hungry-skeleton · 4 months
Crisis averted everyone! I have remade RvB restoration from the ground up and it is 100% better! Enjoy!
(also if the audio is loud as fuck I'm sorry)
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lillian-nator · 4 years
You want more shit? I can go all day (except for school and sleep, hm) but one day techno realises just how much trouble Tommy is getting into by hanging out with Dream and challenges him to a fight, that's how the dream and Techno duel comes about, techno wins and Dream is just like "Well, what did you want me to do?" and Techno goes "stop influencing boys younger than you or ill break your kneecaps next" - 💙
Oh shit - oh shit - oh shit
Man, Blue, you are really the mvp.
I feel as though we can understand eachother - I also need to sleep and have school in the morning lol.
Anyways, I would love to continue throwing ideas back and forth with you :)
Here it is [the scene]:
[So, for this scenario to happen, I imagine that Techno has to not know of the “Tommy being high off his ass” incident at first.
So, I picture for either Techno to sleep through Tommy’s lecture - or the more likely case (and the one I am going to write here) Tommy didn’t leave his room for the entire day after he got caught.]
When Tommy still hadn’t come out of his room at noon, Wilbur and Phil thought that Tommy was simply trying to evade punishment, but when they went to go check on him, he was still asleep. Like not even pretending to be asleep, like he was clearly out of it - and Wilbur, and Phil weren’t monsters, they would let him sleep as long as he needed.
They assumed that he would need a lot after only getting to bed at 4am, high as fuck, as well.
Tommy ended up sleeping until 6pm that Saturday (the weed incident happened on a Friday night). He only got up to puke in the bathroom and lay back down in his bed.
Techno, who had been gone for most of the day, came back and assumed Tommy was coming down with something. He went into his room, closed the door and din’t come out. Look - he loved his brother, he really did, but midterms were coming up, and he didn’t want to get sick. Besides, Wilbur being the sap he was, would totally be taking care of Tommy all day, if he was sick. He loved Wilbur really, but he could never had what him and Tommy had, Wilbur being the closest with the youngest, was over-protective at times, and a tad bit jealous of Dream, but he was a great brother really, and he was totally Tommy’s favorite, no doubt about that. He means, the two were stuck to the hip when Tommy was younger, and even now, sometimes it was like they were the same person.
So, Wilbur had been in fact taking care of Tommy. Sure, he was pissed out of his mind that his fucking 15-year-old brother came back home high as a kite, but he still cared about Tommy. Probably too much for either of their goods.
As soon as Wilbur heard Tommy get out of bed, he had been prepared to go upstairs, but when he heard Tommy vomit - he stopped. He wasn’t sure if he should help the boy or not. He knows that Tommy must have a killer headache, and probably stomachache from smoking weed on an empty stomach. So, he wasn’t sure whether or not he should let Tommy live the consequences of his actions - or if he should help ease his little brother’s pain.
Look, we’ve already discussed that Wilbur cared about Tommy too much for their own goods. SO, of course Wilbur fucking helped him.
When Wilbur got up to Tommy’s room, man was he not expecting to see Tommy in as much of a mess he was. He was still in his clothes from the night before, SapNap’s jacket hanging loosely around his arms, the multitude of blankets pulled up to his chin. There was sweat dripping down his forehead, and he looked green.
Taking a better look at him, Wilbur knew that it wasn’t the weed that made Tommy throw up - the kid had actually gotten sick from being outside without a jacket.
Wilbur was ready to throw hands with a member of the Dteam.
Anyways, the fact that Tommy was sick delayed the conversation a few days, and when it did happen - that Tuesday at 2 P.M, right after Tommy got home from school - Techno was still at the School studying for midterms.
Techno still didn’t know what was going on - but he noticed the subtle differences.
Tommy had to keep his door open when he had friends over, even with Purpled and Tubbo, practically two members of their family. Wilbur locked Tommy’s window, and when it was hot outside, Tommy had to ask Wilbur to open it. The air was tense. Techno felt like he was always walking on eggshells, and he felt as though he could physically see Tommy walk on eggshells. Tommy had started sitting with Wilbur and his friends at lunch. Tubbo obviously stayed with Tommy - really, Techno could see how glad the small boy was to spend time with his brother - but Purpled switched between Dream’s table, and Wilbur’s table almost everyday.
Tommy having to keep his door open only lasted a week and a half; Tommy was too loud, and the only kids coming over were Purpled and Tubbo (Phil completed trusted them). The window stayed shut though, and Tommy was not allowed to sit with Dream for the foreseeable future.
It was 3 weeks into Tommy’s new-found punishment when Techno had to ask Phil what was going on.
Techno sighed, “Phil, seriously, what has been up with Tommy lately. Did I miss something?”
Oh.” He had a look of confusion on his face. “Did Wilbur not tell you?”
“Did Wilbur not tell me what?” Techno scoffed, Phil could have not been more vague.
“Well, Wilbur caught Tommy come home high a couple weeks ago.” Phil threaded his hand through his short hair, he wasn't sure how Techno was gonna react.
Techno didn’t know how to react. His brother? Tommy? High? “Wait - but he was grounded a couple weeks ago?”
“I caught him sneaking back in. If Wilbur hadn’t woken up, I would’ve never known that he was high. He was good at hiding it.”
“Uh...” If Techno knew one thing, it’s that you aren’t good at hiding the fact that you are tripping balls the first time you get high. “Do you think that he had done it before?”
“I’m not sure. He said that he hadn’t. Wilbur believed him, but Wilbur would beleive anything that boy tells him. I have to trust him on it though.”
Techno mumbled, “That fucker.” And walked out.
Techno wasn’t thrilled bu the fact that his 15-year-old brother had been smoking weed.
Of course he wasn’t, it was his baby brother. Tommy was never supposed to do any of that crap. But, if Techno knew Wilbur and Phil well enough, he knew that he was getting enough punishment as it is. So he laid off him, even if Techno knew that Tommy had smoked at least one other time, he assumed he wouldn’t do it again - that part was right, however what Techno did not anticipate was to catch Tommy sneaking out again, or rather in.
It was late at night, the night before Techno’s last midterm. He wasn’t always the best at Physics. So he just decided to go over a few more equations.
Sure, it was almost 4 am, but Techno never slept anyways.
So, his head is in his hands just looking down at his Physics test book when he hears the clicks of the door being unlocked, and the kitchen being directly across the the house from the door - Techno had a crystal clear view of his brother attempting to sneak back in, from where he was at the counter.
“Hey.” Tommy stops in his tracks.
Tommy walks over to Techno, sits directly across from him at the counter, putting his keys on the table. Tommy sighs loudly.
“I will tell you anything. Please just don’t tell Wilbur and Phil.”
Techno, who actually really just wanted to know what was up with his brother, decided that he would take the deal. “Sure. You have to answer my questions though.”
Tommy let out an audible sigh. “Okay, deal. What do you want to know?”
“Let’s start with the obvious.” He clapped his hands together. “Are you high?”
“No.” straightforward. Techno continued, “Are you drunk - did you drink?” “No.” Techno squinted his eyes, “Are you lying?”
“Do you need a fucking sobriety test? I’m not under the fucking influence.” Tommy gritted his teeth.
“Hey.” He was used to Tommy’s attitude, so he’s not sure why the hostility caught him off guard. “I’m doing you a fucking favor - I don’t need the attitude.” He smacked the blonde on the back of the head. In the process, he took a beanie off of Tommy’s head. Upon closer inspection, Techno realized that the beanie was not Wilbur’s. It was Quackity’s.
Techno started again, “Who were you out with?”
“The gang.” Tommy deadpanned.
“Who the fuck is the gang?” He was starting to get really pissed off at Tommy’s vague answers.
“I don’t know!” Tommy stuffed his hands in his pockets. “Last night it was Quackity, Karl, Tubbo, and -”
Techno sighed, “Dream.”
“Don’t cut me off. I’m giving you the fucking answers.”
“Don’t forget you’re the one in trouble here.” Techno closed his Physics book. This was gonna be a long night. “Why?”
“I don’t know. Dream asked if I wanted to meet them at the bridge, and I did. So, I went.”
“Even though you knew that you are not allowed?” Techno asked skeptically.
“That’s kind of the fucking point of sneaking out.” Tommy turned to go into his room. Techno grabbed hold of his wrist.
“Just tell me one thing, before you storm up into your room.” Tummy hummed in agreement. “How many times have you smoked weed?”
Tommy groaned; “Really? You’re still on this?”
“Just answer the damn question Tommy.” Techno growled back.
Tommy sighed, exasperated, throwing his hands in the air - also successfully freeing himself from Techno's grip. “I don’t know! 3 or 4 times - I mean it when I say, I won’t do it again.”
“I beleive you.” And he really did, although his little brother may have been sneaking around behind his back, he knew him. And Techno knew that Tommy sounded sincere. “But, you also lied about never doing it before. You also smoked weed. Here we are.”
“Whatever.” Tommy mumbled, pushing past Technoblade and stormed up to his room. What he didn’t realize is that he left his phone on the table.
Tommy’s phone buzzed - loud enough for Techno to hear it through his thoughts.
Techno shyly picked it up - look, he really didn’t want to invade Tommy’s privacy. He knew that no matter what Tommy did, he had a right to privacy away from his brothers, but, Techno couldn’t help but be curious to which of the assholes of the month was texting his brother.
It’s a text from Dream.
Dream: You dropped your student I.D. You wanna pick it up tmr night? Karl and SapNap found an abandoned mall a town over. They wanna check it out. You in - Purpled and Punz already said they were game?
Techno was about to beat the shit out of that green fucking bastard.
The next morning, nobody knew why Techno was waling down the hall with such determination.
But nobody stood in his fucking way.
As soon as he got to Dream’s locker, he saw the bastard. Standing there talking to SapNap like nothing happened last night.
Techno slammed Dream’s locker door shut, earning a wince from the tall blonde.
“What the hell dude?” Dream snarled, annoyed, and fucking too tired to deal with anyone’s shit.
“’What the hell dude?’“ Techno mocked. “Why the fuck are you helping my little brother sneak out?”
“Because he asked me too! It’s not my fault he wanted to hang out, and I’m not taking the blame for something he did.” Dream was tired of getting involved with Tommy’s brothers. He loved the kid really, but his brothers were a lot to handle.
“Tubbo, too! We both know he’s grounded.” Techno mused, hands raised to the ceiling.
Dream, swore he was never gonna get a break from this guy. "Tubbo asked too! I'm not gonna take responsibilities for their actions!"
"Then stop fucking inviting them." Techno growled.
"Look. If they want to sneak out - I'm not, not, gonna tell them when we are hanging out."
"Just stop fucking inviting them - then none of this would ever be your problem. You got it? Stop fucking around with my brothers." Techno stepped closer, pointing a finger in Dream's chest.
Dream looked at the pink-haired boy with a knowing look. He said 'brothers' - okay. So, Techno was talking about all 3 of the teens.
He dropped his head, he really didn't want to get into a fight right now, "Look, I'm sorry okay? I can promise you I won't give any of them alcohol. I can promise I won't let Tommy take a hit of Quack's joint. But, I can't promise I won't stop hanging out with them."
Techno laughed, "You don't understand do you? The point is that you let him do it in the first place."
"Do you really want to do this, right now?" At this point students had gathered around the pair. "You want to fucking fight?"
"If that will make you shut up and leave my fucking life; yeah."
Dream threw the first punch.
There isn't much to say about the fight. Techno won - but barely. Both came out with bloody noses, split knuckles, bruised ribs, bleeding lips, and tired arms.
Techno broke Dream's nose.
It was a good fight.
Most of the student body watched, 'oohing' everytime a punch was thrown. At some point, Tommy had seen the fight go down, and Karl had to hold the blonde back, from breaking up the fight himself.
"Alright," Dream admitted on the floor, tired beyond relief. "What do you want?"
Techno seethed, "I want you to stay the fuck away from my brothers." and walked away.
Later, after school, when Tommy walked in on Calvin helping Techno clean himself up in the bathroom, Tommy brushed past Techno, bumping into his shoulder.
"Hey -" Techno grunted in pain.
"Good fucking luck explaining this to Phil. I'm going to Tubbo's. I won't see you later." Tommy growled, and continued walking.
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fandomwitch13 · 4 years
Lottie's Hair
Okay cuz Lottie has curly hair and I have curly hair, so I always imagined that we would have similar hair types so here are my headcanons on Lottie's hair
Definitely had 2c-3a curly(2c is s-shaped waves that start at the root and 3a are like coils that are about the size of sidewalk chalk)
Her mom probably taught her how to manager her hair when she was younger but it either wasn't that good or Lottie was never able to do it because of Beady
I can't decide of Lottie's bangs are curly or if she straightened them, but she defidently kept they curly after she cut her hair
Actually her hair became way more curly after she cut it(cuz you need to cit those ends every once in a while to maintain the curls)
She also vowed to maintain her hair better after she cut it
When she first came to Rosewood her hair routine was mediocre at best
Like sude she only shampooed her roots and condited the ends, detangled with a wide tooth comb and didn't brush her hair in between washed, but like Lottie didn't have leave in conditioner(which is a must with long hair) and didn't cover it while she slept so her hair was frizzy in the morning
Binah immediately noticed this and made it her goal to educate Lottie on her hair because it was kinda painful to watch(yes their hair types are very different because Binah has like 4a-c hair, but curly hair has mainly the same up keep, but with different amounts of products, washing, and different levels of maintenance)
Saskia also joined in because why not and now the three have a kinda chill day once a week where they put a hair mask in and watch a movie or something
Binah showed Lottie the complicated world of curly hair products(it's not that's complicated but the different products can be overwhelming)
So Lottie now has and regularly uses leave in conditioner, a diffuser(which is normally usee to dry finer curly hair like type 2-3), possibly curl gel or mousse(to keep the curls in a cast so they don't break alpart)
She also had a denman brush(uses for styling) which is an actual gift from God or whatever entity you beleive in, like curls just look better when you use it
Binah also got her a satin pillow case for Christmas(which is used to stop curls breaking when you sleep because of how fine it is)
Lottie also pineappled her hair and wraps it in a scarf so the hair sticks out of the front
Now that it's short, she sticks it in a satin bonnet cuz it's so much easier
Actually her whole routine is easier now that her hair is short. Less washing. Less combing. Less product. Lottie just wondered why it took so long for her to cut her hair
Also Lottie feels bad about Binah helping her with her hair, so Lottie learned how to style textured hair so she can return the favor to Binah
Honestly Lottie wasn't that good at first but Binah really appreciated the effort so she helped Lottie through it
Now Lottie's pretty good and Binah really enjoys Lottie's help because she doesn't have to be the only one to style her hair while at school
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jinxofthecipher · 4 years
Scene, Part 2:
It all starts with a small box of chocolates.
