lawlessfm · 7 months
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[ LOADING ... ] LOG-IN SUFFICIENT, please familiarize yourself with the checklist + send in your account through our INBOX within TWENTY4HRS. Introduction posts for characters must be done within FORTY8HRS.
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syllvarin · 10 days
Non-traumagenic plurality: How could it be possible?
First off, let's start with what some anti-endo folk mean versus what they don't mean with traumagenic plurality
They mean systems caused by/as a response to trauma and traumatic events, and those who are still affetced by them, aka systems who are disordered, DID/OSDD/UDD.
What they don't mean is systems who have trauma in their origin along with other causes. They do not believe a system can very well be traumagenic but function smoothlessly due to recovering, or have multiple origins.
Note: We are a diagnosed DID system with mixed (trauma/ramcoa/neuro/para) origins. Yes, we know what we are talking about. No, that doesn't mean we can't do mistakes, but we will try our best to be as accurate as possible. We will include scientific articles, DSM-5 DID checklist, and many more in this post.
How can that be possible?
1st: Brains are quite complicated. Research on brain functions is far from being complete, it is a long road that we are still at the very beginning of. We still don't know how brain exactly works let alone how it can form seperate conscious identities and work them together. We do know headmates exist based on brain MRI's ( link here ) That proves us that systems indeed, exist.
2nd point i want to make is that science is not done in a linear fashion. We are studying to be neuroscientists ourselves and the very core of what makes science doable is MONEY. Yes, in this capitalist system even the most seemingly basic research requires funding, money, and a goal that can be monetized to get done. Reseaches on female autonomy, rare disorders and "demonized" disorders such as DID is therefore not often as it is not easily capitalized and funded.
Therefore we do not have enough research to prove or disprove that the only way of becoming a system is through childhood.
And that brings me to my 3rd point, where we will take a look at what DSM-5 (The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition) says about diagnostic crietria of DID. We will see how it is a dissocative disorder, not a trauma disorder.
Found under dissociative disorders (not trauma disorders!), checklist for DID is as follows:
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See how none of those checklist include trauma as checklist? Yes DID is commonly caused by trauma but not always. Yes it commonly is created during childhood but not always. Those arent in diagnostic criteria.
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Definitive feature is not trauma, it is distinct personality states or experience of possession.
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DID is associated with traumatic events, does not mean it requires it.
DID can manifest at almost any age (DSM-5 is saying that, folks)
What's more is OSDD doesnt even have a definitive checklist like DID. it is found under differential diagnosis, with other disorders. PDID (partial DID where one part is frontstuck a majority of the time) is also up to psychiatrist's evaluation rather than a concrete checklist.
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4th point is : What about Structural Dissociaton Theory?
This theory is as it goes: The theory of Structural Dissociation works off of the assumption that everyone is born with different ego states that later merge in life. Those different ego states operate for different actions in life, that later integrate into one person during ages of 4-6. Trauma disrupts that integration and causes ANP (apparently normal parts) and EP (Emotional parts). EP's are stuck in the trauma while ANP's are not.
source: The Haunted Self: Structural Dissociation and the Treatment of Chronic Traumatization" by Onno van der Hart, Ellert Nijenhuis, and Kathy Steele. 
Yes, theory. Theories are not concrete. They can be disapproved, they can change, they may not fit every experience. Structural dissociation only explains how DID can manifest at childhood, but we already know by now that DID can manifest at almost any age.
So I personally think basing everything on a theory about how DID might've been caused (which doesn't even perfectly explain every possible way) is not as fault-proof as one might think it is.
Point 5: experiences of "multiple identities" exist for so long into history (people who are possessed, talk to themselves, act weird at times, are very different at times, etc), way before any DID/OSDD terms were created. And actually, how can we know how many people in history have had this experience when the very society we are in is very scared of them? It is fair to say only the disruptive cases must've been noticed, and majority of them probably were either deemed as crazy or exorcised as they believed those people were possessed by spirits. Just because your experience does not fit with others and just because science hasnt done anything to back them up, doesn't mean people's lived experiences are false. Why would so many people tell that they are a system when they are not? We are not living in a place where being a system is happy or fun, we are not in a society where its profitable or anything. It literally gives a person zero + points for being plural if they arent. It would be a nonstop roleplay they have to keep up throughout every aspect of their life; and at that point, it must be either impossible or that person is already plural and not roleplaying when no one is looking at them.
Creating headmates is on the same basket. A person with DID can create headmates in blink of an eye (we know from oursleves) sometimes splitting threshold is so low you may split off multiple people at once. You cannot know what is going in a person's mind, and what mechanisms work for creating a headmate. If they claim they did, it is very much no chance they are faking being different people 24/7. It *is* a real chance that they actually did develop a headmate. If you do not believe them; ask them about their experiences. I am %100 positive that if you actually listen to them, you will see those people are only trying to live their life.
