#Buttercream squad
Exactly, not only now she trusts him enought to do that, but it also means she finally tries to seek protection :'3
And protect Margarine shall!!! Marshmallow Cream protection squad!!!!!! :D
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g-xix · 1 year
Hey love <3 Could you write something about Niko being jealous? Cause I swear my man always acts all tough but deep down he's a little insecure 'cause he's so tall and lanky?
ofc babes, ask and you wil recieve ✨✨
One jealous Niko coming up!! First of all, pose for the camera:
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Slayed. Okay, now go on n enjoy the extra-long, 3k oneshot!!
"TODAY, THE BETA SQUAD DOES ANOTHER PATHETIC ATTEMPT AT A COOKING VIDEO!" Chunkz had yelled the introduction before the groups were introduced: Big Aneson Gib, AJ and Sharky on one team, and Niko, Kenny and Olivia on the other team. 
Gib and Olivia were the featured guests for the video, and Niko was secretly thrilled to have Olivia on his team. Despite nobody catching on- Niko had been... seeing Olivia for quite some time. Stress on the "seeing", as he didn't know whether it was really romantic. He didn't really know if she even liked him. 
All they'd done was filmed a "public pranks in the library" video and gone to grab a coffee afterwards, catching up a week later in the same café to edit the video together before ending up going on a walk through Primrose Park... They could have all been friendly gestures, at the end of the day.
But their meetups gave Niko butterflies, regardless. 
"Okay, what cake are we making?" Olivia pulled the cook book from the desk and began flicking through the pages. Niko leaned over her shoulder to try and catch a glimpse of what options there were, though Kenny seemed to beat him to it.
"Oo we should do the carrot cake," Kenny pointed the cake out- topped with buttercream and sprinkled walnuts.
"Isn't that a bit ambitious?" Niko asked, scrunching his brows together in confusion. Kenny couldn't cook to save his life and Niko knew that between the two of them they weren't very likely to produce an edible cake.
"Ambitious but... seems do-able." Olivia nodded in approval. "I make carrot cake quite a bit for my neighbour so we have a bit of experience at least."
"You make food for your neighbour?!" Kenny repeated incredulously, before grinning and offering a wink as he said: "Damn, where do you live and can I move in with you?"
Niko furrowed his brows in confusion. Was Kenny trying to flirt with her?
Kenny might not have been flirting but it made Niko uncomfortable regardless. He hadn't actually introduced his friends to Olivia, and he felt like considering this was Kenny and Olivia's first meeting, they seemed to get on better than Niko had expected. Especially as Niko then watched as Olivia giggled at Kenny, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear and looking down in flattery. 
Niko felt an odd sinking in his chest- all the way down until there was a miserable lump in Niko's stomach.
Kenny was flirting.
And Niko was jealous.
"Right then," Niko clapped a hand on either's shoulders, pushing his body between theirs to force them apart. "Let's start making, then. What ingredients do we need?"
Niko and Kenny were whisked away to the fridge in search of milk, butter, carrots and a few more items whilst Olivia sifted through the pantry.
"You good, bro?" Kenny checked up as they both searched for the butter.
"Fabulous, fantastic, perfect." Niko listed off the words, concealing the twinge of annoyance behind a smile before turning to check Kenny's expression. "Why'd you ask?"
"Dunno, seemed a bit tense." Kenny shrugged before pulling the butter from the fridge with a grin, patting Niko's shoulder as he shut the fridge and picked up all the ingredients they'd scavenged. "Hey, Olivia's nice isn't she?"
"Yeah... Lovely." Niko spoke slowly before gritting his teeth, holding the milk carton with two hands to avoid throwing it at the back of Kenny's thick head.
"Nice face as well," Kenny grinned before they returned to their station, dropping the ingredients besides Olivia's dry ingredients. She glanced up from the scales, flashing a smile.
"Great, thanks Kenny," She smiled at Kenny as though Niko weren't there at all. Was this some sick prank Kenny and her had orchestrated to tease him? Was she purposefully ignoring him?
Kenny seemed to bask in the praise though, as he grinned cockily and leaned against the workbench besides her, exuding confidence as he made talk.
"What can I do to help?" Kenny asked, picking up an egg and tossing it up, catching it cleanly and doing it again.
"You can try crack an egg into a separate bowl." Olivia instructed before (finally) turning to Niko, who had tried to lean against the workbench like Kenny had, but Niko simply felt like he looked a bit silly. Out of place and too tall to be leaning against the bench. And he had a feeling if he even tried to play catch with an egg like Kenny was he'd make an even bigger mess of himself. "We need four eggs so you can do two as well, Niko."
Niko nodded enthusiastically, puffing his chest and putting an egg in either hand.
"I can crack an egg without any shells getting in." Kenny bragged, neatly cracking his egg against the counter before the inside smoothly plopped into the bowl.
"That's easy stuff." Niko laughed, though he couldn't remember the last time he'd he'd cracked an egg. He followed what Kenny had done and much to his surprise he didn't spill the egg or allow any eggshell into the bowl.
"Can you do it one handed, though?" Kenny neatly cracked his egg with just one hand, impressing even Olivia as she nodded approvingly from behind.
"Impressive, Kenny." She appraised, as Kenny took a sweeping bow with a smirk only Niko could see. 
"Well, I..." Niko searched his mind for a way to one up Kenny. He wanted Olivia to praise him like that. "Can do that with my eyes closed."
"Can you really?" Olivia asked with a raised brow. She was clearly dubious but still seemed interested. "If you can then I will be seriously impressed."
"I'll make sure you can't see," Kenny reached around him and put a hand over his eyes, rendering Niko blind. Niko heard Olivia mutter a quiet ayo before he realised he was indeed not going to be able to do this. 
Niko managed to locate the counter, but not the bowl. He felt the slimy albumen glide over his fingers before the hand over his eyes was removed and he saw the smashed egg and shell all over the counter. Olivia had her hands covering her face in horror, eyes squeezed shut, and Kenny with a hand over his mouth trying to supress his incredulous guffaws. 
"WHICH IDIOT," Chunkz's voice boomed as he approached, spotting the mashed egg that was slowly slipping from the counter and dribbling down to the floor in escape. "HAS SMASHED AN EGG NOT IN THE BOWL?"
"A grave accident occurred-" Niko began explaining, putting on his camera persona to at least look as though he all had in under control. In reality, he could feel his annoyance oozing out into hot, bubbling jealousy in the pit of hit stomach. And embarrassment seemed to shroud him as he felt his cheeks glowing, ears probably a glowing red as he felt Olivia's gaze on the back of his neck.
"CLEAN IT!" Chunkz cut Niko off, muttering obscenities to the camera as he walked away. 
"Well then," Kenny slid the kitchen roll across the table and towards a scowling Niko, who ripped off a sheet and began scrubbing the workbench as he heard Kenny say "Well then, I guess that makes you and I the main chefs for now."
Niko could've turned around and kicked his shins right there and then. Instead he kept scrubbing at the slimy egg and hand picking the shell from the floor, inner turmoil bubbling and just about ready to boil over as he could only listen to their sickening laughter and little jokes. Niko watched as AJ sneakily approached Kenny and Olivia from behind (the two of them far too busy scooping the gloopy mixture into the cake tin)  with a small bottle of what appeared to be bright red herb in his hand.
Niko was ready to yell out for the Rat to piss off and stop trying to sabotage them, until it turned around and noticed Niko, grinning and instead diverting to chat with his favourite. Small, snarky and sincere, Aj had become Niko's favourite housemate, and they'd grown surprisingly closest out of the lot. For some reason, Niko always found himself able to pick up a grin around his favourite rodent. 