Deidara doesn’t notice them at first. Not when he’s busy checking his wallet, making sure they have enough to cover the bill that’s coming. Yep, all good, he thinks, returning to his bowl of rice and eyeing the restaurant once more. They chose a seat in the back corner where it gives an ample view of the place, enough for any missing-nin to be comforted. It’s bustling, more people than the artist has seen in weeks of travel. 
He takes another bite, looks up again and repeats. The straw hat is pulled down low over his face. It does little to hide him, not when he’s wearing his cloak, it’s a dead give-away, especially since the Akatsuki’s started gaining real momentum recently. Even so, the restaurant is so busy that no one seems to take notice, though the few that sit nearby give him wary looks. Everyone else is in their own little worlds, coming and going. Not looking or considering a potential nin in their midst. It’s almost peaceful, a fact that both calms Deidara and makes his hands itch for clay. The mouths click their teeth in agitation and he forces his focus back on the food. 
Bowl now empty, Deidara sits back in the booth, arms crossing as he looks around. Where the hell was Tobi? That idiot had left for the bathroom half an hour ago now! He grinds his teeth casting a look at the half-full bowl across from him. Probably got side-tracked again, that dumbass. He may not abhor him as much as he once had but still, that man knew how to get under his skin with little effort (he can just imagine the future meet up with Kakuzu, telling him all about Tobi’s irritations and the older man would of course sigh before going on to explain Hidan’s newest annoyance which usually ended up being far worse and far more bloody than anything Tobi’s done or probably will do, ever. Deidara can’t picture the other ever killing for enjoyment, he hardly even fought anyways, only evaded.).
There is a brief flicker of worry. Of Tobi possibly coming across someone brave enough to get into an Akatsuki members face. They wouldn’t need too much bravery given Tobi’s natural aura of stupidity; everyone undesterimated his partner, Deidara included which he shouldn’t be, not with all the pieces he’s collected, the suspicians, and just how easy it is to forget and believe Tobi’s just an idiot and nothing else. Either way, there should be no cause for alarm. If Tobi can slip past every attack Deidara has ever thrown at him (and those attacks were mighty powerful, if Deidara said so himself) then he could certainly deal with almost anyone else outside the organization.
So he brushes the thoughts away and digs out the money. He’ll wait, for now, at least, he thinks placing the bills on the table and goes to put the wallet back into the pouch. Blue eyes widen a fraction. Huh? He turns, peering into the pouch. Past the kunai and scrolls, at the very bottom is a small square box. It’s a glossy black, managing to catch the swinging light over Deidara’s head. 
His eyes narrow instantly and he hovers a hand over the box. No chakra signature. No obvious threat . . . the artist considers it a moment before daring to grab and pull it out. 
Pouch and restaurant forgotten, Deidara balances his elbows on the table and runs his fingers over the box before his face. It’s no bigger than a dango box though much wider. A small symbol is etched on top that reads SWEET’S; he recognizes it, a candy store in town that they had passed on the way here. There is also a note taped to the bottom, so securely that, for a second, he thinks it’s just a sticker for the company or price. It’s not and when he realizes this, Deidara digs at the edges with a nail until he’s able to open it. An edge tears, whatever holding it on a bit too good at it’s job but finally, he can read it.
 - Hope you like it - is written in barely legiable scrawl that Deidara doesn’t recognize. His eyebrows raise and, cautious, he looks around the restaurant. No one is looking at him, even the wary ones are focused on their food. Who in their right mind would give him a gift? And someone who doesn’t put a name, not even an initial? Well, perhaps it was an admirer of my art, I must’ve made some impression, he smirks at the possibility, smug.
Still, it’s just one of those cheap boxes of chocolate you can get. The one with a mixture of sweets that are never just chocolate. They’re usually an arrange of flavours ranging from carmel to coconut. And Deidara’s sweet tooth is only for chocolate these days. So, he opens it, fully prepared to just toss the box-only to see another note inside, laying delicately over the six chocolates. 
- Bought five more to give you all the kinds you liked~ -
Deidara stares, not understanding at first. He looks between the paper to the chocolate below and, slowly, realizes that they all look the same. So they’re all-
Going rigid, the artist looks around the place again. More suspicious then ever, his chakra now a mass of pure unadulterated paranoia. The mouths on his hand click, grinding in his tensity. There is no feasable way that anyone could have snuck the box into his bag AND known his preferences of chocolate. Hell, Tobi didn’t even know! 
As if sensing his mood swing and thoughts on him, Deidara sees Tobi skip across the restaurant, waving at one group of people who flinch back at his cloak. “Senpaiiiii,” he whines, hopping into his chair with more energy then Deidara could ever have, “Sorry Tobi took so long!! There was such a lovely person outside the restrooms!”
“He didn’t try and kill you, hm?”
“Nope!” Tobi hums, dipping into thoughtfulness for a second. “Well, maybe? You always try to blow me up sooooo I’m not sure!”
“I’m just keeping you on your toes. At least you dealt with the situation without hassel,” he notes the lack of fear or chakra signatures, if Tobi’s not lying then he did deal with the problem without even raising an alarm. His stomach twists, always feeling off whenever Tobi proves that, yes, he is far more capable then anyone could dream of being. Not that Deidara would ever admit that. And he wasn’t stronger then Deidara! So there. “Anyway, you ever seen this before?” He gives the box a tiny shake, having closed it up again and shoved both notes into his pockets. 
Tobi’s head dips, the hole in his mask leveling with the box as he hmm’s in the back of his throat. A hand reaches out, sliding over the edge and brushing Deidara’s just enough for the blonde to notice before pulling back. The other’s head cocks to the side and, for the millionth time, Deidara wishes he could see the face beneath it. He’ll never understand the odd desire to keep it hidden, unless it’s all just to annoy me, his annoyance grows at the thought. “Well?? I swear Tobi, I’ll-!”
“Oh, Deidara senpai, calmmmmm, please? Deidara’s eye twitches at the demand Tobi's seen ‘em cause he bought ‘em!” The artist’s mouth drops open at the proud declaration. His partner leans back into the booth, almost casual looking as he crosses his arms behind his head. “Did you try any of ‘em?? The owner said they were the best they had!”
Deidara was still reeling, eyes wide as he stared at the other, “you bought them?”
The artist stares at his partner who’s practically vibrating in his chair, leg swinging like a five year old who has no control of their energy. But what else is new? “Care to explain why? I’ve never told you my favorite chocolate,” he huffs, agitated, crossing his own arms to mirror Tobi’s, “And while you’re at it, explain why you decided to get your buisness partner a . . . a,” he searches for the right word. 
“Yes. Why get me a present?”
“Cause Tobi loves you~” He coos happily, words dripping in glee and Deidara glares at the obvious jest. Still, his chest tightens a fraction. Seeing his partners look of disbelief, Tobi shakes his head, “it’s true! Beleive poor Tobi for once, senpai! And,” he releases his hands from behind his head and leans forward, into Deidara’s space, “you told Tobi whatcha’ liked!”
A single eyebrow rose, “when?”
“Two months ago!” The mask bobs, eager, hands now flat on the table, a little too close to the ones Deidara has laced together on his side. Truly, if he considered all options, it wasn’t impossible that he wouldn’t have told Tobi his preferences but it was one of millions of conversations they’ve had.
“. . . you remember a random conversation we had, two months ago, about that of all things?”
“Of course!”
“I didn’t think you listened to half the things I say.” 
The hands actually do reach his now, attaching onto Deidara’s and giving a firm squeeze as Tobi nods, enthusiastic. “Tobi’s always listening and he always remembers what Deidara senpai says!” He tilts his head, “I promise.” He says, voice lower, full of certainty, and, more importantly, the third person eerily gone. Deidara can’t help feeling uncomfortable at the intensity Tobi is giving him at the moment. The hold on his hands is tight and he can’t tell if it’s a subtle warning or meant to be comforting. Either way, it doesn’t help that he can feel Tobi’s chakra buzzing, it’s the usual thrum but . . . there’s something beneath it. Something darker. Something that brings back questions of why Tobi can dodge every attack, why he was picked last to join the Akatsuki although he’s been around them for much longer. They pull at Deidara’s mind, begging to be put together, to form the rest of the picture. To come to the conclusion that’s been nagging at him for months. 
He should look at them. It all points to something bigger, even without proper analysis. 
But he discards them. No. Tobi is just his idiot of a partner who is just really good at dodging everything, that’s all. Lies, he thinks and ignores.
“So you just ignore all the other advice I give you?”
“As usual!” Tobi exclaims, the smile so obvious in his tone. He senses the change in chakra instantly and stills before yanking his hands back into a shielding display, “wait! No, senpai Tobi meant no disrespect, simply that- please! Think of the restaurant!”
Needless to say, the restaurant almost became a smoking crater; and two weeks later Deidara finds a rose tucked in his pouch, another note stuck to it and he can’t help the smile he gets at his idiot trying so hard.
Part 1: 
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thegalaxysyst3m · 3 years
Tw: Talk of fusion between alters
So we've had 2 fusions in the past 2 months. One of which was between Jessie and Marcus- and the other between a very recently formed fictive, Lucifer, and me.
Marcus had worked very closely with Jessie throughout middle school. Then, for reasons unknown to me, Marcus went dormant for a very long time. Marcus only came out of dormancy once- one day during school about 2 months ago- because no one else was able to front and he was the only person even remotely available. He was only in front that day for less than an hour and he was never really heard or seen from again after that.
Then a few weeks later, Jessie fused with Marcus. Jessie had talked to us before explaining that he had a feeling something was happening. He said he had a feeling that he was going to fuse with Marcus at some point in the future and he explained that he was okay to welcome that change.
And so a week later, Marcus fused with Jessie, leaving Jessie a mix of who he was before and peices of who Marcus was and had been. Jessie looks different now. He no longer has his old pale face and fluffy, black hair. Now his skin is a few shades darker and his hair is brown. It's longer too.
Marcus hadn't had long hair, but he was darker skinned and his hair was definitely brown.
Jessie has slowly been getting used to memories that are now his. Feelings and emotions that he didn't used to feel. He doesn't get in fights with other headmates anymore. He's still learning to be kinder and more patient, but he doesn't feel like he has to argue to be heard anymore.
Sometimes I'll still see Jessie in the headspace as his old self-image. I'm not sure why. Sometimes it's just me seeing him like that, and other times Jessie genuinely looks like that to everyone and to himself. Part of me thinks it's just got something to do with us all getting used to this new change- this new understanding of Jessie. I think, maybe, that this change in view will eventually come to a stop as we all - as Jessie- gets used to being and the longer they stay fused.
On the other hand, we recently had an alter come forward last week. His name is Lucifer. He was a fictive of Lucifer Morningstar from Netflix's "Lucifer".
He only fronted twice before he fused. Hell, we don't even know exactly why he split, but whatever the reason, he came to understand and cope with it before we really came to know ourselves why it happened.
Lucifer apparently walked through a field that was beyond the 3 buildings behind the house. He had met 3 other alters who nome of us have been able to contact except for when they come to the house themselves. Those 3 alters he met were Emily, Marissa, and Jack. They live past the fields and only they have the power to walk to and come into the house themselves. We can only talk to them when they're in the house and because of this we've only met any of them once or twice.
Lucifer had talked to them about what he was doing here and where he was supposed to go. There wasn't any real confusion about how he had gotten into the system like there was with Doc or June. He just kind of knew without having to be entirely filled in.
So Lucifer walked his way through the field to the house and introduced himself very quickly. Everyone quickly started to get used to him being around and June made him a room the very night he made it to the house.
He was fun to be around and took pleasure in the world and was generally very nice -if not slightly teasing- to everyone. It's easy to say he fit right it. His being there never really seemed out of the ordinary. It just was. And it was wonderful.
And so, as we kept on watching his source's final season on Netflix, he came to understand the unspoken troubles and lessons that he had formed to learn. Until, at last, we reached the final episode. He seemed to light up, all a-glow as he finally clicked with his purpose. "Ah! So that's it. I see it now...I'm sorry to say for you all, but I beleive it's my time to go."
There was a warm, bright, light as he smiled, wings wide and arms open. Arms open for a hug he so gratefully received from me. I understood. And as he closed his arms and wings around me the light and warmth seemed to reach us while we said willingly given thank-you's to each other. And then just as quickly as he came, he grew all the merrier. I'm happy to say I feel more together than before. I feel more stable and more accepting of the life I'm in. The nickname Luce has a grander meaning now.
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awkbo0b · 4 years
Two of a Kind:1
A/N: Hey everyone, I finished Outer Banks on Netflix about a week ago and I fell in love with the Pogues. Mainly JJ. So I after reading some of there really creative writing about JJ x Reader i came across an idea for my own spin off story. the girl in the story will be named Mae Clemonds, this helps my flow with writing. Also this chapter is going to be a bit boring since i need to introduce my characters and give background on them, but once this passes it should be better and will have much more of JJ and the rest of the Pogues!
