#Buy Farmhouse Bread!
gabessquishytum · 7 months
A very self-indulgent ask here. Hob, having needed to start a new life, decides to take it easy from the fast pace of the city and buys a section of land to start a little farm! Most things come back easy to him - so many years living off the land, one way or another, doesn't go away quickly.
He's patching up the old farmhouse, painting board, hammering nails, breaking a sweat through it all. He starts tilling soil and planting seeds in the smaller back garden - mostly herbs to start with. He plans to ask one of the neighbors for help with the old farm equipment that was left over by the old owner. Even in here, things have changed so much! There's so many new machines and tools! Hob honestly thought it would feel like sliding into an old well worn pair of boots (and in many ways, it still is) but it's still new and fantastical.
He gets some chickens, which makes him realize how much he missed having chickens (and fresh eggs!). He enjoys the toil, the strain of muscle that a life like this provides. He enjoys the sweat on his brow and the easy rest his finds after a long day.
Then Dream comes to him, freshly retired and still wobbly on his newly human legs. So Hob coaxes him inside his home and gives him the care he needs. And slowly, Dream takes to this new human life of his.
So Hob teaches him how life used to be (and how it still is for many). Dream finds he especially likes feeding the chickens and watching them run around, pecking away. His eyes go wide the first time he sees a week old chick moving around. He names her Jessamy. She's his favorite.
Hob tells Dream to "go wild" in the house, and Hob enjoys watching how the fantastical mural progresses on the kitchen walls. Swirling colors and scenes only possible in dreams are revealed on the old walls. Hob smiles as he hands Dream a glass of freshly made lemonade and can't help but think how perfect he looks here in the light of the setting sun with stripes of blue and purple on his cheek.
Hob figures out how the old tractor works and how to attach the tiller and the direct drill with the help of their neighbors (a friendly group - the couple down the road brought them fresh milk). They get the first field tilled and sewn with winter wheat just in time for the cold. Hob takes a picture of Dream up in the tractor, looking wildly out of place in black skinny jeans and his silk top. Dream flips him off and Hob just laughs. Dream finds he quite enjoys that sound.
Winter comes and the daily chores slow (not stop, but slow) and Dream finds himself indulging in arts even more. Hob picks up some soft yarn and hooks when they're in town and the pair of them work on learning to crochet. Dream hates his first piece - a classic granny square - but by the time the holidays approach, he's made both him and Hob well-made scarves. Hob wears his every time he goes outside. It makes Dream smile.
Spring comes and with it, so does a bustling time of planting and planning. They work in tandem, prepping fields, buying seeds and fertilizer, caring for the chickens. They start renovating the old barn for either cows or sheep - they haven't decided yet.
Dream finds he quite enjoys the look of Hob in the midst of work. The sweat on his brow, the arch of his back and the tensing of muscles under his sweat soaked shirt all make for a very appealing image. If he takes out his sketchbook and works on capturing the moment, Hob doesn't comment on the sudden loss of extra helping hands.
It comes to a head on a perfectly average Tuesday when Hob's in the kitchen, kneading dough for bread for the week. It's early still. The sun has just started to peak over the horizon, their roosters just starting to crow - Jessamy from the sounds of it (and yes, so much for thinking she was a hen). Hob hears the padding of footsteps on the cool hardwood floors when a head rests against his back. He chuckles, telling Dream good morning and says he's up early.
Dream just grumbles in reply, a pair of hands rest hesitantly on Hob's sides. Hob continues, letting Dream soak up his natural warmth as he slowly wakes. The loafs will need to be formed still once the first proof is done, so for now, he places a towel over the top of the large bowl and pushes it up to the wall.
Hob turns in Dream's gentle hold and lets his body rest against the edge of the counter. Dream huddles closer, sighing as Hob wraps his arm around him. Dream looks up, this close, their noses are just hairs away from touching. Neither say anything, but both just know as they close the distance, it was how it was supposed to be. Here, in this house they each rebuilt with their own hands, on the land they tended to and cared for, they find love within each other.
This is sooooo lovely. I am very very into the idea of Hob going back to the land and starting a little farm. And how good it would be for Dream to create a whole new realm in the waking world. A sanctuary where he can live in harmony with all the living things around him. The food is home grown and home cooked, the bed is a little lumpy but perfect after a day of hard graft. Life revolves around the act of tending and of creating. It's not too far away from what Dream is used to, but it's all so totally different as well. It's new, but it feels safe.
Hob didn't realise it, but he also really needed this. The modern world is loud and bright, and if he's honest he's been craving the quiet and the stars and the solitude for a while. Solitude with Dream is even better. Sitting on the front step cuddling their chickens, talking about how the crops used to be in the old days before the fields were enclosed. Dream draws patterns in the dust with his finger. Life is quiet. Life is good. When the stars start to come out, they'll put the chickens to bed and then clatter up to their own room, to cuddle up under the patchwork quilt that Dream worked tirelessly to make as a gift for Hob. Tomorrow is a new day to shape together. The fact that Dream is looking forward to it? That means more than he can ever say in words.
