#But content I haven't been making stuff...
schmergo · 19 hours
If I had a podcast-- which I don't think I could ever do because people say I have a strange and off-puttingly untraceable accent and vocal quality that would probably distract from any audio content I'd put out-- but IF I had a podcast, I'd slowly start slipping weird stuff into that boring little stretch in the beginning where the hosts greet one another before talking about that week's content.
Like, I know the audience is only ever half listening to that part anyway. I know I am. I don't really care about if one of the hosts is "wearing a super cute new sweater she got from the TikTok store" or if another one is planning a hiking trip with her fiance. I want to hear about some small Appalachian town's niche cryptid legend or whatever.
So first I'd slowly start slipping in mildly contradicting information to test the waters. "Oh yeah, we're going on a beach trip next month, so I might be recording from this beach house. I'm excited because I haven't been to the beach in years." And slip that in for like 3 months in a row (but not every week) and see if anyone notices.
Then start making up pets. Then change the pet's name. Change it again. Add another pet that I've had since college.
Then briefly reference my nice next door neighbor Brian who watches the pets when I go to the beach house next month.
Change the pet's name again and this time casually mention my daughter. My daughter loves the beach. She's so excited to go to the beach house next month. She's never been to the beach.
Next episode I mention I'm looking for a good petsitter for my upcoming trip. Mine fell through.
Next episode, I just throw in there, "Yeah, I'm just busy stocking up for the beach trip. Sunscreen, new towels, water toys, bug spray, cave sloth spray. Yeah, the beach has a cave sloth problem right now, but they say attacks are really rare."
Next episode (this is a true crime podcast) I mention that this episode hits close to home because there's a missing person case in my neighborhood. My neighbor Brian's daughter went missing. People think the noncustodial parent took her out of state. She's probably safe, but we're all worried about her.
Next episode, I'm leaving for the beach tomorrow. I'm bringing my (only) dog with me. I spent forever cleaning out my car. Took forever getting the bloodstains off the upholstery, you know how it is. How do those even get there?
Next episode I just casually mention, "Spiders don't bother me, but I'm a little squeamish about palmetto bugs. And cave sloths. The thing that creeps me out about them is that when they take you into the pocket dimension in their cave, nobody from your previous life remembers you anymore. Oh, and I don't mind mice, but rats are a big NOPE."
I'd casually refer to myself as a childfree adult in the next episode.
Then I'd talk about how I wish my fellow podcast host could buy the apartment next to me. It's been vacant for years. Nobody has ever lived there since I moved in.
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argisthebulwark · 2 days
This Weight Upon My Shoulders Won't Fade
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summary: How they react to seeing you cry. gn reader, no pronouns or y/n used. feat: Vilkas, Cicero, Miraak, Farkas, Brynjolf, Erandur, Arnbjorn warnings: brief mention of injury, lots of stress masterlist
Vilkas panics. He's terrified that you're hurt and begins searching you for injuries. Hastily, he takes mental notes - no sign of blood, no apparent bruising, perhaps it's internal? You haven't been eating well, it could be causing you pain. He pauses when you sniffle and tell him that you aren't injured it's just been an especially rough week. "What do you need?" He's earnest, prepared to shoulder any task that will make your life easier. "What can I do?" "Just - just sit with me for a bit." He eases into the chair at your side and tugs you onto his lap. Vilkas' heart breaks when you cuddle into him and he feels the quivering of your shoulders, uneven breaths puffed out against his skin. He's content to hold you while you cry, pressing kisses to your head and promising that he will take on all of your duties if you need. He's no stranger to responsibility.
Cicero's soft fingers frame your face and peppers kisses across your sore cheeks. Gentle thumbs swipe at your tears, his voice dripping with compassion when he finally speaks. "My Listener, I vow to kill whoever hurt you. I will hunt them down." Your laugh eggs him on, the sad little smile on your face all the encouragement he needs. "Would that make you feel better? Your loyal Cicero to put someone in the ground for you?" His threats escalate, becoming goofier and more outlandish with each giggle he summons from you. He's deliriously proud of himself when you're laughing through your tears, eyes squeezed shut and thankfully beginning to dry. "Should we go out together? I'm sure there's a contract or two waiting around." Cicero urges, offering you one of his beloved blades. "You already made me feel better." You sigh, a grateful kiss planted on his lips. Cicero's a bit shocked - he made you feel better? "I don't deserve you, my Keeper."