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Now imagine JJ meeting a girl who is so much like him he can hardly stand her, and same goes to the girl. Can you already feel the sexual tension?
Warnings: swearing, underage drinking
As I pack my third suitcase that i have strictly made for my art supplies, I hear a knock at my door. “Hey, Mae, how is it going in here?” I turn to see my mom standing in the doorway, she has dry clay smeared across her forehead, as usual, and her curly ginger hair is somehow managed into a bun on top of her head.
“Oh you know, it’s going. Got all my water colors here,” I say as i point to them in my suit case, “and my notebooks here, and all my brushes, pencils, and pens are in the pocket.” I smile as i close the suit case and zip it up. “Now I am all set.” I glance at the other two large suitcases that are full of clothes and bathroom necessities, then up to meet my mom’s bright blue eyes. “How about you and dad?”
Mom returns a smile, “Good, your farther finished packing this morning and we just finished the piece as planed. Once I am washed up we will be ready in about thirty minutes, go ahead and load these into the car.” she responded as she pushed herself away from the door frame and began to turn away from the room. “It’s going to be a great summer, I can feel it!” mom adds as she gracefully moves down the hallway, throwing her hands in balled fist above her head as if she just won something. 
A couple months ago my aunt Sadie called my mom and dad offering a once in a life time opportunity. Something that you should know about my family is that we are artist, all of us. My great grandma Allison was the one who started the line of artist. She was an amazing painter, oil was her favorite but you could give her mustard and she would still create art. Her and my great grandpa Clemonds opened up their own gallery, and it has been passed down through the generations. The artistic touch also ran through the family. Not all of us are painters, some are photographers, and others are sculptors like my mom and dad. I like to draw/sketch and use water colors.  But no matter what their choice of media is, my family creates art and adds it to the gallery. The Clemonds family is widely well known in the art community.
So back to the once-in-a-lifetime-opportunity that my Aunt Sadie called my mom about a couple months ago, is the chance for them to create a series together.
About two years ago my Aunt Sadie and her family moved to the coast of North Carolina for a new scenery for their photography. Living in Chicago does give you a lot to work with but my Aunt needed something with more green and less buildings. This move included my cousin Tony, who also happens to be my best friend.
Tony said that where she lives is called Outer Banks and the elite class of the area are a different level of filthy rich. Nose up in the air, refuse to look at anyone who makes anything less that six figures a year level of filthy rich. And these people did their research on my cousin’s family the second they moved in down the street and instantly started asking for personalized art they could buy.
My Aunt agreed to set up her own business to start selling her art there without the ties of the family gallery back at home, and then one day she came up with a great idea. She wanted my mom and dad to come to North Carolina and to work with her. Neither me or Tony know what our parents had in mind but after two years I’m going to see my best friend, and the plane leaves in 2 hours.
The drive from the airport to Tony’s house felt hours, I am so excited to see her. We facetime every day but it’s not the same and seeing each other in person. Once the rental car pulls into the long driveway leading up to one of the biggest houses I have every seen, I see Tony running down the porch. Her long, wavy, blonde hair flying behind her with the biggest smile on her face.
“Dad, can you just stop right here for me, so I can get out?” I almost whine, just as happy to see Tony and as she is to see me. Dad chuckles and bring the car to a stop long enough for me to hop out.
Tony and I clash together in a clumsy hug. “Oh God Mae, I’ve missed you!” Tony squeals, hugging me a little tighter.
“Same here, dude,” I pull away to look at her face, to see she is crying. Tony and I are so different in so many ways. She is that cute soft girl who wears skirts, always her hair done, and is emotional. Where as with me and my dark brunette hair, I like to wear worn down t shirts and shoes with denim shorts that are frayed at the end. I speak everything that comes to mind, down for almost anything, and communicating emotions is my weakness.”Lets get my shit inside so you can show me around.” I wrap my arm around her shoulder and we make our way to the parked car to unpack.
After unpacking Tony told me about a ‘kegger’ that was going to go down near the beach called the boneyard.
“Fuck yeah, lets do it!” I say in a loud whisper so her parents didn’t hear.
Tony laughs, “just to remind you though, remember when I told you about the rival between kooks and pogues?”
“Um, yeah vaguely, why?”
“Well I live in figure eight which is technically kook territory so when going to this party to avoid any drama we should probably stick with the kooks.” Tony’s voice got quieter at the end of that sentence. She knows when she tries to give me advice I typically tend to ignore it and cause issues.
“Well,” I begin, plopping myself onto her bed, “I guess I can try, but if I remember correctly, the kooks are the one who are in the wrong most of the time?” My parents (Tony’s parents too) raised me to not see someone as a social class, judge them on how they treat you not by how much money they have.
“Yeah, normally they talk down on the pouges because they are from much less but,-”
“But that’s not cool Tony, we both know this.” I cut her off a little more harshly than intended.
“But,” Tony’s tone is desperate for me to hear her out,”I had a lot of troubles making friends and fitting in when I first came here two years ago. And I’m just starting to not be the weird new girl who sits in the art studio all day.” Tony sits down next me. “I’m not asking you to be rude or to look down on people, just to help me keep some of the friends I have finally made here.”
I let out a long sigh, “I’ll do my best.” Tony jumped from the bed and did a little victory dance, she only did this when she got her way with me. “Well, lets start getting ready.” Tony laughs as she start going my clothes to help me find something to wear.
As we walked down a sandy pathway through the trees, a bonfire came into view, along with a large group of people around the ages of 16 to 19. The sight of the fire inspired an idea of a drawing that I will probably start tomorrow. “where should we place our cooler?” I asked Tony.
“Looks like everyone is placing theirs over by that tree, most of the time its help yourself at these things so don’t become alarmed if you see someone getting into our cooler.” Tony shakes her finger at me knowing that I wouldn’t hesitate to confront anyone. I raise my hands up in surrender.
“I’m on my best behavior tonight.” I gave my best smile, causing Tony to giggle. “Now lets start the night off right.” Once we got our cooler placed we opened it and took out a sandwich bag that contained two limes, and our small bottle of tequila. It’s tradition for us to start our nights drinking with a shot together. Once the first shot is down we drink what we want. “Cheers,” I say then take a chug from the bottle and hand it to Tony as I bite my lime, and she does the same. Then we place the tequila back and grab ourselves a beer and walk towards the crowd of people.
Tony introduces me to a couple people she has become friends with in the last school year. They all seem nice but the entitlement that radiates off of them is insane. “So, you guys are from the same family, right?” asked one of the boys who i didn’t bother to remember his name.
“I mean, that’s what cousins normally means, right?” My tone came out harsh and Tony bumped me with her hip to remind me to play nice. The guy rolled his eyes in annoyance, causing me to raise an eyebrow. “If you don’t want a sarcastic answer don’t asked a stupid question.” I finished my beer in one big gulp.
“I was just making sure because you don’t seem to be the one who lives a life like Tony’s,” I feel Tony put her arm around my shoulder to try and calm me down, but the smug express the guy had on his face pushed me over the edge.
“Oh? Because how I look really defines my social class, right?”
“Hey, we are going to take a walk.” Tony steps between me and the guy, “Enjoy your night.” she says over her should as tony pulls me from the group.
Tony and I walk toward the coolers so I can get another beer. “can’t beleive that dick head.” I utter under my breath. Tony begins to giggle, she knows there is no point in trying to lecture me, because in the end we both know I was in the right. “Seriously Tony, I’m sorry you have to be around people like that.”
“Yeah kooks are no fun,” I turn to see a blonde guy with a red baseball cap going through coolers to find a beer of his choosing. “But at least they bring good beer.” The blonde is dressed in cargo shorts and a stretched out tank top, not khakis and polo shirts like the guys Tony had just introduced you too. I notice him make his way to our cooler. He pulled out a beer, shut the lid and used it as a seat to look at you and Tony.
“Hey, lets go back to the fire, we can get a beer in a minute.” Tony’s giggling has stopped and now she’s grabbing my arm trying to pull me away.
“Ah come on princess kook, no need to be scared.” The smirk on the guys face sent excitement through me.
“Mae,” Tony started but I cut her off.
“T, you can go back. I’ll get a beer and meet you there.” I try to sound as soft as Tony does when she tries to assure me. Tony looked at the guy then back to me. She nodded and then turned to make her way back to the group of people we were just at.
“You must not be from around here, a tourist?” The blonde pulls a lighter out of his pocket and pops open they beer. “If so, I’m as local as the come and you seem to need a guide.” He then winks and take a takes a swig of the beer. I return a smirk, trying to come off as flirty and make my way towards him.
“How often does that line work for you?”
“Well, normally tourist don’t ask that question.” as I get closer I lean down to be at the same level as him, I notice the blonde look down at my lips.
“Well I dont need a guide but,” I stand up straight and take the bottle from his hand, “for a local you are a very good host, thank you for opening my beer.” I place the bottle against my lips and take a drink.
the blonde shoots up from where he was sitting and takes the bottle back from me. “Dude find your own.”
I give him an innocent smile, “Well you see, that is mine, its from my cooler.” I take the bottle back and turn on my heels, “The name is Mae, hope to see you around blondie.”
“Wished the feeling was mutual!” The blond hollers after me then I hear slight chuckles come from him. I make my way to Tony who is now with a group of girls.
A/N hey so there are probably a handful of mistakes, I was just excited to get this out. Once again, sorry for it being slow in the beginning I was trying to build Mae up so you could know her a little more. the more notes the faster the second part will come out!
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The Unexpected Perks of War | Daenerys Targaryen x Fem!OC
Part 2
Summary: Allys Baratheon is the only trueborn daughter of Robert Baratheon and Cersei Lannister. After the explosion of The Sept of Balor and the death of Tommen, Allys grew tired of the ghosts that hung in Kings Landing and set off to Dragonstone, hoping to find a semblance of safety.
Note: Masterlist for this series here🤍
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A loud knock on her door is the first thing Allys hears upon waking up. Sitting up, her dark hair, tangled and matted from tossing and turning all night, obscures her vision. She breathes in a deep breath and pushes away the hairs. Tangles get caught in her fingers, causing a few strands to get pulled from her scalp. Cringing at the pain, Allys simply tucks her hair behind her ears, careful to not pull on any of the knots and wipes the sleep away from her eyes.
“Come in,” she calls out, her voice croaky and uneven from lack of use. The door clicks as the person on the other side pushes on the handle. The wood creaks as the heavy door swings open, revealing a bright-eyed Missandei. Her attire is similar to what she’d been wearing when Allys first came to Dragonstone and her hair is styled the same, but somehow she brings a sort of...freshness to it. Allys has never seen Missandei look dull and lifeless, no matter the color palette of her attire due to the soft smile and beaming eyes she pairs with it.
And it didn’t take Allys long to figure out why.
In her time in the East, Daenerys went from city to city, using her dragons and an army that quickly grew each day to liberate the people of Astapor, Yuanki, and finally Mereen. Missandei had been in Astapor, as a slave translator to some master there. When Daenerys came to purchase the Unsullied she took Missandei as well… and then proceeded to kill all the masters and free the people. So it is no surprise that she and Daenerys are like sisters, something that makes Allys subconsciously smile, but also bringing a ping of sadness, reminding her of her own sister. Myrcella had been kind and good and so unlike their mother, and the world chewed her up and spat her out, as it does with all genuinely good people.
It had been a bitter pill to swallow when Allys’ uncle told her that the woman who poisoned Marcella, Ellaria Sand, was an ally of Daenerys. One she invited to Dragonstone to form an alliance with. It had felt like poorly made ale pouring down her throat whenever she wandered through the large castle and happened upon one of her daughters or Ellaria herself. Her fist clenching and unclenching at her side in anger, but without the power to do anything. So she was forced to let it go. And eventually, karma caught up to her when she was captured by Euron Greyjoy and dragged to King’s Landing. Allys isn’t sure what happened next, but she knows her mother did something horrible to the woman. But Allys couldn’t bring herself to feel saddened by her death. For once, her mother’s viciousness played in her favor.
“Good morning, My Lady,” Missandei said, beaming at Allys as she glides across the room towards her windows. Her heeled boots clack against the stone floor, the only proof that her feet were making contact with the ground. A stray curl rests on her forehead, bouncing with each movement. Upon reaching the windows, she throws aside the thick curtains that once blocked out the early morning sun rays. A flock of birds flies into view as they soar through the sky, unbothered by the storm that’s been brewing since Daenerys got her dragons. Missandei begins to move the curtains to their respective sides and ties them into a knot, forcing them to stay put.
“Good morning, Missandei,” Allys replies, her voice still shaky and groggy sounding. Finished with the curtains, Missandei turns to face Allys with her fingers intertwined as they rest in front of her body.
“I’m here to help you dress this morning,” Missandei said as if this was a normal thing.
It wasn’t.
“Don’t you help Daen - I mean, The Queen?” Allys asks, stumbling on her words when Daenerys was mentioned. And Allys cursed herself and her ancestors as the heat began to rise on her cheeks. A part of her hoped that the fascination she felt towards the Dragon Queen would fade with time, not wanting to become emotionally invested in someone who may die. But instead of dimming, as time went on and days turned to weeks, and weeks turned to months; all the while, Allys’ affection for Daenerys only grew. And while a part of her was convinced Daenerys felt the same, she couldn’t bring herself to do anything.
It was irrational really, considering the kiss they’d shared the first night Allys came to Dragonstone.  Daenerys was warm and welcoming, often spending hours upon hours of her free time roaming Dragonstone and its surrounding island with Allys. They spoke about anything that came to mind; from the color of the sky that day to childhood trauma hidden behind porcelain masks and a gaze as hard as stone. Allys told Daenerys things she’d never dreamed of telling. And Daenerys returned the favor, whispering of the times with her brother Viserys - when she was a soft flower and nothing like the dragon breathing fire she is now. Yet still, Daenerys made no further moves, so like a coward, Allys shied away from her feelings, unable to open herself up to hurt if Daenerys had changed her mind.
