#But also in general - there's so much about his own life and reign that remains so unknown due to these missing records
wonder-worker · 5 months
every day I wish that Edward IV's Chamber records actually survived :/
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writer-room · 10 months
I know this is just beating a dead horse at this point but good god Warriors really does have so many opportunities to write all kinds of different complex tales and relationships, even just as shorts, and it makes me so so sad. Even just the smaller things, the ones that almost hilariously ignore the bigger plot going on around them.
We all know Breezepelt, but I personally wanna know about his kids! I want to know what kind of father he is to four whole daughters. He’s the guy known for having daddy issues, is he a terrible father? Is he just an okay one? Is he genuinely trying really hard to be good? I want to know!
What about the aftermath of Brokenstar’s reign? What happened to the apprenticed kits who survived the ordeal? Did they remain as paws but had an extended training time? Were they put back in the nursery and expected to just go on knowing what the outside world looked like until moons later? What about the apprentices named before they were adults, were they changed back to paws? What kind of generational trauma did ShadowClan carry from Brokenstar, from all the children who died and all the ones who grew up much too fast?
Dawnpelt was known for mainly one thing: the cat who believed, wholeheartedly, that Jayfeather killed Flametail. She is now also the mother of Sleekwhisker, a Darktail obsessed villain, Juniperclaw, who briefly joined Darktail, poisoned prey, and is now dead and guarding the border between StarClan and the Dark Forest. And then there’s Strikestone, who joined Darktail for a bit but then didn’t do much else except also die. Thats two children dead, one who is denied redemption despite his willingness to, and a third child whos very murderous. Does that not fuck someone up, at least a little?
Pouncestep is my personal favorite simply because she has become the background character in a family of main characters. Lightleap is slowly getting a little bit of spotlight thanks to Blazefire, but Pouncestep is just...there. Literally what is her life even like, watching all her important family members deal with the worst thing ever five times a week. Is she minding her own business. I hope she’s just vibing. I want a calm short with her ignoring all the plot.
Moonkitti brought this up already, but she was so right for it, cause...what about all the cats named in honor of the dead? Hollytuft? Sorrelstripe? Fernsong? Even new Bristlekit and Stemkit, and so many more---does that not mess with a cat? We know it messed with Nightheart, and while being named after and related to Firestar I’m sure does some things to a dude, we have other cats who do look eerily similar to who they’re named after. Lets not even start with Cinderheart. With this naming tradition becoming more and more common, one has to wonder if ThunderClan is gonna be filled to the brim with cats that have some INSANE identity issues.
#warriors#warrior cats#headcanons#thoughts#ideas#text post#talk#breezepelt#brokenstar#dawnpelt#pouncestep#naming#sleekwhisker#shadowclan#ignoring everything else about breezepelt including how he was suddenly redeemed for everything like it was all crows fault#(crow did not help at all. he was a horrific father. breeze still tried to kill a pregnant lady)#i want to know what kind of dad he is!! we just HEAR that he has daughters & thats it!! no shut up what kind of dad are you#villains who are actually okay fathers? WILD CONCEPT I WOULD LIKE TO SEE IT#breeze whos like awful with everyone except his mom his wife & his kids. obsessed with it. i want to see more of it. i want to see him try#'my father has failed me but i will not fail you' & then failing as all parents will always inevitably do & feeling awful about it#only to accept that. well hes going to mess up. all parents will. what matters is how he tries to fix it & move on.#and dawnpelt! angst aside i think she'd get so much sht for getting mad at jay then needing refuge then having evil daughter#the pettiness. through the ROOF it would be kinda funny. but also sad cause yknow. she kinda lost all 3 of her kids#shadowclan has to have the worst trauma ever. brokenstar was like. 10 years ago? ish? around then#we have multiple cats who lived that long. even if so few survived from that reign then THEIR kids most certainly had to live through stuff#child soldiers. cats who had to grow up way too fast. it had to take a hit on their psyche. id like to see the reasons why shadow has so#many villain stuff happen with them. no its not cause theyre evil its because literally the worst things ever have happened to them#and they are desperate and scared and so deeply deeply traumatized#and then just pouncestep living her best life and all the cats having identity issues#horrayyyy
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New Header and Profile Picture of Her Majesty Queen Victoria II Through her Reign.
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Her Majesty Queen Victoria II Through the years Starting with Her Majesty The First week of her Reign. Still in mourning of her late 'Papa' His Majesty King Edward III, She is usure about her Reign ahead and finding her footing as a Brand New Queen at the age of 21 whilst also dealing with the mental and physical toll of becoming 'The Queen of Windencrest'. The first years of Windecrests monarchs are vital, they are historically known to truly Make or Break a Monarch. Secondly we have Her Majesty as a more mature and confident Queen, comfortable in her Reign. She has been through a lot of trails and tribulations and has seen Great Monarchies fall around her. Her Majesty has remained strong and an icon of enourmous stability in times of global unrest such as wars and Revolts and made it through the hardest years of her Reign which have truly made Her Majesty, The Queen she is Today. Lasty we have Her Majesty in her current Era, an older woman but a strong and steadfast leader. Respectable, wise and knowleagable in the final years of her enourmously successful Reign. She is becoming ready to pass The Crown down to her Son HRH Albert, The Prince of Windenburg. She continues to be a beacon of stability and light for the great people of Windencrest and has earned her spot as 'The Longest Reigning Monarch in the World' and loved by all across the globe.
Summary: this little photoshoot which i have redone to have the time accurate models is inspired by 'The Crown Season 6' poster of the 3 Queens throughout their reign. I wanted to sort of copycat it and not to blow my own trumpet but i think ive done pretty well lmao. i hope you enjoyed this little bit of lore and a little window into Her Majesties life! ive been having so much fun with this new tumblr recently however i may have to go on a hiatus a little bit, but fear not i will be active behind the scenes to answer questions and stuff. also how would you guys feel about me posting threads of just stories atm and when i can ill add in some photos for a visual reference because i have some stories already written out in my notes app on my phone and i think it wuld be pretty fun to share them for example 'The Diary of The Princess Victoria of Great Newcrest' which has a few entrys about her royal life as a princess before becoming Queen but also finding out she was going to become Queen at around 5 years old and meeting HM Prince Consort George for the first time and how their love came to be, i would also like to share their entire Royal Family Tree aswell which makes up of 23 Generations but also the sim models but maybe that can be something else i start. Anyways finally i hope youve enjoyed please like and reblog it helps me out so much :)
'God Save The Queen!'
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gale-gentlepenguin · 2 years
ML Reboot: Miraculous: Heroes of Miracles: The Dupain-Cheng Family
-So not to diss the family, with there being less focus on the Agreste family drama (it’s still there but it’s not the Main show), I figured I should add some depth to Marinette’s family. Specifically the pasts of Tom and Sabine.
-Tom Grew up in Provins. A small town in France near Paris. His father liked to keep things simple, and Paris was complicated.
-Rolland, (Tom’s dad) and Tom had a falling out when Tom was a teen.
-Rolland was very Traditional, believing in the Legacy of Bread Makers. He didn’t believe in making desserts, it was only bread. For “Bread was the foundation of life.” The Dupain family motto.
-Tom loved making bread, but he also loved Baking desserts, Cakes, cookies, macarons.
-To Rolland, Tom’s ‘hobby’ of making sweets was shameful, and unmanly. But so long as he kept it out of the store, he would let it be. Tom however planned on making desserts for his Fathers bakery when he took over. Saying it would bring new customers
-Rolland thought it an insult to the craft. Telling his son that the modern trend of sweet breads was just that, a trend. And Tradition must stand strong. The Dupain legacy was 5 generations strong.
-Tom told his father he will keep making bread, that won’t be lost. But the store is suffering, the customers that remain loyal are getting older and they haven’t attracted new customers in decades.
-Rolland told Tom that if he wanted to make bread he could stay, but if he insisted on baking cakes… he must leave.
-Tom hadn’t spoken to his father since the day he left.
-Tom’s mom, Gine heard about what happened. She tried to give Tom money, but he refused. Instead selling all of his things before heading to Paris. He managed to buy a dingy hole in the wall that needed repairs thanks to a mix of his life savings and loans.
-Tom Cleaned it up and Called it “Tom’s Bakery”
-Xia Bing Cheng (later known as Sabine) was born in Shanghai. Her parents passed away when she was 10 due to a tragic accident. Ever since, she and her sister were raised by her uncle. Helping out at his Restaurant.
-Wang was not a famous chef. He was incredibly talented, but his place was not as famous as in canon. He worked hard and long hours. Having Xia Bing and her sister do errands to help out.
-Xia Bing was fierce and independent. She felt she was trapped, forced to work for her uncle, and wanting her own life.
-Xia Bing was of course was also resentful and rebellious. Often going out late as a teen and causing trouble. She often got into trouble with the police despite that She was never caught, but a lot of her friends were. Burned a lot of bridges by leaving them out to dry.
-It broke Wang’s heart to see her go out of control. Trying to reign her in. But Xia Bing always seemed to ignore him.
