind knocked out of him in the process.
Race propped himself up on his elbows so his face was only inches away from Spot's face, grinning. "Well, looks like I's a fallen for ya, Conlon"
Spot snorted "Yeah, you's sure took my breath away"
Race grinned and pressed a kiss to the space between his eyes. Spot scrunched up his nose but laughed as the boy continued to pepper his face in kisses. Finally, he pressed his lips to Spot's, though neither of them could stop grinning for long enough to really kiss.
Race's arms gave out and he yelped again as he fell flat onto Spot's chest. Spot started to laugh until Race pressed a lingering kiss to his jaw and his breath caught in his throat because wow, that felt nice. Race must have felt Spot tense because he looked up at him with concerned eyes.
"Is this okay?" his voice was laced with uncertainty and Spot absolutely melted. He rolled them over so they were lying side by side facing each other.
"Course it is," he said earnestly "I's just surprised, is all"
Race nodded and pressed a kiss to the underside of his jaw again, though this time Spot was expecting it.  He wrapped his arms around Race's middle as the taller boy continued pressing lingering kisses whatever bit of exposed skin he could reach. He gripped Race's shirt as cold fingers slipped under his and rubbed circles into his hip bones, though relaxed when he got used to them.
finally, Spot brought a hand up to Race's face and pulled him into one last kiss before yawning.
"Get some sleep, Racer. I'll see ya in the mornin'" he whispered, tightening his grip around Race's middle, who responded by tucking his head under Spot's and burying his face in his shoulder.
"Merry Christmas, Spotty" he mumbled into the fabric soft from use.
"Merry Christmas, Racer"
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georgeluz · 8 years
hey:) for the ask thing, im about 5'5, i have long wavy light brown hair and big brown eyes w olive skin. my myers briggs is campaigner&my star sign is a cancer! i'm kinda built (?) bc i do competitive sport, i play lotta instruments, and im v social. i have adhd yikes and anxiety YIKES but it's chill lol, sometimes that does get in the way though. for the fandom, BoB would be great:) also ya u are a legend i didn't mean another word for champ i deadass just meant legend. thanks ❣
Wow. But… if I were… a legend… I would’ve gotten this done FOREVER AGAOAUHDFgrihEJADF. I’m so SORRY. Babe. But to make it up to you, this blurb is fucking LONG. @v-esperteen 
The Character I See You As: Buck Compton. HIGHLY SOCIAL? SPORTS? ANXIOUS? You got yourself a recipe for BUCK COMPTON. Aka the wonderful, sweet lil sunshine that loves literally everyone and makes everyone feel so comfortable and relaxed (and sometimes not relaxed depending on how boisterous he gets). I love him because even though he has all of these amazing qualities, he is independent to a fault (daring to argue with Winters I scream he’s–), highly emotional (losing his friends literally KILLED HIM) and anxious (though he hides it well behind his EVERYTHING IS FINE face or his dead inside face).
Your Three Best Friends: Don Malarkey, Alex Penkala, Skip Muck (aka the squad)
The One You Don’t Get Along With: Henry Jones. Sweet, sweet Henry. It’s no one’s fault, but he’s so composed and so put together that you honestly don’t know what to do with him. Try and joke with him? He just stares at you (maybe smiles pitifully). Try and initiate conversation? Part of you burns because he takes himself so damn seriously and you decide never to try that again lmao. You like him… you just don’t know what to do with him and him with you, so you just stay out of each other’s hair.
Who I Ship You With: Shifty Powers. The ENFP plus the shy, cute, unassuming, but also incredibly brave and intelligent Shifty Powers? HELLO HOW FREAKING ADORA- I digress. Shifty is wonderful because he’s mellow and gentle, gets embarrassed easily if you try and shower him with affection, but somehow keeps cool in the middle of combat, never gets injured, etc. His name is Shifty for a reason, one minute he’s there and the next you’re like ?? hello ?? Shifty? ANYWAY. I love him a lot. He’s like the least anxious person. Whenever you have your anxious moments he’s there to cuddle you and tell you in his sweet lil accent that everything is gonna be just fine (dont mind me im crying).
Wildcard: Captain. 2nd Battalion Staff S-3. 101st Airborne.
Lil Blurb??: Your charisma got you here. Your athleticism, sharp wit, ability to make solid decisions under pressure, and aptitude for route planning got you here. You were a valuable assistant to Colonel Strayer. Your gender also got you here: pouring coffee for him at 6:30 in the morning, tapping your foot with a bright smile on your face. You pretended it was fine that you were reduced to such menial tasks. You knew it was too good to be true that you would be used for much after being moved from the WAAC to the 101st. You had trained hard with a handful of women to handle the difficulties of battle–you would never see combat, but you would get as close as any woman ever had.
