#But billy is toxic but sexy but toxic!!!
plistommy · 1 year
The need for a possessive ex boyfriend Billy where he does his everything to break off Steve and his new boyfriend Eddie Munson. And Steve who says he has moved on and is happy, but still lets Billy fuck him inside his dirty camaro every friday night at 9pm while he tells sweet white lies to Eddie that he works late.
Steve tries to make himself believe that it will get easier, that letting off that steam with Billy once a week would eventually make him move on. Not miss him.
But to Billy, it was obsession. The feeling of getting to fuck his ex lover even when he was sucking faces off with that Munson freak on the daily was still enough to make him believe it was not yet over. That Steve would come running back to him, for real this time.
Luckily for him, Billy knew how to make sure of that.
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findafight · 1 year
To that anon who sent an ask months ago about how the one-sided harr!ngrove would be funnier if Eddie had been hooking up with billy before he and Steve started dating I hope you know I've finally started writing that and idk what my life is anymore
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blondwhxrewrites · 2 months
I read this somewhere and I can’t get my mind off it, imagine poet!mattheoxreader, I js can’t get it off my mind
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Poet!Mattheo is a whole different breed, I fear..
He's a sexy beast whose tongue has the ability to strike down the most stubborn of girls. He can and will recite poetry to you in the library when it's just you n' him with only a candle lighting up the space between you. He keeps journals of poetry he has written throughout the years, and there are always scrunched-up balls of paper spread randomly around his room because he'll rip up anything he doesn't like. 
His poetry can be the most romantic thing you'll ever see or the most dark, traumatic piece of literature you will never forget because it's just that fucked up and there is no in-between. He's written poetry about how your eyes reflect the hope he has of having a normal life, and then the next page is a piece about how he wants to kill someone, and he still manages to make it riveting as if he isn't talking about how he wants to beat up Billy from potions.
No one, including you, can access his journals. He likely uses a spell on them, so he is the only one who can see the contents inside of them. He's extremely private when it comes to all of his writing.
He'd finger you while writing.
He'd fuck you while reading Sylvia Plath.
He'd force you to read out Edgar Allen Poe in the library while he plays with your pussy underneath your skirt.
Poet!Mattheo is also a lot less aggressive since he puts all of his aggressiveness into his writing. He's a more stable individual because he has a healthy non-toxic way of dealing with all of his emotions and problems.
He definitely gives off dark academia vibes, and I feel like he would be more like his father in this AU: he's a talented academic, he's extremely popular due to his lack of aggression, he's a silent manipulator, and he's just generally more like his father, and people point that out all the time, and he hates it. 
He's more of a snake than an extremely aggressive dobermann.
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bagdaddyb · 11 months
A Prehistoric Halloween
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Summary: Your first Halloween with Wanda and the twins.
Pairing: fem!Reader x milf!Wanda
Warnings: Fluffy fluff fluff.
AN: I love love love love LOVE milf Wanda. Can't wait to write more of her.
You stood by the front door with a large smile on your face. You were dressed up as a dinosaur standing at your girlfriends front door handing out candy. It was silly, but the twins begged you and you could never say no to them. You loved this holiday, it always excited you to see the new and classic costumes every year. But what made this year so special was it was your first Halloween with Wanda, not only your first Halloween but first big holiday all together. You'd been dating the red head eight months in the twins life for six and you were living on a cloud. Your life felt so perfect you often found yourself toxically waiting on the pen to drop on reality to hit. You're sure you could only blame past relationships for that mindset so you often pushed it to the back of your mind, choosing to enjoy the here and now. You handed out candy to the next set of children as you waited for your own family to get prepared in their costumes. Your mind raced with thoughts of Wanda and the twins. You were serious about this. With all of them. You wanted to wake up next to Wanda every morning, walk the twins to school, help them with their homework when they got home. You wanted to get a family cat or two, have barbecues in the summer and make smores in the winter. You wanted to make memories take family photos you wanted them. The smile couldn't be wiped off your face as the hopeful thoughts of your future raged on. Only snapping out of it once the door behind you opened. Tommy and Billy stepped out dressed as small dinosaurs, your matching costumes largely their idea that you were eager to take part of.
"(Y/N)! (Y/N)!"
They screamed simultaneously overly excited by all the commotion of today.
"Look look! We're a family of dinosaurs."
Your heart melted at the term. Happy tears threatening to fall.
"We look awesome. Let me hear your best roar."
The boys both roar at you loudly causing laughter to trickle out of you.
"That's very convincing I hope we don't scare anyone too badly."
"Well don’t you three look scary."
Wanda says with a light tone as she makes her way out of the door. She is dressed as a dinosaur as well but in a much more comfortable outfit a rather sexy take on a pterodactyl and you can't help the way your eyes wonder.
"Well are you two ready? We can probably hit the next two blocks before it gets too dark out."
You say as you place the bowl of candy on the porch for kids to grab. The two boys cheer in response waddling away with you and Wanda close behind them.
"Thank you for this, the boys haven't been able to stop talking about this all week."
"Of course believe it or not I may have been just as excited. This costume is actually pretty cool."
Wanda smiles softly intertwining her fingers with yours as you walk the crowded sidewalk of her neighborhood going door to door with the twins. As the sun sets and the night begins to chill you make the decision its time to wrap it up.
"Alright boys two more houses then we should head back. It's getting cold, and if we're going to watch the Nightmare before Christmas we need to start it soon."
The two dinosaur heads that nod at you in response before scurrying off causes you to laugh. Wanda's eyes have been sparkling at you all night. This halloween has been perfect. The twins haven't even asked about their father who bailed on them again even once. Upon returning to Wanda's you quickly get a few pictures with the twins and Wanda before stripping out of the costume letting out a sigh of relief.
"It was fun at first but after a while it started to get stuffy."
Wanda smiles at you knowingly helping you stash away your costume as the boys run off to change eager to return for hot chocolate and the movie.
"Tonight was perfect."
Wanda whispers to you and you wrap her in your arms covering her face in kisses. Light giggles leave Wanda as her arms wrap around your neck keeping you close.
"I'm glad I could make it so. I.... I love you and the boys Wanda. Here's to many more perfect halloweens."
You say as you lean in and kiss the red headed woman. Wanda can't wipe the wide smile off her face. It was the first time you'd told her you loved her. While she'd heard it and many other things in your in your thoughts many times she never spoke on it, wanting you to do it in your own time.
"Mom stop kissing (Y/N) I wanna watch our movie."
Tommy says causing a giggle from Wanda against your lips. You smile and let go of her moving to Tommy and scooping him up easily.
"You're just jelous you don't get any kisses."
You say sprinkling kisses all over the boys face causing giggles to screech out of him. Billy soon rounds the corner and gets the same treatment quickly scooped up by you before you carry them both to the kitchen for hot chocolate. As you settle in for the movie Wanda cuddled into your side. Billy in your lap, Tommy at Wanda's side you can't think of anything better than this moment. This was your family, you were home.
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thoughtfulchaos773 · 1 year
Syd & Carmy- Romantic Beats
Studying this I see the second season uses steps 3-7 since we had our chemical equation and met cute the 1st season. You'll see gif examples 3-7 that show the beats of the season two.
Billy Mernit defines the “seven basic romantic comedy beats” in his book  Writing the Romantic Comedy. I'm observing that writing a romcom for a TV series is like a rollercoaster for beats, taking curves and dips that keep the series at a pace where the viewer is guessing. So beats repeat themselves and set themselves up for the next season.
The romantic beats are described as--
1. The Chemical Equation - The setup, there's something wrong in the protagonist's life. There's a missing piece in the main character's story. This is where we identify the protagonist's external and/or internal conflict.
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2. The meet cute or catalyst - The incident that brings them together - and this should relate to the theme of the story. This meeting sets the tone for their relationship.
When the secondary lead is introduced- there should be some hints that this romantic interest is the missing piece of the Protagonist's chemical equation.
The Bear: I'd also add that with romantic comedies, the meet-cute should have some humor in it. (What’s UPS, is that in Chicago, or?) . As we talk on this platform- the meet cute was the proper example of a romcom.
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3. The Sexy Complication -This is the first proper clash between the heroine and the hero. Higher stakes define the main character's goals. Typically, the external problem keeps them apart, or you can use internal conflict that keeps them apart. Traditionally occurring at the end of Act 1, a new development that raises story stakes and clearly defines the protagonist’s goal.
Season One episode Three: Syd is officially the sous chef and has a hard time with the staff. She comes in with the intention of changing The Beef for the better, however, Carmy is stuck in his old ways and past toxic experiences in the kitchen.
Season two episode three: The first clash starts 2x03 Sundae, after their technical meet cute- 2x02 pasta showing new closeness for season 2, however After 2x03 Sundae we see repeats of the sexy complication- since Syd and Carmy's relationship is the plot of the show- the stakes rise as the pressure to open The Bear is approaching and Claire comes into the picture- causing a bigger complication between Syd & Carmy.
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4. The Hook. The midpoint scene sticks the two characters together. There's no way out, and this should reflect the theme of the movie.
This hints at the outcome of the relationship and gives hints of the potential between the two characters. There can be sexual tension involved or a detailed moment that shows the two characters are becoming closer.
Season one episodes Three and Five: Syd and Carmy reach an understanding and episodes three and five show vulnerability as Carmy reveals his brother was an addict and Syd shares the failure of Sheridan Road catering.
Season Two Episode Nine: After complications, Syd and Carmy reach a moment of understanding. This is the most romantically suggestive scene with prominent sexual tension.
