wen-kexing-apologist · 11 months
Trans Allegory in Cupid's Last Wish
When I first started my BL journey a few months back, I watched Cupid’s Last Wish as a comparison point for Earth and Mix’s acting after seeing A Tale of A Thousand Stars, because, to be honest, I struggled with Phupa initially and wanted to see if it was a character thing or if Earth just wasn’t a strong actor (I have settled decidedly on Earth being a good actor).  Cupid’s Last Wish did not seem to have the widest reception when it came out and I was deep into a rapid BL Binge Watch, so I wasn’t paying the most attention to the story and what it was trying to say when I initially started it. That is, until Episode 6…when I burst into tears after one particular scene, because I had the sudden realization that this show has a trans allegory baked into it. I wanted to watch it again, using that lens from the beginning. In conversations with @lurkingshan she said she was having trouble connecting with Earth as an actor, and I suggested she try this show because it gave me the info I needed to understand Earth’s acting ability. And we picked up @so-much-yet-to-learn along the way.
And so a group watch began! There will be spoilers in this post.
Plot Summary: “Korn and Win are childhood best friends. Conflicts arise when Win's father includes Korn in his will, granting him part of the family's farm's stocks. Misunderstandings follow, breaking up their friendship of 22 years. Their path crosses again when Win gets into a car accident with his sister Lin, and wakes up to find his soul in her body. To return to his original body, Win, in the body of Lin, sets off on a road trip to collect holy water from 4 temples across the country within 7 days. The companion to his journey is none other than his friend turned foe, Korn.” (My Drama List)
From the point of the body-swap onward, we will be referring to who is shown on screen as Mix or Jan depending on the actor because we are following the character of Win the entire time, and naming the actors is my way of not invalidating the fact that Win is always present even when Lin's body is on screen. 
Anytime we talk about changes in a biological aspect of the story in terms of its connection to trans people, we are referring to the changes trans people commonly experience on HRT (hormone replacement therapy). 
Characters:  Win: Reason All of This Is Happening, played by Mix Sahaphap Korn: Win’s best friend, played by Earth Pirapat Lin: Win’s sister, played by Jan Ployshompoo Non: Win and Korn’s childhood best friend, played by White Nawat
Episode 1: 
One of the first line we get in the show is Win saying “I want a female name”, it is not established until partway through the scene that Win is referring to a female name for a calf. From a trans allegory lens, this is a beautiful establishing moment that there will be gender fuckery about and I love that they let the statement sit for a moment before the reveal.
Win is obviously in love with Korn, Korn is obviously in love with Win, but we see a moment where Win withdraws into himself and gets sad because he sees Korn interacting with Lin and has convinced himself that Korn might not actually feel the same way he does. The jealousy and withdrawn nature that we see occur in Win whenever Korn and Lin interact is going to be a central plot point. 
We see Mix when Win wakes up, and we see him standing on one side of the mirror while Jan’s face is reflected back at him. 
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We end the episode with Win waking up in Lin’s body, fighting everybody to try to attack Korn, and then falling into Korn’s arms, where the imagery shifts from Jan in this scene to Mix as Korn holds Win. From the moment that Win is placed into this female body, Korn still sees Win, the man he has known his whole life. 
We identified a pattern going forward: We see Jan when there are multiple witnesses, and we see Mix when it’s just Korn and Win in a scene together or when a scene is shot from Korn’s perspective. 
Episode 2 
We see Jan when Win tries hitchhiking, and when Win’s being harassed by the men that were picked up by the person he was hitchhiking from, and when Win and Korn first sit down at a restaurant. Places where they are in public, places where Win forgets that he is in the body of a woman and therefore more prone to experiencing danger.
At the restaurant, the waitress walks away, and the scene shifts to Mix when Win and Korn are alone and start talking to each other, then back to Jan when a waitress is called to the table. 
At the temple: Mix when Win and Korn are walking alone together, Jan when another person comes to warn them about the spirits in the mountain, and Mix when they are alone again. 
Win realizes he has a much smaller appetite in Lin’s body. Trans appetite change: Real. 
“That bit about not realizing the danger because you never thought of yourself in a position of vulnerability around men. Real.” -@so-much-yet-to-learn
The type of ghost that is said to exist in the woods of the temple, Krasue, is only a head and entrails, no body. That’s trans, baby. 
Episode 3
We see Jan when Win and Korn start running up the stairs towards the temple, Mix when Win faints and gets cradled by Korn. 
