#Captain Is Rambling Again
TMNT 2012 Boys, Hearing 2018/Rise!Splinter Talk For The First Time: TIGER CLAW??!?!?!????!!
Rise!/2018 Boys, Hearing TMNT 2012!Splinter Talk For The First Time: The SHREDDER!!!??????!?!??
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so in an attempt to actually use positive thinking, anytime i fuck up and my brain reacts as if ive cause a minor apocalyptic event, i compare my fuck up to the 4 minute fuck up committed by the crew of the uss william d porter.
and only today, as i was having to explain what happened to my mom when i was explaining the whole comparison thing, did i realise that most people dont know about it and ive decided that needs to change because its objectively hilarious.
...which is a weird thing to say about an event that occured on a warship in 1943, specifically november 14th.
see the uss william d porter was a fletcher-class destroyer but you dont need to know what that means, just that she had guns that went bang bang and that she was escorting another ship, the uss iowa, to cairo.
while they were on their way there, they performed some gun trials like testing the anti-aircraft guns or the torpedos. and while they were running a torpedo drill, the crew of the porter managed to fire a live torpedo straight at the iowa which you know, in terms of a list of things to do while escorting a ship, shooting a torpedo at them is not on that list.
especially if the president of the united states is on board.
yeah so fdr was on board and the gun trials were actually his idea, and part of the trials was that they were conducted under radio silence.
and that means the crew of the porter couldnt just call the iowa to be like "move out the way, we accidentally shot a torpedo at you."
but they did have signal lamps and you know, the signalman on board was trained to signal this exact kind of message.
...and uh never mind, the signalman did manage to successfully tell the iowa that a torpedo was coming toward them but wasnt as successful when it came to the direction the torpedo was coming from.
not all hope is lost though because the signalman could still use the signal lamp to correct his previous mistake and-, never mind, he announced that the porter was reversing, which she wasnt.
yeah so at catastrophic mistake number 3, they broke radio silence to warn the iowa and she managed to turn out of the way just in time which meant no one got hurt. and even though the inquiry into the incident led to chief torpedoman (fantastic job title btw) lawton dawson being sentences to hard labour, fdr intervened and waved away his sentence, saying it was all an accident.
but yeah, so thats my new measure for "how much did i really fuck up?" and when i compared accidentally picking up a pencil case without a tag on it in wilko, turns out it was a very minor fuck-up. yes, the cashier had to ask another worker to grab a duplicate so they could scan the barcode, but i didnt nearly kill the president during wartime via accidental friendly fire
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fanartist666 · 20 days
i am
A mess
Somebody (????) Insults you (and/or optional kids) to price (husband/daddy) who goes full on Ser Harwin 'Breakbones' Strong I'M-
There isn't enough appreciation for how fucking feral Price actually is/can be
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John Price has Harwin Strong vibes (he also SCREAMS Stark to me, his bloodlines in Game of Thrones show so much Strong, Baratheon and Stark)
Just picture it, you're married and an SAS captain of a different group (technically ok in British Military rules I think) working with your husband, John Price, on an OP.
You've captured some guy with the intel you need, and your team are with 141 interrogating them, you're standing a little back with John, a united front. Maybe one too many glances at one another tell this freak you're an item and he goes in.
He spouts off insults about you, and how sooner or later one of you will be widowed or smthn, (i totally saw smthn like this w ghost) maybe makes a jab at kids if you've got them or not
And you look at him, suddenly your husband has tackled this dude, just punching and punching and punching, he won't stop, daring the prisoner to say it again, it takes literally everyone in that room (maybe six or seven people, grown military men, including Nikolai) to drag him off
John is screaming like a bear to "fuckin' let go of me" and once or twice (before everyone realises that they do in fact need everyone) he bullies his way out of their grip to do it again.
The prisoner is well shaken from that experience and once the concussion goes away will tell you literally anything "As long as you don't bring him back in here."
It's a little bit (VERY) attractive
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crestapex · 2 months
Date nights with the 141 be like:
Date night with Gaz: building a blanket fort under the stars with having deep conversations only mean’t for the two of you
Date night with Price: turning up some light background music, working on a puzzle and sharing one of his best cigars
Date night with Ghost: wrapped in one of his arms and having some drinks on the balcony of his apartment while watching the sun go down
Date night with Soap: a movie on in the background while trying to bake dessert together but failing miserably and deciding on cheap snacks in the back of the pantry instead
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biscuitboba · 8 months
Thinking about the way kuma said that zoro could've frickin died at that time (in thriller bark) from receiving luffy's pain, kuma literally said "you will die", but he didn't. Which is actually kind of like a miracle itself.
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Like, zoro should be grateful that he is even still alive?? i think that alone is already an incredible achievement???, but then, later (several days?) after he woke up, he said "we've grown a lot since that time", with a smile. In front of his crew.
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BUT not long after that, when he was all alone, as zoro continued with his training, he said "i must become stronger!! im still too weak...!!!"
You were strong enough to endure your captain's pain and live zoro... like what makes you think that you are still far too weak?? Earlier you even said something along the lines 'we have grown a lot' no??