But that still meant making coffee for all of the men, pouring it, and often being left out of discussions. You kept reminding yourself that it was insane that you were here, in England, part of the planning for D-Day. You wouldn’t get to drop though, not like the boys. Knowing that crushed you, not because you particularly wanted to see combat and death, but because you had grown so close to the everyone. To be left behind was cruel. You were a favorite on Easy Company’s sports teams. It was Buck Compton that had used his charms to sway you into joining their soccer game. You were just as uneasy as the men, but once the game started, it was like you’d been playing with them forever.
Malarkey, Penkala, Muck, you, Compton, and Luz versus Guarnere, Toye, Heffron, Talbert, and Skinny Sisk. It was the most fun you’d ever had, throwing elbows and repeatedly trying to trip Tab (who kept throwing hands and swearing he was just going easy on you). You even managed to get a laugh out of Toye, something you hadn’t accomplished before. You patted yourself on the back for that one. But damn, it would hurt to be cut from the friends you’d made. You had brothers. These boys were like your brothers now, far from home, keeping you company in the daylight.
But, despite those boys being the group you had become so close with so quickly, it was the charming Southerner that caught your attention right off the bat. Powers was all broad shoulders passed down from generation to generation; he was meant to hold a gun, you could tell by the way he cradled his rifle against his arm. It was like an extension of himself, but that wasn’t the only thing you admired about the unassuming Shifty. He was a hell of a shot, probably the best in the company, but he was about as quiet, humble, and bashful as they came. And you thrived on making him blush.
First it was through subtle compliments when you caught him alone, without Tab or Skinny by his side. You would sit while Shifty cleaned his rifle, admiring his perfect form when shooting or suggesting he was the best you’d ever seen. You didn’t push him, you read him well enough to know he was easily made uncomfortable. You asked him about home, about his favorite gun, about the squirrels he used to shoot up in Virginia. Shifty would smile fondly at you, then his shoes, and lean back against the wall or the back of his chair, tipping his head back and squinting his eyes. He always took his time talking–he was deliberate. You loved that about him. When you sat with him it was like time stopped for just a sweet moment, like the anxieties and the frustration that fluttered in the back of your mind stopped.
One night, after sharing a drink or two, you both wandered into the nearby cow pasture and he told you about the farm he grew up on. “I did always like cows the most,” he murmured, running his hands along the dew-ridden grass, the other hand rubbing his jaw. “Big eyes, big ears.” He trailed off, screwing up his nose, trying to think of other reasons why he liked them so much. “Well I suppose they never did want nothing bad for nobody,” he finished with a short nod, drawing both hands behind him to lean on. “Chickens were too cranky, and the horses were too smart for me. I almost got kicked once. My daddy almost lost it, started hollerin’ about how I needed to stop sneakin’ up on ‘em. I was too quiet.”
You, yourself, had never been so quiet in your life. You were laying on your side, fingers threaded through the grass beside Shifty’s hand. You wanted nothing more than to keep listening, to drink his words in, to know him from the inside out, but he stopped and furrowed his brow. “You know, I never tried cow tippin’ before.” You looked up through your eyelashes, face flushed from the alcohol that still burned in the back of your throat. 
“What do we do, huh, Powers? Do we just run at them?” You had never done it before either. It sounded just like something a boy from Virginia would want to do.
“S’pose so, I never thought about it.”
“Wanna do it?”
“No, I don’t think that would be very kind,” he replied, sliding back down until his head hit the ground. He rolled onto his side and blinked up at you, a crooked smile gracing his features. “I’m too tired to run anyway.”
“Mmhm,” was your defeated reply, still propped up on your elbow, hovering over him. You felt a little tired too, buzzed, slipping down until your face was right beside his. You laughed. He laughed a little too, but he also looked like a deer caught in headlights. You weren’t one for personal space, at least not with people you enjoyed being around, and you hadn’t thought that it might be pushing it for him to be so close. 
“Never kissed anyone neither,” Shifty murmured after a moment. You tilted your head slightly, leaning back.
“I didn’t play football. I didn’t live in town. I don’t think I had a lot goin’ for me. Bad luck.”
You quirked a brow. Your heart was hammering against your chest. You weren’t supposed to being doing this with an enlisted man. You were his superior, and the reason most had objected to women in the military was for this damn reason exactly. “Why did you bring that up, Shifty?” You were just antagonizing him now.