“The Queen is away with Drogon and the Dothraki,” Missandei answers, throwing Allys a knowing look with a twinkle in her eyes. This only furthers Allys’ blush, turning her face Lannister red.
“Right, how could I forget,” Allys answers, eyes darting around the room, unable to meet Missandei’s gaze.
‘She knows. Of course, she knows, how could she not.’
“If you would prefer I can leave?” Missandei proposes, slightly quirking an eyebrow, but otherwise maintaining an even expression. Most time Allys couldn’t beleive that Missandei had endured all she did, being dragged away from her home as a young child and forced into slavery, serving vicous men who enjoy the suffering of those beneath them. She was so light and bright, bringing a warmth akin to the burning sun in the South. But there were times her past slipped into her actions. It was there in the way Missandei could quickly change her expression, schooling her facial expressions to reveal nothing.
“Oh no! That’s not - I just - I and - you usually - ” Allys stumbles over her words like a fish out of water. It seemed every time she opened her mouth, something ridiculous would come out. And not for the first time, Allys wishes she paid better attention to the lessons her Septa attempted to instill in her. The soft laughter coming from Missandei pulls Allys from her jumbled mind. One of her hands covers her mouth in an attempt to conceal the smile tugging at her lips. “Right, I um would love your help this morning. If you don’t mind, that is,” Allys manages to answer.
“Then I shall pick out a dress for you, My Lady,” Missandei replies, not missing a beat as she moves towards the wardrobe that now holds various outfits for any possible occasion. Gifts from her new host. It didn’t escape Allys’ notice that most were in black and red - the colors of House Targaryen.
“Missandei,” Allys said, watching as she opens the wardrobe and begins moving around the dresses.
“Yes?” she answers, not moving her gaze from her current task.
“Do you think you could braid my hair? I’d do it myself, but my hands are so shaky it never looks good. AndtheQueen’shairalwayslookssonice,” Allys said, saying the last sentence in one breath, her anxiety growing with each word.
Missandei watches Allys with an unreadable expression, causing Allys to immediately clam up. And before she can frantically spit out an apology and attempt to hide in her blankets, a beaming smile forms on her face and she gives a single head nod.
“Of course, My Lady.”
“My niece you are practically glowing!” Tyrion Lannister calls from across the room, closing the distance between them. She begins giggling softly, unable to control the noises as they echo in the entrance of the castle, the tall ceiling carrying to sounds through the hall. Her footsteps click all around them as Allys lifts her dress slightly and runs towards Tyrion. As they meet Allys bends down slightly and embraces him in a hug with a contented sigh. It’s warm and comforting as she wraps her arms around her uncle, basking in the familiarity of his presence. After a moment he pulls away, taking in her full appearance.
“Thank you, Uncle,” Allys says, managing to stifle her laughter. She brushes her hands down the sides of her dress, feeling the small embroidered flowers dance up her dress. It was pale pink with delicate white details. The design and colors are similar to something she’d wear in King’s Landing, though this dress is thicker than the light airy dresses she used to wear. “Missandei helped me this morning.”
“I could tell from the braids,” he points out, smirking slightly as he notices the braid style is similar to Daenerys’ hair. “You’ve always been hopeless when it comes to those things,” he teases, referencing all of Allys’ failed attempts at needlepoint. What was intended to be a flower, looked like a blob in pretty colors. And don’t even bring up the lion she attempted for Tyrion’s nameday. Instead of a proud lion in red and gold, it looked like a half-dead lion someone cut open. Allys would like to use her age of nine as a defense, but the point would be moot, considering her needlepoint never progressed past that age.
“I make up for my unsteady hands by being a master at chess,” she teases back, reminding him of the countless times she beat her uncle at chess. She used to play every waking hour, almost entranced by the game, attentively watching the tactics of each opponent. She’d play anyone willing: her Uncle Tyrion, Uncle Jaime, her brothers, at one point she’d even played Ned Stark. Yet the only person more insistent to play than her was Joffery, but for all the wrong reasons. One day they played and she crushed him. Joffrey, unable to let his pride be wounded by his sister - seeing himself as superior to her for the simple fact that he was a man and she was a girl - played her every single day. But with each loss, he grew violent and would throw the chess set on the ground, his face red with anger. After he broke the fifth set, Allys settled on only playing Tyrion, preening at the praise he offered after each victory.
“Something you never allow anyone to forget,” Tyrion said. A soft smile on his face as they both reminisce about simpler and much happier times.
“How was it?” Allys asks, referencing the battle her uncle had just returned from. Daenerys, along with Drogon and the Dothraki attacked the Lannister and Tarly army while they were on the road to King’s Landing after taking Highgarden.
“It was -” he begins, but trails off, unable to find the words.
“War?” Allys butts in.
“Yes, it was war,” Tyrion replies as he nods his head. A deep sigh escapes his mouth, his expression downcast. Allys feels the urge to change the subject, pretend people aren’t dying, and live in a world where everyone’s happy, but something grips her tightly, not allowing the words to leave her mouth. Not those words at least.
“And Uncle Jaime?” she asks, her mouth moving before her brain. Another sigh from Tyrion and this time, he rubs across his face with his hand.
“Not dead… I think,” he replies, his voice muffled by his arm.
“You think?” Allys questions. While the more distant of her two uncles, Allys still greatly cared for her Uncle Jaime. She understood his facade was a means to block away the pain; a way to be unbothered by the venom lacing the tongues of the people who whispered about him, their words like a whip lashing him. He covered his pain with arrogance and bravado, but Allys would see his facade slipping through the cracks in the quiet moments. When the harsh words of the court were absent and her father wasn’t being belligerent. Jaime Lannister was softer than he’d ever admit. Even if he and her mother did questionable things, their bond just a touch closer than normal, he’s family. One of the few remaining on the list that grows shorter each day that passes.
“I didn’t see him die… I also didn’t see him after the battle,” Tyrion explains, moving his hand from his face.
“So an ambiguous ending… I’ll take it,” Allys said. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m dying to get out of this dark castle and feel the sun,” Allys said, moving towards the exit.
“Of course,” Tyrion said, stepping away from her. “And Allys,” he calls out, stopping her in her tracks. She turns to face him, a bright smile once again upon her face.
“I’m glad you’re here,” he said. And with a single nod and her smile getting even wider, Allys opens the door and steps out of the castle.
The sun while bright and inviting is far more deceiving than it had been in King’s Landing. While Allys assumed with the sun out, the air would be warm, the biting wind that whipped around her meant differently. But not even stray hairs smacking into her face and getting stuck in her mouth could stop the dopey grin on her face nor the warm fuzzy feeling slowly building into something more.
Standing exactly 20 paces from Allys was Daenerys, looking as regal as ever. Her silver hair was pulled back into an intricate style, suited for a queen riding into battle on a dragon. Her pale skin glowed in the soft sunlight, reminiscent of opal. Her clothes are dark in color, with a stark red cloak hanging off her shoulder. The cloak was held in place by a three headed dragon clasp, the silver shining in the sun and nearly blinding anyone who dared look at Daenerys. The dragons fly high above, but never get too far from her. And not for the first time, Daenerys seemed more like the Fire Goddess the Dothraki revered her as than the human girl Allys knows her to be.
The only damper to her mood was Jon Snow standing two paces from Daenerys, a touch closer than Allys ever dared get - in fear that Daenerys would hear her pounding heart. The newly named King of the North originally came here for an alliance, but upon refusing to bend the knee, he hasn’t left yet. By choice or by force, Allys isn’t sure. Either way, he’s always there, with his puppy eyes and brooding stare, constantly in Daenerys’ presence. And while Allys never felt any particular emotion towards him, an unreasonable disdain bubbles inside her whenever she sees him. And yet even with this perceived threat, Allys found herself too cowardly to say a word to Daenerys.
Daenerys’ purple eyes move from Jon, panning across the landscape until they land on Allys. Her eyes widen a fraction, her blank expression melting away as her lips curl into a sweet smile. Allys’ heart beats erratically at the small gesture, her lips turning upward to mirror Daenerys’ expression. With mumbled words to Jon, not even bothering to look at him, Daenerys moves towards Allys. Her pace is quick, crossing their distance in 10 strides as opposed to 20. And before Allys can speak or even think, Daenerys throws her arms around Allys. Her embrace is welcomed, her warm body fighting away the chilling air surrounding them. On instinct, Allys snakes her arms around Daenerys as she soaks in their closeness. Her heartbeat is loud and more frantic to the point Allys fears it might stop.
But she’ll take the risk just to spend another moment in Daenerys’ arms.
And for a split second, she is convinced that Daenerys' heart is pounding as loud as hers, but quickly dismisses that notion. Instead, determining it was simply her own echoing in her ears.
Daenerys is the first to pull away but stays a pace away from Allys. And with an alarming revelation, Allys realizes this is the closest they’ve ever been. Her cheeks heat up again, as bright as they were earlier in the morning. Allys just prayed to any god that would listen that it could be passed off as a result of the cold. Either way, Daenerys doesn’t bring it up and for that, Allys is grateful.
“I missed you,” Allys said, the words tumbling from her mouth before she could stop them. Daenerys’ smile raises a fraction, bringing a hand up to Allys’s face. With bated breath, Allys watches out of the corner of her eye as her hand comes near Allys’ cheek. She lightly caresses it, her touch so light it could be mistaken for the wind, before tucking a few stray hairs behind Allys’ ear.  
“I missed you as well,” Daenerys said, her voice so soft it was concealed by the wind, only to be heard by Allys. “Your presence would’ve been a welcomed changed to an otherwise dull event.” Her hand trails from Allys’ face down her cheeks before faintly resting on her jaw.
“I never knew a battle to be a dull event,” Allys said, managing to keep her tone semi-steady even though inwardly she was bursting with each touch.
“I’ve found in the recent months any affair is dull when you are missing,” Daenerys replies. Her purple eyes watching Allys, soaking in every reaction on her face. Allys’ flush gets deeper and the warmth spreads to the entirety of her face. And suddenly she found it incredibly difficult to breathe. Yet the feeling wasn’t unwelcomed, as butterflies flutter in her stomach and her breathing wavers in anticipation. The anticipation of what? Allys isn’t sure.
“That’s a relief. Wouldn’t want to be on the bad side of the woman with three dragons,” Allys manages to choke out, hoping to play off the excitement building in her.
“No I suppose not,” Daenerys replies, not fully paying attention to the conversation as she continues watching Allys, and Allys makes no moves to stop her. “Your hair is different,” Daenerys points out. Her hands move from Allys’ jaw to her neatly braided hair, playing with the strands with her fingers, gently pulling on it.
“Missandei did it for me. I’m hopeless with my hands,” Allys said, finding herself once again entrance by Daenerys.
“It’s beautiful,” Daenerys said unconsciously, twirling the strands around her fingers.
And for a moment, Allys loses all sense of time. Blue eyes meet purple, both entranced by the other. Goosebumps cover Allys’ body as the hairs on the back of her neck raise, but not necessarily in a bad way. The anticipation within her builds, but doesn’t go anywhere even as it grows larger and larger. The whistling of the wind goes in one ear and out the other as Allys basks in the close proximity of Daenerys, memorizing her scent and the small freckles covering her cheeks. A mixture of lavender and rose with a hint of ash, three scent she will never be able to smell without remembering this exact moment, despite it seeming so miniscule. But any moment with Daenerys is noteworthy, something to diligently take note of and hold onto forever.
Then suddenly Allys is snapped back into reality. Daenerys drops her hand and steps back from her.
“I have to leave, but would you mind meeting me here tonight?” Daenerys asked, her eyes boring into Allys’ once again.
“Of course,” she answers without hesitation.
“Until tonight then” Daenerys said, Allys watching as she walked away completely unaware of Jon Snow as he passes or the Dothraki lingering near.
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madamsixx · 4 years
Beyond The Leather: Chapter 12: You’re Invited, But Your Friends Can’t Come
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August 1985
It was My Bazzar Magazine Fashion New York Shoot today and I was very excited. I never thought I would get to this point. My Sports Illustrated Magazine shoot gave me more opportunities. I was getting more calls to do more magazines and more calls for movie auditions next year. I was making more money then I could imagine, and Tamara was over the moon with how I was presenting my self.
Speaking of Tamara, she had no clue about what happened with me when I went out with the Motley boys. And I wasn't planning on telling her.
"Hey girl you ready for your shoot?" Lisa asks walking into my change room.
"Just about." I smile.
"Don't smile." The glam team states as there doing my make up.
I was finally done and I was ready to go. I looked amazing. I walked over to Lisa who was holding a camera. She wanted to take a picture with me. And I was happy to. We walked out of the room and into the hall. She looked like she wanted to say something but was a bit hesitant to.
"What's wrong Lisa?" I stopped her and asked.
"Its nothing it's just.... I haven't heard from Vince since the after party and.. I mean.... well... he told me he would call me." She shrugs.
I should have told Lisa this is how they behave. They sleep with girls and take off. You can't expect a real relationship to come from any one of them. Not even Tommy who is gaga over Heather.
"Look I'm going to take my pictures and then when Im done we'll talk more about this." I continued walking.
"Ok. It could probably be because Nikki got you high and drunk. Maybe that's why he's avoiding me." She crossed her arms.
I stopped in my tracks and looked at Lisa with wide eyes. What did she mean by Nikki got me high and drunk.
"Wait Nikki said I drank too much punch that had whiskey in it." I stated.
"You did buuuut when you were alittle tipsy he gave you brownies that had weed in it. And then got you high and took you to the bar and ordered you cranberry juice and jack. And that got you drunk." She giggled. "I thought he told you."
