#Carlos Fochs
abs0luteb4stard · 3 months
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Bishop - War College #3 (2023)
Trouble in paradise
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ulrichgebert · 2 years
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Zur Abwechslung mal ein Bibelschinken. Mr. de Mille erzählt in seinem letzten Film ein bisschen zu ausladend (Um uns mitzuteilen: ”Aber es gibt eine Pause” erscheint er persönlich am Anfang), aber schön, die Geschichte des muskelbepackten Propheten und vormaligem Prinz von Ägypteses, der im Namen eines namenlosen Gottes, der die Macht hat, die Frisur der Leute, die in seinem Gegenwart stehen, zu verändern (wenn man ehrlich ist, ist die vorher aber vorteilhafter), und vor keinem Spezialeffekt zurückschreckt, um Ungläubige oder das goldene Kalb anbetende Leute von seiner Allmacht zu überzeugen. Moses teilt spektakulär das rote Meer und bringt seinem Volk mittels hochmoderner Gesteinfräsetechnik erstellte Gesetzestafeln, wählt aber einen Umweg, der sie noch 40 Jahre kostet, was man bei allem guten Willen als Zeichen außerordentlicher Orientierungslosigkeit werten könnte, ihm aber Gelegenheit gibt, noch einen wirkungsmächtigen fünfteiligen Bestseller zu schreiben. Alles ist genau so passiert.
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Réduit en esclavage, le peuple d'Israël doit travailler pour le Pharaon. Comme le bruit court qu'un libérateur va naître du peuple juif, le Pharaon fait exterminer tous les nouveaux nés. Sauvé des eaux par Bithiah, fille du Pharaon, Moïse devient Prince d'Egypte et s'attire la haine de Ramsès, fils du souverain régnant Séthi, qui voit en lui un concurrent à la couronne et un rival pour l'amour de Nefertiti. A l'annonce de sa judéité, Moïse se fait chasser du palais et rejoint les siens en esclavage...
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graphicpolicy · 1 year
Agatha Harkness' Contest of Chaos corrupts Marvel's Heroes!
Agatha Harkness' Contest of Chaos corrupts Marvel's Heroes! #comics #comicbooks #contestofchaos
Mystical manipulator Agatha Harkness is conjuring up a Contest of Chaos and some of Marvel’s biggest heroes, including A-Listers, fan favorites, and rising new stars, will be forced to compete! Crafted by writer Stephanie Phillips, Contest of Chaos will be an interconnected saga told across eight thrilling Annuals starting in August. Featuring the writing and art of various all-star industry…
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diarioelpepazo · 6 months
Camila Capriles, la súper rica venezolana que reclama ser marquesa.  Alterna con los Casiraghi y con los Borbón y se desplaza en avión privado cuando tiene que cruzar el Atlántico para ir a París o a Madrid, donde los Capriles tienen muchos negocios. Ahora su familia reclama para ella el marquesado de Irache para que además de multimillonaria pueda ser noble Camila Capriles en el jet de su padre, Armando Capriles.IG Consuelo Font En este mundo hay gente rica, muy rica y archimillonarios que viven en otra galaxia. A esta última condición pertenece Camila Capriles Mileo, que con solo 18 años surca los cielos en su avión particular, un Gulf Stream G-450 en el que un chef japonés le prepara sushi y sashimi. Con él vuela desde Nueva York, donde reside, a Miami, su segundo hogar, o a París para comprar un bolso de Chanel, o a Madrid, ciudad que frecuenta bastante. Aquí sus padres son dueños de un fabuloso ático -un dúplex decorado por Pascua Ortega en un edificio histórico frente al Retiro-. En Europa Camila tiene amistades top, como Tatiana Santo Domingo, la mujer de Andrea Casiraghi, o la modelo rusa Natalia Vodianova, casada con Antoine Arnault, heredero de la multinacional del lujo LVMH. En España también frecuenta a los vástagos del Ibex y la aristocracia, como los Medina Sidonia, los Del Pino, Abelló o los hijos de Nati Abascal, que es íntima de sus padres, Armando Capriles Capriles y Corina Mileo. Esta pareja forma también parte del círculo cercano del Rey Juan Carlos, tanto que en su 83 cumpleaños, en 2021, viajaron con un grupito de íntimos a Abu Dabi junto al marqués de la Sauceda, tío de Corina Mileo y gran amigo del Emérito. La Infanta Elena fue una de las pasajeras del jet de los Capriles en el vuelo de regreso a Madrid. Camila trabaja con su padre en su oficina de Nueva York, donde la familia reside en el corazón del exclusivo Upper East Side. Además, poseen mansiones en medio mundo, desde París (en la Avenue Foch) a Comporta, en Portugal, donde en su villa La Cañada Naty Abascal se confinó durante la pandemia. También tienen residencias en Londres, Gstaad, Caracas, Los Roques, y Bahamas, donde Camila practica su deporte favorito, el kitsurf, aunque también es una consumada esquiadora. Ella es la primogénita de tres hermanas y el ojito derecho de su padre, ahora empeñado en auparla a la alta aristocracia española, el sueño recurrente de la mayoría de las grandes fortunas iberoamericanas. Pero en este caso, por derecho propio y avalado por su pedigrí pues, según revelan fuentes de la familia a LOC, ha interpuesto en los tribunales una demanda para reclamar el marquesado de Irache con grandeza de España a Luis Alexis Villanova-Ratazzi Ferrán, su actual titular, descendiente de Napoleón. Capriles se ampara en los orígenes nobles de su mujer, Corina Mileo Trotta, (51) sobrina del marqués de La Sauceda y descendiente de Cristóbal Colón y de la aristocrática familia González de Aguilar, de Écija (Sevilla). Prueba de su fascinación por la historia y la genealogía española es que, según dicha fuente, Armando Capriles fue quien adquirió en 2012 en Sotheby's la famosa pulsera de diamantes y perlas rosadas que compró Alfonso XIII en 1928 en Cartier para la Reina Victoria Eugenia. Hasta ahora se desconocía quién había sido el comprador. El venezolano, según su familiar, "pagó cerca de tres millones de dólares (2,8 millones de euros) en la subasta por la pulsera". Nacido en agosto de 1962 y apodado coloquialmente el Pelón, Capriles, a quien la prensa venezolana calcula una fortuna cercana a los 2.000 millones de dólares, es primo hermano del opositor Henrique Capriles Radonski, enemigo de Maduro, que le ha inhabilitado como candidato a las presidenciales. Hablar del clan Capriles, varios de cuyos miembros a raíz del chavismo han traído sus negocios a España, es hablar de una de las familias con mayor fortuna y poder en Venezuela durante décadas. El patriarca fue Miguel Ángel Capriles Ayala, magnate
