shroobles · 5 months
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apas-95 · 1 year
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nando161mando · 2 months
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#Granada || https://www.instagram.com/p/C6CQw3eqIaa/ 1º de Mayo 2024. ROMPE CON EL OPRESOR. COMBATE LA DESIGUALDAD.
"Este Primero de Mayo la CNT-AIT de Granada @cntaitgranada vuelve a salir para difundir y llevar a la acción el anarcosindicalismo.
A las 12:00h se hará una protesta contra el McDonald en la Gran Vía. Desde allí nos moveremos hacia otras empresas en conflicto.
A las 14:00h en la Placeta de la Cruz haremos un mitin en el que se repasará la actualidad y se informará de diversos conflictos laborales y sociales. Habrá también puestecillos, actuaciones y comida, en los que confraternizar y tomar conciencia". #1mayo #primerodemayo #anarcosindicalismo #andalucia #cnt #ait
#Granada || https://www.instagram.com/p/C6CQw3eqIaa/ May 1, 2024. BREAK WITH THE OPPRESSOR. FIGHT INEQUALITY.
"This May Day the CNT-AIT of Granada @cntaitgranada goes out again to spread and take anarcho-syndicalism into action.
At 12:00 a.m. there will be a protest against McDonald's on Gran Vía. From there we will move to other companies in conflict.
At 2:00 p.m. in the Placeta de la Cruz we will hold a rally in which current events will be reviewed and various labor and social conflicts will be reported. There will also be stands, performances and food, in which to fraternize and become aware." #1mayo #primerodemayo #anarcosindicalismo #andalucia #cnt #ait
@antifainternational @anarchistmemecollective @kropotkindersurprise @radicalgraff
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federer7 · 2 months
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Los Paraguas. Mitin de la CNT (Umbrellas, Meeting of the CNT), Spanish Civil War. Barcelona 1937
Photo: Kati Horna
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blackboardxyz · 2 years
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Today in history: The Confederación Nacional del Trabajo (CNT) and Unión General de Trabajadores (UGT) call a general strike in response to the military coup, beginning the Spanish Revolution. 
¡Viva la Revolución!
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bisexualxiao · 3 months
Puzzle #272
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carloskaplan · 19 days
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Lo dimoni (“The Devil”), painted in 1898 by Claudio Hoyos (Habana, Cuba, 1875 — Barcelona, Catalonia, 1905).
This painting has a deeper propagandistic meaning than what it might look at first sight. This green devil is resting over the landscape of Barcelona (the mountains behind are Collserola, the mountains in front are Montjuïc, the city is between them and the Mediterranean sea is on the right).
This devil that "threatens" the city represents Anarchism, the anti-capitalist and anti-state ideology that was very widespread among the Catalan working class between the mid-19th century up until 1939. This artist's effort to paint this ideology in the worst light possible -literally as the devil- answers to its growing popularity at the moment and the threat it represented for the ruling class.
In the year 1919, the CNT (the main anarchist union) had 427,000 affiliates in Catalonia alone. At the time, Catalonia had less than 2,000,000 inhabitants total, so over one fifth of the country was affiliated to the CNT! And many of those who weren't, in the countryside, were members of sympathizers of similar ideologies but in organizations more focused on farmers, such as Unió de Rabassaires.
Most of the CNT’s affiliates lived in industrialized cities, such as Barcelona (Catalonia’s capital city). In fact, after the 1919 Tragic Week, Barcelona was nicknamed rosa de foc (“rose of fire”) because of the constant protests and barricades that took place in it.
After many successful actions like the Canadenca strike of 1919 that forced the government to limit daily work hours to 8 and raise the salaries, their most successful moment was the period known as “Revolutionary Catalonia”, during the first years of the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). All around Catalonia, industries and fields were collectivized by the workers’ unions, and even mansions, palaces, and luxury hotels were given a use for the general good, as the bourgeoisie fled the country to conservative parts of Spain.
This came to an end when the Spanish army led by Franco won the Spanish Civil War and occupied Catalonia. Tens of thousands of these anarchists, as well as communists, people who defended the Catalan language and Catalonia’s sovereignty, and other antifascists had to go on exile, crossing the Pyrenee mountains by foot and being locked in refugee concentration camps by France. The ones who stayed home had to go into hiding and were persecuted, tortured and killed for their ideology by the fascist dictatorship.
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chat-dit · 8 months
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Ma version du Pikachu anarchiste du New Yorker de novembre 1999
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an666el · 1 year
Los tres exilios de Rafael Cárdenas
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El intro, as escenas animadas y los mapas, fueron encargos para el documental Los Tres Exilios de Rafael Cárdenas, producido por la UACM (através del Colegio de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales), Tv UNAM, Radio Bronka, CNT, MUME, Intendencia Montevideo y el Centro de Fotografía de Montevideo Técnica: Animación digital gráficos en alta resolución, en After Effects.
A partir de ilustraciones de Omar Reséndiz (en alta resolución o vectores), se crea la ilusión de movimiento, con el fin de comunicar la narrativa clara de una o varias secuencias.
☝🏼 Presentación del documental en la sede de la Cineteca en el Centro Nacional de las Artes, México.
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punk-antisystem · 1 year
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Mujeres milicianas anarquistas durante la Guerra Civil española. Ⓐ
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nando161mando · 1 month
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🔴⚫️ Desde la CNT-AIT de la Sierra de Madrid mostramos nuestro apoyo a la huelga de trabajadoras de la enseñanza los próximos 8 y 21 de mayo.
🏴 Únete a la huelga. Tomemos impulso para recuperar nuestros derechos y avanzar hacia la autogestión.
🔴⚫️ From the CNT-AIT of the Sierra de Madrid we show our support for the strike of teaching workers on May 8 and 21.
🏴 Join the strike. Let's gain momentum to recover our rights and move towards self-management.
@antifainternational @anarchistmemecollective @radicalgraff @kropotkindersurprise
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blackcat-brazil · 10 months
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brazaesthetic · 2 years
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Forno, Fogão & Cia, CNT (1995)
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victusinveritas · 1 year
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