#CWW for short
bunmuffin · 1 year
Sibling: I need your help writing
Me: I'm not good at writing
Sibling: Yes, you are. You do OPs
Me: I do what?
Sibling: The cosplaying with words
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girldraki · 9 months
god i wish tumblrs search function actually worked since, short of flat out asking cww “did you ever become normal about asexual people”, there’s really no way to verify
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seafood-33 · 2 years
A short segment of CWW in 2018.
(translate by ゆゆゆ@UJF59822151)
He said:At one time, when I was going through a lot of problems with the weekly newspapers and so on.
I wondered why I was still alive.
I tried to die many times.
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UJF (ゆゆゆ) twitter
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biscuityskies · 1 year
Cww being done means that I can move on from those wips to this behemoth (for reference this is already the longest thing I’ve ever written (ik it’s still comparatively short shhh) and I’m not done with it)
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Someone help.
Anyways here are some iconic moments that make me laugh
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aerialimagining · 4 years
Midterm Assignments (that I didn't do) (CWW #8)
She sits at her desk,
hunched over the resonating blue light
of the silver laptop screen and
narrows her eyes as
they try and make sense of the
small font and
narrow margins of the paper she has written and
rewritten and
told herself that she would be done
in just a few short hours because
she is tired and
it is late and
she wants to close her eyes but
she can't because
this is due so soon.
No long drawn-out reflection today because I'm having a uveitis flare-up and everything is sad. The prompt was to write a poem that is basically one long sentence to introduce writing flow. Kind of sad because this is the second to last writing prompt of the semester and I've actually had a lot of fun doing them.
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shaqohel · 3 years
Terms of Reference for The documentation of Global Parntership for Education funded programs in Somalia - Mogadishu
Terms of Reference for The documentation of Global Parntership for Education funded programs in Somalia - Mogadishu #somalia #somalijobs #shaqohel
Terms of Reference for The documentation of Global Parntership for Education funded programs in Somalia 1. GENERAL INFORMATION Assignment by MOECHE FGS Partners CARE, SCI & CWW Donor Global Partnership for Education (GPE) Assignment Production of short video’s, photographs and collection of human interest stories for the GPE program Location of the Assignment All of Southern States of Somalia…
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flamintango · 3 years
Taming the Shrew, Gaming the Rules: Domestic Space as a Site of Transgressional Mother-Daughter Homosociality in Jamaica Kincaid’s “Girl”
Jamaica Kincaid’s "Girl" (1978) portrays the painstaking confines of domestic space for women in the Caribbeans in a tersely crafted short story. Despite the impression, I would argue,  the motherly narrator’s unending tirade signifies less a ruthless drill of patriarchal disciplines, but more an interwoven fabric of mother-daughter bond and female coalition. The idea of girlhood and mother-daughter homosociality of Jamaica Kincaid’s “Girl” has been the subject of widespread scholarly intrigue for decades. Adopting the approach of rhetorical features analysis, K. Jayasree’s “Linguistic-Literary Camouflage in Jamaica Kincaid’s ‘Girl’” anchors its critical emphasis on the rebellious potential of the female homosocial subtext in the story. The essay maintains that “Girl” tactically utilizes the common textual format (i.e. the “oral tradition”) in which patriarchal values effectively disseminates in order to issue the “call to arms” (82) that likewise instills transgressive ideas into girls.
“Wash the white clothes on Monday and put them on the stone heap; wash the color clothes on Tuesday and put them on the clothesline to dry; don’t walk bare-head in the hot sun; cook pumpkin fritters in very hot sweet oil;  . . . this is how to sew on a button; this is how to make a buttonhole for the button you have just sewed on.” (320, italics added)
As the extract above illustrates, the lines roll rhythmically with a string of alliterations and unrelenting imperatives and structural repetitions, rendering the tone almost sermonic. The incessant use of colons in lieu of sentence-ending punctuations (e.g. periods) or meta-language represents the disciplining tone of the narrator who assumes a mother’s voice in a relentless mantra penetrating into the daughter’s head. “Girl”’s writing falls in line with the oral tradition not only for its conversational nature, speaking exclusively to the girl with the second-person “you,” but also for its quick-paced, fragmented sputter of sentences inflected in such a way that Rabea and Almahameed would call it “poetic” and “genre crossing” (157).
Denise De Caires Narain’s “Naming Same-Sex Desire in Caribbean Women's Texts: Toward a Creolizing Hermeneutics” aims to tap into the queer undertow of familial female homociality in Kincaid’s text . It laments the uncontested heterosexual norms in Caribbean literarures by female writers in the 1980s, despite their continuous effort to challenge the conservative male canon. In its analysis of  Lucy and The Autobiography of My Mother, on the one hand, the essay recognizes that Kincaid’s depiction of heterosexual sex as detrimental to women, and merely a tool for male to assert virility and dominance. On the other hand, it positions the mother-daughter tie prevalent in Kincaid’s theming  as a “strategically defensive one”  against men that “orbits around the heteronornmative,” and conceptualizes it in the form of mother’s control over “the girl-child’s life script” (204). The homosocial bond between mother and daughter equally courses through the thematic vein of “Girl” for its vehement, moralizing narrative. In the short story, the mother effectively micromanages her daughter’s existence down to the hairsplitting details of her day-to-day with sermonic mantras that seek to indoctrinate patriarchal, lady-like virtues into the girl at first glance. The girl’s day is arranged for her from “Monday” through “Sunday”, and her life is held to miscellaneous household duties, interpersonal interactions, and female etiquettes: “wash” the white and colored clothes on Mondays and Tuesdays; “cook” the pumpkin fritters; “walk like a lady” to reject “a slut that you’re bent on becoming”; never sing benna in “Sunday schools”; never speak to “wharf-rat boys” (Kincaid 320).