de la prensa fallecido en 1996, y dueño de la Cadena Capriles, propietaria de diarios como Últimas noticias y El Mundo. De origen judío, dicen que su poder era tal que quitaba y ponía presidentes y extendía sus negocios a la industria, las finanzas y los servicios. Casado en dos ocasiones, su primera esposa fue Perla López Lugo, con la que tuvo siete hijos. Una de sus hijas, Mayra, se casó con su primo Armando CaprilesSchlemmer, fallecido en 2020, que fue corredor de coches al volante de su mítico tigre, un porsche pintado con rayas amarillas y negras. Ellos fueron los padres de Armando, que sumó las fortunas de ambas ramas y tras licenciarse en ciencias administrativas se dedicó a la gestión de los negocios familiares. PARA SABER MÁS Fortunas.  Tuvieron después otro hijo, Miguel Ángel, casado con Andreina Villasmil. Su primogénito fue vicepresidente ejecutivo de la Cadena Capriles, dirigió el fondo inmobiliario SACA, y ahora gestiona Terminales Maracaibo, un gigante que presta servicios de carga marítima y gestiona locales en puertos y astilleros. Como a su primo Henrique, también le tentó la política y ejerció como diputado en el Congreso venezolano entre 1989 y 1998 por la formación centrista COPE. Dicen sus detractores que multiplicó su fortuna gracias a los productos estructurados creados por Chaves para inyectar dinero en las arcas venezolanas y aprovechando el diferencial de cambio entre el dólar regulado y el paralelo, algo que en su entorno cuestionan . Actualmente, con Maduro en el poder, tanto Armando, como su tío Miguel Ángel, hermano pequeño de su madre, Axel, y otros miembros del clan Capriles han dirigido a España sus inversiones, aunque son unos desconocidos para el gran público, pues se mueven con total discreción. Miguel Ángel se ha convertido en uno de los reyes del ladrillo en nuestro país, donde la familia posee una veintena de sociedades inmobiliarias, gracias a la compra de edificios singulares que rehabilitan y venden multiplicando su precio. En Madrid, sus proyectos se ubican en distritos cool como Justicia, Salesas o Salamanca. También tienen restaurantes healthy, tiendas e incluso gimnasios, como el Roots Lamarca, que sirve comidas, emplazado en una histórica fábrica de carruajes en la calle Fernando VII. Miguel Ángel Capriles López (63) es, asimismo, dueño del histórico palacio de La Serreta, en la localidad segoviana de Cuéllar, que data de 1464, que adquirió por 19 millones de euros. Allí, en 2018, se celebró la boda de una de sus tres hijas, Mayra, con Eduardo Otaola. Su sobrino, Armando Capriles, solo un año menor que él, tiene en España varias sociedades a su nombre, como Sunny Selirpac, dedicada a gestión de fondos con un capital social de 19 millones de euros, o la inmobiliaria Monina. Se casó el 18 de abril de 1999 en su hacienda de Los Ranchos de Chana en el parque nacional de Los Roques con Corina Mileo Trotta, (50), venezolana cuyos antepasados pertenecieron a la alta nobleza española. Su bisabuela era Elia Barrera González de Aguilar-Ponce de León y Fernández-Golfín, descendiente de Cristóbal Colón y emparentada con los Alba, Medinaceli y Alburquerque, además de prima de los marqueses de la Sauceda, Aguilar, y Villa Alegre. Nacida en Écija, donde poseían numerosos palacios y cortijos, era la primogénita del almirante José María Barrera y Luyando, patrón del Giralda, el yate de Alfonso XIII, y de Francisca de Paula González de Aguilar, íntima de Victoria Eugenia. Elia se casó en primeras nupcias con Fernando de Castro y su hija, llamada también Elia, lo hizo con Mirco Trotta, un italiano que emigró a Venezuela, y son los abuelos de Corina Mileo. Fue la hermana pequeña de la bisabuela de Corina, Pilar, casada con un Vilanova Ratazzi, quien rehabilitó en 1981 el marquesado de Irache con grandeza de España, titulo antiquísimo perteneciente a su familia. Fue concedido en el siglo XV por el rey Alfonso V de Aragón a Giovanni de Ventimiglia, conquistador de Sicilia, y posteriormente
pasó a Luciano Bonaparte, hermano de Napoleón, que lo cedió a su nieta, Laetitia, casada con Urbano Ratazzi. Actualmente, por cesión de su padre en 2023, lo ostenta Luis Alexis Villanova Rattazi Ferrán, apoderado en Conren Tramway Tres, empresa dedicada a la compra-venta inmobiliaria. Según la fuente familiar arriba citada, "pese a que el título lo rehabilitó su hermana menor, Pilar, la primogénita era la tatarabuela de Camila, Elia, con quien, por cierto, guarda gran parecido físico. Por lo tanto, los descendientes de Elia tienen mejor derecho, en esto se ha apoyado Armando Capriles para reclamarlo". Para recibir en tu celular esta y otras informaciones, únete a nuestras redes sociales, síguenos en Instagram, Twitter y Facebook como @DiarioElPepazo El Pepazo/Marca/El Mundo
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alex123456moralas · 2 years
The Best Traditional Restaurants in Quito
Quito has a long history of offering delicious local cuisine that is known as comida tipica. The word is translated poorly into English into "typical cuisine," although it is far from being ordinary. The most delicious traditional meals usually are eaten during the lunch hour, during lunchtime, when Ecuadorians consume their biggest dinner during the course of their day. For help in finding the most suitable option for your budget, This list of top traditional restaurants spans from fancy restaurants to fast-food restaurants that are casual.
