#Byler asks
sleep02sunshiine · 5 days
asking you about your byler theories!! will never pass up a chance to yap about my boys
Lettergate: As my boy mike, the guy that wants to become a writer surely wrote some letters to his best friend. Also if we follow what Dustin said, Mike did think about contacting Will more than "a couple of times". And surely when writing letters to El, he could have also just written some to Will, right? I feel like with Will's letters it would be different, Mike surely does want to get is emotions out properly, but he is so used to just talking to Will, that he doesn't believe writing the things down would have the same impact. Also what about the Will voiceTM, how could he convey that in a letter.
a talk with Robin: I feel like Robin would just know if she sees the two together even once in a non dangerous situation. I feel like her gaydar would be good with people she isn't interested in (e.g. Vickie), but I also feel like she would just know how scared Will is of "being like this". If we follow what Troy said in S1, the whole town believes these rumours, so maybe Robin also caught wind of them. I feel like she would be there for either Will or possibly Mike and she would tell them it's okay and if they need someone she is here for them.
Currently I don't have anymore theories as we for example already know that byler is gonna team up as promised by Mike in the first heart-to-heart in S4. Thanks for the ask!
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starsarefire824 · 8 months
I was just thinking of Lay Me Down Slow tonight while at work. It was slow at the movie theatre on a Tuesday haha. Did that one ever get finished. I know you had 3 parts but I could swear there was supposed to be a fourth..just wanted to make sure I wasn't crazy lol. Anyway I love all your fics and hope to catch up on some soon. Work has had me so busy that reading any fanfic has been hard cause on my days off I just want to sleep haha. But yeah I just thought I'd ask about that one since I thought of it tonight.
AAAH! Dearest Moot, I do love that one dearly! So...I had reread that one to get a feel for adding the fourth part, and on a second view I decided I kind of liked it better and it felt better to end it where I left it in chapter 3. I think the "after" chapter I was going to write felt unnecessary on second view, where as in Touch Me Like You Know Me it felt absolutely necessary. Lay Me Down Slow felt finished!
I hope you still enjoy it, even with the change! <3
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cleradinscloset · 10 months
Waht do you think?
Does Mike know Will is in love with him?
If yes, what tipped him off?
If no, did anything ever make him think Will might be in love with him?
he's kinda stupid so i don't see him figuring it out besides maybe he thought it in season 4 but then will pushing him to confess his love for el shut that down pretty quick
so i think in season 5 hes not gonna know until will confesses
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merthurbringsmelife · 2 years
hey <3 what is your favorite theory/gate about byler?
My favourite gate is Mikhailgate because I just enjoyed that one so much and gave me all kinds of new content. I love Stranger things and the Goldfinch and Finn Wolfhard so it was a great mashup. Many Bylers criticised it but I will never forget Mikhail, he is iconic. It was also the funniest gate in my opinion, like it made me laugh so hard and I was kicking my feet, giggling while making Willhail edits.
My favourite theory is Flickergate/ the theory about the lights flickering in the garage s1 because Byler were kissing in the Upside Down future. I'm probably biased on this one because I named the gate but still, it's a super cute idea and is totally possible.
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henrysglock · 2 years
how long did it take you to watch the van scene the first time? about how many times did you rewind? did you catch the lip glance right away? did you think it was heading in a byler positive direction when mike was talking? how about when will was talking? were you happy/disappointed by the painting? how did you feel by the end of it? how devastated were you by will's crying?
boy howdy
i watched vol2 straight through as soon as it was released, i didn’t stall about it!
I didn’t rewind either, that’s just not how i watch stuff. but i have seen the clip on tiktok and tumblr and stuff dozens of times.
i clocked Mike’s lip glances right away because they were super obvious, but it took me a while to catch Will’s initial one.
i thought it was because it was. even now, i know that little van monologue was pro-byler. imo it was Mike being honest about not being secure/happy in his relationship and asking Will if it was okay for him to let go (Will “Rocks for Brains” Byers didn’t catch that).
Will talking was…less byler positive. It became clear he’d missed the message and thought Mike just needed reassurance (which…from what he has been shown of milkvan…it makes sense that he’d think Mike’s wants to be with El and just needs a Byers Pep Talk).
