#But if the conclusion that leads you to is 'so don't vote at all' then i think you're ignoring some options
horizon-penblade · 5 months
ok maybe they're the same amount of usefulness in terms of harm reduction or whatever but if nothing else, I have infinitely more respect for people who are planning to vote third-party or write-in than those who are trying to... make a statement by not voting? Like the only statement you're making with that is that you don't care anymore. Voting for a third party candidate at least says that you're voting against both options.
I'm not saying this in a 'voting third party is the way to go' sense, I'm just saying that if you're going to throw away your sway in who wins to make a point anyway, there's an option that actually communicates your point and it sure as heck isn't refusing to vote.
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hiveswap · 8 months
Summary of The Cat of The Year poll atrocities of 2023/2024
I'm sure that most people on this side of tumblr have seen the Jellie vs. Nefarious Anglerfish poll going around with like 60k votes at this point, and I'd really like clear up some of what happened since I was around for the whole thing.
Url blocked out for op's privacy. They have already left but don't look for it if you haven't seen it/don't harrass them if you already have.
1. The previous round (preparation)
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I discovered the poll in its previous round, needless to say she beat Jort's ass severely. This was around the 3rd of january, meaning that this round finished before jellie's passing with only about 7k votes. Op did add their own piece of propaganda from their main:
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...which was FINE. (except for stuff we'll see later) Of course running a poll while biased isn't ideal but I for one didn't even know they were the op until much later. I also added my own piece in a separate thread, and they didn't interact with it at all. There was no drama.
2. The Finale
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Jellie unfortunately passed away right before the starting of this poll, which was the catalyst for what happened next. Op did exactly as last time and added a slightly more mean spirited encouragement to vote for the other contestant. This is the point where I believe that i fucked up personally.
I added this thinkpiece accusing op of associating all mcyters with Dream (who we all hate for the record) despite them not alluding to him at all. This is because tumblr has a history of disimissing all mcyters as... everything that dream was been accused of. Op did allude to not caring for mcyt. but they didn't say what i accused them of. This is important to point out because this reblog of mine is still being spread. Jellie was in the lead at the time, but not by the time i woke up next morning.
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I won't be including anyone else's additions because I don't want to put blame on any specific person. Just felt like clearing up mine.
3. The Fuckening
Some time later op made this post to their personal blog:
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which is insanely shitty because, as other people have pointed out, the "lame ass youtube cat" didn't die to inconvinience op or ruin their fun, and people would have probably voted for her anyway because jelly is universally beloved in the mcyt community. This isn't anti democratic. This post was added to the poll with a caption saying op should not be running this poll, and it took off. Op later went on to say that this was a joke:
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This apology was not taken well by people, (including me) because "you were not meant to see it" isn't an apology and they still very much made fun of someone's pet dying. Safe to say this did not make the drama stop and only added fuel to the flame. I believe this was the point where the conversation of mcyt fans being unjustly sent hate to was reignited.
We should discuss that! it's a real thing that happens often and is equal to childish bullying. However, in this case, OP was the only one getting sent hate to my knowledge. The notes were mostly saturated by mcyt fans, and even now i can only find one or two hateful stance towards us under the whole 20k notes post.
4. Conclusions
Op posted a second apology to the catoftheyear blog to try and calm people down (i believe this is comprehensive and a lot better than the previous one) The blog was deactivated shortly after, so i only have my phone screenshots of it that i also added to the poll itself at some point:
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(Edit) Here's proof that op did not write the justification they got criticised for, from the notes of the original poll:
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This apology didn't get seen, or get accepted by enough people, so op made this statement on their personal:
Needless to say I am deeply dissapointed (and guilty) that it's come to this. Yes, op said tasteless things that made us all angry, but telling a human being to commit suicide is worse than being insensitive about a stranger's pet dying. Even after I posted about the blog being decatived i had someone come into my notes to wish that "they never find happiness" i mean wtf. This isn't like shipping where we can do whatever without the content creator's input. this is fucking harrowing and i can't imagine how i'd feel if this was done in my/my pet's name especially after losing them as recently as a week ago.
I hope no one from hermitcraft who is on here (let alone scar holy shit) learns about this like they did with previous lighthearted tournaments. If you truly respect the creators you claim to be a fan of as people, you do not tell people to kill themselves over them. And finally, let Jellie fucking rest, guys. she had a long, good life. I hope op can come back and also avoids behaving like this if they ever wish to do so. I'm angrier at mcytblr, though.
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max1461 · 8 months
I've said this before, but: many political discussions are heavily informed by who the person speaking identifies as the relevant agent in some situation. For instance, consider this dialogue:
Person 1: The US needs to institute policy X.
Person 2: That's impossible, all the Republicans in congress would just vote against it. What we really need is for the Democrats to push for policy Y, which they might be able to get bipartisan agreement on.
Person 3: That's not possible either, the Democrats are too beholden to corporate interests to support policy Y. What we really need is for the president to institute executive order Z.
Person 2: Oh come on, the president would never issue execute order Z, policy Y is much more feasible than that.
And so on and so forth ad nauseam.
I don't think these people are really arguing about politics, and I don't know if they even have any substantive disagreement with each other.
In general, when people talk about "what should be done", they are always implicitly thinking of some agent, they are speaking of "what should be done by someone". And of course when we speak about different agents, we will come to different conclusions about what they should do. This is not least because different agents have different options in front of them. For instance, if you were to give me suggestions about what I could do to make the world better, they would probably not be the same as the suggestions you would give to Bill Gates about what he could do to make the world better, or the suggestions you would give to Vladimir Putin.
Normative claims presuppose an agent, and the content of normative claims will vary by the agent that is supposed. It would be useless to suggest to me "end the war in Ukraine", or to suggest to Putin "be more selective about the discourse posts you reblog", or whatever.
The problem is that when we are discussing politics, there are many different agents that we can identify with and whose behavior we can present normative claims about, and we often do not specify which one we are referring to. Furthermore, political agents can be institutions instead of just individuals, making possible the existence of sub-agents with varying agendas, and so on. Individuals might conceivably be modeled as having these too, but that's a philosophical can of worms I won't open.
Anyway, this imprecision about what agents we are prescribing actions to leads to scenarios like the discourse above, where people who substantively disagree about very little might argue vociferously against each other because in truth they are prescribing behavior for different agents altogether. Person 1 is prescribing behavior for the US government as a whole, Person 2 for the Democratic party, and Person 3 for the president. They only disagree in that each imagines the other's agent as an object of nature governed by mechanistic processes and their own agent as possessing (practically speaking) free will. None of them are really per se correct or incorrect, I don't think.
