froggityboingerrr · 2 months
Each ninja should have a different alt style okay bye
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Runs away like this 🤑
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marsipain · 8 months
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These are the ring fighting outfits for Zane, Echo and Akita, AKA The Ice Emperor, Mr. E and The Snow Fox!
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enavstars · 7 months
Some characters in the Cyberpunk au (part 1)
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I tried to make Echo and Zane more robot-like since robots are pretty much treated like people regardless of their appereance. And Garmadon's design is from when the rgb are kids so he's younger (he's not an Oni in this au).
Characters details from within the story:
Echo is created by a younger Julien (like in his 30s) as a test run for his project to build himself an assistant to deal with his chronic disease, which, despite not being deadly per se, it could still leave him impaired in the long run and therefore he needed some sort of safe net just in case.
But sadly, the prototype's AI ends up being deficient for his purpose as he is not able to process neither human emotions nor their needs, so after much deliberation, Julien decides to set him free rather than letting him collect dust in his storage.
However, Echo could not fit into the city's human society either, as people would not accept his strange speech nor behavior. This eventually culminated in an assault by one of the problematic gangs that sprouted up after the crisis, where they thrashed the helpless robot relentlessly and even managed to damage his voice module. He then was trashed out to the Outside, and from there, mauled and hopeless, he wandered aimlessly and without a purpose in life for a long time.
But at one point through his senseless journey, he stumbled upon a couple of abandoned kids crying in the middle of the woods. Even though he did not understand what their tears meant, he was curious, so from then on he started acting as their guardian.
Thanks to them, slowly but surely he began to learn about human emotions and, as he could only do little beeps to communicate, he also figured out a way to communicate without words. Although sometimes he was still lacking as a caregiver, he worked hard to develop the necessary skills to look after their (newly discovered) basic human needs, like fishing and hunting. He even takes a third kid in after Kai and Nya find another lost boy in the woods and convince him to keep him.
As they grow, he also begins to teach them how to be self-sufficient, because he is painfully aware that he would never be capable of being a better parent due to his poor programming. It is in this context when, years later when Echo finds a potential job opportunity as the ferryman to the city, the RGB urge him to take the chance, knowing that he wants to work to feel more useful and wanting to have more solo adventures.
Even though he was reluctant to leave them behind, he is now the happiest he's ever been and still looks after his children whenever they need him (even going so far as to risk his job) out of his gratitude for granting him another chance in his doomed life.
Currently retired, he used to be a renowned mercenary and bounty hunter in his youth. However, he gradually gained more and more enemies and got himself into more and more dangerous trouble (which is why he’s a full cyborg now), until eventually, battered and grown past the age of peak physical strength, he decided to quit to save his ass.
From then on, he started looking after the demon children around the most miserable parts of their struggling segregated neighborhood in exchange for minor treasure hunts; this is why he is now protected from his remaining enemies, as many of them grew up to become members of some of the local gangs (also as an added bonus Garmadon is a pretty ominous legend and people are kind of afraid of hurting demons because of him, but more on that later).
Although he lives rather isolated from the rest of society because of his (extensive) criminal record, he still manages to make ends meet with the treasures he got from all his exploits and the profits of the little side quests he tasks the children in exchange for his care.
No he’s not charity, he’s a wine uncle, but he is an asshole to everyone (especially humans) except the kids. In fact, even though he does not give out help for free, he always ends up rewarding them with his teachings and advice and about life on top of the food and shelter, so almost every child he's taken under his wing ends up becoming pretty competent to face the harsh society they live in.
And in particular, he grows to like the RGB a lot because he recognizes their wit and appreciates how cunning they can be, sometimes even negotiating with him and being capable enough to uno reverse his little tricks on the kids like they are equals (for example, Nya stealing her brother’s bionic eye blueprints to avoid being totally dependant on Ronin for maintenance).
In fact, later on when Nya introduces him to Jay (a human) to be his apprentice as a mechanic, she somehow convinces him despite his hate for his kind.
Bonus: when he meets Jay at first he’s irritated at him because he takes his fear and shyness as racism, but the kid is just intimidated by the sassy cyborg (don't worry, eventually he figures it out and the child grows on him, Jay is too cute).
(I will talk about Jay in my next post dw)
Zane (24NE)
He’s the successful final product of Julien’s project, a kind and refined assistance nindroid knowledgeable in human care. His role is very important to him, so when his father died he lost all purpose in life and, unable to deal with his grief on top of that existential crisis, he became depressed and stagnant, trapped in his own mind inside his creator’s abandoned home and slowly wasting away due to his mental stress and a lack of maintenance now that nobody could look after him.
