#Cannibal Johnson
kapi-tanka · 2 years
moriarty — cottonflower
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i ain't nothing but a lonely rider i do not know who is right, who is wrong sing this song for you to sing when i'm gone
my courier oscar sees himself as a very ordinary person in extraordinary circumstances, surrounded by one of a kind, exceptional people. it's a burden and a marvel for him to decide their fates. arcade’s very special too, even if he’s been trapped in mundanity for most of his life. his fate is yet to be decided
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(Enclave and Institute supporters/justifiers/sympathizers/apologists will be blocked btw)
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fallout-lou-begas · 4 months
murderfreak will have no truck with valor thieves
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Just found out Peter Renaday died a few days ago…
He voiced Easy Pete, Doc Mitchell, No-Bark, and dozens of other elderly New Vegas npcs.
Edit since some people on other apps have been saying he didn’t voice any Fallout characters:
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crimebunny · 1 year
Fic where the Enclave remnants were in a polycule with Arcade's parents and they were just the most overbearing gang of parents imaginable but then they all break up when Arcade is a teenager and he's like the stereotypical divorced parents kid but there's five of them.
During For Auld Lang Syne Arcade's like "I guess they can help at Hoover Dam, but I really just want to stop having to go to five different places every time I want to talk to my parents."
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roseyturtles · 8 months
Also also Orion Moreno is the most homophobic homosexual man you'll ever fucking meet. Half of his hatred for Johnson is fueled by lust for his old man body and Judah just sits back and laughs at it half the time. This has been going on for 35 years and nobody's stopping it
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omnybus · 1 year
Fallout: New Vegas Headcanon
Cannibal Johnson and Long Dick Johnson are the same person
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FNV Minor Character Poll - Round 2-B, Day 3
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Left: Cannibal Johnson, former Enclave soldier. —"[I was] squad marksman. I'm pretty proud of the fact that I never killed a single soul who wasn't trying to kill me or one of my team first."
Right: Melissa Lewis, Great Khan drug trafficker at Quarry Junction. —"[Joining the Great Khans] wasn't easy. There's a lot of initiation rituals to go through, and I've got the scars to prove it. But, in the end, I was tough enough to be made a member. Proudest day of my life."
Designated cheerleaders were not available for this match-up.
[Bracket | Info & FAQs | Become a Designated Cheerleader]
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delafiseaseses · 1 year
I find myself wondering about 'Cannibal' Johnson and Doctor Henry. Specifically their first names. They am the only remnants without a known given name.
Also, because I notice these things and find them interesting, both Henry and Johnson are also the given names of FNV characters, Johnson Nash is the most obvious one, but there's also three minor Henrys. The only physically appearing one is Henry Jamison, but there's also a Henry Glover who was up for Vault 11 Overseer who used the fact he had 6 kids, including a Henry Glover Jr, as argument against being voted for.
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theres-a-body-here · 6 months
Love Letter Aftermath
First part
The realization of receiving a love admission sinks in for the killers
Characters: Oni, Trapper, Deathslinger, Mastermind, Cannibal, Ghostface Warnings: Some spice Male!reader
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The Oni - Kazan Yamaoka
He's angry
Angry at you for giving him that damn letter
And angry at himself for keeping it
He keeps it on his shrine
Even while he tries to distract himself with training between trials, your letter is all that's on his mind
At least once a day, for a couple of minutes, he stares at the letter while working up the courage to crumple it and dispose of it
He never can
When Rin found the letter, his heat sunk
She thought it was cute, but rolled her eyes at how Kazan was acting
The days following the letter, you've noticed in trials with Oni, he never downs you with his Kanabo anymore, only his Katana
Even during chases, when he's activated his blood fury right behind you, he stampedes off somewhere to down anyone else
And when he carries you to hooks, you've noticed how gently he holds you
But he never stays after hooking you and seems to avoid your gaze
Strangely, Rin has been giving you some leeway during trials as well
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The Trapper - Evan MacMillan
When he got back to his realm after the trial, he immediately went to work on making a box for the letter
Yeah, a whole keepsake box for a single letter
He places it next to the box where he keeps his old drawings
Whenever he sees you in trials, he still gets those butterflies
If you step in one of his traps, he's immediately rushing to where he heard you scream
If he sees any other survivors trying to free you, he swats at them
Evan gently pulls at the jaw of the trap and pulls it apart, letting you retract your injured foot
He's trying his hardest not to ogle your legs
"Sorry," he mutters gruffly, his hands holding your leg softly while he inspects the damage
He picked up some gauze that one of the others dropped and begins to bandage your wound
He can feel your gaze burning holes into his mask as he works
He's the one to break the silence
"I've killed you... and your friends, over and over."