Also, if you think healthy systems cannot exist and only way to be a system is through dissociation and dysfunction; then why would DID systems try to heal anyway? Wouldn't that just be sanist and ableist to expect all of them to turn into singlets because healthy multiplicity isnt a thing?But no, it is a thing, and healthy multiplicity and recovery is possible for systems. DID and other disordered forms of plurality do indeed exist, and they are indeed, treatabe in multiple ways according to what a person feels comfortable with. That is also a system's right to heal however they please. They don't owe anyone their right to stay as plural or become a singlet.
6th point I want to make is about: Why do we even care?
If a person says they have multiple people in their head, why do we care and tell them they are faking? They are not claiming to have a diagnosis, even if they did; if their situation is causing a distress to them, then they ARE diagnosable and that therefore is none of our business, again.
Last point I want to make is how endogenic DID is possible. yes, possible. remember how trauma is not in diagnostic criteria and DID can happen at any age? If endogenic plurals can happen, they can also form DID at later in life. They can also become disordered due to an event in their life. They can lose harmony and become so dysfunctional they need professional help. That doesn't mean they are no longer endogenic or some other origin, that simply means their state is different than what it was and they need help.
End of our post. Thank you for reading.
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tragedynoir · 1 year
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— introducing 006: SUMMER ESCAPADES + [ link ]
a google doc template inspired by animal crossing and traveling! an extremely cute, and brightly coloured template that is perfect for summer. it can be entirely customized within google docs, as all the assets in this doc are created entirely in google drawings. this premium template with full previews can be found in the link above or in the source link.
5 unique 8.5" x 5.5" pages with a nice space for statistics & short details, as well as space for history across two pages
navigation on the pages in the form of a checklist in preparation for a trip!
a connections/muses page that can be easily duplicated for more
all graphics that are fully customizable within google docs & google drawings
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you may edit to your heart’s desire. Change the colours, replace, add or remove elements and images etc.
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you will also receive an additional guide with images on how to use and edit google doc templates! if you have any problems or issues, feel free to leave an ask or join our discord server.
I hope you enjoy this template, and likes + reblogs are always appreciated. ♡
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concerningwolves · 2 years
Hi! I really like your blog and you have some much appreciated writing opinions to me. Apologies if this is not an allowed question but would you have any suggestions on what to keep in mind when writing a character with Russell Silver Syndrome? I have been doing my research but unfortunately as with many conditions most things I can find are based towards parents of children with and not adults who have it. Sorry if this is disruptive,Thank you for your lovely blog
oh man this question makes me so happy anon you have no idea. RSS/SRS representation!! Yes!!!
Writing a Character with Russell-Silver Syndrome/Silver-Russell Syndrome
Russell-Silver syndrome (RSS) is a rare condition associated with poor growth both before and after birth. Signs and symptoms vary and may include low birth weight, short stature, characteristic facial features, large head in relation to body size, body asymmetry, and feeding difficulties. Other features may include poor appetite, clinodactyly (curved finger), digestive system abnormalities, delayed development, and/or learning disabilities. The genetic causes of RSS are complex and relate to certain genes that control growth. — information on RSS from rarediseases.info.nih.gov
What this this answer will cover:
My experience with RSS and various thoughts on living with it
RSS in adults (+ adult characters)
Things to remember when writing any disabled character
My experiences with RSS and various thoughts about living with it
Russell-Silver syndrome has felt like a non-issue to me for a long time, but I'm realising now that that was only because so little was known about it. There was no molecular test when I was born so my diagnosis was purely clinical, (using "a checklist", as my dad always told me). Still, I've grown up under this... not quite a shadow, but definitely a pervasive awareness, that I had this rare disorder. It made every meeting with a new health professional that much more exhausting, because nobody ever knew what it was (and this is still a problem I have when explaining my health history to new doctors today). Either me or my parents would end up teaching doctors, and for a long time, we were working with outdated information because very little was available to us. Since I first got access to the internet in about year two at school, I've repeatedly sat down and searched for Russell-Silver Syndrome – and I've watched as, over the course of those last seventeen years or so, increasing amounts of information have appeared.
The increase in information is wonderful! It gives me hope! But growing up with this sense that there was something strange wrong with me was deeply alienating. I have a lot of grief about it.
What you say about not being able to find many sources for adults with the condition also raises a very important point: RSS literature focuses very heavily on symptoms in infants and children because that's when the condition is most "obvious" and/or when it has the most noticeable impact on a person's life. In other words, most information is written up to help parents cope with the extra needs that RSS kids have because of their condition. Infancy is also treated as a sort of golden period for clinical diagnosis, because individuals with RSS will usually lose the more obvious physical traits as they age.
Although RSS has a firm diagnostic criteria, it can look quite different between individuals. (I'd actually say it's fairly similar to autism in that respect). The term used for this is phenotype:
... a phenotype is all the physical characteristics and abnormalities found in an individual patient that are attributed specifically to RSS. Some individuals with RSS have many traits, thus a severe phenotype, while others have very few traits, thus a mild phenotype. → from the MAGIC Foundation's RSS page
I was an extremely ill baby. A lot of the medical problems I faced were linked to RSS, but I don't remember this on account of being, y'know, a baby. So, if you'd asked baby me for my opinion and if baby me were somehow able to answer and comprehend, I'd have said I had a severe phenotype. Now that I'm in my early twenties, I'm more inclined to say I have a mild phenotype – but as I'll explain, I'm no longer sure how true that is.
