#Callisto mars
hnfosswriting · 2 years
Incorrect Quotes #1
Persie to her significant others: I would die for you
Gray: That’s not saying much. You would come back.
Persie: I’d kill for you.
Mar: You we’re murderous before we met you.
Persie, thinking hard: hmmmmmmm
Persie: I would let go of a long standing grudge for you?
Gray and Mar look at each other
Gray: that’s as good as “I love you” from her
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gumnut-logic · 3 years
Callisto (Full Prologue)
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Prologue Part One - Bit 1 | Bit 2 | Bit 3 | Bit 4 | Bit 5 Part Two - Bit 1 | Bit 2 | Bit 3
When I first started this story, I was of two minds whether to put all of the prologue at the front or scatter it throughout the fic. I started with 700-odd words of it and drove into the body.
It fast became obvious that I really needed to build a lot more into the prologue as the OCs were empty shells and I needed to explain the story behind them and why Jeff is so determined.
So at the end of Part Two, I stopped and went back. This is the result. Nearly 5000 words of Jeff Tracy landing on Mars. It can stand as its own story, but it definitely leads into the planned events for the novel, Callisto. Either way I hope you enjoy it. Be aware that the first 500 words or so may be familiar as they were part of the original version. Don’t worry, the rest is new.
Of course, many, many thanks to @tsarinatorment​ @scribbles97​ and @janetm74​ for all the amazing support and help with this fic. Plus @onereyofstarlight​ my go to science officer on this voyage. You guys are absolutely amazing and I couldn’t have done this without you ::massive group hug::
Now this is done, I can finally go back to writing the novel chronologically. I have to say that this is going to be one hell of a ride.
No warnings needed.
 “Another boy?”
Jeff grinned. “Yeah. Another one.” He couldn’t help but stare at the photo that had landed on his screen as a good luck token from Earth.
He did of course, know about Lucille going into labour the night before and it was for that reason he hadn’t had the sleep he probably should have pre-history making Mars landing. But honestly, to get this signal from that little blue planet a good eight months away…his heart swelled…his beautiful baby boy had a shock of red hair that screamed their Irish ancestry down through the hundreds of years since their family had left the old world.
Lucille sat holding him, looking tired but ever so proud. Her dark hair was tied back and the sparkle in her eyes brought a lump into his throat. Her mother, pink hair and all, sat beside his wife holding his two eldest boys on her lap. Scott had his hand on Virgil’s arm as the now second youngest reached over towards his baby brother, a frown of concentration on his face.
“He’s beautiful.”
Jeff startled a little. Berry was breaking regs and leaning over the back of Jeff’s pilot couch, her straps unfastened. The cockpit was pretty snug in the lander, most of the room taken up with safety equipment and interfaces, leaving little for the padded personnel support.
He shot an eyebrow in her direction and she smiled a dare back at him. The astrogeologist wasn’t one for breaking the rules, she just liked to taunt him a little.
Ju, in contrast, was checking her harness was secure a second time. “Creating your own crew, Tracy?” Her auburn eyes smirked at him. “Aiming to replace us?”
He grinned. “Could be.” Dare he mention that his four-year-old eldest could already name all the controls in this cockpit? His grin widened. “But we can’t replace the first person to set foot on Mars, now can we?”
Berry snorted, a little abashed. But it was, after all, her part to play once they made touchdown. The words had been rehearsed, the order of exit decided. For very specific reasons, the first human on Mars was going to be Kate Berrenger.
Berry had worked her ass off to make this mission a reality. Her specialisation onboard was astrogeologist, but honestly it was far more. The woman was talent on legs. It was she who had designed much of the equipment they were deploying on the surface, she who had hunted and gathered the funding, she who had put in the sweat and tears to make this work. And Ju wasn’t far behind. The two of them were quite a powerhouse pair. Jeff considered himself and Lee lucky to have been chosen for this mission. Of course, he’d known Berry for a very long time, worked with her for most of it, but it wasn’t a given that the team that had helped populate the moon would also be the first on Mars.
“Given how many life support pods we’re dragging down there, I bet your boys could drop by in about thirty years or less.”
“You gonna put your money where your mouth is, Berry?” The thought was tantalising. Not to put pressure on any future careers – Lucy would kill him – but he would hope that at least one out of three might follow in his footsteps.
He turned around and opened his mouth, only to be interrupted. “Major Tracy, tell your team to secure. Two minutes to separation.” Sinclair was his usual grumpy, nervous self.
“Roger that, Orbiter Control.”
He glared at Berry and the redhead bit her lip with a smile, green eyes dancing, before sitting back and strapping herself in preparation for the sequence.
She didn’t stop smiling though.
“So watcha gonna name him?” Lee prodded him with his eyebrows from beside Jeff.
A last glance at the photo before he returned to separation prep, fingers tight in his gloves. “Are you going to remember this one?” An eye in the engineer’s direction.
Running his fingers over the controls, Jeff ran through pre-flight. “Name my eldest.”