My suggested solution to this is: specify clearly the agent you are referring to, and admit that for normative discussion to make sense at all you must model that agent as "being able to choose its action" even if deeper analysis of its internal processes reveals it to in fact be deterministic. When in doubt, recall that the only agent whose actions you can really chose (if you can choose any actions at all) are your own, and thus in a certain sense any discussion of what an agent other than you yourself should do is idle philosophizing.
Ethics (I claim) are in and of themselves only a system for selecting your own actions; their use in evaluating the actions of others is secondary at best.
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Autism Rizz Tournament
Rizz: Originally short for "Charisma", Rizz (for this tournament, at least) refers to the appeal, charm or general "ability to pull" a character has, either romantically and/or sexually. (The character doesn't necessarily need to be attracted to anyone to have rizz. If they can make others fall for them, it counts)
How to vote
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Candace Flynn (Phineas and Ferb)
that girl is so autistic special interests include ducky momo and busting her brothers, the latter to the point where it impacts her day to day life with her friends because she's so fixated on it (we've all been there right.) Also jeremy is so down bad for her even though (possibly because) she's a little weird and off putting and he's SO sweet and he loves her so much so CLEARLY she has the rizz
Garnet (Steven Universe)
She is rizz personified. She managed to rizz Jamie up without even trying and then rejected him in the most autistic way ever. she has so many emotions but looks like ":l" most of the time. she thinks she knows what to do most of the time and gets really nervous when she doesn't "sorry, playing with swords. oh no, they are bleeding. they are dead. don't call again. sorry, I got nervous :/" She also tends to be really direct even when telling jokes ("danger is my middle name") "that's a lie. ....... your middle name is cutiepie", "all comedy is derived from fear." "I am much older than you."
Chiaki Nanami (Super Danganronpa 2)
the first thing that comes to mind is her tendency to speak in uncertain terms more often than other people (like following up a statement that she's mostly -- but not entirely -- certain in with "i think", as an example). It's probably a combination of literalmindedness and wanting to avoid miscommunication while also not wanting to spend too much energy finding the absolute perfect wording, since she's also noted to take time articulating responses to things sometimes, another thing which points to the idea that she takes some effort to avoid miscommunications. she usually speaks in a pretty subdued tone (probably for the same reason), but she also gets quite blunt on occasion, usually when in a stressful or otherwise chaotic situation. the least spoilery example i can think of is when she bluntly tells nagito to be quiet during the first trial, because basically everything he said by that point was causing widespread confusion and psychic damage to the other students. Also she is the Ultimate Gamer. danganronpa's ultimate talents in general tend to easily read as special interests for the characters who possess them and chiaki is no exception. something else that's notable is that the one video game genre she isn't good with is the dating sim genre. last point: facial expressions! this could be chalked up to her being kinda sleepy all the time, but almost all the facial expressions in her sprites are pretty close to a flat neutral, which is notable for a visual element designed to communicate a character's emotion. she does still express emotion with her face, but it's to a noticeably lesser extent than the other characters in the game. also to give some backup to the rizz part as well, the protagonist especially likes her in a way that i assume is intended to be romantic, though i also remember it being somewhat vague, but either way his affection for her leads to the established rules of the plot being broken in a narratively satisfying way in order for him to talk to her during the conclusion of the game, which leads him to have hope that everything will turn out okay in the end.
Reagan Ridley (Inside job)
No propaganda
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mclalegria · 5 months
Hello! 🧡 Do you remember the form I asked you to fill out a few weeks ago? Here are the stats.
If you haven't seen it I added the link at the bottom of this post and if you haven't voted yet you still can. The form will stay open for future players. I was supposed to update a few days ago, but I started the All for the Game series and couldn't focus on anything else lol still can't if I'm being completely honest but let's get into this!
Bare with me that, although I decided to do this, I'm as dense as they come and I'm not good with analytical stuff lol That aside more undercut 'cause this is going to be long.
Overall Jason is a hot favourite on most routes, followed by Thomas. Amanda, Roy and Devon's order differs a bit based on the old crushes.
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Based on the votes, Nate's proved what I was curious about straight away. Most people will indeed play the same route again, in this case Jason's.
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Same goes for Castiel's with the exception that people seem to be interested in at least two new crushes instead of only one: Thomas and Jason.
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Lysander's is honestly the most versatile and for this reason I don't think my reasoning works. Here, all the ng crushes are showered with love but, for the time being, Thomas, Roy and Amanda seem to lead.
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Armin is fairly similar to Cas' with Thomas and Jason on top. Despite a considerable gap there's another similarity between the two, Devon seems to be the 3rd favourite.
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People who played Priya's route seem to fancy Amanda more, kinda followed by Thomas and Jason.
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People that were on Rayan's route seem to mostly like Jason. Slightly behind are Devon and Roy.
Lastly, there aren't many votes for Kentin, Hyun and Eric so I don't have much to say about them, but you can still look at the graphs.
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So in conclusion yup, I think there's a pattern, particularly in Nate, Cas and Armin's routes.
Link to the form -> https://forms.gle/zcvBTnpX8LrY6cYYA
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lampochkaart · 1 year
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Little analysis⬇️
I don't think we talk enough about how manipulative Kirumi can be. When she was considered the main suspect, she began to lie, emphasizing that she always valued the needs of others more than her own. This is partly true, but in that situation she was not caring about THEM, but about other people. And in order to remove suspicion from herself (and make everyone vote incorrectly), she used any methods. She even tried to evoke pity by crying. But the dirtiest method she used was that she used Kaede's wish to convince them that she would never try to deceive them. She knew that this wish became a symbol of hope for the group, she knew that Kaede was very important to Shuichi, she knew that it was still very difficult for him to reveal the truth. But she used it to her advantage.
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When she was found out and already chosen as the killer, Kirumi tried to force everyone to fight Monokuma for her (which would inevitably lead to someone's death), causing everyone to feel guilty towards the entire country for which she was responsible. And it almost worked.