[Russell-Silver Syndrome in adults, basic disabled character guidelines, and resources below the cut]
Russell-Silver Syndrome in Adults (+ adult characters)
You can see in my childhood photographs the RSS-typical "triangular" face caused by a too-small jaw and large forehead, and slight facial asymmetry. I was chronically underweight until I got urgently referred to a dietician in like 2018, and my parents had an absolute nightmare of a time with feeding and making sure I ate enough when I was younger. I was still ordering toddler or child portions at restaurants well into into my early teen years because my appetite was so limited. I was also quite delayed in walking, speaking, and in development of motor skills, which are again typical of the condition.
Most of these traits don't affect me any more. The facial asymmetry and face shape are basically unnoticeable. I had surgery to remove four teeth, which fixed the overcrowding caused by the small jaw, and braces sorted out the rest. The dietician helped me learn how to make foods that were calorie-dense so I could get the nutrition I needed in smaller portions, and I'm now a good weight.m(The only part of the infant criteria that noticeably still affects my day-to-day life is the lack of appetite stuff, actually). I grew taller than the doctors expected me to, although I'm on the short-to-average end. I still have issues with balance and spatial awareness, but it's manageable. I've been in and out of physiotherapy and podiatry since I started walking. So, no, most of the RSS traits so common in infancy don't affect me now – but I'm still living with the condition, and it's taken a hell of a lot of treatment to get to where I am now. I honestly didn't realise how much until I started writing this answer!
Interestingly, the end of the MAGIC Foundation's RSS page has some information on RSS into adulthood, prefaced by this sentence: "Many people with Russell-Silver Syndrome (RSS) believe that once they reach their final adult height, their “RSS issues” are over." Other anecdotal evidence from other sources says the same thing. I would have once been inclined to agree, but my latest bout of reading up on RSS has taught me some interesting things. For example, there's overlap between autism and RSS! Or at least, according to the silverrussellsyndrome.org: "Some evidence indicates that there may be neurodevelopmental differences between the different genetic causes of SRS". Other sites state more explicitly that there's a link between RSS and Austism Spectrum Disorder, and research seems to still be ongoing, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
When I went to a chiropractor, he pointed out an issue with my jaw muscles and placement (? Couldn't quite hear what he said about that), and said this could be at least a partial cause for my chronic migraine. I explained about the RSS small jaw thing, and he nodded and said that made sense. Anecdotal evidence also now shows that many adults with RSS experience functional problems with muscles and their skeleton, including back pain – which sure goes a long way to explain the near-constant pain I get, as well as the fibromyalgia. Once again, research on this is ongoing.
There are also some health risks that adults with RSS are more likely to face. These include metabolic syndrome, hypertension, testicular cancer and gynaecological issues. It's stressed that not everyone with RSS will develop these; but some are more common and should be monitored for, as in the case of testicular cancer risk in RSS individuals whose testes didn't descend properly.
Your takeaway from this is that RSS in adult characters would be represented differently from the way it's described in children. Because the phenotype varies so much from person to person, my experiences are absolutely not universal. There may be people out there who've retained the asymmetry, for example, or those for whom the digestive/appetite issues are an even bigger problem. It would be so nice to see an adult character with RSS though, because it's not a condition that you outgrow – it's one where the condition seems to grow with you.
Things to remember when writing any disabled character
People are people: don't just think about the disability! We're more than that. Make sure your character has what any strong character should have (regardless of identity) – quirks, desires, motivation(s), some kind of conflict that affects the plot, their connection to other characters, etc.
Do your research: might feel slightly counter-intuitive to the first point, but it is important you know what you're writing about. I.e., does your character take medication or undergo treatment? Do they use accessibility aids of any kind? What accommodations do they need in day-to-day life? How does their disability impact said day-to-day life?
Reasonable limitations: it's okay to have a disabled character be, y'know, disabled. Sometimes they need help, or sometimes they'll need to assert boundaries or ask for accommodations. Sometimes they simply can't do something because they aren't able to. These are facts of a disabled existence. The crucial thing is to avoid framing the character consistently like a burden or a hindrance.
Inclusive worldbuilding: most relevant in SFF genres, but basically, if you're taking the time to do any degree of worldbuilding (be that a "real"-world urban fantasy environment or an entire invented continent with dragons), consider where disabled people fit in. Abled authors rarely, if ever, have to consider their place in the real world, so they rarely consider accommodations and accessibility features in their fantastical worlds. It's important to consider these things if you want to have well-rounded representation for disabled characters.
Listen to disabled voices: Ask disabled people, read/watch/listen to media created by disabled people, and remember that no one disability is a monolith. There may be a lot of nuance and debate within communities, but you can do your best by listening to the consensus and keeping an open-minded, good faith mindset.
This list ↑ is very much a TL;DR set of guidelines, but it's a good place to start. You'll find more information in the resources section below.
In reference to your question, you might find my answer to this ask about including little-known conditions in fiction useful.
You'll find more discussions and guides in my disabled characters tag, my disabilities tag and my sensitivity & representation tag, as well as links to other resources.