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5. The swivel - This is the moment after the hero and heroine have become closer, when their conflict comes back again, in a different form.  a turning point that makes the stakes higher and hurts the main character's goal, or vice versa, leading to a changed goal. The main character is forced to choose between love and the goal.
Season one and two: in both seasons Carmy loses his cool with Sydney. The first season she walks away and the season two Syd calms Carmy down.
What's interesting is that the song Spiders (kidsmoke) by Wilco plays in both scenes giving us hints of parallels.
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6. Dark Moment – This is the consequence of the swivel. The characters have to reveal private motivations, and it seems that either the love or the goal is lost forever. The main character is at their most vulnerable point.
Season One Episode 8: The revealing of private motivation occurs in 1x08 When Carmy is in al-anon. He reveals that his trying to fix the restaurant was him trying to fix the relationship with Mikey. At this point, love (Sydney) and the goal (fixing my relationship with Mikey) are lost forever. The vulnerable point is Carmy facing the chaos in his internal world.
Season Two Episode 10: I'm a fսckin'... I'm a fսckn' psycho. That's why. That's why I'm good at what I do. That's how I operate. I am the best because I didn't have any of this fսck¡n' bullshit, right?
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Wherein the consequences of the swivel decision yield disaster; generally, the humiliating scene where private motivations are revealed, and either the relationship and/or the protagonist’s goal is seemingly lost forever.
7. Joyful Defeat – reconciliation between the characters that remind the audience how important the relationship is to them, usually (but not always) with a happy ending that implies marriage – but usually at the cost of something the main character has had to sacrifice.
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Season One Episode 8: Two tops? Booths?
Nuff said.
Season two: We're left with a cliffhanger for the Joyful defeat. Will the reconciliation happen in season three? Will we have a happy ending and what will Carmy sacrifice? Will he choose love or the goal? Will Syd choose love or the goal of getting the star?
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Oh the slow burn is real! Storer, what are you doing here? This is a romcom!
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28dayslater · 1 year
good evening to you all and welcome to cockmojo where tonight we will be counting down my personal top ten terror cocks
those unaffiliated with footyblr may be unfamiliar with the term cock as it’s being used here: all will become clear in time
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special mention before we start to the netsilik hunter (sexy man, deserved a name and some screentime) james clark ross but only in the first episode when he’s all rugged and his beard’s grown out, and mr blanky, who, much like knife dad, fuccs like a broken train but he runs on time if you know what i mean
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in a very respectable tenth place finish, billy gibson. i didn’t see the vision until 1. it was pointed out to me that he looks a lot like pau torres, who is himself very cockable, and 2. i rewatched the scene where he breaks up with hickey. known shagger, massive hater, a very pointy nose, he’s scraped a place on this list.
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a surprise entry at ninth is john irving. inarguably cute in a sort of late 2000s british indie band bassist way, and while i’m not sure i could fix him (he probably needs a man for that) i do think i would have fun trying. ultimately he’s not higher because he’s kind of annoying and his eyebrows piss me off.
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representing the dilves at eighth is doctor macdonald. he’s entrancing to me he has this vibe of like gentle paternal indulgence... like even if you were annoying he’d be very fond of you. and i need that. when he said “i’d like to run that man through” and rubbed his eyes and looked so tired, i really felt something. the crow’s feet, the widow’s peak, the hair, yes!!
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doing it for the feminists, in seventh we have harry goodsir. the loveliest guy on the expedition until he goes nastymode, and i’m fully on board with both versions. this picture was chosen for a reason and it’s bc his long curly hair full beard miserable expression era was simply unbeatable. unfortunately, and this is maybe the most insane thing i’ve ever said about a man, or at least top ten, when his half eaten corpse was laid out face down, and it had noticeable back hair, i got the ick. just to add insult to injury :/
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i’m as surprised as you are that he’s not higher, number six, james fitzjames! he is my pretty pretty princess. nails, hair, hips, heels. high femme queen in his cunty little outfits ordering the men around. i want to brush his hair, one hundred strokes minimum. i think this is less sexual than some others on this list, it’s more appreciation. but my god do i appreciate him.
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stay alive, number five, it’s thomas jopson. most beautiful haunted doll in the arctic, but that pretty face is covering up a seriously compelling #WeirdGuy underneath. all the shiny hair in the world can’t hide an obsession with his boss that in the modern era would be getting him a very serious meeting with HR. what a character, servicetopson you rock my world. but at the end of the day he loses points because i hate the beard. garrigan looks great with a beard in other stuff, i really don’t know why the scurvybeard was so foul. terror hair and makeup department GET IT TOGETHER. 
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number phwoar, henry collins is here! he’s big he’s sweet he’s deeply mentally unstable he needs a cuddle and we’ve all seen that gif of him in aliens. would love to make him a really nice cup of tea (seems like a two sugars man), pet his hair as he rests his head in my lap, then fuck up my hip flexors. 
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and now... we enter our top three. who’s made it to the prestigious cock podium?
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first up, the winner of our bronze cock medal, which presumably he’ll be flogging for an unreasonable price to someone he’s assured it’s solid gold, “cornelius hickey”! people will bitch and moan about how he’s a violent lunatic who’s killed people like i’m not a cuti romero stan 🙄 i can see beyond that, my third eye is firmly open. the potential for a fun toxic relationship is absolutely off the charts bc that’s the only kind he has. and he’s very pretty when he cries. i can forgive a lot of crimes for a man whose nose entrances me.
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in second place, such a close runner up, i have to award this honour to edward little. a pedestrian choice, you might think, if you don’t know the lore. i couldn’t fully explain my feelings towards this secondary character who’s not especially exciting on first watch when i started the show until i googled his actor... although i lacked the words to express this at the time i was cocking this man when i was 13 and he first appeared in misfits with a stupid neck tattoo and a horrible suit, and i cock him again now. this is a cock that’s followed me all my life, even though i forgot he existed for about a decade in between. who else can truly say they’ve EARNED a spot on my list like he has? he’s sad, he’s sopping wet, i could make him cry extremely easily. mwah
and finally...
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number one. it had to be him, it was always going to be him. solomon tozer, take a bow and i’ll take ten cranberry pills. sol is thee top cock for so many reasons and chief among them is versatility. whatever you need he can be it. handsome soldier boy in a fancy red uniform that shows off his trim little waist? COCK! hostile violent mutineer throwing his life away in a rebellion? COCK! broken man inducted into a cult who cries about it? COCK!!! sexiest man in the damn arctic i know he was beating the boys off with a stick. there is a certain level of sexiness a man can reach where nothing he does is an ick, and i knew he’d reached that for me once i saw him in that insanely stupid hat at sir john’s funeral and didn’t give a fuck. call him tom jones the way he can leave his hat on. keep thotting it up in heaven/hell king i miss you every day. i know it was huge. my heart hurts.
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holybibly · 4 months
This is a bit random but I have some music recommendations for you mommy! I saw your other blog and I thing you'll like kinda slow and sexy music with a lil bit of toxic vibes? hope you like these!
+ Intro : Crown by purple kiss
+ Calm Myself Sunmi
+ 28 reasons by Seulgi
+ Stupid O Clock by Victon
+ BeCause by Dreamcatcher
+ Bad, Sad and Mad by BIBI
+ My strange addiction by Billie Eillish
Hi bunny, thanks for the recommendation 💕
Some of these tracks are in my permanent playlist.
It’s a good idea to share things that you like and I can do that too. These are the tracks I’ve been listening to lately.
Måneskin - VALENTINE
TXT - Deja Vu
KAI - Mmmh
Olivia Rodrigo - Obsessed
Halsey - The Lighthouse
Soap&Skin - Me and the Devil
Ateez - Dune
Lana Del Ray - Dark Paradise
Taemin - Guilty
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rqsser · 3 months
song prompt list!
for romantic relationships
use these however you please! whether that be writing or creating a playlist:)
(song - artist)
ocean avenue - yellowcard
there is - box car racer
are you gonna be my girl - jet
she’s out of her mind - blink-182
can’t help falling in love - elvis presley
vienna - billy joel
tear in my heart - twenty one pilots
come and get your love - redbone
ribs - lorde
i’m a believer - smash mouth
wherever you will go - the calling
my alien - simple plan
meet you there - simple plan
the rock show - blink-182
when your heart stops beating - +44
truly madly deeply - savage garden
cupid’s chokehold/breakfast in america - gym class heros
should i stay or should i go? - the clash
dammit - blink182
complicated - avril lavigne
self esteem - the offspring
r u mine? - arctic monkeys
lover, you should’ve come over- jeff buckley
vampire empire - big thief
wasted summers - juju<3
you give love a bad name - bon jovi
roxanne - the police
fix you - coldplay
build me up buttercup - the foundations
i miss you - blink-182
stay together for the kids - blink-182
heartbreak hotel - elvis presley
jessie’s girl - rick springfield
what was i made for? - billie eilish
every breath you take - the police
meant to be yours - heathers musical
paparazzi - lady gaga
do i wanna know? - arctic monkeys
are we still friends? - tyler, the creator
lovefool - the cardigans
maria - justin bieber
step on me - the cardigans
pacify her - melanie martinez
my strange addiction - billie eilish
national anthem - lana del rey
obsessed - olivia rodrigo
the red means i love you - madds buckley
tear you apart - she wants revenge
puppet - tyler, the creator
espresso - sabrina carpenter
crazy in love - beyoncé, jay-z
call out my name - the weeknd
rock your body - justin timberlake
sexy drug - falling in reverse
on my own - darci
runway walk - demrick
thong song - sisqo
goodies - ciara, petey pablo
california gurls - katy perry, snoop dogg
take my breath away - berlin
stacy’s mom - fountains of wayne
scotty doesn’t know - lustra
after last night - multiple artists
closer - nine inch nails
if u think i’m pretty - artemas
doin’ time - lana del rey
summer of ‘69 - bryan adams
happy together - the turtles
505 - arctic monkeys
lost in the woods - jonathan groff
end of beginning - djo
my girl - the temptations
please, please, please, let me get what i want - the smiths
good luck, babe! - chappell roan
need 2 - pinegrove
somethin’ stupid - frank & nancy sinatra
chasing cars - snow patrol
how to save a life - the fray
linger - the cranberries
so real - jeff buckley
slipping through my fingering - abba
race - alex g
no surprises - radiohead
love me - elvis presley
bad habit - steve lacy
nonsense - sabrina carpenter
please please please - sabrina carpenter
wake me up when september ends - green day
love the way you lie - eminem, rhianna
favourite crime - olivia rodrigo
drivers license - olivia rodrigo
set fire to the rain - adele
toxic - britney spears
don’t blame me - taylor swift
play date - melanie martinez
moral of the story - ashe
bad romance - lady gaga
jealousy, jealousy - olivia rodrigo
kill bill - sza
deja vu - olivia rodrigo
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mermaidsirennikita · 2 years
daisy jones and the six thoughts?