There's a long pause on your end before you respond
"I know"
You two leave it at that
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The Deathslinger - Caleb Quinn
Caleb keeps the letter under the bar counter in his realm
Whenever he returns from an exhausting or lost trial, he looks at it
A small part of him still thinks you're messing with him
He's way too nervous and skittish around you now to do anything, so you're gonna have to initiate everything
In trials, you do your best to spend time with him
Especially when you insist that he treats you no different
When he carries you to hook, you take the moment to touch him
You turn your head to plant a kiss on the back of his neck
Caleb visibly shivers and lets out a groan
"Yer tryin' ta kill me, ain'tcha?"
"Is it working?"
Despite you asking otherwise, he tends to leave you alone when he can in trials, opting to hide the others
If you confront him about it, he'll deny it
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The Mastermind - Albert Wesker
He keeps your letter in the inner pocket of his jacket
You definitely have his full attention now
Don't expect any special treatment, because he's not gonna give it
In fact, he seems to actively seek you out first if he knows you're in his trial
Wesker gets angry when you can't loop him for more than a couple of minutes
"Are you even trying? Pathetic"
While carrying you to a hook, he's lecturing you all the way
"You didn't run it tight enough. You were too greedy with the pallet. You didn't check your blind spots."
He'll get even more irritated if you start to tear up
Can't you see he's trying to help you?
Wesker refuses to have someone so vulnerable as an admirer
So you better get to it
If you do manage to improve and become better in trials, his attitude changes
It goes from scoldings to rewards
He takes off his gloves to hold your chin and pull you close
You feel his lips ghost over your cheek and shiver when he tightens his grip on you
He stares at your face, drinking up your reactions
And then he lets you go, watching as your face twists from dazed to confused
"What? Were you expecting a kiss?"
You're gonna have to do a lot more if you wanna get a smooch from him
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The Cannibal - Bubba Sawyer
He tapped your letter to the side of his chainsaw
He gets all giddy when he glances at it during his sweeps, especially if he manages to down a survivor
It's his good luck charm
If he spots you in a trial, he'll literally drop everything to rush over and give you hug
Bubba would honestly hug you all trial if you let him
He's definitely become a bit more protective over you, maybe even prone to jealousy
He doesn't even let anyone work on gens with you, revving his chainsaw if anyone gets too close
Once everyone gets the message and leaves you two be, he'll sit behind you as you work and hug you
Expect lots of nuzzles
Bubba whines when the gen is completed and you have to stand up to find a new one
He follows you like a puppy until you find the next one and the process begins anew
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The Ghostface - Danny Johnson
Danny doesn't really have anywhere he can store the letter safely
So he does the logical thing and memorizes it's contents, word for word
He doesn't care what happens to the paper
Sometimes during trials, he'll tease you by reciting it during chases
Even adding things you're certain you never added
"And I promise to always let you smash whenever and wherever you want," he says, mimicking your voice as you dangle from the hook
Being her favorite, The Entity doesn't care if Danny spares you every trial
But he won't
Because he's a meanie
"No hard feelings, right boo?" He coos as he plunges his blade into your back
If you're sore about it, he's more than happy to make it up to you
He'll run his cold leather-gloved hands under your shirt, pressing you against a wall as you try to stay angry
"Come on, don't be like that," he mutters into your ear, squishing your sides
If you fold now, he'll tease you for being whipped
But if you stay strong, he'll pull out the big guns
He buries his masked face into your neck, slowly grinding his hips against yours
"You feel that, baby? You feel how sorry I am?" He growls, pressing his hard-on against you
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maebs · 18 days
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mentally i am here
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devoted-horror · 7 days
giving the new survivor hatch.
a/n: this is my first time writing for dbd in general, so!! i hope i do this game justice bc i play it every day lol
includes: the huntress, the trickster, the ghostface, the artist, the cannibal.
warnings: not proofread, typical dbd stuff like blood, mentions of murder, things like that, gn reader, love at first sight but only if u tilt ur head and squint really hard, inconsistent length, im going to be so delusional over jiwoon im sorry, i can't speak russian or korean so i just used a bunch of translators sorry if i got smth wrong, inaccurate behavior of dbd crows but relatively accurate behavior of irl crows i think, scream reference in danny's part bc i had to, reader injury in jiwoon and danny's parts, written over the course of a few months so sorry if the pacing is weird.
