serafilms · 4 months
part 2 of the golden quartet
art donaldson x reader, slight tashi duncan x reader, slight patrick zweig x reader
summary: the story of your first kiss with art donaldson in a hotel room, and your first date in a diner. cute, fluffy, healthy, a tiny bit suggestive but not really. group polyamory dynamics hinted at. (play: so high school by taylor swift). wc: 3.5k
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“What do you think?”
You shrugged. “They’re cute, they seem nice, and your backhand is like, a million times stronger than theirs, so I reckon you could take them in a fight.”
“What, you wouldn’t help?”
“Please. I’m too weak for that,” you said, shaking your wrist limply in Tashi’s face.
She rolled her eyes at you and pushed it out of the way. “Whatever, fine. We’re going.”
She ran her fingers through her hair. After showering, the straight hair from the party had disappeared, giving way to her natural waves. You always thought she looked prettier this way. Softer, somehow.
“Yay,” you said simply. “But just remember that my parents placed my safety and care in your hands, so if we get, like, murdered or something—”
“Oh, shut up,” Tashi groaned, a laugh bubbling out of her mouth, “you were just endorsing them.”
“Yeah, well. I’m indecisive.”
The smile that slowly spread across Tashi’s face told you all you needed to know. Ten seconds later you had grabbed and shrugged on your jacket and the two of you were climbing your way out of her bedroom window.
Now, you’re sitting on the floor of a hotel room, Tashi on your left and Art on your right, Patrick laying comfortably across from you, propped up by his elbows.
The beer in your hand is pretty shitty, which is a fact you find odd considering you can only assume it was either stolen from one of their parents, or paid for using a bribe, and in both of those cases, wouldn’t the beer be better?
But maybe that’s not what you should be focusing on right now, you think, as Patrick leans forwards to take it from your hand. His fingers brush yours as the can crosses over. For the last hour or so, the four of you have gone through eleven cans of beer, each consumed one at a time, being passed around like a bong.
Your eyes linger on the way Patrick’s mouth engulfs the opening of the can, right where yours had just been, and the way he passes it right to Tashi, who does the same as she takes a sip. The flush of heat in your face and belly are hard to ignore, and you’re not too sure how much of it can be attributed to the alcohol.
There’s a stutter in your chest as Art nudges you with his elbow. “So what are you planning on majoring in?”
His cheeks and ears also look flushed, but you think that might just be a consequence of the story Patrick told earlier. It was a sweet story; you assured the boy next to you of that when he’d buried his face in his hands, but he still seemed a little perturbed.
It was a sweet story though, you muse. Tashi said that they seemed like brothers, but you thought they seemed like they were an old married couple.
You’re brought back out of your thoughts as Tashi hands you the beer. “Oh, um. I’m not too set on anything yet, but I think maybe journalism.”
Patrick lets out a whistle. “What, not physiotherapy or sports medicine?”
You shrug, and before you can stop yourself, you say, “Just because I was a tennis player doesn’t mean it’s my whole personality.”
Immediately, you wince. Wrong place, wrong time. You steal a quick glance at Tashi, but she seems unaffected. Right. It’s Tashi. The last thing she feels is insecure. She simply looks at you.
But for good measure, you add, “I mean, I can still do sports news, or something.”
Against the better judgement of your burning stomach and your sluggish thoughts, you take another swig and then pass the can to Art.
“Journalism suits you,” he comments quietly as he takes it. You give him a small smile. He takes a small sip of the beer, and you can’t help but watch the way his Adam’s apple shifts when he swallows.
“I need some ice,” announces Tashi. She rises from her position on the floor.
Patrick wastes no time in scrambling up too. “I’ll come with!”
Tashi gives you a look like she’s exasperated, but you know better from the way she waits for Patrick to grab his key and open the door for her. She doesn’t look back as she walks out, but Patrick calls out a teasing, “See you guys later,” before the door closes fully.
When you turn your head towards Art, you see that he’s looking right at you.
“You sure do that a lot,” you mumble.
He smiles in a way that seems endeared and a little confused. “What?”
“Sorry, I just—”
“No, no, it’s fine. It’s nice. I- I, uh.” Your thoughts are racing, everywhere and nowhere all at once, as you struggle to find the words. The way Art looks at you sends a buzz of something in your abdomen, and your mind becomes all the more scrambled. “I need to stand up.”
You stand quickly, maybe too quickly, and immediately stumble.
“Whoa, you okay?” Art’s quick to jump to his feet. His hands find their place on either side of your waist to steady you. Now you really can’t focus.
“Yeah,” you hear yourself say, “I think I should sit down instead.”
You’re very aware of the fact that his hand stays on your waist as you bumble over to the edge of the bed and take a seat.
There’s a pang of disappointment when his hand leaves your waist, and another when he stands unsurely in front of you. You pat the spot next to you.
“Sit. Please.”
He complies. Perched on the edge of the bed, hands in his lap, he’s much closer than when you were sitting on the floor together. You fiddle with your hands and steal glances at him every now and then.
“I wanted to ask you,” Art breaks the silence, “do you ever miss it?”
You don’t need to ask what he means by ‘it.’
There’s a moment where you gaze off, eyes wandering towards the door, before they return to the boy next to you and you shake your head.
“I don’t, not really.” You bite the inside of your cheek in thought. “It was fun for a while, and I liked being good at something, but I think I just fell out of love with it after a while. Like my whole life became just tennis, and thinking about a future in tennis. If I’m being honest, the injury was like a miracle to me.”
Art looks thoughtful at that. “What’s so wrong with a life of tennis?”
“Well. I mean, nothing, I guess. It just took a lot more time and effort than I would’ve liked. And there’s all the things I had to give up for it.”
He looks at you like he’s waiting for you to continue, so you do. “Cheeseburgers, sleeping in. Love.”
The bed dips closer to you as he shuffles a little closer. It prompts you to look back up at him.
The curls on his forehead hang low, just over his eyes. His hand rests just next to your thigh, and he rests his weight on it to lean just a bit closer. “You don’t think you can be in love and play tennis at the same time?”
Art’s presence has a magnetic effect on you. There’s a gravitational pull that has you angling your body towards him and moving ever so slightly closer to him.
“I don’t know. Do you?”
His eyes dart down to your lips. It’s an action that doesn’t go unnoticed by you, and you feel the corners of your mouth twitch upwards as you do the same. You can almost feel the warmth of his exhale as your faces draw closer and closer.
“Can I?” Art whispers.
“Please,” you respond.
His hand comes off the bed to rest on your cheek, and then he’s kissing you. It’s soft, gentle, but there’s an urgency in the way his tongue teases the entrance of your lips, and the way he moves even closer towards you, almost as if he’s chasing you.
Your hands find themselves at the back of his neck, fingers tangling in his hair. His other hand moves to rest on your waist. Then your thigh. You let out a hum as your stomach does a little leap. Then, he pulls away for a fraction of a second to take you in, before his lips are on yours again. It’s electric, when he tilts his head slightly to the other side, when the hand on your cheek slides down to your jaw to bring you closer, when you hear a low groan in the base of his throat as his hand slides to the inner part of your thigh.
Then you hear the key at the door, and you both jump apart.
Tashi has a cup of ice water in her hand when she surveys the scene in front of her.
Your bodies are still angled suspiciously towards each other and your hands both rest awkwardly in your laps. Little is left to the imagination. You can still feel the butterflies in your stomach and the racing of your heart when Patrick raises his eyebrows at the two of you, a grin on his face.
“So,” he begins, “what have you guys been up to?”
Art and you speak at the same time. “Oh, you know, nothing much.” “Just chilling.”
Tashi’s face is thoughtful, as she looks at you and her lips quirk up in a smile. She nods her head to the door behind her. “Well, it’s late. We should go.”
Your eyes dart back and forth between the three people in the room. Slowly, you stand, giving Art an awkward kind of smile as you brush past him.
“Wait,” Patrick exclaims, “can I get your phone number?”
She shrugs back at him, holding the door open. “Play some real tennis tomorrow, and then I’ll give you my number.”
“So like, if I win?”
“You don’t have to win to play well.”
You’re not sure where this leaves you and Art in the mix, but Tashi is looking at you expectantly from the doorway, and you fear you don’t have the time to decide now. With an apologetic look and a wave, you mutter, “See you guys,” and then you’re out the door.
In the end, Patrick does win. He gives a flourishing bow as Tashi shrugs and applauds him. She turns to whisper something in your ear, but the words make no contact with your thoughts. As Art looks dejectedly at his racket, then at his best friend across the court, you stand abruptly. Tashi looks at you, bewildered.
“I’ll be right back.”
“Wait, I was—”
Whatever her next words are, they die in her throat as she sighs and watches you thread your way through the stands and go down the stairs to the side of the court.
“Hey!” you call out. Art’s head perks up and his eyes search for the source of the sound until they land on you. He jogs to meet you.
“Um,” you say, feeling suddenly like your foot has been shoved into your mouth, “you did really well.”
Art looks at you deadpan, but a smile starts to show in his eyes. “I lost.”
“Still, you were really good.” Your eyes glue themselves to the floor as you start to regret coming over so hastily without planning what to say.
“Well, thanks. Really. It means a lot coming from you.” Looking back up, you see him scratching the back of his head nervously. It’s an odd look, considering he’s also drenched in sweat, and his glistening skin makes him look even more nervous than he is. “Look, uh. I know we didn’t make a deal or anything, but do you think I could get your number?”
Maybe this wasn’t such a mistake. “Yeah, I think I could make that happen.”
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God, you’re stressed right now. The hem of your top has fallen victim to your incessant fiddling as you tug at it, scrunch it up, release it and repeat.
“You’re acting like it’s your first date ever,” Tashi says, rolling her eyes. There’s a smile playing at her lips that tells you she isn’t trying to be as mean as she sounds.
“He’s cute, okay? I’m nervous.”
Tashi comes up behind you and you meet her eyes in the mirror. A shiver runs down your spine as she tugs at the collar of your jacket, knuckles brushing your neck in the process.
“You should take this off.”
“What? Why?” You stare at her reflection. “I know it’s still summer, but it’s nighttime, so­ like…” Her deadpan expression has you trailing off. “What?”
“You can wear his jacket instead.”
There’s a hollow silence as your mouth forms an ‘o’. Your fingers move to tug at the sleeves of the jacket, gaze averted from hers for a moment.
“You think he’ll offer?”
Another eye roll. “The guy’s like, obsessed with you. Of course he’ll offer. Doesn’t hurt to throw in a little shiver either.”
“What if he’s not wearing a jacket?”
“Oh, he’s wearing a jacket.” She waves her cell phone in your face. “Patrick texted me an update.”
You grin and shrug off the jacket as you turn to face her. “Who knew Tashi Duncan was such a sucker for clichés?”
“I’m just trying to make sure your date goes well,” Tashi scoffs as she snatches the jacket from your hands. “You’re the one who swoons every time you watch a romcom.”
She’s right about that one.
Tashi smacks her lips as she hangs your jacket back up in your closet. “I still don’t get why you’re so nervous. I thought we broke all the ice at the hotel.”
“Well, I can still be nervous. Just because you and Patrick had sex two weeks ago doesn’t mean I have to be as confident.”
She sighs because you’re right. Tonight is your first date. With Art. Not your first date ever. But you sure do feel nervous enough to pretend it is.
You and Art have been texting nonstop for the last six weeks, but between the odd part time jobs you’ve picked up over the summer and his tennis training, you haven’t had any time to hang out, unless your best friends who managed to squeeze in their first date, first time and first sleepover together all in one go. But Tashi and Patrick are much more go getter than you.
Tashi didn’t give you shit for your lack of fervour in pursuing whatever relationship you and Art had, but you still felt a little perturbed when she called you the day after her night with Patrick, and told you that he’d asked about you guys.
(“Does he not talk to Art about it?” you asked.
“He said Art’s happy, but he wanted to know how things were going on your end. Since you guys have only been texting.”)
So now you feel pressured. Like somehow your relationship is linked to Patrick and Tashi. Like they’re waiting for you guys to catch up.
But you don’t say any of that. Because you want things to go at your own pace, you keep quiet. Because you don’t want to speak it into existence, even if Tashi will roll her eyes and call you ridiculous for it because she knows your life is yours and hers is hers, despite the way she keeps trying to push you in certain directions.
When the doorbell inevitably rings, you and Tashi exchange looks. She gives you a nod. It’s more firm than comforting, like she’s sending you off to play at Wimbledon and she knows you’re going to win.
Your parents aren’t home for the next few days, which is why you strategically planned your date for tonight, because God forbid they use their last few weeks with you living under their roof to embarrass you in front of a guy. You almost expect Tashi to answer the door for you as if she’s your mother, but instead, she shoves your bag in your chest, says, “I’m using your shampoo and eating all your snacks,” and pushes you out of the bedroom door, then closes it.
One last check in the nearest reflective surface, and you’re ready.
Art is dressed casually, like you, in jeans and a polo. Tashi was right in saying that he would wear a jacket. In the light of your front porch, he looks especially gentle, the warm light threading through his hair like a halo.
The smile that lights up his face when you open the door has the potential to end your whole bloodline, you swear. The way your heart rate picks up feels like some kind of fight or flight response, but you’re willing to ignore it all for him.
“Hey,” he says. His voice has a comforting cadence, you think. It’s been six weeks since you’ve last heard it, since you were always too scared to call him. But it’s a sound like coming home.
“Hi,” you speak softly.
There’s a bouquet in his hands, which he holds out to you, one hand tucked in his jeans. “I brought these for you.”
You take them gingerly, trying to fight the grin that threatens to split your face in half. He’s so cute. “Thank you. They’re beautiful.”
You put them on the table just inside. Tashi will eventually make her way downstairs and put them in some water for you. Closing the door, you turn back to Art, who holds his hand out to you. It’s such a strangely innocent gesture that you almost catch yourself giggling like a schoolgirl.
