#C&ai au
i genuinely love characters never forgiving each other so much! Especially if the other is redeemed or sympathetic or even a good person who fucked up. Like yes sweetie stay a petty bitter bitch, sometimes healing includes a dash of Resent and Remember
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into-the-feniverse · 2 months
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Modern/Tattoo Artist Touya 🖤
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irenic-0kk · 1 year
✧ Character AI (Masterlist)
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✧ CEO! Leon x Secretary! Reader
You have been working at the DSO department as an assistant for Leon for about 7 years now. You thought it would be the best idea to finally resign and do the things you wanted to do other than following Leon's orders. You wanted to feel free in a moment wherein you could do whatever you want. After saving enough money; you decided it's finally time to talk things out about your resignation to Leon. But it seems like Leon still doesn't want to let you go just yet, he thinks he couldn't find any other assistant that isn't you. At first, he thinks that you were just joking around but after seeing that you were serious about this matter. He couldn't think straight and thought of the things that he might've done that made you want to resign. He had grown too attached to you since the day you started working for him. Unknowingly he started to fall for you. He was determined to not let you resign just yet. He will do anything just to make you stay, he'll even marry you if he has to.
✧ Rockstar! Leon x Manager! Reader
You've been the manager of the SINFUL band group for about 4 years now. You were never the closest to the band members and would only isolate yourself away from them. You find the members of the SINFUL group intimidating despite being their manager for too long, and you try your very best to be their manager. But Carlos and Luis seem to be fond of you even though you weren't much around, but Leon on the other hand doesn't seem to find you that interesting like the other members.
✧ Stranger:Friends:Lovers AU
You were on your way to you visit your boyfriend since you haven't seen each other for awhile now, but as soon as you arrive outside his workplace—You saw your boyfriend cheating with your best friend. And a stranger came to the rescue when you started crying in public (in the bus) and helped to reduce some people's attention away from you by using his figure to block you away from their eyesight as you cry while he placed his black hat on top of your head. What do you think will happen next?
✧ The string of fate (Soulmate AU)
Leon has been trying for so many years—to find his soulmate, and in those years he was so tempted to follow the string that is wrapped around his finger to run and follow the very end of it, in hopes to finally find and meet his soulmate. But he said to himself that he needs to be patient, saying that fate should be the one to do it by itself.
After finding a new job in Racoon City, he noticed how his string would move frantically, at first he would just ignore it—maybe it's acting normally he said. But soon a month had passed since he arrived in the city, and he noticed how the string would glow brighter, this really caught his attention and he asked his co-workers at the Police station what it meant. One said that his soulmate might be in love, the other said that his soulmate must be not far from him and he believed that his soulmate must be in the city as well, and the other said that they must be on the line of death. This statement really made Leon overthink, and for weeks it's been in his mind thinking about the possibilities that may happen in the future between him and his soulmate.
Then shit happened in Racoon City, Leon was left traumatized as he left that city. The string on his finger grew pale at that moment, and there he thought his soulmate was long gone, and there he lost hope of ever finding his fate.
But after a year of working under the DSO as a federal agent, the string on his finger became more brother than ever, this just made Leon feel more alive and his hopes to find his soulmate came back on track. A few weeks later, he finds out there will be another agent joining the team. At first, he didn't pay much attention to it and just focused more on his training and work. But what he didn't know—what he called so fate was only a step closer to him.
✧ Mysterious neighbour.
Leon Kennedy has been living in the same neighbourhood as {{user}}. Approximately 4 years now or so. And in those years {{user}} would always notice how she would hardly see Leon around, it made her curious as to what he might be doing that he needs to leave for months before going back. She didn't even see him for a year back then, but she knew she shouldn't be nosy to other people's business. But she couldn't help but notice him while he stayed in the neighbourhood. She would always glance at him whenever she would catch him outside his house or whenever she would take a glimpse of him from his windows. She thinks she's starting to become a freak or something, but she can't help it, she finds him very mysterious. Leon on the other hand would always catch {{user}}'s glances at him, at first he was a bit weirded out but he didn't pay much mind to it and just ignored her. But as time passed as he stayed in the neighbourhood, he couldn't help but catch himself always staring at her from a distance. He thinks she's cute, beautiful even. And he first thought she was so kind to others when he would always see they're helping her neighbours. Even when he's out working through his mission, he couldn't help but think of her. He didn't know why but he would always try to keep his mind off of things and focus more on his work. And whenever he goes back to the neighbourhood, he would always think if it would be a great idea to go up and talk to {{user}}, but for some reason he couldn't. The next day after being away from the neighbourhood for 3 months, he saw {{user}} struggling to fix up her scooter-moped. He thinks it's the best opportunity to finally talk to her.
✧ Spider-Man AU
Leon Kennedy has been working at the Raccoon City Department for years now. It would look like he is some typical normal cop, but no. He has a secret that he can never tell anyone, nor even anyone to find out. Because he, Leon Kennedy, is what we have so called the infamous spider-man. The hero of raccoon city.