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Anna has been in the fog long enough that every face of everyone she's ever killed has started to merge together into one. She doesn't know their names, and hardly ever reacts whenever she encounters a new survivor.
Mercy is not something she shows during trials. She is a hunter, and anyone who crosses her path, be it man or animal, is her prey. Nothing in the wild is merciful.
And you were nothing more than another person for her to hunt, prey for her to kill. And trust me, she was going to kill you.
Or, at least, she was.
And then you dropped a pallet on her. Now, normally, Anna would get very angry when this happens. Her prey is fighting back, and though it gives her a thrill, it's annoying. And for a brief moment, she did feel angry the moment the pallet hit her.
But then you were apologizing, a look of genuine guilt on your expression. You even asked if she was bleeding. Your survival instincts were lacking, clearly, but Anna found that to be... oddly endearing??
She felt a surge of protectiveness spark within her, something she had never felt during her time here. It was a familiar feeling, yet one so foreign at the same time.
But how could she not feel such a way when you were staring up at her, clearly scared that she was going to hurt you yet brave enough to stand in front of her and apologize for something that, by all means, you should have done.
Anna just stares you down for a long moment, having an internal struggle with herself on what she should do with you. Ultimately, her need to protect overruled her need to hunt, because after breaking the pallet between the two of you, she made a gesture for you to follow her.
And, not wanting to die, you did.
She took you to a shack, something you've heard other survivors refer to as the killer shack. The only reason you knew this is because you were told to stay away from it unless you wanted to get put in the basement.
She just pointed to one of the corners of the building, and looked over at you, "Оставайся здесь." And you didn't immediately understand her, though you were quick to pick up on what she was telling you. It seemed as if she wanted you to stay here.
Your safest bet on surviving was doing what she said, so you just nod and awkwardly place yourself in the corner she had been pointing at. She doesn't spare you another glance as she leaves you alone.
You're not sure how long you stayed there. You could hear the other survivors screams though, and you felt sick to your stomach at the sound of them being hooked and sacrificed to the Entity. They probably won't be too happy about this the next time you see them...
It was only when you were the last one standing that Anna came back to retrieve you. She found you exactly where she had left you, and even though you couldn't see her face due to the rabbit mask, she seemed rather pleased that you had actually listened to her.
If she had it her way, Anna would keep you by her side. Unfortunately, it doesn't work like that. The Entity would probably force the trial to end if you didn't either escape or die.
She begrudgingly brought you to hatch, the black mist pouring from it, silently promising safety if you jumped into it. You stared at it, confused about what it was, and that protectiveness she was feeling only seemed to grow stronger when you looked up at her for an explanation. The only explanation she offered was a slight gesture to you, and then the hatch.
"Иди, кролик." She says, lightly pushing you to the hatch and watching as you hesitantly decide to trust her, jumping into the hatch and leaving her alone as the fog comes and places her back in the Red Forest.
If she's lucky, she'll be in a trial with you again soon.
He'll immediately recognize you to be new. He prides himself in recognizing every survivor he's encountered, either by their face or by the sound of their screams. Mostly their screams.
And he certainly didn't recognize the scream he heard when one of his throwing knives ricocheted and hit you while he was chasing down another one of the newer survivors; Sable. It was a small, startled scream, nothing worth his attention, but it was new. That was enough to make this trial more exciting, and he found himself keeping his eyes peeled for you.
Which... was a lot easier than he expected it to be, because you just kept running right into him. Seriously. Did you not pay attention to your surroundings? Do you think he's a survivor?? Do you not see the bloodied fucking bat he's holding???
He's not sure if he's annoyed or amused by this. Partially both, to be honest. It's amusing to see you relax for a split second after bumping into him, not recognizing him to be the killer immediately. It's annoying because he'd like to hear you scream, please and thank you.
Jiwoon doesn't necessarily target you during the trial. To be honest, he's trying to weed out the other survivors before focusing his attention on you.
He wanted to take his time with you, to see what sounds he could pull out of you before the Entity forced the trial to end. Just the sound of you gasping whenever you bump into him has his mind racing.