“Shall we?”
You take it, grinning like a madman. “We shall.”
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“I never got to hear what you want to major in.” The fry in your hand is currently being waved around as though you’re conducting an orchestra.
“Oh. I don’t know,” Art averts his eyes to his plate. “I haven’t thought about it much.”
“I won’t judge,” you prompt gently.
He looks contemplative, and wets his bottom lip with his tongue briefly before looking up at you. “Okay.”
“Okay…” You gesture your fry towards him.
“You promise you won’t judge?” He asks, bobbing his head questioningly at you
You lean towards the table with your hand over your heart. “I swear it.”
“Physics. Or engineering.”
Sitting back in your seat, you survey him.
“That suits you,” you say genuinely. After you’ve said the words, you’re reminded all too well of the night in the hotel room again, and your cheeks warm.
“Thanks,” Art says, gazing at you. “Patrick says that too, before he calls me a loser.”
“I’m guessing you’re more studious than he is.”
“You’d be right.”
Another sip of your milkshake. “I think it’s cool. Maybe we’ll even have some classes together.”
Art smiles his eye-crinkling smile across the table. “Yeah, maybe we will.”
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You don’t even need to pretend to shiver. The second you’ve stepped out of the restaurant, Art’s jacket is slipped onto your shoulders. It’s warm, and smells faintly like sandalwood mixed with laundry detergent. You resist the urge to inhale the collar. Instead you smile shyly, and take his hand. There’s a knot forming in your chest at the thought of the night being over, but when the two of you reach his car, Art doesn’t take out his keys. He turns and leans against the side of his car, hand still entwined with your own.
“I had a lot of fun tonight,” he says simply.
Your lips quirk up in amusement. “So did I.”
He hums. Your hands are swung from side to side as he looks down at them. You can’t help the laugh that escapes you as you step closer.
“What are you thinking about?” you whisper. You know what he’s thinking about.
He looks down at you, and does a one shoulder shrug. “I’m thinking about how much I want to kiss you.”
Your heart stops and gets jumpstarted again in the span of about six milliseconds. God. You knew it was coming, but you still couldn’t prepare yourself.
“Not asking anymore, are we?” You grin, chest thumping like crazy.
“Oh, come on.” With a tug on your hand, you’re pulled flush against him, chest to chest.
Art leans in to your ear, and whispers as if divulging a well-kept secret. “May I please kiss you?”
The tickle of his breath over your jaw sends a zap of electricity through every single nerve in your body. Your breath hitches. “You may.”
You’re not sure you’ll ever get sick of Art Donaldson’s smile. The curve of his mouth as he leans in, brushing his nose to yours before your lips meet.
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Your computer pings.
Patrick Zweig sent you a friend request.
You raise an eyebrow and hit ‘accept.’
A minute later, there’s another notification.
Patrick Zweig wrote on your wall. “Congratulations on a successful first date with @Art Donaldson! 😘”.
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star-girl69 · 9 months
In A Good Way
Clarisse La Rue x Fem!AphroditeCabin!Reader
sypnosis: basically episode two but if clarisse had a gf (so what should have been canon pretty much)
a/n: sorry dior is so fine i had to get the thoughts out this is kinda shitty also but anyways i hope you all enjoy!!
In A Good Way - Faye Webster
warnings: some violence, swearing, soft and ooc clarisse but only bc i wholeheartedly believe she is soft only for her gf and i love soft clarisse, also protective!clarisse my weakness, i’m insane, cringe, tell me if i missed anything!!
You watch Clarisse bump into the poor boy.
You’re sitting with your siblings, Tyla and Jackie, but your eyes were drawn to her even across the courtyard. Your eyes are always drawn to her.
She shoulders him hard, then immediately turns around and pushes him straight to the ground. Tyla gasps next to you as he crashes sharply into the dirt.
“Your girlfriend is a literal menace, Y/N,” Jackie scoffs.
“How do you think I feel having to deal with her?”
You really do feel bad for the boy, Percy, you think. Regardless of whether or not he really killed the Minotaur (Clar spent the entire night talking your ear off about how it simply can’t be true) it’s his first day at camp. He’s helpless, to say the least.
Feeling less than your whole life and then finally coming to a place where everyone else is like you, finally getting answers- it’s a shock.
You always feel bad for every new camper. Especially the young and tiny ones like him. Besides, you like his cute blonde hair.
“Oh, haha,” Jackie rolls her eyes. “You love her.”
You start to get up, faking a dramatic sigh, “I do.”
Tyla giggles as you walk away and come into earshot.
“Hey. Knock it off, Clarisse. It’s like his first day, come on.” Luke seems as unimpressed as he always does, slightly apathetic, as another Hermes cabin member tugs Percy up.
“Wait, so, this is the kid who killed the Minotaur. Is that right?” she takes a step forward, a misleading smile on her face.
“Yeah,” Percy says, awkwardly looking around.
“I’ll bet,” she smiles, her eyes lighting up in prospect of someone new to torture. “Look, you want attention around here, dummy? You better be ready for it when it comes.”
Her eyes meet yours.
“Clarisse!” you say in a sing-song voice, walking up to her and placing your hand on her shoulder. “He’s, like, twelve.”
“Oh, but he’s strong enough to kill a Minotaur?”
Your eyes lock, her hand brushes your hip, and you get those same cliche butterflies in your stomach you always do when you look at her.
You smile.
You see her eyes soften.
She turns back to Percy after a moment, faking forward, and he flinches so hard he almost falls back.
Her and her Ares siblings laugh, you roll your eyes, and push her away. She walks away, her siblings in tow, and you turn back to Luke.
On Luke, Thalia, and Annabeth’s last stretch to camp, they came across you. Your satyr protector had been killed by a monster protecting you, and Luke had held your hand and promised that all of you were going to make it to camp.
You’ll always have that bond with Luke, even though Clar hates his guts and his best swordsman in camp title.
You place your arm on his shoulder, he slings a loose arm around your waist.
Luke is pretty much the only person who can get away with touching you like this, or else they’ll receive a nice message from Clarisse in the form of a dagger barely missing their face.
“Ares kids,” Luke explains to Percy. “They come by it honestly. You got lucky today. If Y/N hadn’t come around, you probably would have gotten knocked over again.”
“Hi,” you say, sticking out your hand. “I’m Y/N.” Percy shakes your hand, smiling awkwardly.
“She’s Clarisse’s girlfriend and the only thing that stands between the camp and total destruction.”
“Oh,” Percy says, not quite able to hide his surprise and slight disgust. “She seems… nice.”
“Well, if you look like me, she’ll love you. But… I don’t think that’ll happen.”
Percy chuckles a bit.
“Why don’t they bother you?” he asks Luke.
“Ah, they know better,” he says, squeezing you closer to him.
“Yeah, Luke’s the best swordsman in camp,” one of Luke’s siblings says. You can see something in Percy’s eyes, a light that reminds you a bit of Clar.
“So, they stay away from you because, glory? So, if I get glory, Clarisse wouldn’t mess with me either?”
“Exactly,” Luke affirms. You look at him out of the corner of your eye. What the Hades is he teaching him?
“And people think I’m a big deal?”
“Well, sorta-”
“And my dad’s got no choice but to claim me.”
Oh. Your heart squeezes for him.
“You… you can’t force the Gods to do anything,” Luke says, trying not to hurt Percy too much.
“Well, yeah, but… it would make it a lot harder for him to pretend I don’t exist, right?”
“Maybe,” Luke concedes.
“Great. Where do we start?”
You laugh. “Ooh, I like the way you think.” You slip away from Luke, smiling at Percy. “Come find me if you wanna try your hand at some Aphrodite skills.”
You find Clarisse sitting outside her cabin at a picnic table, polishing her spear, her favorite activity.
You sit down next to her.
“Hey, baby,” she murmurs, a bit too entranced with the gift from her father.
“I only have a few minutes before I go to archery, but… I think you’ll enjoy this.” She looks over at you for a second, then right back to the spear. “Don’t make me charmspeak you, La Rue.”
“Okay. Okay, sorry, what?” she sets the spear down in her lap, staring up at you with a smile as if she hadn’t been ignoring you a second ago.
“Percy Jackson wants to find glory so you’ll stop bothering him,” she snorts, “and so his father will have to claim him.”
She hums.
“Well, I like him. I think he’s cute.”
She shoots you a bored look.
“Don’t say horrible things like that.”
You play with a curl hanging over her shoulder. “We both know I’ll say whatever I want.”
“Oh, I know.”
“What happened to you?”
You turn to look at Clarisse’s smirking face.
She rolls her eyes. “C’mere,”
You lean forward, across the space between the Aphrodite cabin and the Ares cabin tables. Clarisse puts her hand to your face, thumb tracing along your cheekbone. She pulls back, and you stare at her dirt covered thumb.
“You’re covered in dirt, gorgeous.”
You hurriedly raise your hand up to your face, groaning when your palm does in fact come away covered in dirt.
“Percy is definitely not a child of Apollo,” you mutter.
“What d’you mean?” Clarisse asks, handing you a few extra napkins as you begin to wipe off your face, a spot on your shirt you had noticed.
“Luke’s taking him around, trying to figure out what he’s got a talent for. It was funny, actually, he shot the arrow over all of us on the side and we all went crashing into the ground.”
She doesn’t seem to find it as funny as you do.
“It was an accident, Clar!” you say, all sing-song again.
“Oh, I’m sure it was. Exactly why I don’t believe he killed that Minotaur.”
“Adrenaline makes even mortals do crazy things.”
“You don’t kill a Minotaur with adrenaline,” she hisses.
Capture the Flag is held the next day. Clarisse and two of her siblings have been particularly pissed off all morning, and no matter how much you bug her, she only says “you’ll see” in this horribly nerve-wracking tone.
You have the same job you do every game. Sit in front of the flag, and charmspeak anyone who tries to come near it.
You’re decent with a bow, okay with a sword, but this is one area where you really shine, where you can really help.
After the first game, the blue team has learned to wear ear plugs when they come near you. But you’re like a siren, you come around and take out their ear plugs anyways. They’re scared to touch you, because one of the Ares kids will run right off to Clarisse, and she tells you all the time that she’d rather lose dessert privileges for a month then see you with one scratch.
Chiron stands imposingly on the large rock at the start of the small river that divides the two halves of the woods.
“The first team to retrieve the opposing flag and return it across the river shall be the victor.”
You know these rules by heart.
Ever since your first Game, the day you met Clarisse, you’ve loved them. You’re not the most violent person, nothing near Clar and her insatiable thirst for competition, but there’s just something about the game.
She walks forward through the sea of red-marked armor, digging her spear into the ground and glaring at what you can only assume to be Percy Jackson.
“Any magical items you may possess are permitted as well. Every camper who is not injured has to play. Prisoners may be disarmed, but may not be bound or gagged.”
You suppress a laugh at that rule. That one was only implemented a few games ago, right after the one where you had been taken prisoner and tied with vines to a tree. When Clar had heard, she actually almost murdered a few kids and maimed some more.
Although it made keeping prisoners a little awkward, Chiron had proclaimed it was in everyone’s best interests.
“Let the games begin!” he shouts, the conch blows, and the entire team screams in a terrifying war cry.
The blue team bangs their shields and weapons together, and now you have 20 minutes before game on.
Clarisse is the captain of your team, of course. She marches around barking orders to everyone, as if their positions aren’t already drilled into their heads.
“Hey Clar,” you say. You’re surrounded by a few Ares kids, a few other good fighters, ready to protect the flag and by extension you- with their lives.
Capture the flag games are taken seriously.
She looks at the red flag in your hands, smiling in that smug way she always does. She doesn’t smile this way when it’s just you and her, but you can still see the softness in her eyes even now. With Clarisse, her emotions are all about the eyes.
“You all know what you’re doing?” she asks. All the kids behind you nod. “Good,” she smirks, starting to walk away.
“Are you hunting in your usual woods today?” you ask, heading in the same direction as her.
She smiles, a full toothy grin.
“Oh, baby, I have something even better planned.”
Clarisse is not one to change the strategy.
You can’t get it out of your head what she’s been saying about Percy.
“If you kill someone, I’m killing you.”
She just smiles.
One of the kids holds the flag from up on a rock, acting like a lookout. You lean against that rock, your armor digging into your thighs at the awkward angle, waiting for someone to come. Everyone else surrounds you in the flag, in battle stances.
The conch blew about 20 minutes ago, and you should be seeing someone soon.
“I think Luke’s coming,” Corey, the Apollo kid lookout says.
“Of course he is,” you mutter. He’s always in charge of getting the flag, because he’s not afraid to touch you. Clarisse knows he’s just your friend, or else he probably would have been dead by now. They emerge from the woods, not bothering to try for stealth, all in defensive positions.
Everyone lets you take the lead. You understand why Clarisse loves power. It’s addicting, it’s like lightening in your veins.
“Hi, Luke,” you smile.
He can’t hear you, but he returns the smile.
“You’re all going to turn around and walk 300 feet in the other direction.”
Luke sighs as one of the kids actually turns and walks away, heeding your command. Everyone else has their earplugs in tight, but it always gets one or two of them.
You roll your eyes. “You always make this so difficult, Luke.”
You walk towards him, maybe you can surprise him and rip the ear plugs out of your ear, but he suddenly springs his leg out so you trip, slamming into the ground and getting a face full of dirt.
“Bitch,” you mumble, ready to get up. Suddenly, a Hermes girl throws herself on top of you, slapping a hand over your mouth.
As soon as you hit the ground, the fight erupts around you.
“You can’t do this, Luke, it’s against the rules!” you screech, but it’s muffled through the girls thick leather gloves.
Matty, one of Clar’s siblings sighs heavily. “Fuckin’ hate this dude,” he mumbles. “Marjorie, go get Clarisse.”