The MAGIC Foundation – they have more in-site resources for RSS linked at the very bottom of the page
Silver Russell Syndrome Organisation – whole website dedicated to providing information about RSS
Diagnosis and Management of Silver–Russell Syndrome: First International Consensus Statement – This is a 2017 international consensus of research on RSS, condensed and simplified for general audiences. The original consensus is geared entirely towards medical professionals for treatment and research of the condition.
If anyone who has RSS wants to weigh in, please do!!
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xoxobluelock · 3 months
Sorry if this is a repeated question you get, but in your fic “The Fairytale Ending Checklist” what do you mean about Shidou’s neck in some interview? I tried finding the original post and so but I can’t find anything on it and I need to nourish my Shidou-centric brain 🩷
No problem at all, I like talking about my fics and Shidou! 😄 In the official Blue Lock character book (“Egoist Bible”), Shidou is “asked” where he washes first and his answer is his “neck”—which I found, like, …so oddly specific? 😅 So, while writing, I’ve wondered if Shidou might have a certain appreciation for his neck…. And that’s all the invitation I need, man. And Sae, too, probably 😂 This little fun fact definitely shows up in my Milk and Honey RyuSae fic, too.
And your ask made me realize the link I used for the translations of the “Egoist Bible” is now dead. ☹️ I’ve updated it in my notes on Shidou and Ibra, and I’ll update it in TFEC when I get a chance later. 705point8 on twitter made the translations I used, but their profile seems to no longer exists. I believe their original translations were copied here. This links to “bluelockread.com,” and I can’t guarantee it won’t have ads, spam, etc.. But I’ve just copied and pasted the screenshots here for ya. There are lots of other character profiles (translated by 705point8—can you tell it’s killing me that I can no longer directly cite the original source? 🥲) there, though.
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Anyway, thanks for the question, and I hope you’re enjoying the fic 💜
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westeroslive · 3 months
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please  listen  close  for  a  decree  from  her  grace,  rhaena  targaryen,  first  of  her  name,  queen  of  the  andals,  and  the  rhoynar,  and  the  first  men,  lady  of  the  seven  kingdoms,  and  protector  of  the  realm.
❝  as  we  begin  this  prosperous  time  joined  in  alliance  as  two  kingdoms,  the  finest  artists  from  across  the  lands  have  been  gathered  to  produce  portraits  of  all  of  my  guests  -  paintings  which  will  expose  you  for  all  that  you  are.  ❞
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due  to  popular  request  and  a  vote  made  in  our  server,  we've  put  together  an  intro  task  which  is  mandatory  for  all  members  to  complete, and is now included in our checklist.  if  you  already  have  an  intro  posted,  please  just  update  it  with  the  required  information  and  re-link  it  in  the  intro  channel  for  our  viewing!!  we  hope  you  enjoy  this, the link can be found in the source.
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olderthannetfic · 2 years
For the anon that asked for resources, here's a pdf of the dsm criteria for personality disorders, including npd and here's a 'revised' version of the NPD diagnostic criteria by a narcissist that adds on and clarifies onto the different presentations of narcissistic symptoms, this is an article that goes in depth about NPD, also written by a narcissist, though the checklist they use is based on the DSM IV, this is a Tumblr blog by a narcissist for narcissists that often reblogs things about NPD. I've also found the most informative 'sources' on narcissism to be narcissists ourselves. Personality disorders are often underresearched, reputable psychiatric research and psychiatric journals are difficult to get access to and easily accessible ones are too busy trying to pretend we're too complicated to possibly understand and so on (even if we can accurately point to how our NPD developed and other people's NPD developed and find the pattern, and tell you this is how it is) more by narcissists on NPD 1 and 2.
Other 'sources' that aren't necessarily about NPD but pertain to it such as this post about the coinage of narcissistic abuse & it's problematic history, citing the coiner's own work and this post about the conversation surrounding narcissism and narcissistic abuse also this post that links an article discussing the issues with pathologising abuse and following commentary you also have this anon in olderthannetfic's askbox establishing that narcissism is a psychiatric term and not an unflattering common term that can be used without connection to NPD and for people who want to go "narcissistic abuse" doesn't mean all narcissists so it isn't ableist... here's why your analogy doesn't work.
At any rate, this is the bulk of it. If you (not initial anon) want to learn about NPD, go to narcissists. Go to our tags, follow our blogs and so on. Stop relying on pop psych to inform your view on a disorder.
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coasthq · 1 year
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our opening day information is as follows:
[ 09/20 @ 12:00 PM PST ] out of character interactions will be dedicated to posting introductions and plotting.
in addition, writers are required to complete task zero ( the task can be found by clicking this link or following the link in the source code ) this task can substitute as a general character introduction. there is no deadline for this task but it is mandatory to complete. failure to complete task zero could result in the inability to pick up additional characters.
[ 09/22 @ 12:00 PM PST ] in character interactions can ( finally ) begin. we will start the group off with a simple event. information concerning the event will be posted on tuesday, september 19th.
the followlist should've already been made public and our tracked tags are listed in the checklist. if you've yet to receive a link to the mandatory discord please message the main and you will be provided with a link as soon as possible.
