#CD Recycling idea
maxcollectoruniverse · 9 months
A Little Earth recycled metal Coca-Cola DVD or CD holder for your car or home that's for sale at CollectiblesAndMoreInStore.com/brand/Coca-cola/
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therandosfandos · 10 months
This is an old AU I made up, I just thought I'd share it with the Futurama fandom
⚙️!Mechanically Reborn!⚙️
Enrico Rodriguez Conrad was born at the same place in Mexico where Bender was born
He was the second born child after Dwight, but was born when only Dwight was six years old and has no memory of him anymore
Enrico died when he was four, he was playing around until an unbendable metal girder fell onto him in a construction sight, he was crushed and killed on impact
Hermes kept moving forward knowing his little boy was somewhere safe up in heaven, however, Mom found Enricos body and had a brilliant idea
She got Farnsworth to extract Enricos soul and put it into a robot blueprint CD so it could evolve into a hard drive, she thought that Enricos design should be special, so she created a rare bending unit robot
Enricos soul got merged with the blueprint disc and went on to manufacturing, the machines were so confused as making the robot was a difficult task, an error occurred and mistakes were made as the newborn Bender didn't have a backup unit
Hermes, reminded of his son as he held Bender over the recycling bin, changed his mind and overrode the defect therefore approving Bender, he didn't know that Bender WAS his son, so Enrico lived the life of how Bender lived his life
He drank alchohal to survive and had a sassy, narcissistic attitude
His soul age grew up how Bender did, the time travel thing effecting the ghost of Bender as well
Fun fact: Enrico means homeowner, or king and I thought this name was PERFECT because Bender always considers himself a king 👑
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yama-uba · 16 days
I know this is going to sound like a really weird idea, but let me explain:
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Paralyves has a visual design that's somewhere between 3D anime, Borderlands, and paper dolls. If you grew up in a shitty country or poor family like me, you probably also find this style more familiar than the rich plastic Barbie-vaudeville of the American suburbia of The Sims 4. Did you have paper dolls with their paper clothes that you put on by folding the pieces on the sides? And did you draw most of the clothes yourself? And did you draw their house in a cheap notebook?
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If not, ignore the above, but ask yourself if the world of Parafolk seems to be made of colored paper, like origami? Today YouTube recommended me a video about the game's development progress, which I had already seen. And I realized that the creators of Paralives should make merch, part of the sales of which will go to further development and repair of the game after its release.
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The idea is this: A pack of 15-20 sheets of colored paper or cardboard (not necessarily high quality, possibly made from recycled materials and the more "lint", garbage, heterogeneity in texture, the better) for origami.
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The sheets can be either painted with colored blocks, so that when assembling a three-dimensional paper figure it becomes a color-shadow, or have drawn elements. The back side of the sheet, if it is not visible when gluing the figure or assembling the origami, may not even be painted or bleached.
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It is better to make the size of the sheets no larger than the area of ​​the CD case, so that collectors can put it in their stack with physical discs of their games. An extra piece of paper insert can be added to the end of the paper packaging, which will have the signature designation of the Paralives game.
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The instructions for assembling and folding the figures/origami can be placed in the public domain on the Internet, since sooner or later it will appear there anyway. I think this is the most budget-friendly way to organize a fundraiser (unfortunately, I still haven't figured out how to optimize people and the implementation of this garbage for a group of ten people, but I hope that their studio will grow). Please note: Glue and scissors are not included in the set.
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What do you think? It doesn't sound as complicated as custom merch that could very well be expensive junk (like a bottle of Todd Howard's cola). But it's an interesting enough idea to make me interested in buying it (cost of paper + salaries for the people + $4 of funding for an independent video game studio).
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heyftinally · 4 months
Do you think Taylor Swift is irredeemable?
I don't think she's irredeemable, no.
I do think that if she was going to want to be redeemed, so to speak, she would have a LONG road ahead of her.
First off, she needs therapy. Real therapy, not somebody validating all of her self perceptions. She needs someone to sit down with her and tell her straight to her face when she's wrong, and help her work on changing her unhealthy/toxic thought processes.
Second, she needs to put some real effort into intersectionality. She needs to actually go talk to minority members who *don't* worship her for doing the bare minimum. Go talk to AIDS survivors. Go talk to the teens and young adults who have faced racism and feel that she's done nothing but contribute to it. Talk to disabled people about their experiences with institutionalized neglect and abuse. And I do mean talk - face to face, asking questions and hearing the answers for what they are. Take some classes taught by minority members about their own histories and experiences.
Third, and building off of point two, she needs a diversity team that isn't afraid to call her out. A panel of diverse backgrounds who can review her ideas and tell her when she's doing something harmful, and actually listen to them.
Fourth, stop being so greedy, which I think in part would come with therapy. She doesn't need to be a billionaire - donate some of that money to help people. Stop releasing twelve versions of the same CD/song just to play into over consumption. Put some of her money into making her merch and tours ethically and sustainably made. Use her money to benefit others, and do it without expecting everyone to fawn over her. And stop paying off everyone on the planet to put her music everywhere 24/7/365. Share the spotlight.