He was silent for a moment, searching your gaze for any emotion other than drunken amusement. “Well, Y/N, I-I rightly think you’re the prettiest girl I’ve ever seen. I was just thinkin’ that. I’m sorry–” He broke off, rubbing the back of his neck. “I was thinkin’ I wouldn’t mind kissin’ you.”
“Well, Shifty Powers, I don’t know what those girls back in Virginia were thinking,” you chuckled, reaching to grab the fabric of his shirt. “I must do my civic duty after all, send you off to war right,” you murmur before planting one on him, gentle, careful, trying not to spook him. This was real, you reminded yourself. And it would be gone soon, so you’d best enjoy it while it lasted. He draped his arm over your waist, pulling you in close, the other hand supporting your cheek. 
Shifty was a quick learner, you found, and you also discovered it would be very, very difficult to reverse what you’d done. After that night, discreet as you tried to be, he nearly gave it all away with his puppy eyes and his silent begging. And you were a sucker, running off with him to the fields and pastures whenever you could under the cover of darkness to romp, wrestle, play, and kiss a little before he and the rest of the men were dropped over Normandy.
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witsyo · 4 years
Sun and Moon 2
Year 17, Month 8, Day 15
The sun filtering through the trees had Razz raising his chin to the sky. The air was so clear, here, beyond the reach of civilization. There were birds chirping, and the stream bubbled behind him. It was so peaceful, the only interruption from the atmosphere a sudden splash and loud, swearing exclamation.
Razz looked back over his shoulder with raised brows to see a boy, quite soaked and slowly rising to his knees. He was still swearing, and Razz scooped up a small stone, tossing it in the other’s direction and bopping it off the top of his curly-haired head.
“Adrian, if you don’t stop that, the goddesses themselves are going to come down from the heavens to curse us.”
“I fell in the river!” Adrian exclaimed, shaking his head like a dog. “It’s freezing, and now I’m soaked!”
Laughing, Razz pulled off the sock he’d just put on, standing and wading back into the water to help the other to his feet. “Come, now. You’ll be fine.”
Adrian scoffed, leaning back down to splash a handful of water onto the other’s pants. “I suppose you will be too, then!”
With mock outrage, Razz seized the other around the shoulders, tussling for a moment before Adrian got the best of him, bringing them both back down into the stream and making Razz yelp with the coldness of it. Thankfully, he had left his and Adrian’s packs on the other shore, so their things stayed dry even as they half-drowned each other in an impromptu wrestling match.
Adrian, despite being the younger, was definitely the bigger of them, and quickly had Razz smacking on his shoulder in a call for mercy. “Hey, alright!” He was laughing, and Adrian grinned, but let him up, both rolling over and standing.
Looking down at himself in consternation, Razz snorted as Adrian commented, “So I’m guessing we’re making camp on the shore?”
“Yeah, that seems best. I’m glad you finally washed yourself, if nothing else!”
Snickering, Adrian splashed him again, then ran to the shore where their packs had been carried by Razz, nearly slipping again and barely catching himself. Razz shook his head long-sufferingly, following him and stripping his shirt off over his head. As Adrian got out their spare clothes, Razz hung the wet ones in a nearby tree, dressing quickly before squinting up at the setting sun. “I suppose we should make a fire.”
“Do you want me to get the wood?” Adrian said earnestly, and Razz turned to smile softly at him. He was a great kid, a good friend to Razz’s family before he had passed, like a brother to him even before they'd run off together. A sickness had passed through their village, leaving Razz miraculously untouched even as his family died before him. The same sickness had taken Adrian’s mother, leaving him to live with a man who was neither forgiving nor kind. When Razz had come of age and decided to leave, travel to somewhere that wasn’t filled with broken memories, Adrian had begged to come with him.
It’d been an easy decision, really.
“Sure. Remember, dead and dry wood, found on the ground. Don’t take branches from the trees.”
Nodding quickly, Adrian disappeared into the woods. They’d been traveling together for almost five years now, jumping from town to village to city and back again. There had been a time Razz wouldn’t have trusted him to protect himself in the woods, but now… well, the boy had more than proved his worth. Saved Razz’s hide more than once, that was for sure.
He still kept a careful ear out as he pulled food from the packs, beginning to skin a rabbit they’d caught earlier in the day.
When the other returned, he had finished carving their meal and was in the process of rubbing some salt they’d picked up in the last town into the meat. Adrian was carrying an armful of logs, and in his free hand, he held the stems of a familiar plant.
“I found carrots!” he said happily, dumping the wood in a pile at Razz’s feet and holding out the vegetables.
Razz laughed, taking them and inspecting the dirty orange of the roots. “Wonderful. We might actually fill our bellies tonight. Good job, Adrian, can you wash these?” Holding them back out, he smiled at the pride in Adrian’s eyes. “I’ll start building the fire.”