-In truth, Xia Bing knew the struggles Wang dealt with, knowing some nights he would be up wondering how to provide for them. It’s why Xia would go out. Conning people and committing petty theft. So she could provide for herself and not take away from Wang and her sister.
-At 17, Xia managed to leave Shanghai and found herself bouncing from country to country until she ended up in France. She had caused a bit too much trouble and didn’t want her uncle and sister to suffer due to her own actions.
-At this time Xia was nearly broke, and her cons didn’t work so great as her charming wit was not heard due to her inability to speak French well. So she decided to find work wherever she could to take care of herself.
-Xia Bing changed her Name to Sabine, and worked at numerous places, all long hours for little pay, and often no pay as they would threaten to report her to the police.
-Sabine found herself at rock bottom, close to being evicted. She wondered how her uncle and sister were doing. She was weighing her options all of which weren’t good. She hoped they were better off. Her stomach growled and her nose caught on the smell of something sweet.
-She found herself inside a small bakery, very bare bones. Clearly still in the midst of repairs, but it was clean, and the goods smelled heavenly.
-There she saw a young man, no older than her, working behind a counter. He could tell she was hungry and got her some macarons, free of charge.
-She learned his name was Tom. She told him she would pay him back.
-“Seeing the delight you took in my dessert is pay enough for today”
-This was the first genuine act of kindness she had received from someone since coming to Paris.
-She asked if he was hiring. He told her he was looking for help, but he couldn’t pay much.
-She accepted it.
-Tom and Sabine ended up working together and thanks to their dedication, they were able to start making profit. Tom helped Sabine learn French, Sabine showed Tom tricks in cooking and baking that he had not been privy to. Having worked at her uncles restaurant and other French cafe’s, kitchens and so on.
-Tom changed the name of the bakery to “Tom and Sabine’s” as he felt she was just as much part of the bakery as he was.
-They ended up falling in love. Tom proposing and Sabine happily Accepting.
-Shortly after the bakery started getting recognition and Tom was able to really start paying back the loans he took.
-Marinette was born a year after their marriage,
-Marinette knew very much that Tom and Sabine put their heart and soul into the bakery, and figured one day she would take over, as their daughter.
-But as Marinette discovered her desire to go into fashion, she felt guilt. How could she just abandon her parents labor to pursue her own path.
-This comes to a head in season 3 where after her breakdown. She tells her father her dream. She apologizes to him, saying she knows how ungrateful she sounds tears forming in her eyes. Because she feels she is breaking his heart
-Tom hugs her.
-Because he knows the pain she is feeling, and he never wanted her to feel obligated
-Tears in his eyes, he tells her he never wanted her to feel obligated to the bakery. This bakery is not meant to be her shackles.
-“Tradition should never come before love.”
-Marinette gets to pursue her dream, the bakery would be there as a means to have her have employment should she need it, or if she decides that the bakery is where she wants to be. But that is her choice. Something both Tom and Sabine agree on wholeheartedly.
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blazingstaro · 1 year
DotS: Knights of the Stars file #02 — King Arthur Nightfall
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Name: Knight King Arthur Nightfall of the Stars Age: 827 yrs (Adult Dream Puff) Rank: Knight King; 5-star High General Star Warrior
The currently reigning Knight King of the Stars, nevertheless the top General for the entire Star Warriors as it remains, Arthur is a benevolent and gentle leader. He came to the crown prematurely following the sudden death of his father, King Orpheus Nightfall, and struggled for decades to fill the large shoes his father left behind.
In comparison to Orpheus, Arthur is much more openly soft and sensitive. He's not as willing to lay down a hard hand as his predecessor, however that doesn't mean he lacks respect either. Arthur is a large Puffball, dwarfed only by Sir Galacta, and upholds his father's incredible, unique and precise fighting style. He harbors great power, and maintains his rank as most elite warrior of the Star Warriors for a good reason.
As great a fighter as he is, Arthur leans more strongly into his diplomatic abilities, and prefers a civil conversation over a fist fight. He has a soft voice and a way with words, taking after his father's charismatic charm in a more wholesome fashion.
In contrary, he also despises boring and formal meetings. If it isn't critically required, he'll do everything he can to sneak out and tend to things he finds more important. This aspect of diplomacy has always been one of his greatest struggles, and his childish side tends to get the better of him when sat in a droll, formal meeting between other leaders.
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Arthur was born to a small family about 827 years ago, both of which being friends of King Orpheus. His father was, in fact, one of Orpheus' research fellows and assisted him while studying ancient legends surrounding the kingdom of Dracoria. He was about a month or so old when tragedy struck his home village, and his parents perished in the act of saving his life. Their dying wishes requested their dear friend Orpheus to look after their son, and the loyal king did so without hesitation.
Orpheus loved Arthur as his own, and kept the name his parents originally chose for him in their honor. Though Arthur was a bit of a handful, and had greater needs than your average Puff baby. In his infancy, he required a surrogate mother; but once he was old enough, he resumed being within Orpheus' sole care. They were inseparable, and had an unbreakable bond as well as a healthy father-son relationship.
The young Prince was Orpheus' bounding shadow, ever curious and constantly learning through watching his father in action. Arthur had a talent for combat, nevertheless a way with people, and Orpheus did well to bring both of best worlds out of the lad.
We see this in fruition today as he lives up to the family name, and upkeeps the Nightfall dynasty with every breath he takes.
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King Arthur has incredible courage in the face of danger, and is a loyal friend to his allies. Following the events of Orpheus' death, he capitalized on improving armor quality not only for his armies, but also himself. He's one of very few Puffs to have complete body armor, so much so that it obscures his natural colors entirely— which also allows him to walk among the public unnoticed, as he's typically seen adorning his signature armor set. He's skilled with a sword, however he has the Ranger Ability, which gives himself a balanced set within combat.
This fact about him is not well known, so it often surprises his enemies! He utilizes it often as well! He's become a master of surprise, and has a tendency to appear when he's most needed —sometimes even moments before someone requests his presence. Should he ever surprise a friend by accident, he apologizes profusely, never intending to scare his compatriots out of their bones.
Despite his large size, he's surprisingly stealthy. This trait of his was most notably recognized in his assistance during Sir Meta Knight's final assault on Nightmare's base 10 years ago alongside Kirby. He expertly assisted two young Star Warriors in acquiring three Destroyas on the base, which they used to provide Meta Knight's Halberd cover fire during their approach.
He came to witness Nightmare's final moments as well, watching Kirby lay the final blow on the demon Warlock with the Star Rod in hand. He did his part to end an ages-long war, and took great pride in his accomplishments. Arthur says that he's gone the extra mile to ensure that Nightmare could never hope to revive himself, giving him a taste of his own treatment to Galacta's once-trapped soul all those centuries ago.
In current day, King Arthur and a band of trusted warriors have been on a quest to cleanse worlds corrupted or fallen to Nightmare's evil, and restore true peace at last to the Galaxy. Many of Nightmare's most loyal still live, and so he's made it his duty to seek them out and snuff them out.
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In current day, King Arthur and a band of trusted warriors have been on a quest to cleanse worlds corrupted or fallen to Nightmare's evil, and restore true peace at last to the Galaxy. Many of Nightmare's most loyal still live, and so he's made it his duty to seek them out and snuff them out.
Arthur is also the proud father to a single daughter, an Ethonian he named Alatariel— Tari for short! This is his blood kin, as is easily evidenced by her striking likeness to him color-wise. She's about 250 years old by now, born during the Great Stalemate era.
He went into hiding on Planet Techstar, living in a small fishing village alongside some of his retired Star Warriors and friends alike. This granted Tari a peaceful, happy upbringing as she was left to be raised by her father on his lonesome.
Seems to be a recurring curse among those who carry Wulfric's crown. According to Tari, her mother died some time after her egg was manifested. Their love was short lived, but carried on through her, she says. Arthur remains tight-lipped, though it's clear that it's a sore topic for him even now.
While her father continues on his quest to purify the Galaxy, Tari has taken on a scholarly role and is researching ancient ruins and technologies with the hopes of restoring the magic that once flowed so strongly in her grandfather's time.
Arthur retains strong communication with his daughter, as well as a very tight relationship— just as he had with his father centuries ago. They send letters and messages on a daily basis, always keeping each other in the loop and making time to spend with each other. Arthur is immensely protective of his daughter, but also himself in dreadful fear that he would repeat the same tragedy he suffered as a young boy.
Still, there is much to know about this king. He hides many secrets under his friendly, and chipper demeanor, and is quite an expert at it. The man's a master at hiding in plain sight! He still has yet to reveal any information about his father, but will happily chat about his baby girl for three hours without stopping. Tari, however, seems to be investigating similar, following the forgotten footsteps of her grandfather in search of answers. Unfortunately she has yet to report any major findings. More to come as we seek more Knights of the Stars and their secrets...