"What you doing scrounging 'round the floor whilst Kenny's stealing your girl?" AJ questioned cheekily, leaning over the workbench from behind to stoop down to Niko's level. Usually it was Niko that had to lean down to AJ's level, but Niko was amused by the role reversal none the less. 
"I dropped an egg now I have to clean up the mess like Chunkz-" Niko paused his explanation as he mulled over AJ's words once more. "Hang on, what do you mean by your girl?"
"I'm the master of love, I know everything Niko," AJ snickered as Niko rolled his eyes. "Cmon, you didn't think I missed the messages you've been sending her for meetups and to grab coffees, did you?"
"How'd you see those?!" Niko hissed, backing up to get away from Olivia in case she overheard their conversation. Though much to his dismay, Olivia seemed really occupied with Kenny as it were. "They are private messages for a reason!"
"Yeah yeah, just don't leave your phone unlocked when you go to take a piss." AJ rolled his eyes as Niko facepalmed. "But that's beyond the point- why you just letting Kenny flirt with her in front of you? I thought you liked her?
"I do," Niko sighed. "She's just... I don't know. I don't even know if she likes me. We never called our meetups 'dates'...I'm just angry for no reason. Kenny doesn't realise I like her and it isn't Olivia's responsibility to tell him to stop or anything... Besides, I don't blame her- Kenny's something different. The muscles, the smile... And he has good rizz-""
"Do you like her or Kenny?" AJ raised a brow.
"Her of course!" Niko exclaimed before closing his eyes and sighing. "I just don't know whether it's worth... Well, I don't even know what the whole deal is."
"The deal is that you're being a PUSSY," AJ pushed him from behind, Niko scrunching his eyebrows. Was AJ being for real? "Go and get her attention- make some shortbread or icing with her, i don't care... just stop watching from the side-lines. It's weird."
"Fine, you have me sold." Niko huffed before grinning as he turned to AJ. "Only because you're the master of love, though."
With a loving neck-slap from AJ, Niko returned to the workbench with a new sort of bravado as the other two slotted the cake tin into the oven. 
"Hey, Livvy," Niko called with a smile which he hoped exuded whatever Kenny managed to put into his smile- even using that nickname they'd laughed about in the park previously. "Wanna help me make some shortbread pieces for the top of the cake?"
"That's a great idea, yeah," Olivia nodded enthusiastically, leaving Kenny's side to join Niko. "There's some shortbread in the fridge that needs rolling out, I think- we can use that- and Kenny, you can work on the buttercream whilst we do."
Niko grinned as Olivia fetched the shortbread, Kenny working on the buttercream by himself leaving him and Olivia some time to spend with one another. Speaking of:
"Hey, Niko, some genius put the dough on the top shelf- can you use your superhuman length to grab it," Olivia called for Niko. 
Might be muscular but doesn't have my height Niko almost grinned at the thought, though he knew fully well Kenny would be able to grab the dough just as easily as he had done. 
"Hey," Olivia spoke with a hushed voice, meaning that he had to crouch down slightly to share the private conversation. He lowered himself until he was eye-level with her, grinning as she rolled her eyes at the gesture. She looked beautiful, right now. So Niko thought; with her bun slightly messy and askew, her cheeks dusted with a bit of flour, lips curved into that same beautiful smile. "You alright? You seemed a bit quiet earlier..."
Niko shook his head, the memory of being so annoyed at Kenny feeling stupid in itself. "All good, now." Olivia nodded before flashing a smile and taking his hand, pulling him back to the workbench now with butterflies swimming around his stomach, the feeling of her hand slotted between his so perfectly giving him almost a headache from the insane headrush he was getting. 
Olivia was first to plop the dough down, unsuccessfully attempting to knead it with her hands before offering it to Niko. "Whatever setting that fridge is on, they've basically frozen that dough," She had grumbled, complaining it was too stiff for her to roll out. 
Well fuck, Niko thought, knowing damn well he didn't have strong, dough-kneading arms. Still couldn't hurt to try, right? He had big hands and he was sure he'd read something in physics saying size was better that strength.
Rolling his sleeves up, Niko cracked his knuckles before attempting to stretch the dough with ease. As he lay his hand flat on it and attempted to push it out-
It didn't budge a bit. 
"This is, erm," Niko huffed as he put all his body's strength into stretching it out. "This has definitely been frozen- you can't even move a bit of this thing-"
"I'll give it a go," Kenny shrugged from across the workbench. Niko felt like ripping his hair out as Kenny began rolling his sleeves up. Obnoxious prick, Niko thought Everyone knows you have muscles, it's nothing special...
But it is special, another intrusive thought spoke, calmly enough to disturb Niko and offset his jealousy. Making Niko feel something maybe more depressing. Where's your muscles, Niko, you don't have what he has...
Niko huffed, pushing it to the back of his mind and letting his inner monologue overrule the thought. Either way, it's science, he won't be able to knead frozen dough- it'll just break off-
Niko's thoughts were futile as Kenny began rolling the dough out and kneading it with the fluidity of a baker. Olivia praised him and Niko internally rolled his eyes as Kenny lapped it all up with his stupid smirk on his face, flexing his bicep and letting her feel it whilst he worked the dough with the other hand.
Niko sulked, pushing the rolling pin from hand to hand and refusing to allow that stupid, demeaning thought play on his mind as his eyes caught a vacant AJ's gaze. AJ grinned as he made eye contact before looking to the side and catching Kenny and Olivia together again. AJ pointed to his mouth and gagged to sign-language his distaste. Niko exhaled a pathetic laugh, though he felt his heart growing heavy as he felt the moment slipping through his fingers once again. 
Yeah, Niko thought, I don't like seeing it either, AJ. 
It was fair to say that both cakes seemed surprisingly impressive considering the chefs. 
Niko, Kenny and Olivia's carrot cake looked delectable, coated in buttercream and topped with shortbread hearts and stars (and a complementary penis)  and Chunkz nodded in approval as theirs was placed on the front desk.
But also, Gib, AJ and Sharky's Victoria sponge seemed well crafted as well- with an even golden colour and gentle sifting of sugar powdered like snow on the top. 
AJ stood besides Niko, Olivia also besides Niko- her shoulder brushing against his arm. He felt as though he should put his arm around her shoulder, but his heart pounded in his chest at the mere thought of it. 
"I think we could win this!" Olivia whispered excitedly, looking up at Niko with a sparkle in her eyes that almost made Niko's heart melt. He took the opportunity, and decided to put his arm around her- hand on her shoulder as he rubbed it supportively in a side hug.
"All thanks to you," He whispered back with a sincere smile. Olivia's face only glowed even more, somehow.
"This is..." Chunkz went into the carrot cake for another spoonful before meeting the team's eyes with an astounded look.  "One of the best carrot cakes I've ever tasted."
"YESS!" Kenny cheered as Niko and Olivia met in a hug, Niko moreso celebrating the way Olivia wrapped her arms around his body as they hugged, resting her head against his body and jumping up and down with him, her hair bouncing up and down jovially. 
The groups went to taste their own creations, AJ giving Niko a slice which he said "hasn't been licked by me, yet" which Niko felt as though he were enjoying until he turned around and saw Kenny and Olivia trialling their carrot cake together.
Kenny had cut a slice out, taking a bite from it before nodding with wide eyes and picking up the slice, jokingly telling her to open wide and holding the slice out. 
