kosmos2999 · 9 months
Star Trek: The Animated Series 50th Anniversary Episode Review
Episode: The Ambergris Element
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Season: 1
Episode: 13
Stardate: 5499.9 – 5506.2
Original airdate: December 1, 1973
Written by: Margaret Armen
Directed by: Hal Sutherland
Music by: Yvette Blais and Jeff Michaels
Executive producers: Lou Scheimer and Norm Prescott
Studio: Filmation Associates
Network: NBC
Series created by: Gene Roddenberry
Captain James T. Kirk (voice by William Shatner)
Mr. Spock (voice by Leonard Nimoy)
Dr. Leonard “Bones” McCoy (voice by DeForest Kelly)
Lt. Uhura (voice by Nichelle Nichols)
Lt. Hikaru Sulu (voice by George Takei)
Eng. Montgomery Scott, Lt. Clayton, Cadmar, Cheeron, Domar (voices by James Doohan)
Nurse Christine Chapel, Rila, Aquan females #1 to 3 (voices by Majel Barrett)
Lemus, Aquan harvester (voices by Lou Scheimer)
Nephro, Aquan male, Aquan guard (voices unknown)
Argo, an Earth-like planet in anicient times, had suffered a transformation on its surface submerging most of its dry land into the deepest of its seas. The crew of the USS Enterprise was assigned to investigate the phenomenal seismic activity in hope to save millions of lives on a Federation planet similar to Argo.
An away team has been assembled. It is composed of Captain Kirk, Mr. Spock, Dr. McCoy and Lieutenant Clayton. They await to be launched in a special shuttlecraft mounted on a catamaran, the aqua-shuttle. Engineer Scott is in the shuttlebay ready for the launch.
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Upon their arrival, the team had an encounter with a sea monster. It is called a sur-snake, a creature not found on previous surveys. The beast hits once the shuttle and captain orders to his first officer to shoot to stun with the small ship's phasers. After knocking down the creature, Kirk orders Clayton to submerge the vessel to make research on the oceanic beast. McCoy found it has a dual respiratory system and Spock also found its skeleton structure it is very similar to the one of the Denbian whales.
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Suddenly, the giant monster regained its consciousness. The captain orders to shoot the creature again but this time, the phasers do not respond. Kirk orders Scott to beam them up. The sur-snake took the aqua-shuttle with its jaw and threw the ship against a pile of rocks. Only McCoy and Clayton were beamed up to safe place. But Kirk and Spock remain on the planet. Their whereabouts it is unknown to the rest of the crew.
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After five days of an intense search, the captain and his first officer have been found –along the wreckage of the aqua-shuttle-- at a rock mass above the sea level. They were still alive, but with their metabolisms changed. Making them uncapable of living in the air. Also they have no memory of whatever happened to them after the sur-snake incident.
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On the starship, they were put in a water tank. After 48 hours of being rescued, Dr. McCoy have only found an unknown substance on their bloodstreams. Their internal structure had changed so much that even they have now second eyelids like those from fishes. Bones have found no information on the Federation computers about any kind of such procedure. All the efforts to change them to their normal structure were useless.
This made them to conjecture about intelligent lifeforms on the depths of the oceans of Argo. The only shuttlecraft available to reach such place was destroyed by the sea monster. Both Kirk and Spock realized it is useless to spend more time inside the aquarium and decided to went to the deepest of the seas by themselves.
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The first encounter with the Aquans were made while some of them are gathering food. They were hostile to who they call air-breathers. They warn them to go away. They also tell them that the young ones were those who saved them and they do not leave, they will not save them again. After this, they left. Kirk and Spock will follow them.
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After both of the Enterprise's officers went into an ocean rift and a tunnel, they have found a fantastic underwater city with a surprising architecture. Spock made a guess that the Aquans may found the ugly and grotesque as the reason for running away from them. Next, they were trapped into a fishnet.
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Kirk and Spock are brought to a chamber were the Ruling Tribunal of the Aquans. Domar, the High Tribune accuses both officers of espionage. According to the anicient records, air-breathers never came in peace. A female Aquan, Rila intercede for both officers of the Enterprise along with her fellow young tribunes. They want the High Tribune to give the captain and his first officer the chance to revert the process.
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At the planet's surface Scotty awaits for Kirk and Spock. He received a message from the main ship telling him a seaquake so strong to change the topography of Argo it is going to happen within four hours. The engineer have been hurry to find the captain and the first officer as soon as posible.
Just when Kirk and Spock came to an arragement with the High Tribune, all was turned down officers of the Enterprise coming down to the surface. Both officers are sentenced to death by suffocation.
Rila came to their help again by telling Officer Scott where Kirk and Spock are located. After they have been rescued, They want the female Aquan to help them to find the ancient medical records on how to revert the mutation process. At first, Rila was hesitant on helping them, but she finally decided to do so.
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With the medical archives on hand, Doctor McCoy have found a substance similar to the ambergris element found in Earth's whales. Kirk and Spock are brought back to Argo to find that substance. They wanted the help of Rila and the young tribunes after resisting for a short time, they agreed on finding the sur-snake to extract the venom from its fangs.