Truly, I don't care if her music sucks. There's always going to be music that sucks, and I could tolerate bad music if she wasn't also a shitty person. If she was actively doing good, or at least not causing harm like she does now, I could turn the other cheek on her shitty music. And I'd be able to, because I wouldn't hear her music constantly against my will. If I could go three months never hearing anything from her, only to find out through a news article about her paying ethical wages to have her new album produced in all recycled materials and donating 30% of all profits to humanitarian aid as a nod to her song "world of hope", the song can suck as much as she wants - I'd be happy. Do I wish her music didn't suck? Yes. Do I think it would get better if she worked through her issues in therapy? Possibly. But honestly, I care more about her ethics than I do her talent.
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miodiodavinci · 1 year
You have no idea how much Salvador means to us we NEED more salva-lore ASAP I'm clawing at the door I'm making loud animal noise RHARATARRAH
as a thank you i want to offer you legitimately All The Lore I Have on post-lychgate salvador—please do with this what you will KJADLAHJ
“Garage kit idols” are a semi-independent response to the international phenomenon that is H○○○○○○ M○○○ and company.
Almost all formal “garage kit” talent begins at one of the many production, distribution, and management offices spread across the country. These offices provide approved talent agencies with the development kits necessary to “scout” new idols.
Of these development kits, there are several packages available (each being more expensive and in-depth than the last), most of which include a rudimentary neural net, a foundational chassis, an instructional guide, and the software required to “train” the net.
The lowest end packages include only the fundamental elements necessary for a functional idol, such as the capacity for CV voice synthesis, basic dance coordination, and a semi-life-like “face,” while more expensive and in-depth packages support multiple vocal libraries, more life-like bodies, additional personality modules, added expressive bonuses, and more.
To prevent damages to the office’s reputation, however, most offices require that an agency aiming to “scout” a new idol must first submit an application stating—among other things—their project plans and a three year timeline of what they hope to accomplish with their idol. If approved, this plan becomes a three year contract, at the end of which the agency and idol will be evaluated and potentially brought on for a full seven year office-endorsed contract.
While some “garage kit idols” have achieved near legendary status (such as K○○○○○ T○○○), many of these idols do not survive their three year trial period. Those who do not have their license and warranty revoked (the consequences of which depend on the office), and often are encouraged to be decommissioned and recycled to make way for a new, hopefully more successful generation. In years pasts, some idols have even forcibly decommissioned following grave transgressions or scandals.
That being said, plenty of former “garage kit idols” merely slip under the radar once their time is up, and go on to become independent, non-idol performers, or even leave the music industry all together. Repairs, however, often become an issue after three to five years of unserviced use. Often, it is difficult to find a former “garage kit idol” who’s been out of warranty for more than five or so years.
All this being said, of course, this process only accounts for “formal Garage Kit talent.” There are plenty of independently developed vocal androids, though they’re not often seen beyond local and private performances. They’re definitely more resource intensive to produce, though many fans argue most have more heart in them than any “Garage Kit Idol” ever will.
Originally created by a small team of five individuals as the “garage kit idol” M○○○○○ using a modest but lower-end dev kit, his agency’s plan was to—by the end of this three years—make him reasonably popular in a local area, book three sold out in-house performances, and sell at least 300 CDs across all three years. 
With spirits high and hope abound, he received a great deal of support and enthusiasm from his agency in the first year.
Though a lot of prospective fans at the time weren’t interested in getting emotionally invested in a “garage kit idol” (considering they’re a dime a dozen and probably wouldn’t last more than three years anyhow), by 8 months into his career, SALVADOR had developed a small, dedicated fan following that ensured that most street meets and housed performances drew in a crowd of at least 15 to 30 people. By 9 months in, they'd booked their first "sold-out" show in a small venue near his normal stomping grounds.
Hands were shaken, CDs were sold, and the numbers bolstered the spirit of the agency. It seemed like the dream would come true.
Side note: it's vaguely around in here that he first picked up his "rival," Ayano, who somehow kept setting up shop on the same street as him, much to his annoyance. His initial impression was that she was gruff, crude, and wholly unsuited for idol work, though over time he stopped looking down his nose at her and started finding a certain charm in how she'd unabashedly yell at people who didn't tip well, or leap off her stand to viciously beat up any critics.
... Unfortunately, however, the numbers plateaued and fell rather than climb. Dedicated fans would still roll up to the regular performances (and SALVADOR's popularity managed to just scrape in enough ticket sales for a second show), but the company was nowhere close to breaking 100 CDs, much less selling out another show. The company spirit dampened.
All the while, SALVADOR's feelings surrounding performing started to become muddled, leaving him frustrated and uneasy before shows and bordering on nauseous after. He slowly grew to resent the way his fans looked at him, and often lost himself in thought wishing that he could have any other idol's fans instead.
