cambion-companion · 10 months
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mooreaux · 7 months
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Huevember day 6 with Mizora! Would you take her deal? 😈
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cherriesandsulphur · 2 months
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"I've grown quite fond of you, you know - in my way."
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the-song-of-avernus · 4 months
Confirming that YES, as of Hotfix 19 both Flesh to Stone and Flesh to Gold still work on Mizora. Hadn't actually tried using Flesh to Gold before. Not sure Mizora deserves the gold treatment tbh. Is there a "Flesh to Deep Rothe Dung?" scroll?
Reminder that the only rules are that she has to have taken up permanent residence at camp (Act 3 only) and she still has to fail THREE CON saves in a row. (Edit: also tested and verified, it persists after long rest)
(ps can you tell I romanced Wyll and have a personal vendetta against Mizora?)
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little-red-fool · 5 months
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Silvertongue’s an absolute menace, especially in bed.
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azotho · 2 months
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Raphael doodles😈🔮✨
Baby Raphael👶 Kinda wanna know the story of his Cambion origin
I wonder do devils cry👿💦
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Prints - society6.com/thepaleindigo
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whenthesummersgone · 5 months
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good night, little mouse
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octarinecat · 5 months
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I'm so proud of this collection <3 I was having such fun with colours and the shading! Cambion > vampire > incubus > tiefling wizard > tiefling warrior > loviatar worshipper
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glorious-void · 7 months
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Some more BG3 fanart of the ship I've taken to calling Hellspawn 😈❤️ inspired by the incredible fic Palmarosa by @not-poignant
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weatherbane · 24 days
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commission for @illidariiii
full here
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adarlingmess · 9 months
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They changed Raphael's horns, now I had to overpaint my old art + close up because I am obsessed with every line and pore on that bastard's face
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scuttlingcrab · 4 months
So it's pretty obvious that Raphael would be a massive fan of luxury items. How would he react to Tav being able to make certain luxury items from scratch (such as lotions, massage oils, perfumes, soaps, etc.) and is really freaking good at it.
Maybe he learns this little fact about Tav when he receives a bundle of custom luxury items from one of his warlocks and it has a note which says, "To: Raphael. From: The mouse. A 'thank you' for the food." (assuming Tav filled a plate of food during the group's first encounter with the fiend)
Thank you for this awesome prompt. I took a liberty with this one, wanted to try something that maybe a writer hasn’t done before re: what luxury item Tav would make Raphael. I also referenced a few characters from my other stories. Marin, the composer from A Night at the Symphony and Dolofina, the warlock, from A Warlock is Born. I couldn’t resist! Hope you enjoy! And send on the next prompt if you haven’t already! :)
Summary: Raphael receives an unexpected gift from Tav.
Warnings: Mild violence/torture
A Perfect Fit 
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(Image via violadesdragons)
The screams were like music to Raphael’s ears.
The torment that resonated from each shriek, every wail that echoed into his House of Hope, if directed well, could create a symphony that would feed Raphael for weeks. A melody almost as magnificent as Marin’s concertos. Raphael mastered what buttons to push, what minute threads to pull, to achieve perfection.
Every human was an instrument in their own right. They had a unique cord, an unsung talent, that Raphael knew how to excavate and mould. He had spent millennia fiddling with mortals, experimenting with different techniques to inflict pain or even less conspicuous means to really persecute his poor unfortunate pets. 
Nevertheless, Raphael despised it all. Torturing these creatures was so below his station, another idle role he had to play to keep up appearances in this never-ending farce to reach his objective, to reclaim the Crown of Karsus. He longed to see the players of his saga, his glorious ascension, leave the dark confines of the wings and enter the proscenium for all the planes to see.
Raphael listlessly looked up towards his current unfinished task, a withered mortal impaled on rusted spikes. No matter how hard Raphael stared at this rat, how tirelessly he worked his mind to calculate new methods to inflict agony, all Raphael could do was muster an apathetic groan in response. 
He was almost relieved to hear footsteps approaching the dungeon, identifying the bouncy gait of one of his warlocks almost immediately. Dolofina. 
Raphael smiled to himself, letting out a shallow breath as the doors slowly creaked open. He snapped his fingers, and another spike appeared, slowly lifting to meet the others.
“I do hope you have some interesting news for me. And think hard on your answer, or else I might swap you out with poor Boris.” 
Raphael turned to greet Dolofina, the whimpers of the tortured human slowly rising as he approached her. She stared back at him without any emotion, unmoved by the threat. He taught her well.
“Apologies for the intrusion, but a woman was insistent you receive this. She wouldn’t leave Korrilla alone until she confirmed we’d deliver it to you.”