But Kaito brought everyone to their senses with his speech that there is no such thing as the “price of life.” They can't just give their lives because "it's would be better that way". Their lives matter. " Life's purpose is to be lived". He firmly stated that he wanted to live, which was actually a very brave act, because people could've called him an egoist for putting his life before the lives of an entire nation. However, he was supported by... Kokichi. He brought the group's attention to what Kirumi was actually trying to do. He revealed that she planned to use them to escape. And she confirmed that he was right with her words.
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Also how different her behavior was before this from how aggressive she becomes when she sees that her tactics didn't work (and at a couple of other points during the class trial when she was just starting to get accused).
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I'm NOT trying to make her out to be a villain and say she's bad. But I don't like how this imperfect side of her character is often ignored. She is often positioned only as a selfless servant, which in my opinion is wrong. I DO NOT deny her selfless devotion, but I believe that the trial brought out another side of her. She really wanted to survive. She really wanted to get out. I believe that one of the reasons of her breakdown was due to the fact that she broke under the pressure of all the responsibility that was placed on her.
In the official manga, Kiyo analogizes their situation to a tradition called "jincan", where many poisonous insects are sealed in a jar and they begin to devour each other until only one insect remains. Kirumi reasons with him that if any being sees a chance to get out of the hell they are locked in, they will do anything to achieve this goal.
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I love how Danganronpa often defies obvious expectations. Like, you expect Kirumi to become a killer because someone will use her and she won't be able to refuse because of her desire to serve. But in reality, she almost sacrificed the lives of the entire group in order to get out herself.
In conclusion, I think it is important to recognize Kirumi not only as a obedient Ultimate Servant, but also as a girl who desperately wants to live, who is ready to do ANYTHING to get out. She is ready to go to great lengths if necessary to achieve this goal.
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Many of Kirumi's moments have a theme of surviving no matter what: her behavior at the Class Trial (the fact that she initially tried to frame Himiko, who can not stand up for herself), her manipulation at the end of the trial, her breakdown before her execution, execution itself, where she tries to escape so desperately that she climbs up a thorny vine through a tunnel, not stopping even when circular saws appear from the walls (her escape attempt was clearly part of the execution, Monokuma knew what she will try to do and made sure to cause her as much despair as possible, giving her hope of getting out).
She wanted to get out not only to continue to serve, but also because she just wanted to survive. She wanted to do something not only for the sake of others, but also for her own sake. Perhaps for the first time in her life.
I love seeing complex characters who have many sides and flaws. So I find it strange to see that sometimes Kirumi is only described as a obedient servant. She is so much more than that. This is exactly what I love about Kirumi, what makes her so interesting.
Uh, hey. I just wanted to ask if you would be intrested in seeing here more of my drv3 analysis (spoiler: most of them are ch 5 related). And if you are, should i make drawings to accompany them (like in the beginning of this post) or just post them as they are
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crowandmousewritingco · 2 months
The Fill House Questionnaire
This was inspired from The Real World Challenge by @carusolikey. We had a blast coming up with headcannons for this! And there might even be some fanfics in the wings with these scenarios. For the town we decided on Fort Wayne, IN.
For this, we have chosen the following characters:
Frankie Morales
Din Djarin
Oberyn Martell
Joel Miller
Dieter Bravo
Dio Morrissey
Which character is most likely to do the dishes/leave the dishes?
Frankie is definitely the one to do the dishes because he is the mom of the group. He just wants to be a domesticated little man. On the other hand, Dio is just pissed at the world and couldn't care less about the dishes.
Which character is most likely to bring home a date and disturb everybody with late-night antics?
Oberyn and Dieter- they are canonically whores so you know they are bringing someone home almost every night. Everyone would be annoyed except for Ezra cause you know he is joining Oberyn and his date.
Which character is most likely to leave passive aggressive roommate notes?
Ezra- He would indirectly insult you by using big words. So you really don't understand what he was even asking you in the first place.
Which character is most likely to lead "House Meetings" in a democratic fashion?
Din- Out of all of them he seems the most democratic and listens to everyone's opinions which leads him to the conclusions that would best suit the house.
Which character is most likely to get voted out and replaced halfway through the season?
Dieter- That man is a literal trainwreck so he's probably burnt half the house and made his bedroom have a permanent weed smell. In all honestly he probably accidentally voted himself out.
Which character is most likely to secretly have a crush on another character?
Dio- He wouldn't want to admit to it cause it would make him look weak. He developed a crush on Joel soon after moving in and he's been avoiding his feelings ever since.
Which characters are most likely to (not-so) secretly hook up?
Oberyn, Ezra and Dieter- Somehow Ezra would blurt out that he would want a threesome because this man can't handle silence nor can he keep his mouth shut. All the chagrin of the rest of the household.
Which characters are most likely to still be married 20 years from now?
Joel and Frankie- They're both traumatized old cowboys who just want a quiet life on their ranch. Instead that these fuckers.
What do all of the characters have in common that they enjoy doing?
Drinking! They have at least one night a week where they have one too many drinks and it turns into a spin the bottle (Dieter's idea)
What are the weird quirks of each character, and do any of those quirks get on the nerves of any of the other roommates or do they benefit the house?
Dieter- Weirdly clean but only his areas. He's never cleaning the public areas.
Din- This man put on full concerts in the shower which is odd since he's usually quiet. But by god does sound really good. Only downside is that he spends ages in the shower.
Dio- Really good at sewing because of his goth outfits. The other boys give him clothes to mend. He'll put up a fuss, but he secretly loves it.
Ezra- Does the daily New York Times crossword every day. He likes puzzles in general and he will do them until they're finished. But don't interrupt him during his puzzle time.
Frankie- Loves to garden. He has veggie patches in the backyard which means that the summers are filled with so many fresh veggies and bees.
Joel- Forces family time with the whole house which means weekend hikes at the local nature trails. He might have to purchase leashes after the incident where Dieter got lost for three days.
Oberyn- Does drag (his drag name is The Red Viper) which he makes Dio do the tailoring. He invites the house to his drag nights.
What do the characters love about where they live?
It's quiet with a lot of things to do, and the rent is cheap. Plus it's close to Michigan if you know what I mean.
