pedroam-bang · 1 year
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The Adventures Of Tintin (2011)
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kaizokuou-ni-naru · 3 months
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one moment that stuck out to me from the new chapter (which i loved btw, fabulous, made me grin ear to ear) was dorry referring to the drums of liberation as 宴のリズム/utage no rizumu - "a banquet rhythm." 宴/utage is a word that means 'banquet/feast/party', and it's one that luffy really likes to use, particularly when announcing a celebration at the end of an arc.
in particular, it reminded me of the skypiea party scene:
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which is also soundtracked by the ドンドットット/dondottotto beat of the drums of liberation.
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plague-of-insomnia · 5 months
Ciel does not see Sebastian as his father.
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He is actively repulsed by the idea and Yana has shown this explicitly at least twice: once in the Circus Arc and again in the Murder Arc.
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I know there’s a significant segment of the fandom who genuinely believes that Ciel wanted to have Sebastian to replace his dead father, but I disagree strongly, not only because of the above, but also because Yana has shown us that OC was much closer with Tanaka than Vincent.
Besides, if you look at the revisited contract scene from ch 138, it almost seems as if Ciel is not thinking of replacing Vincent when he makes the decision to accept Sebastian’s offer, but in fact is looking for a new protector to replace RC, his dead twin.
It’s impossible to talk about this moment without the gorgeous full-page series from the chapter.
Sebastian offers the contract. Ciel recalls his brother promising to protect him. He gazes out at his brother’s corpse and realizes that his only way forward now is through making a pact with the demon. His brother’s soul is gone already, as is his life.
So Ciel becomes his twin. He takes Sebastian on as his new shield for his revenge. Sebastian may be someone that Ciel relies on, but he is absolutely not his new father figure.
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every-monkey-d-luffy · 4 months
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kikyocaps · 4 months
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mauveflowers · 5 months
Not Yoohyun suspecting pre-regression Yoojin and Sung Hyunjae having an even closer relationship than they do now 😂
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Yoohyun: Were you SLEEPING with him, Hyung? Were you sleeping with SUNG HYUNJAE????
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kinokoshoujoart · 1 year
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please pray for my husband Rock, the first and only SOS character to experience rapid twink death and age faster than his extremely very biological parents
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based on this meme
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every-ace · 10 months
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sirensea14 · 1 year
It's just an image, it wont hurt you
The image:
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Funny how that one silly phrase is so painful to read💀
And i decided not to shade it cuz im lazy--
Angst relationships (part 1?)
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lloydfrontera · 10 months
hi I'm going thru the spoilers and about the one with lloyd crying and javier listening outside. about javier wanting lloyd to trust him, i was wonderin when did javier explicitly says he trusts lloyd? since from what I've read so far whenever lloyd says to javier to trust him, javier is always dubious of him and actually doesn't trust him and simply follows the order. Is that why lloyd cried alone since he still thinks javier doesn't really trust him?
oh! javier does tell lloyd that he trusts him! straight to his face! several times in fact!
they vary from degrees of explicitness but there is absolutely no doubt at all that javier trusts lloyd and lloyd knows he does. how deep he believes that trust runs is up to debate but he very much does know that javie trusts him.
there's that time lloyd tells javier he can stop time itself and javier just goes "okay" and goes back to his breakfast because. duh. if lloyd says he can stop time then obviously it must be true. the crazier the thing he says the mostly likely it is to be the truth.
which lloyd then uses against him to convince him to bet his life against a dragon
"This will not do" Javier's voice dripped with alarm. "What won't?" "You are making a bad decision here. It's not too late now. Prepare yourself, Master Lloyd." "For what?" Meanwhile Lloyd's voice was cheery. "To run away. I will by some time." "You plan on fighting that dragon?" "Yes." "Tsk. Don't even try." "But Master Lloyd. Now is your last change-" "Do I look like I've gone mad?" said Lloyd. "..." "Answer me. Do I look like someone who's lost his mind?" Javier was about to answer yes when Lloyd's spoke first. "Who was it that said he would trust in my seemingly deranged behavior?" "..." "You said that," reminded Lloyd. "Those were your words. It goes the same right now. Do I look like I've lost it? In that case, trust me." "But Master Lloyd-" "I'm doing this for a reason." Lloyd didn't let Javier finish. "I've got a plan. So, do what you have to when I fail. Got it?" "..."
or that time they go to seoul and lloyd tells him to just trust in his hyung and follow his lead. to which, once again, javier just goes "okay" because. well of course he does.