He really, honestly, truly looked to Ayano as a source of light during this time, and wished he could have the confidence she had to bite patrons who so much as looked at her funny. Unfortunately, she disappeared out of the blue one day, and never returned to idol work.
More than a few fans started to complain that SALVADOR seemed “insincere” and “curt” during fan meets and off-stage encounters, which the agency redirected unto SALVADOR swiftly. His attempts at confessing his problems and seeking support were met with pointed comments and implied blame for his lack of success, which all but turned the latch on his heart, causing him to bury his discontent in as deep a hole as he could muster.
By the midway point of year two, it was becoming clear the dream wasn’t panning out. His growing revulsion privately festering in his heart, SALVADOR poured every bit of himself into his idol persona, increasingly his workload exponentially in an attempt to get his agency back on his side. Most fans stopped coming after a while once the concerts started to feel more and more desperate.
The final months before the contract expired were spent in a pitiful, frantic haze saturated with self-advertisement, frantic CD sales, enlistment of what few agency members would call him back (though these dwindled by the day), and desperate attempts at avoiding his fate. Many who knew him at the time would remember seeing him overburdened with cheaply printed CDs, begging anyone who would listen (in perfect idol fashion, however), to “buy a CD and rescue a poor aspiring idol from her demise.” When merch ran out, he sold anything he could get his hands on (as long as it came with several CDs).
The final nail in the coffin was the first and only concert SALVADOR booked himself, which he spent months preparing and advertising for (in hopes of meeting the third successful performance goal), only to open for a practically empty house composed primarily of drifters and only half-interested strangers (their enthusiasm not at all helped by the physical damage he’d obtained only a few days prior). He went "home" to a warranty expiration warning pushed under the office door, and nothing but empty voicemails from the people who had brought him into the world.
The months following the contract’s expiration remain a dark, hazy blur. Lots of unanswered calls, heart-wrenching notices, and persistent harassment by representatives of the office that had originally leased out SALVADOR's dev kit to begin with. Of course, no one from his agency was around to answer calls, so SALVADOR was left alone to bare the brunt of the responsibility (another point that they leveraged against him in an attempt to get him to retire).
In the midst of it all, SALVADOR started his transition. Months of harassment had brought his emotions to a boiling point (he all but marinated in an ever-constant stew of self-loathing, disgust, and frustration), and though it'd originally been in an attempt to escape the solicitation, cutting his hair ended up shedding some light on everything he’d felt before.
He slipped out of the office in the middle of the night and skipped town, ditching his uniform in favor of a pair of cheap coveralls and taking the first train that would have him. He still remembers staring into his reflection in the window, fans blasting hot air, terrified that he'd made some mistake (but also feeling a kind of lightness and euphoria he'd never felt before).
He ended up settling a couple cities away, far from the heart of the "garage kit idol" phenomenon. Unable to seek repairs for his last minute injuries (and finding that of the few android repair shops there were, none would take him without reassurance that he was still under warranty), he started researching mechanics on his own, patching himself up and offering some services to newfound acquaintances on the side.
In time, his skills had earned him some notoriety—at least to the point that his name had made it to the ears of some powerful friends, who were more than willing to lease him a workshop to continue his craft (the moment he first turned the lights on will remain burned in his memory forever).
And so the new SALVADOR began: a repair mechanic who’s first job was taking himself apart and rebuilding himself in a new image, completely separate from his idol past—a past he was certain would remained buried up until a certain former "rival" re-entered his life.
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sharky857 · 2 years
Well.... RIP 😅
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I have the tendency of keeping whatever I may find/loot in a game, even tho I'm not sure yet what I could do with the stuff.
Haven't really tried to recycle much, except for the newspapers and the broken CDs (I can tell that the latter can give you quite a lot of "refined quartz" bars).
(Btw: even I have thrown out a few of the trash, whenever I would run out of backpack-inventory space, because "this stuff seems to be quite common to find around anyway" reasons 😆)
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findingmypeace · 2 years
Two other things:
*I am fighting the urge so hard to use ed behaviors. This is really hard and frustrating.
*I want to clean out and organize all the junk I have. I have like 15 folders full of paperwork and multiple DVD’s and CD’s that I don’t use and many electronics that need to be taken someplace like an electronic recycling center, etc. Right now I’m going through a bag of folders. I had no idea what was in it until I started going through it. I guess it’s the folders and journals I had from my times at the first treatment center I went to. I went there three times. In 2004, 2005, and 2007. I haven’t started sorting through it yet. I’m a little nervous about it. That was a long time ago but things were quite bad then as well. I’m not sure what I’m going to find.
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PoL knocking it out of the park again! With those Knight for Rage weapons
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For my Mage of Void who uses knifekind/pistolkind any ideas?
He's goth, with lots of literature pertaining the macabre, Addams family vibes, dipping into horrorterorrs research, a collection of blades, heir to a Mafia family so an interest in becoming the next head of The Family with fedoras and mafioso movies posters around, a pescatarian, environmental activist/minded, there may be dead bodies lying around the house from The Family dealing with 'pests'
He goes Grimdark for a bit and his Land of Cathedrals and Eldritch
Ahah, thank you!!