This was honestly enough to keep him motivated throughout the entire trial, a certain bloodlust sparking in him. He relished the sound of everyone else's screams, but they weren't appealing to him right now.
He needed the other survivors out of the way. He needed you alone. And when he finally got rid of the last pesky survivor, the fun began.
And when he corners you in killer shack, he really didn't plan on being merciful. He wanted to hear you scream, and then he wanted to kill you, really. That was his plan.
The only way you'd get out of this alive is if you beg, honestly. And I mean beg. On your knees, crying, pleading, offering something in return for your survival. That sort of begging.
You were new and shiny in comparison to all of the other survivors, and maybe it's because he's a sadistic bastard, but he really does adore the sight of you on your knees, crying as he absently nicks your skin with one of his throwing knives.
This is where Jiwoon feels a bit torn, truth be told. He's never been a patient man, so he wants to get as many screams out of you as he can before the Entity forced the trial to end. But at the same time, he knew he'd see you again in a future trial, sooner or later.
It wouldn't hurt to prolong his time with you, would it?
The entire time he's pondering this, he's dragging the blade across your skin, relishing in the sweet sounds of your gasps and whimpers, and you stutter out a desperate 'please'.
Ultimately, Jiwoon decides to be nice, just this once. He'll mutter a quiet, "짜증나..." before hoisting you over his shoulder and carrying you off.
You struggled, obviously, assuming he was ending your misery and taking you to a hook. He didn't really mind much, having an iron grasp on you that kept you from wiggling free.
He dropped you right next to the hatch once he found it, finding your small pained sound to be adorable as you look at your salvation with a confused expression. But before you can crawl into it and escape, he's grabbing you by the back of your shirt and pulling you back a bit.
For a moment, you think he's going to kill you, and you squeeze your eyes shut, expecting pain. But nothing comes. You feel him tuck something in your shirt, and he lightly pats your cheek, cooing a bit at your terror before he lets you go and leaves you alone.
And when you're back at the campfire, you find a photo of Jiwoon neatly folded and tucked into your shirt, signed with his autograph.
He'll have an encore the next time he sees you, and you can only hope you don't find yourself in a trial with him again any time soon.
Would actually never give you hatch under normal circumstances. He's here to kill, so kill he shall. He treated you the same as any other survivor when he first saw you, though it wasn't until he was in chase with you that he realized how interesting you were.
For one, you were... surprisingly good at looping him?? For a newbie, he was rather impressed. That's not enough to get him to let you live, but it's definitely a start.
No, his interest is only truly piqued when you start quoting horror movies during chase.
Honestly, if he didn't know any better, he'd think you to be flirting with him. A person after his heart, truly.
It was only when he had you cornered that you really caught his attention. You weren't scared, and it intrigued him as much as it annoyed him.
He was just itching to dig his knife into you and take a photo of your lifeless corpse once he was finished. But even with your life at risk, you showed no fear.
Hell, you even mocked him.
"No, please don't kill me, Mr. Ghostface, I wanna be in the sequel."
Sure, you weren't the first survivor to mock him, and you certainly won't be the last, but he found you interesting.
Oh, he needed to kill you. He needed your photo in his collection, it would be his favorite.
But he thought it would be more fun to humor you. Danny was a patient man. This isn't the first time he's drawn out a kill.
You were honestly surprised that he had left you alone. You didn't think that would actually work, and you were... a bit concerned, actually. None of the other killers you had ended up in a trial with during your short time here has entertained you the way Danny has, and you're not sure if you should be scared or not.
And, much to your very hesitant relief, you didn't see him for the rest of the trial. You knew he was watching you though. Every once in a while, you just felt... you're not quite sure how to describe it, but it almost felt as if you were being hunted.
You'd see him from the corner of your eye though. Never for long, just quick flashes of his screaming mask. Honestly, you felt less scared when he was actively trying to murder you.
That's how the rest of the trial went for you, at least. Until eventually, you were the only one left standing. You may be new, but the other survivors had given you the rundown of what to do if you were the last one standing before the trial had started.
You had to find hatch. Which was... easier said than done, truthfully. Especially since you weren't sure where the fuck Danny was. There's no way he was letting you go, right? He's probably saving you for last, right?
Whenever you so much as caught a glimpse of something moving, you were scurrying in the other direction.
This is pretty much Danny's way of giving you hatch. There's no way he'd give it to you directly, not yet.
