heytheredeann · 1 year
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Little By Little
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bighandsforabigheart · 6 months
Illya knowing that he was gonna be partners with Solo before he entered the bathroom would be so much funnier like: "yeah I know I'm supposed to work with you and I need you healthy enough to cooperate but I really don't want to so out of spite lemme just get my revenge from yesterday and have a little fun time beating you up"
And you know, it's like asserting dominance so I'm sure Oleg won't mind
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yallwildinrn · 6 months
WIP Wednesday Thursday
Thanks @justabigoldnerd for the tag!!
I'm a little late, but here's a little hint of the next installment of "Perseverance, and the Many Ways It Haunts Us" :3
He wants to believe Solo. He wants to be safe. He wants to be out & free, just in a hospital and not a labyrinth. It’s easy, letting himself at least pretend to believe. Solo is next to him, relaxed and easy, and he didn’t put up any fuss or worry when Gaby left. But he can only pretend. His body knows the truth of the matter. His racing heart and shaky hands give that away in an instant, but maybe he can trick himself into thinking the heavy weight of his limbs & their almost stubborn lack of movement is a sign of ease rather than a source of frustration & fear because they won’t cooperate- Illya’s eyes flutter shut as he continues to breathe in the soft scent of soap and faded cologne. One thing is certain: he is exhausted. Keeping his eyes open feel near impossible, so maybe he’ll let them rest for a moment. Just long enough to give them a break. He’ll open them right back up. Illya falls back asleep before Gaby is even back with the nurse.
No Pressure Tags: @zappedbyzabka @amadeusevenstar @heytheredeann @abracazabka @too-young-to-fall-in-love and anyone else who wants to join in (tag me if ya do this <3)
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creacherkeeper · 1 year
8, 13, 23, 69 and 83 <333
8. Who's your biggest inspiration?
this is literally such a tough question. this has changed multiple times over my life but i think my answer right now would be jane mcgonigal. im just so interested in gamification and how to make games that can help and heal and improve peoples lives and shes out there Doing That and is doing it from such a well educated science background AND from lived experience and thats just so cool to me (check out superbetter!!)
13. Name a list of shows that have changed your life.
avatar, psych, gilmore girls, agents of shield (highly derogatory), the good place, fantasy high (highly affectionate)
23. What would you name your children?
ough. well im planning on adopting so i wouldnt be naming them unless theyre trans and want me to pick. fem names i really like anya, natalia, elizabeth, tzipporah, mari, harper, and nora; masc names dima, mishka, nikolai, yakov, ari, elijah, levi, malachai, cooper, sawyer, and dawson; and androgynous names i like sasha, illya, ori, shiloh, tovi, dakota, forest, and harley. can you tell im a russian jew who lives in the deep south.
69. If you received enough money to never need to work again, what would you spend your time doing?
trying out different hobbies that were inaccessible before like metalworking or furniture building. taking classes on things im interested in. write more books. have a big enough property to have a few big dogs that has close access to nature and spending a lot of time there. visiting national parks. hosting friends. adopting and raising children and hopefully homeschooling all of them. i think i would still be working toward the larger projects im currently working towards because i genuinely enjoy working on those things it just wouldnt be as big of a deal if i needed to take longer or couldnt get funding. i might even just work at a little bookstore or something for fun, i genuinely enjoy customer service and cleaning. or maybe i would still end up teaching. i want to get better at identifying plants and birds too i think i would become a birder i can just see myself going down that path
83. How would you spend a billion dollars?
i would split it into as many portions as would still make a difference to give to the charities that would best utilize that money probably focused in minority justice, nature preservation, and animal conservation (with the last two going to as many indigenous organizations as i could), keep enough left over to live comfortably on, and then use the rest to support independent artists and tip like 500% on commissions and indie games
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joyfulmagic · 2 years
@guiltburdened continued from [here]
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"Well, I'm a big girl. And I can take care of myself. Nobody sees me coming, and they can ask Dreykov about that...when they see him." The young widow smiled a bit.
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"Yes yes, very big girl," Illya rolled his eyes. "I know you can, but even big girls need big friends to cover their backs." He was trying to be cooperative with Yelena - or at least be able to cover her back, yet she seemed to want nothing to do with him. Based on her file, he could understand why, but it did little to help his patience mid-mission. At least she was slightly smiling though, or so Illya thought.
"I prefer you stay and heal before you seek revenge. Right now you are delicate web, not killer spider. I will leave their leader for you once you are healed. However, the rest are mine to take care of now. It is what partners do for each other, and right now we are partners," he reminded her, preparing his arsenal in her space.
"May I borrow your Black Widow's Bites?" Illya dared to request, "give a nice sting to your old friends as a hello from you."
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TMFU fanfic AU: Waverly is an author of a book series that Gaby, Napoleon and Illya all like. Gaby doesn't write fanfiction, she's just an avid reader and maybe she creates fanart. Napoleon and Illya are both writing for Waverly's book fandom, but their interpretations are totally different and they argue constantly in ths comments (bonus points for Illya always posting his fics both in Russian and in English, and Napoleon nitpicking his English and complaining about the errors). Gaby is neutral when it comes to their arguments, because she can see both takes as legit (and maybe she draws fanart for both of their stories).
As for their real lives, Gaby could stay a mechanic in Germany. Naopoleon'd live in the US (New York, probably) and while I infinitely adore him as a housewife columnist, he could be a regular journalist (like Clark Kent, lol) in this AU, just to switch things up a little bit. Maybe his focus could be art. Illya would obviously live in Russia, but he'd be moving to the US for some reason. My brain came up with two possible solutions:
Illya is a police detective and gets send to the US to cooperate with the FBI on a complicated international case. The problem here is that he'd have to return to Russia once the case is solved (or would he??).
Illya was a great ice-hockey player, but he suffered a serious injury and can no longer play professionally (bonus whump points for him having a slight limp and/or chronic pain). He gets an offer to coach a junior hockey team in the US and since he's feeling pretty depressed by the abrupt end of his career, he decides making a big change in his life won't hurt.
I'm not sure if authors are legally allowed to read fanfics of their own work, but Waverly is sneaky and good at finding loopholes, so he doesn't read the fanfic itself, just the comments. That's how he stumbles upon Illya and Napoleon's fights and he is very amused and also a bit intrigued, because they both seem to have quite a profound grasp of the characters.