Miraak threatens to burn the world for displeasing you. He sinks to his knees, malice lacing his voice when he demands the name of whoever has dared to harm you. He doesn't bother worrying over any repercussions - his world has narrowed down to the tears brimming in your eyes. "Miraak -" "A name, my love." He softens his tone, terrified by the tears spilling down your cheeks. One scarred hand raises to wipe them away but they do not cease. Miraak's blood runs cold when you collapse into his chest, sobs racking your body. "I will tear it all down." He murmurs, allowing you to burrow into his robes. "I will burn the world for hurting you, my dragon." "Can you just stay here instead?" He's relieved to hear a touch of humor in your voice. "Burning the world down can wait. It's not going anywhere."
Farkas gathers you into his broad chest, one hand rubbing across your back. He knows just how much you've been handling since becoming Harbinger and wishes he could take some of the burden for you. He's witnessed the ways your role has broken you down - dark circles under your eyes after the sleepless nights and cheer in your voice nearly gone after another boring meeting. "So proud of you." He mumbles, allowing you to cry into his tunic. "It's so much." His heart drops at your voice - gods, how he misses the easy way you'd once laughed together. "It's all so much, I don't know how much more I can take." "I'll handle all the recruits." "No, that's not your job -" "It is now. Recruiting and training is mine." Farkas wipes at your messy face, relieved when you nod. "And Vilkas can handle all the stuffy meetings." "I couldn't put that on him." "He'll bitch and moan but he's good at that stuff." He kisses your head once more, resolved to never let it get this far again. "Don't worry, honey. We'll take care of everything."
Brynjolf extends a hand for you, offering to show you somewhere quiet. His footsteps are silent when he leads you down to the docks and clambers atop the fishery. The smell isn't exactly pleasant but he's correct - all that chatter from the market and the Flagon are gone, replaced with the soft lapping of waves against old wood. Nestled far from the rest of town he bundles you into his cloak and kisses the top of your head. Lake Honrich's winds are chilly but his warmth keeps that at bay. "Alright, love." He sighs, one arm slung over your shoulders. "Let's hear it. Get it all out." God, it feels good to get everything off your chest. Brynjolf has no shortage of responsibilities but you've never experienced anything like being the Guild Master. You are constantly pulled in a dozen different directions. Everyone needs your full attention at all times. Tasks and assignments have piled up over the months until you're practically drowning under them. "Y'know, I hear you've got a second in command you could assign the bullshit to." Brynjolf finally speaks once you've spilled your guts. "Fairly competent if my reports are correct. Handsome lad, too."
Erandur is fairly sure his heart breaks at the sight. Careful fingers wipe at the fat tears rolling down your cheeks as sweet words fall from his lips. He's seen you hurt before, certainly - he's carried you for miles after attempting to heal a broken bone or close a terrible wound but this anguish is new. "What can I do, my beloved?" He coos, gathering you into his arms. He can't help it, this compulsion to fix everything for you. "Should I draw you a bath? Or we could retire to bed early this evening, chores can wait until the morning." When he sinks into a warm bath at your side, Erandur's terrified by the clammy hands that clasp his. You are powerful, his fearless savior. He's never seen this bone deep exhaustion in you. "It's all so much." You finally mutter when he massages soap into your tense shoulders. "Being the Dragonborn - it's more than one person can handle." "I will carry whatever burdens you permit me to, my love." He murmurs, glad when your tired eyes fall closed. He will offer you anything he can, even if it is simple comfort.
