mayhasopinions · 3 months
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they r so stupid
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topicaltropic · 2 months
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Senior year sillies w/ terry & taylor. The T team
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ningadudexx · 10 months
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saving you from yourself 🫧
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crispywizardtale · 6 months
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chrzannekk · 2 months
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max/sasha/pikeman has taken over my brain they are so fucking stupid just rewatched follow the leader simply bc i loved sasha in that episode but it made me realise that their dynamic is so good the top of the food chain x military liking wierdo x social outcast dynamic is everything to me rn, ill probably come up with some hcs soon which i WILL BE POSTING
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Okay guys so I know we all lightly tease Charles for seemingly never actually thinking through any of the emotions he ever has but it occurred to me, what if he has alexithymia?!? Between his very obvious ADHD and his apparent lack of ever addressing how he feels, alexithymia would explain a lot actually. I mean even in hell he's saying he needs more time to process how he feels and basically wants to NOT have to think about it in the moment on the stairs. Like that boy has alexithymia. He needs his reflective time Edwin, give him time.
Also also like he never wants to talk about himself, only address other's needs and feelings which is just so alexithymia?? I mean I know it's partly his trauma response but also it's such an alexithymia personality trait too. Alexithymia makes every choice he makes make sooooo much more sense. That and the adhd impulsivity, but it didn't really feel like it was the whole picture. Alexithymia was the missing key
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lab-gr0wn-lambs · 5 months
Thing is, I'm not even a big shipper. I didn't ship Caryl my dumb ass just thought they WERE a thing up until season 5. I was just picking up what the show was putting down. Not my fault they wrote a close male/female friendship full of flirting, embracing, crying, flowers, forehead kisses, pet names and long loving gazes bitch what was I supposed to think? I was filling my dad in on what happened after he abandoned the show, I mentioned Carol and Ezekiel and he was like "Oh did she break up with Daryl?" hello????
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werepires · 2 years
Sooo insane about Dean and Cas realising they get to have without fear of losing
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deithe · 2 years
jason is dating leo and really good friends with nico but leo and nico fucking hate eachother so jason can never hang with his friend and his boyfriend together bc it'll devolve into anarchy within a matter of minutes. the day nico heard that jason was actually dating leo, nico threw a lamp at a wall. not in a fit of jealousy or anything, nico just hates the idea of leo being happy. leo loves the idea of pissing nico off and will act disgustingly cute with jason whenever nico is around just to make them uncomfortable, but also once burned down the forest in chb when nico's team beat leo's team during capture the flag. two gay people who fucking despise eachother simply because they met at a weird time in both of their lives and made a completely baseless rivalry and now live to annoy and piss off the other
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dailykugisaki · 4 months
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Day 117 | id in alt
I think Kugisaki would like to hold Maki's hand again idk tho.....
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lesbiansupersons · 1 year
your punkflower ship art makes my brain make the happy chemical
TEEHEE, thank you! I’m planning on revamping and making a blog more focoused on them now bc across the spiderverse is coming! IM SO EXCITED
tho I’m concerned about the…..love triangle with miles, gwen and hobart 💀💀💀
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teathattast · 20 days
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I don't know if I would be alive today
With or without you like night and day
Read and repeat every conversation
Being with you, every day's a Saturday
But every Sunday you've got me praying
Don't you ever leave me, don't you ever go
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wolvertooth · 8 months
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(Wolverine 2013, issue #13)
GET HIS HYPOCRITICAL STUBBORN ASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! theres another comic thats like an opposite parallel to this where creed is the one beat up and logan is calling him out on his weirdness (i’ll post it eventually. its the only one where vic is canonly gay. im not fucking kidding.) so its SO GOOD to see that shit reversed omg…ok so context -> logan lost his healing powers so creed set up this whole last hurrah thing to ‘breakup’ with him (since theyre not equals anymore) where he proves to logan the shit he constantly denies. logan kills someone begging for their life, and in a fit of rage chops a guys hand off(but it was mystique and she healed so its fine). creed proves to him that after all these years, logan still cant control himself.
but weirdly enough, even tho theyre not equals anymore, creed still implies he’ll stick around. just like he always has. which like….why. its not for superiority, he already feels that. logan wont change after all this. if anything, logan might even live a better life than the alcoholic depressed one he current lives. he literally retires at the end of this. why keep playing a game that no longer exists? but i guess it didnt really exist in the first place either. creeds feelings and efforts were always one sided, logan never putting the effort back in return. creed spent so much of his life fighting for something that logan just….didnt care for. maybe he wanted to, and maybe that chance that he was secretly wanting to accept that part of himself is what kept creed motivated to keep pushing. maybe he thinks that even when logan isnt wolverine anymore, something might still change. creed doesnt want logan to completely give in to his animal side, he just wants him to stop pushing it away(stop pushing HIM away) and acknowledge it. he cant ever control it if he keeps ignoring it. and creed, despite being the villain, has learned to control it. because he works with it, not against it. but logan never understood that. so he never changed.
also personally i think that creed is just putting on a speech, trying to show the other people in the room how ridiculous logan is and finally have witnesses to the struggle he goes through with him, but he doesnt really mean all of it. not really. sure this is a big dramatic breakup in the eyes of the audience he wants to present it to, but he’ll never stop trying. he cant get himself to. the part about killing him before logan forgets him? he means that. memory is what drives it all. note the phrasing ‘once again’ become his equal. he’s forgotten before. there was a time where creed didnt have to fight for him to understand, and its the chance of having that again that keeps him going. the chance that logan might remember how to exist as who he really is without fighting it.
it reminds me a bit of how in wolverine #90, creed finally(after literally begging) pushes logan far enough to kill him(not really, he healed) and fully lose himself to his animal side. and from then on he doesnt push it away anymore, actually likes it, learns to work alongside it…..still doesnt like creed tho. unless u count that one bit in #128. fuckin hypocrite.
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carpathiians · 11 months
ok this might be a crazy thing to say but if we pretend joviers real for a minute do you think after ch6 javier ever remembered how ttheyd sleep in eachothers arms as he was trying to fall asleep all alone and just fucking broke down becauskdmmkdkmmdkjdkdkndm *gets dragged away from the keyboard forcefully*
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t-bone-barnes · 4 months
hey ive been in ur spanish class all semester and i gotta say you and that tall muslim guy seem gay as hell. im not homophobic or something but i feel like i need some clarification on whatever the fucks going on with you two in order to move on with my life atp
FIRST of all his name is abed and hes the best. second of all we r JUST best friends and we are not gay at all and i dont even fw dudes like that ❌❌ a lot of people think were gya but we arent were just operating on a diff freindhsip level u guys wouldnt understand.
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twinnedpeaks · 11 months
i will not start crushing on the photographer i met today.
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