Her cheeks were bright red, lips curved upwards and making her eyes contract into little crescents as she laughed at Kenny's gesture, though she leaned forwards to take a bite as Kenny placed his other hand beneath her chin, keeping complete eye contact even as she bit into the cake, only lowering his hand when she pulled away to swallow. 
Niko felt as though his heart had been slowly and agonizing pulled apart piece by piece in front of him, unmoved and placid whilst he watched Kenny laugh with Olivia. Niko never seen such a domestic look in Kenny's eyes as he smiled down at Olivia gently... and the terrifying way he seemed so warmed by Olivia's presence- her jokes, her smiles, her charisma...
And even Olivia seemed to like him.
It were as though someone had switched the channel- as though Niko's mind was just filled with static as he tuned out to the finale of the video, clearing the mess and helping the camera crew pack away without a word, his mind buzzing and racing as he worked on autopilot. 
Does she always seem that happy? He had himself questioning. Was she that happy with me? Did she smile like that all those times I went out with her? Does she compare me to Kenny? Does she think I'm less of a person compared to him...? That he's better than me...? Does she even think about me around him or does he mean that much to her that she loses her head around him the way I lose my head around her?
The questions shrouded his mind as he stepped outside, feeling as though a tear drop were rolling down his face as he exited the building, heart heavy and body a big bundle of nerves- like he were going to explode if someone touched him. 
"NIKO!" A hand on top of his was what woke him from his dazed state. He whirled around, electrified by the sheer feeling of someone's touch against his, waking him up from that horrifying daydream. 
There stood Olivia, his Livvy- hair still in a beautiful untidy bun, face still a perfectly stained with flour... Though she was wet. Droplets ran down her face like teartracks.
Niko looked up.
It was raining.
How hadn't he noticed it was raining? He had felt the teardrops staining his cheeks, yet not the heavy London bullets firing down the back of his neck. 
"Niko what-" Olivia's words were cut off as Niko tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear. It had been covering her face. She smiled weakly at the gesture before clearing her throat and holding up her hand, carrying his puffer with her. "You forgot this..."
"Oh." Niko mustered. She didn't really care, did she. Was this all a game to her? Probably. He felt as though his efforts were futile, and so, Niko pulled his jacket from her arms before turning around and walking away again. She just came to give back his jacket. Of course. What else. 
He only managed a few more paces before he was stopped again.
"WHAT." This time he responded with an exclamation of his own. "What is it? Did I forget something else?! Did I mess something else up?! What now..."
He felt like shit the moment he'd let the words escape his mouth. Olivia's face seemed to fall slack.
"I just wanted to ask what's wrong..." Her face crumpled. Not as though she were about to cry- she was just suffering from empathy, and it made Niko's poor, bleeding heart seem to crumble.
He closed the gap between them and wrapped his arms around her shoulders- the two soaked bodies meeting in a warm embrace.
"You have no idea the way I feel for you you, Livvy." He mumbled, looking up at the sky. He couldn't tell whether he wanted her to hear it or not, but she seemed to have caught the message.
"Niko, you fucking idiot," She chuckled wetly against his sweatshirt, her harsh spoken words pulling Niko's head down so that their eyes met. "I don't know what you feel for me, but I... I like you. A lot."
The words seemed to take weight off of his shoulders. He looked down at the girl in his arms. His arms. His Livvy. 
"What about Kenny?" The words tumbled from his lips before he could stop them.
"What about him?" Her eyebrows furrowed as though she'd never even heard of his name. Then as though the truth of the universe hit her, her face cleared in realisation, before she began laughing. "Oh-Oh my, Niko, are you jealous?"
"Should I NOT be?!" Niko found it in himself to laugh incredulously. "I thought you two had something going this entire time?"
"I could never have anything with someone else when you're there, Niko." She smiled softly.  Niko couldn't take the feeling of bittersweet aching his heart carried. 
"I wanna kiss you so bad right now." Niko breathed, a smile tracing his lips.
Olivia was the one to get onto her tip-toes, throwing her arms around Niko's shoulders and pressing her lips softly against his. Niko's heart raced as he reciprocated the kiss, his arms instinctively pulling her closer by the waist. Time seemed to stand still as they melted into each other's embrace, their connection deepening with each passing second. 
Until Olivia pulled away, sucking in a breath of fresh air and grinning. 
The rain had soaked her hair, pressing those stray hairs flat against the sides of her face, and Niko yet couldn't think of anything but how lucky he was. And how stupid he was. How fucking ecstatic he was with Olivia in his arms. 
Hope you all enjoyed, pls give a little heart n whatnot if you liked
Hope you enjoyed reading!! Feel free to interact- whether that be a comment, vote or follow! Requests open, feel free to submit what u wanna see... Much love!!
To see more, here's my MASTERLIST
And here's my WATTPAD, with 50+ more oneshots to read
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py-dreamer · 10 days
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Ooop- so it's almost mid september...
Y'know what that means?
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Yea so we have a return of the stickers!!!
Well less stickers and kinda whatever this is Ig
Don't get me wrong I'm still super proud of it! I suppose it was meant to be like stickers from last year but it kinda escalated and sort off got a wee bit out of hand...
...just a tad bit...
Woooh! So anyone who's in the KNY hotpot might recognize this style and yes I did basically use the KNY birthday art format but COME ON!!!
(If you can't tell I do really like this cake art)
I promise this time it is really 10 days till my actual birthday unlike the whoopsie 11 I did last year -_-'
And I know it's not Mk's birthday even though it looks like it is, I know. But it's the bloody format of the art and Idk how else to change it. Besides I think they slay in those birthday outfits.
And it was fun to do my sticker style in a bigger thing!
But Idk if it's cause I haven't touched my bloody stylus in ages or I've been swimming in the KNY hotpot for too long BUT WHY WAS MK'S FACE SO HARD TO DRAW FROM THE FRONT VIEW!!!
Oml...regardless, I did have a lot of fun with this and had lots of fun with the decorations and such. If you were here last year, your keen memory and astute eye might notice that the cake is the same cake I used in the 'shenanigans in space' birthday stickers I did last year!
@leesbian42, @cats-and-confusion remember that lol?
So the tiny memory flower thing and star candies are an homage to that :)
(btw, pssttt @emerialyncodevenice I know we haven't talked in a while but you mentioned that you liked the bloomin cake and was thinking of using it. Feel free to use this if you like, Idk how just credit me m'kay?)
But anyways, if y'all wanna use this pic, again. Pls credit me.
The decorations are meant to be sugar cookies and idk what the icing is. Since I'm thinking more of an east asian fruit cake (those really really soft fluffy spongy ones) I was thinking more like light yellow dyed whipping cream and less buttercream.
Maybe even some kinda custard Idk...(does custard go well with cake?)
The orange chunks are meant to be like mango balls or chunks and hopefully the red thingys in the middle read across as strawberries
I had to include the Monkey king plush, he's just so little!
I was tempted to draw in the other characters as plushies since they are as important to MK probably but it's getting late and I'd already been working on this baby for like 3 hours already.
All in all, I do really like this and ngl, pray this doesn't flop.
I know my single stickers don't always do well but pls y'all I like this very much...
It is nice to compare this year's work and last year and I am proud to say I have improved at least somewhat
And as for why I rarely post, well I've gotten back from my holiday but sadly I'm at that age where work and stuff will be my main focus for the time being.
Got a lot of assignments and tests y'know...