Waverly has some kind of event in New York (like a signing or a tour or something) and both Napoleon and Illya decide to go there. Gaby is online friends with both Napoleon and Illya, but I feel like Napoleon would be more eager to meet in real life, so he'd probably persuade her to take a small vacation in NY and attend the event with him. I like to think that Illya mentioned to her in passing that he'd go to the event too, so a huge part of the reason why Gaby decided to fly all the way to NY was morbid curiosity at how their first meeting would play out (she, of course, wouldn't warn Napoleon that Illya's going to be there and vice versa). Gaby and Napoleon are chatting at the event and he's talking about his fics (or criticising Illya's) and Illya overhears him. He immediately identifies him as the pompous bastard who had been arguing with him, so he stalks over to Napoleon and Gaby. Napoleon sees a 6'4 man walking towards him very purposefully and angrily and he's confused and a tiny bit turned on, because those long legs are very sexy. Gaby sees how furious Illya looks and she guesses who he is and fears for a moment that he's just going to punch Napoleon in the face. He doesn't. He first confirms Napoleon's online identity and Napoleon finally finds out who Illya is. They starts snarkily arguing and drawing attention to themselves. Waverly notices them and deduces that those two must be the commenters he'd been following. He walks over to them and stops their quarrel. Waverly feels like he's running out of ideas and he needs a spark of inspiration, so he invites Illya and Napoleon (and maybe Gaby) to meet with him while he's in NY and talk about his books. Again, I'm not sure how this would work legally, but Waverly could definitely pull it off. Both Illya and Napoleon are absolutely thrilled (but hiding it), because it's an incredible honour, but they are also very bothered by the other's presence. Due to stubbornness, neither of them backs off, so they both meet with Waverly later (maybe they actually meet more than once and maybe Gaby sometimes tags along). I don't have much plot beyond this point, but both Napoleon and Illya would get to know each other outside of their fandom feud and they'd fall in love, of course. After the first meeting (or maybe even before it), Illya would read some of Napoleon's articles and reluctantly admit (but only to himself) that some of his observations and his writing style are good. If Illya was a hockey player, Napoleon'd look him up on the internet and find out about the injury.
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whitherliliesbloom · 2 years
light the way to a new horizon
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[ ffxivwrite2022 ] ★ [ masterlist ] ★ [ #01 - cross ]
[ illya & the wandering equinox ] ★ [ 2,112 words ]  ★ [ pirate au ]
in spite of the clap of thunder and the battering rain, the captain watched as the girl stood undaunted as a beacon of light, determined to guide their ship starward to succor
It’s the billowing of the wind that causes stiff bumps to rise from the surface of Kaye’s skin, ice cold still from the relentless downpour of the rain. He can barely see past the constant droplets that trickle down his lashes and into his eyes of navy blue, tempted to set his tricorn hat back atop his head to shield his drenched face from the increasingly grating pitter patter sensation. 
But he decides against it, reminded that it would not do to lost the symbol of his status as captain of the Noctilux when he casts his gaze portside towards the girl whom he’s not seen de-hatted since she was but a naive, blinkered child. 
She must have lost her hat to the seas, poor thing, Kaye thinks to himself. She’d been standing so close to the edge, twilight eyes cast out upon the horizon for so long it’d be an even bigger surprise had her feathered hat stayed upon her head. Without it, she appears a fair bit more rugged than usual, and the man pities the way her silken veil of pure white hair was being caught in the violent winds, curls tangled further by slick and salt.
But it suits her, he admits in silence as he folds his arms across his chest - the sight of the champion of guidance standing steadfast against the storm, it’s comforting as it is breathtaking.
The deafening crack of yet another thunder that follows after a flash of blinding light from the heavens, snaps him out of his thought for a moment long enough for him to wallow in regret - pitiable and oh so dumb as the thought is. 
Nobody sane would’ve earlier believed it when the chief navigator came sauntering onto deck, expression worried and wary as she explained her ‘premonition’ that something bad was going to happen soon.... all supported only by the fact that her pet hawk, who was never at all cooperative towards anyone except his owner anyway, was getting agitated and refused to eat his feed of freshly caught tropical fish. 
Nobody sane, of course, excluded Mint... who was perhaps the only person among the crew who believed her close mate, though even she could do little than to yell down from her post in the crow’s nest at the crew to not bully young Illya or make fun of her for her words.
And yet here they are now, caught in the midst of a horrid storm - the worst he’s seen since the battle upon the thavnairian sea... With little to no hope of nature’s fury calming down in their immediate future. 
It’s a painful, bitter reminder of the cost of freedom - of the dangers of being a pirate such as they. 
Kaye hears a set of footsteps thumping up the stairs, and turns his head towards the group of men as they bolt up towards him. 
“Cannons secured, captain! We’ve also tied all chests and loose furniture below deck down!” 
“Right.” A grunt sounds out in acknowledgement, and he gives a brief pause to think before turning his gaze back to the men. “How ‘bout the armory then?”
“The.... the armory, captain?”
“Our swords and guns, ye dumb bilge rats. Do ye want to lose all our weapons?” 
“N-no captain! ‘C-course not! We’ll bet to em’ right away, sir!”
With a turn and a trip, the group excuses themselves from his presence as quickly as they had came, and Kaye has to hold back a rumbling sigh when one among them loses his balance at the rocking of the boat and almost falls head first down the wooden stairs. 
Helpless - the lot of them... He laments, but not as harshly as he laments himself. The burden of responsibility for putting them in such a precarious situation in the first place falls to him as captain, after all... and so he’s taken to bearing the duty of organizing the efforts of the entire crew to combat the storm for as long as it torments them, from ordering Mint’s group consisting of deckhands to secure the extra sails and watch the masts to entrusting the steering of the ship to Lily after their coxswain fell ill and had to retreat to the infirmary, where assistant medic Nami was stationed.
The biggest responsibility of all however, fell to their chief navigator, the starling of the Wandering Equinox and perhaps also their youngest crewmate, who has stood unmoving by the side of the ship for the past twenty minutes. 
Silence is characteristic of Illya, though not the tension in her jaw or the deep, frustrated furrow in her eyebrows. Even as a crewmate who carried a mountain of responsibilities upon her shoulders (at such a considerably young age compared to the others, no less), the expression the girl wore was always one of a gentle smile, or a soft contemplative stare that pierced into one’s soul. 
The side of Illya that he’d call frightening is rare - something of a myth, really... especially to the newer blood amongst his crew, a couple of whom often took the young woman’s usual meek and docile demeanor as weakness... 
But it is truly in this moment of seemingly bleakness, where the flicker of guiding starlight shines the brightest... and though captain Kaye was starting to grow increasingly worried at the girl’s unresponsiveness as she studied the waves and the wind intently, his trust in his skills kept him from questioning her. 
She’s a part of the Wandering Equinox - they who represented the light in the dark, the hope in despair, and the freedom to carve out their own paths and fate in life, after all... and she is to be the guiding light who shall show them a way out of the shadows, a task befitting of the navigator of the celestial seas.
He trusts her - as do majority of the crew. This will not be the first or the last time she shall be their miracle. 
“I get it.... I get it now!” Her voice cries out against the thunderous weather, and she turns around to cast sparkling, hopeful yet determined eyes upon the captain. Her grasp upon the compass in her hand had been so tight, it’d turned the complexion upon her entire left hand white. 
“We need to raise all the sails and steer hard to starboard! We’ll never be able to make it out unless we go at full speed!” 
Her proclamation draws the attention of the hands on deck, and though under any other ordinary circumstances, the words of the navigator of the stars held just as much equal weight as it does with the captain, they were perhaps in no condition to consider her command, full of risks and uncertainty, with a rational mind. 