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Once they got the element from the giant sea monster, Bones is ready to process it to get the antitoxin to get both Kirk and Spock to their normal metabolisms again. The captain was the first to receive doses from antitoxin. After a couple of reactions from the shots, Kirk was turned back to his normal condition and then Spock.
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Rila and Domar are beamed up to the starship to be witness of the procedure to save their civilization from the seaquake. The Enterprise shoot phasers to an abandoned place to change the seaquake's epicenter. As a result, the Aquans's city was saved and the underwater ruins are back to the open air land.
The Aquans are so grateful of the Federation efforts to save them. In exchange, they gave the Enterprise's officers all the ancient archives for their study. The young Aquans wants to live in open air, but the all ones do not. Kirk gives an advice to Domar: that the old ones no lose contact with the young ones. The High Tribune agrees to change the old codes to new ones that forbid the isolation from the old Aquans living underwater to the young Aquans living in the surface.
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Fascinating facts:
This episode was written by Margaret Armen. Previously, Armen worked as writer for The Original Series season two episode, “The Gamesters of Triskelion”, season three episodes “The Paradise Syndrome” and “The Cloud Minders (script only). And for The Animated Series episode “The Lorelei Signal”.
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James Doohan made six voices for this episode (Scott, Arex, Clayton, Cheeron, Domar), very close to his record of seven voices for the episode “Yesteryear”.
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Producer Lou Scheimer also had done voice acting for this episode as both as Lemus and an Aquan harvester.
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This episode introduced two vehicles to be used on water, the aqua-shuttle and the scouter-gig. The aqua-shuttle is the first armed shuttlecraft in Star Trek. Those two small vessels appeared for the first and last time.
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The ambergris is a waxy substance that originates as a secretion in the intestines of the sperm whale, found floating in tropical seas and and used in perfume manufacture. It is illegal in some places.
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cadmar · 8 months
Cadmar's Experiment if we are in a Matrix
The Setup:
The subjects do not know what the experiment is testing for. For example, a cover story of military and national security. This will ensure that the subjects will take the test seriously and not scam for financial gain. Also, to focus on sonar to see if their hand can "see" the sonar frequency and to press the color light, and to press the other switch if something interferes or blocks it.
The subjects do not disclose to the tester their reactions and responses they made. Everything is unknown both to the subjects and testers. Random testings are done automatically and recorded automatically. The subjects do not even know when they are actually being tested. Only their reactions will the subjects know that a test was conducted. The results are kept in a sealed envelope. This becomes a double-blind experiment. There is absolutely no human interactions and no consciousness involved throughout the experiment. Until the results are opened and disclosed.
All objects have subroutines made from one's own experiences and experiences from others. For example, in the vacuum chamber, if you were to stand under the falling hammer it would hurt because you have many subroutines from falling objects and from metal hammers! This then influences your perception and conclusion of standing under a falling hammer! Because no one knows what is happening and what is being tested, there are little, if possible, no subroutines!
The Apparatus:
The subject places a hand in a black box. The hand, palm side down, is secured in place so there is no movement. All variables are controlled.
The subject with the other hand will hold a push-button switch that will press if a sensation is felt. Can have a variety of switches, or lights to indicate the range of sensations: obvious to very subtle. The tester will not see, nor notice any responses from the subjects.
Inside the box, are ranges of objects, all the same size and surface. Inside the objects are different density, weight. Randomly and automatically, a device selects an object and the object falls from the same height to the same area at the back of the hand. The velocity of the objects will be the same with all other objects with different weights.
The automatic device then records the time and which object is used. The push-button switches are always connected to the device and when pressed will record the time.
The automatic device can have all the objects be the same weights. And, all objects below the level of any possible detection by the hand. The automatic device can have no objects used and the subject sits there for the entire duration of the experiment.
Opening the sealed results:
One of the theories that we are living in a matrix is that our beliefs shape what we observe. As this is a novel test, no one has performed this and this will be the first time results will be known. After which, it is possible, if in a matrix, the matrix will reprogram itself with this new subroutine! To reduce the possibility of collective learning and collective consciousness (similar to the alleged results when one rat eats and dies from poison food, immediately the entire colony of rats will learn not to eat it), there will be two individuals, or pairs of individuals. One will be 99.9999% sure we live in a matrix, and the other thinks that is totally crazy and nuts! Both are equally emotional!!!!
The Results:
If it is a placebo trial, no objects are used, then this can be referred to if there are any psychological influence by the subjects to impress the tester. If during the trial, the light-weighted objects are not sensed, but later on are, it will indicate that through attention and focus, one has improved one's ability to sense objects.
If the heavy objects are sensed, then that means consciousness is not involved and we are not in a matrix. Yes, we all have had times while walking we stubbed our toe and it painfully hurts. Even though our consciousness is not aware of all our surroundings, all the environmental information is collected! We, in one way or another, influenced the awareness and self-caused our pain and can not rule out that mind stuff creates our reality!
If nothing is sensed, even when the heavy objects under other conditions would be felt, it then demonstrates our consciousness is involved and the cat's life depends on our consciousness!