“Lin is not as physically strong as you” -Korn 
Something about Korn having to constantly remind Win about the function of the body that he is in reads as trans to me. 
Mix when by themselves, Jan when they run into the woman in the woods, Mix when they leave. 
“Just Being Friendly” plays when Korn covers Win’s eyes (Mix is the person on screen for this) …sure puen puen puen…uh huh. This isn’t part of the trans lens stuff, just noting the irony of the song with what we know about the heart eyes between these two. 
We see Jan at the public temple. 
Win is told by the monk at the second temple: “You are in a female body, keep reminding yourself of that,” Jan’s face: 
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Cuts to Mix 
“If you see things with your eyes and not your heart you won’t see clearly. If you cover your eyes with your hand, you will not be completely blind. But if you shut down your heart you will be completely blind.” Identity is internal, Win is still Win even though he’s in Lin’s body, etc. etc. etc. 
Mix when Win and Korn are alone together in the car, Jan when they check in to the hotel.
Win gets a new room when he learns about the open bathroom, “is this because of the sexual tension between Win and Korn or because of the body he’s in?” -smytl. The entire road trip so far, Win has been forgetting about or willfully ignoring the body he is in, but he was just reminded of his body by the abbot. 
We see Jan when Win is on FaceTime with his mom, after their mom overhears her employees gossiping about how she should be worried about her daughter traveling with a man. Switches to Mix when Win is off the phone. 
“Do you not want me to get cold because you don’t want me to be a burden?” \\ “No, because I care…I care about Lin, she’s not as strong as you” \\ “I think Lin’s body needs more rest”  
Korn is always addressing Win but at the same time has to remind Win that he’s in Lin’s body. This is where we can start to see the seeds of doubt about who Korn has feelings for be planted in Win’s mind.
But Korn never has trouble using Win’s name, always referring to Win by his name when they are alone, not trying to maintain pretenses in public. 
Win never sleeps in as late as 8am and then takes a nap in the car
“You sleep better on testosterone, and often sleep for a shorter time,” -smytl
We see Jan in the restaurant
We see Mix in the car once again singing to ‘Just Being Friendly’ 
Episode 4 
We see Mix when Win is by himself, Mix when Korn finds Win, Mix when Korn walks them back through the forest, and Mix all evening and in the morning. We only see Jan when they start walking towards the temple. 
We see Jan at the restaurant talking to the waitress, Mix when it’s just Win and Korn at the table.
“You worry too much about Lin’s body” -Win
We see Mix in the car, Jan at the rest stop and in the bathroom. The fact that we get Jan for the entire time that Win is alone in the bathroom is intriguing in terms of what getting your period does to remind trans people of their bodies. 
They are making brain chemistry a part of the character, they aren’t just plunking a soul into a body. Win’s hunger is impacted, his temperature regulation is impacted, his mood is impacted on his period because he’s experiencing different hormone levels than usual. Noticeable changes in body function can be a part of hormone replacement therapy when people start estrogen, progesterone & spironolactone (transfemme) or testosterone (transmasc). 
We see Mix when Win is crying and getting hugged/comforted by Korn. We see Jan in the restaurant but then Mix when he starts eating.
Episode 5
Let’s talk about all the times we see Mix grappling with the period pain, rather than Jan AND that we see Korn care so well for Win AND that Mix is on screen for those scenes so you know that Korn is seeing Win in these moments despite Win having a period.
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“Hearing stories over the years of transmacs being comforted by a partner through period pain…For someone to see you so clearly that something we were raised to consider profoundly gendered could not shake their idea of you?” -smytl
We see Jan at the hotel lobby and in the hotel restaurant when the waitress is there. Mix is present when the waitress walks away and Win’s jealousy comes out to play. Jan is present when Korn’s boss drops by for a chat. Win has an angry reaction to being called Korn’s sister. Win, in fact, gets angry or otherwise upset whenever he is referred to as a woman by Korn
Win gets jealous, Mix is on screen when Win plays up his femininity a bit around Korn’s boss to try to warn Korn’s boss about flirting with him. 