*You can book your cheap flights from Chicago to Quito with the Lowest Flight fares and enjoy a trip.
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La Casa Los Geranios
La Casa Los Geranios, situated in the cobblestoned historical area located in La Ronda, serves traditional Ecuadorian dishes that are seasoned with the umph of. Chef executive Juan Carlos Cordova uses only the finest ingredients to cook traditional dishes such as fritada, fritada de papa, and Llapingachos. Fresh juices of fruit, such as Babaco and Naranjilla are made on-site. The exquisitely arranged, the modern dining area is warm and inviting.
Restaurante Lena Quitena
Although it could appear as an uninvited tourist attraction initially, restaurant Lena Quitena offers delicious traditional food at an affordable cost. The most comfortable seating is up on the upper level on the patio with a stunning view of the streets lined with cobblestones below. The indoor seating is highly sought-after when there is live music. For those on a tight budget, it is recommended to visit around lunchtime and request the menu for the day.
Pims at Itchimbia
Although Pims has several places in Quito The best one is located at Parque Itchimbia. The menu is generally Ecuadorian and includes popular dishes like Locro de Papa and Seco De Chivo. The restaurant is loved by the local Ecuadorians for consistently great food and a stunning view of historical Quito.
You can book your flights from New York to Paramaribo with the Lowest Flight fares and enjoy a trip.
Cafe de la Vaca
Just out of Quito located just outside of Quito in San Rafael, and two locations further away located in Machachi in Machachi and Cumbaya, Cafe de la Vaca is famous for its breakfast. The fresh cream and cheese are straight from their dairy. If you are a fan of the well-known potato soup, called locro papa Cafe de La Vaca has five variations which include the famous yaguarlocro which includes the inclusion of the blood of a sheep. They also have a huge variety of local juices including delicious milkshakes, as well as excellent hamburgers.
Fried Bananas
Although it is located in the fashionable Mariscal area, Fried Bananas is hidden from the hustle in Plaza Foch. The menu is international and offers a variety of excellent Ecuadorian choices, such as the oven-roasted trout served with fritted plantains, fried yucca rice, salad or arroz con Cameron, and fried rice, a dish that is loaded with shrimp. For dessert, don't overlook the bananas that are fried!
Palacio de la Fritada
If you truly want to feel local, head over to Palacio de la Fritada in Cumbaya. The restaurant is often filled with Ecuadorians who are ordering the finest frigates in town that includes motes, choclo, sweet plantains, and potato pancakes fried. Grandmas who want the best caldo de patas but aren't able to cook the dish at home get it at this restaurant. Remember, it's a lunch-only restaurant.
Vaco y Vaca
Vaco y Vaca, located in nearly every shopping center in Ecuador is a top family favorite when celebrating birthdays. The restaurant is very well-known and provides the food that is the most common Ecuadorian cuisine: pork, chicken or beef, cut thin and pan-fried. It is served alongside french fries and a bowl of beans referred to as a ministry. If you're looking to have your criollo cooked in a traditional way it will be garnished with fried onions and eggs that have been cooked.
Mercado Inaquito
If you're looking to sample traditional Ecuadorian food one of the best places to go is the market in Iquitos. The food court in the market is a taste of comfort food heaven. Vendors who sell sliced pork from a slice of whole roasted pork are lined up along one wall. Then there are friends sellers selling portions of fried pork, with all the fixings. some vendors sell secos, which are steamed meat, served with a side of rice as well as fried sweet plantains. The staff is hard at work to keep the eating area clean and tidy. Fast food at its best.
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alexlacquemanne · 2 years
Décembre MMXXII
Détective privé (Harper) (1966) de Jack Smight avec Paul Newman, Lauren Bacall, Janet Leigh, Robert Wagner, Julie Harris, Shelley Winters et Pamela Tiffin
Le Grand Sommeil (The Big Sleep) (1946) de Howard Hawks avec Humphrey Bogart, Lauren Bacall, John Ridgely, Martha Vickers, Dorothy Malone et Peggy Knudsen
Rebecca (1940) d'Alfred Hitchcock avec Laurence Olivier, Joan Fontaine, George Sanders, Judith Anderson, Nigel Bruce et Reginald Denny
Le Baron de l'écluse (1960) de Jean Delannoy avec Jean Gabin, Micheline Presle, Jacques Castelot, Aimée Mortimer, Jean Constantin, Blanchette Brunoy et Jean Desailly
La Femme d'à côté (1981) de François Truffaut avec Gérard Depardieu, Fanny Ardant, Henri Garcin, Michèle Baumgartner : Arlette Coudray et Véronique Silver
De la part des copains (Cold Sweat) (1970) de Terence Young avec Charles Bronson, Liv Ullmann, James Mason, Jill Ireland, Jean Topart et Michel Constantin
Un Américain à Paris (An American in Paris) (1951) de Vincente Minnelli avec Gene Kelly, Leslie Caron, Oscar Levant, Georges Guétary et Nina Foch
L'Odyssée de l'African Queen (The African Queen) (1951) de John Huston avec Humphrey Bogart, Katharine Hepburn, Robert Morley, Peter Bull et Theodore Bikel
L'Arnaqueur (The Hustler) (1961) de Robert Rossen avec Paul Newman, Piper Laurie, Jackie Gleason et George C. Scott et Myron McCormick
L'Express du colonel Von Ryan (Von Ryan's Express) (1965) de Mark Robson avec Frank Sinatra, Trevor Howard, Raffaella Carrà, Brad Dexter, Sergio Fantoni et Edward Mulhare
L'Adorable Voisine (Bell, Book and Candle) (1958) de Richard Quine avec James Stewart, Kim Novak, Jack Lemmon, Ernie Kovacs, Hermione Gingold et Elsa Lanchester
Hannibal (Annibale) (1959) de Carlo Ludovico Bragaglia et Edgar G. Ulmer avec Victor Mature, Rita Gam, Mario Girotti et Carlo Pedersoli, Gabriele Ferzetti et Milly Vitale
Cléopâtre (Cleopatra) (1963) de Joseph L. Mankiewicz avec Elizabeth Taylor, Richard Burton, Rex Harrison, Roddy McDowall, Pamela Brown, George Cole et Martin Landau
Astérix et Cléopâtre (1968) de René Goscinny et Albert Uderzo avec Roger Carel, Jacques Morel, Micheline Dax, Lucien Raimbourg, Pierre Tornade et Bernard Lavalette
