#Caleb just noticed Essek showed up
gaawachan · 8 months
Trent Ikithon, joke villain
Spoilers ahead obviously
Can I just say that I found Trent's threat about Essek and him having to wait for Caleb in Blumenthal overnight weirdly hilarious, and not just because he's almost certainly years behind the news?
Trent leaving message: "hahaha, I'm going to tell the Bright Queen Essek was the traitor, Caleb" *casts* "Your Majesty, I- "42 psychic damage*"
Trent builds his trap in Blumenthal and hides behind a tree: "Okay, any minute... now.... any minute now... might as well cast Sending to the Bright Queen again while I wai- *27 psychic damage*"
*hours later*
Trent: "he's not coming tonight, is he? I've been hiding behind this tree all evening and my whole body hurts and I have a killer headache ... Well, let's try sending agai- *34 psychic damage* *passes out behind tree*"
I genuinely find it hard to believe that he deserves the Int stat he has, lol.
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The T-Dock is destroyed. Caleb grieves. Essek holds him. It’s safe.
What an unexpected notion that is. But it’s true. In the past month, in the depths of Aeor, things have relaxed, between them. They still speak in riddles, because that is who they are, but the tension is gone. They speak of their respective plans for the future, and Essek is supportive of his tentative musings about teaching, and Caleb warms Essek’s hands in his own when they become too cold.
And now, their time in Aeor is over. They are saying their goodbyes. They have done what they came to do.
Essek hesitates. “I know you said you did not wish for me to be in Rexxentrum while the trial was taking place,” he begins slowly. Caleb swallows; he had been surprised to receive a Sending from Essek not one full day past his departure from the Blooming Grove, and then precisely once a week since. It had been something to look forward to, in the depths of the trial, but Caleb had indeed declined Essek’s offer to visit, back then. Better to know that Essek was as far away from that man and all the messiness associated with him as possible.
“But,” Essek continues, “if it is over, now… perhaps I could visit your home, when it is safe to do so?”
“Oh,” Caleb says. The offer meant much over a Sending, when Caleb recalled the fear and loathing on Essek’s face at the mention of his old Master. But now, after a month alone together in Aeor, and the increased familiarity between them, the question carried a much different weight to it. Lighter, and more pleasant, but of no less significance. “Of course. I would like that, very much.”
There is no worry in his mind that either of them have misunderstood their intentions. Caleb isn’t yet sure what the shape of this will be, but he has seen Essek’s ears twitch when their hands touch, and he knows that Essek has noticed the way his eyes drift towards him all too often. They have always been very good at reading each other and reveling in the ambiguities; this feels no different.
“I would as well,” Essek says, bowing his head politely. He waits a moment, then raises his hands in the first motions of the Teleport spell.
“Ah, Essek,” Caleb says quickly, extending a hand out to his forearm. Essek pauses, his lip quirking up into a half grin, as if he anticipated the interruption and is teasing Caleb about his predictability. 
“Yes?” He asks patiently.
“It’s just something that Beau told me. A few weeks ago, now.” His hand fiddles with the Sending stone in his pocket; the one he had commissioned right after the trial’s conclusion. “She said– I was telling her about our trip, and that I was enjoying it very much.” This is true; Caleb is leaving out the part where he had fretted to her about how uncomfortable that had made him, at first. How anxiously he had waited for things to go wrong. “She told me that that was a good thing.”
Essek cocks his head. Slightly confused, but he will allow Caleb his strangeness. “Indeed,” he offers. “I enjoyed myself as well.”
“Ja,” Caleb agrees. Then he bites his lip, and adds: “This is a good thing, you and I.”
And now Essek’s mask melts, revealing the surprised fondness that is so near the surface, these days, the expression that Caleb saw the first time when he kissed the man’s cheek. “Caleb Widogast,” he says thickly. He licks his lips. Meets Caleb’s eyes for a moment, then looks away just as quickly. “I want it to be. Very much.”
He says it like a confession. Between them, it may as well be. Caleb wraps him in a hug, cupping the back of his head with one hand. “Come to my home when you can,” he says near Essek’s ear. “I will show you around.”
“I will look forward to it,” Essek murmurs.
Caleb backs away just enough to have space to kiss Essek’s cheek again. Essek looks back at him with undisguised affection across his face. “I will miss you,” Caleb says, and Essek smiles at him, gentle.
“I as well, Caleb Widogast,” he says, and this time, when he casts the Teleport spell, Caleb lets him go.
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sldlovescartoons · 27 days
As time went on Essek looked more and more forward to his meetings with Caleb. As it was he could only drop his disguises in very rural west and south areas and with the Nein and the whole thing got more exhausting all the time. Plus, Caleb was making such quick progress with his studies, chatting only got more interesting with each visit.
He was also pretty sure it was normal to miss one’s partner, but such romantic thoughts flustered him too much to think on so early in the afternoon. That train of thought was for once Caleb and him have gone through a whole bottle of wine.
“Professor Widogast?” Knocking on the door with his most neutral accent. He was Halsunn Deeproot today, a forest elf who did magical research. One of his partner’s favorite aliases.
“Ah, come in, Deeproot!”
And so he went in, senses immediately assaulted by the smell of cooking meats and veggies. Ah, so they were eating in tonight. Appreciated, since their latest separation had been especially long. The drow dropped his disguise as he drifted into the kitchen to the grin on of ridiculous human partner.
