#Cali Kev
moonpiemoonshine · 8 months
Don’t be Sorry pt.2
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(A iron claw fanfic)
Time seemed to slow for Kevin. He would run up to her fence post every morning hoping and praying to see her. But he never did. It was always some random man he had never met taking care of her horses. Not getting to kiss or even see Hazel in the morning made it seem like his day never started. The long slow days turned into long slow weeks and led into long slow months. Kevin kept his mind occupied with wrestling. Diving head deep into the training and matches.
Kevin found comfort in his brothers. They provided him with a good enough distraction from Hazel. Kevin never wanted to forget about Hazel. Even though that is what his brothers and parents wanted him to do. Kevin liked to think he was just waiting for her to come back from a vacation. He kept hope because after the first month Hazel was gone she had sent him a postcard. This made him happy because it solidified the idea of her still thinking about him.
Every day Kevin prayed for a tour in California. He didn’t care if it was a beneficial match or not. He just wanted to see Hazel's face. But unknowing to Kevin his father avoided the California matches like the plague. It was a late night and it was just David and his father talking in the kitchen.
“So there was a guy in Cali askin’ to wrestle Kev. You gonna take him up on that offer” David asked, his mouth full of food. His father scoffed at the question and answered.
“God knows that boy doesn’t need to be goin’ to California” his answer made David cock a curious brow.
“What do you mean? It’s not like those boys down there ain’t no good” David was curious about his fathers response leaning in closer to his dad.
“If he goes down there he’ll be looking for that girl. She’s not good enough for my boy. She’ll only hurt him” he grumbled and spoke in a low tone as to not have any eavesdroppers overhear.
“What! She was amazin’ dad. Didn’t you like her? I’d think seein’ her would put our Kev back in a better position” David tried to argue with his fathers claim. Now in disbelief that his father would say such things.
“She’s not loyal. She had the choice to stay here with Kevin and she didn’t. Why should he stick around for her if she ain’t gonna do the same” he started to get more and more riled up the longer he talked about her.
“Dad. You’re bein’ unreasonable. She gotta take care of her family. If Kevin was in that situation he’d do the same thing” David protested trying to reason with his father but this reply sent him over the edge. Jack slammed his palm onto the table and barked at David.
“She had a good-for-nothing brother that would have cared for her! She abandoned my son! End of discussion” he stormed off into the deep emptiness of their home.
David sat in awe. He didn’t know his father felt this way about Hazel. He wanted to tell Kevin but he knew this would cause a rift between his brother and father. David sat at the now empty table conflicted. Decisions battling in his head, he wanted the best for his brother but also the best for the family. David thought for the time being he’d keep quiet. It’d be sooner or later before Kevin found out the truth.
Kevin had started to rely on the mailbox. Every Monday evening he’d check the mailbox. Hoping and waiting for a letter or postcard. It would be his new routine. If she wasn’t in the pasture in the morning there was hope for something in the mail.
Hazel had only sent postcards once a month. She’d write very little. Just that she was okay and that she missed him. She’d never give him updates on her mother. Slowly once a month turned to once every other month, then once in a few months, to only on the holidays.
After about two years of her sending postcards and letters she had just abruptly stopped. Kevin didn’t want to think the worst so he just believed she was too busy and something had come up. With her lack of communication Kevin started to go full time wrestling mode with his father now that he was out of highschool.
Kevin’s brothers were there to be his net. They kept him busy. They fully leaned into him being the caretaker brother. Letting Kevin step in and take care of them and their problems. Kevin slowly through the course of time kevin had ever so slightly started to forget what Hazel acted like. Then he forgot what she sounded like. Then finally he had forgotten what she looked like. He had busier himself so much with his family and wrestling. Giving himself a busy schedule and distracting lifestyle he slowly etched Hazel out of his thoughts. Think of her as a small fleeting girl that he had a small fling with.
“So Kev. You hear from you know who?” David asked while driving out to a party with Kevin. They all seemed to change their mannerisms about Hazel. Trying to not get Kevin’s hopes up by saying her name. They treated her like a taboo word, a thing too controversial to even utter its name.
“Oh no. She must’ve just moved on, living her own life there now” Kevin replied quietly. He was still in the stage of acceptance about it. But she still is a tender topic to him.
“Have you moved on brother?” He asked his question being much more sincere, wanting to try to break through to his brother.
