#Carter hart imagine
swissboyhisch · 1 year
Little Miss Klutz
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Pairing: Carter Hart x Reader
Summary: Despite you hating your pain link to your soulmate, he had a tendency to look on the brighter side.
Word Count: 746
Warnings: Swearing, injuries, long-distance relationship
Request: Yes Soulmate pain au with Carter Hart where the reader is a player and plays forward on a different team ( like Calgary) and she is very accident prone
A/N: I hope you like it. It's not super long but I enjoyed writing it.
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You loved your job, but it didn’t help that you were accident-prone. And your team loved to remind you. Your teammates laughed while your soul mate suffered the consequences. You shared pain as your soul link. If you bruised, he bruised. When you got hit with a puck, he felt it. 
Today was another practice where you got dressed and were first on the ice. You skated around momentarily, doing some stick handling as a little warm-up, shooting a couple of pucks to the back of the net.
“Heads up, Klutz!”
You were a good player and had a good reaction time, but the puck came at you too quickly. SMACK! The icy, hard rubber hit your jaw, taking you down to the ice. Luckily, you couldn’t feel or taste any blood—this time. 
Your teammate rushed to you, apologising profusely. “I’m sorry! I thought you’d dodge it.”
“You know me better than that,” You groan. 
Your best friend and one of your linemates, Lila, came out with what looked to be your phone to her ear. “Yeah, she’s good. You good, Klutz?”
One of your hands stayed where you were hit on the jaw; the other threw a thumbs up towards Lila. You slowly climbed to your feet, skated to the entrance, and took the phone from her. 
“Hey, C.”
The familiar, heart-warming chuckle floated down the line, “That was a nasty one.”
“Not as bad as the one you took to the cheek against the Pens,” You retorted, taking the ice pack from Meave, who still was apologising. 
“Still felt pretty bad,” Carter hums. “You haven’t even started your morning skate.”
You grumbled lightly, annoyed you had taken a hit before this morning’s practice began. The boy on the other end of the line could tell you were frustrated, so he went on, telling you how his morning had been so far. He kept your mind occupied while you waited on the ice. 
“Come on, Klutz,” The coach called as she stepped on the ice.
“Have a good practice, babe,” Carter replied, hearing your coach in the background.
“I’ll call you after practice, C. I love you.”
“I love you too.”
You took more than your fair share of pucks and bumps through practice. You couldn’t be bothered counting after five pucks. But it was a good skate otherwise. All ready for the game later that night versus Toronto. The team had worked hard this season, and it was paying off. 
You finish training and shower before returning to your apartment to go through your pre-game routine. As soon as you climbed in the car, you called Carter. It was one of the many rituals you and Carter had come to love throughout your long-distance relationship. 
Carter laughed, “You took 11 pucks to the body after the one before training. So I mean, you took 12 overall but 11 during training.”
“You counted?!” You gasp jokingly. You pull out of the rink car park and head towards your apartment. “I can’t believe you counted.”
“You getting hit before training even started indicated to me it was going to be one of those days,” Carter admitted. 
The two of you laughed, talking about how you both were on the journey home, which was not very far. You found your parking spot, grabbed out your bag and made sure you had your phone, still on call to Carter. 
“You make it back?” 
“Just making my way into the lobby.” The doorman smiled as he opened the door for you as you neared. “Thank you, John.”
After several flights of stairs, you made it to your apartment. You unlock the door and step in. You were too busy talking to Carter to see that your cat had left one of his toys in the middle of the hall.
Carter was silent for a moment before laughing. “Did you just trip?”
Your boyfriend knew you too well. He could tell you were lying to save you the embarrassment. But you also knew he could tell you were lying. To be honest, you wouldn’t have it any other way.
“I love you,” Carter chuckled, “Despite you causing more than 50% of our shared pain.”
“Say it.”
You were teasing at this point. “I don’t think I will.”
You laugh at Carter’s tone before replying affectionately. “I love you more, Carter. Even though you tease me about my clumsiness.”
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@findapenny @mp0625 @hischierhaze @11zegras @lvrzegras @francesfarhadi @cixrosie @daisysthings
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delayed-affection · 2 years
House Party
Navigation   Oneshots
Carter Hart x reader
Warnings, Drinking, Cursing, Morgan Frost and Joel Farabee
Word count: 2.3k
When Frosty invited you to his off season house party you honestly thought about not going. You knew it was going to be a bunch of grown men fucking around while their wives or girlfriends try to stop them.
But here you are, checking your outfit one last time before you leave. You think about staying home but you promised Morgan you would go.
“Come on.” Morgan begs to you over the phone, “The boys and I miss you but mostly me.”
He’s spent about ten minutes of your fifteen minute call trying to convince you to come to his party.
“Morgan, you know I don’t do parties.” You remind, “We can always hang out some other day.”
“I haven’t seen you since the season started and who knows when we’re both going to be available again.” He replies, “Please, come to the party.”
He wasn’t wrong, the man was always on the move and so were you. The only way you could see him was on FaceTime or to go to a game.
The off season was the only time you could actually spend time together.
You sigh, “Okay, I’ll go.”
“You promise?” He asks
“Yes, Frosty, I promise.” You answer, “But if I have to take care your drunk ass later I’m telling T.K. to beat your ass.”
He chuckles, “Noted.”
Opening Morgan’s front door you are greeted with the pounding of music and very loud conversations.
You move about the house, saying hi to those you know but not stopping for a conversation. As of right now you’re looking for Frosty.
Finding him in the kitchen playing bartender.
He spots you and sets down the bottles in his hands, “You made it!”
He moves around the island and over to you, pulling you into a hug, “I thought you’d flake out on me.”
You laugh and pull away, “You think so low of me, Frost. I’m hurt.”
He puts an arm around you and pulls you out of the kitchen, “You know someone was asking about you?”
“Let me guess, was it Beezer?” You question
He pulls you into the backyard, “Yes but no, that’s not who I’m talking about. It was actually our little goalie.”
“Carter?” You ask
He doesn’t answer, he just gives you a goofy smile.
Beezers voices draws their attention, “Look who made it! Just in time to see me beat Hartzy’s ass in darts!”
Carter lets out a dry laugh as you two approach.
Morgan lightly pushes you forward, “Take care of her you two, I’m going back inside. You want anything, y/n?”
You walk over to Carter, “Nah, I’m okay for now.”
Beezer lines up his shot, “Yo, bring me back some food, Frosty.”
He waves a dismissive hand at him and goes back inside.
“What are you playing to?” You ask
“Two hundred.” Carter answers
“Best two out of three.” Beezer adds, “Hartzy has better aim than I thought.”
“I think that comes with job.” You joke
He laughs, “For a hockey player he has the worst aim. Well on the ice, off the ice he’s great.”