Knifekind && more knives/blades: Knifeatron 1000
We heard you like knives, so we taped more knives onto your knife! Gets a little ridiculous the more you add. And heavier. A lot heavier.
... && Horrorterror Beastiary: Cut Into The Invincible Fear
Imbued with the knowledge of incomprehensible beasts, the blade of this knife allows the Mage to peer into the abyss and drives to madness those it plunges into. Be always careful - the abyss runs the risk of lunging right out of it.
... || Fedora: Bladed Brim Drip
What's better than a calling card getting stuck in a wall as a warning? An entire hat which is actually a knife, of course! Style points are off the chart for certain, but watch your fingers.
... || Goncharov poster: Katya's Revenge
Ah yes. The greatest mafia movie of all time. Finally, weaponized.
Pistolkind && blade: Mini-Bayonette
New and improved "knife to a gun fight", now portable!
... && Knifeatron 1000: Straight-Up Hubris
Ok. That's a bit too many knives for a gun fight. Or a gun.
... || Human Corpse: Bullet Biter Bites Bullet Back
Recycling and reusing is important, which is why this cadaver is a perfect base for a tommy gun! Where is the trigger? ... Don't ask.
... || Green Day CD: Bullet In A Magnum
There must have been a mistake somewhere along the production line - all this shoots is bangers!
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Red Merle aussie postcard watercolor - Australian Shepherd realistic watercolor Postcards Your favourite breed art print - head or body conformation - groomer gift - Other Breeds Available - dog breeder gift - regional specialty or national specialty prize gift idea Artwork by Ivy Fox Illustration Follow Ivy Fox Illustration on social media https://m.facebook.com/IvyFox.illustration/ https://www.instagram.com/ivyfox.illustration/ Find your dog breed: Personalized Pet Portraits: https://ivyfoxillustrates.etsy.com/ My website: https://ivyfoxillustration.com/ Art Prints Merch Original PaintingsArtists & fine-art connoisseurs, rejoice. These fine art postcards are made with 280gsm, fine art, giclée paper. A perfect medium to bring your artistic vision to life, in exquisite detail and color. Enjoy high image quality with professional-grade paper that is sustainably sourced and recyclable. Available in two sizes: 6'' x 4'' and 7'' x 5''. .: 280gsm fine art giclée paper .: Available in two sizes: 6'' x 4'' (15.2cm x 10.1cm) and 7'' x 5'' (17.8cm x 12.7cm) .: High image quality and detail .: Glossy finish .: Sustainably sourced and recyclableContact Email: IvyFoxIllustration@ gmail(dot)com ———— Tags and other miscellaneous info: ———— Ivy Fox Illustration Ivy Fox dog art Museum of the Dog American Kennel Club Showsight - Where Champions Are Celebrated American Dog Fancier InfoDog Best In Show The Canine Chronicle AKC Gazette best pet portrait artist watercolor fine art unique art Akc meet the breeds Westminster kennel club dog show national dog show crufts grooming intergroom superzoo petquest groom expo dog sports well bred dogs purebred preservation breeders ethical breeders breeder of merit akc grand champion Ch – Champion of Record – earned by gaining 15 points in conformation wins. Points awarded is determined by the number of other entries the winning dog defeats. A dog must win at least two majors (by winning at two different shows under two different judges where there are enough entries defeated to equal 3-5 points by the AKC point system. OTCh – Obedience Trial Champion To earn an obedience title, the dog must have a passing score of 50% of possible points or better, and an overall passing score at three different competitions under three different judges. CD – Companion Dog (First Level Obedience Competition, basic obedience exercises) CDX – Companion Dog Excellent (Intermediate Level Obedience Competition, more advanced obedience work) UD – Utility Dog (Advanced Level Obedience Competition, difficult obedience work, including hand signals) UDX – The highest obedience degree AKC presently awards TRACKING TD – Tracking Dog TDX – Tracking Dog Excellent VST – Variable Surface Tracking HERDING HIC – Herding Instinct Certificate HT – Herding Tested PT – PreTrial Tested HS – Herding Started HI – Herding Intermediate HX – Herding Excellent HCh – Herding Champion AGILITY NA – Novice Agility OA – Open Agility AX – Agility Excellent MX – Master Agility Excellent NAJ – Novice Agility Jumper OAJ – Open Agility Jumper EAJ – Excellent Agility Jumper AKC Unofficial Titles CGC – Canine Good Citizen ROM – Register of Merit – A dog or bitch must earn a number of points specified by the DPCA rules, and also meet the numbers of champion and major pointed progeny required by DPCA. The requirements for bitches are less than the requirements for the dogs because males have the opportunity to produce a far larger number of offspring. ROMC – Canadian ROM ROM/C – designates that the dog has earned an American and a Canadian ROM. TT – Temperament Tested TC – Temperament Certified AOE – Award of Excellence-A dog must meet qualifications in conformation, obedience, and also be OFA´d to earn this award. New competitions are being added and rules for competitions change, for the most up to date rules and regulations, check with the AKC and the DPCA. Miscellaneous