“Me. Oh yeah. It was just a fling. No need for me to get wrapped up with a girl I only knew for a few months” Kevin said, masking his doubt and sadness with a tone of confidence and composure.
“Well brother there’s a load of girls here who’d kill for a chance with you. So don’t linger on the past” David cheered putting Kevin in lighter spirits.
It had been around three years since Hazel stopped writing and five years since she had left. There was no sense of lingering for her anymore to Kevin. She was just a faint memory, a ghost in his past. Even with this he had made the habit of always running by her post but he never thought of her anymore when running by it. He checked the mail but thought of doing it for his family instead of her.
It has been the start of spring. It was still cold in the morning. There was a small fog in the air but even with these conditions Kevin went out on his run. He followed his usual path. He had made a habit of putting his head down when passing her pasture so as to not get his hopes up. He knew he was close to the fence post because the grass seems healthier by her pasture. It was a quiet morning. All he could hear was his heavy breathing, feet stepping on the grass. His thoughts were clouded with thoughts and plans of the day. But as if everything had come to a stop, it was silent and all he heard is a soft.
“Look at you, such a pretty girl” the voice was tender and loving. Because of the distance it was quiet. He hadn’t thought of her voice in ages. But the moment the last syllable escaped her lips he finally remembered whose voice it had belonged to.
Kevin stopped dead in his tracks and turned to the fence post he had refused to look at for years. Through the fog he almost hoped it was that man who had been there but it wasn’t. Through the faint fog he could see her. Hazel standing and holding her horse's head in her hands. She had changed. Her hair was lighter from the sun, skin tanner and she was brown taller. Kevin couldn’t believe his eyes. It was really her. She seemed almost like a myth to him. For the first time ever his legs shook from his run. He stumbled to the fence post. He looked out at her like she was a rare animal at a zoo. He just observed.
Hazel knew Kevin was there. She could hear him running past. She was surprised he kept up running by her pasture. She almost hoped he did stop. She never thought she’d get this far. Hazel was scared to look away from her horse. She didn’t wanna believe it was real. After what felt like hours she finally turned her head to the side to glance at Kevin.
When they locked eyes it was like they both turned into deer in headlights. They didn’t know what to do. They each waited for the other to do something. After a few minutes Kevin finally thought of something to say.
“You’re back” is all he could muster, his voice quivering.
“Yeah… I didn’t think I’d be gone that long. Hazel's voice is small and quiet. Guilt wrecked her entire being.
“What. What did I do wrong” Hazel wanted to cry, hearing the hurt in his voice. She had finally broken from her closeness to her horse and stumbled herself to the fence.
“Nothing!” She accidentally cried out but quickly dropped her head to hide her sorrowful face, and continued more composed, “you did nothing wrong Kev. It was just- it was all me. My-“ Hazel choked on her words. She felt so guilty she felt like she was gonna be sick, “my mother died… and I just- I just couldn’t leave her.” Kevin was frozen. He thought this was the outcome, but he was still saddened knowing now how true it was.
“Hazel. I’m so sorry. I can’t imagine what you went through.” Kevin was understanding and he wanted to reach out and comfort her but he didn’t know if he could.
“I’m sorry Kevin. I’m so sorry. I never wanted to hurt you” Hazel started to break. She kept her head down to hide the tears. Kevin was quick to tell she was crying and was crippling with guilt.
“No, no, no Hazel please. Don’t be sorry. You did nothing. It’s alright” Kevin lifted her head to face his. He rubbed her cheeks with his thumbs trying to reassure and comfort her.
“I abandoned you… I promised I’d come back” Hazel had shut her eyes not being able to face Kevin.
“And look at you. You came back” Kevin said softly and sweetly, causing her to flutter her eyes open to look up at Kevin. Seeing a soft genuine smile on his face causes a little smile to creep on hers.
To Hazel it felt like old times when looking at Kevin like this. Even though things have changed so much. Kevin was much taller and bigger muscular wise. His hair was shaggy and better kept short. His skin had been much more bronze then the last time she saw him. She wanted to kiss him so bad, but she knew it wasn’t a good idea. After calming down after a while she pulled herself away from Kevin.
“Thank you for understanding Kev. I’m happy to see you again” she said softly with a smile.
“You don’t understand how much I missed your voice. I’m glad you’re finally home” Kevin’s voice slightly shook. He softly caressed her face. She was pulling him in, just like the first time he saw her.
“I am too. I missed you Kev” she whispered leaning deeper into his touch.