Les Trois Mousquetaires (The Three Musketeers) (1973) de Richard Lester avec Oliver Reed, Raquel Welch, Richard Chamberlain, Michael York, Frank Finlay, Christopher Lee, Geraldine Chaplin, Jean-Pierre Cassel, Faye Dunaway et Charlton Heston
On l'appelait Milady (The Four Musketeers: Milady's Revenge) (1974) de Richard Lester avec Oliver Reed, Frank Finlay, Richard Chamberlain, Michael York, Raquel Welch, Christopher Lee et Faye Dunaway
Salomon et la Reine de Saba (Solomon and Sheba) (1959) de King Vidor avec Yul Brynner, Gina Lollobrigida, George Sanders, Marisa Pavan, Finlay Currie et David Farrar
Avatar : La Voie de l'eau (Avatar: The Way of Water) (2022) de James Cameron avec Sam Worthington, Zoe Saldana, Sigourney Weaver, Britain Dalton, Chloe Coleman et Stephen Lang
Fantômas (1964) d'André Hunebelle avec Jean Marais, Raymond Pellegrin, Louis de Funès, Mylène Demongeot, Jacques Dynam, Robert Dalban et Marie-Hélène Arnaud
Fantômas se déchaîne (1965) d'André Hunebelle avec Louis de Funès, Jean Marais, Mylène Demongeot, Jacques Dynam et Robert Dalban
Derrick contre Superman (Eine grosse Fünf) (1992) de Michel Hazanavicius et Dominique Mézerette avec Patrick Burgel et Évelyne Grandjean
La Classe américaine : Le Grand Détournement (1993) de Michel Hazanavicius et Dominique Mézerette avec Christine Delaroche, Evelyne Grandjean, Marc Cassot, Patrick Guillemin, Raymond Loyer et Jean-Claude Montalban
Inspecteur Barnaby Saison 7, 21, 22, 20, 10
Les Femmes de paille - Le monstre du lac - Epouvantables épouvantails - Les Lions de Causton - La Randonnée de la mort - La monnaie de leur pièce - Le couperet de la justice - Les Sorcières d'Angel's Rise
Friends Saison 1, 2, 3
Celui qui déménage - Celui qui est perdu - Celui qui a un rôle - Celui avec George - Celui qui lave plus blanc - Celui qui est verni - Celui qui a du jus - Celui qui hallucine - Celui qui parle au ventre de sa femme - Celui qui singeait - Celui qui était comme les autres - Celui qui aimait les lasagnes - Celui qui fait des descentes dans les douches - Celui qui avait un cœur d'artichaut - Celui qui pète les plombs - Celui qui devient papa : 1re partie - Celui qui devient papa : 2e partie - Celui qui gagnait au poker - Celui qui a perdu son singe - Celui qui a un dentiste carié - Celui qui avait un singe - Celui qui rêve par procuration - Celui qui a failli rater l'accouchement - Celui qui fait craquer Rachel - Celui qui a une nouvelle fiancée - Celui qui détestait le lait maternel - Celui qui est mort dans l'appart du dessous - Celui qui avait viré de bord - Celui qui se faisait passer pour Bob - Celui qui a oublié un bébé dans le bus - Celui qui tombe des nues - Celui qui a été très maladroit - Celui qui cassait les radiateurs - Celui qui se dédouble - Celui qui n'apprécie pas certains mariages - Celui qui retrouve son singe : 1re partie - Celui qui retrouve son singe : 2e partie - Celui qui a failli aller au bal de promo - Celui qui a fait on ne sait quoi avec Rachel - Celui qui vit sa vie - Celui qui remplace celui qui part - Celui qui disparaît de la série - Celui qui ne voulait pas partir - Celui qui se met à parler - Celui qui affronte les voyous - Celui qui faisait le lien - Celui qui attrape la varicelle - Celui qui embrassait mal - Celui qui rêvait de la princesse Leia - Celui qui a du mal à se préparer - Celui qui avait la technique du câlin - Celui qui ne supportait pas les poupées - Celui qui bricolait - Celui qui se souvient - Celui qui était prof et élève - Celui qui avait pris un coup sur la tête - Celui pour qui le foot c'est pas le pied - Celui qui fait démissionner Rachel - Celui qui ne s'y retrouvait plus - Celui qui était très jaloux - Celui qui persiste et signe - Celui que les prothèses ne gênaient pas - Celui qui vivait mal la rupture - Celui qui a survécu au lendemain
Alexandra Ehle Saison 3
Sans visage
Coffre à Catch
#92 : Kane tombe dans un traquenard ! - #93 : The Brothers of Destruction à la ECW ! - #94 : Edge, Kofi, Shelton : Catch Attack représent !" - #95 : Tac Tac c'est l'anniversaire d'Ichtou ! (feat. David Jouan)
The Rookie Saison 4
Dénouement - Toc toc toc - Les trois quêtes - Tir à vue - Témoins à abattre - Un meurtre pour de vrai - Négociation - Traîtres - Simone - Enervo
The Crown Saison 5
Comme un déjà vu - Le système - Mou Mou - Annus horribilis - Des précautions salutaires - La Maison Ipatiev - No woman's land - Une vraie poudrière - Couple numéro 31 - Déclassement
Columbo Saison 4, 3
Inculpé de meurtre - Play Back - Candidat au crime
Affaires Sensibles
Leonarda, l'adolescente qui a défié le président
Meurtres au paradis
Le fantôme de Noël
Bénabar : tournée des indociles (2022) au Cirque d'Amiens
Alain Souchon au Dôme de Paris (2022)
The Glenn Miller Orchestra Live at the Avalon Theatre (2021)
L'orchestre fait son cinéma au Zénith de Pau (2013)
La vengeance du Chat de Phillipe Geluck
Nota Bene, Tome 5 : La Mythologie Grecque de Benjamin Brillaud, Mathieu Mariolle, Phil Castaza et Joël Odone
Détective Conan, Tome 3 de Gôshô Aoyama
Mémoires d'un gros mytho de François Rollin et Stéphane Trapier
OSS 117 : Gâchis à Karachi de Jean Bruce
Tatiana K. Tome 3 : Le stygmate de Longinus de François Corteggiani et Emanuele Barison
Le tour du monde en quatre-vingts jours de Jules Verne
Kaamelott Tome 9 : Les renforts maléfiques de Alexandre Astier et Steven Dupré
The Clash en BD de Jean-Philippe Gonot et Gaëts
Le Voyage du Père Noël des Editions Korrigan
Astérix Tome24 : Astérix chez les Belges de René Goscinny et Albert Uderzo
Lucky Luke Tome 56 : Le ranch maudit de Morris, Claude Guylouis et Michel Janvier
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veredes · 3 years
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Imprescindibles. Recordando a Coderch
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ljones41 · 6 years
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"THE TEN COMMANDMENTS" (1956) Review It has been a long time since I saw Cecil B. DeMille's 1956 movie, "THE TEN COMMANDMENTS". A long time. When I was young, my family and I used to watch the film on television, every Easter Sunday. By the time I reached my early to mid-twenties, I stopped watching the movie.