And he stayed in that sorry state until the RGB found the house and, upon looting it for supplies, Nya stumbled upon the nindroid lying dormant next to Julien’s bed. When she wakes him up, his rusty voice module is damaged and he can’t speak properly (Julien is shit at making those apparently), so she repairs it as best as she can and as a result, he eventually becomes their friend.
Although they were wary at first, they understood his situation, and in the end they decided to help him by introducing him to Doctor Rashid (an oc) to learn more about biology and medicine.
Speaking of, I’ll talk more about Dr. Rashid in another future post but basically he’s an oc of mine I inserted in this au, a friend of Kai and Nya’s and sort of a parental figure.
He is an elusive red-eyed demon, the rarest of his kind, and a criminal brought to legendary status. Now vanished and rarely ever seen amongst the city shadows, he used to be an undefeatable wandering warrior. He would spread chaos everywhere he went and, along the way, he would mercilessly murder anyone opposed to the Demon’s Rights movement.
However, one day he disappeared suddenly from the face of the earth. But his legacy carries on to this day: he is feared universally, considered an antihero by his followers and a bloodthirsty criminal by the rest.
A few months after his disappearance, though, a human woman named Misako gave birth to a demon child with ominous red eyes. Soon, people started making the connection and his mother, who by that point had developed a deep hatred towards demons, was put under such public scrutiny that she ended up abandoning him on the Outside to leave behind the city and her trauma along with it.
Sadly for Garmadon, it was too late when he finally learned that he had a son. He’d left Misako pregnant without either of them knowing, and after he was gone she had been unable to reach him. For that reason, when he came back to the city years later and at last he found out, in the end he decided to let Lloyd be with his new family, as he he realized he had no right to take him in after being absent the entirety of his short life when he already had the two loving siblings looking after him.
After that, he turned back to his wandering, and he was barely ever seen again.
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ghostoffuturespast · 10 months
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An Oasis of Elegance...
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Holy SHIT art block made it so hard to draw this funky lil nindroid but by god did I do it! Sorry for any typos I have no braincells that aren't being used for school rn so you know. Anyway hoe y'all like this cause it took me so goddamn long!
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ectonuritez · 2 years
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“There is nothing that will hold me back. I know who I am... I remember where I came from, and I feel stronger for knowing.”
Holographic prints ❄️
ID: A digital painting of Zane Julien from Ninjago, drawn in profile from the neck up. He is uncloaked, his true android form shown. He is a young, slender black man with metallic grey skin and various seams on his face. The main seam follows his cheekbones, separating two panels on his face. The top panel is a middle grey, while the bottom is a darker grey. On the lighter grey portion of his face, glowing seams bisect his nose, cheek, and temple. He has glowing ice blue eyes with dark sclera. His hair is the same color as his irises, and styled into a hi-top fade with a glowing blue “razor” notch by his temple. The background is a dark blue, and his symbol of a lion overlaps with him on the lower left of the image. The lion has glowing seams that mirror Zane’s. The portrait is lit with an icy blue light. End ID.
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reddodemon · 2 years
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[REPOST] I did thoses for BESTOBOSS and BARTENDER's b-day in their days of course so gonna share them here cuz why not?
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VA-11 Hall-A hits a little different when you've played it before and you know all the story beats.
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destinysbounty · 1 month
Yo what if you went off about s3, it'd be cool
The love triangle, the quick tech development, whatever you want, I wanna know what you think
(I saw you in the tags of that post, please gimme the analysies. pretty please)
The entirety of my thoughts on Ninjago's technology are long and vast and complicated, and I could probably make a full video essay on just that topic alone. But for the sake of simplicity, and also because I'm too lazy to write a 10k-word essay with screenshot evidence on why Ninjago tech isn't actually anachronistic, I'm going to just focus on the season 3 issue for now.
Now, one criticism that often gets lobbed at Rebooted is the matter of the technology. How did Ninjago suddenly become a hyper-futuristic technoscape in the span of what couldn't be more than a year? At first glance, I can understand how that might feel unrealistic. I used to feel the same way! But it actually makes total sense when you realize that this technology probably already existed, if only in a beta form, for years before s3 started.
But wait! If the technology already existed in some form, then why wasn't it used? Why did Ninjago only become a cyberpunk dystopia during s3??