Frenzied and panicked, and having just rolled down the sails only to be told that they needed to be set back up, they called out and questioned against the girl.
“Are ye mad??! The ship’ll snap in half before we’ll ever get outta here!”
“What?! Listen to y’self lass! Ye’ve gone down the deep end if yer seriously telling us to do somethin’ so risky!” 
“That’s way too bleedin’ risky for my likin’ chief... You shoulda asked captain for his opinion first-”
There’s merit to caution, there’s merit to their protests. Hells, there’s even merit to calling out her madness. 
Under normal circumstances, perhaps she’d cave, retreat into her shell, bite back the tears and the insecurities with an all too melancholic smile- ever such is the way of a natural actress such as Illya. 
But not in life and death - not in all encompassing darkness. 
Against the crashing of the waves and the cries of the doubtful back at her, the girl yells out against the storm of uncertainty, and Kaye could swear that for a single spectacular moment, he could a flash of flaming crimson reflected in her starry eyes, and the beacon of light that was to be their darling guiding star finally finds her voice. 
“The captain has given ME full right to navigate the ship, ME the authority of acting captain for as long as the storm persists! So if you want to live, you’ll listen and do as I say, or you can see yourself out and be swallowed by the seas!” 
It’s a whole several nightmarish hours until they stop hearing the dreadful sounds of water bashing against the haul of the boat, or the screams of horror as the boat rocked violently against the tides that only seemed to worsen with the speed in which they sailed. 
There had been a few close calls, moments where even Kaye had for, even in an instant momentary flash of weakness, truly believed that it was their fate to be capsized. 
When the waves grew quieter slowly but surely, and at the first glimpse of still waters in the distance forward, was finally when he’d allowed himself to take a deep breath of relief, allowing the fresh ocean air untainted by the scent of fear to fill his lungs as he collapsed backwards onto a wooden barrel. 
His pink haired companion joins him shortly after, fatigue apparent in her wrinkled brows and tension in her bent, trembling arms, sore from hours of grasping tightly onto the wheel for dear life. 
And though he’d almost parted his lips to speak first with several words of praise for her hard work in steering the ship with the command of her quieter, younger friend... It was Lilian who spoke first, a hint of disbelief laced even in her words of awe in regards to the chief navigator.
“Illya’s...really somethin’ else...” The woman sighs, and he agrees with a wordless hum. “’Really thought we were gonna be fish food for a bloody moment back there....”
“Yer serious? Ye of all people doubtin’ Illya?” 
“I didn’t say I doubted her!” Lily hisses out, and she balls her hand up into a fist to give the captain a firm, but ultimately harmless punch to his shoulder. “And don’t say that out loud! She mighta’ve heard ye!” 
“Don’t think she would be able to.” With a gesture of his head, olive green eyes turn towards Illya, whose body has finally surrendered to exhaustion, slumped limply against the wooden mast with a singular cloth tarp, a dry, warm one taken from below deck draped over her soaked body - a token of apology from the crewmates who had voiced up against her earlier, it would seem. “Lass’ too tired to hear anythin’.”
“Well....'course... and no wonder.” Lilian hums, drawing her legs up to her chest, a hint of sympathy flashing through her eyes. “I suppose ‘ll just have to ask her after she wakes up then.”
“Ask her what?” The raven haired man asks, eyebrow raised inquisitively.
“How she does it... Y’know, the whole..navigatin’ thing. How’d she figure that we were trapped in a hurricane and where we should go? Ain’t bein’ the navigator of the stars pretty useless without....ye know... the stars?” 
It’s an understandable question, and one Kaye has no trouble admitting he’s harbored in the past too - in fact he’d ask that exact same question to the girl years prior when she’d first joined the crew, and he had not yet fully grown to trust her with the life of his beloved crew and ship yet. How does a navigator who ever looked skywards and relied on the shining of stars find their way in a storm, where naught but heavy clouds lined the view of the heavens.
And her answer to him then was one he shall repeat in fully back to Lilian now.
“’The stars don’t stop shinin’. They just hide in the tides.’...is what she said. Somethin’ about the way the waves move and the winds blow or somethin’ of the like. I asked before, but I ain’t smart enough to remember in full. But I do remember her sayin’ that she’d been trackin’ the southern cross for the past couple o’ moons...” 
“Ah.” With a hint of understanding, Lilian lets out a laugh and allows her head to fall crane back loosely. “I think I get it now. She’s so obsessed with stars that she never loses sight of their direction... even when we’re ridin’ round in circles.”
Kaye holds back a snort and a smile from gracing his lips, only for his gaze to settle once more on the peacefully slumbering girl, whose loyal hawk of incredibly superstitious and weather predicting powers has come to perch and rest besides.
“Aye, I suppose that’s one way of puttin’ it.”
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unsettledink · 4 years
Comfort (Re)Reads Recs
It's been a rough couple of weeks, both personally and just *waves hands around* you know, everything. I found myself going back to some of my comfort reads again and again and thought – you know, I bet other people are in serious need of that too.
So here's a handful of some of my favorite comfort reads across a bunch of fandoms. Most are pretty long, or series. Everything has a happy ending, but I like h/c so plenty have some hurt or angst on the way. I put the ones that have the most near that bottom.
For all of them I'd suggest looking at the author's other works too! And if you liked what you read, please tell them that it made your day a bit better. I'm off to do so myself.
Leader Of The Free World, @copperbadge
Marvel (MCU) - Steve/Tony, Bucky/Clint, 15k
Summary: Clint Barton's presidential campaign started as a joke. It didn't end that way, except for Steve.
Sixpence In His Shoe, @scifigrl47
Marvel - Steve/Tony, 100k
Summary: Steve and Tony should really read the fine print on what they're signing. Then again, some mistakes are not really mistakes.
Always Starts the Same, with a Boy and a Girl, lightgetsin
White Collar - Neal/Elizabeth/Peter, 21k
Summary: Summer, 1998. Neal Caffrey robs the gallery where Elizabeth O'Dell is working late, and comes away with a lot more than art. Agent Burke has no idea what's about to hit him.
Take Me Out,    @setepenre-set
Megamind – Megamind/Roxanne, 10k
Summary: The Metro City Wolverines are the worst team in the MLB. So Megamind, using the disguise watch to manage the stadium’s illegal betting pool, is understandably shocked when Miss Ritchi (at the stadium on a ‘date’ with Metro Man…and his mother) wants to place a bet that the Wolverines can win against the best ranked team in the league. But then, maybe the luck is turning for all of Metro City's underdogs…
My Heart Comes Tumbling Down, @devildoll
Teen Wolf – Derek/Stiles, 5k
Summary: "This is a casual, adult relationship based on sex, and it is awesome." In which Stiles and Derek have a great time buddyfucking until a burrito ruins it all.
Technical Support,    @astolat
Person of Interest – John/Harold, 13k
Summary: The IFT Plaza security team wasn't what John would have called the brightest stars in the firmament. (Written for the tech support AU prompt.)
