#But rn you can have my usual!! Having a partner i could comfortably explore with would be cool i guess
satans-knitwear · 1 year
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I wanna try some new things 🤔
My links
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cuntftmtf · 3 months
Not Kink!
Hi so i just wanted to say, it's totally okay if you don't post it or don't respond in anyway. I guess I'm just in my thoughts or feels rn. But I just wanted to ask if someone else experiences this.
So I come on Tumblr and look at all sorts of shit and try and get off, you know? As most of us on this side of Tumblr do. I'm into a lot of different kinks, ya know misgendering, noncon, orientation play, etc. The roster, ya know? And usually it's great and fun and whatever, but I've noticed that sometimes, after I get myself off, my mood suddenly changes. The best way I could describe it is somewhere between post-nut clarity and sub drop, but closer to sub drop. Like I get off and suddenly I feel almost empty and not like myself and sometimes feeling depressed and self loathing. And I'm sure I'm not crazy, and I'm not the only one who experiences this, but I never see it talked about anywhere so I guess I just wanted to see if that was something other people experienced. And if you or anybody had any tips on how to handle it ig, idk it's rough in here sometimes.
Again, it's totally okay and understandable if you don't post this or respond. It's not your responsibility to comfort a complete stranger on the Internet. I just figured it couldn't hurt to ask
hey, first off i hope its okay that i'm posting this publicly, i think you said something really important and i think other people would benefit from seeing this too!
to start off, those feelings are totally normal and i've been there plenty of times. especially after taking this kink out of fantasy i would sometimes get uncomfortable, regretful, moody, etc.. you're engaging in dark and personal kinks that sometimes come from a conflicting place. it can be hard to reconcile getting off to things that are also uncomfortable and even triggering sometimes, and when you're suddenly no longer horny that can hit pretty hard.
i guess what's important to figure out for yourself is what's making you feel like that. are you ashamed? did you trigger yourself? is confronting you with your identity in a way you find uncomfortable? sometimes that post nut depression is just a physical reaction too, plenty of people feel inexplicably down after they cum. it's not strange and you don't have to worry about it. but i do find it important to determine the reason for it, because you could be hurting yourself by getting off to these kinks if it's coming from a not so healthy place. remember that kink should be a rewarding exploration and not an actual punishment for yourself.
as for getting past the drop, look up aftercare guides for psychological bdsm scenes. my main ones are:
have something to drink and put some sugars in your body so you get some energy back
provide yourself any kind of self care you like. that could include wrapping up in a nice blanket, asking a friend about their day, maybe taking a nice bath or shower, but can also mean folding some laundry or any other mindless little task you would feel better about if it was finished!
remind yourself that your kinks are not indicative of your value or morality, dark kinks don't make you a bad (queer) person, they're just a way to get your rocks off
put on a show or a podcast to take your mind off things if you find your thoughts are running wild
i hope you feel a little less alone in this experience! lastly, if you're playing with a partner who's into this type of thing, let them know when you need some extra care after a scene. don't just let them drop you if you need to come down gently.
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stargazer-balladeer · 4 years
Could I ask for the letters A J P and Y (SFW) for Zhongli?
Character(s): Zhongli
Notes: uwu my first Zhongli alphabet hc— good thing im in a zhongli and childe mood rn- HAHAHA. Hope you’ll like it!
Warning: none
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A= Admiration (How do they admire you? What is their thoughts about you? What is their reaction in meeting you for the first time? Do they instantly like you?)
♡When Zhongli finds someone attractive, its not because of their physical attribute but on how well they carry themselves. So when he first saw you, he immediately finds you interesting and attractive. You always seem to have a smile on your face, he noticed.
♡Zhongli will definitely introduce himself to you immediately. You, of course, was weary of him because he just suddenly appeared behind you and began introducing himself. But you slowly let your guard down when you realized he meant no harm.
♡His first thought of you is curiosity, his mind is filled with questions, all directing to you. So when you two began to talk, all he wants to do is ask you the questions that is in his head. But he knew it is impolite to do so, so he doesn’t do it.
♡”Oh? Their clothes is rather peculiar for a person like them.” (Disclaimer: he didn’t mean it in a bad way) “Where did they come from? I’m most certain their not from here.” “How come I’ve never seen them before?” “Do they have a vision?”
♡He’s very surprised when he finds out that your personality doesn’t fit your appearance (HE DIDNT MEAN IT IN A BAD WAY AGAIN-). When you told him your name, he has a faint smile on his face. When he started to do his infamous rants about a certain thing, he was pleasantly surprised and happy that you were listening to him. You weren’t afraid to add the things you know and ask questions.
♡Yes. He didn’t believe in love at first sight, but he might be one of its victims. You instantly have this man by your fingers when you smiled at him—
J= Jealousy (How often do they get jealous? Do they get easily jealous? How will they react?)
♡Zhongli doesn’t get jealous, atleast not often. He just doesn’t feel insecure, and he trusts you very much. So when he sees that you’re just hanging out with a person, he’ll leave it. He knows you can handle this yourself, though he does worry about you.
♡The only times he’ll get jealous is if you’re spending way too much time with Childe or someone flirting with you. Zhongli usually raises a brow at the person flirting with you before dragging you away. While for Childe, he will instantly insert himself in the conversation. (Childe is smirking- this mf-)
♡Zhongli doesn’t get easily jealous. If he is jealous, you can hardly tell. His face still maintained its stoic-ness. But if you look closely, his jaws are clench and his brows are almost knitted together. His stare turns into a glare actually-
♡How he handles this differs with the person. With Childe, he’ll insert himself in the conversation. His arm is around your waist, and he’s pressing you to his side. His words are worded a bit more carefully and forcefully. He will excuse you two as he guides you away from the amused Childe. With a random person however, Zhongli will calmly watch as the person flirts with you. He knew you can handle it but he just wants to make sure. His grip on his arm tighten when the person holds you. Sooner or later, you’ll find the person laying on the ground, groaning in pain while Zhongli is in front of you, checking you if you were injured.
P= PDA (Are they into PDA? Do they often do it? Their reaction if you hold their hands or kiss them in public.)
♡Zhongli is actually neutral towards PDA, he doesn’t mind PDA. He likes holding hands with you and kissing your hands or your forehead or your lips. But he doesn’t kiss your lips often in public, he would rather kiss you in private. This guy believes that kissing and cuddling and any other affections should be in private.
♡His hand is always interlock with yours to the point that he didn’t realize that his hand is already on yours. “Zhongli..” “yes, my love?” “Can you let go of my hand for a second?” “... oh, I didn’t realize I was holding your hand. My apologies.”
♡This guy is a definition of gentleman (except for the paying stuff-). So he often kisses your hands before kissing you. But if you’re not comfortable kissing with him, it’s alright for him. He’ll just resort to hugging you instead.
♡You can’t beat him in hand-holding, because his hand will automatically interlock with yours.
♡If you suddenly kiss him in public, Zhongli’s eyes will widen before kissing you back. When you two separate, he will pepper your face with sweet gentle kisses. Before asking you why you kiss him suddenly. Regardless of your answer, the smile on his face never falter.
Y= Yearning (Do they long for you? Will they find themselves missing you while you’re away? If so, how will they cope with it?)
♡Zhongli doesn’t have a partner before so he’s pretty clueless in terms of longing for you. He will definitely ask you about it. This guy might be all stoic and stuff but he craves for your love and affections. (He also longs for you for the sole reason of ranting-)
♡If you went away to go exploring or whatever, Zhongli might be alright in the surface but to those people who knew Zhongli very well can tell he’s missing you. There was one time where he and Childe was talking, and then he turn to ask your opinion and realize you weren’t there. Childe could literally feel his sorrow-
♡Zhongli will patiently wait until you come back. He will still do his usual routine and job, but his heart is yearning for you. So he might be a bit clumsier than usual, and his eyes are a bit more empty and sad. (Why am I making this like u died—?) And this results to him being more forgetful about bringing Mora with him.
♡Everyone is practically begging you to return and cheer this man up again—
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hi again 🥺🥺 this is for the match ups you are doing :))
appearance :: i am 5'4 and have brown hair and eyes, though my eyes are a little green with sunlight too. i can say i have a curvy body(? and i was told i have a cute and bright smile.
personality :: when i first meet someone i tend to be very shy, sometimes i even barely speak. but once i get to know someone i open myself up a little more (still, i find it very hard to open up to things that are personal or make me sad). i could say im calm, positive and patient but i tend to be jealous a lot and sensitive over not so important things. i do have a tendency to put others before me way too much which causes me to forget about myself.
hobbies :: i love to read ! i usually use my savings for buying new books or mangas :)) i also like painting and drawing but i dont know if i should count those as hobbies now bc they are very related to what im majoring in. I love playing the guitar and listening to some calming music while laying in bed.
aesthetic :: my favorite aesthetics are cottagecore and goblincore. however in my daily life i use a combination of both + a little bit of light academia <3
likes :: greek mythology, conspiracy theories, kdramas, romance and adventure books, fantasy, mushrooms 🥺, cats, guitars, picnics, inceses, meditations, study dates, libraries, watercolors and relaxing//acoustic music.
mbti + zodiac sign :: with my mbti is kinda difficult to say because i took different tests and i had two different types as results:: INFJ and INFP. i relate to both in a lot of ways but i still find myself relating to more people or characters that are INFP. my zodiac sign is virgo, my rising taurus and my moon leo.
type :: i dont know if i have a type? i would love to date someone who understands me and makes me feel loved. who's love language are words of affirmation or/and physical touch. someone who, if he does not share interests with me or preferences in dates, can adapt and be willing to learn about the things that i like. someone who will cheer me up. maybe a little dorky? i dont mind if they are not extroverted as long as we help each other to get out of our comfort zone :)) in appearance maybe just not too beefy ah 😅 lol but other than that, someone who will respect me and will make me smile
i think that is it? sorry for making it so long and thank you sooo much for taking your time to do this 🥺🥺 have a great day 💛💛💛
Romantic Matchup
Tendou Satori
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𝐇𝐨𝐰 𝐘𝐚'𝐥𝐥 𝐌𝐞𝐭
Ok picture this...