“I missed you too Hazel. You don’t even know” Kevin replied and was slowly leaning closer to her. He wanted to kiss her so bad but he didn’t know if it was okay to do.
“I don’t wanna hurt you.” She started feeling the distance between them. She so desperately wanted his lips on hers but she’s almost scared to.
“You won’t. If you’re not gonna leave again you won’t. Please Hazel I want you back” Kevin whines quietly. He couldn’t help himself. He was overrun with emotions. He couldn’t bear to even think about being angry with her.
“I’m not going anywhere” she ended with a small smile.
This was all the confirmation Kevin needed. He was quick but gentle when first kissing the girl. He couldn’t help but be needy while kissing her. He had needed and pleaded for her to come back to him and in this moment she was. The kiss was long, almost like they didn't need to breathe. Not feeling close enough she broke away from the kiss momentarily and swiftly climbed over the fence. Kevin had quickly wrapped his arms around her and held her as close as possible, continuing the kiss. A giggle started to escape Hazel's lips. Every time she tried to break away from the kiss Kevin would just pull her back in. Her laugh soon infected Kevin and he let out a small chuckle of his own
(Stay tuned for part 3 🥰)
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kariachi · 9 days
Having a very queer time still, had to write more queer stuffs. Kev, Gwen, Morningstar, and brief things on gender that I'll probably write better some other time.
There’s a niggling in his chest, when he’s about nine, that he’s not a boy, but it’s overwhelmed by the knowledge that he is damn sure not a girl. What had been a mild annoyance over the years building with exposure, like an allergy, into a burning in his throat that drives him to chop off his hair and throw out his dresses and skirts. To pull back his lips in a snarl the first time someone comments about him ‘looking like a boy’.
 Years of being called ‘ugly’ for the angles of his face, his grandma’s big hands, but as soon as he embraced those ‘boyish’ traits-
He learns about transness a year later, taking shelter in a library in the big city. About girls who were boys and boys who were girls and it’s not right but it’s close enough. He hides out there one night, ignoring the hunger in his bones as he holes up in a bathroom reading an old census book aloud- even ‘Eddie’ chaffing against his skin anymore.
‘Kevin’ tastes like all his favorites, is the only thing anyone calls him from then on, and it’s enough to keep him going until the galaxy can teach him how to be comfortable.
She loses control over her hair in the seventh grade, after a week of hating it ends in Ben helping her shave the lot of it off, and loathes how long it is for the next four years. Feels nauseous as time passes and more and more sports at school seem to split into boys and girls, can only breathe when her karate lessons stay unisex. Hates her face as often as she loves it.
It’s not until she starts poking at her powers as an Anodite, finds herself looking in the mirror at a body that feels so so right, as if it was there the whole time just waiting for her to look, that she begins to figure out why.
Only sometimes (half the time), only at school (mom would flip), but… Her name is Gwendolyn, stronger, more stable, than just ‘Gwen’ who was girl girl girl. Red hair gets shorter and shorter every time the scissors are picked up. One day is curves and skirts, the next straight lines and pants. For the first time, it doesn’t feel like Gwendolyn is faking.
The first morning Kevin asks if he has a girlfriend or boyfriend that day, he can’t help but kiss him.
As soon as he’s old enough to know ‘handsome’ is for boys he hates it. There’s no explanation, not then, but it’s true. The same way he hates telling the lady at the store that yes, that makeup is for his mom, hates that his hair has to be short, that whenever they get split up in school something he doesn’t understand twists in his gut.
He’s in middle school when he learns what ‘transexual’ is. Something pings there, thinking about the untouched skirt in the closet he’d said was for Elena, about hating being handsome, all the suffocating truths of being a boy.
The skirt feels like ants on his skin when he tries to try it on. His tongue can’t decide whether it wants to curl and die under ‘ms’ or ‘mr’. Making a girl character in one of his games doesn’t feel any better or worse than the boy ones. Every girl name he tries tastes like blood and ash.
So, he must actually be a boy.
It’s almost a decade later, with a skirt swishing at his calves, Levin calling him ‘the prettiest guy in Cali’, Gwendolyn groaning over if he’s changed his pronouns again that day, that things finally feel right.