On the subject of the postcolonial context in Kincaid’s work, De Caires Narain notes that Kincaid exhibits a literary tendency to employ little to no Caribbean creole in her writing, which is executed mostly in standard English. Despite the linguistic choice, Kincaid still successfully communicates Caribbean specificity and postcoloniality through subtle sprinklage of cultural references. For instance, “benna” is a type of Antiguan folk song that largely features raunchy rumors in its lyrics, helpful in spreading folk news across the streets. In “Girl,” meanwhile, it is the same song that the mother cautioned the daughter against singing in the Christian Sunday school that symbolizes colonial heritage. The slut shaming of the female body that the mother casts derogatively onto the daughter here ties thematically with the baudy benna prohibited in the imported religion—the remains of colonial heritage from the West and the symbol of civility in public.
From an alternative angle on postcolonial discussions, Betty Joseph signals an invitation to problematize the subject from the globalization perspective in her essay, “Gendering Time in Globalization: The Belatedness of the Other Woman and Jamaica Kincaid's Lucy.” Joseph’s grounds the analysis on the notion of time-lag in cultural exchange due to “crony capitalism” (67), a geopolitical framework under which the social-cultural and economic capital is distributed in inequity across the globe due to geopolitical limitations. The essay admonishes Euroamerican feminist criticisms to diverge from their traditional view that evinces an “implicit discourse of progress” (69) of culturally diverse female subjects towards Western apotheosis.
Likewise, the Westerncentric feminist activism inspired attempt to read the mother as an idle mouthpiece and her preaches as patriarchal propaganda fails to account for the transgressive hints that the mothers slips into her teachings. Positioning the narrator as a mere fathering figurehead who indefatigably preaches female behavioral decorums is a tempting reading strategy. It may easily interpret the mother’s disciplining as instances of male oppression. Nonetheless, the expedient reading ignores the male-excluding feminine specificity that charged the story. It also disregards the transgenerational female alliance that is rendered accessible by the gendered lived experience produced in the domestic context, and relayed from mother to daughter. Any prominent masculine role is barely present in the story, barring a metonymic "father’s khaki shirt" that the girl is commanded to iron, the nameless "wharf-rat boys" from whom the girl is distanced, and the "men" to whom the mother alerts the girl about bullying (320-321). By dissolving male figures into the background, “Girl” places a major feminine accent on the inherited experience of womanhood yet to be shared across generations. For example, she holds the daughter to nurturing maternity by teaching her how to “make good medicine for a cold.” Even so, immediately in the next line, she effectively backpedals that didactic gospel by instructing her how to make “good medicine” to “throw away a child” (321), an act that stands in diametrical opposition not only to traditional Christian values, but also to conservative womanly virtues imbuing the ethos behind “Girl.”
The multidimensional tensions between the lines unfold with such linguistic, narrative, and social-realistic density, it renders the short story a suffocating yet complex depiction of Caribbean womanhood. The narrator’s character deepens and expands in multiple directions in a nonlinear fashion: she represents the seasoned woman in a conservative, male-dominant society; she embodies the voice that she may have been attuned to throughout her girlhood; she manifests protective maternity for the sake of the household that she has been maintaining, but for the girl against male aggression, to which she imparts motherly love and attendance. “Girl” is a woman’s bildungsroman in contemporary Antigua. It is a tender tale of a cross-generational sisterhood.
Works Cited
De Caires Narain, Denise. "Naming Same-Sex Desire in Caribbean Women's Texts: Toward a Creolizing Hermeneutics." Contemporary Women's Writing, vol. 6, no. 3, 2012, pp. 194-212, MLA International Bibliography, doi:10.1093/cww/vps027.
Joseph, Betty. "Gendering Time in Globalization: The Belatedness of the Other Woman and Jamaica Kincaid's Lucy." Tulsa Studies in Women's Literature, vol. 21, no. 1, 2002, pp. 67-83, MLA International Bibliography, doi:10.2307/4149216.
Jayasree, K. "Linguistic-Literary Camouflage in Jamaica Kincaid's "Girl"." IUP Journal of English Studies, vol. 13, no. 2, 2018, pp. 81-87, Humanities International Complete.
Kincaid Jamaica, “Girl.” The Story and its Writer: An Introduction to Short Fiction. 6th Ed. Ed. Charters, Ann. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2003. 320-321. Print.
Rabea, Reem Ahmad and Nusaiba Adel Almahameed. "Genre Crossing in Jamaica Kincaid's 'Girl': From Short Fiction to Poetry." Advances in Language and Literary Studies, vol. 9, no. 3, 2018, pp. 157-165, ERIC, http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&AuthType=ip,shib&db=eric&AN=EJ1185919&lang=zh-tw&site=ehost-live&custid=s5650286.
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sunnydaleherald · 4 years
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter - Sunday, August 30th
The Sunnydale Herald is currently looking for a few good editors! Contributing to the Herald is a great way to get your Buffy on! For more information, send us an ask (on Tumblr) or post a reply to this post!