Arnbjorn freezes. His brain halts at the sight of you storming past his workstation with angry tears shimmering in your eyes. It's been years since he's been this emotionally invested - he's forgotten how to handle this. "Hey." He's shocked by the rage in your eyes when you glare over at him, hands clenched at your sides. "Meeting go badly?" "You cannot imagine." Uh oh, he hasn't heard that tension in your voice in ages. "Wanna hit somethin'?" Your acceptance is quite the relief. He keeps a careful hand on the hilt of his latest sword, ensuring that it remains on the workbench when your hammer slams down on the blade. Over and over the sound of metal rings through the Sanctuary, a convenient cover for the angry sobs that slip past your gritted teeth. The forge has dried your tears before they can fall. Once your arms are numb and muscles feel dangerously limp you turn to him, all that burning rage drained away. Arnbjorn doesn't say a word, merely plucking the tools from your quivering hands and pressing a kiss to your sweaty forehead.
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white-nolse · 1 year
hope you’re doing okay :< i miss seeing you around
Well... This was a bit unexpected to get.
First things first, I am doing ok, thank you for asking! And aweee, that's sweet of you! (⁠*⁠´⁠ω⁠`⁠*⁠)
Still a bit hesitant about coming back here, don't fully feel comfy about that idea (I got too dependent on checking this place and compared myself with mutuals a lot, and we all know that ain't healthy).
I might start slow again, I don't want to fall down that same pit again.
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cringeborg · 9 months
1820s to 1840s Evening Wear - 2 suits
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Two little edits of that one beloved Vampires suit, with three things in common: Wide hips, a slightly higher collar, and the same swatches.
From the 1820s until the mid-1830s, the fashionable silhouette for men's clothing was wide hips, a slender waist and full shoulders. This look was generally achieved through padding, corseting, and most of all, tailoring.
In the latter half of the 1830s, this silhouette began to change. The shoulders became sloped, and a "pigeon-breasted" look became more fashionable. Hips were still just as wide and the waist just as narrow. The 1840s look was, of course, also usually achieved through unnatural means.
Basically: V1 is this 1820s to mid-1830s look, and V2 is the mid-1830s to 1840s look. V1 has puffy sleeves while V2 has sloped shoulders. V2 also has a slightly fuller chest.
Swatch 1-48: Tie and vest in white, suit in many different colors.
Swatch 49-60: Suit in black, tie in white, vest in various colors.
Swatch 61-65: Suit in black, tie in black, vest in a few different colors. These are intended to be mourning swatches.
Both are BGC!
Both have the same 65 swatches
All LODs (except LOD3 which refused to cooperate with me, so it's the LOD3 of the original vampires suit)
Found in the Sets category
Appropriately tagged and disabled for random
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V1 in swatches 1, 12 and 64:
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V2 in swatches 38, 59 and 62:
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raifuujin · 27 days
It's been more than 20 years and for some reason I feel that Gosho hasn't given Kaiao any development, how can more than 20 years pass and Aoko dynamics, relationship and feelings remain the same? At this point I feel like Gosho is just going to make them date because "they already liked each other" they remain in the same status quo
Hey, if we go by DC romance progress, they've been going too fast. We've already had suspicion of identity chapters, and that didn't happen until more than 400 chapters in DC. /j
Since heists have taken over any character development recently, I don't even know if Kaito and Aoko will even get any romantic progress. Maybe the actual identity confrontation will happen down the line, since that's thief drama, but atm, it really wouldn't surprise me if they only ask each other on a real date at the very end of the manga.
Like. I'm sure Gosho would love to make MK a love drama as well, but he writes MK so rarely, and usually as hype for something Kid related in other media. So the MK stories tend to be heavy on drama that can only take place at Kid heists. (To the point that the new chapters just. Use Kid as the plot device to show off a new character. Even Hakuba's never gotten so much 'look at this character being a detective' treatment in MK.)
-sighs- I just feel bad for MK as a series at this point. I like the characters, I like the general story idea, but. It's been going down a very steep hill with Gosho wanting things exciting, but not wanting any real progress in. Anything. But unlike old MK, the new stories aren't even nice standalone setpieces of story, they're... mundane. They could be high stakes, if you purely look at the scenarios on paper, but. We all know nothing's gonna happen to Kid. Nothing even happens to him when the actual bad guys show up, much less one-time antagonists.
We need actual character focus and development, not heist drama. Badly. Not even romance, though that'd be a nice change. Just any character expansion of our limited cast of characters. Gosho wants big, all the time, meaningless big stuff, when small would be so nice.