Pedro Characters Taglist
@littlemisspascal @burntheedges
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danwhobrowses · 10 months
One Piece Chapter 1099 - Initial Thoughts
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And we're back
After a week break it's time to see if One Piece will take the lead in emotionally devastating me for this week, given how other things are leaving me on 3 week breaks of ship-based anxiety, not that you could tell of course I've kept it sooooo well-hidden
Anyways, it's time for more One Piece and so, more Kuma backstory, let's see where we go from here
Spoilers for the Chapter, Support the Official Release also
Oden cover this time, Tanukis are giving him a makeover
We pick up where we left off two weeks ago, King Becori has returned and has been burning down the south
Kuma though is fighting through the fire to save people
Becori got the idea from the Goa Kingdom fire, figures
The people though are a lot more resistant to the act than the Goa Nobles were, so Becori orders a few to be killed to silence the mob
Kuma is here and he is fucking pissed
The church is being used as a shelter, as Bonney worries for her dad
Despite Becori's threats, Kuma lays out the entire castle, the One Man Revolution of Sorbet
News travels to Marejois about a new king in Sorbet, as Saturn learns that the people voted Kuma to rule
Kuma though says he's just a figurehead, since a previous king, Bulldog, is actually running the country
A much more adult looking Bonney is running laps in the church though, surprising everyone in how much she looks like Ginny
Seems she somehow ate a Devil Fruit, but also wasn't aware of it, since her aging up was unintentional and she was just trying to up her stamina
As the others try to see how much control Bonney has over the fruit, King Bulldog arrives at the church
Hey it's that old version of Bonney she used in the Reverie, but also Bonney here...
Turns out Queen Dowager Conney was an actual person, explains some things at least in how she made it to the Reverie in that disguise
Kuma yelling at Conney at the back thinking it's Bonney XD
Conney is Bulldog's mother, and Bulldog as Kuma's advisor has come with news
Becori's still about, running a smear campaign on Kuma, thus the moniker of 'The Tyrant'
The propaganda means he's still backed by the World Government, and thus it's only a matter of time until they come back to finish the job
Wanting to protect Sorbet, Kuma leaves it in Bulldog's hands, and goes out to confront Becori again at sea, this also means Bulldog and Conney will take care of Bonney in the meantime
'But I'll be so lonely' welp that's another knife in my riddled heart right now
Alas, Kuma does confront Becori, sitting pretty on a Navy ship and accusing Kuma of usurping him and being a corrupt dictator
Kuma sunk the armada, which got him a bounty (Carrot meanwhile sinks a bunch of Yonko ships and doesn't even get one bounty...yes I'm still sore about it the anime did not help validate her conclusion in Wano)
'He was a hero' 'I don't care, he was my dad first' - Oda please my heart doesn't have room for all these knives
Bonney also wants to be a pirate when she's 10 and cured
Kuma journeys out for info on Sapphire Scales, traveling to all the places he sent the Straw Hats to
He first goes to Chopper's island, since they had vast medical information
Then to Mihawk's island, doesn't look too occupied back then
Oh hey it's those Grand Fleet guys, Jeet and Abdullah
The bounty hunters of course fail in trying to claim Kuma, this was very pre-Dressrosa
Vegapunk's old home is next but they don't have answers
Tequila Wolf is sailed past again (Kuma and Oden have now sailed past it), I don't know what the next one is but it looked like Kuma helped it out, maybe it was Brook's island?
Then Weatheria (Nami's island) and the Boin Archipelago (Usopp's island) with Heracles'n
The stress is creeping up on Kuma though, dead ends and Bonney's 10th birthday is getting closer
Now that's a draconic ship there
The Revolutionaries have found Kuma, Morley has joined and Betty is still looking way different to how she does now
Dragon has a drink with his old Comrade, Ivankov and Inazuma are in Impel Down at this point, but despite all the news around Kuma he doesn't listen to media
Betty also gets Kuma's blessing to lead the Eastern Forces, since Dragon wouldn't allow anyone to take Ginny's position without it
Sabo and Koala also wanted to see Kuma, if only Dragon showed this much pride in his biological child
But he does give Kuma some intel, Vegapunk is moving labs and security is lax, good time for an audience
I think the move is implied to be the Punk Hazard incident too
Kuma is more than willing to rejoin the Revolutionaries once Bonney is cured, and Dragon is more than willing to welcome him back
Back at Sorbet, Bonney is learning how to fight, the scales are still spreading slowly though
Kuma takes Bonney to Navy Science Division Lab 08, which will later be where Egghead Island is, telling her it's a check-up
Got a little box for her like Nezuko
Everyone's surprised about how weird looking the other is
Vegapunk CAN cure Bonney, so clone theory might be done now
Bonney is playing with Sentomaru at this moment so she's not privy to the conversation
Stem Cell Treatment will be the method, real life solutions being thrown in there
The price is exorbitant though, equivalent to building a cyborg
Vegapunk also learns that Kuma's a buccaneer, even though his association with the WG would make that dangerous information
Vegapunk can't explain why Buccaneer blood is special, but he'd like more of it to clone him
Kuma is of course concerned about the idea of clone soldiers, but with Vegapunk using it as a form of payment he's more than willing to do it
Vegapunk hoped at least that the clone army's ability to deflect bullets and shoot lasers would scare evil pirates into submission, having watched Oppenheimer I think the sentiment is meant to be similar
But Kuma does like the idea of robots bearing his likeness protecting the innocent
Saturn meanwhile though has other intentions for them 'a weapon's worth is defined by how many it kills'
The bots are named Pacifista after Kuma's proclaiming himself a pacifist, two men looking to do some good without the hindsight of what damage they will wrought
This was a steady chapter really, could've been a lot more devastating for sure.
We've slowly built up again to all the stuff leading to Kuma's affiliation with Vegapunk, as well as his brief run as a pirate. Much like Corazon it seems most of his travels were fuelled by trying to find a cure for Bonney. A lot of blasts from the pasts this chapter too, though I suppose it makes sense that Kuma visited the places he sent the Straw Hats to, given how them being sent there was tailored for their skills or what they needed to improve on.
The Bonney Clone theory is likely dead, but I still can't put it past Oda to pull the rug, especially for Chapter 1100 - Oda and round numbers after all.
But yeah, it seems a brief alleviation for the moment, before it likely goes to hell again...
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joyswonderland1108 · 1 year
This is for so-called OT7 Army
A gentle reminder that if you preach about being OT7 but refuse to vote for or support a member simply because of their solos, then kindly remove that lil 7 you dickhead.
Your hatred to solos should not be the decision maker for you because at the end of the day it is hurting the artist that you apparently love too.
You are free to root for whoever you want simply because they are your bias, you prefer them, you love them more, but using a lame ass excuse such as "I can't give akgaes the satisfaction of their fav reaching the top so i'll stay stubborn and support my fav or anyone that isn't their fav really"
Now please tell me how are those cunts who think like this even considered OT7?