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coffeewithcutcaffeine · 4 months
13, 17, 22, 23, 24, 30 for trystan from the oc royal asks <3
My darling Lizzie! Thank you so much for sending these my way, I had so much fun trying to come up with the perfect and craft Trystan's world a bit after a long time! I apologise for my belated reply, but I hope it will be somehow worth it still. 🥰️❤️️
13. Is there a famous ancestor they look up to? One they would rather not speak about?
The Tornović dynasty, from which Trystan comes, has held power in Drakovia since the 18th century, with the only exception being the Communist regime in the country from 1947-1989. However, his ancestors were not the brave and fearsome warlords of medieval times, but rather modern rulers who focused on reforms. Trystan tries to remain impartial towards the history of his country and never glorify any historical figure, but he does admire King Antonije II, a ruler of the House of Tornović and the son of Queen Catalina. During his reign, Drakovia's industry and infrastructure experienced significant improvement. Trystan also admires his uncle, Crown Prince Milan (King Maksim’s elder brother who died in battle during the civil war of 1989-1993), who is celebrated to this day for his bravery and valour.
The only “ancestors” whom he struggles to talk about are, ironically, his own parents as he is fully aware that his family exemplifies the destructive consequences of individuals who become too hungry for power. Trystan eventually becomes one of the most vocal critics of the current political regime in Drakovia and has a difficult time coming to terms with the fact that his own family could commit such atrocities, considering they were fighting for independence and freedom from an oppressive regime just thirty-five years ago. Living in a reality where the two people who gave life to him are known as the creators of yet another dictatorship is incredibly challenging and takes a toll on him emotionally.
17. Does your OC dislike living in the public eye? Or do they believe it’s part of the job?
My reply for this one can be found here! ❤️️
22. Your OC has a day engagement. What do they wear?
Ahhh, you are absolutely spoiling me with these questions regarding Trystan’s closet! Do expect very elaborate and detailed replies though skdskfhskdfsk there is so much on my mind when it comes to these HCs! ❤️️
For his day engagements, Trystan always makes sure he looks sharp by selecting pieces that stand out and reflect his individuality. While he was still living in Drakovia, the protocol for more casual day engagements was less strict and, during personal engagements, the young prince had the freedom to dress however he pleased. In exile, he no longer has to adhere to any protocols, but Trystan still enjoys showcasing his prestige and wealth through his clothing (you can take the boy out of Drakovia but cannot take Drakovia out of the boy).
His style is heavily inspired by the Balkans — despite having a heavy heart towards his own country in certain ways, he takes great pride in being a Balkan and, as a result, his overall demeanour and personal style always reflect this influence and pride. That means that he follows the latest fashion trends and loves wearing custom-made Italian suits but will always add that special splurge of oomph that, especially in the States, makes him stand out. There is a great variety of colours present in his closet (come on, don’t make Drakovians all gloomy and drenched in darkness — Eastern Europeans love colours and getting all flashy!), as well as bolder cuts, patterns, and fabrics like silk, satin, brocade, damask. His darker complexion and general appearance allow him to dress more “extravagantly” and look great in it. (I might be drifting slightly towards stereotypes here but… eh, Trystan looks hot as hell in it.)
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He is a big fan of well-fitting silk shirts, and the bolder the colour or pattern (but never both at the same time), the better. To avoid overdoing the overall look, he typically pairs a bold shirt with a black suit or dark jeans and a black leather jacket — Trystan aims to be flashy but not over-the-top. He also sometimes enjoys wearing bolder suits but always ensures that he still maintains an elegant appearance.
Trystan also never shies away from accessories! He owns a lot of watches and golden jewellery (very rarely does he wear silver) and prefers wearing larger rings, bracelets, and chains. His jewellery pieces often have sentimental meaning to him, either as family heirlooms (such as his grandfather’s signet ring that he wears often) or simply because they hold personal importance. Since Drakovia, like the rest of the Balkans, is a strongly religious country, Trystan always wears a pendant with religious symbolism around his neck — the pendants usually depict the Virgin Mary or the typical Orthodox Cross. Although Trystan himself is not religious, he still holds it dear as it reminds him of home. High-quality leather belts are also essential.
Last but not least, smelling good is also a vital accessory that complements Trystan’s outfit! While his choice of fragrance may vary depending on the occasion and mood, he does have a preferred signature style. He enjoys wearing strong and aromatic perfumes, particularly Arabian perfumes for men — over the years, he has discovered a weakness for the scent of oud oil, which has a rich, warm, and woody aroma with sweet and smoky notes. He also appreciates these fragrances for their heavier undertones that exude a powerful and aromatic scent. When he walks by and his scent lingers in the air, people can quickly associate it with him.
23. Your OC has a state occasion. What do they wear?
As a Drakovian royal, Trystan is assigned several ceremonial attires by the royal protocol to be worn at specific state occasions. These attires represent different aspects such as social status, military rank, or cultural and historical references that are closely associated with the role of the Prince and the Heir to the Drakovian throne. While some of these attires have been updated to reflect the country’s contemporary culture over the years, others have remained unchanged for centuries due to their significant symbolic meaning.
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The first one is the typical military royal uniform worn by members of royal houses throughout Europe. Members of the Drakovian Royal family who are granted titles and duties by the crown are allowed to wear their military uniforms during ceremonial events of a general or international nature. These uniforms indicate their rank within the various branches they serve — in particular, Trystan is granted permission to wear the Drakovian Air Force (known as Drakovsko vazduhoplovstvo in Drakovian) uniform, complete with the garter sash, DAF pilot wings, and honorary medals for military achievements. According to Drakovian customs, the heir to the Drakovian throne must undergo professional flying training in the Drakovian Air Force, as they serve within the Air Forces under martial law. Trystan spent over four years training as a search and rescue pilot and achieved the rank of squadron leader. However, when he was sentenced to exile, Trystan was stripped of this rank and is now prohibited from wearing the uniform in the States.
Another attire reserved for state occasions is very unique to Drakovian culture: the hussar uniform, known as husar in Drakovian. This uniform is worn during ceremonial events of national significance that have close ties to historical events commemorated in Drakovia (examples of such events include, among others, the annual cavalry parade celebrating the Independence of the Kingdom of Drakovia and the commemoration of the founding of the Drakovian Despotate). The hussar uniform, which was the standard military royal uniform worn by Drakovian rulers from the 16th to the 19th centuries, is still worn today in a style that closely resembles its historical counterparts for ceremonial purposes.
The hussar uniform consists of:
A shako. It is a tall, cylindrical military cap that typically has a visor and may be tapered at the top. The front of the shako is decorated with an ornamental plate or badge, and it features traditional braiding to indicate rank. Additionally, a large black feather is attached to the top of the shako.
A black scarf. It is worn tightly wrapped around the neck.
A dolman. It is a short jacket with a tight cut, adorned with golden passementerie on the front. The Tornović dynasty, to which Trystan belongs, wears dark green dolmans, which is the traditional colour associated with this dynasty (the dolman, as the upper part of the attire, is traditionally in the colours of the dynasty to symbolise loyalty to the family one carries in one’s heart). Underneath, they wear a tightly fitted embroidered shirt that goes up to the waist. This intricate attire reflects cultural values related to romantic military patriotism.
A pelisse. It is a short and tightly fitting jacket, with heavily trimmed fur cuffs and collar. It is worn sideways over the left shoulder and held in place by a chain. This tradition comes from a historical custom that had a practical purpose as it allowed the right arm to remain flexible for swiftly drawing out the sabre, while the pelisse could be wrapped around the left arm for defence in case of an attack. The colour and embroidery of the pelisse traditionally match the dolman.
Breeches. These are trousers that reach down to the ankles. The breeches are snug-fitting but made of a stretchy fabric to ensure comfort while horseback riding. They are adorned with golden embroidery and made of red fabric. The colour red traditionally represents the kingdom, and the colours of the kingdom are used for the lower part of the attire to symbolise a strong connection to the country by having one’s feet deeply rooted in the native soil.
Additional accessories required for the standard attire include a golden braided belt, a sabre belt with a dragon buckle (as the dragon symbolizes Drakovia), and knee-high cavalry boots made of black calf leather with golden spurs. The sabre is an important component of the uniform, serving ceremonial purposes — unlike the modern-day military royal uniforms (where members of the royal family salute), traditions connected to wearing the hussar uniform require raising the sabre with the right hand as the standard greeting.
The hussar uniform is also worn during the coronation, except that the short dolman is replaced by a longer embroidered jacket. At one point during the ceremony, the pelisse is removed and replaced by a coronation mantle made of cloth of gold.
(Note aside: I was desperate to come up with a ceremonial attire that would have stronger ties to the region and its cultural heritage. The hussar uniform is closely associated with Hungary, but historical accounts suggest that the hussars originated from bands of Serbian warriors who crossed into southern Hungary after the Ottoman conquest of Serbia in the late 14th century. Regent-Governor John Hunyadi then created mounted units inspired by the Ottomans from these men. Initially, they fought in small bands but were later reorganised into larger, trained formations during the reign of King Matthias Corvinus, who was the son of Hunyadi. Since my HC for Drakovia draws heavily from Serbia, incorporating this nod to these famous warriors and their origins felt appropriate.)
The final traditional (and less formal) attire worn by Trystan for state occasions is a classic tuxedo. This is specifically reserved for events without any ceremonial aspects, typically for culturally significant occasions like the premiere of an opera or delegations of lesser importance.
