#Buying car in Hawaii
clowningaroundmars · 22 days
i'm watching finance youtubers and their interviews with ppl who are struggling with debt
and like literally every single one of these ppl are making p good money and they have cars and stuff but... then every single one of them are drowning in debt bc they order so much food on doordash and ubereats and spend it on dumb shit all the time???
like... you have a car??? wtf are you spending over 500 bucks a month paying that car note for if you're not gonna use it to avoid doordash and ubereats fees?!
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astrobiscuits · 10 months
Astro obs part 9
🐌 The planets in your 12th house indicate your sleeping style:
Sun in 12th house - their sleep schedule is extremely messed up; for them, daylight hours = nighttime hours and vice versa, so they have trouble being themselves during the day; their true self comes out at night
Moon in 12th house - goes to sleep very late; full moons have a special effect on these people; their intuition is more clear at night; as kids, they probably slept a lot with their mother
Mercury in 12th house - loves texting/calling people late at night; they might journal their thoughts before sleep because they overthink a lot and it helps to clear their mind or maybe they just like to relax by reading a book at night
Venus in 12th house - cares a lot about getting their "beauty sleep"; sleeps with sleep masks on, buys expensive bed lingerie, skincare night routine might be very important; loves sleeping in general lmao
Mars in 12th house - enjoys working out before going to sleep, can go to sleep angry because they tend to get into conflict more at night than during the day
I have Uranus in 12th house and i can be both a light sleeper or a heavy sleeper, depending on where i am. For example, when i'm traveling, during the first night i wake up several times, but from the second night on i sleep like a baby lmao. Another thing would be that i can't sleep in a quiet car but i don't have any problem sleeping during a thunderstorm
🐌 Mars in fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sag) and Mars in 3rd house individuals love riding motorbikess
🐌 While Mars in 9th house peeps would probably love to go on a world tour on their motorbike. The sign ruling their 9th house represents the countries they would love to visit (i'm aware that some of these can only be visited by plane, take it with a grain of salt): 
♈ in 9th house: Ireland, Poland, Japan, Zimbabwe
♉ in 9th house: Cuba, Paraguay, South Africa, East Timor
♊ in 9th house: Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Iceland, Montenegro
♋ in 9th house: Canada, USA, Bahamas, Argentina, Slovenia, Madagascar
♌ in 9th house: Hawaii, France, Italy, The Netherlands, India, South Korea, Peru, Bolivia
♍ in 9th house: Switzerland, Mexico, Brazil, Chile, Vietnam
♎ in 9th house: Belgium, Portugal, China, Equatorial Guinea, Lesotho
♏ in 9th house: Panama, Spain, Turkey, Arab countries (Saudi Arabia, UAE), Palestine, Lebanon
♐ in 9th house: Finland, Lithuania, Romania, Tanzania, Thailand
♑ in 9th house: UK, Germany, Czech Republic, Australia, Camerun
♒ in 9th house: Greece, New Zealand, Philippines, Singapore, Sri Lanka
♓ in 9th house: Morocco, Tunisia, Egypt, Mauritius, Saint Lucia
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🐌 I have a feeling Pisces Suns like to spend their time in a garage lmao. Mostly because their opposing sign, Virgo, would hate to spend time in a garage due to how dirty it can get.
🐌As a 7th house Sun who's been in love for almost a year now (haha, are we surprised, ofcours not; i'm not even in a relationship with him but ugh we're so perfect for each other), i realised that Sun in 7th house people tend to behave differently with their partner when they're in a healthy relationship vs when they're in a toxic one
Sun in 7th house in:
♈ Aries in a healthy relationship: empowers their partner, knows how to balance me time vs us time in a healthy manner, encourages their partner to take safe risks
♈ Aries in an unhealthy relationship: impulsive, impatient, selfish, dismisses their partner's feelings, often controlled by rage, prone to abusing their partner
♉ Taurus in a healthy relationship: veryyy generous (their love language is gift giving), accommodating to their partner's wants and needs, cooks for their partner
♉ Taurus in an unhealthy relationship: stubborn af, hard to please, focused more on the material gain from their partner rather than the love they share
♊ Gemini in a healthy relationship: curious, always lightens the mood of their partner by cracking up tons of jokes or telling them funny stories, knows that communication is key to everything so they're not afraid to discuss serious topics, teaches their partner a lot of random stuff
♊ Gemini in an unhealthy relationship: superficial, doesn't have a problem moving on from their partner to another person in a matter of seconds, if they're still in school/college, then they prioritize studying over their partner
♋ Cancer in a healthy relationship: nurturing, knows how to balance babying their partner vs being babied by their partner, emotionally vulnerable, feels safe enough to present their partner to their family early on in the relationship
♋ Cancer in a unhealthy relationship: if they don't trust their partner, they tend to become emotionally closed off to hide their deep sadness; defensive, but if their partner attackes them, then they'll hide, worries excessively, avoids presenting their partner to their family
♌ Leo in a healthy relationship: treats their partner like the king/queen they are, keeps their ego in check so it doesn't interfere with the relationship, if they've got artistic talents (music, acting, art etc.), they'll show their love for their partner by performing in front of them
♌ Leo in an unhealthy relationship: egocentric, shows off their partner/relationship too much out of pride, often feels entitled in the relationship and wants to be put on a pedestal by their partner
♍ Virgo in a healthy relationship: selfless to a healthy degree, remembers every lil detail from every casual conversations with their partner just to please them, remembers every important date and plans ahead for it, takes care of their partner when they're sick
♍ Virgo in a unhealthy relationship: critical, overfixates on past hurts and mistakes that their partner made in the relationship (often times their partner doesn't even remember those things because they're usually not that serious), loves their pets more than their partner
♎ Libra in a healthy relationship: romantic, charismatic, truly values their partner and the relationship with them, acts fair in the relationship, teaches their partner lovingly about the importance of honesty, truth and a healthy give and take dynamic in a relationship
♎ Libra in an unhealthy relationship: doesn't prioritize the relationship; instead, they flirt with others despite being in a relationship, emotionally detached, cold and calculated in their current relationship
♏ Scorpio in a healthy relationship: loyal, loves their partner deeply and intensely, but without suffocating them, keeps their partner's secrets like they're a locked safe box with no public access
♏ Scorpio in an unhealthy relationship: obsessive, manipulative, seeks to dominate their partner, displays stalkish behaviour in the relationship, liar
♐ Sagittarius in a healthy relationship: exposes their partner to various cultures, belief systems and philosophies to expand their mind and form their own opinion on certain topics, loves freely but is still able to maintain a long-term relationship, improves their partner's mood, usually brings an element of surprise and excitement to the relationship
♐ Sagittarius in an unhealthy relationship: travels in order to avoid dealing with their partner, parties a bit too much, doesn't take the relationship seriously
♑ Capricorn in a healthy relationship: loves their partner in a mature, serious and secure manner, doesn't shy away from improving their partner's social status and/or career if they can, discusses plans for the future (getting married, having kids, adopting pets, buying a house) with their partner early on in the relationship, they make time for their partner, despite the fact that they're busy most of the time
♑ Capricorn in an unhealthy relationship: displays no emotions or physical affection in the relationship, has a hard time communicating their thoughts with their partner, settles in a relationship for the wrong reasons (money/kids/safety/"i'm getting old and i need to have my life established"), prioritizes work/career over their partner
♒ Aquarius in a healthy relationship: flexible, makes their partner's dreams and aspirations come true (whether they're related to the relationship or not), has got a very open-minded attitude towards their partner's opinions, lifestyle and identity, takes the time to become friends firsts with their future partner because they value a relationship built on solid foundation (often times their partner is also their best friend), knows how to balance couple time vs time with friends
♒ Aquarius in an unhealthy relationship: displays wishy-washy behaviour, emotionally detached, prioritizes their friends over their partner, seeks online validation from strangers and acquaintances to fulfill their needs
♓ Pisces in a healthy relationship: sensitive to their partner's emotions, knows how to balance wearing their heart on their sleeve vs hiding their emotions in unfavourable circumstances, always honest with their partner
♓ Pisces in an unhealthy relationship: prone to drown their relationship problems and sorrows in alcohol, drugs and meds for mental health issues, runs away from problems instead of dealing with them with their partner, displays dishonesty to a fault, prone to self-sabotage
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perfectsunlight · 4 months
minjeong x reader (ft. jennie kim)
synopsis: the kim sisters go on their annual summer trip to hawaii, but this time around, y/n decides to bring her girlfriend, minjeong.
a/n: this is just an idea i had while writing something for my other series: the variable
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the video starts with y/n leaning against jennie’s shoulder in the backseat of a car. the blackpink member zooms in on her younger sister’s face, causing y/n to smile and hit the camera playfully.
jennie quickly turns the camera to herself and starts speaking. “we’re currently on our way to the airport, we’re going to be in hawaii for a week. are you excited?” she turns to her younger sister, who nods rapidly.
“y/n is taking her ‘friend’ with us this time, so she’s meeting us there at the airport.”  y/n’s lips curve into a small smile as she shakes her head at her sister’s remark and looks out the window. 
a quick cut shows y/n running up to another person in a hoodie. jennie chuckles lightly and zooms in on the two embracing. there’s a second cut and y/n is recording with her head against someone’s shoulder. “guess who's coming with us,” she says in a sing-song tone and shows the camera, revealing minjeong’s face. the aespa member smiles and waves, earning a chuckle from y/n behind the camera. “cute.” the younger kim whispers at the sight of her girlfriend. minjeong smiles sheepishly before jennie’s voice is heard in the background. 
“i’m sitting in between you two on the flight.”
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jennie points the camera at minjeong and laughs as she watches her carry several bags in her arms. “are you sure you can carry all of that?”
the blonde shakes her head quickly, looking over in the direction of where y/n appears to be somewhere off screen. the girls seem to be at a mall. “my arms are about to fall off. i think i need to get back to the gym.” minjeong jokes, earning a laugh from jennie. y/n comes into frame with two more bags in her hand shortly after.
jennie puts her little sister into the frame of the camera. “what did you buy?” she asked while minjeong can be seen adjusting the bags she was holding and stretching her arms.
y/n smiles and waves the bags playfully in front of the lens. “new bathing suits and a new charger because i forgot mine on the plane.” 
“i’ll hold them,” minjeong quickly says as she gently takes the bags out of the younger kim’s hands. the action causes the older kim to start laughing. jennie focuses the camera back onto herself and shakes her head as the trio began walking out of the store. before the clip ends, y/n and minjeong’s voices can be heard off frame.
“baby, you’re already holding everything, it’ll be too heavy.” “it’s nothing, now let me hold it.”
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y/n is seen filming this time, showing the scenery around her. she zooms in on jennie, who seems to be taking a small nap in the shade with her sunglasses on. “unnie deserves a good rest,” the younger kim whispers to the camera before it cuts to the next part, where she’s walking with minjeong as the sun sets behind them. 
minjeong waves to the camera quickly before pointing at the beautiful sunset behind them. “look how beautiful,” she gently takes the camera from y/n to show the sky better.
“more beautiful than me?” y/n says quickly as she jumps in front of the sm idol’s shot. both flustered and amused by the girl’s actions, all minjeong can do is chuckle. “midnight's album is out july 7th.”
“we’re on vacation and you’re promoting your group’s album?” minjeong teases as she gently shoves the other idol. “of course i am,” y/n replies with a smile. “i care about my stargazers.”
“do they know i’m the number one stargazer?” minjeong says quickly as she wraps an arm around y/n’s shoulder. the younger kim points the camera at the other girl again while laughing at her remark.
“you’re not, jennie is.”
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jennie is seen in pajamas and laying in bed with the hotel tv on. “i’m so tired today, we decided to go snorkeling so we couldn’t film it.” the blackpink member snickered as she recalled an event from earlier that day.