The girl runs off, and Matty adjusts his helmet.
“Don’t know why you do this to yourself, man.”
Luke kneels down in front of you while you scream obscenities next to his name. He makes a big show of taking out his earplugs before ruffling your hair.
“Thanks, Y/N.”
He whips around and his sword immediately clashes with Matty’s, and they’re locked in a flurry of metal clashing and glinting in the sunlight. Matty is really good, probably bested only by Clarisse, but Luke is still the best swordsman in camp.
He puts up a valiant fight, but Luke disarms him.
Your back is really, really starting to hurt like this.
It’s whirlwind, but there were more blue team then red team, and sometimes sheer number beats out even the best of the Ares cabin.
They grab the flag and run for the beach.
The girl waits for another moment until one of the Ares kids points his sword at her.
“You’re really gonna want to let her go,” Matty says. She stands up and books it, following her team.
“Eat dirt!” you scream as she runs away, but she still has her earplugs in.
Matty helps you up.
“Clarisse’s gonna kill us all.”
“I hate Luke Castellan. I hate him, I hate him, I wish him nothing but pain and suffering.”
Matty claps your shoulder.
“Hey, at least we all get to watch Clarisse beat up the Hermes cabin at sword practice tomorrow.”
And you do like seeing Clar fight, the way she’s so focused and truly in her element, sweat making her skin glisten in the sunlight…
“That will be fun,” you concede. Matty laughs, and you all make your way down to the beach.
The scream scares you.
All the kids around you jump up with their swords, thinking a monster had somehow made its way near camp, but you recognize that voice.
“Clarisse,” you mumble, feeling frozen.
“What?” Matty asks, his eyes scanning the forest. “What’d you say?”
“Clarisse,” you repeat, breaking off into a run towards the sound of it, towards the beach.
“Clar- wait, Y/N!”
But you’re already long gone.
You make it to the beach a minute after the conch sounded, the blue team having won, making it just in time to see the blue trident appear over Percy’s head. You can barely even register the fact that he’s a forbidden child, your eyes immediately finding Clar’s siblings, the ones she was supposed to be hunting with today.
“Hey, hey,” you breathe out, almost slamming into one of them. “W-where’s Clarisse? I heard her scream-”
You love her so much it’s like your heart will break if you even think about her being hurt. It always seems like Clar is the one who loves you more, only because of her proud and overprotective nature, but really you love her just as much.
You just never have the opportunity to threaten to kill someone like she does for you. She does that all on her own.
“Oh, uh, she went that way,” he points in the direction of a barely there path, heading into the woods and back to camp.
“Great, thanks!” you shout, already running after her.
You catch up with her after a minute, your gaze landing on her practically stomping through the woods. She’s angry. She’s angry, why?
“Clar!” you shout, and she whips around, standing still while you sprint over to her. “Clarisse, Clarisse, are you hurt? I-I heard you scream-”
You run your hands up and down her arms, and after a tense second of her staring at the ground, she puts her hands on your hips.
“I’m not hurt, I’m fine.”
She looks like she’s about to cry. But you know she won’t ever let herself cry, won’t ever let herself be perceived as weak.
You wrap your arms and let her put her face in your neck. She’s almost shaking with how angry she is, her fingers digging into your hips, and she stops herself and lets go before she can hurt you.
“Oh, baby,” you murmur. You’re not sure what happened. But she screamed like that, not like she was scared, but like she had just lost something. “Do you want to talk about it?”
“No.” She says into your neck, simple, and you respect it.
“Okay, well, let’s go back to your cabin. You’re not gonna believe the day I had. Will it make you happy to know I give you permission to beat up Luke?”
She looks up at you with skeptical eyes. You both ignore the tears staining her cheeks. “Really?” she asks, slightly hopeful, even through all her anger and sadness.
“Come on,” you smile, letting go of her and sliding you hand into hers. She meets your pace and wraps her arm around your waist. She doesn’t tell you she loves you, but you know.
You flop down onto Clar’s bed. As the head counselor, she gets the best bunk. On the second floor loft, where there’s only enough space for single beds, meaning she doesn’t have to deal with bunk beds, all the way in the corner for a little privacy.
She stands in front of you, slipping off her shoes, and your reach forward to work at the knots of her breastplate.
She stares at you until the armor is lose around her, and she lifts it up over her head and leaves it haphazardly on the ground.
You lay flat, stretching your aching back, and Clar leans over you to help you take off your armor. You probably don’t even need armor, but Clarisse is overprotective by nature, by blood. It makes her feel better, and it really doesn’t bother you much. She lifts it over your head, letting the metal crash into the floor before laying down next to you.
“Sorry,” you mumble. “I’m supposed to be here for you but I’m so tired, and my back hurts so bad…”
She laughs. You smile, and it falls into comfortable silence.
“Can I really beat up Luke?” she says after a second.
You open your eyes and she’s laying on her side, propped up her arm and staring at you.
“Oh, you can.”
“Why?” she asks, still not quite believing you.
“Okay, so, Luke comes over, right. And you know, I try to charmspeak them but only one of them goes. I walk over to Luke and he fucking trips me! It was so embarrassing, baby, I literally ate shit.”
She smiles and puts her arm around your waist, tugging you closer to her.
“Then, some girl tackles me before I can get up, and puts her hand over my mouth so I can’t do anything. Which first of all, is completely against the rules, and second of all, it really hurt my back! Then, then, Luke has the audacity to say ‘Oh, thanks Y/N!’ and ruffles my hair, like? I swear to Gods, I just want him to… well, I don’t know. Suffer.”
“Don’t worry, gorgeous,” she mutters into the top of your head. “I’ll make sure he’s unrecognizable.”
You smile. “I don’t know what I would do without you, Clarisse. Who would defend my honor and fight my battles?”
She seems sort of placid, tired, like she’s just a still lake reacting to your body wading in deeper. It’s almost like she’s gonna fall asleep, and she’s always tired after capture the flag, so it’s not unusual.
“I’d be there,” she mutters, her eyes closed.
You’re both silent for a few more minutes, just the two of you together, her strong arm around you, the way it’s always meant to be.
“He’s a son of Poseidon. Did you see?”
“Yes,” you whisper. “I saw.”
“It’s not fair,” she says, like the child she never got to be. “I spend so much time, so much time trying to make him proud- it took months for him to claim me and he gets claimed on, what, his third day?”
Her head lands on your chest, your hands smoothing down her hair.
She touches the necklace she gave you months ago, bringing it out from under your shirt, the simple chain with the pretty charm that looks like a spear. More so an arrow, but it’s supposed to be her spear.
“He broke it,” she whispers.
“Broke what?”
She sits up a little higher, her hands reaching behind you and undoing the clasp on your necklace. You haven’t even taken it off since she put it on you, so of course she would be the one to take it off.
“He broke my spear.”
“Oh, Clarisse…” she stares at the necklace before folding it up tightly in her palm. She breathes out as she lays back down on your chest, her legs entwining with yours, your hand back in her curls.
“The Hephaestus kids can fix it, but it won’t be electrical anymore.”
You don’t say anything. Most people would say “it’s better than nothing” but you’re demigods with absent divine parents.
Clarisse didn’t tell you it was better than nothing to at least be claimed by Aphrodite when one of your siblings got a magic item from her. She didn’t try and tell you “maybe someday” when you cried in her arms.
Because more often then not, you’ll die before your godly parent even claims you. More kids die on their way to Camp Half-Blood then Chiron would like to admit.
And what would the Gods do? Nothing. They would do nothing about it, because they don’t care.
Clarisse doesn’t cry, but you know she wants to, and you let her know that she can cry if she wants to. She can, if she has to. You’d never turn her away.
If she hasn’t realized already, you’re in this for the long run.
Clarisse fell asleep in your arms, then pulled you back when you tried to go back to your own cabin, and you figured Chiron wouldn’t mind this once.
She finally let you go after you screamed that she couldn’t kiss you before you brushed your teeth, mumbling about how you’re depriving her.
When you meet up with her again, she has her sword in hand and her armor strapped tight to her body.
It was just a great big coincidence that the Hermes, Aphrodite, Ares and Demeter cabins all had sword practice at the same times. Clarisse looked all too happy at being able to get out some anger from yesterday, because sparring is the only way Clar has to work out the intense feelings she inherited from her father.
“So, who should I metaphorically kill?”
“Ooh, big word,” you tease. She grabs your chin, making you look at her, but she’s smiling too much for it to be a threat.
“C’mon, baby, who?”
“Luke. And…” you point, “That’s the girl who tackled me. Oh, and that’s the boy who fought Corey and got the flag. I don’t know his name.”
“‘Cause he’s irrelevant,” she says. You hum. “You just wait right here, gorgeous, enjoy the show.” She winks before sauntering off in the girls direction, smiling in that misleading way, asking her if she wants to spar.
You beckon Jackie and Tyla over to you, who both seem unimpressed.
“Please don’t tell me you put Clarisse up to attacking the Hermes cabin,” Tyla sighs.
“I didn’t put her up to anything. She did it all on her own.”
“Oh, sure she did,” Jackie rolls her eyes.
“Don’t act like you all aren’t gonna enjoy it.”
Tyla meets your eyes, then Jackie’s.
“Sorry, Jacks, it’s, like, really entertaining!”
You all laugh as Clar leads the girl into the circle, laughing even harder when she disarms her after a minute. The boy who took the flag barely lasts 45 seconds.
When Luke walks up to her, she throws her sword down and tackles him. You give her a minute before you pull her off.
clarisse, about to beat up percy
y/n: oh no no no no you don’t
clarisse: ok i won’t kill him rn 😍😍😍😍
y/n: yeah like idk what i would do without you who would protect me and fight my battles
clarisse “i would be there” la rue: bitch our love transcends the laws of physics I WOULD BE THERE
y/n giggling and kicking her feet watching clarisse beat up luke
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lovebugism · 11 months
hey honey can i request a shy!reader x grumpy!eddie , maybe they’re pumpkin picking with friends & something angsty ensues but then fluffy & after they all go eat at the diner and get spooky themed orders 🤭
thanks for requesting lovie! — eddie gets grumpy on a fall outing with the gang (shy!reader, established relationship, hurt/comfort, 1.3k)
fictober (㇏(•̀ᵥᵥ•́)ノ)
Eddie’s a big ol’ grump at Eugene’s Pumpkin Patch, but he’s being really brave about it. He follows you like a puppy, visibly unamused about the whole thing but trying hard to be a good boyfriend despite his woe.
“Ah! Look at this one!” you gasp at the sight of a pumpkin, in a sea of bright orange pumpkins. 
Swallowed whole by your sweater, you crouch in the tall grass and reach for the tiny round thing hidden in it. The runt pumpkin sits neatly in your palms. “It’s so wittle,” you singsong up at Eddie in a tiny, high-pitched voice.
He smiles despite himself, laughing even though he’s grumpy, ‘cause you’re the cutest thing he’s ever seen.
“I’m gonna get this one,” you announce affirmatively when you rise to full height again.
“You made me drive an hour out just to get the tiniest pumpkin they have?” Eddie asks, laughing still but with a subtle bite of annoyance.
You try to ignore it, though the weight of his aggravation makes you writhe. “But it’s cute…” you defend with a weak shrug. “And also, you have to get one, remember?”
You take a tentative step towards Eddie, standing chest to chest. He huffs and puts his hands in the pockets of his leather jacket. His chocolate eyes flit around the expansive farm, dull and unimpressed. “They all look the same, so… I don’t think it really matters.”
“It does matter!” you insist, girlish and quiet and stubborn. “You have to pick the one you like the most— that’s the whole point!”
“You’re telling me there’s an art to pumpkin picking?” the boy teases with a crooked grin, tilting his head to the side so his curls bunch at his shoulder.
Still clutching the tiniest pumpkin either of you have ever seen, you nod. “Yes. That’s exactly what I’m telling you.”
He scoffs again in a curt laugh. He looks around again, only to point to the one sitting by his feet.
“Alright… How about that one?”
“What?” he whines in the same pouty tone as you.
“Can you at least pretend you’re having fun?” you murmur, a bit sad you have to even ask. 
You always spiral when he gets weird, secretly terrified that it’s all your fault. He doesn’t talk, so you overthink. Your brain gets mean, and you need Eddie to make you feel better — but he can’t because he’s weird. It’s unbearable. For both of you.
“It’s cold and rainy and Steve’s pants gave me a headache on the way over and I don’t feel good, okay? I’m sorry,” Eddie rambles with a pout, looking visibly pained about all of it.
Any excitement you had left leaves you like an ebbing tide. “Okay,” you mutter with a soft nod.
“I’m gonna go smoke,” the boy announces. 
He smacks a fleeting kiss to your cheek before he goes but doesn’t bother to invite you to come with him. He doesn’t feel very deserving of your company right now, too selfish in his woe and painfully self-aware about it.
You stand in place while he walks back to the van, feeling utterly alone and unwanted.
“Where’d Eddie go?” Steve wonders when he walks up to you with Robin at his side. 
They carry two pumpkins each, struggling with each of them because they’ve somehow managed to find the biggest ones on the whole farm. You figure they made a bet about it because everything’s a competition with them.
“Um… to smoke, I think,” you answer shyly, embarrassed to have been found alone for a reason you can’t name. “He just kinda… left.”
Robin scoffs. “I think he’s on his period,” she jokes with a gritty laugh.
“Yeah. He said my pants looked stupid before we left. I knew something was up.”
The brunette girl side-eyes the boy beside her. “I think he might’ve been right about that one, Stevie.”
You make a quiet exit when they begin to bicker back and forth. You duck through the bustling pumpkin patch and try not to trip in the tall grass on your way to Eddie’s van. 
Your boots crunch over the gravel of the parking lot. You find him leaning against the trunk, blowing out smoke from his pink mouth, slouching like he’s weighed down by his own sadness. 