“When you’re in a foreign land such as this place, all you’ve got to do is just trust this big brother of yours and follow my lead. Okay?” “I understand…” “Eh?” Lloyd tilted his brow. “It’s rare of you to accept my words so easily.” “Am I not allowed to?” “No. You can’t. It’s strange. I have the chills right now.” “…” “You. Who are you?” asked Lloyd in astonishment. “The Javier I know is far from being a docile, humble or loyal fellow. He’s even farther away from being someone who would just not at my words without snapping back.” “…” “You better tell me honestly. Where did you hide my dear Javier?” “Haah… Seriously…” Javier broke into laughter. “Who else could possess such a dashing appearance but me? […]”
or later on when javier straight up tells lloyd to get used to him just going along with what he says without protest because that's just how things are now. he does tease him that it's so lloyd lowers his guard and javier can stab him in the back but like. that's their love language <3
but yeah! lloyd absolutely does know that javier trusts him! javier has told him so himself! that he's a dummy who doesn't realize just how absolute that trust is it's a completely different matter lol
and as for the context of the scene you mention. here's a post i made a while ago about it but lemme summarize it.
first of all i need to show this set of illustrations because they make me sick in the head
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the reason lloyd is crying is because it's finally crashing on him just how hopeless his situation truly is. how much he stands to lose if he doesn't pull off a miracle. how much pressure he's been under for so long and how close he is to breaking down.
and javier is listening through the door because he can tell there's something weighting down on lloyd but he can't confront him because lloyd isn't trusting him with his worries and he doesn't know how to make him.
javier wants so bad to let lloyd know that he doesn't have to worrym he doesn't have to be afraid, because javier is there for him. whatever comes next, whatever danger there is, javier will face it to protect lloyd. and if anyone needs to die then it's okay, because javier will die for him. so lloyd doesn't have to be afraid of something as stupid as him dying because javier simply won't allow it.
but he can't. because lloyd doesn't want to share his burdens. he doesn't want to let them drag anyone down with him. he thinks it's his fault everything that's threatening them is his fault and so he needs to handle everything on his own.
which is silly because javier is right there trying to coax the truth out of him and get him to share his burden with him and just!!! support him every way he can!! but lloyd is a very silly guy who thinks he doesn't deserve that :(
so no! it's not that lloyd thinks javier doesn't trust him! rather it's lloyd not wanting to trust javier with his worries, not out of distrust or anything like that, but out of a misplaced sense of responsibility that makes him want to carry everything by himself.
it's a very poignant scene i can't wait to get the translation for it!
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every-chopper · 6 months
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kaizokuou-ni-naru · 8 months
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i can't by any means take credit for finding this, a friend who saw it noticed elsewhere pointed it out to me, but the rhythm of the drums of liberation is in the party scene at the end of skypiea. it's the same sound effect as whenever they're being denoted in the gear 5 sequence: ドンドットット/dondottotto. there's even the little music notes at the end in both scenes!
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plague-of-insomnia · 2 years
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Ch 124: The Butler, Transporting
Aka, Sebastian giving Agni one of the highest compliments he could give a human 😭😭
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every-monkey-d-luffy · 4 months
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sunflowercider · 11 months
"This will not do." Javier's voice dripped with alarm. "What won't?" "You are making a bad decision here. It's not too late now. Prepare yourself, Master Lloyd." "For what?" Meanwhile, Lloyd's voice was cheery. "To run away. I will buy you some time." "You plan on fighting that dragon?" "Yes." "Tsk. Don't even try." "But Master Lloyd. Now is your last chance-" "Do I look like I've gone mad?" said Lloyd. "..." "Answer me. Do I look like someone who's lost his mind?" Javier was about to answer yes when Lloyd spoke first. "Who was it that said he would trust in my seemingly deranged behavior?" "..." "You said that," reminded Lloyd. "Those were your words. It goes the same right now. Do I look like I've lost it? In that case, trust me." "But Master Lloyd-" "I'm doing this for a reason." Lloyd didn't let Javier finish. "I've got a plan. So, do what you have to do when I fail. Got it?"
okay 1) poor javier lmao hes just trying so hard to get lloyd to safety but 2) i love this because i feel like I havent seen an explicit "trust me" from these two before. especially with the vibes that lloyd has a plan that he knows will work but completely expects javier to have his back as a backup <3
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absent-enigma · 6 months
Mothman Horror x Reader compilation pt 4
The instant you decide to open the glass door, two large bony hands shoot through to grasp you gently.  Presumably for Horror to entice you outside into his four-armed embrace. 
“Stop!” You whisper-shout. 
True to Reaper’s earlier words, Horror listened,  hands instantly going still on your shoulders.
That was a relief.
It wouldn’t be good to draw attention. 
Kind of hard to explain away a giant skeleton mothman trying to (possibly) spirit you away again versus a skeleton monster hybrid with wings flying through the sky to deposit you near to home. 