Shonen Jump just came out with a new LIMITED EDITION magazine
These things are just disappearing off shelves
There is one. Singular. Copy in the store you are currently at
Obviously you see it
And OBVIOUSLY your gonna go get it!
However when you reach to grab it your hand touched the hand of the one and only
Tendou Satori
Both of you had a deadly tight grip on this magazine rn
Neither of you are backing down
You look him dead in the eyes
“I’m sorry sir but I do believe I touched this first”
He looked right back at you
“I’m sorry ma’am but I’m pretty sure I was the one who touched it first”
You both went back and forth bickering about who should get to have the magazine
And that’s when Tendou came out with the GENIUS idea of...
Rock. Paper. Scissors.
Simple, whoever wins gets the magazine
Thus the match began
Long story short Tendou lost 2-1
Seeing his sad face you decided to be nice and offered to read it together at the nearby park
Of course he was gonna agree this is SHONEN JUMP WERE TALKING ABOUT
So you both headed to the park to read
Honestly you busted out the entire magazine within an hour
And after you finished it you two talked about it for about another hour
And shit since you we’re both at the park, why not have a little fun
You guys spent the rest of the day messing around on the playground
You know... harassing kids and shit
And when it was time to go home you both agreed to meet back up next week to discuss more manga
This became sort of a routine for you two
Every Friday you guys would meet up somewhere and talk about or read some manga
And then afterwards you two would go find something fun to do
And over time he started having feelings for you
But poor boy was to scared to tell you
But lucky for him, you also grew to have feelings for him
So YOU where actually the one to confess :D
And he obviously said yes :)
𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐀𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐘𝐨𝐮
Omg cheesy moment real quick
He loves your smile
Absolutely fricken adores it
Like he will do ANYTHING to see you smile
He loves how positive you can be!
Sometimes Tendou can get a little down on himself
But you can always pick him back up and get him smiling again!!
And he gladly does the same for you :)
He likes the fact that you get a little jealous 👀
To him it just shows that you care a lot about him
Annnnd last one
He loves the fact that you enjoy manga as well :D
Because you both have something to do together that you both enjoy!
𝐅𝐚𝐯𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐓𝐨 𝐃𝐨 𝐓𝐨𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫
Ok so he obviously likes reading manga with you
One of his favorite things to do with you is
🥁 🥁 🥁
Exploring mythology with you!!
Honestly tendous kinda into that witchy type of aesthetic
So mythology, crystals, spirits, he’s ALL for it
One time he even invited you ghost hunting ❤️
Fun times
But I’m pretty sure y’all have a ghost tied to you 😀
𝐑𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐦 𝐇𝐜
Tendou loves taking you to haunted places!
He genuinely thinks he can talk to ghosts...
He always links your conspiracy theories to paranormal activity
He loves to meditate with you
Especially before a game 😁
He says it “grounds” him
Ever since y’all met you take turns buying weekly shonen jump magazines and snacks
Ok Tendou likes painting
But he ALWAYS makes a mess
Because he specifically likes FINGER painting 🥲
When Taurus and Virgo come together in a love affair, it’s a union of innate practicality.
Both of these Signs employ practicality in their daily lives as the most efficient means to most problems.
They can be quite sincere and devoted to one another; as people, both have a great deal of integrity.
Virgo likes Taurus’s strength and dedication while Taurus appreciates Virgo’s quick mind.
Due to Virgo’s naturally cautious nature, this relationship can take awhile to develop, but once it’s established that both partners are in it for the long haul, it’s like a runaway locomotive, running on its own power and difficult to stop.
These two Signs have much in common: They highly value common sense and practicality; they’re both materialistic but work hard for the creature comforts they so enjoy.
Taurus is more sensual and indulgent than Virgo is; Virgo tends to be the inhibitive force in the relationship, tending not to get involved in the chaos of life in favor of analyzing all available options.
Virgo’s analysis leads to criticism, which Taurus can tend to take too seriously. Conversely, Taurus’s stubborn nature can get on Virgo’s nerves, causing Virgo to criticize even more!
This pair must take care not to take one another too seriously.
The good thing is, they’re similar enough that they can learn to be patient with one another, especially Virgo, who loves to indulge Taurus’s penchant for fine treatment and good food.
Their dedication to working toward the same goals.
Both partners enjoy luxury and nice things, and Virgo likes helping Taurus achieve their goals.
Their common interests and desires make theirs a highly compatible relationship.
𝐎𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐀𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐜
𝓜𝔂𝓼𝓽𝓲𝓬𝓼 ✨ 🔮 ✨
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ermbabyel · 3 years
hi hi hi !! may i please request a personality ship with bts and ateez !! i apologize in advance bc it's super long </3
I’m a 5’9.5 (basically 5’10) girl with dark skin, jet black hair (currently in long twists rn!!), and i’m on the curvier side (esp hips and my thighs) !! some of my favorite features are my plump lips (and i have a beauty mark on my bottom lip!), my long legs (that look so so so so good in skirts and dresses), my kempt and pretty fingernails, and my eyelashes !!! i’m a virgo (and surprisingly i get along with all the signs, i cant think of a sole zodiac sign i DONT mix well with), and i am an i/enfj (i got 51% extravert 49% intra the first time, then 50% for both the second time!! ) and i honestly agree—i’m an ambivert all the way! i often come off as cold/shy when meeting new people (one of my closest friends avoided me for a month before meeting me because i looked so intimidating LMAO), but once you get close to me i turn into a bundle of warmth and love: i will never stop texting them the <3 emoji every morning or buying my friends/s/o their favorite starbucks order when they need a little cheer-me-up.
  i’m extremely passionate about the issues and people i care about and the goals and dreams i have. I’m creative, patient, an extremely good listener, caring, a social butterfly, and extremely hardworking. my friends always told me of my heart of gold and how perceptive i am of the people around me—noticing immediately when something is wrong and trying to make them feel better. I’m also very headstrong, detailed, and determined!! my friends also call me a nerd since i’ve had all a’s since kindergarten—i LOVE school and would describe myself as intelligent. i really like that i’m empathetic and motivational to those around me. it’s really easy for me to show my affection, adoration, and support for someone because i just want everyone to feel loved and safe :( i HATE seeing my loved ones sad, and when people usually have problems about anything (from family to just school), i’m the one they come to talk to because of my warm and openminded heart. I love sharing happiness with my friends in their goals and always hype them up no matter what, and it makes me so so so so happy seeing my loved ones content. im also really, really funny (my fave personality trait of mine tbh)!! I’m always cracking jokes and laughing (sometimes for no reason LMAOO). i would be in the library at like 7 am with my friends and struggle with stifling my laugh from jokes i told </3
  I also love to go out and explore—whether trying out a new restaurant in the city or a newly opened amusement park or trying something new, like skydiving (or some other crazy but fun idea), trying recipes from around the world, or trying sledding for the first time! at the same time, i like really chill, mellow spending-time-alone-or-with-one-other-person activities like baking (my favorite treat to bake is red velvet cupcakes and cheddar bay biscuits) and dancing !! (i’ve been a dancer for more than 12 years!!). i can also speak more than 5 languages (including korean!) and i’m always saying random phrases (like thank you, i love u so much!, gtfo my face, that sucks ass) in a random language too LMFAOOO. i often think being a coffee/cafe lover is a personality trait (i love love love love love coffee) i also love accessories (earrings, necklaces, bracelets, anklets, rings, etc) and would die of happiness when the day i can wear matching accessories with my s/o comes.
besides being my bestfriend who i can kiss and whatnot (hehe), my ideal type is a TALL (THEY DONT HAVE TO BE but 5’9+...i’m already tall but pls .5 of an inch taller would be enough) man who has eyes for me and only me !!! they may look cold/cool/mysterious/laid back at first glance (like “i dont like u lol” or “yeah haha 🙂" to any other girls but “hi baby what can i do for u today to please the loml” with me <3)  but turn into the sweetest, warmest, cutest honey bun once i get to know them! (kinda like me)!! ALSO a man who can pull off all black outfits like those are my FAVORITE omg. he needs to have a BIG sense of humor (like i want to laugh every second i’m with him and laugh so hard that our stomachs start hurting and we beg each other to stop making jokes type of humor), fashionable (so i can learn fashion pls and wear coordinated outfits with him). i just want a boy who i could talk to and listen to for HOURS. like i would follow him into the bathroom as he showers and sit on the toilet and just listen to him talk about his day or vent to him, but also a boy that loves comfortable silence!! like just cuddling with each other or im studying, and hes working on a personal project so that just being with him makes me feel warm <3 i want a s/o who’s willing to go out and travel with me so i could take off guard pics of him and make him my wallpaper until he begs me to change it. im also not good at conflict so if conflict arises, id love a boy who knows how to talk me down and open up the room for conversation and make me feel safe and not as if im confronted or wrong, someone where we can just talk, resolve our problem, and make it up with a hug or night out!! this kinda leads to me wanting a relationship where we both help improve each other and our flaws (for example some of my flaws are callousness, taking things to heart sometimes, and not opening up easily, etc), so i’d really appreciate a relationship where my partner and i can help each other grow as people. i also love love love to cook, so i’d love an s/o that loves cooking with me and teaching each other how to cook each other’s cultural foods (i would love to teach my bf how to cook jollof rice and have a cookoff one day). I like ALL 5 of the love languages but my top 3 tied for 1st are quality time (THIS i want to spend everyday with my bf at chinatown or a new city exploring), words of affirmation (someone who reaffirms me of their love continuously, supportively, and in sweet ways), and acts of service (cooking my favorite food when i’m down, doing chores that i cant do when tired). men who are really expressive through touch are also ideal <3 i'd shy away from pda, but inside the house i’d be so happy yet so shy and flustered when they express their love through touch (like laying in my lap so i can play with their hair, holding my hand while watching tv, cuddling while talking about whatever). OR like the SLIGHTEST compliment or act of love (LIKE BACKHUGS OR HOLDING HANDS OR KISSING MY BEAUTY MARKS OR FOREHEAD KISSESJSJSJSJ). i love a man who's goal oriented, know what he wants, and makes the move first (kinda like taking control of the relationship!!) in all, i’d just love to be really appreciated and loved and also show the same love, support, warmth, closeness, and happiness to my bf <3 tysm <333
Hi hi~! You sound like such a sweetheart and so cute 😍💕 I’ll be super happy to ship you~!
