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I posted 3,072 times in 2022
381 posts created (12%)
2,691 posts reblogged (88%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 2,920 of my posts in 2022
Only 5% of my posts had no tags
#friends - 339 posts
#nemo sketches - 260 posts
#my oc - 240 posts
#assassin's creed - 232 posts
#my art - 194 posts
#dorothea starrick - 183 posts
#jacob frye - 174 posts
#references - 146 posts
#assassin's creed syndicate - 136 posts
#dorothea vibes - 123 posts
Longest Tag: 136 characters
#“grumpy emotionally constipated feral kitten will never admit that she loves the way her archnemesis is in love with and devoted to her”
My Top Posts in 2022:
Ubisoft really went for the heart, with that freaking papyrus and the Library of Alexandria, eh?
Swear to the Gods, if I wanted to keep Alexios and Kassandra safe and sound before, now Imma hid them away, snug in a blanket, where nothing will ever hurt them.
Not even the passing of time.
Because dear Gods, all I can imagine now is Alexios taking care of Barnabas in his final years, because Barnabas is just SO FREAKING STUBBORN and would follow him on the Adrestia even if he is too weak and weary to actually travel.
Or I can imagine Kassandra coming back to Greece, years after wandering around, and not recognizing the places she lived the majority of her mortal life. Like, the place is familiar, yet not the same. As if she were a tree whose roots had been cut off, and no matter how much she tries to reconnect to the places of her birth, they are not the same any longer.
They are just landscapes where only the ghosts of her memories live on.
And oh my heart, that made me so incredibly sad.
I am sorry, I will be busy crying my eyes out for the next few hours or so.
If you will excuse me.
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63 notes - Posted April 26, 2022
My Gods, the Unity Cinematic Trailers is still SO FREAKING AWESOME after all these years.
Like, the choice of the song along with how the whole scene develop, the choice of having the Baguette Bois, in the end, standing over the parapet and overlooking Paris.
I cannot even start to say HOW MUCH this trailer fires me up, both in the good sense and in the worst sense.
Like, I get all excited by this story they are telling me in this trailer, about the characters and whatnot.
Like, I know I will probably be lynched for this, but I will say it anyway, because it's just an opinion, and have the right to express it.
I would have preferred LESS Arno/Elise content and MORE Baguette Bois content, because I do believe, in my heart of hearts, that we would have been able to see Arno for how Arno was, and not for how Arno was with Elise. (Much like we got to see more of his personality for how it was in the DLC, but again, this is still my opinion, take it as you want it).
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79 notes - Posted July 11, 2022
Almost Kiss
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So with the fire still burning bright I wanna gaze into your light If I could see my fortune there You know how flames can hypnotize Do I even dare to speak out your name for fear It sounds like Like a lover
"Cradled in Love" - Poets of the Fall
I was so enamoured with the ask I got this morning by @miss--river, I was literally held hostage by my own brain all day, I HAD TO draw something sweet with Jacob and Dottie being, well...UTTERLY in love with each other (plus, I recently got new brushes for CSP that I was DYING to try, so I decided to kill two birds with one stone).
So here you have the results of me sketching on this warm-up sketch like a maniac. It took me only an hour, so please, be lenient with me in regards to the whole chaotic essence of it all. I went following my emotions and the love for them, rather than focusing on the details and the cleanliness of it all (because if I did, it would have taken me at least a whole day, and I don't have the time for that).
Let me tell you, these two have me in a chokehold, and they don't have any intention of letting me go!!
I just love them and their love, and it makes me SO IMMENSELY happy to portray them being so utterly in love with one another.
Also, I realized, this is the first time I drew an almost kiss for them, and it was ABOUT TIME (I need to draw them kissing fully tho. That needs to be done).
Well, I hope you will like this! <3
95 notes - Posted May 19, 2022
I Don't know if this has been done already, but after playing with AC Origins in the last few days, and after rewatching The Mummy, I FIRMLY believe that Ardeth Bay descends from Bayek of Siwa.
It's a fact.
This gorgeous, brave, kind man,
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descends from this gorgeous, brave, kind man
See the full post
99 notes - Posted March 12, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Word Counts: 5036
Warnings: None
SFW, Fluff
Pairing: JacobxDottie
See the full post
117 notes - Posted May 8, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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imaswellkid · 2 months
I really tried to not bother you with this but ( I could't control myself anymore) as a french girl how did you feel about Gojira on the Olympics? And on a scale of 5 how irritating is it to be in Paris during the games? Because I'm imagining parisians huffing and puffing over their croissants daily because of it.
Hey Nonnie 🧡
You are NOT bothering me at all!! Not in the slightest! I woke up to your ask and it made me smile and chuckle, thank you 🧡
Of course I can only talk for myself, but everyone I talked to about it felt insanely proud about Gojira's performance!!! Even amongst those of my friends or coworkers who are not into metal, and didn't know the band before its opening ceremony performance, everyone was THRILLED and thought it was pretty neat! Which says a lot about how the people around me feel about the French Revolution, heehee: OFF WITH THEIR HEADS 😌
Unfortunately, we still have royalists (and even Napoleon partisans, if you can believe this shit). Those were NOT pleased, social media demonstrated. Given the current political divide of our country, the fact that these people got pissed gave Gojira's number some extra nice flavour.
Deep down, it makes me a little sad that it triggered such violent reactions from the conservative crowds. I was 10 in 1989, when the country celebrated the Revolution's bicentennial. I wasn't living in Paris back then (Paris and the rest of France are two different things. I say that without any judgement, anyone will tell you so. Also, I feel 99% Parisian but I grew up in the South of France, where my family still lives), and what I remember is a year of happy, uniting celebrations. But we didn't have social media back then.
I'm sorry I'm so chatty, I'll try wrapping it up. Being in Paris right now is exactly the opposite of what I expected: not irritating AT ALL! The city is virtually empty. Everyone is either gone or attending the games. Don't get me wrong, it has been. A lot. The city was under construction work for the best part of the past 3/4 years, so Parisians did spend this whole time huffing and puffing over their croissants daily because of it, as you so very accurately put it, only to rally the minute the opening ceremony started (which is such a French reaction: complain first, rally later). We are very proud of the way Paris was pictured. I cannot stress that enough. Plus France won so many more medals than usual, and at the end of the day, we are a very chauvinistic people ("chauvin" in French means "proud of one's country", without the negative connotation that the word "chauvinistic" can have in English).
I'll end this essay (I'm so sorry, I don't know concision) with this poster I saw the other day. It's a pun on "Flamme Olympique" (Olympic Flame) and "Flemme Olympique (Olympic laziness ehehehe)
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tealenko · 2 years
WIP whenever...
@sillyliterature thanks for the tag 🥰🥰🥰
This came just in time ehehehe Haven't written anything in a month (with the injury and all that) and just yesterday I decided to do a couple sprints with @ficbrish ehehehe so yaaaay~~ I have something to share XD
So, of course, I'm tagging @ficbrish and also @halesshepardn7 @that-wildwolf and @laelior (and whoever else that wants to join)
This is for ch. 7 of Didn't Have the Heart (In the Wrong Place at the Wrong Time)
“You should stop teasing the major, James…” Traynor says, worried Vega is crossing a line he shouldn’t, completely unaware that he has already crossed it a thousand times, to the point where making fun of Kaidan’s love life is one of the few sources of amusement left for him. //redo
“Ah… He’s used to even worse, right Jefe?”
He laughs as his poor friend shakes his head, wondering for a second how his life has come to this.
“What about you, Samantha?” Kaidan asks, trying his best to change the topic of the conversation. “Anything eating you up?”
“Yeah, _ (whatever nickname James uses for Traynor, I can’t remember)... Feel free to share your worries.”
“Sure… Like the whole ship isn’t gonna find out about my personal stuff in record time if I tell it to you.”
“Oh, I thought I was trustworthy…” Kaidan replies in a mocking tone, faking to be offended.
“No, sir… Not you!” Samantha panics for a second and tries her best to explain herself, not understanding that he was joking. “Vega is the one I’m worried about.”
The two men break into laughter as she stares at them deeply confused.
“Don’t mind him, Traynor… He's messing up with you.” James pats Kaidan on the shoulder and turns a little to talk to him. “Oh my, Lola really is a bad influence on you… You need to make more friends, Jefe.”