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prep4tomoro · 2 years
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sassysuitdonut · 3 months
On-Page SEO Checklist for More Organic Traffic in 2023
An on-page SEO strategy entails making a website search engine friendly. It teaches you everything you need to know, from choosing the most effective keywords to developing the ideal tag structure. By include a few significant on-page factors, you can raise the ranking of your website. This procedure includes creating a strong URL, Meta description, and title. When creating on-page content, it’s crucial to take the user’s search intent into account.
– Ensure That Your Title Tag Is Search Engine Optimized.
The SEO title tag must contain your target keyword. This notifies Google and searchers alike that your website is relevant to the search query. Furthermore, searchers are significantly more likely to click on a web page if the headline contains the precise keyword or keyword phrase they just typed.
– The URL of Your Website is an Important Aspect of Your SEO Strategy.
If you’re going after a certain keyword, make sure to include it in the URL of your page. A shorter URL requires fewer characters for Google to index, resulting in reduced overhead and faster user load times.
– Create Effective Meta Descriptions.
A Meta description is the information piece that appears beneath the blue link of organic results. Its goal is to describe the page’s contents to the searcher. Any terms in the description that match the search keyword are bolded. The ultimate goal is to persuade the searcher to go over to your website.
– Image Optimization
They need your pages to load as quickly as possible, so optimize images to have the most petite file sizes feasible.
– One and only… H1
Sincere to say, we frequently only use the Title Tag for our H1. We occasionally reduce it in size and occasionally completely rewrite it. The most crucial factors are that your primary keyword is there, that it indicates that readers have found the proper post, and that you only utilise the H1 tag once throughout your piece.
– Link Out to Credible Sources
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lawlessfm · 11 months
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[ LOADING ... ] LOG-IN SUFFICIENT, please familiarize yourself with the checklist + send in your account within 24HRS. Introduction posts for characters must be done within 48HRS. WELCOME TO LAWLESS!
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44gamez · 8 months
Where to buy weapons for every Job in Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth
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Picture: SEGA/Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio Gearing up is a big a part of Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth, however discovering a retailer that sells gear to your favourite Job is usually a ache. When your occasion members can have courses like Housekeeper and use a brush throughout battles, it may be tough to discover a “weapon” store.
Easy methods to Discover Weapon Shops in Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth
Weapon shops are marked with a sword icon on the map. Every retailer makes a speciality of weapons for particular Jobs. You possibly can view the Jobs {that a} store makes a speciality of by urgent Sq./X on PlayStation/Xbox to open the shop particulars menu. You may as well view an easy-to-read checklist of each retailer you’ve found by urgent Triangle/Y on PlayStation/Xbox when the map is open. This manner you'll be able to simply discover the shops listed beneath in case you’re searching for a sure Job.
Gear Shops for Each Infinite Wealth Job
JobWeapon ShopsFreelancerN/AHeroPanthera Sports activities Kingdom (Hawaii)SujimancerN/ADragon of DojimaN/AHomeless ManGrayson’s Weapons at Sea (Hawaii), Welcome Pharmacy (Isezaki Ijincho)HeiressVincenti (Hawaii)CabbieWink Mini Mark (Hawaii)DetectiveBullet Hell (Hawaii)MurdererZhou Lengthy Distribution (Isezaki Ijincho)BarmaidLove Magic (Isezaki Ijincho)HitmanBullet Hell (Hawaii)GangsterZhou Lengthy Distribution (Isezaki Ijincho)AquanautNo Surf No Life (Hawaii), Grayson’s Weapons at Sea (Hawaii), Touring Sports activities Vendor MIRAI (Isezaki Ijincho)PyrodancerHau’oli Hula Store (Hawaii), Dancer Fumie’s Items (Isezaki Ijincho)Motion StarHome of Wushu (Hawaii), Kai Xin Speciality Retailer (Isezaki Ijincho)SamuraiGanryujima Armory (Hawaii), Kai Xin Speciality Retailer (Isezaki Ijincho)DesperadoBullet Hell (Hawaii), Grayson’s Weapons at Sea (Hawaii), Zhou Lengthy Distribution (Isezaki Ijincho)HostVincenti (Hawaii), Yun’s Meals (Isezaki Ijincho)ChefClear-Clear Family Provides (Hawaii), Yun’s Meals (Isezaki Ijincho)BreakerHau’oli Hula Store (Hawaii), Dancer Fumie’s Items (Isezaki Ijincho)LinebackerPanthera Sports activities Kingdom (Hawaii), Touring Sports activities Vendor MIRAI (Isezaki Ijincho)HousekeeperClear-Clear Family Provides (Hawaii), Welcome Pharmacy (Isezaki Ijincho)GeodancerHau’oli Hula Store (Hawaii), Dancer Fumie’s Items (Isezaki Ijincho)KunoichiGanryujima Armory (Hawaii), Kai Xin Speciality Retailer (Isezaki Ijincho)IdolHyper Ecstasy (Hawaii), Love Magic (Isezaki Ijincho)Evening QueenHyper Ecstasy (Hawaii), Love Magic (Isezaki Ijincho)Tennis AcePanthera Sports activities Kingdom (Hawaii), Touring Sports activities Vendor MIRAI (Isezaki Ijincho) Retaining your occasion’s gear updated will just remember to don’t get overpowered by enemies as the primary story progresses in Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth. There are some appreciable problem spikes later within the recreation, so make certain your workforce all the time has the very best gear geared up. Sustaining your gear is pricey, nevertheless, so chances are you'll must spend a while at Dondoko Island to make some additional money. Source link Read the full article
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radonatlantic · 9 months
Radon: The 1 Home Threat You're Probably Not Thinking About 
In the realm of home safety, certain threats are more prominent in our minds than others. We diligently install smoke detectors, secure our homes against burglars, and maintain fire extinguishers. However, there's a silent and potentially deadly threat that often goes unnoticed: radon gas. In this comprehensive blog, we'll delve into the world of radon, exploring its origins, health implications, testing methods, and effective mitigation strategies. By the end, you'll have a deeper understanding of why radon deserves a prominent place on your home safety checklist.