“Awh, putting Halsunn away already? But he’s such a looker.”
“Don’t tease me, young man, I’m of no mood for it.” He complained with no malice as he finally reached his destination and got to give Caleb a peck on the lips, getting a quick glance at whatever he was cooking before it was covered with a lid. “That looks… different.”
Caleb and Essek were not cooks, but they had been gradually improving now that they had to fend for themselves as full adults. That said, the list of things either of them could cook consistently good was short. Both could do the easiest of soups and some stews, Caleb knew how to do basics roasts and sides and he knew some very simple baking. This didn’t stop either of them from trying something more complex, wizard hubris and all. Whatever his ginger had in that deep pan wasn’t one of the roasts the human whipped out when he had the coin and wanted to impress. There was twine and toothpicks. The drow really hoped that he wasn’t going to spend his first night of this visit choking down something inedible, but it would be fair turnaround for those awful plum cookies Essek had made two visits back.
“Don’t worry, I practiced this one a bit. I wanted to do something nice to surprise you. Do you know what a few days ago was?”
Fucks sake, he’d forgotten something. What did he miss? An anniversary, surely, but he couldn’t…
“I- I’m sorry, I don’t…”
“Don’t worry, I forgot too, until it’d passed. Four days ago was the third anniversary of the day we met. It’s not something most people remember, or even celebrate, so don’t worry, it’s just- I remembered and wanted to make you a little treat.” Caleb glanced at some sand dials he had set up. The drow noticed more covered pots. Steaming something, maybe?
“You don’t have to go so out of the way.”
“I want to, though, and I will.”
“But of course.”
“Now-“ Another, slightly longer kiss and a soft smile with blue eyes that took his thoughts away more often than not. “Why don’t you go wash up a bit, hm? You smell like a beast of burden. Dinner should be ready by the time you’re done.”
“Bold words from the man who smells like ox mating season.” Essek was eternally glad that his complexion was too dark for blushes to show at the teasing. Also hypocritical since the cologne Caleb smothered himself instead of bathing regularly smelt like animal musk and the vague concept of a forest. “But yes, I think I will.”
He tended to take long bathes whenever he had the luxury of time to do so, so by the time he was clean and had his hair done (he would sooner die then have Caleb seen him without his curl cream in.) dinner was being put on the table.
“Just in time, darling.”
“Well time is one of my specialties.” The statement was something of a flirt or inside joke now-a-days, and got the soft smile he was looking for as a response. He gave him a quick peck on the lips and looked down at Dinner. “Caleb, did you make a roulade?”
“I did.” And he looked so proud of himself, too, but Essek kept looking and as further realization came to him. “But that’s not all, I’m sure you’ve noticed.”
The meat roulades, sliced not too thick, not too thin, was served with rice and what was distinctly Xhorasian steamed veggies.
“This meal is very xhorasian inspired.”
“I figured you might be a bit home sick and the market in Rosohna was just a teleport away.” They sat down to eat, Essek much slower as he tried to process this gift.
“You went through all that trouble…”
“It wasn’t any trouble at all, so don’t worry about it and eat up, Liebling.”
And so Essek took his first bite (with chopsticks, even!!! Caleb was using a fork but he’d remembered Essek’s utensil preference, the darling man), a fair chunk of meat, filling, and rice.
And promptly burst into tears.
“Oh Schiess, is it that bad? I practiced the technique, but this is the first time with the marinade-“ Caleb, his darling starshine Caleb, started to lean over and fuss. The drow shook his head quickly to try and assure him, to try and get himself together. But he was having a hard time because-
Because Caleb had made *rat*. Giant Rat, had to be. Now in his den, they had mostly livestock and great beasts, their days of having to eating rats like the common folk was centuries past, but one couldn’t deny themselves a little comfort food every once in a while, could they? And what was more comforting and simple to creature of the Underdark than some well cooked rat? This rat dish reminded him starkly of something that his mother had ordered the chefs make when he’d recovered from an awful fever in his… twelfth year, maybe? Something hardy and comforting after he’d been sweating and puking for days to bring him back to health. A rare kindness from his mother and warm memory- and there the tears went again. Lights above, he was a mess.
“Wh- Where did you source the rat? It tastes fresh.” Essek was doing his level best to act like there weren’t thick crocodile tears on his face. His partner blinked at him in open bewilderment.
“I… killed it this morning, down in an abandoned part of the academy. I used the silver it earned me to buy the veggies. Is- is this because of the rat? It’s the most exotic meat I could find short notice-“ A Fresh Hunt!!! It was like Caleb had read his primary school journals from before he found out he didn’t like people and such.
“And you used plum wine in- in the marinade, yes?” He pushed forward, adamant to ignore the crying that was happening. Gods, it had been far too long since he had something that tasted like *home*. “Goes well with the nut and date filling- really cuts the gaminess of the- the rat.”
“So, we are ignoring the tears. Ja, alright.” Caleb seemed to resign himself to this reality quickly. This wasn’t the first time Essek had clammed up about something because feeling were embarrassing, and he knew he’d be told eventually. “Yes, I got recommended a good brand to use by Yasha and Beauregard, so we gave them to thank for that. Do you enjoy the bits of pan fried mushroom in the rice?”