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authors note: heheh, lets hope this actually works this time. this is my first oneshot, inspired by an anon ( @pingledoofus ) on @the-kr8tor 's blog! im hoping to turn this into a series and give it a backstory if people like it. yes, @pinksugarscrub, i know you want more prowler!hobie stuff, its on its way <3
Tags: farmer!hobie brown x reader, set in yorkshire (yes im showing off my homeland), pure tooth-rotting fluff, happy happy stuff, no use of y/n, sheep mentioned!
anyways, enjoy!
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They had told you that a day in the life of a farmer couldn't be easy. There was much to do and not much time to do it in, but you had still pursued your dream, and here you were. Each season brough new things to take care of, and new tasks to complete, which is why you find yourself keeping track of each movement you complete.
You awoke every morning at seven exactly, two hours after your husband- merely saying those words made you giddy- and begin with the allotment to the left of your farmhouse, no matter the weather. By the time you had watered every plant, and taken care that each tomato and apple and pear were in tip top shape, Hobie had tended to the sheep, cleaning out the pens and bathing them and feeding them, before allowing them to graze in the grass.
In this fine morning of spring, there were the baby sheep to tend to, checking their health and tagging their ears to protect them from predators, which he always took care of before you, claiming he knew you’d develop an attachment to them and he wouldn't be able to sell them in the coming winter. You knew he was just as fond of them. 
“Done wi’ plants, love?” He asks, not looking up from the baby sheep he was currently tagging, who was sitting surprisingly calmly on his lap. 
“Mhm, and I baked some bread.” You sit beside him, tearing off a piece. He opens his mouth, expecting you to feed him. You roll your eyes, obliging with a grin. The baby sheep on his lap lets out a sharp bleat, head snapping towards the bread. 
“Nuh uh, missy,” Hobie chides the sheep, “You’ve already been fed.”
You giggle, reaching to stroke the sheep as Hobie sets it down to run off towards its mother. 
“Was that the last of ‘em?” You ask, unable to stop the smile forming on your face as you straighten his chequered shirt collar. 
“Hmmm. Just gotta figure out who’ll buy ‘em in’ winter.” 
“Have you not named ‘em all, already”
“‘Course I ‘ave” 
“You big softie,” You tease, nudging him. He pretends to be mad, biting at the bread in your hand.
“Oi, oi,” you exclaim, “You're becoming one of ‘em!” 
He tackles you, triumphantly grabbing the bread with a loud whoop. You laugh as he falls forward, resting his head on your lap. 
“Honeybee, I’ve got to harvest the carrots-” 
“Carrots can wait,” He sighs, shutting his eyes, ignoring your sickly sweet nickname for him.
“I have four vegetables on my list today, Bee.” 
He ignores you, pretending to snore. You roll your eyes, flicking his ear lightly. He doesn't budge. 
“Robyn needs tending to.”
At the mention of his favourite horse, he stirred slightly, before falling still again. 
“The vegetables-” 
He interrupts you with a loud fake snore. You resist the urge to giggle. An idea strikes, and you place your hands on his face, pretending to give up, before you attack his neck with tickles. He splutters, sitting up immediately and attacking you back, reaching for your waist. He pulls you close and you swat his hands away, expecting more tickles, and melting when he kisses you instead. 
“Love,” He says softly.
“Hobie,” You reply.
“I hope you baked more bread.” He smirks, and you realise he’d stolen it right out of your lap when he’d kissed you. 
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this also made me realize how similar the yorkshire and south london dialets are when writing, despite them sounding nothing alike!
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everybodyshusband · 10 months
@moony-ghoul’s post got me thinking about a farm au where the ghouls live in a big farmhouse in the countryside :3
they grow crops in the fields and have a herd of cows, a herd of sheep up in the nearby hill, horses in the stables and a big ol’ chicken coop. they make their living by selling their milk/butter/eggs to the nearby town and every day dew is up before the sunrise to milk the cows. he and mountain pass each other and share a quiet, sleepy conversation and a kiss when they pass each other on their way to their respective tasks (dew to the barn for the cows, and mountain to the stables to ready the horse and cart for his daily milk run)
aeon has a soft spot for the chickens so rain and cirrus are teaching him how to take proper care of them. he was entirely horrified when he first learnt that he needs to feed the chickens their own eggshells along with their regular pellets and kitchen scraps
aurora has a soft spot for the sheep. she’d stand up on the hill and watch them for hours if she could. she trained the sheep dog herself and everyone calls her “little bo peep” whenever they see her coming back down to the house. sunshine bought her a shepard’s staff as a joke but aurora LOVES it and refuses to visit her sheep without it
since aeon’s taken over the chickens, rain decided the farm needed bees and now he’s got a few hives going. they sit just outside the kitchen windows so whoever’s working in their can open the window and hear the gentle hum of the bees while they cook. cirrus helps rain harvest the honey when it needs it and they both take great pride in the labels they designed. they’re working hard to convince mountain to take some of their jars on his milk cart rounds to see if he can sell some in town
aether’s a horse girlie <3 he grooms them well and makes sure their coats are shiny and pretty and that they’re all healthy enough to be pulling the farm machinery in the fields
sunshine’s self-imposed daily talk is going around the farm making sure everything has water. that includes the animal’s water bowels/troughs and that the collection of houseplants, the vege garden and the fruit orchid. she has a collection of watering cans but her green one with flowers painted on it in her favourite
swiss works the dairy room. he takes the milk from dew in the mornings and keeps some as milk (making sure he’s run it through a milk separator before he bottles it), some he churns for butter and some he sets aside to turn into cream