I. Understanding Radon:
A. What is Radon?
Radon, a radioactive gas, is both colorless and odorless, originating naturally from the decay of uranium in soil, rocks, and water. Classified as a noble gas, radon can infiltrate homes through the ground, where it becomes trapped in confined spaces. Addressing this concern often involves the expertise of radon mitigation contractors, professionals trained to assess and implement strategies to reduce radon levels in residential spaces.
B. Sources of Radon:
i). Soil and Rocks:
Radon originates from the breakdown of uranium, a common element found in soil and rocks. Certain geological formations can lead to higher radon levels in specific regions.
ii). Water:
Groundwater sources, such as wells, can also contribute to indoor radon levels. When water containing radon is used for activities like showering or laundry, the gas can be released into the air.
II. The Health Implications of Radon Exposure:
A. Lung Cancer Risk:
i). Radon and Radioactive Decay:
Radon decays into radioactive particles, releasing alpha particles. When these particles are inhaled, they can damage lung tissue and increase the risk of lung cancer.
ii). Statistical Evidence:
Numerous studies have linked radon exposure to an elevated risk of lung cancer. The World Health Organization (WHO) identifies radon as a leading cause of lung cancer after smoking.
B. Vulnerable Populations:
i). Smokers vs. Non-Smokers:
Smokers who are exposed to radon face a significantly higher risk of developing lung cancer. However, even non-smokers can be affected, emphasizing the importance of radon mitigation for all households.
ii). Children and Radon:
Children may be more vulnerable to the effects of radon exposure due to their developing respiratory systems. Minimizing radon levels is crucial to protecting the health of all household members.
III. Radon Testing: Knowing Your Home's Levels
A. Importance of Radon Testing:
i). Detection Challenges:
Given its invisible and odorless nature, radon can only be detected through specialized testing. Understanding your home's radon levels is the first step toward ensuring a safe living environment.
ii). DIY Testing vs. Professional Testing:
Homeowners can use radon testing kits available in the market, but professional testing provides more accurate results. Professionals employ advanced techniques to assess radon concentrations over an extended period.
B. When to Test:
New Homeowners:
i). Testing for radon is crucial when purchasing a new home. The results can influence negotiations and, if necessary, prompt the implementation of radon mitigation measures before moving in.
Regular Testing:
ii). Periodic radon testing is recommended, especially in regions with higher geological potential for elevated radon levels. This ongoing monitoring helps ensure the continued safety of your living space.
IV. Radon Mitigation Strategies:
A. Importance of Mitigation:
i). Radon Mitigation Systems:
If elevated radon levels are detected, mitigation is essential to reduce exposure. Radon mitigation systems, such as sub-slab depressurization and ventilation, can effectively lower indoor radon concentrations.
ii). Professional Mitigation vs. DIY:
While some homeowners attempt DIY radon mitigation, professional services are often more reliable. Certified radon mitigation specialists can design and install customized systems tailored to the specific needs of your home.
B. Building Radon-Resistant Homes:
i). New Construction Guidelines:
Implementing radon-resistant construction techniques during the building phase can significantly reduce the risk of radon infiltration. These guidelines include soil depressurization and proper sealing of potential entry points.
ii). Retrofitting Existing Homes:
Older homes can also benefit from radon-resistant retrofitting measures. Sealing cracks, installing ventilation systems, and incorporating soil depressurization techniques can make a considerable difference.
V. Raising Awareness and Advocacy:
A. Government Initiatives:
i). Radon Awareness Programs:
Governments and health agencies play a vital role in raising awareness about radon risks. Public education campaigns and initiatives encourage homeowners to test for radon and take appropriate measures.
ii). Building Codes and Regulations:
Some regions have incorporated radon-related guidelines into building codes, making radon testing and mitigation mandatory for new constructions. Understanding local regulations is crucial for homeowners and builders alike.