Did i know beforehand that the same energy won't be returned if Jimin was to move to second place? YES VERY. I did mention it in a comment that if Jimin was to ever be in second place they would say "A lot of people didn't like the previous decision therefore vote for whoever you want". Also, If Jimin or JK were already in second place to begin with, tweets asking to focus on either one of them from supposed OT7 accounts wouldn't even exist.
When i tell you that my boys only have their solos and their OT7 stans to back them up and stand up for them, i'm not even joking.
I did see some other members stans who spoke up about this whole bullshit too so i would really like to thank them for reasoning with logic.
Some people wanted to get smart and qt or comment with SS from polls where "Army" voted the most for the option where they should just vote for the member who is leading in a category, but let me tell you why this is stupid.
First of all, you are dealing with a toxic ass fandom this should've already been the first red flag.
Second of all, this is just Twitter we are talking about, just a stan account(s), not some official page, not some official announcement that made it to the news. Many people don't follow everyone, many people are not as active on Twitter as other people, many people were just not on Twitter for some days, many people aren't even on Twitter, many people simply didn't vote.
Third of all, how do you even know if the votes are legit or not? Just because you seem like a nice person online how would i know if you didn't encourage your friends to vote for a certain category? How do i know if some people don't have 10 Twitter accounts they vote from for the same category.
Which leads me to the conclusion that making a decision based off of a fuckass poll in a social media platform is the most unreliable, most drama started shit ever. This is a HUGE fandom, but i'll take the numbers i used as an example with my friends: Let's take a group of 100 000 people, you made a poll for them, only 1000 of them got to vote on that poll before the timer comes to an end and the result of that poll is out. Tell me how on earth is 1000 people voting a reliable way to make a decision for the other 99 000 people?
Seriously, i hate how after all that these accounts start a victim fest the whole "I'm trying my best" and all the cries. Trying your best and avoiding tricky situations are two different things. Starting something knowing damn well whatever the result of it is will create drama later is absolutely unwise, don't just dive into doing something that you can't manage, if you can't manage a fandom with millions of people in it then please stop jumping on shit thinking you're doing a favor for everyone, you're just creating even more division and getting members even more hate.
For fuck's sake is it that hard for people to sit down and think carefully about shit before starting fires? Literally a whole useless ass drama when they could've just shut the fuck up.
Don't even tell me to vote for Jimin or for JK if they were the ones leading if you are NOT a Jimin or JK focused account because then even if one or the other is leading, saying it like that is still unfair to other members, unfair to other member's stans, unfair to people who never even agreed to a stupid poll or those who never even knew it existed.
Again. we are not blind, we see how shit unfolds and we (when i see we i don't mean solos) adapt to the situation, you don't need to fucking mention it, just stop creating chaos, stop creating division. We need a fandom cleanse, not more drama and more wars ffs.
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whumpster-fire · 9 months
25 Exciting Phrases to Spice Up Your Next Business e-Mail
1: "Dear Motherfucker,"
2: "To whom it may concern, as well as the entire company directory who I am cc'ing because none of you care about my time so I don't care about yours,"
3: If you'd like to know why I am sending this e-mail, please consider reading it for fucking once."
4: "If I do not see conclusive evidence of your head being out of your ass in the next 3-5 business days, I will remove it from your shoulders."
5: "Please attach a current headshot and resume: the latter so I can laugh at your alleged qualifications, the former so I can print it out and put it on a dartboard as advised by HR's Anger Management Seminar"
6: "Due to the considerable destructive forces at my command,"
7: "Cc'ing The Pope on this one to keep him in the loop since the magnitude of this clusterfuck is nothing short of Biblical,"
8: "This is the fourth e-mail I have sent asking you to do your goddamn job. The fifth will be attached to a brick hurled through your office window. You do not want to know what the sixth will be, so get your shit together ASAP please."
9: "Please keep in mind that refraining from inappropriate use of the Reply All button is the only thing separating us from descending into complete Lord Of the Flies anarchy."
10: "All, please review the selection of Dilbert cartoons attached below and reflect on how they might be relevant to the current situation and your role in it."
11: "The Carpool Committee has unanimously voted to play exclusively Alvin And the Chipmunks songs in any vehicle you are a passenger in for a month the next time you schedule a mandatory meeting before 8 AM."
12: "The potted Ficus tree by the 4th Floor break room will be taking the lead on this project from this point on since it is more qualified than any of you."
13: "I didn't think I needed to inform everyone that 'accidentally' stapling your balls to get out of Company Spirit Meetings early is against company policy. However,"
14: "Due to recent events, any personal office supplies brought from home, e.g. paperweights, must now be checked with a Geiger counter."
15: "Please be advised that if you reply with a question that indicates you have not read and understood the list of action items below in its entirety, I will kick you in the teeth so hard you will chew with your appendix in the future."
16: "We regret to announce that Sean is now an outlaw and no longer protected by our Workplace Violence Policy. This decision was not made lightly, but the current situation re: the break room microwaves has forced our hand. Cc'ing Sean to keep him in the loop."
17: "Please keep in mind that you are neither the most profitable nor the most important of our clients, and your disproportionate share of billable hours is due primarily to your whininess, entitled attitude, and inability to give a straight answer."
18: "If you feel the need to contact me outside my scheduled hours, please write your issue on a piece of letter sized paper, then roll it up, seal it inside a glass bottle, and cast it into the ocean. This will get a faster response than emailing, calling, or texting me at 1 in the fucking morning."
19: "Team, As a result of employees being bombarded with hundreds of e-mails after inadvertently hitting reply all, we are now instituting the following change to our e-mail communication policy: to help prevent duplicate corrections, when admonishing a coworker who you feel has used Reply All inappropriately, please make sure to use Reply All as well so the other recipients can see that the responsible party has already been notified of their mistake."
20: "Cc'ing you on every e-mail about this issue due to your record of not giving a shit about a problem unless your time is being wasted."
21: "Please do not disturb the protective circle of salt around the 2nd fridge from the left in the break room, and do not under any circumstances open it without appropriate PPE and an escort from an old priest and a young priest."