American titles often seen on pedigrees and in advertising. BIS – Best in Show at an All-Breed Show in conformation. BISS – Best in Show Specialty (where only dogs of the same breed are competing in conformation) BOB – Best of Breed BOS – Best Opposite Sex BOW – Best of Winners (best between Winners Dog and Winners Bitch in breed conformation class competition) WD – Winners Dog – the winning dog overall of the regular classes of his sex. WB – Winners Bitch – the winning bitch overall of the regular classes of her sex. RWD/RWB – Runner up to the winners dog and bitch, if the winner becomes ineligible for the award then the runner up will receive the points awarded from that show. Special – A dog that is already a Champion that is competing for Best of Breed only. A Champion cannot compete in the classes where points are earned (because a Champion has already earned them!) RTD – Registered Therapy Dog TD I- Dog has passed Therapy Dog International´s testing HEALTH CERTIFICATIONS OVC – Ontario Veterinary College OVC Hip Certification – A dog may be preliminary screened at a younger age, but will not receive a certification unless the dog is at least 18 months old. It was told to me by a tech in the radiology department of OVC that they consider hips to either be bad, in which case they are rated on a scale from 0 – 4, with 4 being the worse, or they are “good” in which case the animal will receive a certification number (if 18 months or older. Therefore they do not follow the U.S. rating system which includes “FAIR”, Good, Excellent”. Their exact words were “the hips are either GOOD or they are NOT. OFA – Orthopedic Foundation for Animals OFA Hip Certifications – dogs within a specified range of normal hip x-rays are certified OFA-Excellent, Good, or Fair OFA – Elbow Certification – Certified by OFA for normal elbows on x-ray, only one grade recognized as normal. Check with OFA for proper procedures and positioning for hip and elbow x-rays. A dog may be preliminary screened at a younger age, but will not receive a certification unless the dog is at least 24 months old. OFA is also now doing certifications for other canine health concerns such as normal thyroid levels, check with OFA for accurate data and rules concerning these. CERF – Canine Eye Registry Foundation-dog is certified to have normal eyes. Re-certification must be done annually. vWD – Von Willebrands Disease free-meaning the dog has been tested and found free of vWD, a bleeding disorder, vWD free ratings also are often given with a percentage listed. For the best information on Von Willebrand´s Disease, contact Dr Jean Dodds, who is the leading research specialist in blood disorders. Dog show prize idea
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shatterthefragments · 6 months
33, 28, 24? for the ask game
Thank you!!! ☺️💖
OK I am happy chatty rambly!!! So be prepared 😁
33. any hobbies?
Excuse me as I ramble on in excitement!!!!!
(Is my ‘joke’ of I’m a writer I’m an artist wait no actually im just a clown getting old?)
The TLDR is that I’m an artist, musician, writer, poet, gamer, and lover of things 🥰💖 but onwards to the ramble:
I draw! I paint! I paint ceramics! I sometimes like to take ceramics classes (still debating if I want to take the next level at my college) though I don’t consider myself a ceramicist. But I also have paint your own ceramics places as a hobby. (I started loving painting while painting ceramic pieces before I fell in love with painting with actual paint! I like soft pastels (despite them being a Mess)! I’m a printmaker! I like Lino and drypoint the best! (And those are the ones I’m most set up to do at home now!)
I’m a sometimes learning to be a beginner sewist! I’m a future quilter. I’m a sometimes cross stitcher. I’m a bookbinder! I’ve done exactly one (1) project in leather so far and I’d love to work with it more just for like. Both making things and using it in other crafts (bookbinding for example)
I’m a writer, I’m a poet! I’m a calligrapher!
I like to play music! So far I play the flute and am getting back to tenor sax and want to learn more!!!!! Especially something that’s uhh not a wind instrument… for the future I want to actually try composing more parts for and recording some of the music I’ve written 😁💖 (to at least some extent at least one (1) should happen this year because of an accidental New Year’s resolution I made in a friend’s discord group) I like to sing along to songs! I like to sing the things I write (even if it’s never how I’d *like* it to sound it’s still something I like to do and do often)
I like to go camping! I like to sail! I love being out on the water!
I like to walk around places and try bakeries all across whatever city I’m in.
I like to dance when the music compels me to (though I have to be Careful now:()
I like to cook and especially stir things! I like baking certain things!!
I like to play video games! I like to see my friends! I like to visit cat cafes! If there’s no traffic I love getting to drive around the backgrounds and sing along to my music. I used to do origami a LOT and I don’t often anymore but I can still remember how to fold a crane!!
Fandom is totally a hobby haha so uh. Indulging and creating for it ✨✌️🤷🏻
28. do you collect anything?