At the same time, it is important to mention that many Drakovian holidays are closely tied to the regional culture of the country, and Eastern European countries are famous for a wide variety of folk costumes that differ from region to region! Each region within a single country has specific elements in their folk costumes that characterise them, such as embroidery patterns, specific cuts, or a choice of colours. Trystan would absolutely wear the folk costume of the capital of Drakovia during many holidays. Here are some references to various folk costumes together with their country of origin to give you an idea of what the traditional folk costumes in Drakovia might look like.
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24. Does your OC enjoy ceremonial ornaments such as orders, tiaras, uniforms, and crowns? If not, why? If so, why?
Back in his childhood, Trystan enjoyed wearing various uniforms and crowns. Through his optimistic perspective, he saw them as visual symbols of his role which brought him a sense of fulfillment. However, after spending almost a decade in exile, Trystan’s perception drastically changes. He now believes that the royal jewels are excessive, diamonds and precious stones stained with the blood of his own family. He also realises that the lavish display of wealth does not define the qualities of a good servant of the people — instead, the Royal Family should actively demonstrate their dedication to their subjects through their actions.
The military orders he received for his achievements in the Drakovian Air Force are the only ceremonial ornaments that hold true importance and meaning for him. His military service will always be a source of pride, and each accomplishment was earned through rigorous training and skilful execution in fighter aircraft. He felt genuine sorrow when his ranks were stripped away from him during his exile, and he is delighted to have these acknowledgements restored upon his return to Drakovia.
He also loves wearing the hussar uniform for the sheer beauty and badassery of it!
30. How does the press characterize your OC? Are they a darling or a devil?
In his homeland of Drakovia, a significant part of Trystan’s public image is connected to his conformity with the system because the official Drakovian press, which operates according to the kingdom’s propaganda and censorship regulations, lacks independence (although a few independent online media outlets still exist). Throughout his childhood and youth, Trystan was consistently portrayed as a paragon of virtue, the obedient and admirable Heir to the Throne deserving of the highest level of respect and admiration. However, as he began openly expressing his criticism towards his parents’ regime, the press gradually started distorting his image. They would purposefully alter his words or portray him as a confused young man going through a temporary phase of recklessness. Following the trial for Juliana’s death and his subsequent exile to the United States, the official press rarely mentions Trystan’s persona. If he does make a rare appearance, he is often portrayed as an enemy of the kingdom.
When it comes to the US press, the portrayal of him largely depends on the type of media. Gossip magazines primarily focus on his love for extravagant parties and luxurious lifestyle, often describing him as “half Bruce Wayne, half Loki, with a dash of Christian Grey”. On the other hand, more serious journalism tends to cautiously commend his occasional political activism and bold statements — an investigative journalist once even uncovered his funding of a political civic initiative led by prominent Drakovians in exile. This revelation caused him significant trouble and nearly landed him in serious trouble so, as a result, he generally tries to maintain his “bad boy” persona in the gossip columns and takes extensive precautions to conceal his involvement in more serious activities.
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tsyllaes · 5 months
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Introducing the royal family of Tsayth, the white desert kindom to the south who are mostly a seafaring people due to their land being the most deserty desert to ever desert.
Tsayth is a very practical kingdom. Their monarchs don't take over when their parents die, because they recognise this to be a very vulnerable time in someone's life, and to throw them into leadership of an entire nation at that time isn't practical. Instead, the reigning monarchs select their successor from their children, who take over when they turn 20, while their parents are still alive for them to learn from. They also aren't expected to start having children until they're 30, so they've got a solid decade of experience as well as all the right people around them before they have any distractions.
The fact the parents directly select their decendents mean there's intense competition between the siblings. This is why there are so many of them, because the competition in many instances does lead to death.
In this family, four of the seven siblings had their hats in the ring for the monarchy: Zu, Meng, Tusa and Fei. The twins, Neb and Jira, threw their support behind big brother Zu, while Licha backed Tusa but was easily swayed. Among the siblings, it was clear Zu was the favourite. He was strong, people listened when he spoke, he was uncompromising. Meng is great at boosting morale and keeping everyone under her positive but she's too much of a people-pleaser and doesn't seem like she can make the tough decisions. Tusa is an amazing listener, in that she knows exactly what advice to listen to and what to ignore, she's ruthless when required but excels at getting people on her side--most qualities she kept quiet and hidden while she watched her siblings squabble. Fei is the youngest, the beligerant teenager whose ship once was attacked by pirates and he decided he needed to become king to root out the pirates once and for all.
When big brother Zu turned 20, though, King Weset and Queen Si took him aside, not to tell him he'd be king, but to tell him he wouldn't. This shocked not only him, but all the siblings who had been so convinced he was going to be the one to take the reins. He was supposed to be king! Who could possibly be better among them than Zu?
Tusa, his wife told him, and the twins confirmed it. So the four of them cooked up an assassination plot over the course of the next five years, which they executed when Zu was 25 and Tusa 18.
It didn't go well. They didn't take into account Licha's supporting nature, when he caught wind of the plot and told Tusa. They didn't take into account Tusa's battle training, every bit as ruthless as Neb but more finessed. She killed Zu and maimed Neb, slicing off the thumb, index and half his middle fingers of his right hand and cutting the tendon so badly the remaining fingers wouldn't flex, rendering his dominant hand all but useless.
With all his own skill and training behind him, Neb instantly recognised the skill Tusa had been hiding. She might've killed him, too, but left him alive because that's her style. He may have no use anymore in combat, but Tusa's not about to throw away his military tactics nor his experience in fighting pirates. Physical disabilities, especially from injury and not a birth defect, are pretty much seen as a death knell to the very physically-oriented Tsaythis, so to be allowed not only to live, but to remain in a position of confidence and power, Neb's now got huge respect for his little sister.
The other siblings, too, instantly threw their support behind Tusa, except beligerant teenager Fei, but she's confident she can turn him around. Tusa was crowned queen with her husband Si-an at age 20, and that's pretty much where we stand in the story :D
The original designs for the people of Tsayth were to be black people with grey/blue eyes and blond/white hair. In the general Australianising of the entire continent, I decided last year it'd be fitting to make them Indigenous Australian black rather than African black, so I've redrawn or tweaked the original four (Weset and Si, Tusa and Si-an) to fit the updated look of the people.
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xfindingtrouble · 1 year
• five times thanked:      ( five times the receiver thanked, or felt gratitude towards, the sender ) or • five times hugged:     ( five times the receiver hugged the sender ) to percy! whichever you prefer uwu
Finding his place in this motley crew had been easier than Percy had expected. He was used to being an outlier of sorts, it had always been the case. Even before all of life's unpleasantness, he had always felt like he was on the outside looking in. but the charm of vox machina was that they were all freaks, in their respective rights. it made Percy feel dangerously at home, but it kept them at their side & at their table. He had decided to linger on the edge of the evening, remaining at the table they had all started drinking at.
most of vox machina had dispersed & were pursuing their own goals for the evening... but not keyleth. no, she was nursing her drink carefully at percy's side. it had been awkward at first, but it was a shared nature. A few drinks were plenty to foster some warmth between them. new familiarity was planted in the metaphorical flowerbed of their friendship & each passing drink seemed to water it.
Percy drank a bit more than Keyleth, he noticed... but it was definitely for the best, he muses. by the end of the night, percy had laughed so hard that he was sure his ribs would hurt for days. it was a rarity for him, a true gift. he embraces the smile that had lingered upon his features for most of the evening, drawing keyleth into an awkward but sincere hug.
" you have no idea how badly I needed this. " he pats her shoulder three times before realizing that perhaps this hug had been too long. he wasn't sure, as his personal space usually remained generally unbreached... But he doesn't think she minds, " thank you. "
it was bizarre in the best of ways. it was like a dream to have a home again, temporary as it may be. Every member of vox machina was beginning to settle in & understand the merits of living in Greyskull Keep. percy had tended mostly to his workshop, thrilled to have his own space to work again. when he was younger, he may have been a bit testier about sharing his space. he had to be, else his horde of siblings would disturb his things. it was something he missed, though he would never be able to admit it. but with that nostalgia came familiarity... he liked when the others joined him here, in his element.
Percy had other places to go when he needed to be entirely alone. in fact, it was usually better not to be left to his own devices. he came up with some terrifying ideas without others to mitigate his moral compass. but anxiety aside, it was also good to have others around when he hit a creative wall. no one here really knew much about gears or physics, but they would usually let him talk at them long enough to work out any problems in his process... which was precisely what was going on right now. Percy knew that Keyleth was probably only catching every other sentence as he over-explains his ideas, but he is thankful to have her as an achor to funnel his thoughts into.
he was tinkering, playing with different ideas of how to make the most efficient lightning arrow. but he was threatened with a creative block on the horizon. it was admittedly helpful to have someone with an innate understanding of the elements ast his side while spewing ideas, tossing them back & forth. It almost felt like they were speaking different languages, though they were figuring it out as they went along. when keyleth mentions an alloy that attracts lightning, it causes a gun to go off in percy's mind.
if it can attract lightning, could it be used in tandem with any of keyleth's abilities? he can see it now, vex loosing an arrow in some poor fool's chest & keyleth reigning lightning down upon them. it's a passing idea, for now, but they could work on it with time... which for the first time in a long time, percy felt like he might have. he jumps at keyleth in an excited hug, temporarily forgetting the layer of sweat & soot he maintained when he worked.