Yoongi 🥳
I thought of Yoongi right away while reading your submission. You sound like such a sweet and supportive person that I think Yoongi would benefit from being in a relationship with you. You also remind me a lot of hobi when I was reading your description so I think you two would be best friends too~! Yoongi would be intrigued by your appearance, your intimidating aura around you would make him want to know you more. Surely there’s more than meets the eye...and Yoongi was correct. After getting to know you more. He soon learned how such a happy and sweet person you are. He would love the duality of you. It’s keeps him on his toes and yearns to learn more o about you~! Yoongi is a very passionate person as well, especially with his career and his members. And I’m sure he’d be passionate with you too, but he’ll show you in his own little ways. For example, writing songs about you for bts’ new comeback, getting you your favorite foods and drinks when you both have had a long day...he just loves you so much. I can see you, and sope being the three musketeers of bts, you three would do SO much together. Yoongi can be a silly and goofy person as we’ve seen, but only certain people can drawl that aspect out of him, so you and hobi would do SOO well at making him feel comfortable to let loose and have fun~! I can see you and hobi goofing around at the studio with each other and Yoongi would shake his head and act unimpressed, but we all see right through him and he truly adores you in that state~! Yoongi would also think it’s super adorable how flustered and shy you get when he gets touchy with you 👀💜. Just a very cute and wholesome relationship~! 🥰
Seonghwa 🥳
You love when your partner takes control? You don’t need to tell Seonghwa twice! The boy would LOVE to take care of you and take the lead in the relationship. I think he’s also naturally dominate, so it would be no problem for him~! I can see you two going on cute coffee dates to local cafè shops close by. Seonghwa would absolutely adore how excited you are about coffee~! He would also think it’s hella attractive that you’re a dancer 👀. He LOOOOVES to watch you dance for himself maybe he would create a dance for only you two to perform. Your legs and lips are how absolute favorite physical traits of yours. Seonghwa would always have a hand on your leg or knee whenever you guys are sitting down. And if you’d let him, Seonghwa would kiss you all day long~! He just loves the feeling of your soft lips against his 💜. Seonghwa also adores how happy and cheerful you are. Especially on hard long days full of practices and performances, your cheerful and loving nature always makes him feel better and soooo much more relaxed. I can see both of you mothering the other members too~! He appreciates you taking care of him at times, but he’s also take opportunities to take care of you too~! Overall a very sweet and loving relationship~! ❤️‍🔥
Again, I am very sorry for the long ass wait 🥺. I hope you enjoy your ships love~! Stay happy and healthy~! 🤗💜
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bakumu-archive · 3 years
Rue, congrats for the 100 followers! I hope you keep growing 💕 Could i get a Haikyuu match up, please?
The number one thing that i look in a partner is someone who adores me as much as I adore them. My love language is physical touch and words of affirmation
My dream vacation is exploring new cities (Rn I am thinking About Tokyo)
I'm a scorpio and an Enfp although I am a bit shy. Once I feel comfortable I can't stop talking and oh boy I talk fast. I am a history nerd and I am a fan of vintage styles/music. I also like anime a lot and spend a lot time reading fanfiction. I am sentimental and kind but I can be the comedy relief. I love listening to music and dancing It helps me relax and daydream. Oh also gummies are my favorite snack ahahaah
1.69 mts tall. I have dark brown eyes. My hair is short and curly.
And oh, kinks? Well, a mix of praise and degradation and spit kink 👉🏼👈🏼
Thank you a lot, I hope you have a great night/day 💕
tw spit kink
First of all I am so sorry that this took me so long to finish! Thank you for being patient!
I match you with Kuroo Tetsuro!!
One of the biggest reasons I choose Kuroo for you is because I feel like you are opposites when it comes to social interactions and that would draw you to each other. When you are more shy meeting new people he is there to break the tension, letting you get comfortable faster. He is usually the comedic relief but when you steal his joke from under his tounge, making it more funny than what he was going to say he would become OBSESSED with you. Your kindness and underlying humor is the thing he loves most about you
After saving up money to travel you and a few friends decide to visit Tokyo, which where you meet him. He sees you looking lost at a train station and he cant resist stopping to help you find your way. When he learns that your just visiting he cant help but show you around to all of his favorite spots. He introduces your friends to his friends, and all of you spend a lot of time together!
When its time for you to leave he absolutely hates it, and vows that he will find a way to be with you. When you're back home he calls you every night, you have date nights to watch anime together and cook together over facetime. 
On one of those date nights, Kenma comes into Kuroo’s apartment unannounced and you can hear Kenma ask Kuroo if he’s talking to his girlfriend, which is what leads to the two of officially becoming a couple. 
Kuroo is flying out to see you that next morning, not being to hold you in his arms is driving him crazy and he promises to himself that he’s either staying with you or bringing you back to Tokyo with him. 
Whatever you decide he is happy with. He loves just spending time with you cuddled up on the couch, basking in the warm sunshine. You both are reading as music plays in the background, and he’s absentmindedly playing with your curls. You have to smack his hand away before he messes them up, but he enjoys riling you up.
Kuroo is also KING at praise and degradation at the same time, and he is more than happy to spit in your mouth to claim you as his ;)
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I hope you enjoyed this, sorry its so late! Also I gave you more story than headcanons and i apologize about that, but it was just too cute not to.
matchup event (closed)
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quiverwingquack · 4 years
My lovely lovely friend @psilord tagged me to do 10 faves in 10 fandoms and y’all know I’m always down for a good tag game so here’s my list!
1. Drake Mallard/Darkwing Duck. (I’m counting DWD & DT as one fandom bc it’s mostly the same people*). This man is depressed! And lonely! And then he finds himself a HUSBAND and a DAUGHTER!!! We love that for him!!! In the og he’s just a small bisexual disaster man and I have literally never in my life been more excited for something as I am for tonight’s special. He’s going to grow so much as a character and he’s gonna meet his little girl!!! The first and maybe ONLY superhero I haven’t been dissapointed with.
2. Nebula from GOTG. Instant fave when I first saw her bc she’s just a victim doing her BEST, okay? She should’ve been allowed to kill Thanos and she should’ve gotten a happy ending with her sister, and I haven’t been very active in this fandom for over a year but I’m still bitter about it! The TV series did her so much better and I implore all of you to at least watch the episode “Sisters Are Doing it for Themselves” because it filled the hole the MCU version left me.
3. Jason Todd from Batman comics. Angry boy. Deserves more love and an apology from every writer who’s participated in making the canon in the last couple years. I’m looking forward to getting a chance to explore his new content in that choose your own ending movie thing in the next little while because they have to treat him better somewhere in there, right? Right?
4. Venom! I surprised myself with how much I love him. Usually the sharp teeth and slimy exterior would be too off-putting to enjoy, but he more than makes up for it in bad decisions, good one-liners, and a really sweet dynamic with his (canon!) partner Eddie. Thank you for my rights, Sony.
5. Calhoun from Wreck-it Ralph. Please get this woman some therapy. I love me all the fluff that comes from that fandom and her dynamic with her found family tho!
6. Sora from Kingdom Hearts. Immense love for his dumb gay ass. I miss having a platform to play those games on every day. There’s something so sweet and magical about his love for his friends and his willingness to help everyone he meets.
7. Stitch from Lilo & Stitch. I was talking about this on discord the other day but I projected so hard on him as a kid. I just love his journey and I love that he never once stops being weird as shit, he just finds people willing to love him for as different as he is.
8. Cynder from Skylanders/Spyro/Skylanders Academy. Childhood fave turned comfort character but I don’t think I could explain to you why. She just fills me with joy.
9. Hollyleaf from Warrior cats. I know, I know, it’s really kind of an unspoken thing to love those books. But hear me out: I love her. I love her determination, and I love writing in that emotional sequence that led to her isolation. The Last Hope to this day makes me cry because of what happened to her.
10. Sadness from Inside Out. This one is probably pretty obvious why but I have to add her to the list anyway. It’s a good movie!
* - if I didn’t count them as one fandom I probably would’ve put Lena on this list also, idk where. She and Drake are about equal to me but the LGD hype is real rn.
As for tags I don’t actually know 10 people tbh so I’ll tag a couple, you don’t have to of course, only if you want, and then anybody else who wants to do it you can say I tagged you!
@miss-bvnny @snartled @quiverwingduck @vagabond1925 @margaretnobbs @imawake-butatwhatcost
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ranposlittle · 4 years
Hello! Can I get a BSD match up. I'm a ENTP-T, Cancer, Gryffindor. 4"11', I have slightly muscle legs, petite upper body. I'm biracial (black/white), long curly brown hair, very dark brown eyes. I have a few beauty marks. Lazy but I have a lot of energy, I get bored easily, tired all the time, I joke about everything, I'm not very serious. I'm smart academically, anything else I'm basically inept, confident, impulsive. I like art and musical theatre, competitive sports are my favorite
anonymous asked: I forgot to mention I'm a 7w8 and I'm bi curious my bad B 😔👊 - Cancer, ENTP
anonymous asked: So r r y b I failed to mention I'm a whole female, out here having a single brain cell rn 😔😔
I ship you with:
──────〔 JUNICHIRO TANIZAKI 〕──────
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Just from looking at the surface, Junichiro can already see why you’re such good friends with his sister. He gets double of the trouble whenever you two join forces to tease and prank him. But regardless of having no rest from all your antics, he’s always over the moon to see the two people he would give the world to getting along.
The definition of fun for an ENTP like you is to be bold: pushing boundaries, being spontaneous, open-minded and even playing the devil’s advocate just to explore another perspective of an idea. A courageous Gryffindor, indeed. Despite this, it’s never your intention to hurt anyone’s feelings. Deep inside, you also possess strong emotions as a Cancer. Because you’re a 7w8, you just constantly strive to improve by challenging yourself and enjoy while doing so. Junichiro enjoys this positive, easy-going personality you have and would love to tag along with your adventure. He’s young and he’d appreciate a partner who could just have fun and grow along with.