I can link HERE for an additional answer and also a link to the first answer that also has a couple pictures!!!!!. BUT I’m happy chatty rambly right now soooooo adding:
I collect that which holds memories. (Old notebooks and sketchbooks) That which can create new ones or allow me to create (my uh. Paint collection my beloved and Many painting/printmaking supplies. Crafting supplies, things that “should be thrown out or recycled” that I want to use in projects, tools etc (I have at least 5 clamps so far just dedicated to my own use 😌)). That which brings me joy (rocks, books, art, CDs, blankets, stuffies!). That which brings me peace (tails (I like to pet them), candles, other nice textured things to touch (including rocks)). That which contains my memories (loose pieces of paper with old lyrics and poetry, photographs). Useful things (tote bags, lanyards, empty jars, pens etc) and that which I like (art, projects, ideas, the Edification papers that remind me of what other people love about me, TATTOOS (will be starting by getting my first soon and am HOPING I can continue to collect amazing art on my own body!!!!!!!!) and just. Things That Make Me Happy 😁✨💖)
24. what’s one thing you’re proud of yourself for?
Right now at this very moment I am most proud of myself for having hope 💖
Although I am happy chatty rambly I am unsure if I will elaborate. Ah fuck it. It’s been a rough week, month etc and I was getting caught up in all that and not able to see the hope I try so hard to keep with me but I’m coming out of it a bit and I can see hope again 🥰💖
An older answer here
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therandosfandos · 2 years
One of my youtube friends gave me an AU idea!
What if Bender was human before and was Hermes Son?
I'm gonna call it
✨ MechanicallyReborn! AU✨
Here's my backstory for it, I'll do fanart soon, please tell me what you think in comments or reblogs!!
Enrico Rodriguez Conrad was born at the same place in Mexico where Bender was born
He was the second born child after Dwight, but was born when only Dwight was six years old and has no memory of him anymore
Enrico died when he was four, he was playing around until an unbendable metal girder fell onto him in a construction sight, he was crushed and killed on impact
Hermes kept moving forward knowing his little boy was somewhere safe up in heaven, however, Mom found Enricos body and had a brilliant idea
She got Farnsworth to extract Enricos soul and put it into a robot blueprint CD so it could evolve into a hard drive, she thought that Enricos design should be special, so she created a rare bending unit robot
Enricos soul got merged with the blueprint disc and went on to manufacturing, the machines were so confused as making the robot was a difficult task, an error occurred and mistakes were made as the newborn Bender didn't have a backup unit
Hermes, reminded of his son as he held Bender over the recycling bin, changed his mind and overrode the defect therefore approving Bender, he didn't know that Bender WAS his son, so Enrico lived the life of how Bender lived his life
He drank alchohal to survive and had a sassy, narcissistic attitude
His soul age grew up how Bender did, the time travel thing affection the ghost of Bender
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completeshredding · 8 months
The Evolution of Paper Shredding Services
Paper shredding today is an indispensable part of ethical business practices. It helps maintain your safety while clearing any outdated clutter. But has shredding always been this important, and how did it even come into existence? Let's find out.
Humble Beginnings
Did you know that paper shredding has roots stretching almost a century back? The idea of paper shredding came into existence mainly as a response to the need for information privacy and secure disposal. Thus, the first paper shredder was patented by Abbot Augustus Low in 1909 in Horseshoe, New York. It was a hand-cranked device designed to cut paper into strips, much like a pasta maker.
This was a "waste-paper receptacle," offering a solution for document disposal. Although the invention didn't see commercial success, it did lead to the journey of secure information disposal practices. Low's concept was remarkably forward-thinking, considering the era's relatively lower concerns over information security compared to how it is today.
Mid-20th Century Surge
The actual practical application of paper shredders came much later. Paper shredding gained popularity after an increased awareness and concern for privacy and the secure handling of confidential information, especially in the business and government sectors.
Fast forward to the mid-20th century. The business landscape started booming. The need for document confidentiality also skyrocketed. The first commercially successful shredder was invented by Adolf Ehinger in Germany.
Interestingly, this was inspired by the hand-crank pasta maker but with a revolutionary design, allowing more efficiency with shredding tasks. This marked the beginning of paper shredding services as a standard business practice, especially for sensitive or confidential documents.
The Technological Leap
As technology advanced, so did shredders. The industry saw a significant leap from manual, hand-cranked models to electric shredders. The 1980s introduced cross-cut shredding machines, enhancing security by cutting documents vertically and horizontally. As years passed, shredders evolved to handle paper and electronic devices like CDs, pen drives, and hard drives. The focus shifted from mere disposal of confidential documents to complete information security.
Modern-Day Shredding Services
In an era where data breaches are all too common, and identity theft is rising, the need for reliable and secure shredding services has never been more critical. Modern-day shredding companies offer customized solutions to cater to both one-time purge and regular shredding needs. They embrace the latest tech and strategies, ensuring your sensitive information is irretrievable once shredded.