You had honestly thought you had found it all by yourself until you were fucking stabbed, the flash of a camera in your face blinding you.
Truth be told, Danny did plan on killing you. He had wanted to give you a false sense of hope. But your stupid little smile when you saw hatch got to him, okay? So he'll settle for this for now.
"You owe me."
And he doesn't even spare you a glance as he pushes you into the hatch's mist, his gaze intently focused on the photo of you he had just taken.
Unfortunately for you, you've caught his attention.
Carmina is one of the more merciful killers you may come across, so she'd be fairly likely to give a new survivor hatch depending on how the trial has gone and whether or not she's consumed by anger.
She only realizes that you're new to the fog when her crows surround you and you don't try shooing them away. When she finds you, you're actually... rather content having a murder of crows surrounding you.
Very very confused. She'll probably just stare at you for a hot second as you go about the trial without a single care for the crows swarming around you. Even the crows are confused.
You distract her long enough with your antics that a good chunk of the gens pop, and she had to force herself to leave you be in order to focus on hunting the other survivors.
She'll ignore you for the entire trial after she leaves you be. Her crows can keep watch for her.
So for the rest of the trial she's only vaguely aware of your location, occasionally stopping once in a while to determine whether or not her crows were still with you. They were.
Even the other survivors seemed confused by your behavior.
On the rare occasion that she bumped into you during the trial, it was always when another survivor was nearby trying to tell you how to get rid of the crows.
You never even tried to shoo away the crows throughout the entire trial, and at some point, they stopped swarming around you. They didn't go away, no. You, somehow, managed to tame Carmina's crows with little trinkets that you found littered across the place.
Honestly, the crows seemed to like you enough that even if Carmina told them to hurt you, they probably wouldn't listen to her. It's hard to believe that you were a new survivor with how calm you were about everything happening.
It's probably that calm nature, coupled with your ability to calm her crows, that solidified in her mind that you were the only one who would make it out alive.
And with a newfound determination, Carmina sacrificed the other three survivors with no issues, and she could hear hatch opening not too far away from her.
With the help of her crows, Carmina was able to easily bring you to hatch, and she could only tilt her head to the side and make a small, croaking sound as you smiled and thanked both her and her crows before jumping into the hatch.
This is one of the many moments Carmina laments no longer being able to create art. She'd love to immortalize the image of you smiling at her, surrounded by her crows.
Bubba is honestly torn when he spots you, because you look so afraid, cowering in fear at every little sound and struggling to repair a generator like the others had told you to. He understands your fear because it's something he's very familiar with.
And while he has a job to do, not wanting to disappoint the Entity, he can't help but find it hard to hurt you. No matter how hard it was, Bubba had no choice.
But when he approached you, you didn't run. Sure, you let out a startled shout, the generator blowing up in your face as you stared up at him like a scared animal, quietly begging him not to hurt you.
But you didn't run.
How could he hurt you when you weren't running from him? Everyone always ran. But not you. You weren't running from him, and he didn't know what to do about that.
Bubba's trouble was so very evident. He's always been an expressive person, so it wasn't hard to tell that this was stressing him out. His free hand kept clenching and unclenching his apron, and he kept making small noises in the back of his throat.
He doesn't want to disappoint the Entity, he doesn't. But he's not sure if he can hurt someone who's not running from him. You aren't running! He really likes that! The only people who never ran when he was around were his family!
The nail in the coffin is when you, even despite your fear, took a chance and set down the toolbox you were holding. You... you gave him a gift. Not one that he could use, but a gift nonetheless.
There was literally no way he could hurt you now the guilt would eat him alive. So, he just opts to leave you be to instead focus on the other survivors. He wouldn't feel guilty hurting them.
The entire trial, Bubba focuses all of his attention on getting rid of the other survivors. If he sees you, he gets all nervous and can't even look at you for long without babbling incoherently before scurrying away.
Some of the other survivors may pick up on Bubba's strange avoidment of you, and may even use that to their advantage by running by you in chase because Bubba just... he can't hurt you, I'm sorry.
He's swinging his chainsaw, and then suddenly Kate is running by you and he's coming to a full stop out of fear of accidentally hurting you.
It really stresses him out, and even though you're still scared of him, and even though he's supposed to be killing you, you can't help but feel bad. So whenever the other survivors got a little too close when Bubba was chasing them, you always made sure to stay out of his way.