Episode 6
Now, looking at the entire show with a trans-lens means I have found a lot more scenes that I can read as a trans allegory. But Episode 6 truly has the most obvious moments of transness at least to me (a trans person). Win spends a lot of his time this episode looking at himself in mirrors, grappling with the identity of who he is and whose body he is in:
Korn helps Win (Mix) with his seat-belt “When you’re female-presenting, accepting help feels like the status quo. When you’re male-presenting, accepting help is making a conscious choice. There’s subtle shifts, I don’t know how much of it is being out and feeling like myself or hormonal changes adjusting the brain chemistry but I definitely take pride in the ability to do things myself, care for other people in a different quality than I used to before.” -smytl
We see Mix when Win is leaving the car and running to the stable, Jan when they get to the stable. Korn called Win “Lin” when he fainted after treating Katin’s bloat (Katin is Win’s most favorite dairy cow) because they are around everyone at the farm. Korn is intentionally mis-identifying Win because they are around Win’s entire family who do not know that Win is in the wrong body.  
Korn’s calls Win “Lin” again when he pulls Win away from his cousins. His aunt and uncle pick up on the fact that Lin is acting like Win. We see Mix when we cut to Korn carrying Win away and talking with his friend. Again, intentionally mis-identifying Win because they are around people who are not aware. 
Win looks in the mirror and sees Lin.
“You looked just like Win, I wondered if you swapped bodies.” 
We see Jan on the farm, and with White’s character (White’s character is in love with Lin so it makes sense that he is seeing Lin’s body).
We see Mix when Korn arrives on scene.
“Please keep Lin safe” says Win’s Mom, and Korn and Win share a knowing glance. 
“Mom was right. He loves Lin.” THEN MIX STARES INTO THE SIDE MIRROR OF THE CAR AND JAN STARES BACK (Win looks and sees Lin).
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Gifs from @thepancakelady
Now this is the point where we remember that most of this episode has been spent back home, where everyone around Win kept seeing and referring to him as Lin. Even Korn did it to not…literally out Win. And then they leave, Korn says “I don’t love Lin any more than you” and Win convinces himself that Korn is in love with Lin. Because he just spent all this time being around people that did not affirm his identity. 
Which leads to the scene that started it all. 
Here we are with Win repeating over and over and over again “You are Lin. You’re not Win. You’re Lin. You’re not Win. You are Lin. You’re not Win. You are Lin. You’re not Win. You are Lin.” 
Every example that he thinks about in his time with Korn on this road trip where Korn is caring for Win physically, Win replaces himself with the image of Lin’s body. THIS! SHOW! IS! TRANS!
Win (as Mix) runs to the ocean and has a massive screaming breakdown in the water. I don’t know about anyone else, but that sort of frustrated, heartbroken all-consuming rage is something that was very familiar to me when I came home and had my identity constantly undermined by my family.
“I don’t want to have good feelings for you anymore” \\ “Why not?’ \\ “I don’t want to be soft again.”There is something to be said here about toxic masculinity classifying softness as a negative thing and Win grappling with feeling perceived as feminine leading up to this. But more likely, based on the context of the previous scene, Win is struggling with the idea that Korn’s connection is to Lin’s body and not to Win’s soul. 
Episode 7
We see Jan at the wheel when it was just Win and Korn in the car in order to signify that Win is dealing with less developed upper body strength, this is one of the only times we see Jan on screen when it is just Korn and Win alone, but it quickly cuts back to Mix. We see Jan in public again. We see Mix when Korn starts massaging Win’s shoulders. In fact, every point of physical care and intimacy that we see between Win and Korn, Mix is the one on screen. When we did see Jan on screen with Korn in the flashbacks Win has in Episode 6, he is literally shifting his own mental image of the body he is in. But Korn only ever sees Mix. But Win is so caught up in the body he is in that he routinely fails to account for all the moments of emotional intimacy and care that Korn gives him throughout the journey. 
We see Jan when Win starts eating, and then Mix when Korn ties up his hair. 
Korn switches to sleeping on the floor instead of the bed at this point, despite the fact they have shared a bed multiple times by this point. The end credit scene shows Korn holding Win’s hand from the floor, so the most likely interpretation is that Korn is deeper in his feelings and isn’t sure he can bear sleeping next to Win.  
We see Jan around others.
Episode 8 
Win dreams of Lin. This is one in a number of examples of dissociation as a form of dysphoria.
Win and Korn confess their love for eachother and share a brief kiss. Win very quickly realizes the body that he is in, and overthinks how Korn must be viewing him. Win breaks the kiss, and stays far away from Korn the rest of the evening.
Lin wakes up in Win’s body. Non sees Mix at first, realizes that it’s Lin and then sees Jan. In previous scenes with just Non and Win, Jan is on screen (unless Korn is also present in which case Mix is there). Non is in love with Lin and therefore sees Lin’s body when he’s interacting with Win.
We see Mix when their Mom comes in. 