I spent the next decade or two deliberately ignoring "THE TEN COMMANDMENTS". One, I had pretty much burned out on the 1956 film by then. Two, I had very little interest in Biblical films. I still do to a certain extent. And three, my opinion of DeMille's movie had pretty much sunk over the years. By the time, I reached my thirties, I came to the conclusion that it was an overrated film. So . . . what led me to change my mind for a recent viewing of "THE TEN COMMANDMENTS"? To be honest, the recent release Ridley Scott's Biblical film, "EXODUS: GODS AND KINGS". Both the 1956 and 2014 movies pretty much told the same story - the exodus of Hebrews from Egypt, under the leadership of Moses. I eventually plan to watch "EXODUS: GODS AND KINGS". But out of curiosity, I decided to watch "THE TEN COMMANDMENTS" first. Anyone who has seen or heard about "THE TEN COMMANDMENTS" knows the story. Pharaoh Rameses I of Egypt orders the death of all firstborn Hebrew males upon hearing a prophecy in which a "Deliverer" will lead Egypt's Hebrew slaves to freedom. A Hebrew woman named Yochabel saves her infant son by setting him adrift in a basket on the Nile River. The Pharaoh's daughter Bithiah, who recently lost her husband, finds the child and adopts him as her own, despite the protests of her servant Memnet. Prince Moses grows up to be a part of Egypt's royal family. He becomes a successful general who wins a war against Ethopia and forms an alliance with the country. Moses falls in love with loves Nefretiri, who is the throne princess and must be betrothed to the next Pharaoh. He also becomes in charge of constructing a new city in honor of Pharoah Sethi's jubilee. But when his rival for the throne and Nefretiri's hand, Prince Rameses accuses him of being the Hebrew slaves' "Deliverer" after he institute reforms in regard to the slaves' treatment. Moses responses by showing the completed city and claiming that he wanted the slaves more productive in order to finish the project. Despite being on top of the world following his construction of the new city, Moses' privileged world is threatened when Nefretiri learns from a royal slave named Memnet that Moses is the son of a Hebrew slave. I now realized why I had stopped watching "THE TEN COMMANDMENTS" for so many years. I had simply burned out on the film. My refusal to watch the movie for so many years had nothing to do with its quality. I am not saying that "THE TEN COMMANDMENTS" is one of the best films ever made. Not by a long shot. "THE TEN COMMANDMENTS", quite deservedly, is known for its over-the-top melodrama, bombastic style and preachiness. But the one thing the movie is known for is the turgid dialogue that seemed to permeate the film. I cannot help but wonder if the screenwriters had disliked actress Anne Baxter or her character, Nefretiri. After hearing her spout lines like - "You will be king of Egypt and I will be your footstool!" - throughout the entire film, I am beginning to suspect that I may be right. Even the other performers - including Charlton Heston, Yul Brenner, Yvonne DeCarlo, Edward G. Robinson, Vincent Price, Debra Paget, John Derek, Judith Anderson, John Carradine, Martha Scott, Nina Foch and Sir Cedric Hardwicke - spoke their lines with a ponderous style that left me wondering if this movie had been shot at a slower speed. And to think, movie fans had to endure this ponderous style and turgid dialogue for slightly over three-and-a-half hours. Whew! However, my re-watch of "THE TEN COMMANDMENTS" made me appreciate it a lot more. I appreciated the epic feel of DeMille's movie, as he guided audiences into Moses' life - from Moses' birth to his glory years as an Egyptian prince, to his years as an outcast and shepherd and finally to his years as a prophet and conflicts with Rameses - all in great detail and glorious Technicolor. DeMille even took the time to delve into the romance of supporting characters like Joshua and Lilia. There are some epic films that can bore me senseless with a ponderous style and equally ponderous pacing. Yes, the dialogue for "THE TEN COMMANDMENTS" can be quite ponderous. But I cannot say the same for DeMille's pacing. I found his direction well-paced, despite the movie's 220 minutes running time. One of the aspects of "THE TEN COMMANDMENTS" that I found truly impressive was Loyal Griggs' cinematography for the film. Shot in glorious Technicolor, Griggs' Oscar nominated photography left me breathless, especially while viewing scenes such as those shown below:
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I was also impressed by other technical aspects of the film. That last scene, which featured the parting of the Red Seas, led to an Academy Award for John P. Fulton, who had created the movie's special effects. That scene hold up pretty damn well after 62 years. "THE TEN COMMANDMENTS" earned Oscar nominations for Edith Head's colorful costume designs, Anne Bauchens' film editing, Sam Comer and Ray Noyer's set decorations; and for art directors Hal Pereira, Walter H. Tyler, and Albert Nozaki. What can I say about the movie's performances? Despite the ponderous dialogue, the performances seemed to hold up . . . okay. Charlton Heston earned a Golden Globe nomination for his portrayal of Moses. Granted, Heston projected a strong presence in his performance. But honestly . . . I would not regard Moses as one of his greatest performances. I merely found it solid. I was a little more impressed by Yul Brenner's portrayal of Ramses. He won the Best Actor National Board Review Award for his performance. Then again, Ramses proved to be a more complex and ambiguous character than Moses. As much as I liked Brenner's performance, it did not exactly blow my mind. Anne Baxter, who was already an Oscar winner by the time she did "THE TEN COMMANDMENTS", was saddled with some of the movie's worst dialogue. And there was nothing she could do to overcome the bad dialogue . . . well, except in two