A Lifetime quality adaptation (but not fun) with some pretty egregious miscasting and fake feminism, would not recommend. The music is supremely mediocre and they are very clearly super worried about how problematic Billy is, even though the point of billy is that he's a toxically masculine alpha male with self loathing and a soul. The result being that he comes off as a sad sack versus the perfectionist controlling hot guy with demons to spare and a complex relationship with women. Daisy is very annoying and again , woefully miscast (no shade to Riley, it's not her fault, she's just fundamentally too clean and fresh and Daisy is supposed to be a HARDCORE drug user with charisma and narcissism and talent, and here she's just... not believably any of that).
--Camila is getting the flat jealous nice wife treatment with a side of "this eyeshadow means I'm dying in the future" makeup.
--Graham... that's Graham... okay....
--Karen isn't bad but I don't love the emphasis on Karen and Daisy over Karen and Camila. GIRLS GET IT DONE I GUESS.
--Simone's role needed to be expanded beyond "Daisy's Black friend who prioritizes Daisy all the time" but by God, did we need to see her getting pawed at? I get it, the 70s sucked, it's a constant struggle to be a woman, I am a woman, I see that.
--Similarly, did we need to see Daisy trapped in a hotel room as a teenager when the book made it clear in a much subtler way that she was taken advantage of a teenage groupie? Then the "I'LL NEVER BE PATHETIC AGAIN" line, love that feminist message for real for real.
--Aside from some of Karen and Camila's stuff, the hair and costuming is very... low rent. The entire thing looks cheap--like I said, Lifetime.
--In the same sense, Billy's look is so flat when in the book, much of his contrasting visual with Daisy is THEE THING--she's hyper feminine, he's hypermasculine, she's wearing gauzy see through tops, he's in denim on denim. She's knockoff Stevie, he... can't be a knockoff Lindsey or other Fleetwood Mac guy because they weren't sexy to a 2019 audience, so he's Fleetwood Mac by way of Jim Morrison, which the show is gonna try to evoke later with hair but Sam Claflin is not a stage performer and it shows, and there's like this pseudo-Beatles meets Mick Jagger thing in the early performances and like yes it's before the band is fully settled but it's still PAINFUL.
I'm bored. When they had her come out and saaaay the "I'm the somebody quote" to a man while like on the brink of tears (the worst line from the book, I'm gonna be real) I...died.
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msookyspooky · 2 years
I’m positive Stu killed Kenny and placed him on top of Gale’s van. I think Billy was the one who attacked Dewey in the house and possibly Sidney in the police car because Stu would’ve been down the road checking to make sure Gale is dead. There’s a staircase right next to the garage door that goes upstairs so Billy would’ve been able to sneak back in. Stu wouldn’t have had enough time to change out of the costume and to meet up with Randy. I think Randy must’ve caught Stu checking on Gale, which is why he starts to suspect him.
Then Randy found Tatum dead and started to put the pieces together. Plus Dewey was stabbed in the back which indicates he was probably snuck up on and that seems like something Billy would do. He’s quick With his kills. Quick on his feet. Billy is more focused on the killing and doesn’t play around very much, unlike Stu, who’s practically having the time of his life when he kills his victims. (Not saying Billy doesn’t enjoy it, he does. just differently.)
I definitely agree that Stu killed Steve! and Billy killed Tatum. I get the vibe that Billy and Tatum never got along very much.
Stu 100% resented Steve for stealing Casey away. Stu’s very Manipulative! He struggles with emotions. BUT he does have a fragile ego and being dumped for steve would’ve set him off probably made him feel like less of a man. I can see him absolutely seething at the fact that someone (another man!!) was able to steal his girl. Toxic masculinity at its finest.
How does it feel to have a massive sexy smart deep grooved brain? Because I NEVER realized the stairs next to the garage door!!!
This is my hc now bc I agreed with all of them but the Billy at the jeep/police car and stabbing Dewey. I was on the fence about who dangled those keys not bc Billy isn't taunting but bc I had no evidence it was Stu vs Billy but after you just pointed it out? That makes perfect sense bc there is NO WAY Stu single handedly did all that PLUS check on Gale. So 100% to all of this that Billy stabbed Dewey and went after Sid in the car then went through the open garage door to upstairs once he saw Sid heading towards the house and Stu distracted both her and Randy.
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kurokoros · 5 months
i'll never forgive the show how they handle their characters' traumas. but esp Steve, he should get a storyline where it gets acknowledged. he should have been the one who got vecna'ed in s4 instead of nancy. steve only ever getting upset about his love life is toxic, people call him a hopeful and positive person, but he never deals with everything. i don't want him depressed out of his mind, but him not feeling anything, and only caring about love is wasted potential. we need more episodes. all of the characters have way more potential than they will ever reach.
i know there is a lot of criticism that the cast is too loaded, but sometimes i wish there was another core teen since the beginning. maybe it's the x reader brain in me, but i wish we had a character who would become friends with Steve in s1, and then it slowly would build up to a friends to lovers situation. it certainly would have been better than the whole love triangle debate in s4. Steve deserves a better love interest, and the payoff would've been great. plus, it wouldn't reduce Steve to Nancy's love interest, how they already started to do in s4. every other of his relationship was botched in favor of this ship.
Steve never getting a plot outside of romance bothers me, but not in the sense that I think he should be single. Like, they could have given him a new girlfriend in S3 and it would have been fine. Good for him. Now can we explore some of that trauma? How's the probable brain trauma going for him? What's his family like? The fact that he didn't get vecna'd is criminal. All I ask for is crumbs, but if we had gotten a full on possession a la S2!Will??? god that would have been so so sexy of the duffers. it would have been so. oh my god. I always think of Stiles from S3B of Teen Wolf, and how it would be so similar of a situation with Steve. no one would suspect it and possessed!Steve would make a terrifying and heartbreaking season antagonist. I know that Billy existed in S3, but I literally did not give a shit about him. Steve being possessed would actually raise the stakes.
The thing about the cast being bloated is that it's not the actual size of the cast that matters so much as how the characters are being used. The new characters have all been sassy comic relief since S3 and could be cut from the plot with minimal changes because their "bonds" with the other characters don't feel believable.
I totally agree about another teen character making sense in S1. Not to self-promote too much on main, but my rewrite/reimagining focuses heavily on an OC named Daphne Hopper, a friend of Steve's that ends up wrapped up in everything. Slow burn. Mutual pining. Steve and Nancy are nipped in the bud midway through S1, basically. I find the premise of "what if one of Steve's friends went missing instead of/alongside Barb in S1?" so compelling, because it would put him into more of an active role in his development, rather than him having a change of heart because of some girl he's been casually dating for like... a month tops? probably less than that judging by how Nancy and Barb talk in episode 1.
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dan6085 · 1 year
The field of popular music is vast and diverse, and there are many artists who have made significant contributions to the genre. Here are 20 of the greatest pop artists of all time, in no particular order:
1. Michael Jackson: Known as the "King of Pop," Michael Jackson was one of the best-selling music artists of all time, with hits such as "Thriller," "Billie Jean," and "Beat It." He was known for his distinctive voice, iconic dance moves, and innovative music videos.
2. Madonna: Madonna is one of the most successful female artists in history, with hits such as "Like a Virgin," "Material Girl," and "Vogue." She was known for her provocative image, catchy songs, and reinvention of her style and sound over the years.
3. Elvis Presley: Elvis Presley is often referred to as the "King of Rock and Roll," but he was also a major pop artist, with hits such as "Heartbreak Hotel," "Hound Dog," and "Jailhouse Rock." He was known for his charismatic stage presence, distinctive voice, and fusion of different musical styles.
4. The Beatles: The Beatles are one of the most influential and beloved bands in history, with hits such as "Hey Jude," "Yesterday," and "A Hard Day's Night." They were known for their innovative songwriting, catchy melodies, and charming personalities.
5. Whitney Houston: Whitney Houston was one of the most powerful and versatile vocalists of all time, with hits such as "I Will Always Love You," "How Will I Know," and "Greatest Love of All." She was known for her stunning voice, emotional performances, and wide range of musical styles.
6. Prince: Prince was a multi-talented musician, singer, and songwriter, with hits such as "Purple Rain," "When Doves Cry," and "Kiss." He was known for his flamboyant style, innovative music, and boundary-pushing lyrics.