22: "After consulting with Legal and HR, we have determined that the ficus tree by the 4th floor break room dispersing pollen into the office environment does not constitute a violation of our sexual harassment policy. Also, please be advised that the ficus tree is female and is not the source of your pollen allergies. No disciplinary action will be taken against it. However, your repeated complaints targeted at the ficus tree based on its status as a plant may constitute a hostile work environment. Please meet with HR ASAP to discuss this further."
23: "Team, Placing an 'Elf On the Shelf' in any location on company premises or within your home office where it may be able to see, overhear, or access proprietary information will result in disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment. Company proprietary data may not be divulged to any unauthorized third parties, and that includes Santa Claus."
24: "Cc'ing Santa Claus to keep him in the loop on this one."
25: "Sincerely, The Only Guy Who Does His Goddamn Job Around Here."
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tobiasdrake · 7 months
It's kind of amazing how far out of its way 3-3 goes to unsatisfyingly draw things out.
I've bragged about how smart Miu is, but those moments of Miu constantly pointing out the obvious feel intentional on the part of the case.
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As discussed in previous cases, Danganronpa V3 is a mystery story that sort of hates the concept of mystery stories and seeks to tear down Danganronpa as a concept. Each case is designed to sucker punch you in one way or another; Each Class Trial designed to deny the player any sense of catharsis for solving the case.
With 3-3, this comes in the form of Occam's Razor. This case is so obvious. It's so painfully obvious. That's precisely what makes it a slog to get through. 3-3 seeks to deconstruct the complicated affairs that these cases inevitably become. It lays out its killer right up front and goes, "Yo, he did it," and then makes you spend hours winding pointlessly in circles to the obvious conclusion.
Here, the obstacle isn't Kaito's unwillingness to accuse a friend. It's not Tenko shutting down conversation that might incriminate Himiko. It's not Kaede trying to lead the conversation in a different direction from the culprit in a chess move against the mastermind.
Here, the chief obstacle is Shuichi's desire to have a more interesting game to play. His determination to find the ultimate truth drives him to keep the trial going in circles even though it keeps coming back to the same unambiguous conclusion.
It eventually hits a point where we have to play the fucking team-debate minigame to defend Kiyo's innocence in Angie's murder, even though Kiyo obviously did kill her.
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Even Tsumugi's so done with this shit and wants to wrap up. Like. I can't stress this enough. The goddamn Mastermind is playing the "Shut the fuck up and vote blindly" card on the actual culprit. That is how boring this has become. This whole Class Trial has been an utter slog, just for the sake of satisfying Shuichi's Main Protagonist Syndrome.
This case is revolutionary, in taking the "Find a single loose thread, then grab and pull" tactics of a detective game protagonist and portraying it as an obnoxious nuisance rather than the key to finding the real truth. We got the guy, Shuichi. Can't we vote already? Can't we fucking vote already, Shuichi!?
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Oh my gooooooood
He wants so badly for something interesting to exist, some clever twist that will flip everything on its head. Like there always is. And it's. It's not there. The case is stupid and Shuichi's wasting everybody's time by endlessly needling at every possible detail and drawing things out. The complete and utter disappointment that is the facts of this case, is the sucker punch of 3-3.
We don't get to use the Necronomicon, we don't get to do the seance, we have the most obvious killer ever, and Shuichi won't fucking let it be over already. This case is designed to deny you enjoyment at every possible turn. And the worst part is still yet to come.
Which, of course, brings us back to the central question at the heart of V3 critique.
If something is badly written on purpose, does that make it clever? Or does an unsatisfying story remain unsatisfying all the same?
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aspecpolls · 3 months
I used to identify as aromantic until pretty recently.
I've decided not to use any labels for my romantic orientation, because defining my labels in relation to romance feels unnecessary and inapplicable to me. I don't really believe in or understand romance as a distinct concept/experience, so identifying with a romantic orientation at all doesn't seem very useful for me.
However, I still consider myself to be part of the aromantic/aro-spec community, especially when it comes to spaces/discussions about aroallos, quoiromantics, and Cupid's aros. Can I still vote on these polls, even though I've decided not to label my romantic orientation, and therefore don't actually have any explicitly a-spec identities?
I made this long post recently if more context is needed, but it's a long read. Basically details my thoughts leading up to this change in identity, though I was still somewhat identifying as aro at the time.
I'm so sorry that it took so long to answer this!! I don't recall seeing it when I last checked the inbox, I must have missed it somehow.
But anyway- You can absolutely still answer polls here! You still consider yourself part of the community, so in my opinion you still belong here and have every right to continue sharing your opinions/experiences. I read your post and honestly I deeply relate to it as someone that identifies as aromantic but doesn't really have a solid idea of what romantic attraction is supposed to be, or know why anything would ever qualify as "strictly romantic" when it comes to one's actions or relationships. The entire concept is a whole mess so I can absolutely understand why you've come to this conclusion for yourself.
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cyndaquillt · 4 months
Ok I feel like writing a long essay on Indian elections so I'm gonna do just that. Full disclaimer though, I'm just airing my thoughts out and I'm just as much of the general public as anyone else. In other words, I'm not a social scientist. While I welcome healthy discussion, if I don't find the strength in me to answer to a certain reply, I simply won't and I hope you understand and forgive me.
With that out of the way, I'm coming out of my optimism bubble to take a stock of things. At this point (6:19 am IST), the counting has been done. It's apparent that BJP did not win the clear majority they were hoping for. In fact, they could only get about ~36% of the total votes, which means majority of seats in the Lok Sabha belong to parties that are not in the BJP. This is a huge deal, despite it being apparent that NDA WILL make the government and by extension, Modi may get elected for PM for a third term.
However, there's the matter of how tightly knit the NDA itself is. At this point NDA holds 292 seats. If JD(U) and TDP (i.e. Nitish and Chandrababu Naidu) flip, NDA loses 16+12 seats leaving them at 264 seats, i.e. below the 272 mark. If only JD(U) flips, they are at 280 and a majority and if only TDP flips, they are at 276, still a majority (See ECI's website for seat tally by party). While all hinges on what Nitish gets offered today and what conversations Chandrababu Naidu has in Delhi today, neither have given conclusive statements towards their intent, and on the contrary, TDP seems to be leaning towards staying in the NDA. For the current government to truly fall, BOTH TDP and JD(U) will have to fall out of the NDA, which is a very optimistic outcome and seems unlikely.
Let's consider both outcomes actually, I wanna do a thought experiment for myself to see how things would turn out if NDA forms the govt vs if INDIA forms the govt.