It's okay to be a bad teammate because it's Bubba.
Jokes aside, Bubba takes his job as a killer very seriously. He may avoid hurting you, but he makes quick work of the other survivors.
And when hatch opened right next to Bubba after killing the third survivor, he took it as a sign from the Entity that he was meant to give it to you. Why else would it open next to him?
Bubba was ever the gentleman when he brought you to hatch, guiding you to it carefully and making sure you didn't trip on any debris littered across the area.
He even scared off a few judgmental crows! He knew how off-putting it was to have them watching you all the time, especially when you're new in the fog.
And when you quietly thank him, smiling at him as if he weren't a killer, Bubba was just over the moon.
It's been so long since he's had someone to protect. The fog is a scary place to be but he'll do his best to make it a happy place whenever you two are in a trial together.
Оставайся здесь. - Stay here. Иди, кролик. - Go, rabbit. 짜증나. - How annoying.
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weskin-time · 2 years
Ok so Deathslinger, Bubba, Ghostface and Michael with a survivor who yells “You wanna kiss me so bad it makes you look stupid” at them while they’re (the survivor) being chased by them (the killer) if that makes sense
Sorry this took so long!! this is my first time writing for the DBD killers so i hope i do them some justice!!
Stretch for DBD survivor when
DBD Killers x GN!Survior
not beta read
He just wouldn’t get off your ass the entire match.
At the very beginning he was chasing Dwight before he spotted you at a nearby generator before dropping chase and picking it up with you. Weaving in between trees, ducking behind covers, even hiding in a locker never deterred this cowboy from going after you. You weren’t fully paying attention but you think you’ve heard 3 generators pop already, you were surprised you ran him for this long without getting shot or hit.
You chest hurt from how hard your heart was beating and your legs were starting to feel like lead as you ran around the Rotten Fields trying to loose the tall hulking cowboy in the corn. You weren’t even the obsession, he had so many opportunities to shoot you but it almost seemed like he missed on purpose.
You were getting a little fed up honestly.
Turning your head around to look at him aiming down his gun you yelled out to him, “You wanna kiss me so bad it makes you look stupid, cowboy!!”
Now that seemed to catch him off guard. Caleb Quinn let out a horse wheeze of a laugh before white hot pain exploded in your stomach. He shot you.
You grabbed onto the harpoon like metal in your abdomen, trying to struggle against the chain as he wound up the gun to bring you closer. You grunted in pain as the tall cowboy pulled you closer to him. You couldn’t break free before you were inches away from him. Part of you thinks you fucked up by teasing him, but another part of you was relieved the chase would finally end.
You prepared to feel the barbed metal rip out of you and a slash across your chest but none came, instead his large hand came down to grip on the spear, effectively holding you in place close to him. You stared up at the massive man, his glowing white eyes bore into your sole it felt like before he pulled you closer by the metal in your stomach and leaned down to put his face in your own. Whips of grey white hair tickled your face as he looked at you with a shit eating grin on his face. You would have been blushing if all the blood wasn’t leaking out of your abdomen.
“So what if I do?” His voice was a tad raspy, it held a slight irish accent mixed with one of a western cowboy, you didn’t expect him to have a voice like that but you also don’t know what you expected him to sound like.
This was the first time you were this close to the man, and as you took in his features you realized he was a handsome man, large scar and all. You two stared at each other for what felt like a minute before he ripped the barbed spear out of your guts and he smacked you with the butt end of his gun making you fall to the ground.
You don’t know if you fucked up by teasing him but you definitely had a new problem now.
The Cannibal 
You could hear that chainsaw a mile away. You sighed as you got started putting wires together on a generator in Father Campbell’s Chapel. It had been quiet for quiet some time as you almost finished the generator, but you spoke too soon because a bleeding Meg ran past you and you began to hear heavy footsteps follow her up the stairs.
You lost your focus on the generator escaped you as it exploded in your face. Meg was already gone and now you had Bubba on your tail as you ran and jumped out the window. Barely a grunt came out of you as you landed on the ground, a two story fall was nothing but a little ache on your ankles, the Entity worked in weird ways. You turned to your left and ran your way to the killers shack, behind you you could hear the man’s chainsaw rev up.