cumulus loooooves the wheat field <3 if no one knows where she is, the first place they look is there. she finds it calming to stand in between the furrows and watch everything sway in the wind. she’s the one who drives the battered old truck down to the flour mill a few hours away and brings back bags filled with soft flour (she sells most of it, but keeps a few bags for the farm so they can use their own flour in their baking)
speaking of baking and cooking, they all share the responsibilities of the kitchen depending on who’s done what that day but they all have things that they’re the go-to to make it. cumulus and her breads are renowned throughout the land (no seriously, she’s had people come to the farm asking to buy her bread) and she gets so much joy from carving little designs into her sourdough loaves and seeing how they turn out once they’re baked. cirrus is the BEST at making omelettes and she has a special knack for knowing which eggs will have double yolks in them. rain is surprisingly good at barbecuing/grilling and cooks roasts fantastically well with the perfect seasoning and melt-in-the-mouth deliciousness. aether the king of baking will bake so many sweet treats and they’re all soooo tasty and addictive. he’s mastered almost everything but they got a new stand mixer for their kitchen and he has No Idea how to work it so he mixes everything by hand. luckily, aurora knows exactly how it works so sometimes she and aeth will tag-team in the kitchen to make things faster. they also love decorating things together and aurora is fantastic at plating their dinners up so elegantly. aeon can cook curries and rice and that’s IT but no one else can get the rice cooked quite as well as they can, so no one’s really complaining. dew and mountain are the best at cooking warm comfort meals and soups in the winter so if neither of them are busy and someone is in need of a little extra cheering up, they’ll make the person’s favourite comfort meal to keep their spirits up and remind them of how much they’re loved. swiss and pizzas OH MAN. he can do all the fancy spinning tricks with the pizza dough and they always come out of the pizza oven (he and aurora only finished building it a few weeks ago) perfectly cooked through. he loves preparing pizza nights for everyone where he’ll prepare the dough and toppings on the massive kitchen table and let everyone roll their own dough and choose their own toppings before he puts them all in the oven and calls everyone to their meal when it’s ready. sunshine is the queen of soups and salads. she can whip together a soup or a salad out of practically thin air and they’re always so tasty and pair perfectly with whatever else is being made for dinner that night
they all help out with everything (both in the kitchen and with tasks around the farm) especially when it’s time to harvest the fields and it’s all hands on deck to get everything done, but in my mind these are their main tasks/favourite things to do around their little country farm <3
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danjaley · 3 months
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Jonathan would never have thought he’d ever feel so lonely in the presence of the two men he loved most. Matthew was still in shock and ashamed of himself about having shot the prison warden. The only thing that kept him upright was determination not to show weakness in front of Nicolas. As a result, he was even more curt and gruff than usual. Though if he hadn’t been so caught up in his dislike, he might have noticed that Nicolas was in an even worse state. Matt would at least allow the occasional gesture of comfort when nobody was looking. Nicolas didn't react to words and flinched from touch.
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So they travelled on in brooding silence. They had no way of knowing if they were wanted men now, or what Judge Pecquer had done about the incident in front of his house. Consequently they avoided settlements as much as possible. Matt – perhaps foreseeing something like this – had packed the torso-crate with provisions, so they didn’t have to stop at farmhouses to buy food. He lived off soaked bread, with the air of a man who didn’t deserve any better.
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kellycataclysm · 1 month
Home is wherever you are
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Lyra Burnell, looking for an opportunity to start a new life, buys a charming old farmhouse with a few acres of land on the edge of a small coastal town.
She names it Starflower Gardens. Her first task is to renovate the dilapidated greenhouse, later extending the house, adding a room that would become her daughter’s, a home office, a small sunroom, and a craft/reading room that will become a quiet space for the man she will marry, local doctor Harvey Dalton
Starflower Gardens features small vegetable beds with blushing tomatoes, fruit orchards with vibrant strawberries and crisp apples, herb gardens growing basil and mint, and flower patches with roses and sunflowers. Dotted here and there are the smiling faces of small edible flowers and fragrant climbing plants.
She even has a little coop for her girls, the ducks and chickens. A few weeks after moving in, her neighbour asks if she would be interested in taking on a stray pup, a red kelpie cross that she names Jack.
She sells some produce to local businesses and farmers markets but her real joy lies in the goods she is able to create such as jams, pickles, sauces, and baked goods such as tarts, breads and pastries, made using ingredients grown on her land. 
The Gardens are decorated with stone pathways and feature places to sit, a fishpond, a small natural spring, and a fire pit for toasting marshmallows in the fall. 
Earthy greens, rich colours of fruit, and bright florals contrast the pretty white house with the green door. Warm ceramic pots and garden tools decorate the property along with dried flower wreaths and hanging art crafted from brightly coloured yarn, feathers, pinecones, and shells collected at the beach. 
I love them. So I gave them my dream home and my escape to the country.
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pejite · 7 months
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As the year 1838 neared its conclusion, the Langley farm stood as a bastion of agricultural prosperity. The approaching harvest season infused the air with a palpable sense of anticipation, promising a bounty of crops that would sustain the family through the coming winter months.