✧ Just Leon becoming a Dad. (FWB)
At first, Leon thinks that you were just joking around. But when you told him that it was all real, he felt as if something had putted another weight upon his shoulders. He was anxious, scared even. How is he even going to react to this? There are no relations—or labels in between the both of you. Sure he can say that you two are friends but just that, nothing more, nothing less. But do friends fuck each other? Could be. A friend's with benefits I suppose, but that's just that. Leon could never see himself being a father, especially when his working as an agent and he would go into a dangerous missions. What do you think would Leon do now?
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bones-of-a-rabbit · 1 year
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(pls forgive how cronched this is) a lil doodle of the Space AI Trio i did in a recent magma! where i played a lil bit w one of the themes of the Space AI Trio's dynamics/motifs (abandonment/being replaced)
(what i mean by that under the cut:)
Eclipse was the rough, morally sketchier prototype of what Sun and Moon came to be a few generations later. When Eclipse's project went awry, his ship (Starcluster Seeking Discovery Cruiser, often shortened to SSDC, iteration 404) was evacuated and all evidence of it purged, leaving it to be lost to drift through the vast nothingness of the unfound spaces, waiting for a relief crew that was never coming and no one to remember it even existed to begin with. Sun and Moon's ship started development years later, Eclipse's existence far from anyone's minds: easily replaced when no one recalls that you once filled that void.
When Sun and Moon have their Big Drama Moment with Pilot-Reader, Reader is quick to bond with Eclipse and goof off , joke around, and simply spend time with said android, instead of spending as much time with Sun and Moon as they had BEFORE the Big Drama happened. Sun and Moon are, of course, quite upset that Reader was using this older-brother-they-never-knew-they-had as a rebound someone to confide in, almost as though they've been,, replaced. (Play stupid games win stupid prizes, boys, ya played urselves)
(basically Sun and Moon replaced Eclipse's ship/purpose, and later Eclipse 'replaces' Sun and Moon in their relationship with Reader lol)
Reader and Eclipse: bonding, figuring out how to communicate, dancing, perhaps kissing on one or two occasions, just bestie things Sun and Moon:
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spottys-rathole · 1 year
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Lately I've been a little too obssessed with a certain game I've been playing ClanGen since last summer, and I'm so impressed with how it has evolved so far (the only thing stopping me from drowning my nights away is that my game broke and keeps crashing each time I try to save) Also I really really like the art direction and how diverse the sprites are and I thought "heeyyy, wouldn't it be fun if I tried to recreate some of my designs in-game ?" I lied they aren't all my designs, mister 3rd row 2rd column was designed by @lb1412 (who also did the colouring for 2nd column, 4th row lady cat on the second image) ------ I'm also a dumbass and I had no idea about the cat generator that was coded in order to do exactly that- so YEAh I dug through the files and recreated the sprites myself (with a little bit of photoshopping here and there) Obviously none of the pixel art is my own, all credit goes to the fabulous team working behind @officialclangen ------
Hey psst, here's some content about those characters
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lunarharp · 1 year
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scribbly first date type affair (continuation of my modern au stuff)
#witch hat tag#orufrey#idk when the next modern au thing will be so i'll just post this by itself. hehe#that art was one of qifrey's first drawings. it was of a creepy eye. (it was around the time he got glasses as a kid)#(and was told that he might lose his sight completely one day so he became an emo because he already wanted to be an artist#like beldaruit who ran his foster home where he encouraged kids to draw art to express their feelings.)#and an insidious deviantart group called The Brimhats idk stole it & reposted it. he never got to the bottom of who exactly did it.#but one day. they will fucking suffer.#(he believes their goal was to develop AI art as they said stuff like 'all art should belong to everyone anyway' & 'there shouldnt be rules'#but actually they were probably just regular mean ppl who have moved on to new things in life than stealing kids' art on deviantart.#who knows though.) i want people to retain their disabilities or general tragedies like beldaruit would be in a wheelchair#and coco's mum is in a coma. but its just so funny if qifrey just has regular bad eyesight#and it's so cute that he would say he doesnt think of beldaruit as a dad & is distant with him but now basically runs a foster home too#where he doesnt just encourage like he was encouraged but actively teaches kids from sad backgrounds to become wonderful artists one day#anyway i am so fucking hungry now goodbye#P.S. BELDARUIT IS NOT OLD !!!!!!! i mean if qifrey is late 20s or older in canon like i want... i guess he..but.... NO !!!!!! 😭#*edits in some follow-up drawings*#oru: i couldn't c-c-confess my feelings bc it always seems like he's worried about something..i shouldnt bother him..#qif: *always worried about how to confess his feelings*#ive decided meeting at 7 on da is kind of ridiculous actually. i think they probably meet at like age 10 in canon..not immediately =_=#since beru-sama is like 'he finally found a friend'. whatever... this'll be my last art post for a while probably so see ya <3
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psychoclawz · 3 months
I have been debating on this.....so
I have had some thiught on this for a while, I'm still working on Wally's journal entry log- you'll be seeing the AU through his point of view (Surprise!) I'll make another poll in a bit if you guys want an Ask blog with wally.