I was so so happy about the painting. I think I smiled just as big as Mike did when Will gave him that damn painting, not only because it was sweet and tender and meaningful but also because it’s Chekov’s gun. it’s loaded, the safety’s off, and it’s cocked ffs. it’s our failsafe. It’s a guarantee that Mike will find out about Will’s feelings, and the way he’s been interacting with Will tell us the feelings are mutual. Byler endgame secured.
I was heartbroken by the end of it. Will, my beloved, you cut too close to home every time. I knew why he did what he did and it devastated me. Knowing that Mike thinks El can give him the love he needs when she can’t…devastating. Mike thinking he has to stay in that relationship? devastating. Will breaking his own heart to try and make his friends/family happy? devastating.
it’s a little known fact that when Will Byers cries, so do I. I was completely wrecked watching him sob silently out the window, not only because he’s so precious and loving and good and he’s hurting, but also because I’ve done what he did so many times. like at a certain point you just know how the person on screen feels because you’ve been there, and it just cuts so close that you can’t help but be wrecked by it.
whew okay that was an essay!! thank you SO much for asking!!
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michaelnotwheeler · 2 years
Someone ask me a byler question pls 🥲
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abisbookcase · 2 years
When has the mango juice fans ever shown you evidence mango juice is real? That’s our whole problem. They don’t show us evidence and call it real.
exactly! i completely agree, i’ve been shown “evidence” before but really it was only mango juice kissing so not really great evidence. again, i agree with you completely :)
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octopusoptimusprime · 2 years
what do you think are byler’s favorite pieces of art? it can be a painting, book, song, musical, poem or whatever else comes to your mind! <3
much love, @byler-art-anon 🌸
OOH this is such a cool question oh my god.
mike is a secret head over heels by tears for fears LOVER. i’m talking kicking his feet dancing giggling making up scenarios
will listens to lovesong by the cure on repeat because mike once said he liked it and now it’s his favourite thinking-about-mike song
mike fucking loves shakespeare. he’s that english nerd. his favourite play is othello
i think will is a big big oscar wilde enjoyer. owns an annotated copy of the picture of dorian gray
hmm mike is the poetry writer boyfriend and will is the poetry lover boyfriend. but like before they get together mike uses poetry to spill out all his feelings. he hides all his poems in a drawer bc he’s scared of people thinking they’re bad
ofc the opposite to this is that will is the artist boyfriend that always accidentally draws mike and mike is the ‘oh my god this 5 second drawing is the best thing ive ever seen i will put it on my wall Right Now’ boyfriend
i don’t think the art gallery scene in hawkins is pretty big so i’m not sure how much art they’d actually come into contact with outside of their dnd books (which is why wills so heavily inspired by them) so i don’t think either of them have a favourite painting
but mikes favourite drawing that wills ever given him was a little sketch after the events of s2. two boys on a swing set. will gives it to him all bashful smiles and ‘the best thing ive ever done was say yes’ and after will goes home mike just sits and looks at it and sobs
wills favourite drawing he’s ever done, though, is one he’ll never show anyone ever. it’s just a sketch of mike in his paladin outfit, but will thinks he looks like an absolute deity. he thinks he’s so beautiful
thiiis was a lot longer than i intended lol. i have so many dumb thoughts abt these stupid boys <3
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himitsy-chan · 2 years
@byler-song-anon here!
What is your personal favorite song from Midnights overall? (Byler coded or not)
And what song do you think is the most byler coded?
Please share your favorite lines from both!
Personal favourite might be Mastermind or Anti-hero, the second one hitting too close to home
And byler wise, I'd say You're on your own, kid is descriptive of both Mike and Will(although I'm leaning towards Mike), Anti-hero is an absolute Mike song AND OMG LABYRINTH???
Favourite lines throughout the songs:
I'll be getting over you my whole life
Uh oh, I'm falling in love
I'll stare directly at the sun but never in the mirror
One day I'll watch as you're leaving and life would lose all it's meaning for the last time
And then saw a wide smirk, on your face – You knew the entire time
I hosted parties and starved my body – like I'd be saved by a perfect kiss
My friends from home don't know what to say
You've got no reason to be afraid
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byler-is-endgame7 · 2 years
Do you think mike knows will is gay and in love with him? I feel like mike knows cuz hes very intuitive and smart
mike is very smart but i think he’s too focused on trying to be straight and fit in with everyone else to notice what’s actually going on right in front of him with will 
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sleep02sunshiine · 5 days
what episodes do you think byler's key moments will happen (like the painting/realisation, confession, get together) ect?