particular scenes. One of those scenes featured Nefretiri's discovery of Moses' origin as a Hebrew slave. And the other featured her character's angry goading of Ramses to take action against the Hebrews, following their son's death. I read that Paramount had submitted Yvonne De Carlo, John Derek, and Debra Paget as possible nominees for a supporting Academy Award. All gave pretty good performances; especially Yvonne De Carlo, who portrayed Moses' wife Sephora, and Debra Paget, who portrayed Lilia, the slave woman who seemed doomed to attract the attention from the wrong kind of men. But none of them received any acting nominations for their work. There were other solid performances from the likes of Judith Anderson, Sir Cedric Hardwicke, Nina Foch, John Carradine, Martha Scott, Henry Wilcoxon and Woody Strode. But two particular performances really caught my attention. Ironically, they were portrayed by Vincent Price and Edward G. Robinson, who portrayed characters that proved to be the bane of Lilia's life. Both gave interesting performances as two very oily men who use Lilia as their personal bed warmer - Price as the well-born Egyptian architect Baka and Robinson as the ambitious Hebrew overseer Dathan, who later proves to be a thorn in Moses' side. "THE TEN COMMANDMENTS" proved to be the last film directed by Cecil B. DeMille to be seen in movie theaters. The last in a career that by 1956, had spanned forty-two years. The director passed away over two years following the movie's release. Frankly, "THE TEN COMMANDMENTS" struck me as a nice high note for DeMille to end his career. Yes, one has to endure the extremely long running time, occasional bouts of over-the-top drama and ponderous dialogue. But the movie's visual style, first-rate story, excellent direction in the hands of a legend like DeMille and solid performances from a cast led by Charlton Heston; makes this Hollywood classic worth watching over and over again.
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classicfilmfan64 · 5 years
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I am not a huge fan of what I call 'costume dramas', and specifically religious costume dramas, but this one is the King of all of the Hollywood costume/religious dramas and one of the best and most legendary films, of that genre.I got to see a restored and remastered version, on the big screen in about 1999, for the anniversary of the film. That version of this film is the version you most likely see, on DVD. Some of the special effects and makeups look a wee bit cheesy, to me, by today's standards. This was state of the art, Technicolor widescreen Hollywood, 1956.WEB TRIVIA TIME:
Filmed on location in Egypt, Mount Sinai, and the Sinai Peninsula, the film was DeMille's last and most successful work It is a partial remake of his 1923 silent film of the same title, and features one of the largest sets ever created for a film. The film was released to cinemas in the United States on November 8, 1956, and, at the time of its release, was the most expensive film ever made.
It is also one of the most financially successful films ever made, grossing approximately $122.7 million (equivalent to $1.15 billion in 2019) at the box office during its initial release; it was the most successful film of 1956 and the second-highest-grossing film of the decade. According to Guinness World Records, in terms of theatrical exhibition, it is the eighth-most successful film of all-time when the box office gross is adjusted for inflation.
The parting of the Red Sea was considered the most difficult special effect ever performed up to that time. This effect took about six months of VistaVision filming, and combined scenes shot on the shores of the Red Sea in Egypt, with scenes filmed at Paramount Studios in Hollywood of a huge water tank split by a U-shaped trough, into which approximately 360,000 gallons of water was released from the sides, as well as the filming of a giant waterfall also built on the Paramount backlot to create the effect of the walls of the parted sea out of the turbulent backwash.
All of the multiple elements of the shot were then combined in Paul Lerpae's optical printer, and matte paintings of rocks by Jan Domela concealed the matte lines between the real elements and the special effects elements. Unlike the technique used by ILM for Raiders of the Lost Ark and Poltergeist of injecting poster paints into a glass tank containing a saltwater inversion layer, the cloud effects for The Ten Commandments were formed with white Britt smoke filmed against a translucent sky backing, and colors were added optically.[43] Striking portraits of Charlton Heston as Moses and three women in front of menacing clouds were photographed by Wallace Kelly, A.S.C. in Farciot Edouart's process (rear projection) department, in what are still considered unforgettable scenes.
DeMille used these scenes to break up the montage, framing his subjects like a Renaissance master. An abundance of blue screen spillage or "bleeding" can be seen, particularly at the top of the superimposed walls of water, but rather than detracting from the shot, this (unintentionally) gives the scene an eerie yet spectacular appearance. The parting of the Red Sea sequence is considered by many to be one of the greatest special effects of all time.
For the Large Crowd shots, at least 14,000 extras and 15,000 animals were used while filming The Ten Commandments.
The Ten Commandments was first broadcast on the  US ABC TV network on February 18, 1973, and has aired annually on the network since then, with the exception of 1999, traditionally during the Passover and Easter holidays. Since 2006 the network has typically aired The Ten Commandments on the Saturday night prior to Easter, with the broadcast starting at 7:00 p.m. in the Eastern and Pacific Time Zones & 6:00 p.m.Central/Mountain/Alaska/Hawaii. The film is the only pre-scheduled ABC Saturday Movie of the Week of the year.