7. Beyoncé: Beyoncé is one of the most successful and influential artists of the 21st century, with hits such as "Crazy in Love," "Single Ladies," and "Formation." She is known for her powerful voice, dynamic performances, and empowering messages.
8. ABBA: ABBA was a Swedish pop group that rose to fame in the 1970s, with hits such as "Dancing Queen," "Mamma Mia," and "Take a Chance on Me." They were known for their catchy melodies, upbeat rhythms, and colorful costumes.
9. Stevie Wonder: Stevie Wonder is a legendary singer, songwriter, and musician, with hits such as "Superstition," "I Just Called to Say I Love You," and "Isn't She Lovely." He was known for his soulful voice, virtuosic keyboard skills, and socially conscious lyrics.
10. Britney Spears: Britney Spears was one of the most successful pop stars of the late 1990s and early 2000s, with hits such as "...Baby One More Time," "Oops!... I Did It Again," and "Toxic." She was known for her infectious pop songs, sexy image, and catchy dance routines.
11. Mariah Carey: Mariah Carey is one of the best-selling female artists of all time, with hits such as "All I Want for Christmas Is You," "Hero," and "We Belong Together." She is known for her powerful voice, impressive vocal range, and emotional ballads.
12. Janet Jackson: Janet Jackson is a singer, songwriter, and actress, with hits such as "Rhythm Nation," "Together Again," and "All for You." She was known for her sensual image, catchy dance-pop songs, and socially conscious lyrics.
13. The Supremes: The Supremes were one of the most successful girl groups of the 1960s, with hits such as "Baby Love," "Stop! In the Name of Love," and "You Keep Me Hangin' On." They were known for their tight harmonies, glamorous image, and Motown sound.
14. Bruno Mars: Bruno Mars is a singer, songwriter, and producer, with hits such as "Uptown Funk," "Grenade," and "Just the Way You Are." He is known for his smooth vocals, catchy hooks, and retro-inspired sound.
15. Gloria Estefan: Gloria Estefan is a Cuban-American singer, songwriter, and actress, with hits such as "Conga," "Rhythm Is Gonna Get You," and "Turn the Beat Around." She was known for her Latin-infused pop songs, energetic performances, and positive messages.
16. Justin Timberlake: Justin Timberlake is a singer, songwriter, and actor, with hits such as "SexyBack," "Cry Me a River," and "Mirrors." He is known for his smooth vocals, innovative music videos, and versatility as an artist.
17. Celine Dion:Celine Dion is a Canadian singer, known for her powerful voice, emotional ballads, and international appeal. Her hits include "My Heart Will Go On," "The Power of Love," and "Because You Loved Me." She has sold over 200 million records worldwide and is considered one of the greatest pop singers of all time.
18. Adele: Adele is a British singer-songwriter, known for her soulful voice, emotional lyrics, and chart-topping hits. Her hits include "Rolling in the Deep," "Someone Like You," and "Hello." She has won multiple Grammy Awards and is one of the best-selling music artists of all time.
19. Taylor Swift: Taylor Swift is an American singer-songwriter, known for her catchy pop songs, honest lyrics, and relatable persona. Her hits include "Shake It Off," "Love Story," and "Blank Space." She has won multiple Grammy Awards and is one of the best-selling female artists of all time.
20. Elton John: Elton John is a British singer-songwriter, known for his flamboyant style, catchy pop songs, and theatrical performances. His hits include "Rocket Man," "Tiny Dancer," and "Can You Feel the Love Tonight." He has sold over 300 million records worldwide and is considered one of the greatest pop musicians of all time.
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rawiswhore · 2 years
Triple H, Val Venis, Billy Gunn x Fem Reader- "Macho Men, Randy Savages"
I apologize as to why I haven't posted a fanfic on Friday and Sunday.
On Friday, the fanfiction I thought of posting I wasn't sure if I should type it or not.
On Sunday, I did type a fanfiction but haven't finished it, not to mention I got tired when typing it.
Professional wrestlers have always been stereotyped either as these huge, hulky, burly Andre the Giant and King Kong Bundy types or these muscular bodybuilder types like Hulk Hogan, the Ultimate Warrior and 21st Century Triple H.
Stereotypes exist for a reason.
And Vince McMahon---the CEO and owner of the WWE/World Wrestling Federation; the most famous professional wrestling company in the world, as well as the man who made the WWE/F a global phenomanon and household name---has often been said to love "big sweaty men" and muscular bodybuilder types.
The definition of the word "macho" is when a man shows excessive pride in one's masculinity, having qualities considering "manly".
At the end of June 1998, you gathered some of the sexiest men in the World Wrestling Federation who have manly features and attributes.
Those male wrestlers you gathered were Triple H, Val Venis and Billy Gunn.
When you invited those male wrestlers, Triple H, Val and Billy all had their long hair hanging down.
You invited these wrestlers to an empty hotel room, and what you and these men were about to do wasn't rehearsal for "Monday Night Raw", a pay-per-view or any other WWF show and you and these wrestlers weren't filmed and broadcast on television and for a pay-per-view.
You had told these wrestlers how to act in this hotel room.
Triple H, Val and Billy were all checking you out with their eyes, these men's bodies were circling around you with smirks on their mouths.
These men slowly walked around you with their eyes all peering on you while they kept these grins on their faces.
They began to sexually objectify you, but you wanted it.
They were saying some sexual things to you about you, lusting over you.
They kept saying how sexy and hot you are and how they'd love to fuck you right now.
You're wishing some other rather manly pro wrestlers like Scott Hall was with you in this hotel room right now so he can be oozing his machismo, and no doubt Scott Hall would love to.
Too bad Scott is over in WCW, and wrestlers weren't allowed to cross be in other wrestling companies even back then.
There's other male pro wrestlers you wish could be with you now even if they don't look very manly.
While Triple H, Val and Billy sexually objectified you, some of these men's fingers rubbed horizontally across their nipples as they looked at you, but it wasn't like Val rubbing Triple H's nipples.
Val and Triple H mentioned how they were getting a boner just from looking at you, whereas you were standing there smiling and giggling, not offended over what they're saying.
Val and Triple H's hands reached out to your buttocks, where their fingers pinched your ass cheeks, which you didn't mind.
Triple H and Val also smacked one of your ass cheeks with one of their hands, which you didn't mind.
It might be stereotypical that they're acting like "toxic men", but some men out there think they're macho just for objectifying women.
Triple H, Val and Billy confessed to you that you're making them horny as they slowly walked around you and peered at you.
Triple H's body was starting to increase in muscle mass by the summer of 1998, and no doubt his body is filled with testosterone.
And Val and Billy, too, had rather muscular, robust physiques.
Triple H, Val and Billy flexed one of their biceps at you, making a fist with one of their hands as they flexed and showed off that bicep for you to stare at.
Your eyes did look at their biceps, your eyes were in awe and one of your hands stroked over the top of their rock hard bicep they worked hard to get.
Granted, that bicep might've also been made by steroids.
 Triple H, Val and Billy might have long hair, and long hair is more typical of women, not men, but it used to be considered a sign of manliness to have long hair.
Plus, Triple H, Val and Billy are sexy AF with long hair.
But men in general are sexy AF with long hair.
Triple H, Val and Billy were trying to woo you, placing their index fingers under your chin and trying to seduce you into having sex with them, which you accepted.
Heh, if only Steven Regal during his "Real Man's Man" period where he chopped trees and did construction work could be with you during this moment.
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slasherscream · 3 years
Crazy Ass Boys Gang ft. reader being possessive
warnings: toxic behavior - YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED
kevin khatchadourian: Kevin is really like *raise eyebrow emoji* cause like... aside from you, he straight up hates everyone he's ever met or known. He doesn't understand your jealousy whatsoever. It's the most genuinely confused he's ever been. Kevin is strikingly good looking, and when he puts on his facade of normality it's a convincing show. But you're the only one who's ever seen him authentically. Exactly as he is. He assumes the jealousy is a symptom of personal insecurity. In his own way he tries to comfort you. Why would I want to fuck them when I don't even want to hear them talk? / They look like a computer generated idea of an attractive person. What's there to actually look at? / Don't think I've ever met anyone else so confident in their nonexistent intelligence. / - His put downs of whoever you were jealous of are so brutal they bring you right back to earth. There's no logic to being jealous over Kevin. He's only ever been interested in you.
billy loomis: Billy likes to play stupid games. Little does he know he's gonna start winning stupid prizes, if he keeps fucking around. Honestly, he would never cheat on you... but he loves to piss you off. Leaning too close to other people. Whispering in someone's ear. Not pushing someone off him when they get handsy with him. It's all only ever when you're watching him though. Eyes burning into the back of his head. He's only doing it for show. To get to you. He loves how angry you get. The way it warps your face. It's downright scary. It's the hottest thing he's ever seen. It drives him wild to know you're just as caught up in him as he is with you. He'd kill anyone that touched you. Anyone that overstepped their place. When you drag him out of yet another one of Stu's parties, fingers digging into his wrist, he wonders if you would ever do the same.
josh washington: Doesn’t make you jealous on purpose to piss you off, but is often making you jealous on accident. He’s obsessed with you, everyone knows that. From family to classmates, it’s easy to tell Josh thinks you hung the moon. But he’s just so... friendly, charming. He’s got a magnetic pull. People are constantly chasing after him. Touching him, distracting him, flirting with him. He picks up on it quickly, and casually let’s people down, but some people are insistent on overstepping boundaries. That’s when you come in. You’ve snatched people’s hands off him before. “Who do you think you’re groping?” You snap. Josh can’t stop himself from laughing. He thinks you’re hot when you’re angry. You always embarrass the people who flirt with him because they’re also always not listening when he says the word “no”. “Why am I supposed to be nice? They’re being an asshole!” no matter what you say Josh teases you.