“if you guys didn’t know, y/n doesn’t like snorkeling because the last time we went, a fish went up to her mouth.”
almost immediately, y/n’s voice is heard from off camera.
“jennie unnie,” she groans playfully before climbing into bed with her sister and laying on top of her. she was in a pj set exactly like jennie’s. “don’t expose me.”
jennie chuckles as y/n joins her in bed, wrapping her arms around her sister in a playful hug. “sorry, but it's too funny not to share,” jennie teases, affectionately tousling y/n's hair. 
y/n lets out a mock sigh, feigning annoyance. “i should tell everyone about your swimsuit incident,” she says, shooting jennie a mock glare before breaking into a grin.
jennie gasps dramatically, feigning shock. “you wouldn't dare!” she exclaims, a mischievous twinkle in her eye. the younger girl giggles, knowing she has the upper hand in this playful exchange. 
“oh, i think blinks would love to hear about the great swimsuit malfunction of 2024,” she teases, poking jennie's side. “so what happened was–”
before y/n could finish her sentence, her sister put her hand over her mouth. “we’ll see you in the morning,” she said loudly to the camera, struggling to keep her hand over the younger girl’s mouth. 
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“today we’re spending the afternoon on a boat,” y/n says as she leans against jennie’s shoulder. “minjeongie is taking pictures over there.” she points the camera towards the deck where the aespa member is taking pictures of herself. 
“i’m wearing a blue swimsuit today to match minjeong’s,” y/n takes the camera and shows a quick glimpse of her blue bikini. “yesterday we didn’t film it, but i was matching with jennie unnie at the other beach.”
a quick montage of the ocean, sky, and the trio taking pictures is shown before jennie is the only one in frame. she zooms in on the two younger idols who appear to be taking polaroids with each other.
“y/n always brings her polaroid everywhere,” jennie explains while the focus is still on the other two girls. “she’s always showing her pictures to lisa.”
suddenly, minjeong is seen leaning in very close to y/n’s face. “hey!” jennie shouts at the aespa member, causing her to immediately sit straight up and back away from y/n with her hands in the air. y/n rolls her eyes playfully and laughs at her sister’s antics. “she was moving something out of my face, unnie.”
“i’m sure she was.”
jennie said as she made her way over to the pair and sat in between them before waving goodbye to the camera with a blushing minjeong and a smiling y/n.
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batboyblog · 3 months
Things Biden and the Democrats did, this week #22
June 7-14 2024
Vice-President Harris announced that the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is moving to remove medical debt for people's credit score. This move will improve the credit rating of 15 million Americans. Millions of Americans struggling with debt from medical expenses can't get approved for a loan for a car, to start a small business or buy a home. The new rule will improve credit scores by an average of 20 points and lead to 22,000 additional mortgages being approved every year. This comes on top of efforts by the Biden Administration to buy up and forgive medical debt. Through money in the American Rescue Plan $7 billion dollars of medical debt will be forgiven by the end of 2026. To date state and local governments have used ARP funds to buy up and forgive the debt of 3 million Americans and counting.
The EPA, Department of Agriculture, and FDA announced a joint "National Strategy for Reducing Food Loss and Waste and Recycling Organics". The Strategy aimed to cut food waste by 50% by 2030. Currently 24% of municipal solid waste in landfills is food waste, and food waste accounts for 58% of methane emissions from landfills roughly the green house gas emissions of 60 coal-fired power plants every year. This connects to $200 million the EPA already has invested in recycling, the largest investment in recycling by the federal government in 30 years. The average American family loses $1,500 ever year in spoiled food, and the strategy through better labeling, packaging, and education hopes to save people money and reduce hunger as well as the environmental impact.
President Biden signed with Ukrainian President Zelenskyy a ten-year US-Ukraine Security Agreement. The Agreement is aimed at helping Ukraine win the war against Russia, as well as help Ukraine meet the standards it will have to be ready for EU and NATO memberships. President Biden also spearheaded efforts at the G7 meeting to secure $50 billion for Ukraine from the 7 top economic nations.
HHS announced $500 million for the development of new non-injection vaccines against Covid. The money is part of Project NextGen a $5 billion program to accelerate and streamline new Covid vaccines and treatments. The investment announced this week will support a clinical trial of 10,000 people testing a vaccine in pill form. It's also supporting two vaccines administered as nasal sprays that are in earlier stages of development. The government hopes that break throughs in non-needle based vaccines for Covid might be applied to other vaccinations thus making vaccines more widely available and more easily administered.
Secretary of State Antony Blinken announced $404 million in additional humanitarian assistance for Palestinians in Gaza, the West Bank and the region. This brings the total invested by the Biden administration in the Palestinians to $1.8 billion since taking office, over $600 million since the war started in October 2023. The money will focus on safe drinking water, health care, protection, education, shelter, and psychosocial support.
The Department of the Interior announced $142 million for drought resilience and boosting water supplies. The funding will provide about 40,000 acre-feet of annual recycled water, enough to support more than 160,000 people a year. It's funding water recycling programs in California, Hawaii, Kansas, Nevada and Texas. It's also supporting 4 water desalination projects in Southern California. Desalination is proving to be an important tool used by countries with limited freshwater.
President Biden took the lead at the G7 on the Partnership for Global Infrastructure and Investment. The PGI is a global program to connect the developing world to investment in its infrastructure from the G7 nations. So far the US has invested $40 billion into the program with a goal of $200 billion by 2027. The G7 overall plans on $600 billion by 2027. There has been heavy investment in the Lobito Corridor, an economic zone that runs from Angola, through the Democratic Republic of Congo, to Zambia, the PGI has helped connect the 3 nations by rail allowing land locked Zambia and largely landlocked DRC access Angolan ports. The PGI also is investing in a $900 million solar farm in Angola. The PGI got a $5 billion dollar investment from Microsoft aimed at expanding digital access in Kenya, Indonesia, and Malaysia. The PGI's bold vision is to connect Africa and the Indian Ocean region economically through rail and transportation link as well as boost greener economic growth in the developing world and bring developing nations on-line.
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luveline · 2 years
Jade! For AU’s could I request a Roan and Eddie b where reader has to go away for a couple days for work and when she comes back home Roan cries happy tears and Eddie is all :0
thank you for your request! eddie and roan ♥︎ fem!reader 2k words
You absolutely do not want to go away for work. You love your life and you hate your job, and it actually feels like a nightmare situation. If it weren't paid you'd probably quit rather than go. But it is paid, and you need the money for the wedding.
Or rather, the honeymoon, the familymoon, to somewhere fancy. White sands, a waterpark. You'd already bought Roan the cutest swimsuit with pink skirts and a bow, and a towel with a hood that makes her look like a dolphin, and those jelly shoes that change colour in the sun. Basically, she's ready for a vacation, except you haven't gotten around to buying the actual vacation yet. 
And so. Work conference. Paid handsomely. 
Leaving Eddie and Roan behind for a full five days. 
It's been a very, very long time since you spent that many days apart. 
Eddie is supportive. "Don't get me wrong, sweetheart, I'm gonna miss you like crazy, but you'll be okay. There are phones in Phoenix." 
"I won't be okay, Eddie," you say swiftly, "I will not be okay. I will miss you so much, I'll probably die." 
He laughs at your conviction. "I'll miss you too, but you won't die. You'll be making the big bucks, bringing home the bacon." 
Roan sleeps in the backseat. Your flight is a late one and she'd insisted she wanted to see you off. She hadn't been able to fight the lulling rumble of the car. You're glad that she's sleeping — you'll descend into tears if you have to say goodbye to her. 
"This sucks," you mumble, sinking down into the passenger seat. 
Eddie reaches over the console to grab a rough handful of your thigh. "This sucks," he echoes. He gives you a squeeze. "Are those new jeans?" 
"You were with me when I bought them. I tried them on for you."  
He gives you another squeeze. "You sure?" 
"Yeah, you said if I didn't get them you'd break up with me." 
His smile turns sheepish. "Who, me? I wouldn't say that." 
You cover his hand. The airport comes into view, a hulking, towering building that blocks the sun. The irony isn't lost on you. 
"Slow down so I can kiss you," you say. 
"Why do I havta slow down?" 
"You'll crash the car." 
"What kind of kiss are we talking?" 
You laugh and unbuckle your belt to climb on knees. It is an entirely unsafe manoeuvre that you wouldn't normally do but you're sick with missing him already and Roan isn't awake to see it. You slide your hand into his hair and tilt his head. 
"Keep your eyes on the road, okay?" you murmur.
You're delighted to hear his breathless reply, "Okay." 
You kiss his cheek, his jaw, all the way down to his chin. He turns his face toward you and you refuse to let him in case you end up in a bender, trying for lovely and ending up sloppy. "Sorry, I think I just slobbered on you," you say into his cheek, punctuating with a last firm peck. You sit back properly and tuck his hair behind his ears. "I love you." 
"I love you, too, weirdo," he says, eyes flitting between you and the road, creased soft with his smile. 
He pulls up to the curb. He can't park here, so you rush around to the trunk, grab your suitcase and wizz to the driver's side to kiss him again through the window.
"I love you," you say quickly, "I love you. Tell Ro I'm sorry, and I miss her, and I'll be home so fast and we are going to Hawaii." 
"We are not going to Hawaii." 
"Pick somewhere while I'm away and that's where we'll go. Tell Roan."  
He reaches for your hand through the window and kisses your fingers. "I love you, sweetheart. Have a safe flight. We'll be right here when you get back, okay? Chill out." 
Eddie's lying in bed missing you so much it's driving him crazy when Roan climbs up onto the bed and flops on top of him. 
"Dad, you have a case of the frownies," Roan informs helpfully, draping herself over his lap with her handheld fan sputtering away. 
"I'm fine." 
She turns the fan toward his face, a pleasant break from the stuffy humidity today. She has a case of the frownies too. 
"When's she coming back?" Roan asks for the millionth time. 
Eddie checks his watch. "Uh, sixteen hours." 
He sighs morosely. "Tomorrow, babe." 
"Did you find a new country?" 
He hooks his hands under her armpits and forces her into a hug she didn't ask for but melts against anyways. Her hair is soft under his mouth, and he lays kisses across the top of her head until he feels like he's gonna sneeze. "I give up. If she wants to go on vacation, she has to choose." 
"Dad, that's lazy." 
"I'm allowed to be lazy. You're lazy all the time." Then, because he's trying hard to be a good dad all the time, "You're not lazy, baby, I'm sorry. I'm just cranky." 
"You miss Y/N." 
He pats her back. "Yep." 
He seems to be missing you a lot more than Roan is. While she'd cried when she woke up and realised you'd already left, she's been okay since then. Eddie supposes it's not too different from the life they'd lived before you met. 
Still, he'd expected more. He remembers when Roan was a little younger and she'd cry every time you went home. Funny how the home you'd go to is now their home too.  
"Do you want burgers tonight?" he asks. 
Roan cheers. "Yes!" 
He swings her over his shoulder and carries her squealing down stairs to the kitchen. Her handheld fan gets lost somewhere on the landing. 
He sits her on the countertop and gives her a plastic knife, instructing that she chop the lettuce as he cuts the onions. The frying pan warms, and soon the kitchen is fragrant with the smell of hot oil, caramelised onions and melty cheese. 
They eat standing up. It reminds him of the old days and the nostalgia is nice, but he can't lie to himself. He misses you. He wishes you were here. 
"Babe-" He says, laughing through a mouthful. Roan's got cheese in a huge, impossible stripe over her left cheek. He peels it off using his index knuckle. Roan ignores him, munching through crispy lettuce and tomato with a huge smile on her face. 
"Good?" he asks. 
"So good! You make the best burgers." 
He gives her a slightly greasy kiss on the cheek. "Why, thank you. You chop the best lettuce." 