My breathing started to get heavy. I should have known that he would do that. And what makes it worse is that he was busy calling the hotel begging to speak me. And I let his call come through and spoke to him. He was talking casually to me like he didn't do a single thing. Every time I think he's a good guy something always comes up to tell me other wise. I even went as far as to thank him for taking care of me while I was drunk. Not knowing that he was the one that actually got me to that point.
"Mani....Mani." Lisa hit my shoulder.
"Sorry I'm good let's just go." I continued walking out to the set. I was to be taking a picture beside a white stallion in a barn area of some sort out side. I felt agitated and annoyed. I was suppose to be focusing on this shoot but instead I was focused on how much I was starting to hate Nikki. And hate is a strong word that we should not be using. But I'm using it, and it's being used on Nikki Sixx.
"Alright Miss Darlington grab the horse." The photographer shouted. I grabbed the horse with thoughts of Nikki in my head. Is there a reason why he didn't tell me that he was the one that got me drunk. Questions were running through my mind and I needed answers.
"Alright that's a wrap". The photographer shouted.
I headed towards my dressing room and just sat there looking at my self in the mirror.
Nikki Sixx equals trouble. ________
September 25, 1985
I have been waiting for this week to come by and it is finally here. New York fashion week. It was being held in Manhattan at the skylight Clarkson Square. I already booked 15 shows and was paid a lot of money for it. I walked down the aisle with my head held high owning it. Tamara actually cried, I was shocked. But she was so happy to see me up there.
My whole family showed up for the show. And also some friends. I called Slash and his family to see if they could come but unfortunately he wasn't able too. However he did have some good news for me. He found a band in July. He was trying to get a hold of me but I was so busy it was hard for us to talk. I think the bands name is Guns N Roses. He told me that they were playing in LA at clubs like the Whisky a Go Go, Trabadour, and The Roxy. After im finished in New York I'll head down to LA to check out there gig. I'm very happy for him.
Also Motley Crues Theater of pain album has been climbing to the top of the charts. So much for Vince saying that the album sucked. Speaking of Vince, I invited him to come and watch me walk my first runway. But not just for that, today was the last day of fashion week. But it's also my Birthday, and I'm having a party well actually a dinner. Vince agreed not to tell the other guys seeing as my family was here and I didnt want anything bad to happen. My mom really liked Vince. It turns out that Vince was quite the charmer. My sisters even liked him. Me and Vince agreed not to say anything about Vince being in the band Motley Crue.... for now. We settled on him being Lisa's date. And yes I got Vince to call Lisa, I felt really bad. But is it weird that I was starting to like Vince..... a lot.
As for Nikki he called and tried to talk to me but I confronted him and ended up hanging the phone on his lying behind. He's been calling non stop after that leaving crazy messges. Personally, I think he's psychotic. He should have just told the truth. But knowing him, its always lies that come out of his mouth. And I wasn't going to beleive a single thing he had to say.
We ate dinner and everyone got along well. I finally had somthing go right... for now. _______
October 18, 1985, Toronto Canada
12:00 pm
A couple days after my first runway and birthday I headed home for a bit of a much needed break. Especially because I was doing interview after interview and commercials. Me and my sisters just got back from shopping we bought alot of things, well I bought alot of things. Just to have some sister time felt so good. Since I became famous we haven't spent alot of time with each other so it was nice going out.
We started taking our clothes out of our shopping bags and trying them on.
"This dress is really nice I should wear it when we go out some time." I looked over at Selena she's the oldest but shes really short. She put on a short blue dress and it really looked nice on her.
"I think so too. I like this skirt and top." I say putting the clothing on the bed matching them together. "You guys care too much about what you wear it's annoying." Felicia my younger sister is a tom boy she likes wearing mostly T-shirts and sweat pants. Where as Selena and I like dressing up. Maya the youngest was 2 so we usually dressed her up.
"Iman phone!" My mom yelled.
"Who is it?" I asked
I ran to go get the phone. "Vince hey what's up!"
"Hey Mani, guess what?"
"What?" I said,
"Motley Crue is in Toronto baby!"
He shouted with excitment. I thought he was joking but when I looked and saw the number on the phone. I realized it was a number at one of the hotels downtown.
"No way, oh my God we have to chill."
"Hell yeah we do girl. So uuuuh can you call up some of your friends and come down to the Maple Leaf Gradens show today?"
"Is that where you guys are playing?"
"Yeah you should come watch us. This show is gonna be fucking crazy!"
"Considering what happened last time when I went to go see you guys in New York and ended up a drunk mess in Nikki's room. I think it would be a great idea to pass on that. I can meet you before the show and we can go out. I know some really fun places."
"Oh yeah sorry about that."
"We'll talk more when I see you, what hotel are you staying at?"
"The Hilton. Meet me there for about 4."
"Sounds great."
"Listen I didnt-"
(Loud yelling)
"Hello, hello, Vince?" All I could hear was loud yelling and the phone being hit around.
"Hello.... Vince?"
I can't even tell you how fast I dropped the phone. It was Nikki. And I had no intention of speaking to him. ________
3:15 pm
I called up some of my friends and we drove down to the Hilton. My crew was Mia, Ashley, and Anna. We met in elementary school and stayed friends. They have always been there for me. We had other friends but us four were the tightest. We were ride or dies. They were so excited to meet Vince. My friends are like me but a bit worse. I won't lie they're very judgemental divas and would never settle for less. Oh like me, so never mind. I told them about the rest of the Motley boys. But they weren't interested in them especially because of the way they looked. We finally made it to the hotel and I called Vince from downstairs.
"Hey there sugar!" Vince shouted.
"Hey Vince!" I shouted back. I ran and gave him a big hug. We both walked backed to my friends. They started giggling and smiling as if me and Vince were a couple.
"My friend Mia drove so were going to go in her car and go to this wings place." I smiled.
Vince put his arm around me and smiled with all teeth. "That sounds great sweetheart."
"Yeah that does sound great." We heard a voice behind us and we all turned around. It was Nikki and Tommy.
"Oh h..hey guys. Uh we were just heading out." Vince said in a nervous voice. Nikki was glaring at me. It was a look that I couldn't even read. But I knew he was angry. And so was Tommy.
"Hope we can join you. I mean we weren't invited." Tommy snorted and glared at us.
"Theres no room in my car. It only seats five people sorry." Mia stated and smirked at Tommy.
"Sweety we don't need your cheap car we have limos. Were rockstars." Nikki and Tommy pushed passed us and walked out.
This was going to be a very chaotic afternoon. ______
We arrived at Wings Palace and everyone ordered what they wanted. The boys were so loud and ordered alot of alcohol. They started getting very rowdy and people were staring at us. Some were disapproving of them while others were taking pictures of us. Young fans came over to ask for autographs and some girls would even go as far as to ask them to sign there breasts. And I mean lift up there shirts right there with no bra. Yuk.
"So why the fuck weren't we invited out hmm?" Tommy asked looking at me.
"Uh well..... I didn't know if you wanted to come." I scratched my head. Wow Iman great lie Tommy's down for anything.
"I smell a bullshitter." Nikki snorted looking at me.
"What ever Nikki." I rolled my eyes. Nikki sat right beside me in the booth he was on the right I was in the middle and Mia on my other side. Vince sat across, he was in the middle Anna on his right and Ashley on his left he had both arms around them. They were in heaven. Tommy sat in chair pulled up to the table.
"So Vince what's it's like being a Rock Star. I see the whole bad boys behaviour on TV but you honestly don't look the type." Ashley smiled.
"Pfft." Nikki snorted "Vince is just as bad as us."
"Probably, but he looks better that's for sure." Anna cooed.
"Why cause he's a blonde hair bitch." Tommy and Nikki laughed.
"Y'know jealousy dosen't look good on you two." Ashley sneered.
"Neither does your hair cut." Nikki laughed.
I turned and glared at Nikki. "knock it off." I hissed.
"Fuck off." He said flipping me off.
"Here are your wings boys." The server said as she brought our wings. She looked over at Nikki and smiled.
"Thank you bye now." I shooed her away.
"Jealous are we." Nikki smirked.
"I would never be jealous of a girl that wanted to talk to you." I snorted.
"You know Iman at one point I actually thought you were a cool chick, but seeing as you didn't even want me and Sixx around to meet your stiff friends I think your a fucking bitch." Tommy says waving his hands at me.
"Wow real classy I can see why she didn't invite you two losers." Mia said as she bit a wing.
"Fuck you stupid cunt!" Nikki shouted throwing wings at Mia.
"Nikki stop!" I shouted.
"Get these losers out of here. You think because your rockstars you can talk to people any how you want!" Mia shouted.
"Ok woah guys now calm down." Vince raised his hands up.
"This is why I didnt invite you two. Everytime I go out with you two something always happens. Your either drunk or high or both!" I yelled and pushed Nikki out of the booth.
Nikki got up and thrashed the table throwing all the food to the floor and spilling the drinks every where on everyone.
"Fuck you bitches! I heard you were hear and I wanted to say sorry for what I did last time!" He gestured to me. "But I change my mind, you deserved to look like a drunken whore at that party!" Nikki yelled in my face.
My eyes went wide. I didn't know whether I wanted to slap him across the face or kill him. Instead, I got out of the booth and ran out of the building. I had enough of this guy and I wasn't going to put up with him any longer.
"Iman wait!" Nikki shouted and ran after me.
I picked up my pace and ran faster with tears filling my eyes and running down my cheeks. I didnt want to see any one, I just wanted to get as far away from them as possible. I ran straight inside the downtown Library were I knew I wouldn't be found.
"Iman!" Nikki shouted, or I thought I wouldn't be found. I ran up the stairs and stood in the corner of the library. Taking my hands and rubbing my wet face.
"God Nikki just leave me alone!" I shouted.
"No!" He shouted back.
"Shh" we were both startled by the librarian who came over to us "This is a quiet library not a place for you guys to be yelling. You can do that outside." The librarian hissed. We both looked at each other and rolled our eyes.
"Please just leave me alone Nikki." I whispered.
"No." He argues. "Not until you hear me out." I rolled my eyes.
"Look princess I fucked up at the party when I got you drunk ok and I'm sorry. I didn't tell you because... because I knew if I did you would never speak to me again. And I didn't want that for us."
I sighed."Nikki I would rather you tell me the truth than lie in my face. It makes me wonder what else you actually lie about."
"Ok you want to talk truth. Well why did you invite Vince to your first runway and Birthday? You didn't even tell me, Tommy, or fucking Mick about it? What kind of bullshit is that?" Nikki raised his voice turning me to face him.
I should kill Vince for saying anything to them. I told him not to and now I have to answer for it.
"Well me and Vince became close we talk now and then. I tell him about things I'm doing and he tells me about the things he's doing." I say looking at my feet. I looked back up and Nikki and he just had a sad expression on his face.
"And you can't do that with me? That's what your basically trying to say right?"
"No Nikki I cant! And I don't want to!" I said that with a harsh tone. I wanted to hurt him like he hurt my feelings back at Wings Palace and for every other place he had hurt me. But when I looked into his eyes he looks like he could cry right now. And I felt a bit guilty for what I said. Until his face changed into the angry Nikki I was used to seeing.
"Fine fuck you then!" He snapped and walked away.
I met back up with my friends and we hung around later then I expected. We stayed for the show which turned out to be great. I had to call my mom from the arena so she wouldn't freak out. But she wanted me home anyways. We said our goodbyes to Vince and Mick. Tommy and Nikki ignored me and my friends. So that was a great night. Not!
_____ 3.22 am
I was in my room sleeping when all of a sudden a car horn started going off outside and someone started screaming my name at the top of their lungs. It was probably a crazy fan. All the lights went on and everyone ran out of their rooms and headed to the front door. I looked out the door and..oh my God it was Nikki. He was smiling drunkenly at me with his Jack Daniel's bottle in his hand. He was still in his stage clothes and he looked like a mess. Tommy was with him grabbing him trying to get him back in the car. How the hell did they know where I lived.
"Oh there look T bone! Awww theres my princess! Look how fucking beautiful you are!" Nikki slurred.
I moved and hid behind the door so he wouldnt see me again. I can't believe this guy came here like this. I'm so embarrassed.
"No! Mani baby please I'm sorry. I just...I'm a mess!" He slurred and fell on the ground with his bottle spilling.
"Who is this man?" My mom yelled "call security right now and get these dirty drunks off my property now!" My demanded. "Get off my property or I'll call the cops!" She yelled in there direction.
"Look im really sorry I'll take him home please don't call the cops!" Tommy shouted back.
"Mani baby just wait for me please. I'll get my shit together I promise! Just dont break yours!" Nikki shouted as Tommy picked him up and through him in the back of the car.
"I'm really sorry!" Tommy shouted and waved. He got in his car and drove off.
My mom shut the door and looked at me with a straight face. "Start talking now!" She shouted at me.
"I don't... I don't know those guys." I said with a hesitant voice.
"Do not lie in my face. Cause if I find out that your involved with any guy. You are done with your career. Especially if he looks like that pile of junk outside! They look like a bunch of leather head rock stars! Well not for my daughter! You will get a good Catholic man!" My mom pointed in my face.
"I don't know him, it happens in LA a lot when I'm on the streets." I whispered. I was terrified of my mom. I felt like I was about to pee in my pants when she gave me that look. The sweat was drizzling down my face and in my Pitts. My breathing was heavy and I felt like I was going to pass out.
"Good for nothing rock star junkies is what they are." She walked away and my sisters looked at me then walked upstairs to there room. I hated lying to my mom, but this lie had to be told.
I walked up to my room and I couldn't sleep for the rest of the night. I thought about the promise that I made to Nikki. A promise that unfortunately I would have to break. My mom would never accept Nikki. Even if I ended up falling in love with someone like him. She could never accept him for all his chains and leather.
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meg91596 · 4 years
Expect the Unexpected Chapter 4
It had been roughly 2 weeks since Amelia and Link welcomed their triplet daughters Adelynn, Annabel, and Addison into the family. Link and Amelia were proud of their now family of 6 and how beautiful their children were. Scout was excited at first when his sisters were born but now his behavior had changed.