“Yes.” Even though they were slightly over, a bit tough, just the thought was so sweet and so homey.
He had such a wonderful partner.
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otdderamin · 2 years
Analysis: Essek's Accent As The Shadowhand Fades
I'm watching the Essek Supercut again, and I noticed Essek's accent and when it starts to settle.
Watch the first few clips, until about about 0:4:40
Mostly this is just Matt settling into Essek's voice, but when he was first introduced, Essek had a very stern authoritative court voice. But once they were in the antichamber together, and Fjord says they need to check their underwear for accidents after that first interaction with the Queen and made him laugh, Essek slips into what we hear as his personal accent.
Essek really did just make up this version of himself to be as successful as everyone pushed him to be, and make really selfish choices to protect that act. But those personas ultimately felt like lies about himself. So what difference does it make protecting it with more lies? Which led himself down some really dark paths until Thw Mighty Nein discovered him and it all unraveled.
Essek is a dramatic theater gay who pulled off a character so well he couldn't stop playing him even when it was turning into a Shakespearean tragedy. Everything he says in these early days is so intensely dramatic and selling his vast accomplishments. Essek is giving them a list of reasons to respect him because he doesn't think his inner self is respectable. Essek always felt like it was the lies people loved and not him underneath, so what would hurt people more would be trying to stop. To be anything less than ruthless.
But this bunch of goofballs, whose very first direct comment to him was a self-depricating joke about being scared, they broke through. And what broke his heart most on that ship, was knowing he'd let them down with those lies. Because he'd let them see his true self, like he hadn't done for anyone in years (decades?), and they loved that one the most. Especially Caleb because they'd shared that instant attraction and interest Essek almost wasn't sure he could feel.
So after he was caught, even if Caleb was telling Essek he could choose to be better, he was obviously hurt and mistrustful and not calling. And feeling like he couldn't go back ate at him.
But then The Mighty Nein call on him again for help with their more dangerous thing ever. These weirdos are going to run headlong into danger not for gain or glory but because it stops someone else making a catastrophic mistake. And they want him to come with them. They want him to show them he's changed. And he has.
And even if they fight it, that attraction is still like magnets. They're so scared of hurting each other again or getting hurt, they can talk in meaningful coded riddles with each other, but not dare cross the threshold where they can hold that pull back. Where they'd have to find out if they enable or temper their worst impulses.
They didn't get there before they parted ways after Aeor. But we know that sometime in the last six months they let themselves pull together. They go back to Aeor to know what it feels like to just be together, the two of them, if no one at all was there. Caleb, down on one knee, holding a magic ring, "[Essek Thelyss], I know we're not relationship people, but will you date me for three months, and then we'll reassess?"
And it worked. Maybe being apart much of the time helps them get perspective on the world outside themselves and the freedom to lead two very different lives. The Essek who visits the man with green beans, no longer sounds quite like the Shadowhand did. He found how to use his power in the world more responsibly, when only a handful of people will hear about it, but they will listen so much closer, and see him more than any accomplishment. With the bustle and fear of the world shut out.
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Shadowgast Recs: Featuring Astrid or Eadwulf
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This week we have nine recs for fics that feature Astrid and/or Eadwulf behind the cut! Don't forget to comment or kudos on the stories!
Hard Mouth by road_rhythm (216254,Explicit) Warnings: Generally dark, torture, author chose not to warn.
While the Nein are in Aeor, Trent uses the dream spell to invade Caleb's mind. Things get worse from there.
Reccer says: The writing is extremely vivid and the story engrossing, but I also adore this version of Astrid
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More Things than Heaven and Earth by kaeda (76998,Mature) Warnings: None
Caleb and Essek find themselves transported to what appears to be the plot of Tusk Love.
Reccer says: The fic starts off as a romp but consistently chooses to allow all of the characters a surprising amount of depth. Features a great Astrid and Eadwulf
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Neighborhood Watch by timbrene (2800,Teen) Warnings: None!
Astrid notices a disguised Essek has set up residence at Caleb's home and sets out to investigate what he could be plotting.
Reccer says: Astrid and Eadwulf are both perfect in this, especially Astrid; her certainty that "Bren" is getting manipulated by this Dynasty elf who's definitely a threat to national security is such a funny messed-up Volstrecker twist on being concerned for your friend. It's heartwarming and will put a smile on your face.
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look forward lest the past catch up by iniquiticity (11328,Explicit) Warnings: None
Astrid saves Essek from an assassination attempt, leaving him with a newfound appreciation for his own life.
Reccer says: There's just something about a near death experience that makes you want to go desperately make out with your sort of boyfriend, and this fic really captured that.
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do you have enough love in your heart, to go and get your hands dirty? by SaltCore (4355,Mature) Warnings: Graphic descriptions of violence (offensive dunamancy), mentions of torture
Getting Bren out of a tight spot forced you into uncomfortable company, Astrid. As his friend heals him, take a little time to think about one member of the Mighty Nein, the one who helped, the one you trust the least.
Reccer says: This is a beautiful example of the "Astrid and Essek hissing at each other like angry cats because they're both concerned about Caleb" genre. The prose is gorgeous and very vivid, Astrid's POV is cutting and feels so much like her. All the characters are perfect. Highly recommend it.
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you are what we could've been by vagabondfirelilly (2744,General) Warnings: None
Caleb lets it slip that he is married to Essek, while in the presence of his former lovers.
