sassyfrassboss · 6 months
For those of those who made a joke about her illness or her supposed death...
May you all choke on a bag full of dicks.
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gdbatbitch · 5 months
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Here's a Loki WIP I've been chipping away at for far too long. I'd love to have more time and energy to dedicate to this, and you can help! Check out the link below to help me stay afloat and survive while I'm still going through cancer treatments. Appreciate y'all!
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dogs-love-bacon · 1 day
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As I started getting things in order to travel and pick up the new dog, I reflected on my state of mind as I regarded all the things mentioned in the comic strip. These are small reminders of the small dog with a big mind that resided here and I cannot bring myself to move them yet.
...Also, a large house spider lives around the potty pad, so it gets to live there for the season.
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harlan-so-c · 3 months
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speedyz3 · 3 months
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I wanted to update everyone on my cancer journey. I had a CR Scan and a visit with my oncologist this week. It was all good news. There was no new cancer found and my lymph nodes and blood work all looked good. Thank you to everyone who has kept me in their thoughts. The journey continues. #cancersucks
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emma8895eb · 10 months
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Haven’t been able to catch up on reading any top gun anything on here lately. My dog got diagnosed with Cancer yesterday and I’m absolutely devastated. It’s a very aggressive Cancer and I won’t know to much till she she’s a specialist hopefully next week. I don’t care what god you believe in but if you can please pray for her I would appreciate it. This is one of the scariest things I’ve had to go through, as I don’t know when I could lose her. Thank you in advance I appreciate it 💜
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pimosworld · 8 months
Personal post/writing update- trigger warning for health issues below the cut.
My mom starts chemo today and I’m going to be helping her out quite a bit. I’m still going to be writing and reading because it’s my therapy but obviously some days I’m not going to feel like writing. Some days my writing is going to sound a little more angsty or just not like myself.
I have some active wips I’m working on that I’m not abandoning but it’s going to be slow going or very sporadic for new chapters. I want the stories to take on my original thoughts and not how I’m feeling currently. Writing has helped me in some tremendous ways over the last year and I’m very grateful for finding this community.
Thank you for sticking around and any kind words are much appreciated. 🤍
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designergearchick · 10 months
Hello all!! Thank you so much for sharing this journey with me in my career as a gear maker. I love what I do but right now I had to take a step back to be with my mother who is battling cancer and it’s a tough battle and we were told to say our goodbyes but she is still fighting. As you all know life is hard and expensive as it is but when someone is hit with illness or injury life gets that much more tough. My family has started a GoFundMe to help offset the cost even though I’m a gear maker these cost supersede what I bring in. So if you want to support or even share anything would be appreciated. I miss work and I want to get back to it but I gotta make sure mom is good! Love you all❤️❤️❤️
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unycorne · 11 months
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sassyfrassboss · 8 months
And here comes Harry's wakeup call that is KC dies Bill Willy is the next King and then Harry really has no chance in Hell of over returning.
So best to try his luck now when dear old Pa is on a cocktail of medicines for cancer and might be more sentimental and weak with mortality staring him in the face.
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prodigyduck · 6 months
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Owen Stephens is a 25-year veteran of the tabletop gaming industry.
Owen has cancer.
Owen needs our help.
If you've played any of the the following games, then you've played a game that Owen helped write: The Black Company, Call of Cthulhu, d20Modern, Dragon Age, EverQuest, Fantasy AGE, Gamma World, Everyday Heroes, The Song of Ice and Fire, Thieves World, and Wheel of Time. I’m also the co-creator of the Starfinder and Star Wars Saga Edition rpgs
The Bundle has over $1000 of gaming products in it for only $30. Sales proceeds go to help fund Owen's medical bills.
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dogs-love-bacon · 29 days
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This is the comic I dreaded having to draw since starting this webcomic, but I knew it would eventually have to happen if the webcomic went on for any meaningful amount of time. However, it had to be done before we could move on.
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harlan-so-c · 6 months
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speedyz3 · 5 months
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Round two of Chemo Therapy is today. I can only hope that the side effects are as minimal as the last one. I’ve got my bag packed with snacks and some magazines for a long day at the hospital.
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theycallmedmac · 1 month
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