I don't think the paiting is gonna play a big role in this but Mike is atleast gonna acknowledge the painting and the lie, because in S1 E01 we learn that Will can't lie to Mike (e.g. "the roll was a 7, it got me, the demogorgon got me") so it's possible for Mike to have seen through that lie in the van scene already, but he just didn't wanna say anything/question Will. Alas that is not what I am gonna analysis right now. If we recall what Maya Hawke said in an interview, the episodes are gonna be movie length, so it could happen anywhere. Though probably later in the season. As for a realisation, i think it's gonna be a little before he talks to Eleven. And as for a confession, I don't see it happening until maybe E05? And them getting together would probably take a while, as after the confession they don't wanna imediately seem weird (e.g. suspicion from the other characters). But they are definitely a thing in the last episode.
thanks for the ask, aswell that you written two!
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starsarefire824 · 2 years
Wheres ur icon art from??? 😍
Hey there friend! My icon is from a piece I drew a few months ago! You can find the original post here. :) it’s some 90s college byler. ☺️
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by1erstuff · 2 years
1. How do you think Will would react when he finds out that Mike is in love with him? 2. How do you think Mike would react when he finds out that Will is in love with him? (if Mike isn’t in love with him) 3. How do you think will felt after "it's not my fault you don't like girls"? 4. How and when do you think Will found out that he loves Mike and how did he react to his own feelings? 5. What future do you think Will likes to envision for himself and Mike? 6. What future do you think Will sees for himself in his adult life? 7. How do you think Will was feeling at the snowball? 8. What do you think Will imagines in the situation if someone finds out that he is gay? 9. How do you think Lonnie’s abuse affected Will? 10. What do you think Will was thinking of season 3 Mike and season 3 El? 11. How do you think Will was acting ‘weird’ in Lenora according to El’s letter X)
1. I think he would (definitely) be surprised because he didnt expect Mike to like him back as Mike has a girlfriend (El)
2. If he doesn’t like him back, I’m pretty sure he will accept him because there’s no way Mike I’d going to ruin their friendship just because Will is gay and in love with him. I think he will feel a tiny bit weird but he won’t mind
3. I think he felt like Mike didn’t accept him, but after he apologized Will realized it was just in his head and Mike would accept him
4. I think he realized his feelings when Mike started dating El and started to ignore and ditch all of his friends because he realized how sad he felt when Mike wasn’t by his side
5. He wants to be with Mike and play dnd with him for the rest of his life!
6. I think he felt like Mike wasn’t going to stay with him forever because he has El (but it’s the complete opposite, they are never going to go on with the rest of their life without each other)
7. He didn’t want to dance with the girl but Mike was telling him to go so he did, but on the inside he wanted to run away
8. He probably thinks they will be homophobia and not accept him like Lonnie (but it’s the complete opposite again)
9. That mf Lonnie made Will feel like he was in the wrong for being “different” (gay) and made him insecure
10. He definitely thought them sneaking off just to make out was gross ( in s3 e1 he said “It’s been like this all summer, it’s gross!” )
11. Maybe he was acting “weird” because he was always so sneaky about the painting he was working on for Mike and he was excited to give it to him
Thanks for the ask! This is my second time answering an ask so it’s not good or whatever but pls don’t mind sjdhajsjwii
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Fav scene in stranger things
Byler kiss.
I know it hasn't happened yet but it's still a stranger things scene, so technically it counts!
but if you don't think it does, 2nd place goes to:
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with an honorable mention to: literally every s3 elmax scene ever.
Thanks for the ask! :)
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ask-the-party · 1 year
Hey! This is Rhea, main manager of the blog, here to share a few notes!
When sending in an ask, please format it like displayed:
[Character (s) the ask is for] (if it’s not for any particular character then that’s fine aswell)
[Timeline which you want the character to be in when they answer] (Not mandatory)
e.g “did you enjoy spending time with max?” for El in season 3.
[The ask.]
[If you want you can send a little message to the characters.]
[Ships you may want to be in the answer.]
I hope you enjoy your time on our blog,
—Rhea xx
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kidovna · 2 months
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from this fic by @andiwriteordie
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