"SCOUT DEREK SHEPHERD LINCOLN please stop screaming you are going to wake up your sisters." Amelia said. "NO momma I no care." Scout said. "SCOUT DEREK SHEPHERD LINCOLN you just earnt some time in time out." Amelia said. "NO MOMMA YOU MEAN." Scout yelled at his mother. "ATTICUS please just take him out he's supposed to be in time out but he's only 21 1/2 months old and doesn't understand time out. Can you take him to the park or somewhere although the girls may start crying soon because it is almost time for them to eat." Amelia said. "How about I drop Scout off with Meredith for a few days?" Link asked. "No he needs to get used to the girls." Amelia said.
Not knowing that Meredith had already been standing at the front door with Zola, Bailey, and Ellis. Amelia quickly ran to get dressed as she was still in her PJ's covered in who knows what. Link welcomed them into the house, Scout had calmed down the moment he saw his Auntie and cousins. Amelia came back with little Anna, and Adelynn who they just call Lynn because they were calling Addison Addie. Meredith had a feeling that it may get complicated with a Adelynn, and a Addison.
"Link I need you to get Addie." Amelia said. "So how are you holding up with 4 kids?" Meredith asked. "I'm fine Annabel, Adelynn, and Addison are good I just wish Scout would be the good boy he was when they were born." Amelia said. "Scout's still not adjusting to them?" Meredith asked. "No he's not. Do you have any suggestions Meredith?" Amelia asked. "Auntie Amy, I didn't like Ellis but now she's good." Bailey said. "Hey Bawiey that mean." Ellis said. "See kids don't always agree with each other just look at my kids." Meredith said. "I guess so I just hope Scout likes his sisters and doesn't hate them because we took away from him." Amelia said. "Don't worry about that Amelia look at Bailey and Ellis they are 22 months apart in age and yet look how much they get along." Meredith said. "Don't worry Auntie I'm sure Scout will be good with Annabel, Adelynn, and Addison soon he just needs to realize how cool it is to be a big brother." Zola said.
Amelia knew that Meredith and Zola were right and that Scout would adjust soon. Link brought down Addison from the bedroom with Scout wanting to help. Amelia was suprised that he wanted to help with Addison. She looked down at her son who got upset when he didn't get to hold the baby. Zola went and picked up her cousin who was in tears trying to comfort him. Amelia couldn't beleive that Scout actually wanted to help out with the babies because he has refused to help in the last 2 weeks.
"What wrong Scout." Ellis asked. "I Sad I want baby." Scout said. "No you want Uncle or Auntie." Ellis said. "ELLIS ALEXANDRA GREY SHEPHERD." Meredith yelled at Ellis. "What Mommy it true." Ellis said. "No I wanna see Abbie." Scout said. "ABBIE?" Zola asked. "Yes Abbie daddy got her." Scout said. "Oh Addison I got it now." Zola said. "Abbie hmm maybe Scout is onto something so we could call Adelynn Addie instead of Lynn." Amelia said. "Your saying we change Addison's name to Abigail?" Link said. "Well now that I think of it Addison is Addison and We can't change her name." Amelia said. "So we stick with Anna, Addie and Lynn." Link said. "Anna, Jo, and Addie." Amelia said. "Jo? short for her middle name?" Link asked. "Yes it's perfect for Adelynn." Amelia said.
Amelia was right because they named Adelynn, and Addison a name that was so close they had to think of something so that poor Scout, and everyone else didn't get confused with who was who. They decided that Adelynn would be called Jo instead of Adelynn because of the confusion that the poor girl would go through growing up.
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maastrash · 6 years
For the holiday headcanons: neighbours 2 for elriel?? Thank you 💖
Hi nonnie ofc!! I am so sorry it took so long!! I cannot beleive I have already fallen behind on these… but anyways, I hope you enjoy 💗💗
Holiday HC Request List
The decoration war is on 
Elain did not know how she ended up trapped on her roof
Actually, that was a lie, she knew precisely why
She had been so obsessed with the stupid decoration war
And she was going to freeze on her roof because of it
The game had started so innocently, Elain could not believe it went this far
It all began earlier in the week
Elain always wanted to have the most beautifully decorated house in the neighborhood and every year she succeeded
She never believed any of her neighbors were capable of one-upping her
Until she saw Azriel’s house
Azriel had just recently moved in and they had become fast friends because of his relationship to her sister’s boyfriend
They hung out often and Elain would never admit it, but she was crushing hard
But when she saw his house all feelings of contentment vanished
He had the most extravagant house she had ever see
There were lights, candy canes, and figurines everywhere
She literally could not even see one inch of the house underneath
Elain was livid
Her house had never looked as good as Azriel’s did at the moment
Muttering under her breath Elain marched to her car preparing to go shopping
When she got back with bags filled to the brim with lights she ran into none other than Azriel, hard at work adding more decorations
“Hey Elain” he smirked, “Did you need to get more stuff so your house lives up to mine?”
“No, I just had a new idea for this year is all” she lied
“Mmm ok El whatever you say” he winked
“If you’re so confident in your decorations, Az, why don’t we make this interesting?” she said sweetly
“What were you thinking?” he asked
“A competition”
Azriel raised his brows “Are you sure you want to do this El?”
“Hey if you’re scared I total-
“I am not scared” he interrupted
She smiled “Then let the decoration war begin”
That entire week they both worked tirelessly to make their houses the best that they could
When Elain had finished, she couldn’t help but feel like she was missing something
And that’s when she had the idea
She didn’t just want lights at the bottom of the roof like Azriel
No, she wanted to have lights going across the entirety of the roof with a star on top
And that idea is what put her in her current dilemma
She had used a ladder to get up, but when stringing her lights she accidentally knocked it down
And now she was trapped
Sitting with her knees close to her chest and teeth chattering Elain watched the day turn into night
Just as she was contemplating jumping a familiar car pulls up
Azriel steps out of his car looking as handsome as always
“Azriel thank god” 
“Elain what the hell are you doing up there?” he shouts
“I was trying to string lights and then my ladder fell” she calls
“Ok I’ll help you, just hang tight”
Azriel puts the ladder back up so Elain can climb down, but her hands are too cold and she can’t properly grip the rungs  
He ends up climbing the ladder and carrying her down like a fireman
Once safely on the ground, he brings Elain to his house
Placing her by the fireplace in a blanket, Azriel goes to make tea to warm her up
When he returns Elain is still shivering
Wanting to keep her warm he sits on the couch and wraps his arms around her
“El please don’t ever do anything like that again,” he says, breaking the silence
Elain leans in laughing “Trust me Az, I am never doing that again”
“Good” he chuckles “And next year no war, we’re a team ok?”
She grins, “Deal”
That next Christmas, Elain, and Azriel end up only needing to decorate one house
Their house 
And it was perfect 
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g4r-b4ge · 6 years
Katsudeku fluff/headcannons
Ik I’m a bts blog but like have you seen bakudeku??
And if you come for me with the “the ship promotes abuse” I’ll whoop your ass faster than tenyas recipro burst
They never really like officially got together
How i imagine it is that izuku cant sleep so he decides to do some outdoor training and katsuki happens to be there himself
So they end up training together
Releasing all their frustration that had pent up over the past weeks
And then the cliche thing happens where izuku ends up managing to pin katsuki down to the ground
And izuku gets like really embarrassed and flustered
So he starts nervously rambling about how sorry he is,,,,,,, without actually trying to get up???
So katsukis laying on the ground beneath him like >:T
Katsuki ends up using one hand to like squish izukus cheeks together
Which finally gets him to shut up
So katsukis like “you talk to much”
And then izuku starts profusely apologizing like the little bby he is
So katsuki just kisses him
It takes izuku like a full 10 seconds for him to register what the heck is going on
But eventually he melts into the kiss
When they break apart they kinda just stare into each other’s eyes without saying anything
Izukus like o/////o
While katsukis like ;P
Then they kiss again
And again,,,,,,,,
Until someone from the class 1b dorm sees them and ends up screaming “WHAT THE FUCK”
So they run
And katsuki starts laughing slightly
And izuku almost screams bc,,,,,, what is that sound,,,,,,, he’s never heard that before,,,,,, someone pinch him
So katsuki shoves him playfully and acts offended
Even tho he’s in a surprisingly good mood
Probably because now he doesn’t have to worry about hiding his feelings for izuku
lil baby :’(
Afterwards they don’t even try to hide the fact that they’re together
Not much is different between them in public except for small displays of affection that everyone seems to dismiss as Bro Touches™
Like they’ll be holding hands
Or izuku would rest his head against katsukis shoulder
And after like 2 months of dating, katsuki has his arm around izuku and they’re walking to the dorms with the class
And denkis like “wow!! You guys are so much closer now then you were!!!!”
And then everyone tunes in with agreement until tenyas like “it’s nice to see you two finally becoming good friends and getting along”
And izuku and katsuki both exchange The Look™
And without hesitation katsukis like “dude we’re dating???”
And everyone fucking loses their shit
No like seriously
Uraraka passes out
Kirishima almost chokes on his muffin
Denki trips and falls
Even Todoroki almost freezes the entire courtyard
Minetas the first to recover and is like “bakugo,,,,, you’re gay?????”
And katsuki sighs like “no Dekus actually a girl and has been the entire time YES IM FUCKING GAY WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU UGLY PERVERTED MIDGET”
Katsuki ends up getting overly angry and finally loses it
So katsuki aggressively turns izuku towards him and quite literally smashes his lips on izukus
And then they quickly forget the situation and where they are and start full on making out in front of the entire class
Jirou covers denkis eyes
When they break apart and izuku sees the looks on everyone’s faces he almost passes out of embarrassment
although he secretly cares about whether they accept them or not
Katsuki is actually a very loving bf
When they’re alone at least,,,,,,
Izuku knows that he’s trying to make up for how shitty he was when they were kids
And it makes him really happy
Even tho katsukis efforts may go unnoticed for everyone
But izuku knows him
It took katsuki like half a year to gather the courage to officially apologize to izuku
He did so when they were on a ‘date’ on the dorm roof looking at the stars and just enjoying each other’s presence
Izuku was so caught off guard that he almost started crying
The apology wasn’t much
Just a simple “I’m sorry for everything”
Then katsuki started rambling
And ended up saying something along the lines of “if you want to break up then i understand,,,,,, and if you don’t forgive me then that’s okay too”
Izuku slapped him
He had never seen his hot headed kacchan like this
And seeing him so sad and guilty about it was somehow worse than how he’d been treated
It took a while but izuku finally started to understand that katsukis “fuck off, go die” is his messed up way of saying “i care about you, stay safe”
Which comes with the funny scenario in class where katsukis yelling at izuku things like “YOU BROCCOLI LOOKIN ASS I HOPE YOU DROWN IN SEWER WATER!!!!” izukus just like “aw thanks kacchan i love you too :) <3”
Katsukis a really good cook fight me
Izukus fav thing is when he ends up sleeping over at katsukis or vice versa, katsuki would usually end up making pancakes for breakfast
And he’d always want to repay the favor but,,,,,, izuku cant cook for shit oops
Izuku gets lessons from sato on how to make bacon and pancakes
And katsuki wakes up to the smoke alarm
And sees his soft bf covered in flour and red cheeks
That’s when katsuki finally understands what ashido means when she says she’s “busting an uwu”
And since izuku is such a crybaby (i can relate) and felt so embarrassed and helpless,,,,,, he started crying
And poor katsuki doesn’t know what the fuck to do
Through ugly and wet sobs izuku manages to let out a “i just wanted to make you pancakes”
Katsuki has the audacity to laugh at his boyfriends state
“D-don’t laugh at me! This is embarrassing,,,,”
“You stupid nerd. C’mere”
Katsuki smiles slightly and hugs izuku closely, letting out a hearty chuckle
Katsuki just lets out a content sigh in response
With izuku being his personal therapist and helping katsuki with his anger problems as much as he can without overstepping, it’s like bakugo finally found peace
Don’t get me wrong katsuki is still a cheeky and angry little shit
But seeing him genuinely smiling and laughing is a little more common now
The class thinks izuku has kidnapped the real bakugo and replaced him with a fake
Ok i need to stop im getting way to carried away oops
Bakugo katsuki isn’t as heartless as everyone thinks in this essay i will
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thefandomofoneshots · 6 years
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This went down hill but I thought you all deserved something. I’m working on a second part to my Elijah Mikaelson series but I’m not making promises it’ll be posted soon. School holidays are coming up in 2 weeks and I’ll try and get more down than. Happy Easter.
To the people of London, today was inconsequential. When the barista at your favourite coffee shop gave you your drink, there was no pity in his practiced smile. When a woman ran into you on the street, there was no sorrow in her eyes. When your coworkers greeted you, there was no hatred in their voices, to them it was just another day, another day of work, another day to mark off their calendars when they arrived home to their families that night. Nobody thought much of today, it was just another Wednesday. But you knew if you went to the little pub on Charing Cross road, the one with the wooden cauldron hanging above the door, if you went out the back and tapped the right bricks in the right order than you would find another world, a world with funny dressed people, all of which wore somber expressions on their faces, becuase today wasn’t another day to them.
Today was May 2nd, and nobody in London cared, except you.
Your heart was torn in two. A part of you wanted to continue, act like this day held no meaning, as if lives weren’t lost and destroyed today because of the monster you shared blood with, that it was all a horrible dream that you had during your youth. That was why you were here, not there. Here, the name Riddle didnt earn you heated glares, it held no more importance than the name Potter, it was nothing. You needed the normalacy of a muggle life, and that is what you got, a job you didnt have to deceive people for, friends who didnt fear you, neighbours who waved at you each morning as you left your nice house. You were free from your father, nobody cowered away from you here, nor did they obey your every command. But there was one thing missing, one thing you could not easily replace, him.