Carter pushes him out of the way with a chuckle, “That’s why I’m a goalie.”  
Finishing their game, Beezer suggests a game of beer pong.
He pats you on the shoulder, “Imma find a partner and the cups, you guys go get a table. You could steal one or get one from the garage, I don’t care.”
He grabs his can a disappears into the house.
You and Carter survey the backyard, everyone’s doing their own thing paying no mind to the people around them.
You look over to him, “Which one do you wanna steal.”
He lets out a dry chuckle, “You mean which one are you stealing?”
You flash him a smile, “We are in this together Hartzy, so pick a table.”
He shakes his head, “The one in the corner, we won’t even have to move it, just clean it off.”
You grab his hand, “Well let’s get going.”
You lead him through the yard and to the table, dropping his hand.
You pick up a couple bottles, “So, what brings to this party anyways, Carter?”
“My car.” he jokes moving some cans to another table.
“Haha.” you say, “It was a serious question, Carter. You’re not a party person and this is a party persons party.”
“I could ask you the same thing.” he replies wiping off the table.
You shrug, “You could but I asked you first.”
He rolls his eyes, “Let’s say that Morgan can be very persuasive.”
This interests you, “What did he offer you?”
“Nothing.” He answers
“Buy you?”
He chuckles, “Nothing.”
“What got you here then?”
“He just told me about someone, that was all.”
Maybe this someone has to with you, Morgan did say he was asking about you.
“You know he told me something too?”
He leans against the table, “What?”
You hesitate, “He said that you were asking about me.”
He averts his gaze else where, “Asshole.” He mumbles
“Look it wasn’t anything weird.” He says, “After our last game he asked me if I was going to the party and when I said no he told me that you were going and that you always have a better time when I’m there. So when I showed up and you weren’t here I started asking if you were actually coming.”
“Well he lied to you about me coming because he didn’t tell me about until you guys got back.” You confess, “However he didn’t lie about me having a better time when you’re around.”
“I got the cups!” Beezer shouts walking over, “I figured we could just fill them up with the hose.”
“Losers are taking shots!” Frosty exclaims holding up a bottle of Tito’s and pink Whitney.
“Yo, Carter. Can you get the hose?” Beezer asks setting up the cups, “And Y/n, can you grab the balls and shot glasses, they’re in Frosty’s hood.”
Carter walks off, the moment the boys have been waiting for has arrived.
“What were you two talking about?” Frosty asks
You pull the things out of Frosty’s hood, “We were talking about you, actually.”
“I highly doubt talking about me got him blushing.”
Beezer puts his arm around your shoulders, “Oh my god! Are you finally making a move?” he wipes a fake tear, “Our little girl is growing up.”
“No, I’m not making a move, we were just talking.”
“Talking about fucking? Cause that’s the only way to get me blushing.” Beezer teases
“Or did you guys already fuck? Because he was very eager to see you.” Frosty badgers
“Oh my god.” You grumble
Beezer pokes your side, “Was it after his big shutout game, cause he was really pumped up after that.”
“You even flew out for that game. Was it just to see us play or was it to your little lover boy?” Frosty goads
Carter comes back just in time to save you from anymore teasing.
Beezer let’s go of you and takes the hose, “Go turn it on but make sure it’s on low.”
Carter reluctantly makes his way back across the yard.
“Y/n you’re on my team.” Frosty claims
“No I’m not.”
“What? Why not?”
“Because you suck, that’s why.”
“Fine then, I’m taking Carter.”
“Why would you take him?”
“Yeah, why take him?” Beezer asks feeling betrayed
“Because if I take him, she can’t have him.” He answers
You’ve seen Carter play and he let’s just say he’s better at darts, but you’ll let him suffer, “Fine.”
“Okay stop!” Beezer yells at Carter
He waits for Carter to come back to explain the rules, “Okay, if a ball bounces from one cup to another both cups are removed. If the ball bounces back to you, you get to shoot again only if you get it before the other team. Your elbow must stay behind the table at all times. You can have your cups rearranged to any position but you have to ask for it because well we’re not mind readers.”
He gives you and Carter a ball, “Now, to see who goes first one player from each team has to shoot the ball but they have to look at the other player while doing it.”
He pushes you to your side of table, “And remember the losing team has to take two shots each.”
You and Carter stand at opposite ends of the table looking at each other.
After what seems like a hundred games you all decided that this was your last game. Well more like you and Carter decided for everyone, Beezer’s feeling the buzz and Frosty is basically blasted.
He was drinking earlier, taking shots after every loss and chasing them with even more alcohol. But not only was Frosty drunk, he was a sore loser, it went from best two out of three to four then five and now six.
If it wasn’t for Kevin’s homemade wings and Noah’s commentary keeping everyone going this game would’ve been over a while ago.
“Let me get the cups in the tight pussy position.” Beezer instructs
Frosty clumsily moves the cups around to shape a diamond, “If you keep playing your cards right you might get the real thing, Carter.”
Carters face turns beet red, you try your best not to laugh while Noah and Beezer basically turn into hyenas.
You and Carter stand at the kitchen island, not wanting to hear Frosty’s cover of ‘Before he cheats’ outside. Everyone else wanted to though, so it basically just you two inside.
“I honestly don’t know if I could’ve lasted another game.” You tell him
He chuckles, “I don’t know if I could’ve taken anymore abuse from Frosty, he was getting way too into it.”
You nod, “Yeah, I think we should’ve stopped the game after he tackled Beezer for the ball.”
“Yeah that probably would’ve been a good idea.” He says
You push yourself up onto the island, “Besides being verbally abused by Frost, are you enjoying the party?”
He leans back on the counter in front of you, “It’s all right, I guess. But the real question is, are you enjoying the party?”
“As of right now, yes. But later, no.” You answer
“What do you mean?”
“The party’s been fun but I know I’m going to have to take care of the wanna be Carrie Underwood.”
He nods understandably but still asks, “You don’t have to take care of him, you know?”
“I know, but I’d do the same thing if it were you.” You pause, “Or any of you really.”
“Out everyone in this house, I’d be happy if it were you. But I’d also except Kevin, no offense.”
“None taken, I’d trust him with my life.”
He picks at a bowl of chips, “Would you trust me?”
You laugh softly, “Of course I’d trust you. Honestly I’d trust you to take care of me more than Frosty, he’d probably draw a dick on my forehead and tell me I did it.”
He laughs moving over next to you, “Speaking from experience?”
“From self-experience, no.” You reply, “But I did walk into him doing it to laughty.”
He just nods in response.
You look down at his hands on the island, “Is that a new bracelet?”
He looks down, “Um… Yeah, how’d you know?”
“I pay attention but it’s also really clean compared to the others.” You answer, “Can I see?”