Reccer says: Very bittersweet, it's lovely to think about Caleb and Essek being married, but between the fic being written from Eadwulf's perspective, and the reaction this revelation illicits from Astrid, there's a real sense of pain and loss from what could've been.
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The Annual Rexxentrum Cat Show by hanap (776,Teen) Warnings: None
Four wizards engage in many shenanigans to try winning the prestigious Annual Rexxentrum Cat Show.
Reccer says: It's fun! All four of this group really show off their wizardly competitive spirit in this fic, and it's a delight to read.
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Cultivate a space for the things that hurt you most by PryingBlackbird (102212,Mature) Warnings: Main-character death (gets resurrected), Trent Ikithon, Blumenkids backstory
Astrid, Caleb, Eadwulf and Essek are complicated people who each battle their own demons. Their pahths keep crossing during this alternate retelling of late C2.
Reccer says: It creates a narrative of late C2 that features Astrid and Wulf more heavily and also has some nice Shadowgast slowburn. Also so much angst. The ending is a good one and a bit different from the campaign.
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I'd hate to put us up against yesterday by joldiego (1485,Teen) Warnings: Feeblemind
Caleb and Essek show up at Astrid's place badly hurt; Essek under feeblemind
Reccer says: It's a very promising start, and I love the Astrid point of view
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Aeor is for Lovers is an 18+ Shadowgast Discord server. The above fanfic recommendations were pulled from our community for this weekly event. All fics, unless otherwise specified, will primarily feature Shadowgast.Have any questions about what this is?
Check out the FAQ! Next week’s theme is Wild Magic!
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luolands · 2 years
Essek's appearance
Twitter: (re: Essek's eye color) I always imagined a violet or violet-blue color, myself.
c2e74: Now who you see arrived at the front. A male drow, short white hair, a perpetual soft smile, a similar mantle of armor to the soldiers that you saw exterior, but beneath it, a cloak of dark purple just drifts below and obscures the entirety of his body.
Reunited, pt 2: Right as he crosses the threshold, the illusion fades, and you see the light lavender skin and white hair of Essek. 
c2e136: Now, the reason it takes half your movement, though he's a relatively light individual, you're both waterlogged.
Wrap-up: (re: Verin) He's the younger, taller, the more athletic brother of the family.
c2e57: You can see his footfalls. He's not floating through the city, but he walks with such a grace and a very direct gait that there is no bobbing, he just seems to glide forward. Travis: It's that Tomb of the Unknown Soldier glide, man Matt: Yeah, straight-up.
c2e57: The Bright Queen nods towards you and glances over towards one of the nearby male drow figures sitting to the right of the dais. Very handsome, head held high, looking down upon this with a curious glance. A similar mantle to what you noticed Lythir wearing, but much more elaborate. You can see the robes that he's wearing that pretty much entirely obscure the body. They just fall, they go entirely around the mantle and close in the front so it's this beautiful, draped, deep purple and black robe that completely obfuscates the body.
c2e91: He removes the mantle and sets it on one of the chairs in the foyer area of the Xhorhaus and he's dressed in nice, comfortable clothes, well-trimmed. It's actually not too different from your (Caleb's) Xhorhasian outfit as you had it tailored, the design of which you requested is loosely based on similar designs you've seen around the city and his is more of a designer version of that, but comfortable and sleek.
c2e124: He takes his mantle off and pulls the sides of the robe away and you can see he has an undershirt, it's a sleeveless undershirt, of like a darker gray silk. And he begins to show his arms and reveal.. he's being modest with it, doing it in places, so he's not just full on baring it all here, but he's giving a fairly thorough glance.
Matt, c2e91: They are very, very well kept, soft feet from a man who takes care of himself in the nobility. Sure, there you go.
Beau, c2e97: (looking at Dezran Thain) I want to see if he's hiding anything on his belt. If he looks like he has any papers or anything. A weapon or something like that. Matt: Go ahead and make a perception check for me. Jester: I'm going to look at his butt while she's doing that. Matt: ..make a perception check for me. (8, 8!) You both.. find the butt. It's not a bad butt, but that's about all you discern.
c2e124: You see the familiar white, short hair, odd grin, and now a heavy white-fur collared long, purple-black cloak, as the Shadowhand, Essek Thelyss drifts towards you.
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morthyew · 2 years
shadowgast headcanons
in the many years caleb and essek travel together through aeor, the extradimensional tower no doubt truly becomes a home to them, a melding of their lives, no matter how gracious, courteous, and personally reserved as they may be with how they share the space.
a guest for even six months is no longer truly a guest. i imagine the vast majority of their tome is spent together in study, but the amount of casual magic in that home, especially as they got comfortable with each other, would truly be astounding.
nested extradimensional pockets to organize spell components, dabbling in metamagic simply for fun, creating increasingly intricate and elaborate expressions of cantrips, switching magical aesthetics for a day just to surprise one another, the possibilities are endless.
essek’s purple clothes are covered in cat hair, and even if frumpkin starts the night curled up with caleb, he’s curled up in essek’s lap once he eventually settles down to meditate. he doesn’t mind the levitation, and essek doesn’t notice it’s happening until it’s far too late to dissuade him.