“You guys complain when I’m serious… Complain when I joke… There’s no way to keep you happy.” Alenko smiles as he says this, looking how Traynor starts to calm down after understanding everything.
“I see…” She starts saying. “Well then…”
“Now seriously, you can tell us anything you wish to, right leftenant?”
“Ohhh, yeah… Trust me, I am amazing at keeping secrets, right major?”
Kaidan nearly chokes after hearing this last comment, and Vega nearly chokes after seeing his reaction to it. Nevertheless, and luckily for both of them, whatever is worrying Samantha, is strong enough to keep her attention from this idiotic picture.
She is in fact so deep into her own mind that, by the time the two friends are able to compose themselves, she’s still sinking deep into her worries.
“Ey, Traynor, sure you’re okay?” Kaidan inquiries, starting to realize the (gravedad del asunto).
“Yeah…” She forces an awkward smile that doesn’t succeed in convincing anyone that she isn’t preoccupied.
“Yo, (add nickname).” James tells her, getting a little closer. “I know we joke a lot, and we, or at least I, cannot promise to be completely serious if you decide to tell us anything… But one thing we can assure you, that I’m sure the boss here will agree with me, it’s that whatever it is you want to get off your chest will keep it to ourselves.”
“I…” She hesitates, tempted by the offer. “Well… It’s not the kind of thing one discusses out loud… And even less with superior officers.”
“Come on, Traynor.” Kaidan smiles at her, which she softly replies. “If you follow that you won’t be able to talk to more than half of the ship about anything… And I see you talking to Shepard all the time… So don’t use rank as an excuse.”
“I guess you’re right…”
“Of course I’m right.” He adds, winning a bigger smile from her this time around. “Come on, Vega, back me up.”
“Erm?” He shakes his head a couple of times before rejoining the conversation. “Ah, yeah… Sorry. My rank has never been intimidating for anyone, so I was enjoying the moment while it lasted.” 
He laughs at his own comment while Kaidan pushes him away a little.
“God you’re an idiot.”
“And you need to stop spending so much time with the commander, her phrases are starting to stick on you.”
This time around all of them laugh for a few seconds, lightening the mood enough for Traynor to feel comfortable with, at least, considering the idea of opening up to them.
“Well… The thing is…”
She struggles to talk and, while Kaidan does his best to be patient to give her all the time she needs until she’s ready, like he’s used to with Shepard, James, on the other hand, decides to intervene with a decisive strike.
“This is about your love life, isn’t it?”
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joshbruh10x · 2 years
So yeah I finally got the motivation to draw Glamrock Foxy and lemme tell you I have LOTS of headcanons for this dude and he's not even in the game lmaoooo so yeah this is my overview for my Foxy design
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Im keeping his pirate look it just looks👌 also do not complain about the tassels, I cannot draw tassels fkdjsn. Casual Foxy tho, I liked the idea of him having one malfunctioning eye which we can see without his eye patch. Also made it look like he has a scar in his eye both human and casual look
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This is just a few sketches I did for fun that explains a little about Foxy but there is more I want to talk about with this pirate dude
He used to date Roxy before going ok I can't feel affection bc he's aroace, he loves his pirate cove and he is a great actor (kinda drags the others into his shows sometimes). Did I mention he may or may not join the Sugar Eating Duo (Sun and Monty). Also I kinda headcanon some parts of his body is made of actual gold.
Let's just say this guy is gonna be joining my chaotic rollercoaster of sketches and drawing, I'm starting to like Glam!Foxy as a character (despite him not being in the game eheheh shhhh)
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inkykeiji · 4 years
because of your dark academia post, i raise you: scumbag professor!keigo, psychology student!dabi, & history major!tenko. this unholy trio all set their eyes on the new greek major!reader & desperately want to corrupt her.
ooooooh anon what a beautiful big brain you have!!!!! holy shit this would be a WILD ride ehehehe
CW: scummy professor, generally toxic and horrible men who want to take advantage of others/own others
scumbag prof!keigo is so handsome and charming, so intelligent and suave, so kind and compassionate, and are you sure you’re doing okay? his office door is always open for you, if you need any extra help, of course! he cares about the well-being of his students so much, always extending his office hours for those pretty, pretty girls that pretend to be dumber than they actually are—anything to spend a few extra minutes with the most attractive professor on campus, right? and he loves it, loves all of the attention, loves the way they all just trip over themselves for a chance to talk to him, to hear him say their name, to have him learn their name, loves the way other males in his class brood and glare and grumble with envy, a monster with glowing emerald eyes and razor sharp claws ripping at their chests and bellies. and yet, they cannot find it in them to hate him—to even dislike him in the slightest. it makes him feel powerful, in a way, knowing that all of his students either want to be with him, or want to be him. but then he sees you, all soft and innocent as a fluffy little lamb and oh, he wants, god does he ever want, is positive he’s never wanted anything more in his entire life. especially when that young man with ivory for hair and sapphires for eyes slides into the empty seat next to you, eyes glinting with all of the grace and finesse of a skilled hunter.
psychology student!touya is exactly the way sara and i discussed him ehehe so to quote/add to that ask:
he’s one of those jackass know-it-all’s who has a comment for or an opinion on literally everything. you know, one of those ‘naturally’ smart guys—one that comes to class with no materials whatsoever, kicking his dirty boots up on his desk as he carelessly leans back in his chair and effortlessly answers anything and everything. keigo can’t fucking stand him, finds him rude and obnoxious and annoying. touya claim’s he doesn’t need to take notes like the rest of them, boasts that it’s all stored in his memory the moment he hears it because he’s just that good, he swears it. he’s one of those pretentious assholes that has the gall to act bored during lecture, preforming neat little hand tricks with his pen, twirling it through and around slender fingers and capturing the undivided attention of several of the female students that surround him. it’s just so easy for him, he complains after class, to the few people that cling to him, that look up to him, that want to be him. he wishes there was a bit more of a challenge, but it isn’t the prof’s fault he was born a genius, he supposes. but when he sees you, sitting all cute and precious and entirely oblivious to his presence—well, that’s not okay, is it? you should be fawning over him just like everyone else. he see’s the way the professor’s eyes keep drifting over to you, lingering a second too long on that gorgeous sweetheart neckline of the pretty lil dress your wearing, and oh. oh, touya needs, needs you to want him, needs you to be his, needs you to prove to his favourite professor that touya is, once again, much better than him.
history major!tenko is indifferent to pretty much everything. an unconventionally attractive rich boy, he’s intelligent, but he isn’t some show-off know-it-all like touya is. he doesn’t feel the need to prove himself to the rest of these students—such behaviour is below him, as far as he’s concerned, and he’d rather not waste the time, energy, or breath on it. he isn’t shy, just quiet and judgemental, thinks—no, knows he’s better than everyone else in all of his classes, but rarely comments on the matter. in all honesty, big groups of people unnerve him, and he’d much rather be back in his quaint penthouse ten minutes away from campus, playing and developing video games—his true passion. not much else interests him until he lays eyes on you, looking like the sweetest, most decadent treat he’s ever seen, and he’s never felt a stronger desire to own anything in his entire life. and what tenko wants, tenko gets—just ask his daddy.
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Leona-san fans will be fed well on his birthday.
Now--let us depart to liberate this lazy lion...!
***Warning: Spoilers for Ruggie’s Unique Magic.***
“I object to this wedding...!”
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Pre-Wedding Jitters
It was decided: Leona was to marry the (spoiled) princess of a country bordering the Afterglow Savannah.
The elders of his pride had become concerned with Leona’s academic life going nowhere--and they decided that Leona needed to be wed rather than continue to be held back at NRC.
Of course, Leona is grumpy about a bunch of old men telling him how to spend his life--but there is little he can do to get out of it.
Even Farena seems to support the move, for he is worried about Leona growing bitter and old alone.
Cheka is excited to be the ring-bearer, much to Leona’s horror.
Leona seriously contemplates running away--but he cannot stand the thought of being branded a coward, nor the idea of leaving behind his friends in Savanaclaw to be a wandering lone wolf.
“Oi, Ruggie. If anything happens to me...Savanaclaw is yours to lead,” Leona announces one day. “You’ll look after those animals for me, won’t you? King’s orders.”
“Leona-san...you’re not seriously thinking of going through with the arranged marriage, are ya?” Ruggie asks with a frown.
You and Jack agree with the hyena--Jack thinks that love should be something chosen, not assigned.