He goes to take it off, “Yeah, sure.”
“No.” You say, “You don’t have to take it off. Just give me your hand.”
You pick up his hand making him step in front of you.
You slowly move the bracelet around, “It’s nice and silver looks really good on you.”
A light blush fills his checks, “Thanks, it was a gift.”
Your eyes flick from his wrist to his eyes, “From who, if you don’t mind me asking.”
“My mom, it was a Christmas present.”
You stop messing with the bracelet but keep his hand in yours, “Well she has excellent taste.”
His eyes dance around your face, like he’s studying it, “I don’t think we’ve ever been this close before.”
You let go of his hand, “Do you not like being this close?”
He moves closer, “No, I like it.” His eyes settle on your lips, “I like you, if I’m being honest.”
You wrap your arms around his neck, “Well if I’m being honest, I like you too.”
His hands move to your waist, his face is so close to yours that you wanted to kiss him all you had to was slightly move.
And that’s what you planned on doing, it was now or never.
But it seems like god had other plans…
Frosty rushes into kitchen, “Y/n our song is playing you have to come outside!”
You drop your arms to your sides and Carter backs up.
“Shit.” He whines, “Did I ruin the moment, here I’ll turn around.” He quickly turns, “Okay, now you can kiss.”
You sigh, “We’re not gonna kiss, Frost.”
That was the last thing Carter wanted to hear, “We’re not?”
He turns around, “You’re not?”
“Come on.” Carter whispers to himself
Carter was desperate to kiss you and honestly, you were too. Who knows when you’ll have this opportunity again. Especially if you back out now to go be stupid with Frost.
You rewrap your arms around Carters neck pulling him to you, his hands pull at your waist bringing you to the edge of the island.
This kiss is soft but deep and sensual, it makes butterflies erupt in your stomach. It’s the type of kiss that warms up your body, the type of kiss that you never want to end.
Frosty freezes but only for a second, “Oh my god! Joel!” He runs back outside, “They’re kissing! They’re fucking kissing!”
He pulls away leaning his forehead on yours, “You wanna hang out sometime? Like just the two of us?”
You smile, “You mean a date?”
He chuckles, “Yeah a date.”
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sc0tters · 10 months
Secrets Kept | Carter Hart
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summary: when surprises turn to secrets it almost leads to the end of your relationship.
request: yes/no
warnings: swearing, mentions of alcohol.
word count: 1.12k
authors note: we are onto our last new goalie of the dedication and I’ve got to say this might be my favourite piece so far. also look at this man, he’s GOREGOUS. If you want to see more from the dedication you can find the masterlist here!
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Carter had been acting weirdly for weeks.
You had first noticed it when he removed your Face ID from his phone. Sure it was small but when he started coming home later than normal after practices and was no longer in even in his sweaty clothing.
It killed you to even think that Carter could have been cheating on you, he had been your boyfriend since you were freshmen in high school and you couldn’t see yourself yourself with anyone else. Yet as you stared at the meal you prepared for the two of you it made you feel sick.
He hadn’t come home and as the steam now disappeared from your plates and your third glass of wine was empty “he isn’t coming.” You sighed getting up as you put his plate in the fridge and placed yours in the microwave.
You changed out of your dress settling for his sweatpants and a hoodie before you found your way to the couch. It felt like a punch to your gut as you watched the bachelor “I’m home!” Carter called out as you heard his keys drop into the bowl by the door.
Not even bothering to pause the tv you just continued watching as he walked in “hey baby.” As the hockey player crawled onto the couch next to you as he smiled “you okay?” He furrowed his eyebrows waving his hand in front of your face.
You glared at him as you paused the tv “what did you get up to today?” You asked deciding that your patience had waivered thin and you were losing it now “just practice.” The smell of musk and oak from his shower gel you knew that it wasn’t true as his feet were in his sneakers rather than his slides “I can’t do this anymore Cart.” You sighed getting up as you made sure to slide away from his touch.
All he could do was watch as you stood up “what are you saying baby?” The irritation in your voice showed that you were talking about more than just the show on the tv.
Carter watched as you pushed your hair out of your face as you sighed “I know you’re cheating on me!” You felt like you had been taken to be a fool as you let the top of your anger come out.
He remained silent as it was clear that you had so much more to say “like I understand why you don’t wanna admit it but I’ve caught you!” As you flung your arms around Carter got up and caught them before you let them hit his chest “I’m not cheating on you!” Carter called out causing your body to freeze.
Somehow those words didn’t make you feel any better as you instead cocked your head as you furrowed your eyebrows “huh?” You wondered if you had heard him correctly as you waited for him to repeat his words “I’m not cheating on you.” As you calmed down Carter gave your hand a squeeze.
That left you with more questions than you had answers “but you’ve been coming home after practices.” If he had been at practice the entire time you would have not noticed but coming home three hours later than normal was a cause for concern from you.
You took a large gulp of air like his silence spoke for him “where are you going!” You scoffed watching him get up and head in the direction of your bedroom. Sure Carter wasn’t the most comforting man in your life but this made you feel like each time you stood up to your mom for him was for nothing.
Carter turned over his shoulder to send you a smile “you’ll see.” As he disappeared into your bedroom you truly began to wonder if you were watching this situation go down properly.
As you picked at your nails you watched him come back out and visually it looked like nothing had changed “I was not cheating on you.” He repeated for a third time now making your eyes roll “tell me once-” “I was planning the proposal.” Carter confessed as he held up the velvet ring box in his hand.
You gasped letting your hand slap over your mouth in shock “I figured it could be a good surprise.” He explained with a smile “was meant to do this whole thing in town.” The goalie shook his head as he went down to one knee.
In that moment your mind went a million miles a minute as you struggled to process the events in front of you “from the moment I met you y/n we’ve never gone the quiet route.” Carter smiled as you laughed “knew I wanted to be with you the moment we got paired up in calculus.” You remembered hating that teacher for partnering you up with a hockey player. You swore he wasn’t going to do any work and then Carter made it his life mission to prove you wrong.
He watched as your eyes lit up at the memory “maybe you weren’t that bad.” You teased trying to ignore the way your voice broke and you got emotional “you’ve been by my side through college, through the NHL and now I can’t imagine the rest of my life without you in it.” The random orders of flowers to your home finally made sense, they weren’t sent to the wrong address, Carter loved seeing you smile without you knowing it was him.
You dropped to your knees letting your hand run along his thigh “I’m ready to spend the rest of my life with you if you’ll let me.” At that point you were then crying as Carter reached up to wipe the tears from your cheeks.
Part of him forgot that he was in the middle of proposing to as it caused Carter to open the box as he smiled “so I’m asking if you’ll marry me?” Rather than allowing him to slip the ring onto your finger your instead wrapped your arms around him causing you both to fall back onto the floor.