There are some conflicting aspects of your personalities, given that you function mainly from logic and reason while your partner’s actions are more driven by his emotions or feelings. But these very differences could be the catalyst for the said growth, both in your relationship as a whole and as individuals. When you figure out how to work together as a team, there’s no problem that could break you off. It would be quite a breeze for an ENTP like you to dissect a situation and suggest a plan on how to solve the problem, while Junichiro can offer that emotional support and listen to you. Your outgoing and carefree character could help Junichiro to get out of his comfort zone and to see more of the world. He would be the comforting home that you could come home to after having a great fun in the world, and he would always just be there, offering you a sense that there’s a place where you always belong and you’re always loved.
Honesty is what people always look for in a relationship, especially to a Cancer like yourself. Deep inside, you could get defensive and easily hurt. Junichiro, being a Leo, is extremely loyal and protective of the people he values. He will be sincere and true to you as long as you do the same for him. He will not be afraid to ask for your help when something is troubling him, never excluding you out of anything in his life. 
Overall, I think Junichiro is your guy because even an impulsive, confident and smart person like you needs somebody to hold you down every now and then. You need to slow down and lay low, and when that time comes, Junichiro is the perfect person to be around with. He wouldn’t mind doing the things you don’t particularly excel in. He will cook for you, make you coffee, even pick up some errands on his way home. You can rely on him when your laziness strikes and he wouldn’t complain at all. For him, it’s a labor of love and he’s not shy in showing you how much he loves you. He will give you tons of physical affection and would even play fight with you sometimes. He’ll always let you win in those but if you challenge him in a game of sports, he will take you on quite seriously. During your intimate times, he would often massage your legs to relax you and get you in the mood, then place kisses on your beauty marks afterwards. He would trace his fingers over them, connecting each one like a big constellation. When in public, he would usually hold your hand and make jokes about him being afraid to lose you in the crowd because of your height. Even so, he absolutely adores your height difference, as it makes you look like a very cute couple and it kinda strokes his ego a bit. Just let him have that one.
────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ──────
Hello there, anon~ 🥰 Here's your matchup! I do hope you like it because you sound like such a fun person to be around. And you're so cute!! (๑¯ω¯๑) Can I be your friend? Haha I hope you're having a fantastic day! Take care!~
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zombiequincy · 4 years
First and foremost, recall that no one is perfect, we all had witnessed some plotting once which did not went too well, be it because of us or our partner. So here have this, which may help for future plotting. It’s a lot! Yes, but perhaps give your partners some insight? Anyway BOLD what fully applies, italicize if only somewhat.
MUN NAME: Hela     AGE: 21       CONTACT: IM
CHARACTER(S): Giselle Gewelle, Yumichika Ayasegawa (inactive)
BLEACH FANDOM(S) YOU HAVE AN AU FOR:  I have gory Bloodborne au but that one just exists in my head on my lonesome.
MY LANGUAGE(S): English and one very specific Middle Eastern dialect.
PREFERRED THREAD LENGTH: one-liner / 1 para / 2 PARA / 3+ / NOVELLA.
CAN ASKS BE CONTINUED?:   YES / NO    only by Mutuals?:  YES / NO.
PREFERRED THREAD TYPE: CRACK / casual nothing too deep / SERIOUS / DEEP AS HECK. (i love it all sorry I am quite the mixed bag lmao)
IS REALISM / RESEARCH IMPORTANT FOR YOU IN CERTAIN THEMES?:   YES / NO. i gotta know what certain human body parts taste like u know
DO YOU HANDLE YOUR DRAFT / ASK - COUNT WELL?:  YES / NO / SOMEWHAT. it’s SO BAD FOR ME RN ASGLDKJDJKA i’m very inconsistent i’m so sorry.
HOW LONG DO YOU USUALLY TAKE TO REPLY?: 24H / 1 WEEK / 2 WEEKS / 3+ / months / years. / a lot of it has more to do w my general writing mood and if the thread im writing catches my interest, and rn im writing a TON of really wonderful and fascinating threads so they’re all super captivating for me and i try to reply asap
I’M OKAY WITH INTERACTING: ORIGINAL CHARACTERS / a relative of my character (an oc) / duplicates / MY FANDOM / CROSSOVERS / MULTI-MUSES / self-inserts / people with no AU verse for my fandom / CANON-DIVERGENT PORTRAYALS / AU-VERSIONS.
DO YOU POST MORE IC OR OOC?: IC / OOC. (i have a lot of stupid shit sorry) 
BEST WAYS TO APPROACH YOU FOR RP/PLOTTING: just send me a tumblr instant message, i know it sucks shit but im not comfy releasing my discord w everyone just yet cause i use it for personal use as well. i check tumblr on the daily so if you send me a message chances are i’ll see it and respond!
WHAT EXPECTATIONS DO YOU HOLD TOWARDS YOUR PLOTTING PARTNER:  i guess just be able to put up with my rambling and stopping and starting, a lot of characterisation choices i do go through various stages and its pretty messy so when i communicate that with others it usually ends up equally messy. just be patient with me please.
WHEN YOU NOTICE THE PLOTTING IS RATHER ONE-SIDED, WHAT DO YOU DO?:  i don’t mind! sometimes ppl have more ideas that they want to share first and i’m always super happy to listen to those ideas !! sometimes its nice to have someone with a clear guide or structure and be able to work around that rather than trying to fumble through a plot together.
HOW DO YOU USUALLY PLOT WITH OTHERS, DO YOU GIVE INPUT OR LEAVE MOST WORK TOWARDS YOUR PARTNER?:  i try to map out some basic info abt their characters that i otherwise don’t know from their bio or verses and try to pick out points of confrontation or similarities to expand on with giselle that can be used as points for like a starter to happen. its either that or sometimes i have really stupid ideas i just toss out there like ‘LMAO THEYRE BREAKING SHIT AT DISNEYLAND’ and go buck wild from there if the other person is down. i also always try to warn people or get a gauge for what subjects to avoid and steer clear of considering that giselle is a bit of a Freak(tm) and will say and do bad things.
WHEN A PARTNER DROPS THE THREAD, DO YOU WISH TO KNOW?:   YES / NO / DEPENDS. - And why?: if there’s something giselle did or said that upset you, i would love to know not to repeat it again (since i do still feel pretty new to the rp game, theres still plenty of time for me to make stupid mistakes). if its just a general lack of interest or uncertainty of where the plot should go, then you dont have to tell me i wont take it personally i promise ! 
WHAT COULD POSSIBLY LEAD YOU TO DROP A THREAD?: sometimes i can be made uncomfortable by certain things mentioned... it happens but its rare 
- WILL YOU TELL YOUR PARTNER?:   YES / NO / DEPENDS. i don’t want to upset anyone personally and sometimes explaining the ins and outs of my discomfort make things ten times worse so i just. would rather not.
- AND WHY?: i am the most nervous person you can meet and my brain is always giving me misinfo abt paranoia and random shit so i having clear concrete communication between two parties abt if something is going wrong or is being received poorly means the world to me.
ARE YOU OKAY WITH ABSOLUTE HONESTY, EVEN IF IT MAY MEANS HEARING SOMETHING NEGA1TIVE ABOUT YOU AND/OR PORTRAYAL?: i need it !! i still feel relatively new to all this and i need to know whats going wrong to improve !! 
WHY DO YOU RP AGAIN, IS THERE A GOAL?: to help with my confidence in writing! i have v bad anxiety when it comes to sharing my works and i write a lot of other pieces alongside this blog on ao3 and i want to develop my writing skills just in general. when it comes to like the nuts and bolts of why i rp giselle specifically, its mainly to just have fun and have a laugh w my friends who are really awesome quincy writers
WISHLIST, BE IT PLOTS OR SCENARIOS:  OH SO MANY! ive managed to fulfil a lot of my wishlist threads with like, giselle talking to characters she’s already zombified and i love all that angst but i want to do more stupid shit. i want to make it my personal goal to bully every quincy man and woman on sight. although a REAL dream would be if i got to write a thread zombifying a character who managed to escape giselle’s clutches. and more fighting! i want to get better at describing action and fights and i love to write giselle getting beat up and beating people up! more more more!! 
THEMES I WON’T EVER RP / EXPLORE:   hohoho theres a LOT... uh r*pe/dubcon threads for one, even if yeah i know writing it doesnt condone it, it makes me intensely uncomfortable to put my muse in that scenario, i feel like i have an obligation to like, protect her from that shit you know? racism is one i don’t want to transgress, even though i’m a poc, its not really cathartic or groundbreaking to write abt racism in threads its just... really fucking upsetting. also i know the quincy’s have this very close parallel to the whole n*zi imagery and ideology thing going on and i am not about to start even daring to thread that into my writing or bring those allusions and references of real life tragedies into giselle’s threads. i’ve already talked at length abt exploring giselles trans identity in rp and why im not comfortable doing so, so.... yeah! all those i guess.
WHAT TYPE OF STARTERS DO YOU PREFER / DISLIKE, CAN’T WORK WITH?: i like starters where giselle can just immediately get right into being a piece of shit. mise en scene and all that! cut out the build up and just get to the intense horror !! i don’t like starters where its not immediately clear where the characters are standing and what they’re doing and what’s happening around them. those really disorientate me and leave me kinda floundering because i always need some allusion or mention of a setting to ground giselle in a time and place other wise i cant tell what her response should be
WHAT TYPE OF CHARACTERS CATCH YOUR INTEREST THE MOST?:  EVIL WOMEN EVIL WOMEN EVIL WOMEN. also just characters i can wholeheartedly clown on, or also characters who have hidden depths to them and have a single panel of screentime. honestly it’s just all over the place!
WHAT TYPE OF CHARACTERS CATCH YOUR INTEREST THE LEAST?:  angry old men GSADJDKSJA i could never rp yhwach for example or yamamoto because idk. theyre just so crummy and boring to me. i also couldnt rp characters who always have an upper hand in battle like aizen. i like my dumbasses and i like them stupid and adaptive not just, ‘yes i know this because i Know this.’
WHAT ARE YOUR STRONG ASPECTS AS RP PARTNER?: i think im nice...? FKSJDKDJSA idk i hate trying to toot my own horn. sometimes i also think i make funny jokes and im pretty chill and laid back
WHAT ARE YOUR WEAK ASPECTS AS RP PARTNER?: my writing style is inconsistent and adapts to whatever i’m reading so sometimes it’ll be really good and i love it and other times it reads like really bad fanfic and i get carried away far too easily and write novella lengths for threads which should be much shorter. i also get shy a lot and dont think i communicate very effectively but HEYO we’re working on it!