In the heart of the rustic farmhouse, Wilhelmina embarked on her familiar morning routine, orchestrating a humble yet nourishing breakfast for her loved ones. Drawing upon the simple ingredients at hand, she expertly prepared a steaming pot of oatmeal porridge, complemented by generous slices of leftover cheese and hearty chunks of bread salvaged from the previous evening's supper. Though the fare may have been modest, Wilhelmina's culinary prowess lent it a comforting allure, a testament to her resourcefulness and dedication to her family's well-being.
As the fragrant aroma of porridge wafted through the kitchen, Wilhelmina's attention turned to her youngest charges; Rosemary and the twins, Robert and Winifred. Despite her best efforts to entice them with the wholesome breakfast fare, the children's youthful exuberance prevailed, transforming the table into a playground of oats and crumbs.
"Rosemary, dear, food is meant to be eaten, not played with" Wilhelmina gently admonished, her voice carrying a note of maternal authority as she intervened to restore order to the breakfast table. With practiced ease, she wiped clean the sticky hands of her mischievous daughter before turning her gaze to Edwin.
Meanwhile, Edwin, typically accustomed to the rigors of farm life, found himself unexpectedly granted a day of reprieve from his labors. The prospect of leisure brought a rare smile to his weathered features, yet duty beckoned him beyond the confines of the farmstead. Later in the day, he would venture into the nearby village, tasked with procuring a flock of hens for the Abernathy family, an essential addition to their burgeoning homestead.
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As Thomas rhythmically stirred his porridge, creating a soft clinking sound with the spoon against the bowl's rim, Wilhelmina's gaze subtly shifted towards her husband, Edwin, as she deftly prepared a slice of bread topped with a generous portion of cheese, noting the contemplative furrow of his brow.
With the bread placed neatly beside Edwin's bowl, she gently inquired, "What's on your mind?" as she deftly maneuvered a spoonful of porridge towards Robert's awaiting mouth.
Edwin paused momentarily, savoring a bite of the cheese-laden bread before responding, "Well, you know I've got to make a trip to town this afternoon to fetch some hens for the Abernathys, don't you?" Wilhelmina offered a nod in response, silently urging him to continue. "I've been mulling it over, thinking we might just consider getting a couple for ourselves, or maybe even three. I've crunched the numbers, and I reckon we've got enough to spare. It wouldn't hurt to find out the prices, at least."
Wilhelmina's expression softened, betraying the underlying concern for their financial stability, despite the recent prosperity of their farm. Memories of past hardships lingered, and the prospect of risking their newfound stability unsettled her.
Before Edwin could address her apprehension, Thomas, sensing the opportunity, chimed in, "Mum, think about it, no more need to buy eggs, and we'd have them fresh every morning."
"Indeed" Edwin interjected with a hint of enthusiasm. "Plus, it'd teach the little ones a thing or two about responsibility. Who knows, maybe down the line, we might consider expanding our little farm."
A faint smile tugged at the corners of Wilhelmina's lips as she entertained the idea. "Alright" she relented, albeit cautiously, "but let's agree to keep Rosemary and Winifred at a safe distance from the hens, shall we?"
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Shortly after Wilhelmina had meticulously scrubbed the remnants of the breakfast dishes, Josephine arrived, just as she did every morning. It had been several weeks since Josephine started spending her days with them, and Wilhelmina was growing increasingly fond of her presence.
As Josephine deftly tied her apron, signaling her readiness to assist Wilhelmina with the day's chores, she shared the news that Mary Elizabeth would be picking her up earlier than usual. It seemed her workday was ending prematurely due to the installation of new machinery at the factory, necessitating a clear workspace.
Wilhelmina paused, considering this new development, then suggested to Josephine that they seize the opportunity to prepare some desserts and tea for the afternoon. She reasoned that with Mary Elizabeth having a bit of extra free time, it could be a perfect chance to bond and alleviate her from the stresses of work.
They set about the task of making a sponge cake, with Josephine taking charge of mixing the ingredients. When Wilhelmina sampled the batter to assess its flavor, she couldn't suppress a slight grimace. Calling Edwin, who happened to be passing through the kitchen, she insisted he taste it as well.
"Is it truly that unpalatable?" Josephine inquired, feeling a twinge of embarrassment. Cooking wasn't exactly her forte; her mother hadn't had much opportunity to impart culinary skills, and her kitchen duties mainly revolved around dishwashing or fetching ingredients.
Edwin chuckled reassuringly. "Not to worry, you'll improve with practice" he assured her, offering a playful pat on the head before continuing on his way.
"Don't fret; we'll tweak the mixture. But do remind me to label the sugar and salt jars" Wilhelmina quipped, offering Josephine an encouraging smile. "Come along, dear, let's press on."
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Before evening descended upon them, Edwin took charge of the tasks around the farm, ensuring that Thomas had time to enjoy himself with little Robert. As Edwin tended to watering the crops and pulling out weeds, which were nearly ripe for harvest, Rosemary and Winifred gleefully frolicked around him, their laughter echoing across the fields.
Meanwhile, in the cozy confines of the kitchen, Wilhelmina and Josephine busied themselves with various household chores, their ears attuned to the sounds of Edwin's interactions with the children drifting in from outside.