Lee grunted, his eyes darting away. “Not important right now.” A flick of a switch. “I’m green across the board.”
“A-ok.” Jeff ran through the last sequence of checks…and ran them again…for luck. “Orbiter Control, we are green for separation.”
“Roger that, Cornerstone. Separation in sixty seconds on my mark.” A breath. “Mark.” Another pause. “Good luck.”
And the countdown began.
Jeff ran his eyes over everything again. The great ship that had journeyed so far from home was preparing to split in half. The lander at the top of the vessel was to pull away from the orbiter and its massive propulsion engines to begin the historic descent to the Martian surface. Eight months in space, so much preparation time and so many sacrifices before that, had all led to this moment.
History in the making.
His eyes combed the readouts watching like a hawk. The computer had control, but computers could only do so much.
Still green across the board.
Quiet, his fingers touched the screen where the photo had been. “John Glenn Tracy.” A breath. “His name is John.”
Displays shifted as the countdown hit zero and machinery grunted. The Cornerstone drifted apart from its propulsion module and floated free far above the red of the Martian surface.
Jeff eyed his instrumentation and sent a prayer to his family back home.
Today was an important day.
Lee watched Jeff side-on as he clicked his helmet into place. Taylor was a realist and he knew he wouldn’t be here without the crazy pilot.
It was Jeff’s drive that had gotten them this far. It was like riding a rollercoaster of determination and outright luck. From the Airforce, through space training and their sojourns on Alfie, Lee had tied himself to the man’s coat tails and hadn’t looked back.
God, it had been fun.
Jeff Tracy was a tsunami that crashed through everything and took everyone with him.
And Lee went willingly.
When they had been chosen for this mission it was a dream come true.
The countdown dropped to zero and machinery clunked as the lander separated smoothly from the orbiter. She drifted momentarily before the computer engaged thrusters to push her gently out of orbital alignment.
“We are five by five for atmospheric entry.” The words he uttered were almost rote after so many practise simulations back on Earth.
Atmospheric entry on Mars was considerably different to entry on Earth. Terran atmosphere was more like soup in comparison to the barely-there Martian atmosphere. Still made for a warm entry though, friction was friction after all.
“Trajectory achieved.” Jeff’s voice was confident and firm. As always.
Lee eyed the computer readouts, mentally ticking off procedure as the lander dipped into the outer reaches of the atmosphere and shifted to its entry interface.
Forces wrapped themselves around Lee and his body responded. After so many months of weightlessness, this was going to be a challenge.
“Ready for deceleration burn.”
The landing module sported early entrance stage retro thrusters designed to slow the vehicle to reduce the friction on the spacecraft’s skin. A new innovation that had proven essential in many return trips to the moon in preparation for the creation of a habitable dome on the satellite.
And here they were attempting to do something similar on Mars.
Cornerstone shook as her thrusters engaged exactly on time.
The craft roared.
Lee revelled in it.
“Three minutes to subsonic.”
“I really hate this bit.” It was barely heard above the commotion.
Lee snorted to himself. Ju was an astronaut in every sense, but she had a thing regarding atmospheric entry and the microscopic bits they could be exploded into if something went wrong.
“We are on track, Ju. Not a thing to worry about.” His voice reassurance itself, Jeff could sell the moon cheese if he so felt like it.
“Orbiter to Cornerstone. Tracy, we have a problem.”
Lee blinked. Sinclair’s voice was ominous.
“Orbiter, detail?”
“Cornerstone, weather has kicked up on the landing site. We have a developing dust storm. Looks to be a big one.”
“Orbiter, we are fixed for descent. Please advise severity.” Jeff’s tone was frustrated and Lee couldn’t help but echo it.
Data landed in Lee’s console and while Jeff continued to monitor their descent, Lee examined the situation. “We have a category five dust storm developing over the landing site. Orbiter is right, she looks like she could actually do some damage.”
Mars dust storms were generally all gust and no guts. The air density and pressure forced storms that were dramatic to look at, but generally little more than a windy day on planet Earth. This one, however... “It’s an anomaly.”
Jeff’s eyes darted from his console to Lee’s, grey eyes assessing the data. “Ju, your opinion?” They had to make the decision fast. Altering their trajectory now was possible, but fuel was precious. Any extra used now narrowed their safety margin for later.
The meteorologist’s fingers darted over her board. “Unusual strength, I agree.” Lee glanced in her direction as she frowned. “But Cornerstone should be able to handle it.”
“‘Should’ is not a good enough assumption, Zhang.” Jeff was frowning. The lander’s retros cut out as they reached a safe enough velocity to manoeuvre and Jeff’s hands curled around the yoke.
Lee’s finger darted over his board and brought up the outside cameras.
The red planet stretched out before them, her slightly blue tinted atmosphere contrasting against the rust of her surface.
That surface was churning.
Ju was outraged. “How the hell did that develop in the time it took us to separate from Orbiter? She was as calm as a sleeping baby!”
“I don’t care about then, I need now. Zhang, recommendation!”