THE TEN COMMANDMENTS Paramount, 1956.  Directed by Cecil B. DeMille.  Camera:  Loyal Griggs.  With Charlton Heston, Yul Brynner, Anne Baxter, Edward G. Robinson, Yvonne De Carlo, Debra Paget, John Derek, Cedric Hardwicke, Nina Foch, Martha Scott, Judith Anderson, Vincent Price, John Carradine, Douglass Dumbrille, Henry Wilcoxon, H.B. Warner, John Miljan, Woody Strode. And a cast of thousands.
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Bishop - War College #3 (2023)
Trouble in paradise
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cinema-tv-etc · 5 years
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10 Reasons Why ‘The Ten Commandments’ Is Truly Epic
April 6, 2015  by  Kate O'Hare
Patheos Explore the world's faith through different perspectives on religion and spirituality! Patheos has the views of the prevalent religions and spiritualities of the world.    
These days, when Hollywood attempts a Biblical epic for the big screen, the results are as likely to be embarrassing as edifying. Rather than rehashing the shortcomings of “Noah” (“Galaxy Quest” called, and they want their rock people back) or “Exodus: Gods and Kings” (nothing like God as a sulky kid), let’s look at one time when the movie stars truly aligned.
A few years before his death, Cecil B. DeMille made the 1956 Old Testament drama “The Ten Commandments” — which had its yearly ABC airing on Easter Sunday — and here are 10 reasons why it’s awesome even today:
1: Men. Both Charlton Heston (Moses) and Yul Brynner (Ramses) may wear skirts for most of the movie — and they’ve got the legs for it — but you’d be hard-pressed to find two more naturally masculine actors squaring off. They’re not overgrown boys trying to look tough, or angsty arrested adolescents, they’re just grown men, and they wear it as easily as they wear a a robe or a crown. Oh, yeah, and there’s John Derek’s stonecutter Joshua. Yes, there is.
2: Women. From Nina Foch’s warm and sympathetic Bithia (Moses’ adopted mother) to Yvonne de Carlo’s quietly beautiful Sephora (Moses’ wife) to Anne Baxter’s delightfully snarky Egyptian princess Nefretiri — and even the single line from the Ethiopian king’s sister, uttered with purring perfection by Esther Brown — the women are the glue that holds it all together.
3: The script. It’s faithful to the Scriptures where it needs to be — and at those moments, it can get a bit stiff and creaky — but in between, the screenwriters have some fun, especially with the Pharaoh Seti (Cedric Hardwicke). As Moses arrives with the tribute from Ethiopia and the high priest intones Moses’ virtues, Hardwicke looks to Baxter and quips, “Old windbag.” He’s got a lot of those.
4: The special effects. From the raising of Seti’s treasure city to the parting of the Red Sea, the pre-CGI marvels are a testament to imagination and skill, with zero computer assistance.
5: Sets and costumes. Again, with no CGI to multiply crowds or create interiors from green-screen nothingness, the gorgeousness of the rooms and the props boggles the mind. Just to look at the bejeweled and embroidered accents on Baxter’s outfits in HD is enough of a treat.
6: Relationships. The tense father-son exchanges between Ramses and Seti; Ramses and Moses’ prickly brother dynamic; Seti’s broken heart at Moses’ betrayal of his Egyptian upbringing; Sephora’s realization of the limitations of her marriage, whether the intrusion is Moses’ lingering love for Nefretri or his newfound passion for God; to Bithia’s enduring mother’s love — this movie gets how people love and hate each other.
7: Memnet. Although she’s a slave and the daughter of a slave, Bithia’s (and Nefretiri’s) servant Memnet has pride in being Egyptian and deeply resents the son of Hebrew slaves being raised up close to the throne of her nation. Whether fueled by jealousy or patriotic pride, I love her slow-burn anger.
8: Dathan. Edward G. Robinson’s obsequious Hebrew overseer — with his “rat’s ears” and “ferret’s nose,” as Ramses puts it — is every political toady and self-hating yes man rolled into one oily package.
9: Respect. The script and production respect the Biblical source material, but they also respect Egypt (even if there are some howling historical inaccuracies). Both sides are taken seriously; both have their heroes and villains; and you feel for both.
10: God. Whether as a voice from the burning bush or the inscriber of the Ten Commandments, God is powerful, enigmatic and, well, godlike — not a Monty Python cartoon character or a cranky child.
Dear Hollywood: Watch this one again, and take notes.
4: The special effects. From the raising of Seti’s treasure city to the parting of the Red Sea, the pre-CGI marvels are a testament to imagination and skill, with zero computer assistance.
YES!!!! Even things from that era that are a little hokey are better than the CGI crapfests we get on a regular basis.