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Before Mary Elizabeth arrived to collect her daughter, Wilhelmina made her way to the humble abode where the Ellis family resided. Arthur had been Edwin's lifelong friend, and recently Wilhelmina had struck up a friendship with his wife, Cora. She extended an invitation to Cora for a small tea gathering to chat and catch up.
The afternoon unfolded with ease. Upon Mary Elizabeth's arrival, she was pleasantly surprised by the impromptu gathering; she was truly in need of a break. The trio settled around the quaint outdoor table, and Wilhelmina served tea alongside slices of cake. Cora had brought along her children, Bernard and Beatrice, who were the same age as Thomas, and Vera, slightly older than Robert and Winifred.
Most of the children scattered to play near the farm, close to the edge of the nearby woods, while Josephine opted to remain close to the women, alongside Vera. If given the chance, Thomas would have preferred to stay by his mother's side rather than play, but he had to keep an eye on his sisters. Initially feeling a bit shy in the presence of Bernard and Beatrice, he soon discovered they were wonderful companions.
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Wilhelmina found herself soothing Robert, who had returned to her seeking solace after a brief stint with the other children, clamoring for peace.
As the women gathered, their conversation ranged from household matters to their husbands' work, the daily grind with the children, and the latest whispers circulating through the village. Cora, however, introduced a new topic of interest.
"I've heard whispers that the church is considering building a school for the children" she mentioned between bites of cake.
Mary Elizabeth nodded in agreement. "I've overheard discussions at the factory about similar plans in other areas, but it's hard to say if there's any truth to it" she replied, her attention divided between the conversation and watching Josephine engage in a hand game with Vera.
Wilhelmina, with Robert fiddling with her fingers, pondered the notion. "Didn't they pass an education law some four years back? Perhaps it's finally coming to fruition" she mused, though her skepticism lingered regarding the government's interest in the education of the working class.
Taking a sip of her coffee, Cora shifted the conversation slightly. "By the way, I couldn't help but notice you've abandoned your mourning attire. Is there a reason?" she inquired, her tone delicately respectful.
Mary Elizabeth chuckled nervously, motioning for Josephine to join the other children. Josephine hesitated, feeling self-conscious, but understanding her mother's intention, she complied, joining Vera and the others in their play.
"Now, do tell us" Wilhelmina prompted, her curiosity piqued.
"I've met someone at work" Mary Elizabeth confessed, her fingers idly tracing the lace tablecloth. "We've begun courting, and I must admit, I'm rather taken with him…" Her voice trailed off as she played with the delicate fabric. "It didn't feel right to continue mourning for Alfred when my heart was beginning to open to someone new."
Touched by her friend's revelation, Wilhelmina placed a hand over her mouth, her eyes glistening with emotion. "I'm truly happy for you, my dear. You deserve to find happiness" she said warmly, while Cora beamed with excitement, sharing in the joy of Mary Elizabeth's newfound romance.
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jadestormcloud2 · 2 months
Dungeon Meshi vegan recipe challenge, Chapter 10: Snacks
I figured gummy candies for the jewels, so I ended up going with Gushers since they are kinda gem-shaped, and supposedly vegan-friendly. I mixed them with a combination of blueberry & blackberry jelly for the Treasure Insect Nest Jam.
Chilchuck said the coin insects tasted like fish, & I know there are seafood (& seaweed) flavored crackers abroad, but I had a bit of trouble finding any in my usual stores, so I went with plain crackers & vegan cheese for my coin bug crackers.
The pearl centipede necklace puzzled me for a while. I was like should I just use peas even though they're green? or some sort of white beans? In the anime, Marcille said they were "creamy," so I was thinking maybe white chocolate? But in the manga, she describes them as "gooey," which led me to the idea of boba. I ended up making some tapioca pearls (badly). I over-soaked them & they fell apart, so I ended up with a pot full of mush. But I at least managed to end up with enough pearl-shaped ones for the picture, though they're much more translucent than the centipede. Oh well.
My take-aways: 1) Not a huge fan of Gushers. 2) Tapioca pearls are hard to make properly, but I do enjoy eating them. 3) I need to stop buying Nuts For Cheese cheeses. I'm not sure that I've liked any of their flavors. I should just stick with Miyoko's (even my wife agrees that their Aged Smoked English Farmhouse is the bomb & she's not even vegan) and maybe Treeline cheeses.
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jelly & Gushers on GF bread roll
crackers with vegan cheese
Large tapioca pearls
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laurenkmyers · 1 year
List of BL branded things I’ve tried since being in Thailand: Day 1.
Kinnporsche sex bread aka Farmhouse bread- 8/10 would and will buy again.
Between Us green tea drink- 7/10 it was a bit sweet for me but I have bought it twice already.
Bad Buddy Sushi snack- 6/10 was nice, probably won’t buy again.
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discluded · 11 months
I always thought Mile promoting the cream for Guerlain was a bit of a grey area since Mile is technically the BA for a skin care serum as well so maybe they finally are starting to buy out all the conflicting contracts? I think most of their OG contracts are over or soon to be over now. I know it isn't the industry standard but sometimes I wish the agency would let fans know when the contracts are over. Rather than us finding out because Mile posted about how it was great to be Farger BA at the end of the contract or through a social media admin (D7 admin who confirmed via direct messages to fans that their contract is over) I think the only one I will be sad to see go is Farmhouse. even though their events are boring; can't believe they literally just ate bread for a live with no drinks?