From Thy Bounty, @ibby-writes​
Marvel (MCU) – Tony/Peter, 30k
Summary: Tony’s eyes are always dark, but now there's almost no iris left. He looks hollowed out. There’s something terribly hungry there, despite the feast they've filled themselves on.
Gift of Choice, @everysecondtuesday
Marvel (MCU) – Tony/Peter, 11k
Summary: Tony Stark had a thing about giving Peter stuff.
Feels Like Something, Maybe It Fits, @learned-foot
Marvel (MCU) – Tony/Peter, 7k
Summary:  Peter’s still not used to hearing that voice. Four months, and part of him thinks it’s a lie every time.
Better Than, unsettled (yup, it's mine. It feels weird to include it? But it was the comfort reread that set this off, so)
Marvel (MCU) – Tony/Peter, 40k
Summary: Maybe there isn't really a fixed point where it starts, where any of it starts, nothing Tony can point to and say, there, there is where I made my mistake, there is where I could have stopped this, there is where I can stop it from happening again. Maybe it shouldn’t have been something Tony tried to stop. (or: the one where Tony is going to be responsible for once, ok? He is!)
The Swear Jar, @allthemarvelousrage
Marvel (MCU) – Clint/Laura/Tony, 12k
Summary: In the last three months, she’s seen Tony go through a lot of mood changes and shifts of introspection, but she doesn’t think he’s ever been close to leaving. Then again, she doesn’t think he’s actually aware of how intertwined his life’s become with theirs, because half the time, he’s exhausted from Avengers business or exhausted from engineering binges, and the other half of the time, he’s either trading one-liners and witticisms with Clint or coloring with Lila or building things with Cooper or letting Nathan crawl all over him.
This, You Protect, @vmohlere
Marvel (MCU) - Steve/Bucky, 64k
Summary: The mission resets abruptly, from objective: kill to objective: protect
have you heard, peradi
Star Wars - Finn/Poe, Finn/Poe/Rey, 42k
Summary: "I heard FN-2187 was a Stormtrooper."
Transfigurations, Resonant
Harry Potter – Harry/Draco, 71k
Summary: Five years after Voldemort's defeat, Harry returns to England to help re-open Hogwarts.
Something Blue, Lapin
The Hobbit – Bilbo/Thorin, 34k
Summary: Thorin marries Bilbo after the Battle of Five Armies, a marriage of convenience, not love. Slowly, they must come to make the best of it, Bilbo resolves. After all, he's a Hobbit. They make the best of things.
Nothing Gold Can Stay,  @bilboo
The Hobbit – Bilbo/Thorin, 296k
Summary: Bilbo Baggins led a rather peaceful life, thank you very much, until an old acquaintance decided to turn it upside down, and he found himself agreeing to take a job that’s… let’s say not exactly up his alley, and might eventually cost him a little more than his treasured cozy lifestyle. Who would have thought tutoring a slightly menacing monarch’s more than slightly overbearing nephew could prove to be such an adventure?
Like a Comet Streaming On, @sineala
Marvel (616)– Tony/Steve, 32k
Summary: Tony escapes Afghanistan with a functioning Iron Man suit and a perfectly normal heart. He even manages to bring Ho Yinsen home safely at his side. But he may as well have lost everything... because his wolfbrother is dead. Six months later, the Avengers find Captain America, frozen in ice, miraculously alive. Everything and everyone Steve has ever known is gone -- except his wolfsister, the recipient of the lupine version of the super-soldier serum, who was frozen in his arms. Tony has everything but his wolf. Steve has only his wolf. This is how their lives fit together.
All Our Secrets Laid Bare, @firethesound
Harry Potter – Harry/Draco, 149k
Summary: Over the six years Draco Malfoy has been an Auror, four of his partners have turned up dead. Harry Potter is assigned as his newest partner to investigate just what is going on.
The End Where We Begin, @ingu
Man From UNCLE (Movie) – Illya/Napoleon, 21k
Summary: Illya kills an American spy in Zurich. Three days later, he’s staring into the face of a dead man standing in his hotel room.
A man turns around., spqr
Marvel (MCU) – Tony/Steve/Bucky, 6k
Summary: Liver failure or a lone assassin with a long-range weapon will get him eventually. He doesn’t think it will take too long, now that he’s retired. He wishes death would hurry up. If happiness were coming his way, it would’ve gotten here by now. All that’s left to do is wait. Languish in the "later life" section of his Wikipedia page. Wake up in the morning and go to bed at night. Exist, until it’s over.
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Some further observations and speculation about 8.05.
The passport that was pulled out of the safety deposit box had the name Kevin Donnelly on it. The same name that Reddington used in Cape May......!
And that was the first of two Cape May references. As someone else pointed out, it was a Cape May Warbler that Anne pointed out in the park. So now there is the question of whether or not Anne even really exists. After all, Dembe wasn't there to reinforce that this is a real encounter.
Another possibility is that Anne is just a completely ordinary person. I wonder if Reddington is prone to having the occasional one-night stand with just an ordinary woman that he meets. If Anne isn't a hallucination or a trap set by Elizabeth or the Russian people... A little worried for Anne. She may get killed in the crossfire.
I wonder how much Cooper actually told Panabaker. she starts this episode believing that he's the real Raymond Reddington and that he is Elizabeth's father. There's a lot to backtrack over.
I'm not even sure that Cooper is up to date on the fact that Reddington is not actually Illya Koslov.
Reddington tried to make the point that Elizabeth is responsible for her own choices. I'm afraid that point wasn't made forcefully enough for my liking. At a certain point you can't blame what others did to you for your own actions. You know what you're doing. You know what the rules/laws/consequences are. If you don't care, that's on you.
The scientist dude who Redington asked about the handwriting...I think he was from season 1?? He was angry with Red because Red had slept with his very fickle wife? And Red traded him a weekend in one of his homes for his help with some fingerprints on wine glasses?? And if memory serves Elizabeth wasn't there when Reddington went to see him.
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reignsan · 5 years
History of the Einzberns
This is not new information but with Case Files Material talking about the magecraft timeline and Jesus wielding the First Magic, I think the topic is relevant.
Source: A booklet that came with the UBW blu-ray. Translated by Kotonoha on Beast’s Lair.