" You're a genius, Keyleth. " It's hard to contain his excitement, not that he would while working, " thank you! "
" What you did back there was incredible. " Percy speaks only after a long silence. It hangs between them, like a thick smoke he wants nothing more than to swat away... but it isn't so simple. Each breath is a reminder of how easily it can be taken from them, how temporary their peace could be. It was difficult not to be scared... Percy still wondered if he could smell burning flesh on the air, unable to shake the ghostly feeling of acid eating away at his skin. His wounds were long healed, as were those of the refugees they had gotten to Whitestone, but it wasn't the sort of thing he could forget. Especially with the responsibility of dealing with this problem falling upon their shoulders.
It was terrifying to think that they were what stood between the world & a firey demise. percy knew Vox Machina would not have been his first choice for ' world saving heroes ' but with keyleth, he had faith. despite the carnage, she was relentless. she was good. they had done all they could in emon & though it could never be enough.... it was what they could accomplish. thanks to keyleth they had managed to save a few dozen people. it wasn't much, but it was something. those people may survive to see the end of this because of her & there was a surreal amazement in the feat.
percy finally breaks, drawing her into a tight embrace. A deep breath passes through his lungs as he feels the silence begin to fall over them again. He holds her a little tighter now, dragging his voice from the depths of his chest, " You saved people. we all get to live another day because of you. Thank you. "
staying in whitestone was amazing. it was something percy had once thought he had lost, permanently. he had reclaimed his old room but with it came old memories. terrible memories, that he often faced late into the night. he felt foolish, like a child, when he couldn't contain his feelings... he had snuck off to the kitchens, looking for comfort in the ways of fruit. He wasn't one for sugary sweets, most of the time & fruit was usually a sensory delight. It was plenty to ground him, comfort him.
Percy had done his best to sneak through the halls of whitestone without being noticed by any guards who may question his midnight motives. When he finally slips into the nearly-empty kitchen, he is surprised to see a candle already lit. Keyleth stands at one of the counters, peeling an orange very carefully. He watches her for a few moments, wondering if she will notice him. She seems consumed by her task, or very tired, he cannot tell which.... But Percy breaks the near-perfect silence with a quick, " boo!"
When keyleth realizes she's not alone, she nearly jumps out of her skin. The two of them had been at odds recently... but that did not change Keyleth's status in Percy's heart. percy can't stop the wave of reassurance he feels when they meet eyes, knowing that he was not alone when the world felt so strange. Percy cannot help but crack a smile at the dramatic reaction, reassuring her with a soft " It's only me. "
Percy raises his hands in a faux-surrender to emphasize the lack of threat. she instinctively splits her orange, offering the other half to percy. He hugs her instinctively, rather than trying to find the words to express the relief that washes over him.
" Thank you, Keyleth. " Maybe he sounds as tired as she looks, but for now the weight is secondary. Percy is sure to remove every lingering thread of pith on his orange. Together, they talk about their days. Their relationships. Their dreams. It turns out to be a much better night than Percy would have ever anticipated.
the warmth in his chest simmers, bleeding into his stomach, arms, legs, leaving them all weightless & heavy all at once. they had both been drinking for most of the night, heavily. it was a rare indulgence, to know that they had nothing to do in the morning, nobody to be. perhaps that is why they are both so deep into their drinks, effectively trashed. they sit in a booth, their backs against the wall as they exchange teary sentiments & debate whether or not they are going to be sick.
keyleth is more prone to emotional displays, but even percy is moved this night. he doesn't fight the urge to throw his arm around her shoulder, drawing her into an affectionate half-hug as they raise their mugs in celebration of continued survival. percy doesn't fight the onslaught of laughter that bursts from his stomach when the act nearly throws off keyleth's balance entirely. He would prefer if she didn't fall onto the floor tonight, but if she did he would be there to pick her right up.
" oh keyleth, I don't know who I would be without you. " his words did not always come so easily, but enough wine was plenty to loosen his tongue. perhaps survival was making him sentimental, he muses.
Percy pulls the scarf from his lapel, offering it to keyleth, who proceeds to ( very loudly ) blow her nose in between relentless sobs. It's hard not to get swept up in the emotions of the evening, endeared in earnest. His own chest is tight & maybe there are a few tears in his eyes. Percy pats her shoulder three times before releasing her, treading in his own fondness now," thank you. for being there, for everything you do, for being my best friend. "
to that, he drinks.
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rebelthree · 11 months
her entire world had once been uprooted in horrific fashion. sent away in the final days of a planet upon the precipice of destruction. it hadn’t simply been the product of brainiac’s extraction of kandor which had destabilized some of the planet, but also the actions of it’s own people. resources being depleted and arrogance. she understands that now even if kara hadn’t been able to then. krypton’s fate was perhaps the only thing her father and uncle had agreed on for even when she visited her aunt as lara helped kara prepare for her next trials, some topic would arise from jor-el if her father was present. they were not a perfect family, perhaps some set in their ways while also defying convention in others. her father had supported her own view against gene-matching when her mother pushed it and jor-el had sought a natural birth for his son. the house of el had always been party to innovations and rose up in challenge when needed-- like sul-el sounding the alarm of the vrangs to usk-mar or her grandfather setting a new course for the unranked. but jor-el and zor-el had come together to save their children, creating ships for them. she knows kal-el would not remember, he was but a baby, but she does. she remembers everything about those last days. she remembers when she’d been told she had to say goodbye to kal-el. she remembers general zod attacking the law council. she remembers her uncle's death. she remembers the earthquakes and being forced to leave her parents despite her wanting to remain with them. 
it had all come back to kara as zod’s voice had emitted from the television, her watching with bruce after they’d returned from dealing with an incident in the narrows. gotham was still recovering after the flood, a new and idealistic mayor at the helm of the city. there had been hope in the air, air that had been taken away from kara with one message. general zod had come to earth and kal-el was still alive. furthermore zod was searching for him which meant that her cousin had been on earth this entire time while she lived her life in a mansion in gotham believing him to have been lost to her forever. she had failed in the one directive her parents had given her, to find kal-el. she should have looked for kal, should have begged thomas to use his resources to find him like he’d discovered her. but there had been so much anger and pain within her then– there still was at times, the child she had been barely able to contain her powers or understand this world or language let alone search for a baby cousin. and then her earthly parents had been taken just as her birth ones had. in brutal fashion. it felt as if it was a lifetime ago and yet, contrarywise, as if it had been a moment ago. she’d known she had to find him. a dangerous level of trustful conviction within her that had challenged everything bruce had taught her. the automatic way kara suddenly determined to seek to trust another when she had not seen them since they were a baby-- as if a switch had been flicked between kara wayne and kara the kryptonian, kara the cousin because kal-el did not know the true risk that embodied zod, not like she did and kara had felt and almost primal instinct to protect.
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kara hadn’t found him before he’d given himself over to the military and then zod and that had granted her time to reevaluate. to allow herself to reign her emotions in, to consider that she did not know kal-el anymore, that she needed to have some level of vigilance. bruce had been a voice of reason to make her see that. and then all hell had broken loose upon them. there had been no time to speak, her introduction to kal-el thrust upon them by zod’s deduction of who she was when she’d entered the fray. kara zor-el. daughter of zor-el, niece of jor-el. she’d fought against zod’s sagitari as kal-el engaged with zod and helped as many innocent bystanders as she could as the battle raged. the hit to wayne enterprises had been an astronomical weight upon her, a weight she had to push down in the moment. she hadn’t been able to save those in the building, but she had been able to save lex @everythingheard even if she knew not what the ramifications of his discovery of who she really was would be. 
batgirl had gotten to the train station in those last moments of zod’s life and kara had felt the loss of what his end brought forth. she had understood his purpose, understood him, in a way perhaps no others of earth could. she understood the compulsion of one’s purpose, how their guild was a part of them, drove them and their actions for many. his purpose had always been to protect kryptonese interests, even if his extreme views had gone far askew just as her aunt astra’s had. he wanted to save their people and she had wanted that too. but she could not sacrifice an entire planet’s lives in the process. kal-el couldn’t either. and, that is perhaps what drives kara’s initial opinion of him. when faced with the impossible, he chose to save the innocent. he embodied their house more than he perhaps realized. it’s this kara considers as her feet touch the ground later that day-- eye mask in place, a few feet from him and away from the destruction, the military, from listening ears. she’d told him a location and he’d come to meet her. “rao-- you look so much like your parents, kal-el.” strange that that’s the first real thing she says to him outside of what was passed between them in the middle of the chaos. and yet, perhaps, it’s the most fitting thing of all for her to point out. 
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theuntitledblog · 2 years
Avatar (2009) - REVIEW
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Ex marine Jake Sully replaces his deceased twin brother on a corporate mission to the remote world of Pandora in an attempt to establish peaceful relations with the natives of that the world; the Na'vi. Occupying the body of a genetically engineered Na'vi called Avatars, the Na'vi accept him as one of their own, he must decide where his loyalties lie.