This experiment is noticeably different from the game a child plays by putting one's hand in a bag and guessing, by touching, the identify of the object. Someone put that object in the bag and knows what the object is! Collective intelligence and knowledge. It is similar to thinking this object is light as it has all the characteristics to be light in weight and be easy to lift without any problem! And yet, it is over 200 pounds! The matrix reset itself!
Furthermore, to prevent consciousness from seeping in and polluting the results, an artificial intelligence can make the objects. The AI can randomly pick the design, material, etc. and no human consciousness is involved. In fact, no humans can ever see the objects until after the results are disclosed. So, no one knows what is in the black box!!!
Even if a human is involved in the conception of this experiment, just like the 50/50 probability of the collapse of a wave function, the human is 50/50 if this will physically work or not. And, 50/50 if there will be results disclosed. Also, the human is 50/50 if we are in a matrix or not! It becomes known only and only when the sealed results are disclosed and known!
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raurquiz · 10 months
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#otd #startrek #tas #theambergriselement #kirk #spock #mccoy #bones #uhura #sulu #arex #scotty #chapel #Clayton #Cadmar #lemus #Domar #aquan #harvester #females #males #startrek57 @TrekMovie @TrekCore @StarTrek @StarTrekOnPPlus @WilliamShatner
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magicalwalrus · 3 years
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some pride themed stuff for my ocs! 
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spmcomic · 4 years
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here is the chunky boy...!
this is how i draw him, and also some information about his gear and those weird weird arms.
detailed bio under the cut:
Name: General Cadmar O’Chunks
Age / Species (at intro): 33 / human
Pronouns etc: he, bi
Personality: Warm and friendly. Cadmar O’Chunks has always been an agreeable, good-humored person. He doesn’t purposefully seek out the spotlight, but he tends to become the center of attention in a group through his projecting voice and natural authority, and his ability to make quick, efficient decisions in tense situations. As a soldier and commander his focus has always been on keeping his family safe. He lost confidence in himself after a devastating betrayal on the battlefield that cost him his soldiers and his beloved younger siblings, and since then tends to become anxious and skittish when he is specifically given a job to do. O’Chunks clings to the belief that justice will always prevail… And so he will be punished for his negligence during that battle.
Hobbies: O’Chunks likes to work with his hands. He carves wood to pass the time and has a surprising amount of dexterity for someone with such big fingers. He also enjoys telling stories, and has had years’ worth of practice with his favorites. Not much of a natural singer, but is able to come up with lyrics basically on the spot. Used to play a guitar-like instrument, but dropped practicing as he rose in ranks in the military. 
Family / Friends: The O’Chunks family was pretty normal- an involved mother and father, seven children, of which Cadmar was the eldest. His grandparents were decorated veterans (and their parents before), so his father had also joined the military, which inspired all the children to follow in his footsteps. Cadmar was naturally friendly and outgoing, and made sure to personally meet and speak with all of his soldiers at least once. He was friends with many of his subordinates, but he was always closest with his siblings. He got into the habit of assuming responsibility for his subordinates’ actions after growing up with six rambunctious younger siblings, and this rather self-destructive habit carried over to his new family after he joined the Count’s team. 
Timeline: O’Chunks was born in a world that is about the equivalent of Earth’s 70s (though with advanced medicine technology). The world’s weapons technology lagged far behind most other worlds that were as old and large as his. Military skirmishes were more of a strategy competition than a display of power, and so they never saw the need to advance beyond very efficient swords or arrows. Injuries were common in battle, and prisoners, but deaths were rare. He joined the military at 16, and spent his first several years in an academy for leadership training at his famous father’s recommendation. One by one, as they reached the required age, his siblings joined him, and their coordination and combined strategic capabilities made the family a standout team in his country’s military forces. After the youngest brother Alastair joined, the family was put in charge of the largest army, standing at a thousand men strong. Eventually, they were sent to attack a neighboring country over a tariff dispute. It was meant to be a quick shutdown, but one of Cadmar’s advisors saw an opportunity to reveal the O’Chunks father as a fraud who stole his coworkers’ documentation and published it under his own name while they were away at war. And so the advisor took Cadmar’s own reports to the enemy and devised a plan to humiliate the O’Chunks family. This betrayal led to the deaths of 999 soldiers, the most in recorded history, and Cadmar survived scarred and permanently unfit for battle. The war crime did reveal his parent’s lies, but it caused every country surrounding the offender to retaliate and led to the most violent war their world had seen in two hundred years. O’Chunks, about a year into his forced retirement, was approached by the Count and Nastasia. He interpreted their offer as a message from his siblings and decided to join the pair, if only to protect Nastasia from the addled Count’s erratic outbursts.
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nimblermortal · 3 years
Garland had heard about [Wilton garrison being burned down], all right. That had happened in his first months as a deserter, the first summer that Cadmar had been general.
This line implies that when Cadmar was made general, Garland, who knew him, quietly slipped out the back and made away. Which is not quite how it happened, but I want the fic of Garland deserting anyway.
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Cadmar: There are only three ways to do things; the right way, the wrong way, and the Cadmar way.
Layla: Isn’t that just the wrong way?
Cadmar: Yeah, but it’s faster.