They worked in silence for a while, the sun beginning to dip below the trees as the growing fire filled the area with light. Without needing to be asked, Adrian found a flat rock, setting it carefully into the flames to heat before returning to the task of preparing his half of the meal. Razz paused in his preparations, smiling for a moment before he reached out, ruffling the other’s hair.
Adrian gave him a questioning look, but Razz just shook his head. “We’ve almost arrived, you know.”
“At Skies Haven? How do you--”
Razz gestured behind him, and Adrian turned around to face the sun, squinting at the outline of an impressively tall mountain. “That’s Cerulean’s mountain,” he said, naming the revered goddess of the sky. “The temple of skies lies on the other side, and Skies Haven sits just below the temple. My father would tell me stories. I wasn’t sure until I was watching it now, but that’s the mountain.”
Humming in thought, Adrian just looked at it for a moment, then shrugged, turning back to Razz. “Why have we come here? I thought we were going to avoid the bigger cities after you got arrested at Longhill.”
Razz snorted, laying strips of meat and some of Adrian’s chopped carrot onto the heated rock. The food began to sizzle, filling the air with a smell that had them both breathing in deeply. “That was the guard’s fault,” Razz protested quietly, then grinned at the other’s scoff of disbelief. “It’s just a feeling I have, like something is pulling us there. I’ve always loved working ships along the coast, and you could easily find work with a healer here. There are many who come to learn from the priestesses.”
“We passed a ton of coast towns on the way here. Fate wanted you at this one?”
“Hmm…” Razz reached out, gesturing for the other to come closer as he used a stick to move the food around on the rock. Suspiciously, Adrian scooted over a little, then protested loudly as Razz immediately scooped him into his side, giving him a tight hug and smacking a kiss to the side of his head. “I’ve come here to escape a certain annoying little kid!”
“Stop kissin’ me if you wanna escape!” Adrian huffed, seemingly accepting his fate as Razz didn’t let him out of his one-armed hold.
“I do it because you hate it!” Razz proclaimed, then grinned, rubbing the other’s arm and focusing back onto his cooking. “Should we go straight to sleep after food? If we wake early, we should arrive at Skies Haven tomorrow afternoon.”
“Sure,” Adrian said, looking back over his shoulder at the mountain. “Do you think we’ll stay there for a while? Settle down a bit?”
Razz looked down at him, biting back a sigh. He knew that Adrian deserved a home, a place to return to after each day and a family full of people who loved him. This kid needed a life, a wonderful one that brought him happiness. Razz had known he couldn’t provide it. All he’d been able to think was that an unsettled life must be better for him than one where he was made to believe he was worthless. If nothing else, Razz loved him. He’d protect him to his last breath. There was just something about stopping in one place for too long that made him hesitate, no matter how much he knew it would be good for the boy.
It felt like they were missing something, and they needed to keep moving until they found it.
“Maybe, Adrian. Maybe.”
Stepping to one side, Razz narrowly avoided being run down by a man with a donkey, barreling down the center of a bustling street. He grinned at the look on Adrian’s face, clearly enamored by the sights and sounds of Skies Haven.
It was apparently market day, vendors shouting their wares and farmers driving animals right into the alleys between more permanent shops. The sights and smells were almost overwhelming compared to the quiet forests they’d been traveling through, but Razz could feel his mood being lifted by it all. The excitement of the shouting was enough to have them both grinning, Adrian’s hold on Razz’s arm tightening every time they passed a stall he wanted to stop at.
Gently, Razz kept them going, but even he hadn’t been able to resist the call of a vendor advertising honey-soaked pastries, hot out of the oven. He’d pulled them over, traded a coin for a roll that steamed as he tore it in half. Adrian was still happily munching on his, but Razz hadn’t been able to stop himself from scarfing his down almost in an instant.
Flags fluttered on strings criss-crossing above the street, blue and gold with symbols of the sky painted on. The sun’s rays shone against the bright colors, making them glint and drawing the eye up almost as much as the bustle drove it down. It was hard to forget that this was the city of the queens of moon and sun, with the people decorating every available surface with their symbols. Even, Razz noticed, themselves, spotting a woman with a large sun tattoo across the whole of her bare back. Then she turned around, revealing that her front was just as bare, and Razz clapped a hand over Adrian’s eyes.
“It’s not like I’ve never seen that before!” he protested, but Razz just snorted, guiding them around the woman and turning down a side street.
The temple of the skies came into view, and Razz uncovered Adrian’s eyes. They had seen it from the side as they approached the city, a towering building of white marble and the same blue and gold in its trim that decorated Skies Haven. Now, though, they could see it in stark detail, set into the side of Cerulean’s mountain and looking down upon the city.