The woman grunted. “I say go. If you think you can handle it. It is well within Cornerstone’s specs. Your decision, Major.”
Jeff’s lips thinned, his eyes darting across the readouts. A moment and he hit the comms switch. “Orbiter, we are go for landing. We’ve come this far, might as well go all the way.”
“Tracy, are you sure?”
“Humanity never got anywhere taking it easy.” He glanced at Lee. “Hold onto something.”
Cornerstone began her turn, orientating her nose to the sky so her retros could lower her safely to the Martian surface.
Or in Jeff Tracy terms, ‘spinning so she could park her ass’.
As if reading Lee’s mind, the glint in Jeff’s eyes was something to both be wary of and to celebrate.
Out of the four of them, Jeff was the most reckless, the most daring. But as he was the pilot, it sometimes called for it. Jeff had already saved them from becoming just another crater on Earth’s moon by pulling the most unconventional manoeuvre ever seen on the satellite when a landing thruster misfired on approach. The craft had shot off on a completely unpredicted vector that would have ploughed them into moon dust...if Jeff hadn’t reacted as fast as he did. He flipped the craft with its remaining three thrusters and, shedding the majority of their velocity in an energy dump that had Lee’s stomach on the outside, planted their craft like a sack of potatoes.
They had landed roughly, but they had landed alive and Lee was still amazed his friend had been able to do that.
So, if they were going down in a cloud of red dust, Lee was quite happy to have Jeff at the controls.
Not to say that Lee himself wasn’t handy with a spacecraft. He had his own experience to be proud of. He flew, but his realm was more the mechanical. He was here as back up and maintenance.
For those times the Tracy fix wasn’t quite enough.
A sigh. He eyed the billowing clouds below as they rapidly approached. They were history in the making. Whatever happened here today would be taught in schools for decades to come.
He had faith in Jeff. They would land, Berry would take those first important steps on a new planet, say the rehearsed words, and join Neil Armstrong in the halls of fame.
But first they had to get there.
Jeff swallowed as the cloud of dust loomed beneath the lander. Numbers scrolled across his console. The computer should be able to handle most of it. Its programming was solid. Lucy had made sure of it.
The thought of his beautiful wife...little Johnny.
Dust swelled and wrapped around their craft and visibility became...bad.
Cornerstone shuddered.
Mars dust was a bastard of a thing. Ever so fine and carrying a tiny electric charge that on occasion interfered with instruments.
This was one of those occasions.
“We have blackout on three primary sensors.” Damn. Two others flickered, the screen fritzing a moment.
His fingers darted over controls in an attempt to compensate for the data loss.
Lee was muttering beside him and stabbing at his board. “Rerouting to back-ups.”
Their screens flickered and cleared somewhat.
Numbers plummeted.
Beyond the blinding dust the digital readout that marked the surface of the planet approached.
Far too fast.
Retros crucial to start the landing sequence did not fire.
It took seconds for him to compensate and move to manual, but that was enough for the craft to fall many more metres so, when he did manually trigger the burn, they were lower than they should be.
Cornerstone roared as he pushed more energy into braking.
“Lee, we need primary thrust or we are so much pancake!” Her four landing thrusters were not slowing them enough. The math in his head was churning out a fatal result and their history-making attempt was fast turning into a shitfest. “I need that power now.”
“You have it.” Short and sharp as Lee’s hands darted over his console.
On Jeff’s board the main thruster icon lit up.
It wasn’t meant to be used this way. The main thruster was for launching. It was far more powerful than they needed to land. But if he didn’t slow Cornerstone, she was going to take on a big red rock and lose.
The computer ran calculations and spat numbers out at him.
“Firing main thruster.” The icon flashed, Cornerstone roared and g-forces wrapped around all of them and squeezed.
No one said anything for the second of burn that slowed their descent ever so rapidly. Everything shook, the ship’s superstructure groaning.
Jeff’s eyes tracked their velocity, counting down as the surface of the planet rushed towards them. Visually they couldn’t see it. Virtually it looked ready to slap them in the face.
But the main thruster compensated, slowing the craft just enough for the landing rockets to do their job.
Jeff killed the big one and concentrated on the landers to take the last of their speed.
Cornerstone slowed. Five hundred metres. Four hundred metres. Three hundred metres. Two hundred metres. One hundred metres. Landing struts deployed. Fifty. Thirty. Twe-
The whole ship slammed to a stop, its structure groaning and tilting for a second before righting itself. Alarms began shrieking, red lights flashing all over his board.
What the hell?!
The readout had them stalled nineteen metres ‘above’ the virtual surface. Virtual was obviously not lining up with actual.
Another metallic groan and the ship tilted slightly again. This time it stayed tilted. No doubt a landing strut had taken the brunt and folded.
One red light screamed at him more than the others.
Beside him, Lee confirmed his fears. “We have a fuel leak.”
He was unstrapping himself even as the craft groaned again. Something sparked not far away. Lee was a split second behind, listing the reason for the malfunction. The exterior hull, and the mangled landing strut responsible.
A rupture in the external hull. Hell.