Dolofina lifted the basket in her hands with a sigh, offering it to Raphael. 
“Pah! Which insolent creature is it this time? If it’s that damned–” 
“She only referred to herself as the, and I quote, ‘little mouse.’”
Dolofina seemed perplexed at the name, rolling her eyes as she waited for his response. Raphael’s mouth parted, his eyes instantly becoming more animated at the mention of her.
“Could she be crawling to me already?” So fast, and such a pity. He had been looking forward to a tussle.
Raphael gingerly picked up the basket, holding it in his hands and carefully inspecting every inch as if it was an ancient relic. What a simple little offering, merely a straw woven basket. Its contents were hidden under gold wrapping paper and held together delicately by a red bow.
“Don’t worry, we’ve already inspected it for traps.”
Raphael gave Dolofina a flat stare. 
“Do you think the creature would be so daft?”
Dolofina shrugged.
“I am merely a mortal, what would I know?” 
There was a hint of mischief in Dolofina’s eyes as she smiled back at Raphael, so pleased with herself. He growled, pointing towards the threshold of his dungeon. The skin on his human disguise hissed, verging on transformation. 
“You have overstayed your welcome. And might I remind you, I am your master. I can terminate our agreement whenever I see fit, be it from the smallest lapse in your performance. You know what that means for your future.”
“Yes, master.” Dolofina responded through tight lips. She promptly made her leave, but not without slamming the doors behind her. 
“Must every creature under my employment be so thickheaded?” Raphael whispered, taking a moment to massage the bridge of his nose. 
When Raphael was sure his boiling blood had cooled, he proceeded to focus his attention on the basket, now weighing heavy in his hands. It would’ve been a shame to have accidentally incinerated the gift with his temper, which was nearly uncontrollable in recent months, without even knowing what was inside.
Raphael started with the bow, carefully untying the knot. Once it was removed, he brought it to his nose, slowly taking in its scent. Cloves and roses. Oh how he relished it. Raphael placed the bow in his pocket and removed the wrapping paper. He discovered a small envelope sitting on top of a golden gift box. A sudden jolt of electricity shot through his veins as he opened the letter. 
To: Raphael  From: The Mouse  Thank you for the food. Please accept this gift in exchange for your hospitality. If the measurements are not sufficient, perhaps we can schedule a fitting. You know where to find me.
Raphael snapped his fingers, leaving the letter floating in the air beside him as he continued with the box. His fingers, usually so calm and still, twitched with excitement. 
Raphael gasped, removing a single doublet from the box, its red colour as dark as blood. The silk melted in his hands, the article of clothing sparkling against the roaring flames of the dungeon. Gold and silver markings were intricately embroidered throughout the jacket, infernal designs suiting Raphael’s tastes. The cuffs of the doublet were adorned with devil tails that swished and curled on a constant loop. 
“My, my, the little mouse has been busy indeed.”
And what artistry! It had been ages, no centuries, since his eyes fell on such an alluring piece. Is this what it would feel like once he held the Crown in his hands? 
Raphael snapped his fingers, the doublet now on his person. He sighed, oh it fit him perfectly, as if that creature knew Raphael’s body like the back of her hand. He raised his arms, bowed, did every possible movement that could come to his mind in that instant, and yet could find no imperfections. 
Raphael was a generous devil, perhaps often too generous. He wasn’t opposed to receiving such luxurious gifts on occasion, but it was dangerous to play with his food. He considered for a moment being harsher to his future clients. The little mouse had a long road ahead of her if she was to help Raphael get what he desired. She needed to focus. No more distractions. No more gifts. 
And yet… 
Raphael clapped his hands and a mirror appeared before him. He gave himself a little spin, grinning. It was a suitable doublet. Cursed creature! Perhaps he could make other uses of these tadpoled yet. What was that mortal saying he heard so often? Ah yes, all work, and no play… 
Raphael was pulled from his thoughts at the howls of the tortured mortal, still impaled above him. Raphael’s cheeks burned, he had been sloppy, overlooking that he was not alone.
He angrily snapped his fingers and the mortal combusted. Their screams died with the flames, leaving no signs of their previous existence as the ashes fluttered away. A waste of a soul, Zariel be damned. She’d never even notice it was missing. 
And with that, Raphael stormed out of the dungeon, proudly wearing his new doublet. 
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steelsuit · 4 months
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Nym @lintufriikki 's dark urge with spider lilies!
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cherriesandsulphur · 1 month
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Those eyes...
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4ndeka · 4 months
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commission of Raphael and Malady for @illidariiii 😈♡
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little-red-fool · 5 months
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Evil polycule.
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