Your lips peppered his face with kisses causing him to erupt with laughter “baby I need an answer.” The goalie wrapped his arms around your waist as he looked up at you “I’d love to be your wife.” You mumbled kissing his lips.
Carter got lost in it before you pulled away “as long as you don’t cheat on me.” You sent him a skeptical look as you shifted to straddle his waist now allowing him to sit up “I wouldn’t dream of it future Mrs Hart.” Carter shook his head before he kissed your lips again this time letting his fingers slip the ring on your finger.
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konecnyy · 1 year
🍊 sweet things
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─── just another blurb party
so sorry, i definitely did not mean to neglect this blog. but hi, lets have a blurb party! this will be open indefinitely, so just keep on dropping by!
tag: 🍊 blurb party
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rules & regulations
-> prompts! i've provided prompts, but feel free to send in whatever ideas you might have, and i will do my best to bring your vision to life.
-> use the roster! i only write for certain players at the moment, so if you send in a player not on the roster below, i will delete your request.
-> smut is allowed, but... you must be 18+ to request. so any anons that request smut will be deleted. if you don't want your ask to be attached to the smut, then lmk and i will post your request separately!
what to request
-> instagram edits: send in a player & a scenario! i'll do the rest! [ i.e. can i get a hard launch post with carter hart? ]
-> blurbs: send in a player & a scenario! keep it simple, keep it sweet! [i.e. morgan frost comforting reader after she had a bad day at work]
angst / fluff / comfort
the roster
travis konecny carter hart morgan frost mat barzal anthony beauvillier sebastian aho (canes) andrei svechnikov jack hughes tyson jost sidney crosby
thanks for joining !
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greazyfloz · 2 years
hi could i get prompt 24 (fluff) with carter hart :)
Fluff: 24. “They don’t know what they are talking about” w/ Carter Hart
More Important Things
Tonight Carter was in net and it was not a good game to say the least. Carter already has an enormous amount of pressure being the teams really only hope for success, but it is hard for him to do it by himself. The final score of this game was 7-4 and I already knew Carter was going to be very upset. 
I made my way down to ice surface to wait for him and by the time I was able to get around the crowds to the meeting spot, I really only had to wait about 5ish minutes for him to come around the corner. I knew I’d be right that he would be upset, it was very apparent and was painted across his face.
“Come on, Let’s go” he says moving past me. I turn to follow him to the car. ‘I’m driving tonight” i say afraid of how he drives when he is upset.
“Whatever” he says placing the keys in my hand and walking to the passenger side.
I get on and turn the key in the ignition and leave the parking lot. 
“No media tonight?”
“Yeah I declined” he says shortly
“I know it sucks baby, We can take a bath when we get home if you’d like”
“No, I just want to cuddle on the couch with you all night”
We get home and we both rush in. I go up to the room and get dressed and Carter goes to pick a movie for us. All of a sudden I hear a loud noise making me jump. I quickly finish up and run down the stairs. 
“Babe, You okay? What Happened?” i say continuing to walk to the tv room. I see a whole in the wall which Carter had just punched, so I go to the kitchen and pull out a bag of frozen vegetables. I enter back in the room, grab his hand and place the bag on his knuckles. 
“What’s wrong”
“I suck and that is all they are talking about on twitter” he says scrolling through his phone. 
“They don’t know what they are talking about” I say, taking his phone from his hand and shutting it off. “They are on twitter and not managing teams for a reason. Stop being hard on yourself please” I say as he begins to lay down on the couch pulling me down in his arms with him. 
“It’s ridiculous” he says and I stand up and lift and leg up to staddle his hips. He repositions myself so I can straddle him.
“Please tell me you don’t believe them” I say looking down at him playing with his hoodie strings
“Well how can I not when the score is 7-4 Y/n”
“One because it has to go through 5 other guys before it even gets to you” I say then lean down to I can kiss his lips, “And two, because I wouldn't date you if you sucked” I say with a teasing smile. 
“Ha. Ha. So funny” he says pecking my lips. I rest my head on his chest listening to his heart beat just laying on top of him while he holds me there. 
“I think there are more important things you should worry about” I say
“Hmm? Like what?” he says kissing the top of my head.
“Like purchasing a big diamond ring and saying 4 very important words to someone special” I say laughing in his chest. 
“You’re right” he says breathing out a laugh.
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fear-of-flyers · 2 years
welcome to the season of the sticks! grab a warm, cozy drink and stay a while <3
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Northern Attitude (ft. Mat Barzal)
Stick Season (ft. Kent Johnson)
All My Love (ft. Luke Hughes)
She Calls Me Back (w/ Brendan Brisson)
Come Over (ft. Quinn Hughes)
New Perspective (ft. Jack Hughes)
Everywhere, Everything (ft. Owen Power)
Orange Juice (ft. Mitch Marner)
Strawberry Wine (ft. Thomas Bordeleau)
Growing Sideways (ft. Joel Farabee)
Halloween (ft. Nathan Mackinnon)
Homesick (ft. Charlie McAvoy)
Still (ft. Anthony Beauvillier)
The View Between Villages (ft. Sidney Crosby)
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hockeyboysimagines · 1 year
Hey!! Could you do number 11 with Carter and Jenna? Thank you ♥️♥️
For you I can do anything🤍
“I’m so tired.” Carter said with a sigh as he dropped his bag by the couch and turned to Jenna. He’d played a phenomenal game that night, and even though they’d lost, he’d done everything he could.
He looked exhausted, defeated and beat up.
“Go shower and we can go to bed.”
Jenna felt so bad. Things in Philly were rough. Not so much on him, he was finally being recognized for the great goalie he was, but it was still hard to watch your team lose that way. While everyone was in agreement that this wasn’t his fault, he still blamed himself.
He slouched to the bathroom while she readied herself for bed. He had fallen into bed with wet hair and boxers on, and was still by the time she’d come out of the bathroom and laid down. She turned off the lamp and settled in beside him, closing her eyes.
She felt the bed bounce and a giant, heavy arm fall on her with a thud.
She jumped a little, and coughed as some of the wind was knocked from her chest. She laid there for a second before she tried to scooch out from under him.
She loved sleeping next to Carter, she really did. But he took up so much room with his gigantic body, sometimes it was hard to get comfortable. She attempted to gently push his arm off and roll to her side but he was dead weight at this point. After a minute of wiggling around slowly in the dark she was just about to give up when she heard in the darkness-
“What the hell are you doing?”
She jumped, thinking he was asleep and cleared her throat “Oh nothing I-“
She felt the weight of his arm disappear and the light clicked on, to reveal him squinting at her.
“Is there a reason you keep moving around?”
“I just wanted to move that’s all.” She glanced at the space between them, or lack there of and then back at him “Can you move over? I’m squished over here.”