The origins of Einzbern A factory originally created by the students of the magician who realized the third magic. Began in the year 1 AD. They attempted to reproduce their master's miracle, but couldn't do it themselves, so as an alternate plan they tried to recreate a specimen identical to their master and have it reproduce the magic. After nearly 900 years of effort, Justeaze - the homunculus who would come to be called the Winter Saint - was forged. She was a model that strayed from what the magi had intended, created completely by accident, but her abilities were equal to or above those of their master. The magi should have been elated about Justeaze, but they couldn't be happy. After all, she was a mutation that was born regardless of their own techniques or skills. Even if that specimen was to reproduce the third magic, that conclusion would be harder for them to bear than 900 years of failure. The magi deperately attempted to create a homunculus that excelled Justeaze by their own techniques. The artificial intelligence created to act as the castle's central management - the golem Jubstacheit - was the pinnacle of their craft, and became the father of all homunculi created at Einzbern. Justeaze succeeded at proving the third magic. However, it was not cost-effective. Justeaze's use of the third magic was like careful knitting. It would take several years to save just one person, making the salvation of the entire human race virtually unattainable. In addition, while Justeaze herself did not age, her body was so frail it would take little to kill her, so she could not leave the castle. Since her intelligence and mentality were also unaging, she did not develop at all. From an outside perspective, it was as if she was repeating a single day for all eternity. If she were to leave the castle she would be freed from this "single day", but the act of leaving the castle signified an easy death for Justeaze. In the end, they accepted that humans could create something that surpassed humans, but not something that could save humans. ...Or perhaps they would not have failed if a miracle like Justeaze had not occurred. The magi despaired the limits of their abilties. Some abandoned the castle, while others took their own lives. The homunculi left at Einzbern were abandoned by their creators, but in their purity, they continued to operate the factory for the sake of the creators' ideaology - the salvation of humankind, the reproduction of a miracle. From then on, all homunculi created at Einzbern were based off of Justeaze. Jubstacheit created a humanoid terminal unit, and used it as the manager of Einzbern. Though by the end he operated even Acht (the eighth humanoid terminal), he did not possess a personality. He only included the necessary "humanity" to operate the castle and reproduce the third magic into each of his humanoid terminals, and made them act like humans. Jubstacheit is essentially an automaton that cannot progress, but continues operating in perpetuity. His way of existence is just like an old clock ticking away, being forgotten by people before running down. The great grail Five hundred years after the magi departed from Einzbern, a model plan was devised for a wide-area operation device for the third magic using Justeaze. Einzbern had determined that reproducing Justeaze was impossible. Their plan of keeping Justeaze safe because she was a unique and valuable model switched to a plan to use that unique model to mass-produce miracles. (This was not Jubstacheit's plan, but a consensus of opinion within Einzbern. Because the homunculi were pure, they chose the method with the greatest probability of success. In fact, Jubstacheit was the only intelligence that voted against this.) Justeaze could only use the third magic on one human over a period of decades. Therefore, using Justeaze as a frame, they would create a "greater" magic formula and save many humans at once. The plan was to disassemble her magic circuits and replace them with a magic formula, creating a humanoid universe - the great grail. But Einzbern alone could not start this project. They were no more than dolls. They had no way to live in the outside world, and they couldn't handle the complexity of human society. To create the great grail and reproduce the third magic, they needed understanding and cooperative humans. Then, in the year 1800, a guest arrived at the winter castle that had continued to produce homunculi. Makiri Zolken. A magus who had devoted his life to eliminating all the evils of the world, the evils of humanity. (At this point, Zolken was mostly disillusoned. He knew it was about time to give up, but calling on Einzbern was his last hope. He met Justeaze, and felt a complicated mix of emotions - hope towards fulfilling his ambition, jealousy at her ability to use the third magic, and pity for Justeaze's eternal youth causing her to "repeat the same day".) With Makiri's understanding and Tohsaka's cooperation, Einzbern began to create the great grail. However, once they started, they determined that Justeaze alone was not enough. They could create a great grail. They could create its core. However, to operate it they would need vast amounts of magical energy, and a lesser grail to control it. Makiri and Tohsaka devised a ritual to collect magical energy using Justeaze's ability to connect with the root: the grail war. Despite being unable to reproduce Justeaze, Einzbern created a lesser grail with similar abilities to hers. After 10 years, the project was finally complete. The grail war ritual was successful, and the great grail lit up. But its first operation ended in dismal failure. There was no flaw in the great grail itself. The problem lay in the craftsmen and magi who participated. Instead of using the precious magic reactor core for the sake of the whole planet, the magi killed each other out of a desire to use it for the sake of their own race or society. Einzbern had been unable to understand the thought processes of the humans who operated the great grail. Irisviel and Illyasviel Einzbern learned from the failure of the grail war and changed their plans. Justeaze no longer existed. While preparing to restart the great grail, they returned to their original goal and focused on creating a perfect homunculus. As a result, they created Irisviel, a homunculus with the function of a lesser grail. They expanded on her further and Illyasviel, a homunculus that was the pinnacle of Einzbern's technique, was born. Tuners This is a digression, but separate from the winter castle is the tuners' building (a small house), inhabited by a family of human magi, not homunculi. Since the homunculi cannot negotiate with human society, the tuners went into town in their place and barter for needed materials. Traders, essentially. Still, they are a talented magus family, and possess strong artistry. Humans without strong aesthetic sense could never take care of Einzbern, after all. The tuner family's numbers dwindled along with Einzbern's decline, and in the end only one remained. It seems he often worked in the castle as a butler, teaching the secluded, medieval-minded homunculi about the outside world. It's unknown what kind of conclusion that tuner chose after Illya lost and Jubstacheit shut himself down. In summary: so what is Einzbern? A factory in which homunculi continued operating towards the ideals and goals humans had given them, after the magi had left. Jubstacheit is something like the factory's central management program. A monolith. Acht is his terminal. Even after their creators had given up and died, the homunculi in the winter castle devoted themselves to making their masters' dream come true. What lies at the basis of the Einzbern factory and many discarded things is the purity of machines. Imagine a doll that can speak to its owner, but only a few phrases. "Hello", "thank you", "I'm sorry", "good night" - "I love you." These reactions delight the buyer, but it's clear that they will soon be disappointed. "No matter what I say, the doll can only say predetermined phrases. It just keeps repeating that tired old 'I love you'." Realizing that the love the doll speaks of is a false emotion, the buyer will likely discard it eventually. But humans are the ones who see that as empty words and a manufactured fake. Even if it doesn't have a "heart", even if it's only repeating the same words, there are no lies in the actions of machines. They innocently carry out the task they were given. "I love you." Though abandoned, forgotten, and scorned as out-of-date dolls, they continue to carry out their mission, unchanged from the time they were designed. Machines do not lose their worth when a newer model appears. Their worth (life) ends when humans can no longer bear that purity.
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heytheredeann · 2 years
Okay, hear me out. Baymax!Illya AU.
@little-spoon-napoleon mentioned it in this reblog and I just HAD to rewatch the movie to flesh out this idea because I love it so much
So. Waverly is running UNCLE as a project of cooperation between different agencies. As in canon, he recruited Gaby, and at some point he recruited Napoleon too, after seeing that he worked well with Gaby and that he would make for a good asset. He starts negotiations with Russia to get agents from them too, and instead they send them a literal robot as a show of cooperation.
It’s what they call a “healthcare companion”, programmed to provide medical assistance in the field (though it also knows an insane amount of martial arts for good measure). Truthfully, there’s no reason for said robot to have a Russian accent but I say they gave him one anyway looool.
So, Waverly accepts, it’s kind of a trial and he assigns this Russian robot to work with his best team. Neither Napoleon nor Gaby are particularly enthusiastic about the idea, because they are highly suspicious that it’s just there to spy on them and/or kill them in their sleep, also it’s highly uncomfortable. At least it introduces itself with a human name, probably because the whole thing is highly unsettling and whoever did the programming knew it.