As for you...well, you have been harboring feelings for Leona for a while now. Right as you were about to confess, the arranged marriage had been announced.
“I’m a cornered kitten, Ruggie,” Leona snarls in response. “First, the fates place me second after Farena, then they strip me of the crown with the birth of that furball Cheka...all I have left’s my freedom, and that’s about to be taken from me, too.”
He lazes about as the elders of his home country arrange the wedding.
However, the wedding takes forever to plan, as Leona’s bride-to-be is very...demanding. That’s good news for you, Ruggie, and Jack--that’s more time for you to plot on kidnapping the groom.
The Crashing
Leona grumbles and complains loudly to the royal servants preparing him for his big day.
They muss his hair, dust him with glitter, and squeeze him into flowing, colorful robes with intricate beading--traditional wedding attire for the Afterglow Savannah.
The servants direct Leona to the altar, where he slouches and groans to “get this over with already”.
His bride is, again, taking an eternity to come because she’s screeching and being a major drama queen at her servants. Just as the princess is berating someone for beating her cheeks with too much blush...
...A stampede of Savanaclaw students surges into the venue, disturbing the peace!
“Who let them in?! How did they get past security!?” an elder demands.
“Ehehehe!” Cheka giggles. “I told’em it was okay to let Ojitan’s friends in.”
“Cuz they said...Ojitan wouldn’t be happy marrying the princess!” Cheka explains with puffed out cheeks. “And Ojitan’s happiness is more important to me than holding some dumb ol’ rings!”
The enraged elder suddenly finds himself slamming against a wall--a grinning hyena looming over him.
“Yo!” Ruggie says with a mocking salute. “Wanna Laugh with Me, pops?”
“R-Ruggie-senpai! Remember to be careful with the elderly...!” Jack calls.
‘Yeah, yeah.”
Chaos rages in the venue as Savanaclaw students go wild, throwing furniture and digging into the spread of food that has been laid out.
They clear a way for you to dash in and grab Leona by the arm.
“This way,” you hiss, leading him out.
The Aftermath
“So, you came.” Leona regards you through narrow green slivers.
“Why wouldn’t I?” you reply. “I...I really care about you, Leona. And all of Savanaclaw does. That’s why we came to rescue you today.”
“Hmph.” Leona glances away, refusing to meet your gaze. “You don’t know when to give up, do you, herbivore?”
“Nope, never. I’ll...I’ll never give up on you, Leona. I love you...!!”
You steel yourself and steal a kiss from him, right on the lips.
He stares down at you through wide eyes, but he does not resist--instead, he leans into the kiss, his rough tongue grazing yours.
When you, at last, pull apart, Leona licks his lips. “Hmm. Feisty. I like that in a woman.”
And this time, it is Leona that steals a kiss.
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kurowrites · 4 years
Do you have any head canons about the list of young masters?
Ooooh, you unlocked some Secret Personal Lore(TM) hahahaha
So, this might be a somewhat controversial opinion, but I’m relatively sure that the list is also a reflection of the political situation between the sects.
Hear me out. As far as I'm aware, the ranking that we know is:
Lan Xichen
Lan Wangji
Jin Zixuan
Wei Wuxian
Jiang Cheng
Nie Mingjue
Now, I’m NOT saying that Lan Xichen and Lan Wangji aren’t exceptionally handsome people (obviously I want them to be, ehehehe) but they are also an exceptionally convenient first and second choice. Noted to be well-bred, strictly educated young men who live a very ascetic life, they first of all won’t care at all that they are at the top of the list, and they are, I’d argue, the most politically neutral choice for first and second place. Like. No one can say anything against them, because there is nothing to say against them. They belong to the the most reclusive of the larger sects, and they have, all in all, the most neutral/good intra-sect relationships. The Lans really know how to cover their asses, and so it’s really no surprise that they are the first choice. Combined with the general handsomeness of the two brothers, it’s a reasonable choice which will cause exactly zero drama. Not a single male cultivator can complain about losing to them, not even Jin Zixuan. Lan Wangji loses to Lan Xichen because LXC actually smiles at people.
Now Jin Zixuan. Listen, I can’t say if he’s really that handome or not (personally I find the actor in CQL anything but, but personal tastes eh), but he’s going to be high up that list simply for being the heir of the Jin sect. Like, he can’t not be high up that list. The Jin sect is too big of a player to place him anywhere lower than fifth place, I’d argue. Lucky for the list, he’s got a handsome face, because his flakey character isn’t exactly helping him in reaching such a high spot. :/
Now, Wei Wuxian. My argument is: he should probably be higher up that list, but his social status makes it unacceptable to move him any further up. Putting him in front of Jiang Cheng is already asking for trouble. Putting him in front of Jin Zixuan would be a massive affront. If this was a completely neutral fight, he’d win hands down. Alas, it is not. He never stood a chance of moving beyond rank 4.
For Jiang Cheng: see Jin Zixuan. Honestly, it might be a toss-up (or personal taste) which of the two of them is actually handsomer, but combined with his status as a sect heir, he really cannot be any lower on this list. He will definitely still lose to WWX in terms of looks though. Sorry JC. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
NOW. As far as I know, number 6 of the list is never mentioned? My argument would be that this is Wen Xu. It just makes sense. His sect is not particularly popular, but he’s still a young master from a powerful family, and he’s probably good-looking enough. Handsomer than Wen Chao, in any case. That will make him a solid 6. His sect is not popular enough to rank him higher, and his looks won’t carry him through, either. But as a young master, he has to be somewhere at the top, anyway.
Nie Mingjue as rank 7 makes sense, as well. He’s probably the most conventionally masculine out of this line-up, but as we all know, that’s not necessarily what women are looking for. His brash character definitely loses him some points, and the relative ‘weakness’ of his sect (i.e. him having to succeed at such a young age and having a difficult stand against the older sect leaders) also places him lower on the list. Dont think there aren’t those who dig that whole beefcake thing and think he should be definitely no. 1, though. ;) Alas, it is not to be, he’ll always be an outlier. Not that he cares one bit.
Nie Huaisang is probably somewhere around rank 10, even though he absolutely hates being ranked. But he’s also a young master, so you can be damn sure he’s on that list.
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Part 3 - Reaction Special Version Ep.6
I will never be over the absolute heartbreak in Chengling’s eyes when he hears that his Shifu and Uncle Wen had left in the night the poor lamb someone protect this precious boy
I think this was the moment I started to feel that Zhao Jing was absolutely sus
as someone who read Qi Ye, every time I hear ‘Drunk like a Dream’ I get very sad. Read the novel. You’ll understand why.
ehehehe now knowing what i know of the filming of this scene i cannot unsee how zhe han was directing jun jun to lean in closer and the director was having a ‘Now Kiss’ moment ahhahaha
AHHHH I was hoping for this part to have some extra scene but nah sigh... I hoped too high...
HAN YING BEST BOY MY BESTEST BOYYY ngl i have the thought of him getting dicked down by wkx and zzs but like. y’know. i’m trying not to start up another polyship tag lol so this is just going to be a fic that rattles around my brain lol
I’ll forever have a soft spot for the product placement of those Wolong nuts. So blatant. I love it. Written right into the script and everything haha... I love how in this show that was expected to flop, this was one of the first (at least first that I can remember) advertisers to back it. Now they’re forever written into the show and they’re so intrinsically in the plot now. 
And that’s it? Mm... I don’t feel that there’s like a crazy amount of difference, but then that’s just me. Not that I’m complaining haha... I’ll never turn down the shameless opportunity to rewatch an episode of WoH. 
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bashlandrya · 4 years
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he’s nice, he’s nuts, he’ll punch u in the guts.    hello there (general kenobi) i’m linnea but you can call me lea if you want and i’m bringing you another landry sibling; this really tol dumbass sebastian who cannot get his shit together. you’ve most likely met him hung over, drunk or at least with a beer in his hand. or you think he’s a god damn myth?? who knows?? he’s really nice tho??? like surprisingly lmao unless you piss him off ig……. anyway he’s also a dork and this is long so here’s a read more !!