caleb reverse engineers the levitating glide behind essek’s back and springs it on him one morning to show off. it starts an arms race of mastering each other’s specialities, and with the notable arcane advantage in the levels essek has on caleb, caleb acknowledges, laughing, after a while that he may have poked the bear a bit soon for him to impress essek. essek replies that he’s always impressed by caleb and no doubt they smile at each other in silence for an unconscionaby long period of time.
they absolutely develop an entire nonverbal style of communication, only speaking because they want to, to pass the time, or to talk about magic. their shared workspace (they no doubt each have at least four: one separate each, one shared, and one for volatile experimentation by either) is neat and covered in papers and organized and chaotic and incomprehensible to anyone and perfectly legible to them.
if you know any couple who have higher ed degrees in the same field, it’s very similar. they try not to but they rapidly completely forget what the baseline level of arcane knowledge for any normal person is. they encounter a sixth-level abjurer and accidentally talk theory ten levels above them like it’s cantrips. they have strong opinions about the places where their theoretical approaches differ, and any arguments may suddenly veer wildly into arguments on theory.
i feel like they do have such deep respect and affection for one another that they rapidly become so aware of one another’s boundaries that lines simply aren’t crossed anymore. they need to undress in the same room for some reason and caleb simply turns away while essek removes his clothes down to his undertunic, and it’s a non-issue.
they also have long, in-depth conversations about morality whenever one of them has a trauma nightmare or reminder. neither of them have many answers or even many words at some times, but they talk and talk and talk about what is right and how someone can know what is right, how shame warps people, how regret is impossible to let go of. it’s always very late at night over food or a drink, and they never dwell on it long after that conversation.
they’re happy, for the time they have, even though they always know it won’t last. they also have the slowest jane austen slow burn while also seeming always on the verge of a first kiss while also like they’re recently amicably divorced but still in love with each other.
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Caleb is heavily focused on the papers in front of him, barely noticing the time or his surroundings until there’s a nip at his ear. He whips to look and sees U’nef, Essek’s bat familiar, flitting about his head. He sighs, dragging a hand down his face. He adores Essek, but gods his familiar certainly...takes getting used to.
U’nef chirps incessantly, flapping around Caleb’s head, occasionally hitting Caleb’s head with her wings until he rises with a groan, “Ja, Ja, I get the message.”
The bat coming to get him means only one thing, she’s very unhappy with something Essek is doing. Usually it means she’s not been getting enough attention.
As Caleb, followed by U’nef, walks into the living room, he sees the source of her distress immediately. Essek is fast asleep on the couch, his neck propped up at a bad angle, tea cup still steaming in front of him. Caleb feels U’nef land on his shoulder, which he ignores.
“Liebling,” Caleb sits on the arm of the couch and reaches over to shake Essek gently. He must be very tired to have actually fallen asleep by himself and on the couch no less. It’s honestly a shame that Caleb can’t carry him himself. “Essek, wake up, Shatz.”
Essek groans softly, blinking and looking over at Caleb, his eyes softening at the sight of him and then U’nef, “Hello.”
Caleb chuckles and reaches out to brush his hair from his face, “U’nef was very upset about you falling asleep here.”
Essek chuckles and yawns. U’nef, ever loyal, flits over to Essek, hanging upside down from his ear as always. “I suppose the both of you are trying to tell me to go to bed?”
“Ja, I believe so. Come on, liebling.” Caleb helps Essek to his feet and the two of them pad into their bedroom. The second they cross the threshold, U’nef flies up to the rafters and the little perch Essek made for her.
Caleb sighs, “One day she’ll actually like me.”
Essek chuckles, patting his chest, “She does, she just has a...peculiar way of showing it.”
Caleb gives his partner a wry look, “Certainly. Is that why she keeps biting my ears?”
“It’s not her fault you don’t pay attention to her otherwise,” Essek points out as he crawls into bed. “Or that you don’t ever share any of your mango with her.”
“She steals it before I can even offer it,” Caleb mutters, “not that she even needs to eat.” With a wave of his hand, he darkens the room. “Good night, liebling.”
“Is that your way of telling me to be quiet?” Essek chuckles wryly.
“Guten Nacht, U’nef,” Caleb calls up. The only reply is a truly awful series of chittering.
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spottedenchants · 4 months
Hey chanse, hope this isn't too weird but I just wanted to thank you for the touching sentiments series. Fandom is really good for finding fic with aspec perspectives and I've noticed essek/sg fic has a lot of it even compared to that. But I've never read anything like ts and it means a lot to me. I've been thinking lately about relationship dynamics as performances, and if you use that metaphor, a QPR is a performance of some really obscure play that I keep hearing about and it sounds SO good but i cant imagine how it would actually look, much less see myself as an actor in a production. And especially with your most recent two fics-- there is such intimacy between both Essek and Jester and essek and Caleb in these different ways, and at the same time, even when essek and Caleb straight up have sex, Essek is still at the same place on the ace/aro spectrum the whole time and it's just. Really nice to see, if that makes sense. I've read aromantic/asexual/QPR stories where sex and romance are just not on the table at all, and while those are great it's really comforting to see a story that blurs the lines even deeper than that. Not to get too serious about it, but it's so hard realizing you're gonna spend a lot of your life trying to write your own relationship blueprints, and I really can't emphasize enough what a comfort it is to know that someone else has thought about it enough to be able to write it out the way you have, and I'm really really grateful for it.