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lightofthedeep · 5 years
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Black Clover... Magic Knight Captains OCs
So in the Black Clover Phantom Knights game, the formations used are named after the magic knights squad! However, the game added formations and symbols beyond the nine squads and I was like oh man haha what if I made captains for some of the formations haha jk... unless...
These nine are the only other formations I have so far aside from formations named after the squads like the Aqua Deer + Black Bull formation!
More info about these characters under the cut !! 
Squad Star Rankings:
Steel-Blue Goat 
Celadoon Raccoon
Moss Green Owl
Scarlet Dragonfly
Sand Rabbit
Emerald Spider
Chestnut Horse
Tan Pigeon
Copper Bear
Kalmin Castano (37)
Copper Bear Captain
Earth Magic
tbh living life to his fullest
happily married and lOVES HIS WIFE AND KIDS SO MUCH
he literally carries photos of them everywhere, his squad is doomed to him gushing about what his kids are doing 
Merryweather (Mary) Goldentine (24)
Chestnut Horse Captain
Lightning Magic
Call her Mary! She hates her full name! Call her Merryweather and your fate is sealed
A very loud and outspoken girl!
Always ready to throw hands + ready to stand up for justice!
Castilla Moreno (27)
Celadon Raccoon Captain
Cloud Magic
Tired AF
Eats NOTHING but junk food
Very soft spoken, speaks in mostly quiet mumbles
When she speaks, her vice captain, Mary, or Lapin are usually the ones who understand her and repeats her words on her behalf
Lapin Belmonte (21)
Sand Rabbit Captain
Sand Magic
Bubbly, cute, and optimistic
Wants to be friends with everyone, ESPECIALLY Zephyr
Gets sand in his mouth a lot when he uses his magic
Youngest Captain
Zephyr Wiater (24)
Tan Pigeon Captain
Wind Magic
Hates Lapin
His wind magic are of high currents and acts as rough tornados
Arabella Rosario (33)
Emerald Spider Captain
Vine Magic
A proud noble who takes pride in her family name
Enjoys luxurious items and activities
Although she appears high and mighty, is actually extremely considerate of her squad members
Ruby Flammia (28)
Scarlet Dragonfly Captain
Flame Magic
The most popular magic knights captain due to his appearance
His squad members are also extremely attractive
Beauty and reputation are the #1 priority
Can be condescending towards the lower class 
Do not touch the hair
Victoria Bierman (68)
Moss Green Owl Captain
Plant Magic
Married to Cadmar
#1 Grandma
Is the old person who is actually “hip” with the trends
The smartest squad captain 
Cadmar Bierman (72)
Steel-Blue Goat Captain
Water Magic
Married to Victoria
#1 Grandpa
Is the most professional when it comes to magic knight business
Is the old person who wants to be “hip” with the trends but isn’t
Very good with children
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abbytheslothwitch · 4 years
Luna for the character ref shert meme thing
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Full Name: Luna Peacock
Gender and Sexuality: Female, Hetero
Pronouns: She/Her
Ethnicity/Species: Peacock Butterfly
Birthplace and Birthdate: The Butterfly of Aponi
Guilty Pleasures: Napping, Hot springs, Wearing dress (normally didn't do)
Phobias: Atychiphobia, Algophobis (Got over it), Traumatophobia (Got over it)
What They Would Be Famous For: For being Captain of the Aponi Guard
What They Would Get Arrested For: .... Murder?
OC You Ship Them With: No one, she's Grimm's wife
OC Most Likely To Murder Them: Aradia/The Grimm Traitor
Favorite Movie/Book Genre: Adventure, Romance, Mystery
Least Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: Damsel in distress, Men are always right
Talents and/or Powers:
- Talents: Fencing, Singing, Dancing, Instrument playing, Poetry [[AN: She can't cook]]
Why Someone Might Love Them: She's that one friend who'll kick anyone's ass (anyone who hurt her family & friends)
Why Someone Might Hate Them: She can be aggressive
How They Change: Through her exposure to Grimm, Luna had learned to open up more after her Ex husband died and she had her youngest son Cadmar.
Why You Love Them: She's a lot like my mom.
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yureiperidotghost · 4 years
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Meet Katie Shu Fangs parents: Ava Agate, the White Witch and Takashi Cadmar, Master of Crystals.
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ashlynn-star-writes · 4 years
OC-tober Day 6: Luxury
Prompt by @oc-growth-and-development
CW: Manipulation, unhealthy relationship
Reina rolled over, fighting to take a deep breath, and the silken sheets nearly suffocated her. She adjusted them and shifted again only to brush up against her partner. She froze as he stirred and grumbled softly. After a few long, silent moments, the woman slowly eased out of bed to walk across the lushly carpeted floor. It was too hot anyway; some fresh air would help her sleep.
The balcony door opened noiselessly and she stepped out onto the ornately carved stone veranda. A light shiver overtook her and she immediately regretted leaving her plush, velvety slippers behind.
“That was an oversight,” she murmured to the night air. “Hardly promising for my effectiveness as an advisor and queen.”
Queen. The word soured her tongue. She knew nothing of ruling or diplomacy or trade. She couldn’t even remember her own name, much less the complexities of politics in a struggling land filled with unrest. How was she to govern a people she didn’t even know?
“Darling? What are you doing out here in the cold?”