Jeff undocked a diagnostic pad and slapped it on his belt.
Martian gravity made itself known. So many months without its native pull, Jeff’s body protested the sudden movement, but they didn’t have time. Precious fuel was escaping.
He hit the ladder leading out of the cockpit at a run, feet locking around the struts and his hands pushing him down. The whole sensation of gravity, but only a third of Earth’s was baffling. His body caught between expectations and stumbling along the way. Ultimately, he partly fell his way down through the access ports, hands grabbing at the railings barely preventing him from colliding with each deck.
Cornerstone’s fuel tanks were attached to her four landers, with a fifth fueling her main launcher.
It was number three that was the problem.
His boots hit decking and he scrambled for the airlock. Beside him Lee had a toolkit and they both barrelled through the door sealing it behind them.
The pumps cycled and the pressure dropped, their suits shifting with the change, and then the elevator was lowering them to the ground.
As the doors opened, they were faced with a wall of swirling dust.
Jeff did his best to ignore it but it fast became a problem. The maintenance tab in his hand was directing him to climb ladders up the side of the vehicle, but he could barely see the tablet, much less the ladders themselves through the red dust.
“Stick close, Lee. I’d hate to lose you in this.”
“Right behind you, Jeff. Wouldna want to lose you either.”
It was simple, but reassuring nonetheless. Fumbling, he found the landing strut. It was skewed in a way that even in the thick swirling haze, he could see was far from the right angle for correct support.
Hooking a foot into the lowest rung, he snagged his friend and urged him up the ladder ahead. If anyone was going to save their asses in this situation, it was Lee.
If Jeff could land it, chances were Lee could fix it. The man could jimmy two sticks and a rubberband into whatever was needed. Hell, he’d done almost exactly that on the moon at least twice.
This was just another challenge. Jeff had landed them, no matter how roughly. Now Lee would be able to fix it.
Jeff clung to that maxim.
But the question wasn’t about skill, it was more about whether or not they were going to damn well be able to see what they needed to see in order to do what needed doing.
Red obscured everything. The speed it was all flying past spoke to his earth senses of gale force winds, but the pressure on his suit was little more than a windy day.
Not enough to affect the spacecraft.
Mars was obviously educating them early that this was not Earth. Not in any way shape or form.
Their clamber up the strut was partly a blind one, but they made it to the damaged side of the craft. Through a mixture of touch and virtual readout, it became clear that the outer hull had buckled, forcing the inner hull into the fuel tank. Most of it had held, but there was a small microfracture and the pressure differences were bubbling solid state fuel into gas at a rate that, if it didn’t deplete the tank, would likely cause an explosion that would solve all their problems with a history-making finality.
Jeff climbed up beside Lee as he fumbled at his tool kit. The tank was dislodged off its mounts, something they would need to remedy later, but it was still inset from the hull.
Jeff put his body in position to block the main flow of the dust and wind, jamming himself up against the still warm hull of his ship.
A little less dust swirled over the bubbling crack and Lee didn’t hesitate. Before Jeff could blink, gell bondtape landed smoothly over the area, the engineer sealing it with an electronic nudge from a set-wand. The electricity lined molecules up like soldiers and locked them in place bonding them to whatever the tape was adhered to. They had used the same stuff on Alfie two years ago when one of their habitats had tried to make one with the lack of lunar atmosphere.
An extremely simple solution for a very dangerous problem.
His heart, still adrenalin-fueled, refused to believe the danger was over.
As if reading Jeff’s thoughts, Lee smirked at him through the haze. “Never leave home without it.” A sigh as he ran a gloved hand over the seal. “This should hold for the short term. Once we are sure the strut is stabilised, I’ll give it a good going over. Hopefully, we can lose this storm in the process.”
Jeff would have liked to claim it couldn’t blow forever, but both of them knew Mars storms could be unpredictable and last for months if they so chose to.
Lee ran a scanner over the strut’s connection to the launcher. How the hell the engineer could see the readouts, Jeff didn’t know.
For all future excursions to the Red Planet, Jeff was going to recommend helmet based heads-up displays.
“She’s safe for now. A little bent, but she isn’t going to fall over. Hopefully, once we get out some of the heavy lifting equipment we can bend her back into shape if we need to.” Lee stood up. “Hull patching is going to be an ass, though.”
Jeff’s lips thinned and he dropped a hand onto his friend’s shoulder. “One thing at a time. We’ve got this, Lee.”
Lee grunted. “How the hell do you keep spinning the optimism, Jeff?”
A snort. “What? You’d prefer doom and gloom?” He shuffled back towards the ladder. “That’s it, Lee, we’re never leaving this god forsaken rock. Welcome to your new home.” He raised up his hands and as if the gods declared him some kind of Moses for that very moment, the dust clouds parted as if they were a red sea of sand. Sol, so much smaller this far away, poked its weak light through the hazy atmosphere and lit up the bare red rocks of their temporary home. While on one side, the billowing wall of dust storm swirled on its way, on the other red mountains rose up to a weak blue-red sky.