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tngrace · 2 years
The Bradshaws Master List
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Stories in Order:
Meet Grace: how Grace ended up in Cali and earned the nickname Spicy
Grace Meets Bradley: 1st meeting & 1st date
1st Time: SMUT! Bradley & Grace's first time
1st Fight: Spicy & Roo’s first major fight
Making Up is the Best Part: Pt. 2 to 1st Fight SMUT!
Naughty List: Smut! Bradley & Grace go to Kevin's for Christmas and Grace gets Bradley on the Naughty List
Theme Night: SMUT! Penny hosts a theme night at the Hard Deck to draw in more business
Blast From the Past: Ryan shows up in Cali
Practice, Practice, Practice:  smut! Spicy & Roo have been trying for a baby for close to a year. Roo loves all the practice of trying with his girl
Meet Caroline Nicole
Tattoos: Smut!! Spicy has a thing for Bradley's tats.
Family Vacation: A trip back home to the beach & drag strip 
Birthday Boy: SMUT!!! It’s Bradley’s birthday and they celebrate
Meet Mitchell Kyler
The Bike: SMUT!
Our Baby You'll Always Be: Grace & Bradley suffer a miscarriage
New Years Eve Party: SMUT! Bradley, Grace, Jake, Alana, Mickey & Baylie have a rather enjoyable NYE
Meet Abigail Faith & Kayce Jaxon
Family Day Workout: SMUT! Grace and Bradley love family day on base.
AUs/One Shots in no particular order: 
Cry Baby: Spicy & Roo have been trying for a baby for a year & half with no luck.AU
Smut Drabble
Keeping Up with the Bradshaws: SMUT! a preview of their life as kids come along and the kinks they discover along the way
Florida Family: time spent with Uncle Kev and his story
Edge Me As Your Pre-Party: pure PWP.
Hold My Hand: AU fic. Bradley and Grace struggle with infertility
Kevin’s Daycare: Uncle Kev ends up on babysitting duty
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the-invisible-queer · 6 months
Josh's dumbass went "do you think the Jonas Brothers felt that?"
Like bitch
They don't live in Jersey anymore
Maybe Kev's family did because I think their house is in Jersey but Nick and Joe are in Cali 🤣
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auxgod · 5 years
Cali Kev- Wait | #AuxGod
Cali Kev has been killing shit and if you’re still sleeping, Wake the Fuck up!
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Cali Kev - Wrestling [July 25th, 2017]
If you’re a fan of professional wrestling as well as hip hop, check out this track from Cali Kev (aka @auxgod) simply titled, “Wrestling”. It’s a great track with a lot of catchy name drops that people will enjoy counting. For added fun, make it into a drinking game!
Hear more of Cali Kev here: https://soundcloud.com/calikevin
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(Submission) Reasonable Doubt - Cali Kev
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kurulover · 4 years
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It’s like!! Aesthetic!!
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msukevin · 4 years
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hello this is rina the 2nd speaking typing. i told myself i wouldn’t bring in a second muse...but hey, IT’S YA BOI, KEVIN SEO. i also said he was just a meme but now i kind of love him. super heavily inspired by nishinoya from haikyuu, and a sprinkle of taichi/banri from a3! i also put a considerably lesser amount of brain power and effort into this boy than i did malia (and i wouldn’t read his app unless u want ur brain to rot like mine did when i wrote it). i’ve sorta got a bio ( X ), profile ( X ), and plots/connections ( X ) up and running. you can catch me on discord ( pretty noya senpai#0884 ) for plotting or just some chats. but if you’d like me to slide into ur dms tho, smash that like button and i’ll be right over in a bit. otherwise there’ll be a little about kev under the cut.
so ya this is kevin, if your muse prefers it, his korean name minhyuk ( or u can call him tonight ;) AHA )
born in san fran, cali and is a true bay boy at heart
both his parents are muggles. his mom is from korea so he often would translate things for her in english when his dad was off working. pretty happy family and he goes back home to visit as often as he can. 