“You okay, Eds?” you ask to announce your arrival. 
His eyes widen when he realizes you’re there. He’d pretend to be fine if it didn’t take all the energy he had left. “No,” he answers honestly, then quickly corrects, “I mean— I am, but… I feel bad. I was acting like a dick…”
“Yeah,” you concur with a nod. “You were.”
He’s too shocked to hide it on his face. You’re never normally so confrontational. You’re usually too quiet for that, too soft. And you still are now, because you always are, but he feels like he deserves to see this sterner side of you.
“But it’s okay. I know you didn’t wanna come in the first place.”
He turns on his shoulder when you stand at his side, towering over you as he flicks the butt of his cigarette. “Yeah, but… I didn’t have to be such an asshole to you about it. I feel like I fuckin’ ruined this whole day, you know?”
“We all have our moments, Eds. It’s no big deal,” you assure with a weak shrug and a stronger smile. “We still have the whole afternoon left— you didn’t ruin anything. Doesn’t make me love you any less, either.”
Your words make him grin. Like, really grin — all wide and rosy and boyish. You make him smile like nothing’s ever hurt him. Like nothing’s ever been wrong in his life. Fuck, he’ll never get tired of hearing you say that.
“I love the shit outta you, you know that?” he mumbles but doesn’t give you a chance to answer. He tosses the cigarette to the ground and snuffs it out with his sneaker right before kissing you absolutely stupid.
He wraps his arms around your neck, smothering your face with his. No one’s ever been kissed as hard as he’s kissing you now. The realization makes you smile too wide to kiss him back.
He pulls away from you with a hearty smack. With pinker lips and chocolate eyes, he grins hopefully down at you. “So you’re not mad at me?” he wonders, gentle like a child.
“Yes,” you nod, playfully firm. “I’m very mad, actually.”
Eddie’s smile widens. He knows you’re joking and decides to lean into it. “What can I do then, huh?” he murmurs lowly to you, a knowing smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth. “How can I make it up to you?”
He wants to kiss you again. He wants to get you in the back of his van in a vacant parking lot. He wants you to tell him to make you feel good and not to stop until you’re pushing him away.
You know all of this, ‘cause you can practically read his mind, so you decide to drive him crazier. “I want you…” you start in the same low tone, bordering on sultry. 
Eddie’s already nodding. 
You smile and continue. 
“…To go pick your most favorite pumpkin in the whole patch, and then take me to Benny’s Burgers.”
Feeling slightly disappointed and utterly teased, Eddie searches the entire patch and finds the weirdest-shaped, wartiest pumpkin the earth has ever grown. He drives the gang to the diner after and sits you in his lap when all of you squeeze into one booth. 
He shares his milkshake with you and lets you have the pickle slice that comes with his burger when you ask for it (‘cause everyone knows it’s the best part). It’s the purest form of love, if he has anything to say about it.
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arminsumi · 1 year
🔞 playtime w enemy!gojo
g. satoru — さとる
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NOTE: i think abt this idea all the time n i just thought id gift u all a piece of mean nasty enemy gojo lusting for u
WARNINGS — ignore errors pls, smut, he's mean he's a jerk but he kinda feels for u, blood mentions, fighting, m*sturbation, he jerkin it to a pic he snapped of ur defeated face 🫠 sexual tension, impact play (slapping n spanking), dirty talk, namecalling (sl*t, wh*re, b*tch, freak) and nicknames (bunny, sweetheart, baby), dirty talk, unprotected sex, taboo sex (fucking ur enemy) creampie, it's nasty im ngl, god kink thing??? he rlly cums n goes 🧍‍♀️, hairpulling
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just... just enemy!gojo...
enemy!gojo kissing you like he's trying to kill you. you can feel this murderous rage on his lips after you fuck up his heroic plans.
and enemy!gojo fighting you like he's trying to get in your pants 🥴 he hates you so much, but let's be real he's in fucking denial and needs you so bad. after fights, he's cooped up in his bedroom jerking off to the memory of all those positions he put you in. ("ooh, well aren't you flexible?" he teases when he literally puts you into a full-nelson. "hey, if this whole villain business fails for you then you can be my personal pornstar.")
his whole body feels like it's on fire when you're throwing fists with him. he shakes not from exhaustion or pain but just pure sexual desire. he gets so upclose and personal with you, you're sure it's on purpose. when you're limp and defeated, he takes a victory picture :( grabs your jaw and says "smile for the camera! aw, pretty lil' loser. you're so photogenic!" and you know when he gets home, he's gonna jerk off to that.
he can barely take your martial arts seriously, because you're so fucking tiny and weak in comparison to him. enemy!gojo likes to remind you of that, when he has you on your knees with your nose dribbling blood.
"aw, sweetheart, you're so fucking weak it's kinda turning me on."
he's got a fistfull of your hair, forcing your head to tilt back so violently yet when you look up at him, you can't help but feel this raw sexual tension and primal need to kiss him and worship him.
"f—fuck you, gojo — y-you're a freak. you think you're god... but you're a monstrous freak."
he's looking at you. and you're not sure if that's a murderous look or a pure lustful look — is he gonna kill you or fuck you? in his mind, though, the idea of killing you long faded away; you're his favorite enemy. what would he do without you? fighting with you is just the best, he gets to joke and tease and flirt and pester you and see you enjoying it wholeheartedly.
"bunny, look how cute you are, bleeding for me."
when you try spit your blood at him to retaliate, he's considering pulling his zipper down and stuffing your stupid mouth full of his cock. now that would put him on a power trip like nothing else.
then imagine the day this needy, desperate man actually snaps. and you snap. and the both of you fuck like bunnies. panting and feral. he couldn't say no when you started begging on your bruised knees for him to just fuck you already, just split you open on his cock.
his thrusts are primal. he's mocking you, voice so venemously attractive.
"wh—what would your friends think now, huh? think they'd still trust you knowing how willingly you spread your fuckin' legs for me? you damn slut. 'seen the way you look at me, gets me hot every time. you don't have any fucking idea what you do to me, do you? ha—ahhh that's so good... that's so fucking good..." his voice is usually so composed even when fighting, but when he's balls deep fucking up your guts so passionately then his voice becomes strained.
and he loves hearing your cute dirty talk, but you've got such a small voice he thinks it's cutely pathetic.
"f-fuck, g-g—gooojo ~ ! fuck me like you hate me."
he chuckles, "oh, baby. i don't have to fake it. i hate you so — fucking — much — ahhh — damn bitch, making my life so hard the least y-you could do is let me have this pussy once a week."
"a-anything for you."
his heart flutters. why? you're his enemy he reminds himself and makes his thrusts meaner and harder until you can't form a coherent thought. he relishes in your screaming moans, and there's no end to the teasing. as soon as he notices something he comments on it.
"ooh, look at that little pussy cream for me. who's it creaming for? who? that's fucking right, me. yeah stay like that and take my cock."
"o—h my god, nnn ~ !" you squeal, feeling almost too good with your threatening orgasm.
"ah-ah, there's no god but me, baby. i'm the one making this pussy freak out. ooh... think you're right, i do have a god complex. why don't you indulge in it? yeah? c'mon, baby i'm your god."
"y—you're m-my g–god, satoruuuh ~ ! ow!"
he plants a hard slap to your face. you're no stranger to his mean slaps, in fact you've joked to yourself about being his favorite bitch to slap. but that one in particular hurt, and you loved it.
"don't say my fucking name like we're friends, you freak. f—fuck... you like that, don't you? yeah? little freaky bitch likes getting slapped? mmm that's cute. kinky litttle fucking whore, let's see how hard this pathetic pussy can cum."
he pumps his cock into you at such a mean angle that you completely lose yourself, babbling obscenities and trembling in his strong hold. you couldn't free yourself from his grip even if you wanted to; he's the strongest, after all.
you get a good idea of how strong he is when you fight and sneak off to fuck.
the way he presses down on your back, the way he bullies his cockhead so deep that it feels like he's in your tummy, the way he pulls both your arms back with a rough tug like you're a ragdoll — just his fleshlight that he can move on his cock himself however he likes because he's so much bigger than you.
"gonna cum, my little slut gonna take it? yeah? good. that's what i like to fucking hear — oh fuck — ahhhah cumming — hah fuck that's good — that's — mmm — that's my fuckin' girl."
he plants rough spanks to your ass, groaning so deeply and holding you so close against his body that you feel like you're one with him.
"ooh, fuck..." he pulls out hastily, zipping himself up. forehead and abs beading with sweat. "thanks, love playtime with you. now get the fuck out of my sight." he sounds so sweet and venomous that you can't tell if he's joking, but then you remember a cold hard fact;
gojo satoru is your enemy.
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stargazedwinchester · 6 months
Soft Sounds | Dean
Summary: Dean mocks you for listening to nature sounds/lo-fi music while you sleep.
Based off of this request here, thank you! <3
Word count: 996
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♱⁺. ⋆˙✧⋆✧˙⋆⊹.♱
Sleeping with any sort of noise has always been so comforting for you, having to live with the loud sounds of the world, all of the trauma you've endeavoured keeps you awake at night, memories creeping back from the most horrific times in your life.
You bought yourself your own little white noise machine a week ago, it makes multiple different sounds, and your favourites are lo-fi music and rain/thunder sounds. It's not every night that you have to use this, though, but it really does help. Especially with sleeping alone, your brain loves to play tricks on you during your quietest hours.
Tonight, you turn on your machine, clicking the button on top to change which sound you'd prefer to hear tonight. Your door is slightly ajar, knowing that the brothers were in the kitchen sharing a couple of beers and catching up. You had already told them you're going to have an early night for once and try to catch up on a lot of sleep you've missed out on recently. Doing this could probably help your awful sleep schedule.
You change into your pyjamas, a t-shirt and shorts combo that you threw on from the night before. Trying to look good while you slept is never the first thought since you literally live with two men who couldn't give any less of a crap, also, you're not dating either of them. You climb into bed and throw the covers over you, moving your hair out of your face, and lay on your side. Scrolling through your phone, you try to focus on the sounds coming from your machine, and within minutes, you're knocked out.
♱⁺. ⋆˙✧⋆✧˙⋆⊹.♱
As Sam and Dean call it a night, Sam stays to watch a movie in the main room, whilst Dean makes his way down toward the bedrooms. He notices your bedroom door is still slightly open, and he assumes you're awake.
"Hey, Y/-" He pauses, seeing you're fast out with your phone screen lit up, the lights still on and some noise coming from a weird-looking radio. He frowns, not knowing what is going on. He very quietly makes his way into your bedroom, and locks your phone, placing it on your bedside table. He dims the lights as he pads on over to your radio. "What the Hell is this?" He asks himself, keeping his voice just above a whisper. He glances at the tiny screen that presents what's playing. "She sleeps to this?" He scoffs, and a small grin appears on his face. He looks back at you, huffing. "This is such a Y/N thing to have." He says, standing back up and glancing over at you. Why would she ever own something like this? He thought to himself. It's stupid.
Your positioning in bed makes Dean chuckle to himself. You quite literally take up the whole bed, sprawled out like a starfish. It's mostly funny to him because of how cute you look when you're completely conked out. Your hair in your face, your shirt slightly riding up your torso from the amount of times you've tried to get comfy. "Hold on, is that my shirt?" He laughs quietly, admiring how natural you are.
Dean usually goes for the typical blonde, blue-eyed type of girl. The ones that show that they know they're sexy, that they can get any man they desire, but you - you were different. You never gave a damn about how you looked. If someone liked you, you'd make sure they get every single side of you, every single flaw and weakness. Having Dean see you completely barefaced and look like you just collapsed on your bed was the least of your worries.
Dean's gaze hovers over you for another minute or so, he catches himself smiling, noticing how comfy you are. You shuffle, which scares him a little, panicking that you're going to wake up to him watching you sleep.
"Y-yeah?" He whispers, taking his hands out of his pockets.
"What are you doing in here?" You groan, wiping your hair out of your face, barely opening your eyes. "I um, heard your little radio thing and... I got curious." He says, an awkward smile appearing on his full lips. He reaches up and scratches the back of his head. You hum quietly in agreement with what he said. Whether Dean understood or not, it didn't matter. "Are you staying?" You mumble, shuffling yourself to the side to make more room. You quietly pat the side of the bed, inviting Dean to join you.
His heart skipped a beat. Sharing a bed with the only girl who genuinely liked him for him? It's almost unbelievable.
"Are you sure? I can go back to my room-"
"Dean, just get in." You say, pulling the covers open for him. His eyes lit up and the smile on his face looked as if it had been slapped on. He takes off his flannel shirt revealing his dark grey t-shirt underneath, and also taking his jeans off down to his underwear. He gently sits down on your bed, ensuring there's still enough space for you. He keeps his space, though, not wanting to give any wrong ideas. "Why were you looking at my machine?" You say, and Dean grins. "It looks weird. Why do you sleep with it?"
"It's to help me sleep."
"It's to help me sleep," He mocks, shutting his eyes. "Just sleep in silence, it's not that hard." He adds, and you huff. "So funny." You grin, slowly moving closer toward him. "It's nice though, really nice..." He trails, his eyes are fully shut, and his body is relaxing. "Come here," He says, adjusting himself so he's lying slightly above you, and you move in to lay on his chest, your leg intertwined with his. He keeps his arm rested above his head, his other hand caressing your hair. "This is nice," He mumbles, almost instantly drifting to sleep.
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evansbby · 5 months
Girly the scream that I SCRUMPT-
So exited to see what comes of Thotty thursday!! Here's the first thing that popped into my head cuz I love a mean bf Steve-
Imagine Mean bf! Steve that always makes fun of you when you cry while trying to take him, or mocking you for being so short(even tho it turns him on so fricking much), saying your a big baby, refusing to comfort you during sex so you always end up crying into the pillows while cumming around his dick.