(hell I have one due the 17th and tests to do tomorrow and here I am faffing on about legos on tumblr)
And like I said, I have been blipping and dabbing in demon slayer, read a lot more KNY fics lately (I actually have a mini sketch of kamaboko squad as hashiras, heavily inspired off of other designs but even so-, if I'm in the mood I might post that!)
But enough yapping, I'll try my best to keep up this 10 days thing
(if you don't know up till my birthday for 10 days I try to post a sticker or thingy like this one)
no promises since I am busier this year but this was a lot of fun so you'll definitely see some stuff.
(I just realized I have to keep up this level of detail in my other stuff T^T save meeeeeee plsssss)
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themightymoose · 2 months
So is this photo was from when Zoe first joined the pet shop
So is Zoe the last one to join
And if so, how much has passed since then. Because she looks like the same age
Okay so it would be one year ago Penny joined The Squad
My headcanons 🥺
imma ignore canon >:)
Pepper and Zoe being so excited for her
Penny's just like "No, bitch they're gonna kill each other."
Blythe brushing Penny
Vinnie being excited about Penny's party
Vinnie middle name is Alfonso?
Vinnie almost fucking died
They all look so traumatized
He is legit scarred for life
"I think you look pretty cute without your tail, Vinnie!" :)
What parents Sunil? What are you talking about sir
Uh oh
Blythe is like "Well this is awkward. :/"
Guys your hyperfixations aren't Penny's hyperfixation
"And we all get a pie that we can throw at Zoe!" "WhAT-" damn 💀
Girlie just got shot into another dimension
Which is a reoccurring theme of this show
"I look terrible in lilac." NO YOU DON'T SUNIL
Russell looks so snazzy
"And then we have the skunk dunking booth where we can dunk Pepper!" "WHAT-"
The shaaaaadddeee
"Okay that's kinda funny actually-" at least she's taking it like a champ
Pepper's middle name is Mildred 💀
Yeah she seems like a Mildred to me
The fellas are just so silly :)
What's Minka doing during this
Buttercream just comes from out of nowhere
The awkward tension
They should just kiss me thinks
Pepper is so shit at lying
Russell trying to give confidence in his mongoose bf <3
Vinnie's cranky
Oh hi Minka
I'm so confused
Vinnie drew the Mona Lisa
Vinnie is going through fucking hell right now
How the fuck did she get that hay bale inside
They're laughing so passive aggressively
Blythe has no idea does she
Vinnie is so sad he can't perform a dance for Penny
Blythe giving Vinnie some encouragement
Vinnie's so happy
Pepper just got flung into the wall
Damn hit a nerve there
Vinnie breaking them up to make the conversation about him
They are so confused
Minka and Vinnie only joining Zoe's party for the food
Sunil and Russell giggling
Damn this is awkward 💀
Did Zoe just flirt with Penny
Got some smooth moves I'll give her that
You can tell that even though they're literally about to kill each other they truly do love Penny
And I think that's beautiful
Penny feels like a child of divorce rn
The girls are fiiiggghhhtinnnngggg
I think the fire hydrant house night be everyone's comfort place
"Okay, you two. You're grounded."
They all probably think Zoe and Pepper are Blythe's favorites
"Blythe that's fucking stupid."
Okay this is so sweet I'll get cavities
They're sharing their feelings
Pepper and Zoe were just jealous of each other
Please excuse me while I rewatch this scene five hundred times
Now kiss
Did they forget Penny exists
I do too sometimes
Mostly with Minka though
Sunil is so happy for Vinnie
Penny and Vinnie's friendship means so much to me I love them
Vinnie's showing off his vocals right now
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sebsxphia · 1 year
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drabbles part one.
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jake and bob holding you down*
holding you down*
car washes*
pregnant with poly!squad & part one*
coming home after a month away 
showers with them*
texting them at work*
rhett in poly!gun
brat taming their dumb baby*
poly!squad getting hit on*
someone always has to be home*
love how desperate you are*
poly!squad come home late*
when you submit your grad school application
love watching you in mirrors*
at the hard deck getting hit on
phoenix spanking you*
cowboys and cowgirls*
boudoir photoshoot* & part one*
teasing poly!squad in public*
asking poly!squad to tie you up*
sending polaroids to poly!squad*
“i don’t care if takes all night, you will submit.”*
mean!dom bob and poly!squad*
clone a willy kits*
poly!squad hooking their fingers in your mouth*
locker room manhandling*
taking their turns*
dealing with bratty natasha*
daddy kink*
poly!squad helping you through sub drop
doming jake*
natasha showing you off*
bradley using mean dom bob and jake*
going to a sex club*
pussy eating competition*
pussy inspections* and part one*
finding you reading
bob catching you, bradley and jake*
dancing for poly!squad*
flipped power dynamics*
nipple play*
going out to a bar*
reader doming poly!squad*
hiding from secret brat tamer jake*
poly!squad and a obedient reader*
sex pollen*
knife play with poly!squad*
taking care of you while you’re drunk
helping you with your new meds
bradley and jake’s punishment*
taking care of you while you’re sick
bob putting collars on you*
poly!squads home
admiral bradley*
nutella buttercream*
calling you princess*
pussy inspections after a cream pie*
bob inviting bradley and jake over to watch*
poly!squad when you use your safe word*
going to a nude beach
bob and natasha using bunny to punish jake and bradley*
rueben teasing mickey*
‘make me’*
nat only doming bob*
helping you study*
when sleeping in bed, where do you sleep?
sub jake with poly!squad*
bradley doming jake in front of you and bob*
pussy drunk bob*
calling jake a slut all night*
poly!squad & piss kink*
poly!squad making you hold it in*
jake holding you up for natasha*
bradley and bob making you and natasha piss on jake*
poly!squad making you come when you have to pee*
refusing to lick jake’s boot*
coming and pissing on jake’s face*
jake being touched starved
all of you coming on jake’s face*
poly!squad making you lick up your own mess through your shorts*
poly!squad making you and jake hold it*
jake wants to be used as a foot stool* 
coyote and fanboy coming in*
nat using you as a foot stool*
warming nat’s clit*
facials with poly!squad*
kissing nat after she has a facial*
jake getting his cock pierced*
poly!squad, pregnant bunny and lactation kink*
you and subby nat being good
aftercare with poly!squad
admiral bob and a spreader bar*
nat taking on aftercare with poly!squad*
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drachonia · 9 months
hiii, drac 💕 how are you doing today?
for noele: 🎮 💯 🐶 💘 🍰 🤩
I'm good! How are you? :D Also THANK YOU FOR THE ASK EEEEE I'm excited for this.
🎮: Noele's into baking, horseback riding, and sparring with her friends in her particular squad.
💯: 1. Some of the besties (specifically Celicia and Cure) actually gave me the inspiration to develop her a bit more, so she's a knight under Licht's command to boot.
2. Noele was an OC I came up with about halfway through 2023, but I really started developing her more during my history class on the Viking Age, so that was a decent inspiration for her homeland and her ideals.
3. Her home, Quartz, is partially born of the setting I had been building for my old DnD characters, a former duchy that broke off to become its own nation with a climate and landscape somewhat reminiscent of Norway and Iceland's coasts and fjords. (So...really fucking pretty with some seascape outside Noele's front door while she was growing up.)
🐶: She has a horse named Menthe, but otherwise not really a pet person. Her family and friends would have hunting dogs, though, and she doesn't mind getting a pet, she's simply too busy for anything not related to her profession.
💘: If anyone's been unfortunate enough to be in my vicinity when I talk about my brain babies (read: OCs) like Noele, she's my MC for Nokto's route. Safe to say she holds the goofy fox awfully close, even likes teasing him a fair bit!