"And the tomatoes!" 
"And the tomatoes." 
He drops his burger onto the chopping board they're using as a plate and wipes his hand before grabbing her legs to pin her in place. Sure she won't topple forward or sideways into the hot stove top, he reaches around her to toggle on the radio. It's already on a rock station, not necessarily his taste but listenable, and after a few more bites of burger and a glass of juice Roan is bobbing her head happily. 
He doesn't expect her to eat it all and she doesn't, picking out the rest of her vegetables and eating what's left of the cheese. He heats her up another slice and lets her eat it with a spoon. 
Before he starts on the dishes, he picks her up and helps her wash her slimy hands in the sink. He turns the faucet up too high and they both laugh as they're sprayed in cold water, shirts wet, faces damp.
Roan literally screams. Eddie slaps off the faucet and whips her around, and there you are in the doorway with your suitcase and the world's biggest smile. 
"Hey, what are you guys doing?" you ask, peeling off your jacket and throwing it across the bannister. "I thought I said no fun while I was away?" 
Roan drops like a stone out of his arms and hurtles toward you, leaving a trail of water drops on the floor as she goes. You gasp happily and drag her up the length of you, your shirt tucked between your bodies. He's missed you, that little slip of tummy on display, the way you wrap your arms around Roan like she's made of marshmallow, the way your laugh lights up the room. 
"Roanie," you coo, dropping a kiss into her cheek, "my girl, I've missed you so much." 
And that's when Roan bursts into tears. 
Eddie gawps, horrified, and sidles up to you to help. He tucks your shirt back down over your tummy and covers the bump of it with his hand, the other sliding perfect between your shoulders. "Roan?" he asks softly. 
Roan is inconsolable. It's startling, the ferocity and thickness of her tears, fat teardrops rolling down her cheeks as she sobs and fists her hands in the neckline of your t-shirt. You look up to Eddie and frown in question. He has no answers for you. 
"Sh, sh, princess," you whisper, hand behind her head. You start to sway slowly, the smallest movements from left to right. "It's okay, baby." 
"I missed you," Roan sobs out, arms sliding around your neck. She clings to you hard.
"I missed you too!" you rush to say. "I missed you so much, Roan, I'm so sorry. I wanted to come home every single day, I promise."
"I missed you," she says again.
Eddie knows the difference between Roan's crying. There's angry tears during a tantrum, and sick tears when she's not feeling well. There's crocodiles when she doesn't get her way, and the quiet, quick tears after a sad movie. 
There are happy tears, like when you went to her mother's day class performance, and there are sad tears, like when she realised you'd left for phoenix. Eddie thinks these tears might be a mixture of the two, plus a smidge of good old fashioned overwhelmedness. Big feelings in a little body. 
You drop your lips to her head and kiss her between gentle reassurances. Eddie would help, but he honestly thinks you have it covered. 
"Please don't go away soon," Roan says. 
You smile. "I'm not going anywhere." 
Eddie smashes his cheek to your temple and tries to hug you and Roan both at the same time. 
A little later, when Roan is wiped but insistent on sitting in your lap anyways, dozing face pressed to your chest, you start a conversation in whispers. "Eddie, you said she was okay!" 
He turns from the frying pan in front of him where your burger is browning, helpless. "Sweetheart, I genuinely thought she was!" 
"Don't sweetheart me," you say, a little less incensed. Your anger isn't real, anyhow. Your exasperation, however. 
"Sweetheart," he says again, because he can, because you're home, "she was doing okay. Guess she missed you more than she was willing to show." 
You look down at Roan, pretty much lovesick. Your shoulders deflate with relief. "I missed her. I missed you both. That was…" You scratch your nails through Roan's hair, lost in thought. 
He turns back to your burger. "We missed you too." 
He serves up your food with a kiss, and then another when he remembers how long it's been since the last. 
"Did you at least pick where we're going for the honeymoon?" 
Eddie sits down heavily in the seat beside you and beams. "No, not even slightly." 
Your answering groan makes him laugh, and the pit framed from your absence in his chest steadily refills. 
"Hey!" he defends himself. "You came home early."
more eddie and roan
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daichiduskdrop · 1 year
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚⋆·˚ ༘ *𝙎𝙣𝙤𝙬 𝙖𝙣𝙜𝙚𝙡 ⋆·˚ ༘ *ੈ✩‧₊˚
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Chapter 18
Pairing: BTS Ot7 X fem! reader
Genre: A/B/O AU, Fluff, Angst, Strangers to lovers,
Warnings: just slight reminders of events from 17th chapter
Words: 3759
A/N: Hi! So, I did the poll, and at the time when I started writing the story, it was 50/50 jeju island and Hawaii. I decided to do Hawaii as it feels a bit more interesting for me, but Jeju island will be in the story too sometime! :)
If anyone would want to have some bigger part of the story (like fav musicians -other than K-pop, or favourite colour, favourite clothes brand, food spot...) Just DM me or write it in the comments. I'll include it if it goes well with the story :))
Thank you for voting. And reading, I value you a lot.
Lots of love
Taglist: @thelilbutifulthings @ilovemoneymorethenmen @singukieee @cherrysainttt @felicityroth @mageprincess7 @lucis-noctiana @danielle143 @osakis-gf @girl-nahh @vintageoldfashion @neverthefirstchoice @juju-227592 @silentreadersthings @i-have-no-life-charlie @everyonehatesshani @iamkookiesforyou @dragons-flare @fangirl125reader @roseidol @frieschan @popcatx0 @liz67900
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Soon the engine roared to life, but still, the Alpha made sure to pay close attention to the road. It was still terribly slippery.
They wanted to get you home as quickly as possible, knowing that you needed to rest and just hang out for a while with them. They were lucky that most of them didn't have to go to work today.
Smiling at you reassuringly, Jimin turned on the radio, switching to an omega-centred station that mostly consisted of soft, lo-fi-like music that was recommended for the second gender to listen to, especially on longer car rides.
The pack definitely wanted to go out with you sometimes and plan a nice trip and vacation, and so most of the alphas that were driving had already purchased subscriptions for many omega apps and radio stations, ready for any occasion.
A lot of marketing was targeted at packs that had an omega, having the softened-up alphas pay for stuff in hopes their small baby wouldn't start crying during a long car ride, on a plane, or on a boat.
It was usual for them to be very cautious and not really notice the price of anything when it was targeted for omegas.
So the second you enter a store—pretty much any type, going from grocery stores to electronics all the way to many restaurants—a selection is labelled with a small 'O', marking it as perfectly safe and made specifically for the second gender.
A lot of people made messy money off the worried packs. If their omega was sick, the pack would naturally grow worried and overprotective, ready to buy anything to make them feel better.
The second a shop assistant catches on, if they feel like it, they can start making stuff up, claiming that things that will most likely not help definetly will. It could be easy to mislead the pack members if they aren't careful enough.
The car ride was quiet and quicker than usual; soon the car was already parked, with the garage doors automatically opening after Jungkook called a phone number.
Climbing out, the alphas were quick to help you, opening the doors for you and pulling you gently out. Keeping a hold of your palm, Jimin once again hugged you closely, still able to smell how off your scent was.
„There, there, princess. It's all well now, hm? Come on, let's go in, my baby.” The alpha mumbled, smiling softly at you and nuzzling your nose with his, making you smile a bit.
Jungkook called the number again, waiting for the garage doors to close while he locked up the car and pocketed the keys.
Looking back at you with his packmate, the youngest giggled gently, ruffling your hair. „Let's go bunbun. Hold Alpha's hand... There, what a good girl.” He smiled at you, holding your other hand.
Leading you to the garage entrance, the whole room was huge—much bigger than any one you ever saw in anyone's home. It was much colder in here, and so you huddled to yourself, letting yourself be ushered to the doors.
Opening the metal-like doors, Jungkook led you both through, ending in a white halfway, and the alpha led you through, leading you after himself. Soon your small group appeared at the long, halfway full studios and a few other rooms, like the gym.
And so, you were in the kitchen in no time, the eldest alpha sitting at the kitchen table, a few cups and pots before him. Shooting up at the smell of you all approaching, he rushed over right away, pulling you to himself.
„Oh my god, sweetheart, I was so scared that something happened... God... Come here, let me hold you for a minute, cub."
Jin mumbled to himself, folding your head to his neck and letting you smell his scent gland while he went over the top of your head with his chin, scenting you gently.
You felt his lips gently flutter over your hair, but as soon as they came, they were gone. His scent drenched you quickly; the roses bloomed softly on your nose.
The other two alphas walked off, dispersing around the room. Washing their hands, Jimin and Jungkook went around the kitchen, noticing that the alpha was cooking a few meals already.
„Are you making pastries, Hyung?" The youngest asked, looking at the sizzling fish-shaped pan.
There was already a bit of the sweetened red bean paste inside, and so the alpha closed the pan carefully, turning it over so the shape would be achieved.
Looking up from coddling you, Jin still left his fingers in your hair, running it through gently. He kept his eyes soft, watching you fondly.
„Mhm, it's Bungeoppang; do you like those babycub? I was hoping you would; I made them very sweet for you, my baby.” He said, running his knuckles over your cheeks.
Nodding quickly, you always enjoyed tayaki, the sweet treat your grandparents would sometimes buy you at the food courts back when you lived in Japan.
Your grandmother bought the special-shaped pan too, and she would make it for you and your siblings often too.
„I really like it; thank you, Oppa." You said, looking into the alpha's eyes. Your scent must have brightened up; you were quite excited for once.
„Good. I'll finish them up for you quickly, okay?” He said, ushering you and Jimin over to the TV, Taehyung suddenly appearing from upstairs.
He noticed you right away, rushing over and taking you in his arms. „Babycheeks...” He whispered, crushing your face against his neck, still mindful not to hurt you.
Holding you close to him, he bended over to your neck, taking on a strong whiff of your scent. Running his cheek over your neck, scenting you.
Pulling away for a second, the alpha looked into your eyes, his hands on either side of your face. He watched you with concern and worry, but when you only smiled softly to him, he sighed out, pulling you to himself once again.
„Aish... Taehyung-ah, stop hogging her up!” Jimin called out, already seated on the couch. Sighing out, you noticed just the smallest growl building up in the man's chest, but he complied nonetheless.
Letting you take a seat first, you had the older alpha to your left and Tae sitting down to your right. Patting your knee gently, Jimin handed you a soft brown jumper.
You recognised it right away, smiling to yourself. You whispered out a thank you, pulling it to yourself.
Relaxing on the couch, the alpha smiled at you, brushing his fingers through your hair and turning on the television.
„-undance of marine biodiversity. Under the surface, a kaleidoscope of colours unfolds as we dive into the vibrant coral reefs. These underwater ecosystems are a haven for countless species, each playing a vital role in maintaining the delicate balance of this underwater paradise.
One of the most iconic inhabitants of these waters is the majestic sea turtle. These ancient creatures, known as Honu in Hawaiian, gracefully glide through the ocean, their gentle presence a symbol of wisdom and longevity. We witness their serene beauty as they navigate through the coral gardens, a sight that leaves us in awe.”
Gasping softly at the adorable shots of the small turtles swimming through the waters, you fell in love with the view before you.
It looked so peaceful and bright there. The water looked crystal clear, so the bottom of the ocean was visible, and the sand dunes were easy to see. With a few of the corals in the distance, the big turtle and the small cub swam around the underwater cameraman.
„As we venture further, we encounter playful pods of dolphins, their acrobatic displays a testament to the joy and freedom of life in the ocean. These intelligent creatures captivate us with their synchronised movements and infectious energy, reminding us of the boundless wonders that lie beneath the surface.