Hi hi! If a ‘thank you’ is weird, then I give you an equally weird ‘thank you for reading’ right back :3
(got rambly so the rest is under the cut xD)
I've definitely found fandom to be an excellent place to engage with aspec stories and feel very lucky to have found a corner where they feel not only accepted, but celebrated in good faith, and I am touched (ha :D) that Touching Sentiments has found a unique place in your mind and heart! 💜
As far as I’ve personally read (though tbf I have not read nearly as much published aspec fiction as I would like), I definitely get what you mean about the yes/no dichotomies of sex and romance that often show up in stories with aspec characters. ‘No’ is a lived truth for a lot more people than pop culture tends to imply, aspec or not, and I heartily agree that it’s very cool to see in print and on screen that ‘no, never’ is an option in the first place. :D It also has the benefit of being a very convenient shorthand to express a character’s orientation in a self-contained story that isn’t About their orientation, but also I get what you mean about wanting to see the lines blurred with ‘maybe’ more often. (Though that can get tangled in the whole ‘aces/aros can still conform to amatonormative standards’ side of things, which I really don’t have a solution for other than continuing to write and engage with aspec stuff, cause it’s hard to have a spectrum with only two points and getting multiple perspectives is the only way I really know how to build it out).
That’s definitely one of the reasons why I’ve found fanfic to be such a cool medium to write in- there’s soooo much room to really dig into nitty gritty details that a fixed story might not have the same space for! What is romance, what is sex, what is care, what is intimacy, what is love? *cue the music* We’re throwing out the dictionary here and writing our own so that everyone’s on the same page. >:3
I don’t have the bulk of these things posted yet, but TS!Essek’s intimacy with each of the Nein is very important to me and all of it is for sure flavored by his sexuality, and I am Thrilled that you've found him to be consistent!! I don't necessarily think TS goes deeper than other explorations in which the characters in question discuss or display their feelings around sex and romance, especially in the the fanfic scene, I’ve just published quite a lot of it and am reaping the benefits of breadth; no single TS fic needs to be everything or display every facet of him, it just needs to be whatever sliver it is. :3 (also I Do have a few cr fic recs (mostly sg) off the top of my head that dig into those lines of intimate conversation if you are interested :D)
As for relationships as performances! That is a lovely metaphor and I entirely understand what you mean, same hat and everything xD In some ways, I consider TS to be a very informal study log/synthesis paper on exactly that, and the script has just gotten more nuanced as I go xD That said, if you or anyone else is interested in the sorts of things I’ve researched to build the flavor of TS!Essek’s relationships with the Nein, I recommend searching up ‘relationship anarchy’ and ‘queerplatonic relationships’ specifically for further means of describing interpersonal relationships outside of the framework of amatonormativity, and then ‘loveless aromantic’ and ‘lovequeer’ for conversations about varying definitions of love and its applications both as a term and a concept.
I’ve also found pre-written/referenceable materials like Relationship Anarchy Smorgasbords and Yes No Maybe lists to be very helpful with relationship blueprints, too. The latter are often about the expression of sexuality as a whole, and they involve individualized thresholds of things ranging from states of dress to preferred anatomical terms to hygiene to safety to what is/isn’t deemed sexual, and other such points of emotional and physical intimacy as well. (Also I recommend Scarleteen just in general. very useful very informative very comprehensive groundwork)
I am sososo heartened to know you’ve found so much comfort in TS 🥺 It’s been almost three years since I started writing, period, and I am very glad my writing has been received with such grace and patience. Thank you for sharing your enthusiasm with me! I hope you continue to find stories that speak to you, and am grateful you've allowed mine to be a part 💜
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neinofthem · 7 months
Hi! Just found your blog and you seem to know your stuff so I'd like your opinion in this thing I've been thinking about:
(FYI: I just finished c2 like a week ago)
One thing about widowgast is that if they both got consecuted they could literally be together forever, but we know they're not getting consecuted because they're men of science, and that adds a tasty layer of tragic to the whole thing.
But these are the men who actually invented the spell that turns you into another humanoid race forever... And I can see Essek showing up one day without notice... Just being a human. What do you think?
hi! so glad to have you! uhhhhh i honestly can’t see that happening, i feel like essek is too like. mentally ill. to even consider actually attempting to solve his problems i think he just lives for decades with a pit of dread in his stomach until caleb finally kicks it and then he makes a choice.
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ziirux · 8 months
I was tagged by @holytomfoolery !! This reminds me of those tag games on deviantart waaaay back in the day, so sure why the heck not
3 ships:
I of course have to start with Caleb Widogast and Essek Thelyss from Critical Role campaign 2, I can lose my mind over that ship at a moment's notice (what's sexier than wizards? nothing!), for number two I'll say Ulrich and Yumi from Code Lyoko as I've been having brainworms for that show again (see below) aaaand finally for number three let's go with Callum and Rayla from the Dragon Prince!
First ever ship:
man I have to say I haven't really thought about this but considering that the media I consumed as a youngin' was cartoons my best guess would be Kim Possible and Ron Stoppable
Last song:
Last movie:
just recently watched the second sonic movie and it was good fun for sure!!