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When he said "im still too weak" I think what he actually meant was that he still feels too weak. Too weak to keep his captain for getting hurt. Not strong enough to keep luffy from experiencing incredible pain. Like we all know something was different (changing) about zoro after experiencing luffy's pain.
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His first expression towards luffy after waking up post thriller bark was actually this one: a smile, a soft one. (Idk, but i just think it's kinda sweet, especially after what he did in thriller bark for luffy's sake)
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Also i think it's safe to say that his protective side towards luffy kinda increased (sightly?) after thriller bark incident. Exhibit A:
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Emphasizing again but, i just think that after thriller bark.. there was a very subtle change within zoro, right after the incident, that i can't put into words.
And after the whole marineford accident, in Kuraigana Island we get the definitive proof of how getting stronger for luffy is very important for zoro, even more than his own pride...
In post-TS you can even see more of zoro's protective side for luffy (im talking about punk hazard or wano)
All im saying is that post-TS zoro is the accumulation of what happened to him in thriller bark + what happened to luffy in marineford + the 2 years of training under mihawk.
I just think that he cares so soo much about his captain...
And God can't stop thinking about these panels
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Oda will you let luffy know about zoro's sacrifice someday??
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zoros-onigiri · 10 months
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The moment I accepted my new life and true calling
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arthrobug · 7 months
Here I go, over-analyzing a singular scene from Captain Laserhawk, and of course it's Rayman!
Minor nudity/minor sexual talk warning!
So this absolutely famous scene, am I right?
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Few hours ago, I started thinking about every single thing Rayman had done in Captain Laserhawk, and how I could analyze it.
And so I realized a few things about this moment, or I just overthought a few things in this moment, but ANYWAYS!-
This particular practice is called Nyotaimori -Nantaimori for male models- and it's translation can be dumbed down to 'body sushi'. It's the Japanese practice of eating food, primarily sushi, off of a female model.
At first, I had this idea: "Hey, what if Rayman deciding to hire a Nyotaimori model is one of the ways he tries to futilely connect to others?" Here's a few notes as to why I thought this:
It's been clearly stated that Rayman is incredibly lonely, and there are a few scenes and things he does that shows he's a bit desperate for any sort of interaction. I mean, even if he was drunk and coked up off his rocker, he still listened to an ominous message on his TV and willingly went to go talk to a 'terrorist', and even was minorly friendly with Bullfrog even though they had just met. Rayman was also still under the impression that the hybrid was a terrible person that just happened to be a bit nice, but he still continued to talk to him even though he really had no primary reason to other than 'talk to the frog'.
Someone -even though it's a paid interaction- willingly undressing themselves to be completely nude and allowing you to eat food off of them while they lay on their stomach is a very intimate (non-sexual) thing. It could be a non-verbal feeling of trust that Rayman gains from engaging in this practice. He might not even know her name, but he might believe that she trusts he won't hurt her.
Rayman doesn't seem necessarily sexual with this model, he's just eating and watching television. Of course, he could've done something more sensual and/or sexual with this model before he saw his copy on the big screen, but we will likely never know if he did, so the assumption that he hadn't is more prominent. His goal with this practice wasn't for sexual gratification, it's just to have someone be there, whether they want to or not.
And so, I decided to do some more research on Nyotaimori, and even more things were brought to my attention. The main point I gather from this is:
This is a very unprofessional and likely unregulated meeting.
There are actually a lot of rules usually strictly set in businesses that sell Nyotaimori!
Sushi should not be placed directly on the body. There should be some form of divider, like a banana leaf or plastic wrapping. The model Rayman is eating off of clearly has no divider whatsoever. Additionally, you're usually not allowed to touch the model whatsoever. Rayman didn't touch her in this scene, but it just adds to the 'I don't think he was sexual or sensual with her'. (He's was 100% a rule-follower to the end at this point... Other than hard drugs.)
Not too surprising, but there are indeed body regulations (what a person's body should look like). Although the idea isn't surprising, the main regulation itself is. A model shouldn't be big-breasted, they aim for smaller cupped women, 'so the sushi doesn't roll off'. The model seemingly has very large breasts, although that could be the reason why she's on her stomach, but that's another issue.
As mentioned, the model is on her stomach. Nyotaimori models are placed on their backs, and actually have some form of covering most of the time! Shells, thongs, petals, and as seen with this model, some flowers! Another thing however, is that she's very nonchalant. She's swinging her legs, eating an olive, and subtly reacts to Rayman when he sees his look-alike. Models aren't allowed to react to what their patrons do, unless they are being incredibly inappropriate towards them.
The areas where models and their patron(s) are going to be eating/sitting still for very long periods at are set up meticulously, even in at-home sessions. In the background, you can subtly see a bra on the couch and possibly a pair of underwear hanging from a lamp, these are highly likely to be the model's. It's seemingly a very messy meeting, which is unusual.