Lee shifted down beside him. “You know, I figured you had an agreement with the gods of physics, but isn’t this a little ridiculous?”
Jeff was too captivated with the view to respond.
Cornerstone was on the plateau they had been simulating for months on end. She stood tall and proud, if a little crooked and pinker than her promo shots.
“We made it.” The words fell from his lips.
Lee clung to the ladder beside him. “Yeah, that we did.”
Sunlight flickered weakly in the atmosphere and a gust of wind dragged more dust across the view.
Jeff shifted. “We better get inside before that mess starts up again. Take advantage of being able to see where we are going.”
Lee didn’t respond immediately, his eyes combing the jagged horizon. “Thanks, Jeff.”
A frown. “For what?”
“Getting us here.”
“It was a group effort, Lee, you know that. Couldn’t have done it without the team. Couldn’t have done it without you. Hell, you just patched a hole that could have blown us up.”
Lee grunted.
“Are you guys going to hang outside all day, or do we have to guess the sitrep?” Berry’s tone was tight.
“Roger, Berrenger. Situation secure. On our way back in.”
It wasn’t until they reached the elevator that he realised exactly what had happened.
And who he was.
By the doors, protected by the shadow of the lowered module was a single footprint that hadn’t been blown away by the wind.
“Aw, hell.”
Lee, as always, stepped up beside him. “Yeah. I guess that makes you the first man to walk on Mars.”
Ju was furious. “It was Kate’s right to be the first!”
The vacs in the airlock had sucked everything off their suits to the point Lee was surprised his hair wasn’t standing on end despite the helmet.
As it was, his hackles were somewhere near orbit as they stood in the conference room that doubled as a mess. “And what exactly do you think we were supposed to do? The ship was going to explode.” It was simple to Lee. Sure, he was all for equality, it was a given, but they would’ve been all equally dead if he and Jeff hadn’t done what they did.
“You didn’t give us a chance!”
“I’m the engineer here, Zhang. There wasn’t time! The decision was made and we are alive because of it.”
“Then why weren’t you first, Taylor? Why the hell was Tracy even out there? He’s not the engineer!”
Beside Lee, Jeff straightened. “Standard procedure, Zhang. We work in pairs. If you think I was going to let Lee go out in that on his own, you’ve been serving while wearing a blindfold.”
The short, dark-haired woman stepped up to the Major, her eyes fiery. “It was Kate’s place in history and you stole it!”
Lee flared. “We did what was necessary! This was not a publicity grab, for Christ’s sake! It didn’t even occur to us until we were returning. It was about saving our lives, Zhang. How can you possibly think it was anything else?”
“Because it always is.” She waved a hand at Jeff. “Always the hotshot. Always the first. Always the hero. Do you ever think, Tracy? Do you ever think about those you barrel past?”
Jeff glared down at the meteorologist. “I will not apologise for my achievements, Zhang. This was an honest to god accident.”
“Due to decisions made by you.”
“What the hell, Zhang?!” Lee pushed forward. That was taking it too far.
“We should never have tried to land in that dust storm. We should have waited it out.”
“You said we could take it!”
“But it wasn’t my decision, was it?” Her tone was a positive hiss at Jeff.
“Screw you, Zhang-“
The man was still the damn tall walking wall when he wanted to be. “Lee, stop.” He glared at Ju. “I will not apologise for my command decisions either, Zhang. What was done, is done.” His stance softened as he turned to Berry.
She had been ominously quiet the entire time.
Jeff sighed. “I’m sorry, Kate.”
The red-haired astrogeologist straightened away from the bulkhead, her arms still folded across her chest. Lee had always liked Berry. She had her head on much straighter than Ju ever did.
Ju was like a terrier with a bone.
The bone variety today was definitely Jeff-flavoured.
But there was only kindness in Berry’s eyes as she looked up at the Major. “This sucks, Jeff, it really does.” She looked down a moment. “But it is what it is and I guess it was what it was meant to be.” A shrug. “I suppose I’ll have to settle for third on Mars. Still pretty momentous, I think.”
“Kate, it doesn’t have to be that way.” Jeff took a step towards her. “It’s not official. It was a stupid repair. We can do the ceremonial step onto the planet anyway. No one has to know.”
Her head tilted to one side. “So, the ship miraculously healed itself?”
She closed the gap between them, placing a hand on his arm. “Jeff, honestly, it’s not what is important here. You took the first step. We still have plenty of others that need to be taken. My ego can keep.”
Zhang flared again. “Kate, this was for women-“
“Ju, enough. It doesn’t matter! Humans have just landed on Mars, for god’s sake. I would have thought we would be a little less worried about the gender of the person taking the first step and more worried about the fact we did it without blowing up.”
“It was supposed to be you.” Ju wilted in defeat under Berry’s glare.
“Well, it was Jeff, and I think he is no less deserving than any of us.”
Jeff’s voice was quiet. “Are you sure, Kate?” The use of her first name was a rarity for the major, there was a friendship between those two almost as long as the one between Jeff and Lee. Hell, if Jeff hadn’t met Lee’s sister, Lucy, the engineer wondered what might have eventuated in that department.