Heralded as an event film; Avatar had taken James Cameron 15 years to bring to the big screen and with it he was promising pioneering new special effects that could create photorealistic alien characters and environments. Avatar's success is beyond question as it still remains the highest grossing movie of all time despite being temporarily replaced at the top of that summit by Avengers Endgame. However Avatar reigns supreme and with that success inevitably comes some backlash. The concept and scale is right up my street and something I'm very much on board for and while I don't dislike Avatar, I've never been able to say that I love it either. For a film that was promising to be so groundbreaking, the storytelling felt disappointingly familiar and not all the characters were as memorable as some of Cameron's previous films. Maybe that's an unfair expectation to have, but as a result I have often viewed Avatar more as a technical masterpiece rather than storytelling one.
Nearly 14 years later and rather close to the eve of the release of the long awaited sequel, Avatar has returned which has not only given me a chance to see it on the big screen once more, but it is has also given me a new perspective on the film in general.
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Very little has changed my mind about the story; if you've seen Dances With Wolves or The Last Samurai then you know what to expect. While the familiarity may have disappointed in 2009, I think time has been kinder plus this isn't to say that Cameron's vision isn't successfully realized or that the story itself doesn't work. The world of Pandora, while perhaps not quite always looking photo realistic for me, always convinces as a living world as do all the creatures and characters that fill up the screen both small and large. At no time did I ever consciously feel that I was watching CGI motion capture characters; the Na'vi in particular look incredible with full facial expressions and skin texture that does look photo real. Avatar never feels artificial or fails to convince me that I'm watching living characters and for that alone it deserve praise for creating a digital living world that fully convinces.
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The story isn't subtle with its political leanings either but Cameron's world building has a strong spiritualism at its heart as the Na'vi are depicted as living in perfect harmony with nature and the life force of Pandora (Eywa) with specific rituals and customs that they live by. It's these scenes that do a lot of the heavy lifting when it comes to the story of Jake Sully because Sam Worthington isn't quite up to the task. Worthington doesn't fully convince me as the lead; he lacks charisma and is unable to convey a conviction that you feel Sully would need plus some of the heavy dialogue seems too much for him. Whatever you might think of Sully as a lead, it is in these sequences where he is under the tutelage of Zoe Saldana's Neytiri where you can understand why the human characters such as Sigourney Weaver's Grace Augustine have such a love for Pandora. Weaver and Stephen Lang in particular are excellent but it is Saldana and James Horner's score who steals the movie for me.
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Avatar isn't short on spectacle either with uniquely designed vehicles and creatures that make up the action set pieces of the movie. I'm not a fan of shaky camera shots which is why I've never been a big fan of the early chase sequence between Jake and the Thanator too much even though it is both frantic and exciting. The remaining set pieces are outstanding and credit most go to the character work and investment in the overall story as the large scale final set piece in particular is a satisfyingly tense affair. Avatar delivers all the thrills that you would expect James Cameron to deliver on having directed films like Aliens and Terminator. Despite the 12 year hiatus, he hasn't lost a step here and while Avatar may not necessarily be his best film, it is certainly a triumph of ambition and world building. I just hope for a better story in the Way of Water.
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Avatar deserves more credit for what it does achieve than just what people such as myself wished it could've been. While the story remains disappointingly familiar and Sam Worthington doesn't quite convince for me, what does convince and is realized is James Cameron's vision of creating an alien world that feels alive and real. 13 years later ... Avatar remains a rich science fiction epic that satisfies far more than we might've remembered and this re-release does well to spark interest and anticipation for the upcoming Avatar: The Way of Water.
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poebrey · 1 year
rating the remaining Greys cast because I can:
Weber - a constant, went through as many ups and downs as his pseudo-step-daughter Meredith
Bailey - love that she’s found her own way to do her thing and ngaf because she of all people does not need to be giving 150% all the time
Owen - 0, ten seasons and has not learned a single thing, brings down every relationship he’s in, irritating in a way that can only be brought about by self-importance
Teddy - 2, 3 if she’s by Owen because she looks better by proximity. not a single time when she’s been on the show has her ass been helpful, girl waiting on the sidelines for a loser, unimpressive, should’ve stayed a guest star
Amelia - 5, I don’t like her but I respect her and that’s good enough. has had some great moments, but in general it’s been a long time and she still doesn’t vibe right- but the bulk of her character happened on a spin-off that I did not watch so this is biased
Jo - 7 (sometimes 8) people discount her so much but she has worked those storylines (even the ones based off of wildly fabricated stories). Growth, stands up for herself, laughed when her abusive husband died, nicu crew, very consistently there as a character, one of the closest to meshing with the original cast and that shows she can hold her own
Maggie - 8 (sometimes 7) love her and does an an amazing job at being Mer’s half-sister, is devastatingly terrible with relationships, like why did she date her basically-step-brother. Great doctor, great sister bc she found out she had one and then was helping raise those little kids like five seconds later, bad girlfriend - she’s not unlucky in love she needs therapy, amazing perfectionist, hope Zola learns what to do and what not to do from her ass bc she perpetually gives off a skipped a grade, had no friends vibe
Link -1 I don’t like him and not because I don’t like him with Jo, but that adds a -2. Another unimpressive character except he looks like a GI joe toy and has a name like a videogame character so it’s hard to take him seriously. Genuinely forget about him half the time, having a kid with Amelia gives both of them a -1
New MAGYK - desperately needed, cast was getting a little stale and pasty (coincidentally after Shonda left) - Simone is clearly the center, love that for her and she deserves it, Jules and Blue need a little development, Baby Shep, Yasuda, and Griffith are running circles around them and I *know* that’s the writing because I’ve seen Harry’s work and I know damn well Reign wouldn’t have lasted as long as it did if it’s lead wasn’t compelling. Giving them a 9 for potential, nothing better than a bunch of losers moving in together and they’ve been collectively and individually solid, even the least developed Jules and her fundy-hippie childhood
Helm - technically not there and I’m giving her a 6 because she needs to raise her standards both in romance by going after attainable women and in life by not wasting that medical degree
Negl giving that other resident a 6.5 (higher than Helm) because he had some incredibly memorable scenes but I can’t even remember his name and there’s a reason his whole crew got a send off and it wasn’t via hospital shooting turned final destination movie but just anticlimactic restructuring (though peep which ones they kept? This show was getting #ffffff for a while). Also cannot believe they had him break up with one of the hottest people on the show and gave that person no development in the meantime????
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eorzeashan · 2 years
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Force almighty, fine, I'll talk about this, since I can't just beam my thoughts directly to my followers' heads.
Cipher Eight AU (and key differences)
‣ I need to make it clear this is not the main timeline for this character, though if we're moots you probably already know. As a hard distinction I will call him Eight here, both for story reasons and to separate him from his original self, Nine.
‣ "But wait a minute! Eight is the name of his Chiss mentor!" That's right. Let's dial it back a bit. The original Cipher Eight, Inan'osta'nuruodo or Nosta for short, runs her spy career into the ground much faster in this timeline, forcing her into untenable circumstances where she must accept the protection of House Miurani and cease all espionage activities as well as permanently erase herself from the public and private eye. Essentially, she gets burned. Disavowed. She makes no argument to this deal, preferring to live out the rest of her days in hiding and to raise a family with the Aristocra rather than be crucified by her enemies, but it's upsetting to her: she hasn't finished her mission. She must pass it onto another. Her legacy cannot die.
‣ His Nine self suppresses a lot of his personality in general to become an unfeeling weapon, but as Eight, he just...stole who Nosta was so he could achieve her desires in the exact way she would. A mask within a mask. It's both a facade and a deflection that keeps him safe and focused on the mission at all times, but it wildly changes how the IA story goes because of this difference. He doesn't flirt with Shara knowing there is no future here, but he's much wittier this time around and a little comedic, and it makes her smile when he sneaks in a joke amidst the stiffness of Imp Int meetings. He'll always be fond of her, no matter the universe. His Nine self still regrets that she never understood him, either.
‣ Kaliyo's agreeing with him a lot more this time around, though he has no intention of repeating what he did with her as Nine. Namely, letting her hit so she could stop bothering him in some kind of messy reward system. He's also a bit dirtier this time, so I feel like she senses that and they have better synergy with him as Eight. His loyalty and duty to one woman rather than any faction means he doesn't care so much about the Empire this time around. He has a mission to allow someone who saved his life finally live theirs. No war will ever be greater than that to him, and because of that simple goal, he no longer has to lie down and take so much of the suffering the Empire inflicted on him as Nine. He finally has purpose.
‣ But his bond with Jadus...oooh. This is another drastic change. It struck me as odd how he quite literally fills the IA with his own power as a "vessel" and it never goes anywhere in the story, so i'll be focusing more on that this time around. I want to see how their dynamic develops since this time Eight is more curious and far more willful than his fearful Nine self. It's true that there's almost no fighting back against Jadus, but I want to see my agent try; it is part of his mission to get inside his circle and earn his trust even if this is an unexpected fork in the road.