actually took a gap year to stay home with them since he was always away for school. didn’t even intend to go back to school, initially 
ur resident wannabe fukboi virgin
constantly shooting his shot and being rejected. the only relationships he’s been in were short lived and out of pity (for him) but it’s chill. he’s a hopeless romantic tho 🥺👉🏽👈🏽
he’s american but went to hogwarts bc his parents thought it’d be more comfortable for him to adjust to this whole world of magic (that they had no idea how to navigate) alongside his cousin claude who he loves and idolizes ( and also releases music w/ on soundcloud SEO AHNONYMOUS )
he was a gryffindor and is now geumseong strong here at mokseong
is the dumbest boy you will ever meet and constantly failing his classes (tutor connection, anyone? pls.......he needs it) 
i don’t know how he got into this school. he’s so dumb
however, he’s a really fast learner and picks up things relatively easy when he tries. but bc of this he can get a little cocky about his talents and think he’s the hottest thing in town ( spoiler: he isn’t)
he gets really serious when it comes to any of his club activities, which surprises a lot of people bc he practically becomes a whole new person with the flip of a switch
that being said, he’s in a few clubs on campus [ volleyball (libero), quidditch (reserve chaser), drama club, cheerleading, gamer club] bc 1) he needs an outlet for all the energy in his system and 2) he’s THAT GUY who got dragged into clubs bc they needed boys 
clout chaser / will do anything for the zim
ride or die for the homies but with everyone else he kinda just shrugs. ur problem, ur responsibility ( but shower him with compliments and ur now a homie what do u need?? )
he also works part-time at NIGHTOWLS so just hit him up if u ever wanna get in for free aha ( don’t tell his manager tho )
WOMEN are his absolute weakness. he loves them and will simp, no cap. he’ll do anything to impress them honestly. but as long as u pass his vibe check he’s cool with anyone
did i mention that he’s dumb???
oh he’s also a weeb and thinks that he is nishinoya yuu ( if u ever see me call him noya, no u didn’t )
aaand i think that’s about it??? kevin’s a simple dude. he’s just here for a good time. i hope yall have fun with him
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abovearagingsea · 5 years
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jrhayes39: Beau was impressed with Uncle Kev’s tan and Cali swag!!! Can’t wait to root you on in the Flyers Orange this year!!!!
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redbeardronin · 5 years
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Happy Anniversary to the one I love most,
Pour a drink, raise our glass and let this be my toast.
Looking back on our sixth year together,
The highs and the lows and what we have weathered,
I'll say this again, and I'll say it with pride,
That I'm happy to have you here by my side.
Our sixth year started with a Christmas jubilee,
A Jeweled serenade, you were meant for me.
We then flew east and landed in gloom,
We stumbled through Winston to find our room.
The drive to Asheville, the breweries were fun,
Sorry Carolina, you're not the one.
We went on a road trip to Taos with friends,
Side tripped to Santa Fe, hit Meow Wolf again.
Hiking and hot tubbin' and beers of course,
You had girl time while I rode a horse.
Our trek back home was a little bit frightening,
But I gripped the wheel and got through lightning.
Next we went South to the southernmost point,
Crawlin' with Kev and a cool tiki joint.
Parasailing, pool time and friends all together,
It was nice to return home from that hot, humid weather.
Aaron and Martha came to visit from Cali,
Belly laughs, tiki drinks, I alone chose to rally.
The visit was nice, but short and sweet,
Aaron thought Chicken n Pickle was neat.
Skylar's liberated, she got her own place,
We got her moved quick, at a furious pace.
And we're no longer renters, we bought our first home,
The process is crazy, but we can make it our own.
I look forward to good times, new neighbors and beers,
In our home, together, for years and years.
I love you baby😘
In memoriam
RIP - Grandpa Clark. A kind and brilliant man with a penchant for stories and quips, "Gettin' old is the shits"
RIP - KittyBaby. A good kitty who lived all her lives and loved sunshine, salami and snuggles
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Broken—T. Meier
Not requested. Warning: drinking. Based on the song “Broken” by Lovelytheband. I have no idea if Timo has a girlfriend, and if he does how serious it is. This is an imagine I made up. Check out my other imagines and my master list on my blog with #hockeyimagines.
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Timo was always down to party, and he made no exception during the small break they had in New York City when Kevin Labanc invited him to some party in Brooklyn. It was a friend of Kevin’s from his childhood. Timo just wanted a distraction. His girlfriend had just dumped him a few weeks prior.
Brooklyn parties were not like San Jose or Swiss ones. “How do you know this person?” Timo asked Kevin when they entered the loft.
“Trust fund cousin of an old friend of mine,” Kevin explained. “The guy is a douche but Max’s cousin knows how to throw a party. Speak of the devil. Maxie!”
Kevin bro hugged a hipster looking guy while Timo stood there awkward and took a sip from his solo cup. “It’s good to see you, Kev. I was hoping to see you before you guys went back to Cali. I’ve got some people you need to see again.”