Currently reading:
been fighting to make my way through Robin Hobb's Dragon Keeper (I mean I have actually really enjoyed it!!), I have like 50 pages left but for me it's either that I can't put a book down or I can't pick one up and there's no in-between and currently I'm unable to pick the damn book back up
been rewatching Code Lyoko from the beginning once again because I'm obligated to revisit my favourites regularly and it's just that time of the year I guess and this show especially has a special place in my heart because it still slaps so hard even after fifteen years
cronching those limited edition seasonal chanterelle flavoured chips (they really nailed the flavour ngl)
my next paycheck. and a raise
tagging @virensere and @nocturnal-halcyon if y'all want to do it!!
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captainkingsley · 1 year
shadowidomauk but a Cyrano au ( except nobody dies and they end up as a poly trio instead because I control the narrative )
Molly and Essek both are in love with Caleb. Caleb spends most of his time focusing on his schooling. Essek is afraid Caleb will reject him and so he never says anything to him, meanwhile Molly catches Caleb's eye while he's performing one of his circus acts and Caleb attempts to pursue him.
The problem is that Caleb communicates mainly via letters, and Molly's... Not great at reading. Or writing flowery words. So he goes to Essek, and they hatch a plan that Molly will just spill all his feelings and Essek will write them, and they collaborate on the letters from 'Molly'. Essek definitely puts his own feelings in there, as well — which makes the letters that much more enticing to Caleb.
Molly eventually finds out about that, but rather than getting upset, he takes a long look at his situation with Essek and realizes that somewhere along the way, he's accidently fallen for him, too. It doesn't help that he's been hearing Caleb's affection read out loud by Essek, and oh no, he's in way too deep, now. And Essek realizes too that hearing Molly continually pour his heart out has made him experience some conflicting things.
Eventually, they come clean to Caleb, who...
Knew the whole time. Because he's Caleb, he's smart, he's able to pick apart which parts of the letters were from Molly, and which were from Essek. And his own letters, in turn, were worded just the right way to weave words of affection for both of them.
Molly's parts of the letters talk about how incredibly smart Caleb is, about how he does things Molly only wishes he could do — he hadn't had much schooling, see, and magic fascinates him. Essek, meanwhile, emphasizes Caleb's knack for understanding any concept, and how he wants to hear his theories and ideas about how the universe works. Sometimes the two perspectives show up in one letter, but neither would notice while writing together because they both felt it. There's also the mutual attraction that gets distracting, too.
And then they realize the wording of Caleb's letters, after he reads his newest, unsent one — how he compliments Mollymauk on his curiosity and his love of life, his desire to just feel alive. And Essek's intelligence, his way with words and the magic he's able to weave. How he talks about Essek's fascination with the stars alongside Molly's love of the moon, and they realize that all the star and moon metaphors scattered throughout the letters were about both of them.
See, Caleb's the sun to Molly and Essek's moon and stars, and they work perfectly alongside each other— so it's only fitting that the three of them wind up together like this.
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brenbrennn · 1 year
I'M FREE TO COMMENT!!!! My headcanons for Caleb, Essek, Mollymauk, and Fjord realising that they're in love with reader request is so good! I love that you said my request was marinating in your inbox XD I love this especially the night was peaceful when they got kidnapped, they thought that they could get away but couldn't, they never stop trying to escape, they only remember being beaten up, they were unconscious when the came, Caleb was worried but realised how urgent this is to him, he refused to acknowledge his feelings but decided to worry about it later, Fjord felt like he didn't have to put a mask on around them, he met them when they hitched a ride with Jester XD, they caught his attention, their bond grew stronger when they got to know each other, they assured that he will be loyal to them, his heart beats fast despite his calm expression, things finally become less hectic, he noticed how excited they are or how much they care or how friendly they are, everyone decided to go to sleep after a long day, he quietly listened to their rant, he reassured them when they apologized for taking up his time, he was just happy when he realised his feelings for them, he doesn't mind but he doesn't want it to blind him either, he embraced it, how different their first impressions were of each other XD, they're as competitive as Essek, he became more friendly as they listened to him for hours, he didn't realise how hard he was falling for them, he refused to acknowledge that it might mean something, it pained him when the thought of betraying them occurred to him, he felt ashamed when all of them found out, he was utterly shocked when they gave him a chance, what they said left quite an impression on him, they gave him hope even when he messed up, that's when he realised what his feelings were for them, Mollymauk is drawn to how strange they are like him & vice versa, they were by his side when he gained his peacock charm, they always indulged him in his card readings as they don't like to be bored too, both of them are troublemakers XD, both of them helped a bit before going to local tavern which led to an interesting evening, he was feeling buzzed but smiled when he saw how they're dancing happily, he usually wasn't up for loud & abrasive shows of charismatic whit, he isn't sure if what he feels for them is love, he felt excited & worried, they invited him to dance which he accepted happily, both of them teased each other before they danced, both of them were enjoying themselves before they kissed, he actually paused before he acted like it didn't affect him, they said it's a secret but they don't mind telling if he continues to dance with them which he did, both of them continued until the next morning, he would never forget that night as he's grateful that they're with him as they're the best thing to appear in his new life! Thank you so much for doing my request because I love it so much :)
Hihihihi!!! I’m really glad you liked them lol. I had them marinating for so long in my inbox cause I had so many ideas , just taking me a bit to execute them to my liking hehe. But I’m glad you enjoyed them, your request was definitely a fun write ❤️
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narwhalish · 3 years
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Some Shadowgast AU Art I did as some lighting studies :) They be at the dance >.> If you haven’t seen it check out the fic here!!