stu macher: Another one who is making you jealous on purpose. He also has a lot of natural charisma and we know he’s a party animal. Not one party can pass by without him trying to piss you off and succeeding. Thinks it’s funny when you make a scene. Everyone around you is averting their eyes as you stare Stu down. “Babe, I was just messing around!” ol’ toxic headass. He wouldn’t cheat on you at all, he’s obsessed with you. He just likes the proof that you’re just as obsessed with him. Threaten to break up with him and he’ll suddenly know how to act. He’s still a little naturally flirty, but if you give him a look after you’ve made the threat, he’ll stop.
jason dean/jd: Doesn’t give other people the time of day, so you’re more possessive than jealous. He doesn’t give you anything to be jealous over. He’s very distant with other people. At best, he can be cordial. Usually he is not doing his best. Still, you see the way people’s eyes follow him. He might be a societal black sheep, his energy a big neon sign that shouts “DANGER! KEEP AWAY!”, but danger can be alluring. So you hang off his arm. You wear his coat. You glare when people look too long. You interrupt conversations started by infatuated third parties. It’s a thrill for JD. Every time you puff up your chest and step a little closer to him it makes him smile. Not smirk, smile. Being possessive over him is his preferred love language.
nathan prescott: Swings back and forth on finding it annoying and finding it nice. On one hand Nathan hates to be controlled, and what are you doing if not trying to control him, his actions? You suck your teeth when he texts Victoria back while you watch a movie together. You glare at him when he laughs at a joke one of his “friends” made about someone’s tits. You go nuclear over wanting to spend time with him and finding out he has plans with someone else. But you love him. He can see it on your face right before the anger takes over. That flash of insecurity and doubt. It’s the thing that softens him. The reason he bites his tongue, and tries not to react with his own fiery temper. It’s a fear you both share. They’re nicer than me. More attractive. Funnier. More talented. No baggage. All of it adding up to the big question “why are you even with me when there’s better out there?” It’s a flaw the two of you share. He’s just as jealous as you. Just as insecure. The two of you have to practice grace whenever you drive each other to the edge. You're birds of a feather, after-all.
sebastian valmont: Has an awful reputation so he tries not to be flirtatious with anyone. Is definitely not making you jealous on purpose. He’s a natural flirt but he’s scared you’ll see it as genuine interest in someone. Also, he’s cheated on plenty of people before you. Almost everyone, really. But none of them mattered to him. He thought of them as games more than he thought of them as people. Still, he knows that people are constantly trying to turn you against him. They whisper to you behind his back. Warn you away from him. It would get to anyone, eventually. When you first begin to display bouts of jealously Sebastian does his best to reassure you. “I’m different now. I’m with you now, and I never want to be with anyone else. I’m yours. You don’t have to fight for me.” Can’t find the jealously attractive, or relish in it because he’s worried about how emotionally draining it must be for you. It’s nice to be wanted but you don’t have to want him, you have him.
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mehbzz · 3 years
More poly!ghostface x F!Reader
Stu with a foot fetish is entirely @polyghostfacehours fault, all complaints must be directed to them! Billy and Stu get stoned, watch a little hentai, and stress about you.
18+ toxic controlling possessive relationships, fingering, face fucking, voyeurism, exhibitionism, cumplay, a little foot fetish.
No real plot, just another random inspiration fic from my Poly!Ghostface series =
“Like the toes babe, red is definitely your colour.”
“Thanks.” You startle a little at Stu’s sudden appearance in your room but are not surprised. Stu took the knowledge of the hidden spare key as an open invitation to invade your space whenever he felt like it.
“Special occasion?” “Just bored, a little self-care you know?” You shrug, watching him warily as he wanders casually round your room, poking curiously at a few items. He’s been in here more times than you can count, but whatever he’s looking for, or sees, he either deems it acceptable or loses interest, dropping to the floor in front of you cross-legged as he pulls one foot into his lap. “Don't you dare smudge them.”
“Relax,” He wriggles his fingers at you. “Good with my hands aren’t I? Gimme the pot.”
You give the nail varnish to him reluctantly, muscles tense with the anticipation of having to pull away from him quickly.
He's surprisingly adept at painting your nails. Gentle, very focused and unusually quiet. It’s a bit of a turn on if you’re honest with yourself, although you can’t relax enough to enjoy it, prepared for his inevitable switch into chaotic boredom.
“Ever told you that you have incredibly sexy toes?”
Yeah OK there it is. “Sexy huh?”
You bite your lip. You stretch your legs, flexing your toes and watch as his eyes track the motion. You bite back a smirk, raising your other foot to tease gently at his knee.
“Watch it bunny, you'll mess up my work.”
As you slide your foot down his thigh, his lips twitch but he doesn't move to stop you, putting the nail polish down as he runs his hand up your calf and back down, lifting your leg a little as he bends down to press a kiss to the top of your foot.
“Sexy,” Stu grins and works his way up your ankle and calf, “Sexy as hell.”
You snort but he licks his lips and runs his fingers over each toe, slotting his fingers between them in some sort of adhoc massage. You shift your weight, letting your other foot slide down his thigh to brush over his crotch and he grunts. He's hard. You roll your eyes. Course he is. You’re not entirely sure what you're doing but he seems to like it, you meet his eye as you press the ball of your foot against his cock. He shivers and makes an almost pained sound as his hips try to rock into your foot.
You force your foot harder against him, slowly grinding against his cock. His eyes are half lidded, one hand still playing with your toes while the other is behind him, holding himself upright. He shudders hard and just as you’re thinking you could totally make him cum like this he grabs your ankle hard with one hand. “Pervert.” You shrug. “I'm horny.”
It’s blunt and it seems to take him genuinely by surprise much to your delight. You see the way his brain shuts down for a second before he blinks and grins. “Too bad. I got a job to do. I'll paint them white afterwards.”
You frown. “What? I d- oh.” Your face heats so fast at his smirk you think you're going to set on fire. “I didn't say stop though,” He tugs your foot back into his lap, pressing you firmly against his groin as he picks up the nail polish once again. “Keep going.”
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“He's not.” You snap. Both Tatum and Randy turn to look at you in surprise. “What? He's not stupid.” Don't be such a bitch all the time you finish in your head, and immediately hate yourself for it. She’s not a bitch and you feel guilty for thinking it but she was constantly belittling him and you hated it. You bite your lip and look away from them, not sure where the sudden protective possessive rush came from. Stu looks totally thrilled, although he’s quick to school his face back into amused indifference, curling an arm around Tatum’s waist. “You need to watch yourself Tay, you got competition.”
“You having a bad day?” Randy steps in front of you, blocking you from Tatum’s view and her no doubt snappy retort. “Help me put these away yeah?”
He shoves 3 VHS boxes into your arms and grabs your elbow, steering you away and towards the back shelves.
“I like the white knight attitude but I don't think you need to be defending Stu of all people.” He points towards the shelf and you push the tapes onto it with a little more force than necessary. “She's always doing it, belittling him, calling him stupid I-, what?”
“You're not seriously crushing on Stu Macher of all people are you?” Randy is looking at you aghast. “You could do so much better.”
“Thanks Randy.”
“No but seriously. So much better. Like anyone would be better.” Randy glances back over his shoulder before shuffling a little closer to you, voice dropping to a near whisper. “Besides you ever think-,”
“This is top secret right? You’re friends with them you ever notice…” He trails off again.
“Jesus Randy what??”
“He and Billy. They’re close. Suspiciously close for how little they seem to hang out,” He turns to face you, giving another nervous glance around as he leans in to whisper. “Like borderline homoerotic if not fully blown.”
“You- what does that mean? You can’t be serious.” You fight the urge to laugh despite the sudden panicked pounding of your heart.
He nods and then shrugs. “You think Sid would-,”
“Date you if you told her Billy was cheating on her with his friend?” You feel a little tinge of hysteria bubble into your laugh, and swallow hard, trying to push the nervous energy into teasing Randy instead. “She’d be so grateful that you saved her from heartbreak that she’d fall into your arms?”
Randy glares at you as he shoves the rest of the VHS boxes back onto the shelf. “OK jeez I can fantasize alright?”
“About Billy and Stu banging?”
“Whatever,” He leans backwards, crossing his arms over as his chest as he looks at you. “Come to the movies with me this weekend?”
“Smooth Randy. Very smooth.”
“No, not-,” There’s a slight hint of pink to his cheeks as he flounders over his words. “That wasn't- not like a date. Not that I'd say no to a date with you but that wasn't-,”
“Relax. I'm teasing.”
“Right, sorry. Josh and I are going; they’re showing all three Sleepaway Camp movies. I know, I know,” He raises a hand at your dubious look. “I know the first one is the only one worth watching but I got free tickets and you need a break. You’re obviously on the verge of a mental breakdown if you’re trying to defend Stu,” He ignores your glare. “Besides we’ve not hung out in ages, it’ll be fun.”
You glance back toward Stu. He's got his face nuzzled into Tatum’s neck, but he’s looking at you, giving you a wink when you make eye contact. You frown, annoyed and embarrassed with yourself for your earlier slip up. What harm would it do to go out with your friends? You’re not sure when you started worrying so much about what Billy and Stu would think or adjusting your behaviour to suit them, but now Randy has said it, you realise it has been a long time since you had hung out with him. Billy and Stu won’t like it, but as Stu raises a questioning eyebrow at your prolonged stare you decide you don’t care. They don’t get to have their relationships and expect you not to have any at all. You look back at Randy and nod. “Yeah OK.”
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“No sorry, not tonight.”