He moved a little and Jenna bit her lip “Just a bit more?”
He frowned “Do you not want me to sleep next to you?”
“I do! I just need more space.” He stared at her until she spoke again “What is the purpose of having this gigantic bed, if you sleep on my side anyway?”
“Excuse me, but aren’t you the one who says every night “Carter I’m cold. Carter I need a back rub. Carter come spoon me.” Or am I thinking of someone else.” She smacked his arm.
“Someone else my ass. I love being spooned by you, but your not the smallest individual and you take up a lot of room.”
“Are you calling me fat?” Carter said in mock outrage.
“No but your not little….anywhere.” She smiled mischievously.
“So you are?”
“If you wanna take it that way then sure. I’m calling you fat.”
“Ouch.” He clutched at his heart and closed his eyes “That hurt Jenna. I’m wounded.”
She rolled her eyes with a giggle “Oh Carter.”
“I just like to be close to you. It helps me sleep better. Which makes me a better goalie. The city of Philadelphia thanks you for your service.”
“And what about you Carter Hart. How are you going to thank me for my service?”
He looked up at her, positioning himself over top of her and waggled his eyebrows “I’ll show you. I hope you don’t mind me being on your side of the bed.”
“Not this time I don’t.”
He leaned down to kiss her, reaching over to turn off the bedside lamp.
Maybe sharing her side of the bed could benefit everyone.
Jenna, Carter and the city of Philadelphia.
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disneytva · 4 months
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Variety Interviews Ayo Davis, Meredith Roberts And Emily Hart On Disney Television Animation's 40th Anniversary And What To Expect On From The Past, Present And Future
40 years ago, Disney TVA was founded on the heels of challenging outcomes with features “The Fox and the Hound” and “The Black Cauldron.”
Initially, Disney TVA was restricted from using established Disney legacy characters, but nevertheless had huge successes with new shows like “The Wuzzles” and “Adventures of the Gummi Bears,” both of which became popular in syndication. As time went on, DTVA was able to use its limited rights to create shows like “DuckTales” and “TaleSpin,” which featured Disney characters. Today, the slate has evolved to include shows that travel across Disney’s streaming, linear and digital platforms, including Disney+, Disney Channel, Disney Junior and the Disney Parks
Over the 40 years of the studio has collaborated with Walt Disney Imagineering to bring beloved Disney Afternoon characters to the parks as well Mickey And Minnie's Runaway Railway and AquaMouse for the Disney Wish and Disney Treasure cruises from the Disney Cruise & Ships Line as well collaborating with Disney Yellow Two Shoes Team to redesing some heritage characters for the WDW Passholder Magnets.
Disney TVA characters also have gone to the realm of live action. In 2019 Disney Channel brought Kim Possible to the live action world as a Disney Channel Original Movie in 2019. In Spring 2022, Walt Disney Studios brought Chip 'n Dale: Rescue Rangers to a new generation of fans trought a meta-driven live action/animated hybrid film which won an Primetime Emmy Award for Best Feature Film.
In April 2024, it was announced that Kiara from The Lion King II: Simba's Pride created at Disney TVA will make her live action debut on the motion capture/computer animated film "Mufasa The Lion King" with the character being voiced by Blue Ivy Carter. In Fall 2023, it was announced that Blumhouse Television and Atomic Monster where developing a live action reboot of Gargoyles for Disney+.
The future of the studio looks bright as the studio is slated to debut it's 100th show overall "StuGo" in 2025, as well new interations of beloved classics like The Proud Family, Phineas And Ferb, Sofia The First and Darkwing Duck trought revivals,reboots and spin-offs in the coming years with early talks of new interations of TaleSpin, Kim Possible and Recess since Early 2023.
“We have a wildly diverse development slate because we don’t have a house style,” says Meredith Roberts, executive vice president, television animation, Disney Branded Television and CEO of Disney Television Animation “Our styles are creator-driven, so that allows for real support of the artist or creator to fulfill his or her vision. Anything is possible, whether it's CGI. (“Monsters at Work”), hand-drawn 2D (“Big City Greens”,"Primos","Hailey's On It!"), rig-based 2D (“Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur”,"Kiff") and stop-motion (“Mickey Saves Christmas”,"Rhona Who Lives By The River".). Roberts continues, “We really try and solve all the problems and develop it. We look at the scripts and the story arcs. Every project has to have a strategy behind it that will complement the slate and separate it from other things. Each project has a distinct swim lane to attract an audience. And we’ve learned to meet the kids where they are, in terms of streaming and YouTube.”
Co-viewing, the viewership that happens when adults sit down to watch a DTVA show with the kids in their lives, is part of the studio’s secret sauce and long-term strategy. Many of the shows are written with jokes and plot points for both audiences so both groups will return.
“We double down on the kids and family space,” says Roberts. “We’re not just dipping a toe in the water. We’re diving in. I think we’ve seen a lot of churn with the competition, who just don’t have the patience to develop and are for this audience, which is a very specialized kid audience and co-view audience.” ("The Witchverse", "Rhona Who Lives By The River","InterCats","Fantasy Sports") Roberts reflects: “I think one of the things I’m most proud of is how stable Disney TVA has been for the last 40 years despite a lot of outside churn of the animation industry. Many of our crews feel that Disney is their forever home. I think the excitement they have to illustrate and create with this brand has been terrific because it’s harder to be funny and clean. And nowhere are we tearing down people to get that laugh. I think that’s the beauty of a Disney animated show.”
DTVA also sought to meet kids where they are by making their audience — which is made up of the most diverse generation in history — feel seen, with series such as “Elena of Avalor,” which featured Disney’s first Latina princess, and “The Proud Family,” franchise focused on the life of a teenage Black girl.
“We do have an amazing insights team that are constantly in the field, giving us general information about how kids are watching content, what they’re into,” Emily Hart (VP of Current and Development - Disney Junior) says. “Some of those things are evolving, as we know the ways kids consume content is changing. But there are some universal truths about kids, and it’s great to have that reinforced. Kids still like a lot of the same things that we like. So, there’s a combination that we’re always tracking with every new idea, and we do pilot testing. We get to sit down and talk about the content, and we invite our creators in so they can see the kids talking about it because they’re the audience and they’re the truest test of if the story is going to work.”
Ayo Davis, president of the Disney Branded Television and VP of Current and Development at Disney Television Animation says the division is a “driving force” for memorable kids and family entertainment.
“All of us at Disney Branded Television are so proud of the studio’s 40-year legacy as it continues to entertain future generations with shows like ‘Kiff,’ ‘Big City Greens’ and ‘Mickey Mouse Clubhouse 2.0" --- Davis says.