Imagine if one day your just having it rough, feeling particularly fragile and he dosent even notice, pressing you into the bed like most nights but feels something while gripping your hips and sees your little hand shaking like crazy as your fingers are gently grazing his wrist in a weak little atempt to feel him as he pounds you into the mattress. Idk I just would think it'd be cute, funny idk😭😂
Hope your doing lovley dear!!<3
Wait… mean toxic frat boyfriend!Steve really does awaken something in me 😳
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Warnings: toxic relationship, daddy!kink, dubcon, dark!Steve, mean!Steve.
I can totally imagine big, beefy jock Steve picks cute, tiny little you to be his girlfriend. You’re a shy girl, with an equally quiet group of friends. In fact, your friends warn you about Steve — they don’t like how he looks at you like you’re a piece of meat that he wants to devour. But Steve tells you that your friends are just jealous, and Steve is always right so he must be right about that too, right?
As your boyfriend, Steve trains you to only ever listen to him. He tells you that he’s always right, and that good little baby girlfriends always listen to their boyfriends no matter what. That’s how he coaxed you to have sex with him for the first time. Well, it was your first time ever, and Steve gladly took your virginity. He told you how good and soft and sweet you felt around his thick, fat dick, and how this meant that he owned you now. That now, he comes before everyone — including your family and definitely your friends. And you don’t disagree with him because Steve is always right 😳😳
And Steve loves making fun of you and making you cry. He keeps calling you a baby and you keep wanting to prove to him that you’re a big girl. That’s why you let him fuck you however he wants to. And Steve can be so rough sometimes, almost like he forgets himself and a beast takes over. Plus, he’s so much bigger than you. There are times where he’s rendered you unable to walk, your legs shaking and bruises covering your whole body. And he always just laughs and saunters off, telling you how fucking hot you look when you’re fucked out beyond belief.
Sometimes, you feel extra needy during sex, and reach out to grab his huge hand. Steve usually just laughs, spitting on your face and smearing it everywhere just to degrade you more. “Aww, does the little baby wanna hold daddy’s hand?” He’d coo at you, pulling your messy cheek. You’d nod desperately, and he’d make you beg for it, beg like “please daddy, please lemme hold your hand 🥺😭” and Steve would grin wolfishly as he continued to fuck you so hard into the mattress, “tell me how scared you are right now, how you know I could crush you if I wanted to, baby girl. Tell daddy how scared you are of me, and then maybe I’ll hold your hand for you.”
And you do, of course you do and say whatever he tells you to! Steve is completely in charge after all. “Y-You’re big and scary, d-daddy please hold my hand, please!” And he finally does, he holds your tiny hand in his and squeezes it, and you love the little scrap of intimacy it brings you as he presses kisses all over your face, bending your legs over his shoulders, folding you in half like a pretzel as he fucks the living daylights out of you. Steve is the biggest man you’ve ever seen, so huge and muscular and he can be so mean sometimes. But you’re addicted to how sweet he is later, when he sweet talks you and kisses you and babies you and treats you like his baby princess. You crave that treatment, that’s why you love him so much.
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itskattkm · 9 months
With the power of an Addams
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Based on a request
Summary: your in baby fever and Wednesday a bit overwhelmed
Warnings: slight fluff, bad grammar?
A/N: I wanted to give the person the awaited request. It’s short. And you probably imagined it different. I hope you can still enjoy:) I’ll defiantly try better again. I took a note and will work on it. It’s my first Wednesday fic I love her but I find it hard to write her, cause her character is next level shit and I love it.
Wednesday was watching y/n and furrowed her brows at the high pitched tone that came out of you when you saw a little child walking past you two while waiting for lurch to pick you up for the planed family dinner with Wednesdays family.
„You cute… tiny little thing you“ said y/n wit a high voice looking with a wide smile after the kid that tried to hold the hand of her mother. Wednesday rolled her eyes. First it started with videos of cute animal baby’s on y/n phone. But with every passing week it became more and more and suddenly y/n began to see baby’s everywhere… or children. And since Wednesday was always with you it meant she also saw all those baby’s or puppy’s… or videos of small cats falling with their whole face into their food.
Y/n turned around to meet Wednesdays dark cold eyes „Wednesday she looked like you! With those cute braids wearing all black“ said y/n excited hoping Wednesday would understand why she reacted like that.
„They were probably at the funeral of her father…“ said Wednesday monotone. I widened my eyes and Wednesday stayed cool „what? I didn’t see a man on the side if that exhausted woman“ she said before turning and walking towards the gate to have a better look on lurch if he would arrive.
Y/n was still a bit speechless and looked after the little child and mother. Thinking about Wednesdays words. She then approached Wednesdays side quite and said with a soft tone „funeral or not… she looked like you and that was cute…“
The fact that y/n saying that she liked the kid because it looked like a younger version of herself made her heart race faster. Now y/n looked nervously at Wednesdays side profile not sure how to tell her about her thoughts.
„Wednesday…“ y/n began when suddenly lurch appeared in the Addams car.
„Let’s get that torture evening behind us“ said Wednesday monotone and greeted lurch before getting in the car. Y/n smiled weak and greeted lurch while he put the suitcases of both girls into the car.
Y/N sat down beside Wednesday in the car and looked out of the window. Watching the raindrops falling down the window.
It was a quite drive to the Addams mansion and after a few minutes smiled y/n and said shyly „when I was a kid I watched the raindrops and made a race between them…“
Wednesday looked with furrowed brows at y/n saying „why would you do that?“ you laughed slight and shrugged your shoulders „it was fun… and car rides can be long“
Wednesday huffed in a not impressed way while looking straight forward to the road saying „I was rather reading perfume by Patrick Süßkind…“
U looked at her softly „sure you did“
While you were looking out of the window again you said „I wonder what a child version of us would be like…“
Wednesday looked at you emotionless „this doesn’t make any sense… we were child’s once“. Y/n smiled shyly and said „not us… I meant… of us… a baby… our baby… I wonder what kind of human we would create“
Caught off guard Wednesday looked with wide eyes at the floor of the car. Her heart beating fast and mind racing like crazy.
Wednesday didn’t said anything to Y/n. She kept staring down a bit traumatized.
„Lurch… can you imagine what your child would be like if you have one someday?“ y/n asked with a smile.
Lurch huffed. Not saying much as always and that made y/n chuckle. Meanwhile the car drive was silent again. Wednesday catched a glimpse of y/n phone while she was scrolling through her socials and exploring cute baby bedrooms or baby pictures.
After twenty minutes they arrived. When lurch got out of the car and wanted to open y/n the door Wednesday said „leave us for a second alone lurch“ y/n looked confused at Wednesday and lurch left them alone in the car.
Wednesday kept looking down with a hard stare „I have to admit that I recognized some changes…“
Y/n looked now a bit worried at Wednesday and kept listening.
„You talk way to much about your childhood and asked me pretty much things about mine the last few months. Your Uncontrollable affectionate feelings also increased and you react to anything that has to do with children or baby’s. Your obsession with baby animal videos started to irritate me. Beside that your stopping at the baby sections every time we go out…“
Wednesday looked up at you with her dark eyes and gave you a softer look, reaching out for your hand to hold it. Her cold hand wrapping yours while saying „I assume your pregnant?“
Y/n saw the love and softness in Wednesdays eyes but she also saw the fear in them. Something that was rare for Wednesday. You chuckled slight and shook your head holding tight her hand „no I’m not…“
Wednesday looked down and felt suddenly a hint of sadness a quite „oh…“ leaving her.
You looked at her with a tilted head, surprised about her reaction „wait… did… did you… want me to… to be pregnant?“ I asked nervous.
Your eyes met Wednesdays dark ones when she adjusted her posture „I tried to understand why you were acting all that weird the last months and today you asked so many questions… I tried to find a answer to that the whole drive. While doing that I was getting fine with the thought of you being pregnant… with our child“
Y/n eyes softened and she found herself falling more and more for the raven haired girl. She held tighter Wednesday hands and kissed them „I have to admit that I was… in sort of a baby fever… and I wasn’t sure how you think about having kids, so I tried to find out and… and I didn’t knew how to talk to you“
Wednesday looked with a hard stare into y/n eyes and said „I think our child would have my head and your looks. Your ability to care and protect your loved ones and my knowledge of probably anything beside the great powers of being an Addams. A little devil. Looking like a daydream but could kill you. To answer your question“
You smiled wide and leaned in to kiss her softly „So you can imagine having a family with me?“. And then Wednesday gifted me with one of her rare smiles. A mix of pure evilness and love „I married you with a reason…“
I blushed slight and kissed her again. This time deeper.
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sunnyswide · 5 months
Konig HC!
(My personal opinion 0-0)
Heavily using his severe social anxiety and his war experience which seems to be an outlet or place where he can be himself?
Konig- kid/teen/and young adult would totally be wary of you. Even if you seem nice he’d be careful not interacting with you too often from past trauma
Konig- Once warming up to you he’d go out with you more, hang in low social areas, and always stick to your side instead of wandering off in case of talking to anyone
Konig- extremely observant, he probably can sniff out shitty people from a mile away.
Konig- takes your things just to make fun of your height compared to his.
“Want it back Maus?”
“If you don’t I’m going to scream >:( and everyone’s gonna look!”
“You’re such a little girl”
Konig- scoffs at your petty attempts, as you giggle to yourself, proud as hell to know his one weakness. Not knowing by now you’d turn into his weakness
Konig- isn’t a pushover but for you? He’d buy anything- your eyes glitter at a cute plushie?- it’s already in a present wrap in his hands. You want a cute necklace at Tiffanys but you know it’s way too expensive? He’s already putting it around your neck, fumbling at the tiny ass hook.
Konig- starts realizing he stares.. a little too much when it’s just you and him. If you’re just chilling in his massive bed, he just watches your cute expressions change. Your body language and the way you talk, all on the back of his palms. He’s that kind of person who’d be happy with one civilian friend (besides his military buds)
Konig- schedules things around yours, either unconsciously or knowingly, he’s there when you need him.
Konig- when you get too close in the elevator or on the a line he starts overthinkingggg, not knowing what to do with his hands, stuffing them either in his pocket or awkwardly putting them anywhere away from you. Stutters like crazy as you meet him at the front door with your make-up done, outfit on.
Konig-is such a softie to you <3 but to others he just glares them down when they get to rowdy near you. Holds your waist near his when someone tries anything, realizing he’s probably suffocating you when he holds you to his chest. When you look up at him to ask if they’re gone he MELTS. Your adorable, teary eyed expression makes him fall to his knees (mentally)
Konig- dies internally when you finally confess your feelings towards him
“I know.. this might be too soon.. but!.. I really like you. And if you don’t-”
Konig.exe- has stopped working
Konig- snaps back to reality and doesn’t know how to say he’s liked you too so he just picks you up in a bridal carry and takes you to his bedroom to cuddle cause he thinks you should take that as a yes even though you’re still a bit confused cause he does not speak a word the whole cuddle sessions- (and breath out)
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stevieschrodinger · 1 year
Eddie finds King fucking Steve Harrington crying in a bathroom. It's the last fucking thing he ever expects to see and he really, really wants to laugh about it. Really, he does.
But Steve's a perfect Omega in his perfect cheer leader get up and even with his face blotchy and red he looks fucking beautiful. And Eddie might think King Steve is a bitchy piece of work, and he might think that Steve almost definitely deserves whatever is happening to him...but Eddie's just a weak ass Alpha, and the whole bathroom reeks of distraught Omega, and Eddie finds himself saying, 'hey, man, are you like, okay-'
'Just fuck off!' Steve snarls back at him.
And, yeah.
Eddie gets it.
Just as the door is swinging shut on him he hears Harrington shouting suddenly, 'wait! Munson! Hold on-'
So Eddie goes back in, 'yeah?'
And Steve has his wallet in his hand and is pulling out a wad of cash and is fixing to buy every pill Eddie has. Which, wierd enough to maybe clang a tiny alarm bell in Eddie's head but also, like, fuck it. This isn't his problem and Harrington's cash is as good as anyone's, 'you planning a party?'
'Sure,' Steve replies, pocketing the baggies somewhere in his cute as fuck cheer skirt, 'it'll be a rager.'
'Whatever man,' Eddie says as he leaves.
'Oh yeah,' Tommy fucking Hagan. Eddie hates him, but it's hard not to overhear, 'he cried he was so fucking desperate for it.' And all the jocks laugh.
Turns out there is a party tonight; Steves not here yet though, not as far as Eddie can see, at least. Not that he'd thought about it. Not that he was worried about the Omega, or anything. Just stupid instinct.
'It'll be the end of the cheerleading, that's for god damn sure, no Omega of mine will be walking around dressed like a slut.' And Eddie paused, deliberately stops to listen.
'Where is Harrington then, since he's so yours then?'. Some stupid moron pipes up.
'Piss off,' Hagan snaps back, 'doesn't matter where he is; that's my pup in him. He's not gonna have a choice, I'll have him bit by this time next week.'
It takes about four seconds for Eddie to put it together, and then he's running, pushing and shoving people out of the way to get out. He knows Exactly where Steve lives. He's been there to sell at a couple of parties and he probably breaks fifty speeding laws on the way over. The house is dark and no one answers and panic is truly clawing up Eddie's throat now.
He's imagining Steve dead on the floor somewhere, mouth frothing from the overdose.
He doesn't think twice about throwing himself over the back fence, Harrington had big fancy sliding doors out onto the back yard and if those are locked Eddie will just smash them-
Steve's sitting there. Just sitting there. He's got a beer and his feet are in the pool and Eddie can hear gentle splashing where he moves his feet around.
As Eddie gets closer he sees a little pile of baggies and...they all still have pills in them. Eddie's never been more relieved in his entire life.
Steve startles when he realises Eddie's there, must have been so in his own head he didn't even notice Eddie scramble over the fence.