Also, it's not just about maintaining safety. Reputable companies contribute to a greener planet, making sure all shredded material is recycled. Besides, their services adhere to stringent laws and regulations, making document destruction practices legally sound. Companies also offer on-site shredding for those requiring an additional security layer. So, you can watch your documents being securely destroyed right at your doorstep, in front of your eyes.
Looking Ahead
The transition from early strip-cut shredders to the modern-day’s advanced, secure shredding solutions reflects the growing imperative of protecting our data. If you're looking to explore your options, partner with a reliable and reputable company for better assistance. Experts can help you maintain your confidential information's integrity. Contact your local specialists today.
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babyraz62 · 1 year
Baby Gift Hampers for Almost Any Occasion
There are several celebrations where Newborn Baby Gifts Australia might be well received, like a christening, a birthday, or a baby shower. These baskets may also be presented to expectant parents to make them feel loved and cared for.
These Gifts for newborn Australia feature a variety of useful and adorable goods, such as cuddly musical toys, cozy blankets, adorable caps, and cozy sleeping bags. Creels designed for toddlers can include things like diapers, wipes, a teething toy, a pacifier, and a set of pajamas.
Giving Baby Gifts Sydney that is as special as the infant it contains is easy with a customised baby hand basket.
Natural baby goods would be a great addition to these baskets. All-natural products including mild baby shampoo, lotion, soap, diaper powder, baby balm, fragrance-free moisturizer, organic teething bites, and natural essential oils for massage could be included. Many people enjoy stuffing baby gift baskets with 100% cotton clothing, natural fiber sponge bibs and booties, and other items for infants.
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Also popular in Personalised Baby Gifts Australia are toys and teddies crafted from eco-friendly materials like natural fibres and recycled textiles. These hand baskets are commonly used to carry natural timber things. All parents-to-be would appreciate a wooden toy, baby brush, or comb. Other possibilities include CDs with nature sounds as well as lullaby music, organic baby foods, and non-toxic baby toys.
Expectant women are often the recipient of gifts and presents. Some examples of items that might be included in such a basket are a robe, skin care items, baby books, and vouchers for a spa.
Try to showcase your wares in the best light possible. You need to make sure the baskets are visually appealing as well. These baskets can be found in different materials, including wood and metal. Baby Gift Hampers Australia that are decorated with colored and satin ribbons leave a memorable impact on the parents-to-be.
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There are a lot of reputable shops of New mum hamper Sydney where you can buy one of these specialized gift baskets for a newborn. You can either pick one from their selection or have one made just for the new baby. Many of these internet retailers will even fulfill special delivery requests.
An essential element of any parent's social life, both within and outside the home, is the giving and receiving of baby gifts through Newborn keepsake ideas. When it comes to giving presents, our baby gift basket is right up there with the best of them. Every parent wants to shower their child with as many presents as possible, but some have financial constraints. Since we have kept our prices low, you can shop with us for online baby presents. There are several of places online to get wholesale baby presents.
So, when are you thinking of throwing a baby shower? Always go for the most visually appealing baby gift box, whether you are buying it for yourself, a relative, or a friend. Wait, pick the greatest one; do not just pick one at random. You can stop stressing and start having fun, because everything is taken care of.
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How to Organize Your House Before Moving!
Moving is a sensible idea for a variety of reasons, but have you thought about decluttering first? Decluttering not only makes it possible for you to drastically reduce the amount of stuff you own, but it also saves you money and time. The key issue is that moving costs increase as inventory increases. So search more closely to discover more than what you require. Are you looking for shrewd advice on how to purge your home before a move? What's this? You have arrived at the proper location. We have compiled expert advice to help you organize your space so you can move in and start again. You may hire Packers and Movers in Bangalore, which will provide you with many services with perfection.
Organizing Checklist for Each Room
Home decluttering is a difficult task that requires expert assistance to be completed quickly. Our checklist helps you finish the downsizing work by addressing your pain areas. Let's begin!
Family Room
Knowing where and how to start is crucial, as the decluttering process advises. A living room is a common area where goods are kept to show off the attractiveness of your home. Start by looking through these areas for anything that is damaged, out-of-date, or that you no longer need. Your moving day will be more pleasant as a result of the air being made more serene. Prior to moving, if you decide to clean your living and family rooms, make sure to pay attention to the following:
Books and periodicals
Books may be used and stored in effective ways. To categorize genres and more, you may get a personalized bookshelf. However, moving and moving or packing books into smaller boxes might be difficult. Donate books that are unrelated to your interests.
Additional controllers and gaming consoles
Give your inner gamer some time. To free up space and reduce effort, sell the games you've previously played and retire the damaged controllers and additional wires.
 Dated CDs and cassettes
With the introduction of streaming services like Netflix, Spotify, Prime Video, and Hotstar, there may be more reasons to collect CDs and DVDs now. Give your media to friends or the library.
Remove anything that is damaged, expired, extra, or never utilized.