Anya: Come on, Torg, that was like a lifetime ago. Torg: Three, but who's counting. You broke my heart, Anyanka. Anya: Don't be so dramatic, Torg. You don't even have a heart. Six spleens, two stomachs, half a brain maybe, but no heart. Torg: Don't mock this. The night we spent together was...important to me. Anya: It was one date. And it wasn't even a date. We just happened to be invited to the same massacre, and—and you hit on me after I had a few… Torg: I remember, you wore pink. Anya: Those were entrails. Giles: I'm sorry, perhaps we could skip the nostalgia— (Anya glares at him) Sorry, no, no, carry on. Anya: OK, Torg, look, you open this tiny little gateway to the Beljoxa's Eye for me, and I'll— You and I will go— I'll have sex with you again. Torg: Ugh, please, you're human. The way you look now, I wouldn't touch you for all the kittens in Korea. Anya: You're rejecting my offer of sexual bribery? What am I, a leper in this town? I can't even give it away! Torg: (grabs his garbage can and starts walking back inside) Come back when you are a leper.
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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The Mayor's Legacy (Spike/OMC, M) by jedi_penguin
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Support (Giles/Reader, NR) by Charlotte
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"Alexandra Louise" (Multiple crossovers, Willow, FR7) by fpb
DiNozzo's Sister (NCIS crossover, Buffy, FR13) by Wild
[Chaptered Fiction]
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What Makes a Family? Chapter 3 (Tara/Willow, NR) by Bee_Gee
Promise Me Chapter 21 (Buffy/Spike, T) by Lucky_19
Fighting the Darkness Chapter 19 (Multiple crossovers, Buffy, T) by Buffyworldbuilder (lateVMlover)
Welding a Family Chapter 2 (Multiple crossovers, Buffy, G) by Buffyworldbuilder (lateVMlover)
Xander and the League Chapter 2 (Arrow crossover, Xander, G) by Buffyworldbuilder (lateVMlover)
Chosen to Not Fade Away Chapter 2 (Buffy/Spike, M) by buffy_and_spike
Dawn's Journal Chapter 5 (Buffy & Dawn, G) by yvochrali
Dandelion Chapter 10 (Multiple crossovers, Buffy, T) by Mirrored_Illusions
Vengeance Chapter 2 (Faith/Buffy, E) by aliceinwonderbra
Never Again Chapter 1 (Tara/Willow, G) by Whiitewolf
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Promise Me Chapter 21 (Buffy/Spike, PG13) by Lucky_19
May You Ever Return Chapter 5 (Buffy/Spike, R) by Cosmic Tuesdays
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When in Rome Chapter 6 (French, Dawn, Spike, & Andrew, T) by OldGirl-NoraArlani
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Immortal Kelvin Slayer Chapter 25 (Star Trek crossover, Buffy, PG) by hermione2be
Anticipation Chapter 30 (LoTR crossover, FR13) by Grundy
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Graphics: Rachel's Banners by RachM
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Artwork: Local slayer tasked with slaying Vamp Cordelia by professional-outsider
Artwork: Rupert Giles and Nathan Wallace by flummoxedangel
Icons: Buffy Summers | Icons by whimsicalrogers
Artwork: Willow and Tara were requested by my Patrons by inorheona
[Reviews & Recaps]
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Angel & Spike #13 Review: A One-Shot Detective Story by Bleeding Cool
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The Three kinds of "Monster of the Week" in a row [S02E18-20] by Stoic_Badger
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Anyone know any genuinely good Buffy/Angel fanfic? requested by xxandrielle
[Community Announcements]
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Panel and Vidshow Submissions Now Open! by FanWorks 2020
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HAPPY 60K! by ShazrahKiller
[Fandom Discussions]
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Dreams by rahirah
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The most underrated character for me is...David Nabbit by CangelFrance
Best Buffy Books to read by Bankrupt_Billywig13
The Angel vs. spike debate by justme4433
Was Angelus not capable of defeating Buffy? by fuurn90
Buffy Season 6 poll by Salvatore-Charmed
Buffy ISN'T being rebooted by Stopthelemurs
Willow and Xander's Affair: What *exactly* did Cordelia and Oz know? by sprucemoosegetin
I ship Dangel (Darla+Angel) by R1el
What does the symbol in Buffy's training room mean? by bornmedicated
Why the "Powers that Be" are the real villains of the Buffyverse by Voice-of-CWW
What’s uncomfortable in 2020? And what still seems very progressive? by Weezlecheesle
New to Buffy, currently 4 episodes into series 3 by D_Wigz
High school, college or adult years poll by Diccy123
The reboot we've all been waiting for... SMG? by limbsakimbo_
I find the 'I love you' joke too funny by TypicalPsychology6