🍰: Noele's favorite dessert is probably roll cake, the more fluffy, moist, and cream-filled, the better. Make her a vanilla roll cake, fill it with strawberry whipped cream, frost with buttercream or ganache, and top with fresh fruit and you have a very happy Noele.
🤩: Mostly spontaneous, she's usually not a thinker, she's a doer. A friend's caught up in trouble? Time to rush headfirst in with a greatsword and see what happens. Though sometimes she will plan things out if she judges her impulses to have a negative impact. She's an adaptable sort.
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angelcloves · 1 year
Hexside Squad's favorite Easter candies? (I think maybe when I get home if I'm not too tired and I'm motivated enough that I MIGHT make the same headcanon on my sideblog)
luz: peeps. amity hates them so she takes advantage of not having to share
amity: chocolate bunnies. hard to go wrong. shes very methodical about what order she eats the body parts in
gus: also peeps but purely for the human novelty of it all. he hates the texture
willow: bubblegum eggs! shes a bubblegum girl to me. she likes to see how big of a bubble she can blow but it usually ends in her having to scrape gum out of the ends of her hair when it pops in her face
hunter: not candy but he has carrot cake energy. his favorite permutation is a cream cheese icing base with piped buttercream carrots and the buttercream is not optional he will get upset if theres no buttercream carrots on the top yes im projecting from when i used to work at a bakery
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darkecho17 · 2 years
Tumblr media
Got another piece for y'all (and another on the way!). Merry Christmas, happy holidays, and an early happy new year too, I hope y'all have a good one! ^w^
This one features the members of the durp squad - my wonderful homies and family! I love you guys with all of my cheesy little kitty heart and I'm looking forward to whatever the new year has in store for us~!
I did something similar to this last year, so consider it a redraw of this piece! --> https://www.deviantart.com/echo-of-the-sea/art/Meowry-Crimas-Happy-Howlidays-901799505
Characters included are... Cheese and Bandit, who belong to me. Finn belongs to @17-poprocks . KK belongs to @agentkk00. Isinki belongs to SweetTo0ths on TH. Achilles doesn't have any socials I could link to, I don't think... Kaine belongs to @kitbeekat . Grey belongs to @ten10zen. Brooke belongs to @brooke-the-pal. Syl belongs to @merlins-tower . Buttercream belongs to @discordderpy .
This one also comes with a speedpaint! -->
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loosesodamarble · 1 year
A Future as Bright as the Sun and Stars
Thoughts about Morgen and Josele's wedding and their life if they got their happily ever after.
Discordia is @lyranova's oc.
Thomas tries to walk Josele down the aisle but with his bad leg (hunting injury), he can't make it the whole way. Josele walks the rest of the way on her own.
Yami, one of Morgen's groomsmen, almost objects to the wedding but is silenced by William and Nacht.
Discordia, Charlotte, and Rachel (from Driftwood Desserts) are Josele's bridemaids.
Morgen kisses Josele on the lips before the priest gives the go ahead. The audience all laugh about how much Morgen adores his bride/wife.
After Josele and Morgen have their first dance as husband and wife, Josele dances with people like her father, Nacht, and Yami. William and Discordia also get a dance with her.
Charlotte is the one to catch the bouquet when its tossed but she quickly shoves it into someone else's hands. And that someone is Yami... 👀
The wedding cake is three layers: two vanilla and one strawberry. The frosting is buttercream. There's one or two pieces of Gladis' sugar art displayed at the wedding as well.
At the wedding, Josele whispers to Morgen that she suspects she might already be pregnant.
Josele moves into the Faust Manor after the wedding. She and Morgen still have their rooms at the Grey Deer base but Josele is officially part of House Faust (no matter how much Vincent and Adela hate it).
At the same time Yami and William get their own squads, Morgen would become the captain of the Grey Deer squad. He immediately makes Josele his vice captain.
Morgen is considered as a top candidate for Wizard King alongside William, Fuegoleon, and Nozel.
Morgen mostly deals with the work that's done while behind a desk. He sorts mission reports and attends meetings. He coordinates missions for the squad members.
Josele's main job as the vice captain of the squad is training the squad members. She mentors new recruits, guiding them through their first mission and then teaming them up with older members who she believes will help them grow.
Josele encourages physical exercise as well as honing one's magic to the squad.
The Aqua Deer squad thrives with Morgen and Josele at the helm. They make sure that everyone does their best in work but also encourages their Magic Knights to enjoy themselves outside of the job.
One time, someone suggested that Josele became vice captain only because she is Morgen's wife. One duel later, the person retracted their statement.
The members of the Aqua Deer and even other squads often go to Morgen and Josele for relationship advice.
Josele and Morgen sometimes get into heated discussions. And a trick that the squad members have learned to get them to calm down is to yell "Just make out already!" It embarrasses the couple and makes them think more clearly.
While their jobs keep them busy and don't make it possible to have every meal together, Josele and Morgen always have at least one meal together in a day. Breakfast, lunch, dinner, or even a snack break, they like to share their meals.
They try to have a date every two weeks. Nothing major but at least something like trip to a cafe for drinks or a walk through the manor gardens.
For their first anniversary, they took a weekend off to spend at a private beach house. No captain duties, no Magic Knight duties whatsoever, and no one else (except maybe their child[ren] if Josele's pregnancy suspicion was right).
Morgen and Josele's future kids would consist of 5 sons and 2 daughters.
They kept having sons and only stopped when the daughters (twins) were finally born. Although they would've agree to stop at 10 if the boys just kept coming.
Morgen is not the best parent at first. He has to do a lot of reading and practice with Josele before he gets the hang of it.
Bless this man. He loves his kids with all of his heart. But when he sees his firstborn right when he was fresh out in the world, he definitely loses consciousness for a few seconds. He was told there'd be blood but he didn't expect the baby to look as bad as they did.
It's through sheer determination that Morgen learns and becomes the best parent to his children.
Josele isn't perfect either. While she knows her way around kids, she's hesitant to smother them. She tends to their needs of course but she doesn't feel comfortable "spoiling" them for a long while.
Morgen reminds her that she should give their children what she lacked growing up and what she lacked was parental doting. And that gets her to change.
Each and every child would develop at least one healing spell, regardless of their attribute. Such a kind magic is in their blood.
Josele would also teach the children how to use weapons and Morgen would help them find an artistic outlet (music, poetry, drawing, anything).
Josele and Morgen are "Mama" and "Papa" to their kids, no matter how old they get.
On each of the children's birthdays, the birthday child(ren) always receive their first gift under their bed. They ask Morgen and Josele why they put the first present under the bed and the parents answer that they don't put it there.
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imagineabuttercream · 2 years
Josh's White Deep V Tee (Josh x Reader)
"Totally up to you if you want to write this or not, but possibly an imagine where the reader is friends with the buttercream squad and she films a video with Josh, Conor and Jack and they somehow ruin her shirt so Josh offers her one of his and she's a bit insecure because she's curvy that it won't fit but he encourages her to put it on and sure enough it fits, and the guys tell her not to be insecure about her weight :)"
"WRONG!" Jack yells, signaling that you and Josh have to do another forfeit and that Jack and Conor get another point.
"How am I supposed to know your family cat's name??" you complain.
"I'm hurt, y/n" Jack feigned "You don't follow me on snapchat, obviously, because I've only said it a thousand times."