The answer to that question is something that sounds like a no-brainer, but should probably be said anyway: just because a technology exists, doesn't mean it is democratized. That is to say, just because a society has made certain technological advancements, doesn't mean everyone in that society can actually access those advancements. Look at any country in our contemporary world - richer and more industrialized communities typically have better access to cutting edge developments, whereas more rural communities may not even have reliable internet access. Even Ignacia, which is one of the most rural communities we've seen in the entire show, was depicted as having landlines and telephone poles in the very first scene.
Moreover, it's reasonable to assume that robotics and digital technology has existed - and fairly advanced - for decades in-universe.
My evidence? The creation of characters such as Zane and Unagami. Both were invented roughly 40 and 20 years pre-canon respectively. Coding, and especially programming an AI like both characters are classified as, requires the existence of a computer. Which means that computers existed as early as the Serpentine War. (Unless Zane is the product of magi-tech, but that doesn't seem to be the case. Especially since Zane's original body also has other functions that, to my knowledge, wouldn't be possible without programming. For now, I'm proceeding under the assumption that Zane was created purely with technology.)
For these reasons I would argue that certain technologies, and in particular digital technology, have existed in-universe for a lot longer than we might think at first glance - but due to what appears to be some very extreme wealth disparity, technology has only recently become more widely accessible within the last few decades.
Think about it. Most human settlements we see are fairly small and rural, except for Ninjago City. Ninjago City is the only city we've seen on-screen in the entire series (with a few small towns here and there, but it's mostly just villages). And even then, the cost of living in Ninjago City itself is astronomically high. There's clearly something funky going on with this country's distribution of wealth.
With that in mind, it makes total sense that the tech we see in s3 was at least in development a lot earlier than anyone might realize. It's just that it was too expensive and exclusive for anyone in the general public to actually use it.
Now, let's look at this in the context of Rebooted.
Imagine you're a multi-millionaire tech mogul and the CEO of a very powerful tech company. The city is in shambles in the wake of an apocalyptic battle against Lego Satan. You take this opportunity to spearhead the reconstruction efforts. On top of being an impressive PR stunt, this is also great for business as it presents you with the perfect opportunity to populate the city wholesale with your own products: flying cars, holographic floating streets, AI vending machines, elaborate VR and AR setups, mechanical spider wheelchairs, the whole nine yards. The government probably even writes you a big check to make this process more accessible to your consumers - I mean, to the citizens of your the shiny new corporatocracy you may or may not have stumbled into creating. Whether or not you employed lobbyism to get this check is neither here nor there. After all, this is for the greater good! And to finally seal the deal that this city has become a Borg Industries outpost, you rebrand Ninjago City to New Ninjago City. This isn't just a city anymore, it's a corporate asset. It's an ad campaign. It's a way of life.
This also explains why all the tech mysteriously vanishes after s3 ends: supply and demand. A robot apocalypse is, among other things, bad for PR. I don't wanna think about the existence of a Lego Stock Market because that will hurt my brain, but a robot apocalypse is definitely what I would classify as a "black swan event" (an unpredictable crisis that severely disrupts the stock market). The company starts faltering financially because of all the public backlash, people stop buying and investing in their tech, their stocks start to crash, and Borg Industries has to roll back on their infrastructural monopoly. And so the technological status quo is (mostly) restored.
The theme of s3 isn't "technology bad" - at least, it shouldn't be. If you're as brainrotted as I am then the theme of s3 instead becomes, "maybe you shouldn't let one sole company have a total monopoly on your society's infrastructure because they might accidentally start a cyberpunk dystopia". And that is a...disturbingly apt moral for our current day and age (cough cough Amazon).
...can you tell I've been listening to The Fine Print by Stupendium on loop for too long?