Turning from the railing, Reina saw Azrael standing in the open door. Slightly unnerved by his silent appearance, she pushed the feeling aside. “I’m sorry! I didn't mean to wake you.”
His face softened into a warm smile, an expression he saved for when they were alone, and he came forward to rest a shawl over her shoulders. “Think nothing of it. What is troubling you?”
“I was too hot. It was just- couldn’t breathe in there.”
“This is not simply about temperature, is it?”
She turned away from him to rest her elbows on the rail once more, looking down.
He nodded. “I see. Is the responsibility too much? I never wanted to force you into a role that displeases you.”
“No, it isn’t that! You’ve been more than kind and I truly appreciate what you’ve done for me. I just- I don’t know if I deserve any of this.”
“Of course you deserve this! All of it and more.”
There was so much conviction in his voice that she could almost believe it, but instead she shook her head and tugged the shawl tighter around her body.
He laid a gentle hand on her shoulder. “You’re a hero, Reina. No one else has survived a trip to the surface. You give our people hope, and you give me hope; that is no small feat.”
“I don’t even remember doing it. Any of it! I don’t remember my family, my home, my name! Anything could have happened. What if the only reason I came back in one piece is because I-” She couldn’t bring herself to speak her worst fear out loud.
Azrael wrapped an arm around her, speaking softly. “You know you can tell me anything, dearest. What fears eat at you in the night?”
She half-turned to look up at him, soft torchlight glinting off her tear-stained face. “What if I’m alive because I left everyone behind and ran? What if it’s my fault they’re dead and I can’t even remember their faces?”
“You have to know you’d never do that.”
“But I don’t! I don’t know anything about myself.”
“I know everything about you. I’ve known you your whole life and you don’t have a single cowardly bone in your body. You stand here with me now because you fought with every piece of you to make it back to your home, and to me, not because you were weak or frightened. You’re the strongest person I’ve ever known.”
Reina was silent for a long moment before relaxing against him. “Thank you, Rosé.”
“I thought I asked you not to call me that anymore,” he said lightly, only half joking.
Even as he continued to console her quietly, the man watched for any sign that she was beginning to suspect him or break through the spells on her mind. It shouldn’t be possible, of course, but neither should her very existence. He’d have to watch more carefully from now on, to make sure her doubt never turned on him.
(Reina and Azrael belong to the same world and project as Cadmar, Illyana, and Arel (and Panak, if anyone has read the random excerpt I wrote a while back). As always, feedback is appreciated!)
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Type of Post: Fanfiction
Main Fandom: Harry Potter
Side Fandom: Sherlock(BBC), Dexter(TV)
Story Summary & Information: This is what I think would've happened if Lily and James had three sons instead of one. I gave Harry one older brother named Charles and a younger brother named Evan.
This story will also be a minor crossover with a few other fandoms. I say minor because it will mostly have the children of the MC in some other fandoms mention their parents.
For example, this will be a Dexter crossover because Dexter's son Harrison will attend Hogwarts in the same year as Harry (I know Dexter is set in America but I change the fandom slightly to fit this, also in my story S1 ended differently and anything after S5 never happened). This will be a Sherlock crossover because John's daughter Rosie is in Charles' year (also Fred and George's year)(also Johnlock is mentioned). I may also reference other fandoms but those are the two that matter as the Potter brothers will be interacting with their children and maybe sometimes them. You do not have to have watched Sherlock or Dexter to read this fic, maybe just do a basic Google search and you'll be good to go.
Chapter 1- Potters Fate
Straight out of Hogwarts Lily Evans married James Potter and to the jealousy of her older sister Petunia got pregnant right away. (Though Petunia would later say Lily must have gotten knocked up in school and was trying to hide it. How shameful, in her fine opinion.) The Potters were overjoyed as James' parents were getting quite on in years and wanted to be sure their family had an heir. With such a fine, young, and fertile bride, the elder Potters could be quite content their family would survive the next few generations. James and Lily named the boy, Charles Fleamont Cadmar Potter, he had James' hair and eyes but would grow to have many of Lily's facial features.
Just as Fleamont and Euphemia Potter were on their death beds, Lily fell pregnant again, another boy, Henry James Hyacinth Potter. These were dark times to be living in but James' parents died with the hope that their two grandsons would live to see a better future. (Petunia also sent a scathing letter to Lily that contained news of Dudley Dursley's birth but mentioned several times she had waited a few years into her marriage to have a child "like a proper born woman.") Shortly after Harry was born the Potters moved several times every few weeks as Dumbledore had informed them of a prophecy which Voldemort thought was referring to Harry.
While on the run Lily took the entire Potter family library with her sorted into several trunks, sorted by subject, then date, then author names alphabetically. One trunk however contained only books written/edited by members of the Potter family, it was these books that had Lily hunched over a table looking desperately for an answer. According to many spell crafters research, the Killing Curse was so effective because it simply killed you, there were no injures that could possibly be healed, no poisons to find an antidote to, you simply die. Many of the same researchers theorized that this was because the curse didn't just kill you, it tore your soul from your body.