#And also he probably won't care to expand on KaiAo when he knows it's already canon#Like; not in the same way that ShinRan is canon endgame and he just needed to write it out#But in a 'I said these two were dating in another manga; they will exist even if I haven't written it'#And his story atm does feel like it could be left off with an ambiguous note on if they're together or not#And then just leave them dating in Yaiba for people who care about confirmation#MK is not in a stable enough state; I really don't know what he's planning with anything#And it's been so. -gestures to all the 'meaningless big stuff'- lately#I don't know if it'll ever get any shift in focus in the future#We barely get anything; all we have now is a new character people are divided about#And the tiniest continuity of Aoko thinking to herself that Kid is teasing her by reminding her of Kaito#Like; part of the problem is continuity as well; at least if Gosho wants to stick with DC-ish MK#MK has all the potential for callbacks or returning characters that could be interesting#But none of the potential that fans enjoy is ever /used/#We got all our KaiAo up front. We have suspicion arcs where it's barely mentioned that Kaito's proven his innocence in the past#They could go back to the amusement park and Aoko could mention the movie and Kaito can be sweating#Because he never saw the movie; that's then he peaced out to go heisting#There's so much. Gosho's good at adding potential to his story#But everything he comes up with to make canon ends up disappointing because he never fully uses any of it#He just adds more and more elements that go nowhere#MK is a mess that gets more and more fun to play around in; but the actual chapters are. Bad#Which might be for a reason similar to DC of we wait so long and get something extremely meh#Except instead of the months between DC cases; it's years for MK; and DC fans complain the entire time#So when MK fans are fed crumbs of... anything. It's just not as enjoyable as new content should be#(I got rambly in tags; sorry ;._. )
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moonlit-tia · 4 months
I'm genuinely surprised by how little dawnbreaker content there is
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hauntedorpheum · 2 months
haven't watched the whole video but this Watcher stuff seems like a bad idea...
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krash-and-co · 9 months
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brine-in-my-eyes · 8 months
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Yeah it's a McRebs comic sprinkled with Charles Rebelivin lore (Fifi is the name of his mom who had died during her service)
I think it looks good tbh. just dunno if im in the mood to fibish it 😭😭😭😭😭
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why does everything have to be a hecking issue with my sister
#she keeps getting on my case about the Theatre Boy thing which I would just like to hecking leave in the past#she keeps getting on my case bc I wear short shorts and spaghetti strap tank tops AROUND THE HOUSE AS LOUNGE CLOTHES#she's like DO YOU EVEN CARE ABOUT MODESTY and I'm like YOU WALK AROUND IN SHORTS AND A SPORTS BRA ALL THE TIME#(possibly bc I thought I could get away with wearing lounge clothes with a long shawl thing overtop the other day to worship practice#but I did in fact change my trousers after my mama pointed out that it wasn't super modest)#she keeps making comments about how I do inappropriate stuff on my phone bc I... watch one(1) sitcom?????#shows like that are IRREVERENT AS HECK like come on of course I'm not going to be totally open with my kid sister about them#I am an ADULT I can make my own choices about what content I will put up with in media#I can make my own choices about clothing if I think my mom's idea of ''anything more than an inch above the knee#is immodest'' is silly and restrictive for my body shape and comfort level personally#like... why does she have to act so high and mighty around me? she's in MIDDLE SCHOOL and I know I haven't always been the nicest to her#but I'm making the effort. I'm trying to get along with her and what I get is disdain on the daily in return :/#our mom said it's probably bc she was hoping I wouldn't move back in so she'd have our room to herself and now she's mad#that I'm back bc she has to share a space again and like I KNOW middle school ages SUCK I've BEEN THERE#but still I just. want to get along. but she picks on me and then I get frustrated and then I snap at her and it just doesn't end well#it's a nasty cycle tbh. I'm praying about it.#Lu rambles#personal#delete later
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ikosburneraccount · 1 year
thinking back to my tlc posts in 2015-16 i was soooooo valid for calling kai “emperor foot fetish.” like i genuinely thought i was being dramatic or dragging tf out of the foot jokes but no. even in retrospect kai is still unhinged for hoarding her foot like he is no less insane than i remember him being like 7 (BARF) years ago 
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justtasia · 7 months
I feel a huge need to show them soooo welcome in my unboxing/showing off bad financial choices post~! <3
At first photo there's my new purchases, the second shows how it fits into my full DL merch collection:
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I'm really happy that now each of my top 5 diaboys (except Shu, but he has some kind of CD cancellation curse that doesn't let me get any) has at least two CDs related to them.