SO! I can make the assumption from all this is that: This hybrid cow is a beginner model and doesn't care too much about professionalism; the business she works for just doesn't care, OR she's just some joe schmoe (which is a very unsettling idea to be honest) and was casually up for Rayman eating sushi off her ass and back, OR Eden's regulations for Nyotaimori are incredibly lax.
What does that all lead up to? Still the first idea: Rayman is desperate for any form of connection, even if they don't talk to him. He just wants someone to be there, whether they actually care about him or not.
This idea also contributes to how he stayed under the Council's clutches for so long. They gave him attention. Although they were definitely the reason he's needy for any type of attention, they gave him their eyes consistently sparingly and convinced him that was all he was ever going to get.
And tying this to his first interaction with Bullfrog and how he turned against Eden so quick and didn't just adamantly deny Bullfrog's vision, Bullfrog gave him the most neutral attention he has ever received in decades.
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Not overly positive attention like he gets on his show (which definitely is fake to him), and not suffocatingly negative attention that the Council and some speciest people like Red have shown him- Bullfrog gave Rayman his real, raw attention, and it's probably going to be become like a drug to him.
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oz00ms2 · 7 months
Ngl- Smoker is two years younger than Rosi and I’ve decided he had the biggest crush on him when he was a cadet (theres a universe where Rosi survives and reciprocates)
But what I wanted to ask is do Smoker and Firebug get along? I think they’d have a similar sense of justice
um. yes??? I love the idea of smokey having a crush on rosi sm??? 10/10 absolutely and now it's canon in my heart.
as for smoker and buggy, they would have a very sibling coded relationship, if both were perpetually ten years old and pulling one another's hair.
agreed, they do have a similar sense of justice and both are notorious for getting in trouble being defiant against superiors when they disagree with orders or a situation. however, while buggy is more weasel his way out of said scenarios - smokey is headstrong & face first, and when working together they clash almost constantly over the best way to handle situations.
smoker was firebug's subordinate for a while there, and while they had an impressive track record, the crew were going through Advil like candy because of all the arguments.
rosi tends to be the only one they stop fighting/snarking for...but mostly because he is large and can scruff them both like hissing cats.
in the end, they are actually very close despite their claims otherwise. and smoker has a personal vendetta against red haired shanks for whatever he does to make buggy act so depressed after their infamous run-ins.
have a younger bad lungs trio ✨
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(whatever firebug is yelling at them for, he's probably right.)
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bakurik · 7 months
Imagine in Laserhawk that Globox does exist, saw Rayman get ripped from their dimension and has just been sitting around waiting for him to return to the Glade.
Maybe he even tried to reach out and save him, but his best friend's hand slipped out of his grasp. Maybe one day they reunite and it's just HUGS AND HUGS AND HUGS-
Rayman just crying because of everything that has happened and Globox just patting his back while they chat in their native gibberish because it's my new favorite headcanon because RAYMAN NEEDS HIS BFF BACK.
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Your Standard Linked Universe The Chain Meets Wild Fic, But! The Chain Recently Got Teleported To Botw Hyrule, And They're All Still Pretty Disoriented To Be Fair, But They're Like 90% Sure That They Just Watched A Great Fairy Snatch A Kid Up Like A Ragdoll And Drag Them Into The Fairy Fountain...
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kindaorangey · 2 months
the fact that jeremy is aware that jean is attracted to him is so crazy to me cuz it means the actual obstacles preventing them from getting together are jean's trauma and the power imbalance between him and jeremy😭
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isabeauwolf · 2 months
“My princess” and it’s a fictional man with an insane criminal record.
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Found this on Twitter, and figured, I'd share it here we well as my answer. XD
Of course, I'm going to choose both Trafalgar Law, The Surgeon of Death, and Kai Chisaki, Overhaul!
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wayward-wren · 18 days
If I think too hard about how the Doctor is so ready to sacrifice Jack Harkness then I start feeling shrimp emotions.
Even before Jack gets his immortality. In the Parting of the Ways, the Doctor sends Rose away but he knows. He knows he's sending Jack to die, and Jack knows it as well. And he doesn't even try to get Jack to safety.
The Doctor is willing to send Jack to his death and Jack will always be willing to die for him.
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wyvernsrus · 3 months
I'm a huge sucker for those fics where someone gets changed back to a kid for a bit and yall gotta know.
If it happened to Thire, Fox would have to be constantly checking to make sure corrie hq hasn't been invaded by Alpha clones. Nothing could keep Stec and Fordo from checking on their cadet and its even better cause they're sometimes stationed on Coruscant so they always take the time to visit.
Just think of little baby Thire staring down from Fordo's arms while he snacks on a treat while watching Stec gush over having new cadets. 17 probably feels a shiver go down his back from all the way on Kamino and comms Fox because damn if it dont feel like when the disaster brigade tried to abduct his cadet when they were young.
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quatregats · 5 months
Went back and reread some of Master and Commander again and goddamn is that book rich with detail...truly I did not know how to appreciate it on the first (or second) read-through...
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limboraptor · 4 months
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The docks The Silent’s settled in are so cute……feels a little secluded but I love the atmosphere
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