 &. basics
full name: sebastian damien landry
nickname(s): bash, seb, idiot.
date of birth: march 22d, 1991.
age: twenty-nine.
gender: cis male.
height: 6′5″ (195cm)
sexuality: heterosexual bicurious
occupation: bouncer.
marital status: single.
hometown: new orleans, louisiana.
education: bachelors degree in humanities.
religion: just calls himself a ‘believer’ because of his faith in his mother’s beliefs.
moral alignment: chaotic neutral.
western zodiac: aries.
positive traits: adventurous, kind-hearted, fun-loving, spontanerous, humorous, clever, generous, sweet and caring.
negative traits: troublesome, sarcastic, deceitful, somewhat arrogant, temperamental, impulsive and a bit selfish.
nationality: american.
languages spoken: english.
hair color: dark brown.
eye color: brown.
height: 6′5″
dominant hand: right.
piercings: n/a
tattoos: a seven of spades on his left bicep (x). an arrow on his left outer forearm (x). the moon cycle on the right side of his torso (x). a sloppy drunk tattoo his friend gave him a year after his mother’s death, on his right knee that just says ‘mom’.
&. more info
His family moved to Redwood Bay after the mother in the family died when Sebastian was seventeen years old. He has six siblings, two older and four younger.
He once ended up staying on an island for two weeks because he got super drunk and hopped on the ferry and had no money to get back — and of course he left his phone on the mainland.
He’s often called an alcoholic, however he has no trouble not drinking (for example the two weeks he wandered around the island broke and without his phone) it’s just that he doesn’t really feel like it when he has the possibility to.
Working as a bouncer he literally does to others what other bouncers do to him all the time and then dares to complain about bouncers and rowdy drunk people……. it’s hella ironic.
Sebastian loves cooking and was at first not at all good at it… like, real bad, but he’s getting much better. He loves experimenting, it relaxes him and is something to do when he’s not drinking heavily or out on dumb adventures. Also, dude loves pasta.
He’s way too distracted with other shit to even reflect over his sexual orientation. He likes girls, at least he knows that. Seb will however, kiss his male friends on the mouth.
Usually seen with a bit of a beard or at least stubble if he just shaved. Has some hair on his chest but shaves downstairs now and then. His legs are left a god damn forest, in his opinion.
Playful and funny whether he’s drunk or not and loves adventures such as hiking, going on spontaneous trips (even McDonalds and 4am counts okay) and camping. 
Has slightly bad eyesight but you will rarely see him in glasses, he wears contacts and always has an extra pair with him in case he’d lose one. Which he did once when he was drunk and far away from his apartment and had to nagivate home half-blind and tripsy.
He clearly has ADHD.
Lost his virginity at 16 with a girlfriend he had at the time, a couple of months before his mother died. Started sleeping around in Redwood Bay when they had moved but ended up with chlamydia when he was 19 and has since then not slept with anyone he doesn’t know. He also had a 3 year relationship, even though it was on and off again he only slept with one other girl during a break (Leslie). His usual go-to is finding someone he can hang out with as friends, and have sex with. 
&. connections
EX-GIRLFRIEND: (age 26-29) - this couple had an on and off again relationship for about three years during which Sebastian was locked up for short periods at a time for a variety of misdemeanors; alcohol, drugs, fighting, etc. they met during college and had lots of fun together (partying, adventures etc. maybe she even woke up in a drunk tank with him once or twice). however, she managed to grow up and change while he stayed the same which was the reason she finally dumped him for good four years ago. (i’ll send in a wanted connections thing for this one probably! with some wanted fc’s eheheh)
BEST FRIEND: probably someone he met in high school or college. either they clicked immediately or met through friends and started hanging out on their own. sebastian is def the bad influence but they are probs inseparable.
FRIENDS: he’s lived in town since he was around eighteen so some friends he met briefly and partied af with in high school or college friends or just people he’s met somehow through other friends or family or work !!
PAST HOOKUP: he doesn’t hook up much but it happens so like… at least one?? maybe they’re friends now/were friends/still friends. they probably stopped sleeping together because this girl got in a relationship.
ENEMY: i mean…. he probably has a bunch. someone he’s punched in the face or a friend of them? a neighbor? lmao go wild
FWB: he doesn’t sleep around much and prefers an fwb who is also his friend i think.
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percontaion-points · 6 years
Nanowrimo Day 3
Total today: 4085
Grand total: 12,489
Weekends are always difficult for me, so I wasn’t quite sure if I was going to be able to hit my daily target of 4k.
But I did, so I’m fairly happy. (I cannot speak about tomorrow, but we’ll see.)
I know that yesterday I mentioned that I might be looking at a third chapter of talking before the storm... But today, when I created the fresh page, I was like “Or... Or... I could just skip all of that and get straight to the fighting!”
I was able to explain it away by saying that it was late and the other girls still have family obligations.
Family obligations that started to get in the way in today’s chapter. Melissa was tied up with things on her family’s farm, while Sarah and Sabrina were almost evacuated because they didn’t want to blow their covers.
But lots of excitement in this chapter. Also, I started to give hints at an important pairing for later. Ehehehe.
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Click below for a sample and how you can read the entire thing.
“Geminis, I need you to go on ahead to the fight and offer back-up,” Alex said. She slowed the car down just enough for them to jump out from the car. They then launched themselves up into the air and quickly vanished over the tops of the nearby houses. Alex sped up, not really caring about traffic laws. This was an emergency. When she got to the scene of the battle, she thought that it had started pouring. Lisa’s water element mixed with the twin’s air meant that there was a watery tornado. It spun rapidly and flung water every which way. Melissa sent Alex an image of where she and Capricorn were taking shelter from the sudden “storm”. Alex ducked and covered her head with her arms as she ran towards them. They’d made a sort of fox-hole in the ground, part in an effort to get away from the blasts of the Dape ships. "Hey look, Alex! All of the earth elements are here now!" Melissa beamed at her friend. Alex could only scoff. "Yeah. Too bad that us finding all of the members comes with a damned alien invasion." "What's the plan?" Capricorn said as she poked her head around Melissa to look at Alex. "I'm Grace, by the way." "Alex, but we'll talk later." "After the invasion, you mean?" "It would be great if we could regroup for just a few seconds! We're so split up right now. Something tells me that if we could just focus our attacks, then this barrage of theirs would be over in a few seconds." The three of them ducked further down into the foxhole as a pod whirled by overhead. "You know, it would be really great if they couldn't see anymore," Grace said. "Like if we got a bunch of mud all over their ships. Then they might crash into something, and we could even the playing field a little bit more." "That's a great idea," Alex said. She poked her head up over the rim of the trench, and watched the watery tornado whip around several pods. They spun out of control, but quickly righted themselves and zoomed back for another go at the girls. "It seems like the tornado isn't doing much but make them dizzy. You should add the dirt to the cyclone." Melissa and Grace jumped up out of the hole and began to push dirt up into the center of the tornado. Within seconds, the mostly clear color turned into a disgusting brown sludge. And it reacted in the same way that the water had... Mud started to fly everywhere, and splattered all over everything. Including the Dape fighter pods. As they watched, two ships crashed into one another, while a third crashed into a nearby building. The fourth and fifth ones pulled up and retreated. "Okay, that's enough!" Alex said. In an instant, the muddy tornado fell back to the earth with a wet SPLAT. "Gross," Lisa complained as she looked down at herself. "But nice thinking." The girls were quick to use the magical cleaning properties of their suits to become clean once again. "Let's take care of those guys before back-up arrives," Melissa said. "We'll take care of these over here." She and Grace ran towards the two ships that had crashed in mid-air. Sarah and Sabrina ran after them, which left Lisa and Alex to take care of the ones who had crashed into the building.
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zeynepbal · 4 years
Tsukuba and memories
Today for a while I gave up reading because my eyes were hurting a lot, and while watching the ceiling I found out how peaceful I am within all the anxiety I have. Then I started playing Enya - Watermark album again and it was almost the same feeling that appeared in me.. a feeling from 7 years ago, the summer of 2013.
Was that Enya or my loneliness or the working environment or only Tsukuba that made me fall in love with Japan that summer, I thought.
Now I am thinking that, the positive effect of a wonderful advisor is seriously important at any stage of academic path you take. I remember that the second lab I studied was not that wonderful. I mean, it was wonderful in a way what they had studied. I learnt live imaging etc there from another intern from USA :). When I think of now, once in that building I cried a lot because they were - expect one assist prof - were seriously successful to make me cry. I mean, a guy - postdoc- who threw the thrash can to my face because I misspelled his wonderful (??) name which I heard once. Or because I was getting on well with the guy from States and working coherently compared to him (I mean how can you expect me to work coherently with you as I did with the guy from states while you are throwing trash cans on to my head or shutting the doors onto my face so they hit me, or shouting me all the time or insulting me with all the implications about the US guy), I remember him implying if we had something going on between. And we were both “what? we both have relationships.”