Not that he had ever had to worry about that. Jeff was a complete sop for Lucy. His sis had the man wrapped around her little finger.
If that made Lee feel just that touch more protective of the crazy pilot, then so be it.
Kate straightened, her shoulders strong. “I’m sure.” Then her lips curled up a little. “Besides, my lines were so much more elegant than ‘Stick close, Lee. I’d hate to lose you in this.’”
Jeff snorted and shrugged. “If I’m going to make history gotta make sure my best friend is with me.”
Zhang made a disgusted sound and stormed out of the room.
Shoulders dropping, Jeff sighed. “Guess I need to work on my phrasing.”
But Lee was too wrapped in the moment, a little too proud and grateful to care. “She’ll live.”
The grunt from Jeff reminded Lee that they still had months to share living quarters with the fiery Ju.
“Don’t worry, I’ll talk to her.” Berry squeezed Jeff’s arm before reaching out to Lee as well. “Thank you, both of you, for getting us down safely. We’re on Mars, guys. Let the party begin.”
The smile in her eyes was honest and ever so heartening.
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andizoidart · 3 years
*raises hand* the buppies, can we see the buppies
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Yes yes, puppies. We have three of the puppies, (from top to bottom) Europa, Io, and Callisto! ❤️
Io, Callisto, and Jupiter belong to @traumatizedbean
Europa and Mars belong to myself
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joshquagmire · 3 years
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For our March DeskTop Calendar we take a look at our rust-red sister planet Mars and all the numerous space missions converging upon it... Just click the link to take you to the download page...
So with a tip of the chapeau to Edgar Rice Burroughs' Barsoom novels we present those two green alien bunnies, Io & Callisto, managing traffic jams, as the Meter Maids of Mars!!
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spinningblueball · 5 years
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Planet & Moon Size Comparison
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The Size OF The Universe In A Nutshell Part 1
Ceres: Ey, look at me! I’m the only dwarf planet in the inner Solar System, AND technically the biggest asteroid-
The Moon: Ha ha, suck it! I’m the 5th largest natural satellite, AND the largest among planetary satellites relative to the size of the planet that I orbit-
Callisto: Hi, I’m the 3rd biggest moon
The Moon: God damn it
Mercury: I’m the smallest planet, but at least I’m bigger then all of you suckers!
Mars: Yo, I’m Mars! I may have been able to support life at one point!
Venus: I’m Venus, and I am a fire hell of SULFUR and LIGHTNING
Callisto: Jesus, you may give Io a run for his money...
Earth: Do I need to-?
Venus: YES.
Earth: Fine. I’m Earth, and I am the only planet that can support life.
Mars: *Cries*
Kelper 22b: I’m Kepler, and I’m out of the solar system, but I’m here because I'm a Super Earth!
Earth: What kind of Earth doesn’t support life?
Kepler 22b: Say, aren't humans destroying you-
Neptune: I’m Neptune, and I am as stormy as my name!
Uranus: I’m Uranus-
Earth: *snicker*
*To be continued* 
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lefthandrob · 3 years
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It’s still #NationalBookLoversDay; Fall in love with this #SciFi trilogy (it’s a trilogy - I’m finishing the 3rd volume now, promise! So get caught up with the first 2). Link in bio! #booklover #scifibooks #solarsystem #space #mars #asteroid #jupiter #callisto #saturn #titan #pageturner (at Deep Space) https://www.instagram.com/p/CSX56l_smsD/?utm_medium=tumblr
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so-very-small · 6 years
my two types of g/t ocs
1. these are my ocs theyre cute and fluffy nd take naps together
2. okay so these are my ocs and heres how they die
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mindhuestudio · 3 years
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Will wonders never cease. It's a Solstice Miracle! The skies cleared, and The Great Conjunction appeared in the sunset glow. Moons are Callisto-Io-Jupiter-Europa, Ganymede is too close on the left side. I was hoping maybe to catch Saturn's moon Titan, but it's dimmer than Callisto, so no dice. Aaaaand we have a first quarter Moon, and a picture of Mars for old time's sake. #galileanmoons #galileanmoons #jupiter #io #europa #ganymede #callisto #greatconjunction #saturn #moon #firstquarter #mars #greatconjunction2020 https://www.instagram.com/p/CJE5Hc7FlyF/?igshid=1jmtyzmi559fd
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7-omen-7 · 2 years
Here are some names that aren’t strictly for females or males