For many years the Potter family specialized in soul and blood magic, until the Ministry banned such arts a few centuries ago. Aegeus Potter, one of James' great-grandfather, had entirely disagreed with the laws and argued heavily against them. When the laws finally went through due to the votes of one of the Potter House rivals, Basil Livington, Aegeus hid the real books on Soul and Blood magic and gave the Ministry some fake books and journals he messed with so they couldn't read it anyways. "Potter family magik, you understand Livington? Even if I have to give it away I can't let anyone else read it." And so the Potters had taken up Transfiguration as their new family magiks instead.
Lily smirked, she really did love the family she had married into. The books on soul magic disappointingly did not contain much extra knowledge on the Killing Curse, they did however contain several draughts which could heal a person who had suffered the other Unforgivables to their previous state. According to the Potters, the other two curses were soul magic as well, the Cruciatus targeting your souls ability to function in this world and the Imperius targeting your souls will to live freely and crushing your spirit. Disappointed, Lily jotted those potions down and closed the books on soul magic.
It felt as if all her work was for nothing, she had been searching and searching for a way to have her children survive and there was nothing. Lily had tried convincing James to leave the country and stay gone until Charles was ready for Hogwarts or the war ended but James was adamant about staying to fight...not that they did much fighting these days. James was so confident, he thought they would win and it would all be okay. Lily wished she had such faith, such hope.
The Lady of Potter House was also unsure about how much longer she could keep this next secret from her husband...she had fallen pregnant again. In these dark times, with two children already and on the run Lily wondered if she should get rid of it. Could she force a child to grow up in this life? Never staying in one place, always moving, always afraid, never making any friends. Lily wasn't even sure they would get to go to Hogwarts, what if Voldemort captured it first? Would her children ever know joy? Would the other two (oh goodness she was already thinking of the baby inside her as hers) resent Harry for being the reason their family was targeted?
No! That was enough! The second Lily Marie Evans Potter let some madman dictate her actions was the second she became someone else. Lily wanted this baby, it was hers, it was a little piece of James and Lily growing inside her and Lily wanted to be his or her mother. Voldemort would not force her to give up on her dream of becoming a mother, he could not force her out of her world, Lily Potter would fight to the death if it ever came to it but she would not give up on a way to protect and save her children. (And, well, if Charles or the little one inside her ever decided to be angry with Harry because he happened to be apart of some prophecy then Lily would just have to be a mother and explain the them that it was not Harry's fault and that it was always the fault of the murderer, not the one they intended to murder.) With a renewed sense of passion, Lily began to go through the blood magic books, leave no stone unturned, there must be something that could help.
James was ecstatic when he found out Lily was pregnant again. They threw a big party with the rest of the order. Sirius was made godfather again with Lily choosing Alice Longbottom as godmother (Charles' godmother was Pandora Lovegood and Harry's was Marlene McKinnon.) Lily was worried her choices of godparents would either die in the war so she chose three separate ones just in case. Surely not all of these people would die if she did? Right? James laughed it off and said Sirius would be alright. Sometimes she thought her husband didn't get the point. The party was also partly a naming ceremony because the Potters doubted there'd be another opportunity. It was decided that a boy would be named Evan Godfrey Elijah Potter and a girl would be named Amethyst Evelyn Astor Potter.
There was some good news, Lily had found a way to protect her children. Within the Potter books about blood magic there was a ritual often called the Ritual of Love. There was a protector and a protectee, the protector had to make several potions involving some blood from the protector, willingly given. The protectee (or protectees, in one case an older brother used this on all four of his younger sisters) must drink the potion while the protector drew a soul-symbol over their heart to symbolize the love the protector must feel for the protectee. The protector would then place the protectee in a symbol meant to represent their relationship. This would ensure that if the protector shielded one protectee from any kind of magical attack the attacker would then have their attack rebound on them and would no longer be able to touch any of the protectees, even if the protector was only shielding one. There seemed to be a few downsides to this plan, Lily would die meaning she could no longer protect them from anything else (what if Voldemort sent one of his lackeys to kill her children but the others and himself were free to do so?), Lily had no idea what symbol would represent herself and her children (easily fixed, find something to do with motherhood or sons), and there was no recorded incident of it being used to shield the killing curse (what if it didn't work?!).
Because this ritual could only be used once Lily would have to wait until the new baby was born. She also picked out several different symbols in case the child was a girl and the one to do with mothers and sons was no longer applicable. "Don't worry baby," Lily whispered rubbing her swollen stomach. "Mommy won't let anyone hurt you or your big brothers." Then she sighed and added "Hopefully I won't have to die for you to be safe."
Charles wasn't sure what had happened. It had been Halloween and Daddy was shooting sparks up in the air and Mommy was laughing. Harry and Evan were being their usual baby selves. Mommy said Charles had to be patient with them because they were small and couldn't do as much as he could. Charles could do lots, he could runs and speak with big words and ride a toy broom alone and climb Daddy's deer antlers. Harry and Evan couldn't do that though, they were small but that was okay 'cause Charles was a big boy and he would teach his little brothers to be big boys too! (But not bigger than him because he was the big brother.)