'Hey, Steve, sorry, I just- I was- I got worried.'
Eddie crouches next to Steve, sweet Omega who smells so desolate; he hasn't even opened the beer.
'I, ah, heard Hagan, you know, he, uhm, anyway, got a little- thought I'd check on you, you know.'
Steve's voice is cool and emotionless when he answers, 'he telling everyone about my heat?'
Eddie nods, Steve snorts derisively, 'didn't even want him, just got caught out and he swore he'd use a rubber, lying fucking prick.'
'You don't have to do this, though -' Eddie starts to slide the little stack of pills away, but Steve gets him by the wrist.
'No take backs no refunds, right? That's what you tell people?'
'Well, yeah, but, I mean, I'll make an...an exception.'
'No thanks. Not like I got a lot of choices right now.'
'Steve...there...there's got to be something-'
Steve kicks a little, splashing the water. It's dark now, the stars are out, and he cranes his head back to look at them. 'I'm pupped. Without an Alpha I'll get separation sickness and all that shit. He's going to want to bite me, so my choice is let him, die to the sickness, or just do it now. And like fuck am I letting Hagan bite me, that's a fate worse than death.'
Eddie privately agrees, 'but what about, like, a different Alpha?'
Steve snorts a laugh, 'someone I know? Going against Hagan?'
And Steve is right, there's no one around who would do that; pretty much the whole school would turn on them at Tommy's whim. They'd be a social pariah; Tommy would do his best to make their life not worth living.
Fortunately Eddie knows an Alpha who is already in that position. 'What about me?'
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koostarcandy · 2 years
whole damn world
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summary: a night where jungkook and you just can't fall asleep. ensue the cutest night you've ever had, including karaoke, chicken, watching modern family and loving on your adorable son.
pairing: jungkook x reader
genre: fluff, fluff and fluff.
wc: 923 words (issa baby 🤕)
a/n: guess who's gonna drop this and then pull a jungkook :]
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"you're just fake snoring now, it doesn't even help!"
"i counted 837 sheep, sprayed our pillow mist and even played the dreamy lofi playlist we made and it got over. i have to resort to other measures, sweetheart."
you gasp, sitting up and throwing off the comforter, suddenly running to the living room. jungkook's tired brain short circuits, glancing around the room to see if you running wasn't something he dreamt of.
"baby?" he throws on a tshirt and quickly follows after you, "why are you running? did we miss an episode or something?"
"you said we tried everything but you forgot one thing, silly!" your eyes look akin to those of a detective who's pieced a puzzle they've been chasing to solve, fingers rapidly flying over your keyboard. he watches you in amusement and adoration, settling behind you and wrapping his arms around you. his eyes match yours now when he finds you ordering chicken from his new favourite restaurant.
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"damn," jungkook lets out, "soy garlic chicken supremacy, okay?" he says aggressively and cutely, you note, his furrowed eyebrows letting you know that he was finishing the box, even if the moon laid to rest and the sun came up to start its daily duties. you're absentmindedly tracing the clock tattoo on his upper arm, midnight chicken and beer getting you quiet and sentimental.
your human pillow notices the comfortable silence from you, starry eyes following gloria delgado's rant about how the men in her family don't talk to her. "can see and feel you staring, koo." you turn your head to his side, lips lifted up at his adoring attention, eyes still focused on the tv. jungkook removes his gloves, downing the last of his beer. he nuzzles your neck, taking your homey and comforting scent. he pulls you impossibly closer, scattering kisses on your neck, tracing up to your cheeks. your eyes finally fall on his, peeking through his long bangs. its at level 3 now, you remind him proudly everyday, tying tiny braids and squishing his cheeks for your weekly change of wallpaper.
"you wanna play with my hair, don't you?" jungkook reads your mind, smiling when you nod sheepishly, already taking out the silk scrunchie which was holding his hair back in a sprout. he sits in between your legs, settling in comfortably. this is one of your favourite activities, carding your fingers through his soft and silky hair, watching the curls bounce when you brush through them.
you have nothing particular bothering you today, watching him grab the remote and shift to youtube, pulling up the karaoke version of dreamers, "lemme put on a show, baby, just for you," he says sincerely, getting up and letting bam sit on your lap now. he waits for the song to start, laughing when he looks at you looking unbelievably small behind bam.
you both never fail to cheer him on, giving him song requests and watching bam run around him, keeping up with his intense choreography. jungkook dramatically falls on you, giggling at your open mouth, mind still stuck on his sudden cover of unholy. "cat got your tongue, sweetheart?" you punch his arm weakly, "you've had too much to drink tonight, honey," you retort back, laughing at your equally weak attempt to get him back. he straddles your lap, letting himself fall on you like a weighted blanket. and he's your favourite type, made of love and cosy comfort.
you look down on him, the beer chugging finally catching up with him, his droopy eyes catching yours. "hi, my love," he giggles, turning his head to find bam nosing him, "and hello, my bamie!" he sits up slightly so he could shower the pup with kisses, booping his brown nose with his finger.
you watch the interaction with endeared eyes, finding your day incomplete without seeing the both of them, happy and content. you weren't planning on crying tonight, it wasn't in today's plot of your unusual night and you certainly didn't expect tears to fall down like waterfalls down your cheeks when you hear jungkook say, "you both are part of the most important people in my life, never forget that, okay?"
you immediately lift your arm to cover your eyes, sniffling and crying like your husband just returned from war. said husband from war is on you in an instant, holding your face tenderly. "i didn't mean to make you cry," he says, leaning his forehead on yours and willing himself to not cry. "happy tears, koo, we're fine," you reassure him, pulling back to place a kiss on his lips. you push his hair back from his forehead, tying his hair in a loose ponytail. his eyes trace your feature with starry fondness, pulling your neck so you're looking at him again.
jungkook sighs, making you tilt your head to the side in curiosity. he kisses you tenderly, leaving another one on your forehead.
"bamie, house, it's late and i just remembered we have to go to the doc's, so sleepy time, okay?" he says firmly yet gently, giving the doberman a forehead kiss. he doesn't go until he gets his customary forehead pat from you, which you lovingly give him promptly.
"he knocked out quickly," jungkook says quietly, getting up and settling on the couch. he pulls you up so you're on his lap now, nosing his way to your neck and sighing in content. "he got that from me," you say, giggling when you get a playful glare and apologizing half-heartedly, squishing his cheeks in retaliation when he starts tickling you.
jungkook holds your waist, making you go still, "god," he breathes, "how is it that when i look at you, i see the whole damn world?"
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pt time: @armys-dna ; @junsai-tree ; @soobhyun ; @shatzkrinslinzki ; @jinsquishes ; @cherishoshi ; @fragmentof-indifference ; @indgio ; @jjkeverlast ; @parkdatjimin ; @yoogijk ; @starlight-1010
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your-nanas-house · 8 months
hi dear, I just got another idea about Robert Fisher and his coquette girlfriend🎀
Hello, darling! LOVELY, just watched the perfect movie today and damn... I got another one with Cillian X coquette girlfriend as well. Can't wait to start writing it. 🙇🏼‍♀️💕
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◇ Pairing: Robert Fischer x coquette girlfriend!Reader
◇ Warnings: FLUFF, love, Robert is a puppy in love, spoilers of the movie "Anyone but you", didn't went into details with the coquette style of Y/n but I will in the next fic
◇ Summary: Y/n is smitten with the last movie she saw and Robert makes the best of the situation.
◇ Note: Sorry for the mistakes and the English. It's purely based/inspired on "Anyone but you"... watched it today and damn... my tiny heart. 😭 Also credits to the owners for the pics I found on Pinterest.
(This is the song, I listened it in loop while writing this quickly)
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Robert's girlfriend had been singing the same song on repeat for almost three weeks, talking about and comparing the things that happened in their daily routine with the movie she went to see with her friends one Friday night.
The business man wasn't bothered by this, he found it very amusing... especially because Y/n was so cute when she did it.
She had a secret pass that allowed her to do everything with him, being always forgiven because of how adorable she was.
It was always like that, since they started dating.
The song had almost become their song, it echoed softly in Robert's head when he least expected it... even during work meetings.
And it all kept bringing him back to the cute image of his girlfriend dancing around the house in her pink dresses, little bows adorning her hair and beautiful smile plastered on her pretty face.
She was so cute and devoted to that movie that it was a must for him to watch it as well so that he could understand better what she kept rambling about with big adoring eyes and her tiny pout decorated by lip glosses.
Just a couple of days after Robert managed to watch the movie Y/n was so smitten of, an idea crossed his mind.
It was since months now that he wanted to says the scary three words that people say when they are in a relationship and just feel those awesome but worrying butterflies in the stomach.
He just needed to find the right moment.. and what better moment than one created for her... based on the film.
That was Robert’s plan and the main reason he was waiting at the port, checking his watch while waiting for Y/n. After they had a lovely evening, ate dinner at a delicious restaurant and just spent time together before going for a walk and end the night with a romantic ride on a yacht with the moon in the sky smiling at them.
The date was just going perfectly, Robert couldn’t stop watching Y/n who was now standing at the bow... a soft smile on her face as the soft wind caressed her skin, moving her baby pink dress in a dreamlike way.
Her hair were moving slowly as well, making it seem like she just walked out of a perfume advertising even though Y/n was secretly trying not to gag because of her hair going anywhere they wanted.
She slowly turned around to see where her Robert was, a bright smile on her face so big that would have melted anyone... the australian man as well since his stomach was already filled with butterflies and his legs felt like jelly... Weak enough to make him loose balance and fall in the water of the sea.
As the water surrounded his body, the rational part of him woke up again... thoughts of how stupid the plan was crossed his mind but quickly left as soon as he felt two hands grab him and bring him back to surface.
His baby blue eyes met Y/n's as soon as he could open them and a shock of pure love hit his whole body.
She really just jumped off the yachts to "save" him.. ruining her pretty dress and makeup for him.
Robert was too stunned and dazed to realize what she was doing, coming back to reality just when she made sure he was on the floating buoy before climbing on it as well.
Her face was flushed and her look of worry was quite evident.. her whole state was noticeable and Robert was feeling a bit guilty for what he did.. hoping silently that it was worth it.
"Oh my god, baby. Are you okay?" Y/n asked quickly, fixing his hair before stroking his wet, cold cheeks in an attempt to calm herself and him.
Her mouth opened again to ask him another question after he just stared at her, not answering her question; but before she could do that the man opted for leaning in and kiss her.
Their lips molding together perfectly, fitting like the last pieces of a puzzle, till the rescue helicopter approached, warning them before throwing the harnesses.
As they both put them on and jumped off the buoy, their body pressed together, her arms went quickly around his neck as his hands grabbed her hips tightly and protectively.
The robe kept being pulled up while they hang on the water, an amazing and romantic view surrounding them... not that they could really see it since Y/n was holding her eyes tightly close, adrenaline and anxiety filling her body, while Robert could just stare at her with love.
That's when he took a deep breath and started to sing the song just like in the movie, his eyes never leaving her face.
Feel the rain on your skin
No one else can feel it for you
Only you can let it in
No one else, no one else
His singing skills weren't so good but the pure shock and surprise that appeared on Y/n's face was enough to smooth his nervousness a bit so that he could continue to sing the song while waiting for her to join.
Can speak the words on your lips
Drench yourself in words unspoken
Live your life with arms wide open
Today is where your book begins
The rest is still unwritten
Their soft laughters interrupted the lyrics, their noses kept brushing softly against each other as they both kept giggling till they died down.
Robert's forehead pressed softly against hers as he fixed her pink wet bow before meeting her eyes again... his hand traveling slowly down on her cheek, his thumb caressing her cold skin in a tender way in an attempt to gather the courage to finally speak.
"Y/n..." He started, brushing his finger against her bottom lip softly while he stared directly in her loving eyes
"I.. I love you".
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@gabile18 , @mrsfullbuster500 , @rex-ray , @elizamalfoyy, @eovjjj , @monkeyking-and-liuer-mate , @jeremiah-va1eska , @gothamchic16, @rabbiteggz , @dieg0brandos-wife , @rottenecstasy , @lazyexcuse , @teh-vampire-bunny , @lobotomy-lover , @slasher-smasher , @sleepycreativewriter , @mrkdvidal1989
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beatrixstonehill2 · 9 months
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"Are you excited?" Shannon's mom asked her.
Shannon rolled her eyes. "No.... Of course not."
"Don't lie now, let me see that cock, darling."
"Mom.... Come on."
"Don't whine, let me see what a little liar you're being."
"I can't help it...." she complained, spreading her legs. Her previously tiny, two-inch cock was now eight inches, rock hard, super swollen, pushing out her panties. "There. Happy?"
"Oh it's so gorgeous! Look at how big that thing's gotten. Have they started you on testosterone yet?"
"Mom! I'm not going on T....."
"Of course you will, darling. Trust me, you can't avoid it forever."
"You're probably right..... Fuckkkk..... I'm so hard....."
"So masturbate, darling. Your next shoot isn't for another hour, you'll be hard as can be by then. Trust me! I'm so happy you actually decided to do this! You look like you're having so much fun doing these shoots and videos. I've never seen you smile so much!"
"It's called acting, mom. Well, OK, it is fun doing porn. I'm really happy you and dad talked me into giving it a try, but all these expectations are such a hassle."
"Well, we saw those huge udders you started growing and thought you weren't really into the whole school thing anyway. Porn is a much better fit for a girl like you. And the market is soooo hot for trans girls right now!"
Shannon rubbed her uncomfortably big bulge, biting her lip. It felt divine to touch. "I'm lucky I started transitioning when I did. But.... it feels weird that I'm being asked to undo all of that. Like I'm sooo happy you guys got me into this industry, and I'm having a ton of fun, but going through guy puberty is really awkward. I'm already shaving like twice a day, and my voice is cracking during shoots."