Regardless, it’s not their decision so they are now a team of three. 
The thing is. Napoleon knows that technically this is supposed to be a robot with no feelings etc etc, but. BUT. the fact that it looks like literally any other human already makes him crack, but then there’s also the fact that Napoleon started calling it (him?) “Peril” as a joke and Illya started calling him “Cowboy” in return, like, did anyone program the robot to nickname people or is that just Illya’s thing? Plus, he gives him attitude, how is Napoleon supposed to keep thinking of him as a thing?
Like, really, it’s always “On a scale of one to ten, how would you rate your pain?”, and then when Napoleon says “Three” Illya raises his eyebrows in a highly sceptical way, because the bastard already scanned him and he knows that that’s bullshit.
He’s also pretty sure that when Napoleon broke a couple of ribs and rated it a “two” it was NOT an accident that Illya stared at him, nodded, and then started poking him while very seriously asking: “Does it hurt when I touch here?”
Point being, he’s an asshole (affectionate), which Napoleon maintains is more of a person thing than a robot thing.
He also has hobbies? Kind of? Napoleon caught him playing chess against himself, which can’t have been part of the programming, right? If he was programmed to be a fighter medic to bring in the field, what good does chess do?
He also starts squinting and rubbing his eyes when his battery starts running too low, which makes him look remarkably like an adorable sleepy human, and that doesn’t help at all.
(They discovered towards the beginning that while Illya doesn’t need to sleep and certainly not as often as they do, they should take care to recharge his battery. No one explained it to them and Napoleon kinda assumed he would just recharge himself when he needed to, but no, apparently they have to tell him that they are “satisfied with their care” for him to deactivate or he’ll just keep running around until he drops dead.
Fortunately, they discovered this before that, when Illya started having trouble putting one foot in front of the other and he finally decided to explain to them that they should let him get some rest.)
(Another point under the human column: he’s annoyingly stubborn.)
Illya runs as hot as a furnace, he supposes because there’s a lot of machinery going on under the human appearance, but his hands are icy. This can be a bit of a problem when Illya starts putting his cold dead hands all over them while diagnosing them.
(The furnace thing is good though. Definitely saved them from hypothermia and from shitty safehouses without heating a couple of times.)
Napoleon has yet to figure out if when Illya takes things extremely literally he just honestly doesn’t understand figures of speech or if he’s trying to mess with him. Sometimes, Napoleon is kinda inclined to go for the latter, like when the asshole sneaked up on him (he’s so BIG, how he is so QUIET when walking around), he got startled and said “You gave me a heart attack!”, and Illya looked at him and promptly went: “My hands are equipped with a defibrillator. Clear---!”
The most annoying thing about Illya, though, is probably that he has no sense of self-preservation whatsoever.
And look. Napoleon shouldn’t care, technically, if the robot takes a few bullets for them because his first solution for everything is to be a not-human shield, but---it’s distressing. Gaby can fix up the damage after things like these happen, it’s not that unlike the two of them stitching each other up after a mission, but still. There’s always this little moment of panic before he gets up, when Napoleon automatically assumes that they broke him this time.
One time Illya just grabbed him and jumped out of a window, shielding him from impact when they landed, and that messed him up so much that Napoleon had to drag him all the way back so that Gaby could take a look at him, which wasn’t fun at all.
(He was fine, eventually. Still.)
Whenever Napoleon expresses his displeasure with this whole attitude, Illya just shrugs and says that they are his partners and it’s his job to make sure they stay safe.
He and Gaby have discussed their new partner more than once, trying to sort through their thoughts, and while it feels a little shitty to talk about him behind his back like that, Napoleon kinda needs to feel like he is not so crazy for having so many existential crisis over what actually qualifies as a person.
“Do you think he cares about us?” he asks once, voicing that specific thought aloud for the first time, though they’ve definitely been skirting around it for a while, and, well. She’s a cynical little thing, his Gaby, so it isn’t at all surprising when she gets all defensive, shrugs, and says: “How should I know?”.
He supposes that’s fair, it’s not like they can know. Maybe he really is just doing the job that he was programmed to do.
(Except once, late at night, Napoleon catches Illya watching recordings of the two of them. It’s nothing mission related, just him and Gaby having fun and relaxing in-between jobs, drunk dancing, attempting to bake a cake in spite of Gaby being a disaster in the kitchen---Illya just keeps watching and smiling to himself with so much affection that Napoleon honestly kind of thinks the answer to his question might be yes.)
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stellabrady · 4 years
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          𝐒𝐀𝐒𝐇𝐀 𝐖𝐀𝐒 𝐄𝐗𝐇𝐀𝐔𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐃 these babies were sucking every last energy of her, but even before the delivery day they already were eating her thin patience. When she put one to sleep the other wakes up, and vice-versa, when one wants to eat the other just wants to 'clown around'. She always tries to feed both of them at the same time to save time for herself to rest. Today Lena and Illya were being cooperative by eating at the same time, and now she put both of them to burp at the same time. They were delaying to burp, and she ended dozing off, holding both twins in each of her arms, whilst she was in bed. Sasha didn't hear the door knocked but she heard the door open, a little confused momentarily and she faced Viv. ❛ Heyy... ❜ She looked at the other with her tired eyes, having visible dark circles.
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thesmilingfish · 4 years
I had to go to town this morning. I’d ordered a soap dispenser because the one I have is leaking but, of course, the one I ordered came broken so back it went. My cousin had something she wanted to send to her son so I took care of that too. Then did a run to the bank so I could pay them for next months rent and did a quick trip to the grocery store. I mostly bought snack food. After wiping everything down before putting them away and throwing away the bags I took a hot shower to make sure I was as clean as I could be. Just in case.
Nobody asked but here are Junior and Illya in their little fort on the bed anyway.
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The Astronaut’s Wife (1999) - Charlize Theron and Johnny Depp are both absurdly beautiful in this movie. This is your standard science fiction/thriller fare. It’s average, ultimately forgettable. Nothing special other than its leads.
Breach (2007) - Chris Cooper is breathtaking in this true story of Robert Hanssen, an FBI agent who was convicted of treason. The cast is uniformly excellent apart from one actor - Ryan Philippe, who lets the whole thing down. He just can’t go toe to toe with actor of Cooper’s caliber. It’s slow-moving, especially when we know the outcome and it doesn’t feel like it knows what kind of movie it wants to be - it’s not a spy thriller, it’s not a character study - it’s kind of a big mish mash, which is frustrating because it’s an incredibly interesting subject and deserved better. (The NCIS fan in me had me smiling over the scene in Rock Creek Park. Just cuz.)
Extraction (2020) - Okay, not something I own but it premiered on Netflix today and I wanted to see it. This is just an awesome action-packed thriller. The fight scenes are amazing (and plentiful) and will keep you on the edge of your seat. I knew that Chris Hemsworth was starring in it but I had no idea that David Harbour had a supporting role. He’s only in a few scenes, but he was great too. Yeah, so big thumbs up for me if you’re looking for a pretty nifty action flick.