‣ Warning for Jadorre if you've already read my first snippet of a fic. I'm interested in that Sith Lord, who remains so out of reach and impossible to understand. I want to see him be outdone by the person he least expects, and for there to be more than just a Sith and their bullied underling. He does have a modicum of respect for the agent. He gives you free reign, and a choice at the end, even if its cloaked in the intent to isolate you from your fellows. I think this could evolve into more-- a symbiotic relationship between agent and master, and that's where the meat of this AU lies. Perhaps they'll change each other, for better or for much worse. We never see what happens to Jadus after all is said and done. I want to be the first to tell that story.
‣ Because of his connection to Jadus, I imagine Eight takes a much different route with his previous companions. Whether this makes him even lonelier than his Nine self we'll have to see. But he's no longer so afraid to take risks and see the world when death is at his doorstep and inside his mind, and I think that certain knowledge frees him a little. He won't romance Theron this time, but maybe they'll be friends or at the very least, workaholic partners. I imagine Theron this time is both vaguely horrified but insatiably interested in him, so they get to have a clashing dynamic that makes him question what he knows about the world. Eight is loose and slippery like water, and far too strange not to want to keep an eye on. That sense of danger and risk is appealing to Theron, but he knows it's out of his reach in some way. Doesn't stop him from trying.
‣ I'm excited to see how this'll change things with Lana as well. Before it was a boss and her subordinate who rarely ever complained, now it's an independent and a Sith who feels a little unnerved by this mercenary of a spy. Still, now that he doesn't reject the Force and all its users so much this time around, maybe they'll have more of a relationship, rather than the professional distance they developed in the main timeline.
‣ Eight is also written without much support when Nine had a lot of my friends' OCs with him, so I guess this makes him more open to others now.
‣ I don't know how things with Zhorrid will pan out. I'm hoping I can think of some way for Eight to help her, because he thinks that unpredictable front she puts up is exactly that; a way to look bigger than she actually is when she is frequently thrown around by others. It'd take a lot of stubbornness and time. He has it, this time without so much disdain for her and what she represents.
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uncleasad · 4 months
The second episode of Dickinson Season 2 felt like everything hit its mark, with so much force; it not only worked, but it was invigorating and inspiring. So many threads came together, and the tapestry they wove was brilliant. This was what was missing from the season premiere.
The episode’s poem, its conceit, and its larger story all aligned in perfect harmony (as in Season 1’s second episode); fame is indeed a fickle food, one best not consumed. Emily’s own mounting tendencies towards solitude and obscurity (helped along, of course, by Edward and Austin), nudged further by Mrs Dickinson’s glory-seeking on the cattle show baking contest circuit, finally meet the stark warning from Nobody, whose purpose we now divine.
It’s fascinating how Sue is being set up as the one in opposition to both of her Dickinsons. She’s so far now from the girl Emily reminded us (and Sue) about in the series premiere, the one who jointly promised never to get married and to write poems together. Now Sue seeks fame for Emily, and while there is at least a small portion of that quest that is legitimately for Emily’s benefit, that her brilliance could change the world and must be known, there is another, more bourgeois aspect: Sue’s own fame, status, and standing is elevated by being the one to “discover,” or reveal, Emily. Lavinia’a calling Sue an “influencer” the prior episode is spot-on.
Sue also stands in contrast to her husband; while Austin is not trying to reign in her wild spending, it’s also clear that he sees much of it as superficial, as his comment about the money he gave Henry going towards something worthwhile reveals. And, of course, the renewed issue of a child. Austin’s point to Edward earlier in the episode about Sue not being able to spend before rings true, but at the same time I wonder whether she is also trying to fill an emptiness in her heart, or her life, with things. Sue’s “take care of me” comment after Austin raises the question of children makes me wonder how attentive he is to her, how present he is in their marriage. Because unlike Mrs Dickinson, who was raised to see the traditional housewife role, and the distance between husband and wife, as not only acceptable but also desired, Sue grew up with Emily…
(In that same vein, the proto-feminist/suffragette Lavinia once again this episode serves as a billboard for the changing values of the younger generation and the nation—as well as, also once again, a mirror for our times.)
I wonder whether they’re setting up an affair between Austin and Jane? We know in Season 1 Jane was trying to land Austin, though it was never clear whether that was because she truly was interested in/attracted to him or because her father declared he was the most eligible match for her. But here, and beyond the conversation about Henry’s payment—and the joint disappearance that followed—Jane and Austin have similar interests and run in similar circles—the Shakespeare club, and even the sewing/suffragette circle, where Jane and her minions participate with Austin’s sisters. (Sue, by contrast, despite being Emily’s best friend and sharing most of those interests and beliefs, never was shown at either. Presumably because of her orphan status, Sue could not be a “young woman of leisure” like the others—but now she is making up for lost time, becoming a society figure the likes of which Jane could only dream. Sue’s usurpation of Jane’s society role begat Jane’s usurpation of Sue’s role in Austin’s marriage?)
I do wonder about Bowles—although he at least is quick to throw up a stop sign for Emily’s potential attraction to him. But he is also seeking to raise or cement his stature as a person of importance by introducing the region to what’s new, and “discovering” an amazing female poet would be a massive coup. All of these various forces at play make me very sympathetic to the historical Dickinson’s apparent decision to remain unknown.
Emily’s live composing of the poem with Bowles was sublime (and it did not hurt that I felt kinship with the way she brought lines and verses into existence—though unlike a great like Dickinson, I have never done it live, for an audience). That scene…if the entire rest of the episode had been hot garbage, that scene would have lifted the episode to greatness, but it got to serve as a golden crown to an already stellar episode.
More of this, please! (I hope! 🤞)
January 24, 2024
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krovspromo · 1 year
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FC: Taylor Zakhar Perez
Species: Siren
Raphael met his son’s mother, Ava, after hearing her enchanting voice coming from the Mediterranean Sea. He’d only been an incubus for a few centuries and charmed the hell out of Ava with his good looks and flirtatious personality. He called her his “sirenetta.” The two of them struck up an on and off affair over the next few years and eventually Mateo was conceived. 
Raphael eventually grew tried of sticking around in one place and left Ava before she could tell him the news of her pregnancy. He never knew about his son since she never told him, thinking she’d never see him again. Mateo’s mother migrated with the rest of their pod of merfolk and chose to raise her siren son on her own.
Mateo would have grown up in ancient Mesoamerica near the ocean with his mother. He never met his father yet his mother shared plenty of stories about him and who he was. He wouldn’t ever say that he “missed” having Raphael as a father in his life since the pod treated him like family with more men stepping in as his paternal figures to teach him those things his mother couldn’t. However, that curiosity to meet the man he was biologically related to always quietly remained in the back of his mind even if it was never acted upon. After all, he had no idea where to start with finding him. 
He was raised like the rest of the men in his pod – trained to be a warrior, hunter, and gatherer. As he reached his adult years, he looked more and more like his father, his mother noted. She adored her son who seemed to have inherited his father’s high levels of confidence with good looks. There was also no question that Mateo was half demon considering who and what his father was, which no one minded. Their pod was made up of a few sirens who also taught Mateo how to feed on life energy for the proper nourishment he desired. 
During the Second War, their pod willingly joined the faerie’s army to fight against the vampires. The battles were nothing like Mateo had ever seen before, all the gruesome and long-drawn fights and bloodshed. The war raged on and Mateo watched as friends and family – his mother included – were struck down. Their pod numbers dwindled down to single digits and Mateo disappeared into hiding to grieve while the vampires flaunted their victory and enacted their newest laws with slave castles. 
What he’s up to and where he’s gone for the next two hundred years can be up to players. His views have likely changed so that he’s allied himself with the vampires given that he’s half demon and would prefer not to wind up enslaved. He also would have acquired enough wealth and influence to live an upper class lifestyle. One option I could see was that he went into the slave hunting business for the profit and using his charms to gather slaves (up to player if they have another idea). 
At some point in the last 200 years, he would have discovered his father, Raphael De Luca, is still alive and the councilman of Italy. Feeling alone without his mother and the family he made in his pod, Mateo would have done his research on him before seeking him out. This would explain why Mateo’s come to Krovs as a staff member or villager to meet his father for the first time and potentially try to find a new family. 
General Character Note: Mateo is a lot like his father – devilishly handsome and charming and knows exactly how to wield those aspects to get his way. He possesses quite the silver tongue in seducing men and women. As skilled of a fighter as he is, he much prefers being a lover. 
Important Notes: Please do not ask about incest between Raphael and Mateo. That is a hard no for both Raph and myself. 
Krovs Castle is a mature 18+ fantasy-themed supernatural male-only m/s rpg where vampires are the reigning species. Our group has been established since 2015 and recently revamped with all new species lore and information as of January 2023. We have a little bit of everything for everyone – fun, horror, action, mystery, romance, angst, and drama! Acceptances occur every Monday and Thursday at 9pm EST. Featuring 11 main species and 29 different hybrids!