Placing you under the protection of Draco Malfoy was the single good thing your father had ever done for you. He believed sending you to Hogwarts would make you a bigger asset, so he sent you to the school with a single mission; help him destroy Harry Potter. Of course, him being sorted into the house of his father and you being sorted into the house of yours did not help you become close to the boy who lived, in fact he quite hated you, even though you weren’t using your father’s name. You didnt hate Potter, you pitted him for all he had to go through and such a young age, but he hatred for all Slytherins, even if they had done nothing towards him or his friends, caused a dislike for him to grow. This brought you and Draco closer.
Draco knew who you were, of course. At first he acted respectful, partially due to the fear of the Dark Lord his father had instilled in him, but soon enough the two of you became friends, the Prince and Princess of Slyhterin (nicknames you never let your father hear).
Voldemort was back, Cedric Diggory killed by his faithful man servant, Peter Pettigrew, Harry Potter was right but ignorant minds marked him as a liar. This was the year of Umbridge, the sickly pink toad that even Slytherins hated, Dumbledore’s Army had been created, the few who believed in Harry’s story followed him, as he taught in the absence of a real defense against the dark arts teacher. This was the time i hated being me the most, a Slytherin, hated by Potter therefore stuck learning form the cat lady, and Voldemort’s child, now that he was back, he was more vocal than ever, constantly reminding me of what i had to do; help him destroy Harry Potter. It most certainly didnt help that my so called protector/ best friend was wondering the halls, looking for Potter under the command of a toad.
“Tell me what’s wrong.”
Turning away from the underwater veiw of the Slytherin common room, i looked at Draco. His white hair, usually slicked back was now in soft waves, shirt untucked, silver and green tie hanging loosely around his neck, normally smug lips downturned in a frown as his grey eyes swam with concern and exhaustion, he had probably just finshed his rounds.
“What ever could be wrong Draco? My life is just unicorns on rainbows pooping candy.”
Draco smiled slightly at your sarcastic tone, shaking his head in amusement as he sat down next to you. His arms wrapped around your waist, a gesture that wasn’t uncommon between the two of you, and he pulled your cold body into his warm one.
“Why are you always so sarcastic?’
“Sarcasm is the body’s defence against stupidity.”
Draco sat straight, pulling you completely on his lap. His chin nuzzled into your neck, smelling the perfume he had chosen and given to you last year on your birthday. He smiled.
“Are you calling me stupid?”
His tone was light hearted, barely containing a laugh, so you knew he didn’t take offence. Grinning, you decided to play along. This was the side of the Slytherin Prince that so few got to see, a side that, not to your knowledge, only came out when you are in his presence.
“You are by far the stupidest person i have ever met, and I know Crabbe and Goyle.”
"Are you trying to make me hate you?"
He couldnt hold back his laugh this time. A hearty laugh. The two of you laughed together, so long for something so stupid, but neither of you cared. Whipping a tear from your eye, you leant back into Draco’s chest, giving into the peace it provided you. Draco’s laugh died down to a few chuckles, a grin plastered on his face. You looked back at him.
“I hate you.”
“No, you dont. You love me."
Something inside Draco snapped. He loved you, he knew he did and seeing you in his arms, a happy glowsurrounding you, his heart rose to his throat and he finally got the courage to speak the three words stuck on the tip of his tongue since the day he met you.
“(Y/n), I do lo-“
“Don’t say you love me.”
Those words echoed in his mind. His grey eyes instantly turned cold, his heart building walls around itself. You could see his pain, you had known him longer enough to know his tells and your heart broke at the pain he was feeling in that moment. Turning yourself around, you clasped his hand tightly in your own. Draco looked away, feeling the tears beginning to burn his eyes. He couldn’t let you see. Cupping his check softly, you turned his face to yours, tears reflecting in each others eyes.
“I’m not somebody you should fall in love with Draco. I cant protect you. If my father were ever to find out-“
"He won’t find out."
Draco’s voice was loud, making you grateful that you were alone in the common room. Passion blazed behinds as he took your cheeks in his hands. His heart was beating through his chest. He was afraid of your father, but he refused to live another day that he could not call you his own.
“I love you (y/n). Just say it back, we can find a way to make this work. Please”
Your mouth opened. How could you say it? Telling Draco you loved him would seal his fate, if your father ever found out he wouldn’t kill Draco, he would destroy him. He had no idea what your father was truly capable of. But staring at the boy you loved, seeing him so raw, pleading for you to say those three simple words, how could you not?
It didnt last. Your love was doomed from the beginning, you knew this. Draco and you spent two years together, filled with bliss and hardships. It all ended five years ago today. The battle had be won, your father was dead and everybody knew who you were. Some people protected you, but most wanted you to pay for your father’s crimes.
You ran that day, into the forbidden forest until you could run anymore. Harry found you on the ground, sobbing and covered in scratches and bruises. He walked towards you slowly, cautious of the wand you had pointed at him. With his hands held above his head, he made you an offer. Leave. If you left the wizarding world, he would do his best to secure your safety. You agreed.
Five years had past and not a single day went by when Draco didn’t cross your mind. Leaving him that day had been your biggest regret. You sat at home, watching the rain fall, the burning wood in your fireplace keeping you warm. If you closed you eyes you could almost image Draco's arms around you as you both sat in the Slytherin common room that night. Draco was alive, and yet everyday you mourned him, your heart yearned to see him just one more time. Your gaze drifted to the fire.
In Malfoy Manor Draco sat alone. The leather chair in which he sat was uncomfortable but Draco couldn’t bring himself to move, not even to relight the fire, the only source of light and heat in the dark house, a house too big for one man. Every day since you had died he felt numb. He wouldn’t let himself feel happy without you, not even his beloved mother could get him to smile. Now he mourns her as he mourns you. He couldn’t even bring himself to cry.
The sudden source of light burned his eyes. People rarely visited Draco. Sometimes Harry and the other members of the golden trio would visit, out of guilt more than anything else he assumed. But they wouldn’t be here tonight, Draco liked to mourn alone, and they should be mourning their losses with their families. Beleiving the worse, Draco sent a curse in the direction of his fireplace, not noticing the female figure the emerged from the flames.
"Have you lost your damn mind? Lumos."
The light from your wand illuminated the room. It took a few seconds for Draco's eyes to adjust but he knew that voice. Draco’s wand dropped to the floor. He couldn’t take your eyes from you, afraid to blink. You looked so real but Draco refused to believe it was truly you.
You moved towards him slowly, worried. Your hands touch his shoulder lightly once you met him, sliding them up to cup his cheeks. He puts his hand over yours, pressing firmly against it, feeling your skin on his. You were real and for the first time in years, Draco cried.
"I thought you were dead."
Draco pulled away from you, keeping his arms around your waist, not willing to let go. He looked pale, thin. It was obvious that he hadn’t been taking care of himself. Your thumb rubbed his cheek slowly.
"I know. I made a mistake but I can promise you, I’m never leaving again."
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fandomwitch13 · 3 years
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I posted 516 times in 2021
39 posts created (8%)
477 posts reblogged (92%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 12.2 posts.
I added 271 tags in 2021
#the rosewood chronicles - 58 posts
#rwch - 57 posts
#rosewood chronicles - 54 posts
#the owl house - 30 posts
#rose rats - 21 posts
#every weekend my blog becomes an owl house blog - 12 posts
#pah spoilers - 11 posts
#the owl house spoilers - 10 posts
#olivia rodrigo - 10 posts
#lol - 8 posts
Longest Tag: 122 characters
#im just thinking plural princesses because lottie and ellie literally have to make up and realize they have to be together
My Top Posts in 2021
Head Canon
Jamie now owns at least a dozen lint rollers and always has one on him because he now knows the struggles of living with an animal that sheds A LOT
26 notes • Posted 2021-02-02 20:00:02 GMT
Ellie (at the Maradova Palace): the only straight I'm having-
Ellie: is a straight up not good time
29 notes • Posted 2021-06-28 20:38:18 GMT
Lottie's Hair
Okay cuz Lottie has curly hair and I have curly hair, so I always imagined that we would have similar hair types so here are my headcanons on Lottie's hair
Definitely had 2c-3a curly(2c is s-shaped waves that start at the root and 3a are like coils that are about the size of sidewalk chalk)
Her mom probably taught her how to manager her hair when she was younger but it either wasn't that good or Lottie was never able to do it because of Beady
I can't decide of Lottie's bangs are curly or if she straightened them, but she defidently kept they curly after she cut her hair
Actually her hair became way more curly after she cut it(cuz you need to cit those ends every once in a while to maintain the curls)
She also vowed to maintain her hair better after she cut it
When she first came to Rosewood her hair routine was mediocre at best
Like sude she only shampooed her roots and condited the ends, detangled with a wide tooth comb and didn't brush her hair in between washed, but like Lottie didn't have leave in conditioner(which is a must with long hair) and didn't cover it while she slept so her hair was frizzy in the morning
Binah immediately noticed this and made it her goal to educate Lottie on her hair because it was kinda painful to watch(yes their hair types are very different because Binah has like 4a-c hair, but curly hair has mainly the same up keep, but with different amounts of products, washing, and different levels of maintenance)
Saskia also joined in because why not and now the three have a kinda chill day once a week where they put a hair mask in and watch a movie or something
Binah showed Lottie the complicated world of curly hair products(it's not that's complicated but the different products can be overwhelming)
So Lottie now has and regularly uses leave in conditioner, a diffuser(which is normally usee to dry finer curly hair like type 2-3), possibly curl gel or mousse(to keep the curls in a cast so they don't break alpart)
She also had a denman brush(uses for styling) which is an actual gift from God or whatever entity you beleive in, like curls just look better when you use it
Binah also got her a satin pillow case for Christmas(which is used to stop curls breaking when you sleep because of how fine it is)
Lottie also pineappled her hair and wraps it in a scarf so the hair sticks out of the front
Now that it's short, she sticks it in a satin bonnet cuz it's so much easier
Actually her whole routine is easier now that her hair is short. Less washing. Less combing. Less product. Lottie just wondered why it took so long for her to cut her hair
Also Lottie feels bad about Binah helping her with her hair, so Lottie learned how to style textured hair so she can return the favor to Binah
Honestly Lottie wasn't that good at first but Binah really appreciated the effort so she helped Lottie through it
Now Lottie's pretty good and Binah really enjoys Lottie's help because she doesn't have to be the only one to style her hair while at school
31 notes • Posted 2021-02-14 02:11:07 GMT
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So my copy of Princess at Heart came and decided to make some memes before I cry
36 notes • Posted 2021-03-08 19:59:07 GMT
King Alexander @ Ellie: So you like girls
Ellie: *nods*
King Alexander @ Lottie: and you like girls
Littie: *nods*
King Alexander: Does anyone in this house like boys?!?!
Jamie: I do
King Alexander:
65 notes • Posted 2021-02-14 02:59:08 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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sally-annesstories · 5 years
Day 37 - Panajachel to San Juan La Laguna, Guatemala
My hardest day to write
1. Despite switching my brain off early I had a rubbish sleep the night before. Barely getting any shut eye. Given I was up at 6.30 by 7 I decided to go for a walk. Pana is small and I quickly covered a lot of ground. It was nice walking with less people around. Although sadly there were way less stalls at this time. I was craving some fruit but nowhere I went could I fine any. Finally I was in a small shop which didn't have fruit but did have a grocery section. As I looked I spotted baby food. Figuring pureed mango and apple was more nutritious than a bag of doritos I opted for that. Quite smart of me I thought, baby food must be semi reasonable.
2. Back at the hostel others were getting up and keen for breakfast. We opted for a womans restaurant which is owned and operated only by females. A big deal in Guatemala.
3. A boat ride to San Juan. Tonight we are staying on the lake again but this time at a homestay. The lake, similar to Antigua is beautifully flat with all the volcanoes surrounding it. The boat ride was relatively chill. The boat being less fancy than maybe ones I'm used to was a a bit noisy. Three quarters of the way through we slowed down and stopped. Not sure what was happening - turns out we'd run out of petrol! There we were floating away until another boat bought over a petrol tank. Given they drive the lake so often, you would think they'd check theu have enough gas to get anywhere before leaving. Anyway eventually made it safe and sound!
4. On arrival we met our homestays and went to their homes to drop off our things. I'll come everything off related to this at point 5. Once without our gear we went into town to visit the different creatives and ways of life at San Juan La Laguna. These were a honey farm, a chocolate workshop, a church, a textiles spot, an artist's and finally a medicine farm. At each the workers told us about what they did there. It was nice and interesting although I probably didn't come across like I was enjoying it. After no sleep the night before I was dead. Everytime we sat down I was nodding off. Oops, but I also knew I needed to be awake with the family so half attention was all I could give.
5. Ok to the family. So when we first arrived a member of each family was waiting. We wrote our names next to a name on a piece of paper and this determined where we'd stay. We walked with our homestay mum to her home. It is something so different to what we consider a house back in NZ. On arrival there is a front room with a wee store. This is selling odds and ends and snacks. It has a door on the alley way as well as into the yard. We walk in through to the yard. The yard is small and oblong shape. Grass on the right with a few trees growing and sticks/twigs piled up indicating they'll be used for fires. On the right side there are two rooms. Both square one with two single beds (where we will be staying) and their bedroom which I couldn't see inside. She has two children, Mildred who is 13 and a two year old son. She is married but quickly learned her husband works in Guatemala City and is only home twice a month. The kitchen is outside and consists of a brick over (this uses the sticks for cooking/fire). The back wall from their bedroom is on one side and pots and pans hang on this. The tin roof extends over this area with tarpaulins covering two other 'walls', the rest remaining open. There is a toilet and shower. Each is a square about 1m x 1m with three concrete walls (one splits the two rooms), there is a draped sheet offered as a door. The daughter sleeps down the road at her aunts. was lucky to be staying with another girl who spoke Spanish so she would chat and translate for me. The family we were staying with was really poor. The father earns 40Q a day (8NZD) for 8 hours work and he cant be with the family. They have been hosting people for 4 months and it's how they put food on the table. The woman handmakes scarves to be sold at markets. The one she was doing when we were there would take 3 days and would be sold for 125Q (25NZD). She also put the shop in the front room. Despite this tough life she and the children were so happy. Before dinner Synovve spent alot of time speaking to her and I played with the kids. Mildred could speak a minor amount of English so between her English and my minimal Spanish we got by. The little boy was very easy to keep happy and we played kicks and other games with toys (some of which were in a fairly dire state.