On your trip to London you had tried to make the rounds to bank as many collab videos as possible. You had filmed a hilarious go-pro hide and seek video with you and Joe against Zalfie, a very dramatic nerd vs nerd video with Dan and Phil, a clothes swapping video with Louise, and you and Josh had just finished vlogging your first tour around the city. When you arrived back at the flat Jack asked you and Josh to film a video for his "Brothers vs _______" series.
"Drama queen. What is our forfeit?" Josh asked, knowing that there were only 3 or 4 left and they were all bad.
Conor pulled a piece of paper out of the hat and started laughing so hard he couldn't read it. Grabbing it from his hand, you read it out loud. "Oh, god. It says to let the members of the opposite team give you a Marmite face mask."
"Yes!" Jack cheered, leaving the room to grab the Marmite.
"Pleeeeeeeeease don't get this in my hair." you begged, knowing he was still going to get it everywhere, including your hair.
Sitting down with the brothers standing behind you two, Jack started putting Marmite all over your face while Conor started drawing a penis on Josh's face with the Marmite. "Jack! You just dropped it down my shirt! Ew! It's squidgy! And all over my boobs!"
Perfectly timed, all three boys moved so they could see where Jack had just dropped the Marmite. "Really boys?" you laughed, staring at the camera.
"Looks like we have our thumbnail" Conor laughed. "I think Y/n got the worst of this, though." He dipped his hand in the Marmite drenching Josh's hair and face in the rest of it.
Finally it was time to end the video. Jack and you sat in the middle with his arm around your shoulders. Josh on your other side and Conor on Jack's other side. "Subscribe to these three and give this video a thumbs up! I have to say, I've never seen Marmite look so good." Jack teased as he once more openly looked at your now very sticky cleavage.
Turning the camera off, Conor offered you his bathroom to clean up since Josh had just hopped in the downstairs shower. "I'll show you where everything is." he lead you up to his bathroom after you grabbed your bag.
"Towels are in there, use whatever you want in the shower, and the hair dryer and stuff is all under here." Conor pointed.
"Thanks. I cannot wait to not be sticky." you laughed, finally getting your face clean in the sink. Opening your bag, your stomach dropped. "Oh, shit. I don't know where I left my sweater." you said, realizing you'd have to hand wash your shirt in the sink and wait for it to dry.
"That's not a problem, I'll just grab one of my t shirts." Conor went to leave.
"No, no. I'll just hand wash this one really quick if you can throw it in the dryer while I'm in the shower?" you asked hoping he'd just do it and not argue with you.
"Y/n, I have more shirts than I can count. I can throw yours in the wash, but you don't have to wait for it." he replied.
Internally sighing and getting a bit anxious, you finally just said it. "Conor, your shirts aren't going to fit me. It's fine. Really. Just let me scrub this really quick and then I'll hop in the shower. it's not a big deal."
Conor's face dropped knowing he had just made you uncomfortable. "Hey, hey. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you. I wasn't even thinking about that. How about you take it off and hand it to me through the door and I'll take care of it while you're cleaning up." he cheesily smiled trying to fix the fun mood he felt he had just ruined.
Unable to not laugh at conor being a dork and relieved he didn't force you to try one of his shirts on, you agreed. "Thank you." you said, handing him your shirt through the crack in the door.
He went downstairs and started scrubbing the shirt in the sink. "What are you doing?" josh asked, seeing Conor in the kitchen when he came out of the bathroom.
"Scrubbing y/n's shirt. I fucked up and I'm trying to make it up to her." Conor said, focused on getting all of the Marmite out.
"How did you fuck up?" Josh asked, confused.
"She doesn't have another shirt with her so I told her to just take one of mine, but she kept saying she was fine and I just had to keep insisting not even thinking about it." Conor replied, adding more soap to the water.
"Thinking about what?" Josh asked, still not getting it.
"She finally just stopped me and told me she wouldn't fit in my shirts so I'm trying to clean hers. I wasn't even thinking about it, but I know I made her uncomfortable." Conor said, realizing the Marmite wasn't coming out of the shirt. "This is hopeless"
"Hey, don't worry about it. Put it in the washer and I'll bring her something she can wear." Josh replied, starting to walk to his room.
"Josh, she's going to kill me if I let you go try to convince her to wear something else again. She'll kill me for telling you it ever happened!" Conor started to worry.
"Really, I've got this. Just throw that in the washer with spot cleaner." Josh finished getting dressed and then grabbed his favorite white v-neck t-shirt, heading upstairs.
He could hear the blow dryer running in the bathroom, so he sat on Conor's bed until you were finished. Hearing the dryer turn off, he walked to the door and knocked. "Y/n?" Josh called.
"Yeah?" you responded, putting everything back on except your shirt.
"Can I come in?" He asked.
"Um....hold on." you grabbed the towel and held it to your chest, covering your stomach and bra. "Yeah, come in." you answered nervously.
"Hey!" he smiled. "Your t-shirt is in the wash so I grabbed one of mine so you weren't walking around in a towel."
"I'm going to kill Conor." was all you said, closing your eyes trying to calm down. The last thing you needed to do was have a full blown panic attack in front of the boy you actually liked.
Josh put his hand on your shoulder. "I made him tell me. He was down there trying his best to clean your shirt and I knew that mine would work just fine."
Looking up at him, trying to keep the water in your eyes from spilling into tears, you didn't know what to say. Do you wait in the bathroom for your shirt to finish being in the wash? Do you risk putting his shirt on and looking like a stuffed sausage?
"I know that you think that it won't fit or that you'll look horrible in it, but you're wrong. first, I know for a fact my shirt will fit you just fine. Second..." He paused blushing a bit. "Second, you look beautiful in everything you wear. Okay? I'm going to turn around and shut my eyes and you're going to put this on." Josh said, running his thumb under your eye to clear away a few stray tears before handing you his shirt.
'Did he just say what I think he said?' you thought to yourself, realizing you were just standing there instead of changing. Dropping the towel, you pulled the shirt over your head and turned to the mirror.
"Can I turn around?" Josh asked, looking adorable with his hands covering his eyes.
Laughing, you responded. "Yeah, you're good."
"See! I told you it would fit. It looks better on you than it does on me." Josh teased.
"Yeah, yeah. You were right." you felt relief flood your body. "I just get a lot of grief for being a big girl. Especially a big girl on you-tube. I avoid anything that would make it awkward for me or anyone else." you responded, looking at your feet.
"Y/n, there is nothing wrong with being a big girl." Josh replied, pulling your chin up so you were looking at him. "Now lets go watch a movie or something. I know Jack wants to order Chinese."
"Thank you, Josh. Really." you felt him pull you into a hug.
Grabbing your hand, Josh led you down the stairs to the living room. Pulling you down onto the couch next to him, he put his arm around your shoulders and you kind of snuggled into his side.
You noticed Jack walk into the living room with his vlogging camera out. Thinking Josh wouldn't want you two to look couple-y in the vlog, you went to sit up straight, but your efforts were met with Josh pulling you back into his side.
"Look at these two cuties." Jack spoke to the camera, panning over to you two.
Conor complained "Hey! I'm cute too!" throwing himself across your laps. Everyone laughed.
"By the way, Josh. You're never allowed to wear that t-shirt anymore. Once the world has seen it on those boobs, you'll never be able to make it look as good." Jack teased, having no clue that there was any drama behind you wearing it.
"I have to agree," Josh said, looking at you and trying not to blush.
"I don't know, I thought you looked quite handsome in it." you replied.
Your cute moment was interrupted by Conor yelling "I ship it!" at you and Josh. "And by that, I mean I ship Y/n and that t-shirt." he joked.