Option 1 : NDA holds the majority and forms the govt
Very likely Modi will come back for a third term but now there's a sizeable opposition majority in the Lok Sabha. And if systems work the way they should, this should at the very least provide some friction to motions BJP has had ease with passing in the past decade.
Certain ministries will probably be given to non-BJP members. As someone from Bihar I know for a FACT that Nitish is going to push for Something Big. I'm not going to make any conclusive statements about Nitish or Chandrababu Naidu or idk, Chirag Paswan taking up a ministry, but that is a possibility, for better or worse.
Depending on whoever takes up whatever ministry, if the core of the polities remain what the current BJP govt has executed, not much may change. Privatization of telecom services leading to death of BSNL and MTNL to death of Doordarshan/rise of sold out and censored media to increasing gas subsidy to tanking the value of the Indian Rupee, or literally any aspect of daily life that the current government made us used to like slow boiling frogs, may just remain the same or change veeery slowly. Since BJP is at the core of the NDA and still has a sizeable presence, this remains the most apparent possibility.
I do think the divisive, supremacist politics might deescalate. Not because BJP or NDA are going to be soooo nice all of a sudden, but because this election has shown that it clearly doesn't work. Eg: Manipur used to be a BJP stronghold. From 2007 to 2015, I have been in close contact with Manipuri friends who really believed BJP had potential to do great things for Manipur. And yet here we are. They instigated communities that were coexisting for ages to fight, left a trail of blood, ruined people's lives, and even lost the state. Also bringing Manipur in as an example because what happened in Ayodhya is already a national joke at this point. Modi almost lost Varanasi. If there's any lesson to take away from these experiences, it's to cut back on divisive politics.
Option 2 : INDIA forms the govt
I'm actually not sure who the PM would be. Rahul? Akhilesh? I actually don't like the alternative of Akhilesh being a PM tbh. His failure to understand the needs of the people in 2010s is what paved the way for Yogi Adityanath to win UP. Not that Yogi did a great job and solved everything, but BJP's whole pitch in 2014 was that they were coming in as 'underdogs' to throw out dynastic politics like the kind SP or INC play. Which of course, is a fucking joke seeing that Chirag Paswan or Pradyot Manikya Deb Barma (a literal prince!) are in the NDA this time, but I digress. I was in Varanasi at the time when Akhilesh was the CM of UP and he was pandering at best! I vaguely remember the biggest news was him giving laptops for free to girls who graduate from the state board but that was all! He was passive and BJP+Yogi took advantage of that! Rahul poses a similar issue, but I am overall just worried about whoever ends up as the PM, would perhaps be more of a figurehead than holding together a strong opposition, and that would mean an NDA/BJP opposition would eat them up for breakfast.
When you speak with people who are in denial of media being sold, their counterargument is almost always 'there were so many scams on the news before 2014! Now there are none!' Well, yeah, cause news media is a literal joke now. But they aren't wrong about the scams either! The thing is, there is next to no politician in the current political landscape who isn't a slave to power. Corruption won't go away. Scams won't go away. But will the media actually report them when people in power are involved in it? I'm actually not sure anymore......
Which also makes me think of how much will things actually change? And who will change them? Listen, I grew up in 90s and 2000s Bihar under the Lalu regime as a minority middle class with two state govt office workers for parents. 'Don't trust anyone in power' is in my DNA. I have also seen Nitish flip the landscape of Bihar and bring in resources we'd never even imagined. But core problems still stay. From casteism to corruption to infrastructure issues to brain drain, all issues remain. Simply using Bihar as a toy model, I lose hope of any rapid progress even under a drastic change of leadership. While it would be certain that this government would be Left-Center, I would be highly skeptical of whether or not they'll scrape all right wing policies. Not to mention Amrit Pal won?? Shiv Sena is in power??? Yeah it's a much more complicated and treacherous path up ahead, even if this option may be the most optimistic alternative.
This election was an important one. Preceeding this were whole movements (eg : farmers protests, CAA/NRC protests, etc), a pandemic that brought forth gaping holes in the health infrastructure, agitations that shook entire regions, and that's only scraping the top of the public outcry against the current government. In a democracy, riots, protests, movements are as much a voice of the people as votes and clearly these manifested as votes in this election. While this election day was extremely entertaining and the memes are fun, I do want to remind myself and others that communalism, casteism, regionalism, religious bigotry, corruption, and partisanship aren't simply going away. It will take work to undo things and even more work to right the wrongs that have been around since wayyy before 2014. But I do hope this is the beginning of something positive 🤞🤞
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grimeye-j · 1 year
There is no right answer in Milgram.
With the recent release of Purge March and the accompanying voice drama I have seen many people talking about voting Amane "guilty/not forgiven" in hopes of getting her to realise that she was manipulated by her cult.
Similar sentiments were obviously already present in the first trial or when discussing some of the other characters (e.g. voting Fuuta guilty to stop him from being in denial about the harm he did, voting Mahiru guilty to make her realise her behaviour was an issue in the first place)
I wanted to share my opinion on why I think voting with these intentions won't lead to a desirable result. In fact I think that it may be impossible to reach a good ending for most, if not all, of the Milgram characters (though I will be focusing on the ones I have already mentioned)
First and foremost, we can already see that voting like that didn't work in the first round. All the characters that were voted guilty to make them change their mindset ended up doubling down and just getting more desperate and less mentally stable in the process. Fuuta became defensive and angry. Mahiru convinces herself that the opinions of and judgements by other people don't matter and Amane starts seeing Es/the audience as unforgivable.
Now let's look at the flipside and speculate a bit on how these characters would have changed if they had been voted innocent instead. As we can see with characters like Muu and Haruka, their ideologies would have likely been affirmed. So Fuuta would have continued pretending to be righteous and probably joined Kotoko in her crusade against those who were voted guilty (though I don't think he would have attacked people physically). Mahiru's belief that she was just in love and didn't do anything wrong would have been reinforced and Amane would continue believing the cult's teachings.
In conclusion, I don't believe that voting will deastically change a characters personal beliefs, it just changes the motivation behind them. If they are voted guilty they will be driven by defensiveness and denial, but if they are voted innocent the will be driven by conviction and reinforcement.
So if we can't change these character's minds by voting then what are we supposed to do?I personally don't think there is anything we can do in that regard. However, there are still going to be better or worse outcomes depending on how we vote. Even if we cannot rid the characters of their toxic mindsets, we are still choosing who is going to be restricted and who is going to be free, who will be desperate and who will be relieved.