Hawaii's warm waters also serve as a sanctuary for the magnificent humpback whales. Every year, these gentle giants embark on an epic migration, travelling thousands of miles to the Hawaiian Islands to give birth and nurture their young. Witnessing their awe-inspiring breaches and hearing their haunting songs is an experience that leaves an indelible mark on our souls.”
„Oh wow, the dolphins are awesome...” Taehying mumbled, watching the screen closely.
Laughing at his amazement, the older alpha looked over. „I mean, we saw them in real life too some time ago, do you not remember? On the ship?” He said this, watching the other alpha.
„I remember Hyung, but this is very different. Imagine diving with them and-”
„Yeah, well, I bet the second you are at the open ocean, you'll piss your pants.”
„Yah! Hyung-” 
You didn't pay much attention to them while watching the colourful shots of the mammals in the documentary.
„I would like to see...” You mumbled to yourself, your eyes glued to the content. You were amazed.
The two men immediately stopped bickering, and you had them look over immediately. Any unnecessary agitation was gone right away, and their eyes are now much softer.
„The dolphins?” the older man asked, rubbing your upper back gently. You never got to see such creatures in real life; you only got to swim in an ocean very rarely. Sure, you knew how to swim, well...kind of.
You weren't too confident, and your family hardly ever went to a swimming pool, so there wasn't much space for you to get better.
You were always a bit too scared to go on your own, not sure about what you would be doing there alone since you wouldn't be really able to swim a few laps just like that.
Plus, you were always a bit too worried about the changing rooms and the experience overall.
Lately, it has become a huge trend in many big public swimming pools and aquaparks to get rid of changing rooms for men and women and instead build a whole new one, placing both genders in the same ones.
Sure, you wouldn't have to go and change next to the lockers anymore; instead, you would enter a hallway full of double-sided small changing rooms, similar to the ones in clothing stores.
Once you lock those with a barrier, you just change into your swimsuit and come out on the other side, where you lock all your things and go to shower and swim. You just never felt too safe in those.
„Thousands of tropical fish, like the vibrant parrotfish and the elusive Moorish idol, dart among the coral formations, creating a spectacle of colours and patterns. These reefs are not only a visual feast but also vital habitats that support a myriad of marine life.
Behind the scenes, dedicated marine biologists and conservationists work tirelessly to protect and preserve Hawaii's ocean wonders...”
Nodding shyly, you didn't realise that they would immediately start paying so much attention to you, taking your silly, not too deeply thought-out idea much more seriously.
„You want to go diving, princess?” Jimin asked, looking at you with soft eyes. Seeing you nod gently, the alphas have already started to plot many ideas on how to fulfil your request.
„In the sea, baby? On which island would you like to go, sweetie?” Taehyung said, turning to you, his eyes set on you.
Humming to yourself, you didn't really expect them to take it too seriously, so you didn't think for too long. There weren't many times you actually thought about going on vacation to a completely different country.
There was never enough money to even talk seriously about such a topic, and so you never really paid too much attention to the expensive resort ads you would sometimes see online.
Pointing over to the screen before you, there were a few cinametic shots of the island coastline, the ocean waves washing over the sand.
Smiling to themselves, the alpha on your left ran his chin over your head gently, smiling to himself. Taehyung was already looking up luxurious resorts and was quick to open a few websites.
„Okay princess, alphas will figure everything out for you, my baby.” He said this, hugging you close. He watched over his younger packmate's shoulder, looking over the villas he had already started scanning through.
He knew Taehyung would choose a nice place to stay. They didn't care about any prices; why would they even have to?
They didn't have to care if it was 2.000.000 or 8.000.000 ₩ per night; as long as the place was comfortable and beautiful, and mostly if you liked it, then everything was okay.
„Bunny, come have some of the pastries!” The youngest called out from the kitchen, watching closely as you waddled to stand up, making your way over to him.
Smiling widely at you, he made sure the fish-shaped food was cooled down before he handed it to you, letting you take a big bite while he bit down on another one he took.
They were crunchy but soft on the outside, and they were so sweet, you were immediately smiling.
„Is it good peaches?” Jin asked, running his hands over your back. Nodding virtuously, you ate even more, happy with how it tasted.
„Slow down cub, don't eat so quickly... There you go.” He murmured, brushing your hair behind your ear. Soft with his eyes, he smiled at you when you were slower.
Savouring the flavour, you quickly finished. Handing you another one, you bit into the pastry again, the men around you chuckling softly at your eagerness. They were glad you were eating well.
The door opening alarm went off, having all of the alphas turning to look at the entrance. Shuffling in, Hoseok smiled towards all of his packmates. Noticing you, he was quick to come closer, dropping the grocery bags on the floor before he rushed over.
Picking you up, he held you to his scentgland, running his arms up and down your sides softly, breathing in your scent. There wasn't much of a hint of sadness or anxiety, and so the man was reassured.
„My sunshine... I'm so glad you are okay; you gave us quite the scare there, bub. Oh- I bought you some sweets, here let me-”
„Did you buy the banana milk?”
„Hyung, the cake, you bought it for me, right?”
The two youngest asked, both of them going in-between, so the alpha had to put you down unwillingly. Taking you into his arms instead, Jimin was quick to hug you instead.
„Yah! Hobi-ah, your shoes are dirty; are you crazy? I just cleaned the floors too, aish...!” Jin shouted, not meaning it too much. Pulling him back to the entrance, the younger only laughed, trying to make the other alpha let go of the strong hold on his wrist.
Picking up the grocery bags, Jungkook carried them over, quick to sort through them, pulling out a few foods and beverages. Finding a whole carton of the banana milks, he smiled widely, carrying them over to the fridge.
With Jimin's hands wrapped around your waist from behind, you relaxed against his warm chest while he leaned against the counter. Nuzzling you, the alpha was careful to pay close attention to you, not holding back from much scenting anymore.
Just then, the entrance doors unlocked again, and the last men from the pack walked in, their carry-on bags thrown over their shoulders.
With Namjoon closing the doors after himself, the older man had already kicked off his shoes, hung his coat fast, and was already hurrying in your direction.
Noticing that no sobs could be heard, he felt himself calm down slightly, but not much could be done until he had you in his arms.
Seeing you in his younger packmate's arms, he felt his heart soften. Cooing quietly, Yoongi pulled you from Jimin's hands, carefully picking you up.
Helping you wrap your legs around his waist, he held you up, folding your head to his scent gland.
He felt his eyes gloss over; he grew so worried and stressed after the call ended, not knowing what exactly was happening.
He was anxious enough already, not having you in his sight as it was, but after he received the call, he grew overprotective like never before.
Breathing in the soft strawberry scent you held, he felt his shoulders sag, blinking away any tears before they might fall. Holding you close to himself, Yoongi embraced you strongly, feeling his chin shake a little.
Noticing the change in mood, the eldest looked over. Seeing his younger packmate get emotional after being so worried for your safety warmed his heart. He cared a lot for his pack.
Walking over, Jin ruffled the second oldest's hair, patting your soft, small hands that clutched around his neck in the meantime.
He didn't say much else, realising full well that Yoongi would never forgive him if he picked on his emotions. He would never, really.
Letting his lips brush against your temple, the alpha took a few shuddering breaths before he started to calm down. Patting your hair gently, he ran his chin and cheek over your head virtuously, making sure you were drenched in his heavy alpha scent.
„Don't scare me like that, my sweetest kitten. Alpha was very worried, my good girl.” He whispered in your ear, placing you down on your feet carefully.
Checking over your face, he brushed your hair away from your eyes, caressing your cheeks. Smiling warmly at you, he stepped away, realising that the packalpha also needed to have his moment of reassurance that everything was okay.
Stepping over, Namjoon too picked you up, but instead of cradling you and staying mostly in his spot, the alpha carried you over to the couch, and all of the other men quickly came to sit down too.
Holding you to his chest, he let you rest against his collarbone and breathe in the warm scent he always held, his warm hands just holding you close for a minute or two.
Resting his head back, the alpha felt himself calm down, any agitation and worry soon dissipating. Resting his eyes for a few seconds, he breathed out before he sat up well again, still holding you close.
„...what happened, sweetie? Tell alpha now, my baby." He mumbled, coaxing you gently to answer. With his fingers gently running over your temples and cheeks, he, too, occasionally scented you like all the other packmates.
Sitting all around you, they allowed you to speak, listening closely. With the hoodie once again between your arms, all the alphas paid close attention to whatever went so badly this morning.
„The poster I m-made yesterday... The laptop it was on bro-ke, and it just wouldn't open, so my cla-classmates...” You spoke softly, your fingers clutching on to Namjoon's.
Running his thumb gently over the top of your hand, the alpha listened in closely.
„It broke? Like completely? Where is it? Let me take a lot, my sweetheart." He answered, looking around as if to spot your backpack.
Furrowing his eyebrows, Jungkook stood up from his spot on the sofa, realising that it was still probably in his car. He told them quickly and went back to the garage to regain it.
„...y-yea it just... It didn't work, and the teacher got very... angry." You whispered, regaining the older man's sharp words you received this morning.
Frowning, most of the alphas leaned in, now truly interested. If someone even dared to be harsh on you, the pack would be quick to get rid of any issues. No one would get away with being bad to their omega.
„Angry? Why? The laptop broke, so obviously you wouldn't be able to show him your work. That's not your fault, sweet princess; you know that, right?” The younger alpha said, his hand gently running over your calf.
Looking away, you sighed.
„Seonsaeng-nim t-thought I didn't do it and just used it... as an excuse. My classmates weren't happy either.” You mumbled, wiping away any of the growing tears.
Quick to shush you, the packalpha tried to think clearly and not dwell on any assumptions he was currently making himself. It was hard, though, especially after he felt your shoulders shake a bit against his chest.
Shushing you sweetly, he held you closer, cradling you against him.
„That's bullshit; you literally did it with me yesterday. Absolutely fucking not. What's your teacher's name, kitten?” Yoongi could feel herself getting angrier.
Already looking up your school website, he was quick to scroll to the contact information, finding the phone number for the man in question.
Just then Jungkook came back, and the backpack opened before you. Taking the grey laptop out of it's pocket, the youngest alpha opened it, the few men around him looking at themselves.
Not much happened; the logo shined brightly on the black screen, making the packmate frown a bit.
„Your classmates, did they say something sunny?" Hoseok asked, sitting next to Namjoon. Taking a hold of your hand, he rubbed it gently, smiling at you encouragingly.
You could sense the anger rolling off of him already; the waves were strong and noticeable. You also realised more than well that it wasn't against you, not one bit.
Not sure where to start, you just nodded a little, feeling yourself start to cry softly. You didn't want to disappoint your group like that; you didn't mean to. Chin-Hae and Sun-Hi just didn't seem to understand that too well.
Cooing at you loudly, the packalpha hugged you once again, swaying you from side to side softly.
„Aigoo, my pup, don't cry, baby... No, no, no, it's okay, sweetheart, everything will be okay, hm? Alpha's are here, my baby; you're okay." He whispered, mindful to keep his voice soft.
Patting your hair gently, he watched as Yoongi stood up, a phone already held to his ear. He could hear just the faintest voice on the other side, and soon the alpha returned the favour, though his was kept much harsher.
He wasn't going to be making any jokes about you. If people wouldn't be nice to you when they weren't around to protect you, he would most definitely take immediate action.
Walking off to his soundproof studio, the rest of your packmates huddled around you, occasionally patting you and rubbing your back softly, gently coaxing you to tell them what exactly happened.
And you did, eventually explaining in a few stuttered-out sentences. revealing some of your past encounters with your classmates and teacher, it only added up.
And so, when the alphas got the whole story, they were more than livid.
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getmeoutofhell · 10 months
Road trip to Airport with the GF group headcanons
A/n: I just feel like they deserve more stories all together so why not???