Which is the better series finale poll by Nelson-Rodriguez
Rewatching season 1 by ZoobieEmi
Buffy by Lizcatherine
invisible assassin by deductivesherlock
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The Body by onthinax
[Articles, Interviews, and Other News]
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5 Times The Gang Had Each Other's Backs (& 5 Times They Didn't) at Screen Rant
Buffy Theory: Angel Wouldn't Have Become a Hero If He Hadn't Met the Slayer at CBR.com
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tuyetthienduong · 6 years
E no dau roi
Soi yko nhu diem
Ele do tr ma
Ai nua xiu ba sg tr
Run nha lac cha bao voi con
Lo hct con kia vl ht all ttt cho hai
Xiu em ngoi nhu slu tma nhin ngic khang ko gox
Hiwu team em nguco
Lonhabdizz gai sieu do income
Lay em bang mas khox
Wjy dr no nki for me
Xiu ghe cm
Trum nguoc xiu ss
Btqas ehy not dong ling yticp me yo em
Ling hey
Tu hihi
Em hihi sao im vay s co tjoi co tg ngji xiu
Lo hien
Cawpy doi nguoi dep feu co li do ling khoc all
Em cho nhanh mum libe once and for all
S goc lay huhu tjieu nguoi snh
Minh la dua nao igs a nhin may gilbh
Gou shit doi
Em ko he
Tr em di
Tr anh o lau
Hai tr tri ve
Em tr
No do hihi
Anh 21 see
S hay ganh
Gai mo
Nen faul
Lay em khoc
Lacs. Khoc la tai vi em ko niet ghen a
Ah tr
Gais cant
Em tr
Tr lives yoi vuys
Nevr co vo befor
Im bna gms
Kp em tr
Gai moi tjeo dinh joc
Hoan ngo thay hrt tid
Toan beay
Nen fail
Linh tahy het voi ngo
Gais ko the hiem
Tu na dieu tren
Always win
Vay sao
Xawy emw
Huy g jieu toi 28t vai ct kjoc
Hc best roi vam thua best ngo kives
Dt di bui roi non moi thay
Lunh anh21 ko he dung
Em chu gi ngu
Hihi bgu = dung
Congrats 28t
Biet gio uon
Tmd ganh
Sg all ne
No do do hai hoih li do 1 kbn ne
Lo hirn
Hypereamo con leve 1
W sao că gãi la em bét all ve kill ttum xiu tr ms
Best do ziu all
Ah hieu roi wm a ai tr
Ma do tr má libe lay em
Ah all stanoont
Cam thay haong hoi vi cac
Linh aty ms
Ê me etc all for hẻ
Cho huy di benh venh hai dua st moi len
Lay em kjoc
Lác. Cha con het hẹ
My level
Still ză
Kahng nưa in actini nartually
Anh 21 ghi lai ce. Voi chanl i
Con 99
Vaycsc dung ke em vay ta
Linh ko biet att
Ly librs ss ma van dung moi
Khoc moi
Dps sọt th la cúnam
Tjoiss len
Tm nghi li bc hien
Ko he. Linh khoc that
Em co gi do sai sai
Ntqt ko bi pha att
Di nhagap sc do
Linh 23 a ko biet co lM ko
Giet nha ah bsst
Bhjn tém no cua idol jiji
Scy tiem joa ko he
Bangma soc no main tji co
Ele do that di bui
Giay walk hom
Same level jusy shit motwhr like hoáng
Ces drive no whete
True story
No need right makeing
Tru genius taleny
Soc dẻ
Unyil somebone leaves food sệt by poke mon vsiual ah lubes fi bui janh vo
Gái toan ugly t tr
Gais vang be king
Any t
Hai tu tém xiu sao biey
Ko co kinh xiu sicac do
Plawhrond tíu
Tr stiry
Xé ls skae
Xeess iy is
Igs sp
Mics bro big tởn do a
Moc im la jiei best
Rr no
Imevetabily phy
Ban than léc nevr fail
Anh 35 cmm fan
T3 hiwu ko
Moc ko
Ah soc
Bms libe
Em jihi ctw
Lay em lwgs hihi
Khoi hihi em libe bms hoeu foi
Em ngico hieu nha
Movs lo noi that hihi nl thua
Wwww drigs long a
Em huy ha
Mivs huhu bd roi
T3 tr du
Thom bihi
Moc jelp alwyas eorkd unlike me ọters
30t ngoi am wus
True short
Twam tjom cho co
Why try and fail
Em dont know
Doubke for mr
Lacs helo fsm gjen lo
T hien hj
Hiens fo bien
Linh lau
Helo us cww live you
Em main ò cu co gai
Moc gian nha
Anh too
Em xiu jiem team
Em dung day vo cchua voi ma fox
Qm team cant
0 notes
shortorderpoems · 7 years
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https://www.facebook.com/events/303237706814265/?ti=icl This Thursday! Join us as poet Jason Poudrier leads this month's Ralph Ellison Creative Writing Workshop with his interactive session "Emotional Transference: Making Your Reader Feel." Poudrier's a powerful poet in his own right, but his work with Military Experience & the Arts is worth noting as well for its engaged contribution to the cultural life and health of Oklahoma and beyond. The workshop will meet at 6:30 PM on July 20 at the Ralph Ellison Library. For more about Jason and this series, please see http://ralphellisonfoundation.org/cww/. Many thanks to Oklahoma City University's Red Earth MFA in Creative Writing at OCU and Short Order Poems for their partnership in presenting this program with us.
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wherespacepooh · 8 years
Hope & Legacy, traces, etc. (空色羊 @sorairohituji)
The awesome @sorairohituji has kindly allowed me to translate her wonderfully detailed review of Hope & Legacy, Yuzuru's FS program this season, from her blog.
Pay attention to 1) the traces for each part of the program, 2) how it all fits with the music, 3) "...there is a spot where Yuzuru brings his hands forward and looks into it. In that scene, Yuzuru finds himself looking into the mirror." What is Shae-lynn talking about?