DO YOU RP SMUT?:  YES / NO/ DEPENDS. haven’t had anybody brave enough to try yet lol
- WHEN DO YOU RP SMUT? MORE OUT OF FUN OR CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT?: more for fun i’d imagine because that’s just giselles own attitude to sex and relationships where she doesnt want anything deep. it might show character development in one way of just showing how she regards others in a romantic sense to be used rather than actually appreciated as their own person and show how selfish she is but yeah, more out of fun
- ANYTHING YOU WOULD NOT WANT TO RP THERE?:  theres a few kinks and such but i dont think they’d ever really come up. again, just mainly no r*pe/dubcon.
ARE SHIPS IMPORTANT TO YOU?:   YES / NO lets hope this doesn’t make me sound like an asshole, but its more like a fun little side thing than anything important to giselle’s actual development and characterisation. 
WOULD YOU SAY YOUR BLOG IS SHIP-FOCUSED?: YES / NO. again, hardly anyone is brave enough to try to romance this evil cannibal.
ARE YOU:  MULTI-SHIP / Single-Ship / Dual-Ship  —  MULTIVERSE / Singleverse.
- WHAT DO YOU LOVE TO EXPLORE THE MOST IN YOUR SHIPS?: more how giselle likes to give over her power or dominate in different circumstances depending on who she’s with and what’s being done. BUT AGAIN, not a whole lot to explore yet.
ARE YOU OKAY WITH PRE-ESTABLISHED RELATIONSHIPS?: YES / NO. - i mean im down for p much anything if it vibes w giselle.
- WHAT COULD POSSIBLY MAKE YOUR MUSE INTERESTING TOWARDS OTHERS, WHY SHOULD THEY RP WITH THIS PARTICULAR CHARACTER OF YOURS NOW, WHAT POSSIBLE PLOTS DO THEY OFFER?: if you want an evil woman to taunt and mock and hurt your muse, she’s your gal. you want her to zombify and ruin your muse, shes also your gal. you want her to insult and maim and injure, she’s also YOUR GAL. basically, if you want to do anything fucked up or sad or scary, she can help with that.
- WITH WHAT TYPE OF MUSES DO YOU USUALLY STRUGGLE TO RP WITH?:  uh muses who get really angry quickly or don’t rise or respond to her jabs and are just kinda like a flatline. theres only so much pestering and annoying she can do until realises its not working and just wanders off
- WHAT DO THEY DESIRE, IS THEIR GOAL?:  to find a goal worth living for.
- WHAT CATCHES THEIR INTEREST FIRST WHEN MEETING SOMEONE NEW?:  appearance she always takes an interest in girls almost right away. age as well because she judges old people. 
- WHAT DO THEY VALUE IN A PERSON?:  a good set of guts to ruin and strong muscles.
- WHAT THEMES DO THEY LIKE TALKING ABOUT?:  women, gore, murder, herself, music, stupid memes, gossip.
- WHICH THEMES BORE THEM?:  politics, history, quincy ideology, soul reaper ideology, hollow physiology.
- DID THEY EVER WENT THROUGH SOMETHING TRAUMATIC?:  her family tried to force the burden of upholding the quincy lineage onto her shoulders, she was thrown into the wrong prison and held in isolation, then pressured to become an undying monster in service of a god and then was nearly killed by that same man and left wandering without guidance or purpose. so, yeah?
- WHAT COULD LEAD TO AN INSTANT KILL?:  transphobia. even a whiff of it in her direction and she’ll gut you like a fish.
- IS THERE SOMEONE /-THING THEY HATE?:  the twink soul reaper who outted her.
IS YOUR MUSE EASY TO APPROACH?: YES / NO. - Best ways to approach them?:  if you’re smart, you’ll bring a big bone for her to chew on and distract her while you ask whatever you want.
CONGRATS!!! You managed it, now tag your mutuals! ♥
Tagged by:  @bazzardburner​ cheers chicken boy !!
Tagging: @hyouketsu​ @blooming5th​ @viciousvizard​ @glacies-tempestatem​ and whoever else wishes to do this!!
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teshadraws · 6 years
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Anon 1: I don’t yet, but I’m planning on making one for posting the Seekers of Soul story. I have some other fanfiction I’ve written in the past, so I suppose I could go ahead and make one and post some of those stories? Hm. I’ll let you all know!
Anon 2: Honestly? I really didn’t like Ultra very much. I loved Sun and Moon, and a big part of that was the darker story elements, especially with Lusamine. So them changing a lot of plot points between the two games irked me more than it should have. :/ I can see why people like Ultra, though! I did love the surfing mini-game, haha! ^^
Anon 4: Sure, that’s fair! I’m still gonna keep things pretty short, though, especially for Nia and Toby since they’re basically getting a whole dang book all to themselves, haha.
Nia and Toby’s story starts the usual PMD way, with Nia waking up in the Pokemon world without a clue of how she got there, or even what her name is (she chooses Nia later on from a book of famous explorers). I think one of the biggest differences in her story, however, is that she’s never heard of Pokemon before, even just as a video game franchise like in our world. So you can imagine she’s more than a little freaked out waking up in a dog’s body and being grouched at by a giant talking lizard who, oh yeah, is on fire. But since I’m writing out their story, I’ll just give you some tidbits about their characters. Nia is incredibly curious, a fast learner, and a voracious reader, but she has a tendency to overthink and let panic overwhelm her in tense situations. It takes a while for her to figure out how to use actual moves as opposed to just regular kicks and such, but she’s a pretty decent strategist and gets by with that. She’s tall for a riolu, and loves persim berries--an oddity for fighting types. Within the span of two weeks she makes more friends at the guild than Tobias has in 10 years.
Tobias is a grouchy, hot-tempered charmander who’d rather be left to his own devices most of the time. However, after deciding that he has to quit his job as a medic to become an Explorer and settle a personal score, he realizes that he needs a partner to do so. Doesn’t mean that he happily accepts that fact, though. :3c He’s definitely the better battler of the two, and not too bad of a strategist himself, but he often lets his emotions get the better of him. He never takes off the scarf around his neck, and he’s actually really great with kids.
As for River the snivy and Charlie the Tepig??? Honestly, they have rougher backstories and aren’t nearly as developed as a lot of the other teams rn. I need to replay through GTI to settle that out a bit more. But! I can say that River is definitely the calmer one of the two, not aloof but certainly quiet. He keeps his distance from Pokemon usually, and ever since he left home (where his mom and sister still live) to strike out on his own, he’s kind of resigned himself to being alone, comfortable with it. But upon meeting Charlie, he feels a near-instant connection to them, and is admittedly curious about them being a human. He’s shiny and has always been a bit shy about the attention that would get him.
Charlie is the former human of the GTI universe, a bouncy, friendly type with their heart on their sleeve and almost too many emotions to handle. But they stick to River like glue from the moment the two meet, and the rest is history! Charlie is the one who strikes up conversations with the townsfolk and the eventual rest of the Paradise crew, kind of dragging River along with them. The snivy finds that he doesn’t really mind, though. The two of them are both aro/ace and become platonic life partners later on!
(Also, thank you for the compliment!!! ^///^ You aren’t being a bother at all! Levi and Toby absolutely need all the help they can get, tbh. RIP in pieces, my dudes. I am not Explorers of Soul on Quotev, though. I’ll let you guys know when I set up a profile to post on!)
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matronaa · 6 years
Jungkook “fuckboy?” drabble
Pairing: Jungkook x Reader
Word count: 1,637
Genre: Fluff/mentions of smut?
Okay look its about 1 in the morning while im writing this and i just got done literally scrolling thru @jungshookz  e n t i r e page and honestly ive been delusionally laughing over her stories for like an hour and a half like the tattooartist!jungkook fic legit killed me i love it  and i’m probably going to force my friend to check her out because legit i love it so much and she seems like such a funny person and if she sees this 1) ily and ur writing and i wanna be friends but idk how to start a conversation because im a awKwARd bEan and 2) im sorry for probably spamming ur notifications with likes okay i couldnt help it so now im inspired for the first time in a while to write but im way to loopy to put together an actual fic so enjoy this ig
Okay i should stop rambling (okay just note that im so sleep deprived that i had to google ‘words for excessive talking’ to remember the word rambling because im an idiot and i cant think and ooo its 1:11 am rn make a wish b*tches)
Okay im sorry ill begin~
A/n all of this is completely unedited and if bad grammar annoys you srry not srry
Lets talk about what fuckboy!jungkook is oki
I feel like in reality there are just a bunch of rumors about him but hes so smol and hes the quiet type so he doesnt have the energy to dismiss them
Like im sorry soft jungkook is way to good in my mind rn okay #cuddles4days im not in the mood for him to strangle me with his amazing biceps
you never rlly met him in the 4 years of going to the same highschool as him (since you’re in those smart people classes like humanities) until senior year
You and him had the same AP Lit. class lmao english class is  l i t
Which surprised you bc of the rumors like i thought he was a badboy ?? arent those normally idiots ??