Alpha Astrix/Asterisk Axis Blur Bolt Brick Cube Cyan Data Delta Echo Entity Error Exa/Exo Form Friday Hazard Idea Impulse Infinity Ion Kilo Kite Limit Name Nebula Neon Obsidian Plastic Point Quartz Qwerty Radar Retina Reverb Rocket Scavenger Sigma Sonar Swing Tank Tax Tera Valence Vertex Virus Vortex Audience Beat Binary Brass Cable Canon Canvas Chord Clash Coarse Crash Discord Double Feedback Forte Genre Hack Hollow Hook Impulse/Pulse Ink Key Lyric Mellow Memory Neon Noise Note Omen Phase Quaver Riddle Shallow Sharp Shiny Snare Treble Tune Twang Aloe Arrow Atlas Azure Balsa Bee Beetle Branch Bread Bridge Candle Cedar Cello Chameleon Cherry Cloud Clover Coffee East Echo Egg Ember Fern Finch Flannel Forest Gecko Gem Goose Grey Jay Kale Lake Leaf Mango Maple Moss Oak Pond Poppy Rain Raven Rock Silver Topaz Violet Wednesday Willow Wood Frog Max Alex Shawn/Shawne Kai SCP 834 Nyx Ares War Criminal Cas Sky/Skie Bee Ash Arson Vin Sal Cat/Kat Tax Fraud Liminal Dream Fade Angel Glitch Tooth Centipede Chlorine Crayon Fever Bones Ghost Eye Omen Nurse Band-aid Tape Glow Legs Decay Poison Blowfly Needle Finger Mold Doll Wasp Moth Dirt Bunny Trinket Shell Cicada Ariel Astra Aurora Celeste Luna Nova Starling Starr Stella Sunshine Aldrin Apollo Callisto Castor Comet Hercules Leo Neptune Rocket Solar Aries Eclipse Galaxy Halo Mars Mercury Moon Saturn Star Sun book strawberry cherry tea soup lace butters melody lyric bunny slime apple Saturn star venus kandi/kandy/candy glitter monster zero/zee/z neo gutz/guts brainz/brains trixie roxy rex Moss Bones Arson Rain Feather Cloud Deep Raven Fall captain bone/bones patch/patches sparrow flynn skipper boots hook reef treasure Winter Midnight Crow Corvid Raven Siren Shade Nova Veil Salem Ash Aster Devin Day Hyde Dagger Knife Psyche Osiris Pandora Haven Jade Blade Gray Ember Ebony Blue Dee Day Dove Sky Rain Ash Coin Pax Rex Mick Reef Rory Ari Bug River Dane Finn Lumi Lux Ore Roux Note Tone Melody Piper Sonata Violin Coda Riff Alto Lyre Lyric Calypso Cadence Chorus Canto Chanson Harper Lorelei Octave Song Muse Canon Clef Motif Legato Nonet Pan Rhapsody Trill Vevace Dusk Indigo Orion Onyx Obsidian Somnus Hypnos Morpheus Noctis Noir Nero Umbra Ash Omega Orpheus Crow Jinx Hex Grey Pandora Morrigan Shade Silver Zephyr Storm Crimson sprinkle Bunny cloud Skittle kitty birdie bee flower Grass peach strawberry cherry Berry Apple Berry Apricot Huckleberry Mulberry Honeydew Lychee Peach Cherry Basil Bayleef Pepper Anise Clove Coriander Ginger Nutmeg Rosemary Rue Sesame Thyme Saffron exe/txt/pdf/gif web/website tech emoji sci beta dell chip zip Arson Blue Blur Brick. Cloud Detective Dice Egg Elmers Error Gremlin Icon Jester Lake Leaf Mischief Nike Nintendo Pi Royal Skull Spark Ten Tesla Vortex Yoshi Zero Zoom angela/angelo/angie angelonia/angel andy/andi ann/annie/anny antares andromeda bone/bones biscuit/biskit paw fluffy fetch scout chase skull corpse blade jinx hex bat bandit rogue trick/tricky smoke lee leo/lio pluto mars orion redd avery aster cyrus cleo miles quinn indigo amber ruby sugar lace/lacey boba rosie mae merry dottie plush/plushie cinnabun pompom teddy peach smile/smiles/smiley alphabet blocks bug snail paint crayon slime sticker rainbow gummy candy/kandi button bandaid glitch static disc pixel robot/bot glitter wire/wires code key/keys virus byte bunny/bunnie/bun kitty/kit/kitten plush/plushie milk fluff cloud bubble/bubbles angel ghost tea cookie bow / ribbon bonbon puff / creampuff Nintendo Mossy Quill Spark Vermillion Cotton Candy (or C.C. for short) Cocoa Indigo Sunset Elmers Snowy Sketchpad Frost Jester Poltergeist Spirit Cricket Poem Puck Mischief Truffle Golden Clay Feather Hatchet Gremlin Stone Brad Chad Thad Zoom Crayon Detective Otter Sonic Armadillo Ocelot Puggles (name for baby platypus) Dylan Logan River Fince Ellory Finn Converse Sage Saint Sal Saturday Saxon Scan Scatter Scoop Scorpion Scout Scream Sea Senti Sentinel September Serene Seven Shade Shadow Shake Shatter Shaw Silent/Silence Silver Siphon Skill
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tranz-namez · 3 years
Space/Astrology Names
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just--space · 3 years
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Posters of the Solar System : Would you like a NASA astronomy-exploration poster? You are just one page-print away. Any of the panels you see on the featured image can appear on your wall. Moreover, this NASA page has, typically, several more posters of each of the Solar System objects depicted. These posters highlight many of the places humanity, through NASA, has explored in the past 50 years, including our Sun, and planets Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. Moons of Jupiter that have been posterized include Europe, Ganymede, Callisto, and Io, while moons of Saturn that can be framed include Enceladus and Titan. Images of Pluto, Ceres, comets and asteroids are also presented, while six deep space scenes -- well beyond our Solar System -- can also be prominently displayed. If you lack wall space or blank poster sheets don't despair -- you can still print many of these out as trading cards. via NASA
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aster-coins · 2 years
helloo, could i get some masc or neutral names themed around roses and/or space? thank you :>
Of course!