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Divine Me A Masterpiece Challenge
♦ About
Welcome to my 1000 follower challenge!!! With there being a lot of seasonal challenges right now I thought I’d do something a little different. I thought that maybe we should get in touch with magic that’s in the air right now ;)
So for this challenge we are looking at tarot! First I’ll go over the rules and expectations, then gloss over tarot, and finally round out this post with the characters and prompts. So let’s get started :D
♦ Rules
To Enter
You must apply through my ask box so no anons. If you are using a side blog and don’t want your main shown to the world tell me so in the ask and I will not post it publicly. 
Every entry needs to be inspired by a Major Arcana card and must be focused on a character or ship I listed.
Each card is limited to one person!
Entries must be sent by ask and will be posted publicly!
I have bonus prompts listed at the bottom of this post; you need to use at least one (1) and you are limited to three (3) total! Sentence prompts are all first come, first serve! The majority of the AU prompts have a two person limit.
What your ask should include - the tarot card you wish to claim, the character or ship you wish to write for, and 1-3 of the prompts/AUs I have listed (You need to use at least one from the list).
All angst must have a happy ending and no cis-swapping.
I am accepting - fics, fan art, moodboards, edits, and playlists (you need to make a cover for it).
Note: I work second shift so please don’t panic if I don’t respond in the afternoon/evening hours.
November 24th, 2018 - I currently am just shy of 1000 followers and will not be posting a due date for these until I get 1000 followers. I will tag all who entered when that happens.
When Posting Your Work
All entries are due on February 22nd, 2019. Please do not post before then.
Make sure to list - the character/ship you wrote for, any warnings, and if it is nsfw.
Tell me how you interpreted the card for your work.
Make sure to tag me @goingknowherewastaken and @jiminthestreets-bonesinthesheets (Ashley is my assistant during this challenge)
Please use this tag within the first 5 tags - #DivineMeAMasterpieceChallenge
If your work contains nsfw content please make sure to tag it accordingly.
Please send me the link to your work through my ask box!
♦ About Tarot
We’ve all seen the decks of cards with beautiful designs used for helping find possible answers to questions we may have, but not everyone knows what’s going on with them. I will gloss over the bare minimum of info here, but I encourage you all to read up on tarot if you are unfamiliar with it.
Tarot cards are used for uncovering possible answers to questions we have about our lives - from love to career. Cards can be drawn and placed in a certain layout (spread) and are then read in a specific order. They are meant for enlightenment and what they tell in the spread is not set in stone - they are cards and you can ignore their take if you wish.
There are two ways to read the cards depending on how they appear in a spread - upright and reversed (upside down). If the card is revealed to be right-side up you are to read the card as is and if it is reversed then it’s meaning is reversed.
Depending on the deck, the description of the card can vary slightly, but overall they are similar. Also, the meaning behind the card is affected by the other cards in the spread. For this challenge you will only have to worry about the card you selected.
Because there are in total 78 cards in a standard deck (divided between the Major Arcana and the Minor Arcana), we will only be using the Major Arcana which totals 22 cards.
Please read up more on the card you select!!!!!
The Tarot Cards (the words listed are just brief overviews of the cards that I gathered from Biddy Tarot)
Fool - @haveyouseenmymind 
Upright - beginnings, innocence, spontaneity, a free spirit
Reversed - naivety, foolishness, recklessness, risk-taking
The Magician
Upright - power, skill, concentration, action, resourcefulness
Reversed - manipulation, poor planning, latent talents
High Priestess - @frostingsfics 
Upright - intuition, higher powers, mystery, subconscious mind
Reversed - hidden agendas, need to listen to inner voice
The Empress
Upright - fertility, femininity, beauty, nature, abundance
Reversed - creative block, dependence on others
The Emperor
Upright - authority, father-figure, structure, solid foundation
Reversed - domination, excessive control, rigidity, inflexibility
Hierophant - @bsotstory 
Upright - religion, group identification, conformity, tradition, beliefs
Reversed - restriction, challenging the status quo
Lovers - @the-goddamn-queen 
Upright - love, union, relationships, values alignment, choices
Reversed - disharmony, imbalance, misalignment of values
Upright - control, will power, victory, assertion, determination
Reversed - lack of control and direction, aggression
Upright - strength, courage, patience, control, compassion
Reversed - weakness, self-doubt, lack of self-discipline
Hermit - @auduna-druitt 
Upright - soul-searching, introspection, being alone, inner guidance
Reversed - isolation, loneliness, withdrawal
Wheel of Fortune - @kjs-s
Upright - good luck, karma, life cycles, destiny, a turning point
Reversed - bad luck, negative external forces, out of control
Upright - justice, fairness, truth, cause and effect, law
Reversed - unfairness, lack of accountability, dishonesty
Hanged Man
Upright - suspension, restriction, letting go, sacrifice
Reversed - martyrdom, indecision, delay
Death - @captainsbabysitter-blog 
Upright - endings, beginnings, change, transformation, transition
Reversed - resistance to change, unable to move on
Upright - balance, moderation, patience, purpose, meaning
Reversed - imbalance, excess, lack of long-term vision
Devil - @bookcaseninja
Upright - bondage, addiction, sexuality, materialism
Reversed - detachment, breaking free, power reclaimed
Tower - @haveyouseenmymind 
Upright - disaster, upheaval, sudden change, revelation
Reversed - avoidance of disaster, fear of change
Star - @filatarcangelus
Upright - hope, spirituality, renewal, inspiration, serenity
Reversed - lack of faith, despair, discouragement
Moon - @resistance-is-futile81
Upright - illusion, fear, anxiety, insecurity, subconscious
Reversed - release of fear, unhappiness, confusion
Sun - @and-i-cant-resurrect-you 
Upright - fun, warmth, success, positivity, vitality
Reversed - temporary depression, lack of success
Upright - judgement, rebirth, inner calling, absolution
Reversed - self-doubt, refusal of self examination
Upright - completion, integration, accomplishment, travel
Reversed - lack of completion, lack of closure
♦ Characters And Ships
Characters (for reader inserts)
Jim Kirk (AOS)
Leonard McCoy (AOS)
Spock (AOS)
Scotty (AOS or TOS)
Steve Trevor
Steve Rogers
Bucky Barnes
Clint Barton
Bruce Banner
Peter Quill
Owen Grady (Jurassic World)
Nicholas Devereaux (The Princess Diaries 2)
Cinderella’s Prince (Into The Woods)
Bernie Webber (The Finest Hours)
Jack Ryan (Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit)
Toby Howard (Hell Or High Water)
FDR Foster (This Means War)
Dr. Alex Murray (A Wrinkle In Time)
Robert the Bruce (Outlaw King)(I can’t help it he’s too precious with Elizabeth!!)