Nah my bby is a smart nugget, he just likes to look hella bf 25/8
First day of school cliche where you show up late to class and have to sit next to him because i  d i e  for those plots okay
But you dont know thats him because you’ve never seen him, so you’re confused on why most of the girls keep glaring at you
But soon enough you catch on and you’re like fml
And then the professor is like “where you are sitting is your assigned seating for the rest of the year” and you’re like f m L
He ends up introducing himself to you because i mean like table buddies
But hes really nervous because hes a cute little bean and you’re hella cute cuz lets be honest ur probably wearing like basic black leggings and a hoodie with your hood over your head to hide the bed hair you didnt feel like brushing that morning
Oh, just me? Okay…
He likes ur name because it rolls off the tongue and he thinks it suits you even tho he doesnt know you
Yet ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
You dont really think hes a fuckboy because he seems so nice and he has the cutest lil bunny smile sEE
That is until after school u end up getting to ur locker late because u left something in one of your classes
And u see him pinning a girl against the lockers down the hall
And ur like well shit nvm
And u quickly get ur shit and go because das  a w k w a r d
But then he sees u run off and hes like awh crap i dun fucked up
A few weeks go by and u notice he barely really comes to class so u usually sit alone
On days he does come his chair seems extra close to yours and he’s basically smothering you
But u dont mind because he smells nice
And on the days he does come you get kinda excited because
1) you get a partner who doesnt expect you to do all of the work
2) this boy cute when he gets all intelligent
Ur  like “yes pls continue speaking about the essay we are writing that i have no idea is on because i kept getting lost in the sound of ur voice”
He notices when u zone out because you start staring at his lips when hes talking and he thinks its the cutest thing
One day u get assigned a week long project and ur close enough friends with jungkook to basically scold and force him to come to class all week
But only if he can force u to come to his house to work on it after school
Which you’re low key nervous of because ur going to a ‘fuckboy’s house’ by yourself
And u dont wanna do the dirty because ur a pure child haha not for long
But you agree anyway
And honestly even after the project is done (which you got an A on) you continue going over to his house because his bed is comfortable and he always has snacks
And his mom loves you
Like legit on days you dont go the next day you do she’s like “wheRE WERE YOU”
When the semester is over the professor lets you pick seats but you both enjoy each other’s company so you stay seated together.
finally ur at his house one day and ur just laying on his bed scrolling thru insta and he’s sitting on his bean bag in the corner on his phone and u look up at him and realise
You like him
Like a lot
And u mentally face palm because this was not supposed to happen
But it happened and you’re too far down the hole to climb out
Sometimes u end up napping at his house after school because his bed is more comfortable than yours and one friday night u wake up in his arms
And its like the best feeling ever
Its so warm and hes so cuddly hes like latched onto you
You stay under the warm blankets before you question when he even got in bed since he was playing video games before you fell asleep
And then his phone lights up and ofc you check it for him bc ur a nosey bitch
But not before you observed how adorable he was while he was sleeping
Nope not creepy at all
its his friend tae texting him (you didn’t really know his friends since you had different friend groups)
You check it and its smth like “stop staring at y/n while shes sleeping and reply u creep”
And you’re like w a t
So you scroll up and see that while u were sleeping jungkook went on a full rant on how cute u are and how whipped he is
And ur like holy fadoodles dis boy likes me
And so u decided to text tae like “this is y/n, does he actually like me”
Which turns into you both having a convo on how thirsty jungkook is until he wakes up
Hes like wtf r u doing and he snatches the phone and reads through your messages with tae while u like sit up to stare at him
And he’s still half asleep so it takes him to realise whats going on
“Omfg y/n i can explain-”
He starts rambling about how long he had been crushing on u and that he didn’t want to tell you because you seemed uninterested so he kept it a secret and never told anyone
And honestly he was freaking out because the onE tiMe he tells anyone that he likes you, you find out
But while he’s rambling you’re coming up with an excuse to text your mom that you’re spending the night at his house, so you just say he’s not feeling well and his parents are gone for the weekend.
Lmao she doesnt care she’s just like “lmao ik ur lying but have fun dont get pregnant”
Or Maybe thats just my mom idk
You have to shut him up by snatching his phone out of his hands and kissing him
When you pull away you’re just like “you talk too much lmao”
You explain to him that you like him too and u just get under the covers again and snuggle up next to him, and he wraps his arms around you
And you stay like that for a while before hes like “its late you should get home”
And you tell him you’re staying the night whether he likes it or not
And he is so down for that
But then you end up just spending the weekend there because why not his parents love you
And every night is just filled with cuddling, watching netflix, making out, late night snacks, etc.
Saturday night he gets a lil touchy and soon enough ur like straddling him and grinding your hips against his
But then he’s like “Ive never done this before” and you c o m b u s t
Ur like aren’t you like the school fuckboy how have you not done this
And he tells you its all just rumors and hes too lazy to set the record straight
And you basically decide to take things slow that night since it was you’re first time too and honestly it was so cute
It wasn’t really steamy rough sex it was more soft fluffy love making that is filled with giggling and exploring and appreciating each other
That was definitely the night you fell in love with him
Which is big because you thought love was gross
The next day you’re cuddling and he’s like “you know ur my gf now”
And ur like duh
You start going on cute dates after that like going to cafes or amusement parks
He loved taking you to the beach during the summer because u looked gr8 in a bikini
You found out you were going to the same college with was fantastic, so you decided to rent an apartment together nearby the campus instead of living in a dorm.
Which normally you’d be against because moving in together so quickly ?? but you felt different like this relationship was going to last
Lmao jk gotcha bitch
My baby is too pure and innocent to cheat
Well innocent until you both get into bed and then oh lord it gets steamy
He wants to experiment with like e v e r y t h i n g and honestly you were down
But ofc you set some boundaries.
There were lines he couldn’t cross
I mean sometimes he tried but you shut that down real quick
Overall your relationship was perfect and you couldn’t ask for a better boyfriend
I mean he brought you pizza rolls and dr pepper to ‘study dates’ how could you not love him.
Oml it took me over an hour to write this its like 2:30 am why am i awake anyway imma go to bed now, idk ur name jungshookz but pls write more fanfics i need more to read late at night okay gnite
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kyulkyungs · 7 years
Request: can i request a lil soulmate!au in a non-idolverse for jeno, please? i've been feeling super soft for him lately hehe ☺️💐💝💝(Hihihihihi!!! I can rlly feel u, partner, so this is a definite yes!!)
others: jaemin | haechan | jisung
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you’ve met him in your dreams
you know that he’s there and he talks with you sometimes
but his face is always kind of blurry and you can’t remember much of it when you wake up
one thing for sure is that you know he’s a really handsome boy and your heart thumps just thinking about him even if you forget his face
you can remember meeting him way back when you were kids
and he was such a sweet puff all the way back then to you too
even now he’s so amazingly sweet and soft and kind of shy to you now that you’re older and the chances of you actually meeting in person has skyrocketed
you’re not really sure where your dreams take place most of the time
more often than not they’re in a place you or he recognizes
you used to play tag when running around your house or he’d show you all the neat stuff in his room and tell you a different story about every single thing each time
even once the two of you got older that small childish love and innocence never went away once the teenage awkwardness was supposed to set in
the both of you just refused to become that way and instead stay loving and supportive of each other 
even if you could never remember each other’s faces or each other’s names and it was just a fuzzy picture of each other when trying to remember
even his voice which you loved since he liked to talk to you softly as opposed to how loud he would screech when running away from you on this hill in a certain dream
both of you actually weren’t sure where it was because it wasn’t like a park or a place nearby your houses or schools
and the two of you were constantly on the lookout for it and it kind of felt like a childish adventure sometimes and was really fun but he always complained it’d be better to do it with you
as you got older the adventures to seek out the mysterious fun hill stopped and instead you both went on with other things
especially since you moved to a different neighborhood with your family and had to get settled there
you remember being in the dreamscape first because you were so tired, when normally it was your soulmate who was there first
you usually greeted him with a surprise hug and jumping onto his back or grabbing his hand and feeling his warmness or even just tapping his shoulder and getting picked up and spun around because he was so happy to see you
this time you were the one greeted when you felt two arms wrap around you and start swaying you back and forth with the person holding you
honestly the moment was so soft that there were no words needed to be spoken because you knew who this was obviously and you found his embrace so comforting
“it’s early, you usually don’t go to bed this early... good thing i took a nap, huh?” and his voice was still that soft soothing sound to your ears
and you can smell something faint that smells like something sweet and you ask him if he ate some sweets and then went into a food coma
and he just laughs and hugs you tighter saying ‘no, i just wanted to see you that badly’
it’s times like these where you really wish that you could find your soulmate in the real world instead of when you’re far apart and the universe makes it harder to know anything farther than their personalities
you can tell that he feels somewhat the same because he just rests his head on your shoulder and sighs
‘oh did you wash your sheets? they smell really good’ 
and you laugh when he breathes in again but in a dorkier and funnier way to make you laugh and plus his nose tickles !
but you nod anyways while he’s tickling you with his nose ‘yeah, we just moved so everything is fresh right now’
and he hums and is about to ask you where but then he pauses because he knows that he’ll either wake up or it’ll come out like a blurbled mess anyways
and you know he’s kind of sad so you’ve turned around in his hug and are now hugging him tightly while he enjoys your embrace
he loves being able to hug you, this is a fact and you know it and so does the universe
‘i hope you get settled and enjoy your new home’ this is the perfect opportunity for a cheesy line so you use it
‘i already am, because you’re my home’
and he just laughs and buries his head back into your shoulder and you can barely hear it
but he softly says that he really loves you
and it warms up your heart so much
eventually the two of you continue talking and just spending time with each other
and you’re both on the hill again and it brings you back to adventures around your neighborhood as a kid and being determined to find this boy who you wanted to play with all the time
and the sneaking out as a teenager sometimes to scout out a new area and explore further
usually it was these times where your soulmate worried the most about you because you would come in really late in the dreams and he was scared you’d never show up
he would always rush over whenever you appeared and check you for any marks to see if anything happened even if it was kind of blurry
he just wanted to make sure you were okay :( this poor baby
eventually you stopped sneaking out and just hanging out with him in your dreams because yeah it’s not worth it if you did get hurt trying to find this mystery hill and get him a heart attack
little did you know that two or three times he skipped school to look for the hill too and pretended he was sick and everyone had to cover for him and nobody could get the story straight
eventually you got more comfortable and used to your home and your neighbors
one of your neighbors was a nice old lady who had like four little dogs and they were all very good dogs
sometimes they’d somehow get out of the house and over to yours and you’re not even sure how they get in but sometimes they do but it’s okay they’re really cute
one day, however, you find one of the dogs running around in the front yard
you went outside to go catch it and return it to the lady next door but when it saw you it started dashing off in a completely opposite direction
and you panicked because uH?? NO? home that way!!!!
so you had to chase the doggo and it just keeps going like wow it’s a small dog but woosh what is she feeding these dogs if they’re like little ninjas y’know
you expect this dog to turn around and start wagging it’s tail because it knows you’re running after it and it thinks you’re playing with it
but it’s not..... doing that?