I think the only way to possibly get a good ending would be not voting at all, but based on how many people are participating and how difficult it is to communicate in such a large and diverse community, I don't think we would ever manage that.
In the end you are just going to have to vote however you personally think is right. Or just continue watching without actively participating, like myself. I just wanted to share why I don't think we will be able to change these characters mentality in a positive way by voting them guilty, especially given the psychological stress that results from doing so.
Feel free to add to this if you want to, I would definitely be interested to hear other what other people think of this.
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sparky-is-spiders · 20 days
Re: my poll, because its way too early to start thinking about The Data but also I am thinking about The Data.
Respect JE for holding out a steady third, but I honestly expected it to have way more votes. I think I underestimated the number of jm shippers who prefer jon/tim and jon/gerry.
(Also, I've decided that the people acting incredulous about je on my poll is more funny than annoying I think. Yeah its a popular ship lol. Sorry to break the news to you)
I think I've seen more jon/tim voters stating their case out loud than jon/gerry shippers, but the latter is still keeping a few paces ahead, which is interesting in and of itself, but I haven't done a full count so I may be misremembering.
A few people have brought up jon/basira and jon/helen, which aren't ships I usually think about but which I can see the appeal for.
I have also acquired a new messy oil spill ship to have brainworms over because the only thing better than one jon is two jons. If you know you know.
To my fellow jon/sasha truthers out there I know the number is small but I see you.
I want to know how many jon/peters were misclicks. So far nobody has come forward to even mention it (aside from one person who found it confusing lmao). I even more want to know who has it as their favorite and why. Like not in a judgey way I like them too I'm just so curious.
Initially included "platonic or romantic" at the last minute but now I sort of wish I had done two separate polls because I want to see the data, but I really don't want to do this to my notes again its been scary.
For example a lot of jon/daisy voters specified platonic, which is Fair and Valid (I like them both ways), but now I want to know how different the results would look if I had a poll for platonic and a poll for romantic.
Jon/daisy and jon/gerry got the most "platonic" specifications so would they crush that poll? Would jon/tim take the lead?
Also curious what including jm would do to the tim and gerry voters but I don't want to see my NoTP blowing up my notifs like that. Tbh I'm sure someone's done it before anyway lol.
Also to the .7% of jon/melanie enjoyers. I see you also. I am so so curious about you. I agree but I want to understand not just what made you like jon/melanie but what made you choose it above all the other options.
No conclusion or broader point cause its been like a day lmao. Instead I will leave you w/ this last Fun Fact that originally the poll contained jon/gertrude instead of jon/peter. I ultimately changed it because I was too embarrassed to reveal those particular brainworms to a potentially large audience but now part of me wishes I hadn't been such a coward.
(Other thing I could've done: "what's your favorite jonship" and just not mention jm at all. It'd clog up my notifs with propaganda for my least favorite ship but also it'd be funny as hell I think).
Ok I gotta move the laundry I think. Goodbye.
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anchesann0 · 30 days
Why I think Amu isn't a Type 3 or Type 4
I decided to split my last post into 2 parts because I realized it was all over the place and that it's my blog I can do what I want.
And the very reason why I do ALL of this is because the votes on the enneagram on personality database (PDB) just don't sit right with me.
So why I think Amu's character arc isn't a Type 3:
The Type 3 arc is the arc to authenticity and finding their true self. It is the journey of letting go of preconceived notions that Type 3s have to act a certain way to be loved. And yes, Amu's journey in Shugo Chara aligns with that, however:
Type 3s fear being worthless so they pursue achievement and recognition to feel valuable
They over-identify with this idea of success that lead to them questioning whether they truly feel this way or if they're living up to others' expectations
Type 3s work hard to keep up this false identity
Their journey is letting go of this identity
The best example of this journey is: Cars
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Lightning McQueen holds onto this belief that being a winner is everything. He believes that winning the Piston Cup is the key to all of his dreams and aspirations coming true.
However, this goal is threatened when a mishap leaves him stuck in Radiator Springs.
There, he is confronted with the things he is afraid of: becoming nothing. This leads to his Type 6 growth of confronting the things he fears. Losing his opportunity to win, the odds of getting into an accident, and (in Cars 3) being too old to race.
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It is through the confrontation of this fear that he understands that being a winner isn't everything and does the thing he was always afraid of:
He loses.
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By choice.
Why? Because realized that he could be happy without winning. The growth to Type 6 loyalist is facing your fears and connecting to the people around you, understanding that happiness comes from more than one place.
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It's a lessons he consistently learns in some way or form. That's why he's a type 3.
I don't know about you but...
That's not really Amu's journey.
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She doesn't hold onto her outer cool & spicy character by choice or live up to it. She's trying to let go of it, understanding that it's her obstacle not her life-line. She doesn't work to keep up her character, she just has a unique style that she likes to express. She doesn't pursue being part of the guardians, the student council of the school. In fact, she actually tries to avoid being part of it in order to NOT lose her newfound connection with the other girls.
The Type 3 arc actually aligns with Tadase because he has to go through consistently letting go of preconceived notions within himself. Like being strong or that Ikuto is bad.
I've already explained the Type 4 arc of growth to Type 1 discipline to refinement in my Shugo Chara is a Type 4 theme.
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Again, Amu doesn't grow to refine a certain skill of hers like Jo March laying out all of her pages of writing or 500 days of Summer Tom refining his architecture portfolio. It's not the reason why Amu's Shugo Chara disappear and it's not what she constantly faces.
So when scouring what her journey was, I instinctively went to a basis with an expansive amount of story types: Disney.
And it did help me figure out certain types.
The skeptical Type 8 who are afraid of being controlled and grow to being vulnerable despite being hurt before:
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The fun-loving Type 7 who never really take anything seriously, refuse to deal with the weight of responsibility, and never really change:
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The hard-working Type 3 who desire to be more than they are & fear not living up to their own ideal of happiness:
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The self-effacing Type 9 that numb themselves out to protect a semblance of inner peace to endure their circumstances:
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When I really racked my head about what type Amu was, I really searched about the thing she was consistently facing in the series (manga & anime) and I ultimately found this conclusion:
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The anxious Type 6 who desire courage and support thrust into a journey to ultimately learn how to trust and believe in themselves. (Which I will explain in better detail in a separate post!)
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