After everyone had eaten, Jack came up with the brilliant idea to film another video. "We should play 'Never Have I Ever'" he yelled. "We never have any girls in those videos!" Popping up to grab his camera.
"As long as there's no Marmite involved, I'm in." you responded, very happy with how your day turned out.
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chaoslulled · 2 months
' you haven't gotten used to it yet -- the way that i look at you in this life. ' - from erwin, reincarnation
it's  supposed  to  be  a  good  thing,  getting  the  memories  of  your  past  life.    it's  supposed  to  mean  that  you're  either  one  of  the  nine,  or  there  was  unfinished  business  that  you  still  had  to  take  care  of.    it  was  always  just  a  legend,  something  kenny  used  to  mumble  about  after  he'd  come  home  smelling  of  cheap  beer    &    fighting  with  his  boyfriend.    uri  always  called  a  few  hours  later  to  check  in    &    make  sure  he  was  fine,    &    the  one  time  levi  had  mentioned  it  to  him,  uri  had  looked  almost  horrified  that  it  had  been  spoken.      ever  since  then,  levi  hadn't  mentioned  it.      it  felt  like  something  foolish,  like  something  a  child  is  told  in  order  to  fall  asleep  at  night.  
now  though,  now  he  understands  why  uri  was  horrified    ––    him    &    kenny  had  already  had  their  memories    &    were  working  through  them.      which  it's  already  hard  enough  to  get  kenny  to  talk  on  a  daily  basis,  let  alone  with  something  like  this.      
still,  levi  hadn't  thought  anything  really  of  it.      now  though,  now  remembering  feels  like  a  CURSE.      a  curse  because  he  looks  at  erwin  playing  with  bryn    &    remembers      ––        remembers  that  he  let  him  die.        that  he  had  made  the  choice  on  that  damn  rooftop  to  follow  through  with  erwin's  wishes,    &    let  him  die  a  hero's  death  on  the  battlefield.        he  had  tucked  him  away  in  that  home  to  rot    ––    left  his  memories  there  too,  with  his  face  in  his  knees    &    the  damn  brats  squawking  excitedly  about  new  discoveries  that  were  being  made.  
it  hits  him  when  he  least  expects  it,  the  guilt    &    the  way  that  the  bile  rises  in  his  throat.      sometimes  he's  fine,  going  about  his  business    ––    he's  got  a  cake  order  to  fill  for  some  kid's  birthday  party    &    the  second  his  tip  touches  the  buttercream  to  add  the  icing,  it  slips;      blue  turns  into  red    &    for  a  moment  all  he  can  see  is  the  blood  on  his  hands.        how  many  titans  had  he  slain  thinking  that  they  were  mindless  monsters?        how  many  lives  had  he  ended  even  when  he  knew  they  were  humans?          would  his  squad  ever  forgive  him  in  that  forest  after  zeke  turned  them?        would  erwin  ever  forgive  him  for  giving  up?
&    then  it  morphs  into  erwin's  suicide  charge    &    it  gets  to  be  too  much    ––    hands  shake      &    he's  forced  to  put  his  work  down,  abandon  it.      instead,  he  sits  with  his  knees  pulled  up,  precariously  balanced  on  the  horrible  little  stool  that  had  almost  creaked  underneath  erwin's  weight  when  they  had  first  met  up  here.        when  they  had  been  under  the  guise  of  groceries    &    misconstrued  intentions.      he  presses  his  face  into  them    &    attempts  to  breathe  through  the  memories,  the  overwhelming  sadness  that  settles  into  his  chest  like  lead.    he  attempts  to  breathe  through  the  overwhelming  guilt  that  sits  over  his  head  like  a  cloud,  threatening  to  open  its  downpour  at  any  minute.  
farlan's  presence  when  he  goes  home  most  days  isn't  welcomed  either    ––    he  remembers  being  the  reason  that  farlan  died.      he  remembers  watching  him  salute  as  he  was  broken  in  half  by  titan  jaws,  all  because  he  had  been  selfish    &    hellbent  on  killing  erwin.        he  had  been    so  foolish  then;      what  kind  of  leader  was  he?        looking  at  isabel  makes  him  cry    ––    he  remembers  her  head  rolling  underneath  his  boot    &    closing  her  eyes.          seeing  hange  makes  his  throat  clog  up  with  emotion;      the  fourth  he  had  had  to  let  go.          him    &    mike  don't  cross  paths  as  much;    he  still  remembers  finding  bits    &    pieces  of  him  strewn  across  the  landscape.      
there's  the  twisted  guilt  there  too  of  how  he  managed  to  move  on,  how  he  managed  to  find  happiness  in  terms    &    conditions  even  though  he  shouldn't  have.      he  looks  at  farlan    &    sees  acutely  every  mistake  that  he's  made.      he  looks  at  erwin    &    sees  a  life  that  he  had  wanted  so  badly    &    knows  that  he  should  leave.      that  erwin  has  a  life  here  now,  one  full  of  happiness.        being  a  father  looks  good  on  him    ––    bryn  is  a  bundle  of  joy    &    he  finally  gets  the  opportunity  to  be  good.      to  be  happy.
there's  also  mortification  in  his  veins  for  the  fact  that  he  had  been  with  zeke  of  all  people,  the  very  one  who  had  ended  erwin's  life.        who  had  ended  so  many  scouts'  lives,  including  his  squad.        who  had  corrupted  so  much    &    destroyed  so  much.        he  hadn't  been  able  to  stomach  even  seeing  erwin  for  a  week  straight  once  zeke  was  remembered,    &    that  was  before  he  had  thought  of  the  half  assed  distancing  plan  to  get  himself  out  of  erwin's  life  before  it  was  too  late.
when  levi's  memories  had  come  back,  he  had  distanced  for  as  long  as  he  could.      he  had  begged  erwin  to  let  him  go    ––    there  was  too  much  at  stake    &    levi  has  always  been  the  catalyst.        he  can  see  that  now;      he  is  a  harbinger  of  death,  the  very  thing  that  comes  at  you  with  a  scythe  when  you  look  in  old  tales.        getting  away  now  would  be  the  best  thing  for  erwin    ––      &    if  he  had  managed  to  do  it  before  erwin  regained  his  memories,  everything  would  have  been  fine.        erwin  could've  been  blissfully  unaware,  happy  as  a  single  father    &    thriving  with  a  child  that  looks  at  him  like  he's  hung  the  moon.  
levi  is  selfish  though.        levi  doesn't  do  it  in  time.        &    it's  how  he  ends  up  here,  pressed  into  the  window  frame  of  erwin's  living  room.        the  moon  is  high  up  above  the  city    &    full  tonight;      it  illuminates  the  backyard  that's  full  of  children's  toys    &    a  grill  that  he  has  a  sneaking  suspicion  that  erwin  has  some  horrid  apron  for.        some  fatherly  joke    &    the  company  he  keeps.          his  temple  leans  against  it,  slate  reflecting  the  glow  back  as  he  swallows  hard.        he's  been  too  quiet      ––      even  bryn  has  noticed,  their  normal  chatter  after  dinner  pittering  off  as  they  quietly  headed  toward  their  room  for  some  late  night  drawing  before  erwin  had  scooped  them  off  to  the  land  of  dreams.  
there's  a  throb  in  his  temple,  the  sign  of  a  headache  coming  on;      there's  no  longer  a  bond  that  produces  it,  but  he  thinks  there's  a  phantom  of  it,  one  that  still  punishes  him  for  even  breathing  half  the  time.          tongue  presses  up  against  the  roof  of  his  mouth      ––      he  feels  sticky    &    hazy  in  the  way  that  he  does  when  it's  syrupy,  floating  through  his  veins    &    his  mind,  a  whisper  of  who  he  is    &    what  he  was.