In the case of More, More Blood, I bought the deluxe version, so if you are curious what it looks like from the inside, I put the rest under the cut ⬇️⬇️⬇️
The first thing I noticed about these boxes is that they differ in more than just the covers!
The sand in the hourglass is flowing more and more with each volume. In the case of my dramas it's a little ragged, but with the full collection (or at least less extreme numbers compared) it definitely looks great. Also in place where the box opens there's small family crest which is really nice detail too!
But we're all here for the contents, not just to look at a foil-wrapped box (btw I can't imagine how people can keep this things in their original obi for years. I don't have as much control over my curiosity) so here we go:
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As you can see, there are two CDs: the first with the main drama, the second with the ~10-15 minute bonus "Another Story", a tin badge and an illustration card. This card has also a diaboy comment/short description related to the plot of the CD on it's back. (For me the concept is a bit similar to Daylight's "message from vampire", but I feel like those things are more like cool teaser when daylight lettrers are good to read after listening to daylight to make you cry even more)
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perseidipity · 8 months
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Hello I am alive. I haven't really drawn much since August due to BG3 brainrot (and this month I've been learning how to mod the game) but this morning my brain decided I wasn't allowed to look at computer screens so I did a little sketch of Shel. She was originally supposed to be like a miniboss for a friend's campaign but it never happened so I ended up making her in BG3.
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tvrningout-a · 10 months
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so!! a little housekeeping is in order!!
i'm gonna be here kinda off and on bc i'm going to work on school stuff! and bc my inspiration's been decent, i might reblog a lil spicy meme over on @tvrningon and something fluffy here, though ofc you're free to send in any meme i've reblogged in the past <3 i also have an inbox call that i'll probably work on sometime later today!
and just to kinda share where my head's at, my muse for kny hasn't been very high lately, so i'm thinking of changing my muse list in a way that reflects that. i just!! haven't figured out how exactly. i might categorize the lists by fandom and then by primary, secondary, and tertiary/request. i just want to show that my focus is on chiyo/modern muses, fantasy, and even s.piderverse stuff atm but without shoving all my other muses off the list or into the request category. i can definitely still write everybody!! the muse just isn't there like it used to be.
this doesn't affect many people here, but i may also edit chiyo's bio to make her fandomless again; i just don't interact with hq!! muses very often anymore, and her story isn't one that necessarily needs to be connected to hq!! to work.
i apologize if any of this disappoints anybody btw! i know this blog used to be very kny-centered, and a lot of people followed me for that originally. but i need to do what's going to make being here fun for me, which means changing things. if you need to soft/hardblock me, there's no hard feelings, and i wish you the best <3
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13eyond13 · 8 months
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squish--squash · 5 months
I think it would be interesting if there was like, a documentary or smth like a deep dive focused on the phenomenon I like to dub the "monkey's paw" of the internet which is where a content creator quickly rises to fame/quickly becomes popular but are then pitted against so much slander, controversies, hate, and/or discourse that it either ruins that person's content creating career or damages it to a degree that will never be fixed
because it keeps happening. over and over I've seen content creators suddenly rise out of the depths and gain masses of followers only for it to topple like a poorly-played jenga tower only a few years later due to controversies and hate. meanwhile, other content creators build a following in a slow, steady way where while they might not be that known, the people who do know them support them wholeheartedly.
And I want to know WHY this keeps happening. I have a lot of theories on this (jealousy of success breeding extreme hate, sudden fame clouding judgement and leading to poor decisions, the lack of trust the apprehension more and more people are having towards newer famous people nowadays, etc) but it would be nice to once day get more than just these theories on why this keeps happening, and if this "trend" will ever stop or just get worse as time progresses
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