Anyways, I was mature enough to go and to speak with the PI and telling him I could stand any shit that guy gave me as long as he taught me or he gave me something to study. Then I told him I was returning back to my first lab. He was a bit shocked because I did never mean what had happened with the guy with a wonderful name(??). 
And I remember my first advisor was always very Wellcome to me, introducing me to top profs there, praising me all the time. May be because of her support I loved Japan, not even thinking of the other shitty guy’s negative effect. I just thought about it even. When someone asks me Tsukuba or the institute I had my internship, I always remember like everyday was like heaven.
So it is seriously important to have superiors like her, for sure.
Another thing-and  most probably it has the biggest percentage was my loneliness. I can guess how I sound, but seriously. Those times I had a long term relationship and I remember he had never accepted to finish that relationship altho I many times told him I did not wanna keep going on, and I was so tired. And he was always with me always. every where every time .. when I met my my MY FRIENDS, when I was in  class, when I went for a break... For fucks sake he was even taking the same classes with me.. and he was always looking for troubles, and having fun by making fun of me or humiliating me... starting fight since I was not jealous starting fight since I was jealous, starting fight because he was always late and I was complaining about that.. I mean anything you can and can't think of... I remember once he saw a cat was hit by a car and after that he even called me and started telling me it was because of me etc etc. That cat was the cat I loved a lot in my university campus and I knew that cat for years. And yeah he called me and told me how it was hit how it suffered before it died how much blood was spilt on the road in detail - I told ya, it was his hobby to make me unhappy inconfident and cry. I remember him making me cry by starting scolding me out of blue because of sth I did not do and I was in shock so I started crying and he started laughing at my face and telling me how stupid I was to think that what he said was true because he was making a joke... and I told him not to make jokes like this - as I told many times and then he seriously started a fight.. ahahahah man it was hell... hell every day. I tried to dump him many times - but because I was so kind I mean naive and stupid type of kind, so when he apologises or cries I was always forgiving.. Anyways when I did not forgive he was threatening me so I was not able to dump him...
So when I arrived Tsukuba and stayed there for 2 months it was a heaven for me. I don't remember going out even from home. I just went out once because a postdoc from institute came from that site to this site to meet me and then went back to that site and came back again (right??) to invite me to party. I Was like “umm.. I don't think so.. but” 
Then again on messenger my boyfriend from Turkey (I mean 9000 km far away) managed to start a fight that I said fuck it I am going out.
So Tsukuba became my heaven, the image of peace and harmony, an image of a path that takes me to my dreams etc...
So today yes I thought Tsukuba a lot. Many people says “ah that city is dull. Nothing but nature. You will be drained after a while!” and I say “well, I don't care I can live there for years I think. That city is so special for me. And when you fall in love you cannot fell if that city is dull or not or it is not important if it is dull or not even when you are aware that it is dull... because you are in love with it. that s all... And I remember a single moment all the time...
The sound of rain, a cool breeze and the smell of the earth was in my room, I was lying on the floor after ofuro, watching the ceiling while listening Enya - Watermark album. I will be 37 years old this year. If someone asks me about the top moments of my life, one of them is that moment.
btw, now I am thinking of that, it is so obvious why I am running away from people and any possible romantic relationship. and why I feel like I am drowning  when there appears a probability of a relationship.
As one of my friend tells me I should take a professional help to get over those bad days.. I mean I am already over yet there should be something remained that I am always like “eheheh NO” to any romantic relationship.
Even to the man I liked a lot, I said no. Though it was the right decision I think.
Lol :)
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Yandere V3 Girls With Submissive, Yandere S/O
AKA, the kinky sequel to yandere girls. This was super fun to write, eheheh. Pretty kinky, but not NSFW. The initial ask was... pretty specific, so not all parts of the ask show up for each girl. I wanted to make each of ‘em distinct, so had to be a little flexible. Done by Mod Iruma, of course!
It’s a little violent and pretty disturbing, so if you don’t like violent or just disturbing shit, best to steer clear of this one.
Akamatsu is a pretty bad yandere. She’s very nervous about killing someone, bad at hiding the body, and is strangely not confident in her own confidence.
“Don’t worry, S/O! You’re never leaving me! ...erm, I think. That’s what the internet is telling me yanderes say!”
You pat her on the back and say it’s okay, you read her internet history every day, so you know what she’s been up to.
Like a rational human being, Akamatsu gives you a hug and thanks you for being so thoughtful about her!
Even if you can’t stay with Akamatsu the whole day, you make sure to keep tabs on where she is at any given moment, just in case she decides to crack someone’s head open.
When she does decide to crack someone’s head open, you’re at her location in five seconds, helping her clean up the body.
She doesn’t seem too worried that you know where she is at any given time.
She’s more worried that she’s not being a good girlfriend, because you’re doing so much for her and she’s only killing people!
So she takes you to various different stores and keeps on buying you tons and tons of different cute stuff that she thinks you’ll like!
A bracelet (that she writes ‘Kaede’s S/O’ on), a collar (that she writes ‘Return to Kaede Akamatsu’ on), a shirt (that she writes ‘I’m with Kaede!’) on...
You get weird stares on days when Akamatsu is using the leash she attached to your collar to drag you to a body she killed (and cannot clean up). But that’s okay! Because who cares if someone’s judging you and your girlfriend...?
The two of you will just kill them if they dare to look at the other the wrong way.
You two always get weird looks from everyone when they see the collar (”CHOKER, HONEY!”) around your neck.
Multiple people walk up to you when you’re volunteering at Chabashira’s dojo and hurridely inquire about the bruises marking your neck
Usually, before you answer, Chabashira shoos the judgmental male degenerate (or “mistaken child”, as she’s taken to calling the ladies) away and puffs her cheeks at you.
“Goood, why are you making them walk all over you?! We gotta keep out private life private, unless it calls for some blood! Here, let me adjust your choker - YES, IT’S A CHOKER! - so they don’t-”
Being a volunteer at Chabashira’s dojo is hard, though. She uses you as her punching bag a lot, and whenever you complain, she uses you as a punching bag harder that night 
(but you love her and she loves you so everything’s okay, everything’s fine)
It’s heartwarming when you clean up Chabashira’s latest mankilling-run (in which she killed some particularly nasty male degenerates who were looking at you the wrong way)
She always smiles at you, too, when you walk in with the body of a pervert looking at Chabashira for a second too long
Even if Chabashira is still a little rough around the edges... and super possessive... and finds some sort of morbid pleasure in beating you and others up... you love her more than anyone in the world, and you’re sure she agrees.
The col- C H O K E R is proof of that.
The second that Yumeno figured out you were a yandere as well, she gave up on being one.
It’s more like, Yumeno makes you do ALL of the work.
In public, while she’s slurping her smoothie that she made you buy up, she’ll point at some random mofo.
“I don’t like... their hair. Kill ‘em.”
You’ll sigh, lovingly hug your girlfriend, take the poor victim and murder them brutally in the next ally you find.
Yumeno will be there, judging you on your style and effectiveness (and not doing any work. she’s too lazy.)
You’re pretty certain that when she’s not making you kill, she has a furry fetish. She bought you a pink collar with a nametag that says “ƪ(˘⌣˘)┐ This belongs to Yumeno Himiko ┌(˘⌣˘)ʃ”, got you wolf ears, and also tagged a wolf tail to your pants.
She also makes you howl your love for her at night. It’s like one of Angie’s rituals but more... wolf. And fetishy. 
It’s weird as shit, but hey. Anything for your cute, lazy, crazy but too tired to do anything about it wife.
Angie loves it when you help her with her blood sacrifices! It gives her the time to draw her name all over your body!
She’s been thinking about using a knife to carve it into you, but she’s worried that she’ll permanently hurt you. You’ve been coming up with plans to make a good, permanent scar!
When the two of you were drowning that flirty girl that looked at Angie the jealous way in the poison vat last night, you considered branding, but nada.
Angie’s been just making you tie-dye shirts for the time being. They’re cute, hip, fashionable, and also hide the blood well!
Angie picks all the colors though. Whenever you tell her that orange is a little not your style, a glare immediately shuts you down and Angie goes back to dying.