“What?” Billy turns away from Stu to look at you, surprise and something you can’t name etched over his features.
“No? I-,” you swallow hard but keep your resolve although you avoid eye contact, focusing on the selection of candy in front of you. “I can't. I have plans.”
“You have plans.” He repeats it dully. A statement rather than a question.
“No way! Our shy baby had plans??” Stu hooks his chin over Billy's shoulder, eyeing the selection of candy he’s holding with a slightly disappointed look, yanking the twizzlers out of his hands and tossing it back onto the shelf. “Who with?”
“Have plans.” You swallow again. Why is this so difficult? “Movies with Josh an-,”
“Josh? The freak that works with Randy?”
“He's not a freak. I’m just fed up of missing out on stuff so,” you shrug. “I said yes.”
“Because I wanted to?” Billy's eyes are dark, his face eerily blank and you stutter over your words. “It's not a date, don’t get the wrong idea. Randy's coming too.”
Stu laughs, though he doesn’t look very happy. “Not a date? You out with two guys? We know how much you like a threesome.”
You blink. That stings but your retort dies on your lips as a girl tries to move in front of you to reach something on the shelf. She mumbles a quiet excuse me as she tries to navigate around the three of you. You take a step back to let her pass although Billy doesn’t move, doesn’t even look at her as he stares at you. You ignore his gaze, watching as Stu wanders off to the end of the aisle, either genuinely distracted by the excited dog by the entrance or just putting some socially acceptable distance between the three of you, you’re not sure.
“Excuse me?” The girl tries again to get Billy's attention and you see the way his lip curls before he finally turns away from you to snap at her.
“What? Fuck off.”
The girl looks alarmed, giving a quick glance between the two of you before she grabs two bags of chips seemingly at random and rushes off.
“jesus Billy, that was rude.”
He shrugs. “I don't know her.”
“I’m pretty sure she’s friends with Sidney,” His expression doesn’t change and you sigh. “Doesn't mean you can't be nice to someone.”
“I am nice. To people I like. There’s plenty of space for her to get around me.” He turns to watch Stu for a brief second before reaching out and snatching the twizzlers back up. “She’ll get over it.”
He can see your disappointment, disappointment at him. He knows you care about people, even strangers, doesn’t understand why, you’re better than all of them put together.
“Billy,” You sound exasperated and his mood sours even further, hands curling tightly around the bags in his hands. You shouldn’t be caring about some random girl. You shouldn’t be going out with Randy. “She doesn't just disappear from existence when she's out of sight. She'll be upset.”
“Fine whatever. She’s a friend of Sid’s, I'll apologise next time I see her.” Doesn't say that he wouldn't be able to tell you what she looked like if his life depended on it. Sometimes outside of you and Stu faces and people tended to merge into one. He didn't care about them didn't see the point.
His gaze flickers back to Stu and the way he is playing with the dog. He's not doing anything wrong, poking its nose and running his fingers over its ears but it's making him antsy. Stu and small fragile things never ended well.
“About tonight, I di-,”
“Go get Stu yeah?” He doesn’t want to hear it; whether it’s an apology or an attempt at explaining he doesn’t want to hear it, not now. Something uncomfortable is churning in his gut and he’s a little scared he’s going to say something he'll regret. He interrupts you as he tugs your few items from your arms and you wince at the dismissal. “I’ll go pay.”
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“I don't like it.”
Billy hums noncommittally and Stu sits up, twisting so he can lean back against the headboard next to him, one hand lightly scratching along Billy’s arm. “We're not going to let her go out with them again right?”
“We can’t really stop her.” He takes a drag of the blunt, letting his eyes flutter shut at the warm calming thrum it sends through him, shivers going down his spine at the light scrape of Stu’s nails.
“We can.”
“We can't.”
“We can.”
“Stu,” he huffs, irritated. “If you want to tell her that then you go ahead.”
“Yeah but you need to back me up. She listens to you.”
“She listens to you too.” He closes his eyes. Between the weed and Stu’s gentle touch he can feel himself starting to nod off. He doesn’t want to think, especially about you, that was the whole point of the night. Getting stoned, getting fucked and forgetting about you for a while until he can get his thoughts straight, but as usual Stu was intent on bringing you up every 5 minutes.
“Yeah but she's softer with you. Just bat those sexy dark eyelashes of yours, pout a little about your mom and boom she's staying in with us always.”
Billy just hums again. He's feeling too relaxed to really be offended by Stu's comments and he's not exactly wrong either. “We'll discourage it,” he's slurring slightly, too tired to move his mouth properly. “Punish her somehow.”
“Hell yes. Dibs on that.” Stu falls quiet and Billy groans softly as Stu’s fingers trace little patterns over his wrist, leaning into the touch. The TV is loud, he’s not really following what’s going on, or why Stu was so excited to watch it, some kind of cartoon porn, but the colours are bright enough for him to be unable to tear his gaze away.
Billy does his best not to whine in disappointment as Stu moves again, sliding down the bed so he can rest his head on Billy’s stomach. Despite his lethargy the weed is only just taking off the antsy edge to go out and drag you back. Knows Stu is feeling the same, the bloody bite mark he'd left on his shoulder testament to how wound up Stu is really feeling. It would be a bitch to hide from Sid. He'd have to be careful.
The moans on the TV take on a pained edge and Stu groans in response, palming himself a little rougher as the scene on the TV turns from ridiculous porn to something gory and bloody.
“Wanna carve my name into her like that.” Stu shifts awkwardly, and Billy tears his gaze from the kaleidoscope of colours to watch Stu slide a hand into his boxers.
“What?” Billy watches Stu jerk off, too tired and too high to do much beyond that. He’s half hard, the show wasn’t really his kind of thing but he’d be lying if he said it wasn’t doing anything for him. Especially now, the pained whimpers of the cartoon girl making his cock twitch with half hearted interest.
“My name. Just the S. Across the top of her collarbone. You can do yours too. All fancy intertwined or some shit.”
“You want her to have BS carved onto her skin.”
“Yeah, wait no,” Stu snickers. “SB then. Or one shoulder each.”
“That mean I can cut her initials in to you?”
“Hell yeah. And yours. Just over my abdomen. So I can touch it when I jerk off.”
He falls silent again, little huffs and pants escaping him as he idly strokes himself and Billy can’t tear his gaze away. Wants to tell him to take his stupid boxers off so he can watch him properly but his brain and mouth don’t seem to be communicating properly.
“You think she’s having fun?” Stu asks and Billy swears.
“Shut up.” He doesn’t want to think about that. Doesn’t want to think about you right now, out with two guys, alone, but now he can’t stop thinking about you. Whether you are enjoying yourself, whether you’re sat next to Randy or Josh, or in-between them. Fuck he hates them. He must make some sort of noise because he can feel Stu’s gaze flicker over to him. Fuck Josh. Fuck Randy. He wants to kill them for spending time with you. Are they making you laugh? If you’re sharing a tub of popcorn, hands brushing as you reac-
“We could make it look like an accident.”
Billy jumps slightly, Stu’s uncanny ability to know what he’s thinking feeling a little creepy with the weed flowing through his system. He side eyes him, trying not to give into the rising paranoia that Stu can totally hear him thinking right now.
“You’d want to gut him. Pretty hard to make that look an accident.” The TV is now too loud, too bright and Billy can feel his good relaxed mood turning swiftly sour. His palms itch and his heart is beating too fast.
“Plenty of accidents end in a good gutting.”
“That’s-.” He cuts off as he hears the front door slam, giving Stu a concerned look but gets a nonchalant shrug in response. Muscles tensing in preparation of moving before you abruptly open the bedroom door. Stu flinches and swears loudly but doesn’t move from his position on Billy’s stomach. “Fuck bunny, gonna give me a heart attack.”
“Sorry,” You look a little sheepish as you stand in Stu’s doorway. “Didn’t mean to slam it.”
Billy can’t look at you, instead focuses his attention back on the TV.
“Enjoy your date?” Stu half sighs half moans and Billy frowns. Not surprised but still annoyed that Stu is still touching himself.
“It wasn't a date but yes I did.” You feel good, confident. It's the couple of beers in your system, the serotonin rush from genuinely having a good time mixed with the odd sense of freedom at having spent time out with people, alone, without one of them gatecrashing. Stu’s room stinks of weed and sex and your gaze is drawn to the slow rhythmic movement of Stu’s hand. Embarrassed at the realisation that’s he’s touching himself so casually.
“We missed you, my Knight in shining armour.”
You roll your eyes, you knew he’d tease you about your snap at Tatum but you didn’t expect it to be the first thing he said to you. “I'm sorry ok?”
“You should have seen her dude,“ Stu closes his eyes and nuzzles awkwardly into Billy’s abdomen. “She was so cute, all pouty and annoyed. Defending my honour. got me hard as a rock.”
“You don't have any honour.”
“Ow baby, cruel.”
The conversation seems to abruptly stop then. An awkward tension building in the silence. You feel it in the way Billy won’t look at you, his eyes riveted to the small TV screen. He’s sulking. Upset, angry even, and you fight the urge to roll your eyes again. Irritation rising as you cross your arms over your chest.
“This isn’t-, what the hell are you two watching?” The over the top moans and gross squelching sounds finally catch your attention, glancing towards the TV in the corner.
“Girl getting fucked by tentacles.”
“Riiight.... ok.” You watch the show for a few minutes, reluctantly fascinated.
“Like it?”
That was a loaded question. You could hear it in the way Stu sounded suddenly rapturously interested. You shrug. Wary that a yes would earn you a starring role in some lewd fantasy of his in the near future and that a flat out no would have you being forced to watch whatever this was for the next few weeks as he tried to convince you otherwise.