Anyways, what was he talking about? Oh, yeah, yeah. There was a weird man at the door and Mommy suddenly started actin' scared like something was gonna hurt her. But that was silly because she was Mommy and Mommy's weren't supposed to be scared. Mommy told him to run real fast up to Harry and Evan's room and Charles did. (Mommy had to carry Harry and Evan because they were big boys yet like Charles and couldn't run up the stairs like he could.) Charles thought it was weird though, Mommy told him he wasn't 'posed to run up and down the stairs. Maybe it was different because they only ran up once? 
Bangs and shouts chased them up the stairs and Charles reminded himself not to be scared, it sounded like thunder and Mommy said thunder didn't hurt. Mommy was still scared and she placed Harry and Evan inside the big crib where Harry slept. Mommy picked him up to put him inside the crib too, that was when he complained, "I'm too big Momma, I get the big boy bed."
That was the first time his mother ever gave him a sharp look, "Charles Potter, I need you inside this crib and I can't argue with you right now." Charles shut his mouth and let his mother put him inside the crib. Mommy had never spoken to him that way, her voice was always gentle and soft. The bangs had fallen silent and Mommy looked sad. Mommy leaned down so she was level with their tiny faces, even Evan had been sat up against Charles' tummy. "Listen very carefully, my boys, Mommy loves you, Daddy loves you. We will always love you even if we aren't around anymore." Mommy looked so afraid and Charles reached his tiny hands (big boy hands!) through the bars to touch her face. It came back wet, Mommy was crying. 
There was a lot of shouting, Mommy cried, she begged to man in the odd cloak to leave them alone. Charles would remember her screams for the rest of his life. "Please not my babies! Take anyone else! Please not Harry! Take me! Kill me instead!"
And the high, cold voice which answered. "Stand aside! Move Mudblood! Stand aside you silly girl! Avada Kedavra!" And the man turned his wand on Harry. Charles made sure to wrap his arms around Harry and Evan incase they were scared but when the man pointed his wand at Harry and the green light flashed it got sent back to the man and the room exploded outwards.
Charles didn't like this new place. These people were apparently called the Dursley's and they were his Aunt, Uncle, and cousins Dudley and Daisy. Dudley was Harry's age and Daisy was younger than Evan, she was still in Aunt Petunia's tummy when they got here. Charles, Harry and Evan all shared the littlest bedroom in the Dursley's household while Dudley and Daisy each got their own room. Whenever Charles or Harry or Evan disobeyed the Dursley's or annoyed the Dursley's or took food without asking first (the answer was always no) they were put in the cupboard until the Dursley's thought they were properly punished.
The Potter boys had chores as soon as they could walk. They cleaned the house, cooked the food as soon as Charles could reach the stove, and weeded the garden. Charles told stories to his brothers in the middle of the night, he told them all he remembered about Mommy and Daddy and what he called their real Aunts and Uncles. (He learned to only say this when all the Dursley's had gone to bed because Aunt Petunia had screamed and slapped him and Uncle Vernon had put red stripes across his back until he was bleeding with his belt.) When they didn't do the chores properly (which as often as small children could not get that much done in a day) they weren't fed. Once, Harry abandoned his chores to talk to one of the neighborhood boys, Uncle Vernon pulled off his belt and beat him until he screamed, he beat Charles too because the second he heard his little brother cry he jumped in front of Vernon and tried unsuccessfully to drive him off.
Charles tried to protect Harry and Evan but he wasn't sure he was good at it. Interrupting their punishments only got him beaten as well and if he was in the cupboard with one he couldn't protect the other. Then school happened and he was forced away from his little brothers for eight whole hours!
Something strange happened in his second year of school though. Charles had taken to staying in the library so he could read their books. Mommy was always reading books and Charles vaguely remembered her saying the books had helped Mommy save him and Harry and Evan. It probably didn't work though, Mommy was gone and if she couldn't protect herself then how could she protect them? The library didn't have any books on how to save his little brothers though. While mostly a loner as he didn't know how to talk to other children, Charles eventually realized he had to ask the librarian what he wanted to find like he'd seen some of the other kids doing.
"Mrs.Bradley? I need help finding a book but I'm not sure what it's called."
Mrs.Bradley smiled down at the polite little boy. He had been coming into the school library for over a year now, never checked anything out, just sat quietly in a chair and read for the whole of recess and lunch. He seemed a bit too thin and she had been bringing in extra sandwiches for him a few other kids, it was so sad how some families couldn't afford enough food. "What are you looking for, dear?"
"I need something to help me save my brothers." Charles said with a very serious tone.
Feeling slightly amused the old librarian smiled down at him. "Save them from what?"
She was not going to like the answer.
On July 24th to Charles' Potter amazement he found his Hogwarts letter amidst the boring Dursley's mail. Charles had gotten rather good at looking miserable when he was happy (the Dursley's didn't like it when he was happy) so he plastered a miserable look on his face and brought his relatives his mail. The second he was aloud back in his room he tore open the Hogwarts letter and read it with gusto.
This was it! He was finally going to Hogwarts! And Harry and Evan would see--
And just like that the happiness he's been carrying beyond his miserable expression popped.
Oh. Oh no. Charles was the only one to get a letter. What if Harry and Evan couldn't come? He--he couldn't leave them here! They were brothers! They were supposed to stick together! What would Uncle Vernon do to Evan with only Harry to protect him? And Harry couldn't defend himself either! (Common sense would say that Charles couldn't either really but who listened the that?)