It’s nice, having someone make all the hard decisions (like your t-shirt color) for you.
After a long day of drowning and blood sacrificing and chanting and cop getaways and bribing and loving, relieved sex, Angie suddenly comes to the decision that she’ll brand her name into you, not cut you! Nono, using the fiery pits of hell to embellish it on your skin is far better!
You would’ve preferred cutting. But you don’t complain. You love your precious Yonaga Angie.
Harukawa’s into some... some pretty fucked up shit.
First of all, after you confronted her about being a yandere (in which you confessed to her that it’s okay, we all get violent killing urges every now and again, you had one just yesterday and you need help hiding the body), she chloroform ragged you until you were sufficiently knocked out.
When you woke up, she glared at you and very slowly, very threateningly, began to set the rules down in her (she said her, even though it’s technically yours, she’s just rooming) house. 
You will not leave the house without her. You only kill when she tells you to. You’ll let her make all of the important decisions from now on - for both of you. If she doesn’t like one of her friends, it is perfectly within her rights to kill them. You’ll wear this tracking collar at all times.
You agree to those terms... as long as she wears this tracking bracelet! S-So you know where she is, too.
She gives you a sigh (but it feels almost endearing) as she sllips it on. It’s blinking red.
From that day onward, life with Harukawa is good. She treats you almost as if you’re a child at time, constantly acting condescending, sneering at you if you forget or are too lazy to sweep up the blood from the body she told you to clean up.
She’ll even pick up some awful, sleazy loser at a bar and throw him into the living room to sate you when you ask when you’ll be able to kill the next one, and you SEE that she’s at the bar, please please bring someone home!!
The only part you don’t like is when Harukawa... punishes you, when you leave the house because you just need a breath of fresh air.
It’s okay, because you know, you know that she loves you. Especially after a long day when she gives you a rare smile and snuggles right up into you.
You love your adorable, tsundere Harumaki.
Toujou has always had an inane obsession with you being entirely dependent on her. It’s always been a fantasy of hers, and now she’s finally found the person to make it reality.
Her breaking your legs and confining you to a wheelchair, then literally chaining you to it, is not quite what you’ve expected.
Strangely, it feels nice, having such a motherly figure like Toujou to depend on. She may control almost everything you do now - your legs are useless and your arms are chained - but, it’s pretty nice, belonging to someone in literally every way.
She uses her income as an exceptional maid to buy a deluxe, gorgeous house overlooking the ocean. It’s beautiful.
You know that you’re never, ever leaving the house (Toujou would never; she’s too jealous that you might fight another person) so you learn to enjoy the view like it’s your last.
Of course, it just being you and Toujou, it gets kinda lonely.
...even though Toujou constantly shadows you, because with your limbs not working, you pretty much need someone to do absolutely everything for you. Even things such as eating, drinking, reading a book on your own, etc is unthinkable for you.
So, to make you less lonely, Toujou likes to hire some employers.
She keeps them around until she doesn’t like them any more, or they get a little too touchy-feely. When they do, she unlatches your arms, and gives you a gun.
You love to hear their screams as you pull the trigger.
The glorious, genius inventor Iruma Miu is sensitive. And really possessive.
She made you your own iron man-like mecha suit and gets REALLY offended if you don’t wear it wherever you go!
She stamped her name alllll over the robotic body and even made it so there’s a slit and attachments if she ever wants to... you know.
Iruma’s pretty much made it permanently attachable. Months pass, and soon, you don’t know what life is like outside of your robotic body.
Oh, you know Iruma’s watching your every move. You know there are cameras all over. You know that she has little machines in the suit to make it somehow grope you at any given moment. Your body is barely yours.
But that’s fine.
You love Iruma, and if this is how she shows her love, that’s fine. Even if it means she’ll suddenly jerk control of your body and force you (well, not even force, you’d do it in a second if she asked) to murder a girl that was looking at you funny. Or that one guy that flirted with you at the bar.
Possibly the best day of your life was when Iruma forced you into her workship in the dead of night, powered up a few machines, clanging and clanking, and happily told you that she was finally making the robot body 100%, purely attached. Absolutely nothing could get the body off without it killing you.
She’d always know where you are. She could control you completely. You’d completely belong to the gorgeously beautiful inventor for the rest of time.
It’s the best thing that’s ever happened to you.
When Shirogane first became your girlfriend, she slapped a collar around your neck and tossed you into her basement. You were mostly concerned that you were getting kidnapped.
But when you woke up the next day to Shirogane happily making you some breakfast ramen, you were pretty much totally relieved.
Shirogane cheerily informs you that she’s not gonna let you out of the basement and - if you’re good - the house. She explains it in... cosplayer terms, though.
Like, you’re her favorite t-shirt, such a good t-shirt that she never wants anyone other than her to see! So she’s keeping you locked in her house!
And you’re attached to a pole with a chain, wearing absolutely no clothing, just like in her kinky Japanese animes she watches late at night!
Before you bring up the fact that she’s Japanese, so she shouldn’t call anime ‘Japanese’ like it’s foreign or something, she’s off.
You slowly grow to like being confined to her house, adoring all of the attention she gives you and you only!
So that’s why, to keep you busy, she starts hiring robbers to go and rob “her neighbor” (coughherscough) house.
After all, when she comes home to the robber’s corpses and you happily stabbing their dead bodies for the 100th time out of boredom, she’s just helping you get rid of the scum of society!
It’s a win-win for everyone. Especially whenever Shirogane comes home, and you can curl up into her lap as she holds your chain-leash long into the night.
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“Oh my”. “Finally”, I’ve “translated” this masterpiece of a song. After “hours” of “searching” and “translating”, I’ve “finally” “decided” to “release” this. This might be my “best” “translation” yet. I think. It’s “kinda” “bad” at “some” “parts”, but it “doesn’t” “really” “matter” anymore now that it’s “out”. “Thank you for “supporting” “me”.”
((yes it’s joke))
Arrangement: QHPUASE Lyrics by: QHPUASE Vocals: nanahiu
BPM: 666 over the number of albums in the VS series
1 A disc of magic melodies Around, around, I watch it spin Wonder when the rain of harmony Will stop pouring down
2 The rhythm floating in the sky Materializes in my mind I stare into the distant rainbow (PLAY AGAIN…) and sing our song
3 Everything is breaking apart! (yeah!) Time is flowing out of its path! (yeah!) I shall be the Cinderella… (yeah!) Of all space and time! (oooooohh, YEAH!!)
4 Ah, finally, finally! After tomorrow I’m gonna be free! I can do whatever I want; literally ANYTHING by myself! So today; I, nanahira, am going to seize control of the space-time continuum! Nobody here can stop me; and if they will, then TOO BAD! I’m gonna reset the world!
[][]–[][]–[][] REPLAY! りぷれい! ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤
5 I forget the times I had As an ordinary lass Now I stand here on the stage (sigh) As a star at this age (…w-wait!!)
6 I did not mean to complain I’m just confuzzled at this game Though I like the fame and fortune (fortune~) I just don’t know what to do… (“I literally have no idea what I’m doing but I’ll take it…”)
7 I know what’s happening is so bizarre But I will keep going far (let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go) I’m feeling guilty, but I’m moving on
8 Today (It finally came today) Is the day (I’ve been waiting for this day) Now I say, GET READY What will follow is gonna blow your mind
9 The sound attempts to hypnotize Your ears, your voice, your very eyes Can’t stop repeating the melody It’s no felony
10 The words that flow out of my mouth Stay in your mind, you can’t get out Even if it’s a bit bewildering (PLAY AGAIN…) You cannot resist
11 …ahh~! dang it… y-you, you really are into me that much, huh? w-well it’s not like i’m just asking you because i’m tsundere or anything– Well whatever, you know this entire song is just a lie, right?– –wait, yOU HEARD NOTHING!!!! 《《《《REVERSE《《《《 So… you were saying about the lyrics? ehehehe~
12 I was hypnotizing YOU! With my entertaining song I am so very confused (oh, you☆) Why you still lasted long
13 Now that you have reached this part You must finally know by now That the song just fell apart (so cute♡) Without asking why or how (what did you do?)