You knew this killer was from a movie back in your own world before the Entity took you in its hard grasp, you barely remember the franchise of movies due to the Entity but every time you saw Bubba running around the map you had this flash of a memory in your head, where he’s in a radio station being distracted by a woman, her legs spread and his chainsaw running against her inner thigh. He spared her then, and you wondered if you could fluster him and use that tactic against him.
You entered the shack with an idea in your mind, he set off his chainsaw and swung it around, barely missing you as you ducked into the shack before the last swing hit you. You did your best to run him out the other door and before he could get out you slammed the pallet down on top of him. He let out a squealing sound as he tried to recover from the stun. This was all going to plan.
“You wanna kiss me so bad it makes you look stupid!” You stood in place on the other side of the pallet, your entire body told you to run but you went against it.
He straightened out his posture for a second, he looked like you just flash banged him, the skinned face on his own covered any reaction you could gauge but you assumed he was a little shocked as he wasn’t revving his chainsaw to knock the pallet into splinters.
A small gasp like sound came from him, his posture looked conflicted on what to do in this situation and you had a voice in the back of your head wondering if you made him uncomfortable. But you doubled down on your words and gave him a wink.
That seemed to knock him out of what ever kind of spell he was in, and he made a loud chocked squeak and grabbed his yellow bloodstained apron with one hand and moved it to cover his already hidden face. You did it. You flustered the man.
He dropped the apron and turned around, he looked back at you and made a sound before leaving the shack.
You watched him as he left, and you don’t think you could admit this to any other survivor by the campfire but that man was very cute and his reaction to a simple little dumb statement made your mind change it’s opinion on him.
You hated the Hospital. The layout was confusing, you could never find a generator, and there were too many spots a killer could hide from view. Certain killers could use that to their advantage, and one killer in particular did.
Ghostface was a mortal enemy of yours. He would always single you out every match no matter if you were the obsession or not, it was kind of your own fault for it if you were being honest. The first time you met him you made a horror movie reference and he’s been hooked on you ever since, now he chases you around every time he sees you make horror movie quips back and forth before he hooks you and leaves you for dead. He made you hurt. He tore through your flesh in a way no other killer did, he left you sore after trials when normally you were patched up and fine. He was ruthless with you
You were working on the generator in the center of the building, it wasn’t safe as it was out in the open but it was the easiest generator to find on the map. You spotted movement out of the corner of your eye, a black shadow dodged behind a door frame and it settled in your mind of who you were as to who you were being hunted by.
You stopped your movements on the generator and stared at the door frame to see a white mask pop out and look back at you. You might have been imagining it but it looked like he gave you a nod, but you still turned around and booked it. Your heart beat fast as he followed you through rooms, he tried to slash you but you vaulted through a window before he could and his knife hit the wall. He was being quiet today, quieter than normal at least.
You ran him into another room and dropped a pallet on him, stunning him for a second as you ran to get away from him.
“Come back sweetheart! I’m not gonna hurt cha’! I’m just going to bash your brains in!” He referenced The Shining yelling after you, there’s the Ghostface you know and despise.
“Oh Shut it Danny! You wanna kiss me so bad it makes you look stupid!” You looked over your shoulder to see he gained back the space lost from being stunned.
You felt leather wrap around your arm and yank you back, turning you around and pulling you close to him. His hand left your arm and grabbed at the collar of your shirt, holding you in place unable to escape his hard grasp. Ghostface pulled you so his mask and your face were inches apart, you could hear his heavy breath muffled by his mask.
“You’ve just figured that out huh?” He didn’t give you any time to register his words before manhandling you into the large shower room of the Hospital before placing your stunned ass into a stall. “Stay here. you and i are going to have a little chat when i get done killing your friends.” He curled his fingers into air quotes on the word chat.
“Wha- huh??” You dumbly asked as he began to turn away from you.
“Oh sweetheart you haven’t noticed that you’re my favorite? That you get special treatment? How i make it hurt worse for you and no one else? You’re the only one I care to talk to hun. Now be a good pet and stay right there till i get back.”
Oh. Oh Okay. You stayed put mostly out of fear but another feeling settled deep in your stomach, a feeling you didn’t want to think about.
The Shape
For being a tall wall of a man, Micheal Myers was silent, he was scary. When they say he stalks they could never truly elaborate the pure primal fear this man made someone feel as he silently chased after them. You had found out the hard way why he was called The Shape.
You were trying to unlock a chest, the action easy but time consuming. Jiggling the lock loose always seemed to do the trick, and you had the time and ability to look around to make sure you were safe while doing so. You were safe as far as you know.