Warning: cussing
edit: i’m so embarrassed because hawaii is an island. pretend this is to the airport omfg 😭
On the road:
-like actual chaos no joke
-romans the driver (obviously)
-you’re sitting in the passenger seat since Roman thinks you’re the best to sit by in the car
-he also DEMANDS Mickey to be put in the back for obvious reasons.
-you can probably expect some arguments and other unnecessary drama on the road
-stu and billy sit next to each other (so un expected) and billy is not happy about it
-you can probably guess why
(1)-“Stu move your damn leg.”
(2)-“My legs not even touching you.”
(3)- “yes it is!”
(4)- “no it’s not!”
-then roman buts in
-“can y’all stfu? I can’t concentrate on the road with all that shit going on in the back.”
-do NOT I repeat do NOT give ethan, amber, quinn, stu, charlie or richie the aux or let them any where near the damn radio.
-unless you wanna hear weird/shitty music
-roman said that they’re banned from going near it ever again
-if you can drive roman may let you and him take turns driving (depends if you drive good to him or not)
-I feel like if any of the older GF comes (Debbie, Bailey.) they probably would drive separately because they know how the group gets when they’re all together…
-mickey saying shitty jokes when he gets bored
-amber and stu encouraging the shitty jokes
-stus ass eating up all the snacks
(1)-“who the hell ate up all the hot cheetos??”
(2)-“it wasn’t me!”
-has evidence all over his hands
-charlie showing weird ass videos he found on his phone to mickey
-has the damn volume all the way up
-roman buts in again
-“turn that shit down!”
-ethan may be one of the quietest in the car
-like he just sits there on his phone listening to music, starting out the window
-richie may bug him a bit
-you but in and tell him to stop bothering him
-stu thinks you’re sus
-quinn and amber arguing like every 30 minutes
-roman getting aggravated at them
-if you guys stop for a bathroom break be prepared for romans bickering
-“listen guys, no fucking around in the store we’re losing time here! Get in and get out.”
-stu buys all kind of weird snacks
-hopefully no one notices that they’re literally murderers
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Hope you enjoyed this little drabble! I will make headcanons about us staying in a hotel plus when we’re actually in Hawaii!! ❣️
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999-ang3l · 1 year
schlatt with a gyaru/bimbo gf... omg stop
you are walking around, super tight pink juicy jacket, tiny skirt that doesnt even cover half your ass, huge fuzzy boots, a ton makeup and lots of accessories and schlatts just looking at you like 'what the fuckkk?'. at first he was trying not to look, but anyone within a one mile radius was looking at you. you were practically glowing with your super bright outfit, bubbly personality, and that bounce in her step when you walk that makes your ass & tits jiggle. He goes on to his phone to avoid staring, but you bump into eachother. his phone ended up splatted against the ground "oh god, im so sorry! holy shit im ssososoosososos sorry! please let me repay you!" "nah its fine-" "oh my goodness honey dont even speak! get into my car and ill take you shopping for a new one! heck, lets buy you a new car!"
he did end up getting in the car, but he somehow convinced her to just buy him a cofee instead (little did he know, she slipped a little hawaii hello kitty keychain, some money and a note in his pocket that said 'im sorry :(. heres my number, u r cute! XXX-XXX-XXXX')
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boydepartment · 1 year
Hey pookie,, may I request a rich!enhypen headcanon(?) where they spoils the reader. Thank you🥰🥰😚😚
thank you for requesting ILY! sorry it was late!!! i haven’t felt well!!!
Rich! Enha x Reader- Headcanons
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Jungwon- Jungwon always wants what's best for his baby! You can expect to get the best quality food, clothes, jewelry, etc. He wants you to feel the best. You've reassured him multiple times that he doesn't have to but part of him loves that he can take care and provide for you. He loves spoiling you and seeing your shocked face at the new thing he bought you. "Jungwon you didnt have to!"
"Oh I know! I just wanted to :]"
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Heeseung- Unlike Jungwon, Heeseung I could see spoiling you with more stuff like a new car, or next months rent totally paid already. He loves to spoil you in practical ways that make your life easier. When your life is easier he knows you'll be happier which makes him happy. That is what is most important to him. Plus when you're in a better mood you smooch him more- so its a win win. "Oh next months rent is paid by the way"
"WHAT? Again? Heeseung you didn't have to..."
"I know I just love you, I wanna help whenever I can."
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Jay- Jay is a mix of both. Anything you want you can ask for and he will deliver. Sometimes he will deny you, but then when you get home its already there on your bed. He loves to surprise you and he loves seeing you happy. So he pays for your bills on top of little surprises. He will never admit it but he likes the little :< you do when you ask for something and he says no at first. "Jay oh my god can we get this? I think it would look so pretty in the living room!"
"fine... :)"
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Jake- Total husband material. The way you're feeling is really important to him. If he notices you're stressed it's an immediate vacation for the both of you. He absolutely loves traveling with you so it works out because he doesn't have to go alone. If he's on a work trip you are going with him. Anything you want from said country he will get for you. He loves seeing you stress free and if running away for a couple days is what does it- then he will drop everything for you. "Are you feeling any better?"
"I am... Thank you, I really needed this."
"Anytime :)"
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Sunghoon- Sunghoon really enjoys doing things with you, so to spoil you (on top of endless clothes and little handbags) he likes taking random fun classes with you. Like a cooking class in Italy or an Art class in France. All of the classes he makes sure are fun and he loves that he can experience new things with you "I CANNOT BELIEVE WE COOKED THIS!"
"We did SO well- I told you those classes were a good idea!"
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Sunoo- Anytime Sunoo is stressed he goes to you and tells you that you guys are going on a trip. On that trip he spoils you with anything you want. That dress you eyed at the store but then put it down due to the price? That is going to be your next birthday present. That bracelet that you loved so much in the store? He came back later to pick it up for you. Sunoo takes notes on what you like especially on getaways and he brings everything home without you knowing. "Was this from our trip to Hawaii like 3 months ago?"
"Mhm! I noticed you eyeing it!"
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Ni-ki- Honestly, Riki is kinda insane. He would be the type of rich person to like go pet lions or something just for the thrill of it. I hope you like adrenaline because those experiences are very common with him. However, he does spoil you in little ways. Riki is kind of shy so whenever he buys you something he always leaves it for when he's not there. The presents are always very cute and thoughtful. Jewelry with your anniversary date on it, etc. "Why'd you leave? I wanted to open my present form you with you..."
"I- Just open it or whatever..."
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thequeenofcupps · 3 months
Venture x Park ranger!reader
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Request here! @urlocaldesertdweller request this IM SO SO SORRY THIS TOOK FOREVER TO GET OUT BUT I HOPE YOU LIKE THIS
  A/N: readers 22 in this, Venture and the Wayfinders Society are finding an artifact near a cave in the woods where you work, I tried finding how old you had to be but nothing popped up so I tried, and just fluff!
ꕥHow you met!
ꕥyou worked as a park ranger at the age of 18 and a love for the woods sped up to 4 years,
You meet a cute stranger with chocolate brown hair and toffee skin with the cutest smile with digging equipment?
Venture in awe and excitement approached looking at the gorgeous land nestled with history of the people who had been there before. 
As they were setting up their equipment you approached them a park ranger you also shared the love of the view and just as captive for the view.
You caught their attention, and remarked with a mischievous little smile “Excuse me, do you have a digging permit?” your mocking tone to playfully tease this cute stranger. Venture was taken aback and glanced around nervously with a hint of concern but you told them you were just messing around they then said “Ah, you got me there! Almost had me scrambling for the non-existent paperwork!” they said with a slight tremble in their voice with dark blush sprinkled across their cheeks. They extended their hand to introduce themselves “Hi! I’m Sloan Cameron! I’m an Archaeologist and an occasional permit-dodger!” they said with a laugh
You, extending  your hand to meet theirs “I’m (name)! I’ve been a park ranger for these woods for 4 years, it’s nice to meet you! So Sloan, what are we unearthing today?’ 
 And from there everything just snowballed
ꕥ you both often plan date that involve exploring old and new hiking trails, visiting their favorite historical sites with them telling you facts about those sites, you both bond over your shared curiosity and appreciation for nature, the world and history!
ꕥ Both you and Sloan love the take pictures or moments from your guy’s outdoor adventures, you had to buy a photobook for all the pictures you've both took and with some stung up on your house
ꕥyou guys have a weekend tradition of having picnic with homemade food and finding a gorgeous view, be it a lake, on top of a hill overlooking woods you both just love enjoying each others company surrounded by mother nature's offerings 
ꕥ sometimes if its a clear night you set up a blanket on the grass and you both just gaze up at the stars sometimes making a competition to find constellations ending in you both laughing so hard that your stomachs hurt
ꕥ If Sloan takes you with them on their expeditions you guys go down to the local town or city and explore and get local ingredients and you both cook for the Wayfinders, finding recipes or just experiment with said ingredients or just cook traditional meals from locals
ꕥ you and Sloan entourage each others individual interests, hobbies it doesn’t matter you share some interests or just share all of your interests with your loving partner  
ꕥ whenever sloan comes home you guys are already planning future trips you both wanna take hell you guys have a future date planned to go backpacking in hawaii
ꕥyou love to reflect on past dates you’ve had with them, sometimes you both sit on the couch looking at the photo album from all the adventures you’ve had
Also you guys probably fly because I feel like Sloan would get car sick easily 😭
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Anyways I hope yall enjoyed this my requests are now open!
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peachjagiya · 23 days
I am sorry but jkkers and so called neutrals who still somehow paint Tae as the thirdwheel should never be taken seriously. They watched that car conversation and still came out of it thinking jikook are the closest ever. Jk straight up said that they would not have met up if not for the show and I'm shocked that the editors actually kept that in as it made me truly side eye the way they promoted the show and the timing they chose for filming it.
Tae and Jk might not interact as much or be the main focus on cameras but no amount of weird editing, inconsistent narratives and cropping Tae out of the frame to exclude him and highlight jikook is going to change the fact that taekook have a relationship outside of work that they nurture and maintain even when their schedules are packed and jikook themselves admitted not making the effort hang out. This is the reality.
These people will continue to buy into whatever the company tries to sell because they think these men's lives and relationships become irrelevant when company cameras turn off. Seriously anyone who still believes Jikook are in a relationship or even the closest members played themselves and are stuck on a fantasy that BH sold them. They have no choice but to lie to themselves and make Tae the annoying third wheel because his relationship with Jk is always going to challenge that fantasy.
As Taekookers, we've known for a while that 2023 was a Jimkook desert. That conversation was, for us, confirmation of what we knew and we took it in the wider context that it's indicative of not only no ship but, in the most loving way, of no particular desperation to be around each other because both were out here making considerable effort staying close to other people.
So here's my devil's advocate though: I suppose you could read it, and I suspect this is why it stayed in, that they wanted badly to see each other and this trip was a long awaited relief for them.
That thought works... if you don't consider that JK made effort for Tae all year and Jimin for Yoongi. But I wonder if non-Tkkrs/Ymnrs actually engage with that information?
And remember this was filmed, and I'm going to suggest edited, before Tae dropped Hawaii. The narrative might have even felt different for us if we didn't know JK is the kind of guy to get on a plane for 9 hours for his person and managed to see his 97 Liners a good amount.
Does that make sense?
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gravitytrips · 3 months
“Maybe this vacation would do me good.”
Scout thought out loud as he started the long drive around the mountain.
Had his team really wanted him to take a break? Or did they just want to get rid of him? After all, a man’s friends don’t buy him tickets and pay for his lodging in Maui, Hawaii out of the kindness of their hearts.
“Well, might as well make the best of it.”