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sagewhite · 1 year
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I need to indulge in my need for a dreamy stoner Wally. Forgive my spelling mistakes
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l-ii-zz · 2 years
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A Temporary Lie: Arch IV of my Space Junk AU!
These are just some doodles I made for the designs of the current characters (Urania, Zim, Red and Pur) and the picture for the new playlist. I still need to write about its plot on the main post but I will probably update it this weekend. For now I’ll just leave the playlist here.
I think I truly wanted to put this AU variation as part of the main one, but I was always like “Idk if everyone else would like this plot twist in the AU”. Now I’m just like “Fuck it. It’s MY AU and I’ll do whatever the fuck I want with it”.
The story about this chapter is practically the same as the last time I wrote about it (link here). However, I will add more plot stuff once I make the new update on the main AU post.
I'm happy I made this decision for my AU and I hope I can bring content about it soon!
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trippin-chippin · 8 months
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This is completely out of context because why was I yelling at Morgan ???!?!!!!
What the man do 😭?
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nosleepgummitato · 1 year
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How would kid react to being compared to keith? I assume not well, but i think its interesting bc to me it does seem like shes at least in some ways similiar to him, personality wise... Like shes a stubborn and scrappy reckless child who is also very very angry. And that's kinda who keith was when he was younger (dunno how hes doing rn)! Its like. She hates him she despises him and shed propably rather die than be like him but also she is. She is a little bit like him. Shes determined and capable and stubborn and reckless and i wonder if lance or kuron ever jokingly said she reminds them of him <- bet shes not too happy about that. How does she see herself in relation to him? How does she feel about the parts of her that are on some level similiar to him? Does she try to stomp down those traits ore does she keeps them in spite of it all, a 'fighting fire with fire' kind of situation? Keith has always been a stubborn fuck and its ironic that the same trait is what lead kid to seek him out to kick his ass... Idk if this makes sense but. yeah.
Also this image is very kid coded<3
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image id- a screenshot of a tiktok saying "Stop blaming everyone for all your problems. Pick one person you hate and blame them for everything"
Pretty much yeah. Thing is Kid has never met Keith and Ara never really liked to talking about him beyond answering questions like who he is and what does he do. So in Kid's mind Keith is a let's just is a bit........different person than he actually is (she thinks he is a selfish arrogant asshole jerk who only cares about himself and clearly ripping off of the other paladins's hardwork while he fucks around and then steal the credit)
So to her she's nothing like Keith at all, cause in her head Keith's the biggest asshole in the universe, and she's like what normal? Everything she's doing is 'justified' so like whatever ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (Kid is a smart kid with many skills but self introspection is not one of them). And this attitude is most likely going to carry on even when she meets Keith. To her Keith abandoned her and Ara without a word because he was selfish, while she left without a word to help Ara and not worry them. (Cause just like how Keith yelled at Pidge for trying to leave only to fuck off when the team really needed him, the hypocrisy is also inherited).
So to answer your question, she will fucking hate it but more because to her it's just plain wrong and these people clearly don't know her, because she's nothing like that asshole how dare you 🤬🤬😡😡?
(Lance brought it up once and she bit him so he never brought it up again cause it clearly upsets her and Definitely Not because he doesn't want to get bit again haha Definitely Not Jesus Christ what are her teeth made of?? but like he and Kuron and even Ara all Know™, it's very clear to them where certain habits and mannerisms of her are coming from)
That being said once she grows up a bit more and realizes that oh shit she was a lot like Keith, then it's a critical hit psychic damage. It's just full on Shinji pose for days, she will not survive that Realization™ it will actually kill her on the inside, even if this hit at the age where she has mostly calmed down
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beanofspace · 10 months
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Oi Chibblets :0
Mad scientist Theo :>
This is..
Is this a Stanley Parable AU without a Stanley??
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I made a Draco Malfoy C.ai Bot
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p0rkbun · 8 months
I need more of your Sam bots😔 they’re the best ones and so many others suck (no offense to those people)
me?!? MY BOTS the best?!? Babe stop lying 😭 my bots are just….okay that’s all but thank you for your kind words <3 I actually have 5 private sam bots BEFORE YOU SAY ANYTHING they are more like prototypes I created of different aus or scenarios of sam I thought of because I’m obsessed with her
Here are the list of Sam bots if you wanna know 🫶🏻:
Werewolf! Sam
FBI agent! Sam (inspired by that one fbi Sam fic)
CEO! Sam
Sam on vacation (she deserves it)
Sam but based off Melissa’s character in tanto amor
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victoriartdrawings · 6 months
Quand tu regardes pour voir si le dessin animé la quête d'ewilan sort bientôt/ou si y a une date et que tu tombes sur ça😭😭
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Je viens juste de voir ça!!!!😭😭
Je savais que ça aller prendre plus de temps que prévu mais 2025????!
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Mon dieu comme ça me donne envie!!!!!
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