Every child in this land knew the stories. Long ago, a queen’s lover had been killed, and she had begged the three goddesses to bring her back. Amazingly, Cerulean had answered. The goddess of the skies had taken the queen to her palace, brought her and the lover before a council of her sisters. They didn’t care much for her plight, but the queen had been desperate. She had offered the gods anything they wanted, anything they could take in exchange for her lover to live on.
So the gods had asked for their eternities.
“It’s beautiful,” Adrian said, and Razz nodded. He wondered if the queen of suns had been found, yet. They couldn’t remember each other, he’d heard, not until they met. Then they were allowed to live together until their sacrifice, in their 20th year. The lives they lived until then were what was important though, the way they were treated being a marker for the goddesses for if humanity deserved blessings or punishment until the next sacrifice. They were in a time of blessings, now, though Razz had never lived to see a time of punishment. He had heard that it was a terrible time indeed, the hardships of now being nothing compared to dying crops and impossible storms.
“Could we visit, do you think?” asked Adrian, still staring wide-eyed at the temple.
Razz laughed. “Perhaps if we were disguised as women. I was born in the year of the queen of moons, you know, they might mistake me for the sun.”
Grinning, Adrian tore his eyes away from the sight and looked over at him. “I think I’d like to see that.”  
“I’m sure you would. Do you see another inn, yet?”
They emerged onto another bustling street, and Adrian pulled, pointing to a building across from them with a sign that swayed in the wind. “What about that one?”
Razz narrowed his eyes, inspecting the building carefully before he nodded. Many of the inns they’d passed thus far had either been far too seedy or far too grand for them to afford. Usually, they would stay wherever Razz picked up work, staying in an inn for a few days until he could move them to sleep in whatever pile of hay or warm ship’s kitchen he could barter for. They used to sleep outside instead of in an inn, but after a confrontation with a guard in one of the bigger cities, Razz had always been careful to keep the coin on hand to allow them to stay in safer places.
“That should work.” He shouldered off his pack, handing it to the other before he pulled his coinpurse from his belt. Adrian reached for it, but Razz held it back, looking at the other severely. “What’s our limit?”
“Twenty coins a night,” the other recited, and Razz nodded.
“And find out how much they charge for a warm bath. You need an introduction to some soap.” Before the other could protest, he shook a few coins into his own hand, then pressed the bag into Adrian’s fingers. “Secure our room, then wait for me in the tavern below.”
“Where are you going?” Adrian asked, blinking at him in confusion. Razz had been having him secure their lodgings the last few trips, but they were meant to be practice, and Razz had always hovered just outside the door in case of trouble.
Razz stood up tall, rolling his shoulders and glancing back towards the ocean. “We’re lower on money than usual. I need to find something that pays if we’re going to spend any length of time here.”
“I saw a healer’s shop back on the--”
“You stay here,” Razz said severely. “We’ll get you a job tomorrow, but for today, you rest, and you stay where I can find you. Okay?”
Adrian huffed, then nodded, reaching out for a quick hug as he answered.
“Alright, Razz.”
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historias-multorum · 2 months
@thetoaddaddy continuing from this.
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She giggled and happily wrapped her arm around his. "Yes. I picked a perfect spot for our picnic today that overlooks the river. I think you'll like it!" She told him happily.
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historias-multorum · 5 months
A scared little boy frantically sprinted towards Shizune and hugs her. He was the spitting image of Jiraiya but with black hair and tears in his eyes.
Go on anon and pretend to be my muse’s child!
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Shizune bent down to her sons level and pulled him into a hug before picking him up. "You don't like the big bad thunderstorm either huh."
"Don't worry, you can come sleep with me and papa until the storm passes okay?"
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historias-multorum · 10 months
💖 (for Shizune)
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"I know it it's just holding hands, but I actually really like doing this with you." Shizune said while blushing. "So just be warned, I'm gonna hold you hand a lot!"
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historias-multorum · 10 months
“Shizune!” Jiraiya announced himself loudly as he threw open the door to her office in the hospital. He barges in with large steps towards her before pressing a light kiss to her cheek and revealing a singular pale red carnation. “For you. I hope your day is going alright! Got a few minutes to waste on me, your very sweet and adoring other half?”
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"OH!" Shizune jumped nearly dropping the pen she had in her hand. "Oh... Jiraiya you scared me!" She said as she sighed.
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Seeing the carnation made her smile even more. "I'm doing alright." She said as she put it in her hair. "Anytime with my very sweet other half is not wasted time." She chuckled
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