14 All of the time I spent here was a waste I see the smile on your face (wait what wait what wait what wait what) The prank is over, unless you ain’t bright
15 I guess (the secret’s finally out) That my test (all that i say, you should doubt) On you just SUCCEEDED Now I’ll tell you what I really did
19 Two months ago, I lied and said I found the lyrics in the deep web I just edited a lyric site With inspect element
20 I’m sorry that I lied to you I just wanted to mess with you Don’t get mad, just look at the date cause (Alright! You just got frickin’ pranked, mate! WOOHOOO!!!!) it’s April 1!
21 Everything is breaking apart! (yeah!) Time is flowing out of its path! (yeah!) I shall be the Cinderella… (yeah!) Of all space and time! (oooooohh, YEAH!!)
22 R E P L A Y りぷれい R E P L A Y りぷれい R E P L A Y りぷれい R E P L A Y りぷれい
23 A disc of magic melodies Around, around, I watch it spin –HA! LOL! Did you think you will just get The first verse again?
24 I will just say another thing Before I will no longer sing The spam that I sent with the screenshot (PLAY AGAIN…) Is actually a code
25 Alright, alright! I’m sorry now! Well I really enjoyed this. Did you too? Now you better not remember anything. 《《《《REVERSE《《《《
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inkykeiji · 3 years
hi clari!! i slkjfs finally got around to answering and i’m sorry i couldn’t do it sooner 😔😭
i hope you’re doing better now!! i know the end of april was hard for you, so i hope you’re taking lots of time to breathe and relax and unwind and settle. you’re so valid and loved and precious. you are, beyond all else, a more beautiful soul than you could ever know. i am endlessly proud of you and grateful that you exist through each day. i cannot possibly quantify how much joy you give to your anons, the people around you, and this universe.
i’m doing better these days so i hope you are too!! ive been doing lots of napping and trying to spend time outside grounding myself. tw otter overshares hehe but my bf bought me a very pretty dildo n “some accessories” 🥺🥺. i will send the link if you want to see it/feel comfortable enough but no pressure if you don’t!!
i am sending you fresh baked goods n climbing onto stools to give you forehead kithes if you want them. thank you for existing clari. 🤍
— 🦦
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hi otter bb!!! <333
first of all, no apologies needed!!! don’t even worry about it <3 i hope you’re doing well!!
aaah i am trying, my precious otter!! the beginning of may has been a little rough as well but i’m working through it!! <3 oh my gosh, otter babie your words brought tears to my eyes. thank you, so so so much, literally from the very bottom of my heart and soul, for such beautiful and kind words. i appreciate your sentiments more than i could ever tell you. i truly hope you’re right; i truly hope i’m bringing joy to those around me, here on my blog as well as in real life, even if it’s only a little. i love you very much!!!
i’m so glad to hear that you’re doing better now, that’s wonderful <33 oooh a nap sounds lovely right now ehehehe, i have about a million and one things to do all the time but honestly, i’m not complaining. i like being busy and i know that things will settle down a little once i find a good balance and establish a solid schedule/routine hahaha
OOOH YES YES YES I WANNA SEE I WANNA SEEEEE!!!! that’s so adorable tho i love it when my bf buys me toys <33
thank you thank you sweetpea i always want forehead kithes!!! thank YOU for existing, my friend <3 you have no idea how much i cherish your interactions!!
LMAOOOOOO aw that’s great!!! ah so you haven’t gotten to my man yet huh :(( ehehehe but no i’m so glad to hear that you’re enjoying it so far!!! my favourites are dabi, shig + toga obviously hehehe <33 shinsou’s a cool dude!! he’s a very very interesting character. AW DID U HEHEHEHEHE DON’T WORRY I HAVE ONE FOR ME N DABI TOO <33333 self ship playlists are self-care at this point idc idc
i hope this week has been treating you well my sweet otter <33 remember to rest and drink water, and treat yourself with the same beautiful kindness you treat me with <3 ily!!!
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kurowrites · 4 years
Snow - Chapter 6
Entire fic. AO3. 
“You did WHAT?” Nie Huaisang screeches the next Monday during lunch, and Wei Ying has to hastily shush him unless he wants even the hindmost person in the cafeteria to know what Wei Ying has been doing this weekend.
With his luck, Lan Qiren will waltz past them in the worst moment and hear what Wei Ying has been doing with his nephew, and it probably won’t end well for anybody involved. Not that he thinks Lan Qiren will deign to dine in this cheapt little cafeteria, but you never know. Stranger things have happened. Like getting picked up by a snow prince.
“Wei-xiong,” Nie Huaisang says as he leans forward. His voice is lower now, but his eyes still gleam with eagerness and the promise of scandal. “I have been hoping that you will find a decent partner for a long time now. You’ve been single all this time, I was getting worried! You never showed a real interest in anybody, even when I introduced you to those excellent soccer players. Still a waste, by the way, if you ask me. But anyway. I certainly admire your enterprising spirit. Still, though… making the nephew of Lan Qiren your sugar daddy? That’s both very impressive and rather worrying.”
Wei Ying laughs nervously. “What? Lan Zhan isn’t my sugar daddy.”
Nie Huaisang emphatically raises his eyebrows.
“Wei-xiong,” he says, and he sounds far too entertained for Wei Ying’s taste. “Let me recount. He got you a taxi drive home when you were sick and took care of you. He came to check up on you the next day. He got groceries for you. Twice. He got you new pyjamas, new bedsheets, new kitchen appliances, and other things. He took you out to a well-known spot for coffee dates. You went to bed with him within two days of your acquaintance. He’ll probably get you anything if you ask for it, and make proper use of your assets. That’s a sugar daddy. And you got yourself a really rich and really generous one by sheer dumb luck. I can’t believe you.”
Wei Ying gapes a little. He hasn’t really thought about their relationship so far, has mostly been too immersed in Lan Zhan himself to think about what it is that they’re doing. If this is even a relationship. Can be called one.
He thinks about it now. Lan Zhan has indeed bought him a lot of things, more things than he needs, really. Case in point: the extremely comfortable but completely ludicrous dressing gown. In return, he wants – Wei Ying. Wei Ying has even teased him for it, has made a joke of Lan Zhan wanting him. But it’s obvious, on second thought. Lan Zhan is willing to pay for him, is willing to spoil Wei Ying, as long as Lan Zhan gets what he wants. As long as Wei Ying gives him what he wants.
A strange, cold feeling settles in his chest.
Well, he thinks to himself, he can’t really complain, can he? He got so many things already, and Lan Zhan has treated him like a perfect gentleman. But then – why would Lan Zhan go for a sugar baby rather than an ordinary romantic partner? Is he trying to avoid future complications, planning to get rid of his partners easily and without complaints whenever they have fulfilled their use?
Maybe he has misjudged Lan Zhan’s taciturn character. Maybe Wei Ying simply assumed he cares about Wei Ying as a person, but he really just wants an uncomplicated person to… to fuck. It’s not unheard of. It’s a possibility.
But then, the rabbit. It was such a thoughtful gift, after they had talked about keeping rabbits. After Wei Ying had told him that he didn’t want to be alone. On the other hand, Lan Zhan might do this with all of his partners. Wei Ying might not be the first.
Wei Ying mulls the entire thing over, but he can’t find a proper solution. He obviously feels inclined to think that Lan Zhan truly likes him, but how many men and women have deluded themselves into seeing things in a relationship that simply weren’t there? He would certainly not be the first to make that mistake.
What he can’t deny, however, is that from an outside perspective, their relationship really looks like Lan Zhan is his sugar daddy. Who is spending a lot of money on him.
Nie Huaisang comfortingly pats his hand.
“All in all,” he says lightly. “I think you should enjoy it. Who knows how long it will last? So, enjoy it, but be prepared.”
Be prepared that Lan Zhan can end this relationship whenever he pleases. Nie Huaisang doesn’t have to spell it out for Wei Ying to understand. He’s not the one who’s holding the power in his hands in this relationship.
God, he behaved so stupidly on Saturday!
“Huaisaaaang,” he whines, leaning over the table to beg for Nie Huaisang’s sympathy. “Comfort me.”
Nie Huasiang laughs, amused as he always is with Wei Ying’s antics. “There, there. There is nothing to comfort, you’re in an enviable position.”
The next thing he knows, there’s a presence right next to him. A hand lands on the back of his neck, squeezing once, before long fingers tilt his chin up and around. He follows the movement and sees – Lan Zhan.
“Lan Zhan!” Wei Ying exclaims with surprise. “What are you doing here?”