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twigs-sprigs · 2 years
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an au in which.. well different outfits that the ninja have had are actually just who they are
okay so i have much to explain so STRAP IN
so i came up with this idea really suddenly like ten million thoughts just hit me in the head, but the main concept is that
the world is actually a post apocalyptic style scenario, there's an "above" new ninjago city, that was built on top of the old overgrown and kind of abandoned old ninjago city (i imagine it having like glowy mushrooms and stuff and having some sort of a pretty factor to it)
i also see this whole world being full of like a multitude of different species with all sorts of wacky features (this is all kinda like years and years after the disaster that destroyed the og ninjago, so it has very cyberpunk-y and modern elements)
let's call it the (PA au. just post apocalyptic for short)
(this has been compared to that one show called arcane before. i. ive never watched arcane. /gen.. so yeah. i know its similar. its a coincidence. i promise. )
now, our characters consist of
kai - aka. the red shogun. (the outfit is prime empire kai, kind of combined with the red shogun outfit from season 4) a villain turned superhero vigilante, who's just doing his gosh darn best, and has a whole team who keeps his back safe! lloyd - aka. GB (prime empire lloyd) a trained mercenary and the leader of a gang that does everything from trading substances, weapons and machines in the black market, to simply bounty hunting. he's an untrustworthy, quiet but sly and feared leader, whos really just a sad and lost kid at heart. people say he takes after his father, but he wouldnt admit that. jay - aka. superstar rockin' jay!! (prime empire jay, ofc) he's a celebrity rockstar both in the above world AND in the undercity. though he mostly spends his time up above. he's still part of kai's vigilante team! nya- aka. THE FREAKIN SEA (seabound nya) she's a part of the sea that decided "fuck it!! we ball!!" and left to see what life on land is all about! she met kai and quickly became really close with him and they became siblings! shes the first member of his team! and she's kind of confused but she's DEFINITELY got the spirit! zane- aka. snake jaguar (the outfit from sons of garmadon) just like kai he's a vigilante, a wielder of ice. he goes undercover in lloyds gang and becomes his right hand man, but gives crucial information to his team, so they can take down lloyd's operation. cole- ROCKY FREAKIN DANGERBUFF, yet ANOTHER member of kai's team, he's from the dangerbuff clan! one of the groups of people who live their lives in the undercity. he's a dancer and a beast hunter, but also a kick ass hero just like the rest of the team! pixal- samurai x!! she's also a hero, that kind of rivals red shogun and kind of doesnt like him at all, but she does get kind of close to one of his team members... if you know what i mean
i will say that ALL the members of the squad still have their elemental powers, i havent yet properly fully thought that part out but i know for sure that they do.
SO YEAH. lloyd is actually kind of the villian for a large part of this au. i tried my best to not change his personality in a way that wouldnt be natural for his character to progress. in my head he grew up kind of sheltered from the outside world entirely. he's not really a... person? he's his role and thats that. he was never really loved by anyone therefore doesnt really know...emotion. all that well. he may act like a bratty teenager from time to time when he's taunting his enemies, but that's just... a character that he's playing up. he really just has no clue what hes doing.
(everything im not saying here is in the little notes i left on the drawings, though they may not be canon since i wrote down concepts and ideas there too)
his dad, garmadon, also is a little different in this au. basically "good" garmadon isnt really a thing (hes basically JUST the version from the oni trillogy). he was the previous gang leader BEFORE lloyd but he vanished and supposedly died. so lloyd had to take his place.
the ACTUAL. REAL VILLAIN of this au is harumi. who, fr. is still just herself. she's also kind of the second in command to lloyd. and she betrays him. and kind of takes the gang all to herself. leaving lloyd to help out the heroes...and finally find a family in the process.
its very emotional in my head and i am so scrambled right now these are the only semi-coherent thoughts.
i would LOVE to talk more about this au. if you have any questions or ideas or ANYTHING really.. do send asks about it... im in such deep brainrot for it and rambling on tumblr is apparently a thing that i do! (who wouldve thunk!)
this au was also made with the help of @shadesofvermillionvoid as USUAL.. so you can send asks there too!!! give kai all the love ever ash deserve it!!
... and to whoever bothered to read all this. wow. thank you! :D i feel very seen
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pandemonium-kidz · 3 months
Ninjago AU - The Writings on The Wall
|| Incorrect Quotes || Character Profiles || Elements ||
Still working on it so y'all get my notes :3
Premise and everything under the cut.
Feel free to ask any questions about it.
The Merge happened at least 100 years ago, back when Garmadon and Wu were still relatively young.
Garmadon left the monastery after some difficult time with his father, only writing every now and then to let everyone know he was still alive. Wu stayed at the monastery.
Garmadon is on a quest to find the Dragon Cores, Wu too tho he's still mainly stationed at the Monastery, they don't know what the other is doing. Here is where the merge happens.
Wu gets visions and scrolls about something similar happening 100 yrs later so he's on the move to find them again, he's also training a Ninja team to protect the Crossroads.
Garmadon has been traveling around still in search of the dragon cores, but on the trip he ends up adopting a bunch of kids he decides to raise (he also has Lloyd) so he moves to the Crossroad too.