Those creators who come to DTVA often stay for a long time, partnering with the studio on a variety of different projects or expanding on a hit and reimagining it for the next generation of viewers. “The Proud Family” was a standout in 2001 on Disney Channel. Creator and executive producer Bruce W. Smith is now working on the Emmy-winning “The Proud Family: Louder and Prouder,” which is based on the original series. The show follows Penny Proud as she navigates family life and her own childhood.
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“Being at Disney TVA has allowed me to realize all my artistic dreams,” says Bruce W. Smith. “As a kid, you always have hopes, thoughts, dreams, ideas and characters that can help lay out those ideas in your head. Disney has allowed me to really tap into my creative instinct, at the end of the day, you have to learn how to trust yourself. Meredith Roberts has been a true shepherd for me in all of this, allowing me to stretch my wings. Because of her belief in me and my ideas, she’s really allowed me to blossom as an artist. All that happened at DTVA.”
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“They really seem to be a place that welcomes your ideas,” Dan Povenmire says of Disney TVA. “They want to find people with real strong ideas of the stories they want to tell, and then they let them tell those stories for the most part. They seem to put storytelling and characters over anything. With [‘Phineas and Ferb’], we would write jokes for the kids and the adults in the room because we knew the adults would be there too. We were just careful not to do any double entendres.”
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ouhaika · 8 months
names have been confirmed & i’m seriously praying this woman gets justice. i can’t even imagine the past few years of her life & it breaks my heart knowing these men basically almost ruined it. praying she can find peace after this ღ
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nolanhattrick · 3 months
it amazes me that people will proactively refuse joy and wonder and fascination because their interests aren't flawless.
you are not flawless. you are a deeply flawed human being that has done things that are despicable in another person's eyes. you will be considered morally reprehensible by some for doing something you consider completely innocuous.
if you limit your associations to "only the hobbies and people i deem 110% worthy and perfectly clean and pure" you're not only going to live the most boring life imaginable, you're going to fail. nothing is pure. everything is exploitative in some way, shape, or form. when you try and pretend like your hands are clean by saying "well i never liked x in the first place" you're lying.
if you liked carter hart as a player and had a fan blog about him you don't get to retcon that part of your life by saying you never liked him. it's disingenuous.
if you had a harry potter blog and worshipped the ground jkr walked on and got the dark mark tattoed on your body you don't get to lie and say that it wasn't a significant part of your life. you can't take that away from your past and you can't take that away from the people that witnessed it.
if you liked something in the past that turned out to be problematic and now you don't let yourself experience joy at all whatsoever, you're missing the point of being a human person with character growth.
something we do in trauma-informed radical acceptance work is to focus on not going too far in our 180. we acknowledge our feelings of negativity, of anxiety, of anger, and we approach them with curiosity so that they get processed and felt to completion. this way, our bodies learn that strong emotions are safe instead of something to avoid.
this allows our bodies to recognize joy, wonder, amazement, love, and excitement as positive sensations, and not sensations to suppress or reject.
allow yourself to find joy in things, even if your past interests were found to be harmful. you will find safe things that bring you joy. they're out there, even if they aren't "flawless".
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swissboyhisch · 1 year
Something In The Orange
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A/N: I probably missed some editing stuff. Grammar isn't my strong suit.
Pairing: Carter Hart x Reader
Summary: Based on "Something in the Orange" by Zach Bryan
Word Count: 1367
Warnings: Sad! I cried while writing this. Death.
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It'll be fine by dusk light I'm telling you, babyThese things eat at your bones and drive your young mind crazyBut when you place your head between my collar and jawI don't know much but there's no weight at all
Carter had you wrapped in his arms as the pair of you sways to the non existent music. It was something that had become so normal in the last two years of your relationship. Late night dances in the living room after the game to decompress. Stress from both the game and your work flying away. Leaving you in bliss.
No words shared between. Swaying together, your head tucked into the crook of his neck. Carter’s arms tighten around your body in response. Nothing felt more like home than being in your boyfriend’s arms. Back and forth. Gentle forehead kisses. Just the two of them together.
Right here, right now. Neither of you had any worries. You two vs world. It’s how the pair of you felt whenever you danced in each other’s arms. Carter was the love of your life and he yours. Nothing could pull you two away from each other. 
And I'm damned if I do and I'm damned if I don't'Cause if I say I miss you I know that you won'tBut I miss you in the mornings when I see the sunSomething in the orange tells me we're not done
You had shifted to sit in the window seat of your room. Joining Carter in looking out the window. Despite all the wires connecting to your body, you were content with being in his arms. It had been awhile since you had a moment to yourselves. 
It was early in the morning. So early in fact that the sun was yet to rise above the skyline. One by one the stars started to disappear as the sky lightened to a brilliant golden orange. You relaxed a little more when feeling the sun’s rays bathing the two of you in the window. 
“It’s beautiful.”
Carter glanced down at you, noting the weary look on your face. He knew it wasn’t long now. He took a deep breath and pressed a kiss to the back of your head. Pulling you in as close as possible. “Not as beautiful as you, darling.”
“I love you,” You whisper.
“I love you too. So much.”
“It reminds me of your jersey,” You noted as the sky was all orange.
He just chuckled at your words. Making sure to listen to your voice. “You hate our jersey.”
“I may hate the jersey but I like the colour.”
To you I'm just a man, to me you're all I amWhere the hell am I supposed to go?I poisoned myself againSomething in the orange tells me you're never coming home
Carter sat on the porch of your shared house. Watching as the skies turn from blue to orange once more. Despite the house being so full of the people that loved him, he never had felt so alone. Some of his teammates and family were inside the house he shares with you. Well… did share with you. 
Just this morning, you were in his arms watching the very same sun rise above Philadelphia. Still alive and breathing. Reminding him of how much you love him and how proud of him you were. 
Carter just wanted the pain to end as he watched the orange turn to navy blue. The stars alight once more across the sky. No more sunrises or sunsets he’d experience with you by his side. He wouldn’t be coming home to you wearing his jersey and waiting for the late night dance you both shared. No more you.
The sun disappearing once more below the horizon signaled the end of the last day he’d ever have with you by his side.
I need to hear you say you've been waitin' all nightThere's orange dancing in your eyes from bulb lightYour voice only trembles when you try to speakTake me back to us dancing, this wood used to creak
You were waiting for Carter to come home after his win at home, dressed in his jersey and a pair of leggings. Nothing special but you knew it was his favourite look. Seeing his last name on your back was one thing he treasured. Neither of you admitted it but you knew that you’d never have the same last name. 
“I’m home,” You heard Carter call from the entrance hall. He was greeted with the sight of you still sitting on the couch, his jersey looking a little baggier than normal on your body. The trash can beside where you sat told him it had been a rough afternoon. He crouched down and pulled you in gently for a kiss. “Hello sweetheart.”