Original post is here in Japanese. Translated by gladiolusc .
After I was done, I realized I should have done the traces from 4CC instead of GPF, given the many fan cams from different angles available. I did GPF’s because I thought that the original layout was better, but the tracks going into 3A-lo-3S was almost the same as the ones going into the emergency 4T2T… *sweatdrop*
There may be many parts that are a little displaced, the curves might want to be expanded, or not, etc, but please pardon me. Since I am an amateur who has never skated before, please let me know if there are any mistakes in in the steps & turns.
I thought the theme was nature, but according to Shae-lynn’s interview at WFS EX, it was Hope & Legacy (quite a break). I got a little heartbroken thinking of the number of remaining competition left...
I wrote a post earlier on H&L’s StSq assuming the former (nature). It is yet different from Hanyu-kun's interview on Ice Jewel. Both are pretty abstract. Perhaps this program is open to various interpretations? I might just enjoy the program by itself without thinking too deeply about it...
The program opens with View of Silence/ Joe Hisaishi
In Shae-lynn's interview, "After the circular sequence of footwork, there is a spot where Yuzuru brings his hands forward and looks into it. In that scene, Yuzuru finds himself looking into the mirror."
← (GIF / AutumClassic) After 4 Lo, Yuzuru traces a circle, but that’s probably not the spot that Shae-lynn was referring to? 
The track of the 4S, unlike in last season, begins with a wide, circular curve that covers a good part of the rink (like the 4L’s) before straightening out into a more linear path. Including the second half, there are a lot of variations. Hopefully 4S-san will be stable!
Flying Camel, ☆Camel Upright, ☆Camel Sideways, Change of foot (RBO→LBI), ☆Sit Sideways, ☆Upright Biellmann 
After the change of foot, Asian Dream Song/ Joe Hisaishi comes on.
Note: In both Autumn Classic and 4CC, the Biellmann is replaced by the A-spin (Upright Forward).
The uninterrupted flow from combination spin ~ step sequence ~ 3F is one of the highlights of the program. Switching songs mid-spin at the change of foot also enhances the feeling of continuity.
After drawing a semicircle to a decisive halt in the first half of the StSq, he skates diagonally across the rink in a relatively linear path, in keeping with the soaring melody as if he finds a new exit from which water would flow. A smooth progression of the left footwork cluster (in sky blue) there, and a hop that felt as if he were closing the distance (trans. to the exit?). The tempo here is slightly faster than indicated in the musical score. It returns to the original speed when he gets to the corner (after the second backward hop).
For more on StSq → Article on 2016 GPF FS StSq (Hope and Legacy)
Light blue: Cluster of steps and turns
Where does the StSq end? Perhaps at the second backward hop? Otherwise, the leftward (CWW) rotation wouldn’t be sufficient to satisfy the level feature of “rotations in either direction (left and right) with full body rotation covering at least 1/3 of the pattern in total for each rotational direction.” Even if he makes one CW rotation (LFI mohawk ~ RFO) after the last cluster of steps and turns on the left foot, the CWW rotation wouldn’t be full...
But whether or not it ends there, it transitions seamlessly into the 3F. SEIMEI, on the other hand, is divided along the StSq ~ 4T3T with a clear song change. After the SEIMEI StSq, he skated a full circular trajectory for a bit before going into the jump.
←(GIF / 4CC) "Yuzuru brings his hands forward and looks into it” (SLB) Candidate #1:
Where he comes to a stop after the first cluster of steps and turns. But I’m not sure if this constitutes “after the circular sequence.” The arm movements fit the description but his expression looks calm?
A couple spots have been changed since the brush-up.
←(GIF / Autumn Classic) From LBO, a frontward turn, spreading both arms, RFI Mohawk, RBO, LFO, (enters forward crossover).
← (GIF / NHK) From LBO, RFO, brings both arms to the front, LFO three turn, RBO, LFO, (enters forward crossover).
This is “Yuzuru brings his hands forward…” Candidate #2:
It comes after the circular footwork, but it’s only been changed to this choreography from NHK onwards.
As the music swells note by note, a certain "floatiness” is emphasized in the 3F by playing to those bottom chords (trans. rather than the melody on top)… I’m not too sure what I’m trying to say.
Haru (@GOEplus5agetyau)’s wonderful take on that “floatiness", reposted here:
The 3F from when the toe pick hits the ice→the jump up→the landing is perfectly synced with the Auftakt (4th beat, toe pick hits) ascending to the first beat (pa!). This beautifully highlights a “sense of phrasing with a strong dip followed by the leap (in music)”, I think, and the “floatiness” might be related to that.
← (GIF / NHK) From LBO, RFO, brings both arms to the front, LFO three turn, RBO, LFO, (enters forward crossover).
Photo: NHK Trophy (MAINICHI PHOTOGRAPHY). I love this photo, and how his hand covering the other eye actually punctuates the sharpness of his glare.
After the 3F, he changes course from CCW to CW (probably weight shift) and shimmies his shoulders (see first photo along the green line in the trace diagram below).
← (Choreography with Shae-lynn)
Choreographic details around this momentary pause after the 3F, but before he enters the setup for the 4S:
“It’s like a light that you see going over… what do you call it… a shooting star? When it falls out of the sky. So if you see… *models*"
← (GIF / Choreography with Shae-lynn) The emotions!