When Win has the flashbacks to everything, he keeps forgetting about the stuff that Korn did to make him smile, the emotional connections, he only remembers the times that Korn took care of his body, but this time he sees himself instead of Lin.
Non sees Mix in Lin’s body and Jan in Mix’s body so he’s also internalized the consciousness of the person. 
Something about the solidarity between Win and Lin when they first meet again, seeing each other in their respective bodies in a way many around them don’t. That’s trans friendship, baby! 
When their bodies are switched back, Korn immediately makes eye contact with Win because he’s always always seen Win. Korn has been traveling with Lin’s body this whole time, but the person he has been through all of this with is Win. When Win is finally in the body that is his, Korn needs no time at all to adjust. 
Episode 9
Swapping the bodies back in the hospital feels very medical, with the monk asking everyone to leave the room while he performs the body reassignment, and then walking calmly out to Korn and Non waiting in the chairs asking how the procedure went.
Episode 10 
“How could I not know my own children?” “More a generally queer thing than specifically trans, but a parent (anyone) so entrenched in their idea of you that they remain oblivious to what seem like obvious discrepancies to others. Continuing to act under that assumption until you are forced to confront their misperception and correct it because you can't continue the lie anymore.” -smytl. 
Wardrobe Choice
Win’s wardrobe throughout the show consists entirely of simple, utilitarian clothes that are loose and prioritize comfort over style. It follows the same stylistic choices consciously made by many transmasc individuals, namely selecting articles of clothing that obscure or draw attention away from certain features. Some of this may be attributed to Mix’s choice and comfort level in clothing (but this is a trans allegory so we’re analyzing the wardrobe with that lens). The choice in attire becomes more apparent when Jan is on screen as Win, and we see Win as Jan choose to continue to wear Win’s clothing as what is most comfortable for him.
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Those styles are: 
Loose pants, often cut to have added structure or with side pockets along the hip or thigh, which break up any curve there in a silhouette. 
Multiple layers of t-shirt and jacket or overshirt when out in public, usually left open in the front. The parallel vertical lines of the placket draw the eye up to the collar and away from the chest. The straight lines also minimize the appearance of any curves beneath, and make the torso seem boxier.
Jackets with multiple patches or patterns, or plaid flannel shirts, which again visually distract to break up body lines. The only time we see Win without these added layers is when he is alone with Korn, in a hotel room where he cannot be seen by passers by, where his focus is on relief from period pain. His decision to wear a simple t-shirt without the added layers shows his comfort level with Korn is higher than anyone else, to take off the layers of protection and concealment. 
And the most prominent wardrobe choice, a sling bag carried cross-body in front, which covers and draws focus away from the chest beneath. This can also be a form of emotional armor or comfort item to hold onto for reassurance under stress, and is indeed gripped as such in moments of tension throughout the show. The bag is only used during the body swap and when out in public.
Final Thoughts
Notably, we didn’t notice a lot of gendered language being used until Win and Lin are back in their respective bodies. And in the rare instances of gendered language being used during the body swap (like in Episode 4) the pronouns are messed up. Win (played by Jan in this moment) says “krub” initially and then changes it to “kha” when he remembers that he’s in a woman’s body.
Something else that truly makes us capable of reading it as trans, rather than a typical body swap, is that for the majority of the show, only one body has been swapped. Lin’s soul is stuck in limbo for most of the show, leaving Win’s body an empty, waiting vessel. Jan is utilized in this show mostly as a reminder to the viewers that the outside world is seeing Korn with Lin when they are on their journey.  Do we think the trans allegory is intentional? Honestly, no. But watching the show with that lens in mind, seeing the body swap as an allegory for transness does greatly improve the story. It still falters at the end, the plot is not revolutionary. But it holds a lot more meaning, has a lot more weight if you see the barrier to Win and Korn actually getting together as Win being unable to believe that Korn is actually seeing Win this whole time. Win is convinced Korn sees him as Lin and would not actually love him as a man. And it makes Korn’s love and care for Win more powerful if you read the story as trans and know Korn has seen Win, as a man, the entire time, despite him being in a female body. 