B. Community Involvement:
Local communities have the opportunity to orchestrate awareness events, workshops, and outreach programs aimed at educating residents about the dangers of radon. By collectively engaging in these efforts, communities can foster a safer living environment for everyone involved. Additionally, collaborating with radon mitigation contractors can enhance these initiatives, as these professionals play a crucial role in implementing effective strategies to reduce radon levels and ensure the overall safety of homes.
VI. Conclusion:
In conclusion, radon is a home threat that demands our attention and proactive measures. Its silent infiltration and potential health hazards make radon a significant concern for homeowners worldwide. By understanding the sources, health implications, testing methods, and mitigation strategies, individuals can take steps to protect their families and create radon-safe living environments. As we continue to prioritize home safety, let's ensure that radon doesn't remain the overlooked threat that it has been for far too long.
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veritasislehq · 11 months
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Welcome to the Isle, Veritas Isle that is. Your journey has only just begun. We are delighted to announce that the following have been accepted! Please click anywhere on this sentence to be redirected to the checklist. Please message the main if you have yet to receive a link to the discord server or if you have any additional questions. We're here to answer any and all concerns.
(michael evans behling. he-him. cis man. ) the courts of veritas welcome CAMDEN ROSE! it’s been said that the 27 year old PHOENIX is known to be KIND and SPITEFUL. when CAM isn’t working as a ANIMAL CARETAKER, they can be found participating in KISSING HIS BOYFRIEND. if you visit their home in ASHBORNE CITY, it may remind you of tattered wings, broken promises, seared hearts. they may be your best friend or your greatest enemy. (juicy. )
( evan mock. he-they demi man. ) the courts of veritas welcome JASPER GARCIA! it’s been said that the 28 year old BANSHEE is known to be EXCITABLE and OBNOXIOUS. when JAZ isn’t working as a RADIO HOST, they can be found participating in ANNOYING BIG FAMILY NAME NURSES. if you visit their home in STARDUST HOLLOW, it may remind you of inked skin, far off wails, ivory and ebony. they may be your best friend or your greatest enemy. ( juicy )
( tommy martinez. he-they. demi man. ) the courts of veritas welcome JADE! it’s been said that the 29/420 year old PIXIE is known to be PLAYFUL and FINCIKY . when JADE isn’t working as a EXOTIC DANCER, they can be found participating in PAINTING. if you visit their home in STARDUST HOLLOW, it may remind you of moonflowers, wilted petals, and vanilla. they may be your best friend or your greatest enemy. ( juicy)
( rahul kohli. he & they. demi man. ) the courts of veritas welcome DEENPAL BHATTI! it’s been said that the 37 year old HUMAN is known to be CURIOUS and DOUBTFUL. when DEEN isn’t working as a PROFESSOR, they can be found participating in RESEARCHING CRYPTIDS. if you visit their home in ASHBORNE CITY, it may remind you of aged books, glasses sliding down your nose, half-burnt candles, using too many highlighters, warm jumpers, and falling asleep in strange places. they may be your best friend or your greatest enemy. ( rosalie. )
( madelyn cline. she & her. cis woman. ) the courts of veritas welcome MARILYN MALCOLM! it’s been said that the 25 year old HYBRID (HUMAN/MERFOLK) is known to be INCLUSIVE and SNIDE. when MARY isn’t working as a YOGA INSTRUCTOR AT THE TRANQUIL TREEHOUSE, they can be found participating in JEWELRY MAKING. if you visit their home in ASHBORNE CITY, it may remind you of windows wide open, twinkly lights, ethically sourced sage, incense, strawberries & cream, candy hearts, and a half-opened jewelry box. they may be your best friend or your greatest enemy. ( rosalie. )
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branding7 · 11 months
Your 7-Step SEO Content Checklist for Better Search Rankings
In the world of online search, getting your website to appear on the first page is like striking gold. Achieving higher search engine rankings is crucial for businesses and website owners to be found by their target audience. This is where Search Engine Optimization (SEO) comes into play. A well-structured SEO content checklist is your roadmap to higher rankings and increased visibility on search engines like Bing. Let's simplify the process with a user-friendly, 7-step guide to boost your site's search rankings.
Start with Smart Keyword Research
Keywords are the compass of your SEO journey. Begin by understanding what words and phrases your potential audience is typing into search engines. Tools like Google Keyword Planner or Bing Keyword Research can help you identify high-value keywords relevant to your content.
Craft High-Quality, Valuable Content
Content is at the heart of SEO. Your content should not only use those keywords naturally but also provide real value to your readers. High-quality, informative, and engaging content is more likely to rank well on search engines.
Optimize Meta Tags
Meta tags, specifically the meta title and meta description, are the first things users see in search results. Make them attention-grabbing and relevant by including your target keywords.
Structure Content with Headers
Headers (H1, H2, etc.) break up your content and make it easier for both readers and search engines to understand the structure. Use headers to organize your content logically.
Build Links Effectively
Links play a critical role in SEO. Internal links guide users to other relevant pages on your site, while external links to authoritative sources show that your content is well-researched and trustworthy.
Optimize Images and Ensure Mobile Responsiveness
Images enhance content, but they should be optimized for faster loading times. Use descriptive file names and alt text for images. Additionally, ensure your website is mobile-responsive. Search engines favor mobile-friendly sites, especially as more users browse the web on their smartphones.