“Come sit,” he finally sits up, shuffling over a little, hand leaving his cock to pat the mattress between them. “Watch with us.” He holds up his hand to stop you as you start to move towards the bed. “But no clothes allowed.”
He gestures to Billy and then himself. “No clothes allowed. Strip.”
“You’re both half dressed.”
“Yeah and half naked. So technically together we’re fully naked.” You shake your head in exasperation, lips fighting the urge to smile. Maybe it was the alcohol or a contact high but you began to unbutton your jeans. You’re not sure if it was the sight of them so fucked out or the fact they were both still obviously hard and horny but arousal was nipping hot and quick in your veins. You wanted to talk, clear the air, set some boundaries but maybe now wasn’t the best time. You kicked off your boots, pulled down your pants, and removed them along with your socks. You pulled your sweater over your head and let it all fall to the floor in a messy pile. You hesitate before removing your t-shirt, fingers running nervously over the hem and Stu half stumbles half leaps from his position on the bed to help you.
“Half naked, those are the rules.” He tugs the t-shirt up and over your head roughly, catching on your hair as he yanks it off, earning him a hiss of pain that he ignores. “There they are. Best tits in Woodsboro baby.”
He bent forward, pulling the cup of your bra down and sucking your nipple into his mouth. You gasp, hands gripping into his hair as your back arches. He groans a little louder, his hand squeezing around your breast as your fingers scratch along his scalp. This wasn’t the welcome you had been expecting but you’re not complaining. The faint press of his teeth have your hips rocking forward, but the sound of crying from the TV has his hold turning painful, a rough grunt coming from him as he pushes his face closer.
“Relax Jesus,” The suckling on your breast is painful and you tug at Stu’s hair with a forced chuckle, trying to lighten the mood. “You know there's no milk there right?”
“Be hot if there was. I'd drink you down.”
“Stu fuck sake.”
“What? I love you. Inside and out. Including all fluids and gross bodily functions.”
“Stu!” You laugh genuinely this time and he looks up at you with a grin.
“Missed you tonight,” He smacks your thigh and gives you a push towards the bed. “Check in with our Billy boy. I think his trip is going a little sour.”
Your gaze flickers over to Billy who is still looking sullen and grumpy, barely making eye contact with you before looking away. He’s moved, sat on the edge of the bed slightly hunched over, his fingers are twitchy and restless against his thigh and you feel a little twinge of concern. When his trips go bad, they go really bad.
“Hey baby,” You ignore the rush of embarrassment at being in your underwear and focus on Billy. “Movies weren’t as fun without you.”
Stu grumbles something behind you but you focus on Billy, giving him a small smile when he finally holds eye contact with you. “Don’t be mad at me.”
You’ve no right to be mad at me. Aren’t I allowed friends? You swallow the words down, even though it leaves a bitter taste in your mouth. Now is not the time for this conversation. He’s high, drunk and obviously on the brink of spiralling into a bad time, and as irritated as you are with them you don’t want to hurt him.
He doesn't smile as you move closer, but his hands do finally move to touch you. Resting on your hips as he pulls you to stand between his legs. He hesitates, a look of doubt flicking across his face before he loops his arms around your waist, pulling you in close.
“Don’t leave me.” Billy whispers against your stomach, the desperation in his voice taking you by surprise but he doesn’t give you chance to respond as he grips your hips, twisting you a round and dragging you onto his lap, his hand inching down your stomach.
“I missed you,” He nuzzles into your neck and kisses you, letting his fingers dip into the band of your panties, his brief moment of vulnerability gone so fast you wonder if you imagined it. “Take these off.”
It’s awkward, trying to lift your hips and shimmy them down your thighs when Billy seems reluctant to loosen his hold. The fabric getting a little stuck around your knees until Stu yanks them down your legs, holding them up to his face and inhaling deeply in a way that makes you flush hotly with embarrassment. “You’re gross.”
Stu shrugs, keeping your underwear pressed against his face and Billy huffs in amusement behind you. His hand trailing down your stomach and you automatically squeeze your legs shut, stopping his wandering hand from going any lower. He nips at your earlobe in a gentle reprimand. “Open your legs.”
“No. You stay there.” Billy’s comment confuses you for a second until you hear Stu swear, giving him a wary glance as he sits down in the chair in the corner of the room, your panties still tight in his grip. He’s mumbling under his breath, and he looks a mix between annoyed and very turned on, shifting his hips as he pulls his boxers down just enough to pull his cock free.
“Open.” Billy repeats and you obey him, relaxing and letting your thighs fall open just enough for him to slide his hand further down.
He sighs softly against your ear, the sensation making you shiver. You let your legs fall either side of his as he brushes his fingers against your clit, the light touch enough to make you squirm.
“Fuck,” Stu’s muttered curse draws your attention. You watch his face flush as he fists his cock. He’s still clutching your panties, wrapped around his hand as he strokes himself with a low moan.
“Touch her,” Stu’s voice is strained, and when you feel Billy turn to look at him, his blush deepens. “Use your fingers.”
“Look at him, bunny,” Billy speaks softly, his lips brushing against your neck as his fingers move lower, until they tease along your soaked folds. “Look at him, jerking off alone. So sad.”
You do look at him. Fascinated by the way Stu strokes himself. Whenever he stroked up he would pause, using the pad of his thumb to tease across the head of his cock, smoothing the trickling beads of pre-cum into his skin. Using it to thoroughly slick up the curve of his cock and your panties. He’s was going to make you wear those afterwards, you just know it. He seemed to be taking his time, not letting his hand pump any faster than it already was as he enjoyed the show. Occasionally dipping his hand down further between his thighs to flutter across his balls.
“Can you see how wet she is dude?” You squirm in Billy’s grasp as he strokes at you, thumb pressed firmly against your clit.
“Wet for us?” Stu slows his movements. “Or Randy and Josh?”
You feel Billy tense and you’ve never wanted to kill Stu more than in that moment. Billy recovers first, slides a finger inside you, and you even as you moan and your eyelids flutter you can tell this night isn’t going to end well. Stu sighs, oblivious or to lost in his own pleasure to care as he strokes himself languidly, watching intently as Billy slips another digit inside you. Stu was transfixed, his muscles straining as he resists the urge to get up and touch you himself. “Fuck her, Bill,” His voice is husky with want. “Stretch her out, want to hear her cry.”
Billy bites down hard on your shoulder, sucking the skin into his mouth so firmly you yelp. He hums softly in apology, licking the already forming bruise. He wants to mark you up all over. Cover you in bites and bruises that he can poke and prod for days to come. Make you whimper and whine as he reminds you who you belong to. It’s possessive, clingy and he doesn’t give a shit. You’re his and he needs to make sure you remember that. He runs his thumb over your clit and swirls around it in soft slow circles, continuing to play with you lazily until you are panting and squirming in his lap.
“So wet, such a slut,” he groans as your walls clamp hard around his fingers. “Are you close? Do you want to cum?" His voice is low, strained, and you feel a little better knowing he not as collected as he pretending. “Come over here bunny,” Stu beckons you over with two glistening fingers. His cock almost painful as he edges himself. He wants to bury his face between your tits, wants to slice that pretty blue bra off of you and suffocates himself in your cleavage. “I’ll make you cum.”
“Billy’s going to make me cum.”
Billy moans at that, and liquid heat pools between your legs. He groans, deep and guttural when you arch against him, he speeds up his movements, fingers moving fast enough against your clit that you can hear an obscene wet click as he strokes you.
He grunts as you clench hard around his fingers. “Go on then, cum." His thumb presses hard against your clit and your eyes open wide as the rising knot of pleasure in your stomach snaps. You cum with a scream, back arching hard and entire body tensing against his hold as the pleasure rolls through you, seemingly never ending as Billy keeps stroking you through it. He continues his light touch until the aftershocks ease and your shaking subsides, slowly slipping his fingers out of you and sucking them into his mouth. You feel weak, floaty, your brain feeling disconnected from your body as you sit in Billy’s lap.
“Guys, babe, princess one of you gimme a hand at least.” Stu sounds desperate, panting hard and you feel Billy smile into your neck.
He gives you a gentle push and you take the hint, standing on slightly shaky legs to walk over to Stu. The way he spreads his legs as you get close sends arousal hot and pulsing between your legs. The temptation to straddle him and sink down on his cock so strong. You don’t kneel like he obviously wants you to; instead you stand just between his knees, letting your hand curl around his cock, pushing your nail into the little sensitive spot just under the head. He hisses, surprising you by yanking you forward into a messy kiss. “That hurts bunny.”
“You like it.”
“Fuck yes I do.”
“"You're so hard. You like watching me and Billy?” you ask, innocently tilting your head. “You like being made to watch?”
You let your nail scratch lightly down his shaft and Stu shudders. Your warm fingers encircle him as you begin pumping your hand up and down his length. "You're so cute when you get all worked up like this, you know that?”
Stu doesn't answer, but you see the way his eye twitches, he hates being called cute.
"You're not going to last much longer, are you? That’s a little embarrassing isn’t it? Cumming so quickly?” What are you saying?? You’re playing a dangerous game but you feel confident, powerful, as you stand over him, watching him come undone at the mercy of your hand. Stu opens his mouth. He’s going to say something stupid, you can feel it, you can sense it coming so you slap your free hand over his mouth, muffling whatever he was about to say. Trying to ignore the genuine hint of anger that flashes in his eyes at your movement.
You rubbed your thumb over the head again, getting more fluid to ease your movements, flicking your wrist on the upstroke in the way he likes, a little scratch of nail every now and then. You knew he was close, could feel him throbbing in your palm.