erwin's  voice  pulls  him  out  of  it,  floods  him  a  little  closer  to  the  surface.        his  body  tenses;    he  loses  that  soldier  ability  of  listening  too  keenly  for  intrusions.        the  words  though  make  something  in  his  chest  squeeze  tight    &    he  lets  out  a  shaky  breath.
terms    &    conditions  were  the  last  things  that  they  had  had.      he  remembers  wooden  room    &    stolen  kiss,  demands  of  love  me.        he  remembers  bonfire    &    rooftop,  climbing  into  a  lap    &    putting  erwin  off  balance,  laughing  into  his  mouth.        he  remembers  the  taste  of  horrid  kitchen  wine  that  he  had  snagged    &    the  fact  that  he  had  felt  erwin's  death  already    &    known  that  he  was  holding  on  to  a  ghost.        he  remembers  kissing  erwin  for  their  third,  cold    &    gone  already.          he  remembers  too  much.        it  makes  that  hitch  in  his  throat  settle  up  again,  the  anxiety  attacking  waiting  to  happen,  waiting  for  him  to  run.
the  erwin  of  now  is  unabashed  when  he  looks  at  him;    there's  an  open  fondness,  no  restrictions  holding  him  back.      it's  quiet,  the  way  that  that  he  moves      ––      the  way  a  parent  learns  to  do  that  they  don't  wake  a  child.        he  is  at  levi's  side  moments,  fingers  sliding  through  brunette  hair,  tugging  at  it  in  order  to  make  levi  look  at  him  instead  of  avoiding.
erwin  is  no  longer  his  commander,  but  his  body  follows  the  command  nonetheless.        it  is  used  to  being  guided  by  these  hands.
levi's  jaw  sets  as  he  stares  up  at  him    ––    oceans  that  are  lapping  against  the  shore,  that  didn't  see  the  expansive  world  before.      but  sometimes  he  looks  at  levi    &    levi  feels  it  in  his  chest,  in  his  very  being.        these  are  looks  that  erwin  had  reserved  for  wooden  rooms  when  he  thought  that  levi  wasn't  looking.        these  are  looks  that  erwin  holds  forward  now  because  he  can,  because  he  is  not  obligated  to  holding  back.      he  is  not  obligated  to  isolation    &    self  punishment.  
"  you  should  hate  me,  "      are  the  words  that  he  chooses,  voice  cracking  quietly.     
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sorathecookie · 2 years
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another one for the squad yet again
this is Buttercream Hound Cookie, a teenage noble of House Scone whose personality fits that of how a noble should be: polite, kind, and elegant. She does have another side to her that's rude, sarcastic, and short tempered. She always speaks in a nice tone so you can never tell when she's being sarcastic. While she's always happy to make new Cookie friends, but it's best that you don't get on her bad side. She believes that House Scone will rise to glory again and always comforts Light Cream Cookie when needed.
While she has the traits of a Werehound, she cannot turn into one.
also, the second image is how she looks when she's mad. Her mad can be seen as a sort of second self to her(she's perfectly in control of this side however). Also when she's mad, her voice will get deep and growly.
She also has a crush on Hackleback Caviar Cookie
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elsehuggs · 5 years
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💞💖💝💕💖 for them
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Dating Conor Maynard might include...
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cheesy pick-up lines
like literally all the time, if not in person than via whatsapp or snapchat
weird snapchats in general
tagging you in funny videos
him always making you laugh
him laughing even more than you, because we all know he’s the one who laughs most at his jokes
but he’d love to see you laugh, even more if it was because of him
sometimes he’d even blush because of that
when you first started dating, he made sure that you only got to see his best side
although you guys got intimate in the sexual sense pretty quickly, he didn’t let you in at first
but deep down, you could feel that there was so much more that you hadn’t seen yet
patiently waiting until he was comfortable to share that with you, too
because you were here to stay, and he knew it
it just took him a bit longer to fully get comfortable
you respected that, knowing that he would do the exact same thing
but when you were on that deep level, there was so much to discover
working through issues together
because you were a team, and he made sure everybody knew that
getting on really well with the other boys, especially Jack
hanging out with him a lot
always cuddling when you were watching movies or a series
cheeky slaps on the butt, because he just loved your butt
you’d slowly learn to return them
him giggling in the most adorable way when you’d smack his bum
loving glances
like you could be at a party, chatting with different people and you’d feel him look at you
feeling all warm and bubbly inside
him giving you compliments all the time
because he wanted you to see yourself like he did
him being called whipped because he was so infatuated with you
but he didn’t mind being whipped for you
hugging the other from behind
him singing softly into your ear, just for you
helping him through his creative phases
being one of the first people to hear his new music
making sure he’d eat enough when he was writing music, because he would often forget that
generally taking care of him
sometimes feeling like you didn’t have a boyfriend, you merely got yourself a five year-old child
him being so attentive
like he would always get you something special when he was away
“I spotted this in a shop, and it made me think of you”
long-distance-relationship when he was away in LA
he still made sure that you wouldn’t feel lonely though
still managing to speak to each other at least once a week
facetiming until one of you fell asleep
checking the time-zone where he was in
goodbye-kisses that turned into a severe make-out session in the hallway when he was leaving
sending good-morning and good-night-texts to each other
him spending the first two days (at least) only with you when he was back
not letting go of each other until you really had to
reunion sex
at first having real passionate and eager sex, getting all the frustration out from being apart for so long
round two was much more vanilla, with slow kisses and loving glances
generally having sex on almost a daily basis
giggly sex in the bathtub
shower sex, although one of you almost always gets hurt
buying a non-slip-mat for this purpose only
morning sex
drunk sex
showering together afterwards
eating breakfast together
being the fan’s otp
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sebsxphia · 2 years
Housewife bunny making a Nutella buttercream and not telling poly!squad plus Javy and Rhett. So when she says it might take a few minutes to prepare dessert, she meant spreading it on her body. Can we please get a lengthy Drabble on how the dagger squad, Javy, and Rhett would react to finding their housewife bunny on the bed covered in Nutella buttercream? With plenty left over for extra rounds?
YEAHH BABEYYYY this is complete and utter porn without a plot 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
bunny would wait until they all got home to find them on the bed and covered in nutella buttercream. they text their lovers throughout the day, most of them thinking they were going to get a sweet pudding made up for them. technically they were, just in another form.
bob and natasha are the first to find bunny, calling out your name and then stopping dead in their tracks with their eyes wide and lips parted. bob wets his bottom lip with his tongue and swallows thickly. he’s pissed more than anything that you decided to lie and tease him like this. natasha is the first to call out to the others.
“jesus fucking christ.” bradley blurts out mimicking the same facial expression as bob and natasha. jake and javy follow in tow, with both of them wearing smug grins on their faces.
“you do this today, bunny? get all covered for us?” jake asks the first question. “make our mouths water to taste you?” javy follows second.
you nod sheepishly and run your fingers over the swell of your breasts, licking up the buttercream and spooning it into your mouth. the action is enough for all of them to groan and finally make their way over to bunny, keen for a taste themselves.
eeeek thank you so much for this insane thot my love!! 💌
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DIDN'T I SAY SOMETHING ABOUT MISSING THEM LIKE YESTERDAY????? I want to thank the universe and Joe for this one ❤️
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