Prioritize Page Loading Speed and User Experience
A fast-loading website not only improves the user experience but also positively affects SEO. Compress images, minimize scripts, and leverage browser caching to speed up your site. Focus on creating a user-friendly experience with easy navigation and clear calls to action.
Remember that SEO is an ongoing effort. Regularly update your content to signal to search engines that your website is active and relevant. Stay informed about the latest SEO trends and algorithm updates, as the search landscape is constantly evolving.
By following this 7-step SEO content checklist, you'll be well on your way to improving your search engine rankings. It's a user-friendly and effective approach that can help your website shine on search engines like Bing and connect with your target audience more successfully.
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seongclb · 1 year
Hiii, i’m from the UK so do you have any tips for gcses? I just started year 11 and I noticed you did really well !!!
hihi omgggg im fully prepared for this since i legit had to do an assembly about my tips for the year 11s and 10s HAHAHAH
since this will be pretty lengthy…
okay so these are my subjects and the grade i got in them:
maths -> 9
english lit -> 9
english lang -> 9
history -> 9
religious studies -> 9
business -> 8
spanish -> 8
further maths -> 8
physics -> 8
chemistry -> 7
biology ->
so since you’re in year eleven already, it’ll be quite similar to how i achieved these grades!
i didn’t start revising like that until like the end of the summer that was going into year eleven, so the summer you just had but even if you didn’t start revising during then, you still have time! don’t panic yet!!!
firstly, just have a look at each specification of your subjects and print them out/make a digital checklist because it’ll be really easy to identify your weak spots. you still have until mid may so if you start covering weak spots then by mid february you should be fine. speaking as someone who messed around a lot in year 10, if your notes are good enough or even if you start to pay so much attention in those extra revision classes, they’ll really really benefit you.
for maths and sciences, practise questions are your best shot honestly. for maths as well, most of the exam boards have a cycle of questions they use so if you familiarise yourself with the questions they’ve used since 2017, you’re guaranteed a 7 already but make sure to go over all the topics of the questions you get wrong! then for sciences, learning the language that the examiners like is so important because the marks you miss out can literally be that you didn’t centralise it around a keyword - that can jeopardise your entire sequence of questions.
now for the english subjects. starting off with literature: i always found it good to be engaged with discussions about the texts in class to keep myself from getting boring bc then you can miss out on so many key grade nine concepts! so make sure you do listen out for those and read model answers from people who’ve gotten like full marks! these will not only help you with structure and quotes but it’ll help you with learning the grade nine language because there’s a huge difference between even the grade seven and grade nine answers.
for english language, technique is the most important thing to master. after all, the exam is assessing how you can understand technique so learning how to spot them and analyse them are so important. there are a few that are always repeated no matter the text so make sure you familiarise yourself with those too!
for religious studies, i always found this to be easy since i would put my source of authorities (the holy quotes) on a flashcards with what they link to on the other side but idk tbh my teacher was js really good for religious studies! she made us booklets for preparing ourselves for any type of question and she predicted a bunch of the questions. but my tip would be to just stay focused and make sure your notes are good and minimal because you don’t really need a lot.
for business my tho is the same, my notes were just really good and clear but also make sure you know how to answer big questions!
spanish, i used menrise for fifteen minutes every day until like a month before the exam and i started using it for an hour every day. and i memorised complex structures, imperfect tense like all the grade 9 stuff. i practised writing it and then i spoke it and for listening and reading i would get my friends to help me. for instance, i’d read and translate something my friend wrote which would also help us identify any mistakes. and for listening, we would speak to each other and translate it which was also good for preparing for the speaking exam!
history was my favourite, and my teacher was AMAZING! but for history understanding the links between time periods is very good. also, understanding the link between cause, event and consequence is very helpful as it minimises information. for my 20 markers i got full marks consistently and in the exams, so what i can say about those are to make sure your writing flows very smoothly and learn tips to write sophisticatedly as the whole point of the top hand answers are the elegant answers rather than throwing dates and information - they’re a sequence of detailed sentences to argue a point after all.
further maths was so hard idek how i got an 8, i just practised questions and prayed so much..
i think i covered everything but ensuring you have a timetable is so important. i know many people who did well but didn’t have the same timetable as me which is fine but i’ll share mine:
at the beginning of the year, around the end of september, i would wake up at half five and revise for about two hours until i started getting ready for school. then when i got home, from six to eight was all my homework and extra work.
when it got closer to exam season, my hours would bulk up to waking up at half four and starting after school studying at half five and finishing at half nine. but remember these included BREAKS. breaks are so important or you’ll get burned out!! i’ve seen it happen.
i also had one day a week where i would only study for about two hours, at any time if the day, and for the rest of it i would treat myself or just relax ! this was so important for a balance and i kept it up until the very end of my exams. if you don’t have this day, you’ll literally fry your brain and get exhausted.
i hope my tips helped! don’t wear yourself out, start little by little every day and i’m always here if you need help with anything else! good luck and remember to have time for fun, year eleven only comes around once. good grades are important but they aren’t the be all and end all.
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