Still, Charles might as well write his reply to see if he could go though he didn't know where he would find an owl.
Dear Professor McGonagall,
I have a few concerns about Hogwarts I would like to ask if you have the time. First, where do I get all this supplies? I live with my muggle relatives and they aren't too fond of magic. I doubt they'd take me to a magic shop or that they even know where one is. Second, where would my brothers go while I'm at school? They can't stay here. As I said before my relatives aren't fond of magic, it would be more apt to say they hate it. I worry that if I leave my Aunt and Uncle would treat them even worse. Please reply if you have anywhere for them to stay while I'm at Hogwarts. If you do not, I would not bother. I won't leave this house if I don't know my brothers will be safe.
Sincerely, Charles Fleamont Cadmar Potter
The owl problem was fixed almost as soon as he went outside. An owl swooped down and grabbed his letter and took off with it. Hopefully it was the right owl.
Author's Note
Okay so that was Chapter 1. I usually like to try and finish a story before I post it but I've decided with this one to roll with it and post immediately. I hope I didn't make any glaring mistakes but I wrote this as soon as I got the idea and it took about 4 hrs.
Some notes for if you didn't read the summary. This story has small multicrossover parts in it. It's nothing big, just some kids from various other TV shows going to Hogwarts at the same time as the Potters. You don't have to watch any of the shows the kids are from to read this story.
Rosie Watson, John's daughter from Sherlock is in the same year as Charles, she doesn't have a big part and I don't even think I'll put her dad in at all. (Just know I ship Johnlock so she will mention having two dads and some adopted siblings I made up who aren't at all important to the story.)
Another kid, Harrison Morgan from Dexter will be in Harry's year. I know, I know, Dexter is in Miami, Florida, how did his son get an invite to a boarding school in Britain? Basically Dex took a family vacation at one point and Harrison did some accidental magic in Britain. Hogwarts picked up on it and sent him a letter. So he got one Hogwarts letter and one Ilvermorny letter and chose Hogwarts. Dex thought it was a good idea to send his son away so he would be safer away from Dexter and his enemies. (Also in my personal headcannon Brian survives past S1 but I probably won't mention it. Also I liked Lumen so I always headcannon Dex and her together so when Harrison says "Mom" he's talking about her and I have him a little brother who, again, isn't important to the story. You don't need to know who Dexter and Lumen are to enjoy the story and can consider Harrison an OC if you want.)
Those are the only other fandom kids that are important to the story but if you recognize any familiar last names from other shows who aren't in the original Harry Potter schoolmates list just ask. For example, Beatrice "Trixie" Decker from Lucifer will be in the year above Harry's but will only be mentioned attending things like DA meeting and stuff. No importance to the storyline. And yes I know Lucifer is set in LA, just refer to Harrison's answer for any questions about that.
Tell me if you have any request for a kid cameo and I'll try to grant it. For easy reading try to write it like this:
Kids name
Parents name(s)
What country they are from
Any special attributes they might have
You may also include things like:
What year you want them to be in (in accordance to Harry's year)
Anything special you want them to say/do?
I'm certain if I need to find out anything else I can just use their name and the shows name to find more. I will say one thing though, no one who's not in this world. That means no Lord of the Rings, no Avatar:The Last Airbender, no Game of Thrones. It has to be set in the real world. And yes, regretfully, I will include Twilight in that as it technically fits. Want me to include your Sam and Emily, Jared and Kim, Jacob and Renessmee , any wolf and their imprints kid, I can work with that. ( I wonder how many times I'll have to use the vacation and chose the foreign school option?)
Also, no overpowered kids. I'm going to try to make everything work in the realm of possibly so no kids that can alter reality or something.
And these kids have to exist as KIDS in their respective fandom, with their parents as the main character. For example I won't use Wanda and Pietro Maximoff because although they are Magneto's children they are also adult character with their own storylines. (I refuse to accept that Magneto isn't their father. Suck it Marvel.)
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magicalwalrus · 3 years
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some background practice with cadmar
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boingolungs · 5 years
Ima be real here, but im so unprepared for life after highschool. Anyway here is Cadmar while I was workin on the drawin.
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dulceringo · 6 years
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Meet Cadmar Gaster, the strongest general and also the only one who is not chaos seeking unlike his siblings. He also have a green thumb and take command on Eclipse’s gardens. And now we meet all the Gaster Generals! @mistress-jinx09
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abbytheslothwitch · 4 years
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Name: Luna Peacock
Gender: Female
Species: Peacock Butterfly
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Relatives: Unnamed Ex-Husband (Deceased), Mallory (oldest daughter), Edgar (oldest son), Cadmar (youngest son), Grimm (Husband), Rosanna (youngest daughter)
Fun Fact:
- Luna was the head Captain of the Butterfly Nation's army
- She was married Grimm for 12 years
- She and Grimm had Rosanna after 11 years of trying to conceive
- She died in the line of duty when Rosanna was 1 year old
- Luna's voices:
. English: Emma Thompson [Captain Amelia, Treasure Planet]
. Japanese: [TBA]
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