Without missing a beat, Carter pulled you up from the couch and wrapped your arms around his shoulders and his around your waist. No music like normal, you two swayed alone in the lounge room. Your head rested on his chest. Thump. Thump. Thump. The steady heartbeat of your boyfriend always calmed down your racing thoughts.
“I love you.”
His words made you tear up. Trying so hard to keep the tears at bay you let out some shaky words. “Please don’t.”
“I will,” Carter assured, “I will until my last breath.”
“As will I.”
To you I'm just a man, to me you're all I amWhere the hell am I supposed to go?I poisoned myself againSomething in the orange tells me you're never coming home
Since the start of the new season, Carter tries not to miss a sunset, especially before a game. If he can help it he will sit and watch as the sky turns orange once more. It took him back to those last moments as you watched the sky turn orange together in each other’s arms. It felt like you were with him once more. 
Before such a game like tonight, he wished that you were there. In the stands screaming his name as you wore his jersey that bore both his and your last name. It was only right. If only it had happened that way. 
To you I'm just a man, to me you're all I amWhere the hell am I supposed to go?I poisoned myself againSomething in the orange tells me you're never coming home
Whenever Carter pictured lifting the stanley cup, he never thought about you not being by his side. You were always there. Until you weren’t. Now everything felt numb despite having a shutout in game 7 of the stanley cup final.
Carter doesn’t remember much. More like it was all a blur. From holding the cup to the afterparty with everyone at Travis’ place. Most had passed out around the place by now but Carter found a spot on the deck. He settled in one of the many seats. Eyes to the sky. Dark sky turned orange once more. Orange like his jersey that he wore last night. The sight made him feel something that he hadn’t for a long time. Peace. It washed over his body like the sunlight. 
The young goalie glanced down at his hand, the gold ring glistening in the morning light. Memories of the small ceremony that took place in the bland hospital room flitted through his head. You looked beautiful in the simple white dress despite your frail body. Even though Carter didn’t care, you insisted on wearing a white dress. Both yours and his parents were present. A small intimate ceremony to share your love. Mrs. Hart, something you absolutely adored hearing from him.
The sun faded from orange to light blue. As he shared one last smile with himself before kissing his wedding band and going to find somewhere to crash before round 2 of celebrations. 
“I’ll love you until my last breath.”
If you leave today, I'll just stare at the way The orange touches all things around The grass, trees and dew, how I just hate you Please turn those headlights around Please turn those headlights around
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@findapenny @mp0625 @hischierhaze @11zegras @lvrzegras @francesfarhadi @cixrosie @daisysthings
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delayed-affection · 2 years
Hockey Oneshots
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Navigation   accepting requests
Carter Hart
House party
Mathew Barzal
Fresh cut
Trevor Zegras   
Into the boards
Here with me
Jack Hughes
Be real
Yours is Mine
Luke Hughes
You’re Mine
Quinn Hughes
Quiet time
Ethan Edwards
Kiss me goodbye
Cole Caufield
Just friends
John Marino
Under the stars
Alex Turcotte
Secrets Out
Pyotr kochetkov
Unrequited Love
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catharsis-in-darkness · 9 months
Grief of Hearts Pt. 3
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pairing: Ricky Olson x OFC Iris
warnings/tropes: slow burn, enemies to lovers, angst, fluff, smut, language,
summary: Iris' passion has always been passionate about music, specifically her band. What happens when she gets to open for her favorite band of all time and finally gets to meet her heroes?
author's note: This took me forever to write but here it is. I read through the last 2 chapters and I kinda of hate them now but it's whatever. Enjoy :)
word count: 1540 words
Iris Hart
The cold air hit my body as I made my way outside. Lighting a cigarette, I sat on a nearby bench. I heard the door open again, making me look up. Seeing Vinny walk outside I gave him a soft smile. 
“I’m sorry about Rick, Iris.” He shuffled the weight between his feet, standing in front of me. I couldn’t help but let out a sigh. He seemed genuinely sorry for me. For us. We worked hard on our music, and it took us a long time to get where we are now. We had finally gotten some recognition all for it to be diminished by Ricky fucking Olson. The man I’ve looked up to for the past 10 years. 
“It’s fine Vinny. I just- I didn’t expect to hear that coming out of one of my idols mouths.” I shrugged taking a hit of my cig. 
“I know, I wouldn’t take it personally. He just found out he had been getting cheated on for the majority of his relationship. I know it’s not an excuse, but he’s been acting that way towards everyone.” He trailed off looking a little sad. It was hard hearing that from Ricky as a stranger. I couldn’t imagine what it felt like having your best friend acting like that to you. I felt bad for him. 
“I’m sorry that must be hard.” I mumbled, flicking my cigarette onto the ground before crushing it under my boot. 
“It’s okay, you wanna go back to the hotel?” He asked me, only to offer a hand to help me up. I smiled at him, taking it. 
“Only if we hit the bar first.” I said, nudging him lightly with my shoulder. 
We made the short walk back to the hotel, taking seats at the bar. 
“What can I get you guys?” The bartender asked. I ordered a tequila and diet coke while Vinny just ordered a beer. I took a sip of my drink, the tequila making my stomach warm. 
“So, what made you come out and not my friends?” I asked curiously. I figured Nora or even Carter would’ve come after me. 
“Well they tried, but I figured that you’d understand it better coming from me. And I also didn’t want to pass up the chance to get to know you better.” He blushed lightly. He wanted to get to know me? Interesting. I let a small smile slip, making his face light up. 
“Well I’m glad you did. Thank you.” We ended up staying at the bar for another hour talking about everything and anything. By this point we were both more than a little tipsy. Vinny was such a laid-back guy, he was so easy to talk to. I was turning myself left and right on the bar stool as he was telling me another tour story. 
“Iris?” Vinny slurred.
“Hmm?” I looked back up at him. 
“You’re really pretty.” He smiled at me. His face was flushed and his eyes were hazy. 
“Thanks Vin.” I smiled right back. I heard a cough coming from behind us seeing none other than the asswipe himself looking at us disappointedly. I rolled my eyes, groaning before spinning back around. I downed my drink, quickly ordering another one. 
“Chris sent me to get you guys.” Ricky said from behind me. I let out a scoff. Why would he send him? I don’t want anything to do with him. 
“He also wanted me to apologize…” With that I spun around glaring at him. He gave me one right back. 
“YOU want to apologize or CHRIS wants you to apologize?” I coldly asked. He visibly tensed. 
“I don’t want your bullshit excuse of an apology Ricky. You said what you said. Own up to it, stop trying to make amends with me for the sake of your bandmates. My problem is with you, not them.” I stood up abruptly. I grabbed my bag from my chair, looking at Vinny. I put some cash on the bar, forgetting about the drink I had ordered. 