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soulinaearthsuit · 1 year
If you would like to receive Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, and receive His Holy Spirit to begin an ETERNAL destiny in the Christ oversoul, just say this simple prayer to the Lord who loves you:   Jesus Christ, I believe you are God's Messiah.  I believe You are the Son of God, who gave Your Life as a sacrifice to save my soul from the torments of Hell.  I confess that I am a sinner.  Please forgive me. Please SAVE me and fill me with YOUR HOLY SPIRIT.  I dedicate my time on earth to Your mission, and I ask for the great honor of being with You for all eternity. So please forgive my sins, take control and change my life.  Please take my broken pieces and broken heart, and resurrect my Life.  Please raise me as God's own child into the holy and powerful soul You want me to be.   I trust You to be my Savior, Redeemer, Provider, Defender, Guide, Friend and LORD throughout eternity. So be it.   Although I cannot even scratch the surface of God's teachings and prophecies about the Messiah over the last six thousand years, I will try my best to briefly explain our need for Salvation.  The basics go something like this:  All of us have a dual nature.  We have a conscience that reminds us of the righteous ways of God, but we also have evil desires.   We are all sinners... you, me, your neighbor, everybody.  This dual nature comes from an "original sin" or contamination of the human gene pool many millennia ago.  The book of Genesis explains that the fallen angels mixed bloodlines with our ancestors, therefore this "original sin" or evil nature has been genetically passed along through all human generations.   Likewise, we inherited an excommunication from God which was originally intended only for the fallen angels.  As a solution to this problem, God sent a sacrificial Messiah into this realm.  His name was/is Jesus (Yeshua) the Christ.  He had all the Holy Spirit of God at His command, but rather than use that power to reign over the earth, He sacrificed His life and gave up His Holy Ghost.  His Holy Spirit remained in the world to indwell humankind, allowing us to Master our nature and reign on earth in His place... literally making us "the Body of Christ." When we invite His Spirit to indwell us, we literally receive a Holy Spirit into our body and soul... this Spirit is a part of Christ Himself.  Upon receiving Christ, you will experience new and holy desires.  You will also receive your "calling" which is the knowledge of your purpose on this earth and the ability to achieve it.  Unlike evil spirit possessions, God will not step over your free will like some "spiritual rapist" to possess your soul.  You must invite Him into your heart, of your own free will. God doesn't send anyone to Hell... souls choose Hell of their own free will.  Jesus Christ continually warns us all, and sends multiple servants of the Lord across our paths throughout our entire lifetime.  He has invited all of us to reunite with him, but many people choose to reject Christ and proceed into Hell of their own free will. He is Holy and will only take over and become Lord of your life if you ask of your own free will.  This is why you must say the above prayer, and really mean it in your heart, to receive the free gift of His eternal Salvation, His Holy Spirit.   Much like downloading the information from a disc onto the hard drive of a computer or uploading to the "cloud", your soul/identity will then be "uploaded" into the eternal Christ Spirit Oversoul.  So even if your body (the disc) is destroyed, your identity lives on forever with Him, in Him.  You become One with Christ and He becomes One with you.  It is that simple.  God wants to be reunited with all of His children... no one is too sinful.  He knows we are sinners and He knows exactly why.  An enemy did this to us and our genetic family tree, but God is resurrecting humanity by His Holy Spirit and His (Adam/Christ) bloodline.  He has provided a way for us to be reunited with Him forever, so please return to the God who loves you.     For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. Romans 3: 23 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.  For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved. John 3: 16-17 Jesus said to him, "I am the Way, the Truth and the Life.  No one comes to the Father except through Me." John 14: 6 And when they heard this, they were cut to the heart, and said to Peter and the rest of the apostles, "Men and brethren, What shall we do?"  Then Peter said to them, Repent, and let every one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit." Acts 2: 37-38 Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the man who trusts in Him. Psalms 34: 8 EVERY PHYSICAL BODY EVENTUALLY DIES... EVERYBODY DIES! Then What? Are you unhappy?  Unsatisfied?  Un-fulfilled?  Wonder why? Feel like something is missing? That's probably because it is!  If you have not filled your Soul with the Holy Spirit, then it is impossible to feel PEACE. To be empowered to fulfill your destiny, you need REAL POWER... a Spiritual Energy... A HOLY SPIRIT that goes before you and opens doors that no man can open. WHY? Deuteronomy 30:19 (Bible verse) I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live. ^^^
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stewblog · 1 year
Creed III
Creed III is an impressive and rousing boxing movie in its own right, as well as being a cracking good directorial debut for Michael B. Jordan.
Though this is technically the third Rocky spin-off film, it’s the first without a single appearance by The Italian Stallion himself. In fact, I’m not sure Rocky Balboa’s name is even mentioned once in passing. This is entirely a story about Adonis Creed (Jordan) and his fight, both literally and metaphorically, to break free of the past and stand firm amid his own legacy and accomplishments. As such, while the warmth and wisdom of Rocky is missed, his absence is at least thematically fitting.
Jordan has been one of my favorite young working actors since I first saw him as Wallace in HBO’s The Wire many, many moons ago. He was terrific then and he’s only gotten better since. He’s ably made the Creed films his own as an actor despite dancing in the shadow of Sylvester Stallone as Rocky, so it makes sense too that he’d want to prove he can go the distance completely on his own both in front of the camera and behind it.
This is mirrored in Adonis Creed’s story. Having now officially retired as the reigning heavyweight boxing champion of the world, Adonis is living a life of stature and comfort. His biggest concerns are his daughter’s behavior at school and training a protégé’. All of that is upended when a ghost from his past resurfaces for the first time in nearly 20 years: Dame Anderson (Jonathan Majors). The two were like brothers and Dame had the talent and momentum to become a heavyweight champ. Until, that is, he took the fall for Adonis and spent most of his life behind bars. Resentful of Adonis’ success, Dame aims to take what he sees as rightfully his own.
Like the previous Creed movies and the Rocky series as a whole, Creed III isn’t a boxing movie so much as it’s a deeply felt human drama that just so happens to have characters who are boxers. Adonis and Dame could be swordsmen or race car drivers and the thematic crux of the film would remain firmly in place. As such, this is in some ways the most personal movie in the Rocky-verse since, arguably, Rocky IV.
Although it’s also an interesting inversion of the original Rocky’s setup. It asks: What if the first Rocky movie was from Apollo Creed’s perspective and what if Rocky, instead of being his humble self, was bitter and angry and out for blood? As a director, Jordan digs into all of this with aplomb. It’s all very basic stuff and Jordan can often make subtext glaringly obvious with certain shot choices, but it works. The movie isn’t subtle, but it’s also not trying to be.
It helps that Jordan and Majors are both exceptional talents and inhabit their characters with a sincerity that helps ground the broad nature of the proceedings. Majors in particular inhabits Dame with an intensity and ferocity that would make Rocky III’s Clubber Lang wary, while also managing to make him almost wholly sympathetic. There’s a point mid-film where Dame lets his mask drop, revealing his true intentions. Until now, it was easy to feel almost entirely on Dame’s side. But even with such a blatant heel turn, Majors makes it feel like an inevitable development while never betraying the sympathy he’d previously built. It’s stunning work and positions Dame as one of the truly great villains of the Rocky-verse.
What I find most interesting about Creed III, though, is the window it provides not only into Jordan’s future as a director, but possibly the generation of filmmakers coming up alongside him. At age 36, Jordan has grown up right alongside the skyrocketing popularity of Japanese anime. For him, shows like Gundam Wing and Naruto are as influential as the likes of Spider-Man and Batman to past generations. And while Creed III never gets as over-the-top as any given episode of, say, Dragon Ball Z, the way Jordan approaches character archetypes, motivations, and even fight choreography is clearly drawn directly from the well of Japanese animation. Anime stories are often those of brothers-in-arms forced to fight against the other. Anime action scenes often have a very specific dynamic energy and flow. Both of these are qualities that Jordan brings to the forefront here.
This isn’t to say Michael B. Jordan is the first American filmmaker to be openly influenced by anime, of course. The Wachowskis were quite vocal about The Matrix being influenced by the likes of Ghost in the Shell, for instance. But it is a fascinating look into his influences and it lends Creed III a tone, particularly in the final fight, that helps it stand out from the rest of its forerunners. But it’s also, I think, a glimpse at how visual styles for Western-made movies in general could further evolve. Plenty of live action anime adaptations have been made in Japan. But the style has only become more widespread and popular in the West over the last couple decades and I’m willing to bet Creed III is just the beginning of how we’ll see its overt influence in a new generation of American filmmaking.
Where Creed III largely falters, though, is in its lack of a strong emotional core. The damaged brotherhood that Adonis and Dame navigate is felt, but it never takes root enough to feel like it matters that Adonis might lose his friend all over again. The gap in their relationship is too vast to make it feel like enough is at stake. Exacerbating this is the fact that not much is otherwise at stake. Adonis is already retired and with titles and belts won. He’s got plenty of money and a wonderful family. With none of those things truly at stake if he just walks away from a challenge by Dame, it lessens the impact of emotional and physical battle that goes down.
Still, Creed III manages to rise above these shortcomings and cements itself as a terrific boxing movie in its own right and Johnson proves himself more than capable behind the camera so much that I’ll be first in line when he decides to take another swing.
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