← (GIF / Autumn Classic) Backward crossover, LBO-RFI Choctaw, LF, skating on two-foot, full turn with legs spread apart ending with a stop, three-turn into LFO, RBO, Cross Behind. Probably because he was short on time, the movements felt more brief/ “lighter" compared to the above.
← (GIF / GPF): From a CW backward crossover, he shifts his weight and makes a CCW curve, three-turn with LFO exit, stop, cross behind, three-turn ending in LFO, RBO three-turn.
It’s a pity that the two-foot spin is gone, but now the movements look sharper and more filled out. The weight shift as he gracefully raises his arms and arches his back, coupled with an intensity where he shimmies his shoulders while changing the curve. So, yes, this version is good.
6.4S+REP (fall)
The melody here is Mi-so-la—Do-ti-ti-la-so-so-la-la—. And the way Yuzuru jumps at “Do", the highest note of the phrase, in the 4S feels good. To contrast, the 4S was initiated at “La” at both Autumn Classic and Skate Canada. It felt like he was going to strike the toe pick for the second jump at “Do.”
I am guessing they tweaked the timing so that it’s easier to jump. And even at 4CC, with the changed course, the timing was the same. It’s okay either way, but after the change, because he does a three turn (RBO) at “Mi-so”, it's easier for me to calculate the timing ← That doesn’t matter (^ o ^;)
After landing the jump, the music changes back to View of Silence around the cross behind or the LFO step… probably the cross behind. A 4T in the midst of that quiet stillness in between songs.
"Yuzuru brings his hands forward and looks into it” Candidate #3:
← (GIF / SC) Skating on both feet (CCW), bringing both hands to his chest, pushing lightly with his left foot into CW, cross behind, RFI mohawk, either cross front or back cross.
← (GIF / NHK) Skating on both feet (CCW), bringing both hands to his chest, LFI mohawk, cross front while changing edge to RBO, three-turn to RFO, LBO.
Notice the way Yuzuru goes with the revolving flow from the half rotation (CCW) and 1.5 rotation (CW) by maintaining a tilt in his neck, accentuated by nods of his head. I think it fits Shae-lynn’s description especially well after the change, but this happens after all the quads. So which part is Shae-lynn talking about?
Combination jump or otherwise, is the spread eagle Yuzuru’s standard for landing now?
☆ Flying Sit, ☆ SF (Cannon Ball), Foot Change ☆ SB (Pancake) × (☆ 8 Rotation)
11. ChSq1
I wonder if he had placed the hydroblade and the layback Ina Bauer on the left side of the rink because the StSq leaned more right? Near the end of the hydroblade, he stretches his right arm out towards the sky as if trying to grasp something, mirroring the Hanyu-kun who continues to challenge himself… Such poetry!
He changed the course going into the Lutz after NHK. The jump was a little closer to the judges at Autumn Classic and Skate Canada. The program is well balanced with one more jump remaining after the ChSq. Just that it’s bad for the heart because it’s a lutz. (Trans. LOL. Poor maligned 3Lz XD)
Although I wouldn’t completely rely on my traces, when I compare it with SEIMEI's (slightly modified on 11.17), I do find the jump layout more biased (towards the corners): The 3Lo in the center is gone, and the previous arrangement of the Lutz was somewhat more balanced.
And perhaps the 4Lo and 4S are closer to the long side of the rink. I haven’t looked closely at competitions outside of GPF, but 4S, 4T, and 3A-Lo-2S look settled.
Although the jump placements may have been a bit biased in terms of spacing, but the balance in terms of order of elements is improved from shifting his last jump to after the ChSq!
I love this program.
Additional traces from 4CC recovery, etc
Green - Brown ... GPF Neon green - Orange ... 4CC
The course going into 4S was changed. Additionally, because he fell at GPF, the course post-jump was shortened.
Orange - Pink ... GPF Brown ... 4CC
The tracks are basically the same. (Trans. Although, going into 4T, the track is somewhat straighter than 3A’s would have been, and footwork has been simplified?)
Sky blue ... GPF Brown ... 4CC
← (GIF / 4CC) The recovery 3A is a good fit, and I think it adds to the tension here.
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sassybrit · 5 years
It’s Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the lovely Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our week.
What’s your week been like?
I had my first fatality this week!!!  Regular readers of this blog may know how bee shit crazy I’ve become over the last few weeks, but in case you missed Friday’s Bee Loving Post, then click the link and I’ll take you there!
It seems that one of my bees (yes, they’re in my garden so they’re mine lol) came in to our house looking for water. Woke up to find the poor little darling had drowned in less than half an inch of washing up water!
I tried to save it, but alas he was already gone…  sniff.
So, if that is not crazy enough for you already, then what I did next might just convince you that I’ve gone over the edge, or at least teetering dangerously there: I took photos of the poor little chap, because quite frankly I’ve never really been that close to one to really study it. Plus I wanted to see what sort of bee it was.
Please turn away if you don’t want to look at a dead bee. It’s fatal, but fascinating and nothing to do with books. Although, I have started to buy books about bees!
It ain’t pretty!
  On a positive note I did make a BEE BED with the help of my husband, (and a little bit of nagging encouragement from my part…)  and we have plenty of happy bees visiting our English Lavender, and bee loving Hebe. They’re not so keen on the French, but then, they’re attractive plants, so I love them!