it’s just running and running without looking back at you
somehow you make it to a busier street area and that’s when you get more nervous because there’s more people to block you and cars and you really want to save this dog now
but miraculously all the people see you in time and move to the side or the dog runs across crosswalks a couple seconds after the light turns red and someone had hit the button to cross
it’s all sunshine and flowers now but this dog ain’t stopping to appreciate them
as you keep running, you lose more and more energy but you don’t want to lose this dog but wow the distance gap is getting bigger and bigger
it’s not too concerning until you see that the dog is headed for a crosswalk and the sign just turned red and you’re not supposed to cross
but it just keeps going
so you’re shouting at it to stop and for it to wait and it gets closer to the edge and the cars look like they’re about to start moving and don’t see the dog
you’re so frightened that the dog will really run across when you see a pair of legs run in front of the dog’s path and it skids to a stop
when you look up you see a boy and you’re like.............. omg............ that’s my boy
and he picks up the rascal dog and starts walking towards you and as he comes closer and closer he realizes that..........
you look like a mess
but also that.............. wow................ you’re............... you’re his soulmate
you’re still catching your breath and holding your side because it’s so cramped but when he gets closer you just reach your arms out
and he thinks you’re going for a hug so he walks even closer but you just scoop the dog out of his arms and are like
‘thank......... you........... this dog........ idek’
and he just looks at you and just starts smiling because wow it’s really you and he doesn’t care if this is the first time seeing you in person and you’re not showing that much excitement at least he’s getting to see you
eventually you catch your breath and there’s a silence between you and your soulmate is still watching you, arms ready to case you fall over and you just might because your legs are so tired
‘we can go inside here,’ he says and points to this building
and it’s actually a cafe of some sort and you could really use a drink rn and a place to sit down
so you just nod because the reality of meeting your soulmate just hit you and gAH IT’S REALLY HIM!!!!!
when you step inside the ac is on and the people greet you and you just go take a random booth with him
after sitting for a minute or so the both of you make eye contact and that’s really it right there
where everything fits into place and it all seems super right
all of a sudden you’re laughing really hard because it doesn’t seem that real right now
first you were calm in your own home and thinking you’d return the neighbor’s dog like normal
next you were running for your life and also for a dog’s and it was a full blown panic and you probably ran a long distance while sprinting
and now....... now you’ve just met the literal man of your dreams
and he doesn’t even seem fazed by your lack of reaction to meeting him, he just looks like he’s having the time of his life
and that’s when he finally understands
he makes an ‘ahh’ sound and you’re confused and he just smiles at you and points behind you
and painted along the wall of the cafe is a mural of a hill........ your hill
there’s a little phrase that says ‘where dreams come true’ and it’s so cheesy and funny and you’re like...... so that’s what it meant
eventually you turn back around and find that he’s looking at you, just watching you and taking in all your features
you don’t shy away from his gaze at all and instead welcome it because it’s so endearing, so loving, so fond
at the same time you’re mapping out his own features and realizing that he truly is really handsome it’s no joke
he moves his hand across the table and opens it palm up so that he can hold yours for the first time in real life
you’re shuffling the dog so that you can properly hold it and slowly glide your fingertips across his palm before moving your hand to fit into his
and it’s like two puzzle pieces, the rights ones...
a perfect fit
‘jeno,’ he says and you’re testing his name out on your tongue and the whole time he’s just smiling and then he tests your name out on his and it’s so smooth coming out of his mouth
this is the guy you’ve been seeing in your dreams
this is the guy you dreamt of seeing in real life
this is your soulmate........ jeno
never before have you seen a small dog look so smug
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moldypieceoflasagna · 6 years
36 questions that nobody asked me
(except @lollipoppedchainsaw )
(the 36 questions that lead to love or whatever) https://www.nytimes.com/2015/01/11/fashion/no-37-big-wedding-or-small.html
1. Given the choice of anyone in the world, whom would you want as a dinner guest?
I hate going out to dinner so much i probably wouldnt be able to enjoy it properly
2. Would you like to be famous? In what way?
It would be interesting to see what it’s like for a short period of time, but i’d never be able to keep it up; i’d probably have an identity crisis
3. Before making a telephone call, do you ever rehearse what you are going to say? Why?
yes i have to mentally prepare myself 100% of the time
4. What would constitute a “perfect” day for you?
hanging out with the people i love is enough to keep me happy for a good while tbh. sitting around doing nothing literally nothing with them is endlessly entertaining to me even though sometimes i might make that hard to believe 
5. When did you last sing to yourself? To someone else?
i sing to myself a lot, not so much to others- although i AM a slut for karaoke
6. If you were able to live to the age of 90 and retain either the mind or body of a 30-year-old for the last 60 years of your life, which would you want?
body because i feel thats probably what old people complain about most. plus like,, 90 years of life knowledge? sounds great to me
7. Do you have a secret hunch about how you will die?
probably an accident that’s almost statistically impossible
8. Name three things you and your partner appear to have in common.
single rn (ladies) but i usually try to find friends with similar music tastes because scream-singing in the car is the most fun one can have
9. For what in your life do you feel most grateful?
im most grateful for my dogs and for my friends! i love them and it means the world to me to have people that i can call family. also i would die without my dog juno, she is my rock (and my therapist)
10. If you could change anything about the way you were raised, what would it be?
Not rly how i was raised, but i wish i had a closer relationship with my older siblings. Three of them had moved out before i was rly old enough to not be an asshole child, so most of them still see me as an asshole child and they never take me seriously. im glad i have an alright relationship with them, but that’s kinda all it is and i know i could do better
11. Take four minutes and tell your partner your life story in as much detail as possible.
Lived in Texas my whole life yeehaw. I have 2 brothers and 2 sisters; 2 of them dont like me, and my relationship with the other 2 is,, certainly not bad. Had a lot of physical and mental illness in the past, but 20gayteen is definitely my year, yeet
12. If you could wake up tomorrow having gained any one quality or ability, what would it be?
either speaking a different language or playing the piano. im very jealous of good piano players, and at some point i need to be able to speak a more useful language than french because so far in texas it’s proved absolutely useless (other than talking to my mom but that doesnt count)
13. If a crystal ball could tell you the truth about yourself, your life, the future or anything else, what would you want to know?
I’d wanna know wtf im supposed to do with my life because sweaty i still have no idea. passion? dont know her please introduce me
14. Is there something that you’ve dreamed of doing for a long time? Why haven’t you done it?
i wanna go skydiving bitch, no one wants to go with me! pussies!!! the lot of you
15. What is the greatest accomplishment of your life?
that one time i did an entire semester’s worth of work in the last three days of the school year
16. What do you value most in a friendship?
being able to put up with my huge fucking mouth. also honesty is super important, even if it’ll make me feel shitty
17. What is your most treasured memory?
when i went camping with a bunch of friends and they were bitter i got to be in the middle of the tent because they were all cold. either that or the time i was getting really bad sleep paralysis and @lonelywaterfall & @skity stayed over so my paranoia didnt render me completely useless,,, also the paramore concert lol ive never been more vulnerable in my life.
18. What is your most terrible memory?
coming out to my mom haha
19. If you knew that in one year you would die suddenly, would you change anything about the way you are now living? Why?
i’d go on a trip around the world to explore/to see a few people, and i’d put extra effort into my gender expression
20. What does friendship mean to you?
comfortable silence is my kink. also emotional vulnerability and SAD BOY HOURS we cant forget those
21. What roles do love and affection play in your life?
I’m such a slut for physical affection yall have no idea please hug me as much as possible and play with my hair or my hands
22. Alternate sharing something you consider a positive characteristic of your partner. Share a total of five items.
i guess ill do the same with previous partners so.. i think being funny is probably the #1 thing i appreciate in someone. when you make me laugh so hard i cry, just know that’s like. peak. also stubbornness is strangely attractive to me, plus like,,, uh having an unexpected soft side? an appreciation of art is super important, too. also SPOON VERSATILITY.
23. How close and warm is your family? Do you feel your childhood was happier than most other people’s?
it was probably happier than a lot of people’s but there wasnt much to it. plus being the youngest in my ENTIRE family really sucked during my childhood because everyone picked on me and i think that’s probably what started a lot of my issues lol
24. How do you feel about your relationship with your mother?
better than it could be, but definitely not what i want it to be. we both love each other and i admire her work ethic, but she gave me a lot of anxiety problems (both genetically and not) and she isnt the most understanding person. i have hope though, people change
25. Make three true “we” statements each. For instance, “We are both in this room feeling …
I’m hungry and sitting alone in front of my computer feeling like OVERSHARING ON THIS BEAUTIFUL THURSDAY MORNING, BOYS
26. Complete this sentence: “I wish I had someone with whom I could share …
many, MANY animals and a lighthouse in the middle of nowhere
27. If you were going to become a close friend with your partner, please share what would be important for him or her to know.
I’m REALLY insecure about my body xd
28. Tell your partner what you like about them; be very honest this time, saying things that you might not say to someone you’ve just met.
LOVE feeling safe. 
29. Share an embarrassing moment in your life.
probably every time that i’ve ever worn a dress, because i really,, really dont like wearing dresses and that’s it
30. When did you last cry in front of another person? By yourself?
last cried by myself this morning and last cried in front of another person at my friend’s birthday party
31. Tell your partner something that you like about them already.
no partner but if youre reading this im rly proud of ur attention span. gj buddy
32. What, if anything, is too serious to be joked about?
i think most things can be joked about after a certain amount of time, but like,, it has to actually be funny and it has to come from someone i know isnt serious about it. if a joke is made just for the purpose of being offensive and edgy, it’s never funny no tea just truth. 
33. If you were to die this evening with no opportunity to communicate with anyone, what would you most regret not having told someone? Why haven’t you told them yet?
i’d regret not spending enough time with people that i love, not traveling as much as i should have, and also i’d regret not formally coming out of the closet to my family (they probably already been done knew but like. yknow). i came out to myself & the people closest to me a LONG ass time ago, but i’ve kinda seen what it did to my immediate family so im not too excited to do that to my extended family. if i’m not too much of a pussy, ill probably do it in the summer when i see them next, bc ive been meaning to for a while.