As he drove on the gently sloping road, he thought about the things to do on this drive. He would skip that little town with that big old tree in it. He had seen a bunch of big trees on that road to Hana and on that hike up to Waimoku falls. He would also skip those Alluvione pools because he swam in those Seven Sacreds. But he had heard that the views from the West Maui mountain were beautiful and he really wanted to see that blowhole that was somewhere along the way. Not to mention a little bay that was said to have the most beautiful snorkeling that you could do for free. Heck, he even bought snorkeling equipment for it! 
He figured he would go into the valley after rounding out the mountain and see the Iao Needle. Especially since he heard an especially gorey story about the place.
He glanced back at the bag in the backseat of the rental car. In it was a camera, a change of clothes, his snorkeling equipment, and his satellite phone.
Just in case.
Scout had a great day. The snorkeling was amazing, and there was the most beautiful forest on the walk to the bay. 
The blowhole was really cool, spraying him a few times and having a multitude of crabs to photograph. 
He ended up going to the Alluvione pools, due to their reputation. It was a really fun rock climb down and there was another blowhole! The pools were beautiful, teeming with life and picturesque in every way. After the rough climb on the sharp volcanic rock, it was nice to relax in the lukewarm water.
Once Scout had returned to his car, he sighed a content sight. He was tired, but very happy as well.
Now, all he had to do was drive back to the hotel.
He began to drive away from the pools. The road quickly narrowed, but he was sure that he could keep the car under control. 
He immediately noticed that there was no guardrail.
He gulped when he saw the sheer drop down.
And his mind spun as he looked upon the winding road before him.
Hairpin turns, switchbacks, waves, ones that seemed to go at a 90 degree angle!
They all stretched out before him.
The longer he drove on this nightmare road, the more anxious he became.
Finally, he came to a little village in the valley that the road went right through. It was like a sigh of relief. 
Scout pulled off into the small parking lot of a little banana bread bakery to gather his bearings. 
Due to the mile markers, knew he only had 12 more miles to go, but the map showed a nightmare tangle of turns and cliffsides. Scout swallowed hard. 
12 more miles and he would be safe.
Scout was temped to just stay in the town for longer, but he knew that the sun would be setting soon and did not want to brave that road at night. So, he stood, waved goodbye to the bakery owner, got back into his car, and started back up the mountainside.
The road was even worse now. 
The turns were sharper.
The drop offs were taller.
A sheer cliffs of rock both rose from his right side and fell away from his left.
He swallowed the lump of fear in his throat, gripping the wheel so hard his knuckles turned white.
He accelerated to get up a hill, then pressed the brakes to slow down again.
Nothing happened.
A string of swears flew from Scout’s mouth  as his car rolled toward the edge of the cliff.
Fortunately, the slope of the hill had slowed him down, and he successfully turned around the bend.
The road sloped down.
The car gained more and more speed as Scout flew around the valley corner.
Then, he was headed back to the edge of the cliff. The road only continued to slope down.
Scout drifted around the next turn, just barely making it.
A wall of rocks rose from the narrow road on his right. A sheer drop into the forested valley fell away from him on the left. There was nowhere to go.
Scout drifted around the next turn, thinking he could make it again.
He was not so lucky.
His back tires went over the edge.
Scout had just enough time to clip on his seatbelt before the car tipped and slid off of the road.
Scout’s body floated as the car free fell through the air. Was he upside down? Or just falling fast? He couldn’t tell.
The car impacted the slope at the bottom of the cliff.
The roof of the car crunched as it hit the rocky slope, Scout’s body jerking against his seatbelt. The windows cracked and shattered under the weight of the car and the force of the inertia. His chest felt like it had been crushed like an aluminum can.
The car flipped over, doing a barrel roll that slammed him into every surface of the car he could think of.
The car hit the rocky soil again, upside down. This time, it simply slid to a stop at the bottom.
Scout hung against his seatbelt, wheezing.
He needed air.
He fumbled with the seatbelt, but the buckle assembly was crushed.
He wheezed again and fumbled for his pocket knife that always remained in his side pocket. It wasn’t there. Scout glanced in front of him. 
The knife lay above him, folded. It must have slid out of his pocket on that roll.
He reached up, his arm crying out in pain as he stretched for his knife. His fingers grazed it, but he couldn’t reach.
He deflated his chest to cross the last inch he needed. It hurt. It hurt so bad. But his fingers closed around the knife.
He quickly flipped the blade open, working the sharp metal as a saw.
Finally, belt snapped, and a moment later he fell to the glass and rock-littered roof
He didn’t notice the glass slicing up his hands and tearing through his jeans.
All he could feel was the terrible pain in his chest.
His runner’s lungs worked as hard as they had ever worked in any battle, gathering oxygen and pushing his chest out.
It hurt.
It really hurt.
Scout lay in the sharp glass and stones, coughing and gasping for air. As he tasted the blood in his throat, one thought crossed his mind.
He had to get the satellite phone.
Scout flipped over and crawled to the backseat, looking for his bag in the carnage.
It wasn’t there.
He checked under the seats and all over the car, wheezing and coughing the whole time.
His bag was gone. How was it gone?
It only took one glance out of the shattered back windshield to tell him where his bag had ended up.
Near the top of the steep incline, his items lay strewn out on the rocks
An anguished whimper escaped Scout’s lips as his eyes sized up the steep slope. Could he even make it? Would his lungs explode before he got there? It sure felt like it.
But he had to try.
Climbing out of the demolished car, Scout felt an ocean spray on his face. The valley he was in would have been beautiful if it hadn’t nearly killed him.
“You could still die.” Scout reminded himself and he suddenly became aware of his wheezing again.
As he stood, leaning against the car, he realized that it wasn’t just his chest that ached.
His left knee looked….off, and a large bruise was starting to form on his right shin. Scout mulled over what could have caused those injuries for a moment before he came to a conclusion.
“The dashboard….” He whispered to himself.
A steady pounding in the back of his head reminded him that his life may be at stake here. No time to dilly dally. 
As he started his ascent up the hill, every injury on his body protested.
But he persisted. 
He had to make it.
As he climbed, the pounding in his head got worse, drowning out the pain in his legs and chest.
Why was his head getting worse? Was that sweat or blood? Where….where was he?
For a moment, Scout was disoriented, his mind being unable to comprehend where he was for a few moments.
Then, awareness trickled back into his mind and he recalled his awful situation. He then continued his ascent.
Suddenly, he was in front of his bag. 
What? When had he gotten so close? How far had he climbed?
He looked behind him, his head spinning even more as his brain took in the height of the slope he was on.
He turned back to the rocks in front of him, feeling nauseous. Then, he grabbed the phone.
“911, what’s your emergency?”
What? When had he dialed? He shoved those thoughts aside.
“Y-yes, uh, I was d-driving around….West Maui….and….”
What had happened to him, again? He glanced down at the wrecked car and remembered.
“I went over the edge….over the cliff….just a few turns past…..that….”
What was the word?
“Alright sir. Just stay calm. We are sending a helicopter to come get you.”
The words took far too long to sink in.
Then, there was silence.
Suddenly, the phone was dialing again. Had he called someone?
“Hello? Scout?” Came the voice of Miss Pauling.
“Pauling….?” Scout was horrified at his voice. Had it sounded like that before? It sounded like he had swallowed a pound of gravel.
Suddenly, he became aware of the pain in his chest again. 
“Scout, is everything alright? Are you still there?” Miss Pauling asked.
“I think…. I mean, something….happened….I….might not…… make it….home….” Scout’s voice was near a whisper.
Breathing was difficult and his head felt like a ticking bomb.
“Scout! Scout, speak to me! What happened?” Miss Pauling’s voice came again.
Scout blinked slowly. He was too tired to speak.
“I….love you Miss Pauling…..always…have….” Scout inhaled deeply. “Tell the guys….I love them, too….”
Scout blinked again, trying to muster up the strength to say something poetic. He couldn’t find the words. His whole brain hurt. Scout laid his face in the hot, sharp stones. A short rest would do him good. A small nap would get him back in his feet. 
The sound of a helicopter filled his ears as he drifted off into the darkness.
The next time Scout was aware of anything, he was in a familiar environment.
He blinked a few times, his view of the base infirmary focusing in his eyes.
How was he back in New Mexico? Last time he checked, he was in Hawaii.
The door to the infirmary opened, drawing Scout’s attention to it. 
A very tired-looking Medic stepped through the door.
As the door swung closed again, Scout caught a glimpse of a few of the other mercs sitting in the waiting area just outside.
A voice brought Scout’s attention back to Medic.
“Five days and a four hour flight over the Pacific and of course, you wake up the moment i leave the room.” Medic said as he crossed the room and crossed something off of a medical chart.
“Welcome back.”
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peonierose · 6 months
Losing Game (3/4)
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Book: Open Heart
Pairing: Luna Auclair (F!OC) x Bryce Lahela (M!MC)
Rating: Mature / Angst
TW: Mental Health
Words: 3,000+
Summary: Bryce visited his dad in prison and now he and Luna are oceans apart, but after a scare during his surgery he can only think of one person to call.
A/N: In case you missed the parts before here they are: Part 1, Part 2
2nd A/N: I went a bit off canon with Bryce and what happened with his parents, just as an fyi. Also thank you for everyone for reading this story and giving it a chance 🩷
Side note: I also made a playlist for Part 3, the previous two parts include a playlist as well.
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Maui, Hawaii 
A few years ago…
I sang along to some song playing on the radio, still pumped from a round of basketball with my friends. I kicked Kainalu‘s ass and ran laps around him. I still can’t believe I beat him this time around, he cursed throughout the game. But it was just a game between friends.
When I turned the corner to our house I saw blue flashing lights, alerting me that something was wrong. I put the car in park and slammed the door as I got out.
Did something happen? This is a pretty safe neighborhood. My parents made sure we had the best-equipped security system around. The best money could buy.
Several cop cars have pulled up in front of our driveway. I saw two police officers escorting my dad into a police car. My eyebrows rose high. Not able to make sense of this whole situation and what is unraveling right in front of my eyes.
I ran towards the entrance of our house where officers were carrying out some of our things. Such as computers, laptops, phones, everything, and putting them into evidence bags. I kept staring as if this was a nightmare I couldn’t wake up from.
When I wanted to enter our house an officer stopped me.
”You can’t get inside.“
”What do you mean I can’t get inside? I live here.“ I replied, with a sharpness I reserved for people who get on my nerves.
”Please Officer, that’s my son.“ My mom‘s voice came from the entrance. The officer looked me up and down and finally, after what felt like hours passed, he nodded and let me enter.
”Alright. He can enter. But don’t touch anything.“ He called out after me.
I got inside and my mom pulled me to the side.
”Let’s go to the kitchen.“ I followed my mom as if I were in a trance. My body moved, but my mind was somewhere else.
The questions kept circling in my head like hungry vultures ”What the fuck is going on here? Why are there cops in our home? Why did Dad get arrested? What did my parents get themselves into?“
I whirled on my mom, but she put her forefinger on her lips telling me with her eyes not to ask any questions that were burning on my tongue. Then she hugged me and whispered into my ear.
”Listen carefully, we don’t have much time. There’s a small bag in your sister's closet. Take it and get her out of here. There’s enough money that should last you for a while. Since I’m sure they froze all of our accounts.“
I wanted to break off the hug and look at my mom. But she held on tight.
”Do as I say ku’uipo. Know that your father and I love you. Take care of your little sister until we figure things out. You hear me?“ My mom hissed. I nodded slightly. ”Good.“
We broke off the embrace and it’s as if I’m seeing a different mom. Not one who kissed my bruised knee when I fell from my bike as a seven-year-old, or who sang me Hawaiian songs when I had the flu.
She put her hand on my cheek as if she sought comfort from me. She kissed my cheek and a feeling of dread settled in my stomach. I let out a breath I’ve been holding in.
After a few seconds, I went upstairs. Before heading up, I took another look at my mom, tired lines had etched themselves into her bronze skin. I turned around, taking one last close look at her before I climbed the stairs leading to our bedrooms.