Max dragged Kevin off, leaving Timo standing alone in a corner with his cup of beer. He went and grabbed another cup and refilled the other one. Timo knew this wasn’t going to end well for him, but he didn’t care. He needed this. He needed to let go. He needed to forget.
“Slow down, pal,” Timo looked over to see his company. A girl was leaning against the wall near the bathroom, red solo cup in hand. “You’re drinking a lot in a little time. That’s some strong stuff.”
“You’re strong stuff,” he slurred. Internally he groaned. Timo was always confident but clearly it had gone away.
The girl chuckled, leaned in, and snatched Timo’s cup out of his hand. She tossed the contents in a nearby house plant. Grabbing his arm, she took him towards the kitchen. “Let’s get some water and food in your system. That’ll sober you up.”
Timo only nodded along and followed this strange girl to the kitchen. She nursed him off his drunkness slowly. “So what are you doing here lightweight?” She asked. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you here before.”
“Here with a friend. Kevin.”
“Labanc?” Timo nodded. “Makes sense. He and Max go way back.”
“You know them?”
She shrugged. “My sister is dating Max’s cousin Dean, the guy whose party and loft this is. These aren’t my friends or the people I’d like to be hanging around.”
“Then why are you here?” Timo asked. “Why be lonely at a party?”
She grinned. “The same reason you’re here: someone dragged me along. My sister brought me because my boyfriend broke up with me and believes I need to ‘loosen up and quit being uptight’. This isn’t my scene though, but she thinks I’m broken and lonely. Why did Kevin bring you?”
“Girlfriend broke up with me before trip. He says I need to clear my head so I don’t become distracted from being broken and lonely. He doesn’t want to lose against Rangers like we did Islanders.”
The girl chuckled. “This is a horrible way of doing that. You do not go drinking before a big game. So you play with Kevin then?”
Timo nodded. “Timo Meier.”
“Y/N Y/L/N.”
Y/N refilled Timo’s water and gave him some more food. He asked her questions about her life and goals. She didn’t ask him about anything hockey or California; she asked about Switzerland instead. Timo enjoyed the fact that she had made him sober and normal. This was what he needed. He didn’t need to drink. He didn’t need a hookup or a rebound. He needed to be lonely with someone else who was feeling the same way.
“Timo!” He could hear Kevin yelling for him. “Timo, Dilly texted! We need to get back.”
“That’s your cue. It was nice being lonely with you,” Y/N smiled and kissed his cheek.
Timo grinned. “You too. Thank you for making me less broken tonight.”
Timo found Kevin by the door. “Where have you been dude? I’ve been looking for you. Dilly said we need to get back ASAP.”
“I’ve been a little less lonely with someone else who was just as lonely.”
Kevin just stared at him before dragging him to the elevator. “That better some weird Swiss proverb and not mean you hooked up in a bathroom or made out with a bottle of vodka.”
“I’m Swiss, not Russian, you stupid American.”
Kevin chuckled. “There’s my Timo I know and love. It’s nice to see you’re a little less broken. I knew a party would  be good for you.”
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the-invisible-queer · 7 months
which Jonas Brother is most Jersey
I wanna say Nick because it's in the way he talks but Nick is also so Cali
But Kev never left Jersey
That's where he and his family live now - I believe don't quote me on that
Franklin is New York because he embraced the city as his home
And Joe is somewhere between NYC and Miami but more leaning towards NYC
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auxgod · 5 years
Cali Kev- 1-900-CALI-KEV | #AuxGod
Cali Kev's new album  “1-900-CALI-KEV” Listening to 1-900-CALI-KEV is like biting into an Oatmeal cookie and realizing it's Chocolate chip, then 30mins later realizing it's an edible.  
There is a total of twelve records provided on this project and a great majority of these are bass knocking bangers that are so addicting you can’t listen just once,
Stream this brand new album below and if you like it be sure to share this album with a friend
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beatzbytrace · 6 years
It’s dope seeing ya fam come up from the start of their journey to see the growth of where they at in the current. S/O my lil cuzzo Cali Kev (@calikevin) dropping that “Thoughts” video keep pushing out that 🎶🎶🎶 #calikev #qbwrist #thoughts #braveentertainment #braveent #sandiego #sandiegomusic #mexicomerio #beats #trap #rap #thomastyrell #youtube #applemusic #spotify #amazon #pandora #googleplay #newmusic #issavibe #bpm #mondaymusic
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