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rabbittstewcomics · 3 years
Episode 299
Comic Reviews:
DC Festival of Heroes - The Asian Superhero Celebration by Greg Pak, Gene Luen Yang, Pornsak Pichetshote, Amy Chu, Mariko Tamaki, Sarah Kuhn, Ram V, Alyssa Wong, Minh Le, Aniz Adam Ansari, Dustin Nguyen, Cliff Chiang, Francis Manapul, Philip Tan, Sean Chen, Marcus To, Marcio Takara, Sami Basri, Jim Cheung, Jae Lee, Gurihiru, Kevin Wada, Victoria Ying, Audrey Mok, Sumit Kumar, Alexandre Tefenkgi, Trung Le Nguyen, Bernard Chang, Norm Rapmund, Rain Beredo, Sunny Gho, Jordie Bellaire, Romulo Fajardo Jr., Sebastian Cheng, Jen Bartel, June Chang
Future State: Gotham 1 by Joshua Williamson, Dennis Culver, Giannis Milonogiannis, Yasmine Putri
Justice League: Last Ride 1 by Chip Zdarsky, Miguel Mendonca
Legends of the Dark Knight 7 by Stephanie Phillips, Max Dunbar
Rorschach 8 by Tom King, Jorge Fornes, Dave Stewart
Giant-Size Amazing Spider-Man: King's Ransom by Nick Spencer, Carlos Gomez, Ze Carlos, Roge Antonio, Alex Sinclair
Heroes Reborn: Hyperion and the Imperial Guard by Ryan Cady, Michele Bandini, Elisabetta D'Amico, Arick Arciniega
Heroes Reborn: Peter Parker - The Amazing Shutterbug by Marc Bernardin, Rafael De Latorre, Ron Lim, Scott Hanna, Jim Campbell
Heroes Reborn 2 by Jason Aaron, Ed McGuinness, Mark Morales, Matt Wilson, 
X-Corp 1 by Tini Howard, Alberto Foche, Sunny Gho
Time Before Time 1 by Rory McConville, Declan Shalvey, Joe Palmer, Chris O'Halloran
Silver Coin 2 by Kelly Thompson, Michael Walsh
Black Hammer Visions 4 by Mariko Tamaki, Diego Olortegui, Dave Stewart
House of Lost Horizons: A Sarah Jewell Mystery 1 by Mike Mignola, Chris Roberson, Leila Del Duca, Michelle Madsen
Silver City 1 by Olivia Cuartero-Briggs, Luca Merli
Hailstone 1 by Rafael Scavone, Rafael de Latorre, Rafael Albuquerque, Wesllei Manoel
Starfall High 1 by Adam Blackhat, Mayerlin Uribe
99 Cent Theater
Caspian Porter 0 by Drew Lenhart, Juan Fleites, Jonathan Wetmore
Fire Queen 1 by Thea Belak, Marin Markel
Princess Who Saved Herself by Greg Pak, Jonathan Coulton, Takeshi Miyazawa
Softies: Stuff That Happens After the World Blows Up by Kyle Smeallie
Fearless by Kenny Porter
We Run by Chip Zdarsky and Elsa Charretier
Additional Reviews: Line of Duty, Project Hail Mary, Suicide Squad: Bad Blood, Star Wars Adventures: Tales From Vader's Castle
News: Chip Zdarsky on Hulk, Clownhunter vs. Punchline, Bitter Root movie by Bryan Hill and Regina King, War of the Bounty Hunters is six months and 33 parts, Kang mini by Lanzing and Kelly, Amphibia season finale gets an air date, Knives Out 2 casting, Round Robin updates
Trailers: Wish Dragon
Comics Countdown:
Rorschach 8 by Tom King, Jorge Fornes, Dave Stewart
Black Hammer Visions 4 by Mariko Tamaki, Diego Olortegui, Dave Stewart
Joker 3 by James Tynion IV, Guillem March, Arif Prianto
Birthright 49 by Joshua Williamson, Andrei Bressan, Adriano Lucas
Time After Time 1 by Rory McConville, Declan Shalvey, Joe Palmer, Chris O'Halloran
Seven Secrets 8 by Tom Taylor, Daniele Di Nicuolo, Walter Baiamonte, Katia Ranalli
American Vampire 1976 8 by Scott Snyder, Rafael Albuquerque, Dave McCaig
Guardians of the Galaxy 14 by Al Ewing, Juan Frigeri, Federico Blee
Geiger 2 by Geoff Johns, Gary Frank, Brad Anderson
Proctor Valley Road 3 by Grant Morrison, Alex Child, Naomi Franquiz, Tamra Bonvillain
Check out this episode!
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4creativehistory · 3 years
Luego de su renuncia el 25 de mayo, el dictador Porfirio Díaz Mori escogió Francia como residencia para su exilio en un pequeño departamento ubicado en el número 26 de la Avenida Bosque hoy Avenue Foch la cual atraviesa el Arco del Triunfo y se encuentra ubicada uno de los más pródigos distritos de París.
El 31 de mayo de 1911 el general y dictador que había cimentado el México moderno comenzaba su exilio. Pasó cinco días en Veracruz a la espera del barco que lo llevaría a Europa. Durante ese tiempo recibió a ciudadanos, políticos y periodistas que le mostraban su solidaridad. Dos semanas después, en La Coruña, se topó con una manifestación en su contra, siendo llamado por los sindicalistas “Engendro de todos los males”.
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Díaz fue derrocado por una Revolución que reescribió la historia para justificar el levantamiento armado, por lo que tuvo que satanizar al dictador
Se cuenta que días después de que llegó a Francia visitó el museo de Los Inválidos y lo recibió el general Gustave Leon Niox veterano de la Intervención Francesa en México que lo escoltó a la tumba de Napoleón, a quien Díaz admiraba, y sacó de la vitrina la espada que pertenecía al emperador francés para ponerla en manos del mexicano y decirle que "nunca había estado en mejores manos".
En abril de 1912 fue recibido por el rey Alfonso XIII de España, su esposa y la madre, familiar del segundo emperador de México y enemigo de Díaz en su tiempo. La prensa de aquel tiempo cuestionó sobre su intención de vivir en España, dando como respuesta un "sí, tal vez en Barcelona", sin embargo, nunca se consolidó.
El 21 de agosto del mismo 1912 asistió a un desfile militar del ejército prusiano uno de los más fuertes en aquel tiempo en Alemania, reuniéndose con el káiser Guillermo II en su palco personal.
Durante 1913 viajó a Egipto y Suiza, en donde se enteraría de la muerte de Francisco I. Madero, sintiendo tristeza de su deceso, según la correspondencia y dando a entender que nunca había dejado de dar seguimiento a los problemas de México y toda la actividad que se desarrollaba.
Su muerte fue 2 de julio de 1915 en soledad, ya que ninguno de sus aliados políticos que se encontraban en Europa fueron con él, solo su esposa e hijo. Fue enterrado en la iglesia de Saint Honoré d’Eylau y para 1921 sus restos fueron trasladados al cementerio de Montparnassedonde también están enterrados Carlos Fuentes, Julio Cortázar y Jean Paul Sartre para poder regresarlos al país Desde 1989 se han tratado de traer sus restos de vuelta, nunca se ha llevado un proyecto de seriedad y es por eso que Porfirio Díaz sigue en uno de los países que más admiró.
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Bishop - War College #3 (2023)
Trouble in paradise
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