IM UGLY LAUGHING I'm doing a poll for this
don't worry mileapo, you'll aways be the bread gays in my heart 😭😭😭🫶🍞
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as for them continuing the Farmhouse endorsement, from what I saw, Farmhouse was one of the sponsors that put in the most investment into KPTS and also also was very early to sign on post Filmania, which also explains their ad placement in Kalasin Plaza and the level of unhinged of the bread ads. I think continuing that ambassadorship instead of immediately jumping to another brand when their endorsement value rose also speaks to their characters as businessmen.
yes business is business, but there's a strong element of interpersonal trust in business especially in Asian cultures, when involving the legal system isn't necessarily favorable to any party. so it's esp good for the health of their (not to fans but to other business owners) reputation in the long run ☺️
also, I also thought the same about the Guerlain lip balm, but I guess they were both softer endorsements since they were on some random ass live on pond's ig.
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mxdam · 1 year
margarethe is not a big eater in public. any time she’s sharing a meal with somebody outside her immediate family, she defaults to taking small nibbles of things and will usually only finish about half her food (unless in a situation where it would be considered unforgivably rude to not eat everything on her plate--even margarethe doesn’t want to be poisoned by an annoyed host). she will drink more wine etc. than she will eat food because she prefers not to show any appetite due to it being soooooo unattractive for a woman to eat*.
*(that will be the internalized misogyny talking)
one major food love of hers is dairy and she is extremely scrupulous about not eating it much, if at all, in public because we are talking about a woman who could decimate a wheel of cheese and not get one bit of palate fatigue, and she doesn’t want people to know her like that. she drinks tea and coffee extremely milky (no sugar). she will butter a piece of bread or toast edge to edge, but, again, not in front of other people. and she likes a whole range of cheeses, from fresh, young ones to runny stinky ones to hard aged ones, although given that she currently lives in a farmhouse she is most likely day-to-day to eat a fresh farmer’s cheese.
the other major food love she has is anything pickled, smoked, or brined/salted. it’s an interesting opposite pole to her love of creamy, milky, mild flavors and has something, i’m sure, to do with the same impulse that lets her love very strong cheeses. she likes pickled and smoked herring, any pickled vegetable that exists on earth, would probably eat pickled pig’s feet if nobody was looking at her. something like an anchovy she would eat right out of the tin, again, if nobody was looking at her.
she is not what i’d call an adventurous eater in the sense that she doesn’t go looking for new things to try, but she will try almost any food at least once unless it’s like, deeply visually disgusting. she is not really much of a cook, as she’s much too impatient, but when she is buying ingredients or e.g. at a cheese shop, she is extremely particular and fussy about quality and will interrogate people about their goods, as well as outright berate anyone who tries to sell her something subpar. in any verse or timeline where she has servants who cook for her, she is prone to coming into the kitchen and sticking her face in whatever’s going on--not that she knows shit from fuck when it comes to the actual cooking process.
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homechefpectations · 2 years
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Sometimes I forget I have pictures waiting to be posted. Also, sometimes, I get so excited by a meal that I take a blurry recipe card shot and fail to re-shoot. Not only is the Farmhouse Fried Chicken with mashed potatoes, green onion gravy, and corn one of these blur inducing examples, it is also a common repeat order. This is a straight-forward, no nonsense fried chicken meal. I've noted, possibly recently, that my frying of breaded meats has improved over time both from losing my fear of getting oil the right temperature and from buying a temperature probe to help the perfectionist in me know that I'm cooking things correctly. I do wish that Home Chef would start including some adventurous herbs and spices in the chicken process but, really, even the basic salt and pepper seasoning is pretty tasty. The potato and corn sides were equally straight-forward and were prepared without any issue. The "green onion gravy" that tops the fried chicken is the not-so-hidden star of the dish and while it complements the chicken well, I always make sure to have enough that I can mix it in with the mashed potatoes. Corn was corn and provided a nice counter to the texture of the potatoes. If memory serves, the corn and potatoes got mixed together in the second serving as leftovers. Pairing came in the form of an equally straight-forward pilsner from North Coast. The Scrimshaw has appeared a few times before and I'll be looking to explore more of the North Coast lineup in the future.
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genztourism · 3 months
Enjoy eco-friendly Himachal stay!
Eco-friendly & Fun Himachal stay!
Imparting the name "Land of Gods," Himachal Pradesh is a homeland of all ecological beauties that can be enjoyed there all at once, from snow-capped mountains to landscapes of green valleys and glittering rivers; it offers a perfectly sustainable and mindful stay.
The sustainable and mindful Himachal Pradesh, settled in the lap of majestic Himalayas, is an ideal location for people who search for peace and want to spend time in nature and love thrilling adventures throughout; we at genztourism.com completely understand it and have curated some fantastic sustainable packages for each mountain lover. Whether you are a mountain lover or a person who loves traveling, genztourism has it all for you!
Best Time to Visit Himachal Pradesh with genztourism
The world has a range of climate experiences from season to season, and each season brings weather conditions.The right time for the visit will depend on your needs and the sightseeing activities you want.
Spring blossoms and highland areas of Himachal Chhattisgarh at this time of the year offer mild temperatures and are perfect for all outdoor activities.The summertime is the most populous season with a mild atmosphere, and hiking and camping start making this season heavenly.