Roses: Ambrose Roosevelt Roseo [Masculine form of the name rose, pronounced ro-say-o] Romeo Ro Roman Rowan
Space: Aster Astro Atlas Callisto Comet Meteor Sirius Orion Nova Castor Cosmo Pluto Pollux Mercury Mars Jupiter Sky Sol/Solar
We can look for some more if you'd like, apologies for this being late!
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peithoaphro · 3 years
my list of names.
name | origin | meaning
MALE: aleksander | greek | defender of men cassius | latin | empty elijah | hebrew | lord gabriel | hebrew | strength ares | greek | war sebastian | greek | venerable petrus | latin | rock willem | dutch | protector atlas | greek | strength remus | latin | founder lucien | french | light hyperion | greek | high one adrianus | latin | water henry | german | ruler edward | english | wealth hendrik | dutch | ruler silas | greek | youngest ellis | welsh | benevolent theodore | greek | god-given jace | hebrew | the lord is salvation orion | latin | the hunter leo | latin | lion regulus | latin | prince draco | latin | dragon james | hebrew | supplanter scorpius | latin | scorpion perseus | greek | avenger lupus | latin | wolf castor | greek | beaver romulus | latin | founder of rome lorenzo | spanish | laurentius milo | german | soldier elio | spanish | sun octavius | latin | eighth caden | english | warrior
FEMALE: octavia | latin | eighth olympia | greek | mountain echo | greek | sound faye | french | fairy florence | english | blossom adelaide | german | noble grace | latin | beauty victoria | latin | victory pandora | greek | all gifts alexandrina | greek | defender nemesis | greek | vengeance selene | greek | moon asteria | greek | star andromeda | greek | ruler of men fleur | french | flower feyre | english | fair hope | english | desire alice | german | noble daisy | old english | day’s eye violetta | latin | purple roselie | latin | rose rosanna | italian | rose emelie | french | to strive cassiopeia | greek | queen calypso | greek | she who hides callisto | greek | most beautiful cressida | greek | gold elara | greek | moon lyra | greek | lyre aquila | latin | eagle fawn | french | young deer nyx | greek | night willow | english | willow tree nathalia | latin | birthday
UNISEX: holland | dutch | wooded land espen | scandinavian | god bear polaris | latin | north star reign | english | rule carter | irish | transport christian | english | christ spencer | english | steward pluto | greek | rich jupiter | latin | the supreme god mercury | latin | messenger mars | greek | god of war valentine | roman | strong dakota | native american | friend sage | latin | wise mason | english | stone worker
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tomfooleryprime · 2 years
Jupiter has 53 named moons. The largest 4 are named after lovers of the king of Roman gods: Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto.
Uranus has 27 moons, all named after characters from Shakespeare and Alexander Pope.
Mars has two moons, Phobos and Deimos, which were the horses who pulled the god of war's chariot. Their names mean fear and panic, btw. So cool.
Meanwhile, Earth has one moon named...the moon.
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kimchi-bby · 2 years
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˚•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙˚*Space Noun names*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙˚
Name Shop Restock ; Space Noun Names ✎ Noun Names ( fem, masc, neu. ) themed around space and everything contained in the unknown beauty. ✧.*
✦ Star / Starry ✦ Nebula ✦ Cosmos ✦ Comet ✦ Galaxy / Galactic ✦ Planet ✦ Sun ✦ Photon ✦ Nova ✦ Supernova ✦ Dwarf ✦ Pluto ✦ Neptune ✦ Jupiter ✦ Saturn ✦ Mars ✦ Mercury ✦ Venus ✦ Uranus ✦ Cosmic ✦ Dust ✦ Stardust ✦ Apollo ✦ Andromeda ✦ Asteroid ✦ Astral ✦ Neutron ✦ Stellar ✦ Nebulae ✦ Atom ✦ Moon / Luna / Lunar ✦ Halo ✦ Aurora ✦ Spectra ✦ Cipher ✦ Astro ✦ Hera ✦ Callisto ✦ Titan ✦ Satellite ✦ Unibersal ✦ Solar ✦ Meteor ✦ Constellation ✦ Dipper ✦ Eclipse ✦ Solstice ✦ Astrid ✦Orion ✦ Polar / Polaris ✦ Estella ✦ Twinkle ✦ Wish ✦ Void
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