(shout out to @so-much-yet-to-learn and @lurkingshan for their contributions during the watch party and in writing this post, this was a group effort)
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tinnchan · 2 years
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Earthmix Cinematic Universe x Shoulder Lean
A Tale of Thousand Stars - Phutian
Half of My Life and All of My Heart - Whaletalay
Moonlight Chicken -Jimwen
Cupid's Last Wish - Kornwin
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EarthMix cinematic universe Part 2
A Tale of thousand Stars x Cupid's Last Wish | Parallels
Sniff kisses
Gazing longingly
A special place
Holding hands
~ The second set for the wonderful @smittenskitten 🌻~
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morathicain · 5 months
Chapters: 2/2 Fandom: พินัยกรรมกามเทพ | Cupid's Last Wish (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Korn Thapakorn Chaiphitak/Win Sawin Warodom, Lin/Original Character Characters: Win Sawin Warodom, Korn Thapakorn Chaiphitak, Lin, Original Characters, Win's mother Additional Tags: Canon Divergence, Fake Relationship, Marriage Proposal, Homophobia, Secret Relationship, the worst parenting, everyone is dramatic, homophobic parents, sometimes there's no redemption, this is the grand finale, Happy Ending, Win's POV, Angst, no beta we die like Thana, Fix It, Kinda, sappy happy ending, lots of sugar for them, thank you for reading, Time Jump, the mom gets what she deserves: ignorance Series: Part 6 of CLW - Calf love for the Win Summary:
Can be read alone but is a sequel to "A happy life", part 5 of my CLW series: https://archiveofourown.org/works/43998576
Everything is over. Win is back in his body, Korn won't marry Lin and they're dating. Secretly, for now, so it can be just them. Then, one day, Win's mom takes him and Lin out for dinner with friends and everything changes. It's time for them to fight for the life they want, their old lives in ruins already.
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oasistheplanet · 6 months
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Unas fotos hermosas que tomó Jaqueline Horta aka @jacqo__ para Aeonn ✨
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lostpackaging · 2 years
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caedi · 2 years
win spends all of the show worried the dairy farm is going bankrupt and then in the last episode it's revealed they only have thirty cows... i love these idiots that is not a sustainable business model lmao
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clwtalkz · 2 years
Send asks!
It’s been a while since I asked for... well, asks. 
So if you have anything you wanna ask me, send it my way! 
Just know I’m gonna ignore anything creepy or weird. Don’t want another CuriousCat incident.
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fmarkets · 4 months
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Clearwater Paper Corporation Sees Profitability Soar with $66M Tax Refund https://csimarket.com/stocks/news.php?code=CLW&date=2024-02-21120830&utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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Thought Cupid's Last Wish was decent, until I got to the part in episode 6 where Win is saying "You're Lin, not Win" over and over and over and over and over and over and over again and I can't stop seeing Cupid's Last Wish as a trans allegory and now I'm crying at Win's breakdown in the water, how's everyone else's Friday night going?
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tinnchan · 2 years
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Cupid's Last Wish (2022) - Ep 8: Underwater kiss
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malepresentingleg · 1 year
Started watching Cupid's Last Wish and I'm just so confused.
Who is Korn to the family? Win said it himself, he's basically a part of it. And unlike his aunt, Korn actually helps and works in the farm and cares about them so ????? Why is he so mad he inherited something😭
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morathicain · 11 months
Hello!! I came across your series for Cupid’s Last Wish last week when I finished the series and immediately got hit with the post series depression 😭😭 I wanted to ask if you had any plans/intentions to finish the latest story in the CLW collection? It was so good and perfectly captured how manipulative the mom is, and the way the chapter ended was just perfect 😌😌 but if you have no intentions of going back to the series that is also perfectly okay but I wanted to say you did an AMAZING job with the characterizations and the small fix-it’s in each work that make the show even better!!
Aaaaaaaaaahhhh! Thank you!
Your words truly have made my day, thank you so damn much! <3 <3 <3 (I had time to flail over them since this morning so I'm all giddy now XD) This corner of the fandom is so very small and tiny and the interaction so little, your words really boost my joy and motivation!
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I actually DO plan on continuing the last story and I've already written a bit, but life got in the way and it's not an easy one to get into the mood for. But so far I've planned to continue and finish it =^^=
Thank you again for your words, I'm really glad you enjoy this little series of my fix it's and their characters <3 Have a wonderful day/night and take care :D
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oasistheplanet · 9 months
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lostpackaging · 2 years
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skodineya · 2 years
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#DigitalIndia #INDIGENOUS #VCU #technology widely used in #IndianRailways #Electric Locos #Comprehensive & #coordinated long-term #support to #CLW & #INDUSTRY #AI #DigitalMarketing #influencer #IndianRailways #SafetyFirst #power #Electronics #future #manufacturer #Developer https://www.instagram.com/p/Ce8nRzspa3yOYFDkSN1WF3H3zyO-9snPJAdJ8c0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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