July-September monsoons are was when cloudy skies warm up to provide patchy rainfall that refreshes the view and waterfalls,rocking the water bodies into new shapes.It is a celebration unlike any other.
Autumn is a fine time to have family excursions or to see, observe sustainable landscapes, and participate in events and festivals. When the snow covers everything during winter in Himachal Pradesh, all you need is a bellowing cold, and it becomes the ideal winter destination for those who prefer winter sports.Still, winter could mean travel hindrances due to road barriers.
What to do in Himachal Pradesh:
1.The interesting terrain of Himachal Pradesh has various trekking routes,including Triund, Hampta Pass, and Kheerganga, that are important for hikers. Apart from just providing an adrenaline rush phenomenon, it also offers the best eco-friendly mountainscapes, which are pollution
2.Instead of conventional vacation experiences in the city, plan to stay in a farmhouse in the rural area of Himachal Pradesh.Please get to know the locals and their culture and support their livelihood indirectly.
Where to shop?
1. Local Markets:Roam in the crafty and wondrous markets of Himachal Pradesh, including Manali Market and the Mall Road in Shimla,for quaint and authentic wares and local food.Due to the development of local artisans and manufacturers,you become part of a region that can sustain itself.
2. Fair Trade Stores:For quality and sustainable products,look for fair trade stores that focus on ethical sourcing and working with disadvantaged groups.These stores provide a wide choice of sustainable products, including craft textiles, handmade jewelry, and sustainable souvenirs.
Food to Eat?
1.Local Cuisine:Taste Himachali food, the most delicious food in the whole of Himachal. It has aromatic avors from the local ingredients.Why not try new recipes and identify the local specialty dishes? Here is something like regional Dham (a multi-course meal), siddur (steamed bread), and chana madra (chickpea curry) prepared using locally available ingredients and traditional age-old recipes.
2.Farm-to-Table Restaurants:Support and visit eco-friendly restaurants that buy ingredients from local farmers and sell solutions for better agricultural practices.Taste nutritious meals harvested from nearby farms and realize the bene ts of a low carbon footprint. Listen to the given audio and summarize the key ideas in your own words.
What to wear?
1.Given the region's unexpected weather conditions, we recommend packing layers with cotton and linen fabrics, which are conveniently breathable. It would help if you also took a pair of reliable walking shoes that are not too heavy for hiking and navigating rocky areas.
2.We at genztourism suggest that although Himachal Pradesh has a liberal culture, visitors should remember to use modesty, especially while visiting the sacred places and countryside, to show the locals' customs and traditions more courteously.
Why choose genztourism for your traveling purpose?
genztourism.com offers travelers sustainable,authentic, and diverse experiences.It promotes community engagement, social impact, and innovation, allowing travelers to connect with local communities and make a positive impact.
How do I Book my package?
Join our genztourism Himachal trip for an unparalleled and sustainable travel experience.Our responsible travel ethos also assures that your experience will be sustainable and mindful.
Remember to check out our unique packages and have a happy and safe journey from the genztourism team!
Click here to learn more: https://www.genztourism.com/destinations/himachal-india
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psatalk · 6 months
Moving muesli from magical to mainstream
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When I was much younger, muesli was just a very expensive breakfast cereal. Although generally associated with wealthier friends and colleagues, ‘Swiss Familia’ was also a shortcut to being well-fed. Whenever one was in a supermarket that carried it, one was tempted to buy it. The back-to-nature crowd, of course mixed up their concoction of oats, nuts, raisins, berries and desiccated or dehydrated fruit themselves. At one time, there was a shop in Manali that sold homemade
 that we would bring back to the big city. One of the first branded muesli products packed in a box and distributed to special food stores across the country emanated from a farmhouse in Bengaluru. If I recall correctly, it was promoted by a former Bollywood actress.
For much of its history, muesli has not only been seen as a wonder food but also as a cure for just about anything. Around 1900, Swiss physician Dr Bircher-Benner, known as the first modern advocate of this whole-food nutrient-rich mixture, thought that most illnesses affected by gut health, immunities and cardiovascular functions, could be alleviated if not cured by exercise and a more nutritious diet. He was a forerunner of the currently widespread profession of functional doctors, who cure everything from blood pressure to high sugar and obesity with a combination of exercise and a holistic diet.
The first mass-produced muesli was introduced in 1959 by Swiss company Somalon, (now known as bio-familia). It used the Bircher-Benner recipe and was soon exported to Germany, Austria, England, the Netherlands and the US. In the 1970s, the company introduced ‘crunchy muesli’, similar to today’s granolas with added sugar and oils – specifically in response to American taste preferences for sugary convenience foods.
Needless to say, muesli has caught on, with many local and global brands offering it as a breakfast convenience food and even as a desi alternative to processed, sugar-coated cereals that come in various shapes and colors. Conventional breakfast cereals that have caught on, particularly amongst the Indian urban upper middle class, have generally faced a tough battle against the traditional favourites of poha, parathas, idlis, dosas, uttappams and even the humble roadside bread pakora.