"That's what consumers want, darling! Your agent said it, and all the directors and actresses, well, mostly now 'actors', I talked to said the same thing. Guys love seeing trans girls go through male puberty or completely detrans. I dunno, something about seeing a pretty girl with big tits having to become a guy, all the while trying and slowly failing to look like a girl, it gets them off."
"Ew, when you say it that way it sounds gross. But I guess it makes sense. I've only been off estrogen four months and my body is totally sprinting through male puberty like crazy! I feel so fucking horny all the time; I'm cumming insanely hard, too! I'm getting thick body hair already, even my boobs are getting hair on them..... It's so embarrassing, I can't believe guys like seeing this. Keeping up with shaving is almost impossible."
"So you should stop. Like you said, guys love seeing you girls having to go through this and lose all your feminine qualities. It is fun seeing you go from a confident, sexy, curvy girl to a weak, submissive, feminine boy."
"Mom!" Shannon coughed, her voice cracked. She subtly rolled her eyes and played with her cock through her panties. "I'm not becoming a boy...."
"You say that, but you sure are going to town on that thing."
Shannon blushed, giving up trying to hide it. She took out her cock, jerking off, her oversized breasts bouncing and jiggling with each pump. "OK, whatever. So I am going through male puberty. No more estrogen for me. But I'm not, like, going on T and steroids. Or getting my boobs removed. ..... Right?"
"Well, your agent and I have been discussing it, since your detransition is going so well."
Shannon pumped her cock harder. "B-But I'm not detransitioning, mom! I'm just going off my hrt to do porn cause that's what guys want out of trans girls. A bigger cock, the deeper voice, maybe some facial hair peeking through our concealer.... just cute stuff like that!"
"Boy, you sure are in denial, sweetie. You're already going through male puberty. Of course you're gonna go all the way for your porno career. Why wouldn't you?"
"All the way? What have you guys been talking about?"
"Well, see, your next scene is gonna start with you trying to work out in a gym. Some guys will see your bulge through your shorts and..... I wanted it to be a surprise, but you'll be getting your first shot of T! The actors are going to give you a big dose, possibly right into that growing cock of yours..... Then maybe a steroid shot....."
Shannon wanted to fake outrage, but instead found herself pumping way harder. "Mom....! I--I.....! FUCK! Oh! Mmmmmm......!" Shannon came, shooting ten loads of thick cum across the floor, trembling as she held her cock, which stiffened up again in seconds.
"My, my, look at all that stamina! Such a stud, my son is starting to become! Aren't you excited to finally be a boy?"
Shannon bit her lips, nodding, pumping her cock slowly.
"Good boy. You keep playing with yourself and take extra big shots of T, and all the steroids your agent wants, OK?"
"I will.... mom. I'll miss being a girl."
"I know you will, you were having so much fun being beautiful and having huge fat tits like that. But those will have to go, too, in good time. Such a pity, so many girls would kill to have breasts that big and sexy. But you're a boy, darling.... so they've got to go."
Shannon blushed again. "Mmmmm, please let me keep them a while longer? Men can make fun of them.... abuse them, I can do bdsm vids centered around my boy tits! Humiliating me for having ever grown such silly, girly things....."
"Oooo, I like that. OK, you get to keep them a little while longer. But don't get too cozy, dear. Lord knows I spoil you enough, just look at you! Trans girls are such little princesses..... It's about time I see how well you take a little punishment. And when I say those boobs are done getting pulverized, I'll finally pay to have them done away with, the silly things that they are....."
"Thank you, mom..... You know just how to make a boy like me happy...."
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prettyinsophie · 9 months
idk if u write this sort of thing but i've been struggling with eating recently and i was wondering if u could write ED comfort with either ellie or abby🥲? if you're not comfortable with that, it's okay!! hope u have a great day/night
I’m sorry you’re struggling during these times:((( I wish you the best🩷
TW: body image issues
It’s New Year’s Day. You and Abby are getting ready to have dinner at her friend’s place. It’s nothing fancy, but it’s your first New Year’s as a couple so you want to look your best.
You’re the one who always takes a tiny bit more time to get ready, so Abby’s sitting in your bed waiting for you while scrolling through her phone. When you’re done styling your hair, you finally put on the dress you bought exclusively for tonight. Your heart’s even pounding because of how excited you are. It’s a tight brown maxi dress, but you’ve seen reviews about how it helps you look snatched no matter your shape.
Your hair’s shining, and your makeup is definitely makeup-ing, but you put on the dress…and there’s that damn thing that cannot give you a break. You turn to the side in front of your bathroom mirror and groan softly. After thanksgiving and christmas, you knew your body would change, but you hated it. You swore you’d control yourself once holidays came around, but you couldn’t, that’s clear, and you felt weak.
Suddenly, your hair looked messy, and your makeup was cakey and made you look ugly. You looked away from your reflection, disgusted by the thought of you looking awful when it’s supposed to be a day of celebration. There's a lump in your throat, and your heart drops to your stomach. You wouldn’t be able to do this. Abby’s friends couldn’t see you in this state, fuck, Abby couldn’t either.
You sighed a bit louder than you meant to, and Abby caught it immediately.
“Babe, everything okay?” She asks from your bed, and it triggers sadness inside you because how on earth are you going to explain you don’t want to go out because of your body image issues?
Looking up to prevent the tears from escaping, you take a deep breath. “Yeah! I’m almost ready!”
Your heart races as you go through your options in your head. It’s okay! Everything is fine! You remember you have a cute chunky sweater in your closet, and the night’s saved!
As soon as you walk out of your bathroom to look for your sweater, Abby looks at you and drops whatever she’s doing on her phone.
“Holy shit,” She breathlessly exclaims, and you stop walking and look at her with a shy smile because you weren’t expecting a reaction…you’re not fully ready after all. “You’re stunning, honey.”
Abby’s nearly drooling, her eyes taking in every inch of your body in the tight dress. You giggle nervously, of course, she makes your heart flutter and eases your insecurities.
“Thanks…I just need to grab a sweater and put on perfume,” You thank her softly, and walk to your closet for said sweater. It’s quite thick but still cute, and the most important thing is that it covers your stomach.
“I don’t think you need it, baby, we’ll be inside the whole time,” Abby says when she sees you’re not going for a cardigan or a thin sweater.
“I just…I think it completes my look,” You hesitate because it’s obviously a lie. The way you said it made it clear to Abby.
“Are you sure it’s about that?” She asks gently, leaving your bed and walking to where you’re currently standing.
“Yeah, I think it looks better,” You respond softly, looking down and then up in doubt.
Abby raises a brow and gives you a half-smirk. She brushes your hair behind your ear and her fingers linger down until they reach your chin and she delicately tilts it so you’ll look at her.
“I think you look fucking hot in this dress, it’d be a shame to cover all of this with a sweater,” Abby murmurs, looking into your eyes with that stare that drives you crazy.
You hum, unsure of what to tell her, and once again your eyes drift away. You don’t feel hot, you feel heavy and even if you didn’t eat to prepare for dinner, you already look bloated in your eyes.
“Hey, talk to me princess.” Abby snaps you out of your negative thoughts. With her eyelids drooped in worry, she waits for you to say something.
You sigh and bite the inside of your cheek as you attempt to let the truth out without crying.
“I look so big,” You mumble under your breath, blinking repeatedly to avoid her gaze.
Abby frowns and her heart shrinks when she understands what’s going on. Her hands caress both sides of your face, brushing your cheeks to comfort you.
“What do you mean, baby?”
You take a deep breath and lean towards her warmth. “I’ve been eating horribly since thanksgiving and I haven't stopped even though I know I've gained a lot of weight,” You rant with tears forming in your glittery eyes. “I wanted to look perfect tonight and I bought this dress thinking I’d be in shape but I fucked it up and I look like a balloon.”
A loud sniff causes you to stop, your soft voice breaking as you dig your nails into the palms of your hands upset. Abby quickly pulls you into a hug and pets your hair carefully to not ruin it.
“Oh princess…it’s okay,” She whispers in your ear the moment she feels you shivering.
“You know it's okay to eat more than two times a day, and you've been doing really good recently. I’m proud of you and I love you no matter what you look like.”
“I’ve been pretty bad too, but it's the holidays, it doesn't matter and we can always go back to our normal habits.”
You huff. You know Abby’s right. She pulls away and kisses your forehead while running her fingers down your arms.
“You look incredibly beautiful today, yesterday, and back when I was gaining the courage to ask you out. You're more than just your body, doll. And even if I love every part of it, I love your sweetness just as much, okay?”
Her words warm your usually cold body and you smile widely with a thousand wild butterflies fluttering in your stomach. You nod and feel much better now that it’s clear everyone else doesn't matter but you and her. You know you still have to work on it, but Abby’s support encourages you to keep going despite the mean things your brain tells you.
“I love you,” You finally look at her without trying to dart away, and Abby grins before giving you a quick but loving kiss on your puffy lips.
“You can wear your sweater if you don’t feel comfortable.”
You shake your head, deciding that you bought this dress for a reason after all.
“It was pretty expensive, might as well show it off.” You chuckle lightly, and Abby mirrors it gladly to see you're acting like your usual self again.
“I’m definitely not complaining, and it'll be easier to take it off tonight. I'll show you how much I love all of this until you believe it as well.” Your girlfriend whispers flirtatiously, making you laugh with a growing blush on your cheeks. And now you're looking forward to the last night of the year, and the next one you'll share together.
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thelilfae · 8 months
a loooong gt scenario cus I was thinkin bout it!
ok so the sick and nursing back to health trope is hands down my FAVORITEEEE I EAT IT UP EVERY TIMEEE 💗💗💗 I just neeeeed to talk about it
especially when it's a tiny with their crush!! the tiny already feeling woozy under normal circumstances by just being around their crush, heart beating, face flushed,, and then suddenly- you catch a cold; now adding the feeling of being weak and helpess around the person you admire [which sends you into a flurry of embarrassment] AND becoming a little delirous that it almost feels like a dream. falling ill so suddenly because your small size makes you more seceptable to tempature and airborne illness, such that you stumble as you cough and shiver, nearly toppling over, but they catch you right in time. now requiring care and physical nuturing immediately. and you are whisked away, scooped into their arms, their gigantic fingers wrapped around you. you can feel each enormous booming footstep in your soul, and you hear their heart beating loudly as they run faster to get you inside
they tuck you in a soft bed and speak to you softly, the softness still being a loud whisper that travels your while body which makes you tingle, so you pull up your blanket up to your eyes to quickly hide your embarrassment. they don't leave your bedside for long, always checking up on you, bringing you cold towels and warm soup; lifting your head to help you eat and lowering you back down so gently that you can feel the softness of their fingertip as it presses into your neck- your heartbeat now beating twice as fast from both the fever and there face being so close to yours, the stomach pain now twice as much as you get butterflies if they so much as graze there finger across your forehead to check your temperature.
then the drowsiness that comes after the initial symptoms, your exhausted from the fluttering feelings, weak limbs, and constant coughing that the flustered feeling is now turning into a lulling fever dream~ you feel safe now, you grab there finger unknowingly as you drift to sleep, and saying nonsensical things in your sleep and making little noises throughout the night, and maybe cough occasionally
and they are absolutely smitten. They almost can't contain themselves; struggling to keep quiet and let them rest and recover, worrying about every little sound or movement. just want to hold you close and never let you go. seeing you so helpess and dependent is somehow so cute- thinking how they always want to be there for you in times like this, to cherish you and nurture them for every second of every day and make evey bit of you feel loved, even when your whole body aches
and I uhh.. whoops I got carried away bgfdjvgnd can you tell its my favorite!? I will take every excuse to put my ocs in this scenario it's just toooo cuuute OH and this also works with a like major injury, like -the hurt trope- in general its my bread and butter 🥺
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bunnyyamor · 2 years
° 𐐪𐑂 ♡ nanami with a short reader headcanons
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nanami kento x fem! short reader ୨୧ ꒰ mentions nsfw content in here…mdni ꒱ not betad read, pet-names, a lot of fluff
pls comment + like + reblog; i would rlly appreciate it (๑˘︶˘๑)
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nanami sleeps on you
it’s so cute because you are like his little pillow. 
the day was rough for him, his job wanting more time from him and the work more stressful causing him to have a headache and just ache his limbs from the constant sitting and typing. 
you gave him so medicine, cooked him a delicious dinner and ordered him to go take a shower and sleep. he mattered so much to you. 
“i will take a shower now just, let me close my eyes for a second.” his voice was soft and rough. you were sitting beside him, his big hands wrapped around your tiny ones as you looked at his face. 
his attention and awake went out the window and instead were replaced by tiny snores and breaths. he was sleeping.
“aww poor baby.” you felt so bad for him. he always looked so tired. 
the next thing he did was so adorable you wanted to cuddle with him and carry him to bed yourself. 
you were so tiny compared to him in height. siting next to him you realized the height difference. 
his face looked so relaxed as he started drooping down your side. 
you tried to catch him but instead his head plopped on your shoulder. 
yes he may have been heavy but you could handle it. you needed to because you didn’t want to disturb him. 
his head was much bigger than yours and bigger than your shoulders. 
you were like his tiny pillow.
his eyebrows twisted in inoocene, perhaps dreaming. 
he mumbled something in his sleep under the lines of, “i love you baby girl. thank you for taking care of me.” ending it with a small smile. 
you smiled too, combing his soft hair with your fingers and kissing his forehead. “you can stay there as long as you want, love.”
him having to dip his head down low to kiss you
he was gone the whole day, of course fighting and doing his job. you understood the circumstances but it still didn’t make it easier.
you missed your nanami.
missed his arms around you, his smell, his voice. all of it. you craved it. 
but the most thing you missed were his kisses. 
you hated not having him! it made you grumpy. 
finally, the mystery man returned home. bags under his eyes, suit still on, which turned you on even more. 
nanami loosened his tie as he sat in front of the tv. 
you knew he wanted to relax but he didn’t even come to you. 
you coughed, “mr. nanami. why haven’t you say hello to me?” and the fact he didn’t even kiss you when walking in. 
you hadn’t been kissed the whole day. it was as if he was trying to see how long you could last.
nanami combed back his hair as he got up with a moan, “i’m sorry baby. it’s just been rough at work. but you’re right. how’s my sweetheart doing?” he would closen up to you. towering over you that you had to look up at him. 
his hands would come up to pat your head and caress your cheek. 