As I went up I looked for the bag my mom mentioned. Though Keiki is nowhere in sight. I sprinted to the closet and when I opened it I whistled when I saw all the cash, fake IDs, and passports inside the bag. Whatever they did, they must’ve had a backup plan.
I recognized a fake ID when I saw one. I used one to get into clubs and bars while still underage. This isn’t a simple bag, this is a run-for-the-hills, get-out-of-town for a while kind of bag.
I replaced the bag my mom prepared with my gym bag that was slung over my shoulder a few minutes ago. Making sure no one saw me swap the bags I went outside and looked for my sister.
”Kei-Kei?“ I went to my room, and there she was. Hugging her green sea turtle to her chest. I gave it to her last Christmas.
She was sitting on my bed. Scared to death if her tear-streaked face was any indication. Her dark brown hair was held in a ponytail by a pink elastic. I kneeled next to her.
”Keiks? Come on, let's go.“
She looked at me and I took her little hand into mine. Her hands were shaking and I covered them with mine to lend her some strength.
”Go where? I’m so scared.“ Her big brown eyes, so much like my own, were full of more unshed tears.
”I know you are scared. But I’ve got you Kei-Kei.“ When she hesitated I smiled and squeezed her hand.
”I’m scared too, Keiks. But why don’t we go to a safer place? Hmm?“
”Today is my birthday, Bry. Are we going to celebrate with mom and dad?“ She asked, looking up at me.
I closed my eyes. Shit. It’s her birthday. How do you explain this shit show to your six-year-old sister?
”We‘ll go to some friend's house for a few days. You and I will celebrate with some cake and ice cream. Mom and Dad will join us when they can, okay?“
”Okay. But I want a big cake. With mango flavor.“ She said excitedly.
”You got it Kei-Kei.“ I said and smiled at her. When she saw me smiling at her she smiled back, nodded, and wiped her tears away.
I put the bag over my shoulder and hoisted Keiki up, carrying her downstairs. She clung to me and I winked at her which made her smile. Officers were still taking everything and bagging it as evidence.
Damn what the hell happened? I’ll have to ask my parents another time. First I needed to make sure Keiki was alright.
Though from the looks of it, our lives would inevitably change forever.
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Honolulu, Hawaii’
Present Day…
With a start my eyes snapped wide open, looking left and right, seeing familiar surroundings, making me relax in bed. I reached for my glass of water on the white nightstand next to me, since my throat was all dried up.
I haven’t had memories resurface like this in a long time. Moments from when my parents were arrested. I’ve always wanted the memories gone and I’ve suppressed them. Guess they’re coming back in full force now.
I rubbed my tired eyes. When I turned my head I saw that Luna's side of the bed was rumpled. Though her side was empty.
I didn’t have to be at work until later in the afternoon. As I turned my head I looked at the clock at my bedside. The green numbers said 7.35 am and I just wanted to stay in bed all day, but I knew I’ve got to get my shit together and get out of bed. No matter how hard it is.
I rubbed my eyes again and got out of bed. I went into the bathroom to take a cold shower. Maybe that’ll wake me up.
15 minutes later I was dressed and ready to face the day. The first thing I noticed as I got downstairs was that the kitchen was empty except for Keiki and Evie sitting at the kitchen table talking in hushed tones.
After the flashback I just had, it feels weird to see Keiki all grown up now. As if you fast-forwarded turning Keiki 23, instead of 6.
When I entered they stopped talking.
”Good morning,“ I walked towards the coffee machine to get some coffee. Starting the day without coffee? Impossible.
”Morning Bryce,“ Evie said while Keiki kept herself busy with Cheerios and some mango slices.
Looking at me, her eyes full of questions I don’t have the answer to. I put it aside to answer later. Because as of right now? I don’t know what to say. Honestly.
”You know an apple would be good for you. Instead of all that sugar, you eat all the time,“ I said pointing to the bowl in front of her.
”How about no? Also, I have some mango smartass.“ She said and stuck out her tongue at me.
I grinned.
”Real mature Keiks,“ I replied and sat down at the kitchen table, across from Evie. Keiki's phone chimed and she went upstairs to take the call.
Evie scooted closer.
”Is everything okay Bryce? Luna is usually up before you. She’s usually in the kitchen preparing breakfast or ordering in and singing around. You know, since you and making breakfast usually almost turns into having to call the fire department,“ she grinned but her green eyes turned serious within seconds.
I chuckled but the sound was more hollow than rich with joy.
”It’s complicated. Let’s leave it at that Eves,“ I said, not really in the mood to hash out what happened last week. Too restless to sit, I get up and just lean against the fridge.
Evie got up too and she squeezed my arm.
”I get it, this is between you and Luna. And you want to solve this on your own. I won’t pressure you for details. But Bryce? You’re one of my favorite guy friends, well make that the only one. So if you ever need to talk, or just get wasted? I’m your girl. You went through a lot. I can tell. So if there’s something you’d like to get off your chest I’m here. Don’t bottle it up. When you’re ready we’re all here. For you and Luna. You’re family okay? You’re not alone,“ she aimed a watery smile at me.
I nodded and hugged her, not able to say more than that. She gave me another hug and grabbed an apple from the fruit basket.
”At least one person in this house eats healthy,“ I said teasingly.
”I heard that,“ came Keiki's shout from upstairs.
”Good,“ I shouted back.
I do what I always do when everything gets too much. I go to Manoa Falls when I feel upset. It’s my and Luna’s favorite place in the world.
Sitting there on the moss-covered stones and hearing the rush of the waterfalls? It’s like you’re one with nature. That peacefulness? Food for the soul. When I get there I let the silence and chirping of birds envelop me and ground me. My phone chimes with a text, my heart sped up and I think it might be Luna, but it’s just a Spotify alert. Suggesting a new song to one of my playlists. I unlock my phone to see which song it is. It’s , which must be for Luna she loves Maddie & Tae. I sigh when I lock my phone again.
Only too soon do I have to get back because my shift is about to start.
I got dressed for work and before I was out the door I heard Keiki calling my name and I turned around keys in hand.
”Hey are you guys okay? I could tell Luna was upset about something,“ she asked gently.
I nodded.
”We’ll be okay again. We’re just going through a rough patch. It’s all going to work out,“ I said and kissed my sister on the forehead.
She nodded.
I walked out the door to get to work. Hopefully, work will distract me from my problems for now.
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Later that day…
Aubrey got out of the OR. Her brown eyes blazing.
”What the fuck is wrong with you Lahela?“ She asked me.
I leaned on the wall. Trying to get a breath out. But all that came out was a wheezing sound rather than an actual breath.
She noticed I was not saying anything and must’ve seen my face. Pale as a ghost.
”Deep breaths Lahela. Come on. You got this. Deep breaths. In and out,“ she instructed me and I did as she said.
My hands started to tremble earlier during surgery. Again. What the fuck is going on?
I tore the surgical cap away and threw it onto the floor. Tearing at my longer hair. Not seeing where the cap landed and not really caring at this moment.
”Okay talk to me. What’s wrong?“
When my breathing was under control again I looked at Aubrey.
I was breathing slowly, still not able to talk to anyone.
”I had a fucking panic attack. That’s what’s wrong.“ I said a heartbeat later.
”Okay. Just breathe and relax. Just stay here, okay?“ She said and left to give me some space.
This happened before but I didn’t see it as a panic attack.
I thought I just had some anxiety left from the day before when I talked to a family who were seeking answers for a surgery I couldn’t perform because it was too risky.
What if complications occur? They will blame me for it.
It’s a pretty complicated surgery and I didn’t know how well they would handle any complications or repercussions I told them about.
I sighed again. I didn’t even realize that I pulled out my phone and dialed Luna’s number.
”Hey B, what’s wrong?“ She said and I could hear other people mutter in the background. She must be at the store or something.
”Can you come to the hospital? I know we’ve fought, but I really need you.“ I said quietly.
”Of course, I’ll be right there.“ She said. It‘s as if our fight was forgotten.
I don’t even know how I got to the locker room as I’m sitting on the cold, hard linoleum floor. My head is resting between my knees.
As I’m trying to get my breathing and my heart rate under control.
Breathing exercises didn’t cut it. But slowly my heartbeat normalized and I could breathe freely again.
I didn’t know if she’d even come if I called her. After our fight, everything seemed out of balance.
But Luna is the only person I wanted to see. I just wanted to feel her soft touch and smell her guava shampoo. Knowing she’s close and I can hug her when my anxiety is high? Deeply comforted me.
I was still sitting like that on the floor when I felt soft hands caressing the hair at the nape of my neck.
I shivered and when I turned around I saw Luna’s concerned face.
”What happened?“ She asked and opened her arms for me.
I hugged her because I needed her. For the first time in a week after our fight, I felt good again.
It’s as if I‘m a functioning human being, who’s been deprived of human touch for so long. However weird that sounded, it helped to hug her. That physical contact from the person I love is exactly what I needed.
We barely talked, just exchanged a few words here and there. But it’s not like it’s usually with us. Jabs and teasing here and there. Laughter and kisses.
I missed her. I didn’t know you could be in the same room with the person you love, yet feel so lonely. As if you’re miles apart.
She stroked my hair and just whispered some lyrics of a song to me. I think it was ”I Have a Dream by ABBA“.
”My hands started shaking and I panicked during surgery.“
”Oh B I‘m sorry that happened, but I think ever since you visited your dad you came back differently.“ She pointed out carefully as if she wasn’t sure what my reaction would be.
”Of course I did. There are way too many emotions eating me up right now. I just needed to sort them all out.“ I remarked.
”B please tell me what’s going on. Please, I don't know how to help you if you don’t tell me,“ Luna whispered.
”I feel lost. Lost and sad and I don’t know.“ I admitted. I broke down. I wrapped my arms around her as I cried silently and she held me close, showing me she was right here with me.
”I’ll give you anything you want Bryce. I love you so damn much. I’d even eat some oatmeal.“ She shivered involuntarily. The disgust of having to eat oatmeal was evident on her face. She hates it. I laughed through my tears. She pushed some strands of my hair that had gotten longer out of my face and I squeezed her hand.
”Would you be willing to go to therapy? We could go together if you want. Or you could go alone. Whatever makes you feel more comfortable.“
To be honest I’ve been thinking of going to therapy for a while. I’ve been a wuss to go though.
”I’d like that. Know any good ones?“
Luna nodded.
”I do. We can make an appointment. And we can go whenever you feel like you want to go.“
I nodded and just kept leaning into her. I turned my head and looked into her blue-green eyes.
”I never meant to hurt you when I didn’t tell you I visited my dad. I…just don’t know…“
Luna took my face into her hands.
”It’s okay B. We’ll figure it out together. And if you want to spend some time figuring things out with your parents I support you.“ She said and after a heartbeat, she continued.
”I suffer from anxiety and depression. I know what it’s like when it’s getting too much and when I don’t know what to do with my emotions. When I want to scream and cry and just get out of my skin for a while. I get it. That’s what painting is for me. Maybe we can find something you can find comfort in.“ I smiled. Even now when we’re still not sure where we stand exactly, she tries to help and support me. I couldn’t love her more if I tried.
”I always liked working with my hands. Building things. I was always good at it. I once built a princess castle for Keiki.“
”That is so sweet. I bet it was pink.“ Luna smiled softly and I smiled back at her. If there’s one person who loves pink? It’s Luna. But it’s endearing and I love that about her.
”Maybe you can work something out with Adam?“ She suggested.
”You think he’d let me?“ I asked not sure if Adam would let me help with any of his projects.
”Of course. Adam loves you like a brother. He’d help you. Especially if he knows it helps you to feel calm.“
I admit feeling ashamed and mortified that my hands would start to shake again. Is something wrong with me?