And chaos ensues.
The Groups and Ages
Garmadon Kids aka Pandemonium Kids
Skylor Chen - 16yrs old
Kai Jiang Smith - 15yrs old
Morro Wojira - 14yrs old
Nya Jian Smith 13yrs old
Lloyd Montgomery Garmadon - 9yrs old
Wyldfyre Wyrven - 5 yrs old
Heatwave? - MIA
+1 - Harumi Jade- 10yrs old
Wu's Kids aka The Ninja
Zane Julien - 17yrs old?
Cole Hence-Brookstone - 17yrs old
Jay Walker - 16 yrs old
Pixal Borg - 16yrs old
Arin Spinjitzu - 6yrs old
Sora Nekomata - 7yrs old
Riyu - Baby dragon
Both Garmadon and Wu are over 150 yrs old.
Misako is around 60-65
World/Realms notes
Ninjago - Humans mainly
Wyldness/Chima - Beast-like/Weres body structure
Imperium - Cyberpunk
Departed - Ghosts keep the form of what they killed them (Stabbed will have the stab wound in the open for, decpaitated will have a floating head, etc)
Onis and Dragons - Dragons are western-like looking [Dragons, Wyverns, Drakes, Wyrms, etc], Onis (same as canon) hunters are dieselpunk based.
Cloud kingdom - Angel-like imagery
Never realm - Formlings behave like shapeshifters [Can shapeshit onto their animal fully or partially, also have a "beast" form"]
Underworld - Skeletons and "hell-like" image
Djinjago - Same as canon?… maybe
Realm of Madness - Think of it like evil Alice in wonderland [So like, American McGee's Alice or IB]
Realm of Lee - TBD, maybe Candy-based, no info has been given about this one
Realm of Mysteryum - TBD
Species notes
Serpentine are more like Lamias/Medusa/Naga looking
Geckle - Same as canon
Munce - Same as canon
Merlopian - Similar to canon, some folks look more like mermaids (Also take inspiration from Zoras/Zelda)
Sky Folk- Similar to canon, (some inspiration from Rito/Wind Waker-Zelda)
Cragling - Same as canon (Golems)
Djinn - Same as canon? TBD
Formling - Shapeshifter similar to canon (Human form, Anthro & Feral forms, Beast/Were form)
Oni -
Keeper -
Ghoul - Ghouls are curses placed onto people, they make them cannibalistic and have a constant year for blood and meat of their same species.
Reaper - Reapers are other type of curses, reapers can become intangible for a period of type, they're like ghosts, they're always cold to the touch and an uneasy aura always surround them, they're passively sucking the life energy of those around them.
Vampire -
Crystallized -
Characters notes
Jay & Skylor are "Half Serpentine" through magical transformation [Skylor tattoing, Jay through a bite]
Morro is half-ghoul
Cole is half-Reaper
Zane & Pixal are androids (Similar to canon)
Lloyd, Kai & Nya are part dragon
Kai & Nya are Part dragon [Ninjagian], part Merlopian, Part Phoenix, Part Keeper [Oni] and Part Human
Lloyd is 1/4 Oni 1/4 dragon and 1/2 human
Wyldfyre is half-dragon [Wyldness]
Arin is full human
Harumi is half-Crystallized
Sora is human w cyberware
Euphrasia is angel-like (Cloud kingdom resident)
Geo is half munce and half geckle like canon
Garmadon- 1/2 Oni and 1/2 Dragon- More Oni-Like looking (Looks like a Gargoyle)
Wu- 1/2 Oni and 1/2 Dragon - More Dragon Looking (Humanoid Anthro style)
Morro & Euphrasia are both wind elementals [Morro has an easy control over Sea and Land breezes, Euphrasia has a better control of Mountains breezes]
Extra Notes
Dragon hunters have a noticeable hold on the Black Market, Imperium is one of their most regular clients (Beatrix and Ras specifically)
Imperium is hunting both dragons and elementals.
The Crossroads is situated around Ninjago city, with Ninjago city serving as the "heart" of the whole place, you could explore the whole crossroads if you just drive in circles. (Will take you some time tho)
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marsipain · 8 months
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Here’s a cyberpunk AU oppositeshipping drawing I finished probably over half a year ago but never posted because I procrastinated finishing the full character design post for The Ice Emperor (aka the zane outfit you see in this drawing) which… yeah in afterthought, kind of a stupid reason not to post something haha
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fiddler-sticks · 11 months
I was originally gonna put these in a reblog of this post, but decided against that and made this post lol
Here are my music headcanons for the ninja and other characters!