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sky-scribbles · 3 years
I know we as a fandom have gushed a lot, and wonderfully, over Essek in 57 not knowing that he’s going to fall head over heels in friendship with the Nein, not knowing he’s going to love the scrawny human who just held up the beacon. But something I’m equally emotional about is Essek not knowing that the Nein, and Caleb, are going to fall in love with him.
Because why would he? He’s resigned to living in a cold, self-centred world where no one gives a damn about him except his baby brother and Uraya. Essek sees himself as selfish and aloof and arrogant, and he’s right. He’s caused unfathomable harm. He’s used to not fitting in, and he holds himself at arm’s length from everyone, never showing his real self. He doesn’t even really know how to do caring relationships. Why would anyone ever care back?
But these people right here - they’re going to relate to his brokenness and his loneliness. They’re going to find it cool that he floats, and think his awkwardness charming, and ask him what his favourite food is.
And Essek doesn’t know that in a few months, that little blue tiefling is going to be so happy to see him that she runs to hug him on sight. He doesn’t know that one day, the pink firbolg’s going to pick him up and carry him to safety, refusing to leave Essek behind even when it puts his own life at risk. He doesn’t know that soon, the charming half-orc’s going to notice him in distress and come to check on him and reassure him rather than leaving him to process his grief alone.
He doesn’t know that the messy ginger human is going to love him because of his sharp edges and shadows, not despite them.  He doesn’t know that he and Caleb are going to fit together so neatly, listening to each other, understanding each other, Essek’s own tunnel-vision focus balancing perfectly with Caleb’s cluttered, easily-distracted mind. He doesn’t know that he’s the one who’ll help show Caleb that people like them can grow, and change, and be good for each other. He doesn’t know he’s going to be the final, longest love of a man who’s been burned so badly.
Essek looks at these seven idiots and thinks that one day, they will see him as their enemy and despise him - but no, they’re going to think he’s super cool and that they love him a whole lot. Imagine that.
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demigoddessqueens · 2 years
CR all campaigns Reader gets hit with a spell that gives them major amnesia and they forget they are in a relationship. How does S/O react and what do they do to get reader’s memories back.
Percy x Reader
Vax x Reader
Caleb x Essek x Reader
Will x Orym x Reader
Dorian x Dariax x Reader
Scanlan x Reader
Ashton x Reader
Bittersweet and beautiful 🤩 ❤️ 💕 💗 this reminds me of that movie The Vow 🥹 💔❤️‍🩹
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For starters, I’d imagine it’s a pretty upsetting revelation at first. When the acceptance starts to begrudgingly set in, it’s a stab to the heart
Percy de Rolo
You look at him with such a confused expression on his face, and flinch slightly when he comes near you.
It stings, it hurts, it tears at him. He makes small attempts to try and help, but feels himself
The day that has him the happiest again is when he sees you gently handling one of his contraptions, mulling it over. “I…think….I remember when you made this”
At first he thinks it’s a prank, but that idea gets shot down quickly when you look at him confused and even reach out to touch his ears (something he was slightly insecure about)
He wants to give you space but also can’t stay away at the same time. Vex walked in on him one time holding the dagger he gave you, and just hugged him close. “Oh brother..,I’m so sorry”
It clicks one day when he sees that Simon is missing and later finds him curled around your wrist, smiling fondly. “Vax….I think I remember…”
Refuses to leave your side for a good few days and you don’t tire of his excessive questioning to make sure. You know where he’s coming from, and you think it’s endearing
Will and Orym
When you come to, you look at your surroundings in confusion. You see the matching wedding bands, but are still confused
They both try to show mementos of the life built together, but it takes a toll on them both. Mostly Orym, despite Will trying to keep the faith alive but even he feels the sadness crushing him”
The day where there’s finally a breakthrough is when Will unconsciously calls you “sun”, and you smile back at him. “I was hoping to hear that name”
Caleb and Essek
It hurts Caleb more than it does Essek.
Essek throws himself into work to find a cure, but it’s so painfully frustrating for him. Caleb is hurt 😢 whenever you look at him like a stranger.
Your memories randomly come back one day when you notice something small about them both, like “oh hey I used to cut your hair”, “here’s your earring”. Then it clicks to them that you’re coming back
Dorian and Dariax
You’re kidding, right? Please be
Dorian tries to show you the music from before he wrote for you, about you. Dariax holds up belongings you owned that may click. When it still doesn’t work, they slowly, sadly give up for now
Until one day they see you in their room holding their own stuff as if it’s familiar. “I think I remember”
He thinks you’re joking, but refuses to try and accept it…yet
Desperately tries anything to get you to remember, even asking Imogen to help
Is super clingy and refuses to leave your side for a good while, even asking you from time to time “do you really remember??”
Scanlan 🎸
Oh very funny, ok now joke’s over. Oh it’s not a joke?? 😳
Panicky and refuses to believe it. Tries to help you remember, especially through song since it was your favorite thing to do together
It hurts him, and is not as good at hiding it (as he thinks)
He’ll just be mindlessly strumming his instrument one day until he hears you humming the tune. You slowly look at him and smile as if saying “I remember”
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