“I don’t like seeing you with Tatum,” you said, “Is that what you want me to say earlier? I hate it, you’re not hers,” You tighten your grip around his cock, squeezing until he hisses against your palm. “You’re mine.”
That was it. A guttural groan was ripped from his chest, fingers digging into your skin as he yanked your hand away from his mouth and pushed you back. “Mouth, now.”
You’re not sure what Billy is doing, it’s quiet behind you, but you hope he’s watching, that he’s enjoying the show. You drop to your knees readily, your tongue licking a long stripe up the underside of Stu’s cock, determined to take your time despite the painful grip he had in your hair. Before he could complain you took the tip in to your mouth, causing him to half choke over his own moan. You took the rest of him into your mouth slowly, you could tell from the way his thighs trembled that he was holding back from shoving himself down your throat.
"Fuck, that's good," He sounded breathless, doing his best not to cum merely at the sensation of your warm, wet mouth around him. "So good, so fucking good."
You moaned in response, praise from Stu a rarity, and let your teeth scrape gently along his shaft.
“Don’t tease.” Stu yanked on your hair, forcing you further down his cock. You gagged, unable to breathe. Tears running down your cheeks and your whole body tensed and tried to jerk backward but it was no use, Stu was far too strong for you to move anywhere.
“Easy dude, let her breathe.”
Stu let go with a huff, letting you take a desperate breath before he immediately shoved you back down, thrusting even deeper this time. You did all you could to relax your throat, to just take it. You didn’t really have any other choice.
“You suck cock like you were made for it, bunny,” Stu groaned, moving your head back and forth, using you, fucking into your mouth at a rough pace. You whimpered, you couldn’t see with the amount of tears streaming down your face as you struggled to swallow around his cock on each stroke without gagging. “Bet Randy was imagining this the whole time.”
There’s a noise from behind you, a half choked sound and then Billy’s voice, strained and tense. “Come on man, want to see you cum.”
“Swallow baby.” Stu’s cock twitched and he held you still as thick, hot cum shot down your throat. You swallowed as much as you could, but let some pool, salty and bitter, on your tongue.
He held you still, and only when the last pulses had finally stopped did Stu finally let you pull off his cock. You stand, your stomach rolling slightly as you held the rapidly cooling fluid in your mouth. Sliding into his lap you pressed your mouth to his in a hard kiss and he opened his lips with a low, surprised moan. He shuddered as your tongue swept into his mouth, a muffled curse escaping him at being given a mouthful of his own cum but he took it eagerly, his tongue delving into your own mouth, tracing along your teeth as he swallows everything you give him with a low groan.
“You are absolutely filthy, bunny,” said Stu. His hands gripping your thighs firmly. You nip at his bottom lip as you pull away. “Just for the record I am not Tatum’s competition.”
Stu grins, lazy and so so smug you immediately regret your words. “Course not. Course not baby. I'm yours, you know that.”
The sudden warm presence at your back has you rocking instinctively down into Stu’s lap, reaching back to pull Billy even closer, moaning happily as he buries his face into the side of your neck. His teeth graze over your shoulder before they sink down. It's a bite. Not a hickey, but a deep painful press of his teeth that has you crying out in genuine pain. “The fuck Billy??”
“Just making sure you don't forget your place.”
“My place?” Anger swirls in your gut. “My place is-,”
“With me. No one else.”
Stu’s hands tighten on your thighs. “Hey, I’m right here aren’t I? With us.”
“Yeah, us,” You repeat, twisting as well as you can to look at Billy over your shoulder. “Not just you two then me. You don’t-, I think you forget about me sometimes.”
You frown, you’re not explaining yourself well and you try not give into the temptation to give up. “I'm a part of you and Stu. You don't have to be so... you know I'm not leaving you right? Like ever.”
Doubt. You see it, clear as day on Billy’s face and it hurts. He gets anxious, panicked even at the thought of you leaving but to see it so clearly scares you. He pulls away from you sharply and you know you’ve just made a mistake, letting him see the concern and hurt on your face.
“I need a drink, too much smoke.” He winces as he slams the door harder than he meant to on his way out of the room. He feels panicked, stressed, heart pounding in his chest even as his cock strains at his pants. He wants to fuck you but he can’t quiet his thoughts. Leaning back against the wall at the top of the stairs and sliding down to the floor, pushing the palms of his hands into his eyes as he tries to calm his breathing. Your confidence was sexy; watching you try and take control with Stu was hot as fuck but what if you like it too much? Being away from them, spending time with other people. What if you find someone else?
He has to bite his lip hard to try and stop the sudden stupid urge to cry, focusing on his anger, anger at you, and turning it on himself, on the tang of copper in his mouth, anything other than the cold dark twist of something in his gut that’s telling him to hurt you. You don’t deserve it but fuck he wants to. Losing himself to the dark train of thought so deeply that the bedroom door opening startles him so badly he flinches backwards, smacking the back of his head on the wall.
He keeps his eyes closed, basking in the low throb of pain in the back of his skull and the rush of calm it gives him even as he feels Stu slump down on the floor next to him.
“You’re good Bill, relax.”
Is he? He doesn’t feel it. Wants to rip something cute and delicate into bloody ribbons with his bare hands curl up in a ball and hide for the next two or three days until his brain stops thinking.
“Too much weed, beer and weird porn man that’s all,” Stu taps his knee. “No need to freak out.”
“Fuck off.”
“Yeah ok.” Stu doesn’t move, instead shuffles closer. “I know where he lives.”
Billy instantly relaxes. The dark angry fluttering in his stomach instantly turning into excitement. “Ok.” It’s quiet then. Understanding flowing between them and Billy almost feels as calm as he did at the beginning of the night.
“Hey Bill?”
He cracks one eye open to glance at Stu when he feels him fidgeting, and watches as Stu frowns, tongue licking over his lips as he swallows and gives Billy a vaguely disgusted look. “Do I always taste that bad?”
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Happier Than Ever
finally listened to billie’s most recent album and i decided i needed to write about this one. or at least the aftermath of ‘jaskier would write something like this for sure’
CW: referencing toxic ex, geralt offers vandalism in support, like every best friend should, feelings confessions, jaskier swears like a sailor, i cannot see him any other way than feral after s2- sorry not sorry
Jaskier had been waiting for one of two possible phone calls since spotify uploaded his most recent song. He’d either get a call from his ex, probably angry accusations of slander, or Yennefer ordering him out of his house for a drink. Honestly, he wasn’t sure which he was more nervous about. Instead, he got a call from Geralt.
“Hello darling, back in town?”
As per usual, his former security with a new super-secret job skipped right over the pleasantries, “What did he do?”
“Pardon?” Jaskier sat up from where he’d been anxiety-binging his old comfort show, surprised right out of the stupor he’d been in all morning.
“The song,” Geralt clarified, “When I saw you last you said you were in love. ‘I’d never treat me this shitty’ and ‘just fucking leave me alone’ doesn’t sound very in love. What did he do?”
Pausing the tv and blinking in shock, Jaskier desperately tried to play catch up, “You listened to my song?”
“And the interview for the radio- instagram…. Thing. Do I need to take a baseball bat to his car?”
“Well, yes, but my manager would kill me if I let you,” Jaskier grumbled, picking at the rips in his jeans, “I… I didn’t realize you gave a shit. Kinda thought you were avoiding me…” he trailed off with a nervous laugh. 
“I was. Jealousy is a bitch.”
Jaskier’s ears practically rang as his jaw dropped. Jealousy? As in? Geralt? Being jealous? Of his ex? He cited personal reasons for giving Jaskier his resignation and he’d thought it was something to do with his brothers… But Jealousy?
“Jask? Are you still there?” Geralt sounded nervous for the first time since Jaskier had met him.
“Fuck you,” Jaskier breathed, slowly rising in pitch as he word vomited to his phone, “I had a massive crush on you. I thought you were straight! And you-! How fucking dare you. I settled for that asshole for months why didn’t you fucking say something?”
A jarring knock had Jaskier swearing and scrambling off the couch to go see who it was, “Seriously, Geralt. What the hell?”
Opening the door, Jaskier nearly dropped his phone. Geralt stood on his porch in all his black-clad, muscley, curly-haired glory with a look that would give a wounded puppy a run for its money. They both hung up and just stared at each other for a moment, Jaskier trying to catch his breath and wishing he’d showered that morning. 
“I won't waste your time,” Geralt finally broke the silence and Jaskier remembered exactly why he’d fallen for him in the first place, “I missed you but I stayed away cause you looked happy. It was miserable.”
“That I was happy?” Jaskier was still staring at Geralt a little dumbfounded, and honestly, he was having a hard time getting past the things he’d told himself to be okay with Geralt practically ghosting him.
Geralt bit his lip shaking his head and frowning like he was having a hard time pulling his words together, “Happy with someone else. Being just your security or just your friend... fucking sucked.”
Jaskier’s mind went completely blank. He just stared at Geralt in shock and somehow managed to breathe despite the way his heart was fluttering.
“I… I’ll go. I’m sorry.” Geralt mumbled, running one hand through his hair and rubbing the back of his neck, “Just… wanted to tell you I guess.” 
“Oh don’t you dare,” Jaskier laughed, grabbing Geralt by the lapels of his stupid sexy leather jacket and pulling him in for a kiss. They practically melted together as Geralt rested his hands on Jaskier’s hips, his fingers digging in and nearly making Jaskier swoon. 
When they finally parted, Geralt smiled, “So you’re not mad at me?”
“Only that you waited so long,” Jaskier giggled, sneaking another quick kiss, “We’ll have to make up for lost time.” 
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