Lloyd: Cheesy pop and screamo metal. No in between
Kai: Rock
Jay: Kpop (he secretly dances along to the music videos, but will deny anything and everything when questioned)
Cole: same as canon (soft rock), as well as some folk (because I can't not go projecting on my favorite character lol)
Zane: Whatever happens to be on the radio, as well as meme songs (he rickrolls tf out of everyone lmao)
Nya: Chill/upbeat chill vibes
Pixal: Classical (of all eras) and instrumentals (she likes to put music on while working on other things, and can't focus if the music has lyrics)
Wu: Traditional (whatever sort of Asian you headcanon him as) music. (I like to say traditional Japanese music, like with the big drums and cool flutes, mostly because I have a CD with that stuff on it that I listen to all the time lol)
Skylor: The exact opposite of whatever plays over the speakers in Chen's Noodle House. She'll listen to ANYTHING except for that
DR characters under the cut
Arin: Pop/Indie. (he likes stopping and listening to random bands playing on the street at the Crossroads)
Sora: Cyberpunk (I couldn't resist lol), and just basically anything that was banned in Imperium
Euphrasia: Traditional Cloud Kingdom music (whatever that is), and soft, folky music with the most depressing lyrics you've ever heard in your life
Wyldfyre: Soft piano/string quartet music (it calms her down most of the time, but you can also go fucking wild to any sort of music. I know from experience lol)
I think that was the first time I've ever typed out Wyldfyre's name lol. And that was the second
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theosconfessions · 4 months
Thank you for tag @madfeary !!!
3 ships: okay are we doing sims or not sims ? because non sims my top ships are destiel/negan and maggie [twd] and ed and stede
sims wise i have way too many!
Last song: Selfish-Justin Timberlake
Last film: oh god im not too sure what movie i last watched was. we're in the midst of a home improvement marathon still
Currently reading:i just finished 'only say good things' by crystal hefner . but audiobook because my attention goes crazy with books
Currently craving: sunnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn im so tired of being cold you guys
Fave color: pink<3
Relationship status: Married <3
Last Thing Googled: tomatoes dreamlight valley [i keep forgetting where i can buy them ]
Current obsession: TS4! BG3! DISNEY DREAMLIGHT VALLEY ! CYBERPUNK! and i think im going to take a dip back into borderlands 3 . i miss zane.
im tagginnggggg: @dandylion240 , @beebeesiims @plumbewb , @duusheen, @bloomingkyras @lynzishell @fl0pera @bubblepopsims @rainymoodlet and anyone who wants to do this because i literally would sit here and tag every single one of you
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dystopicjumpsuit · 1 month
OC Sunday: Jurij "Doc" Vega (OC of @ladyzirkonia)
Who's that I see? My cyberpunk crush Doc?! I'm honored, Z! 🩵💜🩵💜
Oisin sends his regards and says to tell Doc to stop dodging Benduday dinner. He's worried that she's not eating enough. 😘
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Want a Datafile for your Star Wars OC? Find out how to get one here! Or check out other OC Datafiles I’ve created here!
Transcript in alt text and below the cut.
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Personnel Datafile
Name: Jurij Vega
Rank: Major (Specialist/Senior Surgeon)
Identifying number: MO-7599
Duty assignment: Medical Corps Coruscant, Research Department Coruscant 
Status: Active
Service Record
Commendations: Distinguished Service Medal for innovative advancements in cybernetic technology and surgical procedures
Qualifications: Doctorate in clone genetics (topic: enhanced senses and desirable mutations)
robotics engineer specialized in cybernetic implants
Medical record: 
vicarious traumatization
early symptoms of compassion fatigue
genetic disposition of schizophrenia
attended the medical engineering faculty at Coruscant Academy
maintains relationships with researchers on the core worlds
collaboration with the research department on Kamino and support of the clone rehabilitation program
under surveillance:
possible connection to anti-war and clone activist movement (Robert Zane Weaver)
resistance to state authority (CC-1010)
possible connections to the underworld
possible drug abuse
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Cyberpunk RED group commission! ✨
From left to right:
Axel - Brad Fiskke
Isau - Sean Parker
Aura - Rebecca Doll
Lloyd - Pheobe Belgar
Zane - Redfalkan
And their Master, Paul Mitchell, pointing at the map!
Commissions (open) I Patreon I Ko-fi
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