Vaako (The Chronicles of Riddick)
Gavin (Pete’s Dragon)
William Cooper (RED)
John Kennex (Almost Human)
Vincent Stevens (The Loft)
Kirill (The Bourne movies)
Jim Kirk x Eomer
Jim Kirk x Vaako
Jim Kirk x Scotty (Scirk)
Owen Grady x Charlie Weasley (from Harry Potter)(I know no one will use this ship but I have to have hope ya know?)
Napollya (Napoleon Solo x Illya Kuryakin from (T.M.F.U.)
I have expressed interest in other crossfandom ships in the past that involve one (or some) of the characters listed above so if you have an ship in mind ask me about it and I may grant an exception to it (no sp*rk though so don’t even try that)
♦ Other Prompts
Sentence Prompts (gathered from around tumblr)
“I…think I’m in love?” - @the-goddamn-queen 
“Are you scared? Don’t be. ‘ll protect you from today onwards.” @haveyouseenmymind
“It’s crazy, isn’t it? Two complete strangers who know nothing about each other being brought together like this.”
your car slid into a snowbank and i’m the mechanic that comes to tow you
i hate the holidays more than anything in the world and you drive me nuts because you love the holidays more than anything in the world and this is why we aren’t friends (enemies to friends to lovers hello)
i’m constantly dragging all my friends to your hockey games because i think you’re so much fun to watch and i don’t think you’ll ever notice me
you knit me a sweater for christmas and i realize i am in love with you @bsotstory 
your birthday lands on christmas so no one ever remembers except this year i’ve asked everyone to delay their holidays to throw you a proper birthday bash
I build a fort in the college courtyard and have been throwing snowballs at people passing by and you are not impressed
our first date is spent walking around our small town holding hands and talking as soft snow falls around us @resistance-is-futile81 
I mean life is full of surprises. You could find the love of your life tomorrow, but you could also wake up bald. @the-goddamn-queen 
Will you press pause on your SHIT for 5 minutes? @the-goddamn-queen 
“Let’s not confuse healthy eating with a hot dog.”
“I’m gonna lay down and die for like a half hour okay?”  @auduna-druitt
“So MacGyvering this out of my tuckus right now.” @captainsbabysitter-blog 
“I just did some calculations, and I’ve been able to determine that you’re full of shit.” @frostingsfics 
“You screw with me, I’ll screw with you.”
“i’m pretty good at providing distractions.”
“Why is there a picture of Steve Buscemi in your bathroom?!”
“These stars are nothing compared to the ones I’ve seen in your eyes.”
“Are you ready to dance with the devil?” @bookcaseninja
hey i just moved into the house next door and i just wanted to let you know that your dog keeps getting into my yard an - wait what? what do you mean that’s a cat????? that’s not a cat it’s fucking huge!!!! (turns out it is a cat, it’s just really big and fat) @haveyouseenmymind 
The postal worker delivered your package to my place accidentally and I was expecting something so I totally didn’t look before I opened it and… wow that is um… quite an interesting thing you bought and I’m here to return it
our dogs are in love with each other and it’s making things awkward at the dog park AU
I injured myself doing something stupid at a holiday party and you’re the doctor at the emergency clinic AU
I just moved into a new apartment and went to buy groceries, but I bought more than I could carry back. I’ve stopped to catch my breath when I hear someone asking if I need help and I look up and the sun is literally making you glow like a damn angel. @and-i-cant-resurrect-you 
where one person is actually famous and sets up a dating account with their real picture and the other sees it and is like, oh dude you are not fooling anyone with that picture and when they actually meet the other is pissed because DUDE YOU’RE THAT FAMOUS PERSON and the other is like, yeah, i mean, i thought you knew…
i have a soft spot for cats so i always feed the fat one that’s always hanging out in the hall with treats and now it started hanging around me fuck i’m so sorry i didn’t mean to accidentally steal your pet @filatarcangelus
“ur just a random stranger and i’ve been ranting to you for like 20 minutes about how much i hate this one band but now several groups of people came up to you asking for pics and autographs, and oh shit it turns out you’re in the band i’ve been going on about” au
You’re a famous viner and I constantly witness you doing the weirdest things AU
“I went to see you live in concert and was front row and you went into the crowd and I grabbed your hand, but started freaking out so much that I was touching you that I couldn’t let go to the point where security had to physically tear me away from you and now you’ve invited me backstage literally what” AU
AU Prompts (each of these (baring the Soulmate AU) has a two person limit)
Soulmate AU (there will be no limitations on this prompt) - @frostingsfics 
Shop AU -
Book shop,
flower shop,
coffee shop/cafe,
ice cream shop,
boutique/antique store
Professors/Teachers AU
Wings AU - @bookcaseninja 
Supernatural Creature(s) AU
Magic/HP AU - @haveyouseenmymind 
Celebrity/Famous Face/Hollywood AU
Fake Relationship AU - @captainsbabysitter-blog 
Youtuber/Viner AU
Circus AU - @kjs-s 
Roommates AU - @auduna-druitt
Historical AU
Fairy Tail/Disney AU
Spy/Secret Agent AU
Royalty AU - @and-i-cant-resurrect-you 
Classic Novel Pride & Prejudice AU
Tagging those interested: @musicmandy1991 (tumblr won’t let me tag you????) @haveyouseenmymind @outside-the-government @tardisoftheshire @bookcaseninja @miraclesoflove @exiledtime @cynically-optomistic @frostedej
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infinitexechoes · 5 years
❛ i missed you every hour ❜ ( for charles
[ @therxdpxril w/ Charles Xavier ]
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He had not expected to be greeted in such a way upon his return. In fact, he was under the impression that his bedroom was void of life until he reached to flick on the lamp light. Turning in his chair, he was surprised to see the Russian standing in all his glory by the door. Had he been here all this time? Nevertheless, his words brought a smile to the telepath’s features, but none nearly as big as his actions.  The Russian was careful in his pursuit to separate him for his chair until he had Charles in his arms, carrying him over to the bed with ease. Once the telepath had been deposited in his favorite spot, Illya joined him on the bed, hovering over him briefly before smiles turned into hungry kisses, greeting each other after a full day apart.
In all honesty, Charles had not expected these meetings to run all day. Sometimes they did, but this was one of those rare cases where things just kept coming up. From a family of twins running late to meet him to an impromptu meeting with the FBI. They knew all about him, but they were still in the dark about his school for the most part. It led to many questions, most of them about Erik���s latest shenanigans. It took all day to convince them ( without using his powers of course ) that he and Erik had little to no contact these days and haven’t for at least two years. Only then was he allowed to go with the FBI thanking him for his cooperation. Naturally Charles did not trust them so he had Hank take a longer, more scenic route back to the house. It was after dark when he arrived home, but well worth it if it meant being greeted in such a loving manner. 
With Illya hovering over him, their lips met for kiss that damn near took his breath away. One, long, hungry kiss followed by several smaller ones. In between, lips curved into smiles as they basked in the glow of one another’s company. After a while, Illya rested his head upon Charles’ chest with the professor using his fingers to comb through the soft strands.
❝I missed you too, Illya. More than you know.❞
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