Here’s a short video I took of some busy little bees… yeah, I uploaded this on YouTube. I didn’t really want to bother, but for some reason I recently discovered that WordPress is NOT video friendly. I uploaded my raw files here for speed and it just shows up as a link and then when you click on it the file downloads?? So although painstakingly slower, I had to upload to YouTube first to be able to share this with you!
Warning: Just bees enjoying themselves on my new BEE BED.  Don’t wee yourself with too much excitement…
Happy Sunday! Here’s wishing you a happy week ahead! I do hope you are having a relaxing day! Stop buzzing around and take it nice and BEE-easy for the day…
Luv Sassy x
Welcome to my Sunday Wrap Up Post! #swup
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The #MondayMovie #BookTrailer Swap! #Spotlight on #Author Boris Sanders @BorisSanders1 #MusicMonday #IndieAuthor Love #Thriller #scifi #Fantasy #Dystopian #Technothriller #Cyberpunk https://alternative-read.com/2019/06/17/the-mondaymovie-booktrailer-swap-spotlight-on-author-boris-sanders/
A post shared by Sassy Brit, Author Assistant (@sassy.brit) on Jun 19, 2019 at 6:21am PDT
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Toxic Toffee Staring Jethro the pig, Nutmeg the cat, and Puff the bunny! #TalkTuesday #Interview with author Amanda Flower! @aflowerwriter #TeaserTuesday #TuesdayBookBlog #TuesdayThoughts https://alternative-read.com/2019/06/18/toxic-toffee-talktuesday-interview-with-author-amanda-flower/
A post shared by Sassy Brit, Author Assistant (@sassy.brit) on Jun 19, 2019 at 6:51am PDT
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The Institute. . . Waiting on Wednesday / Can’t Wait Wednesday! #AuthorSpotlight @StephenKing #WOW #CWW #AltRead Which book can't you wait for?
A post shared by Sassy Brit, Author Assistant (@sassy.brit) on Jun 19, 2019 at 7:02am PDT
Had to post two as I really enjoyed meeting Lexie the Lizard, and of course the author too…
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Whatcha lookin' at? Lexie the Lizard of course! What’s on your desk, Wednesday? Jan Selbourne… #AuthorSpotlight #Interview with @JanSelbourne #lizard #lizardwatching #author #feature_my_stuff https://alternative-read.com/2019/06/19/whats-on-your-desk-wednesday-jan-selbourne-authorspotlight-interview-with-janselbourne/
A post shared by Sassy Brit, Author Assistant (@sassy.brit) on Jun 19, 2019 at 7:14am PDT
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It’s finally OUT OF THE ASHES release day!!! ♥️ 𝐹𝓊𝓃, 𝓈𝓌𝑒𝑒𝓉 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝓈𝑒𝓍𝓎 𝓌𝒾𝓉𝒽 𝒶 𝓉𝑜𝓊𝒸𝒽 𝑜𝒻 𝓈𝒶𝒹𝓃𝑒𝓈𝓈 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝒽𝑒𝒶𝓇𝓉𝒷𝓇𝑒𝒶𝓀 – 𝐿𝒾𝓈𝒶 𝑀 – 𝒯𝓌𝑜 𝐵𝑜𝑜𝓀𝒾𝓈𝒽 𝐵𝓇𝒾𝓉𝓈 🖤 𝔸𝕟 𝕖𝕞𝕠𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟𝕒𝕝 𝕣𝕠𝕝𝕝𝕖𝕣𝕔𝕠𝕒𝕤𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕗𝕦𝕝𝕝 𝕠𝕗 𝕥𝕨𝕚𝕤𝕥𝕤 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕥𝕦𝕣𝕟𝕤 𝕥𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕞𝕒𝕜𝕖 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕗𝕖𝕖𝕝 𝕝𝕚𝕜𝕖 𝕥𝕣𝕦𝕖 𝕝𝕠𝕧𝕖 𝕚𝕤 𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕝 – 𝕁𝕠𝕕𝕚𝕖 ℍ𝕒𝕣𝕣𝕠𝕝𝕕 – 𝔸𝕦𝕥𝕙𝕠𝕣 𝕠𝕗 𝕄𝕠𝕣𝕖 𝕋𝕙𝕒𝕟 𝕎𝕠𝕣𝕕𝕤 https://alternative-read.com/2019/06/20/out-of-the-ashes-book-birthday-with-author-keren-hughes-keren_hughes-giveaway-intl/
A post shared by Sassy Brit, Author Assistant (@sassy.brit) on Jun 20, 2019 at 3:54pm PDT
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It’s #BookBeginnings with @giliondumas & #Friday56 #Instagram56 @fredasphotos. #Today I #amreading The Incomplete History of Secret Organizations #lemonysnicket #netflix ☆Visit #AltRead (Blog link in bio!)☆ #page56 #booknerdigans #bookstagrammer #Friday #TGIF #bibliophiles #love #bookworms #BookBlogger #bookphotography #booklovers #booksofinstagram #booklist
A post shared by Sassy Brit, Author Assistant (@sassy.brit) on Jun 22, 2019 at 3:48am PDT
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#Saturday #Spotlight on#AltRead 📚 #SaturdayShare 🌟Author Feature!🌟Today we discuss Layover with #author David Bell. They meet at an airport and then she kisses him and leaves, on impulse he follows. She's a missing person! 🌟QUESTION🌟 Have you got a favourite AIRPORT story? Anything goes! Can't wait to hear your answers! Do pop by and let us know (🌟#AltRead Website in Bio🌟)
A post shared by Sassy Brit, Author Assistant (@sassy.brit) on Jun 22, 2019 at 3:53am PDT
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    The Sunday Wrap Up Post #swup #Instagram #SundayMorning #SundayFunday #30DaysWild It's Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the lovely Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our week.