“You told me where you are,” Lan Zhan replies. There’s a tiny frown on his face, Wei Ying notices. “I came in search of you.”
Despite the fact that Nie Huaisang just explained to him the he shouldn’t get too attached to Lan Zhan, he can’t help but beam up at Lan Zhan, happy that Lan Zhan came to find him.
“Ehehehe,” he laughs. “I’m so happy.”
Lan Zhan doesn’t respond, but his thumb moves to trace the line of Wei Ying’s jaw. He tries not to shiver in pleasure.
“Who is your friend?” Lan Zhan asks after a moment, turning his eyes towards Nie Huaisang.
Nie Huaisang squeaks a little and makes himself small.
“Oh, sorry,” Wei Ying apologises. He forgot for a moment that Nie Huaisang was there at all. Oops. “This is my study buddy, Nie Huaisang. I say study buddy, but we mostly just have lunch together and gossip. Nie Huaisang, this is Lan Zhan.”
Nie Huaisang looks nervously back and forth between Lan Zhan, who is still staring at him, and Wei Ying, who still has Lan Zhan’s hand firmly attached to his neck. If Wei Ying didn’t know better, he would say that Lan Zhan is jealous and trying to stake his claim. But that notion is ridiculous.
“Uh… nice to meet you, Lan er-gongzi,” Nie Huaisang eventually manages to say. “I think you’re familiar with my brother, Nie Mingjue? He’s been friends with Lan Huan for a long time.”
“You are the brother of Nie Mingjue?” Lan Zhan asks, and traces his fingers along Wei Ying’s neck in a light caress. This time, the shiver is definitely there. “Give him my best regards.”
Having apparently lost all interest in Nie Huaisang and any further conversation with him, he turns back towards Wei Ying.
“Are you free today?”
“I’m off at five,” Wei Ying replies. “After that, I’m free.”
“Good,” Lan Zhan says, and Wei Ying feels inordinately happy at pleasing Lan Zhan. “I will pick you up at five, then.”
With a last lingering touch on Wei Ying’s jaw, Lan Zhan lets go of him and vanishes again, the crowd in the cafeteria parting in front of him like the sea parted in front of Moses.
“Wow,” Nie Huaisang says, once Lan Zhan is safely out of sight and hearing. “What the hell was that?”
Honestly, Wei Ying would like to know, too.
When Wei Ying leaves his office that evening, he finds Lan Zhan already waiting for him. And even though he had the entire afternoon to prepare him for this moment, to come to terms with the fact that Lan Zhan is his sugar daddy and not… whatever Wei Ying imagined he was, his heart cannot help but beat faster the moment he catches sight of that tall figure in white.
“Lan Zhan!” he calls out, and Lan Zhan turns towards him. He doesn’t smile, doesn’t greet back, but somehow, it’s as easy as breathing to just fly right into Lan Zhan’s arms. When he remembers that he should maybe tread a little more carefully, Lan Zhan is already embracing him.
It’s the best feeling in the world.
“How was work?” Lan Zhan asks.
“Fine, fine,” Wei Ying says dismissively. Who wants to talk about work now? “I was looking forward to seeing you.”
Wei Ying squirms a bit in Lan Zhan’s arms until he can look up at him properly. Lan Zhan seems to have no intent of letting him go soon, and seems perfectly fine to intimately hug another man in a public space where everyone, including his uncle, might see him.
But as long as Lan Zhan doesn’t mind, Wei Ying won’t mind it, either.
“Hi,” he says, unable to stop looking into Lan Zhan’s gorgeous, luminous eyes.
“Welcome back, Wei Ying,” Lan Zhan replies, and Wei Ying has to laugh a little. It’s such a ridiculous greeting! But he loves it. He likes everything about Lan Zhan. Maybe Nie Huaisang is wrong, and Lan Zhan will never want to let him go.
He wonders if there’s some kind of rule about marrying your sugar baby.
“So, Lan er-gongzi,” he says, imitating Nie Huaisang’s style of address from lunch. “What have you planned this lovely evening?”
“I made a reservation for dinner,” Lan Zhan replies.
“Oh, you’re taking me out?”
There is a moment of pronounced silence, and Wei Ying raises his eyebrows in expectation.
Lan Zhan breathes the tiniest little sigh.
“I was hoping you will stay with me tonight. At my home.”
“Lan Zhan!” Wei Ying teases. “So forward!”
He squeezes Lan Zhan once, to show that he’s not serious.
“I’ll gladly come over, though.”
Lan Zhan gives him a soft kiss as reward for his favourable answer, and brings him to a taxi that’s already waiting for them.
They are deposited in front of a slightly upscale restaurant that’s well-known for the specialty dishes they serve. Lan Zhan reserved a private table for them, and Wei Ying has such a good time eating delicious food in their little booth that he forgets about everything else. Like that he should keep the things in mind that Nie Huaisang told him during lunch.
Lan Zhan orders another taxi to take them home, and Wei Ying finds out that “home” is not a modern high-rise apartment like he expected, but an entire house, evidently quite old, but impeccably renovated and beautiful. Wei Ying gapes as Lan Zhan gives him a short tour through the different rooms, all decorated and furnished with utmost care. This is the first time he’s seen something like this outside of a museum setting. He hadn’t known places like this still existed.
“Lan Zhan,” he eventually says in wonder. “This is amazing.”
“It took many years to restore it faithfully,” Lan Zhan replies. “My brother lives here too, at least when he’s in town. He is travelling at the moment.”
Wei Ying smiles. It’s a very innocent way to say, “We’re on our own and can do whatever we want.”
Lan Zhan eventually leads him to the bathroom and lets him have free reign of the facilities. He has everything prepared for Wei Ying, too, from a toothbrush to a long red robe he’s apparently supposed to use as a nightgown. He’s a bit sceptical about that last part, but once he puts the robe on and considers himself in the mirror, he thinks he looks quite nice, actually. He turns in front of the mirror to look at his reflection from all angles, and yep. He might just want to seduce a man in this one.
He hesitates for a moment before he leaves the bathroom. He knows he would do well to remember Nie Huaisang’s warning during lunch. Who knows how long this will last? Who knows how badly hurt Wei Ying will get if he isn’t careful now?
But it doesn’t matter, does it? It’s already too late. Even if he walks away now, he will be hurt. Whatever Lan Zhan’s plans may be, here is nothing that can save Wei Ying from heartache now. He might as well enjoy it for as long as he can.
With determination, he opens the door.
Lan Zhan also uses the bathroom and eventually comes to find him, dressed in a robe too, only his is white. It suits him, just as everything else that he decides to put on his body suits him. He only has to send Wei Ying one single look, and Wei Ying is already sufficiently seduced. Dammit. Lan Zhan makes him lose all perspective. He just wants Lan Zhan to take him to bed, hopes that Lan Zhan will take him to bed.
Lan Zhan silently holds out a hand to him, and Wei Ying takes it, lets himself be led to Lan Zhan’s beautiful bedroom. It’s so easy to follow Lan Zhan’s directions, to lie down on the soft sheets of his bed, to let Lan Zhan open the tie at the waist of Wei Ying’s robe.
He enjoys Lan Zhan’s burning gaze as he uncovers Wei Ying’s naked skin, as he softly traces the outline of his body. He moans when Lan Zhan places little kisses and bites everywhere, begs for more, begs for Lan Zhan to bite him so hard that it will hurt. He wants to have a memento of this. Lan Zhan obeys, and leaves his traces in the crook of Wei Ying’s neck, shoulders, the flesh above his hips, and the insides of his thighs.
He takes Wei Ying apart so beautifully, so perfectly. His fingers trail his skin like fire, his breath on Wei Ying’s bare skin is torture. Wei Ying has no doubts. When Lan Zhan slowly works him open, readies Wei Ying’s body for him, Wei Ying is certain. When Lan Zhan finally pushes into him, and starts rocking him gently, Wei Ying knows he’s done for.
He will never, ever be able to have another man.
He will never be able to feel all that he inexplicably feels for this man for anyone else again.
He can’t believe that he was done in so easily. That two days of caretaking and some groceries did the trick.
He holds onto Lan Zhan tightly and whispers nonsense into his ear, encouraging him to take Wei Ying apart completely, to make him his, and his only. When he finally does come apart, splintering into a thousand pieces in Lan Zhan’s skilful hands, he only hopes that Lan Zhan returns at least a tiny part of the love that Wei Ying feels for him.
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