“Thank you for hanging out with me Vin. I’ll see you later.” I kissed his cheek and left without sparing Ricky a glance. 
The Next Day
“Riri you gotta wake up.” I felt Nora nudging me. My head was pounding. I really didn’t mean to drink that much last night. I wonder how Vinny is feeling. I sat up slowly letting my eyes adjust to the light. 
“God damn it’s bright in here.” I groaned covering my face with my hands. Nora gave me a worried look. 
“How are you feeling?” She asked, handing me a water bottle. I quickly chugged it before giving her a look. Seriously? She chuckled before getting off my bed reminding me we have to go check out the venue and do sound check. 
“What time is it???”  I asked, knowing sound check wasn’t until 5:30. I grabbed my phone, checking, when my eyes widened in shock. Oh fuck! I’m so behind. It was already 4:00, I had to start getting ready now. Nora gave me a knowing look and I jumped from my bed running into the bathroom. 
An hour later, I was showered and ready to go to the venue. Luckily the show didn’t start until 9 so I had time to get fully ready after we were done. I grabbed a granola bar we luckily had in the room and went downstairs to meet the guys. 
“You doin alright Riri?” Carter asked me as we walked up to them. He pulled me into a quick hug, doing the same with Nora. I shrugged his question off and pulled my sunglasses over my eyes. Arlo wiggled his eyebrows at me, then looked behind me. I turned to see Vinny walking up to us, a pair of heart shaped sunglasses adorning his face. He looked almost as bad as I did. I texted the group chat on my walk back to Nora and I’s room, making us have a group meeting last night. I told them what had gone down at the bar. 
“Hey Vin, how are you feeling?” I asked with a giggle. He groaned, pulling me into a hug. Wow, okay he’s touchy. To be fair, I may have started this with the kiss on his cheek. 
“I’m taking it you feel the same as me.” I chuckled and I let myself sink into his arms. He smelled like shampoo and a woody cologne. I let out a deep sigh. He was so warm. An awkward cough broke us apart. I blushed, removing myself from his embrace.
“Alright, love birds let’s go.” My eyes fell on Nora who had a smirk on her face. I looked down at my feet. Vinny chuckled from beside me, earning him a smack on his chest. He looked stunned as he looked down at me. 
“Wow so that’s how you feel?” He faked being hurt. I rolled my eyes with a laugh. Love birds my ass, Vinny’s just really sweet. I’ve only known him for one day. 
“Alright shit faces let’s go!” Carter grabbed me, throwing me over his shoulder. I let out a yelp, throwing my fists into his back lightly. I started trying to wiggle my way out of his grip as he ran outside. 
“CARTER ALEXANDER REYNOLDS IF YOU DON’T PUT ME DOWN I WILL STEAL ALL OF YOUR LEFT SHOES!” I screamed, trying to stay serious. He stopped abruptly, a gasp leaving his mouth. He placed me down in front of him, his eyes forming into slits. 
“You wouldn’t dare.” He stared blankly. The next thing I know, Nora came flying from behind him landing on his back. He stumbled before he started spinning in circles. I started laughing loudly. They were so cute together. My two best friends are in love with each other. I pulled my phone, snapping a couple pictures, then taking a video and posting it to the band account. 
“Nora my savior!!” I cheered as she put Carter in a headlock. Everyone had slowly made their way to us. Nora finally got off of Carter's back once his face was bright red. Vinny came up next to me with a questioning look on his face. I smiled at him innocently, seeing the car pull up from the valet. 
“Shotgun!” I yelled running to the car and jumping into the passenger seat. I got comfortable seeing Vinny slide into the driver's seat. I quickly sent Nora and Carter the pictures separately, knowing they both were too shy to admit their feelings to each other. I watched in the rear view mirror as they checked their phones, their faces turning red. I giggled starting to connect my phone to aux. 
“Who said you get aux?” Vinny asked with a raised eyebrow, playfulness showing in his eyes. I put my hand on my chest. 
“Uh shotgun always gets aux duh.” I gave him the same look. I put my playlist on shuffle, smirking at him. 
“Whatever you say, passenger princess.” He said as he started the car. His fingers started drumming lightly against the steering wheel along to the beat. With that we made our way to the venue. 
Part 4
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midnightsnyx · 2 years
allie's writing guide
requests are currently open.
what i write
reader x character
one shots/drabbles
alternative universes
social media au’s
who i write
RPF: hockey players x reader
I don’t write for the following players but this is also subject to change! I may add players or take players off this list for various reasons.
auston matthews
patrick kane
jamie benn
carter hart
vince dunn
dillon dubé
michael mcleod
cal foote
alex formenton
nearly anyone over 21 unless it’s platonic is fair game, but again, this list is subject to change.
criminal minds
aaron hotchner
spencer reid
the last of us
joel miller
sentence starters here & here & here I don’t write smut/NSFW.
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book-bar-review · 1 year
Stranger Than Fanfiction by Chris Colfer
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Title: Stranger Than Fanfiction Author: Chris Colfer Genre: Road Fiction Publisher: Little, Brown Books for Young Readers Release Date: February 28, 2017 Method: Hardcover Pages: 295 ⭑⭑⭑⭑⭑
What if Dwayne Johnson, Ryan Reynolds, or Kevin Hart emailed you and said that they were going to join you and your friends on your road trip? Well, in Chris Colfer's road fiction novel Stranger Than Fanfiction, we jump into just that topic.
When Topher Collins jokingly invited Cash Carter (The main actor of Topher's favorite TV show.) to Collins and his friends' road trip, he'd never imagined that Cash would actually say yes. Now, the four friends and a famous celebrity embark on a life changing trip filled with adventure, secrets, and bloodthirsty paparazzi. The question is, how long will it take for the band of companions to find out the truth about their favorite superstar?
The narrative shows the truth and gives us situations the targeted audience can relate to as well as characters, which is what I really like to see in any novel. It dives into themes of race, friendship, fame, and the LGBT community. It deals with sexual identity, gender identity, transitioning into adulthood, pivoting from your family's expectations, and the cons of being a celebrity, which I quite like.
This book is a great read if you're traveling or just sitting at home and need something to pass the time. Chris Colfer put so much time and emotion into this book that sometimes I forget it's fictional. Many of his own experiences are scattered across the pages. With every sentence and every word, you can feel something. Yes, it may just be a stack of bound paper, but that doesn't mean that the passion isn't there.
Diving in blind,
Atheneum Treasure
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grittystitties · 2 years
remember when ivan provorov caused carter hart to get scored on a few games ago? I say this about TDA a lot but imagine sucking at hockey and sucking at being a good person. Sort your life out idiot
lol like imagine hiding behind religion and in the process making Tony di Angelo look good by comparison. It’s a yikes from me luv
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