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patox20-blog1 · 6 years
Japanese Train FOOD REVIEW - Sushi and Bentos | Traveling Tokyo to Hakone, Japan!
Japanese Train FOOD REVIEW – Sushi and Bentos | Traveling Tokyo to Hakone, Japan!
Food is one of the best reasons to take a Japanese train trip! Subscribe► https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxkF42nqXoZ0sZP-GqU-Cww T-shirts► https://migrationology.com/store/
When we were visiting Tokyo, my wife and I decided to take a short trip for a night to Hakone, a well known mountainous area, home to hot springs and Japanese…
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telavivcity-blog · 6 years
Living in Israel - TEL AVIV APARTMENT TOUR | Amazing Rooftop Terrace!
https://telavivcity.co.il/?p=4454&utm_source=SocialAutoPoster&utm_medium=Social&utm_campaign=Tumblr The City that never sleeps Living in Israel - TEL AVIV APARTMENT TOUR | Amazing Rooftop Terrace! https://telavivcity.co.il/?p=4454&utm_source=SocialAutoPoster&utm_medium=Social&utm_campaign=Tumblr I booked this Tel Aviv apartment on Airbnb and paid $114 USD per night► https://goo.gl/yWJmFA (use my affiliate link for $32 off your first booking). Subscribe► https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxkF42nqXoZ0sZP-GqU-Cww T-shirts► https://migrationology.com/store/ July 2017 - For this trip to Israel, my wife and I rented an apartment in Tel Aviv, Israel, and used it as our base to explore the region. From the outside, the neighborhood and buildings look a little old and run down, but on the inside, the apartment that we rented was superb. It was spacious, perfectly laid out, and what I especially loved, and I think you will too, is the outdoor terrace / balcony. The weather was perfect in July, a little warm in the sun, but in the shade on the ends of the day on the balcony it was amazing to sit outside. I hope you enjoyed this Tel Aviv apartment tour and that it gives you a glimpse into local living in Tel Aviv. I found Tel Aviv to be a very expensive city to live and travel in. I rented this apartment on Airbnb for $114 per night for a very short term stay, that's why it was expensive, but rent by the month can also be quite expensive in central Tel Aviv. In comparison to hotels in Tel Aviv though, for that amount of space, I found them to be quite expensive and in high demand as well. My wife, son, and I had a great stay at this apartment in Tel Aviv! If you want to use Airbnb, you can use my affiliate link here: https://goo.gl/yWJmFA to get $32 off your first booking. -- MUSIC: Running in the Wind - https://goo.gl/HwVjdo CAMERA GEAR used to make this video (these are affiliate links): GH5: http://amzn.to/2sV0XQO Main lens: http://amzn.to/2szLZNf Microphone: http://amzn.to/2rBKD3z Tripod: http://amzn.to/2rBFkkI SOCIAL MEDIA: My main channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/migrationology Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/migrationology/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/migrationology Thank you for watching! source #accommodationinTelAviv #Airbnb #apartmentrentals #apartmenttours #condotours #foodtravel #foodvideos #hometv #Israel #Israelaccommodation #livinginIsrael #livinginTelAviv #MarkWiens #TelAvivapartment #telavivmuseum #TelAvivicondo #tel-aviv #traveltv #travelvideos #travelvlogs TEL AVIV - THE CITY THAT NEVER SLEEPS #BESTTelAvivhotelaccommodation #Uncategorized
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CWW Spring in Portland 2017 Writing Retreat Alumna Angie Walls feat. in Carve Magazine!
CWW Spring in Portland 2017 Writing Retreat Alumna Angie Walls feat. in Carve Magazine!
The Cambridge Writers’ Workshop is delighted to announce that our 2017 Spring in Portland, OR Writing Retreat alumna Angie Walls has been featured in the Spring 2018 issue of Carve Magazine for her essay, “Things We Should’ve Said.” A short excerpt from Walls’s essay follows below:
“Things We Should’ve Said” Following is a brief excerpt of Angie’s essay, where she talks about her recent writing…
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wisdomdeath · 7 years
CWW - Crying while Walking [Down the Street]
I have always felt alone but convinced myself that I have family and friends who love me. It was not until today that I completely believe that I am alone...in a way.
My mood dropped at around 4 o’clock in the afternoon. My father insisted that I go out and maybe unwind a bit, instead of facing my computer and trying to edit something for work.
There was no tricycle and so I had no other choice but to walk. I could feel myself wanting to cry. Tears were really threatening to escape my eyes. I was thinking about any friend or family I could call to meet me at the mall but there was no one I could think of. I have no boyfriend/girlfriend. I do not have a sibling. My friends are either busy or live too far. The closest relatives I have here are mostly assholes so I’d rather not get involved with them. To make it short, I had no one to call to hang out. 
It just struck me that this is the modern day version of being alone...having no one to go to a mall with when I feel down. 
In the end, I got a haircut and drank fruit tea. Did my mood lift up? Not really.
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