34. Your house, containing everything you own, catches fire. After saving your loved ones and pets, you have time to safely make a final dash to save any one item. What would it be? Why?
is it bad of me to say my computer? i feel like everyone else has a much more meaningful answer lol. it would probably either be that or the papers i keep on my bulletin board, bc most of them hold a lot of sentimental value (also my prescriptions  would be a pain to get copies of)
35. Of all the people in your family, whose death would you find most disturbing? Why?
either of my parents because i dont want them dying before i reach the point where i can expect them to be happy for me when i marry a girl
36. Share a personal problem and ask your partner’s advice on how he or she might handle it. Also, ask your partner to reflect back to you how you seem to be feeling about the problem you have chosen.
personal problems? what’re those lmfao dont have any srry try me again later
 i’m too much of a pussy to tag certain people so if you see this and I've had any sort of conversation with you, do it coward
(also @skity  @drawinintherain )
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81: Piercings you have?
only my ears
82: Something you really enjoy doing:
spening time with my favorite people on adventures
83: Favorite person to talk to:
my sister or my best friends
84: What was your first impression of Tumblr?
how the fuck does this thing work, what are tags and why can’t i see any dates
85: How many followers do you have?
not many
86: Can you run a mile within ten minutes?
well yes? if my googling is right and a mile is about 1.6 km, then yeah, i run one km in like 5 min
87: Do your socks always match?
yes i can’t wear mismatched socks
88: Can you touch your toes and keep your legs straight completely?
89: What are your birthstones?
90: If you were an animal, which one would you be?
like a seal or something
91: If a flower could aesthetically represent you, what kind would it be?
hm the flower called förgätmigej in swedish, they’re small, blue and calm
92: A store you hate?
um like the swedish store tessie maybe
93: How many cups of coffee can you drink in one day?
94: Would you rather be able to fly or read minds?
read minds
95: Do you like to wear camo?
no not my style
96: Winter or summer?
97: How long can you hold your breath for?
probably not that long
98: Least favorite person?
hmm i really can’t stand trump for example
99: Someone you look up to:
my friends, hayley williams and my parents
100: A store you love?
weekday maybe
101: Favorite type of shoes
sneakers, always
102: Where do you live?
sweden, love it
103: Are you a vegetarian or vegan? If so, why?
i prefer vegetarian food, but i eat anything
104: What is your favorite mineral or gem?
no clue
105: Do you drink milk?
not straight up, but like oboy and stuff like that yeah
106: Do you like bugs?
not really
107: Do you like spiders?
not really either
108: Something you get paranoid about?
getting caught by parents or police or similar lol, i’m living very dangerously in that aspect huh
109: Can you draw:
absolutely not
110: Nosiest question you have ever been asked?
i’m not brave enough to ask too much, but i love to get to know people’s backgrounds, fears and dreams
111: A question you hate being asked?
“why are u so smart?” cause i know i’m smart, it sounds arrogant to just say it like that but i realize it’s true, but i don’t know why? it just happened? hm
112: Ever been bitten by a spider?
nah we don’t have any bigger or dangerous ones here in sweden
113: Do you like the sound of waves at the beach?
i live for it, i actually walk to the sea (i live pretty close to it) quite often just to breathe and let the waves calm me down
114: Do you prefer cloudy or sunny days?
always sunny days
115: Someone you'd like to kiss or cuddle right now:
hm i’d like to find someone i like first ig
116: Favorite cloud type:
fluffy, compact clouds on a clear blue sky
117: What color do you wish the sky was?
i’m content with it being blue, and every beautiful colour the sunset is
118: Do you have freckles?
119: Favorite thing about a person:
their mind i guess? what they find interesting and are passionate about
120: Fruits or vegetables?
depends, i like both (indecisive as always)
121: Something you want to do right now:
bathe in a warm ocean, feel the sun on my skin
122: Is the ocean or sky prettier?
the combo of them together beats everything
123: Sweet or sour foods?
124: Bright or dim lights?
dim, it’s so much more comfortable
125: Do you believe in a certain magical creature?
not really
126: Something you hate about Tumblr:
how addictive it is, and how some people criticize everyone for small mistakes when they’re just trying their best to be inclusive,, like for example this is one of the most lgbtq+ accepting spaces of all times compared the general homophobia in the world, but there’s still those who complain when every post doesn’t include their very specific orientation
127: Something you love about Tumblr:
how addictive it is, it allows me to completely forget everything else and just have a good time in peace,, and how i don’t know any one here, no one is here to constantly judge me
128: What do you think about the least?
huh? what’s that?
129: What would you want written on your tombstone?
oh um that’s a quite big decision but right now do i feel that this swedish lyrics would be very beautiful
”Låt oss gå upp på taket ikväll
Där vi kan se stjärnorna skimra
Låt oss gå upp på taket ihop
Där vi kan vara närmare himlen
Närmare himlen”
130: Who would you like to punch in the face right now?
trump or boris
131: What is something you love but also hate about yourself?
um everything, i constantly doubt all of my traits and appearances but love them at the same time
132: Do you smile with your teeth showing for pictures?
usually not, so if i’m smiling with my teeth am i usually really, really happy
133: Computer or TV?
134: Do you like roller coasters?
hm sometimes
135: Do you get motion sickness or seasickness?
motion, seasickness is never a problem for me
136: Are your ears lobed or attached?
137: Do you believe in karma?
no, but i still believe in acting good just because it’s right, not because you get any selfish profits from it
138: On a scale of 1-10, how attractive would you say you are?
oh that definitely depends, i know i’m quite near the society’s definition of beauty standards, with body shape and face features and clothing style and everything but i still doubt myself a lot, but i’d like to see myself as a strong seven
139: What nicknames do you have/have had?
none, my name hasn’t got any natural nicknames and i’ve never needed a nickname until recently when i’ve got a friend with the same name as me,, but she’s got a nickname so it’s okay
140: Did you have any pretend or imaginary friends?
no i wasn’t a creative kid at all lol
141: Have you ever seen a therapist/shrink?
sigh once secretly, but it didn’t go that well and i’ve never done it since
142: Would you say you are a good or bad influence to others?
oof really depends on who, but hopefully good?
143: Do you prefer giving or receiving gifts/help?
hm depends on how good the present i’m giving is
144: What makes you angry
not much really, i’m not an angry type
145: How many languages do you speak fluently?
kinda two? i mean i’m fluent in swedish of course, and i’m quite close to being fluent in english too.. and i must include some rather bad german skills too lol
146: Do you prefer boys, girls, and/or non-binaries?
honestly i don’t have a clue right now, but i’m probably bi? aah but idk maybe i’m just straight, how would i know, but rn am i comfortable in being bi and further explore what my sexuality is
147: Are you androgynous?
not really, i’m kinda stereotypically female i guess
148: Favorite physical thing about yourself:
hm my legs be kinda cute tho
149: Favorite thing about your personality:
no don’t make me choose this i don’t know and i’m insecure about it
150: Name three people you would like to talk to right now in person.
anyone? um hayley williams, tyler joseph and my grandpa who’s passed away
151: If you could go back into time and live in one era, which would you choose?
no i’m content in our era, but either the early 2000’s to fully live my emo life, or the swedish 50’s when my grandparents grew up, they always tell me such beautiful stories from their childhoods and teenage years (i am aware about the problematics with all eras, and 50’s being lots of racism and much more, but i’d like to believe that if i were able to grow up the same way my grandparents did here in sweden, would life been pretty great anyways)
152: Do you like BuzzFeed?
okay hear me out i don’t know if buzzfeed is i thing in sweden? i’ve never heard anyone mention it, i have a vague idea of what it is but i don’t really know? so i guess not
153: How did you meet your spouse/girlfriend/boyfriend/partner? [If you have one.]
hah i wish
154: Do you like to kiss others' foreheads or hands for platonic reasons?
no i’m not a touchy friend, i’m more like a shower u with kind words instead friend
155: Do you like to play with others' hair?
no i feel like i intrude on their privacy somehow
156: What embarrasses you?
hm i don’t really know, i tend to avoid any situation that might make me feel embarrassed
157: Something that makes you nervous/anxious:
the concept of this (my teenage years) being the absolute best years of my life and that i have to achieve so much rn,, and media isn’t really helping me with that, i’m constantly forced to watch how great lives everyone else lives on social media and stuff,,, and i know my life is actually really interesting and good, but i’m anxious about my time running out anyways
158: Biggest lie you have ever told:
hm basic but “i’m fine” i guess
159: How many people are you following?/160: How many posts do you have on your blog(s)? /161: How many drafts do you have on your blog(s)?/162: How many likes do you have on your blog(s)?
not many on either of them
163: Last time you cried and why:
ah i don’t cry (which is a problem and i’m trying to loosen up my grip on my emotions but it’s hard) honestly i don’t remember the last time i really sobbed? i’ve cried a tear or two sometimes, usually over books, but i’m unfortunately not a crying type
164: Do you have long or short hair?
i had long hair until like yesterday! rn is it to my shoulders, which still is kinda long i guess, but short for me
165: Longest your hair has ever been:
idk quite long
166: Why do you like, dislike, or have neutral feelings about religon?
oh interesting topic, here’s my view on it; religion is a good idea, but we’re using it wrong. it is about spreading love and finding answers to the greater questions in life, to respect one and each other and finding a place and purpose in our world, which is beautiful right? unfortunately are many people and fucking leaders using it for their own profit, to spread hate or fear, which is completely wrong and not at all what it is about. worth mentioning that in sweden, particularly in the bigger cities, isn’t religion a big thing. no one i know is devoted religious? neither am i, but i still choose to believe in the good parts of christianity, about love and acceptance
167: Do you really care how the universe and world was created?
ye i’m a science nerd i would love to know how it was made from a scientific point of view, bc i firmly believe that it’s the big bang and not some god who randomly chose to make us lol
168: Do you like to wear makeup?
yes, a little everyday makeup, and bright, colorful and creative looks for events
169: Can you stand on your hands or head for more than thirty seconds?
against a wall, probably yes, but without? hah no
170: Did you answer the questions you were asked truthfully?
i think so, the knowledge that no one else is going to read this but me makes me feel quite secure in answering truthfully
that’s it! wow i made it through all of them, just for the record it’s the 23:d february 2020 today, nice, goodbye
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