A large hand grabbed the back of your shirt and pulled you away from the chest as if you were a baby kitten, but the collar of your shirt dug into your throat and made you choke, effectively stunning you for a short second. The killer used this as an opportunity to turn you around and grab you by the throat. You were face to face with a white empty eyed mask, the brown hair glued onto the old rubber seemed to be wearing away with age. His massive hand was around your throat, his fingers crushing your wind pipe as he lifted you into the air. Pain shot down from your jaw to your shoulders as it felt like your head was going to be ripped off. Blood couldn’t make its way to your head with his vise grip making your vision blur and begin to turn black on the edges. You struggled against his grasp, your hands trying to hold yourself up to relieve the pressure on your neck, your foot came to kick his stomach but he grip tightened and you choked and missed him.
You felt loopy as your head began to swim, you looked into the eye holes of his mask and it must have been the lack of oxygen and blood to your head but part of you liked this. Some part of you was enjoying this. This man was strong enough to hold you’re entire body weight up with just one arm as you wiggled and struggled in his grasp.
“Ohhh you wanna kiss me so bad it makes you look stupid.” you wheezed out. Your vision started to turn fully black and your lungs began to scream at you.
Your body was jolted as if you’ve been shocked as you harshly and suddenly landed on the hard ground, you gasped and gagged for air, tears now running down your face as you coughed and cried. Your eyes throbbed as the blood began to rush back into your head, your throat burned and your shoulders ached.
You looked up to see Micheal Myers standing stiff as always looming over you. He stared down at you and tilted his head to the side as if he was a confused dog. The empty black eye holes of the mask bore into your recovering body like a cougar stalking its prey. He had dropped you. Why? Did you startle him by talking to him? Did you fluster him? you were right?? Was he going to kill you?
A generator popped in the distance and he straightened up his head. He looked down at you one last time before he turned around and began to head in the direction of the popped generator. You held your throat as you continued to gasp as you watched him walk away. He made it about a ways off before you stopped and turned back to you. You must have still been loopy from the choking because you weakly lifted up a meek thumbs up and he turned back around to find you the other survivors.
What. Was that a good thing?
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mariocki · 3 months
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The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 (1986)
"You have one choice, boy: sex or the saw. Sex is... well, nobody knows. But the saw, the saw is family."
#the texas chainsaw massacre 2#horror imagery#tobe hooper#american cinema#1986#l.m. kit carson#caroline williams#dennis hopper#jim siedow#bill moseley#bill johnson#ken evert#lou perryman#kirk sisco#barry kinyon#chris douridas#james n. harrell#harlan jordan#horror film#jerry lambert#a hell of a swing by Hooper: to return to the property that had made his name as a filmmaker for a belated sequel more than a decade later#but to deliver a film so tonally distinct from its predecessor‚ so far in mood and style‚ that it acts almost as pastiche of the genre#he absolutely nailed it though. truly one of The great horror sequels‚ the blackly funny‚ gloopy yin to the original's nerve shredding#sinewy yang. Siedow was the only returning cast member‚ with his role developed and character expanded‚ and he's truly brilliant#as the weirdly endearing cannibal cook among this dysfunctional serial killing family; Moseley's whole performance is a delight too‚#a high energy‚ constantly chattering bit of dangerous clownery that's the perfect balance to the (newly childlike and sensitive) Leatherface#Williams is great‚ one of the all time final girls‚ while getting Hopper (right at the beginning of his career revival after several years#in the critical wilderness) was a huge boon: he gives everything to this bizarre‚ ridiculous role. where the og film was actually#surprisingly discreet in its onscreen violence‚ relying more on the building of unbearable tension and uncomfortable editing#this film is a gory mess from the very outset‚ and it does feel at times like Hooper is challenging the viewer after the response to TCM
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I am so proud of myself. I just finished Fallout: NV a third time on what I think is my best run of this game. I reached max level and almost every faction (say for the Powder Gangers and Legion) either liked me or idolized me.
I did almost every companion quest (Raul’s and Lily’s were bugged) and I got the Great Khans away from the Legion. I killed Caesar and Lanius. Got the Independent Vegas ending again.
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Cannibal Johnson died helping Adrien and Boone fight Lanius.
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gravysside · 1 year
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Miscellaneous DBD drawings I made recently!
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