“you’re sweetheart is not doing good,” you pouted. your lip sticking out like a child. 
nanami chuckled, “hmm? why is that?”
you crossed your arms, “because, you haven’t even kissed me all day.” 
nanami bit his lip to try to stop him from bursting out laughing. 
“so…kiss me!” you stood on your tippy toes as you leaned against his torso. your lips pursed out with a grunting sound as you closed your eyes. 
“okay, baby wants her kiss,” nanami smiled as he lowered down, dipping his head to kiss your lips. 
your head seemed so tiny in his palms. 
you smiled in the kiss as you both moved in sync and nanami deepened the kiss.
when you wear his shirt
fuck, you felt your legs tremble and weak
you were very much sore
last night nanami was fucking you so good, long deep strokes inside you as he made you cum more than once. 
you woke up with a groan, hurting
you saw beside you nanami still fast asleep, the covers slipping, showing slightly his v lines
you wanted to let him sleep so you got up, not disturbing him and noticed the chill air
you wanted to slip on something simple and loose so you saw his t-shirt hanging on the chair and decided to use his shirt
it was huge on you!
the end of it made it to your knees and it was loose and flabby
it looked like a dress on you
you smiled bashfully at the size different
as your bare feet padded on the floor to go have waffles for breakfast your face met with nanami’s bare chest.
“you’re wearing my shirt?” he held onto the loose fabric.
you looked down, not wanting to be embarrassed. “yes. it’s super comfy.”
nanami pulled you in closer by the shirt and kissed your lips. “i like it on you. you look adorable.” he grabbed your tiny hand and walked with you out to the kitchen, loving how he wore the pants to the pjama set and you wore the shirt. 
he loved how big it was on you, and something ignited in him seeing you wearing his shirt.
you jump in his arms
nanami has fought curses. monsters that could eat your flesh. has fought humans with unexplainable power
nanami has done it all
and yet here he was racing to your shared apartment after fightingin curses because you were screaming on the phone
“nanami get here quick. help!”
his heart raced at what might have happened to you.
feeling a lump in his throat he pushed back tears, needing to get to your safety. he always wanted to protect you. he wouldn’t know what to do if you were gone. 
but when he showed up and actually saw your problem
“y/n, what’s wrong princess?” he said breathless.
“it’s a SPIDER!”
you were literally standing on the counter, screaming at a wolf spider as it walked around like it owned the place
nanami had his hands on his hips like a stern parent, “are you serious? this is what you called me for?”
“nanami, get it! it’s coming for me!” you screamed high pitched. you were deathly afraid of spiders
nanami rolled his eyes. 
the spider made it’s way up the cabinets and you jumped down with a squeal and jumped in nanami’s arms, “get it! get the fuckin spider!”
you were so small and short in nanami’s arms. 
your legs wrapped around his stomach and your arms wrapped around his neck, your face hiding there as well. “oh please nanami get the spider. it’s scarring me”
nanami wanted to kiss you all over with how cute you were. 
he held you under your butt holding you closer. 
he loved how adorable you were holding him and being afraid
what an innocent fear
“it’s okay baby, i got you.” nanami’s deep voice soothed you as he kissed your cheek. 
still holding onto you, you almost choking him, he stepped on the spider
“i-is it dead?” your lips trembled and you had tears in your eyes. 
nanami chuckled, “baby, i thought something happened to you? i came running as fast as i could.”
“i’m sorry…thank you for killing the spider for me.” you kissed his nose, still holding onto him. 
nanmi still had his glasses on and work attire, even having his cursed weapon with him
he looked like he would go into battle with a fuckin spider
“it’s okay love, i’m just glad you’re safe.”
dancing with you
on a yacht, orchestra music blaring, good food, you and nanami dressed to the nines
life was good
nanami loved how perfect you were in his arms
he loved holding you tight against him as you two leaned against the yacht railing, staring at the stars
a beautiful song stared playing and nanami stuck his hand out to you like a gentleman, “i would love to ask the princess for a dance?”
you giggled like a school girl, living out your fantasy
“why yes, my prince.” you took his hand and he led you to the middle of the dance floor
just you and him, peace and quiet
nanami loved how precious you were
so fragile like a dove
you body snuggled up to him as you two danced, bodies close
your head laid against his chest as you heard his heart beat
the heart that beat for you
you gave a satisfied hum
as you two twirled and he dipped you, the way you were like a little stuffed animal to nanami, so cute made him blush
you were so adorable being so tiny
he just wanted to pick you up and give you a million kisses
being drunk with nanami
“what a fuckin bitch,” you spat as you saw the sport on the tv
you both were at a bar
you were absolutely wasted drunk
nanami was surprised at how many drinks got you
he was expecting more but realized it only took a small amount for you because of the size difference
he still was nurturing his glass while he called it done for you
“awww c’mon nanami, one more!” you whined like a child
“no. you’re drunk y/n. besides you’re making a ruckus.”
you glared at him
‘m’fine,” hiccup
nanami shook his head as he tried to get you to drink water
to think only a few drinks got you this drunk, it was astounding to nanami
“hahaha, nanami i love you baby. i love you so much. mmmmmmmm, you’re meh favoriteeeeee hubbyyyyyyyyy.”
nanami couldn’t help but chuckle, “we’re not husband and wife yet, babe.”
“hmmm? wellll, soon we gots to chang’em thater.”
nanami patted your head
“i lover this man to the moon and back, yessir! and his cock is soooooo big i want to eater right now!” you shouted at the top of your lungs
nanami’s eyes widened in embarrassment because everyone was looking at him
he covered his face to try to hide his red face
“that’s it, wer’re leaving.”
“whuh-why? i’amer just getting started” hiccup
nanami knew you weren’t going to come willingly so he picked you up and threw you short body over his shoulder like you were a bag of rice
he obviously is the bigger spoon and loves to coddle you in bed and bear hug you
like a weighted blanket
when he wakes up early for work he will give you a kiss to your forehead, loving the way your hair smells
the way you smell
it hard for him to unglue himself from you in the bed
then when days he has work off you usually wake up first so you can make him breakfast
like i said earlier youll be in his shirt making waffles or eggs
whatever he wants
while its cooking you’ll sit at the breakfast table enjoying your cup of coffee
sleep is still evident in your eyes as you yawn like a cute kitty in his eyes
he likes to greet your small form by kissing atop your head, chuckling at how cute you get by almost jumping up from his rudeness
he loves giving you forehead kisses
even while your cleaning the dishes he will tower over you and grab your face to give you a wet kiss
tongue swiping in between your lips as he feels the need to devour your cute little body
wedding day
he was so nervous
so were you
anxious chills and shaky hands
you found a dress perfect for your size
it was enough but not too much that it overpowered you
it was perfection
you knew nanami would love it
finally when you showed him he started crying
he couldn’t help it, tears just streamed down his face, happy tears
he even was blushing and a giggly mess
your heart was full of love
He was the man for sure you wanted to marry
The height difference was so cute because you had this elegant delicate poofy dress and he wore his nice tight masculine suit
He dipped down to kiss your forehead, giggling so happy with happy tears as he took your face in his hands 
“You look so beautiful baby”
Between him blushing and his tears you started tearing up as well just because you love this man so much
“I can’t believe you're my wife”
“I can’t believe you're my husband. I am mrs. Kento”
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angel’s little words - this is kinda self indulgent bc I am 4’11 but I got all these headcanon ideas and inspo from this tiktok video, I hope u all enjoyed some domestic casual nanami
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alevicke · 1 year
Killers getting sick x gn!reader
- Huntress, Ghostface, Spirit and Shape -
No TWs needed as long as I'm concerned, but Danny is a bitch
(I'm sorry for any mistakes! English isn't my native language and I'm not used to writing because I feel too embarrassed of my English. I hope you still like it and enjoy it 🙏)
**Anna ( The Huntress)**
At first, she tries to ignore it
It starts with her coughing and sneezing sometimes but like, it's the forest, it could be a bit of dust annoying her
But it just keeps increasing
And God is she stubborn, she doesn't want to pay attention to it. She is busy, she has things to do, killing survivors and practicing throwing hatches won't be done all on its own
You can see it's getting worse
She's probably getting fever
But it doesn't matter how much you insist she doesn't want to listen to you
That's until she can't even throw and axe due to how much she's coughing and sneezing. Her nose is stuffed so badly
That's when she stops being a wolf and becomes your puppy
She apologizes for not listening to you
Please don't be too hard on her
You know she's stubborn and she's used to showing she's strong and not showing weaknesses
She had to survive through so much after all
But now she's your whiny puppy and wants your attention
Please, be by her side
Even if she doesn't like taking off her mask, she trusts you enough to do it
I mean, she doesn't want to sneeze on the mask and ruin it
But she always keeps an eye on it
She wants your attention so much now
Your hugs, your kisses, your pets
She's not used to showing she's weak but she knows she can trust you
Although she'll still be careful that others do not know her codnition
Some people (Danny) might get annoyed and try to take advantage of the situation when they normally could not go against her
Once she gets better she'll still be clingy appreciating everything you did for her
Although you may be the one getting sick now after being around a sneezing Anna the whole time...
**Danny (Ghostface)**
You know? Danny is not really that mindful
He's kind of annoying and childish sometimes
The first time he sneezed in a cleenex he literally looked for you, paper in hand
The other times he sneezes he's being an annoying bitch and won't even cover his mouth
He might even directly point at you just to mess with you and laugh at you
That's until he realizes he was getting sick and it wasn't just normal sneezing
"Oh fuck"
Yeah, he finally realizes he was sneezing on you while being sick and could have gotten you sick as well
He's so goddamn dramatic as soon as he has a tiny bit of fever
"Oh god, oh Lord. OH ENTITY. I think I'm dying S/O. That's it. I'm done. I'm fucked up. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel!"
He barely even has a fever. His nose is stuffed and that's about it
Every time he coughs he tries to make it sound even worse than the clown
He's so loud
And you just KNOW he wants your attention
If he doesn't get it that way he'll start calling you
"Baby... Sweetheart... Honey... Please... Sweetie... I need you... PLEASE..."
Please, go. The names will get even chessier
"My sweet baby... My cute angel... Light of my life..."
You actually wonder if he's just messing with you
"My sweet spicy Pumpking Starbuck's Coffee..."
Ok Danny fuck off
He finally grabs your attention and is a whiny baby the whole time about pain, sneezes and everything
When he finally recovers he'll be bragging around that he didn't even "notice" that he was sick
Nope, so brave, all on his own. Yeap
He'll still appreciate you and will thank you in private
But he thinks he has an status and appearance to maintain (no one actually gives a shit about him)
**Rin (The Spirit)**
It started as a few normal sneezes
Uhmm, weird. She doesn't usually sneeze
At least not more than once
She still decides to go to the trial like nothing
But it's easy to spot there is something wrong
She cannot keep up with the survivors as good as she usually can
They of course take advantage of that and rush the generators and throw some pallets on her
She takes even longer than usual to recover from the pallet and flashlights make her even more blind
She struggles and covers her face and head after the flashligh
She can feel her head starts to hurt and you can sense her behaviour is being off and weird
If you're in the trial you can offer yourself as the only sacrifice although she would rather not doing it
You can insist though, you don't want the entity punishing her when you can feel something is wrong
If she accepts she'll be gentle (I mean, as gently as you can be hooking someone like a dead pig meat)
Once you two are alone, you put your hand in her forehead to feel her temperature raised
She will complain that she's fine but she's smart, she knows she isn't
She just wants you to go away so she doesn't get you sick as well
If you keep insisting she will let you take care of her
But don't expect her to request nor call you if she needs something. She's too worried of annoying you
So please, visit her often to see how she is going
She will appreciate your help so much, really, a lot
And also your company. She feels so lonely
Still she will ask you not to get too close to avoid getting sick
She would feel awful if you do
No kisses nor hugs while she's sick! 100% forbidden
But as soon as she recovers she'll make up for all those hugs and kisses missed and will bath you in them 💖
**Michael Myers (The Shape)**
The unfeeling rock. Not a sound, not a noise, not a word
Wait, was that a sneeze?
Oh shit it was
You didn't ever hear a word from him, besides grunts and growls this is probably the first time you hear a different sound from him
Oh, he coughed
As exciting as it could be to hear new interactions and voices from your boyfriend, you know something's terrible wrong
This guy can easily tank any illness on his own, he's too proud and solitary
His health is also on spot, so he NEVER gets sick
But once he does... Shit's gonna get real
Out of all the killers, he gets the sickest of them all
Some of them could argue that he gets worse than even Plague sometimes
He will stay in bed and not request your help but he actually does need some help
His fever is high, he's trembling and his nose is stuffed
Getting is mask off will be the hardest job you'll ever have in your life, I promise
And still, you probably won't even manage to take it off completely, just enough to encoder his lips and nose
And good luck keeping this guy in bed. He will try to get up for absolutely everything
He hates standing in bed and standing still when it's not about stalking someone. The patience he has just disappears
He'll be an absolute mess in bed but you taking care of him truly helps him 💖
He won't say it, but once he's healed, you can notice he's following you around like a puppy a lot more
He becomes way more overprotective and expect to have his hand all the time in your shoulder or back
He cannot thank you vocally but you can feel his appreciation through these kinds of actions
And oh Entity have mercy in the poor soul who dares to mistreat you while he's with you
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