”There’s nothing wrong with you B. Sometimes emotions boil over. It’s when you’ve bottled things up too many times. I know that. That’s why I’ve turned to art. When I create art it lets me get out some emotions I‘ve been feeling. We can do some painting together if you want.“
I didn’t realize I'd spoken out loud. I nodded, not able to look at her, afraid she’d see how emotionally exhausted I was.
First visiting my dad, our fight, and now this panic attack during the surgery. Maybe some vacation would do me some good. I‘m sure I can work something out with the chief of medicine. Alana is amazing and she‘s very understanding.
”I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about my dad. I just didn’t want to share it because I was scared that if you saw and knew everything you’d…“
”What? Run away? B there’s nothing that could make me run away from you. No matter what happens. Sure I was hurt that you didn’t say anything, but I understand that sometimes certain conversations aren’t that easy. Especially when it’s with a family member you haven’t talked to in a while. But whether we fight or if we have a make-out session all day, a relationship is never easy. But we work on it. We compromise, and most importantly we love each other. Come hell or high water.“
I looked up at her and I could tell from the expression in her eyes that she meant every word.
She hugged me again and I simply leaned into her, borrowing some of the strength that she was offering. We sat like that for another 10 minutes, until Luna had a pained look on her face and I could’ve slapped myself by letting her sit on the ground.
”B not to be rude, but can we maybe go somewhere else? I feel a bit uncomfortable sitting like this.“
”Oh my god I’m sorry of course. Here let me help you up.“ I got to my feet and helped her up.
”Thank you. For being there for me.“ I kissed her soft lips, giving you that warm, cozy feeling as if you were coming home.
”Always.“ She smiled tenderly.
I knew we’d fought, but things will get better again. I believe that.
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skyloftian-nutcase · 2 months
So, the misfortune started when I went to this damn hospital to do blood collection (Yes, where the nurse played "fishing" with the vein of my arm ;^;)
Almost two weeks later my mother had some complications and had to have a minor surgery... In this damn hospital
Of course, I didn't want to leave her alone and went as a companion. While I was waiting for her in the waiting room I decided to buy a soda in those vending machines, and of course the can got stuck.
Not long after that, a nurse came to notify me that my mother had already woken up and that I could go see her. I wasted no time and tried to go up the stairs to get there as soon as possible but, very conveniently, the stairs were closed due to some water leak.
Okay, I had to use the elevator now... Nothing would go wrong right? RIGHT??!
When the elevator reached the third floor, it stopped working 🫠
If it wasn't bad enough the lil shit of nowhere started to go down very slowly using all the noise budget that a horror movie elevator has.
But after the longest 30 minutes of my life, everything worked out and my body left safely. Only the body cuz my soul was already in the heavens x.x
My mother was fine and she was discharged on the same day, but I made her go downstairs with me not caring if there was water there or not
Remember that in the beginning I had done blood collection? So, the result was supposed to be released online on the 19th but four days had passed and nothing.
So I contacted the hospital laboratory and they said that some results had given an error and that I should go back and repeat the collection.
I had to wake up at 4:30 in the morning and went back there motivated by hatred.
But dude
When I got there
I had barely gotten out of the car when a FREAKING SINKHOLE started to form on the sidewalk.
Luckily it wasn't very fast, so me and some other pedestrians who were there managed to get out in time and the driver also managed to get the car out before the ground collapsed 😮‍💨
When I went to the lab
There was nothing wrong with the result of my exams
They had mistaken me for another patient 🫠
*internal screams*
...If there's a good side to all this, it's that I'm healthy :D
Physically, at least.
Good Lord 🥴🤣
Is it bad that I’m relieved that it’s just your typical Tuesday for you and not that the hospital legitimately tried to kill you with incorrectly dosed meds or something? 😅 Like I read “the elevator got stuck” and was like “oh ok so this is her usual stuff, she didn’t get shot up with an overdose of insulin or something” 🤣
Girl my soul would’ve left my body too if the elevator started creeping downward with all the bad noises YIKES. And a freaking SINKHOLE??
Don’t mind me, I’m just gonna—*sets up all expense paid vacation to Hawaii for your guardian angel*
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multiversefanfics · 1 year
Uncle Bucky
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader Warnings: nothing but fluff, maybe a few cuss words Summary: You and Bucky offer to watch Tony and Pepper's daughter, Morgan while they went on a 2nd honeymoon, while you two are watching her, Bucky brings up that he wants to have a baby with you.
You and Bucky were out finding a place to get ice cream when your phone rang, you looked down and it was Tony, you sighed and answered "Listen, Stark I told you I'm not coming in unless Steve buys me new fruit snacks." There was a chuckle on the other end of the phone "That's not why I'm calling, Pepper and I planned a 2nd honeymoon, but our babysitter backed out last minute. Do you think, you and Cyborg can watch Morgan for the weekend? I'll pay you triple what I pay the babysitter." You smiled wide and looked over at Bucky who was staring at the road ahead "Of course we can watch Morgan this weekend, and Tony you don't have to pay us." There was a sigh of relief coming from what you assume was Pepper "Hey hey, don't tell him that." Bucky uttered while smiling at you, and you playfully rolled your eyes "We'll be over in 20 minutes, did Morgan eat yet?" Bucky pulled into an ice cream shop waiting for the answer "Yeah, she ate. Why?" You smirked over at Bucky "Just asking, wanted to make sure before we got food if we needed to bring her some." You both exchanged goodbyes and you and Bucky went to get your ice cream, you got Morgan some as well since she had already eaten she could get a treat of course you didn't tell Tony.
You two got your ice cream and made your way to Tony and Pepper's house "Morgan sounded excited to know that her uncle Bucky was coming over." You smiled over at him watching a smile creep up on his face "I'm excited too, although Stark got her calling me cyborg, it's cute when she says it." You both smiled and waited for Bucky to come around your side and open your door for you. You both walked up to Tony and Pepper's door, you knocked and waited for someone to answer, just then the door swung open revealing a very hyperactive little girl. "Uncle Bucky!" Morgan jumped into his arms hugging him tightly "Hi Morgan, I missed you!" You smiled and continued to walk inside finding Pepper in the living room finishing their bags "Hey, where are you guys headed?" Pepper zipped the bag and looked at you "I wanted to go to Hawaii, Tony wanted to go to Bora Bora, so we compromised and we're going to Bora Bora." She playfully rolled her eyes as Tony came up and kissed her temple "What's in the cup?" You smiled wide and turned the cup around "We brought Morgan ice cream." Tony groaned and watched his little bundle of joy run over to the ice cream. She looked up at you with puppy dog eyes “Is that for me?” She smiled sweetly at you hoping it was for her “Of course, Bubbles.” You leaned down and handed her the cup and a spoon, you stood up straight watching her run to the kitchen table, you turned to Tony “She’ll be okay, we’re gonna run it off after and she’ll be asleep at her usual time.” You smiled sweetly hoping Tony would believe that, he looked at you and then nodded “I can’t believe I’m saying this, but Cyborg you’re in charge.” Bucky chuckled and nodded his head “I’ll keep them in check.” Tony sighed and quickly kissed Morgan’s forehead and grabbed their bags basically running out of the door and into their car. You turned to look at Bucky “When she’s done with her ice cream, I’m gonna give her a bath and we’re gonna help her wind down with a movie.” Bucky walked over to where Morgan was sitting and sat in front of her, pretending to take her ice cream, she giggled and moved the cup away so he wouldn't get it.
You watched them interact, wondering if it would be the same if you two had a kid together, you both are still very young and a baby would just complicate things, right? You've brought it up to Bucky before but he wasn't ready, you were a little upset but truthfully you weren't ready either. You shook those thoughts away and started to make a makeshift bed on the couch “Alright Morgan, movie time!” You earned a giggle from her while she put her toys away. “Carry me, Cyborg!” She squealed waiting for Bucky to pick her up, he chuckled and scooped her up into his arms ‘flying’ her over to where you were sitting, he plopped her down in between the two of you and you pressed play. Morgan wanted to watch ‘Frozen’ but Bucky talked her into ‘Tangled’ You smiled wide watching both Bucky and Morgan sing along to the songs. About half an hour later you noticed Morgan's breathing slowed down and she wasn't singing anymore, you looked down and saw she was sleeping "Hey, babe she's asleep do you mind-" You looked up and saw Bucky sleeping as well, you smiled to yourself and quickly took a picture, sending it to Tony and Pepper. You carefully picked Morgan up, rubbing her back softly so she wouldn't wake up. You went into her room and slowly laid her down in her bed, you tucked her in softly kissing her forehead. You smiled down at her before walking out of her room shutting her door a little but leaving it open a bit. You made your way back to the living room seeing that Bucky was awake "Hey gorgeous." He smiled and stretched his arms out for you to crawl into., which you happily did. He wrapped his arms around you, running his fingertips up and down your back "She asleep?" You nodded against his chest, leaning up to kiss his cheek "You two looked adorable." You pulled out your phone showing him the picture you took of the two of them, he smiled wide looking intently at the picture "You know, maybe we should have a baby." You sat straight up looking at him "What?" He followed your movements with his eyes, his smile not falling "I'm serious, let's have a baby." You smiled even wider and pressed your lips to his, Bucky was finally on board with having a baby and you couldn't be happier you pulled back resting your forehead on his "Let's have a baby."
Main Masterlist - Bucky Barnes Masterlist
Tags: @megamindsecretlair
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alexsoenomel · 2 years
Birthday Boy (Sam Winchester x Reader fluff)
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Summary: It’s Sam’s birthday today and you decide to surprise him
Pairing: Sam x Reader 
Warnings: none
Word count: 461
Note: Just an old drabble I found. Enjoy! Like/reblog or both if you like it! :)
It was his birthday so you decided to give him something he had always wanted. Sammy didn’t like his birthdays or better to put it he treated that day like any other which annoyed you, because second of May was special and so was he. He gave so much to the world and yet got so little in return. He had saved your ass so many times you can’t even count, he was kind, good and the most important thing he truly did love you. It was the least you could do.
“Happy Birthday Sam! Meet Layla, Layla this is Sammy.” You said holding the leash while a golden retriever was sitting next to you, looking at her new friend.
“Who?” Sam asked confused. “Why?”
“It’s your birthday you idiot.” You smiled. “Tell me you didn’t forget your own birthday.”
“I didn’t even realize-“ 
“I swear to God for your next birthday I’m taking you to Hawaii.”
“Oh yeah, and with what money?” He teased.
“I will rob a bank for you.”
Sam smiled, after few long and painfully hard weeks with sleepless nights in between, he was finally smiling again. He placed a gentle kiss on your lips making your heart pound a little faster.
“I love you.” He said.
“I love you too.”
Sam looked down only to see a slight confused but happy dog staring back at him. “Where did you find her?”
“She was out in the cold behind the bar Dean and I went few days ago. She was starving and didn’t have any place to go, I guess the owner of the bar didn’t want her anymore, so I talked to Dean, he just said dogs and cars don’t mix, and without his approval took her to the vet where she stayed until today.”
Sam got on his knees to pet his new friend.
Layla was enjoying this very much. She loved humans like every other dog. The feeling of his hand on her head pleased her. His touch made her feel safe and sound. “She is beautiful.” He mumbled not taking his eyes off of her.
“She really is.” You said enjoying the sight. Seeing Sam happy and smiling was like seeing a rainbow after the storm. It would get even more magical and wonderful than the last time.
Sam suddenly wrapped his strong arms around your waist and spin you around. You gasped not expecting it whatsoever. “I love you.” He said.
“More than life itself.” You smiled before closing the gap between you and the birthday boy. 
“Where is Dean by the way?” He said as he broke the kiss.
“He is on the road looking for your birthday cake.”
“He will probably buy pie instead.” Sam smiled and kissed you again.
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