Horror heaved a sadly disappointed yet understanding sigh.
Horror’s hand remained motionless; you didn’t remember him, and had to tell him to ‘stop.’ All he’d wanted to do was touch his forehead to yours in order to convey his relief you’d only been momentarily away from him this time. Horror inspected you closely. 
Trepidation, and a little fear.
Reaper was wrong.
Horror wouldn’t be tricked. He knew you perfectly well, being mates for 15 years. Sure, the past handful of years were difficult, with spots missing in his memory, but that was just because you’d been taken from him (or he’d been lost to you).
You needed time.
“I hope you’re not considering flying off with me again like the other night.” Horror’s hands twitch on your shoulders. You take an educated guess that he was tactile and cautiously placed your hand over one of Horror’s.
Or tried to.
Horror’s hand dwarfed yours, the knowledge lingering as you lightly pat the bony hand.
“Please let go.” 
Slowly, reluctantly, Horror’s hands moved away from your shoulders to hang limply by his sides. Hunkered down, Horror gazed beseechingly at you.
You had no idea a bony face could be so expressive on a skeletal cryptid like it was with Horror. 
This was unexpected. 
Horror’s face crumpled, soul aching over the extent of your missing memory of time together, before and after becoming mates. A complete lack of recognition, to Horror and the shared (former) treetop home. While you’d appeared safe in the nest, the sight of it and the decorations within did nothing to jog your memory. 
And now?
You were wary of even his touch.
Horror’s lower arms rested on his femurs while the upper pair’s hands fidgeted in the fur over his upper sternum.
…the flower!
Horror methodically and very carefully extracted the flower from underneath his fur.
You weren’t exactly sure what Horror was doing, rummaging through the reddish-brown fur of his upper sternum, but him producing a flower was not it. 
The flower glowed a soft blue, appearing partially crystallized. 
An Echo Flower.
You’d heard of them but never believed you’d see one; they were that rare, locations difficult to find, and usually deep underground.
Peeking up at Horror, you really hope this isn’t an intentioned gift for a mate. As much as you’d love to have such a rare flower, you didn’t want to encourage Horror in his assumption that you were his lost mate.
You knew of the flower. 
But Horror can see in your expression that you’re  seeing it for the first time; not as someone aware of its initial meaning.
Horror had shown his mate the Echo Flowers after getting to know you. Someone he could trust with a location of the rare flowers. For Horror to trust his to-be mate at the time to not divulge the information to other humans.
Tears gathered in Horror’s good socket.
Your research meant a lot to you.
That was lost too?
Horror would do what he could to help you remember. 
You watch as Horror goes from crouching to kneeling. Even Horror’s folded wings drooped further his back, the ends brushing the porch’s surface.
Upon hearing the whisper, you aren’t sure what he meant by it. Sorry for mistaking you for his mate, or for something else?
This was your chance to try and direct Horror away from ‘mate’ to ‘friend’.
That eyelight was quick to look at you, tears gathered yet not yet falling in the socket.
“I was telling the truth earlier. I don’t actually know you, but if you’d be interested, we could try to be friends?”
Not mates.
Horror’s eyelight dimmed, antennae flattening back. He closed his socket, a few tears sliding down his cheekbone as he processed your words. A sorrowful sigh rushed out of him as acceptance slowly settled in.
You must have suffered a terrible trauma or head injury while the two of you had been parted. 
If starting over as friends would help with your memory, Horror was willing. He loved and cared for his mate so much, he’d do everything in his power to help you through this, as you’d done for him in the past, with patience and understanding.
For a split second you think that Horror may be upset over being friend-zoned. Yet Horror merely nodded, wearing a grave expression. 
That seemed too easy.
“What'll you do with the Echo Flower?” You wondered. “I might have a pot in the shed-“
Horror was swift for his size, gone before you even finished your sentence, and back within minutes, the flower potted in soil. Horror’s ribcage puffed up as he proudly presented it to you on his palm.
“Friendship flower?” You test.
Horror’s socket crinkled at the edges in what was undoubtedly a smile.
You take the Echo Flower.
The underside of Horror’s wings flashed briefly into view before folding themselves down, quivering with suppressed need to shower affection on you when you took the Echo Flowers. As you admired it, Horror glanced past you. 
Was your home safe?
Horror frowned, attempting to recall how he’d first met you. He’d been in the forest, watching you from behind a tree.
Would replicating this meeting help put you at ease?
Horror heaved his bulk up to hunker just out of sight of the door, peering at you with just half his skull and eyelight in view, an antennae twitching expectantly.  (that’s all for this part but there’s 800 words more on ao3 in ch 11, so once I update tomorrow or Monday I’ll put up another 1000 words here again)
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