The woman talked about how she wanted to move to the USA but her husband does not. To go there you need to walk for 1-2 months. Given it's illegal you would pay someone who knows how to cross the border 100,000 Q per person. Noting how much they earn gathering this as cash is near impossible. Instead you put a mortagage on your home. Then you hope it all goes to plan, when you arrive in the USA you have nothing but then if you don't and go back to Guatemala you also have nothing. It's not nice to think of the other options here. We helped with dinner prep, I was rubbish at making tortillas and so stopped after dropping the batter while I made one. Don't want to waste anything here! We noticed there wasn't much food originally thinking they must have already eaten. Sadly that was not the case! When she plated up she served us 3x more than what they served for themselves. Our food was on what I'd consider a dinner plate and theres was on a wee bread plate. I felt sick. I decided best not to eat all on my plate as likely they take leftovers for the next meal. I didn't like the thought of me eating more than them. Also they had 3 plates served, turns out this was one of the nights of the year that dad came home. It was a long weekend hence he was back. After dinner we were asked if we wanted to go to bed. We agreed realizing they would want to all catch up as a family. Before hitting the hay we did do the dishes. Once in our room the beds didn't have sheets on them but rather fleece blankets. On the corner of one a World Vision badge was sewed in. How different to be where the world vision donations are made rather than where the funds are collected.
Just brings home how lucky we are to even just be from NZ / a fully developed country.
Minimum wage in NZ: 17.70NZD
Living hourly wage in NZ: 21.15NZD
Minimum hourly wage Guatemala: 2.80NZD
Hourly wage the father was getting: 1.08NZD
< Q amount translated to NZD based on FX at time of writing. Hard to find a minimum wage for Guatemala by hours but websites I was indicted 2,500 Q a month so just averaged that on 4.5 weeks and a 40 hour week. The wage the father told me is less than 'minimum wage'. He said it was hard to find work and because there can be some corruption, I beleive he was true in his daily rate (which I took down to hours). It could've been post tax.
NZ living wage taken from https://www.livingwage.org.nz/about
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lady-on-the-grey · 7 years
So I was tagged in a thing by @lesblion for this thing
the last 1. drink: coffee or water 2. phone call: my bubbie 3. text message: marty! (@teabank if you want their blog) 4. song you listened to: well right now I’m listening to a shit ton of Miyazaki movie music, all by Joe Hisaishi of course. But that’s not really songs, so I guess the last song I listened to was Rouge No Dengon from Kiki’s Delivery Service, which does have lyrics and is all fun. I’m kind of on a Ghibli kick rn, any other day this answer wouldv’ve probably been some Mitski or LAKE song. 5. time you cried: recently I think, but I can’t remember specifics. time isn’t real
6. dated someone twice: not applicable, I don’t date at all screw that shit 7. kissed someone and regretted it: once more, not applicable 8. been cheated on: n/a 9. lost someone special: that’s kind of vague. does this mean death? or just them being gone? Because I kind of have both 10. been depressed: that’s a loaded question 11. gotten drunk and thrown up: never been drunk.
3 favorite colors 12. black 13. grey (you may have noticed a theme) 14. olive green? maybe? I love colors, but I don’t wear them much lol, so I dunno, I don’t really have favorite colors. There’s different very lovely colors for every occasion. I like red. Anything is cool, depends on my mood
in the last year have you 15. made new friends: yes! I plan to keep my friend group small still, I like having a small amount of people to keep in contact with and all, but yes, I’ve made several very good friends! 16. fallen out of love: love is fake lol 17. laughed until you cried: I think? Yeah I have 18. found out someone was talking about you: yeah, I don’t really have to find that out, people do it all the time and I hate it, but it’s a very common aspect of my life. I’m used to it 19. met someone who changed you: I dunno, I feel like it would take a lot to change me in a big way, but everyone changed you a little at least. I probably have. If I have I probably haven’t noticed it, that’s difficult to track though. (I would like to point out the very nice and good response Ariel had for this one, ilu buddy! You’re the greatest!) 20. found out who your friends are: I guess so. What does this mean exactly? 21. kissed someone on your Facebook list: what’s a facebook
general 22. how many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: see number 21 23. do you have any pets: YESSS I have five cats! Three adults and two kittens. (Warning, sadness ahead) We used to have another cat but he recently passed, and we all miss him very much. I know it’s weird to mention that in this question, but it feels weird and wrong not to mention for me. We had him for like my whole life. 24. do you want to change your name: I used to really want to go by my middle name, Grey. I feel ambivalent now. I’m okay with my name, it’s a bit boring, but I don’t mind it. It’s a nice name, I don’t think it suits me. Plus I don’t like that my first name is the last name of a neo nazi lol, but that’s not that big a deal. It just puts a sour taste in my mouth. 25. what did you do for your last birthday: I went out to get Polynesian food and hibachi and stuff. I was very stressed and anxious the whole night. I think a few days later or before @gummybird took me to see a cure for wellness, which was one of THE worst films we’ve ever seen in theaters. And we go to the movie theater to specifically watch bad movies together. He also gave me a DS and a bunch of mini kit kats. Thank you Jay (I know it’s been like like more than four months, shush, thank you anyway) 26. what time did you wake up: which time? I wake up like five separate times every damn morning. I’ve set three different alarms with different tones at completely different times to ensure I’ll get up at a reasonable hour, and I still fall asleep immediately after turning them off. 27. what were you doing at midnight last night: showering 28. name something you can’t wait for: @nicehairprincess AND @listeningforpudding COMING BACK TO AMERICA THIS MONTH!!! They’re gonna be here tomorrow for the party my mom is throwing at our house that I don’t want to be at lol (parties make me anxious as all hell) 29. when was the last time you saw your mom: maybe 40 mins ago 31. what are you listening to right now: a fan in my room 32. have you ever talked to a person named tom: probably 33. something that is getting on your nerves: my brother is a little pissbaby who gets defensive at everything and can’t ever admit he was wrong. My mom does the same thing. It get’s on my nerves every day 34. most visited website: tumbo dot com
35. hair colour: dirty blond 36. long or short hair: on the long end of short. I’m thinkong of either growing it out of getting one of those cute little fluffy furly mohawk lookin’ things. I wanna do something new with it 37. do you have a crush on someone: see numbers 6, 7, or 16. You’ll notice a theme happening here. 38. what do you like about yourself: next question (I legitimately hate everything about myself, not an over exaggeration. I don’t view it as some tragedy though, I just don’t like myself)
39. piercings: none 40. blood type: blood 41. nickname: god there’s too many. My dad calls me senor speedskate. Everyone else just calls me “that little bitch” 42. relationship status: alone and wouldn’t have it any other way, see number 37 43. zodiac: pisces 44. pronouns: he/him or they/them. tbh I don’t give a shit about pronouns, I probably wouldn’t use any if that wasn’t the most inconvenient thing. The only reason I primarily use he/him is because I’m used to it 45. favourite tv show: gravity falls yo! but it’s over and I’m still crying. my favorite show that’s currently still running is star vs,I can’t wait for the update!! 46. tattoos: none. I may or may not ever get one, I don’t really care 47. right or left handed: right
48. surgery: none? Once I had to get stitches on my head after i cracked it open on a radiator 49. sport: ew, that’s a slur 50. vacation: when I was like 4 my family went to disney? then every summer up until I was in like fifth grade I think we rented a beach house for the last week of summer 51. pair of trainers: ???? is this code or something? Do I need to break out a cryptogram book?
MORE GENERAL 52. eating: right now? nothing 53. drinking: nothing 54. i’m about to: stare blankly into space for four hours then probably shower at way too early in the morning like I usually do 55. waiting for: goddamn anything to happen 56. want: to be less of a sadsack boring peice of nothing lol 57. get married: how dare you say the m word to me 58. career: animator and a lot of other things probably, but the man=in thing is animation and writing
WHICH IS BETTER 59. hugs or kisses: hugs, but please don’t make me do too many. If I hug you it’s fine, if you hug me we got a problem 60. lips or eyes: both, duh. I fnd them both to be visually interesting 61. shorter or taller: both are good, but I’m tall, which I prefer for me 62. older or younger: um what 63. nice arms or nice stomach: why should I choose, they’re just bodies. I don’t care how other’s look so long as mine is good 64. hook up or relationship: hook up but I’ve never done one and probably never will lol. Ain’t no great tragedy 65. troublemaker or hesitant: the two aren’t mutually exclusive. I’m very much both
HAVE YOU EVER: 66. kissed a stranger: no 67. drank hard liquor: no, because taking sips from my older sibling’s cups doesn’t count. The most I’ve had is a beer equivalent like 5% abv thing. It was cherry flavored. But that’s not hard liquor 68. lost glasses/contact lenses: my eyes are in working order, I don’t need those 69. turned someone down: it’s a hobby of mine 70. sex on the first date: I don’t date, binch 71. broken someone’s heart: how would I know that 72. had your heart broken: this is vague but it probably means romantic, so no 73. been arrested: no 74. cried when someone died: not when a human being died, but there have been cats. and friends nearly dying that got me hella upset. 75. fallen for a friend: look, I have some very nice friends but not on your goddamn life
DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 76. yourself: did you not read the little shpeil I had about hating myself? Also, it depends 77. miracles: cat’s count as miracles I think 78. love at first sight: no 79. santa claus: I’m an adult. No 80. kiss on the first date: ??? is that somthing I can or cannot beleive in?? it exists whether I do it or not??? 81. angels: no, though the thought is nice, but no
OTHER: 82. current best friend’s name: I have several best friends, I don’t like to categorize my friends, it feels weird, but I’ll just say that Jay and Beck are my closest friends  83. eye colour: like this really muted blue 84. favourite movie: Coraline. But I have a lot of favorites, I talk about them frequently.
I tag @cllusterfuck  and @teabank I guess? and anybody who wants to
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blondejournals · 5 years
Year 2 Ends- Life Begins Again
wow, baller title. lmao. I am not really emotional right now. I was a bit ago but I took a piss and now I'm Out Of The Mindset. Here is what I wanted to say. I haven’t updated since Christmas and I was doing pretty well. I should have given 1st semester more credit because I had a LOT of good times. Semester two started out rocky. Just in terms of academics and staying on top of my shit but about halfway through I started to feel in control again. It’s not that I started working harder, maybe i started caring less in fact, but in the end its like something came back in me thats been gone for a while. I feel... idk. Normal. Like I did so long ago. A mess but with new experiences and im proud. I just wanted to write more happy shit to make up for all the emo shit I have posted here. I get so emo and harsh and then flip on a dime. Not a great habit of mine. I feel very strongly and its kinda obnoxious to me personally lmao. OKAy anyways. I love Travis and Mikaela. SO Much. They are wonderful and as this year comes to a close I feel sad anticipating leaving them. She mentioned the other day how in the future when she got pregnant she would text me before posting to facebook or alerting the general public and just being in that group of friends even theoretically made me so weepy and soft. I will miss her dearly with my whole whole heart. I got to spend a lot of time with Vanessa lately. I feel like we are getting closer and I love it. She can talk to me kind of and it feels so cool to be creating a deeper bond with a friend. Of course I will leave next year and she will be transferring to Gustavus so things will change but for now and with summer approaching I have hopes. Summer is a whole other exciting topic. I have two job interviews coming up and one internship interview. I feel like things are really going to work out. I hope. OH shit I didn’t do my laundry today. Sorry just a thought. Also side note Zach is a good friend and also has made this year wonderful. Shit gotta mention lex and em, my saviors and theatre inspirations and of course micah who has been wonderful and I am so glad I will get to see him in England. OKAy. back on track summer. Also put in an application to maybe work with 4-H will see how that goes. This summer is going to be a HOT MESS but honestly, I am excited about it. And then of course England comes after that. Already hurting my heart to be away from friends but warming it at the opportunity and of course getting to see Sacha for Christmas. I am not gonna say too much because I am just gonna be happy with whatever sort of experience it ends up being. No expectations just some basic goals and a lot of spending my savings yikes. WELL. I got nominated for a scholarship. By Bill Payne my advisor. He is a sweet old man with a big heart and a lot of advice bout his outlook on the world. He said he felt confident he could write me a good recommendation letter and now I am the sole chosen nomination for the scholarship from the Theatre Department. That is honor enough. I am...far too blessed. Beleived in. This one instance made my whole week just amazing. It just blizzarded in April but spring has already made an appearance and most days I don’t wear a coat. Shit I got rounds tomorrow. Classic. Oh well I’m not too bothered because its getting warm and I like to walk and this job as been far too easy to get everything I do from it anyways. Classes and finals are going to Kick My Ass but once again mediocre grades seem to not affect me in the beautiful spring time which is Bad but also I feel good soooooo. Ya know. That's just how it goes! I bought two books today with Vanessa and also got some clothes with her. I really want to do more for my body. I am gonna try. ANYWAYS I just wanna say life is good I am doing things I have a future, I am gonna come back next year and get some rats and get super involved in theatre and its gonna be rad and im gonna have the time of my life and I cannot wait. Thank you god for making me stick out everything because I found happiness in my own way and its all I need. thats all I had to say. Sorry for being to active during the bad years. Now I can hopefully look back and see how far I have come too. Much love. 
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