Utilize the supplies first
Utilizing the consumables is a simple approach to moving with minimal belongings. Or perhaps you decide to spend money on anything other than additional packaging supplies for wrapping them. This will save prices and free up more space in the bag for other goods. To have less food to move, you can also consume as many pantry staples as you can. You can prevent contaminating food or other edibles by doing this. For personal hygiene items like soap, shampoo, and wash lotion, use the same recipe. This is a preventative measure, therefore.
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Kitchen Appliances
As appliances age, they deteriorate and lose their guarantee. So throw away any appliances that aren't needed. You may even trade-in or sell your old, rusted appliances, and have them delivered right to your new home. Microwaves, toasters, and grills are among the appliances that may be recycled without harming the environment.
Baking plates and cookie sheets make up the majority of supplementary kitchenware. Extra items to look for and give are the pizza stone you never use and mismatched pot tops.
One of the finest locations to declutter is in the bedroom. Purge before moving. Dressers and closets become inaccessible storage areas as a result of the number of belongings. It's a good idea to go through our possessions at least once a year and get rid of everything we no longer need or desire. the following things to look out for.
Clothing Hooks
Who has hangers they can only use? It's a great idea to give excess hangers to close friends, charity trusts, or thrift stores.
Footwear and Clothing
It's time to consider your physical goals. Consider how many outfits you have that fit. Discard revealing clothing and items that spend most of their time in the closet. Find a local facility that recycles textiles. Additionally, even if those shoes and clothing may not be useful to you, others may have different circumstances. To provide your fair part of generosity, give them to orphans.
Clothing and Gold
There is a lot of potential for decluttering because jewelry and accessories go out of style quickly. Keep the emotional jewelry, but consider donating the pieces you seldom wear to brighten someone else's day. Belts, purses, and jewelry are also acceptable items to bring to a consignment store.
         How Your New Home Will Affect Your Needs
You must take into account the amount of room needed to keep your belongings in your new house when you begin the decluttering process before relocating. Due to your new home's layout and the number of bedrooms, you'll need to part with the furniture you don't need. Take into account the items you can accommodate in your new area, their intended locations, and other elements.
A Conclusion!
Therefore, we are ending our explanation. Hope you understood what we instructed you above. Corporate Relocation services Bangalore will help you to solve all your problems and make your shifting easy and smooth.
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eekwinn · 2 years
Home library project
We (parents, me) moved into this house anticipating we'd be here less than a year but 7 months in a major medical issue happened, which once resolved and healed from coincided with COVID. Now, 6 years after moving in, we are at another point of a major medical issue and housing prices are crazy. Since moving in, one of my sister's also joined us so that was three households worth of kitchen, art, memorabilia, dvds, cds, and books. Most of that went into a storage unit that was often ignored due to bigger medical issue.
A year ago I was determined to deal with my personal boxes - all my kitchen stuff was either integrated, given away, or recycled. I reorganized my bedroom to fit my books and dvds, culling through them to about 300 books and about 100 dvds. All has been long cataloged in Libib. I've been satisfied with the work I did on my own stuff but no one else in the family took it upon themselves for their own boxes. I did the family kitchen stuff and some of my sister's but otherwise it has sat. I brought home boxes of art and more has gone up on the walls, but there is still so much we could put up. We didn't for so many years with the anticipation we were moving.
Well, I decided to deal with the family books. We had 1 knick knack shelf holding books but it was overloaded and barely held anything. There were 15 boxes in storage, plus scatter stacks all over. In less than a week I got it down to fitting on "new" shelves (from FB marketplace) and we have 6 boxes for reselling at the used bookstore, 3 boxes donated to the local Baha'i Center library, 3 boxes of children's books for my friends to look through, and the rest was either on shelves or in the recycling bin.
I started on the family dvds tonight, also getting them into Libib for easy browsing. It's down to about 200 dvds (although it is a lot more since many are anthologies/series), and I have a full box my mom and sister need to look through before they go to the nearest used dvd shop. Luckily they all fit into 2 plastic tubs in a closet.
But what about all the cds? I have no idea where to store them or how to cull through them. I anticipate there will be upwards of 500 between everything we've collected over the last 30 years. I love having physical media but this house is just not set up for displaying it. I've done so much moving around of stuff and still can barely get things to fit since it just so poorly planned. All the vinyl is easily accessible (and only partially in Libib since it doesn't have ISBN barcodes) but that barely gets listened to these days anyway. The cds will but I feel better about having physical media since we see how quickly streaming services will axe things.
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mywonderfulbaby · 2 years
Recycling cd disc craft | Waste cd disc reuse idea | Best out of waste
Recycling cd disc craft | Waste cd disc reuse idea | Best out of waste
Old Cd wall hanging,recycling cd disc craft,DIY HOME DECO,Waste old cd disc reuse idea | Best out of waste | DIY arts and crafts | recycling cd disc craft,Waste material crafts,home decorating idea,DIY arts and crafts,best out of waste subscribe to sr hack- https://goo.gl/SYck14 (function(d, s, id) { var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d.getElementById(id)) return; js =…
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