At first, there was resistance to conventional processed cereals because of the exorbitant price of global brands in fancy packaging, but local alternatives soon emerged in simple flexible pouches. With prosperity, and the increasing obsession with fitness, weight loss and better nutrition, the magical muesli came into the markets as a branded, healthier and more expensive convenience breakfast option. As supermarkets and hypermarkets arrive and proliferate, an explosion of muesli options have arrived and are reaching the kirana store shelves.
The muesli mania amongst food brands and start-ups has become competitive. Organized brands are attempting to bring the prices of this holistic and special mixture within the economic reach and taste preferences of a country that is full of traditional and more fascinating options but which require a working kitchen and considerable effort. Apart from the change in lifestyles that demand instant and convenient but more nutritious solutions, the cultural impetus for organic, vegetarian and coarse grains such as ragi has further fueled this category.
In an up-market hypermarket in Delhi, one can find at least 10 brands and more than 20 varieties of muesli – from chocolate-coated, to added sugar-free to sugar-less. The next steps are visible – to maintain the convenience while offering this special holistic in variations that range from with and without a particular ingredient to address allergens and sugarless varieties that address concerns such as rapidly growing diabetes.
As the muesli category catches on, and the flavors and options multiply, packaging has assumed a more important role. The need to project the new variants and special ingredients on the shelf increases as does the need for coming up with more price-competitive and sustainable packs in a choice of sizes, formats and price points.
Thus one now sees the plain plastic jars with labels and boxes with plastic bags replaced by attractively printed pouches with barrier properties as muesli becomes a mainstream staple of the holistic diet. However, to retain its mystique as a natural and holistic nutrient-rich fitness product, the plastic packaging will have to be recyclable and perhaps also reclosable in a way to keep out moisture. Nevertheless, the high value of the product and its premium positioning, allows food companies to use it as an example of organic high nutrition with convenience delivered in the new sustainable packaging to come.
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What is a good cheese hamper to send as a wedding gift?
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Weddings are joyous occasions, and what better way to celebrate than with a delicious cheese hampers? A cheese hamper is a thoughtful and unique wedding gift that is sure to be appreciated by the happy couple.
However, not all cheese hampers are the best ones. It's important to choose a well-selected, well-packaged hamper that includes a variety of high-quality cheeses.
Let's explore the qualities of a good cheese hamper to send as a wedding gift.
1. Variety of Cheeses
A good cheese hamper should contain a variety of cheeses. This will allow the happy couple to experience a range of flavours and textures. The hamper should include cheeses that are well-balanced and complement each other. A good holiday cheese gift baskets typically include a mix of hard and soft cheeses, such as Cheddar, Brie, and Gouda.
2. Presentation
The presentation of the cheese hamper is also important. The hamper should be packaged in an attractive, reusable wicker basket or wooden crate. The presentation of the hamper should be thoughtful, and the cheese should be arranged aesthetically pleasing. The packaging should also be practical, and the hamper should be well-protected to ensure the cheese arrives perfectly.
3. Quality of Cheese
The quality of the cheese in the hamper is also a critical factor. A good cheese hamper should contain high-quality cheeses that are well-aged and flavoured. The cheese should be made by skilled artisans passionate about their craft. The best Christmas cheese hampers in the UK often include artisanal or farmhouse cheeses made using traditional methods with unique flavours and textures.
4. Accompaniments
A good holiday cheese gift basket should also include a selection of accompaniments that complement the cheese. These can include crackers, bread, chutneys, and jams. The accompaniments should be well-balanced and of high quality. The best cheese hampers will often include handmade or artisanal crackers and chutneys, which add to the overall experience of the hamper.
5. Wine Pairings
Buy a cheese hamper with a bottle of wine to make it an excellent choice. You should carefully choose the wine which complements the flavours of the cheese. The best cheese hampers often include a pairing guide, which recommends the best wines for each cheese. The wine should be high quality, and the bottle should be well-presented and appropriate for the occasion.
6. Dietary Restrictions 
It's important to consider the recipients' dietary restrictions when choosing a cheese hamper. Many retailers offer cheese hampers that are gluten-free, dairy-free, or vegan. This is an excellent option to ensure everyone can enjoy the gift.
7. Price
The price of a cheese hamper can vary significantly, and it's important to buy one that is within your budget. However, it's also important to remember that the cheese's quality and the hamper's presentation can impact the overall cost.
The best cheese hampers will often include high-quality artisanal cheeses, handmade accompaniments, and carefully selected wine pairings, which can increase the cost of the hamper. However, a good cheese hamper doesn't have to be expensive, and many affordable options offer excellent quality and presentation.
Good cheese hampers to send as a wedding gift should include various high-quality kinds of cheese, well-packaged and presented handmade or artisanal accompaniments, and carefully chosen to complement the flavours of the cheese.
It's also important to consider the recipients' dietary restrictions and choose a hamper within your budget. Great British Trading Limited can customise a great cheese hamper with these qualities. They are one of the best places to buy a cheese hamper. They have a wide variety which comes in all types of budgets. Get a great deal on your cheese hampers.
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resalereverie · 2 years
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Vintage Indiana Amber Glass Bread Dessert Plates.
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cookiedoughfiesta · 2 years
Man I got it baddddd for MileApo/Kinnporsche. Just had a dream where there was a zombie apocalypse and people rushing to buy/steal food. Dream me had an arm full of Farmhouse breads and the D7 drinks 💀💀💀 like wtf was that 😭😭💀💀
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